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Job description for the role of Business Development RockStars

About Scaler

Backed by Sequoia and Tiger Global, Scaler is one of Asia’s leading online tech-education firms valued at over
$100 million that aims to solve the tech talent gap worldwide through its market leading products. Since
inception the entity has over 800,000 registered users and has facilitated 4590+ placements in over 500
companies. In the last 12 months alone, Scaler has placed more students in Amazon than all IITs combined.

The founders of Scaler, Anshuman Singh and Abhimanyu Saxena, are IIIT Hyderabad alums with leadership
experience across Facebook (working directly with Mark Zuckerburg and setting up the London Office) and NYC-
based retail marketplace unicorn Anshuman Singh has also represented Team India twice at the
prestigious ACM ICPC World Finals. The broader team is handpicked from leading firms such as Facebook,
Google, Twitter, McKinsey, BCG, Sequoia Capital, Bain Capital and Hotstar to name a few.

About the role - Business Development RockStars

Enough of heavy words in the Introduction. Let us state in plain simple terms what exactly will be expected out
of successful applicants:
● Frontline Warriors -- Yep, you read that right. You will be the face of the organization in terms of
dealing with the potential clientele.
● Astute Problem Solvers -- You will be expected to solve dynamic problems on-spot, the type of
decision making that is inbuilt and can’t be drummed into.
● Resourceful -- Let us be clear: You need to have a knowledge base that enables you to hold a
conversation about anything and everything under the blue sky.
● Communication Skills -- Anything below 11/10 in communication skills is not acceptable. Continuing
from last couple of pointers, lack of knowledge can only be solved by above par communication skills
and quick thinking
● Accountability -- Life in Sales is tough. Your choice, whether you want to make it tougher by not
delivering on your commitments or easier by being someone that the senior management can trust
and depend upon for deliverables.
● Mental Fortitude -- Can’t Stress on this enough. As we said, life of a frontline warrior is tough. Not
everyone can survive the daily rigours. You need to be tough mentally, be able to handle rejections
and still stand up and approach the next lead with equal, if not more enthusiasm .

Key responsibilities would involve:

● Daily meetings/cold calling prospects provided matching the set targets
● Maintaining the conversion ratio from cold leads to paid customers via an ethical approach
● Revenue Generation from the same as per individual targets
● Above all, a no-nonsense attitude towards the completion of daily KRAs leading to achieving bi-
weekly targets
Preferred experience:
● 0-4 years of proven experience in Edtech Industry
● Accustomed to working in a fast paced environment
● Any Graduate from Any field.

Sales is an Art. Not everybody’s cup of tea. Now, after going through these pointers, you’ll either be
apprehensive with self-doubt, or you’re confident enough in yourself that this excites you. If it does, then read
through the next section,

Why Scaler

● Remember your college days, when you felt the mountain was too much to climb and if only
there was a helping hand? Well, that’s what we are doing , providing that helping hand
● For working people, did you feel unappreciated and bored in your current role? No clue as to
where this road is taking you 5 years down the lane? Thinking about an MBA (who doesn’t)?
Similarly, we are laying out the directed pathway for Software Developers in the IT Sector
● Both fresher and Working Professionals, your next Two/Five year plan is laid out with clear
KRA’s as to how to achieve your personal targets. We believe that charity begins at home,
hence we focus on internal growth and individual growth of a person
● You get a front-row seat to a high-growth, fast-paced B2C+B2B business in a role that expects
you to learn and contribute specifically in high-impact initiatives critical to our trajectory
● Oh and lastly, If we like you, we will make sure you like our offer :)


 INR 9 Lacs (Fixed 7.5L + Variable 1.5L)

Job Location

 Bangalore (Remote for now)

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