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Conditionals worksheet

Before we start, remember:
0. The zero conditional is used to express general truths or facts.
Structure: IF present simple + present simple
Example: If you recycle paper, you help save trees.

1. The first conditional describes possibilities in the present or future.

Structure: IF present tense + will + bare infinitive
Example: If I get sick, I will go to the doctor

2. The second conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely situations in the present or future. In other
words, we want to change the present or imagine a different future.
Structure: IF past tense + would + bare infinitive
Example: If I had a million dollars, I would use them to protect the environment.

3. The third conditional shows us hypothetical situations referring to the past. In other words, we want to change
something that happened in the past.
Structure: IF past perfect + would + have + past participle
Example: If I had bought a smaller car, we wouldn’t have spent all our money.

Also, keep in mind that:

 All conditional sentences have two parts: an if clause and a main clause. They can go in any order.
 We can combine different conditional sentences to create mixed conditionals.
 Possible combinations:
If it were sunny, I will go to the

If it weren’t raining, we would
have spent all the day at the


If I hadn’t bought the car, I would

have money now.

It is important to know how these mixed conditionals are used.

We use a 2-3 mix to refer to a condition from the present that affects the past
We use a 3-2 mix to describe a condition from the past that affects the present
Now let’s get to work

A. Rephrase the sentences using any type of conditional sentence but do not use mixed conditionals yet:

1. (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not pass) the exam.

2. (Third conditional) If the students __________________ (not be) late for the exam, they __________________ (pass).

3. (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we __________________ (go) to the beach.
4. (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she __________________ (email) me.

5. (First conditional) If she __________________ (not go) to the meeting, I __________________ (not go) either.

6. (Third conditional) If the baby __________________ (sleep) better last night, I __________________ (not be) so tired.

7. (First conditional) If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I
__________________ (not be) happy.

8. (Second conditional) If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she __________________ (travel) more.

B. Rephrase the sentences using conventional or mixed conditionals:

1. If you ________________________- late again for training again today (to be), I ________________________-
you play in tomorrow’s match. (not let)

2. I________________________- all August in Thailand (to spend) if I ________________________- the time and
the money. (to have) Maybe next year.

3. I ________________________- angry (not be) if you ________________________- my chocolate mousse. (not eat)

4. If just one person ________________________- my birthday (remember), I ________________________- sad. (not


5. You________________________- sorry (to be) if you ________________________- for your exams. (not revise)

6. I ________________________- that umbrella inside the house (not open) if I ________________________- you.
be) It's bad luck.

7. We________________________- (to eat) out if there________________________- no food at home. (to be)

8.The holidays ________________________- great (to be) if the weather ________________________- better. (to be)

9. I ________________________- out with him (to go) even if you ________________________- me. (to pay)

10. If you ________________________- me about the concert (to tell), I ________________________- (to go)

11. If you ________________________- so much beer (not drink), you ________________________- so fat. (not be)

12. If I________________________- you were coming (to know), I ________________________- a cake. (to bake)

13. The world ________________________- a better place (to be) if politicians ________________________- less
vain. (to be)
14. You________________________- it better (to do) if you ________________________- more time over it. (to take)

15. If I ________________________- more about computers (to understand), I________________________- help you
out. (to be able to)

16. I________________________- enough milk for the weekend (to have) if I ________________________-
shopping on Friday. (to go)

17. They________________________- their children (to punish) if they ________________________- bad reports
from school. (to get)

18. What _____________________- you _____________________- (to do) if you ________________________- your
keys? (to lose)

19. What _____________________- you _____________________- (to do) if your neighbour

________________________- you
to dinner? (to invite)
20. What _____________________- they _____________________- (to do) if they ________________________- to
class today?
(to come)

C. Rewrite the sentences using conditionals and mixed conditionals. Use the word in bold. You cannot change the
word in bold in any way:
1. He has tried everything, that’s why he’s telling you there is no solution. IMPOSSIBLE

________________________________________________________________________________ to solve.

2. They will not start the operation if you don’t wan them to. UNLESS

________________________________________________________________________________ them to.

3. She would study harder if she had the time. SO

___________________________________________________________________________________ busy.

4. Jack and Mary can play outside provided they have my permission. LONG

______________________________________________________________________________ my permission.

5. I will go. I just need some money. PROVIDED

_____________________________________________________________________________ some money.

6. I will wait for you if you want me to stay. UNLESS

____________________________________________________________________________ me to leave.

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