Rene Descartes - "I Think, Therefore I Am"

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Rene Descartes - “I think, therefore I am”

What does it mean to be me? We can’t always rely to our own

senses since sometimes it misled us. We sometimes thought that doing
such a particular thing might help us into becoming a better person. But
as we reflect deeper from that thought, we realize that it was not a good
idea at all for this could possibly be harmful for us in anyways.
As we’re living in this world, I sometimes wonder if afterlife were
real. We can only place reliance on our beliefs such us believing on what
is written inside the Holy Bible. We couldn’t claim absolute certainty.
We never know if such thing existed for none of us has ever proven that
there is. There would be nothing we could be sure of. It is just a
whirlpool of doubt.
Our collective thoughts manifest our world. We all have the free
will to choose and create our reality. What becomes our reality is what
we think to ourselves. Even there is doubt that existed; it can never
deceive me about my existence.
“I think, therefor I am” -says Rene Descartes. What we can be
more sure of is that no matter how unreliable our thoughts are, these
only proves that we exist as a thinking thing.

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