Development of Ghat River in Jaunpur City: 1-Anil Bharti

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Anil Bharti ISilhouette illusion Architects & Engineers |NOV 2019 |

1-Anil Bharti

1-Ph.D scholar - Department of Architecture & Planning, Himgiri Zee University Dehradun, India –

Development of Ghat
River in Jaunpur City
Abstract: Jaunpur is known for the very famous river Gomti .it is called as a religious capital of India. It has its affluent culture and
opulent heritage value but now a day the scenario of Ghat area are completely chaotic and facing multiple problem for the physically
challenge people. As per Indian census 2011 India has 2.68 Crore physically challenge people at certain level. Walk ability can be
definition technically: "The extent to which the built environment is

friendly to the presence of people living, shopping, visiting, enjoying or spending time in an area". Factors affecting walk ability
include, but are not limited to: step, temple, shop, seating, entrance, houses, Havelis etc.

Keyword: Gomati Riverfront, Ecological System, Historical Places, Tourism Places, Educational Society.


The gomti originates from gomat Taal which become formally called fulhaar jheel near madho tanda, pilibhit, india. It extends to
900 km via Uttar Pradesh and meets the ganges river close to saidpur kaithi in gazipur. Its water insurance is about 22,735
rectangular km. after journeying about 440 km gomti enters Jaunpur, in which it travels for ten km. the cities of Jaunpur, Jaunpur
are positioned on the banks of the gomti and are the most distinguished of the 15 cities located in its catchment region. Its glide
especially depends upon occurrence of rain and therefore the flow in river
may be very lenient throughout monsoon. The river collects large quantities of human and commercial pollution because it flows
HANUMAN GHAT & BAJRANG GHAT Dr.Anil Bharti ISilhouette illusion Architects & Engineers |NOV 2019 |

thru the extraordinarily populous areas (18 million approx) of Uttar Pradesh. High pollution degrees in the river have poor results at
the surroundings of the gomti threatening its aquatic existence. Earlier than achieving in Jaunpur gomti receives waste from sugar
industries of Jaunpur. All industries of distillery, milk enterprise, vegetable oil, pouring effluent at once into gomti and besides this
home waste water also are discharge into the river gomti.

v Materials and Methods : Site Selection : The Gomti River is tributary of Ganga River. About 440 km the gomti enters Jaunpur
district through which it meanders for approximately 8 km. A 5 km stretch of the gomti turned into selected for the look at. a
complete of 7 sampling web sites have been decided on particularly Alighat, Dhobi ghat, Boat member, Shamshan ghat, Shahi
bridge, Temple ghat and Sadbhawna barrage.

v Sample Collection : The water sampling was done in November 2015 in among 10:00 a.m to 3:00
p.m. from both sides of river gomti. 10 physicochemical parameters particularly Temperature, pH, Total hardness, D.O., nitrate,
nitrite, TSS, TDS, chloride, Total coliform, heavy metals namely copper, iron, arsenic and cadmium had been analyzed.

v Physicochemical Analysis of Water : pH : ph became determined using the usual ph meter. The pH electrode was
dipped in the answer and pH changed into recorded after each 4 days.

 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) : Dissolved oxygen content material of the water samples turned into measured by means of the use of
Winkler's approach (modified azide technique). The sample became accumulated in three hundred ml bottle and do become
constant on web page through the use of 1 ml each of manganous sulphate and alkaline-iodide-azide. The precipitate formed
changed into dissolved in laboratory by way of using sulphuric acid and titrated with sodium thiosulphate using starch as an
indicator. The cease factor of titration was blue to straw pale colour

ml of titrant x N x 1000 x 8 DO/mg/L = V2 (V1 –


 Chlorides : Chloride content material became measured through argentometric titration.

 Hardness : The Total hardness of the water samples turned into decided through EDTA titration approach in which 50 ml of
properly combined sample turned into blended with 1-2 ml buffer of pH 10 and a pinch of eriochrome black-T indicator. The
contents were then titrated with0.01m EDTA till wine purple solution modifications to blue.

C x D x 1000

Hardness (mg/L) ml of Sample

Where C=ml of EDTA for titration, D= mg of CaCO3equivalent to 1ml of EDTA

 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) : Were expected by way of gravimetric method. The evaporating
dish changed into dried at 104±10c for 1 h and cooled in desiccators to take the load of the dish. 25 ml of the sample become taken
for the analysis in a pre-dried dish and changed into evaporated to dryness in an oven at 104 ±10c. The dish turned into cooled in
desiccators and very last weight became taken for the evaluation of TS content.

 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) : Changed into also determined by using expected through gravimetric technique.

 Nitrate : catalodo method was used. Popular answers have been prepared by way of the usage of KNO3. Sample became
brought with salicylic acid, and dilutes NaOH in which orange-yellowish colour optical density become recorded at 410 nm.
Nitrate (mg/l) =K-factor x O. D.
K-Factor = O.D. / Concentration
 Nitrite : For nitrite estimation Stevens and all right technique was used. The standard solutions were prepared via the usage of
nano2. 1 ml of one% sulphanilamide and 1 ml of 0.02% neda have been introduced after to gain purple coloration and absorbance
HANUMAN GHAT & BAJRANG GHAT Dr.Anil Bharti ISilhouette illusion Architects & Engineers |NOV 2019 |

changed into recorded at 540 nm.

Nitrite (mg/l) = K-factor x Absorbance (O.D.) K-Factor = Absorbance (O.D.) / Concentration.

 Heavy Metal Analysis : A hundred ml of water pattern became combined with concentrated HNO3 (10 ml) then cooled and
filtered thru whatman 42 filter paper. Three heavy metals namely copper, arsenic and cadmium were detect
HANUMAN GHAT & BAJRANG GHAT Dr.Anil Bharti ISilhouette illusion Architects & Engineers |NOV 2019 |


 Wonderful design of Hanuman Ghat(River Bank).
 Beautiful maintenance of Bajrang , Ghats.
 Design of smart High-tech city concept.
 Colourful lighting of bridges.
 All work is ecological process for river Jaunpur.


 This plan includes the development of the city and good source of income for tourism. The urban society will change
into the hi-tech city.
 These are for growth and development of nature and people of the city.
 This is better for the ecological system and will reduce stress in people living in the city.
 Handmade object is sold by people.

Fig: Element of Development Waterfront Area.



The Gomati River is attached with drains, Ghats, Park, Riverbank etc. This is a fact and cannot be denied that it better changes
that make the city a better tourism place. Jaunpur is connected to a surrounding eight cities. There are five primary drains in the
city, two are one side and there are other sides, and these are known as Hatiya Nala, Ganda Nala etc. This drainage works on the
discharge of water in all residential area such as domestic sewage wastewater and rainwater are followed in Gomati River. This
time there is no plan ghat development in Gomati River at Jaunpur. The wastewater is a major problem created by the River. This
is harmful to human being and for water animals as well.

“Aim of this project Gomati River is to change in riverfront in the unique platform and to provide enjoyment facility in the city,
people and tourism with instructing and entertainment place of development. The river water must, therefore, be properly
analyzed and well treated before supplying to the public. The quality of water obtained from the river is generally not reliable, as
it contains a large amount of silt and a lot of suspended matter. The disposal of untreated waste and sewage into the river is further
liable to contaminate their waters. Jaunpur mainly depends on the sugarcane and another type of agriculture at the main source of
income. Drinking water is also sourced from this canal. This project is important to improve quality of life and bring easy change
in lifestyle of urban areas people. Economy increased with the growth of a number of jobs in riverfront. Integrating the natural
landscape, create a visually dominant landmark. An industrial like a FACTORY, etc. area and Educational society enjoy this place
as very beneficial for them. Such rivers are generally fed by rains during the rainy season and by snow water during the summer
season. Perennial rivers can be used a source of public supply directly.

 Reconnaissance Survey
(a.) Preliminary Investigation.
(b.) Finalization of the study area.
 Analysis and Measurement of educational/study area.
 Collect Drawing and River map from various sources.



 This river is the chief drainage line of the district and is, in fact, the only stream of any importance.
 In Paragna Jagdishpur is winds along the whole of the northern boundary.
 The river in these two Paragna passes by City and Jaunpur.
 Gomati River is a heart of Jaunpur.


 It is a residential area.
 It is a commercial and industrial area.
 It is a well-known place for tourism because here in this river Sita and Lord Rama took bath so it a sacred place for
 It is near about 15 KM in Railway Station.
 It is a place where people also wash clothes at times.
 They are attaching to the city.
Figures, Graphs and Tables

Railways track in Gomati River

Jaunpur Gomati River

Proposal area of Gomati River

Fig. The year wise Rainfall.

RCC bridge and simple bridge at Gomati River.

CONCLUSION traits) to the Jaunpur centre of city because
 Gomati River is nature’s valuable gift to Jaunpur of this, population would be reduced and
city, the planning proposal offers a peaceful the other payment by greenery would be
nature to the city based throughout riverfront boosted also the river pathways .
provide city based waterfront (features/ qualities/  Turn the river into a major help for the
improvement of city-based and quality of life Riverfront Development of Karha river
through a planning proposal makes a Jaunpur at Baramati city.
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the city and praised city. “Environmental Engineering volume (II)
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creating an attractive location for cultural and Sources of water”.
commercial river bank and to improve the quality of  Md. Kamrul Islam1, Sudipta Chowdhury2,
the earth. “Karanophuli River Front Development”
Chittagong Bangladesh eISSN: 2320-0847 P-
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