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Internship Opportunity The Relative Advantages of

by Emily Griffith Seven Types of Privilege
Internship and job opportunities are By John Hull, Emily Griffith,
always available to psychology students! But what about Marshall Murray 
Several residential treatment facilities and
psychoanalysis? Undergraduate participants assessed the
other mental health organizations in the
relative advantages of seven forms of
area welcome student volunteers and staff
privilege, and the extent to which they had
members. This is a great way to make a
those privileges. Socioeconomic privilege
difference,  build your resume, and earn was evaluated as significantly most
service hours! To inquire about Internships can advantageous, Christian and middle-age
internships and other psychology also improve privileges as significantly least advantageous
opportunities, contact Dr. Affeltranger or .Overall, women participants rated privileges
Amy Gamble in the Office of Career and significantly more advantageous than did
professional development. men in general, while white men were
significantly least likely to think privilege was
an important issue. 

Note: John Hull would like students to know

that there are always research
opportunities available on campus for any
students interested.

Faculty Spotlight: Debra Hull

1. Why did you decide to enter the field of psychology?
I took a crooked path to my college psychology major--via French, sociology, and even pre-med. Ultimately psychology turned out
to be the best way for me to combine my love for science, desire to help people, and need for a life outside my career. I'm a hard
worker, but not a workaholic. I need time for my spiritual life, for my grandchildren, for community service, and for quilting and
other artistic pursuits. I stayed in psychology (for 45 years now) because I love teaching and I love the discipline. Understanding
people and their behavior permeates all parts of life and all academic disciplines, and being able to pass some of that
understanding on brings me great joy.

2. If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I think the single biggest problem facing us in the US and all of us around the world is income disparity. There is much too great a
gap between those who have and those who don't. I would use my superpower to abolish greed, cap profits, and pay everyone a
fair, livable wage. Although I know economics are vastly complex, I'm not sure capitalism and Christianity can coexist, and I would
lean toward reining in capitalism. 

 3. You can broadcast one sentence to every TV channel and radio in the world and have it translated to each country’s language.
What sentence do you say?
 "Play the harpsicord." And if I could explain, I would encourage everyone to take some risks, try something you might not be good
at, move out of your comfort zone, use both hemispheres of your brain. (In college I took a harpsicord class and loved it. I wasn't
good at it and think I got a mercy B for trying, but I never forgot the thrill of trying something totally new to me.)

4. If you could choose a course that you have always wanted to teach, what would it be and how would you teach it??
Working in a small, liberal arts college makes all of us professors generalists, so I have taught many psychology courses. One I
haven't taught, though, and would like to teach is sports psychology. How would I teach it? I'd do pretty much what I always do--
combine content with real world data collection and application/demonstrations.
Editor: Emily Griffith Artist: Samra Cooke Advisor: Diane Snyder

Sigmund Freud Abraham Maslow B. F. Skinner

May 6, 1856 – April 1, 1908 – March 20, 1904 –
September 23, 1939 June 8, 1970  August 18, 1990
Known for developing Known for his Hierarchy Known for developing
Psychoanalysis of Needs Operant Conditioning

"Most people do not really We strive for

want freedom, because freedom when we
freedom involves self-actualize. Meetings every other Thursday at 8pm

responsibility, and most people October 11: "Love, Simon" Movie

Night with Bison Alliance
are frightened of
October 19: "The Hate You Give"
responsibility." Trip
How would you
October 28: Day of Service
– Sigmund Freud measure that
More to Come!

Psychs-cream Social
by Amanda Casto
The psychology club hosted a Psychs-Cream
Social on September 3, 2018. Students
interested in the club came to the psych
lounge to make an ice cream sundae and
meet other psychology majors, club
members, and professors. To incorporate
psychological principles in this event, we
mixed ice cream and toppings labeled as
theories and modalities to create some
tasty ice cream theoretical orientations!

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