English A S.B.A.

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Plan of Investigation 3
Article 1 4
Article 2 6
Article 3 7
Entry 1 9
Entry 2 10
Entry 3 11
Plan of Oral Presentation 12
Oral Presentation 13
Written Report 14
Group Article 1 15
Group Article 2 16
Group Article 3 18
Reference 19

Plan of Investigation
My group chose the topic Crime because it is a major problem in our country. I chose the title
of Drug Trafficking as my sub-topic because the drugs that are being sold on the streets ruins
many people’s lives. In doing this S.B.A. my expected benefits as an English student is to
improve my use of Standard English, Oral and Analytical skills. I will source my information
from the newspapers, brochures and internet.

Article 1

Trini couple caught in biggest Orlando drug bust

Husband investing in $20m Chaguanas business

Two Trinidad and Tobago nationals who are currently investing millions in Trinidad and
Tobago were charged in Orange Country, Florida, on July 14, with trafficking some 3,000
pounds (1,360 kg) of marijuana.

According to the Orlando Sentinel newspaper, police found 1,230 pounds (558 kg) of
marijuana inside an RV (recreational vehicle) owned by Mukesh and Shamila Rampersad—
815 pounds (370 kg) in a storage compartment below the vehicle and roughly 415 pounds
(188 kg) inside the bed in the bedroom of the RV.

The Rampersads were two of five people arrested by the Metropolitan Bureau of
Investigation in the incident.

Larry Zwieg, director of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation, was quoted in an online
report by RTT News: "That might be the most I've ever seen here in Orlando. We are looking
further into the organisation. We are looking further into this couple who were driving the

Zwieg had told RTT News the marijuana was being transported by a Jamaican drug-
trafficking organisation and was to be distributed throughout the state of Florida.

Rampersad, 51, was accompanied by his wife on the tour bus owned by the couple, valued at
US$400,000. They were charged with trafficking in cannabis greater than 2,000 pounds with
a firearm and conspiracy to traffic cannabis greater than 2,000 pounds. According to the
county records, Rampersad was released the same day on a US$100,300 surety bond while
his wife was released on a US$100,150 cash bond.

Rampersad, owner of Prestige Auto Body & Cycle in Florida, is in the midst of a $20 million
investment in Edinburgh, Chaguanas.

On October 13, 2011, he was quoted in an article in the Business Guardian as saying he
planned to invest in the areas of door manufacturing and automotive customising and should
generate over 150 jobs for the corporation over the next two years.

To this end, Rampersad has been constructing a building in Edinburgh.

Chaguanas Mayor Orlando Nagessar yesterday told the Express he was "shocked" by the

He said he was first introduced to Rampersad when the borough was twinned with the city of
Lauderhill, Florida.

He described Rampersad as "part of the Trini posse" in Florida, and during the twinning
celebrations, Rampersad had taken them on a bus, which he owned, on road trips in the

He noted that Rampersad was originally from Freeport and had migrated from Trinidad many
years ago but saw an opportunity to invest in T&T again after the twinning ceremony.

Asked whether the Edinburgh project was on track, he confirmed they were now in the
process of installing glass windows, so in his estimation, it was on track.

Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to the United States Dr Neil Parsan told the Express via
e-mail yesterday he has "had no such report sent to the Mission".


Article 2


Article 3
Ras Shorty I – Watch Out My Children
My sons and my daughter, to you I plead
Take just one minute and listen to me
I know you don’t to want no sermon
But my admonition is to guide you against all the evils of life
That create strife and destroy life, oh
Walk cautiously, children be alert, oh
You have an enemy, that is roaming Jah earth
I know that you are young and restless
But you don’t have to be careless
Sober thinking leads on to righteousness
And happiness, spiritual bless-so let me tell you this

Watch out my children, watch out my children

You have a fellow called lucifer with a bag of white powder
And he don’t want to powder your face
But to bring shame and disgrace to the human race

Walk on and your future is ahead of you

Right or wrong, sweet or sour depends on what you do
What you feed your mind with, forms your characteristic
And shapes the path that you must lead tomorrow
Darkness or glow, joy or sorrow and so I want you to know

Watch out my children, watch out my children

You have a fellow called lucifer with a bag of white powder
And he don’t want to powder your face
But to bring shame and disgrace to the human race

I give you my guidance because I want to see
I want to see all Jah children live righteously
Cause taking the wrong direction hurts your constitution
And promotes mental chaos and confusion
That is so wrong and make man, for that is not Jah Jah plan

Watch out my children, watch out my children

You have a fellow called lucifer with a bag of white powder
And he don’t want to powder your face
But to bring shame and disgrace to the human race

Watch out my children, watch out my children

You have a fellow called lucifer with a bag of white powder
And he don’t want to powder your face
But to bring shame and disgrace to the human race

Entry 1
The newspaper article was edifying. It showed me that drug trafficking is a serious crime.
This is because the Drug Traffickers has a negative impact towards society by carrying
around harmful substances. I felt embarrassed and ashamed as this article talks about a couple
from Trinidad involved in trafficking abroad.
My second piece is a picture is a picture I downloaded from a website that shows a security
guard reading the paper about drugs slipping through the border undetected while talking to a
drug trafficker without checking vehicle. This shows me that security guards need to be more
serious at their jobs.
My third piece is a song entitled “Watch Out My Children” by Ras Shorty I this song offers
the perspective of how harmful drugs are. It helps me understand why it is we do not want
young people around such harmful substances because drugs can harm you both mentally and
physically and also not to be engaged to take drugs from the Drug Traffickers.

Entry 2
Article one uses a serious and informative tone, as it was formatted to explain how the
Trinidad couples were caught trafficking 3000/1360 kg of marijuana. Also, reference is made
to where the couple are from, it gives a negative picture on the society as a whole.
The picture in the second piece shows a security guard and a male (trafficker) talking. The
photograph gives hints to the viewer about how easily drug trafficking takes place.
The song in my third piece is written persuasively as it talks to young children to stay away
from drugs. Ras Shorty I rhymes most of his endings of each line to get the song stuck into
the minds of the young children to keep reminding them about the people who come to you to
offer drugs. Ras Shorty I sang a line “You have a fellow called Lucifer with a bag of white
powder”. Lucifer in this line refers to the drug traffickers who are shown to be similar to the
devil showing that taking drugs will make you go to hell.

Entry 3
In doing the English S.B.A., I learnt how to work adequately in the group to finish the work
that need to be done, how to be more caring and understanding towards people other than just
myself and people I care about. I also gain a lot of information on drug trafficking.
Our group agree on Crime as our main topic and then we chose sub-topics which helped
developed our team work skills. In analysing the pieces taught me how to extract relevant
information. My oral presentation helped advanced proper speaking techniques and the
projection of my voice.
I learnt some analytical skills, communication skills, cooperation between group members, to
be less judgmental towards people who came from different cultures and backgrounds and
also more confidence.

Plan of Oral
For the oral presentation of my S.B.A. I will be presenting a free verse poem that I wrote on
Drug Trafficking. I chose to focus on the topic of drug trafficking because it is a serious
crime out there on the streets and is affecting people badly. I used standard English and
dialect in my free verse poem. I referred to poems online to help me create my own poem.

Oral Presentation

Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking is bad

It makes me sad
To see people going mad
Trying to buy it
At the local mini mart

Across the borders of the world

They are importing and exporting
Selling drug both day and night
Stop buying drugs for you lose your wealth
Drugs are very bad for your health

Buying cocaine
Causes plenty pain
It makes you go insane
If you have
Don’t do it again

It is the community’s duty

To keep its beauty
From the drug traffickers and money stackers
Keep the drugs of the street
To make the drug traffickers feel defeat

Written Report
Our group chose the topic crime. The topic was then divided into sub-topics (Human
Trafficking, Murder, Drug Trafficking, Gun Violence and Rape. We chose the topic crime it
is very prevalent in our society. Each member was given a particular topic to research we
visited the express website the gather information. Some articles were rejected because either
they were to advance or had insufficient information.
After collecting and processing the information collected, article one (the poem) collected by
Ren Ramnanan there was use of personification and imagery where the writer said, “unlike
the master I am.” Article two which was collected by Taurell Samson was very descriptive,
the writer describe how the body was found. Article three (the photo) was collected by
Stephen Superville we found that it was easy to bring drugs into the country and people in
authority are lackadaisical.
We encountered few problems. The group members were not able to meet face to face to
discuss which articles to choose. This was due to having different classes and teachers needed
us during our lunch and break time to do other S.B.A.’s. we had problems in picking our
titles. This matter was resolved by communication and the group voting on which article to

Group Article 1

Group Article 2

Group Article 3

Reference Page
I referred to the Express newspaper’s website on the internet, google images and YouTube


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