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Table of Contents:

- What You Need

- Emailing Companies
o Email Templates
o GMass
 How to Use
 Pros and Cons
o Mail Merge
 How to Use
 Pros and Cons
- Finding New Contacts
o Searching in the Internet
o Cold Calls
- Drafting and Processing MOAs
o Comment Form

Link to MOA, IRF, FRF, Comment Form:
What You Need

- Laptop
- Contact Database
o Can be found in the Team Drive
- Signed Template of Sponsor Letter (Can be found in the Team Drive)
- Mail Merge Application and Gmass Application
o Download from Chrome Webstore
o Gmass:
o Mail Merge:
- MOA Template (Can be found in the Team Drive)
- IRF and FRF Template (Can be found in the Team Drive)
- Sponsor Packages (Can be found in the Team Drive)

Emailing Companies

1. Copy paste the sponsor letter template and change the necessary details
2. Attach BOTH Signed Template of Sponsor Letter and Sponsor Packages
3. If scheduling use Mail Merge or Gmass, make sure to set the correct time and date. (During
weekdays and within business hours)
4. If manual send, email within business hours and during weekdays only!


How to Use

1. Download Chrome Extension using link above.

2. Open a new GSheets file
3. Make 2 columns, Name and Email (depends on the template you are using)
4. Open Gmail and press GSheets icon.

5. Choose which file and which sheet

* Note: Use the same email in making the Gsheets

6. Press Connect to Spreadsheet

7. It will automatically put the emails in the send tab
*Emails will send individually
*CCs and BCCs are not included in the limit

8. Press Gmass Settings

9. You can personalize emails by clicking on the personalize tab
*Downside is that only ONE personalization can be done.
*Personalization title is based on your title of the column.
* Ex: {Name}

10. Attach Sponsor Letter Template and Sponsor Primer

11. You can schedule follow ups for the emails you sent. Under Schedule sa Settings
12. You can REPLY to last email that you sent

Pros and Cons

Pros: Set 50 emails can be sent, Scheduling and following up is easier, Convenient to use, emails can
be tracked when opened
Cons: Can’t schedule new emails if you’ve sent emails using the app within 24 hours, only 1
personalization for emails
Mail Merge with Attachments

How to Use

1. Download extension using link above.

2. Create a new Gsheet
3. Go to Add-ons > Mail Merge with Attachments > Create Mail Merge Template

4. Copy and paste details of the contacts and attachments for the email.

*Attachments: Upload to Gdrive and copy paste link.

*Can be more than 1 attachment. Link, space, comma, space, link

5. Put scheduled date.

*Format: Month/Date/Year 8:30:00
*Ex: 9/9/2019 8:30:00
6. Input necessary details and format the letter.
*Add-ons > Mail Merge with Attachments > Configure Mail Merge

7. New window will appear on the right side of the screen.

* You can CC and BCC emails

8. Go to Create Email Template > Choose code your own HTML

9. Input Title and Sponsor Letter Template then Save
* Personalization: {{Title of top column}}
* More than one personalization can be used.
10. Run Mail Merge
*Make sure that it is Run Mail Merge, NOT Send a Test Email

11. Mail Merge Status column will begin to change.

12. You can check if your emails have been sent because the status will be changed automatically.

Pros and Cons

Pros: Easy to use and understand, only need one gsheet, multiple personalization

Cons: Less emails sent out because of CC and BCC, emails cannot be tracked if opened
Finding New Contacts

Searching in the Internet:

- Check LinkedIn
- Check company websites

Cold Calls:

- For leads that only have contact numbers.

- Script:

Good day! This is [YOUR NAME], and I am from De La Salle University’s Junior Entrepreneurs’
Marketing Association.

May you please connect me to the person handling your marketing department/corporate

*after transfer* 
Good day, is this the marketing department/person handling of [NAME OF COMPANY]
corporate partnerships? This is [YOUR NAME], and I am from De La Salle University’s Junior
Entrepreneurs’ Marketing Association, also known as JEMA.

May I know who is on the line, please?

Hi [NAME OF PERSON], I would like to discuss a few things regarding our event. DLSU JEMA
will be having its [EVENT NAME HERE]. [MINI SPIEL OF EVENT]

With this, may I ask for an email in which I could forward the further details of our project and

1. Ask for the email address

2. To whom it will be addressed to
3. Confirm the title (Ms./Mrs/Mr.)
4. If possible, ask for the direct trunkline

**after obtaining the details** Thank you for your time, [NAME OF PERSON]! We look forward
to forging a partnership with you. Thank you and have a nice day ahead!

**Update database!
Drafting and Processing MOAs:

Drafting MOAs

1. Know which package sponsor will be availing

2. Get **EXTERNAL** MOA template and change highlighted details and Agreement between the
2 parties.
*Needed info: (1)Contact person’s Full Name and Position, (2)Address of the Business, (3)Full
business name, (4)Name and position of another representative of the company
3. Base agreement on sponsor packages and negotiation with the sponsor.
4. After drafting, send to TH for Sponsorships for checking.
5. Send to sponsor after approval of TH.
6. If sponsor is ok with MOA, then process the MOA.

*Date on top of MOA is 1 week after processing it in SLIFE.

*Both signatories of the external party should NOT be the same person.

*Depending on the value of the agreement, signatories from the School’s side will be added

Processing MOAs:

1. After getting final MOA, make a corresponding Initial Review Form (IRF) and Final Review Form
2. Initial Review Form (IRF)
*Note: Name of Signatory and Signatory Level depends on amount involved.
*Title of document is always: Memorandum of Agreement between Junior Entrepreneurs’
Marketing Association and [Company Name]
*Contract Duration is when the actual event is.
*Local number always 744.
3. Final Review Form (FRF)
*Copy MOA title from IRF
*Do not fill up Document Tracking Number (SLIFE will do that)
*Make sure details are the same with the IRF

4. Print MOA in long bond paper. Print IRF and FRF in short bond paper.
5. FRF at the top, IRF in the middle, MOA at the bottom. Then staple together.
6. Pass the document to SLIFE. They will be the ones to send it to OULC (Office of University Legal

*Note: OULC is closed during Mondays.

*Check MOAs every Tuesday and Thursday/Friday.

7. Situation A: MOA came back cleared. Ask JEMA side of the signatories to sign. Then pass again
to SLIFE for Dean Nelca and Sir Topher to sign. Once it comes back, ask sponsor to sign the
Situation B: MOA came back with comments. Edit a new MOA and staple it on top of the
documents with comment form. Fill up comment form based on the comments of the OULC and
what you did to correct them. Pass again to SLIFE. Process until cleared.

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