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Economic Analysis for Wet

Oxidation Processes for the

Treatment of Mixed Refinery
Spent Caustic
Raafat Alnaizy
Chemical Engineering Department, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE; (for correspondence)

Published online 20 February 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/ep.10261

Sodium hydroxide (caustic) continues to be one of form that minimizes the load on the wastewater treat-
the primary reagents used in refineries and petro- ment plant (WWTP), or sold to chemical companies
chemical plants to extract hydrogen sulfide, mercap- as a process feedstock. In a typical petroleum refin-
tans, and organic acids from hydrocarbon streams. A ery, spent caustics are classified into three types: sul-
local refinery had accumulated 5000 m3 of spent fidic, cresylic, and naphthenic caustics. The composi-
caustics containing cresylic and naphthenic com- tion and strength of refinery spent caustics are highly
pounds. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) con- variable. Often plants do not have the facilities to
centrations must be reduced to less than 1 g/L prior segregate the used caustic solutions into these various
to discharge to biotreatment. A simple and safe treat- classifications and, therefore, a mixed used caustic
ment system for this high volume and high concen- stream is produced. This is considered a fourth type
tration of COD is desired. Bench-scale treatment of of used caustic solution.
spent caustic by the Fenton’s reagent process had a Sulfidic spent caustic is generated from fuel gas,
total COD removal of greater than 95%, and the liquefied petroleum gas, and gasoline-treating pro-
effluent COD was lower than 1 g/L. The process was cesses. Sulfidic is mostly just sulfides in caustic. The
operated at a temperature lower than 808C and am- composition of a typical refinery sulfidic caustic
bient pressure. The capital cost was thus lower than stream is displayed in Table 1 [1]. It is not difficult to
that of the wet air oxidation (WAO) process that nor- oxidize at a high temperature (2008C), which destroys
mally operates at 2008C and 28 bars. The cost of the sulfides and mercaptans. At lower temperatures,
exporting spent caustic to a full-service company in not all the reduced sulfur species are destroyed that
USA was $1.21 per gallon that was competitive with
usually means a high chemical oxygen demand
treatment at the individual generation sites on a
(COD) load for the downstream bio-plant (mostly
short-term basis. Ó 2008 American Institute of Chemical
from thiosulfate). On the other hand, sulfidic caustic
Engineers Environ Prog, 27: 295–301, 2008
solutions with high quality may be sold as treating
Keywords: Fenton’s reagent, cresylic, naphthenic,
agents to pulp and paper plants, but transportation
and handling costs can easily exceed product value
and onsite processing may be the most economical
INTRODUCTION option. Naphthenic spent caustic is generated from
A typical spent caustic effluent from refineries may caustic washing of diesel and jet fuel fractions. It con-
contain about 5–12% by weight sodium hydroxide. tains a minute amount of sulfide. Mostly it has naph-
The common practice is to convert spent caustic to a thenic acids. Table 1 shows typical characteristics of
naphthenate streams derived from kerosene and die-
Ó 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers sel stocks. If naphthenic caustic solution is kept in

Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep October 2008 295

Table 1. Characteristics of typical refinery caustic streams [1].

Naphthenic Cresylic
Jet fuel/ Strong Dilute
kerosenae Diesel caustic operation caustic operation Sulfidic
NaOH, wt % 1–4 1–4 10–15 1–4 2–10
Sulfide as S2, wt % 0–0.1 Trace 0–1 0–0.2 0.5–4
Mercaptide as S1, wt % 0–0.5 0–0.5 0–4 0–0.5 0.1–4
Naphthenic acids, wt % 2–10 2–15
Carbonates as CO3, wt % 0–0.5 0–0.1
Cresylic, wt % 1–3 0–1 10–25 2–5 0–4
Ammonia Trace
pH 12–14 12–14 12–14 12–14 13–14

pure enough form, and if there are any local plants formance is unknown, as is its operability. The UOP
interested in it, then it can actually be sold, otherwise sulfide oxidation process for treating spent caustic is a
the logistics are usually encumbrance and onsite low temperature oxidation process that uses a propri-
processing may be the most economical option. This etary UOP catalyst. It takes place over a fixed bed of
material tends to foam vigorously if treated at 2008C, catalyst in the oxidizer column. It is questionable, if
making the plant inoperable. So, it has to be oxidized this is an adequate process for treating high COD re-
at higher temperatures (2608C). A moderate oxidation finery spent caustic. At low temperatures, organic
rate is possible at that temperature, however the cost compounds are not readily oxidized, and the sulfides
is usually higher, since the pressure required to keep will only oxidize to thiosulfate. This leaves a high
water liquid at that temperature is, of course, higher COD reduced sulfur waste stream that still has to be
than for a low temperature system. Cresylic spent dealt with. Odor could be a concern, since the rates
caustic is generated from caustic washing of the gaso- are slow at low temperature, and there is a possibility
line fraction, and is comprised mostly of aromatic of stripping sulfides and mercaptans into the gas
acid oils. These used caustic streams contain phenols, phase. Excessive foaming could potentially be a major
cresols, and other organic acids that are generally concern, as it prevents the phase separator from oper-
present as water-soluble cresylates. Table 1 shows ating properly. Also, since it is low temperature, it is
the characteristics of a typical cresylic caustic. Cresylic unclear how effective this process is on mercaptans.
caustic solutions resulting from a strong caustic oper- The manufacturer claims that ‘‘the noncorrosive envi-
ation can be sold as a chemical feedstock for the pro- ronment and mild operating conditions allow for car-
duction of phenolic compounds. Otherwise, the low bon steel construction throughout.’’ [2] UOP sulfide
acid oil content drastically increases transportation oxidation units have been placed on-stream with
and processing costs per weight of cresylate, and design capacities ranging from 16.5 to 55 gal/h. Based
may be a good candidate for onsite processing. on year 2003 estimates for North American supply,
UOP quoted a price of a 50 gal/h unit US $0.4 million
(630%). The direct operating costs are US $0.15 per
Spent Caustic Management gallon of caustic treated (Catalyst, packing, chemicals,
The disposition of spent caustic may result in and utilities) [2]. Merichem offers a full-service ap-
costly economical and environmental outcomes. Not- proach to caustic management. They offer both spot
withstanding the neat description above, refiners typi- purchase and long-term contracts for naphthenic,
cally combine all types of used caustics in the same phenolic, and sulfidic caustics. They convert spent
storage vessel and label it as one waste stream ‘‘Re- caustics into organic chemicals in many USA plants.
finery Spent Caustic’’ rendering the entire mixture Merichem also offers a custom-designed modular sys-
unsaleable. Such effluents are considered essentially tem to process caustic solutions in plants worldwide,
useless waste streams, and require significant process- when this is the most cost-effective solution.
ing before disposal. Major companies that offer spent The well-known USFilter Zimpro is a moderate to
caustic treatment systems and/or services include high temperature and high-pressure WAO technology.
UOP, Merichem, MPR, and USFilter. Wet air oxidation is commonly used for treating spent
MPR convert refinery spent caustics, including sulfi- caustics that can be divided into three ranges of oper-
dic, naphthenic, and cresylic into a biodegradable ation. A low-temperature system achieves partial oxi-
stream suitable for treatment in a conventional dation of sulfides to both sulfate and thiosulfate. It is
WWTP. Details of the process specifics are not avail- applicable for dilute sulfidic caustics, when thiosul-
able and are difficult to obtain. It is an adaptation of fate is not a concern for downstream treatment. A
Fenton’s, which uses peroxide and a metal salt. As medium-temperature system achieves complete oxi-
such, it is relatively a low temperature process, which dation of sulfides to sulfate and destroys mercaptans,
means lower capital cost. But it uses peroxide as the which is usually used for sulfidic ethylene spent
oxidant, which means higher operating costs. Per- caustic treatment. A high-temperature system achieves

296 October 2008 Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep

complete oxidation of sulfides and mercaptans, plus Table 2. Composition of the refinery spent caustic
destruction of organic contaminants such as cresylic sample.
acids. Applied to refinery spent caustics, most of the
organics are oxidized with some residual acetate Constituent
formed. The oxidation products are acids, so they
pH 12.6
neutralize the alkalinity. Since it is a high-pressure
Specific gravity 1.12
system, it has a relatively high capital cost compared
Sodium wt % 5.93
to the other options.
Sulfide as sulfur wt % 0.5
Wet oxidation is a very efficient process, but it
Oil and grease (mg/L) 4.66
involves high temperature and pressure conditions.
Phenols (mg/L) 4,375
To lower this constraint, more efficient oxidizers can
Total organic carbon (TOC) (mg/L) 41,600
be employed. The first idea developed is to use ho-
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) (mg/L) 91,200
mogeneous catalyst, such as transition metal salts or
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in order to promote air
oxidation at a lower temperature [3]. The second
attempt is to use H2O2 as the oxidizer instead of mo- prior to choosing the optimal treatment option and
lecular oxygen, leading to the development of design. These issues can have a significant impact on
another process, wet peroxide oxidation (WPO). It is the critical design parameters, including the materials
an adaptation of the Fenton process in the event that of construction. A local refinery had accumulated
iron salts are used as catalyst; one of the many forms 5000 m3 of spent caustics. These facilities are not
of advanced oxidation processes. The WPO process currently capable of handling spent caustic in ac-
is derived from the classical Fenton’s reagent. It uses cordance with current environmental standards.
H2O2 catalyzed by Fe21 as the oxidant at a pH of 3. Spent caustic treatment option must be designed to
The operating conditions are very mild with a 90– accept naphthenic spent caustic. The test results for
1308C temperature and a pressure of 15–75 psia. the spent caustic are summarized in Table 2. The
High oxidation efficiencies (up to 98%) are achieved COD levels must be reduced to less than 1000 mg/L
at these conditions [4]. Under these circumstances, and less than 25 ppm phenol prior to discharge to
the only difference between both processes would be the biological treatment facilities. A simple and safe
the temperature at which the reactions are con- treatment system for this high volume and high con-
ducted. As opposed to WAO, which employs a gase- centration of COD is desired. The overall objective
ous source of oxidizing agent (air or oxygen) and of this work is to conduct a comparative economic
which is a two-step process (mass transfer plus oxi- analysis for onsite treatment of refinery spent caustic
dation), WPO uses a liquid oxidizing agent (H2O2) and subsequent discharge of the brine effluent into
that eliminates the mass transfer problems. There are the WWTP. The study evaluates the economics of the
numerous design parameters, including temperature Zimpro process and the potential use of a Fenton-
and pressure. Oxidation of organic waste with H2O2 like oxidation process based on results of bench-
is usually a slow process. However in the presence of scale experiments. In addition, the study compares
a catalyst, the oxidation process proceeds rapidly. both treatment options to the disposing of the spent
Catalysts include ferrous iron, copper, aluminum, and caustic through an outside company. The principal
chromium. Ferrous iron is a good selection, because means of doing so is to review the published litera-
it is not listed as a heavy or toxic metal and its use ture on WAO along with the findings from earlier
and subsequent precipitation does not create further assessments under the Saudi Company for Environ-
hazardous waste problems. H2O2 in combination mental Works Ltd.
with a ferrous iron salt is commonly referred to as
Fenton’s Reagent. This reagent acts as an oxidizing METHODS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
agent through the formation of hydroxyl free radicals. A sample of the mixed spent caustic was obtained
Optimum oxidation with the Fenton Reagent nor- from the refinery. The sample analyses were per-
mally occurs at a pH of 3–7. However, in the pres- formed by AHS independent testing laboratories. The
ence of acetate or phosphate buffers, the reaction tests methods were Standard Test Methods for Chemi-
precedes slower in these pH ranges [5]. The ferric cal Analysis of Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash (so-
iron can be precipitated by increasing the pH either dium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide) (ASTM E
with lime or caustic. There is some coprecipitation of 291) and Standard Methods for the Examination of
the remaining organics. Depending on the effluent Water and Wastewater, American Water Works Assn.,
discharge requirements, further treatment may be 19th Edition (1995). The laboratory-scale semibatch
required to reduce the COD to discharge limits. The experiments were performed in glassware at ambient
effluent, however, may be applicable for discharge to pressure. The Fenton reactor (1 L) was equipped
a domestic sewage treatment plant or biological with an electromagnetic stirrer, and temperature-con-
industrial waste treatment plant. trolled hot plates were used to maintain the desired
temperature (if needed). The Spent caustic was neu-
tralized by adding 5N normality sulfuric acid to
SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES obtain a pH around 3. Then, ferrous sulfate solution
The variations in spent caustic characteristics and and H2O2 (50 wt %) were added to the reactor. Sam-
treatment objectives must be carefully considered ples were taken and analyzed at specified time inter-

Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep October 2008 297

Figure 1. Process flow diagram of a typical wet air oxidation system.

vals. The off-gas was vented into the atmosphere. All Table 3. WAO processing of refinery spent caustic [7].
chemicals were laboratory-grade from Aldrich and/or
Sigma chemicals. The exothermic nature of the reac- Effluent
tion caused an increase in reaction temperature. The
reactor temperature reached about 808C under adia- Feed 2608C 2808C
batic conditions. Residence time (min) — 60 60
Each test entailed charging the Fenton reactor with COD (mg/L) 81,300 24,200 18,000
200 mL of the spent caustic. The average pH value of COD destruction (%) — 70.2 77.9
the spent caustic was around 12.98. The highly con- Total sulfur (mg/L) 7,900 9,260 8,972
centrated nature of the spent caustic called for dilu- Sulfide sulfur (mg/L) 5,024 <4 <4
tion prior to treatment at 2 parts water to 1 part spent Sulfate sulfur (mg/L) <54 6,350 6,727
caustic. The pH was reduced to about 3 by adding Mercaptans as methyl 8,680 <10 <10
H2SO4 dropwise. Once a pH of 3 was obtained, a (mg/L)
predetermined amount of FeSO4 was added (molar
ratio of FeSO4 to H2O2 is 1:7) and the contents were
stirred continuously. Subsequent to this, a pre-esti-
mated amount of 50% H2O2 was added very slowly Wet Air Oxidation
to the reactor (COD to H2O2 molar ratio of 2:1). Sub- The basic flow scheme for a typical WAO system is
stantial foaming and a little fume were observed. The illustrated in Figure 1. Spent caustic is pumped from
temperature at the start of H2O2 addition was noted the tank to the oxidizer tower. Before entering the
to be 268C. The exothermic reaction caused an tower, the caustic is first mixed with a predetermined
increase in reaction temperature (as high as 808C). amount of fresh water and/or fresh caustic depending
When the entire quantity of H2O2 was added to the on the strength of the spent caustic (TOC concentra-
Fenton reactor, the pH was noted to be around 2. tion). Then, it is preheated through feed/product
The contents were allowed to settle down and the exchangers. Air containing sufficient oxygen is added
temperature was rapidly decreased. Addition of H2O2 to meet the oxygen demand requirements. After
was accomplished over 10 min. The off-gas from the being adequately heated, the spent caustic enters the
reaction was not analyzed. It may have contained bottom of the oxidation tower. The reactor provides
NOx, SOx, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sufficient retention time to allow the oxidation to
such as aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols [6]. approach the design reduction in COD, see Table 3
for typical operating parameters [7].
The estimated equipment cost of the Zimpro for a
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 10 gpm unit was $4.3 million in 2001 [7]. The quoted
The following analysis includes a preliminary eco- price for a 5 gpm, nickel 200, 2608C oxidation sys-
nomic evaluation of the Zimpro process (WAO) and tem, was $4.0 million in 2005, excluding any state or
an in-house Fenton-based process. The study also federal taxes, import or export duties, fees, or ocean
considers the costs of exporting the mixed refinery freight [8]. The cost in 2007 should be in the vicinity
spent caustic to a full-service company for treatment. of $5.5 million for the 10 gpm system based on the
This evaluation is based upon rough-order-of-magni- Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index. This cost
tude estimates of capital and operating costs for the includes a regenerative thermal oxidizer for VOC
first two treatment options. treatment. The cost does not include installation and

298 October 2008 Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep

facility costs. The delivery schedule is 12–18 months.
The spent caustic flow is based on a total flow of 10
gpm through the wet oxidation unit. Depending on
the actual composition (mostly the COD) of the spent
caustic, the flow of spent caustic that can be treated
is much less than 10 gpm. The unit may not have a
total spent caustic feed throughput of 10 gpm, if the
COD of the spent caustic is too high. The oxidation
process consumes alkalinity, and to protect the mate-
rial of construction, the effluent must remain alkaline.
Fresh caustic will have to be added, if the available
alkalinity in the spent caustic is not sufficient. In
many cases, dilution of the spent caustic waste is also
required to keep the concentration of the dissolved
salts below their solubility limit. A 10 gpm (total
inflow) WAO unit treating mixed refinery spent caus- Figure 2. Average COD concentration versus time of
tic with COD of 60,000–100,000 mg/L requires the three identical bench-scale experiments.
flow of about 3 gpm of dilution water and 0.5 gpm
of fresh caustic (50% NaOH) of the total flow through
the wet oxidation unit. Dilution water should be
deionized water (boiler feed quality water) to prevent data indicate that the average total COD concentra-
scaling in the WAO unit. Factoring in dilution fresh tion is reduced to about 1 g/L. With the addition of
water and fresh caustic (50%), the 5000 m3 will gen- H2O2, the COD that of nonsulfide compounds
erate about 2.7 million gallons of WAO liquid efflu- (mainly, phenols and emulsified hydrocarbons) is
ent. The processing duration is 185 days for all oxidized (ring broken), which is confirmed by the
wastes based on a 10 gpm processing rate. These temperature rise and the drop in pH (from 3.29 to
times are based on 24-h, 7-day operation and will 2.17) that can only be due to formation of low MW
extend about 40%, if the operation would be 5 days acids such as oxalic acid and others. A key point that
per week. These durations are within the allocated is illustrated in this reaction is that as COD is reacted,
timeframe that is set by the management. acids are produced. This is an important considera-
The cost analysis presented here is based on the 10 tion, as NaOH depletion can lead to acidic conditions
gpm processing rate. This estimate assumes the reactor resulting in slower reactions and corrosion in the
residence time of 60 min and the material of construc- reactor.
tion to be alloy Inconel 600 [7]. The equipment cost The results of the bench-scale experiments indicate
includes engineering and design, but does not include that the Fenton’s reagent process is a viable option as
the cost of installation. Adding 50% of the equipment a pretreatment, but there are limitations that must be
cost for installation raises the estimate to $8.25 million. addressed. COD reduction requires the pH to be
The facility square footage is estimated to be about adjusted from pH 13 to 3. However, corrosion rate
3000 sq. ft. at no cost. The annual cost for maintenance increases as pH decreases. Therefore, the reactor and
spare parts will be 1–2% of the capital costs of the WAO others must be made of materials that offer a high re-
system. At least two people must be available, at the sistance to strong acids. The pH must be further
WAO unit, 24 h per day, to operate and maintain the adjusted back to pH 5.5–9.0, before effluent is dis-
unit. The estimated annual operating cost is $540,000. charged to biotreatment. Hence, a caustic mixing
This operating cost includes annual labor costs of before discharging is required. Foam formation can
$240,000 for eight people at $30,000 per person and be reduced by adding H2O2 very slowly as it is
$300,000 per year for utilities. The liquid effluent gen- observed in the bench-scale experiments. In addition,
erated from the WAO process will need additional the proposed process design, see Figure 3, has about
treatment. A cost of $0.05 per pound is assumed for its 3 m3 head space in the reactor with a vent to a hold-
disposal, which amounts to $227,000 for 4,550,000 ing tank. The overflow is recycled to the spent caus-
pounds of liquid effluent. The annual operating cost is tic containers. The temperature in the bench-scale
multiplied by the processing duration in years, and the experiments does not go beyond 808C, which poses
liquid effluent disposal cost is added to arrive at the no threat or need for cooling. The process conditions
total operating cost. The addition of capital and operat- and COD removal percentage is better than the ap-
ing costs provided the estimate for the total cost to dis- proximate values reported by common WAO proc-
pose of the waste. It is estimated to be nearly $10 mil- esses. Iron catalyst can be recycled without affecting
lion for treating the mixed refinery caustic waste by the treatment effectiveness.
WAO process.
The main reactions proceed by radical mechanisms
as follows [9]:
Fenton’s Reagent (H2O2/Fe21)
The experimental results of neutralization and oxi- H2 O2 þ Feþ2 ! Feþ3 þ OH þ OH (1)
dation reaction of the spent caustic are shown in Fig-
ure 2. The data are the average of three replicas. The H2 O2 þ Feþ3 ! Fe2þ þ Hþ þ HO2 (2)

Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep October 2008 299

Figure 3. Schematic of the proposed Fenton’s reagent (H2O2/Fe21) process design.

A kinetic study considering a pseudo-first-order reac- avoid corrosion, corrosion resistant material should
tion rate with respect to COD was carried out. be selected for the equipments, including pumps,
pipes, and tanks. The reactor mixer should contain a
d½COD vent to allow gas emissions, extra headspace to allow
¼ k0 ½COD for foaming, a level controller, and a second tank to
allow for overflow and recycle of any overflow that
where k0 is the apparent kinetic constant that includes
The results of the bench-scale experimental work
the initial H2O2 and ferrous ion concentration.
provided information on the mass ratio required for
sufficient reduction of COD in the spent caustic.
k0 ¼ k½H2 O2 ½Fe2þ  Results of the bench test show sufficient COD reduc-
tion with mass ratios of H2O2/Fe21/COD 5 2/7/1.
Figure 2 shows a plot of ln([COD]0/[COD]) vs. time. Temperature of the reactor contents rises to 808C.
As can be seen, the points lied satisfactorily around a Foaming can be controlled by feeding H2O2 at a very
straight line (r2 5 0.99) with positive slope and an low rate (dosing pump), and by increasing the
intercept practically zero. The apparent kinetic con- capacity of the reactor mixer. The rate constant of the
stant k0 is 0.031 min21. The rate constant is expected pseudo-first-order reaction is a function of both, ini-
to increase with concentrations of COD and Fe21, tial concentration of Fe21 and H2O2. At the current
but this increase is not infinite. It is highly limited by conditions, we estimate a space time of 2 h. It is
many factors including foaming and precipitation to rather long, because, we consider many factors that
form sludge [9, 10]. Precipitation greatly reduces the may limit the progress of the oxidation reaction such
concentration of Fe31, as the reaction proceeds. as excessive precipitation and sludge formation.
Finally, The values for k and k0 are system-specific. Using a safety factor of 1.5 and head space of 4 m3,
They differ from one waste stream to another. Bench the estimated tank size is about 15 m3 at a total influ-
tests must be conducted before applying this process. ent rate of 10 gpm (spent caustic, dilution water,
As shown in Figure 3, the heart of this process H2O2, Fe21). The Fenton reactor is epoxy cast steel-
occurs in the reactor mixer, where the spent caustic coated to make it corrosion resistant, since it has to
diluted with water is added into the reactor mixer. A handle a pH range from 13 to 2. Pumps are corrosion
pH controller is required to reduce the pH of the resistant, made of PVC/Teflon and pipes are epoxy-
alkaline solution in the tank to a pH of 3 by the use coated carbon steel. The estimated total purchased
of 50% sulfuric acid. Fenton’s reagent is then added equipment cost is $200,000. The installation and facil-
in the form of two separate streams; one containing ity costs need to be integrated to this estimate, as
ferrous solution (as catalyst) and the second stream there are additional raw material (H2O2, H2SO4, Fe21,
containing 50% H2O2 solution. Products from the re- etc.) and utility costs associated with this equipment,
actor mixer are pumped to a settling tank, where fer- resulting in an overall cost of about $2.7 million. The
rous-containing sludge is removed and the treated estimated cost for treating the liquid effluent from the
spent caustic is sent through a holding tank, where process onsite, using the postoxidation treatment, is
another pH controller is utilized to raise the pH of $0.3 million. At the designed treatment flow rate, it
the treated spent caustic by mixing it with fresh caus- will take 393 days to remedy the total 5000 m3 of
tic before it is sent to the biotreatment facilities. To spent caustic.

300 October 2008 Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep

Offsite Treatment alternatives for onsite processing of caustic solutions
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ing the spent caustic for offsite treatment is the most Water Research, 33, 1735–1741.
cost-effective approach that is preferred by the man- 10. William, D.C., Joseph, A.M., & David, A.B. (1992).
agement for the time being. The refinery is advised The application of wet air oxidation to the treat-
to review their caustic management systems and ment of spent caustic liquor. Chemical Oxidation
implement measures that maximize caustic utility, Technologies for the Nineties (pp. 299–310), Lan-
quality, and value. Also, the search for economical caster, PA: Technomic Publishing Co.

Environmental Progress (Vol.27, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep October 2008 301

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