ETHICS-6374-2013T (UGRD) Business Ethics W/ Social Resp. Prelim 1 Attemp

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 ETHICS-6374-2013T(UGRD) Business Ethics w/ Social

Prelim 1st attemp
Highest grade: 28.00 / 30.00.

espouses that moral behavior generates the greatest good for the vast majority.

Select one:
a. The Rights Approach
b. The Utilitarian Approach
c. No correct answer

d. The Equality Approach

Normative myopia

Select one:
a. results from focusing on failures.
b. occurs when decision-makers fail to see gradual changes over time.
c. is a shortsightedness of values.

d. All answers are correct

It maintains that moral decisions must be based on standards of equity, fairness and

Select one:
a. The Fairness Approach
b. The Common Good Approach
c. The Virtue Approach

d. No correct answer

The Rule of 7 states that for every individual you minus to a group beyond seven, decision
effectiveness declines by 10 percent.
Select one:
a. False

b. True

Making sensible ethical choices does not require an understanding of ethical issues and a
prepared method for discovering the ethical sides of a decision and evaluating the
alternatives that should impact our choice of action.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

Getting the facts is the first step to ethical decision-making.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

he Rights Approach is an old approach to ethics is that ethical actions should be consistent
with certain virtues that provide for the full development of humankind.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

he following account for the vast majority of poor decisions

Select one:
a. failure to consider alternatives explicitly
b. All answers are correct
c. to many people involved

d. an idealistic search for silver-bullet solutions

Practical reason is concerned with matters of fact and their explanation of value while
theoretical reason is concerned with matters of value abd their explanation.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Change blindness

Select one:
a. occurs when decision-makers fail to see gradual changes over time.
b. is a shortsightedness of values
c. All answers are correct.

d. results from focusing on failures

There are five types of ethical standards: utilitarian, rights, fairness or justice, common good,
and virtue.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Managers are

Select one:
a. accountable for the ethical conduct of those who report to them.
b. responsible for interacting with external stakeholders such as customers, local
community, government officials, suppliers, or owners.
c. All of the answers are correct.

d. responsible for advocating ethical standards in their own behaviors and decisions.

It suggests that linked relationships of society are the foundation of ethical reasoning and
that reverence and concern for all others are conditions of such grounds.

Select one:
a. The Equality Approach
b. The Common Good Approach
c. The Utilitarian Approach

d. The Virtue Approach

______ provide relevant insight for our ethical choices.

Select one:
a. Beliefs
b. Attitudes
c. Feelings

d. Habit

Beauty, empathy, courage, generosity, patience, love, loyalty, integrity, justice, self-control,
and prudence are all examples of virtues. Terminal values refer to preferable modes of

Select one:
a. True

b. False

Laws can never be morally wrong or unethical.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Making sensible ethical choices does not require an understanding of ethical issues and a
prepared method for discovering the ethical sides of a decision and evaluating the
alternatives that should impact our choice of action.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

The more difficult the ethical choice we have to make, the more we need to avoid difficult
people and situations.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Ethics refers to

Select one:
a. standards of behavior that tell us how people should act in the many situations in which
they find themselves.
b. religion and spiritual well-being.
c. morals, values, principles and convictions.

d. paradigms, attitudes and actions.

Ethics is the ideology about right and wrong in the workplace distinguished by social
notions of the moral actions of people.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

Inattentional blindness

Select one:
a. results from focusing on failures.
b. is a shortsightedness of values
c. occurs when decision-makers fail to see gradual changes over time.

d. All answers are correct.

The theory of social responsibility and ethics only applies in a group context.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

Only Managers are obliged to make decisions in the business environment every day.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

The words and deeds of someone will be in agreement with the ethical standards of the
company when a person has a low degreee of integrity.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Vital decisions are easy to make with many people. Different personalities interfere with
reason and argument.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Acting and reflecting on the outcome is the last step to ethical decision-making.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Maintaining social responsibility within an organization ensures the integrity of society and
the environment are protected.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Practical reason tries to gauge the way things are while theoretical reason determines how
the world should be and what individuals should do.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

Managers are not accountable for the ethical conduct of their subordinates. This is made
possible by making sure employees are aware of the code of ethics of the organization and
have the opportunity to validate and clarify their misunderstanding.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

The approach of social responsibility is based on a system of ethics, in which decisions and
actions must be ethically ratified before proceeding.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

The Virtue Approach is ethical actions consistent with beliefs and habits that enable us to
act according to the best of our character and on behalf of values like honesty and truth.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

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