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The Discrete Fourier Transform

Exclusive reference: Understanding DSP 
by Richard G. Lyons 
E mail:
E‐mail: mvrajeshihrd@gmail com

The frequency axis m of the DFT results requires special attention. In fact, it can be marked in terms of,

1. m, the time index How to identify the frequency components of x(n) in Hz?
2. ω, the digital frequency
What is the frequency spacing (resolution) of the DFT X(m)?
3. ƒ, the analog frequency

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The frequency resolution is therefore,


When a real input signal contains a sinewave component of peak

amplitude A0 with an integral number of cycles over N input samples, the
output magnitude of the DFT for that particular sinewave is Mr, where

Mr = A0 . N / 2

If the DFT input is a complex sinusoid of amplitude A0 (i.e. A0e j2πft ) with
an integral number of cycles over N samples, the output magnitude of the
DFT is Mc, where

Mc = A0 . N

If the DFT input was riding on a DC value equal to D0, the magnitude of
the DFT’s X(0) output will be D0 . N.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing,
2nd Edition, Richard G. lyons,
Pages 45 – 66

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