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Natural Remedy For Flu

Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a respiratory illness which is caused by a self-mutating virus. It
is contagious and even spreads through sneezing, coughing or talking with an infected person.

Owing to the similarity of various symptoms, it is very easy to get confused and assume it to be
common cold. But unlike a common cold, Influenza may also include fever, aches, chills, body pain,
fatigue, and chest discomfort.

Common Flu Symptoms



Sore throat





When someone infected with the Influenza virus sneezes, coughs or talks the virus may easily get
transferred in the air. Upon inhaling these contaminants or coming in contact with the objects
touched by an infected person you may easily get the flu.

New strains of influenza keep developing as the virus is self-mutating in characteristic.

A previous exposure to any strain variety of this virus may better prepare you for any future
infection as your body has already developed an immunological memory by creating antibodies.

There are three types of influenza viruses namely Influenza A, Influenza B, and Influenza C.

Influenza A and influenza B are responsible for debilitating respiratory issues occurring every winter
season. While influenza C may just cause some mild symptoms that are easily manageable.

Normally, a person suffering from influenza recovers in a duration of one week while for children it
may extend a little longer. But it can become more severe and lasts longer if treatment is not taken.

According to Australian Government department of health,

Influenza circulated at high levels throughout the 2017 season. For the seasonal period, 47% of
patients presenting to sentinel GPs with ILI (Influenza like illness) tested positive for influenza. This
was slightly higher than the 5 year historic range for the same period (range: 27% in 2013 to 45% in

Along with pneumonia, flu symptoms can become more complicated. In such cases, immediate
treatment is required, else one needs to be hospitalized.

Even two days before the actual symptoms may show up, a person may become contagious which
may extend for a week. Some experts also suggest taking flu vaccines.

There is no set age where a person is more vulnerable to influenza virus but it is more common for
older people having a weak immune system. This condition gets even worse, if a person is already
suffering from any chronic disease.

Homeopathic Flu Remedy

A strange thing about influenza virus is that it keeps changing itself on the introduction of new
strains within the victim’s body. This is why conventional medicines might do more harm than good.

Therefore, the safest option one might take to relieve influenza is Homeopathy. Homeopathic flu
remedy being heavily diluted and non-toxic, can be taken safely upon consultation with a

These remedies if taken at early stages can be very effective to remove the traces of influenza virus
from your body.

Consult a well trained homeopathic practitioner as the symptoms of Influenza may vary from person
to person. For instance, two individuals may show contrasting influenza symptoms i.e. while one
may feel a severe headache other may have a fever.

By studying the symptom similarity between the remedy and the patient, a homeopathic
practitioner can prescribe you with the best suitable remedy.

If you still have any doubt or concern, please feel free to drop me a message at and I will get back to you soon.

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