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Create a budget spreadsheet assuming your monthly salary is 30K per month plus 2K for non-

taxable allowance that will be given every 15th of the month and the tax and benefits will be
deducted every 15th of the month.

Specification: - The monthly Salary will be the first sheet.

- Monthly Salary will be distributed on 15th and 30th/31st of the month evenly before the tax and
benefits deduction.

- Actual Salary will be shown after the deduction

. - The tax and other benefits deductions will be under Monthly salary Sheet.

- All expenses deduction will be your secondary sheet. - All expenses will be based on your
last activity.

- Any inessential expenses will be tag as Other Expenses.

- And your remaining savings will be you're 3rd sheet. Note: attached is the sample spread
sheet you can be use..

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