Chapter 17: Health, Wellness, and Illness

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Chapter 17: Health, Wellness, and Illness

Health illness continuum:

The illness wellness continuum developed by Travis ranges from high level wellness to premature death.

The model illustrate two arrows pointing in opposite directions and joined at a neutral. Movement to the
right of the neutral point indicates increasing levels of health and well being for an individual.

In contrast, movement to the left of the neutral point indicates progressively decreasing levels of health.

High level wellness Grid:

It is oriented toward maximizing the health potential of an individual. This model requires the individual
to maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment.

Stages of Illness experience

Each stage involves major decisions that must be made by the individual that determine whether the
sequence of stages continue or the process is discontinued.

2. Seven Dimensions of wellness

Physical - exercise daily, and control meal portions to promote wellness.

Emotional – seek and provide support, accept and forgive yourself to promote wellness.

Intellectual – learn to appreciate art, and read to promote wellness.

Social – share your talents and skills, and contribute to your community to maintain wellness.

Spiritual – spend time alone/ meditate regularly to promote wellness

Environmental - reduce, reuse, recycle to maintain wellness.

3. Agent- is the microorganism that actually causes the disease. An agent could be some form of bacteria,
virus, fungus, or parasite.

Host- the agent infects the host, which is the organism that carries the disease. Host get sick or carry an
agent because some part of their physiology is attractive to the agent.

Environment- any factors that affect the spread of the disease but not directly a part of the agent or the

4. encourage exercise and healthy eating to prevent individuals form becoming overweight.
Check body mass index (BMI) at every well checkup to identify individuals who are overweight or obese.

Help obese individuals lose weight to prevent progression to more severe consequences.

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