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Advertisement is one of the selling strategies used by lots of companies to promote their product and

encourage people to buy their product in order to increase their production and income. This essay will
examine about Top three the best media for car advertising.

First of all, the best media to promote a product is on television. As we know that almost every part of
the world using television as their source of entertainment and gain information. Scientist research
proves that more than 75 % of people both in developed and undeveloped countries spend the most
time on television. This can be beneficial for a venture to promote their products. Moreover, television
is more appealing than other media because it has good visual, colorful, and be more attractive if the
advertisement used a famous artist as their brand ambassador.

Secondly, the newspaper is best chose for advertising because people nowadays use newspapers (both
printed and online) as their daily routine activities before starting their work. So, if we put a car
advertisement in a popular newspaper with an attractive picture complete with car promotion (such as
discount etc.), shop location, and its specifications, I think people will consider buying the product.

Thirdly, the billboard also the best option because we can put the billboard everywhere especially in
roads or in many places that easy for people to see then by this way we can attract people to buy our
product (car)

To sum up, there are lots of media for promoting a car but I chose television, newspaper, and billboard
as the best media to put advertising.

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