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অনলাইন ব্াাংক প্রিপ্রল িস্তুপ্রি পরীক্ষা

Exam Schedule
ককাননা করপ্রিনেশন প্রি কনই

গ্রুনপ আপনলাড কেওয়া হনব

welqt ‡cvó Kivi ZvwiLt ‡cvó Kivi mgqt
Bank Exam Preparation - 09
Study Material 15/08/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Exam Date 22/08/2020 ivZ- (10-11) Uv
Result 23/08/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Bank Exam Preparation - 10
Study Material 24/08/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Exam Date 31/08/2020 ivZ- (10-11) Uv
Result 01/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv

Bank Exam Preparation - 11

Study Material 02/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Exam Date 09/09/2020 ivZ- (10-11) Uv
Result 10/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv

Bank Exam Preparation - 12

Study Material 11/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Exam Date 18/09/2020 ivZ- (10-11) Uv
Result 19/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv

Bank Exam Preparation - 13

Study Material 20/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv
Exam Date 27/09/2020 ivZ- (10-11) Uv
Result 28/09/2020 ivZ- 9 Uv


30 Permutations and Combinations

GB Aa¨v‡qi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ I m~Î

I. n d¨v‡±vwiqvj (Factorial) : hw` n GKwU abvZ¥K c~Y©msL¨v nq Zvn‡j n factorial †K n ev n! w`‡q wPwýZ Kiv nq Ges n = n(n – 1) (n – 2)
............ 3.2.1 wn‡m‡e msÁvwqZ Kiv nq|
D`vniY : (i) 4 = (4  3  2  1) = 24
(ii) 5 = (5  4  3  2  1) = 120
`ªóe¨ : 0 = 1
II. (i) web¨vm (Permutation) : KZ¸‡jv wRwbm †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨Kevi K‡qKwU ev meKwU wb‡q †gvU hZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq, Zv‡K web¨vm e‡j|
D`vniY 1 : a, b, c wZbwU eY© n‡Z cÖ‡Z¨Kevi `ywU wb‡q web¨vm msL¨v ev mvRv‡bvi Dcvq 6wU (ab, ba, ac, ca, bc, cb)|
D`vniY 2 : a, b, c eY© wZbwU n‡Z cÖ‡Z¨Kevi wZbwU wb‡q MwVZ web¨vm¸‡jv n‡jv abc, acb, bac, bca, cab Ges cba|
(ii) n msL¨vK wfbœ wfbœ wRwbm n‡Z cÖ‡Z¨Kevi rwU wRwbm wb‡q web¨vm msL¨v :
pr = n(n – 1) (n – 2) ........... (n – r + 1) =
8 7
D`vniY : (i) p2 = (8  7) = 56; (ii) p3 = (7  6  5) = 210
(iii) n msL¨K wfbœ wfbœ wRwbm †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨Kevi me¸‡jv K‡i wb‡q †gvU web¨vm msL¨v n
(iv) hw` n msL¨K e¯‘i g‡a¨ p1 msL¨K GKcÖKv‡ii, p2 msL¨K Av‡iK cÖKv‡ii, p3 msL¨K Ab¨ Av‡iK cÖKv‡ii Ges GiKg Av‡iv _v‡K Ges Ges
pr msL¨K r Zg cÖKv‡ii nq †hb (p1 + p2 + p3 + ............ + pr) = n, Zvn‡j
web¨vm msL¨v =
p1 . p2 . p3 ........... pr

III. (i) mgv‡ek (Combination) : KZ¸‡jv wRwbm †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨Kevi K‡qKwU ev meKwU wb‡q hZ¸‡jv MÖæc ev `j MVb Kiv ev evQvB Kiv hvq, Zv‡K
mgv‡ek e‡j|
D`vniY 1 : A, B, C wZbRb evjK n‡Z `yBRb wb‡q m¤¢ve¨ MÖæc¸‡jv n‡jv AB, BC Ges CA.
`ªóe¨ : AB Ges BA GKB mgv‡ek wb‡`©k K‡i|
D`vniY 2 : wZbwU eY© A, B, C Gi me¸‡jv GKev‡i wb‡q MwVZ GKgvÎ mgv‡ek ABC.
D`vniY 3 : 4 Rb e¨w³ A, B, C, D Gi g‡a¨ `yBRb K‡i wb‡q MÖæc ev mgv‡ek n‡jv AB, AC, AD, BC, BD I CD.
`ªóe¨ : AB Ges BA `ywU wfbœ web¨vm wKš‘ Zviv GKB mgv‡ek wb‡`©k K‡i|
(ii) n msL¨K wRwbm †_‡K r msL¨K wRwbm wb‡q mgv‡ek msL¨v,
n n(n – 1) (n – 2) ............ (n – r + 1)
Cr = =

( r )( n–r ) n
(iii) Cn = 1 Ges C0 = 1
(iv) nCr = nC(n – r)
8 876
D`vniY : (i) C3 = = 56
16 16  15  14
(ii) C3 = 16C(16 – 13) = 16C3 = = 560

GKB wbq‡gi AsK¸‡jv GK mv‡_ Abykxjb Ki‡Z

UvBc bs UvBc Gi bvg cÖkœ b¤^i

1 mvaviY mgm¨v 1
web¨vm m¤úwK©Z mgm¨v 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
2 42, 43, 46, 47, 48
3 mgv‡ek m¤úwK©Z mgm¨v 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
4 we‡kl mgm¨v 44, 45


wiwfkb e· cieZx©‡Z †h cÖkœ¸‡jv Avcbvi wiwfkb Kiv cÖ‡qvRbÑ †m¸‡jvi b¤^i wj‡L ivLyb 

cÖkœ b¤^i:

kãfvÐvi GB Aa¨v‡qi AvÛvijvBb Kiv k‡ãi A_© GLv‡b †`Lyb 

Al least = AšÍZc‡ÿ Contain = aviY Kiv Letter = eY©

Arrange = mvRv‡bv Different = wfbœ Member = m`m¨
Chosen = evQvB Kij Drawn from = D‡Ëvjb Kiv Multiple choice Question = eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ
Committee = KwgwU Form = MVb Kiv Occupy = `Lj Kiv
Consist = MwVZ How many different ways = KZfv‡e, KZ Dcv‡q Together = GK‡Î
Consonant = e¨ÄbeY© Include = AšÍfz©³ Kiv Vowel = ¯^ieY©

Dr. R.S. AGGARWAL m¨v‡ii eB‡qi c~Yv

© ½ evsjv mgvavb
1. **(75P2 – 75C2) = ? []  mgvavb : “GAMBLE” kãwU‡Z †gvU 6wU eY© Av‡Q|
a0 b 75 c 150 d 2775  mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 6P6 = 6! = 720
e 5550 d 6. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
75! 75! word RIDDLED be arranged? (RIDDLED kãwUi
 mgvavb : 75P2 – 75C2 = (75 – 2) ! – 2! (75 – 2) !
eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
75! 75! a 840 b 1680 c 2520 d 5040
= –
73! 2! 73! e None of these a
75  74  73! 75  74  73!  mgvavb : “RIDDLED” kãwU‡Z †gvU eY© Av‡Q 7wU |
= –
73! 2! 73! Gi g‡a¨ D Av‡Q 3wU, Ab¨ eY©¸‡jv wfbœ|
75  74 7! 7  6  5  4  3!
= 75  74 – = 75  74 – 75  37  †gvU Dcvq = =
12 3! 3!
= 75  (74 – 37) = 75  37 = 2775 = 7  6  5  4 = 840
2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 7. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
DISPLAY be arranged? (‘DISPLAY’ kãwUi eY© ¸‡jv‡K CREATE be arranged? (CREATE kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ
KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) [;]
a 720 b 1440 c 2520 d 5040
a 25 b 36 c 360 d 720 c
e None of these d
 mgvavb : “DISPLAY” kãwU‡Z †gvU eY© msL¨v = 7wU  mgvavb : “CREATE” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v = 6
E Av‡Q 2wU; C, R, A, T cÖ‡Z¨‡K GKwU K‡i Av‡Q|
hvi cÖwZwU eY©B wfbœ wfbœ|
6! 6  5  4  3  2!
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 7P7 = 7! = 5040  mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq ==
2! 2!
3. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
word SMART be arranged? (SMART kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K = 6  5  4  3 = 30  12 = 360
KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) [;]
8. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
word TOTAL be arranged? (TOTAL kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K
a 25 b 60 c 180 d 200
e None of these
KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?)
 mgvavb : “SMART” kãwU‡Z †gvU eY© msL¨v = 5wU; a 45 b 60 c 72 d 120
e None of these b
cÖwZwU eY©B wfbœ|
 †gvU mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 5P5 = 5! = 1  2  3  4  5 = 120
 mgvavb : “TOTAL” kãwU‡Z †gvU 5wU eY© Av‡Q|
4. In how many different ways can the letters of the word T Av‡Q 2wU; O, A, L GKwU K‡i Av‡Q|
FORMULATE be arranged? (FORMULATE kãwUi eY© 5! 5  4  3  2!
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq == = 5  4  3 = 60
¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) 2! 2!
a 8100 b 40320 c 153420 d 362880 9. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
e None of these d word OFFICES be arranged? (OFFICES kãwUi
 mgvavb : “FORMULATE” kãwU‡Z †gvU eY© Av‡Q 9wU, hviv eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
cÖ‡Z¨‡KB wfbœ| a 2520 b 5040 c 1850 d 1680
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 9P9 = 9! = 362880 e None of these a
5. In how many different ways can the letters of the word  mgvavb : “OFFICES” kãwU‡Z †gvU e‡Y©i msL¨v 7wU|
GAMBLE be arranged? (GAMBLE Gi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ Dcv‡q F Av‡Q 2wU; evwK eY©¸‡jv GKevi K‡i Av‡Q|
mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq =
7! 7  6  5  4  3  2!
a 15 b 25 c 60 d 125 2! 2!
e None of these = 7  6  5  4  3 = 2520


10. **In how many different ways can the letters of the 17. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
word BANANA be arranged? (BANANA kãwUi OPERATE be arranged? (OPERATE kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K
eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
a 60 b 120 c 360 d 720 a 360 b 720 c 5040 d 2520
e None of these a e None of these d
 mgvavb : “BANANA” kãwU‡Z †gvU 6wU eY© Av‡Q|  mgvavb : “OPERATE” kãwU‡Z 7wU eY© Av‡Q|
A Av‡Q 3wU| N Av‡Q 2wU| B Av‡Q 1wU|
E Av‡Q 2wU, evwK¸‡jv wfbœ|
6! 6  5  4  3!
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq =
= 7!
3! 2! 3! 2!  mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
= 2520
654 654
= = = 60 18. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
2! 12 PUNCTUAL be arranged? (PUNCTUAL kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K
11. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
WEDDING be arranged? (WEDDING kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) [] a 64 b 960 c 20160 d 40320
a 2500 b 2520 c 5000 d 5040 e None of these c
e None of these b  mgvavb : “PUNCTUAL” kãwU‡Z 8wU eY© Av‡Q|
 mgvavb : “WEDDING” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q 7wU U Av‡Q 2wU, evwK¸‡jv wfbœ|
D Av‡Q 2wU, evwK¸‡jv wfbœ| 8!
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
= 20160
7! 7  6  5  4  3  2! 2!
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = = 19. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
2! 2!
= 7  6  5  4  3 = 2520 CREAM be arranged? (CREAM kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ
12. In how many different ways can the letters of the word Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
INCREASE be arranged? (INCREASE kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K a 25 b 120 c 260 d 480
KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) [;] e None of these b
a 40320 b 10080 c 20160 d 64  mgvavb : “CREAM” kãwU‡Z 5wU m¤ú~Y© wfbœ eY© Av‡Q|
e None of these c
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 5! = 120
 mgvavb : “INCREASE” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q 8wU
E Av‡Q 2wU; I, N, C, R, A, S GKwU K‡i Av‡Q| 20. Out of 5 men and 3 women, a committee of three members
8! is to be formed so that it has 1 woman and 2 men. In how
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
= 20160 many different ways can it be done? (5 Rb cyiæl I 3 Rb
13. In how many different ways can the letters of the word gwnjvi ga¨ †_‡K 3 m`‡m¨i GKwU KwgwU MVb Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z 1
ABSENTEE be arranged? (ABSENTEE kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K Rb gwnjv I 2 Rb cyiæl _v‡K| KZ Dcv‡q KwgwU MVb Kiv hvq?)
KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
a 512 b 6720 c 9740 d 40320 a 10 b 20 c 23 d 30
e None of these b e None of these d
 mgvavb : “ABSENTEE” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q 8wU  mgvavb : cyiæl Av‡Q 5 Rb, gwnjv Av‡Q 3 Rb|
E Av‡Q 3wU, evwK wfbœ eY©¸‡jv GKevi K‡i Av‡Q| 5 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 2 Rb evQvB Kivi †gvU Dcvq
8! 5! 5! 5  4  3! 5  4 5  4
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
= 6720 = = = = = 10wU = 5C2 =
3! 2! (5 – 2) 2! 3! 2! 3! 2! 12
14. **In how many different ways can the letters of the 3 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 1 Rb evQvB Kivi Dcvq
word AWARE be arranged? (AWARE kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K 3! 3!
KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) [] = 3C1 = = = 3wU
1! (3 – 1)! 2!
a 40 b 60 c 120 d 150
e None of these b 3 R‡bi KwgwU MV‡bi †gvU Dcvq = (10  3)wU = 30wU|
 mgvavb : “AWARE” kãwU‡Z 5wU eY© Av‡Q| 21. **Out of 5 women and 4 men, a committee of three
A Av‡Q 2wU| members is to be formed in such a way that at least one
5! 5  4  3  2! member is a women. In how many different ways can it
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = = = 5  4  3 = 60 be done? (5 Rb gwnjv I 4 Rb cyiæl n‡Z 3 m`‡m¨i GKwU `j
2! 2!
15. In how many different ways can the letters of the word MVb Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z AšÍZ 1 Rb gwnjv _v‡K| KZfv‡e `j MVb
DAILY be arranged? (DAILY kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ Dcv‡q Kiv hvq?) [;]
mvRv‡bv hvq?) [] a 76 b 80 c 84 d 96
a 48 b 60 c 120 d 160 e None of these b
e None of these c  mgvavb : †gvU gwnjv 5 Rb I †gvU cyiæl 4 Rb| 3 R‡bi KwgwU‡Z
 mgvavb : “DAILY” kãwU‡Z 5wU m¤ú~Y© wfbœ eY© Av‡Q| AšÍZ 1 Rb gwnjv _vKvi A_© gwnjvi msL¨v me©wb¤œ 1 Rb I m‡ev©”P
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 5! = 120 3 Rb|
16. In how many different ways can the letters of the word gwnjv 1 Rb + cyiæl 2 Rb :
RUMOUR be arranged? (RUMOUR kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K
5 Rb gwnjvi ga¨ †_‡K 1 Rb wbe©vPb Kiv hvq
KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) [;]
a 30 b 90 c 180 d 720 5! 5!
= 5C1 = = = 5 Dcv‡q
e None of these c (5 – 1) ! 4!
 mgvavb : “RUMOUR” kãwU‡Z 6wU eY© Av‡Q| 4 Rb cyiæ‡li ga¨ †_‡K 2 Rb wbe©vPb Kivi Dcvq
R Av‡Q 2wU; U Av‡Q 2wU, M Ges O GKwU K‡i Av‡Q| 4!
= 4C2 = =6
6! 2! 2!
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = = 180  Giƒ‡c 5  6 = 30 fv‡e KwgwU MVb m¤¢e
2! 2!


gwnjv 2 Rb + cyiæl 1 Rb : 24. In how many ways can a committee of 4 people be chosen
5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 2 Rb (5C2) I 4 Rb cyiæ‡li ga¨ †_‡K 1 Rb out of 8 people? (8 Rb gvbyl †_‡K 4 Rb gvby‡li GKwU KwgwU
(4C1) wb‡q †gvU Dcvq KZ Dcv‡q evQvB Kiv hvq?) []
5 5! 4 4! a 32 b 70 c 110 d 126
= C2  C1 =  = 10  4 = 40
2! 3! 1! 3!
e None of these b
gwnjv 3 Rb :
G‡ÿ‡Î 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 3 Rb evQvB Kivi Dcvq  mgvavb : 8 Rb gvbyl †_‡K 4 Rb evQvB Kivi Dcvq
5! 45 8! 8!
= 5C3 = = = 10 = 8C4 = = = 70
3! 2! 2 4! (8 – 4)! 4! 4!
 †gvU Dcvq = 30 + 40 + 10 = 80 25. A committee of 5 members is to be formed by selecting
weKí mgvavb : out of 4 men and 5 women. In how many different ways
Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb gwnjv ivL‡ZB n‡e| the committee can be formed if it should have 2 men
A_©vr †Kvb gwnjv bv †i‡L mgv‡ek¸‡jv ev` hv‡e| and 3 women? (4 Rb cyiæl I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 5 Rb gvby‡li
 Dcvq msL¨v = †gvU mgv‡ek msL¨v – ïay cyiæl wb‡q mgv‡ek msL¨v GKwU KwgwU Ggbfv‡e evQvB Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z 2 Rb cyiæl I 3 Rb
= (5 + 4) ev 9 Rb n‡Z †h‡Kvb 3 Rb wb‡q mgv‡ek – 4 Rb cyiæl gwnjv _v‡K| GB ai‡bi GKwU KwgwU KZfv‡e MVb Kiv hv‡e?)
†_‡K 3 Rb wb‡q mgv‡ek a 16 b 36 c 45 d 60
= 9C3 – 4C3 = 80 e None of these d
jÿYxq, †Kvb kZ©Qvov 9 Rb n‡Z 3 Rb wb‡q MwVZ mgv‡ek¸‡jvi  mgvavb : cyiæ‡li msL¨v 4 Rb I gwnjvi msL¨v 5 Rb|
g‡a¨ gwnjv _vK‡Z cv‡i 0 Rb, 1 Rb, 2 Rb A_ev 3 Rb| †h‡nZz 2 Rb cyiæl + 3 Rb gwnjv :
Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb gwnjv _vK‡e, ZvB 0 Rb gwnjv wb‡q (A_©vr me
cyiæl‡`i g‡a¨ n‡Z wb‡q) mgv‡ek ev‡` me mgv‡ekB DËi n‡e| 4 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 2 Rb (4C2) I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 3 Rb (5C3)
Zvn‡j DËi n‡e = †gvU mgv‡ek – 3 RbB cyiæl‡`i ga¨ wb‡q †bIqvi Dcvq
mgv‡ek| 4!
= 4C2  5C3 = 

22. A committee of 5 members is to be formed out of 3 trainees, 2! (4 – 2)! 3! (5 – 3)! 2! 2! 3! 2!
4 professors and 6 research associates. In how many 4  3  2! 5  4  3! 4  3 5  4
different ways can this be done, if the committee should =  =  = 60
(1  2)  2! 3!  (1  2) 1  2 1  2
have 4 professors and 1 research associate or all 3 trainees
and 2 professors? (3 Rb †UªBwb, 4 Rb Aa¨vcK I 6 Rb wimvP© 26. *A committee of 5 members is to be formed by selecting
G‡mvwm‡qU †_‡K 5 Rb m`‡m¨i GKwU `j MVb Ki‡Z n‡e| hw` out of 4 men and 5 women. In how many different ways
KwgwU‡Z 4 Rb Aa¨vcK I 1 Rb wimvP© G‡mvwm‡qU _v‡K A_ev 3 the committee can be formed if it should have at least 1
Rb †UªBwb I 2 Rb Aa¨vcK _v‡K Zvn‡j KZ Dcv‡q evQvB Kiv hvq?) man? (4 Rb cyiæl I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 5 R‡bi GKwU KwgwU
[;] Ggbfv‡e wbe©vPb Ki‡Z n‡e †hb Zv‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb cyiæl _v‡K|
a 12 b 13 c 24 d 52 GB ai‡bi GKwU KwgwU KZfv‡e MVb Kiv hv‡e?)
e None of these a
a 115 b 120 c 125 d 140
 mgvavb : †UªBwb Av‡Q 3 Rb| Aa¨vcK Av‡Qb 4 Rb| wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU
Av‡Qb 6 Rb| KwgwUi m`m¨ msL¨v = 5 Rb| e None of these c
4 Rb Aa¨vcK I 1 Rb wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU (4 + 1 = 5) :  mgvavb : cyiæ‡li msL¨v 4 Rb I gwnjvi msL¨v 5 Rb| 5 R‡bi
4 Rb Aa¨vcK †_‡K 4 Rb (4C4) I 6 Rb wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU †_‡K KwgwU‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb cyiæl _vKvi A_© KwgwU‡Z cyiæ‡li msL¨v
1 Rb (6C1) †bIqvi Dcvq me©wb¤œ 1 Rb †_‡K m‡ev©”P 4 Rb ch©šÍ n‡Z cv‡i|
4! 6! 1 Rb cyiæl + 4 Rb gwnjv :
= 4C4  6C1 = =16=6
4! 0! 1! 5! 4 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 1 Rb (4C1) I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K (5 – 1) = 4
3 Rb †UªBwb I 2 Rb Aa¨vcK (3 + 2 = 5) :
3 Rb †UªBwb †_‡K 3 Rb (3C3) I 4 Rb Aa¨vcK †_‡K 2 Rb (4C2)
Rb (5C4) evQvB Kivi Dcvq
4! 5! 4! 5! 5!
3! 4! 34
†bIqvi Dcvq = 3C3  4C2 = 3! 0!  2! 2! = 1  2 = 6 = 4C1  5C4 =  =  = = 4  5 = 20
1! (4 – 1)! 4! (5 – 4)! 3! 4! 3!
 †gvU 6 + 6 = 12 Dcv‡q KwgwU MVb Kiv hv‡e| 2 Rb cyiæl + 3 Rb gwnjv :
23. A committee of 5 members is to be formed out of 3 4 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 2 Rb (4C2) I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 3 Rb (5C3)
trainees, 4 professors and 6 research associates. In how evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 4C2  5C3
many different ways can this be done if the committee
should have 2 trainees and 3 research associates? (3 Rb 4! 5! 4  3  2! 5  4  3!
=  =  = 6  10 = 60
†UªBwb, 4 Rb Aa¨vcK I 6 Rb wimvP© G‡mvwm‡qU †_‡K 5 m`‡m¨i 2! 2! 3! 2! (1  2)  2! 3!  (1  2)
Ggbfv‡e `j MVb Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z 2 Rb †UªBwb I 3 Rb wimvP© 3 Rb cyiæl + 2 Rb gwnjv :
G‡mvwm‡qU _v‡K?) [;] 4 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 3 Rb (4C3) I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 2 Rb (5C2)
a 15 b 45 c 60 d9 evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 4C3  5C2
e None of these c
4! 5! 4  3! 5  4  3! 54
 mgvavb : †UªBwb Av‡Q 3 Rb| Aa¨vcK Av‡Qb 4 Rb| wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU = 
3! 1! 2! 3!
 =4
= 40
(1  2)  3!
Av‡Qb 6 Rb|
2 †UªBwb + 3 Rb wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU : 4 Rb cyiæl + 1 Rb gwnjv :
3 Rb †UªBwb †_‡K 2 Rb (3C2) I 6 Rb wimvP© A¨v‡mvwm‡qU †_‡K 3 4 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 4 Rb (4C4) I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 1 Rb (5C1)
Rb (6C3) wb‡q KwgwU MV‡bi †gvU Dcvq 4! 5! 5!
evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 4C4  5C1 = 4! 0!  1! 4! = 4! = 5
3! 6! 654
= 3C2  6C3 =  =3 = 3  2  5  2 = 60
2! 1! 3! 3! 123  KwgwU MV‡bi †gvU Dcvq = (20 + 60 + 40 + 5) = 125


weKí mgvavb : Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb cyiæl _vK‡Z n‡e| 29. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, 5 persons are to
A_©vr †Kvb cyiælB bv †i‡L mgv‡ek¸‡jv ev` hv‡e| be selected to form a committee so that at least 3 men
 Dcvq msL¨v = †gvU mgv‡ek msL¨v – 5 RbB gwnjv †_‡K wb‡q mgv‡ek are there on the committee. In how many ways can it
be done? (7 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb gwnjvi GKwU `j n‡Z 5 m`‡m¨i
= (4 + 5) ev 9 Rb n‡Z †h‡Kvb 5 Rb wb‡q mgv‡ek – 5 Rb gwnjv
n‡Z 5 Rb wb‡q mgv‡ek Ggb fv‡e KwgwU MVb Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z AšÍZ 3 Rb cyiæl _v‡K|
= 9C5 – 5C5
Ggb GKwU KwgwU KZ Dcv‡q MVb Kiv hvq?)
= 125 a 564 b 645 c 735 d 756
jÿYxq, hZfv‡e evQvB Kiv hv‡e Zvi g‡a¨ 0 Rb, 1 Rb, 2 Rb, 3 e None of these d
Rb A_ev 4 Rb cyiæl _vK‡Z cv‡i| †h‡nZz Kgc‡ÿ 1 Rb cyiæl  mgvavb : 7 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb gwnjvi `j n‡Z 5 Rb wb‡q Mov
ivL‡Z n‡e, †m‡nZz ïaygvÎ 0 Rb cyiæl wb‡q (A_©vr 5 Rb gwnjv KwgwU‡Z AšÍZ 3 Rb cyiæl _vKvi A_© n‡jv KwgwU‡Z me©wb¤œ 3 Rb
wb‡q) mgv‡ek¸‡iv ev‡` me †ÿ‡ÎB DËi n‡e| cyiæl †_‡K m‡e©v”P 5 Rb cyiæl _vK‡e|
Zvn‡j DËi n‡e = †gvU mgv‡ek – 0 Rb cyiæl ev 5 RbB gwnjv 3 Rb cyiæl + 2 Rb gwnjv :
wb‡q mgv‡ek| 7 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 3 Rb (7C3) I 6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 2 Rb (6C2)
27. *In how many ways a committee consisting of 5 men 7! 6!
and 6 women can be formed from 8 men and 10 evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 7C3  6C2 = 3! 4!  2! 4! = 525
women? (8 Rb cyiæl I 10 Rb gwnjv n‡Z 5 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb 4 cyiæl + 1 Rb gwnjv :
gwnjv wb‡q KZfv‡e KwgwU MVb Kiv hvq?) 7 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 4 Rb (7C4) I 6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 1 Rb (6C1)
a 266 b 5040 c 11760 d 86400
7! 6!
evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 7C4  6C1 = 4! 3!  5! 1!
e None of these c
 mgvavb : 8 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 5 Rb (8C5) I 10 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 6 7  6  5  4! 6  5! 7  6  5
=  =  6 = 210
Rb (10C6) evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 8C5  10C6 4!  3! 5! 3!
8! 10! 8  7  6  5! 10  9  8  7  6! 5 Rb cyiæl + 0 Rb gwnjv :
=  = 
5! 3! 6! 4! 5! (1  2  3) 6! (1  2  3  4) 7 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 5 Rb evQvB Kivi Dcvq
8  7  6 10  9  8  7 7! 7  6  5! 7  6
=  = 11760 = 7C5 = = = = 21
123 1234 5! 2! 5!  (1  2) 2
28. *A select group of 4 is to be formed from 8 men and 6  †gvU Dcvq = 525 + 210 + 21 = 756
women in such a way that the group must have at least 30. *A box contains 2 white, 3 black and 4 red balls. In
1 woman. In how many different ways can it be done? how many ways can 3 balls be drawn from the box, if
(8 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 4 m`‡m¨i GKwU KwgwU KZfv‡e at least 1 black ball is to be included in the draw? (GKwU
MVb Kiv hvq, hv‡Z AšÍZ 1 Rb gwnjv _v‡K?) [] ev‡·i 2wU mv`v, 3wU Kv‡jv I 4wU jvj ej n‡Z 3 wU ej KZ Dcv‡q
a 364 b 728 c 931 d 1001 D‡Ëvjb Kiv hvq, hv‡Z AšÍZ GKwU Kv‡jv ej D‡Ëvjb Kiv nq?)
e None of these c [;]
 mgvavb : cyiæ‡li msL¨v 8 Rb I gwnjvi msL¨v 6 Rb| 4 R‡bi a 32 b 48 c 64 d 96
e None of these c
KwgwU‡Z AšÍZ 1 Rb gwnjv _vKvi A_© KwgwU‡Z gwnjvi msL¨v
me©wb¤œ 1 Rb †_‡K m‡e©v”P 4 Rb n‡Z cv‡i|  mgvavb : mv`v ej Av‡Q 2wU| Kv‡jv ej Av‡Q 3wU| jvj ej Av‡Q 4wU|
3wU ej D‡Ëvjb Ki‡Z n‡e, hv‡Z AšÍZ GKwU Kv‡jv ej _vK‡e,
1 Rb gwnjv + 3 Rb cyiæl :
6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 1 Rb ( C1) I 8 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 3 Rb ( C3)8 A_©vr Kv‡jv e‡ji msL¨v b~¨bZg 1wU †_‡K m‡ev©”P wZbwU n‡Z cv‡i|
1wU Kv‡jv ej + 2wU wfbœ ej :
6! 8!
evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 6C1  8C3 = 5! 1!  5! 3! 3wU Kv‡jv ej †_‡K 1wU (3C1) Ges 2wU mv`v I 4wU jvj ej †gvU
(2 + 4 = 6) wU †_‡K 2 wU ej D‡Ëvj‡bi Dcvq
6  5! 8  7  6  5! 876
=  =6 = 336 3! 6! 2!  3 6  5  4!
5! 5!  (1  2  3) 6 = 3C1  6C2 =  =  = 3  15 = 45
2 Rb gwnjv + 2 Rb cyiæl : 1! 2! 2! 4! 2! (1  2)  4!
2wU K‡jv ej + 1wU wfbœ ej :
6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 2 Rb (6C2) I 8 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 2 Rb (8C2)
6! 8! 8! 3wU Kv‡jv ej †_‡K 2wU (3C2) Ges 2wU mv`v I 4wU jvj ej †gvU
6 8
evQvB Kivi Dcvq = C2  C2 = 2! 4!  2! 6! = 2! 4! 2! = 420 (2 + 4 = 6) †_‡K 1wU (6C1) D‡Ëvj‡bi Dcvq
3 Rb gwnjv + 1 Rb cyiæl : 3! 6!
= 3C2  6C1 =  = 3  6 = 18
6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 3 Rb ( C3) I 8 Rb cyiæl †_‡K 1 Rb ( C1) 8 2! 1! 1!  5!
6! 8! 3wU Kv‡jv ej + 0wU wfbœ ej :
evQvB Kivi Dcvq = 6C3  8C1 = 3! 3!  7! 1! 3wU Kv‡jv ej †_‡K 3wU D‡Ëvj‡bi Dcvq = 3C3 = 1
6  5  4  3! 8  7! 6  5  4  †gvU Dcvq = 45 + 18 + 1 = 64
3! (1  2  3)

 8 = 160 weKí mgvavb : 2wU mv`v ej, 3wU Kv‡jv ej Ges 4wU jvj ej Av‡Q|
4 Rb gwnjv + 0 Rb cyiæl : ˆ`e¨Pq‡b 3 ej Zzj‡Z n‡e, hv‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 1wU Kv‡jv ej _v‡K|
6 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 4 Rb evQvB Kivi Dcvq  Dcvq msL¨v = †gvU mgv‡ek msL¨v – wZbwUB mv`v ev jvj ej
6! 6  5  4! 6  5 †_‡K †Zvjvi mgv‡ek msL¨v|
= 6C4 = = = = 15 = 9
C – 6C3 = 64
4! 2! 4!  (1  2) 2 3

 KwgwU MVb Kivi †gvU Dcvq = 336 + 420 + 160 + 15 = 931 jÿYxq : †gvU mgv‡ek Gi g‡a¨ n‡Z cv‡i Kv‡jv ej 3Uv, 2Uv,
weKí mgvavb : 21 Ges 26 Gi Abyiƒc fv‡e, 1 Uv A_ev 0 Uv| †h‡nZz Kgc‡ÿ 1wU Kv‡jv ej Zzj‡Z n‡e, 0 Uv
Dcvq msL¨v = †gvU mgv‡ek – 4 RbB cyiæl wb‡q mgv‡ek Kv‡jv ej (A_©vr wZbUvB mv`v + jvj (2 + 4) = 6 n‡Z †bIqv)
14 8
= C4 – C4 = 931 ev‡` me mgv‡ek¸‡jv DËi n‡e|
jÿYxq : 21 I 26 Gi As‡k e¨vL¨v †`Lyb| Zvn‡j DËi n‡e = †gvU mgv‡ek – Kv‡jv ev‡` mgv‡ek|


31. **In how many ways can a group of 5 men and 2 women 36. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
be made out of a total of 7 men and 3 women? (7 Rb cyiæl I word SOFTWARE be arranged in such a way that the
3 Rb gwnjv n‡Z KZfv‡e 5 Rb cyiæl I 2 Rb gwnjvi `j MVb Kiv vowels always come together? (SOFTWARE kãwUi
hvq?) [;;] ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?)
a 45 b 63 c 90 d 126 []
e None of these b a 120 b 360 c 1440 d 13440
 mgvavb : cyiæ‡li msL¨v 7 Rb I gwnjvi msL¨v 3 Rb| 7 Rb cyiæl e 4320
†_‡K 5 Rb (7C5) I 3 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 2 Rb (3C2) evQvB Kivi  mgvavb : “SOFTWARE” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v = 8wU|
7! 3! ¯^ie‡Y©i msL¨v 3wU (O, A, E); e¨Äbe‡Y©i msL¨v 5wU (S, F, T, W, R)|
Dcvq = 7C5  3C2 = 5! 2!  2! 1! ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î 1wU gvÎ eY© we‡ePbv Ki‡j eY© msL¨v = 5 + 1 = 6wU
7  6  5! 3  2! 7  6 76  c~‡e©i mgvavb ¸‡jvi wbqgvbyhvqx G‡`i mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq
=  = 3=  3 = 63
5! 2! 2! 2! 2 = 6!  3! = 4320.
32. **In how many different ways can the letters of the 37. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
word ENGINEERING be arranged? (ENGINEERING OPTICAL be arranged in such a way that the vowels
kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) [] always come together? (OPTICAL kãwUi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K
a 277200 b 92400 c 69300 d 23100 GK‡Î †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?)
e None of these a [;]
 mgvavb : “ENGINEERING” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v = 11 a 120 b 720 c 2160 d 4320
E Gi msL¨v = 3wU| N Gi msL¨v = 3wU| G Gi msL¨v = 2wU| e None of these b
I Gi msL¨v = 2wU| R Gi msL¨v = 1wU|  mgvavb : “OPTICAL” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v = 7wU|
11! ¯^ieY© Av‡Q 3wU (O, I, A); e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 4wU (P, T, C, L)|
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = = 277200 ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î GKwU eY© ai‡j eY© msL¨v = 4 + 1 = 5wU
3! 3! 2! 2!
33. In how many different ways can the letters of the word  mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 5!  3! = 720
ALLAHABAD be arranged? (ALLAHABAD kãwUi 38. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) BANKING be arranged in such a way that the vowels
[;] always come together? (BANKING kãwUi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K
a 3780 b 1890 c 7560 d 2520 GK‡Î †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
e None of these c a 120 b 240 c 360 d 540
 mgvavb : “ALLAHABAD” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v = 9wU e 720
A Gi msL¨v = 4wU| L Gi msL¨v = 2wU| H Gi msL¨v = 1wU|  mgvavb : “BANKING” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 7wU|
B Gi msL¨v = 1wU| D Gi msL¨v = 1wU| ¯^ieY© Av‡Q 2wU (A, I); e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 5wU (B, N, K, N, G);
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq =
= 7560 †hLv‡b N Av‡Q 2wU|
4! 2!
¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î 1wU eY© ai‡j eY©msL¨v = 5 + 1 = 6wU|
34. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
JUDGE be arranged in such a way that the vowels 6!
; [ N Av‡Q 2wU] = 360 6wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
always come together? (JUDGE kãwU‡K KZfv‡e mvR‡bv 2!
hvq †hb ¯^ieY©¸‡jv GK‡Î _v‡K?)  †gvU Dcvq = 360  2! = 720
[;] 39. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
a 48 b 120 c 124 d 160 CAPITAL be arranged so that the vowels always come
e None of these a together? (CAPITAL kãwUi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î †i‡L
 mgvavb : “JUDGE” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v Av‡Q = 5wU eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
¯^ieY© Av‡Q 2wU (U Ges E)| a 120 b 360 c 720 d 840
e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 3; ¯^ieY©Øq‡K GKwU gvÎ eY© wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Ki‡j e None of these b
eY© msL¨v = 3 + 1 = 4wU e¨ÄbeY©¸‡jv (J, D, G) wfbœ wfbœ|  mgvavb : “CAPITAL” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 7wU|
 4wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 4! = 24wU| ¯^ieY© Av‡Q 3wU (A, I, A); †hLv‡b A Av‡Q 2wU|
Avevi ¯^ieY©Øq‡K wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ mvRv‡bv hvq 2! = 2wU Dcv‡q e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 4wU (C, P, T, L); hviv cÖ‡Z¨‡K wfbœ|
(EU Ges UE)| ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î ai‡j eY© msL¨v = 4 + 1 = 5wU|
 †gvU Dcvq = 24  2 = 48 3!
 mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 5!  ; [ A Av‡Q 2wU] = 360
35. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 2!
AUCTION be arranged in such a way that the vowels 40. **In how many ways can the letters of the word
always come together? (AUCTION kãwU ¯^ieY© ¸‡jv‡K MATHEMATICS be arranged so that all the vowels
GK‡Î †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) always come together? (MATHEMATICS kãwUi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K
a 30 b 48 c 144 d 576 GK‡Î †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
e None of these d a 10080 b 120960
 mgvavb : “AUCTION” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v 7wU| c 4989600 d 20160
¯^ieY© Av‡Q 4wU (A, U, I, O) hviv cÖ‡Z¨‡K wfbœ wfbœ, e None of these b
e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 3wU (C, T, N), GivI cÖ‡Z¨‡K wfbœ wfbœ|  mgvavb : “MATHEMATICS” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 11wU|
4wU ¯^ieY©‡K 1wU eY© we‡ePbv Ki‡j eY© msL¨v 3 + 1 = 4wU| ¯^ieY© Av‡Q 4wU (A, E, A, I) ; A Av‡Q 2wU|
4wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 4! = 24| e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 7wU (M, T, H, M, T, C, S) ; †hLv‡b M Av‡Q 2wU,
4wU ¯^ieY©‡K wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 4! = 24| T Av‡Q 2wU|
 †gvU Dcvq = 24  24 = 576. ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î GKwU eY© ai‡j eY© msL¨v = 7 + 1 = 8|


8!  1 Rb QvÎ GKwU cÖkœ 1 fv‡eB mwVK DËi Ki‡Z cv‡i|
8wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = ; [ M Av‡Q 2wU, T Av‡Q 2wU]
2! 2!  3wU cÖkœ †m †gvU 1  1  1 = 1 Dcv‡q mwVK Ki‡Z cv‡i|
= 10080 4!
4!  Avevi cÖwZwU QvÎ †m 4C1 = = 4 Dcv‡q DËi Ki‡Z cvi|
¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K mvRv‡bv hvq = 2! Dcv‡q ; [ A Av‡Q 2wU] 1! 3!
A_©vr 3wU cÖkœ †m 4  4  4 = 64 Dcv‡q DËi Ki‡Z cv‡i|
= 12 G‡`i g‡a¨ †Kej 1 Dcv‡qB meKwUi mwVK DËi †`Iqv m¤¢e|
 †gvU Dcvq = 10080  12 = 120960
 Zvi c‡ÿ meKwUi mwVK DËi bv Kivi Dcvq = 64 – 1 = 63wU|
41. **In how many different ways can the letters of the
45. There are six teachers. Out of them two are primary
word CORPORATION be arranged so that the vowels
teachers and two are secondary teachers. They are to
always come together? (CORPORATION kãwUi ¯^ieY©
stand in a row, so as the primary teachers, middle
¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î †i‡L eY© ¸‡jv‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) teachers and secondary teachers are always in a set.
The number of ways in which they can do So, is? (6 Rb
a 810 b 1440 c 2880 d 50400
e 5760 d
wkÿ‡Ki g‡a¨ 2 Rb cÖvBgvix ¯‹zj wkÿK I 2 Rb gva¨wgK ¯‹zj
 mgvavb : “CORPORATION” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 11wU| wkÿK i‡q‡Qb| Zv‡`i Ggbfv‡e mvwie×fv‡e `vov‡Z n‡e hv‡Z cÖvBgvix
¯^ieY© Av‡Q 5wU (O, O, A, I, O); O Av‡Q 3wU| wkÿKe„›`, gva¨wgK wkÿKe„›` Ges Zv‡`i g‡a¨ _vKv wkÿKe„›`
e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 6wU (C, R, P, R, T, N); R Av‡Q 2wU| GKwU †mU MVb K‡i| Zvi Gfv‡e KZ cÖKv‡i `vuov‡Z cvi‡e?)
 ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î 1wU eY© we‡ePbv Ki‡j eY© msL¨v = 6 + 1 = 7wU| a 52 b 48
7! 5! c 34 d None of thse b
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq =
 ; [ R Av‡Q 2wU Ges O Av‡Q 3wU]
2! 3!  mgvavb : †gvU wkÿK Av‡Qb 6 Rb| cÖvBgvwi wkÿK Av‡Qb 2 Rb|
= 50400 gva¨wgK wkÿK Av‡Qb 2 Rb|
42. *In how many different ways can the letters of the word gvSvgvwS †kÖwYi wkÿK Av‡Qb [6 – (2 + 2)] Rb = 2 Rb|
MACHINE be arranged so that the vowels may occupy
only the odd positions? (MACHINE kãwUi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K cÖvBgvwi wkÿK‡`i mvwi‡Z 2 Rb wkÿK‡K ivLv hvq 2! = 2 Dcv‡q|
we‡Rvo ¯’v‡b ewm‡q KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hv‡e?) []  gva¨wgK wkÿK mvwi‡Z 2 Rb wkÿK‡K ivLv hvq 2! = 2 Dcv‡q|
a 210 b 576 c 144 d 1728 gvSvgvwS †kÖwYi wkÿK‡`i mvwi‡Z 2 Rb wkÿK‡K ivLv hvq 2! = 2 Dcv‡q|
e 3456 b  Zv‡`i 2  2  2 = 8 Dcv‡q mvwR‡q 1wU †mU MVb Kiv hvq|
 mgvavb : “MACHINE” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 7wU| Avevi 3wU mvwi‡K 3! = 6 Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq|
¯^ieY© Av‡Q 3wU (A, I, E)| e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 4wU (M, C, H, N)|  †gvU †mU = 8  6 = 48wU
1 3 5 7 46. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
‘BAKERY’ be arranged? (BAKERY k‡ãi eY©¸‡jv‡K
cÖ_g, Z…Zxq, cÂg I mßg Ae¯’vb¸‡jv we‡Rvo Ae¯’vb| 3wU KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq?)
¯^ieY©‡K H 4wU we‡Rvo ¯’v‡b emv‡Z n‡e| 4wU we‡Rvo Ae¯’vb a 2,400 b 2,005 c 720 d 5,040
†_‡K 3wU evQvB Kiv hvq 4C3 Dcv‡q| H wZbwU ¯^ieY©‡K wb‡R‡`i e None of these c
g‡a¨ mvRv‡bv hvq 3! Dcv‡q|  mgvavb : “BAKERY” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q 6wU|
4! †h‡nZz Giv cÖ‡Z¨‡K wfbœ; ZvB †gvU mvRv‡bvi Dcvq= 6!= 720
 ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K mvRv‡bv hvq 4C3  3! =
 3! = 4! = 24 Dcv‡q|
3! 1! 47. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
4wU e¨ÄbeY©‡K evwK 4wU ¯’v‡b emv‡bv hvq 4! = 24 Dcv‡q| ‘TRANSPIRATION’ be arranged so that the vowels
 †gvU Dcvq = 24  24 = 576 always come together? (‘TRANSPIRATION’ k‡ãi
43. *In how many different ways can the letters of the ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K cvkvcvwk †i‡L eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?)
word EXTRA be arranged so that the vowels are never []
together? (¯^ieY© ¸‡jv‡K cvkvcvwk bv †i‡L EXTRA kã‡K KZ a 2429500 b 1360800
cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq?) [] c 1627800 d None of these b
a 120 b 48  mgvavb : “TRANSPIRATION” kãwU‡Z eY© msL¨v 13wU|
c 72 d 168
e None of these c ¯^ieY© Av‡Q 5wU (A, I, A, I, O)| †hLv‡b A Av‡Q 2wU, I Av‡Q
 mgvavb : “EXTRA” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q = 5wU| 2wU| e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 8wU (T, R, N, S, P, R, T, N)| T Av‡Q 2wU;
¯^ieY© Av‡Q 2wU (E, A)| e¨ÄbeY© Av‡Q 3wU (X, T, R)| R Av‡Q 2wU, N Av‡Q 2wU| ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î †i‡L GKwU eY©
¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î GKwU eY© we‡ePbv Ki‡j eY© msL¨v = 3 + 1 = 4wU| we‡ePbv Ki‡j †gvU eY© = 8 + 1 = 9wU|
 ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K GK‡Î †i‡L mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 4!  2!| 9!
9wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bv hvq = ; [ T, R, N, 2wU K‡i Av‡Q]
Avevi “EXTRA” kãwUi 5wU eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 5!| 2! 2! 2!
 ¯^ieY©¸‡jv cvkvcvwk bv †i‡L mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 45360 Dcv‡q|
= 5! – 4!  2! = 5  4! – 4!  (1  2) 5!
Avevi ¯^ieY©¸‡jv‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 2! 2! ; [ A, I 2wU K‡i Av‡Q]
= 4! (5 – 2) = 3  4! = 3  24 = 72
44. In an examination there are three multiple choice = 30
questions and each question has 4 choices. The number  mvRv‡bvi †gvU Dcvq = 45360  30 = 1360800
of ways in which a student can fail to get all answers 48. In how many ways can the letters of the word
correct is? (GKwU MCQ cixÿvq wZbwU cÖkœ Av‡Q Ges cÖ‡Z¨KwU ‘MOMENT’ be arranged? (MOMENT kãwUi eY©¸‡jv‡K
cÖ‡kœi PviwU K‡i weKí DËi Av‡Q| GKwU QvÎ KZ Dcv‡q me¸‡jv KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) []
cÖ‡kœi mwVK DËi w`‡Z e¨_© n‡Z cv‡i?) [] a 360 b 60 c 720 d 120 a
a 11 b 27 c 12 d 63 d  mgvavb : “MOMENT” kãwU‡Z eY© Av‡Q 6wU| M Av‡Q 2wU|
 mgvavb : †gvU cÖkœ Av‡Q 3wU| cÖwZ cÖ‡kœ weKí DËi Av‡Q 4wU| 4wU 6!
 mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = = 360|
weK‡íi g‡a¨ GKwU DËi mwVK| 2!


wewfbœ I‡qemvBU Ges weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœmg~‡ni mgvavb

49. **20 men handshake with each other without 52. **6 people meet for a business lunch. Each person shakes
repetition. What is the total number of handshakes hands once with each other person present. How many
made? [] handshakes take place? (6 Rb e¨w³ GKwU e¨emvwqK jv‡Â
a 190 b 210 c 150 d 250 wgwjZ n‡jv, cÖ‡Z¨‡K cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mv‡_ n¨vÛ‡kK Ki‡j †gvU KZwU
e None of these a n¨vÛ‡kK msNwUZ n‡e?)
 mgvavb : Every combination of two men will handshake Once. [Exam Taker IBA : Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO-2019)]
20  19 a 30 b 21 c 18 d 15 d
 20 men will handshake = 20C2 = = 190  mgvavb : †gvU e¨w³ = 6 Rb
jÿ¨ Kiæb : cÖwZ `yBRb e¨w³ GKeviB n¨vÛ‡kK Ki‡e| A_©vr 20 Rb cÖ‡Z¨K n¨vÛ‡k‡K RwoZ e¨w³i msL¨v = 2 Rb|
e¨w³ n‡Z `yBRb K‡i hZ¸‡jv evQvB msL¨v n‡e, ZZ¸‡jv n¨vÛ‡kK n‡e|  †gvU n¨vÛ‡kK = 6 Rb e¨w³i g‡a¨ †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨Kevi 2 Rb wb‡q
20 Rb n‡Z 2 Rb K‡i evQvB‡qi msL¨v = 20C2 MwVZ mgv‡ek msL¨v|
 †gvU n¨vÛ‡kK msL¨v = 20C2 6! 65
= 6C2 = = = 15
2! 4! 2
50. ***20 persons were invited to a party. In how many 53. **A child has four pockets and three marbles. In how
ways, they and the host can be seated at a circular many ways, the child can put the marbles in the
table? []
pockets? []
a 18! b 19!
a 12 b 64 c 256 d 60 b
c 20! d Couldn't be determined b
 mgvavb : We know, number of ways of permutation with
 mgvavb : we know, n number of persons can be seated at a repeatation = nr
circular table in (n – 1)! ways. Here, The child can put as many as marbles in every pocket.
 Number of ways = (20 – 1)! = 19!  n = number of pockets = 4
jÿ¨ Kiæb : r = number of marbles = 3
a d c
 Number of ways = 43 = 64
a c
54. ***After every get-together every person present
d b c a b d
shakes the hand of every other person. If there were
b a d
105 handshakes in all, how many persons were present
abcd kãwU n‡Z †gvU web¨vm msL¨v 4! ev 24. hvi g‡a¨ abcd, in the party? [;]
a 16 b 15 c 13 d 14 b
dabc, cdab, bcda PviwU Avjv`v Avjv`v web¨vm eySvq| wKš‘
 mgvavb : Let, Number of the persons present in the perty = n
G‡`i‡K hw` PµvKv‡i ev †Mvj‡Uwe‡j mvRv‡bv nq ZLb G
 Number of shake hands made = nC2
PviwUB GKB iKg jvM‡e| KviY e„ËvKv‡i ev PµvKv‡i mvRv‡j According to question,
ZLb †h‡Kvb w`K n‡Z †`Lv hvq ev cov hvq| n
C2 = 105
g‡b ivL‡eb, PµvKv‡i ev e„ËvKv‡i mvRv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î e¯‘ msL¨v n n(n – 1)
n‡j web¨vm msL¨v n‡e (n  1)!  = 105
G‡ÿ‡Î †gvU Dcvq n‡e (20  1)! = 19!  n – n = 210
51. **4 boys and three girls are to be seated in a row in  n2 – n – 210 = 0
such a way that no two boys sit adjacent to each other.  n2 – 15n + 14 n – 210 = 0
In how many different ways can it be done?  (n – 15) (n 
[]   n = 15 [ n  – 14]
a 5040 b 30 c 144 d 72 c  Number of the persons present in the party = 15
 mgvavb : 3 girls can be seated = 3! ways 55. ***Find the number of diagonals forms in hexagon.
After sitting the girls there would be (3 + 1) or 4 empty []
space where the boys can be seated so that, no two boys sit a 12 b 10
adjacent to each other. c6 d9 d
4 boys can sit 4 empty spaces = 4! ways  mgvavb : We know, for any polygon having n sides,
 Total number of ways = 3!  4! = 144 number of diagonals = nC2 – n
jÿ¨ Kiæb : wZbRb †g‡q‡K Av‡M ewm‡q w`‡j Zv‡`i gv‡S,  Hexagon's diagonals are = 6C2 – 6 = 9
Av‡M I c‡i †gvU duvKv ¯’vb _v‡K 4wU| jÿ¨ Kiæb :
G G G n evû wewkó †h‡Kvb eûfz‡Ri †gvU †KŠwYK we›`y msL¨vI n.
†Q‡j‡`i‡K cvkvcvwk emv‡bv hv‡e bv| †Q‡j 4 Rb‡K GB 4wU n msL¨K we›`y w`‡q cÖwZev‡i `yBwU `yBwU K‡i we›`y evQvB K‡i
duvKv¯’v‡b hw` Avcwb emvb Zvn‡j Zviv †Kvb `yBRbB cvkvcvwk mij‡iLv MVb Kiv hv‡e nC2 msL¨K| Avevi GB nC2 msL¨K
_vK‡e bv| mij‡iLvi g‡a¨ n msL¨K _vK‡e evû Avi evwK¸‡jv n‡”Q Zvi
†g‡q 3 Rb‡K emv‡bvi Dcvq = 3! KY© msL¨v|
4wU ¯’v‡b 4 Rb †Q‡j‡K emv‡bvi Dcvq = 4! Zvn‡j, n evû wewkó eûf‚‡Ri KY©msL¨v = nC2  n.
 †gvU Dcvq = 3!  4!  lofz‡Ri KY©msL¨v = 6C2  6 = 9


56. **Find the number of triangles which can be formed 61. ***There are 10 true-false questions in a examination,
by joining the angular points of a polygon of 8 sides as these questions can be answered in– (GKwU cixÿvq 10Uv
vertices. [] mZ¨-wg_¨v cÖkœ i‡q‡Q| KZ fv‡e DËi Kiv hvqÑ)
a 56 b 24 [Exam Taker Arts : Bangladesh Bank (Officer General-2019); Rupali Bank Ltd. (Officer-2019)]
c 16 d8 a a 20 ways b 100 ways
 mgvavb : polygon of 8 sides has 8 vertices. 10
c 2 ways d 1024 ways c& d
Every 3 of the vertices will form a triangle  mgvavb : †gvU Dcvq = 210 ev 1024
 Total number of triangle = 8C3 = = 56 62. *A committee is to consist of three members. If there are
seven men and five women available to serve on the
57. ***Find the number of ways, in which 12 different
beads can be arranged to form a necklace. committee, how many different committees can be
[] formed? (7 Rb cyiæl I 5 Rb gwnjv †_‡K 3 Rb m`m¨ wb‡q
10! KqwU KwgwU MVb Kiv m¤¢e?)
2 2 [Exam Taker Arts : Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd. (Officer Cash-2018)]

d Couldn't be determined a
 mgvavb :
†h‡nZz GLv‡b D‡jøL †bB †h, KwgwU‡Z KZRb cyiæl ev gwnjv
 mgvavb : Number of ways for n objects arranged in circular
_vK‡e ZvB †gvU m`m¨ msL¨v †_‡K cÖwZevi 3 Rb wbe©vPb Kivi
way = (n – 1)!
But, when it can be seen from two sides (up & down) the DcvqB n‡jv KwgwUi msL¨v|
(n – 1)! Total persons = 7 + 5 = 12
number of ways =
2 12!
nubmber of comittee = 12C3 =
(12 – 1)! 11! 3! 9!
 Number of necklace = =
2 2 12  11  10
= = 220
jÿ¨ Kiæb : n msL¨K e¯‘‡K PµvKv‡i ev e„ËvKv‡i mvRv‡bvi 123
Dcvq = (n  1)! [50 bs As‡K e¨vL¨v †`Iqv Av‡Q] 63. *A student is to answer 10 out of 13 questions in an
wKš‘ PµvKv‡i mvRv‡bvi g‡a¨ †h¸‡jv `yBcvk n‡Z Nywi‡q †`Lv examination such that he must choose at least 4 from
(n  1)! the first five questions. The number of choices available
hvq †miKg †ÿ‡Î web¨vm msL¨v n‡e = 2 to him is. [Combined 4 Bank’s (Officer General) – 19
+ + +]
(12  1)! 11!
Zvn‡j 12wU cyw_ w`‡q gvjv Mv_v hv‡e = 2
2 a 140 b 196
c 280 d 346 b
58. **How many ways can 10 letters be posted in 5 post
boxes, if each of the post boxes can take more than 10  mgvavb: There may be two cases as it has been said the
letters? [;] student can answer at least 4 from first five questions. That
10 5 means he can answer 4 or 5 from first five questions.
a5 b 10
10 10 Case i : Choosing 4 from the first 5
c P5 d C5 a
 mgvavb : Here, Each post can take more than 10 letters First 5 Second 8
 n = numbers of posts = 5 4 6
r = numbers of letters = 10 So he has 5c 4 × 8c 6 or 140 ways to answer 10.
r 10 Case ii : Choosing 5 from the first 5
 Total ways possible = n = 5
59. **In how many different ways can the letters of the First 5 Second 8
word DESIGN be arranged so that the vowels are at 5 5
the two ends? [] So he has 5c5 × 8c5 = 56 ways to answer 10.
a 48 b 72 So, Total number of ways = 140 + 56 = 196
c 36 d 24 a 64. *A class photograph has to be taken. The front row
 mgvavb : DESIGN has 2 vowels and 4 consonants consists of 6 girls who are sitting. 20 boys are standing
EI can fill the two ends = 2! ways behind. The two corner positions are reserved for the 2
DSGN can fill the rest 4 empty spaces = 4! ways tallest boys. In how many ways can the students be
 Total arrangements = 2!  4! = 48 arranged? []
60. **In how many different ways, can the letters of the a 6! × 1440 b 18! × 1440
word 'ASSASSINATION' be arranged, so that all S are c 18! × 2! × 1440 d None of these b
together? []
a 10! b 14!/(4!)
 mgvavb : 6 girls can be seated = 6! of ways
c 151200 d 3628800 c Among the boys two corner position can be taken by two
 mgvavb : ASSASSINATION (A3, S4, I2, N2, T1, O1) tallest boys.
BesidesS, there are 9 more letters  ways for tallest two = 2!
10! 4! Rest of the boys can stand = (20 – 2)! ways = 18!
 Keeping all S together, the number of words =   Total number of ways = 18!  2!  6! = 18!  (2  720)
3!2!2! 4!
= 151200 = 18!  1440


65. *A committee of 5 is to be formed from 6 male students 67. A group of 7 members having a majority of boys is to
and 5 female students. In how many ways can this be be formed out of 7 boys and 4 girls. The number of
done so that the committee contains at least one male
ways the group can be formed is– (7 Rb evjK I 4 Rb
and one female student? (6 Rb QvÎ Ges 5 Rb QvÎxi ga¨
†_‡K KZfv‡e 5 Rb m`‡m¨i GKwU KwgwU KZ Dcv‡q MVb Kiv evwjKv †_‡K evjK msL¨vMwió 7 m`‡m¨i `j KZfv‡e MVb Kiv
m¤¢e †hb cÖ‡Z¨K KwgwU‡Z AšÍZ GKRb QvÎ Ges GKRb QvÎx hv‡e?) [Exam Taker Arts : Rupali Bank Ltd. (Officer-2019)]
_v‡K?) [Exam Taker Arts : Rupali Bank Ltd. (Officer Cash) Cancelled-2018;
a 80 b 100
Sonali Bank Ltd. (SO) IT/ICT-2018]
 mgvavb : c 90 d 110
No. of male students = 6  mgvavb :
No. of female students = 5
So, total number of students = 6 + 5 = 11 evj‡Ki msL¨v evwjKvi msL¨v `j MV‡bi Dcvq
number of committee formed with only male students = 7
C5 = 6
6 1 C6  4C1 = 28
number of committee formed with only female students = 5 2 7
C5  4C2 = 126
C5 = 1 7
So, no. of committee formed with only male and only 4 3 C4  4C3 = 140
temale students = 6 + 1 = 7 †gvU Dcvq = 294
number of committee formed with any of 5 from 11
students = 11C5 68. *A man has 5 friends and his wife has 4 friends. They
11! 11  10  9  8  7 want to invite either of their friends, one or more to a
= = = 462
5! 6! 54221 party. In how many ways can they do so?[]
†h‡Kvb 5 Rb wkÿv_x© wb‡q MwVZ KwgwUi msL¨v †_‡K ïay QvÎ I a9 b 18
ïay QvÎx wb‡q MwVZ KwgwUi †gvU msL¨v ev` w`‡j cÖvß
c 31 d 46 d
KwgwU¸‡jv‡Z †KvbwU‡ZB ïay QvÎ ev ïay QvÎx _vK‡e bv| ZvB
GB msL¨vB n‡e wb‡Y©q KwgwU msL¨v|  mgvavb : They want to invite either the friends of husband
So, total number of committee that consists of at least one or the frinds of the wife
male and one female students ways of inviting husband's friends = (25–1) [husband has 5 friends]
= (462  7) = 455
weKí mgvavb : = (32 – 1) = 31
In following ways, we can take male & female students to ways of inviting wife's friends = (24 – 1) [wife has 4 friends]
form 5 member committee. = 15
Male students (6) Female students (5)
(a) 1 4  Total number of ways = 31 + 15 = 46
(b) 2 3 jÿ¨ Kiæb : n msL¨K e¯‘ n‡Z †h‡Kvb msL¨K e¯‘ wb‡q †gvU
(c) 3 2
hZfv‡e mgv‡ek Kiv hvq Zvi msL¨v 2n| GUv‡K n m`m¨ wewkó
(d) 4 1
For (a), number of ways of committee formation †m‡Ui m¤¢ve¨ mKj Dc‡mU msL¨vi mv‡_I Zzjbv Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
= 6C1  5C4 = 30 GB 2n msL¨K mgv‡ek Gi g‡a¨ 1wU Dcvq Av‡Q †hwU‡Z †Kvb
For (b), number of ways = 6C2  5C3 = 150
m`m¨B †bIqv nq wb ev duvKv †mU| GKBfv‡e, n msL¨K e¨w³
For (c), number of ways = 6C3  5C2 = 200
For (d), number of ways = 6C4  5C1 = 75 n‡Z `vIqvZ Kivi Rb¨ †h‡Kvb msL¨K e¨w³‡K †gvU evQvB Kiv
 Total number of ways = 30 + 150 + 200 + 75 hvq 2n Dcv‡q| wKš‘ Gi g‡a¨ 1wU NUbv _vK‡e †hLv‡K KvD‡K
= 455 (Ans.)
66. A football team is to be consisted out of 14 boys. In how
wbe©vPb Kiv nq wb|
many ways the team can be chosen so that the owner of `vIqvZ Kivi Dcvq n‡e = 2n  1
the ball is always in the team? (14 Rb evj‡Ki ga¨ †_‡K
GKwU dzUej `j MVb Kiv n‡e| `jwU KZfv‡e MVb Kiv hv‡e †hb 69. *A man positioned at the origin of the coordinate
e‡ji gvwjK me©`v `‡j _v‡K?) system. the man can take steps of unit measure in the
[Exam Taker Arts : Bangladesh Bank (A.D.-2018)] direction North, East, West or South. Find the number
a 135 b 143 c 169 d 129
of ways of he can reach the point (5,6), covering the
 mgvavb : †gvU evj‡Ki msL¨v = 14 Rb
dzUej `‡j evj‡Ki msL¨v = 11 Rb shortest possible distance. [;]

e‡ji gvwjK me©`v H 11 R‡bi `‡j _vK‡e| a 252 b 432

evwK 14 – 1 = 13 R‡bi ga¨ †_‡K 11 – 1 = 10 Rb evQvB Ki‡Z n‡e| c 462 d 504 c
 wb‡Y©q `j MV‡bi Dcvq = 13C10  mgvavb : we know, Number of ways covering the shortest
= (m + n)!
10! 3! distance from the origin to (m, n) point is =
m!  n!
13  12  11
= = 286wU (5 + 6)! 11!
 Number of ways = = = 462
we.`ª. : mwVK DËi Ack‡b †bB| 5!6! 5!6!


†R‡b ivLv fvj : n  mgvavb : Numbers what are multiple of 12 will must be
Grid Problem : divisible by 3 and 4 both. Hence the numbers are
B comprised of only 2's and 3's and the numbers are divisible
by 4, then the last two digits of the number would be
divisible by 4 and in this case it is 32 only.
Besides, the number is divisible by 3 2
6 Ni
3. so total sum of its digits will be 10  2, 2, 2, 2, 2
divisible by 3. 13  3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Here, First 5 digits summasion will be 10 or 13 and then
the number will be divisible by 3.
  10 + 3 + 2 = 15 divisible by 3 
 13 + 3 + 2 = 18 divisible by 3
A 5 Ni In case it is 10, the first five digits all will be 2's
g‡b Kiæb Avcwb Graph Gi A we›`y n‡Z B we›`y‡Z hv‡eb| 5!
 Numbers of ways = [5 digit's are all 2's]
me©wb¤œ c‡_ A n‡Z B †h‡Z n‡j †hfv‡eB Avcwb hvb bv †Kb 5!
Avcbv‡K me©`v Wvbw`‡K 5 Ni Ges Dc‡ii w`‡K 6 Ni †h‡Z n‡e| =1
aiæb m w`‡q Wvbw`‡K 1 Ni hvIqv Ges n w`‡q Dc‡ii w`‡K 1 Ni In case is is 13, the first five digits consist of three of 3's
hvIqv eySv‡bv n‡”Q| Zvn‡j 5 N‡ii Rb¨ 5Uv m Ges 6 N‡ii Rb¨ and two of 2's.
6Uv n wb‡q Zv‡`i‡K ev mmmmmnnnnnn †K hw` web¨¯Í Kwi, 5!
 number of ways = [5 digits are 3, 3, 3, 2, 2]
cÖwZwU web¨vm w`‡q Avjv`v Avjv`v c_ cv‡eb, †h c‡_ A n‡Z B 3!2!
†Z Avcwb †h‡Z cvi‡eb| = 10
(5 + 6)! 11!  Total number divisible by 12 = 1 + 10 = 11
Zvn‡j c_ msL¨v = 5! 6!
5!6! 73. A student is to answer 10 out of 13 questions in an
[†gvU eY© = 5 + 6 = 11 hvi g‡a¨ 5wU m GKB, 6wU n GKB] examination such that he must choose at least 4 from the
GKBfv‡e, first five questions. The number of choices available to
Wvbw`‡K m Ni Ges Dc‡ii w`‡K n Ni †h‡Z n‡j, me©wb¤œ c‡_i him is– (GKRb wkÿv_©x‡K GKwU cixÿvq 13wU cÖ‡kœi gv‡S 10wU
(m + n)! cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z w`‡e Ggbfv‡e †hb cÖ_g 5wU †_‡K Kgc‡ÿ 4wU
†gvU msL¨v = m! n! DËi †`q| †m KZ Dcv‡q DËi Ki‡Z cvi‡e?)
70. A number lock on a suitcase has 3 wheels each labeled [Exam Taker AUST : Combined 4 Banks (Officer-2019);]
with 10 digits from 0 to 9. If opening of the lock is a a 140 b 196 c 280 d 346 b
particular sequence of three digits with no repeats, how  mgvavb : cÖ_g 5wU cÖkœ †kl 8wU cÖkœ
many such sequences will be possible? [] (i) 4 6
5 †gvU 10wU

a 720 b 760 (ii) 5
c 680 d 780 a (i) G mvRv‡bv hvq (5C4  8C6)
 mgvavb : Here, Number of wheels are 3 and digits are 10 5! 8!
= 
number of ways without repeatation = Number of ways the 4!(5 – 4)! 6!(8 – 6)!
3 wheels can be filled with 10 digits 5! 8!
= 
= 10P3 = 10  9  8 = 720 4! 1! 6! 2!
 Total ways = 720 120 8  7  6!
= 
71. A question paper consists of three sections 4, 5 and 6 24  1 6!  2
questions respectively. Attempting one question from = 5  28 = 140 Dcv‡q
each section is compulsory but a candidate need not (ii) G mvRv‡bv hvq (5C5  8C5)
attempt all the questions. In how many ways can a
= 1  56 = 56 Dcv‡q
candidate attempt the questions?
[;]  †gvU mvRv‡bv hvq = 140 + 56 = 196 Dcv‡q|
a 209 b (4! − 1) (5! − 1) (6! − 1) 74. *A tea expert claims that he can easily find out whether
c 119 d 29,295 d milk or tea leaves were added first to water just by
 mgvavb : We know, from n number of objects we can tasting the cup of tea. In order to check this claims 10
choose any of number of them = (2n – 1) of ways cups of tea are prepared, 5 in one way and 5 in other.
68bs Gi e¨vL¨v †`Lyb Find the different possible ways of presenting these 10
4 5 6
 candidate can attempt = (2 – 1)  (2 – 1)  (2 – 1) of ways cups to the expert. [;]
= 15  31  63 = 29,295 a 252 b 240
Total number of ways = 29,295 c 300 d 340 a
72. A seven-digit number comprises of only 2's and 3's.  mgvavb : Here, Number of cups where milk added first = 5
How many of these are multiples of 12? [] Number of cups where tea added first = 5
a1 b 11 10!
 Total number of ways = = 252
c 21 d 47 b 5!5!


75. *a, b, c, d and e are five natural numbers. Find the 78. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each
number of ordered sets (a, b, c, d, e) possible such that other. How many handshakes will there be in total?
a + b + c + d + e = 64. [;] (GKwU Rgv‡qZ †k‡l 10 Rb e¨w³ cÖ‡Z¨K cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mv‡_ n¨vÛ‡kK
64 63
a C5 b C4
65 63 K‡i| †gvU KZwU n¨vÛ‡k‡Ki NUbv NU‡e?)
c C4 d C5 b
[Exam Taker Arts : Bangladesh Bank (Officer-2018)]
 mgvavb : a + b + c + d + e = 64
a 100 b 20 c 45 d 90 c
Number of solutions possible of this equation (a, b, c, d, e
 N) will be same as distributing 64 identical objects  mgvavb : 10 Rb e¨w³i cÖ ‡ Z¨K 2 Rb wg‡j GKevi n¨vÛ‡kK K‡i|
among 5 persons.  wb‡Y©q msL¨v
we know, Distribution ways of m objects identical among = 10 Rb †_‡K cÖwZevi 2 Rb wb‡q evQvB msL¨v
n persons = m – 1Cn – 1
10! 10  9
 Total number of ways = 64 – 1C5 – 1 = 63C4 = 10C2 = = = 45
8! 2! 2
†R‡b ivLv fvj :
79. Each of the 11 letters A,H,I,M,O,T,U,V,W,X and Y
Distribution : m msL¨K GKB ai‡bi e¯‘‡K n msL¨K e¨w³i
appears same when looked at in a mirror. They are
g‡a¨ weZiY Kivi Dcvq msL¨v ev distribution msL¨v = m1Cn1 called symmetric letters. Other letters of the alphabet
a + b + c + d + e = 64 Gi †gvU mgvavb msL¨v n‡e 5 Rb
are asymmetric letters. How many three letter
e¨w³i gv‡S 64wU GKB ai‡bi e¯‘‡K weZiY Kivi Dcvq msL¨v ev computer passwords can be formed (no repetition
distribution msL¨vi mgvb|
allowed) with at least one symmetric letter?
 †gvU Dcvq = 64  1C51 = 63C4 []
76. *A6 × 6 grid is cut from an 8×8 chessboard. In how a 12,000 b 12,870
many ways can we put two identical coins, one on the c 13,000 d None of these b
black square and one on a white square on the grid,  mgvavb : Here, Symmetric Letters = 11
such that they are not placed in the same row or in the
same column? []
Asymmetric letters = 15
a 216 b 324 Total Number of passwords with at least one symmetric
c 144 d 108 a letters
 mgvavb : There are 18 white and 18 black square in 6  6 = Total possible 3 letter passwords – possible passwords
chess board grid. comprised of only asymmetric letters
Two identi cal wins have to put on on = 26P3 – 15P3 = 12870
white and other on black square 80. Find the number of combinations that can be formed
 Number of ways = 18C1  18C1 with 5 oranges, 4 mangoes and 3 bananas, when one
= 18  18 = 324 6  6 Grid Chess Board fruit of each kind is taken. []
But, they can not be put on same row or same column a 60 b 120
they can be on same rows = 6 (rows)  3C1  3C1 [Every c 110 d 75 a
rows has 3 black, 3 white squares]  mgvavb : Here, Number of oranges, mangoes and bananas
They can be on same column = 6 (column)  3C1  3C1 = 54
On same rows and same column, total ways = 54 + 54 = 108 are 5, 4, 3 respectively.
 Total number of ways in given condition = 324 – 108 = 216  Total combination possible by taking at least one of
77. At a party, everyone shook hands with everybody else. If each kind of fruits = 5  4  3 = 60
there were 66 handshakes, how many people were at 81. Find the number of ways in which 8064 can be resolved
the party? (GKwU Abyôv‡b, mevB mevi mv‡_ n¨vÛ‡mK K‡i| as the product of two factors?
†gvU 66wU n¨vÛ‡mK n‡j, KZRb cvwU©‡Z wQ‡jbÑ) [;]
[Exam Taker IBA : Jamuna Bank Ltd. (PO-2014)] a 22 b 24
a9 b 10 c 12 d 13 c 21 d 20 b
e None of these c 7 2
 mgvavb : Here, 8064 = 2  3  7
 mgvavb : awi, †gvU gvbyl = n Rb
n Rb Gi g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨Kevi 2 Rb K‡i wb‡q mgv‡ek msL¨v = †gvU  Number of the factors of 8064 = (7 + 1)  (2 + 1)  (1 +
n¨vÛ‡mK = nC2 1)
n! n (n  1) = 8  3  2 = 48
= = Now, the number of the ways 8064 can be resolved as the
2! (n  2)! 2
n (n  1) 48
cÖkœg‡Z, = 66 product of the two factors = = 24
2 2
 n2  n = 132  n2  n  132 = 0 82. Find the total number of distinct vehicle numbers that
2 can be formed using two letters followed by two
 n  12n + 11n  132 = 0
 n(n  12) + 11 (n  12) = 0 numbers. Letters need to be distinct.
 (n  12) (n + 11) = 0 [;]
n   11 a 60000 b 65000
 n = 12 c 70000 d 75000 b


 mgvavb : 86. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the
Repeated digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9, which are divisible by 5 and
distinct allowed
none of the digits is repeated?
Letters Number a5 b 10
There are 26 letters and 10 numbers. c 15 d 20
First two space can be filled by letters = 26P2 ways e None of these d
Last two space can be filled by numbers = 102 ways  mgvavb :
[Repeatation allowed] 2, 3, 6, 7, 9
 Total number of vehicle numbers = 26p2  102 = 65,000
83. For a software development project, a given group can 5
be divided into 8 groups of 3 coders each. How many Any number divisible by 5 is end with digit 5.
groups can be formed if the manager decides to have 6 So, here all the numbers will end with digit 5.
coders in each group? (GKwU mdUIq¨vi Dbœqb cÖK‡í cÖwZ  First two space will be filled with 2, 3, 6, 7, and 9
MÖæ‡c 3 Rb †KvWvi wb‡q 8wU MÖæc MVb Kiv n‡jv| hw` g¨v‡bRvi 6  Numbers of such 3-digit number = 5P2  1 = 20
Rb K‡i †KvWvi wb‡q MÖæc MVb Ki‡Z Pvb, Zvn‡j KZwU MÖæc MVb 87. *How many factors of 24  53  74 are odd numbers?
Kiv hv‡e?) [Exam Taker Arts : Sonali & Janata Bank (S.O. IT-2018)]
a 20 b 24
a4 b5 c6 d8 a
c 30 d 36 a
 mgvavb : cÖwZ MÖæ‡c 3 Rb †KvWvi wb‡q 8wU MÖæ‡c †gvU †KvWvi = 3 4 3 4
 mgvavb : 2  5  7
 8 = 24 Rb
The factors comprised only from 53  74 will be odd
myZivs, cÖwZ MÖæ‡c 6 Rb †KvWvi wb‡j MÖæc msL¨v = 6 = 4wU number always
 Total odd number factors = (3 + 1)  (4 + 1)
84. From a total of six men and four ladies a committee of
three is to be formed. If Mrs. X is not willing to join the = 4  5 = 20
committee in which Mr. Y is a member, whereas Mr.Y 88. *How many factors of 25  36 × 52 are perfect squares?
is willing to join the committee only if Mrs Z is
a 20 b 24
included, how many such committee are possible?
[;] c 30 d 36 b
5 6 2
a 138 b 128  mgvavb : 2  3  5
c 112 d 91 d The factors will be a perfect square when it's prime
 mgvavb : numbers would be even in number.
Man = 6 X, Y 4 (rest) 24  36  52 = 22  22  32  32  32  52
Lady = 4 Z 3 (rest) 6 sets
Here, The selection can be of three cases From these six sets, any number of sets would make a
Case-1 : (X and no Y) number which is a perfect square.
Nomber of ways = 1C1  8C2 [4 + 3 + Z = 8]  Total perfect square factors = (2 + 1) (3 + 1) (1 + 1)
= 28 2

Case-2 : (no X but Y and Z both)

Sets of 22 = 2
= 3  4  2 Sets of 3 = 3
Number of ways = 2C2  7C1 [4 + 3 = 7] Sets of 52 = 1
=7 = 24
Case-3 : (no X and no Y) 89. How many five digit positive integers that are divisible
Number of ways = 8C3 = 56 [Z + 4 + 3 = 8] by 3 can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,
 Total number of ways = 28 + 7 + 56 = 91 without any of the digits getting repeated.
85. Golden rod and No Hope are in a horse race of 6 [;]
contestants. How many different arrangements of a 15 b 96
finishes are there if No Hope always finishes before c 216 d 120
Goldenrod and if all of the horses finish the race? e 625 c
 mgvavb : When the sum of a number's digits are divisible
a 700 b 360
by 3, the number also would be divisible by 3.
c 120 d 24
Here, Five digits numbers divisible by 3 can be formed by
e 21 b
making the number out of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or (0, 1, 2, 4, 5)
 mgvavb : Here, Total number of contestants = 6
sets of digits.
So the race can be finished = 6! ways
Goldenrod and no hope can be permutated among 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 divisible by 3
themselves is = 2!
0 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 12 divisible by 3
Numbers consist of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) = 5!
if, No hope finishes before Goldenrod,
6! Numbers consist of (0, 1, 2, 4, 5) = 4P1  4!
The total number of ways = = 360  Total five digit's number = 5! + 4P1  4! = 216


90. *How many four letter distinct initials can be formed 23 + 2 + 25 = 50
using the alphabets of English language such that the †gŠwjK msL¨v bq|
last of the fourth words is always a consonant? 19 + 2 + 29 = 50 hv 5bs UvB‡c D‡jøL Kiv Av‡Q| c~e©eZx©
a 26 × 21 b 26 × 25 × 24 × 21 Ab¨ †gŠwjK msL¨v¸‡jvI H 5wUi cybive„wË Ki‡e| ZvB GB
c 25 × 24 × 23 × 21 d None of these a 5wU UvB‡ci MÖæc MVb Ki‡Z n‡e|
 mgvavb : each type of groups can be permuted by 3!
So, the number of ways we can divide
= 5  3! = 5  6 = 30
In enlish alphabet there are 21 consonant
forth space could be filled = P1 = 21 ways 95. *If the letters of the word SACHIN are arranged in all
first 3 space could be filled = 26 ways [Repeatation possible ways and these words are written out as in
allowed] dictionary, then the word SACHIN appears at serial
3 number: [;]
 Total words = 26  21
91. How many integers, greater than 999 but not greater a 601 b 600
than 4000, can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 c 603 d 602 a
if repetition of digits is allowed?  mgvavb :
a 499 b 500 c 375  : SACHIN (ACHINS)
d 376
e 501 d Number of words starts with "A" = 1P1  5! = 5!
 mgvavb : Similarly starts with C, H, I, N will also = 5! in number
Now, As A, C, H, I and N would come before S
1, 2, 3 There would be = 5  5! words before it starts with "S"
First space could be filled with 1, 2, 3 = 31 ways coincedentally the first number which starts with "S"
Rest three space could be filled = 53 ways would be SACHIN.
 Total ways = (31  53) + 1 [not greater than 4000, so
4000 could be the number too]  In dictionary SACHIN Would appear in = (5  5! + 1)
= 375 + 1 = 376 th place
92. How many permutations of seven different letters may be = (600 + 1) th place
made? (7wU wfbœ e‡M©i web¨vm msL¨v?) = 601 th place
[Exam Taker Arts : B.K.B. (Officer Cash-2017)] 96. If 5 × nP3 = 4 × (n + 1)P3, find n? []
a1 b7 c 7! d 6! c a 10 b 11
 mgvavb : nwU wfbœ wRwb‡mi web¨vm msL¨v = n! c 12 d 14 d
 7wU ,, e‡Y©i ,, ,, = 7!  mgvavb : given, 5  nP3 = 4  n+1P3
93. How many positive integers 'n' can be form using the  5  n(n – 1) (n – 2) = 4  (n + 1) (n) (n – 1)
digits 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7 if we want 'n' to exceed 60,00,000?
[;]  5 (n – 2) = 4 (n + 1)
a 320 b 360 c 540 d 720 c  5n – 10 = 4n + 4
 mgvavb : Number have to exceed 60,00,000 means the first  n = 10 + 4
space must be 6 or 7. And the number would be a 7 digit's number.  n = 14
Case; 1 (first-6) 97. If 6Pr = 360 and If 6Cr = 15, find r ?
6! [;]
Total numbers possible = 1P1  = 360
2! a5 b6
Case, 2 (first-7) c4 d3 c
1 6!  mgvavb : Given, 6
C = 15 ............. (i)
Total numbers possible = P1  = 180 r
2!2! And, 6Pr = 360
 Total integers = 360 + 180 = 540
94. How many ways are there to divide 50 people into 3  6Cr  r! = 360 [ nPr = nCr  r!]
groups so that each group contains members equal to a  15  r! = 360
prime number? (50 Rb e¨w³‡K 3wU MÖæ‡c KZfv‡e fvM Kiv m¤¢e 360
 r! = = 24
†hb cÖ‡Z¨K MÖæ‡ci m`m¨ msL¨v G‡KKwU †gŠwjK msL¨v nq?) 15
[Exam Taker Arts : Bangladesh Bank (Officer)-2018] r=4
 mgvavb : 98. In a certain sock drawer, there are 4 pairs of black
Prime numbers from to 50: socks, 3 pairs of gray socks and 2 pairs of orange socks.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 If socks are removed at random without replacement,
jÿ¨Yxq †h, wZbwU we‡Rvo msL¨vi †hvMdj me©`v we‡Rvo| wKš‘ 2 what is the minimum number of socks that must be
Qvov evwK me¸‡jv †gŠwjK msL¨v we‡Rvo| ZvB wZbwU †gŠwjK removed in order to ensure that two socks of the same
msL¨vi †hvMdj 50 n‡Z n‡j (wZb MÖæ‡ci †gvU m`m¨ msL¨v) `yBwU color have been removed? (GKwU †gvRvi Wªqv‡i 4 †Rvov
we‡Rvo I GKwU 2 n‡Z n‡e| ZvB cÖ‡Z¨K cÖKvi mgv‡e‡k †Kvb bv Kv‡jv †gvRv, 3 †Rvov a~mi †gvRv Ges 2 †Rvov Kgjv is Gi †gvRv
†Kvb MÖæ‡ci m`m¨ msL¨v 2 n‡Z n‡e| Av‡Q| hw` cÖwZ¯’vcb Qvov †gvRv¸‡jv‡K mwi‡q †bIqv nq, Z‡e
So, the ways we can form the groups me©wb¤œ KZ msL¨K †gvRv Aek¨B miv‡Z n‡e †hb GKB is‡qi `ywU
(1) 43 + 5 + 2 = 50
(2) 41 + 7 + 2 = 50
†gvRv miv‡bv hvq?) [Exam Taker IBA : City Bank Ltd. (MTO-2018);
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. (AO-2017)]
(3) 37 + 11 + 2 = 50
a 11 b4 c3 d7
(4) 31 + 17 + 2 = 50
(5) 29 + 19 + 2 = 50 e None of these b


 mgvavb : Kv‡jv (B) †gvRv = 4 †Rvov = 4  2 = 8wU 102. In how many ways a team of 11 members can be formed
a~mi (G) " = 3 " = 3  2 = 6wU from a group of 15 students if a student who is the
Kgjv (O) " = 2 " = 2  2 = 4wU owner of the ball is always considered a member of the
team? (15 Rb wkÿv_x©i GKwU `j †_‡K KZ Dcv‡q 11 R‡bi GKwU
`ywU miv‡bv n‡j wb‡¤œv³ Dcv‡q `ywU †gvRv wfbœ is‡qi n‡Z cv‡i :
BG, GO, OB| `j MVb Kiv hvq †hb e‡ji gvwjK me©`v AšÍf³
z© _v‡K?)
[Exam Taker Arts : Agrani Bank (Officer Cash-2017)]
wZbwU miv‡bv n‡j wb‡¤œv³ Dcv‡q wZbwU †gvRvB wfbœ is‡qi n‡Z a 14 b 201 c 210 d 1001 d
cv‡i : BGO|  mgvavb :  GKRb me©`vB AšÍf³z© _vK‡e
wKš‘ PviwU miv‡bv n‡j †Kvbfv‡eB PviwU wfbœ i‡Oi n‡e bv KviY
 (15 – 1) ev 14 Rb †_‡K (11 – 1) ev 10 Rb‡K wbe©vPb Ki‡Z
GLv‡b †gvU wZb iKg is‡qi †gvRv Av‡Q|
 me©wb¤œ AcmviY = 3 + 1 = 4wU
14 Rb †_‡K 10 R‡bi wbe©vPb Kivi
GKBfv‡e wZbwUi ¯’v‡b PviwU wfbœ i‡Oi †gvRv _vK‡j 2wU GKB Dcvq = 14C10
iKg †c‡Z n‡j 4 + 1 = 5wU AcmviY Ki‡Z n‡e| N msL¨K 14! 14!
is‡qi Rb¨ me©wb¤œ AcmviY Ki‡Z n‡e = N + 1wU| =
10! (14 – 10)! 10! 4!
99. In a railway compartment, there are 2 rows of seats 14  13  12  11  10!
facing each other with accommodation for 5 in each, 4 = = 1001 Dcv‡q|
10!  24
wish to sit facing forward and 3 facing towards the
103. *In how many ways can 10 examination papers be
rear while 3 others are indifferent. In how many ways
can the 10 passengers be seated? arranged so that the best and the worst papers never
[;] come together? []
a 172,000 b 12,600 a 8 × 9! b 8 × 8!
c 45,920 d 43,200 d c 7 × 9! d 9 × 8! a
 mgvavb : P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
4 facing forward

[Worst Ges Best `ywU Paper ev‡` 8wU Paper emv‡bvi ci Zv‡`i
3 facing rear

gv‡S, Av‡M I c‡i 9wU duvKv¯’vb _v‡K]

 mgvavb : The 8 examination papers (without best and
worst) can be arranged among themselves = 8! ways
To facing forward, After putting these 8 pappers, there would be 9 empty
5 seats could be taken by 4 people in = 5P4 ways spaces.
To Facing rear, The 2 papers (Worst and best) can fill these 9 spaces = 9P2
5 seats could be taken by 3 people in = 5P3 ways ways
and the rest 3 seats could be taken by rest 3 = 3! ways  Total ways = 8!  9P2 = 8!  9  8 = 9!  8
 Total ways possible = 5P4  5P3  3! = 43200 104. *In how many ways can 3 men and their wives be made
100. In how many different ways can the letters of the word stand in a line such that none of the 3 men stand in a
'DETAIL' be arranged in such a way that the vowels position that is ahead of his wife?
occupy only the odd positions? [;]
a 32 b 48 c 36 d 60 a b
3!  3!  3! 2!  2!
e 120 c 6! 6!
 mgvavb : c
2!  2!  2!
2!  3!
1 2 3 4 5 6
 mgvavb : Total number of people = 3 + 3 = 6
There are 3 odd postions and 3 even positions They can stand in line in = 6! ways
3 vowels can fill the 3 spaces = 3! But, every couple can arrange among themselves = 2!
3 consonant can fill the 3 spaces = 3! ways
 Total number of words = 3!  3! = 6  6 = 36 6!
101. In how many rearrangements of the word AMAZED, Total number of ways =
is the letter E positioned in between the 2 As (Not
jÿYxq : GLv‡b †gvU gvbyl Av‡Q = 6 Rb| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ web¨vm
necessarily flanked)? []
a 24 b 72 c 120 d 240 c msL¨v = 6! Avevi ¯^vgx I ¯¿x wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ Rotate Ki‡Z cv‡i ev
 mgvavb : without any condition, the word AMAZED could web¨¯Í n‡Z cv‡i 2! Dcv‡q| †h‡nZz ¯^vgx‡K ¯¿xi mvg‡b `vov‡Z n‡e
6! †m‡nZz web¨v‡m Zv‡`i Rotation eÜ Ki‡Z n‡e|
be arranged = ways GiKg †Rvov Av‡Q 3wU|
3! 6!
AEA can be arranged among themselves = ways  Dcvq msL¨v = [fvM Ki‡j Rotation eÜ nq|]
2! 2!2!2!
6! 105. In how many ways can 6 green toys and 6 red toys be
2! 6! arranged, such that 2 particular red toys are never
So, total number of arrangements = = = 120 together whereas 2 particular green toys are always
3! 3!
2! together? [;]
 Number of rearrangements = 120 a 11!  2! b 9!  90
[here number of arrangments and rearrangements are same] c 4  10! d 18  10! d


 mgvavb : considering 2 particular green toys as one and rest 110. In how many ways, a cricket team of 11 players can be
of 4 green toys and 4 red toys, made from 15 players, if a particular player is never
number of permutations = 9!  2! chosen? []
There are (9 + 1) or 10 empty spaces, where the 2 a 364 b 480
particular red toys could be kept c 1365 d 640 a
 number of permutations = 10P2  mgvavb : A particular player would be never chosen
 Total number of ways = 10P2  9!  2! So, we have to chose 11 players from (15 – 1) or 14 players
= 10  9  9!  2!  Number of ways = 14C11 = 364
= 10  9!  9  2! 111. In your bookshelf, you have five favorite books. If you
= 10!  18 decide to arrange these five books in every possible
jÿ¨ Kiæb : wbw`©ó 2wU meyR †Ljbv‡K GKwU g‡b K‡i evwK 4wU combination and moved just one book in every half a
meyR Ges 4wU jvj †Ljbv Av‡M cici ivL‡Z n‡e| jÿ Ki‡j minute. How much time it will take you to arrange?
eyS‡eb G‡`i (1 + 4 + 4) = 9 wUi (†Zvgvi eB‡qi Zv‡K 5wU wcÖq eB Av‡Q| m¤¢ve¨ me Dcv‡q mvRv‡Z
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 R1 R2 R3 R4 †M‡j †gvU KZ mgq jvM‡e hw` cÖwZwU eB miv‡Z A‡a©K wgwbU mgq
Av‡M, gv‡S I c‡i 10 wU dvKv ¯’vb _vK‡e| GB 10 wU dvKv ¯’v‡b jv‡MÑ) [Exam Taker AUST : Sonali Bank (Officer Cash FF-2019)]
wbw`©ó `ywU jvj †Ljbv emv‡Z n‡e| a 3 hours b 1 hours
106. *In how many ways can six different rings be worn on c 2 hours d 30 minutes b
four fingers of one hand?  mgvavb : 5wU eB‡K mvRv‡bvi Dcvq = 5! = 120
[;;] A_©vr 5wU eB mvRv‡Z †M‡j †gvU 120 evi eB¸‡jv‡K miv‡Z n‡e|
a 10 b 12
c 15 d 16 d 1wU eB miv‡Z mgq jv‡M wgwbU
 mgvavb : In this case every finger of selected 4 fingers must
have at least one ring. So these 4 fingers will have 4 rings  120wU  120 wgwbU
first and 2 rings would be left.
So we have to put these 2 rings on the 4 fingers, where the = 60 wgwbU ev 1 N›Uv
repeatation is allowed. 112. Ten points are marked on a straight line and eleven
here, 4 fingers points are marked on another straight line. How many

number of fingers = n = 4 triangles can be constructed with vertices from the
2 rings
number of rings = r = 2 left
above points? [;]
r 2
 Total ways = n = 4 = 16 a 495 b 550
c 1045 d 2475 c
107. In how many ways can the letters of the word EDUCATION be  mgvavb : with three points a triangle can be constructed
rearranged so that the relative position of the vowels and Numbers of triangle,
consonants remain the same as in the word EDUCATION? One point from 10 and two points from 11 = 10C1  11C2
[;] = 550
a 9! × 4 b 9! × 4! × 5!
Two points from 10 and one points from 11 = 10C2  11C1
c 4! × 5! d None of these c
= 495
 mgvavb : To permute by keeping same relative positions of  Total triangles = 550 + 495 = 1045
vowels and consonants,
Vowels have to permute among themselves and the 113. *The number of rectangle that you can find on a Chess
consonant have to permute among themselves. board is []
Education has 5 vowels and 4 consonants a 1764 b 1600
5 vowels can be arranged in 5 spaces = 5! ways c 1826 d 1296 d
4 consonants can be arranged in 4 spaces = 4! ways  mgvavb : Chess board could be considered consist of 9
 Total number of ways = 5!  4! straight lines horizontally and 9 straight lines vertically
108. In how many ways can you arrange the letters A, B, C for forming every rectangle, we need 2 horizontal lines
and D.( A, B, C, eY©¸‡jv‡K KZ Dcv‡q mvRv‡bv hvq?) and 2 vertical lines
[Exam Taker IBA : Exim Bank Ltd. (TAO-2018)]  total Numbers of rectangles = 9C2  9C2 = 1296
a4 b6 c 12 d 24 d
114. Theire is group of 5 men, 6 women and 8 children. 1
 mgvavb : 4wU wfbœ eY©‡K mvRv‡bvi man, 1 woman and one child are going to be selected to
†gvU Dcvq = 4! = 4  3  2  1 = 24 play a game. In how many ways can the selection be
109. In how many ways, a cricket team of 11 players can be done? (5 Rb cyiæl, 6 Rb gwnjv I 8 Rb wkïi GKwU MÖæc Av‡Q|
made from 15 players, if a particular player is always †mLvb n‡Z 1 Rb cyiæl, 1 Rb gwnjv Ges GKRb wkï wbe©vPb Kiv
chosen? []
a 1835 b 1001
n‡e GKwU †Ljvi Rb¨| KZ Dcv‡q evQvB Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i?)
[Exam Taker AUST : Janata & Rupali Bank Ltd. (Officer-2019)]
c 1635 d 1365 b
a 240 ways b 480 ways
 mgvavb : A particular player would be always chosen
c 120 ways d None of these a
So, we have to choose (11 – 1) or 10 Players from (15 – 1) 5 6 8
or 14 players  mgvavb : †gvU Dcvq = C1  C1  C1
 Number of ways = 14C10 = 1001 = 5  6  8 = 240


115. There are 10 books on a shelf, of which 4 are  mgvavb : Boxes containing green balls are cosecutively numbered.
paperbacks and 6 are hardbacks. How many possible So,
selections of 5 books from the shelf certain at least one When 1 box has green balls, the ways = 6
paperback and at least one hardback? (GKwU †k‡î 10wU When 2 boxs have green balls, the ways = 5
eB Av‡Q hvi 4wU †ccvie¨vK Ges 6wU nvW©e¨vK| Zvn‡j 5wU eB‡qi When 3 boxs have green balls, the ways = 4
AKk‡b Kgc‡ÿ GKwU †ccvie¨vK Ges GKwU nvW©e¨vK †i‡L KZ  Total ways = 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21
fv‡e evQvB Kiv hvq?)
[Exam Taker IBA : Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MT-2017)] jÿ¨ Kiæb: 1 2 3 4 5 6
a 75 b 120 c 210 d 246 d GLv‡b 6wU e· 16 ch©šÍ bvgKiY Kiv Av‡Q| G‡`i‡K meyR ev
 mgvavb : †ccvie¨vK eB = 4wU jvj ej Øviv c~Y© Ki‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ meyR ej Øviv c~Y© e·¸‡jv †hb
nvW©e¨vK ” = 6wU µgvbymv‡i bvgKiv e‡· ci ci _v‡K|
1wU †ccvie¨vK I 4wU nvW©e¨vK eB evQvB‡qi Dcvq Zvn‡j,
6! 56 1wU e‡· meyR ej _vK‡j †mUv 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Gi †h †Kvb e‡·
= 4C1  6C4 = 4  =4 = 60 ivLv hv‡e| hvi Dcvq = 6
4! 2! 2
2wU †ccvie¨vK I 3wU nvW©e¨vK eB evQvB‡qi Dcvq 2wU e‡· meyR ej _vK‡j †mUv 12, 23, 34, 45, 56 Gi †h‡Kvb
4! 6! 4  3 6  5  4 †Rvovi `ywU e‡· _vK‡e| hvi Dcvq = 5
= 4C2  6C3 =  =  = 120 GiKgfv‡e 3, 4, 5, 6wU e‡· meyR ej _vK‡j Dcvq msL¨v
2! 2! 3! 3! 2 6
3wU †ccvie¨vK I 2wU nvW©e¨vK eB evQvB‡qi Dcvq h_vµ‡g 4, 3, 2, 1wU|
6! 65  †gvU Dcvq = 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21
= 4C3  6C2 = 4  =4 = 60
4! 2! 2 119. What is the total number of ways in which Dishu can
4wU †ccvie¨vK I 1wU nvW©e¨vK eB evQvB‡qi Dcvq distribute 9 distinct gifts among his 8 distinct
= 4C4  6C1 = 1  6 = 6 girlfriends such that each of them gets at least one gift?
†gvU Dcvq = (60 + 120 + 60 + 6) = 246 a 72 × 8! b 144 × 8! c 36 × 8! d 9! c
116. There are 10 points in a plane out of which 4 are  mgvavb : Disha has 9 gifts for 8 girl friends
collinear. Find the number of triangles formed by the Each of the girl friends gets at least one gift
points as vertices. [;] So, one of them must gets two gifts.
a 120 b 116 Now, Out of 9 gifts, two gifts could be chosen = 9C2 ways.
c 140 d 20 b 8 girl friends could be shuffled = 8! ways
 mgvavb : A triangle consists of three points  Total ways = 9C2  8! = 36  8!
10 points should make the triangles = 10C3 ways 120. What is the value of 1 × 1! + 2 × 2! + 3 × 3! + . . . . . . . .
But 4 points are collinear these 4 points would not make n × n! where n! means n factorial or n(n-1) (n-2) . . . . . .
any triangles ..1 [;]
a n × (n - 1) × (n - 1)! b (n + 1)! - {n × (n - 1)}
4 points can make triangle = 4C3 ways
c (n + 1)! - n! d (n + 1)! - 1! d
 Total number of triangles = 10C3 – 4C3 = 116
 mgvavb : 1  1! + 2  2! + 3  3! + ........ n  n!
117. There are 2 shirts, 3 jeans, 3 socks and 2 skirts. In how
Here, nth term = n(n!)
many ways a shopkeeper can arrange these things so
= {(n + 1) – 1}  n!
that all the socks come together and all the skirts come
= (n + 1)  n! – 1  n!
together? (GKRb †`vKvb`vi 2wU kvU©, 3wU RxÝ, 3wU †gvRv I 2wU ¯‹vU©
= (n + 1)! – n!
KZfv‡e mvRv‡Z cv‡i †hb †gvRv¸‡jv GKmv‡_ I ¯‹vU©¸‡jv GKmv‡_ When,
_v‡K?) [Exam Taker AUST : P.K.B. (A.P.-2019)] n = 1, 1st term = 2! – 1!
a 4690 b 3260 c 2520 d 5040 n = 2, 2nd term = 3! – 2!
 mgvavb : kvU© 2wU; RxÝ = 3wU; †gvRv = 3wU; ¯‹vU© = 2wU n = 3, 3rd term = 4! – 3!
†gvU cY¨ = (2 + 3 + 3 + 2)wU = 10wU .....................................
n = n, nth term = (n + 1)! – n!
3wU †gvRv‡K GKmv‡_ 1wU e¯‘ I 2wU ¯‹vU©‡K GKmv‡_ 1wU e¯‘ ai‡j
 Sum of n terms
†gvU cY¨ msL¨v = (2 + 3 + 1 + 1) = 7wU = (2! –1!) + (3! – 2!) + (4! – 3!) + ......... (n + 1)! – n!
 wb‡Y©q web¨vm msL¨v = 7!  3!  2! = (n + 1)! – 1!
3wU †gvRv‡K wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ 3! I 2wU ¯‹vU©‡K, wb‡R‡`i 121. When four fair dice are rolled simultaneously, in how
g‡a¨ 2! AvKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq many outcomes will at least one of the dice show 3?
= 60480 a 155 b 620 c 671 d 625 c
118. *There are 6 boxes numbered 1, 2, ..... 6. Each box is to  mgvavb : Each dice has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 numbered
be filled up either with a red or a green ball in such a There are four fair dices
way that at least 1 box contains a green bail and the  number of out comes = nr = 64
boxes containing green balls are consecutively And, number of out comes when no dice shows 3 = 54
numbered. The total number of ways in which this can Here,
be done is– [;] Number of out comes which will shows at least one of
a 33 b 21 them 3 = Number of total out comes – number of out
c5 d 50 b comes where no dice shows 3 = 64 – 54 = 671


Practice Part
1. **A committee of 5 is to be formed from a group of 12 12. How many number of times will the digit 7 be written
students consisting of 8 boys and 4 girls. In how many when listing the integers from 1 to 1000?
ways can the committee be formed if it consists of exactly [;]
3 boys and 2 girls? [] a 271 b 300
d 304 c 252
a 436 b 336 c 548 d 356 13. How many words of 4 consonants and 3 vowels can be
2. **How many different words can be formed using all the made from 12 consonants and 4 vowels, if all the letters
letters of the word ALLAHABAD? (a) When vowels are different? [;]
a 16C7 × 7! b 12C4 × 4C3 × 7!
occupy the even positions. (b) Both L do not occur
c 12C3 × 4C4 d 11C4 × 4C3
together. []
a 7560,60,1680 b 7890,120,650 14. In how many ways a President, VP and Water-boy can
be selected from a group of 10 people.
c 7650,200,4444 d None of these [;]
3. **In how many different ways can the letters of the word 10 10
a C3 d 360b P3 c 240
'LEADING' be arranged in such a way that the vowels 15. Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words of 3
always come together? [;] consonants and 2 vowels can be formed?
a 360 b 480 c 720 d 5040 [;]
e None of these a 210 b 1050 c 25200 d 21400
4. *A committee is to be formed comprising 7 members e None of these
such that there is a simple majority of men and at least 1 16. Out of eight crew members three particular members
woman. The shortlist consists of 9 men and 6 women. In can sit only on the left side. Another two particular
how many ways can this committee be formed? members can sit only on the right side. Find the number
[;] of ways in which the crew can be arranged so that four
a 4914 b 3630d 3824 c 3724 men can sit on each side. [;]
5. 12 chairs are arranged in a row and are numbered 1 to a 864 b 863 c 865 d 1728
12. 4 men have to be seated in these chairs so that the 17. The letter of the word LABOUR are permuted in all
chairs numbered 1 to 8 should be occupied and no two possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged as
men occupy adjacent chairs. Find the number of ways in a dictionary. What is the rank of the word LABOUR?
the task can be done. [;]
a 242 b 240
d 275 c 251
a 360 b 384 c 432 d 470
18. There are 2 brothers among a group of 20 persons. In
6. A college has 10 basketball players. A5- member team how many ways can the group be arranged around a
and a captain will be selected out of these 10 players. circle so that there is exactly one person between the two
How many different selections can be made? brothers? [;]
10 10 a 2 × 17! b 18! × 18 c 19! × 18 d 2 × 18!
a 1260 b 210 c C6  6! d C5  6
e 2 × 17! × 17!
7. A local delivery company has three packages to deliver to 19. There are 5 Rock songs, 6 Carnatic songs and 3 Indi pop
three different homes. if the packages are delivered at songs. How many different albums can be formed using
random to the three houses, how many ways are there for the above repertoire if the albums should contain at least
at least one house to get the wrong package? 1 Rock song and 1 Carnatic song? []
a 15,624 b 16,384 c 6,144 d 240
a3 b5
d 5! c 3!
20. There are five comics numbered from 1 to 5. In how
8. A teacher of 6 students takes 2 of his students at a time to many ways can they be arranged, so that part-1 and
a zoo as often as he can, without taking the same pair of part-3 are never together? [;]
children together more than once. How many times does a 48 b 72 c 120 d 210
the teacher go to the zoo? [;]
21. There are five women and six men in a group. From this
a 10 b 12 c 15 d 20 group a committee of 4 is to be chosen. How many
9. A team of 8 students goes on an excursion, in two cars, of different ways can a committee be formed that contain
which one can seat 5 and the other only 4. In how many three women and one man? [;]
ways can they travel? [;] a 55 b 60 c 25 d 192
a 392 b 126 c 26 d9 22. There are three prizes to be distributed among five
10. Bob is about to hang his 8 shirts in the wardrobe. He has students. If no students gets more than one prize, then
four different styles of shirt, two identical ones of each this can be done in:
particular style. How many different arrangements are [;;]
possible if no two identical shirts are next to one a 10 ways b 30 ways
c 60 ways d 80 ways
another? [] 23. When six fair coins are tossed simultaneously, in how
a 764 b 864 c 964 d 1064 many of the outcomes will at most three of the coins turn
11. How many diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon? up as heads? [;]
[;] a 25 b 41 c 22 d 42
a5 b 10 c8 d7 e 31
1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 b
11 a 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 c 16 d 17 a 18 d 19 a 20 b
21 b 22 a 23 d
One Word Substitutions  ■  8.7

4. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance

(a) telescope (b) microscope (c) periscope (d) kaleidoscope
5. A hater of learning and knowledge
(a) illiterate (b) bibliophile (c) misologist (d) misogynist
6. A person who looks at the dark side of everything
(a) sadist (b) blind (c) pessimist (d) optimist
7. Animals who eat flesh of another animal
(a) maneater (b) beast (c) carnivorous (d) cannibal
8. Animals that can live on land and water
(a) aquatic (b) amphibians (c) reptiles (d) gregarious
9. One who eats everything
(a) carnivorous (b) gourmet (c) omnivorous (d) omnipotent
1 0. A woman having several husbands at the same time
(a) polygamy (b) polyandry (c) polysexual (d) polyglot
11. The state of complete continence on the part of a woman
(a) celibacy (b) virginity (c) unmarried (d) spinster
1 2. A person who hates women
(a) intolerant (b) misogynist (c) bigamist (d) gullible
13. Destruction of unborn baby in mother’s womb
(a) foeticide (b) infanticide (c) abortion (d) regicide
14. A sleeping room for many persons
(a) boarding (b) hostel (c) dormitory (d) dwelling
15. One who murders one’s mother
(a) genocide (b) gamicide (c) matricide (d) patricide
1 6. Elimination of a racial group by killing
(a) homicide (b) regicide (c) genocide (d) patricide
1 7. Habit of secretly listening to private conversation
(a) spying (b) spelling (c) condign (d) murmering
1 8. A large scale departure of people from a territory­
(a) migration (b) immigration (c) exodus (d) aberration
1 9. Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed during war
(a) truce (b) armistice (c) accord (d) retreat
2 0. A disease that spreads by means of germs carried in atmosphere
(a) infectious (b) epidemic (c) contagious (d) endemic
2 1. Killing of human beings
(a) murder (b) suicide (c) homicide (d) assassination
2 2. Killing of one’s own brother
(a) murder (b) matricide (c) fratricide (d) genocide
23. Rainfall at irregular intervals or occasionally
(a) irregular (b) sporadic (c) accidental (d) temporary
2 4. A speech delivered without preparation
(a) straightforward (b) extempore (c) verbose (d) maiden
25. Something that becomes outdated
(a) old (b) ancient (c) obsolete (d) useless
26. A speech made by someone for the first time
(a) spontaneous (b) extempore (c) maiden speech (d) sermon
27. A physician who specializes in diseases of skin
(a) obstetrician (b) dermatologist (c) cardiologist (d) None of these

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8.8  ■  Objective English

2 8. To kill someone for political reasons

(a) homicide (b) murder (c) assassination (d) genocide
2 9. A person who is fond of sensuous enjoyment
(a) epicure (b) witty (c) hedonist (d) humorous
3 0. A disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time
(a) endemic (b) epidemic (c) infectious (d) contagious
3 1. A religious discourse
(a) preach (b) stanza (c) sanctorum (d) sermon
32. A place that provides refuge
(a) asylum (b) sanatorium (c) shelter (d) orphanage
3 3. A large dark grey cloud that brings rain or snow
(a) nimbus (b) blizzard (c) hail (d) fog
3 4. One who has a compulsive desire to steal
(a) pilferer (b) poacher (c) plagiarist (d) kleptomaniac
3 5. Official misconduct
(a) malefactor (b) malfeasance (c) maltreatment (d) maladministration
3 6. A person who does not believe in the existence of God
(a) theist (b) heretic (c) atheist (d) fanatic
37. Teetotaler means
(a) one who abstains from theft (b) one who abstains from meat
(c) one who abstains from taking wine (d) one who abstains from taking malice
3 8. Policemen riding on motorcycles as guards of VIP
(a) outriders (b) servants (c) commandos (d) attendants
3 9. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things
(a) trickster (b) impostor (c) magician (d) mountebank
4 0. A place for sick people who need long periods for recovery
(a) clinic (b) hospital (c) sanatorium (d) asylum
4 1. A person who eats too much
(a) glutton (b) reveller (c) sensualist (d) omnivore
4 2. Likely to break apart easily
(a) breakable (b) thin (c) brittle (d) harsh
4 3. Government by one person
(a) dictatorship (b) monarchy (c) democracy (d) oligarchy
4 4. A general pardon granted by the government to political offenders
(a) pardon (b) excuse (c) honesty (d) amnesty
4 5. A person who is out to destroy government
(a) anarchist (b) destroyer (c) atheist (d) theist
4 6. Perceptible to the ear
(a) audible (b) laudable (c) praiseable (d) adorable
4 7. A government that is carried on through officers
(a) bureaucracy (b) officiousness (c) class-one (d) dictatorship
4 8. Something that occurs at irregular intervals in time or occasionally
(a) obvious (b) sporadic (c) monotonous (d) ambiguous
4 9. People working in the same department or office
(a) fellows (b) colleagues (c) mates (d) companions
5 0. Animals that eat flesh
(a) herbivorous (b) omnivorous (c) carnivorous (d) vegetarian

M08_Objective English_Ch08.indd 8 8/19/2016 2:21:02 PM

One Word Substitutions  ■  8.9

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a) 21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b)
25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (c)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (c) 41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (b)
49. (b) 50. (c)

Mock TestS

Test 1
No. of Questions: 12 Time allotted: 6 minutes
In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one that can be substituted for the
given words/phrase:
1. One who feels at home in every country
(a) metropolitian (b) cosmopolitian (c) citizen (d) denizen
2. A statement that is absolutely clear
(a) clean (b) confused (c) ambiguous (d) unequivocal
3. The murder of a human being
(a) homicide (b) regicide (c) suicide (d) infanticide
4. Incapable of being explained
(a) nondescript (b) untold (c) unexplained (d) inexplicable
5. Handwriting that cannot be read
(a) illegible (b) unreadable (c) dim (d) dull
6. A hard nut to crack is
(a) a person who is very obstinate (b) any dry fruit like walnut
(c) a difficult child (d) a problem which cannot be solved easily
7. A cock and bull story means
(a) an unbelievable gossip (b) a children’s fable
(c) a quarrelsome dialogue (d) a competition between unequal people
8. The gift of the gab means
(a) an unexpected gain (b) fluency of speech
(c) thought provoking oration (d) a gift from Santa Claus
9. A fool’s paradise means
(a) a foolish idea (b) an imaginary idea
(c) an unexpected gain for foolish man (d) false hopes
10. A man of spirit is
(a) a very talented man (b) a spiritual person
(c) a very courageous man (d) a unique person
11. A person very hard to please
(a) obstinate (b) unconquerable (c) fastidious (d) invincible
1 2. A funny imitation of a poem
(a) dialogue (b) sonnet (c) caricature (d) parody

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (d)

M08_Objective English_Ch08.indd 9 8/19/2016 2:21:02 PM

16.26  ■  Objective English

143. Asha and Rima could not get admission in the college ______ they had already managed to get a passing score in the official exam.
(A) even though (B) now that
(C) therefore (D) whether
144. The principal congratulated him _______ passing the final exam.
(A) in (B) of
(C) on (D) with
145. Thank you very much _____ your suggestions.
(A) on (B) with
(C) about (D) for
146. The Union Budget is likely to be presented on February 26, two days ahead of the______date.
(A) critical (B) conventional
(C) suitable (D) convenient
147. I am sorry _____ the mistake.
(A) from (B) with
(C) for (D) at
148. He_____ her that she would pass.
(A) insured (B) ensured
(C) assumed (D) assured
149. Your father ______ worry. I’m a very careful driver.
(A) needn’t (B) none
(C) can’t (D) doesn’t
150. The _____ chosen for construction of the building is in the heat of the city.
(A) cite (B) slight
(C) sight (D) site
 [SSC (10+2) Level Exam 2012]
151. She thanked Vishal as she could reach the station on time ______ his help.
(A) since (B) for
(C) with (D) in
152. My _________ brother is called Arhaan.
(A) older (B) oldest
(C) senior (D) elder
153. The lawyer has plenty of ________.
(A) criminals (B) buyers
(C) customers (D) clients
154. “I have brought the book. It’s_______ !” Ravi said assertively to all the boys present.
(A) mine (B) my
(C) me (D) myself
155. “The project is good, but there is ________ missing to make it an excellent work,” the engineer commented.
(A) everything (B) anything
(C) something (D) nothing
156. I told him ________ that the assignment would be impossible without more people.
(A) repeatedly (B) repeated
(C) repetitive (D) repeating
157. We ________ the picture on the wall.
(A) hung (B) hanged
(C) hang (D) hanging
158. We thought the banner would look better with _______ change in colour combination.
(A) every (B) all

M16_Objective English_Ch16.indd 26 8/11/2016 5:34:39 PM

Sentence Completion  ■  16.27

(C) each (D) some

159. Prices ________ during the war.
(A) raise (B) risen
(C) rise (D) raising
160. I shall go and ________ down.
(A) lied (B) lie
(C) lay (D) layed
 [SSC FCI Assistant Exam 2012]
161. I______ to the movies with some friends last night.
(A) have gone (B) went
(C) am gone (D) am going
162. She has only_____ friends.
(A) fewer (B) less
(C) more (D) a few

 [SSC ESIC Exam 2012]

163. _______financial and industrial relation problems the company has achieved good export orders.
(A) Through (B) Though
(C) During (D) Despite
164. How would you ________ your action to your senior officers so that they can support you.
(A) justify (B) define
(C) deplore (D) account
165. The social worker _______all his life for the welfare of villagers of this small town.
(A) give (B) devoted
(C) spoiled (D) deprived
166. Reena could not sleep yesterday. She kept on tossing and _______ through-out the night.
(A) turn (B) turning
(C) turn in (D) turnover
167. The leader assured that _______ is found guilty in this matter will be punished.
(A) whichever (B) whenever
(C) whatsoever (D) whosoever
168. We have many other things in common, _____ our liking for Indian Classical music.
(A) beside (B) besides
(C) despite (D) altogether
169. The old man may not live ________ the winter.
(A) through (B) until
(C) in (D) upto
170. Ram killed the snake________ a stone.
(A) by (B) with
(C) from (D) through
171. My Maruti car gives twenty kilometers mileage_________ a litre
(A) in (B) to
(C) of (D) by
172. We walked____ the bank for about a hundred yards
(A) along (B) through
(C) In (D) To
173. He is superior _________me.
(A) than (B) to
(C) from (D) with

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16.28  ■  Objective English

174. ________ did he enter the room than he shut the door.
(A) Hardly (B) As soon as
(C) No sooner (D) When
175. I was carrying with me eighty pieces of gold_____ I kept in a leather bag.
(A) whom (B) which
(C) whose (D) who
176. The work was hard _____ wages were high.
(A) though (B) yet
(C) but (D) in spite of
177. If I _____ prime minister, I would abolish poverty.
(A) is (B) were
(C) are (D) am
178. _________ newspaper has an obligation to seek put and tell the truth.
(A) A (B) An
(C) The (D) No article
179. In a few seconds we ran the boat into a little bay, where we made her fast to a piece of coral, and running up the beach, entered the
ranks of the penguins armed with our sticks and spears. We were greatly surprised to ________
(A) find (B) learn
(C) hear (D) understand
180. that instead of attacking us or_________
(A) showing (B) giving
(C) revealing (D) conveying
181. signs of fear at our _________
(A) arrival (B) entry
(C) approach (D) alight
182. these strange birds do not move _________
(A) in (B) at
(C) from (D) on
183. their places until we took hold __________
(A) off (B) of
(C) from (D) on
184. them, merely ___________
(A) opened (B) turned
(C) closed (D) showed
185. their eyes on us __________
(A) with (B) out of
(C) in (D) on
186. wonder as we passed. There ____________
(A) lived (B) existed
(C) was (D) persisted
187. one old penguin, however that __________
(A) commenced (B) began
(C) continued (D) stalked
188. to walk slowly towards the sea, and Peterkin _______
(A) carried (B) bore
(C) took (D) thought
189. it into his head that he _________
(A) would (B) could
(C) should (D) won’t

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Sentence Completion  ■  16.29

190. try to stop it, so he __________.

(A) interposed (B) ran
(C) arrived (D) jumped
191. between it and the sea and ___________
(A) moved (B) pointed
(C) waved (D) watched
192. his stick in its face. But this ___________
(A) appeared (B) happened
(C) proved (D) seemed
193. to be a determined old _____________.
(A) bird (B) animal
(C) creature (D) pet
194. It would not go back; in fact, it __________
(A) should (B) would
(C) could (D) must
195. not cease to advance, but __________
(A) battled (B) struggled
(C) contested (D) snugged
196. with Peterkin bravely, and _________
(A) chased (B) drove
(C) moved (D) lashed
197. him before it until it __________ the sea.
(A) touched (B) arrived at
(C) reached (D) jumped
 [SSC (10+2) Level Exam 2012]
198. She is _______ girls I know.
(A) from the best (B) the most best
(C) the best (D) one of the best
199. I have never seen ______ animal before.
(A) any larger (B) as large
(C) such a large (D) so large
200. He said to me, “You are _____”.
(A) fooling (B) a fool
(C) a foolish (D) fool
201. I ______ your house yesterday.
(A) past by (B) passing by
(C) pastings by (D) passed by
202. In the tragic incident, none of the 145 passengers _______.
(A) could survived (B) survive
(C) survived (D) is surviving
203. Our rich culture inspires us to take ____ in our heritage.
(A) prided (B) proudly
(C) pride (D) proud
204. The car broke down and we ______ get a taxi.
(A) were to (B) are to
(C) had to (D) have to
205. He said I _____ use his car whenever I wanted.
(A) could (B) can
(C) will (D) would

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16.42  ■  Objective English

Answer Keys

Banking Examinations
  1.  (A) 2.  (D) 3.  (C) 4.  (C) 5.  (C) 6.  (C) 7.  (D) 8.  (D) 9.  (B) 10.  (C)
  11.  (A) 12.  (B) 13.  (A) 14.  (D) 15.  (B) 16.  (D) 17.  (B) 18.  (D) 19.  (D) 20.  (A)
  21.  (D) 22.  (C) 23.  (B) 24.  (C) 25.  (A) 26.  (D) 27.  (B) 28.  (D) 29.  (C) 30.  (D)
  31.  (B) 32.  (C) 33.  (B) 34.  (D) 35.  (D) 36.  (C) 37.  (A) 38.  (D) 39.  (D) 40.  (A)
  41.  (B) 42.  (D) 43.  (B) 44.  (A) 45.  (B) 46.  (C) 47.  (C) 48.  (B) 49.  (B) 50.  (A)
  51.  (B) 52.  (B) 53.  (D) 54.  (A) 55.  (B) 56.  (D) 57.  (A) 58.  (B) 59.  (D) 60.  (B)
  61.  (A) 62.  (D) 63.  (C) 64.  (C) 65.  (C) 66.  (E) 67.  (A) 68.  (A) 69.  (B) 70.  (E)
  71.  (D) 72.  (D) 73.  (E) 74.  (D) 75.  (C) 76.  (A) 77.  (D) 78.  (B) 79.  (A) 80.  (D)
  81.  (C) 82.  (B) 83.  (D)

 84.  (B) 85.  (B) 86.  (D) 87.  (B) 88.  (C) 89.  (C) 90.  (D) 91.  (C) 92.  (B) 93.  (D)
  94.  (D) 95.  (B) 96.  (A) 97.  (A) 98.  (A) 99.  (B) 100.  (C) 101.  (D) 102.  (A) 103.  (B)
104.  (D) 105.  (A) 106.  (A) 107.  (B) 108.  (B) 109.  (A) 110.  (B) 111.  (C) 112.  (B) 113.  (A)
114.  (B) 115.  (A) 116.  (D) 117.  (B) 118.  (A) 119.  (B) 120.  (C) 121.  (D) 122.  (B) 123.  (C)
124.  (C) 125.  (D) 126.  (D) 127.  (B) 128.  (B) 129.  (A) 130.  (B) 131.  (A) 132.  (D) 133.  (B)
134.  (B) 135.  (D) 136.  (B) 137.  (C) 138.  (A) 139.  (B) 140.  (B) 141.  (B) 142.  (A) 143.  (A)
144.  (C) 145.  (D) 146.  (B) 147.  (C) 148.  (D) 149.  (A) 150.  (D) 151.  (C) 152.  (D) 153.  (D)
154.  (A) 155.  (C) 156.  (A) 157.  (A) 158.  (D) 159.  (C) 160.  (B) 161.  (B) 162.  (B) 163.  (D)
164.  (A) 165.  (B) 166.  (B) 167.  (D) 168.  (B) 169.  (A) 170.  (A) 171.  (A) 172.  (A) 173.  (B)
174.  (C) 175.  (B) 176.  (C) 177.  (B) 178.  (C) 179.  (A) 180.  (A) 181.  (A) 182.  (C) 183.  (B)
184.  (B) 185.  (B) 186.  (C) 187.  (B) 188.  (D) 189.  (B) 190.  (D) 191.  (B) 192.  (C) 193.  (C)
194.  (B) 195.  (B) 196.  (C) 197.  (C) 198.  (D) 199.  (C) 200.  (B) 201.  (D) 202.  (C) 203.  (C)
204.  (C) 205.  (A) 206.  (D) 207.  (D) 208.  (D) 209.  (A) 210.  (C) 211.  (D) 212.  (D) 213.  (D)
214.  (B) 215.  (B) 216.  (A) 217.  (D) 218.  (C) 219.  (B) 220.  (C) 221.  (B) 222.  (C) 223.  (B)
224.  (B) 225.  (C) 226.  (B) 227.  (B) 228.  (B) 229.  (D) 230.  (A) 231.  (A) 232.  (C) 233.  (B)
234.  (A) 235.  (A) 236.  (B) 237.  (C) 238.  (D) 239.  (B) 240.  (C) 241.  (A) 242.  (C) 243.  (C)
244.  (C) 245.  (C) 246.  (A) 247.  (C) 248.  (D) 249.  (A) 250.  (C) 251.  (B) 252.  (A) 253.  (D)
254.  (C) 255.  (B) 256.  (C) 257.  (C) 258.  (B) 259.  (B) 260.  (C) 261.  (D) 262.  (B) 263.  (A)
264.  (B) 265.  (D) 266.  (C) 267.  (C) 268.  (D) 269.  (C) 270.  (B) 271.  (B) 272.  (B) 273.  (A)

274.  (B) 275.  (D) 276.  (D) 277.  (A) 278.  (B) 279.  (D)


280.  (D) 281.  (D) 282.  (A) 283.  (A) 284.  (A) 285.  (A) 286.  (A) 287.  (B) 288.  (D) 289.  (C)
290.  (C) 291.  (C) 292.  (B) 293.  (C) 294.  (C) 295.  (C) 296.  (C) 297.  (B) 298.  (A) 299.  (A)
300.  (A) 301.  (B) 302.  (A) 303.  (A) 304.  (B) 305.  (A) 306.  (D) 307.  (D)

M16_Objective English_Ch16.indd 42 8/11/2016 5:34:40 PM

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন


হীন করা , হয় করা <> to humiliate; to lower in esteem or dignity; to humble


সাহায করা বা মদত দওয়া( মূ

লত খারাপ কা জ) <> to support or encourage someone,
especially someone who has done something wrong


িগতাব া <> suspension; temporary cessation


বক বজন করা , িবরত থাকা <> to repudiate; to take back; to refrain from

তী ঘৃ
ণা ও িবরাগ, জঘন কানিকছ <> something despised or abhorred; extreme loathing

আিদম ,আিদবাসী <> native; dating back to the very beginning


চর পিরমা ন থাকা(v) <> to be very numerous


িব লাপ করা ,রদ করা ,খািরজ করা <> to abolish or repeal formally; to set aside; to nullify

স ত হওয়া , ম ন নওয়া <> to give in; to yield; to agree


জার দওয়া, ল নীয় ান িচি ত করা <> to emphasize; to accent; to highlight


কা না জায়গায় পৗছা নার রা া ,অিধগম তা <> the right or ability to approach, enter, or


ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন

অিভনি ত করা ,অিভব না <> to praise publicly and enthusiastically


ণ হওয়া, ম র
ুকরা <> to agree; to be in harmony; to grant or bestow

দনি ন ব বহায ব ি গত সাম ী <> personal clothing, accessories, or equipment; trappings


সম য়র সা থ সা থ পুীভত হওয়া <> to accumulate over time


অজন য়াসী ,অিধকারিল ু

<> seeking or tending to acquire; greedy


র খালাস দওয়া , ন কতব স াদন করা, িন জ ক িতপ করা <> to find not
guilty; to behave or conduct oneself


িবিভ শ র আদ র িদ য় গিঠত সংি িন দশক শ <> a word made up of the

initials of other words


বাদবাক , বচন <> a traditional saying; a proverb


মাণ পউ খ করা (V), নিজর পউ খ করা (V) <> to bring forward as an

example or as proof; to cite


িগত রাখা ,মু

লতিব রাখা <> to suspend until another time

সং যাজন, পিরিশ ,অধ ন সহকারী <> something added to or connected with something
else; an assistant


ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন

উপি ত ব ৃ
তা দওয়া, তাৎ িণক কান িকছ করা <> to improvise; to speak or act


সমাগম ,আিবভাব <> arrival; coming; beginning


উট কা ,আকি ক , যু িক স কহীন <> accidental; connected to but nonetheless

unrelated; irrelevant


উিকল, সমথক <> a person who argues in favor of a position


হলফনামা, শপথপ <> a sworn written statement made before an official


ঘিন ভা ব যু করা <> to become closely associated with


দশা , য ণার কারণ<> misery; illness; great suffering; a source of misery, illness, or great


ব য় বহন করা <> to give; to supply; to confer upon


অপমান, জ ন ন করা অপমান, আঁ

ত ঘা <> insult; a deliberate act of disrespect

পিরণাম, িবপয য়র ফলাফল <> consequence; events following some occurrence or calamity

অিতরি ত করা, শি , স দ ও স ান বৃ ি করা <> to exaggerate; to cause to appear

greater; to increase (something) in power, reputation, wealth, etc


ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন

ব িথত করা , পীড়ন করা ,অন ায় আচরণ করা <> to mistreat; to do grievous injury to; to


আত , শাকাত <> terrified; shocked


পা রর যাদু
করী প িত <> a seemingly magical process of transformation

িব দ বা িব ভদ সৃ
ি করা , শ ভাবাপ ক র তালা <> to estrange; to cause to feel
unwelcome or unloved; to make hostile


গত <> loyalty


পককািহনী <> a story in which the characters are symbols with moral or spiritual meanings

ব ন করা ,িনিদ ক র দওয়া <> to apportion, allocate, or assign


কথাকাটাকািট ,তকাতিক ,ঝগড়াঝাঁ

িট <> a heated fight, argument, or quarrel

জ ড়া করা , জমা না <> to pile up; to accumulate; to collect for one's own use

মাঝখা ন <> in the middle of


তী ঘৃ
ণার িজিনস বা কাজ, অিভশ ব ,গিহত কাজ <> something or someone loathed or


ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন

অধীন ,সহায়ক ,সাহায কারী <> subordinate; providing assistance


উ গ ,আশ া <> anxiety; fear; dread


অিতির অংশ যু করা <> to add or attach


বািষক বৃ
ি ,বািষক াপ সু
দ <> an annual allowance or income; the annual interest payment
on an investment; any regular allowance or income


আ রা আ গ ঘটা , কৃ
ত তাির খর পূ
ববত কা না তািরখ <> to be older than; to have come


সাম নর িদ ক <> situated in front


সংকলন বা সং হ, সািহত সংকলন <> a collection, especially of literary works


দবতা বা াণী বা অন কান অমানবীয় ব র উপর মানবীয় চির আ রাপ করা <>
ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman animals or objects


িঠক িবপরী ত অবি ত <> situated on opposite sides of the Earth; exactly opposite

াচীন াচীন যু
গ <> ancientness; ancient times

িছ <> an opening


ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ

ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন

িশখর ,শীষ <> highest point


চ বা কা না হ বা কৃ
ি ম উপ হর ক প থর য িব িু
ট পৃ
িথবী থ ক সব চ য় দূ

<> the most distant point in the orbit of the moon or of an artificial satellite


া কর কার ণ প ারালাইিসস বা অ িবকৃ

িত ঘটা( পকভা ব ব বহার করা হয়) <> stroke
(that is, numbness and paralysis resulting from the sudden loss of blood flow to the brain)


ধমত াগ, নীিত িবসজন ,দলত াগ, <> abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty

আত জনক, সাংঘািতক <> causing horror or consternation


ভত ,অ লৗিকক বা ভৗিতক কান িকছ <> a ghost or ghostly object


উপনাম ,উপািধ , খতাব ,আখ া <> a name


উপা , লজু
ড় ,সং যাজন <> something added on to something else; a supplement

াপ অনু
যায়ী ভাগ ক র দওয়া <> to distribute proportionally; to divide into portions

যথা যাগ , াসি ক <> distinctly suitable; pertinent


ল িনধারণ করা ,িনধারণ <> to estimate the value or quality of; to judge

অবিহত করা ,জানা না <> to give notice to; to inform

ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

(C) Alaska 2. ' '-- ---

(D) New York 95 C
95. In terms of Muslim population, the rank of Bangladesh is :
(A) Second (C)
96 D
(B) Third (D)
(C) Fourth 3. ' '-- --
(D) Fifth 97 B

96. The Italian explorer who is said to have discovered America

is : (C) 98 A
(A) Da Vinci (D)
(B) Cortez
99 B
(C) Caravaggio 4. ?
(D) Columbus
97. The Bangladeshi born UN Under Secretary General for Field 100 B

Support is : (C)
(A) Asma Jahangir (D) 01 D
(B) Amirah Haq
(C) Irene Khan 5. ?
02 B
(D) Niloufer Nina Ahmad
98. Which canal is known as the 'Highway to India' ?
(A) Suez Canal (C) 03 D

(B) Grand Canal (D)

(C) Indus Canal 04 C
(D) Ravi Canal 6. ' ' , __

05 D
99. In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated in 1968 ?
(A) Oklahoma (C)
(B) Memphis (D) 06 B

(C) New Orleans

(D) Phoenix 7. ' ' __ 07 B

100. The free trade area comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

08 B
and Venezuela is called : (C)
09 B
(C) COMECON 8. ' ' __

1. ' ' 9. ' ' __

(C) (C)
(D) (D)

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

10. ' ' __ 18. ?

10 C

(C) (C)
11 C
(D) (D)
11. ' ' ? 19. ?
12 D

(C) (C) 13 A
(D) (D)
20. ' ' __
14 A
12. ' ' ?

15 B
(C) (D)
(D) 16 C

13. ? 21. We must adapt ourselves ______ our circumstances . 17 D

- (A) with
- (B) in
18 A
(C) - (C) to
(D) - (D) by
22. Nothing can absolve you ______ the promise you have 19 D

14. ? made.
(A) from 20 C
(B) in
(C) (C) for 21 C
(D) (D) with

22 A
15. ? 23. You must dispense _____ the services of your gardener .
(A) in
23 D
(B) of
(C) (C) at
(D) (D) with 24 B

16. - ? 24. All of the people at this conference are _____. 25 C

, (A) mathematic teachers
, (B) mathematics teachers
(C) , (C) mathematics teacher
(D) , (D) mathematic's teacher

17. - ? 25. I took an aspirin to ______ the pain in my knee.

, (A) cited
, (B) deviate
(C) , (C) alleviate
(D) (D) plagiarized

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

26. I try to avoid making ______ remarks.s I don't like to hurt 35. choose the correctly spelt word
people's feelings. (A) PARIMETER 26 B
(A) essence (B) PERIMETER
(B) derogatory (C) PERIMOTOR
27 D
(C) underpinning (D) PARIMETER
(D) emblematic 36. choose the correctly spelt word
28 A
(A) truthful (B) CANNINNE
(B) capable (C) CANNINE 29 D
(C) loving (D) CANINEE
(D) generous 37. AN unexpected piece of good fortune
30 D
28. AMELIORATE (A) turnstile
(A) strengthen (B) windfall
31 D
(B) lessen (C) philanthropy
(C) cause (D) benevolence
(D) replace 38. One who cannot be corrected 32 A
29. concomitant (A) incurable
(A) assistant (B) incorrigible
33 C
(B) artificial (C) hardened
(C) pellucid (D) vulnerable
34 B
(D) desecrate 39. Rack and ruin
30. equivocate (A) Successful
(A) slouch (B) debt 35 B

(B) sigh (C) destroyed

(C) stability (D) ransacked 36 A
(D) be truthful 40. Iron will
31. Irascible : Provoked :: _____ : _____ (A) good health
37 B
(A) Credulous : Persuaded (B) strong determination
(B) Fanatic : Reasoned (C) Sticks to the point
38 B
(C) Gullible : Fooled (D) has high hemoglobin
(D) Humorous : Amused
32. Shard : Pottery :: _____ : _____ MATHAMETICS (Solved By Mehadi Hassan Fuad ) 39 C

(A) Splinter : Wood 41. In a city , 40% of the people are illiterate and 60% are
(B) Silver : Glass poor. Among the rich , 10% are illiterate. What percentage of 40 B
(C) Slab : Concrete the poor population is illiterate?
(D) Fiber : Cloth (A) 36% 41 C
33. Fox : cunning :: _____ : _____ (B) 40%
(A) Bus : school (C) 60%
(B) Tool : dentist (D) None of these
(C) Taj Mahal : beautiful Solution:
(D) Class : students Let the population of the city be 100.
34. choose the correctly spelt word Total illiterate people = 40
(A) CONDIUT Poor people = 60
(B) CONDUIT Rich people = 40
(C) CONNDUIT 40 ×10
Illiterate rich people

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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∴ Illiterate poor people annum in years will grow to :

= 40 4 = 36 (A) Tk. 420 42 A
∴ required per cent (B) Tk. 450
(C) Tk. 525
42. A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10% 43 B
(D) Tk. 550
. The number so obtained is 10 less than the original number.
what was the original number ?
44 A
Let the sum be tk. X
(A) 1,000
So, Simple interest,
(B) 1050
504 - x = x * 4 * 5/100 45 C
(C) 1500
or x = 420
(D) 2000
Now at 10% SI the interest is
Solution: 46 A
=(420 * 2.5 * 10)/100
10% decrease and 10% increase so total change
= -10+10- 10 10 /100 =-1% 47 A
So, the sum will be 105 + 420 = 525.
So, 1% decrease = 10 then 100% decrease
46. A person borrows Tk. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple
= 10 100= 1000.
interest . He immediately lends to another person at 6 % p.
43. In a fraction , if numerator is increased by 40% and a. for 2 years . F ind his gain in the transaction per year .

denominator is increased by 80% then what fraction of the (A) Tk. 112.50

original is the new fraction ? (B) Tk. 125

(A) 1/2 (C) TK. 150

(B) 7/9 (D) TK. 167.50

(C) 7/18 Solution:

(D) None of these Gain in 2 years

Solution: = [ (5000 x 25/4 x 2/100) - (5000 x 4 x 2)/100 ]

Let the fraction = x/y

The new fraction = x + 40 100 / y + 80 100 = Tk. (625 - 400)

= 140 /100 / 180 100 = 7/9(x/y) = Tk. 225.

∴ New fraction = 7/9 of original fraction Gain in 1 year = Tk. 225/2 = Tk. 112.50
47. A contractor employed 30 men to do a piece of work in

44. In an examination , 34% of the students failed in 38 days. After 25 days , he employed 5 men more and the

Mathematics and 42% failed in English . If 20% of the students work was finished one day earlier. How many days he would

failed in both the subjects , then the percentage of students have been behind, if he had not employed additional men?

who passed in both the subjects was: (A) 1

(A) 44 (B) 1
(B) 50 3
(C) 1
(C) 54 1
(D) 1
(D) 56 2
Work = day * worker
Let the number of percentage of student who passed in the
Total work = 30 * 38 = 1140
both subject is x
25 day work done = 25 * 30 = 750
35 work done in 12 days = 35 × 12 = 420
100% = 34% + 42% -20% + x
ull done by both 30 + 5 worker = 750 + 420 =1170
= 44%
45. A sum invested at 5% simple interest per annum grows to
Work = day × worker
Tk. 504 in 4 years The same amount at 10% simple interest per
30 = 30 × day

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Day = 1.
So,it's take one day more π 48 A
48. A garrison of 500 men had provisions for 27 days . After 3 π π π
days a reinforcement of 300 men arrived . For how many more π π 49 D
days will the remaining food last now? 52. If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its
(A) 15 base is increased by 40% , what will be the effect on its area?
50 B
(B) 16 (A) No change
(C) 15.5 (B) 8% decrease
(D) 18 (C) 16% decrease 51 C
Solution: (D) 16% increase
Days left = 27 3 = 24 Solution: 52 C
Let the remains food last = x days rea of triangle = * base * height
Now, Total men after 3 days is 500 + 300 = 800
so According to your question,
53 C
So, 500 × 24 = 800 × x
ew base b1 = 1.4 * base
Or, x = 15
ew height h1 = 0.6 * height
49. If 8 men can reap 80 hectares in 24 days , then how many 54 A
ew Area = * b1 * h1= 1/2 * 1.4 * base * 0.6 *height
hectares can 36 men reap in 30 days ?
Area = 0.84 Area
(A) 350
Area is decreased by 16 percent
(B) 400
53. A tank is 25 m long , 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost
(C) 425
of plastering its walls and bottom at 75 paise per sq.m is :
(D) 450
(A) Tk. 456
(B) TK. 458
8 men in 24 days reap 80 hectors
(C) TK. 558
1 men in 1 days reap 80/ (8 × 24)
(D) Tk. 568
36 men in 30 days reap (80 × 36 × 30)/(8 × 24) hectors =
450 Hectors.
Area to be plastered = [2(l+b)×h]+(l×b)
50. A man completes of a job in 10 days . At this rate, how = [ 2(25 + 12) × 6] + (25 × 12) = 744sq.m
many more days will it take him to finish the job? Cost of plastering = 744 × 75 100 = Tk.558
(A) 5 54. The diagonal of a square is 4√2 cm. The diagonal of
(B) 6 another square whose area is double that of the first square
(C) 7 is:
(D) 7.5 (A) 8 cm
Solution: (B) 8√2 cm
(C) 4√2 cm
(D) 16 cm
Diagonal of square = √2a [a = side]
51. If the radius of a circle is increased by 6% , then the area 4√2 = √2 a
is increased by : a = 4 cm
(A) 6% Now, area of square = a = (4 ) = 16
(B) 12% Side of a square whose area is 2 x 16.
(C) 12.36% a = 32
(D) 16.64% ⇒ a = √32
⇒ a 4√2
π Now, diagonal of new square = √2a

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= √2 × 4 √2 (A) Tk. 500

= 8 cm (B) Tk. 515 55 A
55. 10% loss on selling price is what percent loss on the cost (C) Tk. 550
price ? (D) TK. 600
56 B
(A) 9 % Solution:
(B) 9 % 110% of S.P. = 616
57 C
(C) 10% S.P. = (616 x 100)/110 = 560
(D) 11% C.P = (110 x 560)/112 = 500
Solution: 59 An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 58 A
Suppose the CP = 110 240kmph in 5 hours . To cover the distance in 1 hours, it
And selling price = 100 must be travel at a speed of : 59 D
the loss is of 10 which is 10 % on selling price. (A) 300 kmph
Now count this 10 on CP which is 110. (B) 360 kmph
1 60 C
10/110 × 100 = 9 % (C) 600 kmph
(D) 720 kmph
56. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price Solution: 61 A
of x articles . If the profit is 25% , then the value of x is : = 240 * 5 = 1200
(A) 15 = 1200 * 3/ = 62 D
(B) 16 60 A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour
(C) 18 hand has turned through :
63 A
(D) 25 (A) 145o
Solution: (B) 150o
Let C.P. of each article be Re. 1 C.P. of x articles = x. (C) 155o
S.P. of x articles = 20. (D) 160o
Profit = (20 - x). Solution:
In 1 hour clock hand move = 360/12 = 30 degree
(20 – X) From to 12 pm to 5.10 pm hr hand move
X = 30 * 5 + (30/60 * 10) = 155 degree.
Or, 2000 100 = 25x
Or, 125x = 2000
Or, x = 16.
61. Bit stands for
57. At what profit percent must an article be sold so that by
(A) Binary Digit
selling at half that price , there may be a loss of 30% ?
(B) Binary Information Term
(A) 25%
(C) Binary Tree
(B) 36%
(D) None
(C) 40%
62. A compiler means
(D) 42%
(A) A person who complies source programs
(B) the same thing as a programmer
Let S.P = x
(C) Keypunch operator
New S.P = x/2, Loss = 30%.
(D) None
So, C.P = (100/70 × x/2) = 5x/7.
Profit =( x − 5x/7) = 2x 7
63. The list of coded instructions is called
∴ Profit% =(2x/7 × 7/5x × 100)% =40%
(A) computer program
58. The sale price of an article including the sales tax is TK. 616
(B) Algorithm
. The rate of sales tax 10% If the shopkeeper has made a profit
(C) Flowchart
of 12% , then the cost price of the article is :
(D) None

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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64. when a computer is first turned on or restarted ,a special (A) protocol speed
type of absolute loader is executed ,called (B) minimum and maximum server speed 64 C
(A) Compilc and go loader (C) meagabits per seconds
(B) Boot loader (D) None
65 A
(C) Bootstrap loader 73. Virtual memory consists of __ .
(D) None (A) Static RAM
66 B
65. which class of IP address has the most host addresses (B) Dynamic RAM
available by default ? (C) Magnetic memory
(A) A (D) None 67 B
(B) B & C 74. Cache memory acts between __.
(C) C (A) CPU and RAM
68 C
(D) None (B) RAM and ROM
66. IPV4 address is (C) CPU and Hard Disk
69 A
(A) 16 bit (D) None
(B) 32 bit 75. Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internet
(C) 64 bit ? 70 B
(D) None (A) Telnet
67. which of the following is not OSI model ? (B) WIRL
71 A
(A) Physical layer (C) Gopher
(B) Internet layer (D) None
72 C
(C) Transport layer 76. How is Related to K?
(D) None Statements:
68. The last address of IP address represents 1. R's sister J has married T's brother L, who is the only son 73 A

(A) Unicast address of his parents

(B) Network address 2. K is the only daughter of L and J. 74 A
(C) Broadcast address (A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
(D) None (B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
75 B
69. To check to see if the Web server you are trying to reach is (C) Either I or II is sufficient
available or is down, which command line utility should you (D) Both I and II are sufficient
76 D
use? 77. who is to the immediate right of P among five persons P,
(A) PING Q, R, S and T facing North? Statements :
(B) ICS 1. R is third to the left of Q and P is second to the right of R. 77 C

(C) Telnet 2.Q is to the immediate left of T who is second to the right of
(D) None P. 78 D
70. Web hosting service is a type of (A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
(A) Genetic algorithm (B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
(B) Internet hosting service (C) Either I or II is sufficient
(C) computer programming (D) Neither I nor II is sufficient
(D) None 78. How many pages of book X did Mohsin read on Sunday ?
71. A proxy server is used for which of the following ? Statements :
(A) To provide security against unauthorized users 1. The book has 300 pages out of which two - thirds were
(B) To process client requests for web pages read by him before Sunday .
(C) To process client requests for database access 2. Robert read the last 40 pages of the book on the morning
(D) None of Monday?
72. with respect to a network interface card , the term 10 /100 (A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
refers to (B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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(C) Either I or II is sufficient (A) Sanjida Khatun

(D) Both I and II are sufficient (B) Sufia Kamal 79 D
79. How many visitors saw the exhibition yesterday? (C) Razia khan
Statements : (D) Badrunnessa
80 D
1. Each entry pass holder can take up to three persons with 86. which country will host the NAM summit in 2015 ?
him / her . (A) India
81 A
2. In all, 243 passes were sold yesterday. (B) Venezuela
(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient (C) Brazil
(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient (D) Malaysia 82 A
(C) Either I or II is sufficient 87. How many countries are truculently using Euro?
(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient (A) 16
83 A
80. what is the monthly salary of Rahman ? Statements : (B) 17
1. Rahman's basic salary is Tk. 100 more Rajan's salary who (C) 18
84 D
also serves in Rahman's company. (D) 19
2. Other allowances drawn by Rajan besides his basic salary are 88. which country is not a member of G -20?
Tk. 2,000 per month which is TK. 50 less than Rahan's salary . (A) China 85 B
3. Rajan's basic salary is TK. 1550 per month. (B) Italy
(A) Only II (C) Turkey
86 B
(B) Only II and III (D) Malaysia
(C) Only I and II 89. Which of the division of Bangladesh has no relation
87 D
(D) All I , II and II through border with India ?
(A) Rajshahi

81. EUROSTAR is the name of a (C) Barisal

(A) Train service in the EU (D) Chittagong 89 C
(B) Bus service in the EU 90. when did the "Mobile War Museum " launch in
(C) Air Service in the EU Bangladesh?
90 A
(D) None of the above (A) 1 July, 2000
82. "The Great Depression " is historically linked with (B) 1 July 2001
91 C
(A) USA (C) 10 July, 2001
(B) UK (D) 10 July , 2002
(C) France 92 A


83. The Iraqi militant group , ISIS stands for 91. The Marshall -Lerner condition states that a devaluation
(A) Islamic state in Iraq and Syria will improve a country's balance of payments if the sum of
(B) Islamic Struggle for Islamic state elasticity of demand for exports and imports is:
(C) International struggle for Islamic state (A) zero
(D) International struggle for Islamic Salvation (B) equal to one
84. who among the Bangladesh girls has invested artificial (C) greater than one
human lung? (D) less than one
(A) Meherunnuesa 92. A country with a current account surplus
(B) Shakera Arefin (A) is using foreign saving to supplement domestic saving in
(C) Ismart Jahan financing investment projects .
(D) Ayesha Arefin Tumpa (B) is using part of its domestic saving to lend overseas
85. The first woman who received the Ekushey paddak award rather than finance domestic investment .
in Bangladesh is 1976 was: (C) the benefit that the government gets form imposing tariffs

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

(D) the costs imposed by a tariff on the consumers of the 100. When Bank Rate increases then __
imported goods. (A) interest rate decreases 93 C
93. There will be no crowding out if (B) money supply increases
(A) the demand for money increase as real GDP increased. (C) bank's loanable funds decreases
94 D
(B) supply of money is totally unresponsive to changes in the (D) cost of funds decreases
interest rate.
95 C
(C) investment is totally unresponsive to changes in the
interest rate.
(D) investment is totally unresponsive to changes in the real BANGLA 96 A
GDP. 1. ' ' __
94. In 2008 the exchange rate of the Euro appreciated against _
97 D
the US dollar . A possible cause for the appreciation of the
Euro was
98 A
(A) increase investment in USA by the European Union (C)
(B) increasingly more US tourists were visiting EU countries (D)
(C) increasingly more US exports to EU countries 2. ' ' __ _ 100 C
(D) the European Central Bank raised the value of the Euro
95. When Bank Rate increases then _
01 D
(A) interest rate decreases (C)
(B) money supply increases (D)
02 B
(C) bank's loanable funds decreases
(D) cost of funds decreases 3. ' '
96. The Banking companies in Bangladesh are regulated under _ 03 C

the provision of __
(A) Bank Companies Act, 1991 . 04 B
(B) Companies Act , 1994 . (C)
(C) Bank company Amendment Act , 2003 . (D) -
05 B
(D) Bangladesh Bank Order , 1972 .
97. which institution is the regulatory authority of capital 4. ' '_
06 D
market intermediaries in Bangladesh ? __
(A) Bangladesh Bank
(B) Securities & Exchange Commission
(C) Ministry of Commerce (C)
(D) Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission (D)
98. What is the current Bank Rate of Bangladesh Bank?
(A) 5.0% 5. ?
(B) 5.5% ?
(C) 6.0%
(D) 6.5% (C)
99. Which one is considered as the banker to government of
Bangladesh ? 6. ?
(A) Sonali Bank Limited
(B) Bangladesh Development Bank Limited
(C) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (C)
(D) Bangladesh Bank (D)

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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7. ?
07 D
(C) (D)
08 B
(D) 17. ' ' ?
8. ?
09 A

(C) (D) 10 D
9. ? 18. ?
11 D
12 B
(C) (C) -
(D) (D) -
10. ? 13 A
19. ' ' ?
14 D
(C) -
(D) - (C)
15 D
11. ' ' _ (D)

20. ? 16 A

(D) 17 B
12. ' ' _ (C)
18 A

19 C
(D) 21. The blind man was feeling -----the table.
13. ' ' _ (A) in
(B) for 20 A

(C) by
(C) (D) out 21 B
(D) 22. He does not work with his hands, he works---the
14. ' ' ? machine. 22 A
(A) with
(B) by
23 B
(C) (C) at
(D) (D) on
15. ' '- ?
23. He is an amateur ---stenography.
(A) for
(C) (B) in
(D) (C) to
16. ' ' ? (D) of

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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24. The accelerated growth of public employment _____ the 32. Choose the word that best completes the relationship
dramatic expansion of budgets and programmes. similar to that in the given pair : Impromptu : Rehearsal : : 24 B
(A) parallels (A) Numerical : Calculation
(B) contains (B) Calculation : Calculator
25 A
(C) revolves (C) Offhand : Premeditation
(D) escapes (D) Makeshift : Fortitude
26 B
25. Man is still a ______ in the labour market. 33. Choose the word that best completes the relationship
(A) glut similar to that in the given pair : Incubator : Infant : :
(B) possibility (A) Hive : Bee 27 A
(C) commodity (B) Greenhouse : Calculator
(D) provision (C) Offhand : Revolver
28 C
26. No one can say for sure how ____ the awards have been. (D) Goalkeeper : Goalpost
(A) determined 34. Choose the correct spelling.
29 D
(B) effective (A) erroniously
(C) reducible (B) erroneusly
(D) effervescent (C) erroneously 30 D
27. Select the one that is nearest in meaning to the given word (D) erroniosly
: ABASE 35. Choose the correct spelling.
31 A
(A) low (A) demmurage
(B) peaceful (B) demurrage
32 C
(C) humble (C) demarrage
(D) cruel (D) demurage
28. Select the one that is nearest in meaning to the given word 36. Choose the correct spelling. 33 A

: ACUMEN (A) acquaintence

(A) beauty (B) acquantance 34 C
(B) appearance (C) acquaintance
(C) insight (D) acquentence
35 B
(D) distaste 37. A person with a long experience of any occupation.
29. Select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given (A) veteran
36 C
word : admonition (B) genious
(A) warning (C) seasoned
(B) threat (D) ambidexterous 37 A

(C) fear 38. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space.

(D) request (A) agoraphobia 38 B
30. Select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given (B) claustrophobia
word : assuage (C) xenophobia
39 C
(A) resolve (D) paranoia
(B) decrease 39. His verbal apology does not absolve him for the sins.
40 A
(C) separate (A) does not absolve him off the sins
(D) irritate (B) did not about the best and worst.
31. Choose the word that best completes the relationship (C) bring out best and worst
similar to that in the given pair : Sap : Vitality : : (D) No improvement
(A) Drain : Resolve 40. Adversities bring in the best and worst in different human
(B) Bore : Tedium beings.
(C) Enhance : Allure (A) bring out the best and the worst
(D) Examine : Opinion (B) bring about the best and worst

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(C) bring out best and worst total mark =33/100 =165
(D) No improvement. total mark = 16500/33 = 500 41 C
44. If x% of y is equal to z, What percent z is x ?
42 D
41. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have squares (B) y/1002
that end in the digit 1 ? (C) 100/y
43 B
(A) 1 (D) 1002/y
(B) 14 Solution:
(C) 20 x%y=z 44 D
(D) 21 Or, x = 100z/y
Solution: LeT P% of Z = x
45 C
The possible numbers are or, p = 1002/y
1,11,21,31,41,51,61 45. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Tk. 815 in
46 D
9,19,29,39,49,59,69 3 tears and to Tk. 854 in 4 years.The sum is:
percentage = (14/70) ×100=20% (A) Tk.650
42. A number,when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80 (B) Tk.690
percent. What is four-fifth of that number ? (C) Tk.698
(A) 70 (D) Tk. 700
(B) 90 Solution:
(C) 125 S.I. for 1 year = Tk. (854 - 815) = Tk. 39.
(D) 140 S.I. for 3 years = Tk.(39 x 3) = Tk. 117.
Solution: Principal = Tk. (815 - 117) = Tk. 698
Let the number be x. 46. The simple interest on a sum of money at 8% per annum
Given that when 35 is subtracted from it, reduces to its 80%. for 6 years is half the sum. The sum is :
x - 35 = x(80/100) (A) Tk. 4800
x - 35 = x(4/5) (B) Tk. 6000
x - 35 = 4x/5 (C) Tk. 8000
5x - 175 = 4x (D) Data inadequate
x = 175. Solution:
Then 4/5th of x GIVEN:
= 4/5 * 175 Rate (R) of Simple Interest = 8%
= 4 * 35 Simple Interest (S.I) = Half of the Sum of money
= 140. To find:
Therefore the number is 140. Let the sum be P, where P (or the Sum) denotes the Principle
43. A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass. He amount.
got 125 marks and failed by 40 marks. The maximum marks Given that R = 8%
are: N= 6 years
(A) 300 And, given in the sum,
(B) 500 S.I = P/2
(C) 800 We know,
(D) 1000 S . I .= (P × N × R)/100
Solution: P/2 = (P × N × R)/100
Given that the student got 125 marks and still he failed by 40 But here, we see that P being in the numerator on both side,
marks gets cancelled, leaving no variable, but only whole numbers.
The minimum pass mark = 125 + 40 = 165 Thus, Data is Incomplete in this sum.
Given that minimum pass mark = 33% of the total mark

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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47. 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how (B) 7.5
many days will 27 men complete the same work? (C) 8.5 47 D
(A) 12 (D) 9
(B) 18 Solution:
48 D
(C) 22 3 men = 6 boys (6 men + 2 boys) = 14 boys.
(D) 24 More work, More days {Direct Proportion)
49 C
Solution: More boys, Less days (Indirect Proportion)
Let the required number of days be x. More hours per day, Less days (Indirect Proportion)
Less men, More days (Indirect Proportion) Work 1 : 2 :: 10 : x 50 B
∴27 : 36 :: 18 : x Boys 14 : 6 :: 10 : x
⇒ 27 × x = 36 × 18 Hours per day 8 : 7 :: 10 : x
51 D
⇒x=24 so (1 × 14 × 8 × x) = (2 ×X 6 × 7 × 10)
48. 4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days. At the same x = (840/112) = 15/2=7.5
52 B
rate, how many mats would be woven by 8 mat-weavers in 8 51. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth . If its length
days? is decreased by 5 cm and breadth is increased by 5 cm , the
(A) 4 area of the rectangle is increased by 75 sq. cm . Find the 53 B
(B) 8 length of the rectangle.
(C) 12 (A) 20 cm
(D) 16 (B) 25 cm
Solution: (C) 30 cm
Let the required number of mats be x. (D) 40 cm
More men, More number of mats (Direct Proportion) Solution:
More days, More number of mats (Direct Proportion) Let length = 2x and breadth = x then
Weavers 4 : 8 ⋮⋮ 4 : x (2x-5) (x+5) = (2x * x)+75
days 4 : 8 ⋮⋮ 4 : x 5x-25 = 75
⇒ 4 * 4 * x = 8 * 8 * 74 x=20
⇒ x= 16 length of the rectangle = 40 cm
49. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make
1 web in how many days? 52. A courtyard 25 m long and 16 m broad is to be paved
(A) 1 with bricks of dimension 20 cm by 10 cm . The total number
(B) 7/2 of bricks required is :
(C) 7 (A) 18000
(D) 49 (B) 20000
Solution: (C) 25000
Let the required number days be x. (D) None of these
Less spiders, More days (Indirect Proportion) Solution:
Less webs, Less days (Direct Proportion) 25m * 100 = 2500cm
Spiders 1 : 7 ⋮⋮ 7 : x 16m * 100 = 1600cm
Webs 7 : 1 ⋮⋮ 7 : x Now area of courtyard = 1600*2500=4000000
⇒1 * 7 *x= 7 * 1 * 7 Area of a brick = 20 * 10=200
x= 7 So no. of bricks required would be 4000000/200=20000
50. If 3 men or 6 boys can do a piece of work in 10 53. The ratio between the length and the perimeter of a
days,working 7 hours a day; how many days will it take to rectangular plot is 1 : 3 ,what is the ratio between the length
complete a piece of work twice as large with 6 men and 2 boys and breadth of the plot?
working together for 8 hours a day ? (A) 1 : 2
(A) 6 (B) 2 : 1

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(C) 3 : 2 ⇒ 0.25x = 100

(D) Data inadequate ⇒ x = 400 54 C
Solution: 56. Peter purchased a machine for Tk. 80,000 and spent tk.
Let the length be x. 5000 on repair and Tk. 1000 on transport and sold it with
55 A
Therefore, perimeter = 3x 25% profit . At what price did he sell the machine?
since (A) Tk. 1,50,100
56 C
3x = 2(x +b) (B) TK. 1,06, 250
3x = 2x + 2b (C) Tk. 1,07, 500
x = 2b (D) TK. 1,17,500 57 C
ratio = length:breadth Solution:
=x:b C.P = Tk. (80000 + 5000 + 1000) = 86000
58 A
= 2b : b Profit = 25%
= 2:1 S.P = 125% of Tk. 86000 = Tk. 107500
59 B
54. The length of a rectangular plot is 60% more than its 57. When a plot is sold for TK. 18,700 , the owner loses 15%
breadth . If the difference between the length and the breadth . At what price must the plot be sold in order to gain 15% ?
of that rectangle is 24 cm. what is the area of that rectangle ? (A) Tk. 21,000
(A) 2400 sq. cm (B) Tk. 22, 500
(B) 2480 .cm (C) TK. 25, 300
(C) 2560 (D) TK. 25, 800
(D) Data inadequate Solution:
Solution: 85 : 18700 = 115 : x
Let breadth= X cm x = 18700 × 11585 = 25300
length = 160x/ 100 Hence,S.P = Tk.25300
= 8x/5 cm 58. The percentage profit earned by selling an article for TK.
so, (8x/5 ) - X = 24 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the
x= 40 same article for TK. 1280 .At what price should the article be
length= 64cm sold to make 25% profit?
breadth = 40cm (A) TK. 2000
area = 64*40 = 2560cm² (B) TK. 2200
55. A tradesman sold and article at a loss of 20% . If the (C) TK. 2400
selling price had been increased by Tk. 100 . there would have (D) Data inadequate
been a gain of 5% . what was the cost price of the article ? Solution:
(A) TK. 400 Let C.P be Tk. X
(B) TK. 500 1920−x x−1280
Then, × 100 = × 100
x x
(C) TK. 550
1920 x = x 1280
(D) Tk. 600
x = 1600
Required S. P = 125% of Tk. 1600 = Tk. 2000
Let the cost price of the article = x
59. A can complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half
Given tradesman sold an article at a loss of 20%
of the journey at the rate of 21 km / hr and second half at
i.e., ((100 20)/100)x = 0.8x
the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km.
If the price is increased by Tk.100
(A) 220 km
then selling price becomes = (0.8x+100)
(B) 224 km
He gains 5% with selling price = 0.8x+100
(C) 230 km
Profit = SP−C.P = (0.8x+100) − x
(D) 234 km
= 0.2x+100 = 5/100 of C.P
⇒ 0.2x + 100 = 0.05x
Let time taken to travel the first half = x hr

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Then time taken to travel the second half = (10 - x) hr 65. Which of the following services does not normally use
Distance covered in the first half = 21x [because, distance = TCP? 60 A
time*speed] (A) DNS
Distance covered in the second half = 24(10 - x) (B) HTTP
61 A
Distance covered in the first half = Distance covered in the (C) FTP
second half (D) None
62 A
So, 66. An organization is granted a block , one address is 2.
21x = 24(10 - x) 2.2.64/20. The organization needs 10 subnets .what is the
45x = 240 subnet prefix length ? 63 A
x = 16/3 (A) /20
Total Distance = 2*21(16/3) = 224 Km [multiplied by 2 as 21x (B) /24
64 B
was distance of half way]. (C) /23
60. Which of the following is not a leap year ? (D) None of these
65 A
(A) 700 67. How long is an IPv6 address?
(B) 800 (A) 32 bits
(C) 1200 (B) 128 bits 66 B
(D) 2000 (C) 64 bits
Solution: (D) None of these above
67 B
700 is divided by 4 bt not by 400 68. Bride works in which layer of the OSI model?
So 700 is not a leap year (A) Application layer
68 C
(B) Transport layer
COMPUTER (C) Datalink layer
61. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII (D) None 69 B

value which stands for 69. DHCP is the abbreviation of

(A) American Standard Code for Information Interchange (A) Dynamic Host Control Protocol 70 B
(B) American Stock Code for Information Interchange (B) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(C) American Standard Code for Information Interfere (C) Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol
71 B
(D) None (D) None
62. when CPU is executing a program that is part of the 70. Websites without a database attached to them have which
72 C
Operating System , it is said to be in __ of the following characteristics?
(A) Interrupt mode (A) The ability to generate data via SQL
(B) System mode (B) Static information using HTML or JAVA Script
(C) Simplex mode (C) The need to use TCP/ IP as the network protocol
(D) None (D) None
63. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is
to 71. Which of the following is used to transfer files ?
(A) Manage resources (A) HTTP
(B) Provide utilities (B) FTP
(C) Provide communication interface (C) HTML
(D) None (D) None
64. Which one of the following represents the binary equivalent
of the decimal number 23? 72. Which organization defines the Web Standards ?
(A) 01011 (A) Microsoft Corporation
(B) 10111 (B) IBM Corporation
(C) 10011 (C) World Wide Web consortium
(D) None (D) None

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73. From what location are the 1 st computer instructions 79. Who among P, Q, T, V and M is exactly in the middle
available on boot up? when they are arranged ascending order of their heights ? 73 A
(A) ROM BIOS Statements :
(B) CPU 1. V is taller than Q but shorter than M
74 B
(C) boo.ini 2. T is taller than Q and M but shorter than P
(D) None (A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
75 A
74. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further (B) II alone is sufficient while alone is not sufficient
subdivided into: (C) Either I or II is sufficient
(A) Clusters (D) Both I and II are sufficient 76 D
(B) Sectors 80. Five persons __ A,B, C, D and E are sitting in a row. who
(C) Vectors is sitting in the middle ?
77 D
(D) None Statements :
75. Which of the following is NOT a peripheral device ? 1. B is between E and C .
78 B
(A) Motherboard 2. B is to the right of E.
(B) Scanner 3. D is between A and E .
(C) Monitor (A) Only I and II 79 D
(D) None (B) Only II and III
(C) only I and III
80 D
76. In which year was Aunik born? (D) All I, II and III
Statements :
81 D
1 . Aunik at present is 25 years younger to his mother. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & MENTAL ABILITY
2. Aunik 's brother , who was born in 1964 , is 35 years 81. The secretariat of the SAARC food Bank is located in ___
younger to his mother . (A) Bhutan 82 D

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient (B) Nepal

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient (C) India 83 A
(C) Neither I nor II is sufficient (D) Bangladesh
(D) Both I and II are sufficient 82. Which of the following countries is an observer of WTO?
84 A
(A) Russia
77. How many children does M have? (B) Senegal
85 C
Statements : (C) Luxembourg
1. H is the only daughter of X who is wife of M . (D) Sudan
2. K and J are brothers of M. 83. Nasdaq is the name of a
(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient (A) Stock Market in the USA
(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient (B) Stock Market in the UK
(C) Either I or II is sufficient (C) Stock Market in Germany
(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient (D) Superstore in the UK
84. The 'Silk Road ' in the ancient period means
78. How many doctors are practicing in this town ? (A) Linking china with the West
Statements : (B) Linking Japan with the West
1. There is one doctor per seven hundred residents . (C) Linking India with the West
2. There are 16 wards with each ward with each ward having (D) Linking Indonesia with the west
as many doctors as the number of wards 85. The current per capita income of Bangladesh is :
(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient (A) US $ 1230
(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient (B) US$ 1044
(C) Either I or II is sufficient (C) US$ 1190
(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient (D) US$ 1390

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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86. Rahim's father has five sons, name Ten , Twenty , Thirty (D) less than one
and Forty. what is the name of the fifth son? 93. A country with a current account surplus 86 D
(A) Fifty (A) is using foreign saving to supplement domestic saving in
(B) Forty Five financing investment projects .
87 A
(C) One (B) is using part of its domestic saving to lend overseas
(D) None of these rather than finance domestic investment .
88 D
87. If it requires 10 minutes to boil 5 eggs then how many (C) is accumulating foreign debt.
minutes will it take to boil eggs simultaneously ? (D) is accumulating capital at a pace higher than its domestic
(A) 10 minutes saving rate. 89 A
(B) 20 minutes 94. The effective rate of protection measures
(C) 15 minutes (A) the percentage by which domestic producers' gross
90 D
(D) 18.67 minutes receipts are increased by protection.
88. In a fruit shop there six apples. You take away four of (B) the percentage increase in domestic producers ' value
91 A
those. How many apples do you have now? added that is due to protection .
(A) 2 (C) the benefit that the government gets from imposing tariffs
(B) 6 . 92 C
(C) 5 (D) the costs imposed by a tariff on the consumers of the
(D) 4 imported goods.
93 A
89. If the following number pattern continues , what numbers 95. There will be no crowding out if
will come next? 50, 30, 40, 20, 30 ,.... (A) the demand for money increases as real GDP increases .
94 B
(A) 10,20 (B) supply of money is totally unresponsive to changes in the
(B) 20, 0 interest rate .
(C) 30, 50 (C) investment is totally unresponsive to changes in the 95 C

(D) 40, 20 interest rate.

90. What is the area of the triangle BCD? (D) investment is totally unresponsive to changes in the real 96 D
8 96. In 2008 the exchange rate of the Euro appreciated against
97 A
C 12 D the US dollar . A possible cause for the appreciation of the
(A) 40 Euro was
98 D
(B) 42 (A) increase investment in USA by the European Union (EU)
(C) 44 (B) increasingly more US tourists were visiting EU countries
(D) 48 (C) increasingly more US exports to EU countries
91. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCHI (D) the European Central Bank raised the value of the Euro
value which value satand for? 97. The banking companies in Bangladesh are regulated
(A) American Standard code for information Interchange under the provision of __
(B) American stock code for information Interchange (A) Bank Companies Act 1991 . Companies Act, `994 .
(C) American Standard code for information interface (B) Bank Company Amendment Act, 2003.
(D) None (C) Bank Company Amendment Act , 2003,
(D) Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972
92. The Marshall -Lerner condition states that a devaluation 98. Which institution is the regulatory authority of capital
will improve a country's balance of payments if the sum of market intermediaries in Bangladesh ?
elasticity of demand for exports and imports is : (A) Bangladesh Bank
(A) zero (B) Securities & Exchange Commission
(B) equal to one (C) Ministry of Commerce
(C) greater than one (D) Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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99. What is the current Bank Rate of Bangladesh Bank?

(A) 5.0% 6. Choose the correct spelling. 99 A
(B) 5.5% (A) FAVOURIET
(C) 6.0% (B) FAVOURET
100 D
(D) 6.5% (C) FAVORETE
100. Which one is considered as the banker to government of 7. Choose the correct spelling. 01 A

Bangladesh? (A) SUGGEST

(A) Sonali Bank Limited (B) SUGAST 02 C
(B) Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (C) SUJEST
(C) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (D) SUGGAST
03 D
(D) Bangladesh Bank 8. Select, from the options, the pair having a similar
relationship to the first pair : Army : Logistics : :
04 A
(A) Business : Strategy
(B) War : Logic
BANGLA (C) Soldier : Student 05 B
1. ' ' - (D) Team : Individual
9. Select, from the options, the pair having a similar
06 D
relationship to the first pair : Editor : Newspaper : :
(C) (A) Lecturer : University
07 D
(D) (B) Architect : Design
(C) Nurse : Hospital
2. ' ' ? (D) Teacher : School 08 A

10. He felt bad ---- no reason at all.

(A) of 09 B
(C) (B) on
(D) (C) for
10 C
(D) in
3. ? 11. The train of Rajshahi departed _____ the platform.
11 A
(A) from
(B) with
(C) (C) at 12 D
(D) (D) on
12. Fill in the blank : Leap years, ____ have 366 days, contain 13 A
4. ? an extra day in February.
, , (A) that
, , (B) when
(C) , , (C) where
(D) , , (D) which

5. ' ' ? 13. Fill in the blank : Nazrul, _____ is our national poet, was
also a soldier.
(A) who
(C) (B) whom
(D) (C) he
(D) what

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14. AMENABLE (Select the word closely opposite in meaning) (B) 75

(A) agreeable (C) 85 14 C
(B) bound (D) 80
(C) unwilling Solution:
15 B
(D) submissive Total persons consisting of captains and soldiers = 1200
15. DOMAIN (Select the world that conveys nearly the same persons
16 A
meaning) 15 soldiers = 1 captain
(A) marketing so, 1 group = 15+1 = 16 person
(B) area that means 17 A
(C) main 16 persons = 1 group
(D) fielding 1200 persons = 1200 / 16 = 75 groups
18 B
so there are totally 75 captains in the group
MATHAMETICS 19. A courtyard 25 m long and 16 m broad is to be paved
19 B
16. The cost of carpeting a room 18m long with a carpet 75 m with bricks of dimensions 20 cm by 10 cm. The total number
wide at Tk. 4.50 per metre is Tk. 810. The breadth of the room of bricks required is
is- (A) 25000 20 C
(A) 750 m (B) 20000
(B) 8 m (C) 18000
(C) 7.5 m (D) None of these
(D) 8.5 m Solution:
Solution: Here in this question first we have to find the area of the the
Length of the carpet = (810/4.50) m = 180 m courtyard and then divide it by the area of one brick.
2 2
Area of the room = (180 × 75) m = 13500 m Now first convert meters into centimeters to properly
:. Area of the room = Area of the carpet = 135 m calculate the ans.
:. Breadth of the room = (13500/18) m = 750 m. 25m * 100 = 2500cm
17. A shopkeeper sold article offering a discount of 5% and 16m * 100 = 1600cm
earned a profit of 23.5%. What would have been the Now area of courtyard = 1600*2500=4000000
percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered? Area of a brick = 20 * 10=200
(A) 30 So no. of bricks required would be 4000000/200=20000
(B) 28.5 20. A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass.
(C) 24.5 He got 125 marks and failed by 40 marks. The maximum
(D) None of these marks are
Solution: (A) 1000
Let cost price be Tk. 100 (B) 800
The selling price be Tk. x (C) 500
Then, (D) 300
95x/100 =123.50 Solution:
⇒x = Tk. (12350/95) He obtained marks = 125
⇒x = Tk.130 He failed by marks = 40
Now, selling price = Tk. 130 Passing marks = 125+40 = 165
Cost price = Tk. 100 Let the maximum marks be x
∴ Profit % = 30% We are given that a student has to obtain 33% of total marks
18. A group of 1200 persons consisting of captains and soldiers to pass
is travelling in a train. For every 15 soldiers there is one So, 33% of x = 165
captain. The number of captains in the group is ---- 33x/100 = 165
(A) 70 x =500

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Hence the maximum marks is 500 and 12% of y + 7% of x = 400

21. In an election a candidate who gets 84% of the votes, is ⇒ 12y + 7x = 40000...........(ii) 21 C
elected by a majority of 476 votes. What is the total number of Solving (i) and (ii) , we et : y = 2400 and x = 1600
votes polled? 24. The simple interest on a sum of money at 8% per annum
22 C
(A) 848 for 6 years is half the sum. The sum is
(B) 749 (A) Tk. 4800
23 A
(C) 700 (B) Tk. 6000
(D) 672 (C) Tk. 8000
Solution: (D) None of these 24 D
GIVEN: A candidate who gets 84% of the votes is elected by a Solution:
majority of 476 votes. GIVEN:
25 B
Let the total number of votes polled be 'x' Rate (R) of Simple Interest = 8%
Number of votes in favour of the candidate is = 84% of x Simple Interest (S.I) = Half of the Sum of money
26 C
= 84x/100 To find:
Number of votes got by the losing candidate = x − 84x/100 Let the sum be P, where P (or the Sum) denotes the Principle
= (100x - 84x)/100 = 16x/100 amount.
Number of extra votes in favor of winning candidate = 84x/100 Given that R = 8%
− 16x/100 N= 6 years
476 = 68x/100 And, given in the sum,
x = (476 × 100 )/68 S.I = P/2
x = 7 × 100 We know,
x = 700 S . I .= (P × N × R)/100
Hence,the total number of votes polled are 700 . P/2 = (P × N × R)/100
22. The total number of digits used in numbering, the pages of But here, we see that P being in the numerator on both side,
a book having 366 pages is gets cancelled, leaving no variable, but only whole numbers.
(A) 1305 Thus, Data is Incomplete in this sum.
(B) 1098 25. Find the missing term in each of the following series :
(C) 990 10000, 11000, 9900, 10890, 9801, ?
(D) 782 (A) 10929
Solution: (B) 10781
Total number of digits (C) 10423
= (No. of digits in 1- digit page nos. + No. of digits in 2-digit (D) 10241
page nos. + No. of digits in 3- digit page nos.) Solution:
= (1 x 9 + 2 x 90 + 3 x 267) = (9 + 180 + 801) = 990. Clearly, alternatively we add and subtract 10% of a term to
23. On selling a chair at 7% loss and a table at 17% gain, a obtain the next term of the series.
man gains Tk 296. If he sells the chair at 7% gain and the table Thus, 10000 + (10% of 10000)= 11000;
at 12% gain, then he gains Tk. 400. The actual price of the 11000 - (10% of 11000) = 9900;
table is --- 9900 + (10% of 9900) = 10890;
(A) Tk. 2400 10890 - (10% of 10890) = 9801.
(B) Tk. 2200 9801 + (10% of 9801) = 9801+980 = 10781.
(C) Tk. 1800 So, missing term = 10890- (10% of 10890)= 9801.
(D) Tk. 1600 26. Find the missing term in each of the following series : 2,
Solution: 5, 9, 19, 37, ?
Let C.P. of the chair be Tk. x and that f the table be Tk. y (A) 78
Then ,17% of y - 7% f x = 296 (B) 76
⇒ 17y - 7x = 29600........(i) (C) 75

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(D) 73 31. The primary job of the operating systems

Solution: (A) Manage Resources 27 A
2 5 9 19 37 ?, (B) Manage Users
2, (C) Manage Programs
28 D
2 × 2 + 1 = 5, (D) Manage Commands
5×2 1 = 9, 32. The file system 'NTFS' stands for
29 B
9 × 2 + 1 = 19, (A) New Type file System
19 × 2 1 = 37, (B) Never Terminated file System
37 × 2 + 1 = 75. (C) Non Terminated file systems 30 D
27. Find the missing term in each of the following series : 1, 6, (D) New Technology file system
15, ?, 45, 66, 91 33. Unix Operating systems is a
31 A
(A) 28 (A) Multi Tasking Operating Systems
(B) 27 (B) Time Sharing Operating System
32 D
(C) 26 (C) Multi User Operating system
(D) 25 (D) All the above
Solution: 33 D
Pattern in the series is, +5, +9, .., .., +21, +25 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & ECONOMICS
So 4 is getting increased at every term addition. 34. Which animal's genome was first sequenced by
34 B
Missing term in the series will be 15+(9+4) Bangladesh scientists?
= 15+13 = 28 (A) Sheep
35 B
28. A person borrows Tk. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a simple (B) Buffalo
𝟏 (C) Cow
interest.He immediately lends it to another person at 6 % p.a
(D) Hen 36 B
for 2 years.Find his gain in the transaction per year .
35. Who was the chairman of the Eighth National Pay
(A) Tk. 167.50
Commission? 37 B
(B) Tk. 150
(A) Dr. Saleh Uddin Ahmed
(C) Tk. 125
(B) Dr. Mohammed Faradhuddin
(D) Tk. 112.50 38 C
(C) Dr. Shirin sharmin Chowdhury
(D) Dr. Akbar Ali Khan
Gain in 2 years
36. What is the name of the new police academy for which
= [ (5000 x 25/4 x 2/100) - (5000 x 4 x 2)/100 ]
construction has been initiated?
= Tk. (625 - 400)
(A) Rajshahi Police Academy
= Tk. 225.
(B) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib National Police Academy
Gain in 1 year = Tk. 225/2 = Tk. 112.50
(C) National Police Academy
(D) Jessore Police Academy
37. What is the tenure of the Governor of Bangladesh bank?
29. Which of the following is an important attribute of RAM
(A) 2 years
(B) 4 years
(A) Random access
(C) 3 years
(B) Volatile
(D) 5 years
(C) Non-Volatile
38. Which Bank was the first to launch agent banking in the
(D) Sequential access
30. Data access time depends on
(A) Mercantile Bank
(A) operating frequency
(B) Eastern Bank
(B) Seek time
(C) Bank Asia
(C) rotational delay
(D) Brac Bank
(D) All of the above

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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39. Banking sector comes under which of the following sectors? 1. B is between E and C.
(A) Industrial sector 2. B is to the right of E. 39 C
(B) Agriculture sector 3. D is between A and E
(C) Service sector (A) Only 1 and 2
40 A
(D) Manufacturing sector (B) Only 2 and 3
40. The availability of cash and other cash like marketable (C) Only 1 and 3
41 C
instruments that are useful in purchases and investments are (D) All 1, 2, and 3
commonly known as :
(A) Liquidity 46. How many sons does X have? 42 B
(B) Cash crunch 1. Q and U are brothers of T.
(C) Credit 2. R is sister of P and U.
43 D
(D) Markerability 3. R and T are daughters of X.
41. When it comes to providing locket facility to the customer (A) Only 1 and 2
44 C
of any bank, the relationship between the customer and (B) Only 2 and 3
bankers it that of : (C) All 1, 2, and 3
(A) Lessee and lessor (D) 1, 2, and 3 together are not sufficient 45 D
(B) Debtor and creditor
(C) Bailor and bailee
47. What shape will fit in question mark position? 46 D
(D) Agent and principal
42. Providing banking services to a customer without his
47 B
entrance inside the bank's branch is called as :
(A) Relationship banking
(B) Virtual banking ? 48 A

(C) Universal banking

(D) Mobile banking 49 D
43. Mortgage relates to which type of loan among the (A) (B)

(A) Gold loan (C) (D)

(B) Educational loan

(C) Car loan 48. What shape will fit in question mark position?
(D) Housing loan

Which of the following statements numbered from (1) to (3)

is/are sufficient to answer the questions (44-46) : ?
44. Ali is younger than Sonia and Rupali is older than Tom.
Who among them is the oldest?
1. Rupali is older than Ali. (A) (B)
2. Sonia is older than Rupali.
3. Tom is the youngest among all. (C) (D)
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 3 49. What shape will fit in question mark position?
(C) Only 1 and 2
(D) All 1, 2, and 3

45. Five persons ----A, B, C, D and E are sitting in a row who
is sitting in the middle?

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

5. ' '-- ?
(A) (B) 50 B

01 D
(C) (D) (D)

02 B

50. What shape will fit in question mark position? 6. Aunik was the sort of person who always looked on the
_______ side of life. 03 C
(A) clear

? (B) illuminated 04 A
(C) bright
(D) broad
05 C
(A) (B) 7. I refused to ______ his rudeness any longer.
(A) put on
(B) put out with 06 C

(C) (D) (C) put up

(D) put up with 07 D
8. Choose the correctly spelt word :
(A) Solipsism
08 A
(B) Solipasism
(C) Salipsism
(D) Solipesism 09 B

BANGLA 9. Choose the correctly spelt word :

(A) Consumarism 10 B
1. ---- ?
(B) Consumerism
(C) Consumariesm 11 C
(C) (D) Consummerism

(D) 10. Why do we always have to subunit ____ his authority?

12 A
2. ' '-- ? (A) under
(B) to
(C) for

(C) (D) with

(D) 11. The completion of the railway line has been _____ owing to
the workers strike.

3. ' ' -- ? (A) on

(B) up
(C) off

(C) (D) over

12. Select, from the options, the pair having a similar

4. ? relationship to the first pair : President : Pope : :

(A) Proclamation : Bull
(B) Elected : Chosen

(C) (C) Ballot : Smoke

(D) (D) Temporal : Secular

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

13. Select, from the options, the pair having a similar 2x+6-x=23
relationship to the first pair : Ernest : Immoral : : x+6=23 13 D
(A) Land : Evil Therefore,x=17
(B) Dissolute : Lascivious Hence,the no.of matches won is x+3=17+3=20.
14 B
(C) Shore : Reef And the no.of matches lost is x=17.
(D) Restrained : Wanton Total no.of matches played=20+17=37.
15 B
18. If 35% of a number is 175, then what percent of 175 is
14. SUNDRY (Select the word that conveys nearly the same the number?
meaning) (A) 35% 16 B
(A) complex (B) 280%
(B) various (C) 65%
17 A
(C) express (D) None of these
(D) unmatched Solution:
18 D
15. FUSION (Select the word closely opposite in meaning) Let the number be 'x'
(A) amalgam Given that 35% of a number is 175
(B) separation so x × 35% = 175 19 B
(C) synthesis x × 35/100 = 175
(D) blend x = 175 × 100/35
20 B
x = 500 is the number..
MATHAMETICS then 175 percentage of that number is
16. A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his 500×175% = 500×175/100 = 875
mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his 19. A person takes a loan of Tk. 200 at 5% simple interest. He
mother. How old is the mother at present? returns Tk.100 at the end of 1 year. In order to clear his dues
(A) 48 years at the end of 2 years, he would pay :
(B) 40 years (A) Tk. 115
(C) 36 years (B) Tk. 115.50
(D) 32 years (C) Tk. 105
Solution: (D) Tk. 110
Let the mother's present age be x years. Solution:
Then, the person's present age = 2/5 x years. The SI for 200 at the end of 1st year = (200*1*5)/100 = 10.
(2x/5 + 8) = 1/2 (x + 8) Hence total amount at the end of 1st year = 200+10 = 210.
2(2x + 40) = 5(x + 8) But he returns back RS 100 at the end of 1st year.
x = 40. Hence principl amount for 2nd year = (210 - 100) = 110.
17. A cricket team won 3 matches more than they lost. If a win Then SI at the end of 2nd year = (110*1*5)/100 = 5.5.
gives them 2 points and loss(-1) point, how many matches, in Hence total amount he needs to return at the end of 2nd
all, have they played if their score is 23? year = 110+5.5 = Tk 115.5.
(A) 37 20. The difference between the local value and the face value
(B) 40 of 7 in the numeral 32675149 is ---
(C) 17 (A) 75142
(D) 20 (B) 69993
Solution: (C) 64851
Let the no.of matches they lost be x. (D) 5149
Therefore,the no.of matches they won is x+3. Solution:
Total score=23. Here Local value of 7 = 70000
The equation becomes, And face value of 7 = 7
2(x+3)-1(x)=23 Difference = 70000 - 7 = 69993

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

21. The salaries of A, B, C are in the ratio 2: 3: 5. If the Product of three numbers is 1944.
increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in Their ratio is 3:4:6. 21 A
their salaries, then what will be the new ratio of their salaries? Let the common ratio be x.
(A) 23 : 33 : 60 So, first number = 3x.
22 B
(B) 10 : 11 : 20 Second number = 4x.
(C) 3 : 3 : 10 Third number = 6x.
23 A
(D) None of these Their product is 1944.
Solution: SO.....
The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. 3x × 4x × 6x = 1944. 24 A
Let A = 2x , B = 3x , C = 5x 72x³ = 1944
A's new salary = (100+15%) of 2x = 115/100×2x = 23x/10 x³ = 27
25 D
B's new salary= (100+10%) of 3x = 110/100 ×3x = 33x/10 x = 3.
C's new salary = (100+20%) of 5x = 120/100×5x = 60x/100 Hence the greatest among them is 6x = 18.
26 D
Ratio of their new salaries = (23x/10 : 33x/10 : 60x/10) = 23 : 24. A, B and C started a business by investing Tk. 1,20,000,
33 : 60 Tk. 1,35,000 and Tk. 1,50,000 respectively. Find the share of
22. 12 men working 8 hours per day complete a piece of work A, out of an annual profit of Tk. 56,700.
in 10 days. To complete the same work in 8 days, working 15 (A) 16,800
hours a day, the number of men required, is (B) 16,700
(A) 4 (C) 16,600
(B) 8 (D) None of these
(C) 5 Solution:
(D) 6 Investment ratio = 120000 : 135000 : 150000 = 8 : 9 : 10
Solution: Sum of ratio = 8 + 9 + 10 =27
Method-I Share of A = 8/27 × 56700 = 16800
You have to just follow a simple concept- 25. Village T is in which direction with respect to village R?
M1 × D1 × H1= M2 × D2 × H2 1. T is to the North of W which is to the West of S.
Where M is no. of Men, D is no. of days and H is for Hours. 2. T is to the North-West of S.
Now put all the given values in the above formula 3. W is to the North-West of R.
12 × 1 0× 8 = M2 × 8 × 15 (A) Any two of the three
M2 = 8 Men (B) Only 1 and 2
If you are not getting this concept then follow the basic (C) Only 2 and 3
method. (D) Only 1 and 3
II. Basic Method
First you have to calculate units of work 26. Four subjects ---physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and
W= Men × Days × Hours Biology ---were taught in four consecutive periods of one
W= 12 × 10 × 8= 960 units hour each starting from 8.00 a.m. At what time was the
Now to complete these 960 units in 8 days, while working chemistry period scheduled?
15 hours a day, the no. of men required will be= 960÷(15×8)= 1. Mathematics period ended at 10.00 a.m, which was
8 Men preceded by Biology.
23. Three numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 4: 6 and their 2. Physics was scheduled in the last period.
product is 1944. The largest of these numbers is- 3. Mathematics period was immediately followed by
(A) 18 Chemistry.
(B) 12 (A) Only 1
(C) 6 (B) Only 2
(D) none of these (C) Only 2 and 3
Solution: (D) Only 1 and either 2 or 3

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

27. Who is the tallest among six boys P, T, N, D, Q and R? (D) None of these
1. P is taller than D and N but not as tall as T. 34. Nibble describes a bits combination of 27 A
2. R is taller than Q but not as tall as T. (A) 4 bits
3. Q is not taller than T and R. (B) 5 bits
28 A
(A) Only 1 and 2 (C) 6 bits
(B) Only 2 and 3 (D) 7 bits
29 C
(C) All 1, 2 and 3 35. What is the base of hexadecimal number system?
(D) Only 1 and 3 (A) 2
28. 1,6,15,?,45,66,91 (B) 8 30 A
(A) 28 (C) 10
(B) 27 (D) 16
31 A
(C) 25 36. Spot the odd one out amongst the following
(D) 26 (A) Basic
32 A
29. T,R,P,N,L,?? (B) UNIX
(A) J,G (C) Windows
(B) K,H (D) DOS 33 A
(C) J,H
34 A
30. Find the wrong number in the series : 3,8,15,24,34,48,63 37. Who is the World Holder for fastest 50 in ODI cricket?
(A) 34 (A) MDKJ Perera
35 D
(B) 48 (B) Jayasuriya
(C) 15 (C) MJ Guptill
(D) 24 (D) AB de Villiers 36 A

31. A shopkeeper sells 25 articles at Tk. 45 per article after 38. Currently how many member states are there in the
giving 10% discount and earns 50% profit.If the discount is not United Nation? 37 D
given, the profit gained is (A) 192
2 (B) 193
(A) 66 % 38 B
(C) 190
(B) 66%
(D) 191
(C) 60%
39 A
2 39. Which constitutional amendment establishes Islam as the
(D) 60 %
3 state religion of Bangladesh?
(A) 8th 40 B

(B) 7th
(C) 5th 41 C
32. ________ is a system of counting using only two numbers 0
(D) 4th
and 1.
40. Who was the first Governor General of India?
(A) Banary
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Lord Mountbatten
(C) Decimal
(C) Vallabhbhia Patel
(D) Mouse
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

33. Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different

41. The 'Sangsaptak' sculpture is located at?
(A) Dhaka University
(B) Chittagong University
(C) Jahangirnagar University
(D) Agriculture University

Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)

42. Financial inclusion means provision of

(A) Ration at affordable cost to persons not yet given the same (A) (B) 42 D
(B) House at affordable cost to persons not yet given the same
(C) Food at affordable cost to persons not yet given the same
43 D
(D) Financial services namely payments, remittances, savings, (C) (D)
loans and insurance at affordable cost to persons not provided
44 A
by the banks.

49. Count the number of squares in the given figure ?

43. What happens when an economy is in recession? 45 C
(A) GDP growth slows down
(B) Unemployment rate rises
46 D
(C) Bankrutcies rise
(D) All 1, 2, and 3
47 B

44. Which of the following is known as plastic money?

(A) credit cards 48 C
(B) bearer cheques (A) 17 (B) 16

(C) demand drafts (C) 13 (D) 12

49 A
(D) gift cheques
50. Find the Matching pair
50 D
45. Which of the following organizations issue the rules of
global trade?
(A) IMF 01 C

(B) Foreign trade

(A) (B)
(C) World Trade Organization 02 C
(D) G-20

46. Which sister organization of the world Bank provides long

(C) (D)
term loans at zero interest to the poorest developing countries?
(A) International Developing Association
(C) Asian Development Bank
(D) International Finance Corporation

1. ?
47. Find the odd one

(A) (B)
(C) (D)

2. ' ' ?

48. What shape or pattern belongs to the group


Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Computer Fundamentals
PowerPoint 8. Which option can be used to create a new
slide show with the current slides but presented
Section 4 in a different order
A. Rehearsal B. Custom slider show
1. Which of the following are types of sound C. Slide show setup D. Slide show view
files? Answer: Option B
A. LOG files B. DAT files
C. WAV files D. DRV files 9. Which of the following are actions you can
Answer: Option C assign to an action button or slide object?
A. Run a macro B. Play a sound
2. Which of the following can you use to add C. Hyper link D. All of above
times to the slides in a presentation? Answer: Option D
A. Microsoft graph B. Microsoft Table
C. Microsoft Excel D. Microsoft Word 10. Which option in PowerPoint allows to carry
Answer: Option A slides from one computer to another?
A. Save As B. Save and Go
3. Which view in PowerPoint can be used to C. Pack and Go D. Web and Go
enter speaker comments? Answer: Option C
A. Normal B. Slide show
C. Slide sorter D. Notes page view 11. One way to make a PowerPoint slide display
Answer: Option D animations is to:
A. Select the slide in normal view; and click
4. The best way to insert a new slide in a Format, Animation
presentation is to use the B. Click the PowerPoint window and move it
A. Normal view B. Special view around vigorously with the mouse for a manual
C. Slide show view D. Slide sorter view animation effect
Answer: Option D C. Select the slide in slide sorter view, right
click and choose preset animations from the
5. Which is the best view for getting your shortcut menu
thoughts for a presentation out on the computer? D. PowerPoint does not have an animation
A. Outline view B. Notes page view feature
C. Slide sorter view D. Slide view Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A
12. Which of the following is not a way to cut
6. The boxes that are displayed to indicate that ext?
the text, pictures or objects are placed in it is A. Select the text and press the delete button
called ....... B. Select the text and select Edit, Cut from the
A. Placeholder B. Auto text menu
C. Text box D. Word art C. Select the text and click the Cut button on the
Answer: Option A toolbar
D. Select the text and press Ctrl + X
7. Which of the following is not a feature of Answer: Option A
A. Printing transparencies 13. Which types of fonts are best suitable for
B. Printing the speaker’s notes along with slide titles and headlines
images A. serif fonts B. sans serif fonts
C. Linking a slide transition with a laser pointer C. text fonts D. picture fonts
D. Drawing with a pen Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 340

Computer Fundamentals
14. Which type of font is best suitable for large 20. Which option can be used to set custom
amount of text? timings for slides in a presentation?
A. serif fonts B. sans serif fonts A. Slider Timings B. Slider Timer
C. text fonts D. picture fonts C. Rehearsal D. Slide Show Setup
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

15. To give a PowerPoint presentation to a large 21. Which of the following will not advance the
audience, you: a. b. . c. d. slides in a slide show view?
A. Set up your computer in a large auditorium, A. The esc key B. The space bar
and click large, auditorium, OK C. The enter key D. The mouse button
B. Click the slide you wish the audience to see Answer: Option A
in normal view, then click the next slide, and so
on 22. To import text from a word document that
C. Choose either view, slide show or slide show, uses headings into a PowerPoint presentation:
view show A. This cannot be done in PowerPoint
D. Slick slide show, OK B. Click Insert, Slides from Outline
Answer: Option C C. Click Import, Word Document Headings
D. Click File, New, Presentation from Word
16. Which of the following can you use to add Headings
times to the slides in a presentation Answer: Option B
A. Slice Show menu
B. Rehearse timing button 23. Format painter
C. Slide transition button A. To paint pretty pictures on your slides
D. All of the above B. To copy formatting from one object or piece
Answer: Option B of text and then apply it elsewhere
C. To change the background color of your
17. Which of the following is not one of slides
PowerPoint's views? D. To paint pretty pictures on background of
A. Slide show view B. Slide view slides
C. Presentation view D. Outline view Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
24. Slide show options available to the presenter
18. Which PowerPoint view works best for include all of the following except
adding slide transitions? A. Transitions command
A. Slide show view B. Slide sorter view B. Speaker notes command
C. Slide view D. Notes view C. Meeting minder command
Answer: Option B D. Navigation commands
Answer: Option A
19. Which of the following views is the best
view to use when setting transition effects for all 25. Which of the following is an example for
slides in a presentation automatic text formatting
A. Slide sorter view A. Underlining hyperlink
B. Notes page view B. Adjusting extra space
C. Slide view C. Replacing two -‘s with an em hyphens
D. Outline view D. All of above
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

Courtesy: Page 341

Computer Fundamentals
26. Which of the following is not a way to 32. Which of the following section does not
create a new presentation? exist in a slide layout?
A. Using the Scan-In Slides feature A. Titles B. Lists
B. From scratch (create a blank presentation C. Charts D. Animations
C. Using a template Answer: Option D
D. Using the auto content wizard
Answer: Option A 33. PowerPoint presentations are widely used as
A. Note outlines for teachers
27. The quickest way to create a PowerPoint B. Project presentations by students
presentation is to use the C. Communication of planning
A. Word for windows templates D. All of above
B. Auto creation wizard Answer: Option D
C. Auto content wizard
D. Presentation wizard 34. _______ controls all the main slide control
Answer: Option C tasks for your presentation.
A. Task Pane B. Task Bar
28. Which of the following can you format C. Control Panel D. None of above
using buttons on the formatting toolbar? Answer: Option A
A. Your hard drive B. Format painting
C. Font color D. Underlining 35. Which of the following cannot be toggled
from View >> Toolbars?
Answer: Option D
A. Control Toolbox B. Slides
C. Revisions D. Reviewing
29. Which tab is not available on left panel Answer: Option B
when you open a presentation?
A. Outline B. Slides 36. Which of the following pane is not available
C. Notes D. All of above are available in Task Pane?
Answer: Option C A. Getting Started B. Clip Art
C. Word Art D. Search Results
30. Which of the following statements is not Answer: Option C
A. You can type text directly into a PowerPoint 37. Which of the following pane is NOT
slide but typing in text box is more convenient available in Task Pane?
B. From Insert menu choose Picture and then A. Slide Design B. Master Slide
From File to insert your images into slides C. Slide Layout D. Slide Transition
C. You can display a PowerPoint presentation in Answer: Option B
Normal, Slide Sorter or Slide Show view
D. You can show or hide task pane from View 38. A new presentation can be created from
>> Toolbars A. Blank Presentation
Answer: Option A B. From Existing Presentation
C. From Design Template
31. To start Microsoft PowerPoint application D. All of above
A. Click on Start >> Programs >> All Programs Answer: Option D
>> Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Hit Ctrl + R then type ppoint.exe and Enter 39. In slide layout panel how many layouts are
C. Click Start >> Run then type PowerPoint available for text layout by default?
then press Enter A. 4 B. 7
D. All of above C. 12 D. None of above
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

Courtesy: Page 342

Computer Fundamentals
40. Which of the following statement is false? 46. The difference between Slide Design and
A. If you choose to select from one of the pre- Auto Content Wizard is
made slide layouts, you can change the A. Both are same
positioning B. AutoContent Wizard is just the wizard
B. If you choose to select from the pre-made version of Slide Design
slide layouts, you cannot delete the objects in C. Slide Design does not provide sample content
the layout but Auto Content Wizard provides sample
C. Blank Slide is at the top of the ‘Content content too!
Layouts’ area in the Slide Layout panel D. Slide Design asks your choice in steps but
D. All of above are false statements Auto Content Wizard does not let you make
Answer: Option B choices
Answer: Option C
41. What lets you to create new presentation by
selecting ready-made font color and graphics 47. In which menu can you find features like
effects? Slide Design, Slide Layout etc.?
A. Presentation Template A. Insert Menu B. Format Menu
B. Master Slide C. Tools Menu D. Slide Show Menu
C. Design Template Answer: Option B
D. Animation Scheme
Answer: Option C 48. Which menu provides you options like
Animation Scheme, custom Animation, Slide
42. Which command will you use in PowerPoint Transition?
if you need to change the color of different A. Insert Menu B. Format Menu
objects without changing content? C. Tools Menu D. Slide Show Menu
A. Design Template B. Color Scheme Answer: Option D
C. Font Color D. Object Color
Answer: Option B 49. How many steps are there between Start and
Finish in AutoContent Wizard?
43. What PowerPoint feature will you use to A. 3 B. 4
apply motion effects to different objects of a C. 5 D. 6
slide? Answer: Option A
A. Slide Transition B. Slide Design
C. Animation Objects D. Animation Scheme 50. Which short cut key inserts a new slide in
Answer: Option D current presentation?
A. Ctrl+N B. Ctrl+M
44. What feature will you use to apply motion C. Ctrl+S D. All of above
effects in between a slide exits and another Answer: Option B
A. Slide Transition B. Slide Design 51. What happens if you select first and second
C. Animation Objects D. Animation Scheme slide and then click on New Slide button on
Answer: Option A toolbar?
A. A new slide is inserted as first slide in
45. The selected design template can be applied presentation
A. To current slide only B. A new slide is inserted as second slide in
B. To all the slides presentation
C. To all the new presentation you create C. A new slide is inserted as third slide in
D. All of above presentation
Answer: Option D D. None of above
Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 343

Computer Fundamentals
52. Which of the following method can insert a 58. To insert slide numbers
new slide in current presentation? A. Insert a text box and select Insert >> Page
A. Right click on the Slide panel and choose Number
New Slide B. Insert a textbox and select Insert >> Number
B. From Insert menu choose New Slide >> PageNumber
C. Click on New Slide button on toolbar C. Choose Insert >> Slide Number
D. All of above D. Insert a new text box and select Insert >>
Answer: Option D slide Number
Answer: Option D
53. Which of the following is not a part of Slide
A. Design Template B. Color Scheme 59. In a PowerPoint presentation
C. Animation Scheme D. Slide Layout A. Sound clips can be inserted but not movie
Answer: Option D clips
B. Movie clips can be inserted but not sound
54. What is the best way to create another copy clips
of a slide? C. Both cannot be inserted
A. Click the slide then press Ctrl+A and paste in D. Both can be inserted
new slide Answer: Option D
B. From Insert Menu choose Duplicate Slide
C. Redo everything on a new slide that you had 60. To insert a hyperlink in a slide
done on previous slide A. Choose Insert >> Hyperlink
D. None of above B. Press Ctrl + K
Answer: Option B C. Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides
D. Both a & b
55. From which menu you can access Picture, Answer: Option D
Test Box, Chart etc?
A. File B. Edit 61. List Box and Text box
C. Insert D. View A. Are some other than that in a list box the
Answer: Option C
bullets are enabled
56. If you want to insert some slides from other B. Are different. List boxes are used to present
presentation into current one choose lists and can’t be created with text boxes
A. From Insert menu choose Slides from Files C. Both of above
B. From Insert menu choose Slides from D. None of above
Presentation Answer: Option A
C. From Insert menu choose Slides
D. None of above 62. Which of the following statement is true?
Answer: Option A A. You can insert text boxes from drawing
toolbar in PowerPoint
57. What are the three options available in Insert B. You cannot insert text boxes from drawing
>> Picture menu? toolbar in PowerPoint
A. Clipart, Pictures, Shapes C. Text boxes are provides when you choose a
B. Clipart, From File, Shapes layout and can’t be inserted afterwards
C. Clipart, From Files, AutoShapes D. None of above
D. Clipart, Pictures, AutoShapes Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 344

Computer Fundamentals
63. When you delete a text box object from a 68. To start slide show of a presentation
slide in PowerPoint Presentation A. Hit F5 key
A. The object is deleted but text box and the text B. From Slide Show menu choose View Show
inside is left on the slide option
B. The text box is deleted and the text is pasted C. From Slide Show menu choose Rehearse
on the slide timing
C. The text box and text both are deleted D. Both a & b
D. None of above Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
69. What is 'Motion Path' in PowerPoint?
64. Which of the following font effect is not A. A path to move items on a slide
available in PowerPoint Font dialog box? B. A path where PowerPoint file saved
A. Underline B. Shadow C. A path where PowerPoint Program installed
C. Emboss D. Strikethrough D. None of above
E. All of the above Answer: Option A
Answer: Option E
70. What is the shortcut key to start presentation
65. What happens if you edited an image from current slide?
inserted in PowerPoint? A. F5 B. Alt + F5
A. The original file that was inserted is not C. Ctrl + F5 D. Shift + F5
changed Answer: Option D
B. The original file that was inserted is changed
C. The original file is changed when you save
D. None of above
Answer: Option A

66. If you select Insert >> Picture >> From File

A. You can insert pictures and clipArts
B. You can insert clipArts only
C. You can insert pictures only
D. None of above
Answer: Option C

67. The effect applied to display when slides

changes in slide show view is
A. Slide Animation B. Custom Animation
C. Custom Transition D. Slide Transition
Answer: Option D

Courtesy: Page 345

Computer Fundamentals
PowerPoint 8. Holding down the Shift key and rotate the
image will rotate in increments of
A. 10 degrees B. 15 degrees
Section 5 C. 20 degrees D. 25 degrees
Answer: Option B
1. What is to be used to add text in Slide?
A. Text Box B. Note Box 9. PowerPoint Application allows you to
C. Text Layer D. Comment Box produce
Answer: Option A A. Animated Presentations
B. Paper Printouts of Slides
2. Which of following are not PowerPoint C. Notes for the Speaker
views? D. All of the above
A. Page View Answer: Option D
B. Print View
C. Normal View 10. What is the use of Notes in slides?
D. Outline View A. It will be displays at the time of Slide
Answer: Option A Presentation
B. This is just Note about the slide
3. What is the easiest way to place same graphic C. This is just for printing purpose only
in same place in all slides D. Notes cannot be inserted in Slides
A. Place graphic in Notes Master Answer: Option B
B. Place graphic in Slide Master 11. Which of the following is correct regarding
C. Place graphic in Handout Master the Background of slides
D. Place graphic manually in all slides A. Background color of slides can be change
Answer: Option B B. Picture can be set as Slide Background
C. Texture can be set as Slide Background
4. To add a Header/Footer in Handout D. All of the Above
A. View -> Page Setup Answer: Option D
B. View -> Header/Footer
C. View -> Handout Master 12. How to change the order of Slides in
D. None of Above Presentation?
Answer: Option C A. On Slide Sorter View, click on the Soft
5. Slide Transaction can be apply to B. On Slide Sorter View, click on the slide and
A. Current Slide B. Selected Slides drag to required position
C. All Slides D. All of the above C. On Slide Thumbnail view, click on the slide
Answer: Option D and drag to required position
D. Slides order cannot be changed once it
6. What is defined by Handout Master? created
Answer: Option B
A. Slide Formatting B. Slide Transaction
C. Layout of Handout D. Layout of Slide 13. How to create additional Guide Lines?
Answer: Option C A. by holding Ctrl key, click on existing Guide
Line and drag
7. Which of the following can be used as slide B. by holding Alt key, click on existing Guide
background? Line and drag
A. Gradient B. Texture C. by holding Ctrl + Alt key, click on existing
C. Picture D. All of the Above Guide Line and drag
Answer: Option D D. Additional Guide Lines cannot be created
Answer: Option A

Courtesy: Page 346

Computer Fundamentals
14. How to insert Tables in Slide? 20. Which is the Shortcut key to start a
A. Insert Table from Insert menu presentation from the beginning?
B. Click on Insert Table in content pane of A. F5 B. ALT + F5
blank slide C. CTRL + F5 D. SHIFT + F5
C. Option A & B Answer: Option A
D. Tables cannot be inserted in slides
Answer: Option C 21. Which is the shortcut key to jump to the first
15. What is the use of Researching Timings? slide of the presentation?
A. This option allows you to rearrange slides A. Home B. Alt + Home
B. This option allows you to set the time of C. Ctrl + Home D. Shift + Home
animations Answer: Option C
C. This option allows you to rehearsal of slide 22. To select more than one slide in the
presentation presentation
D. There is no such option in PowerPoint A. Just Click on slide
Answer: Option B B. Ctrl + Click on slide
C. Alt + Click on slide
16. How to show the same presentation D. Shift + Click on slide
continuously? Answer: Option B
A. by enabling the option “Loot continuously
until ‘Esc’” 23. To place something in the same position on
B. by enabling the option “Repeat Presentation” every slide of presentation automatically, insert
C. by enabling the option “Show same into
Presentation” A. Slide master B. Notes master
D. Presentation cannot be continue once it C. Handout master D. None of the above
finished Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
24. To edit an already inserted embedded
17. What is Custom Shows in PowerPoint? organization chart object by
A. Use the only some parts of the monitor is A. Double Click on the organization chart object
called Custom Shows B. CTRL + Click on the organization chart
B. The Presentation which can present only on object
particular date C. SHIFT + Click on the organization chart
C. Creating Presentations within a Presentation object
D. There is no option of Custom Shows D. None of the above
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

18. What is the use of 'Hide Slide' option? 25. Shortcut key to insert a hyperlink in a slide
A. to hide the selected slides during Presentation A. Ctrl + H
B. to hide the selected slides during Editing B. Ctrl + K
C. to hide the selected slides during Printing C. Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides
D. to hide the selected slides during Deleting D. None of the above
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B
26. To draw the Square box in the slide by
19. What is the shortcut key for repeat the recent selecting rectangle tool
find? A. Holding CTRL & Draw
A. CTRL + F4 B. Holding ALT & Draw
B. SHIFT + F4 C. Holding SHIFT & Draw
C. CTRL + F5 D. All of the above
D. SHIFT + F5 Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B

Courtesy: Page 347

Computer Fundamentals
27. What is the maximum zoom percentage in 35. PowerPoint design templates are stored in a
Microsoft PowerPoint? file with this extension.
A. 1 B. 2 A. .ptt B. .pot
C. 3 D. 4 C. .ppt D. .dtp
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B
28. Microsoft PowerPoint can insert objects 36. In Power Point, this is a container for text or
from the following add-ins? graphics.
A. Equation Editor B. Organization Chart A. Slide master B. Table
C. Photo Album D. All of these C. Placeholder D. Text box
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D
29. Which type of template provides a design
concept, fonts & color scheme for presentation? 37. This is the menu command used to apply a
A. Format B. Design design template in PowerPoint.
C. Content D. Normal A. Tools -> Slide Design
Answer: Option B B. Format -> Slide Design
C. Insert -> Slide Design
30. In Normal view, this tab displays the content D. Insert -> Slide Design
of each slide. Answer: Option B
A. Slides B. View
C. Sort D. Outline 38. This task pane shows the design that is
Answer: Option D currently being used in a presentation.
A. Slide Show B. Slide Style
31. Which is the menu to create a text box on a C. Slide Design D. Slide Format
slide? Answer: Option C
A. View -> Text Box B. Tools -> Text Box
C. Insert -> Text Box D. Format -> Text Box 39. The spelling dialog box can be involved by
Answer: Option C choosing spelling from ________ menu.
A. Insert B. File
32. Which is not the one of view options C. Tools D. View
provided by PowerPoint to look at and modify Answer: Option C
A. Slide Show B. Format Slide 40. Which key do you press to check spelling?
C. Slide Sorter D. Normal A. F3 B. F5
Answer: Option B C. F7 D. F9
Answer: Option C
33. In PowerPoint, when the mouse pointer 41. Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to
appears as this it indicates that the Draw Table create a simple presentation without having to
feature is on spend too much time on it?
A. Solid plus sign B. Solid arrow A. AutoContent Wizard B. Animation
C. I-beam D. Pencil C. Color Schemes D. Chart
Answer: Option D Wizard
Answer: Option A
34. Which is the menu command to recolor a
picture on a slide 42. Which PowerPoint feature adds special
A. Insert -> Picture -> Recolor effects to modify the appearance of the slides
B. Tools -> Picture -> Recolor and the timing between each slide?
C. Format -> Picture -> Recolor A. Color Schemes B. Animation
D. Edit -> Picture -> Recolor C. Transition Settings D. Handouts
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 348

Computer Fundamentals
43. Slide sorter of PowerPoint is available on 47. How can you stop a slide show?
_____ menu. A. Press the right arrow
A. Insert B. File B. Press Escape
C. View D. Edit C. Press the left arrow
Answer: Option C D. Press the down arrow
Answer: Option B
44. To print the PowerPoint presentation, press
A. Ctrl + T B. Ctrl + E 48. What do you do to start the slide show?
C. Ctrl + S D. Ctrl + P A. Click on Go
Answer: Option D B. Turn on transition
C. Click on the Slide Show icon
45. What is a slide transition? D. All of the above
A. Overheads Answer: Option C
B. Letters
C. A special effect used to introduce a slide in a 51. We can replace a font on all sides with
another font using the option:
slide show
A. Edit –> Fonts
D. The way one slide looks B. Tools –> Fonts
Answer: Option C C. Tools -> Replace Fonts
D. Format -> Replace Fonts
46. What does 'apply design template' do? Answer: Option D
A. Changes the content of the slide
B. Adds functionality to the slide 52. Which key on the keyboard can be used to
C. Changes the look of the slide without view Slide show?
changing the content A. F1 B. F2
D. None of the above C. F5 D. F10
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C
47. How can you stop a slide show? 53. Which option in PowerPoint allows you to
A. Press the right arrow create a package of your presentation for
B. Press Escape showing to another computer?
C. Press the left arrow A. Save As
D. Press the down arrow B. Save and Go
Answer: Option B C. Pack and Go
D. Web and Go
48. What do you do to start the slide show? Answer: Option C
A. Click on Go
B. Turn on transition 54. Which view in Power Point can be used to
C. Click on the Slide Show icon enter Speaker Comments?
D. All of the above A. Normal B. Slide Show
Answer: Option C C. Slide Sorter D. Notes Page view
Answer: Option D
46. What does 'apply design template' do?
A. Changes the content of the slide 55. Which option can be used to set custom
B. Adds functionality to the slide timings for slides in a presentation?
C. Changes the look of the slide without A. Slider Timings B. Slider Timer
changing the content C. Rehearsal D. Slide Show Setup
Answer: Option C
D. None of the above
Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 349

Computer Fundamentals
56. Which option can be used to create a new 62. The arrangement of elements such as Title
slide show with the current slides but presented and subtitle text, pictures, tables etc. is called:
in a different order? A. Layout B. Presentation
A. Rehearsal B. Custom Slide show C. Design D. Scheme
C. Slide Show Setup D. Slide Show View Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
63. A File which contains readymade styles that
57. Which of the following is an example for can be used for a presentation is called:
Automatic Text formatting? A. AutoStyle B. Template
A. Underlining Hyperlink C. Wizard D. Pre formatting
B. Adjusting extra space Answer: Option B
C. Replacing two – s with a hyphen
D. All of the above 64. After choosing a predefined template, which
Answer: Option D option has to be chosen to change the
background color?
58. PowerPoint can display data from which of A. Design Template B. Color Scheme
the following add-in software of MS Office? C. Animation Scheme D. Color Effects
A. Equation Editor Answer: Option B
B. Organization Chart
C. Photo Album 65. Ellipse Motion is a predefined ________
D. All of these A. Design Template B. Color Scheme
Answer: Option D C. Animation Scheme D. None of these
Answer: Option C
59. Power Point presentation is a collection of
________ 66. Animation Schemes can be applied to
A. Slides and Handouts ________ in the presentation.
B. Speaker’s notes A. All slides B. Select slides
C. Outlines C. Current Slide D. All of the above
D. All of the above Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
67. To insert new slide in the current
60. How can the slide show be repeated Presentation, we can choose:
continuously? A. Ctrl+M B. Ctrl+N
A. loop continuously until ‘Esc’ C. Ctrl+O D. Ctrl+F
B. repeat continuously Answer: Option A
C. loop more
D. none 68. To open the existing presentation, press
Answer: Option A A. Ctrl + L B. Ctrl + N
C. Ctrl + A D. Ctrl + O
61. From where can we set the timing for each Answer: Option D
A. slide show, custom transition
B. Slide show, Slide transition
C. slide show, custom animation
D. view, slide sorter
Answer: Option C

Courtesy: Page 350

Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 63
PZz_© Aa¨vq : evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ
wm‡jevm : Dbœqb cwiKíbvi †cÖwÿZ I cÂevwl©Kx, RvZxq K. ৭.৪০ % L. ৭.৩০%
M. ৬.৯০% N. ৮.২০% DËi: K
Avq-e¨q, ivR¯^ bxwZ I evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©m~wP, `vwi`ª¨
12. ২০১৫- ১৬ অথযফঙনয ফাংরানদন঱য কড় ভূরযস্নীতত তঙর - (৩৮তভ
we‡gvPb BZ¨vw`| তফত঳এ঳)
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ K. ৫.৯২ % L. ৫.৫০ %
01. মওান ফযাংও ফাংরানদন঱য দতযদ্র্তভ চননকািীনও ঋণ তদন৞ মদন঱- M. ৬.০৫ % N. ৭.২০ % DËi: K
তফনদন঱ সুনাভ লিতড়ন৞নঙ? (১৪তভ তফত঳এ঳) 13. ফাংরানদন঱য চাতী৞ আ৞ কণনা৞ মদন঱য অথযনীততনও ও৞ত বানক
K. ওৃতল ফযাংও L. গ্রাভীণ ফযাংও বাক ওযা ঴৞? (৩৮তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. ঳ভফা৞ ফযাংও N. Bmjvgx e¨vsK DËi : L K. ১৪ L. ১৫
02. ২০১৬- ১৭ অথযফঙনয অতচযত ফাংরানদন঱য অথযননতত প্রফৃতেয ঴ায M. ১২ N. ১০ DËi: L
ওত? (৩৭তভ তফত঳এ঳) 14. 2018 mv‡j cvi K¨vwcUv wRwWwc (bwgbvj) KZ? (40Zg
K. 7.24 kZvsk L. 7.05 kZvsk wewmGm)
M. 6.95 kZvsk N. 7.40 kZvsk DËi : K K. $ 1750 gvwK©b Wjvi
e¨vL¨v : A_©‣bwZK mgxÿv- 2019 Abymv‡i cÖe„w×i nvi- Ges L. $ 1751 gvwK©b Wjvi
AbywgZ cÖe„w× nvi- 8.20%| M. $ 1752 gvwK©b Wjvi
03. ECNEC –এয মঘ৞াযভযান ফা ঳বা঩তত মও? (৩৬ তভ তফত঳এ঳)
N. $ 1750 gvwK©b Wjvi DËi
K. প্রধানভন্ত্রী L. অথযভন্ত্রী
M. ঩তযওল্পনা ভন্ত্রী N. তথয ভন্ত্রী DË&i: K ‡bvU : A_©‣bwZK mgxÿv 2019 Abymv‡i gv_vwcQy Avq-
04. ঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ননয কৃ঴ীত ঩দনে঩ অনুমা৞ী ঳িভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী 1909 gvwK©b Wjvi|
঩তযওল্পনা- (৩৫তভ তফত঳এ঳) 15. 2018 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡ki wRwWwc‡Z wkíLv‡Zi Ae`vb KZ?
K. ২০১৬- ২০২০ L. ২০১৫- ২০২০ (40Zg wewmGm)
M. ২০১৩- ২০১৮ N. মওানত ই ন৞ DË&i: K K. 29.66% L. 30.66%
05. ফাংরানদ঱ উন্ন৞ন মপাযানভয ঳ভন্ব৞ওাযী মওান ঳ংস্থা? (২৫ ঑ M. 32.66% N. 33.66%^ DËi N
৩৪তভ তফত঳এ঳) e¨vL¨v : A_©‣bwZK mgxÿv 2018 Abyhvqx, wRwWwc‡Z
K. চাইওা L. মবা নযা wkíLv‡Zi Ae`vb 33.71% hv ÔNÕ Ack‡bi KvQvKvwQ|
M. তফশ্বফযাংও N. এতিতফ DËi: M 16. evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g f¨vU Pvjy nqÑÑ (40Zg wewmGm)
06. ফতযভানন ফাংরানদন঱য ফৃ঴ৎ ঳া঴ামযওাযী মদ঱ মওানত ? (২১ ঑ K. 1991 mv‡j L. 1973 mv‡j
৩১তভ তফত঳এ঳) M. 1986 mv‡j N. 1996 mv‡j DËi K
K. চা঩ান L. চাভযাতন
M. বাযত N. মুিযাে DËi: K
07. স্঩াধীন ফাংরানদন঱ ১০০ াওায মনা ওনফ প্রথভ ঘারু ওযা ঴৞? A_©bxwZi cÖviw¤¢K K_v-evZ©v
(১৬তভ তফত঳এ঳) → „Economics‟ ঱ব্দত তগ্রও ঱ব্দ „Oikonomia‟ মথনও
K. ১৬ ভাঘয ১৯৭২ L. ১৬ তিন঳ম্বয ১৯৭২ উিূত মায অথয „কৃ঴স্থারী ঩তযঘারনা‟। এরযতফে প্রদত্ত
M. ৪ ভাঘয ১৯৭২ N. ৪ চানু৞াতয ১৯৭৩ DËi: M msÁv, „অথযনীতত ভানুনলয অবায ঑ তফওল্প ফযফ঴াযমাকয
08. ভূরয ঳ংনমাচন ওয ফাংরানদন঱ ওঔন মথনও ঘারু ওযা ঴৞? (২৫তভ ঳ীতভত ঳ম্পনদয ঳ম্পওয তফল৞ও ভানফ আঘযণ তনন৞
আনরাঘনা ওনয‟।
K. ১ চুরাই, ১৯৯১ L. ১ চুরাই, ১৯৯৩
M. ১ চুরাই, ১৯৯৫ N. ১ চানু৞াতয, ১৯৯৬ DËi: K → অথযনীততয চনও অযািাভ তস্পথ। আধুতনও অথযনীততয চনও
09. মওান উৎ঳ মথনও ফাংরানদ঱ ঳যওানযয ঳নফযাি যাচস্঩ আ৞ ঴৞? ঩র স্যাভুন৞র঳ন। অথযনীততনও ঳ফযপ্রথভ রৃই বানক (ফযাতষ্টও
(২৪তভ তফত঳এ঳) ঑ ঳াভতষ্টও) বাক ওনযনঙন যযাকনায মি঱।
K. আ৞ওয L. আভদাতন ঑ যিাতন রৄল্ক → নফয ফুতন৞াদী অথযনীতত : ১৮৭০ তিস্টাব্দ মথনও ১৯১০
M. বূতভ যাচস্঩ N. ভূরয ঳ংনমাচন ওয DËi: N তিষ্টাব্দ ঩মযন্ত তওঙু তনত্ত্বয ঳ভতষ্ট ত঴ন঳নফ „নফয ফুতন৞াদী
10. ২০১৭- ১৮ অথয ফঙনয উন্ন৞ন ওভয঳ূতঘয ফয৞ ওত? (২৪তভ অথযনীতত‟ ফা „প্রাতন্তও অথযনীতত‟ কনড় উনি। ঩ুতাঁ চ অথযনীততয
তফত঳এন঳য আনরানও) তন৞ন্ত্রও ঴র ঳যওায।
K. ১৫৩,৩৩১ মওাত াওা
L. ১১০,৭০০ মওাত াওা
→ চাতী৞ ওয তদফ঳ ঩াতরত ঴৞ ১৫ই ম঳নেম্বয। ফাংরানদন঱
M. ১১২,৫০০ মওাত াওা তফক্র৞ ওনযয তফওল্প ত঴ন঳নফ ধাময ওযা ঴৞ „ভূরয ঳ংনমাচন
N. ১২৫,৩০০ মওাত াওা ওয‟।
11. ৭ভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনায মভ৞ানদ প্রততফঙয ফাংরানদন঱য কড় → A_©‣bwZK e¨e¯’v Pvi ai‡bi n‡q _v‡K| h_v-
তচতিত঩ প্রফৃতে অচযননয রেযভাো - (৩৮তভ তফত঳এ঳) K. abZvwš¿K ev cyuwRev`x
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 64
L. mgvRZvwš¿K A_©e¨e¯’v → যাত঱৞ায ঳ানফও মপ্রত঳নিন্ মমান঳প স্টযাতরন ঳ফযপ্রথভ
M. wgkÖ A_©e¨e¯’v (১৯২১ ঳ানর) উন্ন৞ননয ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা গ্র঴ণ ওনযন
N. Bmjvgx A_©e¨e¯’v ফনর তততনই „঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনায‟ প্রফতযনওয স্থান দঔর
→ 1991 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡k gy³evRvi A_©bxwZ Pvjy nq| ওনযনঙন।
→ Bail out kãwU A_©bxwZi mv‡_ RwoZ| wKQz w`b c~‡e© evsjv‡`‡ki cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvmg~n
wMÖ‡mi A_©‣bwZK msKU †`Lv w`‡j ÔBail out‟ wb‡q প্রথভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (১রা চুরাই, ১৯৭৩ –
Av‡jvPbvi †Uwej mie _vK‡Z hvq| g~jZ ‡`Dwjqvcbv ৩০ চুন, ১৯৭৮)
I A¯^”QZv cÖwZ‡iv‡a A_©‣bwZK mnvqZvi e¨vcviwU‡KB তদ্বতী৞ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (১৯৮০- ১৯৮৫)
ejv nq ÔBail out‟| তৃতী৞ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (১৯৮৫- ১৯৯০)
ঘতুথয ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (১৯৯০- ১৯৯৫)
Dbœqb cwiKíbvi †cÖwÿZ I cÂevwl©Kx ঩ঞ্চভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (১৯৯৭- ২০০২)
লি ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (২০১১- ২০১৫)
Dbœqb cwiKíbvi cÖvwZôvwbK KvVv‡gv|
→ ফাংরানদন঱ উন্ন৞ন ঩তযওল্পনায ০৪ (ঘায) ধযননয
প্রাততিাতনও ওািানভা ওাচ ওনয। মথা- ১. ঩তযওল্পনা
঳িভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা (২০১৬- ২০২০)
ওতভ঱ন, ২. চাতী৞ অথযননততও ঩তযলদ, চাতী৞ অথযননততও → ঳িভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনায প্রতত঩াদয : প্রফৃতে
঩তযলনদয তনফযা঴ী ওতভত , ৪. ভন্ত্রণার৞/তফবানকয ঩তযঘারনা ত্বযাতন্বতওযণ: প্রনতযও নাকতযনওয েভতা৞ন। ফযন৞য
উইং। রেযভাো – প্রা৞ ৩২ রাঔ মওাত াওা। মফ঱ী প্রাধান্য ঩ানফ-
স্঩াস্থয ঔাত।
→ ঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ন (Planning Commission):
ফাংরানদন঱ ঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ননয মঘ৞াযভযান „প্রধানভন্ত্রী‟।
঳িভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনায রেয ঑ উনেে
cwiKíbv Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb‡K wb‡qvM †`b ivóªcwZ|
তচতিত঩ প্রফৃতে ৮ ঱তাং঱ উন্নীতওযণ, দাতযদ্র্য দূযীওযণ,
঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ন অফতস্থত „ম঱নয ফাংরা নকনয‟।
ভানফ঳ম্পদ উন্ন৞ন, তফরৃযত জ্বারাতন ঑ ঔাদয তনযা঩ত্তা তনতিতওযণ
ফাংরানদ঱ ঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ন কতিত ঴৞ ১৯৭২ ঳ানর।
এফং ফাংরানদ঱নও ভধযভ আন৞য মদন঱ উন্নীতওযণ। ততনত ধান঩
঳ংতফধাননয ১৫ নং অনুনিনদ যােনও উ঩মুযি উন্ন৞ন
এ ঳িভ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা ফাস্তফা৞ন ওযায ত঳োন্ত কৃ঴ীত
঩তযওল্পনা প্রণ৞ননয ভাধযনভ চনকনণয মভৌতরও ঘাত঴দা ঩ূযণ
঴৞। ঩তযওল্পনা ফাস্তফা৞ন রৄরুয প্রথভ ধা঩ চুরাই, ২০১৫ –
তথা উন্নততয চীফনমাো তনতিতওযনণয দাত৞ত্ব মদ৞া
তিন঳ম্বয, ২০১৫ ঩মযন্ত. তদ্বতী৞ ধা঩ ২০১৬- ২০১৮ ঩মযন্ত এফং
ম঱ল ফা ঘূড়ান্ত ধা঩ ২০১৮- ২০২১ ঳ার ঩মযন্ত।
→ চাতী৞ অথযননততও ঩তযলদ (National Economic
Council-NEC): এ ঩তযলদ ওতৃযও প্রণীত রেয ঑ উনেে → তদ্ব ফাতলযও ঩তযওল্পনা : ফাংরানদন঱য উন্ন৞ন ঩তযওল্পনায
অনুমা৞ী ঳াধাযণত তফতবন্ন ঳দস্য ভন্ত্রণার৞ ঑ তফবাক তানদয ভানছ এওত তদ্ব- ফাতলযও ঩তযওল্পনা঑ মন঑৞া ঴ন৞তঙর।
তনচ তনচ ঩তযওল্পনা ঑ ওভয঳ূতঘ প্রণ৞ন ওনয। ভতন্ত্র঩তযলনদয ১৯৭৮- ১৯৮০ মভ৞ানদ এ ঩তযওল্পনাত কৃ঴ীত ঴৞।
঳ওর ঳দস্য এ ঩তযলনদয ঳দস্য থানওন। প্রধানভন্ত্রী তথা → ফাংরানদন঱ প্রথভ মমৌথ অথযননততও ওতভ঱ন কতিত ঴৞ ১৯৮২
঳যওায প্রধান ঩তযলনদয ঳বা৞ ঳বা঩ততত্ব ওনযন। ঳ানর। ফতযভানন ফাংরানদন঱য ঳ানথ মমৌথ অথযননততও ওতভ঱ন
→ চাতী৞ অথযননততও ঩তযলনদয তনফযা঴ী ওতভত (The যন৞নঙ ১৭ ত মদ঱ ঑ ১ ত ঳ংস্থায ঳ানথ। (঩তযফতযন ঴নফ
Executive Committee of the National ঳ভন৞য ঳ানথ)
Economic Council –ECNEC): চাতী৞ অথযননততও
ফাংরানদ঱ উন্ন৞ন মপাযাভ (BDF) :
঩তযলদ তনফযা঴ী ওতভত (ECNEC) ভতন্ত্র঩তযলদ তফবানকয
ত঳োনন্ত চাতী৞ অথযননততও ঩তযলনদয তনফযা঴ী ওতভত কিন
 কতিত ঴৞ ১৯৭৪ ঳ানর। Gi c~e©bvg wQj Ôc¨vwim
ওািানভা ঑ ওামযাফতর তনরূ঩ণ ওযা ঴৞। এই প্রস্তানফয পনর এ Kb‡mvwU©qvg MÖæc| এত eZ©gv‡b ফাংরানদন঱য
঳ম্পতওযত ঩ূফফ
য তী ঳ওর আনদ঱ ফাততর ঴ন৞ মা৞। ১৯৮২ ‘এইি ওনন঳াত য৞াভ’ নানভ ঩তযতঘত।
঳ানর অথয ঑ ঩তযওল্পনাভন্ত্রীনও আহ্বা৞ও ওনয এ ওতভত  ফাংরানদন঱ ২০০৩ ঳ার মথনও উন্ন৞ন মপাযানভয বফিও
কতিত ঴৞। অনুতিত ঴নি। ফাংরানদন঱য প্রধান ঳ভন্ব৞ওাযী ঳ংস্থা
Dbœqb cwiKíbv  বফনদত঱ও ঳া঴ানময ঱ীলয মদ঱ – চা঩ান।
→ ফাংরানদন঱ ঩ঞ্চফাতলযওী ঩তযওল্পনা প্রণ৞ন ওনয „ফাংরানদ঱  ফাংরানদন঱ বফনদত঱ও ঳া঴ানময (Soft Loan) ঱ীনলয
঩তযওল্পনা ওতভ঱ন‟। ফাংরানদন঱ এ মাফত মভা ১০ ত আইতিএ। চা঩াননয বফনদত঱ও ফাতণচয ঳ংস্থায নাভ
উন্ন৞ন ঩তযওল্পনা মন৞া ঴ন৞নঙ। তন্মনধয ৭ ত ঩ঞ্চফাতলযও ‘চাইওা’। IBRD ‡K ejv nq ÔHard Loan
঩তযওল্পনা, ২ ত দাতযদ্র্য তফনভাঘন মওৌ঱র঩ে এফং ১ ত তদ্ব- Window‟.
ফাতলযও উন্ন৞ন ঩তযওল্পনা।
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 65
RvZxq Avq-e¨q ev‡RU- 2019-20
চাতী৞ আ৞ (National Income) KZZg ev‡RU? 49Zg
→ RvZxq Avq cÖKv‡ki wewfbœ gva¨g- ‡NvlYv K‡ib Av n g gy¯Ídv Kvgvj
‡gvU RvZxq Drcv`b (GNP) ev‡RU †ck nq 13 Ryb, 2019
bxU RvZxq Drcv`b (NNP) ev‡RU cvm nq 30 Ryb, 2019
‡gvU †`kR Drcv`b (GDP) Kvh©Ki nq 01 RyjvB, 2019
→ এও ফঙনয এওত মদন঱ উৎ঩াতদত ঳ওর দ্র্ফয঳াভগ্রী ঑ ম঳ফা ev‡R‡Ui AvKvi 523,190 ‡KvwU UvKv
(wRwWwci 18.13%)
ওানমযয অতথযও ভূরযনওই চাতী৞ আ৞ ত঴ন঳নফ অতবত঴ত ওযা ঴৞।
মদন঱য উৎ঩াতদত দ্র্ফয঳ভূ঴ ঑ তফনদন঱ অফস্থানযত মদ঱ী৞
‡gvU Avq 381,978 †KvwU UvKv
নাকতযওনদয অতচযত আ৞ চাতী৞ আন৞য অন্তবুযি। অথযাৎ, GDP
ivR¯^ Avq 377,810 †KvwU UvKv
঑ GNP উব৞ই চাতী৞ আন৞য আ঑তাবুি। GwWwc 2,02,721 †KvwU UvKv
→ GDP – Gross Domestic Product অথযাৎ মদন঱য মবতনয g~jùxwZi jÿ¨gvÎv 5.5%
মদ঱ী৞ ফা তফনদত঱ নাকতযও ওতৃযও উৎ঩াতদত মভা উৎ঩াদনই AbywgZ cÖe„w× 8.2%
GDP ফনর ঩তযতঘত। অথযননততও ঳ভীো 2019 অনু঳ানয m‡ev©”P LvZ RbcÖkvmb (18.50% kZvsk)
ফাংরানদন঱য GDP এয ভুঔয ঔাত ম঳ফা ঔাত Gi Ae`vb 51.26
kZvsk| এঙাড়া঑ ওৃতল ঔাত, ত঱ল্প ঔাত Gi Ae`vb h_vµ‡g 13.60 wKQz A_©‣bwZK cwifvlv
kZvsk Ges 35.14 kZvsk। ফতযভানন ফাংরানদন঱ ভাথাত঩ঙু আন৞য
ফানচন য নাভ ঳ংজ্ঞা
঩তযভাণ ঴র 1909 ভাতওযন িরায। wRwWwc‡Z K…wli Ae`vb µgk
(Revenue Budget) যাচস্঩ ঔানতয ফযন৞য ত঴঳াফনও যাচস্঩
n«vmgvb Ges wk‡íi Ae`vb evo‡Q|
যাচস্঩ ফানচ ফানচ ফনর।
→ GNP এয ঩ূণযরূ঩ ঴নরা Gross National Product অথযাৎ (Development উন্ন৞ন ঔানতয ফযন৞য ত঴঳াফনও উন্ন৞ন
মদন঱য মবতনয ফা ফাত঴নয মদ঱ী৞ নাকতযও ওতৃযও উৎ঩াতদত Budget) উন্ন৞ন ফানচ ফরা ঴৞।
মভা উৎ঩াদনই ঴র GNP। মঔন আভদাতন ফয৞ ঑ যিাতন ফানচ
আ৞ ঩যস্ধয ঳ভান ঴৞ তঔন GDP ঑ GNP এওই ঴৞। (Surplus Budget) যাচস্঩ ঔানতয আ৞- ফযন৞য ত঴঳াফনও
উদ্বৃত্ত ফানচ উন্ন৞ন ফানচ ফনর।
→ মওান মদন঱য মভা চাতী৞ আ৞নও ঐ মদন঱য মভা চন঳ংঔযা
(Deficit Budget) ফয৞ মফত঱ এফং আ৞ ওভ ঴নর তানও খা তত
তদন৞ বাক ওযনর মম পরাপর ঩া঑৞া মা৞, তাই ঐ মদন঱য
খা তত ফানচ ফানচ ফনর।
ভাথাত঩ঙু আ৞। মওান মদন঱য চননকািীয চীফন- মা঩ন ভান (Supplementary আতথযও ফঙনযয ম঱নল ঳ম্পূযও ফানচ ওযা
঑ অথযননততও অফস্থা চানায মেনে ভাথাত঩ঙু আ৞ Budget) ঴৞। অথয ফঙনযয ম঱নল ভূর ফানচন য
থানভযাতভ ায ত঴ন঳নফ ওাচ ওনয। মভা আ৞ = Y, মভা ঳ম্পূযও ফানচ তুরনা৞ আ৞ ফযন৞য মেনে মম ফানচ ওযা
চন঳ংঔযা = P ঴নর ভাথাত঩ঙু কড় আ৞ = Y/P। ঴৞ তানও ঳ম্পূযও ফানচ ফনর।
→ miKvwi Av‡qi Drmmg~n- AveMvwi I ïé, g~j¨
ms‡hvRb Ki, evwYR¨ ïé, AvqKi, ÷¨v¤ú, f~wg ivR¯^bxwZ I evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©m~wP
ivR¯^, miKvix e¨vsK I exgv cÖwZôvb, †iwR‡÷ªkb, ivR¯^bxwZ
wewfbœ ai‡bi my`, ivóªvqË wkí BZ¨vw`| → যাচনস্঩য ঳ানথ প্রতযে ঑ ঩নযাে রৃ ধযননয ওয অন্তবূি
য থানও।
→ miKv‡ii e¨q `yB cÖKv‡ii n‡q _v‡K| K. Dbœqb e¨q ফাংরানদ঱ ঳যওানযয আন৞য ত঳ং঴বাকই আন঳ তফতবন্ন ধযননয
(†hgb-ADP) Ges L. Abybœqb e¨q| ওয মথনও। ঳ফনঘন৞ মফ঱ী আ৞ ঴৞ ঩নযাে ওয মথনও। এনেনে
Value Added Tax ফা VAT এয বূতভওা অগ্রকণয। ঩নযাে
→ ADP Gi AšÍM©Z LvZmg~n- wkí, we`y¨r, cjøx Dbœqb, এ ওযত ১৯৯১ ঳ানরয ১রা চুরাই মথনও ঘারু ঴৞ মা ১৫%
†hvMv‡hvM, ¯^v¯’¨, RbmsL¨v, wkÿv, cwienb cÖf…wZ| ঴ানয ধাময ওযা ঴৞। VAT ev g~j¨ ms‡hvRb Ki (g~mK) w`em
cvwjZ nq 10 wW‡m¤^i|
RvZxq ev‡RU → প্রতযে ওয : প্রতযে ওয ঴নরা নাকতযনওয আ৞ ঑ ঳ম্পনদয
→ ফানচ – তনতদযষ্ট অথযফঙনযয ঳ম্ভাফয ঳যওাতয আ৞- ফযন৞য আদা৞ওৃত ঳যওানযয যাচস্঩। মমভন- AvqKi I f~wgKi|
ত঴঳াফ–তনওা঱নওই ফানচ নানভ অতবত঴ত ওযা ঴৞। → ঩নযাে ওয : ঩নযাে ওয ঴নরা ঩ণয ঑ ম঳ফা উৎ঩াদন ঑
→ ১৮৬১ ঳ানর রিয ওযাতনং উ঩ভ঴ানদন঱ প্রথভ ফানচ মখালণা তফক্র৞, আভদানী ঑ যিাতন এফং অবযন্তযীণ ফযফ঳া- ফাতণনচযয
ওনযন এফং স্঩াধীন ফাংরানদন঱ তাচউতেন আ঴নভদ প্রথভ ফানচ উ঩য আনযা঩ ওযা ওয। মমভন- g~j¨ ms‡hvRb Ki,
মখালণা ওনযন। AveMvwi ïé।
→ এঔন ঩মযন্ত ঳ানফও অথযভন্ত্রী ঳াইপুয য঴ভান Ges Aveyj gvj Ave`yj → AvqKi : †Kvb e¨w³ ev cÖwZôv‡bi Dci avh©K…Z Ki‡K
gywnZ ‡h․_fv‡e ঳ফযাতধও ফানচ (12wU K‡i) মখালণাওাযী wn‡m‡e ejv nq AvqKi| AvqKi cÖ`v‡b e¨_© Ki`vZv‡K †Ljvcx
ঔযাত। Ki`vZv ejv nq|
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 66
→ ‡`‡ki cÖ_g Ki b¨vqcvj LvBiæ¾vgvb †P․ayix| 2006 Strategy Paper গ্র঴ণ ওনযতঙর মা এয তবতত্ত স্঩রূ঩ ওাচ
mv‡j wZwb `vwqZ¡ MönY K‡ib| ওনযনঙ।
→ চাতী৞ যাচস্঩ মফািয : চাতী৞ যাচস্঩ মফািয ফা NBR ওয → ফ৞স্ক বাতা ঘারু ঴৞ ১৯৯৮ ঳ানর।
আদান৞য দাত৞নত্ব তনন৞াতচত। RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© MwVZ → ফাংরানদন঱ ভঙ্গা মদঔা মা৞ বাদ্র্- আতশ্বন- ওাততযও ভান঳।
nq 1972 mv‡j| চাতী৞ আ৞ওয তদফ঳ ঩াতরত ঴৞ ১৫ই → গ্রাভীণ ভানুনলয ওরযানণ ঳ভাচন঳ফা অতধদিয ঩তযঘাতরত
ম঳নেম্বয। NBR Gi cÖav‡bi c`ex †Pqvig¨vb| ওভয঳ূতঘয নাভ আযএ঳এ঳।
→ ওয তদফ঳ ৩০ ননবম্বয (আ৞ওয চভা দাননয ম঱ল তদন) মাযা → mvgvwRK wbivcËv †eóbx : Lv`¨ kw³ MÖnY c×wZ,
ওয প্রদান ওনযন তানদযনও TIN ফা „Taxpayers cÖZ¨ÿ K¨vjwi MÖnY c×wZ Gi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ cwigvc
Identification Number‟ প্রদান ওযা ঴৞। ত঱নল্প উৎ঳াত঴ত Kiv nq| †h e¨w³ cÖwZw`b 1805 wK‡jvK¨vjwi Gi
ওযনত ঳যওায ঳াভত৞ওবানফ যাক্স ভ঑লিপ ওনয঑ থানও মা wb‡P Lv`¨ MÖnY K‡i Zvu‡K e‡j Hardcore Poverty
“ যাক্স ঴তরনি” নানভ ঩তযতঘত। ev nZ`wi`ª| wek^e¨vs‡Ki g‡Z, hv‡`i •`wbK Avq
→ 2012 mv‡ji 26‡k †g Ki cwi‡kv‡ai AbjvBbwfwËK 1.90 Wjvi ev 148 UvKv Gi Kg Zv‡`i‡K ejv nq
B-‡c‡g›U ev B‡j±ªwbK †c‡g›U c×wZ Pvjy nq| nZ`wi`ª| `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb I cjøx Dbœq‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
→ 2013 mv‡j eTIN ev electronic Tax f~wgKv cvjb Kivi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k wmiWvc cyi¯‥vi jvf
Identification Number Pvjy nq| K‡i 2013 mv‡j| mvgvwRK wbivcËv †eóbxi Kg©m~wPi
→ 2017 mv‡j cÖeZ©b Kiv nq Ôki evnv`yi cwieviÕ| AvIZvq bM` A_© mnvqZv Kvh©µg-
→ RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© A_© gš¿Yvj‡qi Af¨šÍixY m¤ú` K. bM` A_© mnvqZv cÖ`vb
wefv‡Mi (IRD) AšÍM©Z| - eq¯‥fvZv Kg©m~wP (1998)
→ Ki wefvM A_© gš¿Yv‡qi Aaxb GKwU cÖwZôvb| - `wi`ª gv‡qi Rb¨ gvZ…Kvjxb fvZv
ভূরযস্নীতত ফরনত মফাছা৞ ঳াধাযণ দাভ স্তয ফৃতে - gyw³‡hv×v m¤§vbx fvZv
঳াভত৞ওবানফ ভুদ্র্াস্নীতত ফন্ধ ওযা ভুদ্র্ায ঳যফযা঴ তন৞ন্ত্রণ ওনয - weaev I ¯^vgx cwiZ¨v³v `y¯’ gwnjv fvZv
মা৞ - knx` cwievi I hy×vnZ gyw³‡hv×v‡`i wPwKrmv I m¤§vbx
ভূরযস্নীততয ওাযণ ভুদ্র্ায ঳যফযা঴ ফৃতে তওন্তু চাতী৞ - gyw³‡hv×v I Zv‡`i †cvl¨‡`i Rb¨ cÖwkÿY I
উৎ঩াদন হ্রা঳ AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡b ÿz`ªFY
ভুদ্র্া নীতত ঴নরা মম নীততয ঳া঴ানময অনথযয - Kg©Rxex j¨vK‡UwUs gv`vi mnvqZv
মমাকান তন৞ন্ত্রণ ওযা ঴৞। - cÖwZeÜx †mev I mvnvh¨ †K›`ª (Iqvb ÷c mvwf©m)
ফাংরানদন঱ ধাতফ ভুদ্র্া ঘারু ঴৞ ৪ চানু৞াতয, ১৯৭৩ ঳ানর - A¯^”Qj cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ fvZv I wkÿv
ফাংরানদন঱য ১ ঑ ২ াওায অথয঳তঘনফয - ‡e‡` I AbMÖmi Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb
মনান স্঩ােয থানও - GwZg wkï‡`i †LvivwK
উ঩ভ঴ানদন঱ প্রথভ ওাকনচয ভুদ্র্া ১৮৫৭ ঳ানর - wnRov Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb
ঘারু ঴৞
ফাংরানদন঱য ত঳তওউতযত তপ্রতন্ ং কাচী঩ুয L. Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Kg©m~wPi AvIZvq Pjgvb Kg©m~wP
মপ্র঳ অফতস্থত  Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ (KvweLv)- 1974 mv‡j Pvjy nq|
ফাংরানদন঱ ১০০০ াওা ২৭ অনটাফয, ২০০৮  I‡cb gv‡K©U †mj (IGgwm)
ভূ্রযভাননয মনা ঘারু ঴ন৞নঙ  Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q UvKv (KvweUv)
ফাংরানদন঱ ১০০ াওায মনা ৪ ভাঘয, ১৯৭২  Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF)
প্রথভ ঘারু ওযা ঴৞  MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv iÿYv‡eÿY
 Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)
`vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb Kg©m~wP  AwZ `vwi‡`ª¨i Rb¨ Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©m~wP
→ দাতযদ্র্য তফনভাঘন মওৌ঱র঩ে (PRSP): ফাংরানদ঱ ঳যওায ঑
M. mvgvwRK wbivcËv †eóbxi AvIZvq cÖKí
তফতবন্ন এনতচ঑গুনরা নানা ওরযাণভূঔী ঩দনে঩ গ্র঴নণয
ভাধযনভ মদন঱য দাতযদয- হ্রান঳য আপ্রাণ মঘষ্টা ওনয মানি।
↔ GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi- cÖKí Pvjy nq 1998 mv‡j|
এই ধাযাফাত঴ওতা৞ ঳যওায রৃ’ফায PRSP ফা „Poverty ↔ M„nvqb Znwej
Reduction Strategy Paper‟ গ্র঴ণ ওনযতঙর। প্রথভ ফা ↔ Pi RxweKvqb Kg©m~wP (2q ch©vq)
PRSP–I এয মভ৞াদ তঙর চুরাই ২০০৬ মথনও চুন ২০০৮ ↔ AvkÖqb- 2 (`vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb I cybe©vmb) cÖKí
এফং তদ্বতী৞ ফা PRSP–II এয মভ৞াদওার তঙর চুরাই
২০১০ মথনও চুন ২০১২ ঳ার ঩মযন্ত। PRSP গ্র঴নণয ঩ূনফয
঳যওায তফন঱লজ্ঞনদয ঩যাভন঱য ঩যীোভূরওবানফ ২০০৩
঳ানর এওফায IPRSP- Interim Poverty Reduction
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 67
cÂg Aa¨vq : evsjv‡`‡ki wkí I evwYR¨
evsjv‡`‡ki wkí I evwYR¨ : wkí Drcv`b, cY¨ Avg`vwb I ißvwbKiY, Mv‡g©›Um wkí I Gi mvwe©K e¨e¯’vcbv, •e‡`wkK †jb-
‡`b, A_© †cÖiY, e¨vsK I exgv e¨e¯’vcbv|
01. Alliance ‡h †`kwfwËK Mv‡g©›Um eª¨vÛ¸‡jvi msMVbÑÑ 14. তচ৞া (ফতযভান নাভ আরৄকঞ্জ পাত যরাইচায এন্ি মওতভওযার
(40Zg wewmGm) ইন্িাতেচ) ঳ায ওাযঔানা৞ উৎ঩াতদত ঳ানযয নাভ তও? (১৬তভ ঑
K. hy³iv‡R¨i L. hy³iv‡óªi DËi L ২৪তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. KvbvWvi N. BD‡ivcxq BDwbq‡bi K. দস্তা L. ত এ঳ত঩
02. 2018 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡ki wRwWwc‡Z wkíLv‡Zi Ae`vb KZ? M. তচ঩঳াভ N. ইউতয৞া DËi-N
(40Zg wewmGm) 15. ফাকদা তঘংতড় মওান দ঱ও মথনও যিানী ঩ন্য ত঴ন঳নফ স্থান ওনয মন৞?
K. 29.66% L. 30.66% (৩৫তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. 32.66% N. 33.66%^ DËi N K. ঩ঞ্চা঱ দ঱ও L. লা দ঱ও
03. ঒লধ নীততয প্রধান উনেে ঴নরা – (১১তভ তফত঳এ঳) M. ঳ত্তয দ঱ও N. আত঱য দ঱ও DËi-N
K. ঒লধ ত঱নল্পয মদ঱ী৞ ওাাঁঘাভানরয ফযফ঴ায তনতিত ওযা 16. তফশ্ব ফাচানয ফাংরানদন঱য ব্পযাও মফঙ্গর ঙাকনরয ঘাভড়া ওী নানভ
L. অপ্রন৞াচনী৞ এফং েততওয ঒লধ প্রস্তুত ফন্ধ ওযা ঩তযতঘত? (৩৫তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. ঑লুধ ত঱নল্পয মদ঱ী৞ ত঱ল্প঩ততনদয অগ্রাতধওায DËi- L K. লিতষ্ট৞া মগ্রি L. ঘু৞ািাঙ্গা মগ্রি
N. তফনদ঱ী ত঱ল্প঩ততনদয মদ঱ী৞ ওাাঁঘাভার ফযফ঴ায ওযনত ফাধয ওযা M. তছনাইদ঴ মগ্রি N. মভন঴য঩ুয মগ্রি DËi-N
04. ইউতয৞া ঳ানযয ওাাঁঘাভার – (১১তভ তফত঳এ঳) 17. ভাতওযন িরানয 2004-05 অথযফঙনয ফাংরানদন঱য যিাতন আ৞ প্রা৞-
(২৪তভ তফত঳এ঳)
K. অ঩তযন঱াতধত মতর L. অযানভাতন৞া
M. তভনথন কযা঳ N. তক্লংওায DËi-M K. ২২.৮৪ তফতর৞ন ভাতওযন িরায
05. ঴তয঩ুয মতরনেে আতফষ্কৃত ঴৞ ওনফ? (১১তভ তফত঳এ঳) L. ২৬.৫৬ ভাতওযন িরায
K. ১৯৮৫ ঳ানর L. ১৯৮৬ ঳ানর M. ৩১.২৯ ভাতওযন িরায
M. ১৯৮৭ ঳ানর N. ১৯৮৪ ঳ানর DËi-L N. ২৫.৩৮ ভাতওযন িরায DËi : me©‡kl Z_¨ Rvbyb
06. উ঩কূর ঴নত ফাংরানদন঱য অথযননততও ঳ভুদ্র্঳ীভা ওত? (১১তভ 18. 2018 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡ki †gvU ißvbx Avq KZ? (40Zg wewmGm)
তফত঳এ঳) K. 40 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjvi
K. ২২৫ নত ওযার ভাইর L. ২০০ নত ওযার ভাইর L. 41 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjvi
M. ২৫০ নত ওযার ভাইর N. ১০ নত ওযার ভাইর DËi-L M. 42 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjvi
07. ফাংরানদন঱ উন্নত ভাননয ও৞রায ঳ন্ধান ঩া঑৞া মকনঙ মওাথা৞? N. 43 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjvi DËi L
( ১২তভ তফত঳এ঳) 19. মদন঱য যিাতন আন৞ ঘাভড়ায অফস্থান ওত? (১৯তভ তফত঳এ঳)
K. চাভারকনঞ্জ L. চতওকনঞ্জ K. ১ভ L. ২৞
M. তফচ৞঩ুনয N. যানীকনঞ্জ DËi-K M. ৩৞ N. ৪থয DËi-M
08. ঘন্দ্রনখানা ওাকচ ওনরয প্রধান ওাাঁঘাভার তও? (১৪তভ তফত঳এ঳) 20. বততয ম঩া঱াও মথনও ফাংরানদন঱য যিাতন আন৞য ঱তওযা ওত বাক
K. আনঔয মঙাফড়া L. ফাাঁ঱ আন঳? (১৮তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. চারুর কাঙ N. নর- ঔাকড়া DËi-L K. প্রা৞ ৫০ বাক L. প্রা৞ ৫৫ বাক
09. ফাংরানদন঱য বততয চা঴াচ „মস্টরা মভতয঳‟ যিাতন ঴ন৞নঙ – (৩৭তভ M. প্রা৞ ৬০ বাক N. প্রা৞ ৮০ বাক DËi-N
তফত঳এ঳) 21. ফাংরানদন঱ প্রথভ ইত঩নচি স্থাত঩ত ঴৞ মওাথা৞? (২০তভ তফত঳এ঳)
K. মিনভানওয L. তপনরযানন্ি K. ঳াবানয L. ঘট্টগ্রানভ
M. নয঑ন৞নত N. সুইনিনন DËi-K M. ভংরা৞ N. ঈশ্বযদীনত DËi-L
10. মদন঱য প্রথভ ঒লধ ঩াওয মওাথা৞ স্থাত঩ত ঴৞? 22. ফাংরানদন঱য বফনদত঱ও ভুদ্র্া অচযনওাযী প্রধান ঩ণয/ঔাত/ত঱ল্প
K. কচাতয৞া L. কাচী঩ুয মওানত ? (২১, ২২, ২৩ ঑ ৩৩ তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. ঳াবায খ. বারুওা DËi-K K. বততয ম঩া঱াও L. ঩া ঑ ঩া চাত ঩ন্য
11. মদন঱য প্রধান চা঴াচ তনভযাণ ওাযঔানা মওাথা৞ অফতস্থত? (১৪তভ M.ত঴ভাত৞ত তঘংতড় N. ঘা DËi-K
তফত঳এ঳) 23. তননতরতঔত মওান মদ঱ মথনও ফাংরানদ঱ ঳ফনঘন৞ মফ঱ী ঳া঴াময ঩া৞?
K. নাযা৞ণকঞ্জ L. ঘট্টগ্রাভ (৩১তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. ঔুরনা N. ঘাাঁদ঩ুয DËi-M K. ভাতওযন মুিযাে L. চা঩ান
12. ন্যাঘাযার কযা঳ পাত যরাইচায পযাটতয তরেঃ এয উৎ঩াতদত ঳ায নাভ M. দতেণ মওাতয৞া N. চাভযাতন DËi-L
মওানত ? (৩৫তভ তফত঳এ঳) 24. মওান ফযাংও ফাংরানদন঱য দতযদ্র্তভ চননকািীনও ঋণ তদন৞ মদন঱ ঑
K. ইউতয৞া এফং এএ঳ত঳ L. ত এ঳ত঩ এফং এএ঳ত঳ তফনদন঱ সুনাভ লিতড়ন৞নঙ? (১৪তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. ইউতয৞া N. তিএত঩ DËi-K K. ওৃতল ফযাংও L. গ্রাভীণ ফযাংও
13. মখাড়া঱ার ঳ায ওাযঔানা৞ উৎ঩াতদত ঳ানযয নাভ wK? (14Zg wewmGm) M. ঳ভফা৞ ফযাংও N. ই঳রাভী ফযাংও DËi-L
K. দস্তা L. ত এ঳ত঩ 25. ওভয঳ংস্থান ফযাংও ওত ঳ানর প্রতততিত ঴৞? (২৭তভ তফত঳এ঳)
M. তচ঩঳াভ N. ইউতয৞া DËi-N K. ১৯৯৫ ঳ার L. ১৯৯৬ ঳ার
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 68
M. ১৯৯8 ঳ার N. ২০০১ ঳ার DËi-M KvMR evsjv‡`‡ki KvMRKj¸‡jvi g‡a¨ cÖ_g I e„nËg
26. ফাংরানদন঱ প্রথভ যতঙ্গন ম তরতব঱ন ওনফ ঘারু ঴৞? Kj KvMR Kj KY©dzjx KvMRKj (1953)| KvMR
K. ১রা তিন঳ম্বয, ১৯৮০ ঳ার •Zwii cÖavb Dcv`vb meyR cvU, †eZ, evuk, KvV,
L. ১রা ননবম্বয, ১৯৮০ ঳ার ivmvqwbK `ªe¨ cÖf…wZ| KY©dzjx †ccvm© wgj Aew¯’Z-
M. ১রা চানু৞াতয, ১৯৮১ ঳ার P›`ª‡Nvbv, ivOvgvwU| Lyjbv nvW©‡evW© wg‡ji KvuPvgvj-
N. ১রা চানু৞াতয, ১৯৭৯ ঳ার DËi-K my›`ie‡bi my›`ix KvV, KY©dyjx KvMRK‡ji KvuPvgvj-
27. ফাংরানদন঱য বূ- উ঩গ্র঴ মওনন্দ্রয ঳ংঔযা ওতত ? (১৫তভ তফত঳এ঳) big KvV I evuk, emyÜiv KvMRK‡ji KvuPvgvj-
K. এও L. রৃই Avg`vwbK…Z gÐ Ges DËie½ KvMRK‡ji KvuPvgvj-
M. ততন N. ঘায DËi-N Av‡Li †Qveov|
28. ফাংরানদন঱ ঳ফযপ্রথভ ম তরনপান ফযফস্থা ওনফ ঘারু ঴৞? (২৬তভ Jla me‡P‡q †ewk Ilya ißvwb K‡i ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ| miKvwi
তফত঳এ঳) wkí WªvM †Uw÷s j¨ve‡iUwii msL¨v 02wU| c¨viv A¨vwg‡bv
K. ৪ চানু৞াতয ১৯৯০ L. ৩ মপব্রু৞াতয ১৯৯০ †dbj n‡jv c¨vivwmUvgj wmivc •Zwii cÖavb
M. ৩ ভাঘয, ১৯৯০ N. ৪ চানু৞াতয, ১৯৯১ DËi- K Dcv`vb| †`‡ki cÖ_g Jla cvK© •Zwi Kiv nq
29. ভ঴াঔারী ফ্লাই঑বানয ও৞ত স্ধযান আনঙ? (২৬তভ তফত঳এ঳) gywÝM‡Äi MRvwiqvq| hy³iv‡óª Jlya ißvwbKviK
K. 17 L. 18 cÖwZôvb Ô‡ew·g‡Kv dvg©vwmDwUK¨vjmÕ| jÛ‡bi ÷K
M. 19 N. 21 DËi- M gv‡K©‡U ZvwjKvfy³ †Kv¤úvwb GwU|
30. ফাংরানদন঱য ফৃ঴ত্তভ স্থর ফদয মওানত ? (২৪তভ তফত঳এ঳) RvnvR e„nËg RvnvR wbg©vY I †givgZ KviLvbv Lyjbv
K. †mvbv gmwR` L. PÆMÖvg wbgv©Y wkcBqvW©, †÷jv †gwim wbg©vZv cÖwZôv‡bi Avb›`
M. †ebv‡cvj N. wnwj DËi : M wkí wkcBqvW© (bvivqYMÄ)| evsjv‡`k †_‡K †÷jv
31. ফঙ্গফন্ধু ম঳তুয ত঩রায ঳ংঔযা ও৞ত ? (২১তভ তফত঳এ঳) †gwim RvnvR ‡Wbgv‡K© ißvwb Kiv nq|
K. 75wU L. 59wU Pvgov evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g U¨vbvwi ¯’vwcZ nq bvivqYM‡Ä
M. 48wU N. 50wU DËi : N wkí (1950)| bvivqYMÄ †_‡K U¨vbvwi KviLvbv XvKvi
32. ফাংরানদ঱ মযর঑ন৞য ঳ফযফৃ঴ৎ ওাযঔানা মওাথা৞? (৩২তভ তফত঳এ঳) nvRvwiev‡M Avbv nq 3 A‡±vei, 1951| nvRvixevM
K. PÆMÖvg L. cvKkx †_‡K U¨vbvix 66 eQi ¯’vbvšÍwiZ nq mvfv‡ii Pvgov
M. AvLvDov N. ‣mq`cyi DËi : N wkí bMix‡Z| cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv Pvgov I
33. মযর঩নথ ঢাওা মথনও ঔুরনায দূযত্ব ওত? (৩১তভ তফত঳এ঳) PvgovRvZ cY¨ Ô‡cÖvWv± Ae w` BqviÕ †NvlYv K‡ib 1
K. 627 wK.wg. L. 529 wK.wg. Rvbyqvwi, 2017| Pvgov I PvgovRvZ cY¨
M. 412 wK. wg. N. 312 wK.wg. DËi : M evsjv‡`‡ki ÑÑÑÑÑ cÖavb ißvwbKviK cY¨|
34. ফাংরানদ঱ ঳ফযাতধও ঩তযভাণ অনথযয ঩ণয আভদাতন ওনয মওান মদ঱ cvU evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g meyR cvU e¨envi K‡i KvM‡Ri
মথনও? (৩৮তভ তফত঳এ঳) wkí gÐ •Zwii cÖhyw³ D™¢vweZ nq| evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g
K. fviZ L. Pxb cvUKj ¯’vcb Kiv nq 1951 mv‡j| RyU‡b cv‡Ui
M. hy³ivóª N. hy³ivR¨ DËi : L cwigvY 70% Ges Kvc‡oi cwigvY 30%| W.
35. ফাংরানদন঱য অন্যতভ তফন঱লাত৞ত ফযাংও (৩৮তভ তফত঳এ঳) †gvnv¤§` wmwÏKzjøvn RyUb Avwe®‥vi K‡ib| †Zvlv
ও. ফাংরানদ঱ ওৃতল ফযাংও Rv‡Zi cvU †_‡K DbœZgv‡bi Avuk cvIqv hvq|
ঔ. চনতা ফযাংও তরতভন ি bvivqYMćK GKmgq ejv n‡Zv ÔcÖv‡P¨i W¨vwÛÕ|
ক. অগ্রণী ফযাংও তরতভন ি mvi evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g mvi KviLvbv cÖwZwôZ nq 1961
খ. মওানত ই ন৞ DËi :K wkí mv‡j| e„nËg mvi KviLvbvi Rvgvjcy‡ii hgybv mvi
36. ফাংরানদন঱ ঳ফনঘন৞ মফত঱ যিাতন ওনয – [৩৭তভ তফত঳এ঳] KviLvbv (Pvjy nq 26 wW‡m¤^i, 1991)| ‡`‡k
K. fviZ L. Pxb bvB‡Uªv‡Rb Drcvw`Z ivmvqwbK mv‡ii Pvwn`v
M. _vBj¨vÛ N. hy³ivR¨ DËi : L me‡P‡q †ewk| miKvwi mvi KviLvbv 08wU|
wPwb wPwb Drcv`‡bi cÖavb KvuPvgvj Bÿz| evsjv‡`‡ki
evsjv‡`‡ki wkí Drcv`b wkí e„nËg wPwbKj PzqvWv½vi `k©bv‡Z Aew¯’Z †Kiæ GÛ
ভানফ তক্র৞াওরান঩য বফতঘেয঩ূণয প্রওা঱ এফং এ ধযননয ওামযক্রনভয †Kvs wjwg‡UW|
পনর প্রাি ঩ণয ফা উৎ঩াদনই ঴র ত঱ল্প। ফাংরানদন঱য তচতিত঩নত wm‡g›U QvZK wm‡g›U †Kv¤úvwb wj., mybvgMÄ (QvZ‡Ki myigv
ত঱ল্পঔানতয অফদান অথযননততও ঳ভীো 2019 অনু঳ানয wkí b`xi Zx‡i) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g Ges me‡P‡q cyivZb
35.14%। (40Zg wewmGm) wRwWwc‡Z ‡mev Lv‡Zi Ave`vb wm‡g›U KviLvbv| QvZ‡iK KvuPvgvj Pzbvcv_i
51.26% Ges K…wl Lv‡Zi Ae`vb 13.60%| fvi‡Zi †gNvjq †_‡K Avg`vwb †_‡K Kiv nq|
miKvwi wm‡g›U KviLvbv 5wU (‡gvU 14wU)|
FBCCI (Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industry)
→ evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g cwi‡ekevÜe wkí GjvKv n‡”Q
FBCCI ফাংরানদন঱য ফযফ঳া৞ীনদয ঱ীলয ঳ংকিন। এত
DËie‡½i wmivRM‡Ä|
১৯৭৩ ঳ানর প্রতততিত ঴৞। এয ঳দস্য Chamber of → evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ †iqb wgj Kb©dzjx †iqb wgj,
Commerce & Industries Association. P›`ª‡Nvbv, ivOvgvwU|
Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷ (evsjv‡`k welqvewj) 69
→ wmé Drcbœ nq ivRkvnx‡Z| ‡emiKvwi EPZ
→ evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ A¯¿ KviLvbv MvRxcy‡i Aew¯’Z| যাঙ্গুতন৞া EPE ঘট্টগ্রাভ
ওাকচ ত঱ল্প, কানভযন্ ঳ ত঱ল্প, ঒লধ ত঱ল্প, তঘতন ত঱ল্প, ঩া ত঱ল্প, মওাতয৞ান EPE ঘট্টগ্রাভ
চা঴াচ ত঱ল্প, ঳ায ত঱ল্প, ত঳নভন্ ত঱ল্প, ঘাভড়া ত঱ল্প, আফা঳ন ত঱ল্প
঳ম্পনওয AviI তফস্তাতযত চানায চন্য বূনকানরয তৃতী৞ অধযা৞ মদঔুন
A_©‣bwZK AÂj
Avg`vwb I ißvwb (Export & Import) → ২০৩০ ঳ানরয ভনধয ১০০ ত অথযননততও অঞ্চর তনভযাণ ওযা
঴নফ। অথযননততও অঞ্চর ঴নফ মভা ৪ (ঘায) ধযননয। মথা :
→ আন্তচযাততও ফাতণচয ঴র রৃ ধযননয। মথা : ১) আভদাতন এফং ঳যওাতয, মফ঳যওাতয, ঳যওাতয- মফ঳যওাতয (PPP) ঑ তফনদত঱।
২) যিাতন। অথযননততও অঞ্চর তন৞ন্ত্রণওাযী ওতৃ঩য ে ঴র ‘ফাংরানদ঱
→ আভদাতন রৄল্ক (Custom Duties): মদন঱য আভদাতনওৃত অথযননততও অঞ্চর ওতৃয঩ে (নফচা)’। এয ইংনযতচ অথয ঴র
দ্র্নফযয ঑ ম঳ফায উ঩য মম ওয ধাময ওযা ঴৞ তানও আভদাতন রৄল্ক Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority
ফরা ঴৞।
(BEZA)। Bangladesh Economic Zones Act,
→ AveMvwi ïé (Excise Duties) : ‡`‡ki Af¨šÍ‡i 2010 এয উ঩য তবতত্ত ওনয ২০১০ ঳ানরয ৯ ননবম্বয
Drcvw`Z I e¨eüZ `ª‡e¨i Dci †h Ki avh© Kiv nq Zv‡K Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority
AveMvwi ïé ejv nq| (BEZA)- এয মাো রৄরু ঴৞।
→ অথযননততও ঳ভীোয ঳ফযন঱ল আ঩নি অনু঳ানয এক্সন঩া য, → ঘীননয ঳ানথ অথযননততও অঞ্চর ঴নি ঘট্টগ্রানভয আননা৞াযা৞।
ইভন঩া য এফং মযতভ যানেয ত঴঳াফ তফতর৞ন িরানয মচনন
যাঔনত ঴নফ। এঔানন মনা ওরুন :
→ চা঩াননয ঳ানথ অথযননততও অঞ্চর ঴নি কাচী঩ুনযয শ্রী঩ুনয।
Export- Import- Remittance- → wZbwU A_©‣bwZK AÂj wg‡j MwVZ †`‡ki me©e„nr
A_©‣bwZK ej‡qi bvg : e½eÜz †kL gywRe wkíbMi|
ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (EPZ)
→ ফাংরানদন঱ ফতযভানন ৮ত ঳যওাতয EPZ যন৞নঙ। এঙাড়া঑ Mv‡g©›Um wkí I Gi mvwe©K e¨e¯’vcbv
ফাংরানদন঱ ২ত মফ঳যওাতয EPZ যন৞নঙ। → evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb wkí n‡”Q •Zwi ‡cvkvK| 2018-19
→ 1980 mv‡j msm` cÖYxZ GKwU AvB‡bi wfwˇZ A_©eQ‡i •e‡`wkK gy`ªv I ißvwb Av‡qi wmsnfvM (‡gvU
evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g Bwc‡RW 1983 mv‡j PÆMÖv‡gi ißvwbi 83.12%) Av‡m ‣Zwi †cvkvK I bxU Iq¨vi
nvwjkn‡i ¯’vwcZ nq| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g †emiKvwi †_‡K| hy³iv‡óª evsjv‡`k me‡P‡q †ewk •Zwi †cvkvK
Bwc‡RW nj PÆMÖv‡gi iv½ywbqvi EPZ. ißvwb K‡i| wØZxq m‡ev©”P ißvwb K‡i BD‡ivcxq
→ আ৞তননয তদও তদন৞ ফাংরানদন঱য ফৃ঴ত্তভ ঴র EPE BDwbq‡b|
EPE মওাতয৞ান। মা ঘট্টগ্রানভ অফতস্থত। → BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers
→ evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ K…wlwfwËK EPZ n‡jv DËiv and Export Association) Gi hvÎv ïiæ nq 1983
EPZ, GwU bxjdvgvix‡Z Aew¯’Z| wLª÷v‡ã|
→ EPZ তন৞ন্ত্রণওাযী ঳ংস্থায নাভ Bangladesh Export → ‡cvkvK ißvwb‡Z we‡k^ evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb wØZxq Ges
cÖ_g Pxb|
Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA)।
→ Alliance n‡jv hy³ivóªwfwËK Mv‡g©›Um eª¨vÛ¸‡jvi msMVb|
→ Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) – যিাতন (40Zg wewmGm) Accord n‡jv BD‡ivcxq BDwbq‡bi
ফৃতেনত ওাচ ওনয থানও। Mv‡g©›Um eª¨vÛ¸‡jv msMVb|
→ evsjv‡`‡ki ißvwb evwYR¨ 93 kZvsk m¤úbœ nq PÆMÖvg → Mv‡g©›Um wk‡í kªwgK‡`i me©wb¤œ gRywi 8000 UvKv|
e›`i w`‡q| evsjv‡`‡k wek^ evwYR¨ †K›`ª Aew¯’Z Mv‡g©‡›U‡m Kg©iZ gwnjv Rbkw³i 90 kZvsk gwnjv|
PÆMÖv‡g| → Mv‡g©›U‡mi KvuPvgvj myZv I Kvco evsjv‡`k Avg`vwb K‡i|
miKvwi EPZ → evsjv‡`‡ki •Zwi †cvkvK wk‡í wkï kÖwgKgy³ †NvlYv Kiv nq
ঘট্টগ্রাভ EPE ঴াতর঱঴য, ঘট্টগ্রাভ ১৯৮৩ 01jv b‡f¤^i, 1996 mv‡j|
ঢাওা EPE ঳াবায, ঢাওা ১৯৯৩ → wRGmwc Gi c~Y©iƒc- Generalized System of
ভংরা EPE ভংরা, ফানকয঴া ২৩ মভ, ১৯৯৮ Preferences. hy³iv‡óªi evRv‡i evsjv‡`wk cY¨ wRGmwc
ঈশ্বযদী EPE ঩াও঱ী, ঩াফনা ১৯৯৮ myweav ‡c‡q AvmwQj 1jv Rbvqvwi 1976 mvj †_‡K| GB
myweav ¯’wMZ Kiv nq 27 Ryb, 2013 wLª÷v‡ã|
উত্তযা EPE নীরপাভাযী ১৯৯৯
লিতভল্লা EPE তফভানফদয, লিতভল্লা ১৫ চুরাই, ২০০০ → gy³ evRvi A_©bxwZ Pvjy nq I Mv‡g©›Um †m±i †_‡K †KvUv
c×wZ D‡V hvq- 1 Rvbyqvwi, 2005 wLª÷v‡ã|
আদভচী EPE নাযা৞ণকঞ্জ ৬ ভাঘয, ২০০৬
ওণযপুরী EPE ঩নতঙ্গা, ঘট্টগ্রাভ ১২ ম঳নেম্বয, ২০০৬ → Compliance n‡jv Mv‡g©›Um wk‡í miKv‡ii wewae× AvBb
I bxwZgvjv|

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