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*‫*اپنی نمازوں کا جائزہ لیجیے‬

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‫بسم ہللا الرحمن الرحیم السالم علیکم و رحمتہ ہللا وبرکاتہ‬

🌾‫🌾 موضوع‬

*‫کیلیے طہارت کے مسائل جانیے‬...‫*نماز کی کامیابی‬

👉🏻 Part 7️⃣

️️‫استاذہ عفت مقبول صاحبہ‬

🌾🌻🍃‫ ہمیں اپ<<نی نم<<ازوں‬....‫نمازوں کے یہ لیکچر ان کے لیے ہیں جو نماز ادا کر تے ہیں‬
‫ جن کے‬...‫اج س<<ے طہ<<ارت کے اہم مس<<ائل ش<<روع ہ<<وریے ہیں‬..‫ اجر کے قابل بنان<<ا ہے‬.‫کو‬
‫ توجہ سے سنیں اور اپنی نمازوں کا جائزہ لیجیے‬...‫بغیر نماز قبول نہیں‬.

1.4. Project Goals & Objectives:

The important goal of the system is to manage the all issues about Agriculture Area Management
System in a most communicating and a user friendly environment. The admin can deal and control the
profile of any student of the Agriculture Area Management System. He can also access to the dues of
any Worker/Partner. He can permit an area for Worker/Partner. The system will have a complete data
record about the Agriculture Area Management System and the stock of each crop. Only System
Operator will be capable to manage the Agriculture Area Management System Information. Information
may include the information of worker/partner, their dues, crop ’s info, etc.

1.5.High Level Component:


Technology Inputs

Crop Production



Animal Production

1.7. Exclusions:
To debar the description about the project. The project developed using C# and MYSQL Server is based
on the requirement specification of the user and the analysis of the existing system, with pliability for
future enhancement. The expanded functionality of today ’s software requires an s uitable approach
towards software development. This agriculture management software is sketched for people who want
to manage various activities in the agriculture.

1.8. Application Architecture:

1. Agritecture Arch. Andrew Peñalosa

2. Agritecture is the fusion of Architecture and Agriculture. “Buildings That Grow Food”.

3. Architecture the art & science of building; specifically : the art or practice of designing and
building structures - noticeably habitable ones profession of designing buildings, open
areas, communities and environments with consideration for their artistic effect.

4. Agriculture the science, art, or practices of dealing with the the soil, producing crops;
raising, feeding & breeding livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing
of the resulting products Farming.
5. History An ancient Roman architect named Vitruvius wrote De Architecture and dedicated
this book to his patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building projects -
Three Virtues of Architecture This formulation; for all its antiquity remains a useful framework
for the preliminary analysis of a building. Vitruvius gave us the ABC of architecture.

6. The Vitruvian Virtues of Architecture: Utilities - Utility - Function ; Fermatas - Strength -

Durability ; Venustas - Beauty - Delight

7. Agriculture  means the marriage or unification of Productivity and Creativity

8. Sustainable Agriculture 65% of Filipinos are dependent on Agriculture (livestock, crops,
aqua and forestry) and it is the poorest sector of our economy

9. Outcomes of Agritecture Agriculture is the multiplier, it is both the come – on and the

10. Overall Criteria: 1.Doability 2.Replicability 3.Sustainability 4.Visibility 5.Practicality

1.9. Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a way for project management developed originally by Henry Gantt in the early
1900s. It is a type of bar chart that depicts the start and end times for each task in a project

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