Course Code: Gepcomm Course Title: Purposive Communication Class Days and Class Time: Instructor: College: Bagced Department: Deal

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GEPCOMM v06092020




This online course, PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION, hones the ability of students to ethically, effectively, and
professionally communicate, through the strategic use of various communicative forms, with different
multicultural audiences and for different purposes in various modes. This course specifically develops the
students' ability to use their communication skills and to use technology for civic participation in support of UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The course is anchored on interdisciplinary approach and in outcomes-
based education (OBE). In addition, the process-approach and the genre-based approach to purposive
communication will be used to teach this online course.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

Critical and Creative LO1. Plan and write a problem-solution-evaluation essay that critically analyzes an
Thinker SDG through research by investigating the practical debates and different disciplinary
perspectives surrounding the issue, examining how the issue can have implications for
different stakeholders, and identifying recommendations for practical action.

LO2. Plan, organize, and present a well-researched persuasive speech, demonstrating

oral communication skills and mastery of the art of ethical persuasion;
LO3. Call people to action in support of an SDG or an NGO partner of COSCA through
an advocacy letter;

LO4. Raise awareness of a specific target audience on SDG or on an NGO partner of

COSCA by planning and creating an advocacy communication campaign (Options:
infographic, poster, vlog, social media posts).
Service-Driven Citizen

Reflective Lifelong LO5. Reflect on one’s progress as a purposive communicator and as a Lasallian
Learner achieving the ELGAs.


GEPCOMM v06092020

20% LO1 Problem-Solution-Evaluation Essay -Group work, 5 pages excluding references)

20% LO2 Persuasive Speech (individual, 5 minutes)
15% LO3 Advocacy letter (Individual)
15% LO4 Awareness campaign (group work)
10% LO5 Reflection (SL Reflection + End-of-term Reflection)
20% Class standing (Process sheets, seat works, homework, etc)


Learning Topic Week Output

s number

Session 1  Week 1 Diagnostic Essay -four

 Syllabus
Reflection on SDGs
 Policies

 Benefits of the Course

 Online Learning Tips and Canvas


 Diagnostic writing task: Four paragraphs-

30-40 minutes

 Assignment 1: Read or watch a video on

Process Sheet 1
 Assignment 2: Meet your group mates
and study the assigned SDG

Session 2

 Principles of communication (registers

and varieties of English, ethics) and how
communication has changed because of
 Interdisciplinary approach
 Choosing and narrowing topics for the

GEPCOMM v06092020

PSE Essay (Process Sheet 1)

Reminder: Information Literacy Training on Week


LO1 Information Literacy Training Week 2 Process Sheet 2:

Session 1: Finding Information using Online Tentative Biblio for
Databases the PSE Essay-
Session 2: Citing Sources using Mendeley
Turnitin for Originality Checking

 Outlining Week 3 Process Sheet 3 PSE

 Notetaking Outline

 Intellectual honesty Week 4-5 Process Sheet 4 PSE

 APA citation paragraphs
 Summarizing and paraphrasing
 Drafting the PSE Essay Process Sheet 6 First
 Peer feedback full draft
 Revision and editing
LO2.  Review the principles of a persuasion 6-8 Persuasive Speech
 Principles of Persuasive speech delivery Outline
 Ethical persuasion
 Preparing a persuasive speech: Persuasive speech (5
researching, developing, and organizing minutes) through
 Using technology and presenting online Canvas

Online Activities:

Analysis of a sample
persuasive speech

Reflection sheet after

the persuasive

GEPCOMM v06092020

LO3  Advocacy Forum 9-10 Pre-work Analysis of

 Introduction to advocacy in different sample advocacy
disciplines letters

Analysis of the needs

 Review of the principles of professional
of an NGO to support
communication in different disciplines
its efforts to
communicate with
 Strategies for planning, drafting, revising,
and editing the advocacy letter their target audience.

Advocacy letter
(drafts and final

LO 4.  Definition of an advocacy awareness 11-12 Analysis of awareness

campaigns or the
 Principles of creating an advocacy current campaign of
awareness plan an NGO

 Analyzing sample awareness campaigns Awareness campaign

 Preparing an awareness campaign plan

 Creating an awareness campaign

Awareness campaign
hort video clip)

Reflection on their
experience planning
and creating an
advocacy campaign.

5.  The Lasallian reflection framework 13 End-of-term

 Types of reflection Reflection Paper
 Reflection prompts and rubric

NB: GEPCOMM teachers may start with the persuasive speech before students write their problem-solution-
evaluation essay.

Appendix A Problem-Solution-Evaluation Essay Rubric

GEPCOMM v06092020

Modified from and

0-69 70-80 81-90 91-100
Problem and Solution The statement of the The problem is stated The problem is The problem is stated
25% problem cannot be but is difficult to find stated, but it is a in clear language. It is
found. and difficult to little difficult to easy to recognize and
The statement of the understand. understand. understand.
solution cannot be The solution is stated The solution is The solution is stated
found. but is difficult to find stated, but it is a in clear language. It
and difficult to little difficult to is easy to recognize
understand. understand. and understand.
Evidence No evidence was Only a little evidence Some evidence was Good support was
15% given to support the was provided. It does given to support the given to the main
main idea. not support the main main idea but not idea. Facts and
idea very well. enough. statistics were
supplied from
credible resources.
Call to No call to action was The call to action is The call to action is The audience
action/Interdisciplina given to tell readers very weak. Readers not very (readers) will easily
ry approach what they can do. probably won’t recognizable. The recognize what they
10% understand what readers might not can do to help solve
they can do to help understand what the problem using
the problem. they can do to help the interdisciplinary
the problem. approach.
Style/Voice/Word No distinguishable Wordiness, clichés, Paper reads well A consistent voice
Choice voice or and/or vagueness with developing that is appropriate
15% forced/unnatural sometimes muffle style and voice. for the paper’s
voice. the voice. Tone is meaning and
inconsistent. engages the reader.
The essay has
Organization The essay is very The essay is only The essay is The essay is written
15% messy. There is no somewhat organized. somewhat in a logical order that
clear order to the It is a little difficult to organized. Most the reader can easily
writing. read from one part to parts are in a logical follow and
the next. order. understand.
Grammar and Surface problems are Frequent grammar, Surface errors are Advanced traditional
Mechanics so frequent that they spelling and/or minimal and do not grammar and
10% obscure meaning. punctuation errors detract from mechanics, except
Many sentences are clutter paper’s meaning and when irregularities
poorly structured. surface. Some readability. (like fragments) are
sentences may be used for special
awkward. effects.
Citation An attempt at citation An attempt at References and in- References and in-
10% was made. citation was made text citations nearly text citations are
but is missing either flawless. flawless.
in-text citations or a

GEPCOMM v06092020

works cited page.

Appendix B Persuasive Speech Rubric

Score Criteria Comments

The Speaker (20%)

● Showed enthusiasm on his or her face
● Looked prepared and credible
● Used extemporaneous mode of delivery
● Persuasive

The Message (40%)

● Arguments supported by evidence and examples
● Well-researched
● Interdisciplinary
● Cited sources
● Well-prepared Powerpoint Presentation
● Complete parts (intro, problem, solutions, call to action)

The Organization (20%)

● Effective introduction
● Effective use of transitions
● Logical order of arguments and details
● Effective closing

Transmission (20%)
● Varied intonation
● Conversational tone
● Controlled speed delivery
● Effective gestures
● Clear language
● Avoided fillers
● No code-switching

(Adapted from Keys to Making a Difference: Public Speaking, Leadership, and Listening (2006)

Appendix C Advocacy Letter Rubric

GEPCOMM v06092020

Appendix D Awareness Campaign Infographic/Poster Rubric

GEPCOMM v06092020

· Ideas / messages are clearly presented

Content (15 points ) · Information are accurate and not misleading
· Sources are cited
· Non – prose elements are appropriate
· Text and visual elements are balanced

· Hierarchy / organization of elements is logical

· Elements complement each other
Composition (15 points ) · Spaces are used effectively
· Unity of elements is observed
· Output is neat and free of clutter

Creativity (15 points ) · Color scheme used is appropriate

· Font choice, color, and size aid in understanding the material
· Icons / symbols / other elements used are culturally acceptable
· Output is visually pleasant
· Orientation facilitates understanding of the material

Format (5pts)  Size adheres to the prescribed measurement

Appendix E Awareness Campaign-Vlog


Task Description: Students will work together in assigned teams to create a video project that showcases a
specific advocacy. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video, music, graphs, and other
visual aids.

Partially Proficient
COMPONENT Exemplary (5-6) Proficient (3-4) (1-2) Incomplete 0 POINTS

Has a clear Has a fairly clear Has brainstormed their Little effort has
Concept picture of what picture of what concept, but no clear been spent on
they are trying to they are trying to focus has emerged. brainstorming
achieve. Can Goals/final product not and refining a
describe what clearly defined. concept. Unclear
description of
what they are they are trying to on the goals and
trying to do and do overall but has how the project
generally how trouble describing objectives will be
his/her work will how his/her work met.
contribute to the will contribute to
final project.
the final project.

GEPCOMM v06092020

The storyboard The storyboard The sketches on the There is no

Script/ illustrates the includes sketches storyboard are not in evidence of a
Storyboard video of each video logical sequence and do storyboard or
scene and not provide complete script.
structure with
includes text for descriptions of the
sketches of each
scene. Notes of each segment of video scenes, audio
proposed the presentation, background, or notes
transition, descriptions of about the dialogue.
special effects, background audio
sound and title for each scene,
tracks incl: text,
and notes about
color, placement,
graphics, etc. proposed shots
Notes about and dialogue.
narration text
are included.

The content Information is The content does not Content lacks a

Content/ includes a clear presented as a present a clearly stated central theme,
Organization statement of connected theme theme, is vague, and clear point of
purpose or
with accurate, some of the supporting view and logical
theme and is
creative, current information does not sequence of
compelling and supporting seem to fit the main information.
clearly written. A information that idea or appears as a Much of the
rich variety of contributes to disconnected series of supporting
supporting understanding the scenes with no unifying information is
information in project’s main main idea. Includes few irrelevant to the
the video
idea. Details are citations and few facts. overall message.
contributes to
the logical and The viewer is
understanding of persuasive unsure what the
the project’s information is message is
main idea. effectively used. because there is
Events and The content little persuasive
messages are includes a clear information and
presented in a
point of view with only one or two
logical order.
Includes properly a progression of facts about the
cited sources. ideas and topic are
supporting articulated.
information. Information is
Includes properly incorrect, out of
cited sources. date, or

GEPCOMM v06092020

incomplete. No
citations included.

Video was Video was Video was made, but There was no
Quality completed and completed and had very little if any video. It was
had all required contained all editing. Many poor totally unedited
elements. The
required items. shots remain. Video with no
video was well
Editing was not was very fragmented transitions or
edited and
moves smoothly done as well as it and choppy with little audio support of
from scene to should have been. to no audio any kind.
scene with Some poor shots reinforcement.
proper use of remain. Movie is
transitions. still somewhat
Audio and other
choppy. Audio
were well used. and other
were utilized, but
not for maximum

Student met and Students met and Only a couple of team Meetings were
Teamwork had discussions had discussions meetings were held. not held and/or
regularly. All regularly. Most of Most of the students on some of the team
students on the
the students on the team contributed at members did not
the team some level, but one or contribute at all
contributed to
the discussion contributed to the two did the majority of to the project.
and were part of discussion and the work. Low levels of
the final project. were part of the respect were
Team members final project. evident within
showed respect Team members the team.
with each other.
mostly showed
respect with each


Appendix F Service Learning Reflection Prompt


GEPCOMM v06092020


● What was your initial impression or expectation before proceeding to the Advocacy Forum?
● What issues did you observe in the Advocacy Forum/ presentations of the
center/organization/community during the Advocacy Forum?
● How do you feel about the situation in your selected center/organization/community as shared
in the Advocacy Forum?


a) Academic Enhancement
● What specific elements/principles of GEPCOMM are related to the advocacy plan I prepared?
● How was I able to apply my skills, perspective, or concept related to GEPCOMM?
● Does this experience reinforce my prior understanding of GEPCOMM?
b) Personal Growth
● How did this experience make me feel (positively and/or negatively)?
● In what ways did I experience difficulties (e.g. interacting with others, accomplishing tasks) and
what personal characteristics contributed to the difficulties (e.g. skills, abilities, perspectives,
attitudes, tendencies, knowledge)? In what ways did I succeed or do well in this situation (e.g.
interacting with others, accomplishing tasks, handling difficulties) and what personal
characteristics helped me to be successful (e.g. skills, abilities, perspectives, attitudes,
tendencies, knowledge)?
● How did this situation challenge or reinforce my values, beliefs, convictions (e.g. my sense of
right and wrong, my priorities, my judgments)?
c) Lasallian Values (Faith, Service, Communion in Mission)
● What specific elements of the Lasallian values relate to this experience?
● How was I able to apply a value, perspective, or concept related to the Lasallian values?
● Does this experience challenge or reinforce my prior understanding of these values?


a) Academic Enhancement
● How is my service-learning activity (Advocacy Plan/ Project/Activity) with the partner
organization related to GEPCOMM course I am taking?
● Was I able to apply the concepts I learned in GEPCOMM to the Advocacy Plan/ Project/Activity I
did for the partner organization? How?
● Did the service-learning project (Advocacy Plan/ Project/Activity) address community needs?
Why? How?
b) Personal Growth
● What did I learn most from this experience (Advocacy Forum)?
● After this experience, what did I learn about myself?
● What are the additional skills I got from my service-learning activity?
c) Lasallian Values
● Is the project I did with the community sustainable? Can this be replicated by the community on
their own?

GEPCOMM v06092020

● What did I learn about the Lasallian values? How was I able to apply them?
● What will I do in light of it?

Appendix G Advocacy Plan Template




SDG # ____________________ 1.
Objectives of the Advocacy
Summary of the advocacy plan:

Faculty member: Date submitted: Date when you will submit the
advocacy campaign material:

Appendix H End-of-term Reflection Prompt

Review the DLSU GE Curriculum ELGAs and cite outputs that demonstrate that you achieve these ELGAs. This
process is a celebration of your development and progress in GEPCOMM. Take your time reviewing your
accomplishments in this course. Write your reflection as a letter to your teacher.

Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes for DLSU GE Curriculum (ELGAs)

The Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes (ELGAs focus on the knowledge, skills and attributes that graduates should
acquire and demonstrate in their course of studies and internships as evidence of accomplishing the school’s vision-
mission. These ELGAs also reflected the graduate’s capacity for lifelong learning and transfer of knowledge in the

Expected Lasallian Desired Learning Results That Demonstrates Higher Order Thinking Skills (deep understanding) - A Lasallian
Graduate who:
Attributes (ELGAs)

GEPCOMM v06092020

Critical and Creative Generates ideas, designs, systems or information with resourcefulness, imagination, insight, originality,
Thinker aesthetic judgment, enterprise and a risk- taking approach to meet current and emerging needs of society
Responds to multiple experiences and ideas about the world and communicates personal and religious
meaning through various modes and media
Uses innovative methods and technologies to solve problems, make decisions and envisage hopeful
Constructs and applies knowledge, concepts theories and generations to make meaning and communicate
clear and coherent ideas and concept as much as possible aligned with Christian principles

Effective Communicates effectively and confidently in a range of contexts and for many different audiences
Communicator     Listens actively to the intent and spirit of others’ words and respond
appropriately verbally and non-verbally
Composes and comprehends a range of written, spoken and visual text to convey information that is
meaningful to society and the Church
Explores ideas critically and expresses them clearly for a  variety of purposes
Uses individual and group performances to explore and express ideas, thoughts, feelings, values and

Reflective Lifelong Critically reflects on problems and issues to shape ideas and solutions that contribute to a better
Learner understanding of the wider world of the Church
    Critically evaluates and reflects on their assumptions and values
Plans, organizes, manages and evaluates own thinking, performance, behavioral and well being
Reflects on the significance of God and/or religious experience for themselves and others
    Develops awareness of the spiritual nature and religious significance of life

Service-Driven Creates products and performances that achieve their purpose and are appropriate for their intended
Citizen audience
Develops and incorporates Christian leadership skills to contribute positively to the accomplishment of
team goals through collaborative processes
Develops and practices effective interpersonal skills in order to relate to others in peaceful, tolerant
compassionate and non-discriminatory ways
Nourishes relationships with God, self, others and the environment with compassion, sensitivity respect,
integrity and empathy
Evaluates their moral sensitivities and sense of responsibility through participation in a range of learning

Appendix I Reflection Rubric

GEPCOMM v06092020

(The University of Edinburgh. 2020. Reflection rubric. Retrieved from:

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