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1 (S) -- Get (S)pecific about your goals

The first step in the SMARTER method of goal setting is to get highly specific
about what you intend to achieve. You have to ensure that it's measurable so
that it can be tracked, but you also have to put a great deal of detail into what it
is you intend to achieve. You can't just say you want to be rich. It doesn't work
that way.

2 (M) -- Ensure that your goals are (M)eaningful

Goals can't just be specific. The second step for achieving your goals is to
ensure that they're meaningful. We will always do more to achieve a goal that
has a deep-rooted meaning to us than we will to achieve something that's
superficial. So, if you want to have a million dollar net worth because of the
status it affords, you can forget about your chances for success. 

3 (A) -- Pick goals that are (A)chievable. 

I'm all for picking lofty long-term goals. Ten years down the road, we can
achieve anything as long as we work hard during that entire period. But, when it
comes to your one, two and even three-year goals, ensure that they're
achievable. Don't say that you're going to make a billion dollars in 12 months if
you're currently heavily in debt. 

4 (R) -- The goals must be (R)elevant. 

How relevant are the goals that you've selected for your life and your future?
Are they aligned with who you are? Do they resonate with your core values and
beliefs? Or, do they go contrary to everything that you believe in? When we
pick goals that go against the grain of who we are, we find it much more
difficult to follow through.

5 (T) -- Make sure the goals are (T)ime-bound.

Goals must be time-bound in order to be achievable. When do you plan on

achieving this goal? Don't just say you want to get rich in the future or make a
million dollars in the next few years. You have to pick a date on the calendar if
you're serious about achieving that goal. 

6 (E) -- You have to (E)valuate your progress along the way.

When goals are time-bound, they can be evaluated, allowing you to track your
progress along the way. The more meticulous you track your goals, the more
likely you'll be to follow through. Pick a system for tracking your goals, and do
it every single day. This will give you a barometer towards success. 

7 (R) -- Always (R)e-adjust your approach to reach your goals.

If you evaluate your progress, and you realize that you're getting further away
from your goals rather than closer to them, you can re-adjust your approach.
This gives you a moment to correct things. You might not notice this if you fail
to evaluate your progress on a daily basis. 

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