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DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.



Developments in development: What have we learned from

primate locomotor ontogeny?

Jesse W. Young1 | Liza J. Shapiro2

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
Northeast Ohio Medical University
(NEOMED), Rootstown, Ohio, 44272 The importance of locomotion to evolutionary fitness has led to extensive study of primate loco-
Department of Anthropology, University of motor behavior, morphology and ecology. Most previous research has focused on adult primates,
Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 but in the last few decades, increased attention to locomotor development has provided new
insights toward our broader understanding of primate adaptation and evolution. Here, we review
Jesse W. Young, Department of Anatomy the contributions of this body of work from three basic perspectives. First, we assess possible
and Neurobiology, Northeast Ohio Medical determinants on the timing of locomotor independence, an important life history event. Significant
University, 4209 State Route 44, influences on timing of locomotor independence include adult female body mass, age at weaning,
P.O. Box 95, Rootstown, OH 44272
and especially relative brain size, a significant predictor of other primate life history variables. Addi-
tionally, we found significant phylogenetic differences in the timing of locomotor independence,
Funding information even accounting for these influences. Second, we discuss how structural aspects of primate growth
National Science Foundation, Grant/Award
may enhance the locomotor performance and safety of young primates, despite their inherent neu-
Numbers: NSF BCS-0313821 and NSF
BCS-0647402; L.S.B. Leakey Foundation romotor and musculoskeletal limitations. For example, compared to adults, growing primates have
greater muscle mechanical advantage, greater bone robusticity, and larger extremities with rela-
tively long digits. Third, focusing on primate quadrupedalism, we provide examples that illustrate
how ontogenetic transitions in morphology and locomotion can serve as a model system for test-
ing broader principles underlying primate locomotor biomechanics. This approach has led to a
better understanding of the key features that contribute to primates’ stride characteristics, gait
patterns, limb force distribution, and limb postures. We have learned a great deal from the study
of locomotor ontogeny, but there is much left to explore. We conclude by offering guidelines for
future research, both in the laboratory and the field.

allometry, gait mechanics, life history, locomotor independence, ontogeny

1 | INTRODUCTION and morphological underpinnings of primate locomotor behaviors have

long been of interest in anthropology and associated fields (Dagosto &
Primates display an impressively broad range of locomotor behaviors, & Gebo, 1998; Le Gros Clark, 1959; Muybridge, 1887; Napier, 1967;
including several highly charismatic and unique behaviors not seen in Prost, 1965; Ripley, 1967; Wood Jones, 1916).
other mammals, such as strepsirrhine vertical clinging and leaping, hylo- The vast majority of previous research on primate locomotion,
batid brachiation, and hominin striding bipedalism (Fleagle, 2013; Hunt whether in the field or the lab, has concentrated on adult animals. To
et al., 1996; Schmitt, 2010). Even primate quadrupedal locomotion, a some degree, this focus on adults is understandable. The morphological
comparatively ubiquitous locomotor mode, is characterized by several and behavioral changes that occur during ontogeny add an additional
unique features relative to most other mammalian quadrupeds (Kimura, layer of variability that may obscure relationships of interest (e.g., asso-
1992; Kimura, Okada, & Ishida, 1979; Larson, 1998; Schmitt, 2010; ciations between substrate size and positional behavior) (Jones & Ger-
Shapiro & Young, 2016). As such, the biomechanics, ecological context, man, 2005). Additionally, from an evolutionary point of view,
reproduction—and thus gene transmission—is by definition limited to
Jesse W. Young and Liza J. Shapiro contributed equally to this work. sexually mature adult animals. However, over the lifespan evolutionary

Am J Phys Anthropol. 2018; 165: 37–71 V

C 2018 American Association of Physical Anthropologists | 37

fitness is predicated on an individual’s ability to clear two fundamental (Kappeler, Pereira, & van Schaik, 2003; Leigh & Blomquist, 2007;
life history “hurdles”: surviving to reproductive age and reproducing Stearns, 1992). Understanding the patterns and determinants of life
successfully (Jones, 2011). Because infants and juveniles have yet to history variation therefore can provide a critical window into the evolu-
reach reproductive age, any feature of an immature animal’s biology tionary process. Comparative studies of primate life history are well-
that promotes or limits survival has the potential to be a fitness-critical represented in the literature (Barrickman, Bastian, Isler, & Van Schaik,
trait, and thus of interest to researchers interested in primate adapta- 2008; Garber & Leigh, 1997; Harvey & Clutton-Brock, 1985; Kamilar &
tion and evolution. Cooper, 2013; Kappeler, 1998; Leigh, 2004; Leigh & Terranova, 1998;
Almost 30 years ago, Hurov (1991) published a paper entitled Pontzer et al., 2014; Shattuck & Williams, 2010; Sibly & Brown, 2007;
“Rethinking Primate Locomotion: What can we learn from develop- Tilden & Oftedal, 1997). A common theme to these studies has been
ment?” Hurov outlined how studies of locomotor development can the finding that primate life histories are “slow” relative to other mam-
provide unique insights toward our understanding of the functional mals (Harvey, Martin, & Clutton-Brock, 1987). For example, primates
morphology and evolution of primate locomotor adaptation. As are characterized by late ages of weaning and sexual maturity, slow
expressed by Hurov, the unique value of developmental studies lies in postnatal growth rates, and long life spans relative to other mammals
the fact that “changes in the physical properties of the musculoskeletal of similar size (Austad & Fischer, 1992; Barrickman et al., 2008; Case,
system during growth represent a unique natural manipulative experi- 1978; Charnov, 1993; Kirkwood, 1985; Lee, Maijuf, & Gordon, 1991;
ment in which hypotheses of correlated change in performance, sub- Pereira & Fairbanks, 1993; Pontzer et al., 2014; Ross, 1998). Taken
strate selection, and structural design can be tested for their causal together, these data indicate that primates experience relatively and
relationships” (Hurov, 1991:212). Hurov (1991) framed several broad absolutely longer periods of nonreproductive infancy and juvenility.
areas of inquiry regarding growth and locomotor behavior, and high- Few studies, however, have explicitly considered locomotor develop-
lighted the many gaps in our knowledge in these areas at that time. ment as a critical life history parameter unto itself (but see Bezanson,
Since 1991, there has been a substantial improvement in our under- 2009; Bezanson & Morbeck, 2013; Zihlman, 1992).
standing of primate locomotor development. In this article, we set out Primate infants are born behaviorally (or secondarily) altricial (Port-
to answer Hurov’s call for research by addressing what we have mann, 1958), and are generally not able to support their own weight or
learned from developmental locomotor studies of primates in the past effect their own movement at birth (Grand, 1992; Kappeler et al.,
several decades. 2003). During this early period of “locomotor dependence,” most
Here, we broadly review existing literature on primate locomotor infants are transported by their mother or another caregiver during for-
development from a functional perspective. Our review is divided into aging and travel, typically by clinging to either their venter or the dor-
three sections. First, we discuss locomotor development in a life history sum, though strepsirrhines will transport infants orally as well as “park”
context, seeking to understand possible functional relationships infants in nests, tree holes, or other refugia (Kappeler, 1998; Ross,
between the timing of locomotor independence and other aspects of 2001). Both theoretical models and empirical data suggest that infant
an individual’s development and ecology. We focus on early develop- carrying is costly to the carrier (Altmann & Samuels, 1992; Kramer,
ment and the transition to locomotor independence. Other recent 1998; Nicolson, 1987; Pontzer & Wrangham, 2006; Ross, 2001; Tardif,
reviews have focused on associations between the positional behavior 1994; Tecot, Baden, Romine, & Kamilar, 2012a). For example, male
of juvenile primates and life history (Bezanson, 2017; Bezanson & Mor- cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) lose body mass and exhibit
beck, 2013). Second, we review possible functional influences on pri- lower average travel speeds during periods of infant transport
mate postcranial growth, specifically addressing how ontogenetic (Caperos, Morcillo, Pelaez, Fidalgo, & Sanchez, 2012; S
anchez, Pelaez,
changes in body size, muscle leverage, relative bone strength, and €rmann, & Kaumanns, 1999). Infant carrying compromises forag-
grasping capacity may be associated with the unique ecological pres- ing efficiency in saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis), vervet mon-
sures faced by immature animals. Third, we discuss how integrated keys (Chlorocebus aethiops), and siamangs (Symphalangus syndactulus)
studies of primate growth and locomotor development can be used as (Goldizen, 1987; Lappan, 2009; Whitten, 1982). Similarly, female squir-
a model system to understand broader principles of primate locomotor rel monkeys (Saimiri collinsi) limit their time spent travelling during the
biomechanics, focusing on the mechanics of primate quadrupedalism. lactational period, perhaps to reduce the energetic burden of carrying a
We argue that the increased morphological and behavioral variability relatively large, fast growing infant (Garber & Leigh, 1997; Ruivo,
inherent to studies of locomotor ontogeny are actually a beneficial Stone, & Fienup, 2017). Experimental data show that carrying a mass
“feature” of the system, rather than a “bug.” Finally, we articulate some equivalent to that of a newborn litter significantly compromises leaping
general guidelines for future studies of primate locomotor performance in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) (Schradin &
development. Anzenberger, 2001), reducing leaping distance by an average of 17%.
Similarly, spectral tarsier (Tarsier tarsier) mothers significantly reduce
2 | PRIMATE LOCOMOTOR DEVELOPMENT vertical clinging and leaping locomotor behaviors when carrying infants,
AND LIFE HISTORY instead switching to arboreal quadrupedalism as the primary form of
locomotion (Gursky, 2007). Finally, across strepsirrhine primates, spe-
As a discipline, life history research aims to define a succinct set of cies that carry infants—rather than park them in refugia—have signifi-
parameters that determine an individuals’ lifetime reproductive success cantly smaller home ranges, wean their infants at relatively later ages,

and begin reproduction at relatively late ages (Ross, 2001). Ross (2001)
argues that the increased energetic burden of infant carrying accounts
for the relative rarity of continuous infant transport across mammals
(see also Nicolson, 1987). Such energetic costs can indeed be substan-
tial, particularly for small primates. For instance, based on long-term
field studies of infant care in spectral tarsiers—a nocturnal haplorrhine
that typically parks, or “caches,” infants in trees during nighttime forag-
ing—Gursky (2003, 2007) calculated that should a tarsier mother
instead choose to continuously carry her infant, the extra foraging time
required to compensate for the energetic deficit would exceed the
available hours in the night. Although transport costs to the mother
may be relieved in species characterized by nonmaternal infant care
(i.e., allomothering; Hrdy, 1976), the costs discussed above would also
necessarily accrue to any caretaker, whether the mother or another
individual, again suggesting an energetic burden to carrying dependent
In summary, given that carrying infants is energetically costly, rapid
locomotor independence would seem to be beneficial to the caregiver,
though not necessarily to the progeny. The transition to locomotor FIGURE 1 A modified version of Figure 5 from Altmann and
independence can be viewed as another case of “parent-offspring con- Samuels (1992), illustrating the additional energetic cost to a
baboon mother under two scenarios: if the mother provided all
flict,” akin to the better studied phenomenon of nutritional independ-
infant transport (open circles), or if the infant provided all transport
ence (i.e., weaning: Maestripieri, 2002; Trivers, 1974). However, the
by walking on its own (closed black triangles). Closed red circles
dynamics of the transition to locomotor independence are more com- illustrate the additional cost of infant transport inclusive of the
plex than would be reflected in a simple “early locomotion is always cost of supporting the infant’s mass. Note that infant transport
better” rule. Additional parameters must be considered in this transi- becomes more expensive than supporting an independent infant at
tion. For example, if lactating mothers still provide nutritional support approximately eight months of age, the age of yellow baboon
locomotor independence (Altmann, 1980).
to an independently moving infant, the mother must still ingest suffi-
cient resources to cover the infant’s energetic cost of transporting itself occurs at eight months of age, where the cost of carrying becomes
(Kramer, 1998). The energetic burden of providing for an independent greater than the cost of providing nutritional support to an independ-
infant could therefore be greater than the cost of simply carrying the ent infant (Figure 1). Eight months is also the typical age of locomotor
infant, as suggested by Altmann and Samuels (1992). In this study, an independence in wild yellow baboons (Altmann, 1980).
extensive dataset on infant growth and development in yellow baboons Existing data therefore suggest that the developmental transition
(Papio cynocephalus) was used to examine how maternal energetics are to locomotor independence likely reflect a dynamic interplay between
impacted by the interplay of these two forces (i.e., transporting a several competing factors. In an effort to investigate the determinants
dependent infant versus supplementing an independent one). Their of locomotor development more broadly across primates, we reviewed
data suggest that transporting infants is always energetically cheaper primary literature on wild primate development to find modal ages at
than providing nutritional support to an independent one, given that which infants achieved locomotor independence (Table 1). Only data
the nutritional needs of a passive infant will always necessarily be less from field studies of primates moving in their natural habitats were
than those of an active one. However, as noted by Gurksy (2003), the included. Because locomotor independence, like nutritional independ-
model used in the Altmann and Samuels (1992) study did not include ence, is a protracted developmental process rather than a binary event
the additional energetic cost to the mother of supporting the infant’s (Lee, 1996; Nicolson, 1987), we operationally declared infants to be
mass. Oxygen-consumption studies have shown that carrying a load independent once they depended on carrying for no more than 20% of
increases the cost of transport in direct proportion to the mass-specific their daily transport. We were ultimately able to identify ages of loco-
magnitude of the load (i.e., adding a load equal to 10% of body mass motor independence for a total of 37 primate species, including nine
would increase the cost of transport by 10%: Bastien, Willems, strepsirrhine taxa (one cheirogaleid, two lemurids, three indriids, two
Schepens, & Heglund, 2005; Taylor, Heglund, McMahon, & Looney, galagids, and one lorisid) and 28 haplorrhine taxa (one tarsiid, one
1980; Wickler, Hoyt, Cogger, & Hall, 2001). Using the growth rate aotine, six callitrichines, four cebines, five atelids, five cercopithecids,
model established for this baboon population (Altmann & Alberts, and six nonhuman hominids) (Table 1; Figure 2). To test for possible
1987), we calculated the average monthly mass of a baboon infant correlations between age at locomotor independence and other
through the first year of life, and used these estimated values to calcu- aspects of primate biology, we merged these data with a database of
late the additional energetic cost to the mother of moving under this eight other variables characterizing developmental, morphological, and
load. If the energetic expenditure of infant transport is modified to ecological variation across the primates in our sample, extracted from
include the effects of supporting the infant’s mass, a transition point existing comparative primate databases or from primary literature

(Table 1). Wherever possible, we strove to select life history data from 2.1 | Analytical methods
wild populations, given the degree to which captive provisioning can
All variables were log-transformed prior to analysis. We used multiple
impact growth and development. Specific variables included adult
phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) regression to test for
female body mass, age at weaning, neonatal body mass, postnatal
bivariate relationships between age at locomotor independence and
growth rate, adult female endocranial volume (a validated proxy for
most of the continuous predictor variables. Female body mass was
brain size: Isler, Kirk, & Miller, 2008), daily path length, and modal sub-
entered as a second predictor variable representing body size, such
strate preference (i.e., arboreal or terrestrial). We discuss our logic for
that the partial regression coefficient between the predictor of interest
selecting these specific predictors below, as we review each of our
and age at locomotor independence represents the bivariate

T AB LE 1 Comparative dataset used to investigate the determinants of locomotor independence across primatesa.

Species Loco Ind Fem mass Wean Neo mass Growth rate ECV DPL Sub Sources

Otolemur crassicaudatus 45 1.11 135 44 10.16 11.06 1.25 A LI [11]; DPL [56]

Galago senegalensis 35 0.22 98 19 1.75 3.90 2.10 A LI [11]; DPL [48]

Perodicticus potto 183 0.84 151 36 4.73 11.87 A LI [9]

Varecia variegata 91 3.52 90 89 1.95 31.17 1.13 A LI [7, 36]; DPL [56]

Lemur catta 112 2.21 142 79 9.15 19.75 0.95 T LI [22]; DPL [35]

Propithecus diadema 213 6.26 273 135 40.51 0.99 A LI [60]; DPL [25]

Propithecus verreauxi 183 2.95 182 103 24.92 0.85 A LI [43]; DPL [40]

Propithecus coquereli 175 4.28 182 103 0.73 A LI [45, 57]; DPL [32]
c c
Microcebus rufus 61 0.043 40 6 1.35 1.80 A LI [4]

Tarsius tarsier 58 0.106 80 24 0.43 3.22 0.48 A LI, DPL [23]

Saimiri oerstedii 152 0.68 112 25.52 3.35 A LI [6]; DPL [35]

Sapajus apella 243 2.52 314 215 2.87 64.32 2.00 A LI [16]; DPL [40]

Cebus capucinus 183 2.54 514 240 2.17 72.12 2.00 A LI [5, 31]; DPL [40]

Cebus olivaceus 228 2.52 730 68.38 2.14 A LI [58]; DPL [44]

Saguinus fuscicollis 76 0.36 90 39 8.03 1.32 A LI [51, 53]; DPL [40]

Saguinus oedipus 84 0.4 50 43 3.50 9.92 1.37 A LI [24]; DPL [40]

Saguinus geoffroyi 61 0.5 56 48 10.19 2.06 A LI [51]; DPL [12]

Callithrix jacchus 42 0.38 76 29 2.98 7.05 1.11 A LI [52]; DPL [13]

Callithrix flaviceps 91 0.41 1.22 A LI [18]; DPL [17];

Cebuella pygmaea 56 0.12 90 13 0.90 0.29 A LI [51]; DPL [56]

Aotus trivirgatus 91 0.74 127 94 3.50 16.13 0.25 A LI [59]; DPL [35]
b b
Lagothrix poeppigii 730 4.53 411 440 98.00 1.84 A LI [49]; DPL [19]

Ateles paniscus 365 8.44 785 453 4.39 101.20 2.70 A LI [55]; DPL [40]

Alouatta guariba 152 4.55 365 49.08 0.75 A LI, W [34, 39]; DPL [1]

Alouatta seniculus 274 5.3 372 295 3.50 54.26 0.58 A LI [30]; DPL [35]

Alouatta palliata 183 5.32 483 320 1.36 48.04 0.39 A LI [10, 42]; DPL [40]

Pongo pygmaeus 1644 35.8 1274 1691 7.26 337.72 0.50 A LI [33]; DPL [40]

Pongo abelii 1096 35.6 2557 341.21 A LI [54]

Pan troglodytes 1826 41.6 1736 1782 3.97 350.54 2.10 T LI [14, 15, 47]; DPL [41]

Pan paniscus 1826 33.2 1087 1447 6.71 326.25 1.80 T LI [14, 15]; DPL [40]

Gorilla gorilla 1461 71.5 1061 2053 15.32 455.89 0.70 T LI [8]; DPL [56]

T AB LE 1 (Continued)

Species Loco Ind Fem mass Wean Neo mass Growth rate ECV DPL Sub Sources

Gorilla beringei 913 97.5 1278 480.15 0.35 T LI [15]; DPL [35]

Macaca mulatta 152 5.37 293 470 4.39 84.26 1.43 T LI [29]; DPL [35]

Papio cynocephalus 243 12.3 424 757 5.10 156.13 5.50 T LI [2, 3]; DPL [35]

Papio anubis 335 13.3 592 480 152.45 2.01 T LI [37]; DPL [35]

Chlorocebus aethiops 91 4.09 283 383 4.20 59.00 0.95 T LI [28]; DPL [40]

Chlorocebus aethiops 91 4.09 283 383 4.20 59.00 0.95 T LI [28]; DPL [40]
Table headings. Loco ind: age at locomotor independence (in days); Fem mass: adult female body mass (in kilograms [50]); Wean: weaning age/lacta-
tional duration (in days [27]); Neo mass: neonatal body mass (in grams [27]); growth rate: postnatal growth rate of the litter (in grams/day [27, 46]);
ECV: endocranial volume (in cm3 [26]); DPL: daily path length (in kilometers); Sub: modal substrate (A: arboreal or T: terrestrial [20, 38]), Sources:
LI 5 source(s) for locomotor independence data, DPL: source for daily path length. Missing values in any column are left blank.
Neonatal body mass and endocranial volume are for Lagothrix lagothricha.
Growth rate and endocranial volume are for Microcebus murinus.
[1] Agostini, Holzmann, and Di Bitetti (2010); [2] Altmann (1980); [3] Altmann and Samuels (1992); [4] Atsalis (2015); [5] Bezanson (2006); [6] Boinski
and Fragaszy (1989); [7] Boskoff (1977); [8] Breuer, Hockemba, Olejniczak, Parnell, & Stokes (2008); [9] Charles-Dominique (1977); [10] Clarke (1990);
[11] Crompton (1983); [12] Dawson (1979); [13] Digby and Barreto (1996); [14] Doran (1992); [15] Doran (1997); [16] Escobar-Paramo (1989);
€ rster and Cords (2002); [22] Gould (1990); [23] Gursky (2007);
[17] Ferrari (1988); [18] Ferrari (1992); [19] Fiore (2003); [20] Fleagle (2013); [21] Fo
[24] Hershkovitz (1977); [25] Irwin (2007); [26] Isler et al. (2008); [27] Kappeler and Pereira (2003); [28] Lancaster (1971); [29] Lindburg (1971); [30]
Mack (1979); [31] MacKinnon (1995); [32] McGoogan (2011); [33] Mendonça et al. (2016); [34] Miranda, Aguiar, Ludwig, Moro-Rios, & Passos (2005);
[35] Mitani and Rodman (1979); [36] Morland (1990); [37] Nash (1978); [38] Nunn and Barton (2001); [39] Podgaiski and de Assis Jardim (2009); [40]
Pontzer and Kamilar (2008); [41] Pontzer and Wrangham (2006); [42] Raguet-Schofield and Pave  (2014); [43] Richard (1976); [44] Robinson (1986); [45]
Ross and Lehman (2016); [46] Ross (1991); [47] Sarringhaus et al. (2014); [48] Schaefer and Nash (2007); [49] Schmitt and Fiore (2014); [50] Smith and
Jungers (1997); [51] Snowdon and Soini (1988); [52] Stevenson and Rylands (1988); [53] Terborgh (1983); [54] van Noordwijk and van Schaik (2005); [55]
van Roosmalen and Klein (1988); [56] Wheeler, Bradley, and Kamilar (2011); [57] Wolf (2011); [58] Wright (2005); [59] Wright (1990); [60] Wright (1995).

association after removing the influence of body size. PGLS regression locomotor independence, controlling for the effect of adult female
accounts for phylogenetic signal in the data by modeling the residual body mass. Although it would have been possible to use multiple PGLS
error variance-covariance structure to reflect the phylogenetic relation- regression for these analyses as well, parameter estimates would have
ships among the represented taxa (Nunn, 2011). The particular covari- been unstable due to high collinearity between these morphological
ance structure among residuals can be modified to represent different variables and adult female body mass (i.e., collinearity: Graham, 2003).
models of trait evolution. A model in which the residual error variance Variance inflation factors (VIFs) for neonatal body mass and endocra-
perfectly tracks the branching among taxonomic groups is most often nial volume, calculated from PGLS regressions of each measure on
referred to as a “Brownian Motion” model of evolution. Similar to the female body mass, were 9.02 and 9.58, respectively, indicating a high
atomic physics concept of random molecular motion, a Brownian degree of collinearity (VIFs for all other predictor terms were all  2.35)
Motion model assumes that phenotypic traits drift randomly over time, (Graham, 2003). Therefore, we implemented a phylogenetically con-
such that trait variance is a function of divergence time across the phy- trolled ridge regression approach, as recommended by Nunn (2011).
logeny. Trait variances are also assumed to be sampled from a normal Ridge regression is an extension of the ordinary least squares model
distribution with a mean of zero, such that any trait changes are not that helps correct for collinearity by biasing regression estimates in
specifically directional (i.e., a neutral model of evolution). Rather than order to reduce their standard errors and improve reliability (Neter,
assume a Brownian motion model for PGLS regressions, we employed Kutner, Nachtsheim, & Wasserman, 1996). We first calculated phyloge-
an adjusted version of the phylogenetic variance-covariance matrix in netic independent contrasts of log-transformed age at locomotor inde-
which the off-diagonal elements of the matrix were multiplied by a pendence, adult female body mass, and the predictor variable of
scaling parameter (Pagel’s k) that quantifies how closely the covariance interest (i.e., neonatal mass or endocranial volume). Contrasts were
structure matches the expectation under Brownian Motion (Freckleton, scaled to the square root of summed branch lengths to control for het-
Harvey, & Pagel, 2002; Nunn, 2011). A k value of 1 matches the eroscedasticity due to variance in divergence times. It is important to
assumptions of the Brownian Motion model, whereas a value of 0 note that analyses of scaled phylogenetic independent contrasts implic-
matches the assumptions of ordinary least squares regression (i.e., itly assume a Brownian Motion model of evolution (Nunn, 2011). How-
uncorrelated residual errors). Intermediate values can be interpreted to ever, because body mass, neonatal mass, and endocranial volume all
indicate an interplay between phylogenetic signal and selection (Kami- displayed relatively high values of k (see results below), and since k 5 1
lar & Cooper, 2013). implies Brownian Motion, an assumption of a Brownian Motion model
We used a different procedure to examine the independent influ- of trait evolution was considered reasonable. Scaled contrasts were
ence of neonatal body mass and endocranial volume on age at transformed to z-scores prior to running the ridge regressions, as the

FIGURE 2 Chronogram of the phylogeny used for all PGLS regressions (sampled from the consensus tree of Arnold et al., 2010). Colors
mapped onto the species at the tree tips correspond to family level groupings used for most of subsequent comparative scatterplots below

standard ridge regression algorithm assumes variables are scaled and Glor, & Challenger, 2007), phytools (Revell, 2012), and ridge (Moritz
centered (Neter et al., 1996). Additionally, all regressions were forced & Cule, 2017).
through the origin (i.e., fit with a zero intercept), a recommended prac-
tice when testing for associations among phylogenetic independent
2.2 | Phylogenetic signal
contrasts (Garland, Harvey, & Ives, 1992).
The primate phylogeny used in all of our comparative analyses Age at locomotor independence ranged from a minimum of 35 days in
was subsampled from the consensus tree of Arnold, Matthews, and lesser bush babies (Galago senegalensis) to 5 years in bonobos and
Nunn (2010) (Figure 2). All statistical analyses were performed in R chimpanzees (Pan paniscus and P. troglodytes) (Table 1). We assessed
statistical package (R Core Team, 2017), with the add-on packages the degree of phylogenetic signal in the distribution of locomotor inde-
ape (Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, 2004), boot (Conty & Ripley, pendence ages across primates by calculating Blomberg’s K for each
2009), caper (Orme et al., 2013), GEIGER (Harmon, Weir, Brock, continuous variable in our dataset (Blomberg, Garland, & Ives, 2003).

T AB LE 2 Phylogenetic signal in primate developmental, morpholog- neonatal body mass and endocranial volume were characterized by
ical, and ecological traits, as quantified by Blomberg’s K. higher values of K. In a broader analysis of phylogenetic signal across
Trait K p (K > 0) a several primate traits, Kamilar and Cooper (2013) noted that morpho-
logical variables—particularly brain size—tend to high phylogenetic sig-
Age at locomotor independence 0.862 0.001
nal across primates (i.e., K values of 0.670–1.25). In summary, age at
Adult female body mass 0.715 0.001
locomotor independence was phylogenetically conservative across pri-
Age at weaning 0.440 0.01 mate clades, such that if a given species displays a relatively early (or
Neonatal body mass 1.33 0.001 late) age of independence, it is likely that its close relatives will do the

Postnatal growth rate 0.301 0.286


Endocranial volume 2.23 0.001

2.3 | Influence of body mass
Daily path length 0.143 0.432
We predicted that age at locomotor independence will be positively
Values displaying significant phylogenetic signal, as indicated by a K
value significantly different from zero, are indicated in bold font. correlated with body mass, such that larger species will achieve inde-
pendence at later ages. The inverse relationship between body size and
physiological time is well-documented across animals—the pace of life
Like k, K quantifies interspecific trait variance relative to the expecta- is slower in larger animals. Fundamental temporal parameters, including
tion under a Brownian Motion model of evolution, with K 5 1 indicat- gestation length, age at weaning (i.e., lactation duration), age of first
ing a perfect fit to a Brownian Motion model, K 5 0 indicating reproduction, and total lifespan, are all greater in larger animals (Calder,
phylogenetic independence at the tree tips, and intermediate values 1984; Lindstedt & Calder, 1981; Schmidt-Nielsen, 1984). Accordingly,
suggesting a balance between random phenotypic drift and a more given that locomotor independence should at least partially be depend-
directional evolutionary process. It is also possible for K to be greater ent on the growth and maturation rate of the infant itself, we predicted
than 1, indicating that close relatives are more similar to one another that ages at locomotor independence will increase with body size.
than would be expected under a Brownian Motion model (Kamilar & In accordance with our prediction, age at locomotor independence
Cooper, 2013; Nunn, 2011). Across our primate sample, age at locomo- was significantly positively associated with body mass (Table 3, Figure
tor independence displayed a strong phylogenetic signal, with a K value 3a). Larger species require significantly more time to achieve locomotor
higher than all but two other variables in the dataset (Table 2). Only independence than smaller species, with age at locomotor

T AB LE 3 Comparative analyses of developmental, morphological, and ecological influences on age at locomotor independence in primatesa.

Model Summary Effect of predictor Effect of body mass

Pagel’s k
Predictor R2 [95% CI] F DF P Slope P Slope P

Female body mass (kg) 0.394 0.922 22.8 1, 35 <0.001 0.390 <0.001 NA NA
[0.557, 0.999]

Weaning age (days) 0.574 0.799 22.2 2, 33 <0.001 0.497 0.013 0.188 0.105
[0.00, 0.987]

Neonatal massb 0.740 – – – – 0.222 0.082 0.311 0.015

Growth rate 0.463 1.00 9.0 2, 21 0.002 20.021 0.891 0.396 0.001
[0.681, 1.00]

ECV model 1 (cm3)b,c 0.535 – – – – 1.37 <0.001 20.757 0.020

ECV model 2 (cm ) 3 b,c

0.480 – – – – 1.28 0.001 20.697 0.045

Daily path length (km) 0.515 0.852 16.5 2, 31 <0.001 0.115 0.337 0.476 <0.001
[0.342, 0.988]

Modal substrated 0.393 0.924 11.0 2, 34 <0.001 NA 0.820 0.385 <0.001

[0.561, 0.999]
Values summarize the effects of phylogenetic generalized least squares regressions of age at locomotor independence on the indicated variables, con-
trolling for the effect of body mass where appropriate using multiple regression. Variable definitions and data sources are summarized in the text. All
continuous variables were log-transformed prior model fitting. Significant terms are indicated by bold text. In this case, Pagel’s k is an index of the phy-
logenetic signal in the regression residuals, not of the dependent variable itself (i.e., age at locomotor independence).
As described in the text, the independent influence of these variables on age at locomotor independence, adjusted for the influence of adult female
body mass, was tested using multiple ridge regression of phylogenetic independent contrasts.
Following Garwicz et al (2009), endocranial volume (ECV, a proxy for brain size; Isler et al. 2008) is tested as a predictor of locomotor independence in
days of postnatal development (Model 1) as well as time since conception (Model 2).
Regression coefficients are not provided for these categorical predictor variables.

FIGURE 3 a) Association between age locomotor independence and average adult female body mass. Line indicates PGLS regression fit
(see Table 3 for model parameters). b) Residual age of locomotor independence (after controlling for the effects of female body mass),
expressed as a percentage of the fitted value, grouped by taxonomic family. Abbreviations: Lem 5 Lemuridae, Che 5 Cheirogaleidae,
Ind 5 Indridae, Gal 5 Galagidae, Lor 5 Lorisidae, Tar 5 Tarsiidae, Aot 5 Aotinae, Cal 5 Callitrichinae, Ceb 5 Cebinae, Ate 5 Atelidae,
Cer 5 Cercopithecidae, Hom 5 Hominidae

independence specifically scaling to body mass with negative allometry correlated with one another, and that on average locomotor independ-
(i.e., M0.39). The bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals on this expo- ence should occur prior to weaning.
nent (0.130–0.397) indicate that the relationship between age at loco- As predicted, age at locomotor independence was strongly corre-
motor independence and body mass is not significantly different from lated with age at weaning, even after adjusting for the effects of body
the common quarter-power scaling trend that characterizes many mass (Figure 4a). In fact, PGLS regression suggested that adult female
physiological durations across mammals, including cardiac cycles, respi- body mass was no longer a significant predictor of variation in locomotor
ratory cycles, gestation periods, and overall life span (Calder 1984; independence once weaning age was included in the model (Table 3). To
Lindstedt & Calder 1981). some degree, the lack of significance for the body mass term could be
Nevertheless, comparison of residual variance among primate fam- due to collinearity between the predictor variables, though the variance
ilies shows that not all variation in age at locomotor independence can inflation factor between weaning age and adult female body mass was
be explained by body size alone (Figure 3b). Some groups—such as not particularly high (2.35; R2 5 0.575). Moreover, a ridge regression

lemurids, galagids, and cercopithecids—achieve locomotor independ- using scaled independent contrasts also indicated a marginally non-

ence at relatively early stages, whereas others—such as lowland wooly significant relationship between age at locomotor independence and

monkeys (i.e., L. poeppigii, the outlier above the Atelid group) and homi- body mass when weaning age was included in the model (p 5 0.055),

nids—achieve locomotor independence relatively late. Clearly, some whereas the effect of weaning age remained significant (p 5 0.021).
These results show that primates who tend to wean at relatively
factor independent of body size is required to explain this additional
(or absolutely) late ages also tend to have late ages of locomotor inde-
variation age at locomotor independence.
pendence. However, the two events are not perfectly contemporane-
ous. An investigation of age distributions in Table 1 shows that for

2.4 | Influence of weaning age most species in our database for whom we could identify both weaning
ages and ages at locomotor independence, locomotor independence
Controlling for effects of adult female body mass, we predicted that occurs prior to weaning (i.e., 24 out of 36 species, or 66%). To investi-
age at locomotor independence will be positively correlated with wean- gate the general temporal coordination between weaning and locomo-
ing age, such that infants that wean at relatively late ages will also tor independence, we used PGLS regression to fit log-transformed ages
achieve independence at later ages. We predicted that, in general, the at locomotor independence to log-transformed ages at weaning (with-
time course of locomotor independence should parallel that of nutri- out including body mass as a predictor term). If the two events are gen-
tional independence. Barring food sharing from group mates, a weaned erally contemporaneous, we would expect the 95% confidence
infant must be able to independently access foraging resources. Simi- intervals on both the slope and intercept of the regression equation to
larly, as illustrated above using the baboon example of Altmann and include 1. Logged age at locomotor independence scaled to logged age
Samuels (1992) (Figure 1), an independently moving infant should be at weaning with an intercept of 0.958 and a slope of 0.755 (Figure 4b).
expected to provide some of its own nutritional support, lest the lacta- 95% confidence intervals about these values (calculated using a boot-
tional costs to the mother become unwieldy. Therefore, we expected strapping procedure with 10,000 replicates) were 0.828–2.16 for the
weaning age and age at locomotor independence to be directly intercept and 0.503–0.769 for the slope. These data indicate that if

FIGURE 4 a) Partial-regression plot (Quinn & Keough, 2002) of age at locomotor independence versus age at weaning. The trend line indi-
cates the independent association between the two variables, controlling for the effects of adult female body mass and phylogeny using
multiple PGLS. b) Log-log plot of age at locomotor independence against age at weaning. The dashed line indicates the line of identity (i.e.,
age at locomotor independence equal to age at weaning) whereas the solid line indicates the PGLS fit to the data. Note that age at locomo-
tor independence tends to occur earlier than age at weaning, with the pronounced exception of non-human hominoids, where age at
locomotor independence is roughly contemporaneous with age at weaning

locomotor independence and nutritional independence both occur rela- of locomotor cost in yellow baboons suggest that that the energetic
tively early, the two events are generally contemporaneous. However, costs of infant transport may strongly determine the age of locomotor
slope values significantly less than 1 indicate a complex allometric rela- independence (Figure 1; Altmann & Samuels 1992). Nevertheless, the
tionship between age at locomotor independence and weaning, such relationship between infant carrying and maternal locomotor energetics
that locomotor independence tends to occur at relatively earlier ages is not always straightforward. Pontzer and Wrangham (2006) found
as the absolute age at weaning increases. It may be that, due to the that the presence of a carried infant had no effect on chimpanzee
negatively allometric scaling of metabolic rates (i.e., Kleiber’s rule) larger female daily travel distances, suggesting that mothers may have mecha-
primate infants—who generally reach locomotor independence at later nisms of compensating for the increased cost of carrying the infant’s
ages (Figure 3)—are buffered from energetic concerns that would com- mass, perhaps through increased foraging. Rather, traveling with an
promise smaller species. Hominids, however, are an exception to this independent juvenile significantly decreased daily travel distances for
general pattern, with a late age of locomotor independence matching a chimpanzee mothers, suggesting that needing to keep pace with an
late age of weaning (Figure 4b). Moreover, as discussed above, it must inefficient offspring can also be costly. Again, it may be that the larger
be remembered that both weaning and locomotor independence are size, and relatively reduced metabolic rate, of chimpanzees, buffers
operationally defined for ease of comparison—neither of these events them from energetic concerns that may plague smaller primates.
are binary processes with definitive ages of occurrence. Ultimately only In general, across primates we expected that after adjusting for the
detailed longitudinal study of wild primate infants can demonstrate the effects of adult female body mass, age at locomotor independence
underlying covariation between the two processes. would be negatively correlated with neonatal body mass and postnatal
growth rate, such that species with relatively large, fast-growing infants
would achieve locomotor independence at earlier ages. Instead, regres-
2.5 | Influence of infant body size and growth rate
sion analyses showed that after controlling for body size differences,
The metabolic cost of carrying a load generally increases directly in pro- neither neonatal mass nor postnatal growth rate were significantly
portion to the load (i.e., carrying a load equal to 10% of body mass will associated with age at locomotor independence (Table 3). In fact, age
increase transport costs by 10%: Bastien et al., 2005; Taylor, Heglund, at locomotor independence was nearly significantly (p 5 0.08) positively
McMahon, & Looney, 1980; Wickler et al., 2001). Therefore, larger associated with neonatal body mass, in direct opposition to our predic-
infants should be more costly to carry (Dunbar, 1988; Kramer, 1998; tions. Six of the prosimians in our primate sample park their infants,
Wall-Scheffler, Geiger, & Steudel-Numbers, 2007). Indeed, infant carry- rather than transport them (i.e., Microcebus rufus, Varecia variegata, Gal-
ing has been shown to compromise leaping in common marmosets and ago senegalensis, Otolemur crassicaudatus, Perodicticus potto, and Tarsier
spectral tarsiers, indicating a direct mechanical cost (Gursky, 2003, tarsier). Because parking has been proposed to be a strategy for limiting
2007; Schradin & Anzenberger, 2001). Additionally, detailed estimates the energetic cost of infant carrying (Gursky, 2003, 2007; Ross, 2001;

FIGURE 5 Partial-regression plots (Quinn & Keough, 2002) of age at locomotor independence versus endocranial volume (a) and total age
at locomotor independence (i.e., the sum of postnatal age at independence and gestation length; Garwicz et al., 2009) versus endocranial
volume (b). Trend lines indicate the independent association between the two variables, controlling for the effects of adult female body
mass and phylogeny using multiple PGLS. Note that due to collinearity between body mass and endocranial volume, statistically this
relationship was analyzed using ridge regression of phylogenetic independent contrasts (see text for details). However, we use PGLS
derived partial-regression plots to more intuitively represent the relationship between locomotor independence and endocranial volume.
Due to high phylogenetic signal for these variables (see Table 2), PGLS derived relationships were very similar to results using independent

but see Tecot, Baden, Romine, & Kamilar, 2012b), one might expect a representing 11 orders.1 Moreover, the tight association between brain
stronger link between infant size and locomotor independence in spe- size and age at walking onset remained after adjusting for the effects
cies that continuously transport infants. However, analyses of the sub- of body size via partial correlation. These data support the premise that
set of species that continuously transport infants also failed to show a motor development proceeds relatively slowly in more encephalized
significant association between age at locomotor independence and species.
either neonatal mass (p 5 0.508) or postnatal growth rate (p 5 0.642). Garwicz et al. (2009) included four primates in their comparative
sample (Macaca mulatta, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, and Homo sapi-
ens). To test whether a similar linkage between brain size and the pace
2.6 | Influence of brain size of motor development holds across primates, we used ridge regression
Independent locomotion is predicated on sufficient development of the of phylogenetic independent contrasts to test for associations between
motor control system, including outgrowth of relevant spinal tracts endocranial volume (an isometric proxy of brain size in primates: Isler

from the central nervous system, the pruning and refinement of effec- et al., 2008) and age at locomotor independence, controlling for the

tor neurons in the peripheral nervous system, and the maturation of influence of adult female body mass. We found that, independent of

higher level control centers, such as the cerebellum (Eyre, Taylor, Vil- body size, endocranial volume was highly correlated with age at loco-
motor independence, whether locomotor independence is timed rela-
lagra, Smith, & Miller, 2001; Kolb & Whishaw, 1996; Kuypers, 1962;
tive to birth (Table 3, Figure 5a) or relative to conception (as in Garwicz
Paus et al., 1999; ten Donkalaar, 2000). Because the rate of brain
et al. 2009; Figure 5b). Species with relatively late ages of locomotor
development is similar across mammals (Passingham, 1985), species
independence for their body size (i.e., Lagothrix poeppigii and hominids)
with larger brains should exhibit protracted durations of behavioral
now follow the general primate trend when plotted against residual
development, as growing infants wait for relevant neural substrates to
sufficiently mature. Moreover, growing a large brain is energeticially
expensive, and may come at the cost of slower somatic development, 1
Garwicz et al. (2009) coded walking onset as the earliest spontaneous use
including slower development of the musculoskeletal substrates of regular gait, which would occur at earlier ages than locomotor independ-
required for mature locomotion (but see Barrickman & Lin, 2010; ence, as defined in the current study. Also, in order to account for prenatal
brain development—particularly in precocial mammals, such as ungulates—
Deaner, Barton, & van Schaik, 2003). In a recent comparative study,
Garwicz et al. (2009) calculated the age of walking onset from the concep-
Garwicz, Christensson, and Psouni (2009) found that absolute brain tion, rather than birth (i.e., postnatal age of walking onset plus gestation
size was the best predictor of age at walking onset across 24 mammals length).

endocranial volume, suggesting that relatively large brain size might

explain these species’ protracted motor development.
In summary, more encephalized primates achieve locomotor inde-
pendence at relatively late ages, even after adjusting for the effects of
body mass. In fact, greater encephalization is associated with pro-
tracted developmental periods, and a longer lifespan overall, across pri-
mates (Barrickman et al., 2008). Ridge regressions also showed that,
when controlling for endocranial volume, residual age at locomotor
independence was negatively associated with adult female body mass
(Table 3). In other words, if two differently sized primate species exhibit
similar brain sizes, the larger (i.e., less encephalized) species will become
independent at a relatively earlier age than the smaller one. In their
more expanded study of mammals, Garwicz et al. (2009) observed a
similar negative relationship between body size and age at walking
onset after controlling for absolute brain size (though the association
was not significant, at p 5 0.13).

FIGURE 6 Effects of arboreality/terrestriality on age locomotor

2.7 | Ecological influences
independence, adjusting for female body mass and phylogenetic
If the timing of locomotor development is at least partially determined relatedness using PGLS analysis of covariance. Symbols for primate
families follow Figures 3, 4 and 5
by the energetic cost to the mother and the developing infant, age at
locomotor independence should be correlated with daily travel distance
exploratory attempts at independent locomotion. Though no infants
(Altmann & Samuels, 1992; Pontzer & Wrangham, 2006). Specifically,
were injured due to falling, either the infant or a caregiver had to
we predicted that after controlling for variation in body size, age at
expend the energy to descend to the forest floor and climb back to a
locomotor independence would be negatively correlated with daily
€rster and Cords (2002) observed
safe arboreal location. Similarly, Fo
path length, such that species characterized by greater ranging costs
infant blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) occasionally falling from
will achieve locomotor independence at earlier ages. However, PGLS
perches during the first 4 months of life. Though none of the infants
regression indicated that mass-specific daily path lengths were not
appeared to be injured, either they or a caregiver had to expend the
associated with age at locomotor independence (Table 3). This lack of
energy and time to climb back up to an arboreal location. Overall, we
association between daily path length and age at locomotor independ-
expected that to minimize risk of injury and energetic cost of falling,
ence may reflect a balance between the costs and benefits of extend-
selection for early locomotor independence should be tempered in the
ing ranging. Pontzer and Kamilar (2008) showed that across mammals,
more arboreal taxa. However, a phylogenetic ANCOVA in which modal
longer daily path lengths were associated with greater fertility, even
substrate (arboreal or terrestrial) was entered as a categorical factor
after controlling for the influence of body mass on these measures.
and adult female body mass as the covariate, showed that substrate
These data suggest that greater ranging may beneficially supplement
preference was not significantly related to age at locomotor independ-
access to foraging resources, negating the energetic cost of increased
ence (Table 3). In fact, the PGLS trend lines for arboreal and terrestrial
travel. A similar argument could apply to the accrued cost of infant car-
taxa were nearly superimposed on one another (Figure 6). Therefore,
rying during travel, where longer daily path lengths increase resource
though danger from falling may be an influential selective force in
uptake and offset any additional costs to the caretaker.
some species (Gursky, 2007; Morland, 1990), modal substrate usage
We also predicted that species characterized by a greater degree
does not have a significant effect on the age at which primates overall
of terrestrial travel would achieve locomotor independence at earlier
reach locomotor independence.
ages than more exclusively arboreal species. The arboreal habitat is dis-
continuous, multidimensional, and frequently unstable. Developing
2.8 | Discussion
arboreal infants therefore face a host of locomotor challenges not
encountered when moving terrestrially—as attested by the frequency Though the age of locomotor independence is quite variable across pri-
of long bone traumas due to falling in free-ranging primates (Bramblett, mates (Table 1), our analyses indicated some clear evolutionary corre-
1967; Buikstra, 1975; Carter, Pontzer, Wrangham, & Peterhans, 2008; lates of this variation. First, age at locomotor independence is
Jurmain, 1997; Lovell, 1991; Schultz, 1944). Studies of locomotor phylogenetically conserved, such that various primate clades display
development corroborate these dangers. Morland (1990) found that similar patterns of locomotor independence. For instance, cercopithe-
falling from nesting and parking sites was the most common cause of cids tend to become independent at relatively young ages, whereas
infant mortality in ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata). Gursky (2007) hominids show independence relatively late (Figure 3b). Second, like
noted that young spectral tarsier infants often fall, initially from loca- many life history variables (Harvey & Clutton-Brock, 1985), age at loco-
tions where they have been parked, and at later ages during initial motor independence is positively associated with adult female body

mass. Third, age at locomotor independence is correlated with age at milestones of behavioral maturity—such as weaning and locomotor
weaning (Figure 4). As noted above, such a correlation between nutri- independence—are rarely binary phenomena, but represent the final
tional and locomotor independence should be expected on ecological outcome of variable, asymptotic processes (Adolph, Robinson, Young,
grounds. A juvenile that must secure its own foraging resources, per- & Gill-Alvarez, 2008). Only detailed, longitudinal studies of wild primate
haps in direct competition with adult group mates (Janson & van infant development can parse the dynamic interplay between locomo-
Schaik, 1993), should have sufficient locomotor abilities to access such tor independence, nutritional independence, and the myriad other eco-
resources. Finally, age at locomotor independence is highly correlated logical challenges faced by growing primates.
with brain size, even after adjusting for the effects of body size on
these variables. Taxa shown to be divergent when plotted relative to 3 | FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF PRIMATE
other measures (e.g., Lagothrix and nonhuman hominids) instead follow MUSCULOSKELETAL GROWTH
the common primate trend when plotted against residual endocranial
volume (Figure 5). Brain size has been shown to be a significant predic- Once independent, juvenile primates must often operate within similar
tor of life history variation across primates (Barrickman et al., 2008; ecological niches as adult conspecifics, competing for the same resour-
Deaner et al., 2003; Godfrey, Samonds, Jungers, & Sutherland, 2001; ces and evading the same predators. Nevertheless, smaller body size,
Harvey & Clutton-Brock, 1985; Harvey et al., 1987; Isler & Van Schaik, reduced muscle mass, lack of complete sensory-motor integration, and
2012; Leigh, 2004; Leigh & Blomquist, 2007; Pereira & Leigh, 2003; general musculoskeletal immaturity may endanger juveniles through
Ross & Jones, 1999; van Schaik & Deaner, 2003). Primates with large increased predation risk and intraspecific resource competition with
brains generally take longer to reach maturity, as reflected by longer more competent adults (Carrier, 1996; Herrel & Gibb, 2006; Janson &
gestation periods, longer periods of adolescence, later ages at first van Schaik, 1993; Werner & Gillam, 1984; Wunderlich, Lawler, & Wil-
reproduction, and—as shown here—later ages of locomotor independ- liams, 2011). Because, by definition, juveniles have yet to reproduce,
ence. These “developmental costs of encephalization,” to borrow a we should expect strong selection for mechanisms that could poten-
phrase from Barrickman et al. (2008), are balanced by the benefit of tially offset ontogenetic limits on performance, allowing individuals to
having a longer reproductive adulthood (i.e., lifespan after age at first reach the adult stage of life, reproduce, and maintain or increase fitness
reproduction). (Carrier, 1996; Herrel & Gibb, 2006; Husak, 2006; Irschick, Meyers, &
There are two nonmutually exclusive reasons to suspect that larger- Husak, 2008; Jayne & Bennett, 1990; Le Galliard, Clobert, & Ferrière,
brained primates would also have delayed ages of locomotor independ- 2004; Miles, 2004). Here we review several examples of how specific
ence. The first arises from the energetic burden of growing a large brain. ontogenetic allometries during primate growth may enhance the loco-
Brains are metabolically expensive organs (Aiello & Wheeler, 1995), and motor performance and safety of young primates, perhaps compensat-
energy that is shunted towards brain development or maintenance can- ing for some of the inherent limitations of somatic immaturity.
not be used for somatic growth (Sacher & Staffeldt, 1974; Wood, 2003).
Thus, extended developmental periods in more encephalized primates
3.1 | Body size
are necessary to marshal sufficient resources for brain development
without risking stunted somatic growth, or worse, starvation (Deaner The small body size of juveniles can be a liability, as smaller individuals
et al., 2003). Second, functional neural development (e.g., myelination) typically suffer the bulk of predation pressure in ecological commun-
proceeds at a slower rate in species with larger brains (Gibson, 1991). In ities (Sinclair, Mduma, & Brashares, 2003). However, in some instances,
summary, both the neural substrates required to direct locomotor small body size can also provide beneficial opportunities to juveniles,
behavior and the somatic musculoskeletal structures needed to effectu- permitting them to access regions of the habitat not available to larger
ate that behavior develop more slowly in more encephalized animals, adult group mates (Bezanson & Morbeck, 2013; Bezanson, 2017). For
likely leading to later ages at locomotor independence. instance, field studies of primate locomotor ontogeny have found that
Our analyses were not exhaustive. Other ecological and behavioral the smaller body size of infants and juveniles allows them to engage in
factors could, and should, be considered in future analyses of the more acrobatic arboreal locomotion and move on smaller substrates
determinants wild primate locomotor development. Specifically, diet, than adults (Bezanson, 2006, 2009; Doran, 1992, 1997; Dunbar &
degree of allocare (i.e., infant transport and provisioning by multiple Badam, 1998; Dunham, 2015; Fan, Scott, Fei, & Ma, 2012; Sarringhaus,
individuals), degree of predation risk, and even social structure, could MacLatchy, & Mitani, 2014; Sugardjito & van Hooff, 1986; Wells &
all potentially influence the pace of locomotor independence. However, Turnquist, 2001; Workman & Covert, 2005; Wright, 2005; Zhu, Garber,
initial pilot analyses with some variables of these variables did not sug- Bezanson, Qi, & Li, 2014). These observations illustrate the importance
gest a significant relationship with age at locomotor independence: nei- of body size in determining the “locomotor niche” available to an ani-
ther diet (coded as percent of leaves in the diet, from Kamilar & mal, particularly when arboreal (Fleagle & Mittermeier, 1980; Jenkins,
Cooper, 2013) nor the presence of allocare (coded as a binary variable 1974). The differentiation of locomotor behavior and niche space
using data from: Ross, 2003; Tecot et al., 2012a) were significantly according to size and age class may allay the pressure juveniles would
associated with variation in ages at locomotor independence. Never- otherwise face if forced to competitively forage against larger and
theless, future analyses—perhaps using a taxonomically expanded data- more experienced adults. However, other selective pressures, such as
set—should consider these influences. Additionally, as discussed above, predation, may force juveniles into more compromising spatial locations

within the group structure. This could be particularly true during forag- Biomechanically, muscle lever arm lengths can be reasonably
ing, when vigilance levels may be lower due to concentration on locat- approximated with accurate measurements of musculoskeletal geome-
ing and processing food. For example, juvenile brown capuchins try (Biewener, Farley, Roberts, & Temaner, 2004). The load arm of the
(Sapajus apella) are known to maintain positions near the group center ground reaction force, however, can only be estimated using a combi-
when foraging. Although this intensifies feeding competition, it may nation of kinematic data on limb posture and kinetic data on the direc-
minimize predation pressure (Janson, 1990; Janson & van Schaik, tion and point of application of the substrate reaction force (Biewener,
1993; but see O’Mara, 2015; Stone, 2006; Stone, 2007a, 2007b). 1989, 1991). Given that accurate, high-resolution kinematic and kinetic
data are typically only available in a laboratory setting, effective
mechanical advantage has only been measured in a small sample of ani-
mals (Biewener, 1989; Biewener et al., 2004; Blob & Biewener, 2001;
3.2 | Mechanical advantage
Carrier, Gregersen, & Silverton, 1998; Polk, 2002; Smith & Wilson,
Limbs typically operate as levers, powered by muscular torque applied 2013). Nevertheless, EMA can be reasonably approximated by calculat-
at varying distances from the joint (Gray, 1944). The ratio of the length ing “anatomical mechanical advantage” (AMA), equal to the quotient of
of the lever arm of the limb muscles (usually abbreviated as “r”) to the bony muscle lever arm length and skeletal limb length distal to the joint
length of the load arm of the forces that the limb muscles must oppose (Figure 7) (Bergmann & Hare-Drubka, 2015; Carrier, 1983; Fellmann,
(typically abbreviated as “R”) is known as the “effective mechanical 2012; Smith & Savage, 1956; Young, 2005; Young, Danczak, Russo, &
advantage” of the limb muscles at the joint (i.e., EMA: Biewener, 2003) Fellmann, 2014). Though variation in distal limb length is not always
(Figure 7). Effective mechanical advantage can be thought of as the perfectly correlated with substrate reaction force load arm length
leverage of the joint - increasing mechanical advantage reduces the (Young, 2009), AMA is a useful proxy when comparing the capacity for
muscular force required to produce a given output force. Similarly, force development across taxa (Bergmann & Hare-Drubka, 2015; Hil-
increasing mechanical advantage will increase levels of output force for debrand & Goslow, 2001; Smith & Savage, 1956).
a given level of muscle force. Very few studies have documented ontogenetic changes in
mechanical advantage. Greater mechanical advantage at young ages
would decrease the amount of muscle force required to maintain pos-
ture or effect movement, perhaps permitting increased performance in
juvenile animals despite musculoskeletal immaturity. If this were the
case, one would expect mechanical advantage to decline with size dur-
ing growth, the opposite of the trend observed with interspecific
increases in size across adult mammals, where larger animals typically
have greater EMA (Biewener, 1989; Polk, 2004; but see Day & Jayne,
2007; Reilly, McElroy, & Biknevicius, 2007). Carrier (1983) found that
AMA at several limb joints significantly decreases during growth in
both jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) and domestic cats (Felis catus). Cot-
tontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) are also characterized by declining
AMA during growth (J. W. Young and C. Fellmann, unpublished data).
With regard to primates, Young (2005) found that estimates of triceps
brachii and biceps brachii AMA at the elbow significantly decreased
over the first 4.5 years of life in capuchin monkeys (i.e., Cebus albifrons
and Sapajus apella; Figure 8). High AMA, relative to adult values, has
also been documented for the hip musculature (i.e., iliopsoas, gluteus
minimus, and gluteus medius) of immature macaques (Macaca fasicularis,
M. fuscata and M. mulatta) and yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus)
FIGURE 7 Static determinants of mechanical advantage at a limb (Fellmann, 2011). Evidence of similar ontogenetic trends across this
joint. Due to torque balance about the joint, the magnitude of the
broad taxonomic sample, from jackrabbits, to cats, to primates, sup-
output force (Fs) produced for a given muscle force (Fm) is
ports Carrier’s (1983:35) contention that “a loss of mechanical advant-
proportional to the ratio of the muscle’s lever arm length (r) and
the load arm length of the substrate reaction force (R). The ratio of age may be the general condition for mammalian cursors and possibly
r and R (i.e., r/R) defines the effective mechanical advantage (EMA) all mammals”. However, it should be noted that Fellmann (2011, 2012)
of the limb joint at this particular instance in the gait cycle. Note found that AMA for other limb muscles (i.e., biceps brachii at the elbow
that R can be altered either via morphological changes in limb
and quadriceps femoris at the knee) tended to either remain static or
length or behavioral changes in limb posture. R0 indicates skeletal
increase during development in a broad sample of catarrhine primates.
limb length distal the joint in question, the proxy load arm length
used to calculate anatomical mechanical advantage (i.e., AMA). Therefore, universal ontogenetic decreases in AMA cannot necessarily
Figure modified from Young (2005) be assumed. Overall, more ontogenetic studies of developmental

locomotor performance with reduced risk of skeletal injury (Main &

Biewener, 2004, 2006, 2007).
A priori, it could be assumed that primates might not follow this
general trend of relatively greater bone strength at young ages. As
reviewed above, primates are secondarily altricial at birth—infants pos-
sess well-developed sensory systems but are nevertheless strongly
dependent on their parents for subsistence and transport (Portmann,
1958). Previous research has primarily focused on precocial taxa—such
as goats—in which neonates are morphologically well-developed and
able to independently locomote soon after birth (Starck & Ricklefs,
1998). Altricial species, such as primates, have received relatively little
attention. Due to extended parental care and early immobility, altricial
species may be sheltered from the selective pressures thought to influ-
ence bone growth in very young precocial mammals. Indeed, Young,
Fernandez, and Fleagle (2010) found that the mid-diaphyseal polar sec-
tion modulus (i.e., ZP, a structural measure of overall bending strength)
of the humerus and femur generally scales to body mass with isometry
FIGURE 8 Ontogenetic changes in triceps brachii anatomical
mechanical advantage (AMA) in two species of capuchin monkey in capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella) (Figure 9a,b).
(Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella). Trends lines represent LOESS Isometric scaling suggests that bone robusticity is maintained during
fits to the data for each species. The vertical dashed line indicates growth, and that young capuchin monkeys do not exhibit greater bone
the age of locomotor independence in S. apella (Escobar-Paramo, robusticity, as commonly seen in precocial mammals. However, bone
1989; Table 1). Data on age at locomotor independence were
lengths scale to body mass with strong positive allometry across limbs
unavailable for C. albifrons, but ontogenetic studies of other
species of capuchin monkeys (i.e., C. capucinus and C. olivaceus) and species, indicating that young capuchin monkeys are relatively
suggest that independence for this should be roughly short-limbed for their size (Figure 9c,d; see also Jungers & Fleagle,
contemporaneous. Note that triceps brachii AMA significantly 1980). Indeed, positive ontogenetic allometry of long bone lengths is
declines during the first 4.5 years of life, with most of the decrease the modal pattern across primates and other altricial animals (Young,
taking place after locomotor independence has been achieved.
2009). Because bending loads are proportional to both force magnitude
Similar trends were documented for biceps brachii AMA as well
and bone length, developmental changes in limb length should be
(Young, 2005)
incorporated into assessments of bone strength (Alexander, 1983; Ruff,
changes in joint mechanics are required before common trends can be 2000, 2003; Young et al., 2014). Indeed, when humeral and femoral ZP
discerned. are scaled to the product of body mass and bone length, a biomechani-
cally more appropriate size variable, negative allometry is the most
common pattern in both species (Figure 9e,f). Only the C. albifrons
3.3 | Bone strength femur, which scales isometrically, differs from the predominant pattern
of negative allometry. In summary, when biomechanically appropriate
Previous ontogenetic studies of a diverse array of mammals and birds,
size variables are used, long bone cross-sectional dimensions generally
including rats, chinchillas, domestic rabbits, hares, goats, muskoxen, and
grow with negative allometry in altricial capuchin monkeys, matching
gulls have also found that limb bone cross-sectional dimensions (i.e.,
the scaling patterns observed in previous ontogenetic studies of more
external diameters and moments of area) scale with negative allometry precocial animals (e.g., Carrier, 1983; Heinrich et al., 1999; Lammers &
during growth (Carrier, 1983; Carrier & Leon, 1990; Heinrich, Ruff, & German, 2002; Main & Biewener, 2004, 2007). Ruff (2003) found that
Adamczewski, 1999; Lammers & German, 2002; Main & Biewener, similar ontogenetic decreases in humeral and femoral bone robusticity
2004). Negative ontogenetic allometry of cross-sectional dimensions also characterize growing baboons (Papio cynocephalus) and humans
indicate that young mammals have more robust bones (i.e., their bones (Homo sapiens).
are structurally strong relative to their size), potentially compensating Previous studies have also found that ontogenetic changes in rela-
for the incomplete mineralization, lower elastic modulus and greater tive bone strength can parallel concomitant developmental changes in
malleability of young mammalian bone by geometrically increasing locomotor behaviors. For example, Russo and Young (2011) found that
bone strength (Brear, Currey, & Pond, 1990; Carrier, 1983; Currey, tail bone robusticity scales with negative allometry in capuchin mon-
1984, 2001; Heinrich et al., 1999; Main & Biewener, 2004, 2007; Tor- keys, tracking a developmental decrease in the use of tail suspension
zilli, Takebe, Burnstein, & Heiple, 1981). Greater robusticity and during feeding, foraging, and social behaviors (Bezanson, 2012; Mat-
increased malleability combine to make young bones much tougher thews, 2008). Along these lines, several studies have documented
than adult bones (i.e., young bones absorb more strain energy prior to ontogenetic changes in the relative strength of forelimb and hindlimb
fracture: Currey, 2001, 2002; Currey & Butler, 1975). Increased bone bones that parallel developmental changes in forelimb and hindlimb
strength may permit young animals to exhibit near-maximal levels of loading. For example, in humans, the relative robusticity of the femur

F I G U R E 9 Ontogenetic scaling of humeral and femoral dimensions in Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella. Panels depict the scaling of
humeral and femoral polar section moduli (ZP, a geometric estimate of average bone strength in bending) on body mass (a and b), humeral
and femoral lengths on body mass (c and d), and humeral and femoral ZP on the product of body mass and bone length (e and f). Gray
symbols and dashed trend lines represent C. albifrons, black symbols and solid trend lines represent S. apella, and the dotted trend lines
indicate isometric scaling. Data from Young et al. (2009)

steadily increases from the first year of life through adulthood, with the these studies suggest that, at least in some primates, there exists a
most dramatic increases taking place between the first and second direct functional link between bone growth and the ontogenetic
year, when most toddlers are becoming habitual bipedal walkers (Ruff, changes in bone loading environments that take place during locomotor
2003). Similarly, in young mountain gorillas (Gorilla berengei) and com- development.
mon chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), the relative strength of hindlimb
versus forelimb bones tracks developmental changes in arboreality ver-
3.4 | Grasping morphology
sus terrestriality, with relative femoral strength dramatically increasing
as infants become increasingly adapted to terrestrial travel (Doran, Previous studies of primate growth have shown that infants and juve-
1997; Ruff, Burgess, Bromage, Mudakikwa, & McFarlin, 2013; Sarring- niles are characterized by relatively large hands and feet for their body
haus et al., 2014; Sarringhaus, Maclatchy, & Mitani, 2016). Overall, size (Druelle, Young, & Berillon, 2018; Ford & Corruccini, 1985; Grand,

1977; Jungers, 1985; Jungers & Fleagle, 1980; Lawler, 2006; Lumer & perhaps correlating with the greater importance of pedal grasping dur-
Schultz, 1947; Raichlen, 2005b; Ravosa, Meyers, & Glander, 1993; ing primate arboreal locomotion (Chadwell & Young, 2015; Cartmill,
Turner, Anapol, & Jolly, 1997; Turnquist & Wells, 1994). Relatively 1985; Gebo, 1993; Patel et al., 2015; Szalay & Dagosto, 1988). More-
large extremities with long digits have been argued to be functionally over, in baboons, declining pedal phalangeal indices are directly associ-
adaptive for growing primates, permitting a more secure grasp of either ated with developmental decreases in the degree to which infants and
caregivers or arboreal substrates, as well as providing a larger, more juveniles engage in hindlimb suspensory behaviors (Druelle et al., in
stable base of support (Jungers & Fleagle, 1980; Lawler, 2006; Wun- press). Finally, Patel, Organ, Jashashvili, Bui, & Dunsworth (2017)
derlich, Lawler, & Williams, 2011). Lawler (2006) presented quantitative recently showed in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and chimpan-
evidence on wild sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) growth, locomotor devel- zees (Pan troglodytes), the bending robusticity of the first metatarsal is
opment, and life history supporting the assertion that relatively large greatest in infants prior to locomotor independence, suggesting that
extremities may be evolutionary adaptive for juvenile animals. First, immature primates are not only characterized by relatively long digits,
Lawler (2006) found that, as in most primates, hand and foot lengths but relatively strong ones as well.
scale to body mass with negative allometry during growth, indicating Overall, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that pri-
that younger sifakas have relatively large extremities. Second, posi- mates are under selection for increased grasping ability early in life. Rel-
tional behavior data showed that juvenile sifakas frequently moved on atively long and robust digits may be functionally adaptive for infant
“adult-sized” substrates, rather than actively choose smaller substrates and juvenile primates, permitting a more secure grasp on both caregiv-
that might have been easier to grasp, suggesting an ecological function ers and arboreal supports, as well as facilitating a wider array of posi-
for relatively large hands and feet. Finally, combining morphometric tional behaviors during early foraging or social activities (such as play).
data with demographic data on life history, Lawler (2006) showed a Nevertheless, additional studies of primates and other mammals, com-
direct, positive relationship between foot length and survivorship to bined with data on ontogenetic changes in grasping performance, are
reproductive maturity, strongly suggesting that relatively large extrem- required to fully evaluate the adaptive significance of primate hand and
ities during the juvenile period are adaptively associated with increased foot growth.
fitness in sifakas.
However, relatively large hands and feet are characteristic of many 4 | PRIMATE LOCOMOTOR DEVELOPMENT
infant and juvenile mammals, rather than being a uniquely primate trait AS A MODEL SYSTEM
(Carrier, 1983; Lammers & German, 2002; Schilling & Petrovitch, 2006;
Young, 2009). Though there is little doubt that large hands and feet Infants are not miniature adults; their body size and shape change dra-
could be beneficial during early locomotor efforts, particularly in arbo- matically during the growth period, and these developmental changes
real species, the wide phylogenetic distribution of this growth pattern affect locomotor performance (Adolph, Vereijken, & Shrout, 2003; Car-
potentially indicates that it is an epiphenomenon of general limb rier, 1983; Eilam, 1997; Grand, 1977; Jensen & Bothner, 1998; Jungers
growth dynamics, rather than indicative of selection for grasping per se. & Fleagle, 1980; Lammers & German, 2002; Lumer & Schultz, 1941;
Recently, Young and Heard-Booth (2016) and Druelle et al. (2018) Main & Biewener, 2004; Muir, 2000; Pflieger, Cassidy, & Cabana,
tested the hypothesis that the relatively large extremities of young pri- 1996; Raichlen, 2005a, 2005b; Ruff, 2003; Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006;
mates are specifically associated with improved grasping ability by Shapiro & Young, 2012; Thelen, Fisher, & Ridley-Johnson, 1984;
examining the ontogeny of intrinsic digit proportions in capuchin mon- Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Young, 2009, 2012a, 2012b; Young & Heard-
keys (Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella) and olive baboons (Papio anu- Booth, 2016). Therefore, longitudinal (or cross-sectional) intraspecific
bis). Previous studies have shown that intrinsic hand and foot studies of the ontogeny of the musculoskeletal system in relation to
proportions (i.e., the lengths of the free digits relative to the metapo- locomotor performance permit a “real-time” test of form-function rela-
dials) are associated with increased grasping performance across tetra- tionships, without the confounding effects of phylogeny that may com-
pods (Hamrick, 2001; Hopson, 2001; Kirk, Lemelin, Hamrick, Boyer, & plicate adult interspecific studies (Barr, 2014; Hurov, 1991; Kamilar &
Bloch, 2008; Lemelin, 1995, 1999; Lemelin & Schmitt, 2007; Napier, Cooper, 2013; Nunn, 2011; O’Neill & Dobson, 2008). Moreover, in
1961; Patel, Susman, Rossie, & Hill, 2009; Sustaita et al., 2013). Rela- some cases the magnitudes of morphological and behavioral variation
tively long digits increase grasping span, facilitating greater opposition during growth may be greater than interspecific levels of variation
when wrapping the hand or foot around supports (but not necessarily among adult primates (see section on gait ontogeny below), permitting
greater grasping precision: Lemelin & Grafton, 1998). Intrinsic digit pro- a finer-scale exploration of form-function associations. Exploring the
portions are usually quantified by calculating phalangeal indices, equal relationship between morphological growth and locomotor ontogeny
to the sum of proximal and intermediate phalanx lengths, divided by therefore provides insight not only into selective pressures on young
the length of the corresponding metapodial (for the first rays, only animals (see above), but into the functional morphology and evolution
proximal phalanges are included in the numerator). In both capuchin of adult locomotion. Below, we provide examples in which locomotor
monkeys and olive baboons, phalangeal indices significantly decrease ontogeny has been employed as a model system to understand the bio-
over development, due to metapodial growth outpacing phalangeal mechanics of primate quadrupedalism, arguably the most thoroughly
growth (Druelle et al., in press; Young & Heard-Booth, 2016). The rate studied (nonhuman) primate locomotor behavior from both develop-
of decline is typically greater for pedal digits than for manual digits, mental and adult perspectives.

4.1 | Primate quadrupedalism € nther, 1994; Raichlen, 2004).

(Myers & Steudel, 1997; Preuschoft & Gu
Since speed is the product of stride length and stride frequency, at a
Ontogenetic studies have improved our understanding of some of the
given speed, low stride frequencies are associated with long strides.
relatively unique biomechanical features of primate quadrupedal loco-
An ontogenetic sample provides a natural experiment by which to
motion that have been revealed by laboratory (and occasionally field)
test this hypothesis. Because of their need to cling to their mother during
based studies of adult primates. Unlike quadrupedal walking in most
initial locomotor efforts, infant primates have more well developed grasp-
other mammals, (adult) primate quadrupedalism is characterized by a
ing muscles and more distally distributed limb mass compared to adults
preference for diagonal sequence, diagonal couplets (DSDC) gait,
(Grand, 1977; Raichlen, 2005a; Turnquist & Wells, 1994). Accordingly, in
increased humeral protraction at touchdown, reduced vertical substrate
a longitudinal sample of baboons spanning the ages of 1–9 months, Rai-
reaction forces on forelimbs relative to hindlimbs, joint yield during the
chlen (2005a) found a proximal shift in limb mass distribution with age
support phase, high duty factors, large limb excursion angles, long
^t, Moulin, & Berillon, 2017a). Young infants
(see also Druelle, Aerts, D’aou
strides, and low stride frequencies (Alexander & Maloiy, 1984; Demes
with more distally distributed limb mass used relatively longer strides and
et al., 1994; Hildebrand, 1967; Kimura et al., 1979; Larson, Schmitt,
lower stride frequencies than older infants with more proximally distrib-
Lemelin, & Hamrick, 2000; Reynolds, 1985). These distinctive aspects
uted limb mass (Raichlen, 2005b). Thus, the ontogenetic shift in limb
of primate quadrupedalism are often viewed as part of a functional
mass distribution and quadrupedal kinematics paralleled the difference
complex that facilitated the early evolution of primates in a “fine
between primates and other mammals, supporting the hypothesis of
branch niche” by providing stability on (relatively) narrow, flexible
grasping as a key component in the evolution of these stride characteris-
branches. The kinematic features listed above enhance stability by
tics in primates. Raichlen also found at least partial support in the ontoge-
reducing branch oscillations and fluctuations of the body’s center of
netic sample for the related hypothesis that grasping extremities, and
mass, and by allowing primates to increase speed while maintaining
their associated distally distributed limb mass, may also be the proximate
contact with the substrate (Cartmill, Lemelin, & Schmitt, 2002; Demes,
explanation for primates’ elongated stance durations and large limb
Jungers, & Nieschalk, 1990; Larson, 1998; Larson et al., 2000, 2001;
excursions. That is, some, (but not all) of the younger infants with more
Lemelin, Schmitt, & Cartmill, 2003; Li, 2000; Prost & Sussman, 1969;
distally distributed limb masses had relatively longer stance durations and
Rollinson & Martin, 1981; Schmitt, 1999; Schmitt, 2003a, 2003b;
step lengths than those with more proximally concentrated limb masses.
Stevens, 2003; Vilensky, Moore, & Libii, 1994). Kinetically, the reduc-
The explanation for these associations is that distally distributed limb
tion of locomotor forces on the forelimbs compared to hindlimbs has
mass increases swing duration, stance duration increases in accordance
led to primates’ enhanced forelimb manipulatory abilities utilized for
with swing duration, and increased stance duration increases step length,
navigation and foraging in a complex arboreal environment (Larson,
necessitating broader limb excursion (Raichlen, 2005b).
1998; Lemelin & Schmitt, 2007; Schmitt & Lemelin, 2002).
Finally, the transition from distally to more proximally concentrated
limb mass in younger vs. older infant baboons (and its effect on stride
4.2 | Insights on primate quadrupedalism from length and frequency) provided another opportunity to test a hypothe-
ontogeny sis regarding the relationship between limb mass distribution and
energy cost (Raichlen, 2006). Although distally distributed limb mass
Notwithstanding the biomechanical/ecological hypotheses that have
should theoretically increase energetic costs due to the increased rate
been put forth to explain the evolution of the kinematic and kinetic
at which muscles must work to move the limb segments relative to the
features of primate quadrupedal gait, ontogenetic analyses have con-
body (internal power), counterintuitively, primates and other animals
tributed novel insights on the proximate functional relationships
with relatively distally distributed limb mass have not been shown to
between morphology and gait biomechanics. Below we review exam-
have higher energetic costs than those with more proximally distrib-
ples of how ontogenetic studies have contributed toward our under-
uted limb mass (Heglund, 1985; Steudel-Numbers, 2003; Taylor,
standing of the distinctive aspects of primate quadrupedalism.
Heglund, & Maloiy, 1982; Taylor, Shkolnik, Dmi’el, Baharav, & Borut,
1974). Raichlen’s (2006) alternative (“trade-off”) hypothesis considers
4.3 | Stride lengths and frequencies
the contributions of both internal and external power, required to
As noted above, compared to other mammals, adult primates use rela- move the limbs and the body’s center of mass, respectively. This
tively long strides and low stride frequencies (Alexander & Maloiy, hypothesis states that distal limb mass distribution leads to lower stride
1984). Raichlen (2005a, 2005b) used an ontogenetic sample of frequencies (lower internal power output) and longer strides (higher
baboons to test the hypothesis that the relatively long strides and low external power output due to increased vertical displacement of the
stride frequencies characterizing adult primates could have evolved as body’s center of mass), such that total power remains comparable to
by-products of grasping extremities. Because musculature associated animals with proximal limb mass distribution. This hypothesis was par-
with grasping is most accentuated in the distal aspects of the fore and tially supported in the ontogenetic sample- in the youngest infant
hindlimb, primates have relatively distally distributed limb mass com- baboons (when limb mass was most distally concentrated) lower stride
pared to non-grasping taxa. By increasing a limb’s natural pendular frequencies were associated with reduced internal power output, but
period of oscillation, distally placed limb mass increases swing duration, the relationship between longer strides and external power was less
thus increasing overall stride duration and lowering stride frequency clear (Raichlen, 2006).

In sum, ontogenetic transitions in morphology and locomotor kine- feet (Chadwell & Young, 2015; Cartmill et al., 2002; Preuschoft, 2002).
matics (at least among baboons) are consistent with the hypothesis However, because this benefit stems not from the diagonal limb
that at least some features of primate quadrupedalism can be explained sequence, but the diagonal limb couplets, it is not exclusive to DSDC
as an evolutionary by-product of grasping hands and feet. This walking—it also characterizes LSDC walking (Cartmill et al., 2002). An
morphology-based view provides a more proximate explanation for the added advantage proposed for DSDC walking gait relates to the posi-
evolution of primate kinematic features in a “small branch” ecological tioning of the limbs at a key moment of potential arboreal instability. In
setting, without the need to treat the kinematic features themselves as DSDC gait, at the moment when a forelimb lands on a potentially
heritable adaptations (Raichlen, 2005b). unstable substrate, the contralateral hindlimb should be positioned
under the body’s center of mass, potentially conferring stability (Cart-

4.4 | DSDC gait mill et al., 2002; Shapiro & Raichlen, 2007b; Wallace & Demes, 2008) if
the subsequent support proves to be unstable. Determining whether
The preference for DSDC gait in adult primates is not fully unique among this advantage is exclusive to DSDC gait necessitates a comparison to
mammals, but is quite uncommon (Cartmill, Lemelin, & Schmitt, 2007a; limb positioning in other gaits such as LSDC or LSLC, while also taking
Hildebrand, 1967; Karantanis, Youlatos, & Rychlik, 2015; Lemelin et al., into account that limb positioning is a combined result of interlimb tim-
2003; Pridmore, 1994; Shapiro & Young, 2010; White, 1990). Compared ing, angular excursion of the limbs, and limb lengths relative to each
to lateral sequence (LS) gaits, DSDC gait appears to be associated with at other and to trunk length (Hildebrand, 1980; Schmidt, 2008; Shapiro &
least two disadvantages—relatively small triangles of support during the Raichlen, 2005, 2007b; Young, 2012a). Since primates use larger limb
stride (which may not be relevant on narrow substrates such as branches), excursions (Larson et al., 2001) than other animals that regularly use LS
and ipsilateral limb interference (Cartmill et al., 2007a; Rollinson & Martin, gaits, it is best to compare limb positioning across gaits within primates
1981). Arboreality, and specifically, the use of narrow, flexible branches is (Wallace & Demes, 2008). Ontogenetic studies can provide this oppor-
common among some (but not all) of the few mammals that regularly use tunity, because infant primates use a wider variety of gaits than do
DSDC gait (Hildebrand, 1967, 1976; Karantanis et al., 2015; Lemelin & adults. For example, by comparing infant baboons that used either LS
Cartmill, 2010; Lemelin et al., 2003; Pridmore, 1994; White, 1990). or DS gaits, Shapiro and Raichlen (2005, 2007b) demonstrated that
Therefore, functional and adaptive explanations for DSDC gait have both DSDC and LSLC walking ensure that a protracted hindlimb is posi-
focused on biomechanical stability, particularly in a precarious arboreal tioned underneath the center of the body at the moment of forelimb
setting. An arboreal explanation for DSDC gait usage is complicated by touchdown (see also Cartmill et al., 2007a). Moreover, the analysis
the fact that some arboreal mammals that regularly navigate (or are capa- clarified that both gaits are accompanied by a hindlimb as well as a fore-
ble of navigating) small, flexible branches do not prefer this gait (Karanta- limb under the body. In DSDC, this (retracted) forelimb is ipsilateral to
nis, Rychlik, Herrel, & Youlatos, 2017a, 2017b, 2017c; Schmidt & Fischer, the protracted hindlimb. In LSLC the (retracted) forelimb is contralateral
2010; Shapiro & Young, 2010, 2012; Shapiro, Young, & VandeBerg, to the protracted hindlimb (Figure 10), with the potential to provide
2014). Regardless, ontogeny has provided a means to test some of the additional stability from the opposing torques produced by contralat-
more proximate biomechanical hypotheses for why some mammals, and eral limb pairs (Hildebrand, 1980; Preuschoft, 2002).
primates in particular, prefer DSDC gaits. The utility of ontogeny for Since adult primates do not use LSLC, it is unlikely that this type of
understanding primate gait stems from the fact that 1) although adult pri- gait played a significant role in the evolution of primate quadrupedal-
mates show variability in gait types, the gait profile of infant and juvenile ism. However, the use of ontogeny to test hypotheses about the bene-
primates is more variable than that of adults, and non-DS gaits (e.g., lat- fits of DSDC gait has proven to be fruitful and has helped highlight the
eral sequence, with either lateral or diagonal couplets; LSLC, LSDC) are fact that DSDC does appear to be the only gait that combines both the
used much more frequently (Dunbar & Badam, 1998; Hildebrand, 1967; benefit of diagonal couplets (grasping torques generated by contralat-
Hurov, 1982; Nakano, 1996; Rollinson & Martin, 1981; Shapiro & eral limb pairs) and the benefit of limb positioning (placement of hind-

Raichlen, 2005, 2006; Vilensky & Gankiewicz, 1989; Young, 2012a), and limb at moment of forelimb touchdown) (Cartmill Lemelin, & Schmitt,

2) during growth, primates experience dramatic changes in body mass, 2007b). A third benefit that has been identified for DSDC gait (tested

body mass distribution, and limb proportions (Druelle et al., 2017a; in a non-primate arboreal mammal, the kinkajou) is that it increases not

Druelle et al., in press; Grand, 1977; Jungers & Fleagle, 1980; Leigh, only the duration of support by diagonal limb pairs, but the linear dis-
tance between them, further enhancing stability (Lemelin & Cartmill,
1992; Lumer & Schultz, 1941; Raichlen, 2005b; Shapiro & Raichlen,
2010). It is important to note that although the spatiotemporal features
2006; Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Young, 2005, 2009; Young & Heard-
of diagonal sequence, diagonal couplets gait are often presumed to
Booth, 2016) permitting a direct real-time test of how such morphological
have evolved in response to relatively small-diameter substrates, they
changes are correlated with gait selection.
are not strictly necessary for navigating small-diameter supports
(Karantanis et al., 2017a, 2017b, 2017c; Schmidt & Fischer, 2010;
4.5 | DSDC gait and limb placement
Shapiro & Young, 2010, 2012; Shapiro et al., 2014), and changes in sub-
An important functional benefit of DSDC gait is that it maximizes peri- strate orientation or compliance tend to have a more significant effect
ods of diagonally supporting fore- and hindlimbs, enhancing stability by on gait parameters than substrate diameter per se (Shapiro & Young,
facilitating the production of opposing torques via grasping hands and 2010; Shapiro et al., 2014; Young, Stricklen, & Chadwell, 2016b).

FIGURE 10 Comparison of limb positioning at forelimb touchdown in infant baboons while walking in diagonal sequence, diagonal
couplets (DSDC; limb phase 70%, duty factor 62%), lateral sequence, lateral couplets (LSLC; limb phase 20%, duty factor 66%) and lateral
sequence, diagonal couplets (LSDC; limb phase 32%, duty factor 72%) gaits. Arrows indicate whether the limb is in support (down arrow) or
swing (up arrow). Note the increased potential for ipsilateral forelimb-hindlimb interference in DSDC compared to the LS gaits. Also,
forelimb-hindlimb pairs positioned beneath the center of the body are ipsilateral in DSDC, and contralateral in LSLC. In LSDC, there is
neither a supporting forelimb nor hindlimb beneath the center of the body. Each gait type is also represented with respect to the timing of
limb support (black bars) and swing phases (no bars) as a percentage of the total stride, with arrows indicating the moment in time captured
in the baboon images. R 5 Right, L 5 Left, F 5 Forelimb, H 5 Hindlimb. Limb phase is the percentage of a stride’s duration that the touch-
down of a forelimb follows that of the ipsilateral hindimb. Duty factor is the percentage of a stride that a limb is in contact with the
substrate. Images traced from video sequences (Shapiro & Raichlen, 2005)

4.6 | DSDC gait and the position of the body’s center 1994; Vilensky, 1979; Wells & DeMenthon, 1987; Young, 2012a); 2)
of mass experimental manipulations of body COM in primates, or comparisons
of primates with COM shifts due to tail fattening, do not result in pre-
Previous researchers (Rollinson & Martin, 1981; Tomita, 1967) have
dicted changes of footfall sequences (Young, Patel, & Stevens, 2007);
proposed that DSDC gaits are biomechanically more stable for primates
due to a presumably more caudal position of the body’s center of mass 3) regardless of the position of the body’s center of mass, primates

compared to other animals. That is, when walking with diagonal cou- readily switch from DS to LS gaits under certain conditions (e.g., when

plets, if the body’s center of mass lies in front of a line connecting diag- moving from a narrow pole to the flat ground: Hesse, Nyakatura,

onal supporting limb pairs, the forelimb of the diagonal swinging limb Fischer, & Schmidt, 2015; Prost & Sussman, 1969; Shapiro, Young, &

pair should land first, encompassing the center of gravity vector within Souther, 2011; Stevens, 2006; Vilensky & Larson, 1989; Vilensky &

the supporting three limbs, preventing forward pitch, and resulting in Patrick, 1985; Vilensky et al., 1994; Wallace & Demes, 2008) 4) in DS
an LS gait (in which a forelimb lands before the contralateral hindlimb). gaits, the landing hindlimb of a diagonal pair is not necessarily in a posi-
Alternatively, if the body’s center of mass lies behind the line connect- tion to prevent backward pitch, and at that moment the direction of
ing the supporting diagonal limb pair (as it theoretically would be in a pitch is likely forward anyway (Cartmill et al., 2007a); 5) the Support
primate with a caudally positioned center of mass), the hindlimb of the Polygon Model is based on static stability, and primates most likely rely
diagonal swinging limb pair should land first, encompassing the center more often on dynamic stability when travelling at any appreciable
of gravity vector within the supporting three limbs, preventing back- speed (Chadwell & Young, 2015; Lammers & Zurcher, 2011; Larson &
ward pitch, and resulting in a DS gait. This explanation, known as the Stern, 2006; Vilensky & Larson, 1989; Young et al., 2016b; Young,
“Support Polygon Model” (Cartmill et al., 2002, 2007a; Gray, 1944; Hil- Russo, Fellmann, Thatikunta, & Chadwell, 2015); and 6) the idea that
debrand, 1980; Tomita, 1967; Young, 2012a), is problematic for the fol- primates have a more caudal COM has been conflated with the hind-
lowing reasons: 1) the position of the whole body center of mass of limb “dominance” of primates compared to other mammals (i.e., higher
primates is not particularly caudal—in the few primate species in which substrate reaction forces on hind compared to forelimbs). Yet limb
whole body COM has been measured, it appears to be located rela- force distribution does not necessarily equate to center of mass posi-
tively close to the craniocaudal midline (Crompton, Li, Alexander, tion; greater weight support on primate hindlimbs may stem from the
€ nther, 1996; Druelle et al., 2017a; Grand, 1983; Raichlen,
Wang, & Gu location of the body COM relative to the limbs, the kinematic position-
Pontzer, Shapiro, & Sockol, 2009; Reynolds, 1974; Turnquist & Wells, ing of the hands and feet relative to the COM (regardless of the latter’s

FIGURE 11 Ontogenetic variation in gait selection in Papio cynocephalus, Macaca fuscata, and Saimiri boliviensis during the first nine
postnatal months. Left hand panels display the frequencies of lateral sequence (LS) walking gaits (relative to all gaits). In all three species,
frequencies of lateral couplets (LSLC) increase as frequencies of diagonal couplets (LSDC) decrease (data compiled from: Nakano, 1996;
Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006; Young, 2012a). Right hand panels show the frequency of lateral sequence (LS) walking gaits (diagonal or lateral
couplets) relative to diagonal sequence, diagonal couplets (DSDC) walking gaits (data compiled from: Nakano, 1996; Shapiro & Raichlen,
2006; Young, 2012a)

fore-aft position), or an active shift to hindlimb weight support via mus- opposite is true for declines, there does appear to be a functional rela-
cle recruitment (Raichlen et al., 2009; Reynolds, 1985; Young, 2012b). tionship between the position of the gravity vector and limb phase.
Despite these concerns, some authors have cited primate gait selection However, the gait patterns on inclines and declines are more function-
on oblique supports as evidence for a modified version of the Support ally related to hindlimb propulsion against gravity and forelimb braking
Polygon Model. Adult primates increase limb phase on inclines and against downward acceleration, than to limb footfalls to enclose sup-
decrease limb phase on declines, leading to higher frequencies of DS port polygons (Birn-Jeffery & Higham, 2014; Hesse et al., 2015), and
gaits on inclines and LS gaits on declines (Hesse et al., 2015; Nyakatura, what remains not well explained is why primates use DSDC gaits on
Fischer, & Schmidt, 2008; Nyakatura & Heymann, 2010; Prost & Suss- horizontal substrates.
man, 1969; Vilensky et al., 1994). Since moving on inclines projects the Though a strict adherence to the Support Polygon Model has been
gravity vector closer to the feet than through the midline and the challenged in studies of adult primates, ontogenetic shifts both in the

position of the whole-body COM and gait preferences provide another potential for ipsilateral limb interference is very high in DSDC gaits.
means by which to test for a functional link between these two param- Many primates avoid this complication by using a seemingly inefficient
eters. Although DSDC gait may be used frequently even at very early gait pattern known as “overstriding”, where they pass the hindlimb
ages (Hurov, 1982; Nakano, 1996; Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006; Young, medial or lateral to the ispilateral forelimb when walking on the ground
2012a), the type of LS gaits used by immature primates exhibit a shift (Cartmill et al., 2007a; Hildebrand, 1967; Larson & Stern, 1987) (Figure
from LSDC to LSLC. This transition occurs at approximately 4–6 10). The high potential for limb interference is considered to be one of
months in Papio (Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006) and Macaca (Hildebrand, the main disadvantages of DSDC walking gait, and is exacerbated
1967; Nakano, 1996), and after 6 months in Saimiri (Young, 2012a) when primates move on a narrow branch, where mediolateral over-
(Figure 11). As primates mature, their use of DS gaits become predomi- striding is not an option. Alternatively, ipsilateral limb interference can
nant (Figure 11). During growth, primates also experience dramatic be avoided by shortening hindlimb stride length, restricting retraction
changes in body mass, body mass distribution, and limb proportions. of the forelimb, or limiting protraction of the hindlimb (Hildebrand,
Within their first year, primates (at least, those for which we have 1967; Schmidt, 2005, 2008; Young, 2012a). Conversely, because ipsi-
ontogenetic morphometric data - e.g. baboons, vervet monkeys, squir- lateral limbs swing and land nearly simultaneously in LSLC walking or
rel monkeys, macaques, chimpanzees), experience a caudal shift in the simultaneously in the pace, there is little to no possibility of ipsilateral
whole body COM, brought about by a relative decrease in mass and limb interference associated with these gaits (i.e., the forelimb touches
length of the head, combined with a relative increase in the length and down well forward of the hindlimb). Accordingly, LSLC and pacing are
mass of the hindlimbs and the abdominal portion of the trunk (Bolter & preferred by mammals with elongated limbs (e.g., greyhound dogs and
Zihlman, 2003; Druelle et al., 2017a; Grand, 1983; Turner et al., 1997; camelids) (Hildebrand, 1968, 1976, 1980). LSDC gaits are intermediate
Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Raichlen, 2005b; Schoonaert, D’aout, & Aerts, with respect to interference issues—the diagonal couplets lead to
2007; Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006; Vilensky, 1979; Young, 2012a). Thus, increased spatial proximity of a swinging hindlimb to the supporting
the relatively cranial location of the COM in primate infants might be ipsilateral forelimb, producing a higher potential for interference com-
functionally linked to their relatively frequent use of LS gaits, reinforc- pared to LSLC gaits or paces. However, due to the lateral footfall
ing the Support Polygon Model. For example, growing Papio cynocepha- sequence, the forelimb is typically lifted before the hindlimb touches
lus experience an increase in frequency of DS relative to LS gaits down, mitigating the potential for prolonged interference.
around the time when the whole-body COM moves caudal to the mid- Because primates exhibit changes in both limb proportions and
line of the trunk (Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006, 2007a). Druelle, Berillon, gait frequencies during growth, ontogenetic analyses can be useful in
and Aerts (2017b) also found a caudal movement of COM with testing the link between gait type and limb interference potential. Most

increase in use of DS for Papio anubis, but were hesitant to draw func- primates exhibit an overall decrease in intermembral index during

tional links between COM position and gait preference, pointing ontogeny (Falsetti & Cole, 1992; Glander, 1994; Jungers & Fleagle,

instead to the probable influence of neuromotor maturation. Young 1980; Ravosa et al., 1993; Schaefer & Nash, 2007; Shapiro & Raichlen,

(2012a) found that in an ontogenetic sample of infant and juvenile 2006; Shea, 1992; Turner et al., 1997; Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Wolf,

squirrel monkeys, a caudal translation of the COM (from 47% to 58% 2011), such that the hindlimb elongates disproportionately relative to

of trunk length) during growth increased the probability of using a DS the forelimb, though there are exceptions, particularly among homi-

gait by 66% (on a flat surface) to 98% (on a pole). In that study, COM noids (Buschang, 1982; Jungers & Cole, 1992; Jungers & Hartman,

position was determined to be a better predictor of gait choice than 1988; Ruff et al., 2013; Schoonaert et al., 2007; Shea, 1981). Combined

either age or body mass, suggesting that body shape may be a more with the tendency for primates to use exaggerated hindlimb protraction
at touchdown (Larson et al., 2001), hindlimb elongation should lead to
critical factor for gait choice than general neuromotor maturation.
increased potential for ipsilateral hind-fore interference. Thus, (because
Thus, the influence of body shape on gait expressed in the ontogenetic
of the interference problems associated with DSDC gait), one would
data appear to provide support for the Support Polygon Model, since
predict that the frequency of DSDC would decrease as relative hind-
LS gaits are more frequent in infants who have relatively large heads,
limb length reaches a maximum (i.e., when the intermembral index is at
less massive hindlimbs, and more cranially located whole body centers
its minimum). This does not appear to be the case, however. For exam-
of mass. However, as noted above, promotion of the Support Polygon
ple, in baboons, macaques, and squirrel monkeys, DSDC is frequently
Model as a general explanation for adult primates’ use of DSDC gait is
used throughout the growth period, even when intermembral index
complicated by several confounding factors, including the critical obser-
(IMI) is at its lowest value (Nakano, 1996; Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006;
vation that adult COM appears to be close to the craniocaudal midline.
Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Young, 2012a). On the other hand, one
would expect LSLC gait to increase in frequency as IMI decreases,
4.7 | DSDC gait and limb proportions
because of this gait’s benefits in avoidance of interference. Indeed,
Gait selection in mammals is influenced by the need for stability, but there is some evidence supporting a functional link between intermem-
also by body shape. Variation among species in gait preferences is at bral index and the couplets used during LS gait. In Papio cynocephalus,
least partially influenced by variation in limb proportions, due to the for example, the time period during which the use of LSDC gaits was
interaction between the timing of footfalls and the potential for ipsilat- replaced by LSLC gaits (5–6 months) (Figure 11) corresponded to the
eral limb interference (Hildebrand, 1968, 1976, 1980). For example, the time period in which IMI reached its lowest value (Figure 12) (Shapiro

(2017a) did not find a “dip” in the IMI of Papio anubis across the same
period of growth, although they pointed out that it “is likely to become
apparent with a shorter observation window.” That is, in the time frame
common to both studies (the first 9 months), Druelle et al. (2017a)
measured limb proportions every three months, compared to twice
each month in Shapiro and Raichlen (2006). Further study across more
species is needed to confirm the relationship between the ontogenetic
timing of gait preferences, IMI, and limb positioning (at least within LS
gaits). At present, while there are numerous studies reporting ontogeny
of IMI, fewer studies have documented gait preferences during the
growth period (data on strepsirrhines are particularly lacking).

4.8 | Ontogeny of limb postures

Another area where ontogenetic studies can serve as a model system,
or test case, relates to the effects of body mass on limb posture. It has
been shown across a broad interspecific mammalian sample (Biewener,
FIGURE 12 Variation in intermembral index (forelimb length as a 1989) as well as among cercopithecoid primates (Polk, 2002), that
percentage of hindlimb length, excluding hands and feet) in Papio larger animals use more extended limb postures (i.e. larger joint angles)
cynocephalus, Macaca mulatta, and Saimiri boliviensis during the first than smaller animals. Extended limb postures, by aligning limb seg-
nine postnatal months (data compiled from: Shapiro & Raichlen,
ments more closely with the substrate reaction force vector, serve to
2006; Turnquist & Wells, 1994; Young, 2008)
reduce bending forces on limb bones, and, by increasing effective

& Raichlen, 2006). The correlation of low IMI reduction and increased mechanical advantage, reduce the muscular force required to maintain

LSLC also appears to be characteristic of macaque ontogeny, although limb postures (Biewener, 1989; Polk, 2002). Extended limb postures

these two factors are only available in separate studies, for two differ- may also lower energetic costs during locomotion by increasing effec-

ent species (Nakano, 1996; Turnquist & Wells, 1994) (Figures 11 & 12). tive limb length (vertical distance from shoulder or hip to the ground:

In infant and juvenile Saimiri, the potential for limb interference Pontzer, 2007), and by increasing stride length, lead to faster speeds at
(quantified with a measurement that took into account both limb a given stride frequency. Although the use of more extended limb pos-
length and limb positioning), increased during growth. Increased poten- tures appears to be characteristic of larger compared to smaller ani-
tial for limb interference increased the probability of using LS gait by mals, this trend has not been found to be consistent across all taxa,
57% (when moving on a pole), independent of the effects of body samples have been limited, and interspecific studies may be con-
COM position (Young, 2012a). Resembling ontogenetic gait trajectories founded by phylogenetic differences among taxa (Biewener, 2015).
in LS gait reported for Papio and Macaca, there was a shift (within LS Ontogenetic studies can provide insight on this question because
gaits overall) from a preference for LSDC gaits at the youngest ages, to limb postural changes associated with an increase in body size during
the exclusive use of LSLC gaits after 6 months (Figure 11). Although growth can be assessed while keeping phylogenetic influences con-
the shift did not correspond to a decrease in IMI (Figure 12) in this spe- stant. Due to immature development of extensor muscles (Atzeva,
cies, the IMI of Saimiri was relatively low throughout the growth period. Demes, Kirkbride, Burrows, & Smith, 2007; Jouffroy & Medina, 1996),
These observations suggest the existence of a common mechanism very young animals might be expected to be characterized by more
among growing primates to utilize gaits that help mitigate limb interfer- flexed elbows and knees (Howland, Bregman, & Goldberger, 1995;
ence. Increased potential for limb interference in Saimiri was shown to Peters, 1983; Vilensky & Gankiewicz, 1989), and only shift to using
have little effect on how frequently DSDC gait was used. However, more extended limb postures as they grow larger and achieve more
young squirrel monkeys were able to mitigate limb interference in DS adult-like levels of muscularity (Grand, 1983). If musculature is well
gaits (on a pole) by reducing forelimb retraction, even when hindlimb developed enough to maintain extended postures, extended limb pos-
protraction remained prominent (Young, 2012a). Thus, the use of kine- tures would be concurrently beneficial as body size increases, for the
matic adjustments even in the face of ontogenetic changes in limb pro- reasons discussed above (i.e., reducing stress on limb bones, reducing
portions provide insight on how adult primates may also mitigate the force that needs to be generated by antigravity muscles, increasing
interference disadvantage of DSDC, and may even provide an explana- speed, and reducing locomotor energetic costs).
tion for the exaggerated forelimb protraction and hindlimb retraction A limited number of studies have tracked changes in elbow and
characterizing primates (Larson et al., 2001; Schmidt, 2005, 2008) knee angles through ontogeny, and their results exemplify the complex-
An important issue for ontogenetic analyses concerns the temporal ity of postural adjustments: forelimb posture can differ from hindlimb
resolution at which data are collected, which can influence interpreta- posture, and fore-hind postural adjustments can differ among individu-
tions (Adolph et al., 2008). For example, in contrast to data reported als (Vilensky & Gankiewicz, 1989, 1990), between males and females
for Papio cynocephalus (Shapiro & Raichlen, 2006), Druelle et al. (Burgess et al., 2016; Patel, Horner, Thompson, Barrett, & Henzi, 2013)

3) or across species (Burgess et al., 2016; Patel et al., 2013; Young, 4.9 | Digitigrady: Insights from ontogeny
2009; Zeininger, Shapiro, & Raichlen, 2017). In other words, there does
Like overall limb postures, hand and foot postures can vary across spe-
not appear to be a simple, linear trajectory by which limbs start out
cies and throughout ontogeny. Because primates are predominantly
flexed and become more extended with age. For example, Patel et al.
arboreal, most adults rely on the security of palmigrade hand postures
(2013) found that in a cross sectional ontogenetic sample of 33 wild
(full palmar surface of the hand is in contact with the substrate) com-
baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) ranging in age from 12 to 108
bined with foot postures that are either plantigrade (full plantar surface
months (body mass range 2–29.5 kg), there was postural and functional
of the foot is in contact with the substrate) or semi-plantigrade (the
differentiation between the fore- and hindlimbs, and between sexes;
heel, or heel and midfoot are elevated) (Meldrum, 1991; Schmitt & Lar-
knees became more extended as body size (age) increased (but only in
son, 1995; Whitehead, 1993). However, like many terrestrial, cursorial
males), while elbows did not. While the flexed hindlimbs used by the
mammals, some quadrupedal primates (namely, terrestrial cercopithe-
younger baboons may provide a benefit of enhanced maneuverability
cines) habitually or facultatively use digitigrady of the hands (in which
(Patel et al., 2013), at larger body sizes (older individuals), postural
only the metacarpal heads and phalanges are load bearing) (Hayama,
changes in the hindlimb were consistent with the general prediction
Chatani, & Nakatsukasa, 1994; Napier & Napier, 1967; Patel, 2009;
that larger animals use more extended joint postures to mitigate the
Patel & Polk, 2010; Rollinson & Martin, 1981; Rose, 1973; Schmitt, Zei-
potential for increased stresses on the limb bones (which would be exa-
cerbated not only by increased body mass, but also by increased load ninger, & Granatosky, 2016) combined with semiplantigrady of the feet

arms lengths due to rapidly growing distal hindlimb lengths). Contrary to (Berillon et al., 2010; Meldrum, 1991; Schmitt & Larson, 1995). In non-

predictions, forelimb posture did not become more extended as age and primate, cursorial mammals, digitigrady is considered to be an adapta-

size increased. Rather than starting out and remaining flexed, forelimbs tion for efficiently moving at relatively high speeds, due to its

started out more extended than the hindlimbs and remained consis- contribution toward increasing effective limb length. Digitigrady can

tently more extended than the hindlimbs throughout ontogeny. As sug- also act to attenuate the effects of high substrate reaction forces asso-

gested by the authors, extension of the forelimbs throughout ontogeny ciated with faster speeds by increasing effective mechanical advantage

would have the benefit of reducing energetic costs by increasing effec- and reducing requisite muscle force production by limiting the joint

tive forelimb length, even at young ages (but effective limb lengths moments at the wrist or ankle that must be resisted by antigravity

were not reported in this study; Patel et al., 2013). muscles (Patel, 2009; Patel & Polk, 2010). However, manual digitigrady
In a longitudinal ontogenetic sample of a different species of Papio in primates does not appear to be a speed-related adaptation; primates
(cynocephalus) extending to much younger age ranges (2 to 9 months, that use manual digitigrady use it only when moving relatively slowly,
then resampled at 2–3 years; body mass range 0.774-8.9 kg) (Zeininger becoming more palmigrade as speed increases (Patel, 2009). Palmigrady
et al., 2017), the elbow became slightly more extended with age, sup- at higher speeds may be beneficial for distributing increased substrate
porting the general prediction of increased extension with age and body reaction forces across a broader surface area, reducing stress on the
size increase. However, unlike (male) Papio hamadryas ursinus, in which hand (Higurashi, Goto, & Kumakura, 2017; Patel & Wunderlich, 2010).
the knee became more extended with age/size, in Papio cynocephalus, At lower speeds, though, digitigrady in primates appears to be benefi-
the knee became slightly more flexed with age/size. Nevertheless, in cial for similar reasons to its benefits at higher speeds, serving to lower
both species of Papio, the elbow was, at most ages, more extended than locomotor energetic costs as long as speed is not too high (Patel, 2009,
the knee. This pattern persists in adult baboons and may be related to 2010; Patel, Larson, & Stern, 2012).
the fact that hindlimbs are longer than forelimbs and more flexed hin- Due to the immaturity of the neuromuscular system early in
dlimbs serve to equalize limb lengths (Larson et al., 2001). ontogeny, it would be reasonable to predict that the functional benefits
In comparison to Papio hamadryas ursinus, in which forelimb exten- of digitigrady might be confined to juveniles or adults. Primate infants,
sion was similar between younger and older individuals, and Papio cyn- like other very young mammals, should be more likely to use palmi-
ocephalus, in which forelimbs were more flexed at younger ages, grade or plantigrade/semiplantigrade hand and foot postures which
ontogenetic analysis of limb posture in Saimiri boliviensis (74–302 days; provide stability and a broad base of support (Peters, 1983). Therefore,
0.218–0.535 kg) unexpectedly revealed that at younger ages, squirrel one could predict that the use of digitigrade hand or foot postures
monkeys had more extended forelimbs than at older, larger ages (Young, would increase as primates age, along with improvements in stability
2009). By using extended forelimb postures, immature Saimiri were and muscular development. If this were the case, the changes in hand
able to shorten substrate reaction force load arms and thus mitigate and/or foot posture through ontogeny form a natural experiment with
muscle force required for maintaining joint posture. This pattern, (the which to test the extent to which digitigrady contributes to increased
opposite of the general prediction that larger animals use more effective limb length (compared to contributions from extension of
extended postures) appears to provide a behavioral compensation used other limb joints) (Patel, 2009) and to test whether or not digitigrady is
by young squirrel monkeys to circumvent ontogenetic limits on per- associated with increased speed.
formance (i.e., limited muscularity). Given the variability across species There has been limited study of the ontogenetic development of
in limb postural trends during development, future research in this area digitigrady among primates that use it as adults. A recent study using a
would benefit from more detailed data addressing the ontogenetic tim- longitudinal sample of growing baboons (Papio cynocephalus) did not find
ing of limb posture in relation to muscular development. support for the prediction that the use of digitigrady would increase

with age (Zeininger et al., 2017). Instead, while the use of palmigrady 2004). This model predicts that primates have reduced loading on fore-
was restricted to infants (as expected), and semiplantigrady was some- limbs relative to hindlimbs due to the more pronounced use of “compli-
times used at all ages, digitigrady of both the hands and feet was the ant” kinematic mechanisms (e.g., increased joint yield and support
preferred posture across all ages. As in adult baboons (Patel, 2009) the phase duration) in the forelimb, especially on arboreal substrates, and
hands and feet did not become more digitigrade as velocity increased. has also received support from experimental studies on various primate
Extension of the elbows and knees (in combination with changes in limb species (Larney & Larson, 2004; Schmitt & Hanna, 2004).
proportions during growth) contributed more strongly to increases in Very little is known about the ontogeny of limb force distribution
effective limb length than did digitigrade postures of the hand or foot (cf. among primates, despite its potential value in testing the relative impor-
adult Papio anubis, in which hand elevation and elbow extension both tance of the three models described above. However, Young (2009,
contribute to effective limb length, but hand elevation more strongly; 2012b) found that in an ontogenetic sample of squirrel monkeys, limb
Patel, 2009). Therefore, the primary functional benefit of digitigrade pos- force distribution changed during growth, such that the monkeys transi-
tures in immature baboons may be to reduce moments about the wrist tioned from being forelimb dominant to hindlimb dominant. By tracking
or ankle joints (Patel et al., 2012; Zeininger et al., 2017). changes in whole body center of mass position, limb positioning, hindlimb
retractor moments at peak vertical hindlimb force, and limb compliance

4.10 | Ontogeny and limb force distribution (based on shoulder and hip amplitudes) during ontogeny, Young (2012b)
was able to evaluate which model (or combination of models) best
One of the most well-known distinctive features of primate quadru- accounted for the transition in limb force distribution. He found support
pedalism is that—with a few exceptions (Demes et al., 1994; Schmitt, for all three models, but most strongly for the COM position and Active
2003a)—primates generate greater peak vertical substrate reaction Weight Shift models. That is, relative increases in hindlimb vertical peak
forces with their hindlimbs compared to their forelimbs, whereas the force through ontogeny were accompanied by a caudal shift in COM
opposite is generally true for other mammals (at least those for which position, combined with more cranially positioned forelimbs, both of
we have data) (Demes et al., 1994; Franz, Demes, & Carlson, 2005; which support the predictions of the COM model. In addition, hindlimb
Hanna, Polk, & Schmitt, 2006; Kimura et al., 1979; Reynolds, 1985; retractor moments increased as the monkeys aged, along with increases
Schmitt & Hanna, 2004; Schmitt & Lemelin, 2002; Wallace & Demes, in vertical peak forces on hindlimbs relative to forelimbs, supporting the
2008). The relative reduction of vertical forces on the forelimbs is con- Active Weight Shift model. Finally, forelimb compliance increased with
sidered to have had a potentially adaptive ecological benefit for arbo- age, in accordance with decreases in peak vertical forces on the forelimb,
real quadrupedal primates, freeing the forelimbs to exhibit increased supporting the Limb Compliance model, although the trend did not reach
degrees of freedom and emphasizing their role in foraging and manipu- statistical significance, weakening support for this model. Nevertheless,
lation over locomotor and weight support (especially on narrow flexible the overall results of this ontogenetic study confirm that primates may
substrates) (Larson, 1998). However, there is less consensus regarding employ more than one mechanism for limb force distribution, and sug-
the proximate, biomechanical mechanisms by which primates achieve gest that all three models should continue to be incorporated into adapt-
hindlimb “dominance”. Three mechanisms have been proposed, ive hypotheses about the evolution of primate quadrupedalism.
although they are not mutually exclusive (Young, 2012b). The first, the
“Center of Mass Position” model, predicts that relative magnitudes of
limb loading result from the position of the hands and feet relative to FUTURE RESEARCH
the body’s center of mass. This model would explain the increased
forces on hindlimbs in primates as a result of the feet being closer to This analysis and review has confirmed that, as outlined and predicted
the COM than the hands, regardless of whether that proximity derives by Hurov (1991), over the last 20–30 years researchers have gained a
from a relatively caudally located COM or a highly protracted hindlimb, much greater understanding of primate locomotion by considering it
both of which would place the feet closer to the COM than are the from an ontogenetic perspective. The study of primate locomotor
hands (Gray, 1944; Raichlen et al., 2009; Rollinson & Martin, 1981). development has provided insights on three levels. First, it has helped
Support for this model has come from studies of some adult primates us to understand the main determinants of the timing of locomotor
(e.g., Cheirogaleus medius and Pan troglodytes) (Lemelin & Schmitt, independence, an important life history event. Second, it has provided
2004; Raichlen et al., 2009), but not from others (e.g. Ateles, Cebus) insight on locomotion from the perspective of the unique challenges
(Larson & Demes, 2011). The second mechanism is the “Active Weight faced by infant and juvenile primates, and third, it has been effectively
Shift” model. This model attributes increased hindlimb vertical forces to used as a model system to test hypotheses regarding primate locomo-
the action of hindlimb retractor muscles acting on a protracted hind- tor functional morphology and biomechanics.
limb. Providing the hindlimb is stabilized, such muscle torques would As we have illustrated, a primate’s locomotor development is inex-
effectively “lift” the anterior trunk, resulting in an active shift of loads tricably linked with its life history, ecology, and morphology. For exam-
from the forelimb to the hindlimb (Reynolds, 1985). Experimental stud- ple, the timing of locomotor independence in primates is influenced by
ies on various primates have provided support for this model (Larson & phylogeny, adult female body mass, age at weaning, and especially rela-
Demes, 2011; Larson & Stern, 2009; Reynolds, 1985). The third mecha- tive brain size. Once primates begin locomoting independently, they
nism is the “Limb Compliance” model (Schmitt, 1999; Schmitt & Hanna, face many ecological challenges not experienced by older and larger

adult group mates. Though small body size may allow juvenile primates preferences and kinematics (e.g., Shapiro & Young, 2012; Shapiro et al.,
to engage in more acrobatic arboreal locomotion and move on smaller 2014). We also have little to no information on the ontogeny of gait pat-
substrates than adults, small body size is also a liability, due to the size- terns in strepsirrhines or hominoids, and it would be interesting to test
graded nature of predation pressure. Reduced muscle mass, lack of how differences in the ontogenetic scaling of limb proportions among
complete sensory-motor integration, and general musculoskeletal these taxa might influence gait. In addition, lab-based research would
immaturity also present unique ecological challenges to growing prima- benefit from improved data on locomotor mechanics and performance
tes. Yet growing primates appear to gain some performance benefits in growing primates. We now have methodological tools available that
from allometries inherent in the morphological growth process itself— have greatly increased our ability to understand locomotor functional
primates, like many other mammals, exhibit negative allometric scaling morphology. For example, by using inverse dynamics, combined with
during ontogeny in muscle mechanical advantage, bone strength, and technologies such as X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology
grasping morphology of the hands and feet. Greater mechanical (XROMM: Brainerd et al., 2010) or finite element analysis, we should be
advantage compensates for reduced muscular force output, greater able to determine whether the magnitude of muscle forces or bone
bone robusticity reduces fracture risk and improves safety factor, strain differs between immature and adult primates. Using force trans-
whereas larger extremities with relatively long digits enhance grasping ducers, we can also test the prediction that young primates, for their
span when holding onto a caregiver during transport or to an arboreal size, can exert greater grip force compared to older animals (Young,
support during independent postural or locomotor activities. Chadwell, O’neill, & Patel, 2016a). It would also be interesting to test
Most of the research that has used locomotor ontogeny as a whether due to their unique grasping needs, infant primates exhibit less
model system, or “natural experiment”, has been focused on primate
differentiation in muscle activity in digital flexors in the hands and feet
quadrupedalism, and that is what we have emphasized in our discus-
compared to adults (Patel et al., 2015). Finally, new technologies have
sion. However, the same approach could be used to understand form-
now greatly improved our ability to analyze locomotor kinematics in the
function links characterizing other types of primate locomotion, such as
^t & Vereecke, 2011; Jackson, Evangelista, Ray, & Hedrick,
field (D’Aou
leaping and brachiation. By tracking ontogenetic transitions in gait pat-
2016; Stevens & Carlson, 2008; Theriault et al., 2014), allowing us to
terns, kinematics, and kinetics, along with corresponding ontogenetic
evaluate better than ever before how ontogeny, locomotor morphology,
transitions in morphology, research has demonstrated how primate
ecology and biomechanics intersect in the context of natural habitats.
quadrupedalism is influenced by body mass distribution, whole-body
center of mass position, and limb proportions, but also by the complex
interaction of limb proportions with limb joint posture and limb excur-
sion patterns (i.e., limb placement). From this perspective we have We are indebted to the many individuals who have facilitated our
gained a better understanding of the key features that contribute to research on primate locomotor ontogeny at various institutions, including
primates’ long strides and low stride frequencies, use of diagonal the Southwest National Primate Research Center, Center for Neotropical
sequence versus lateral sequence gaits, hindlimb dominance in force Primate Research and Resources, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center,
distribution, characteristic use of more extended limb postures, as well Northeast Ohio Medical University, University of Texas at Austin, and
as the (less common) use of digitigrady. These studies form a critical Stony Brook University. Our ontogenetic research has been funded by
foundation for assessing the selective factors that might have played NSF (BCS-031382 and BCS-0647402 to LJS, Graduate Research Fellow-
an important role in primate locomotor evolution. ship to JWY) and the Leakey Foundation. Special thanks to Dave Raichlen
Interest in primate locomotor development has grown tremendously for his collaboration on the baboon project and discussions on the manu-
in the past few decades, as evidenced by the wealth of valuable contri- script. We also thank Trudy Turner and Chris Vinyard for encouraging us
butions discussed here. Given the significance of locomotor ontogeny to to submit this paper for the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, as well
our broader understanding of primate adaptation and evolution, we pre- as Nathan Thompson, Chris Vinyard and three anonymous reviewers for
dict that this area of research will continue to (pardon the pun), grow insightful comments that improved the manuscript.
and mature. Future research would benefit from more field data on pri-
mate locomotor development and more detailed study of infant trans- RE FE RE NC ES
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adapted and/or more precocial. In lab-based locomotor studies, we need Adolph, K. E., Vereijken, B., & Shrout, P. E. (2003). What changes in
more research on locomotor behaviors other than quadrupedalism (e.g. infant walking and why. Child Development, 74, 475–497.

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