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Activity 01- Lazo, Myles N.


Rodrigo Roa “Rody” Duterte or DU30, as he’s fondly called by his supporters and
followers, was elected 16th President of the Philippines last 2016 and is now also the first ever
elected president from Southern Philippines (Davao City). His fixation on domestic policies such
as the war on drugs and the insurgencies in Mindanao was honed from his long stint as the
“strongman” from Davao, but on matters of foreign policy, including on issues of sovereignty,
territorial integrity, and maritime disputes in the region, he lacks experience. Yet he has been
crafting the country’s foreign policy through his pronouncements, even if often done with
brusqueness and profanity.

Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte made a speech during the Philippines – China
Trade and Investment Forum at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, October 20,
2016. This is an example of oral communication whereas President Duterte is expressing
information or ideas by word of mouth and verbally transmitting information and ideas from one
individual or group to another and it is a vital, integral part of the business world, especially in an
era dubbed the information age.

As what is included in the PowerPoint presentation, we have five principles of effective

oral communication such as Be clear with your purpose in communicating, Be concise, Be
natural with your delivery, Be complete with the message you deliver and Be specific
and timely on the feedback given.

1. As what I've watched, President Duterte’s speech actually followed these five
principles because

2. As the most important, the first step in the preparation of a public speech or remarks
is to determine its essential PURPOSE/ GOAL of the communication and President Duterte’s
speech tend to have three general purposes: to entertain, to persuade, or to inform. He
persuaded the audience by citing examples like how the Americans differ from us (Filipinos) in
terms of attitude and how Chinese and Americans differ when it comes in trades and
businesses. Secondly, our President informed his audience about his "separation" from the
United States and sought to strengthen our ties with China and gave verdict about his statement
“It's Russia, China, Philippines 'against the world' “. Lastly, our President is well known when it
comes to the way he delivers his speeches and honestly, his audience seems to be so much
entertained that very moment. President Duterte is CONCISE when it comes to his speeches
and even when he delivered his SONA that year, that was entitled as one of the shortest SONA
of all times. Short but very concise upon communicating information to the public.
Communication is an art. But, like all art, communication has an underlying structure, and good
communicators, like experienced artists, understand the techniques that underlie effective
communication. President Duterte produced logical, structured communication that leads his
listeners or readers directly to the point. President Duterte seems VERY NATURAL upon
delivering his speech that sometimes he utters some words that is not appropriate or even
cursing in public. President Duterte is very PARTICULAR AND COMPLETE with the message
he deliver, he is always making sure that in that span of time he’ll say everything he wants to.
Lastly, President Duterte is SPECIFIC AND TIMELY on the feedback given to him wherein
feedback that is both affirming and corrective is necessary for people to learn and as a
President; he listens to his subordinates, making sure that his audience relates what he’s talking
about and was very evident that when President Duterte delivers his speech, audience tends to
applause and made it obvious that he’s such an interesting one. He truly defined it as
information on the results of one's efforts, and feedback that is CLEAR, SPECIFIC and TIMELY
motivates him to improve.

3. There’s no principle that he did not followed because his goal is to make his speech
as effective as possible as well as worth for the audience to benefit from and don’t think that
they’ve just wasted a period of time in their lives.

4. The advice that I would give to our President for him to become a more effective
speaker are; First thing that I consider as the most important one is “THINK BEFORE YOU
SPEAK” knowing the President as a firm individual when it comes to own opinions, it is very
important that he should think first before speaking . He should think how his words are going to
affect his audience with whom he is communicating before making any statement. That means
he should try to connect with the feelings of the every other person in order to show that he
genuinely care about the conversation that is going between him and his subordinates. Second,
Don’t Deviate. Always try to stick to the topic of discussion to maintain the relevance of the
communication process. There is no need to bring something totally unrelated to the discussion
and waste the time of the people involved. If you deviate away from the topic, the whole idea of
the conversation becomes less meaningful. Third, don’t be Defensive or attacking – Be Neutral.
President Duterte do not have to get overexcited when someone points out his mistakes and get
defensive or attack them. Be neutral and transparent so that he can understand what is actually
being discussed. Always maintain the balance in the conversation so that everyone involved in
the discussion has a fair part in it. And lastly, he should be careful with his words. President
Duterte is always being overwhelmed by his emotions and anger and sometimes utters words
that are inappropriate. He should really prevent from cursing because his audience is not just
comprised by the adults but also the youth and even toddlers sometimes. But all in all, President
Duterte is indeed a good speaker and communicator.

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