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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2019) 104:477–487


Implementation of weave patterns by path parameterization

in the simulation of welding processes by the finite element
Heitor Abdias da Silva Pereira1 · Marcelo Cavalcanti Rodrigues1 · João Vitor Lira de Carvalho Firmino1

Received: 28 December 2018 / Accepted: 8 May 2019 / Published online: 4 June 2019
© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019

One of the most common practices to produce high-quality welds with greater efficiency is the execution of arc
weaving. Although the finite element method (FEM) has been widely used in the simulation of welding, the mathematical
models of heat sources representing the electric arc do not cover the execution of weave patterns, and adaptations are,
therefore, required. In the present paper, the incorporation of these patterns on FEM simulations of welding is based on
the parameterization of the path traveled by the heat source. Two case studies using ANSYS Mechanical APDL were
performed, in which the proposed approach was compared with the coordinate transformation method, the most commonly
used technique for the implementation of weaving, based on data from Hu et al. (Sci Tech Weld Joi 11:358–365 2006) and
also from an experimental analysis. The results revealed that the path parameterization method is as capable to represent arc
weaving in welding simulations as the coordinate transformation method. Moreover, the path parameterization method has
the advantage of being able to model many different weave patterns, in an easier-to-implement way. Also, the simulation may
provide relevant information regarding the thermal cycle of weaving welding process, which can be used for the adjustment
of welding parameters and the prediction of welding defects.

Keywords Weaving welding · Finite element method · Path parameterization · Heat source model · Thermal cycle

1 Introduction The temperature distribution during welding is crucial

for the results obtained in the joining of the metal parts,
Welding holds a prominent place in the industry nowadays as well as for the joint properties, such as the shape and
as the most widely used metal-joining process. Such chemical composition of the weld bead, the dimensions of
popularity is justified by the versatility of the process, the thermally affected zone (TAZ), the presence of defects,
and high structural quality of welded components, among and the levels of residual stresses. Thus, the study of the
other factors. Therefore, understanding the welding effects mathematical modeling of the heat sources used to represent
is particularly important to ensure the integrity and the action of the electric arc in the piece during welding
optimal operation of mechanical components. In the most is essential to obtain relevant information regarding the
common electric arc welding processes, high heat input component performance and possible problems related to
is used to join two metal parts through the localized the welding [1]. Several heat source models [2–4] have
melting of filler metal, or even the base metal of the been introduced over the years, each offering attractive
workpiece, thus affecting the properties of the materials, the aspects and limitations, to a greater or lesser extent, with
microstructure, and consequently the characteristics of their an emphasis on the double-ellipsoidal power density model,
service performance. capable of suitably representing the thermal gradients on the
frontal and rear portions relative to the central position of
the electric arc action and, therefore, considered one of the
 Heitor Abdias da Silva Pereira most versatile models [4]. The finite element method has often been used to
simulate welding operations aimed at the analysis of the
1 Campus I - Lot. Cidade Universitaria, thermal cycle and temperature distributions [5–7], residual
João Pessoa, PB, 58033-455, Brazil stresses [8–11], and distortion [12–14], because, with
478 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487

the correct characterization of the problem, it is able to specific heat, k is the thermal conductivity, and qg is the
represent the welding operation with optimal accuracy. internal heat generation, is responsible for describing the
The weaving movement, by promoting greater penetra- temperature distribution.
tion and producing a wider weld bead, can increase the ∂T
efficiency of the welding process and, therefore, is widely ρc = ∇ 2 (kT ) + qg (1)
used for achieving high-quality welds. However, as the heat
source models used in the simulations of welding processes The electric arc provides most of the energy to the
include only the translational movement of the electric arc process. The incident thermal power is given by Eq. 2, in
in its formulation, adjustments are required for the weaving which η is the efficiency of the process, U is the welding
to be considered. Such implementation has been carried out voltage, and I is the welding current.
in the simulation of different cases [15–17], but mostly with Q = ηU I (2)
a single weave pattern, using the coordinate transformation
approach, which, despite producing good results for the pat- This energy is distributed throughout the workpiece
tern it represents, is unable to model the simulation of more according to some heat source model.
complex movements performed during the operation. In addition to conduction, the heat involved in the
Thus, this paper proposes the implementation of weaving welding is dissipated by convective heat transfer, according
patterns through path parameterization, performing the to Eq. 3, and thermal radiation, represented by Eq. 4.
simple oscillatory, oscillatory with penetration, and square Q = hA(Ts − T∞ ) (3)
wave weaving patterns as examples, with the double-
ellipsoidal power density distribution as a reference for the
heat source. This approach establishes the methodology Q = εσ A(Ts4 − Tenv
) (4)
to be followed on the simulation, using any FEM For Eq. 3, h is the convective coefficient, A is the external
software, of even more complex patterns used in weaving area, Ts is the temperature of the external surface, and
welding processes. In addition, it presents two case T∞ is the temperature of the external flow. In Eq. 4,
studies: the first one, based on the numerical and ε is the emissivity of the surface, σ is the Stefan-
experimental results of Hu et al. [15] for the temperature Boltzmann constant, and Tenv represents the temperature of
distribution and thermal cycle on a plate submitted to the surrounding environment.
a weaving welding process, compares the accuracy of
the proposed path parameterization approach with the 2.2 Double-ellipsoidal power density distribution
coordinate transformation method, used in the referred
paper; the second one, based on the authors’ own The model used to define the heat input resulting from the
experimental data, shows how FEM simulations, using action of the electric arc on the workpiece during welding
the proposed approach, may provide relevant information is the double-ellipsoidal power density, originally proposed
regarding the thermal cycle on the weaving welding process, by Goldak et al. [4] to overcome the limitations of previous
overcoming some of the challenges that the realization of models. Essentially, it establishes that the heat input is
experimental analyses usually involves. distributed along the workpiece in the form of two ellipsoids
centered at the incidence point of the electric arc: one for
the frontal and the other for the rear portion. The ellipsoids
2 FE simulation of welding and methodology have different semi-axis parameters, as shown in Fig. 1.
In this model, the heat provided is given by a function
2.1 Thermal considerations qg that associates a volumetric heat generation rate to each
point of the workpiece, for each moment of the time.
To achieve the joining of two metal parts, electric arc Equation 5 represents the double-ellipsoidal distribution,
welding processes use a torch connected to a power for the frontal and rear portions of the distribution center.
source that, when establishing electrical contact with the Parameters ff and fr are the fractions of the heat deposited
workpiece, locally heats the welding region to melt the filler in these two portions, respectively, and their values must
metal or even the base metal. During this contact, the torch satisfy ff + fr = 2. In addition, Q is the input power, given
moves along the joint, dropping molten metal and filling the by Eq. 2, v is the translational welding velocity, and a, b,
bevel. The maximum observed temperature reaches levels cf , and cr are the semi-axes of the distribution.
as high as the melting point of the materials. ⎧ √
Since welding produces a temperature gradient in the ⎨ 6 3ff√Q e−3(x 2 /a 2 +y 2 /b2 +(z−vt)2 /cf2 )
component, there is heat transfer by conduction into the qg (x, y, z, t) = abc √f π π (5)
⎩ 6 3fr√Q e−3(x 2 /a 2 +y 2 /b2 +(z−vt)2 /cr2 )
workpiece. Equation 1, in which ρ is the density, c is the abc π π
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487 479

The coordinate transformation method has been used in

several studies to simulate the weaving welding process
[15–17]. This method consists of two linear transformations
of the original coordinate system, which has one of its
axes aligned with the joint where the joining of the plates
occurs, thus defining two auxiliary local coordinate systems
that indicate the directions taken by the center of the arc
in the weave execution [15–17]. Then, these two new
systems are replaced in the double-ellipsoidal power density
distribution, which has new spatial variables defining
it. Possible disadvantages of this method for the weave
application are difficulties in the code implementation and
the lack of flexibility to incorporate penetration movements
Fig. 1 Double-ellipsoidal power density distribution
or more complex weave patterns. The path parameterization
method, proposed as an alternative to the coordinate
transformation method, is based on the description of the
The main merit of this model is the appropriate route of the electric arc incidence point on the workpiece
representation of the temperature gradient, both in the during the weaving process, which corresponds to the center
sharper aspect of the frontal portion and in the smoother of the double-ellipsoidal distribution in the mathematical
behavior at the rear portion [4]. model, as a parameterized curve given by a function
that associates, for each point in time t, an ordered trio
2.3 Weaving welding and the path parameterization (x0 (t), y0 (t), z0 (t)) that is part of the running path. Later,
approach this curve is used directly in Eq. 5 as the instantaneous
position of the center of the double-ellipsoid that defines the
The weaving, also known as braiding or oscillation, is a power density distribution, as shown by Eq. 6.
secondary motion carried out during welding. It consists of
the execution of weaving movements as the electric arc runs ⎧ √
through the entire joint to be welded, seeking the deposition ⎪

6 3ff Q −3((x−x0 (t))2 /a 2 +
√ e

⎪ abcf π π
of a wider weld bead, the correct fusion of the bevel walls, ⎪

⎪ (y−y0 (t))2 /b2 +(z−z0 (t))2 /cf2 )

the proper filling of the joint, a more stable weld pool out of
qg (x, y, z, t) = (6)
the flat position, and the depletion of gases involved in the ⎪
⎪ √

⎪ 6 3fr√Q −3((x−x0 (t))2 /a 2 +
procedure [18]. Several weave patterns may be performed ⎪
⎪ e
⎪ abc rπ π
⎩ (y−y0 (t))2 /b2 +(z−z0 (t))2 /cr2 )
depending on operation, the operator’s expertise in the case
of manual welding, and the desired result. Figure 2 shows
some of the many possible weave patterns.
This principle was used by Kim and Rhee [1] to define
a control algorithm for the welding voltage in the weaving
welding processes. The main advantages of this method
are its simplicity and the possibility of parametrizing any
complex curve to be used in simulations of a weaving
welding process.

2.4 Numerical simulation of welding by the FEM

For a numerical analysis of the welding operation, the

correct characterizations of the physics involved, as well
as an adequate mathematical representation of the electric
arc action on the workpiece, are always necessary.
The temperature gradients and the induction of thermal
deformations and stresses during welding give rise to a
multiphysics phenomenon with a high degree of complexity.
However, although the stress distribution is closely linked
Fig. 2 Few possible weave patterns to the reached temperature levels, the opposite has not been
480 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487

prominently verified, so uncoupled analyses, or one-way features of each pattern, its main parameters are the
coupling as they are also known, are usually performed [10]. weave amplitude, that is the maximum aperture width
For this approach in multiphysics problems, the thermal and of the weaving in the transverse direction to the overall
mechanical analyses are performed individually because the translational movement of the electric arc and may be
dependence between these fields is much more pronounced written as wtanθ by Fig. 3. The weaving frequency, f , is
in the thermal–mechanical sense. In the case of obtaining the number of completed weave cycles per time unit. It is
the temperature distribution, only a thermal simulation also relevant to note that v refers to the longitudinal velocity
needs to be performed. of the electric arc.
For a transient thermal simulation, it is necessary to
provide the properties from Eq. 1, ρ, c, and k, as well 2.5.1 Simple oscillatory wave
as the correct adjustment of the solver to the material
non-linearity, if the properties are modeled as temperature- Three different procedures for parametrizing a weave
dependent functions. Another relevant aspect, and also a pattern are idealized. The first one, used for mathematically
source of non-linearity, is the deposition of the weld bead, straightfoward patterns, seeks a direct way to represent the
usually modeled, whenever present, by the “birth and death functions (x0 (t), y0 (t), z0 (t)) for the path. Figure 4 presents
element” technique [10], in which undeposited elements are a simple oscillatory pattern, and for its parameterization, it
disabled before the start of the heat source movement, and is observed that the movement occurs without penetration,
are opportunely activated when it is providing heat near to so that the entire curve is on a plane parallel to the xz
the position in which they are located. The deactivation is coordinate plane, positioned at the coordinate y equal to
achieved by multiplying the material thermal conductivity the thickness w of the plate. In addition, the movement is
matrix by a severe reduction factor, which is undone at the restricted to an oscillatory pattern that may be described by
element activation time. a sinusoidal trigonometric function.
This paper aims to show how the path parameterization Therefore, according to the nomenclature in Fig. 3,
method is capable of representing the thermal aspect the curve representing the weaving movement can be
of the phenomenon. Therefore, despite Hu et al. [15] parameterized according to Eq. 7.
having also performed mechanical analyses to determine the
residual stress distribution, it is straightfoward to assume x0 (t) = wtan(θ)sin(2πf t)
that if the proposed approach meets its purpose, and y0 (t) = w (7)
considering the uncoupled aspect of its multiphysics, the z0 (t) = vt
correct characterization of the mechanical aspect on a later After the parameterization, the curve may be used as the
simulation will also be conducted to correct results. Thus, center of the heat source, according to Eq. 6.
the present paper will restrict itself to thermal simulations.
2.5.2 Oscillatory weave with penetration
2.5 Methodology
Still regarding this direct procedure to parametrize a curve
Figure 3 presents the geometric parameters observed to that represents a weave pattern, in order to implement the
proceed with the parameterization of the path to be traveled penetration movement to the simple oscillatory weave, one
by the electric arc in the analyzed weave patterns. The
thickness w of the plate and bevel angle θ are highlighted.
Regarding the weaving movement, despite the specific

Fig. 3 Geometric parameters to be used on parameterization Fig. 4 Simple oscillatory weave

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487 481

can observe that, compared to Eq. 7, the coordinate y0 (t) no The more terms of the series considered, which can
longer remains constant because the movement is no longer be accomplished through simple repetition structures, the
restricted to a plane parallel to the XZ coordinate plane. closer to the actual square wave pattern the movement
Instead, from the analysis of Fig. 1, it is possible to find a is. Figure 6 shows this pattern representation, highlighting
direct relationship between coordinates x0 (t) and y0 (t) from the assumed forms for different numbers of terms used in
the equation of the line that defines the bevel, according to the Fourier series. A procedure similar to what is done
Eq. 8. for the oscillatory pattern can be performed to implement
y0 (t) = |cot (θ)x0 | (8)
The third option is executed when the pattern may neither
Thus, because the movement according to coordinate xo be described by simple mathematical expressions nor by
behaves in such a way as to be written as a sinusoidal a Fourier series representation. This procedure consists of
function in time t, there is also a function yo (t). Figure 5 using some point capture software that allows the operator
represents the movement, and its parameterization is to define a proper system of coordinate axes, and thus,
shown by Eq. 10. The discriminant variable x0 (t), which with the use of a sketch from the geometry with the
distinguishes the two sentences, may be implemented by a weave pattern, to determine a table with ordered triads
simple additional conditional command. (x0 (t), y0 (t), z0 (t)) that compose the path to be covered by
x0 (t) = wtan(θ)sin(2πf t) the electric arc. The points stored in this table, in which each
y0 (t) = cot (θ)wtan(θ)sin(2πf t) column is a coordinate of the triad, are then allocated as the
(9) center of the thermal input distribution. The control of the
z0 (t) = vt
if x0 (t) > 0 welding speed is performed by informing the time interval
between the collection of points in the table.
x0 (t) = wtan(θ)sin(2πf t)
y0 (t) = −cot (θ)wtan(θ)sin(2πf t)
z0 (t) = vt
(10) 3 Case studies
if x0 (t) ≤ 0
3.1 Comparison case with Hu et al. [15]
2.5.3 General patterns
The analysis performed by Hu et al. [15] is replicated to
The second procedure proposed, suitable for more complex establish a comparison between the path parameterization
patterns, relays on the use of the Fourier series function method, the coordinate transformation method, and exper-
representation. In the case of a square wave, considering the imental results. For convenience, the chosen commercial
parameters of Fig. 2 and its representation in Fourier series, software for the FEM simulation of the weaving welding
the parameterization found is described according to Eq. 11. process was the ANSYS Mechanical APDL . However, the
∞ path parameterization approach may be used in any other
x0 (t) = 4wtan(θ)
π n=0 2n−1 sin((2n − 1)πf t)
suitable software for the weaving welding simulation.
y0 (t) = w (11) Figure 7 provides the representation of the geometry of
z0 (t) = vt the analyzed plate, with dimensions 300 × 200 × 20 mm, as
well as the mesh used in the finite element simulation. The
weld bead has an extension of 240 mm and was performed
30 mm from both extremities of the plate and was modeled
throughout the longitudinal dimension, with the deposition
of the weld bead appropriately simulated through the birth
and death element technique. The mesh consists of eight-
node hexagonal elements, similar to those used by Hu et al.
[15], with refinement in the weld bead region. Altogether, it
has 24,556 elements, totalizing 31,070 nodes, from the type
SOLID70 , the most indicated to this analysis using the
ANSYS package.
The material of the plates and the weld bead are
Fig. 5 Simple oscillatory weave with penetration considered to be the same, 10Ni-5Cr-Mo-V steel, and
482 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487

Fig. 6 Square wave weave


Fig. 7 Geometry (a) and mesh

(b) of the welded plate

Fig. 8 Thermophysical
properties of the 100
10Ni-5Cr-Mo-V steel [15]


70 Thermal conductivity (W/m ºC)

Specific heat (10xJ/kg ºC)
Density (100xkg/m³)



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Temperature [ºC]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487 483

Table 1 Weaving welding parameters [15] region without contours corresponds to the elements in the
deactivated condition, waiting for deposition.
Voltage (V) 23 Efficiency (%) 0.7
Figure 10 compares the thermal cycle of point A obtained
Current (A) 150 Weave amplitude (mm) 10
by the path parameterization to implement the weave weld-
Velocity (mm/s) 1 Weave frequency (Hz) 0.5
ing and the results of Hu et al. [15]. Considering the thermal
cycle at the highest temperature, the path parameterization
method behaved more consistently with the experimental
its temperature-dependent thermophysical properties are
results, both quantitatively — the experimental tempera-
shown in Fig. 8. The welding and weaving parameters used
ture peak and the temperature peak of the simulation with
by Hu et al. [15] are shown in Table 1. Considering the
the coordinate transformation, according to Hu et al. [15],
effective length of 240 mm of the weld bead and the welding
were 1363 o C and 1315 o C, or an error of 3, 5% for less,
speed of 1 mm/s, the process takes place in the 240-s range,
while the temperature peak of the path parameterization
and all the additional time refers to the cooling of the welded
resulted in 1, 383 o C, or an error of 1, 46% for more —
and qualitatively — the fluctuation of the peak tempera-
The initial conditions are a uniform temperature through-
ture as well as the instant at which the levels begin to drop
out the piece, which is equal to the environment and external
were better captured by the path parameterization. Dur-
flow temperatures, adopted as 0 o C, as done by Hu et al.
ing the cooling period, the simulation performed by Hu et
[15]. As a boundary condition, we have the combined con-
al. [15], using the coordinate transformation method, fol-
vective coefficient hcomb , which includes the convection and
lowed the experimental results more closely compared to
radiation effects, according to Eq. 12.
the path parameterization. At this point, the most impor-
εσ (T 4 − Tenv
4 ) tant microstructural transformations, which happen above
hcomb = +h (12) 727 o C, were already over.
T − Tenv
Finally, Fig. 11 illustrates the spatial distribution of the
An emissivity ε of 0.5 and a convective coefficient h of temperatures on the external surface line of the central
20W m−2 o C −1 are adopted. All other procedures were also cross-section of the plate by the time when the heat source
implemented as described by Hu et al. [15]. is passing through point A, that is, exactly in the middle
The data to be compared are the temperature distribution of the welding execution, at the time of 120s. Its analysis
on the outer surface line in the central cross-section of the indicates that the path parameterization method allows a
plate as well as the thermal cycle of point A of that line, good representation of the temperature distribution during
shown in Fig. 7. the welding process, following the experimental points as
Figure 9 presents the temperature distribution in contours well as the coordinate transformation. It is also noteworthy
for three different moments during the weave execution, and that the maximum temperature level achieved by the path
the displacement of the maximum temperature region may parameterization was 1861 °C, while the one achieved by
be observed following the movement pattern. The weld bead the coordinate transformation was very close to 2000 °C.

Fig. 9 Temperature distribution contours for times 120 s (a), 120.5 s (b), and 121.5 s (c)
484 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487

Fig. 10 Comparison between

thermal cycles obtained by Hu
et al. [15] experimentally and
numerically with coordinate
transformation and those
obtained by path

3.2 Experimental case techniques. Therefore, the use of numerical simulations is

increasing, specifically because it is able, with an adequate
Experimental analyses may provide reliable results when characterization of the problem, to provide sufficient and
properly executed. However, they are, usually, difficult relevant information about engineering problems, in which
to perform, relying on expensive tools and complex the weaving welding process is included.

Fig. 11 Comparison of the temperature distribution experimentally and numerically obtained by the coordinate transformation in Hu et al. [15],
with the path parameterization method for the time of 120 s
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487 485

Fig. 12 Geometry (a) and mesh

(b) of the plates submitted to the
weld bead coating process

To illustrate this aspect, an experimental analysis of the The welding parameters used are presented in Table 2, and
thermal cycle on two points of three 1020 SAE steel plate the system is illustrated in Fig. 14.
probes, submitted to weld bead coating, was performed. The resultant weld beads for the three plates are shown
The weld beads were deposited by weaving welding process in Fig. 15. With this result, it was possible to measure
with a simple oscillatory pattern. Figure 12 presents the the weld pool dimensions and use them as the coefficients
geometry of the plates, with the corresponding mesh used on in Goldak’s distribution. The weaving frequency was also
the FEM simulation, which is composed of 33,004 elements determined, once it was performed manually, by the number
and 42,702 nodes. Figure 13 shows the thermophysical of longitudinal layers observed on the beads. For the
properties of the 1020 SAE steel. simulation, the same set of boundary conditions used by Hu
The welding process used was the GMAW, with an et al. [15] were also applied in this analysis, with an initial
automatic welding machine controlling the wire feed, the temperature of 25 °C.
welding speed, and the gas flow. The oscillation for the Figure 16 shows the comparison of the experimental
weaving movement was performed manually, with the help thermal cycle on the two points, achieved by the average
of an amplitude limiter. The temperature of two points of temperature in each instant of time, and the numerical
the plate, shown in Fig. 12—point 1, at 10 mm from the results obtained with the path parameterization approach
weld center, and point 2, at a distance of22 mm from it, both for the weaving movement. Its analysis shows that
at 5 mm from the external surface—were measured by K- through the simulation, it was possible to capture the
thermocouples, in order to obtain the thermal cycle on these temperature fluctuations, caused by the weaving movement,
points and compare with the provided by the simulation. in the equivalent position of the thermocouple 1. These
fluctuations, however, do not appear in the experimental
curve, a fact that may be attributed to the low sensitivity
of thermocouples, since, in Hu et al. [15], it is quite clear
that such fluctuations must be present near the weld bead.
In the case of the thermocouple 2, because of the greater
distance to the weld bead, the fluctuations are significantly
reduced in the curve acquired through the simulation, but it
also remains absent in the experimental curve. Nevertheless,

Table 2 Weaving welding parameters

Voltage (V) 23 Efficiency (%) 0.75

Current (A) 180 Weave amplitude (mm) 10
Velocity (mm/s) 2 Weave frequency (Hz) 0.5
Fig. 13 Thermophysical properties of the 1020 SAE steel [19]
486 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487

Fig. 14 Automatic welding

machine (a) and the weave
amplitude limiter (b)

in both cases, when the electric arc was active in the represent the thermal cycle at a point close to the weld bead
workpiece, the simulation closely matched the experimental during the execution of the welding in the simulation, as
results, with a deviation of approximately 15 °C in the well as the spatial distribution of temperatures.
temperatures, that is 5.6% in relation to the maximum As for the experimental case study, it was possible
temperature obtained experimentally. to notice how its inherent limitations, especially those
After the heating is ceased, the numerical results related to the sophistication of the tools and techniques
presented a slightly different behavior if compared to the involved, may undermine its capacity to acquire coherent
experimental data. It must not be attributed to the path information. This analysis emphasizes a relevant advantage
parameterization method, since the electric arc was not of the numerical simulations. With the use of the path
acting. However, it may be associated with the difficulties parameterization on the simulation, it was possible to
and limitations related to the realization of experimental capture the temperature fluctuations on the thermal cycle of
analyses. the weaving welding process, which corroborates the role
that the simulations may occupy as a tool to support the
experimental analyses.
4 Discussion In general, the path parametrization method proved
to be able to appropriately represent, with a good level
The path parameterization method was appropriately of accuracy, temperatures and their oscillation during
described in three different approaches, with the presenta- welding. It is a method that has as main advantages its
tion of three patterns as examples, which makes it possible simplicity of implementation and its greater versatility
to perform the procedure for other weave patterns, no matter in comparison to the coordinate transformation method,
how complex they are. which makes possible the extensive use of the FEM in
The validation of the method was successfully achieved the simulation of welding operations, and the consequent
by the results presented in the study based on the work of obtaining of relevant information on the thermal aspect of
Hu et al. [15], since it was observed an excellent ability to the phenomenon.

Fig. 15 Weld bead for the plate

probes 1 (a), 2 (b), and 3 (c)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 104:477–487 487

Fig. 16 Numerical-experimental
comparison of the thermal cycle
on thermocouples 1 and 2)

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