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<>>=====[Magician Social Link][MSL]========================================<<>


Kenji is one of the first classmates to hang out with you. After gaining his
trust, you learn that he has a crush on one of his teachers at Gekkoukan.
Eventually he decides to ask her out, and is successful (in his mind).
However, Kenji's love is eventually crushed when both of you find out that the
love between the teacher and student was simply a misunderstanding. Kenji is
crushed, but is grateful for your friendship.

Author's Notes:
The [Magician Social Link] is the first Social Link you gain in the game. You
receive the first level automatically; however, you do not have to continue
past the first level if you don't want to.

<>>-----[Magician Level 1 Skit][MSL01]-------------------------------------<<>

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I agree with you."]

<>>-----[Magician Level 2 Skit][MSL02]-------------------------------------<<>

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Of course."]

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I like older women."]

<>>-----[Magician Level 3 Skit][MSL03]-------------------------------------<<>

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What, life?"]


Kenji: I mean, I wake up, go to school, listen to lame-ass lectures, come

home, eat, watch TV, go to sleep...

> Kenji is deep in thought.

Kenji: Well, Minato, that settles it. I'm gonna get myself a girlfriend!

- "You can't do it."
- "Go for it."

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Go for it."]

Kenji: Thanks, dude! Soon I'll have a girlfriend, just like you!

> Kenji is getting excited.

<>>-----[Magician Level 4 Skit][MSL04]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, 1F hallway...

Kenji: Hey, thanks for coming, man. Can you wait here for a sec?

- "Sure."
- "Why?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Kenji: Hey, don't freak out, man!

Kenji: I'm gonna go ask Ms. Kanou out right now!

- "Good luck."
- "Don't do it."
- "Whatever."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Good luck."]

<>>-----[Magician Level 5 Skit][MSL05]-------------------------------------<<>

Kenji: Yeah, good-looking people are just attracted to one another. It's like
they're meant to be together.

- "...Oh, really!?"
- "I agree."
- "Good-looking...?"

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


<>>-----[Magician Level 6 Skit][MSL06]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main gate...

Kenji: Oh, Minato.

Kenji: sorry, man. I'll have to pass.

- "Huh?"
- "Why?"

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>



Kenji: I mean, getting into college is more important than hanging out, right?
Don't you think about the future?

- "I have 30-year goals."
- "Yeah, more than you do."
- "The future is the past."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I have 30-year goals."]

<>>-----[Magician Level 7 Skit][MSL07]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

> The duck fries are soggy as usual.
> The hours flew by as you were hanging out with Kenji.
> For some reason, Kenji isn't eating...

Kenji: *sigh* I can't eat...

- Ask what's wrong
- Eat his food

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask what's wrong]

Kenji: I've got a serious problem...

Kenji: I saw a magazine on Emiri's coffee table. Guess what it was called...

- "In Fashion Magazine."
- "Occult Living Magazine."
- "Bride-To-Be Magazine."

<>>-----[Choice 1-3]----------------<<>

["Bride-To-Be Magazine."]

Kenji: H-How did you guess!? Man, you're amazing.

> Kenji is impressed with you.

Kenji: When I saw the magazine, I began to think...

[Scroll down to continue]


Kenji: I made up my mind, man. As soon as I graduate, I'm gonna marry Emiri.
Kenji: So, whaddaya think, Minato?

- "That's great. Congrats!"
- "You're rushing things."
- "Whatever."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's great. Congrats!"]

<>>-----[Magician Level 8 Skit][MSL08]-------------------------------------<<>

> Naganaki Shrine...

Kenji: H-Hey, man... S-Sorry I asked you to come here... I, um... Oh, never

- "Spit it out."
- "Are you in trouble?"

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you in trouble?"]


Kenji: D-Dude! I-I don't know what to do...!

Kenji: Well, the whole school knows about me and Emiri! It's a huge scandal...
Kenji: Emiri is being transferred to a school in Kyushu... Wh-What should I
do, dude?

- "You should go with her."
- "You should talk to her."
- "That's your problem."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should go with her."]

<>>-----[Magician Level 9 Skit][MSL09]-------------------------------------<<>

> Port Island Station...

Kenji: H-Hey, man... I was gonna tell you this when we got to the ramen shop,
but now's as good a time as any...
Kenji: I've decided to go to Kyushu with Emiri, so this'll be my last bowl of
ramen, dude.
Kenji: What the--? Is that Emiri...?
Kenji: Who's that she's with?

> You can hear bits and pieces of Emiri's conversation.

Ms. Kanou: ...I didn't think he'd get so...

Ms. Kanou: He's just a kid... He must have misunderstood my...
Ms. Kanou: I thought he'd be relieved that I was being transferred...
Ms. Kanou: He said he wanted to...
Ms. Kanou: ...The other students are...

Man: ...It won't be much longer... I'll pick you up... On our wedding night...

Ms. Kanou: I can't wait either...

Kenji: ...I didn't even know she was leaving today...

Kenji: I thought we'd be together forever...

> Kenji seems like he's going to cry.

> What will you do?

- Console Kenji
- Confront Emiri
- Laugh at Kenji

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Console Kenji]

Kenji: S-Stop it! Why are you trying to make me feel better? I'm an idiot.
You should be laughing at me!

> Kenji started to cry...

Kenji: Ugh! I'm such an idiot! A stupid, stupid idiot. I should've known this
would happen...!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Confront Emiri]

Kenji: I'm okay... I'm okay... Thanks, man...

> Kenji is smiling...

Kenji: It's not Emiri's fault... I'm the one to blame...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Laugh at Kenji]

Kenji: Aha... Ahahaha! It's kinda funny, isn't it?

> Kenji is laughing...

Kenji: *sob* *sob*

[Scroll down to continue]


Kenji: Why, Emiri? WHY!?

> Kenji is crying...

Kenji: *sniff* *sniff* Oh, man... *sniff* Now my nose is running... Hahaha...
Kenji: Hey, thanks, Minato... If you weren't here, I'd...

> Kenji is laughing as he cries...

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Magician Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Magician Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Magician Arcana...

> The Classmate Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Magician Arcana has grown!

Kenji: L-Let's go home...

> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Magician Level 10 Skit][MSL10]------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> Contrary to its simple appearance, the soup has a complex flavor that is
accentuated by the noodles...

Kenji: Damn that was good! This ramen is the bomb. There's no way I can leave
this city, dude!
Kenji: Well, Ms. Kanou must be in Kyushu by now. She's probably getting ready
for her wedding ceremony...

> Kenji seems to be lost in thought.

> What will you do?

- Leave him be
- Strike up a conversation
- Steal his egg

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Leave him be]

Kenji: Hey man, don't you have anything to say to me?

Kenji: Like something inspiring or encouraging...?
Kenji: C'mon, dude. If you don't have a way with words, you'll never get the

> Kenji has a grin on his face...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Strike up a conversation]

Kenji: Well, my favorite TV show got cancelled.

Kenji: Which sucks cuz I was really into it. It reminded me of...

> Kenji is reflecting on the past.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Steal his egg]

Kenji: Hey! Give that back, dude!

Kenji: That egg's all I got in this world, man! Give it back!

> Kenji is furious!

[Scroll down to continue]


Kenji: Man, hanging out with you is never boring! But, that being said, I want
a girlfriend, dude.

- Look disappointed
- Cheer him on
- Offer to hook him up

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
[Look disappointed]

Kenji: Men and women are supposed to be together, dude! That's nature's law.
It's, like, totally biological.
Kenji: C'mon, man, that's some serious knowledge I just dropped. See how much
I've been studying?

> Kenji is laughing to himself.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Cheer him on]

Kenji: Yeah, dude! You'll be my wing man. Let's go pick up some chicks!

> Kenji is laughing to himself.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Offer to hook him up]

Kenji: Really? Who? Someone from your dorm?

Kenji: Maybe I should crash at your place, then.

> Kenji is laughing to himself.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kenji: ...Oh, no, no... Ha! I didn't mean that!

Kenji: Anyways, I've been thinking...
Kenji: When Emiri left, I was really sad, but I'm not sure what I was sad
Kenji: Did I really love Emiri, or did I just love the idea of being in a
relationship with a teacher...?
Kenji: I've been thinking about it and thinking about it...
Kenji: And I just don't know...
Kenji: But what I DO know is... you're my friend.

- "Is this the same subject?"
- "Yeah, I'm your friend."

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is this the same subject?"]

Kenji: Of course it's the same subject, dude! The subject of my heart! C'mon,
man! Don't you feel the love!?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I'm your friend."]

Kenji: Uh, dude, sorry about that... Ugh, I'm such an idiot! I'm so

[Scroll down to continue]

> Kenji seems to be regretting what he just said.

Kenji: Here, man. Take this.

> Obtained Handmade Choker.

Kenji: I made it for you, dude. I thought it would look good on you.
Kenji: You don't have much fashion sense, so I wanted to help you out. I mean,
that's what best friends do, right?
Kenji: J-Just take it, man!

> Kenji told you that you are his best friend.
> You feel like you can depend on Kenji, no matter what...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Magician Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Magician Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Magician Card: The innermost power of the Magician Arcana hath been set free.
Magician Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Surt, the ultimate
form of the Magician Arcana...

> The Classmate Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Classmate Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Magician Arcana has reached its
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Kenji: Dammit! What the hell's wrong with me!? Why am I acting so weird all
of a sudden?
Kenji: waitress! Gimme 10 more eggs!

> The hours flew by as you hung out with Kenji.

<>>=====[Priestess Social Link][PSL]=======================================<<>

Fuuka has been working on her cooking and you are the "lucky" guinea pig that
gets to do the taste testing. Eventually her cooking does get better, but
really only in the form of rice balls. As your relationship with her develops,
she reveals her previous experience of being bullied. She decides to change
her mindset for the better. Fuuka starts to accept herself and it was all
because of you.

Author's Note:
You must have done some of the [Fortune Social Link] and have maxed your
Courage stat to establish the Social Link with Fuuka.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 1 Skit][PSL01]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: S-So... How does it taste?

Fuuka: Well, it's probably late so you're probably not that hungry...
Fuuka: Please, just taste it...

> Fuuka gave you the food she made.

> It looks unappetizing...

Fuuka: Now, I want your honest opinion...

Fuuka: ...H-How is it?
> ...The food tastes as bad as it looks...
> What will you say?

- "......"
- "It tastes horrible."
- "Not bad for a beginner."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Fuuka: Huh...?
Fuuka: ...Are you okay, Minato-kun? You don't look well...
Fuuka: U-Um, it's okay... You don't have to finish it...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It tastes horrible."]

Fuuka: Oh... That's what I thought...

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Th-Thank you for your honesty...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not bad for a beginner."]

Fuuka: R-Really?
Fuuka: But, please let me know if there's anything I can improve on...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I'm sorry I made you taste test my cooking...

Fuuka: But, I know that you'll always be honest with me.
Fuuka: I depend on you...

> Your relationship with Fuuka has grown closer.

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> Fuuka considers you someone she can depend on...
> Your relationship with her has grown.

Fuuka: Well, I'll see you back at the dorm.

> You said goodbye to Fuuka.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 2 Skit][PSL02]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: I made lunch...

Fuuka: Would you mind trying some of it...?
Fuuka: I think it'll taste better than last time...
Fuuka: ...At least, it can't be any worse, right?

> This food looks better than the food she prepared last time.

Cat: *meow*

Fuuka: ...Oh, a kitty cat!

Fuuka: Aw, he's so cute.
Fuuka: He looks hungry, doesn't he?
Fuuka: Here, kitty kitty.
Fuuka: Maybe I should give him some food. What do you think, Minato-kun?

- "Sure."
- "No!"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Fuuka: I was hoping you'd say that.

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Fuuka: Hmm... I wonder if cats are allergic to anything...

Fuuka: Well, it's only flavored rice, so it should be okay...

> Fuuka is feeding the cat.

Fuuka: Here you go, kitty.

[Scroll down to continue]


Cat: ......
Cat: ...!?
Cat: *hiss* *hiss*

Fuuka: Huh...?

> The cat ran away...

Fuuka: Wh-What happened...?

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Wait, was it the food...?

> Fuuka tasted some of the food she prepared.

Fuuka: ...!!
Fuuka: Ew... This tastes terrible!
Fuuka: ...
Fuuka: Hmm... I must've left it out too long...
Fuuka: ...S-Sorry, Minato-kun... Please don't eat any of this...
Fuuka: ...I don't want you to get sick...

> Fuuka seems discouraged.

Fuuka: *sigh* I'm so disappointed...

Fuuka: ...I just want to help everyone, even outside of battle...
Fuuka: And, there aren't many chances to eat homemade food when you live in
the dorm...
Fuuka: So I thought it would be nice to make lunch for everyone, but...
Fuuka: *sigh* I need to get better at cooking.
Fuuka: Maybe with your help, Minato-kun, I can.

> Fuuka seems to need your help.

> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Fuuka thinks you're easy to talk to...
> She considers you a friend.

Fuuka: It's kind of hard for me to say this after all that's happened, but...
Fuuka: I'd be happy if you'd be willing to taste test my food again.
Fuuka: Well, I'll see you later.

> You have decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 3 Skit][PSL03]------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall...

> You left school with Fuuka.
> You talked to her about your favorite foods.

Fuuka: Remember when I told you that I needed to get better at cooking?
Fuuka: Well, I've been cooking a lot since then...
Fuuka: That's why I wanted to know what your favorite food is, so I could make
it for you. But...
Fuuka: Everything I make still tastes terrible...

- "I believe in you."
- "Yeah, you're a bad cook."
- "It can't all taste terrible."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I believe in you."]

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Thank you...
Fuuka: No one's ever said anything like that to me...

> Fuuka smiled bashfully.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, you're a bad cook."]

Fuuka: ...Hahaha...
Fuuka: That's true. I guess I just can't do anything right...
Fuuka: I'm so pathetic...

> Fuuka smiled wryly...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It can't all taste terrible."]

Fuuka: Um... Well...

Fuuka: Everything I make tastes like the food I made last time...
Fuuka: Oh, that's right... You didn't get to try any of it...
Fuuka: Well, I guess that was for the best...

> Fuuka smiled wryly...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I'm not really a positive thinker...

Fuuka: I always picture the worst happening...
Fuuka: So, I'm really thankful to be a member of SEES.
Fuuka: Everyone's been so encouraging...
Fuuka: Especially you, Minato-kun...
Fuuka: That's why I want to show you my gratitude.

> It seems that Fuuka trusts you.

> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Fuuka considers you someone she can rely on...
> You're relationship is growing, but you're still just friends.

Fuuka: Maybe I should watch one of those cooking shows on TV...

Fuuka: Then again, they're probably too advanced for me...
Fuuka: Hmm... Maybe I should just get a cookbook...
Fuuka: But, there probably aren't any in the library...

- "Go to the bookstore."
- "I'll help you find some."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Go to the bookstore."]

Fuuka: I could, but...

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...I don't really like going to the bookstore...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll help you find some."]

Fuuka: No, that's okay.

Fuuka: Thank you...
Fuuka: But I have to find them myself...
Fuuka: Which reminds me, I haven't been to the bookstore in a long time...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: It's not a big deal, though...

> Fuuka smiled wryly.

> You walked around the strip mall with Fuuka for a while before returning to
the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 4 Skit][PSL04]------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall...

> You went shopping with Fuuka.

Fuuka: I apologize for taking so long.

Fuuka: I had to go to the pharmacy to buy some special spices...
Fuuka: I don't know why, though. Even if I use them, I doubt they'll make any
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...I'm sorry you came all the way here.

> Fuuka seems very apologetic.

Fuuka: To be honest, my cooking still doesn't taste very good...

Fuuka: It's not the way I make it, it's just...
Fuuka: When I'm cooking, I think to myself, "This isn't going to taste
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: *sigh* I just wish I was good at something...

- "I'm sure there's something."
- "Well, you have a Persona."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm sure there's something."]

Fuuka: What, that I'm good at...?

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Hm... Let's see...
Fuuka: Well, I'm pretty good with mechanical devices...
Fuuka: ...Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to boast...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Well, you have a Persona."]

Fuuka: That's true, but...

Fuuka: Everyone else has something they're really good at.
Fuuka: But...
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: I just don't have any talents...
Fuuka: Well, that's not true. I guess I'm pretty good with mechanical
Fuuka: ...Not that that's anything to be proud of...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Fuuka seems embarrassed.

Fuuka: My dad used to tinker with audio equipment in his spare time.
Fuuka: He would repair speakers and head phones.
Fuuka: I used to love watching him work when I was little.
Fuuka: That's probably why I'm so good with mechanical devices.
Fuuka: But, I don't think those skills are enough to repay everyone for what
they've done for me...
Fuuka: And even if they were, the Kirijo Group could always provide us with
anything we need for battle...
Fuuka: Not to mention that I'm kind of embarrassed about it all. I mean, it's
not a very feminine hobby.

- "Yeah, I agree."
- "Oh, I don't think so."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I agree."]

Fuuka: See? You think so, too.

Fuuka: ...Well, I guess that's just the way I am.

> Fuuka is laughing, but she seems sad...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, I don't think so."]

Fuuka: Oh, Minato-kun...

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...Thank you.

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: You always seem to be the one I tell my troubles to, Minato-kun...
Fuuka: And yet, you're always so understanding.
Fuuka: You help me to think positively...
Fuuka: You're really supportive...

> Fuuka seems to trust you.

> Your relationship with her has grown deeper.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Fuuka seems to be interested in you...
> Your relationship with her has intensified.

Fuuka: Sorry I made you wait so long.

Fuuka: Well, um...
Fuuka: I'm going to return to the dorm.
Fuuka: ...I'll see you later.

> ...You have decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 5 Skit][PSL05]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: ...Um, I want you to try something for me, Minato-kun.

Fuuka: Don't worry. It won't be like before...
Fuuka: You'll be able to eat it this time.
Fuuka: ...Wait, didn't I say the same thing last time...?
Fuuka: ...Oh well, this time I truly mean it.
Fuuka: Well, here it is...
Fuuka: Please try it.

> It appears to be a flavored rice ball.

> You're surprised...
> The rice ball is edible...
> In fact, it's delicious.

Fuuka: W-Well, h-how does it taste?

- "It's really good."
- "You did a great job."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's really good."]

Fuuka: ...Really? Oh, I'm so glad to hear that...

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You did a great job."]

Fuuka: ...Really? I'm so glad to hear that.

Fuuka: ...Thank you.

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I made it today in home economics class.

Fuuka: Learning how to make a rice ball in a high school sounds strange,
doesn't it?
Fuuka: Remember when I told you that I had to get better at cooking?
Fuuka: Well, since then, I've been practicing making rice balls every single
Fuuka: They're simple to make, but perfecting their taste is quite difficult.
Fuuka: Everyone in home economics class kept telling me how good my rice balls
tasted today.
Fuuka: So, to show you my appreciation for all your help, I brought you one.
Fuuka: You've taught me so much, Minato-kun. Thank you for everything...

- "I'm glad I could help."
- "I didn't teach you anything."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm glad I could help."]

Fuuka: ...So am I.

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I didn't teach you anything."]

Fuuka: No, that's not true...

Fuuka: ...You taught me something very important.

> Fuuka is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I said this before, but when I'm with you, Minato-kun, I think more
Fuuka: ...And I want to make people happy...
Fuuka: That's probably why I did such a good job on that rice ball. I
concentrated on who was going to eat it.
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...!
Fuuka: ...Oh, um, no, I don't mean...
Fuuka: ......

> Fuuka is blushing.

> Fuuka has expressed her appreciation to you.
> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Fuuka seems to be interested in you...
> Today you became a lot closer to her.

Fuuka: Oh my, look how late it is...

Fuuka: I'm sorry for talking so long...
Fuuka: Well, I'll see you later...

> Fuuka left.

> ...Since it's getting dark out, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 6 Skit][PSL06]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: ...I want to make something other than just rice balls...
Fuuka: I don't mean to bother you, but...
Fuuka: Would you mind helping me for just a little while longer, Minato-kun?
Fuuka: I started cooking because I wanted to thank everyone for what they've
done for me...
Fuuka: But, I need to know how to make more than just rice balls...
Fuuka: I need to learn new recipes...
Fuuka: I know it's a lot to ask...
Fuuka: But, if you're willing to help me, Minato-kun, then I think I can
become a great cook.
Fuuka: So...

> Fuuka appears to be pondering what she just said...

Fuuka: So, will you continue helping me...?

Fuuka: Just for a little while...?

- "Okay."
- "Aren't you overdoing it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Fuuka: ...Really?
Fuuka: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. Thank you!

> Fuuka seems relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Aren't you overdoing it?"]

Fuuka: Huh...?

> Fuuka seems surprised by your response.

Fuuka: I-I don't think I'm over doing it...

Fuuka: ......

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I just want to thank everyone for helping me find my place in the
Fuuka: I just want to be as helpful outside of battle as I am during it.
Fuuka: If I can do that, then maybe I can help you too, Minato-kun.
Fuuka: That's all I'm trying to do.

> Fuuka isn't fully expressing how she feels to you...

> However, her feelings toward you do seem genuine.
> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Fuuka considers you attractive...
> Your relationship with her has intensified.

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...A-Am I overdoing it...?
Fuuka: ...Sorry, I guess I'm the only one who can answer that.
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...I-I'll see you later.

> Fuuka left.

> ......
> You have decided to go back to the dorm...
<>>-----[Priestess Level 7 Skit][PSL07]------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall...

> You went shopping with Fuuka.

Fuuka: There doesn't seem to be that many cookbooks here...

Fuuka: Sorry... I guess people brought all the good ones...
Fuuka: I should've called to ask before we came all the way here...

> Fuuka seems to be feeling guilty.

Fuuka: ...Do you remember what I told you, Minato-kun?

Fuuka: That it's been a while since I've been in a bookstore...

- "Yeah, I remember."
- "We were just in one..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I remember."]

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["We were just in one..."]

Fuuka: Well, about that...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: Something happened in a bookstore that I want to forget...

Fuuka: It was last April...
Fuuka: Someone took a picture of me...
Fuuka: ..."stealing."
Fuuka: Well, I'm short...
Fuuka: And when I was reaching for the top shelf, I accidentally knocked some
books down...
Fuuka: Somehow, they landed in my bag. But when I went to take them out and
put them back on the shelf...
Fuuka: Some girl from our school took a picture of me with her cell phone and
accused me of stealing.
Fuuka: She threatened to show my parents the picture.
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: You probably think that sounds ridiculous...
Fuuka: You probably think I should've defended myself...
Fuuka: ...Well, you're right.
Fuuka: But I... I couldn't say anything.
Fuuka: All these negative thoughts were running through my head.
Fuuka: I thought that no matter what I said, it wouldn't do any good.
Fuuka: But, I feel like if I'm with you, Minato-kun, then I can change...
Fuuka: I feel like if you're around, I won't think so negatively...
Fuuka: That must sound so selfish...
Fuuka: But...

> Fuuka is staring at her feet.

Fuuka: ...Sorry. I don't know what I'm saying...

Fuuka: It seems like I'm trying to take advantage of you, doesn't it...?
Fuuka: But, that's not my intention... I...
Fuuka: I guess what I'm trying to say is...
- "It's okay. Just calm down."
- "You don't have to say it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's okay. Just calm down."]

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You don't have to say it."]

Fuuka: Minato-kun...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: I've come to really depend on you, Minato-kun...
Fuuka: And I just wanted to say that I appreciate you...

> Fuuka has expressed her feelings for you...

> Your relationship with her has reached a new level...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Fuuka...
> She might get upset if you go out with another girl.

Fuuka: Sorry, I'm not making any sense...

Fuuka: I'll explain to you how I feel when I understand it myself...
Fuuka: I'm really sorry...

> Fuuka ran away...

> ......
> You have decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 8 Skit][PSL08]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: I want to apologize for the way I acted the other day...
Fuuka: I've been thinking a lot about how I feel, since then...
Fuuka: Whenever I begin to waver about something, I immediately start thinking
Fuuka: I often wonder what your thought process is when you ahve to make an
important decision...
Fuuka: I've been thinking about this for a long time...
Fuuka: No one knows what the future holds...
Fuuka: No matter how prepared you are, you can't predict what will happen.
Fuuka: So, the only thing you can do is "believe."
Fuuka: You have to think positively, as if the future is smiling upon you.
Fuuka: ...I don't think I'm quite there yet, though...
Fuuka: Sorry...
Fuuka: You seem to know all that already...
Fuuka: So, Minato-kun...
Fuuka: Why are you always so positive, Minato-kun?

- "I believe in myself."
- "It's just my personality."
- "I've never thought about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I believe in myself."]

Fuuka: ...Oh, I see.

Fuuka: You're really strong, Minato-kun.

> Fuuka admires you.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's just my personality."]

Fuuka: That must depend on how strong a person is.

Fuuka: ...And you're really strong, Minato-kun.

> Fuuka admires you.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I've never thought about it."]

Fuuka: I see...
Fuuka: So, it just comes naturally to you.

> Fuuka is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: I...
Fuuka: I'm attracted to that quality in a guy...

> You understand how Fuuka feels.

> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Fuuka has reached a new level.

Fuuka: The reason why I was so confused before was...

Fuuka: I thought that after I paid everyone back for their kindness...
Fuuka: I wouldn't have anything to talk with you about...
Fuuka: But, now I know that that doesn't matter...
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: I want to be with you, Minato-kun...

- "Follow your heart."
- "I want to be with you too."
- "We've always been friends."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Follow your heart."]

Fuuka: O-Okay...
Fuuka: ...I will.

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I want to be with you too."]

Fuuka: ...!
Fuuka: *nod*
Fuuka: ...Thank you...

> Fuuka seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["We've always been friends."]

Fuuka: Yes, that's true.

Fuuka: ...Thank you...

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: Well then, I'm going back to the dorm now.

Fuuka: ...I'll see you later.

> After saying goodbye to Fuuka, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 9 Skit][PSL09]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Fuuka: Um...
Fuuka: Please don't laugh at this, okay?

> Fuuka is blushing.

Fuuka: The other day I let Yukari-chan try one of my rice balls.
Fuuka: She liked it so much she began to eat the rest of them...
Fuuka: So I told her that I made them to thank everyone for all they've done
for me.
Fuuka: Then, she stopped eating and asked me why I needed to thank everyone
Fuuka: She seemed confused, so I told her the whole stoy.
Fuuka: When I was finished, she started laughing hysterically...
Fuuka: She said I didn't need to thank her for anything, because we're
Fuuka: She said that friends don't owe each other anything more than their
Fuuka: I was so happy to hear that that I started to cry...

- "That's great."
- "Ahaha! That's funny."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's great."]

Fuuka: My old negative thoughts started creeping in again...

Fuuka: I thought if I let everyone see who I really was, then why wouldn't
like me...
Fuuka: I was thinking badly of myself...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Ahaha! That's funny."]

Fuuka: Hey, that's mean. I asked you not to laugh...

Fuuka: *sigh*

> Fuuka seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: But, when I realized what I was doing...

Fuuka: I saw myself for who I truly am...
Fuuka: And I began to understand what I really wanted to do...
Fuuka: At first I wanted to thank everyone, then I realized what I actually
wanted to do was help them...
Fuuka: My true feelings really weren't that complicated after all.
Fuuka: Um...
Fuuka: There's something I have to tell you...
Fuuka: To be honest, I wanted to talk with you so we could improve our
Fuuka: ......

> Fuuka seems to be having trouble breathing.

Fuuka: I want to be by your side, Minato-kun...

Fuuka: And I want you to be by my side...
Fuuka: Minato-kun, I...
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...I like you.
Fuuka: U-Um... Minato-kun...
Fuuka: ......

> Fuuka has expressed her feelings for you.

> Your relationship with her has become more intimate....
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Fuuka has grown.

Fuuka: R-Really...?
Fuuka: You feel the same...?

- Nod
- Hug her

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...Sorry, I don't know what to say...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Hug her]

Fuuka: ...!!
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Minato-kun...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Fuuka is blushing.

> You talked with Fuuka for a long time.
> After you finished your conversation, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Priestess Level 10 Skit][PSL10]-----------------------------------<<>

> Dorm, Fuuka's Room...

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: U-Um...

> Fuuka seems really nervous.

Fuuka: ...Sorry my room smells like food.

Fuuka: I like to eat in here once in a while...
Fuuka: I don't know how my room smells because I'm so used to it...
Fuuka: Do you know that our sense of smell is connected to our memory, and...
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Sorry... I don't know what I'm saying... I'm acting weird, aren't I?

- "Are you nervous?"
- "You seem like yourself."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you nervous?"]

Fuuka: I-I am... Sorry...

Fuuka: But, um...
Fuuka: This is the first time I've ever invited a boy to my room, so...

> Fuuka is blushing.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["You seem like yourself."]

Fuuka: R-Really...?
Fuuka: I-I guess I do...
Fuuka: I've decided to be myself around you.
Fuuka: So, thank you.

> Fuuka is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: Um...
Fuuka: Do you remember how I said that I don't have the strength to believe in
the future?
Fuuka: Well, being with you has taught me why...
Fuuka: It's because I never finish anything I start.
Fuuka: People who are not truly happy cannot look forward to the future...
Fuuka: And that's how I was. I always used to quit before I finished
Fuuka: I never had a future to look forward to.
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: ...But...
Fuuka: After I told you how I felt about you...
Fuuka: Everything seemed to change...
Fuuka: I didn't think you would feel the same, but...
Fuuka: ...I still felt like I needed to tell you.
Fuuka: No... I felt like I wanted to tell you.
Fuuka: And, I didn't care how things turned out...
Fuuka: I think I can change, little by little.
Fuuka: With you by my side... I don't think I'll be confused anymore.

- "That's good."
- "I'll be by your side."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's good."]

Fuuka: Thank you...

> Fuuka seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll be by your side."]

Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: *nod*

> Fuuka is blushing.

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: Oh, I almost forgot!

Fuuka: I want to give you something...
Fuuka: Umm...
Fuuka: Here...
Fuuka: Since you're always listening to music, I thought you might like these.

> You received something from Fuuka.

> Obtained Headphones.

Fuuka: This is from my heart...

Fuuka: Remember how I told you that I was pretty good with mechanical devices?
Fuuka: Well, I finally gave up on cooking...
Fuuka: I want to be true to myself when I'm with you, Minato-kun, so...
Fuuka: I want you to know everything about me...
Fuuka: ......

> You replaced your old headphones with the ones Fuuka gave you...
> The sound is amazing!
> The technology she used must be revolutionary.

Fuuka: ...Sorry, I'm not very feminine, am I...?

- "I love the headphones!"
- "I'm surprised at your skill."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I love the headphones!"]

Fuuka: ...Really? Oh, I'm so happy!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm surprised at your skill."]

Fuuka: ...Oh, it's nothing really. Just a hobby...

Fuuka: I'm really glad you like them...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: When you listen to them, it will be like I'm there with you, no matter
how far away we are.

> Fuuka is staring into your eyes.

> The distance between you two has decreased...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Priestess Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Priestess Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Priestess Card: The innermost power of the Priestess Arcana hath been set
Priestess Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Scathach, the
ultimate form of the Priestess Arcana...

> The Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Fuuka Yamagishi Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has reached is
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!
> You talked with Fuuka for a long time.

Fuuka: ...Oh, sorry.

Fuuka: I was having so much fun talking to you...
Fuuka: I didn't realize it was so late.
Fuuka: ......
Fuuka: Um...
Fuuka: Will you stay with me...?
Fuuka: Just a little while longer...
Fuuka: ......

> You spent a long time with Fuuka.

<>>=====[Empress Social Link][ESSL]========================================<<>

Mitsuru is a "rich girl" that has never really been to fast-food restaurants
until you start to take her there. As the relationship between you two
develop, Mitsuru reveals that she has to marry an older man to save the
Kirijo Group. Eventually you meet her fiance, and when he starts to berate
you, Mitsuru breaks up with him and confesses she wants to be with you.

Author's Note:
You need to have maxed your Academics to be able to date Mitsuru.

<>>-----[Empress Level 1 Skit][ESSL01]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

Mitsuru: Psst... Arisato.

> Mitsuru is trying to get your attention.

Mitsuru: Please tell me what the etiquette here is. Are there any customs I
need to follow...?

- "Make a lot of noise."
- "Add a lot of spice."
- "Eat your food quickly."
- "Drink all the soup."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Make a lot of noise"]

Mitsuru: Make a lot of noise!?

Mitsuru: That seems so... primitive.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Add a lot of spice."]

Mitsuru: Oh, so you spice it yourself?

Mitsuru: It's interesting that they leave that to the discretion of the

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Eat your food quickly."]

Mitsuru: I understand. So, I should eat quickly before the noodles expand.
Mitsuru: Doing so must show appreciation to the chef.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Drink all the soup."]

Mitsuru: All of it!?

Mitsuru: Well, I will do my best.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: Bon appetit!

Mitsuru: ...Let's eat.

> Mitsuru is enjoying her ramen.

Mitsuru: Hmm... The taste is quite interesting...

Mitsuru: I thought it tasted strange at first, but as I continued to eat, I
realized it had a subtle charm to it.
Mitsuru: ...It's quite delicious.
Mitsuru: Pardon me, Chef...

Ramen Shop owner: ...Chef? You talkin' to me?

Mitsuru: The ramen tastes absolutely wonderful. ...It's been a while since I
last complimented the chef.
Mitsuru: What do you use for bouillon?

Ramen Shop Owner: Bouillon? ...What the hell is that?

Ramen Shop Owner: Anyways, if ya want to know the recipe, sorry, I can't tell
ya, lady.
Ramen Shop Owner: Without our secret recipe, we'd be outta business.

Mitsuru: Well then, if it's a secret, I completely understand. You don't have
to tell me.
Mitsuru: Now, this would be considered a meal if one were to eat it with rice,
Mitsuru: That is very interesting.

Ramen Shop Owner: Uh, no, that's not, uh...

Mitsuru: You could probably make more money if you patented the recipe and
sold it.

> Mitsuru is deep in thought.

Mitsuru: Oh, sorry. My imagination got the best of me.

Mitsuru: I've been wanting to try ramen for a long time...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: ...Does that make me strange?

- "Yeah, totally."
- "No, not at all."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, totally."]

Mitsuru: I see...
Mitsuru: I could have come here anytime, but...
Mitsuru: I felt awkward coming alone...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, not at all."]

Mitsuru: Oh, that's good.
Mitsuru: I was never able to eat this type of food...
Mitsuru: And I'm not used to this style of restaurant...
Mitsuru: I felt extremely awkward coming here alone.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: I'm so glad you're here with me. You've taught me so much about
ramen etiquette.
Mitsuru: ...Let's eat here again sometime.

> Your relationship has grown closer...

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> Mitsuru seems to trust you.
> However, nothing changed between you two.

Mitsuru: ...Look at the time.

Mitsuru: We should go.

> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 2 Skit][ESSL02]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

Mitsuru: Interesting... So this is what it looks like inside...

Mitsuru: It's surprisingly small...

> Mitsuru seems nervous.

- "Is this your first time?"
- "Can you eat with your hands?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is this your first time?"]

Mitsuru: Well, technically, yes. But, I did pass by here once with Akihiko...
Mitsuru: So, I understand that you don't eat with utensils here.
Mitsuru: *sigh* I must admit that I'm not very familiar with fast food
Mitsuru: I'm glad you're here with me.

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Can you eat with your hands?"

Mitsuru: How rude...

Mitsuru: But, to be honest, the answer is no.
Mitsuru: I did, however, see a television commerical for a fast food
restaurant once...
Mitsuru: I was taken back by the way the customers ate their food. It seems
so... primitive.
Mitsuru: ...Tch, listen to me. I sound like such a snob.
Mitsuru: I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not very familiar with fast food
Mitsuru: So, I'm glad you are here with me.

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: Is it profitable to sell these items at such a low price...?

Mitsuru: I'd be interested to know the average cost per unit...

> Mitsuru seems intrigued.

Mitsuru: ...Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought again...

Mitsuru: I didn't ask you here just to eat...
Mitsuru: I wanted to express my personal thanks to you.
Mitsuru: We are all facing a trial, in the true sense of the term.
Mitsuru: ...And we've made it this far because we've been blessed with each
Mitsuru: I admit that I've been hard on you, much more so than the others. But
I just wanted you to know...
Mitsuru: I appreciate your contribution.

> Mitsuru seems to depend on you.

> Your relationship with her has grown...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Mitsuru thinks you're easy to talk to...
> However, you're still just friends.

Mitsuru: ...Oh, I didn't realize it was so late. When I'm with you, time
seems to pass so quickly.
Mitsuru: Unfortunately, I have another engagement. This was fun. We should do
it again some time.
Mitsuru: I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll see you later.

> After saying goodbye to Mitsuru, you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 3 Skit][ESSL03]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

Mitsuru: Interesting... So, "takoyaki" doesn't consist of an entire octopus,

only a small portion.
Mitsuru: Well, it makes sense... An entire octopus would be too much food for
one person.
Mitsuru: *sigh* Sometimes I'm amazed at my ignorance of the world...

> Mitsuru seems dejected.

- Treat her to takoyaki
- Ask her to treat you
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Treat her to takoyaki]

Mitsuru: *laugh* Who do you think I am?

Mitsuru: Please, allow me to treat you...
Mitsuru: ...What!? They don't accept credit cards?
Mitsuru: ......

> Mitsuru seems even more dejected...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask her to treat you]

Mitsuru: I will have one takoyaki, please.

Mitsuru: ...What? Takoyaki isn't sold in individual pieces?
Mitsuru: So, I can buy a dozen at this price!?

> Mitsuru seems amazed at the low price.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mitsuru is enjoying her takoyaki.

Mitsuru: So, it's filled with diced octopus inside. Interesting...

Mitsuru: Mmm... It tastes slightly sour....
Mitsuru: Are there other ingredients in addition to the octopus?
Mitsuru: Well, whatever they may be, they taste absolutely delicious...
C'est tres bon!

> Mitsuru has discovered how delicious takoyaki tastes...

> Your relationship with her has grown.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Mitsuru is intrigued by you...
> Your relationship with her has grown...

Mitsuru: That reminds me of what Akihiko was talking about when we walked
past here...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Don't you think Akihiko has been acting differently lately?
Mitsuru: I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I've known him for such a
long time...
Mitsuru: Perhaps he's just maturing...

- "Does that make you sad?"
- "Does that make you happy?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Does that make you sad?"]

Mitsuru: Why would that make me sad? I'm happy that he's finally growing up.
Mitsuru: *laugh* There's no need to be so suspicious...
> Mitsuru forced a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Does that make you happy?"]

Mitsuru: ...Of course that makes me happy.

Mitsuru: With all we've been through, it can be difficult to get over our
Mitsuru: ...However, Akihiko is trying to learn from his experiences.
Mitsuru: I'm very impressed by him.

> Mitsuru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: When I look at Akihiko, I'm reminded of so many things about myself.
Mitsuru: I can't explain why, though...

- "Maybe you're in love."
- "Maybe you're anxious."
- "Maybe you're sad."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe you're in love."]

Mitsuru: In love...? No, it's not that.

Mitsuru: Does it appear that way to you...?

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

Mitsuru: He's just a friend... or should I say, teammate... I can't seem to

find the correct word to describe him.
Mitsuru: Regardless, that is the extent of our relationship.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe you're anxious."]

Mitsuru: Anxiety...? Hm, maybe so...

> Mitsuru's expression turned dark.

Mitsuru: Perhaps I feel pressed for time because I'm the only one of us who
isn't growing...
Mitsuru: ...Let's just forget about this.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe you're sad."]

Mitsuru: As Graduation Day approaches I do find myself feeling sad from time
to time.
Mitsuru: *laugh* You may not understand because you're only a junior.

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: *sigh* I don't even know what I'm talking about.

Mitsuru: Sorry for subjecting you to my incoherent ramblings... Please forget
what I just said.

- Cheer her on
- Agree to forget about it

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Cheer her on]

Mitsuru: ...Huh? What do you mean?

> Mitsuru seems puzzled.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Agree to forget about it]

Mitsuru: Thank you.

> Mitsuru seems relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: The takoyaki was absolutely delicious. We should eat here again

> After saying goodbye to Mitsuru, you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 4 Skit][ESSL04]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, library...

Mitsuru: We only have a short time to be together like this...

Mitsuru: Soon, we'll be looking back nostalgically on these times...

- Are you going to college?
- Did something happen?

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Are you going to college?]

Mitsuru: I... I haven't decided yet...

> Mitsuru's expression turned dark.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Did something happen?]

Mitsuru: ...I'm just tired. There's no need for you to worry.

> Mitsuru seems annoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: Since my father passed away... I've been faced with many difficult
Mitsuru: My inheritance.... the future of Kirijo... and the expectations of
everyone involved with both...
Mitsuru: Most likely I won't be able to attend college or begin a profession.
I will have to find another path.

> Mitsuru looks unusually timid.

Mitsuru: Say, Arisato...

Mitsuru: What are your thoughts on marriage?

- "It's the result of love."
- "It's a social agreement."
- "It's based on compromise."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's the restult of love."]

Mitsuru: *laugh* You're so straightforward.

Mitsuru: However, I'm a Kirijo. I cannot simply make a decision according to
my emotions.
Mitsuru: An agreement between two parties such as marriage must be carefully

> Mitsuru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's a social agreement."]

Mitsuru: Yes... That's true.

Mitsuru: Marriage is a social agreement between two consenting parties based
on the mutual benefit of their association.
Mitsuru: That is what distinguishes it from merely dating. I'm sorry... I
don't think I should be discussing this with you...

> Mitsuru seems down.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's based on compromise."]

Mitsuru: I disagree...
Mitsuru: The strong never compromise, only the weak.
Mitsuru: Or are you speaking from experience?

> Mitsuru seems to be concerned about you.

[Scroll down to continue]

Mitsuru: My parents' marriage was arranged for strategic reasons.
Mitsuru: But, as time passed, they slowly grew to love each other.
Mitsuru: I don't consider them unfortunate... Love comes in all different
Mitsuru: Do you disagree?

- "Do you have a boyfriend?"
- "That's a tough one."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do you have a boyfriend?"]

Mitsuru: N-No...
Mitsuru: I'm not very good at romantic relationships.
Mitsuru: Besides, I don't have any spare time to devote to another.

> Mitsuru seems offended.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's a tough one."]

Mitsuru: If I could speak with my father one last time, I would ask him...
Mitsuru: ......

> Mitsuru seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: I can't believe the library is closing and we're still here.
Mitsuru: *sigh* Talking in the library... I'm not setting a very good example
as Student Council President.
Mitsuru: ...We should go.

> You listened to Mitsuru as she talked about her personal problems.
> Your relationship with her has become more intimate...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Mitsuru wants to know more about you...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.
> You left the library and decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 5 Skit][ESSL05]-------------------------------------<<>

> Port Island Station, movie theater...

Mitsuru: It's so easy... You simple purchase a ticket at the window and you
can watch a movie...
Mitsuru: It may sound strange, but I have been eager to experience a film in
an actual theater.
Mitsuru: Even though we sat at the end of the aisle, I didn't feel like my
view was compromised in the least...
Mitsuru: I find it interesting that so much thought is put into the design and
construction of a movie theater.

- "...Said the rich girl."
- "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...Said the rich girl."]

Mitsuru: What does that have to do with anything? I was merely commenting on
the structural design of the theater.

> You were refuted by Mitsuru.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm glad you enjoyed it."]

Mitsuru: ...Thanks to you, Arisato. I've always felt too uncomfortable to come
here alone.

> Mitsuru has expressed her appreciation for you.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: I don't think I would normally have this type of conversation...

Mitsuru: But, it seems to me that Yukari is the type of girl who wouldn't feel
inhibited watching a movie by herself.
Mitsuru: She's also more suited to ride a motorcycle...

- "A motorcycle?"
- "And you're not?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A motorcycle?"]

Mitsuru: Yes, I believe you've seen it before; I used to use it when I

provided support for the team.
Mitsuru: However, I didn't purchase it solely for that purpose.
Mitsuru: With a motorcycle, I can go where I want, when I want, all by myself.
Mitsuru: It's my modest attempt at rebelling against my restricted life.
Mitsuru: I had planned to get rid of it after it was damaged, but I decided to
have it repaired instead.
Mitsuru: It may be a bit of an exaggeration to say I cherish it, but I do
enjoy riding it when I have time to.

> Mitsuru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["And you're not?"]

Mitsuru: ...That's not what I meant.

Mitsuru: But, I really don't have any time to ride it...
Mitsuru: I just imagine myself riding to some far-off destination without
telling anyone...
Mitsuru: It's fun to think about.
> Mitsuru is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]


- "Mitsuru's motorcycle..."
- "Let's go for a ride."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Mitsuru's motorcycle..."]

Mitsuru: It sounds strange, doesn't it?

Mitsuru: Well, that may be because it is.
Mitsuru: Everyone is against me riding it. They think it's too dangerous.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's go for a ride."]

Mitsuru: Together...? Just the two of us?

Mitsuru: Can you ride a motorcycle? Or do you plan to sit on the back?
Mitsuru: *laugh* Either way, it would be a lot of fun.

> Mitsuru seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: Thank you, I feel much better.

> Mitsuru has expressed her gratitude to you.

> Your relationship has become closer...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Mitsuru wants to get to know you better...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Mitsuru: If you don't have any objections... I'd like to stay here with you
for a little while longer.

> You decided to return to the dorm with Mitsuru.

<>>-----[Empress Level 6 Skit][ESSL06]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, library...

> You accompanied Mitsuru to the library to help her with her research.

Mitsuru: ......

> Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.

- "Looking for a specific book?"
- "Can I get a book for you?"
- "What are you doing?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Looking for a specific book?"]

Mitsuru: No, I'm not. Thank you, though.

> Mitsuru seems to be pondering something.

Mitsuru: Looking through the literature section made me realize something...

Mitsuru: There are a lot fewer books about marriage and family life than there
are romance novels.
Mitsuru: Do you think that means the most exciting time in one's life is
before marriage?
Mitsuru: Is marriage worth the sacrifice?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Can I get a book for you?"]

Mitsuru: ...Hm? Yes, please.

Mitsuru: Thank you.

> Mitsuru seems happy.

Mitsuru: Looking through the literature section made me realize something...

Mitsuru: There are a lot fewer books about marriage and family life than there
are romance novels.
Mitsuru: Do you think that means the most exciting time in one's life is
before marriage?
Mitsuru: Is marriage worth the sacrifice?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you doing?"]

Mitsuru: ...Hm? Oh, sorry.

Mitsuru: I was in a daze...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: My mind was wandering. That's been happening quite often as of late.
Mitsuru: ...It's a bad habit of mine. I should be more conscious of it.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mitsuru seems melancholy...

Mitsuru: Well, to be frank, the Group is in turmoil over the inheritance

Mitsuru: To be honest, I'm having difficulty understanding the expectations of
the other members...
Mitsuru: But, I'm the daughter of the head of the Group. I'm expected to lead
the company...
Mitsuru: ...even if that requires me to sacrifice something to do it.
Mitsuru: A "fiance" has been chosen for me.
Mitsuru: He's the new president of one of our affiliates, and he's much older
than me.
Mitsuru: But, if I agree to the marriage, the future of the company will be
Mitsuru: He's planning to announce the partnership and our engagement at the
same time.
Mitsuru: Doing so will give the appearance that the company is stabilizing.
Mitsuru: It's the best solution for everyone involved.

- "You gotta be kidding..."
- "That's news to me!"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You gotta be kidding..."]

Mitsuru: ...It is all true.

Mitsuru: It has been decided for a long time, but it's going to take place
sooner than originally planned...
Mitsuru: Personally, I'm fine with it...

> Contrary to her words, Mitsuru looks glum.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's news to me!"]

Mitsuru: Well, of course it is.

Mitsuru: You're the only person I've told.

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: My parents chose the same path.

Mitsuru: So, I won't run from my destiny.


- "You have to reconsider."

- "I'll do something about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You have to reconsider."]

Mitsuru: If I reconsider and decline the engagement, then what will I do?
Mitsuru: Leave everything behind and go on a journey of self discovery...?
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: If I did... would you come with me...?
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: *laugh* I'm just joking.

> Mitsuru forced a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll do something about it."]

Mitsuru: ...!
Mitsuru: Don't promise something you can't do!
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: I'm sorry... I was the one who began this conversation...
Mitsuru: I...
Mitsuru: Why am I telling you all this...?

> Mitsuru seems to be confused about her feelings.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mitsuru has expressed her feelings for you.

> It seems like things are starting to get serious.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Mitsuru.
> She might get upset if you go out with another girl.

Mitsuru: ...Arisato...
Mitsuru: Lately I've been hesitant to meet with you like this...
Mitsuru: It's always just the two of us...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: I have to follow through with my decision.
Mitsuru: ...But, talking with you has made me lose my resolve.
Mitsuru: It's your fault I'm feeling this way.
Mitsuru: ...Please excuse me.

> After saying goodbye to Mitsuru, you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 7 Skit][ESSL07]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: I think I've acquired a taste for fast food.
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Do you remember when I said I was hesitant to meet with you like
Mitsuru: ...Well, could you just pretend you never heard that?
Mitsuru: We both sleep under the same roof; there's no point in worrying about
Mitsuru: And...
Mitsuru: I should confirm my decision.

> There's a melancholy tone to Mitsuru's voice...

Mitsuru: ...Hey, Arisato.

Mitsuru: Do you want to see how many places we can visit in one day?
Mitsuru: Or, is that being selfish?

- "Let's do it!"
- "Are you sure it's okay?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's do it!"]

Mitsuru: ...Oh, I'm glad to hear that.

Mitsuru: Let's visit all the restaurants you introduced me to, in order.
Mitsuru: I can go anywhere now... as long as you're with me.

> Mitsuru is smiling.

Mitsuru: ...Thank you, Arisato.

Mitsuru: Let's make some memories that will last forever.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you sure it's okay?"]

Mitsuru: ...Oh, don't worry. I've made up my mind.

Mitsuru: Now, let's concentrate on all the fun we're going to have!

> Mitsuru is smiling.

Mitsuru: I can certainly make my decision after I've had some fun.
Mitsuru: ...I hope.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You understand how Mitsuru feels.

> Your relationship is stronger now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Mitsuru.
> You spent time with Mitsuru until just before curfew, and then you returned
to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 8 Skit][ESSL08]-------------------------------------<<>

> Port Island Station, movie theater...

> You had a fun time with Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: I've been wanting to see that movie for a long time. It was very
Mitsuru: Even though it was a typical road trip movie, the way the characters
expressed their emotions was great.
Mitsuru: The main character sacrificed everything just to go on a journey with
his friends.
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: And then, in the final scene, he decided to return to his normal
Mitsuru: ...I wonder if he was happy with that decision...
Mitsuru: Hey, Arisato...
Mitsuru: Have you ever thought about going to a place like that...
Mitsuru: Somewhere far away, where no one knows who you are?

- "Yes."
- "No."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

Mitsuru: Really?
Mitsuru: I'm surprised to hear that... I didn't know you felt that way.

> Mitsuru is forcing a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mitsuru: ...I see.

Mitsuru: *laugh* You're so strong...

> Mitsuru seems a little sad...

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: Don't misunderstand me; I don't yearn to leave everything behind...

Mitsuru: It's just that, sometimes, it's easy to become bound by the things
that are important to you.
Mitsuru: The future of the company... All my responsibilities...
Mitsuru: I wish I didn't have so much to worry about.
Mitsuru: Sometimes I feel shackled by my family name...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: However...
Mitsuru: I know that kind of thinking is not permitted...
Mitsuru: ...Tch, I've become so undisciplined, constantly complaining...
Mitsuru: *laugh* I must bore you with all my griping.

> Mitsuru seems to trust you...

> Your relationship has grown closer.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship has grown closer.

Mitsuru: There's something I want to ask you...

Mitsuru: Now, hypothetically, what would you think if I told you that I am
interested in someone...
Mitsuru: ...and even though I can never be with him, I can't stop thinking
about him...
Mitsuru: Would that be... wrong?
Mitsuru: ...Hypothetically?

- "No, I don't think so."
- "Yes, definitely."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, I don't think so."]

Mitsuru: ...!
Mitsuru: Arisato...

> Mitsuru seems hurt.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yes, definitely."]

Mitsuru: Hmm...
Mitsuru: Yes, you're right...
Mitsuru: I would be betraying the promise I made to my fiance.

> Mitsuru seems sad...

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: U-Um, Arisato...

Mitsuru: Um... I...

Man's Voice: There you are!

Man's Voice: Mitsuru!

Well-Dressed Man: I've been looking for you.

Well-Dressed Man: I didn't expect to find you here.
Well-Dressed Man: We're leaving. Let's go.

Mitsuru: ...?
Mitsuru: Wait a minute. I didn't make any plans with you for today...

Well-Dressed Man: Well, my business meeting for this evening was cancelled.
Well-Dressed Man: I'm a very busy man. You're just going to have to adjust
your schedule to mine.

Mitsuru: I can't... I've already made plans.

Well-Dressed Man: Well, you can break them.

Well-Dressed Man: I don't think you have anything more important to do than
spend time with me.

Mitsuru: ......

Well-Dressed Man: ...Don't look so sullen. You know this benefits you as well,
don't you?
Well-Dressed Man: I thought you understood our arrangement.
Well-Dressed Man: Now, you are to be my wife, and you are to be obedient.
Well-Dressed Man: *sigh* Why must you and your family always be so difficult?
Well-Dressed Man: Well, at least your father is no longer alive. I am relieved
of that.
Well-Dressed Man: I imagine you feel the same.

Mitsuru: How...
Mitsuru: How could you say that!?

> Mitsuru is trembling with anger.

- Calm Mitsuru down
- Say something to the guy

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Calm Mitsuru down]

Mitsuru: ...Let me be.

Mitsuru: I don't care who he is! He had no right to say that!
> You have offended Mitsuru...

Well-Dressed Man: What do YOU want? I'm her fiance!

Well-Dressed Man: Anything you do will only jeopardize the future of the
Kirijo family.
Well-Dressed Man: Your actions will affect the entire organization.
Well-Dressed Man: Even though you're only in high school, I'm sure you can
comprehend the consequences your actions will have.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Say something to the guy]

Mitsuru: ...!?
Mitsuru: Arisato...

> Mitsuru seems happy.

Well-Dressed Man:
Who the hell are you!?
Well-Dressed Man:
This is none of your business. Get lost!
Well-Dressed Man:
Listen, Mitsuru...
Well-Dressed Man:
Corportate management is not child's play.
Well-Dressed Man:
No matter how smart you are, you're still going to need my
knowledge and experience.
Well-Dressed Man: And, the Kirijo Group still needs the cooperation of my
company, does it not?

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Yes...

Well-Dressed Man: Good girl, Mitsuru. I knew you would listen to reason.
Well-Dressed Man: ...Now, let's go. I've made reservations for us at a
luxurious restaurant!

Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Very well...
Mitsuru: I wish you hadn't seen that, Arisato.
Mitsuru: Well, thank you. I had a lot of fun today.
Mitsuru: And... I'm sorry...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Please excuse me.

> Mitsuru is leaving... What will you do?

- Stop her
- Grab her fiance

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Stop her]

Mitsuru: Stop, Arisato...

Mitsuru: I know how you feel... I...

> Mitsuru has a sad look on her face.

Well-Dressed Man: Let's go, Mitsuru.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Grab her fiance]

Well-Dressed Man: Unhand me, you barbarian!

Well-Dressed Man: That is assault!
Well-Dressed Man: If I have been injured in any way, Mitsuru is the one who
will be forced to pay the price!

> Mitsuru is looking at you with surprise.

[Scroll down to continue]


Well-Dressed Man:
By the way, you!
Well-Dressed Man:
What business do you have with her?
Well-Dressed Man:
You should know your place in society.
Well-Dressed Man:
An ordinary person like you is not fit to interact with
people like Mitsuru and myself.
Well-Dressed Man: Don't you understand? You're just a nuisance.
Well-Dressed Man: ...Hmph, I can't believe this.
Well-Dressed Man: If you continue to befriend derelicts such as this,

> Mitsuru's fiance continues to berate you.

Mitsuru: That's enough...

Well-Dressed Man: Mitsuru...?

Mitsuru: I said that's enough!

Mitsuru: I won't let you insult him...!

Well-Dressed Man: Why are you getting so angry!?

Mitsuru: If you insult him, you insult me!

Well-Dressed Man: M-Mitsuru!?

Well-Dressed Man: What are you talking about!?

Mitsuru: How dare you say he should know his place!

Mitsuru: You can't even compare to him!
Mitsuru: He lives life on his own terms...
Mitsuru: ...and he has taught me not to fear the future.
Mitsuru: I-I want to...
Mitsuru: be with him...
Mitsuru: Now...
Mitsuru: and forever!

Well-Dressed Man:
Y-You want to be with HIM?
Well-Dressed Man:
Now and forever...? What on earth are you talking about!?
Well-Dressed Man:
You're my fiancee!
Well-Dressed Man:
You think I am inferior to this holligan!? I suggest you
retract that statement, Mitsuru...
Well-Dressed Man: I will only forgive you if you apologize to me this
Well-Dressed Man: Think about the future of your company!

Mitsuru: I will NOT apologize!

Mitsuru: I want to be with him.
Mitsuru: You don't care about me or how I feel...
Mitsuru: The Kirijo Group can stand on its own. We don't need any help from a
person like you.
Mitsuru: From today, you and I are strangers.
Mitsuru: And if you try to do anything malicious, I will use the power of the
Group to destroy you.
Mitsuru: ...Get out of here, you snob! I don't want to see your face ever

Well-Dressed Man: Ahhh...

Well-Dressed Man: Grandfather! Grandfather!

Mitsuru: Um...
Mitsuru: I-I...
Mitsuru: ......

> Mitsuru ran away...

> ......
> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Empress Level 9 Skit][ESSL09]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Mitsuru: I don't think anyone will find us up here.

Mitsuru: I used my authority as Student Council President to make sure of it.
Mitsuru: This is the first time I've ever done anything like this, you know...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: But, I don't care about that right now...
Mitsuru: What I want to say is...

> Mitsuru seems flustered.

Mitsuru: Th-The thing is...

Mitsuru: I need to apologize to you...
Mitsuru: I'm so sorry about what happened the other day.

- "What are you talking about?"
- "Don't worry about it."
- "That makes me happy."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you talking about?"]

Mitsuru: You know, in front of the station...

Mitsuru: Oh, I understand... You're pretending not to remember so I don't feel
Mitsuru: *sigh* I don't know what's going on with me...

> Mitsuru seems embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry about it."]

Mitsuru: I see... Thank you.

> Mitsuru seems relieved.

Mitsuru: I need to apologize to you for all the trouble my ex-fiance caused
Mitsuru: ..but first, I want to apologize for my behavior last time.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["That makes me happy."]

Mitsuru: ...!
Mitsuru: R-Really...?
Mitsuru: ......

> Mitsuru seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: The other day...

Mitsuru: I ran away after saying all those things to you.
Mitsuru: ...I can't believe I did that...
Mitsuru: I'm so sorry...
Mitsuru: I had been planning to tell you how I felt...
Mitsuru: I just can't believe I said it in front of so many people...
Mitsuru: But, that's not all...
Mitsuru: You've opened up a whole new world to me...
Mitsuru: A world full of happiness and surprises...
Mitsuru: I... I can't stop thinking about you.
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Arisato...
Mitsuru: ...I like you...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: ...I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment.
Mitsuru: But, I had to tell you how I feel...
Mitsuru: I couldn't hide it from you any longer.
Mitsuru: Phew...
Mitsuru: ...I feel so free now.
Mitsuru: You're very special to me.
Mitsuru: Of course, because of my situation, I can't let anyone know about

> Mitsuru seems to trust you.

> Your relationship with Mitsuru has intensified...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Mitsuru: Minato...
Mitsuru: ...From now on, I'll only call you by your first name when we're
Mitsuru: It may feel a little awkward, but that's what I want to do.
Mitsuru: Well, I no longer feel shackled by my family name...
Mitsuru: I met you because of who I am...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Minato...
Mitsuru: T-Take good care of me...
Mitsuru: Stay with me... just a little while longer.

> The hours flew by as you talked with Mitsuru.

> Later, you and Mitsuru returned to the dorm separately.

<>>-----[Empress Level 10 Skit][ESSL10]------------------------------------<<>

> Dorm, Mitsuru's Room...

> Her room is filled with expensive furniture...

Mitsuru: I know what you want to say.

Mitsuru: Our maid staff helped me move here... so that's why it looks like
Mitsuru: It reminds you of a lounge, doesn't it?
Mitsuru: *laugh* That's what Yukari always says...

> Mitsuru is smiling.

> ...The hours flew by as you talked with Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: ...Oh, I almost forgot.

Mitsuru: Here...

> You received something from Mitsuru.

> Obtained Motorcycle Key.

Mitsuru: It's the key to my motorcycle...

Mitsuru: I'm not going to run from the future anymore.
Mitsuru: ...There's no need for me to.
Mitsuru: I don't have to think of my motorcycle as a means to escape from my
Mitsuru: I feel bad that I haven't ridden it in a such a long time, though...
Mitsuru: ...I want to ride with you.
Mitsuru: ...But, you'll have to sit on the back until you get your license.
Mitsuru: When we're done fighting, I'll teach you how to operate it...
Mitsuru: ...I can't wait until then.

- "I can ride a motorcycle."
- "I'll sit on the back."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I can ride a motorcycle."]

Mitsuru: ...Very well. But, please be careful.

> Mitsuru is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll sit on the back."]

Mitsuru: Y-You will?

Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: ...Okay. But, once in a while it would be nice if I could hold onto

> Mitsuru said something in a quiet voice.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Minato...
Mitsuru: It still sounds a little awkward...
Mitsuru: But, when we're alone, no one else can hear me.
Mitsuru: ...Your name is special to me.
Mitsuru: If I was in danger, it would be the first word I'd scream out.
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: Um...
Mitsuru: Minato...
Mitsuru: I-I want to be with you a little bit longer tonight...
Mitsuru: ......
Mitsuru: C-Can you stay with me...?

> Mitsuru cares for you.

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Empress Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Empress Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Empress Card: The innermost power of the Empress Arcana hath been set free.
Empress Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Alilat, the ultimate
form of the Empress Arcana...

> The Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Mitsuru Kirijo Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Empress Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Mitsuru: Minato...

> The hours flew by as you spent time with Mitsuru.

<>>=====[Emperor Social Link][ERSL]========================================<<>

Hidetoshi is not well-liked among the Student Council. He's not afraid to name
anyone a suspect in the recent smoking crime. As you hang out with him more,
you notice that you're the only one he confides to. Eventually, one of the
teacher suspects you of smoking. Hidetoshi defends you and decides to change
his personality to be more friendly to others.

Author's Notes:
Mitsuru automatically asks you to join the Student Council. You do not have to
if you don't want to. If you do, go to the Faculty Office and agree to join.
After that, you are free to go to the Student Council meetings.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 1 Skit][ERSL01]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

Mitsuru: Everyone, this is Minato Arisato.

Mitsuru: He's the one I've been talking about the past few days. He'll be
joining us in Student Council.

Disciplinary Committee Rep.: Minato-kun, huh...

Disciplinary Committee Rep.: I'm Hidetoshi Odagiri. I supervise the
Disciplinary Committee.

Treasurer: I'm Chihiro Fushimi, the Treasurer.

Chihiro Fushimi: I'm a sophomore, and um... I'm still learning the ropes,
so... please be patient with me, Minato-san.

- "Nice to meet you."
- "I'll be on my best behavior."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Nice to meet you."]

Hidetoshi Odagiri: ......

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll be on my best behavior."]

Hidetoshi Odagiri: ...I would certainly hope so.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Hidetoshi is sizing you up.

Hidetoshi Odagiri: ...You must be talented if the President hand-picked you.

> It seems Hidetoshi wants to learn more about you.

> You're getting to know the members of Student Council.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> The school day is about to end.

Mitsuru: ...Today, we'll just do introductions.

Mitsuru: It'll be your job to help us, Arisato.
Mitsuru: From now on, you have my permission to enter the Student Council
Room whenever you need to.
Mitsuru: That includes after school, too.
Mitsuru: Thank you, Arisato, for joining us today.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 2 Skit][ERSL02]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> You help out on various Student council projects.
> The hours fly by as you work on the tasks.
> Hidetoshi started to talk to you.

Hidetoshi: I'd like to hear your opinion on something. It's nothing serious,
Hidetoshi: Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and
they're recruiting supporters...

- "I agree with them."
- "It's a waste of time."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I agree with them."]

Hidetoshi: Don't be so irrational, Minato-kun.

> Hidetoshi seems disappointed.

Hidetoshi: Uniforms serve a purpose. You have to know how to play by the
rules if you want to succeed in life.
Hidetoshi: Someone who complains about wearing a uniform won't last long in
the real world!
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's a waste of time."]

Hidetoshi: You're right about that.

> Hidetoshi seems satisfied.

Hidetoshi: They think life without rules is freedom. It's ridiculous, plain
and simple.
Hidetoshi: Without rules, the whole system will collapse. They're mistaking
selfishness for freedom.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: ...Sorry, I may have overreacted.

Hidetoshi: I hate people with no common sense. Sometimes, I can't believe the
things that come out of their mouths.
Hidetoshi: I don't mean you of course. I just want you to understand where I'm
coming from.

> It seems you've gained Hidetoshi's trust.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Hidetoshi: Why don't you go home, Minato-kun? I'll finish up here.

> You decided to go home.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 3 Skit][ERSL03]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Rooom...

> Hidetoshi is talking to a teacher.

Teacher: Alright Hidetoshi, I'm counting on you... for both our sakes.

Chihiro: Minato-san!

Student Council Member: ...Hey, what did he mean by "for both our sakes"?
What's he talking about?

Hidetoshi: He just wants to create a better school environment, so he offered

to help us.
Hidetoshi: Just like how the President asked Minato-kun to join Student

Student Council Member: What!? You can't decide something like that without
the President's permission!

> He is starting at Hidetoshi.

- "What happened?"
- "Stop fighting."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What happened?"]

Chihiro: S-Someone found a cigarette butt in the boys' bathroom...

Chihiro: ...and th-that teacher wants us to look for the one who did it...

> Chihiro spoke in a hushed tone...

Hidetoshi: Well, someone broke the rules, and we should find out who. It's our
responsibility, right?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Stop fighting."]

Student Council Member: Aren't you gonna say anything, Minato!?

> He seems to be getting angry.

Student Council Member: So is he gonna spy on the boys' bathroom, now? Man,
he treats everyone like a suspect! Even us!

Hidetoshi: Don't exaggerate... I'm a member of the Disciplinary Committee, not

the police.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: ...Look, you have two choices. Either help out and prove you're
trustworthy, or refuse and raise suspicion.
Hidetoshi: We sure have to deal with a lot of B.S. around here, don't we

> It seems like Hidetoshi is counting on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!

Student Council Member: H-Hey! Don't ignore me!

Student Council Member: ...Teacher's pet!

> He chases after Hidetoshi.

Chihiro: It's not good for Student Council members to be fighting like this,
Chihiro: I-I better go tell the President...!

> You decided to go home.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 4 Skit][ERSL04]-------------------------------------<<>
> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...
> You help out on various Student Council projects.
> The hours fly by as you work on the tasks.

Mitsuru: Is Odagiri absent today?

Chihiro: Um... no... I think he's busy...

Mitsuru: Busy doing what?

Student Council Member: ...Busy playing Private DICK.

Mitsuru: Oh... You mean what Fushimi was telling me about earlier... I see.
Mitsuru: Well, his intentions are good, so you can't really blame him. But, I
understand how you feel.
Mitsuru: ...You can go if you'd like. I don't mind. Sorry for all the drama.

> You decide to leave the Student Council Room.

> Gekkoukan High School, 1F hallway.
> You can hear someone yelling.

Punk: So where's your EVIDENCE, smart guy!?

Hidetoshi: There's no need for evidence. I know all about you.

Hidetoshi: You were arrested for beating up a guy in the park who snitched on
you, right?

Student: Whoa! He's at it AGAIN! That's the third person today he's accused...
Student: My boyfriend said he was accused too. He was so pissed off.
Student: That guy's gonna get himself punched in the face one of these days...

> It looks like the punk is going to hit Hidetoshi.

- Intervene
- Keep watching

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Hidetoshi: ...If it's not you, then give me some names.

Hidetoshi: Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. You have my word as a member of
the Disciplinary Committee.

Punk: ...You think you're so smart, don't ya!? What a loser...

Hidetoshi: Don't think you're off the hook just yet.

> The punk walked away.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Keep watching]

> The punk punched Hidetoshi and walked away.

Hidetoshi: Tch...! Don't think I'll just let that go!

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: Minato-kun...
Hidetoshi: You look like you want to say something...

- "You need to lighten up."
- "Good work."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You need to lighten up."]

> Hidetoshi seems disappointed.

Hidetoshi: ...Some people will lie and backstab without hesitation if it's to
their advantage.
Hidetoshi: People like that are a menace to society.
Hidetoshi: We shouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior; we should do something
about it.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Good work."]

> Hidetoshi seems satisfied.

Hidetoshi: If we let people get away with breaking the rules, things will only
get worse.
Hidetoshi: One day, it'll spiral out of control, and there will be nothing we
can do.
Hidetoshi: So, we should deal with the problem now, while we still can.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: ...I know what people think of me.

Hidetoshi: But, if you try to justify your actions, people will hate you even
more. History has proven that.
Hidetoshi: So, let this serve as a warning to other offenders.
Hidetoshi: Minato-kun, you're a sensible person... You understand, right?

> You sense that Hidetoshi is beginning to trust you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!

Hidetoshi: I'm gonna get back to business. You should go home before it gets

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 5 Skit][ERSL05]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> The staff members are arguing.

Hidetoshi: How many times do I have to explain? It's like I'm talking to a

Student Council Vice President: Why are you accusing ME? The cigarette butt
was in the BOYS' bathroom, right?

Hidetoshi: Can you prove that it wasn't a girl who left it there?

Student Council Member: There's just no reasoning with you!

> No one seems to agree with Hidetoshi.

> Everyone has left.

Hidetoshi: ...What a bunch of neanderthals...

Hidetoshi: ...Minato-kun, were you there the whole time?

- "They can be pretty cruel."
- "You can't accuse everyone."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["They can be pretty cruel."]

Hidetoshi: ...Don't hold it against them... They're like children: they just
don't understand.

> Hidetoshi seems satisfied.

Hidetoshi: Sooner or later, they'll see the light. Then, they'll respect me.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You can't accuse everyone."]

Hidetoshi: I hope you're not just giving into peer pressure, Minato-kun.

> Hidetoshi is getting mad.

Hidetoshi: If you buck the system, you're only hurting yourself. You'll see
the light one day!

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: I'm not isolating myself; I'm just being aloof. Sooner or later,
someone always gets hurt in any relationship.
Hidetoshi: ...I guess I'm preaching to the choir, though. I apologize.

> It seems like Hidetoshi is trying to be a good friend.

> You understand Hidetoshi better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Hidetoshi: ...There's no reason to have a meeting if no one's here. Let's go.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 6 Skit][ERSL06]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> Only Hidetoshi is here.

Hidetoshi: Sorry, it was a quick meeting. Everyone left already.

Hidetoshi: It's actually kind of nice not having those hyenas around.

- "You're not going home yet?"
- "Hyenas?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're not going home yet?"]

Hidetoshi: There's something I want to take care of before I go home.

> Hidetoshi seems troubled.

Hidetoshi: About the cigarette butt in the boys' bathroom... I have to do

something... soon.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Hidetoshi: I see the way they look at me.

> Hidetoshi seems troubled.

Hidetoshi: About the cigarette butt in the boys' bathroom... I've been trying
to track down the culprit.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: ...As you can see, the meeting's over, so you can leave if you

- "But, I just got here..."
- "Maybe I should stick around."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["But, I just got here..."]

Hidetoshi: I see...

> Hidetoshi seems happy.

Hidetoshi: If you're not in a hurry, can you spare a few minutes?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe I should stick around."]

Hidetoshi: You're probably busy all the time too. You shuld take a break once
in a while.

> Hidetoshi seems more cheerful.

Hidetoshi: If you have the time, please stay and listen to my story.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: A man without position, honor, or education... What can he cling to

as he struggles through life?
Hidetoshi: "Sincerity," a man once told me.
Hidetoshi: ...Do you want to know what happened to that man?
Hidetoshi: While gathering information for a story, a TV anchorwoman was
injured on the job.
Hidetoshi: The executives for the TV station called it an "unfortunate
Hidetoshi: But when a magazine learned they were hiding something, the execs
pointed the finger at the script writer.
Hidetoshi: They said it was the writer who had concealed the truth; he was
made into a scapegoat.
Hidetoshi: That man is currently serving time for perjury. It was he who
taught me the meaning of sincerity.
Hidetoshi: In today's society, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. You
can't survive on sincerity alone!
Hidetoshi: ...As for me, Minato-kun, I'd like to build a corporation where
everyone is treated fairly.
Hidetoshi: But, to do that, I'd need enough power to make my vision a reality.

> Hidetoshi is opening up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Hidetoshi: ...Well, seems like we're done here. I'll walk with you to the

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 7 Skit][ERSL07]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> You help out on various Student Council projects.
> The hours fly by as you work on the tasks.

Hidetoshi: The other day, I was talking about the cigarette butt in the boys'
Hidetoshi: The teachers want the student to be expelled as soon as I find out
who it is.

> The Student Council Room is getting noisy.

Hidetoshi: Explusion, huh...?

> Hidetoshi looks exhausted.

Hidetoshi: So, Minato-kun, what do you think?
Hidetoshi: ...About the smoker's punishment, that is.

- "The usual will do."
- "He should suffer."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The usual will do."]

Hidetoshi: Yeah, I think expulsion is too severe.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["He should suffer."]

Hidetoshi: I think so too.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Hidetoshi seems torn.

Hidetoshi: I think once I catch the culprit, I'll give him a good lecturing.
Hidetoshi: After all, the point is to try and prevent it from happening again.
Hidetoshi: It'd be great if I could get people like him to change their ways.
Hidetoshi: I don't sympathize with students who break the rules, but...
Hidetoshi: Will kicking the "bad" kids out really make school a better place?
Hidetoshi: I don't know why I'm complaining. It's really not like me. I guess
I'm just confused because I feel so powerless.
Hidetoshi: I'll have more power if I do what the teacher wants and win his
trust. Then, people will have to listen to me.
Hidetoshi: Watch me, Minato-kun! I'll work my way to the top.

> Hidetoshi has opened up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Hidetoshi: I have some work to do. I'm going to make a list of suspects.
Hidetoshi: You should go home, Minato-kun. And be careful.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 8 Skit][ERSL08]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> Chihiro is the only one here.

Chihiro: Minato-san... Today's meeting was canceled.

Chihiro: Um... What happened to Hidetoshi-san?

- "What do you mean?"
- "Why, is something wrong?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What do you mean?"]

Chihiro: Just now, a teacher called him to the office...

Chihiro: The teacher seemed really upset...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why, is something wrong?"]

Chihiro: Just now, a teacher called him to the office...

Chihiro: I think it's about the cigarette butt...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Chihiro seems scared.

> You decided to go to the office.
> Gekkoukan High School, office hallway...

Teacher's Voice: Don't be so stubborn! Just put his name on the list!

> You hear someone yelling inside the office.

Hidetoshi's Voice: Minato-kun was chosen by the President to be in Student

Council. He's very responsible.
Hidetoshi's Voice: That's why I don't consider him a suspect.

> You hear a teacher and Hidetoshi talking.

Teacher's Voice: There are witnesses who saw him wandering the streets at
Teacher's Voice: I thought you hated students who don't follow the rules...

Hidetoshi's Voice: I don't doubt that there were witnesses, but...

Hidetoshi's Voice: I believe in Minato-kun. So, I'm not adding him to the list
of suspects.

Teacher's Voice: I thought you were smarter than that, Hidetoshi...

Teacher's Voice: ...Forget about our deal.

Hidetoshi's Voice: ...If you'll excuse me, then.

Hidetoshi: ...You were listening?

> Hidetoshi looks uncomfortable.

- "It wasn't me."
- "You came to my defense?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It wasn't me."]

Hidetoshi: I know; you don't have to tell me.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["You came to my defense?"]

Hidetoshi: It may have sounded like that, but I just did what I thought was

[Scroll down to continue]


> Hidetoshi seems satisfied.

Hidetoshi: That teacher thinks it was you... Did he really pass his
certification exam?
Hidetoshi: Don't worry, Minato-kun. Even if the whole school turns on me, I
won't sell you out.

> Hidetoshi seems to be a true friend.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!

Hidetoshi: "I won't sell you out." ...Not bad, huh?

Hidetoshi: See ya, Minato-kun.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 9 Skit][ERSL09]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> You help out on various Student Council projects.
> The hours fly by as you work on the tasks.

Hidetoshi: ...That's it for today's meeting.

> Hidetoshi whispers something to you...

Hidetoshi: ...Minato-kun, I want to talk to you after the meeting.

> The Student Council meeting is finished.

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Hidetoshi: I'm sorry to drag you up here, but I wanted to tell you
Hidetoshi: The cigarette butt incident will be dropped... They say it's my
fault, for asking so many questions.
Hidetoshi: I wanted to be Student Council President next year, and the P.E.
teacher agreed to endorse me.
Hidetoshi: But, I lost any chance of achieving that goal when I disagreed with
Hidetoshi: The student body is also annoyed with me.
Hidetoshi: I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was
that I was desperate for power...

- "Don't blame yourself."
- "Good thing you noticed."
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't blame yourself."]

Hidetoshi: ...Now I know why the President asked you to join Student Council.
Hidetoshi: Those aren't just empty words... or sympathy. You genuinely mean
what you say.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Good thing you noticed."]

Hidetoshi: ...Now I know why the President asked you to join Student Council.
Hidetoshi: You don't say things to put people down. You're just honest with

[Scroll down to continue]


> Hidetoshi seems to be looking at you with admiration.

Hidetoshi: The system only works if you have people's trust, and trust is not
something you force them to feel.
Hidetoshi: When the P.E. teacher suggested that you should be a suspect,
Hidetoshi: I felt as iif I was being bullied by an ignoramus who just had more
power than me.
Hidetoshi: I felt like the truth was being bent and I might lose a friend as a
Hidetoshi: If it wasn't for you, Minato-kun, I would've gotten carried away.
Thank you.

> Hidetoshi seems genuinely appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Hidetoshi: Don't tell anyone what I just told you.

Hidetoshi: I realize it's out of character for me... I'm sure everyone would
just make fun of me.
Hidetoshi: Remember, I expect you to keep this a secret. See ya later.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Emperor Level 10 Skit][ERSL10]------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

> There is a Student Council meeting.
> You help Hidetoshi with his presentation.

Hidetoshi: So that's my review on the proper way to wear one's uniform. Please
keep these things in mind.
Hidetoshi: I'm not trying to force everyone to change the way they dress; I
would like to hear your opinion.
> You overhear several comments.

Student Council Member: Hey, did Hidetoshi just say he wanted to hear our

Student Council Vice President: Before, he didn't care WHAT we thought.

Sudent Council Liaison: Well... At least he's trying.

> The meeting is over.

Hidetoshi: Thanks, Minato-kun. I couldn't have done it without you.

Hidetoshi: Um... How'd I do?

- "So, so."
- "Not bad."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So, so."]

Hidetoshi: Well, I'm proud of myself for making an effort.

> Hidetoshi seems satisfied.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not bad."]

Hidetoshi: If you say so... Anyway, it's a big weight off my shoulders.

> Hidetoshi seems to be blushing.

[Scroll down to continue]


Hidetoshi: I may have given people the impression that I'm selfish, but I'll
win back their trust.
Hidetoshi: Look at this.

> Hidetoshi removed a lighter from his pocket.

Hidetoshi: You know the cigarette butt in the bathroom? One of the guys fessed
Hidetoshi: And you know what else? He promised me that he'll never smoke
Hidetoshi: This lighter is proof of that.
Hidetoshi: I earned his trust by showing concern for others, just like you
taught me.
Hidetoshi: Here, I want you to have this.

- "I'll hang onto it."
- "I guess I'll take it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll hang onto it."]

Hidetoshi: Please, do.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I guess I'll take it."]

Hidetoshi: Thanks.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Obtained Cheap Lighter.

Hidetoshi: I've been looking down on people.

Hidetoshi: But, you taught me an important lesson.
Hidetoshi: I don't think I'll ever compare to you, though.

> Hidetoshi seems embarrassed.

> You sense great respect from Hidetoshi.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Emperor Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Emperor Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Emperor Card: The innermost power of the Emperor Arcana hath been set free.
Emperor Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Odin, the ultimate
form of the Emperor Arcana...

> The Student Council Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Student Council Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Hidetoshi: ...Do you remember the story I told you? About the TV
Hidetoshi: The man sent to prison was my father...
Hidetoshi: I see now that sincerity IS important, and I'm proud of myself for
learning its true meaning.
Hidetoshi: I also realized what an amazing man my father is...
Hidetoshi: ...It's time to go home.
Hidetoshi: You wanna go somewhere?
Hidetoshi: You know, we've never hung out outside of school.

> You decide to go with Hidetoshi. He seems really excited.

<>>=====[Hierophant Social Link][HISL]=====================================<<>

Bunkichi and Mitsuko are an old couple that owns the Bookworms Used Books
store. They are devasted to learn that their deceased son's tree in Gekkoukan
is being torn down. Later they learn that there is a petition to stop the
school from tearing down the tree. However, they decide to write to the school
to tell them to take it down because it would benefit the students.

Author's Notes:
They are located at the Iwatodai strip mall. You have to do a small quest for
them before you establish the Social Link.

<>>-----[Hierophant Introduction Skit][HSL00]------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> An old man and woman are behind the counter.
Old Man: ...Welcome.
Old Man: What would you like today? We have fresh mackerel...!

Old Woman: ...Sorry, as you can see, we don't sell fish here.

Old Man: Hey, you're a student, aren't you? You must be from Gekkoukan High,
Old Man: That means you've probably seen the persimmon tree there...

- "Huh?"
- "Persimmon tree?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Old Man: Are you serious!? You don't know what I'm talking about? Not a day
goes by that we don't think about that tree!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Persimmon tree?"]

Old Man: Do you think I'm making this up!? ...I'm serious!

[Scroll down to continue]


Old Man: It was planted right besides a walkway in a courtyard at the school.

> It seems there's a persimmon tree somewhere at Gekkoukan High School.

> But, it's not clear how the tree and this old couple are connected...

Old Woman: I'm sorry. He's rambling on like an old man.

Old Woman: ...Just ignore him.

> After saying goodbye to the old couple, you decided to leave the bookstore.

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 1 Skit][HISL01]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> An old man and woman are behind the counter.

Old Man: ...Welcome to Bookworms.

Old Man: How many guests? Smoking or non-smoking?
Old Man: Hm? Excuse me, but may I see that leaf in your hand...

> The old man is interested in the Persimmon Leaf.

> Would you like to show it to him?

- Show it to him
- Don't show it to him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Show it to him]

Old Man: Oh! Is this a leaf from that persimmon tree?

Old Man: It must have grown quite a bit to produce such splendid leaves...
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Don't show it to him]

Old Man: Ah... I apologize... I have another customer.

Old Man: This place is not that organized... but feel free to look around. I
won't pester you.

> You browsed through the store.

[You leave the store; skit repeats the next time you come in]


Old Man: ...Wait, so you didn't come here to buy books? Did you come here just
to show us this?

- "That's right."
- "Um, no..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's right."]

Old Man: I knew it!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Um, no..."]

Old Man: Nah-uh, I don't believe you.

[Scroll down to continue]


Old Man: I knew right from the start that you're a kind young man!

> The old man is showering you with praise.

Old Man: I've been meaning to go see that tree for a while now.
Old Man: But I'm not sure if these stumpy old legs will make it that far...
Old Man: ...That wasn't meant to be a pun. You know, "stumpy," "tree stump."
Catch my drift?

Old Woman: Very clever, dear.

Old Man: Allow me to introduce my wife Mitsuko. I'm Bunkichi.

Bunkichi: If you don't mind, would you tell us your name?

Bunkichi: So, your name is Minato Arisato...
Bunkichi: Then, we'll call you Minato-chan from now on!

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem happy you told them about the persimmon tree.
> You got to know the old couple a little better.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> It's getting dark out.

Mitsuko: We're open every day except Sunday.

Mitsuko: Come visit us if you get bored.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 2 Skit][HISL02]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: Oh, you came back! Welcome, um...

Bunkichi: What was your name again?

- Tell him
- Say nothing

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Tell him]

Bunkichi: I'm just joking. I know who you are. I'm not that old.
Bunkichi: My wife and I were just talking about you, Minato-chan.

> Bunkichi seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Say nothing]

Bunkichi: Wait, I was just kidding! Are you mad? I wouldn't forget you that
easily, Minato-chan.
Bunkichi: Honestly, I was just pretending... Although, sometimes I forget for

> It seems like Bunkichi feels bad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: Minato-chan, do you like Melon Breads?

Bunkichi: Someone gave them to me, but I have more than enough. Go ahead, take

- "Thanks!"
- "No, thank you."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bunkichi: Don't worry about it; it's just a Melon Bread. There's no need to
thank me.
Bunkichi: Minato-chan, you're so polite. I wish HE had been that way...

> Bunkichi seems impressed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, thank you."]

Bunkichi: You're young, so enough with the formalities. Take as many as you
Bunkichi: Besides, it's just you, me, and Mitsuko here.

> Bunkichi seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: Do you want one for a friend too?

Bunkichi: ...Because it'll take us forever to finish them all.

- Accept the offer
- Politely decline

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Accept the offer]

Bunkichi: Alright, here ya go. Um... uh... err...

Bunkichi: What was your name again...?

Mitsuko: Remember, dear? This is Minato-chan.

Mitsuko: I'm sorry, Minato-chan. He's terribly forgetful lately.
Mitsuko: Here you go.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Politely decline]

Bunkichi: You should listen to your elders!

> Bunkichi stuffed a Melon Bread into your pocket.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Obtained Melon Bread.

Bunkichi: ...Where did he run off to, dear?

Bunkichi: He should be here helping customers... I'm sorry, Minato-chan.

- "Who's 'he'?"
- "No need to apologize."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who's 'he'?"]

Bunkichi: Our spoiled son. He hasn't been back in a while.

> Bunkichi seems lonely.

Bunkichi: Where did he go, dear?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No need to apologize."]

Bunkichi: I'm sure he'd rather be "hanging out" with his friends than taking
care of an old man like me.

> Bunkichi seems lonely.

Bunkichi: I'm sure he'll be back soon. Right, dear?

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuko: Must you, dear...?

> Mitsuko seems sad.


- "Who's 'he'?"
- "What are you talking about?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: ...Oh, that's right. Our son is deceased...

Bunkichi: My apologies, Minato-chan. I hope I'm not making you feel

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko shared their painful past with you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: H-hey, hey, why the gloomy faces?

Bunkichi: It's dark outside. I don't need it to be dark in here too.
Bunkichi: ...Please come again. We'll be waiting for you, Minato-chan.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 3 Skit][HISL03]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: That's strange... I swear I left it around here...

Bunkichi: But, I can't seem to find it.

- "Looking for something?"
- "Cleaning the store?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Looking for something?"]

Bunkichi: Minato-chan?
Bunkichi: How'd you know I was looking for something? Are you psychic?

> Bunkichi seems rather surprised.

Bunkichi: I'm looking for my glasses... No, not my glasses--my wallet... I

can't seem to find it.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Cleaning the store?"]

Bunkichi: Nooo! Don't walk over there!

Bunkichi: My contact lens...
Bunkichi: Wait, that was last year.

> Bunkichi is staring off into the distance.

Bunkichi: ...It's not my contact lens I'm looking for; it's my wallet. Now,
where did I put it?

[Scroll down to continue]


- "Must be here somewhere..."
- "I'll help you look."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Must be here somewhere..."]

Bunkichi: You don't have to be so polite, Minato-chan. We're friends, and

nothing can change that.
Bunkichi: I remember when I was in the military...
Bunkichi: Alright, soldier! About face! Now, find the wallet!

> Bunkichi seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll help you look."]

Bunkichi: Wow! Minato-chan, you really can read minds!

Bunkichi: I was just thinking it'd be nice if someone gave us a hand.

> Bunkichi seems rather surprised.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You search for the wallet with Bunkichi and Mitsuko.

Bunkichi: Where could it be...?

Bunkichi: ...Wait, what were we looking for?

Voice: Konnichiwa, 'ello!

Mysterious Foreigner: I found zis en ze ground outside! Eez it yours?

> The mysterious foreigner handed a wallet to Bunkichi.

Bunkichi: Wow! This is it! I've been looking for this wallet everywhere!
Bunkichi: Well, it's not a golden wallet, but I'm still happy to have it back!

Mysterious Foreigner: Sumimasen, excuse me...

Mysterious Foreigner: Aren't you ze transfer student everyone eez talking
Mysterious Foreigner: I go to ze same school--Gekkoukan!

- "Nice to meet you."
- "...Who are you?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mysterious Foreigner: I came 'here from France to study abroad. My name eez
Andre Laurent Jean Geraux.
Mysterious Foreigner: But, zey call me "Bebe"!

- "Nice to meet you."
- "......"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bebe: Hajime mashite, it eez nice to meet you too!

Bebe: I work in ze Home Economis Room everyday. If you get bored, come say
Bebe: I 'ope to see you zere. Sayonara, goodbye!

> Bebe has left the store.

Mitsuko: Well... He seemed like an interesting young man.

Bunkichi: Hmm... I thought I put it in my wallet so I wouldn't lose it...

Bunkichi: ...Ah, here it is! I knew it was in here!

Mitsuko: ...Dear? Is that key for...?

Bunkichi: come on, dear, you know what it is. It's the key for our son's car.
Bunkichi: Seeing Minato-chan reminded me of how things used to be...
Bunkichi: I haven't heard the roar of the engine in a long time. How do I
look, dear?

Mitsuko: Please don't!

Mitsuko: Why must you get into a car!? Do you want me to end up all alone!?

- "What's so bad about a car?"
- "You're afraid to be alone?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mitsuko: Um, Minato-chan...

Mitsuko: I'm sorry for raising my voice. Did I scare you?

Bunkichi: Our son... Remember what I told you? How he passed away...
Bunkichi: On the way home from work, he got into an accident... He was hit by
a dump truck driver who was drunk on the job...

- "I'm sorry to hear that."
- "That's terrible luck."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: Minato-chan, please punch me... Punch me for being so insensitive...

Bunkichi: With all my excitement, I forgot to consider how my wife might
feel... I'm such a... I'm such a...

> It seems like Bunkichi feels guilty.

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko told you the truth about their son's death.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: ...Hm? Why should we let this get us down?

Bunkichi: Since I found my wallet, why don't we eat out, dear?
Bunkichi: Thanks for searching with us, Minato-chan. Consider this your

> Bunkichi stuffed a Medicine into your pocket.

> Obtained Medicine.
> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 4 Skit][HISL04]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: Minato-chan! Too bad you didn't come earlier...

Bunkichi: My wife just left for Gekkoukan.

- "I should go there too."
- "I'll wait here for a while."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: Well, she won't be gone long. Why don't you keep my company,

> Bunkichi seems happy to see you.

Bunkichi: Are you thirsty? Here, let's share this.

Bunkichi: ...Wait, where are the cups? I'm afraid I'm completely useless
without my wife.

Mitsuko: T...T-T-Tree...

> Mitsuko looks pale.

- Ask what happened
- Remain silent

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask what happened]

Bunkichi: See, you have Minato-chan worried too. You oughta know better than
to walk that far at your age...

> Bunkichi seems worried.

Bunkichi: Here, drink this, dear.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Remain silent]

Bunkichi: Calm down, dear. Not in front of a customer...

> Bunkichi seems worried.

Bunkichi: Here, drink this.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: And here's one for you, Minato-chan.

> Obtained Cylon Tea.

Bunkichi: The persimmon tree by the walkway, at your school...

Bunkichi: My wife heard a rumor that it was going to be cut down, and she
almost fainted.
Bunkichi: Do you know anything about it, Minato-chan?

- "I have no idea."
- "Now, you have me worried."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I have no idea."]

Bunkichi: So, it's probably just a rumor...

Bunkichi: What a "re-leaf" that would be!

> Bunkichi seems to be awaiting your reaction.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Now, you have me worried."]

Bunkichi: You're so kind, Minato-chan...

Bunkichi: I'm worried too. I tried to look into the rumor, but...
Bunkichi: I think I was "barking up the wrong tree..."

> Bunkichi seems to be awaiting your reaction.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuko: Minato-chan, if it's not too much trouble, can you tell us if you
hear anything about the persimmon tree?

> It seems Mitsuko is counting on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Mitsuko: I hate to trouble you, but...

Mitsuko: Please let us know if you hear anything about the persimmon tree.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 5 Skit][HISL05]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem uneasy.

Bunkichi: Oh, Minato-chan. We were just talking about you.

Bunkichi: I'm sorry for troubling you about the persimmon tree...

- "I'll 'root' out the truth!"
- "What tree?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll 'root' out the truth!"]

Bunkichi: Good one, Minato-chan!

Bunkichi: It's really nice having you around... I can make stupid puns whenever
I feel like it!

> Bunkichi seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What tree?"]

Bunkichi: Don't tell me you forgot!?

Bunkichi: The tree is very important to us, Minato-chan, as I thought you
Bunkichi: You must have a lot on your mind, right? It's not because you don't

> Bunkichi seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: ...That persimmon tree is a reminder of our son...

Bunkichi: Before his death, he was a teacher at Gekkoukan High School...
Bunkichi: He planted the tree on graduation day with the students in his first

Mitsuko: That tree is about to bear fruit...

Mitsuko: Why now...? Why do they want to cut it down now?

- "Cheer up."
- "Don't worry."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mitsuko: ...Thank you, Minato-chan.
Mitsuko: ...That makes me feel a lot better. It's very comforting talking to

> Mitsuko seems very appreciative of your support.

Bunkichi: Wow, Minato-chan, you've really captured her heart!

Bunkichi: You must be popular with the ladies! My wife's no sucker, after all!
Bunkichi: I feel I'm looking at myself when I was in my prime!

> It seems Bunkichi and Mitsuko have grown to trust you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: Don't worry too much about the tree. Just stop by when you get the
Bunkichi: Oh, and take this. It's left over, but it's still good...

> Bunkichi stuffed a Crab Bread into your pocket.

> Obtained Crab Bread.

Bunkichi: Take care.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 6 Skit][HISL06]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: ...Dear, Minato-chan is here.

Bunkichi: So, would you please cheer up...?

Mitsuko: I understand their reasoning...

Mitsuko: But, if that tree is removed, I feel like the memory of my son will
vanish with it...

- "You're thinking too much."
- "Please stop quarreling."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're thinking too much."]

Mitsuko: ...You'll understand once you've been a parent, Minato-chan. All

parents think about their children.
Mitsuko: For me, that tree represents my son. It's something to remember him

> Mitsuko seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Please stop quarreling."]

Mitsuko: ...We're fine. We're not fighting. I was just fretting...

Mitsuko: Sorry to make you worry.

> Mitsuko seems deeply touched.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: ...Apparently, the rumor was true... They really are going to cut
down the persimmon tree...
Bunkichi: So, we went to the school to say goodbye.
Bunkichi: But, that just reminded Mitsuko of our son's death...

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem really depressed.

- "Cheer up."
- "It'll be okay."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: See, dear. That's exactly what I said!

Bunkichi: If you keep crying all the time, then what will your admirers think?
Bunkichi: Right, Minato-chan?

> A smile has returned to Mitsuko's face.

> You feel Bunkichi and Mitsuko's great appreciation.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: Stop by anytime.

Bunkichi: My wife will be happy to see such a handsome young man.
Bunkichi: Here, take this for when you get hungry.

> Bunkichi stuffed a Fried Bread into your pocket.

> Obtained Fried Bread.
> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 7 Skit][HISL07]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: Ah... Minato-chan. Welcome--

Mitsuko: *sob*

> Mitsuko is crying.

- Ask why she's crying
- Look at Bunkichi
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask why she's crying]

Bunkichi: Don't worry. She's crying because she's happy.

Bunkichi: She always cries at happy events, like the day we first met!

> Bunkichi seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Look at Bunkichi]

Bunkichi: Hm? Why are you looking at ME, Minato-chan? You don't think I made
her cry, do you?

> Bunkichi seems agitated.

Bunkichi: Maybe she's just embarrassed because I always wear my socks inside
Bunkichi: ...Um, wait, that's not it, although it's true. Actually, those are
tears of joy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: All the graduates from my son's class have gathered at the school.
Bunkichi: They're collecting signatures to save the persimmon tree!

Mitsuko: They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher... They
don't want it to be cut down.

- "Not interested."
- "That's great."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not interested."]

Bunkichi: ...You're a transfer student, so you probably wouldn't understand...

> Bunkichi seems disappointed.

Bunkichi: Even after all this time, they still cherish their memories of high

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's great."]

Bunkichi: Many of them came to our son's funeral...

Bunkichi: It's been so many years... but they still remember him...

> Bunkichi is deeply touched.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mitsuko: They've given their precious time... *sob* for our son... I-I don't
know what to say...

Bunkichi: ...Minato-chan, were you the one who called them all?

- "Nope."
- "That's right."
- "What are you talking about?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bunkichi: There's no need to be modest, Minato-chan...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's right."]

Bunkichi: I knew it! ...I knew it from the very beginning!

Bunkichi: From the first time I saw you, Minato-chan, I knew you were
different from the kids around here.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you talking about?"]

Bunkichi: There's no need to be modest, Minato-chan...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Bunkichi seems happy.

Bunkichi: You "da man," Minato-chan! Incredible...

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem to think that you're the one responsible for the
> They seem very appreciative.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: ...Don't forget about us, even after you've graduated and become an
Bunkichi: Someday, I'd like to go have a drink together...
Bunkichi: But, let's wait until you're legal.

> Obtained Cielo Mist.

Bunkichi: see ya later, Minato-chan.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the
<>>-----[Hierophant Level 8 Skit][HISL08]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Bunkichi: Welcome, Minato-chan. I've been waiting for you.

Bunkichi: I wanted to tell you the good news as soon as possible. It's about a
customer who came by earlier...
Bunkichi: Who do you think it was? Here's a hint: "signature."

- "Someone with a petition?"
- "A diehard Bunkichi fan?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Someone with a petition?"]

Bunkichi: Wow! I'm impressed! I thought that hint was too vague...
Bunkichi: But yeah, it was one of the organizers of the campaign to save the
persimmon tree.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A diehard Bunkichi fan?"]

Bunkichi: That's right! How'd you guess!? One of my fans came by, and he said
he'd bring the rest of my fan club next time!
Bunkichi: ...Yeah, I wish! Actually, it was one of the organizers of the
compaign to save the persimmon tree.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Bunkichi seems cheerful.

Bunkichi: He said, "Let's protect the tree together!"

Bunkichi: ...AND he's gotten a lot of signatures from students who were in our
son's class.

- "That's great."
- "That's wonderful."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mitsuko: Many people want to honor his memory...

Mitsuko: He was loved by everyone...

Bunkichi: Of course! He was our proud son!

Mitsuko: I'm sure he's just as happy as we are...

Bunkichi: Alright! Minato-chan, let's go to Gekkoukan right now!

Bunkichi: I have to tell my son the good news!

- "Let's go."
- "I'll pass."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Let's go."]

Bunkichi: Sweet! That's music to my ears!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll pass."]

Bunkichi: What are you talking about!? It's all your doing! You have to come!

[Scroll down to continue]


> Bunkichi seems really excited.

Bunkichi: I've never been so excited about a walk before!

> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seems to have taken a liking to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!

Bunkichi: Let's race to the persimmon tree from here! I won't lose, not even
to a youngster like you!
Bunkichi: Alright, dear, we'll be back. Thanks for watching the store.

> After visiting the persimmon tree with Bunkichi, you decided to go back to
the dorm.

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 9 Skit][HISL09]----------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

Mitsuko: Um, dear, you spelled it wrong.

Mitsuko: There are two k's...

Bunkichi: I know, I know!

Bunkichi: I just forgot to write the second one.

Mitsuko: I feel bad for Minato-chan and all the people who've been campaigning
to save the tree...

Bunkichi: ...Oh! Speak of the devil.

Bunkichi: I'm writing a letter--something I haven't done in ages. But, I can't
remember how to spell half these words!
Bunkichi: Am I finally losing it? I used to have an amazing vocabulary.

- "What's it about?"
- "Why are you writing it?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: Sorry, can't let you see it. Top secret.

> Bunkichi seems to be having fun.

Mitsuko: I'll tell you when the time comes, Minato-chan.

Bunkichi: Well, aren't you curious?

- "I'm dying to read it."
- "I can't wait another minute."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm dying to read it."]

Bunkichi: ...We're just as excited.

Bunkichi: Your enthusiasm is contagious, Minato-chan.
Bunkichi: Just look at my wife. She's as giddy as a schoolgirl.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I can't wait another minute."]

Bunkichi: ...We feel the same way.

Bunkichi: Everyday, we just can't wait to see you!
Bunkichi: Lately, I even feel smarter! Maybe I should go back to school...
Bunkichi: Just kidding.

[Scroll down to continue]


> It seems Bunkichi and Mitsuko are counting on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!
> It's getting dark out.

Bunkichi: I hope we can clean up the store before you come back next time...

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Hierophant Level 10 Skit][HISL10]---------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> Bunkichi is taking a nap.

Bunkichi: ...Please... wait a while longer.

Bunkichi: ...Even if the tree is gone... you'll still live on... inside us...

> Bunkichi is sleep talking.

- Take a closer look.
- Leave him alone.
[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bunkichi: ...Oh, Minato-chan, you're here? You didn't have to wake me up...
Bunkichi: Or were you just eager to see my pretty face?
Bunkichi: Oof.
Bunkichi: I feel relieved now, probably because the problem has been solved.
Bunkichi: Even though it's the middle of the day, I feel so sleepy...

- "What problem?"
- "Why are you relieved?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What problem?"]

Bunkichi: I'm deeply touched that you and so many other people tried to help
us, Minato-chan...
Bunkichi: But, we sent a letter to Gekkoukan.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why are you relieved?"]

Bunkichi: ...Since Mitsuko is here too, I think it's time we told you.
Bunkichi: Minato-chan, we sent a letter to Gekkoukan.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: ...I told them to cut the persimmon tree down.

- "What!?"
- "I guess it can't be helped."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bunkichi: Wow, you should've seen your reaction, Minato-chan! It was totally
worth it to surprise you like that!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I guess it can't be helped."]

Bunkichi: I thought you'd be more surprised... Well, I guess I needn't have


[Scroll down to continue]


> Bunkichi seems happy.

Bunkichi: Sorry that we did it without asking you.

Bunkichi: ...Recently, I went to visit the persimmon tree, and I met a student
on my way back.
Bunkichi: He told me that the school is planning to build a new addition.
Bunkichi: It would be selfish of an old man like me to deprive those young
people of new learning opportunities...
Bunkichi: I think it'd make our son happy, too, since he was a teacher.
Bunkichi: Helping those kids is more important than hanging on to his memory.

- Look at Bunkichi
- Look at Mitsuko

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Look at Bunkichi]

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Look at Mitsuko]

Mitsuko: Minato-chan...

[Scroll down to continue]


Bunkichi: We're hoping, as we believe our son in heaven is too,

Bunkichi: that more kind students like you, Minato-chan, will graduate from
Bunkichi: ...Please take this.
Bunkichi: It's the first fruit produced by the persimmon tree. ...It's a
little rough around the edges, like our son...
Bunkichi: Mitsuko is the one who suggested we give it to you, Minato-chan.

> Obtained Persimmon Fruit!

> You feel the old couple's great appreciation...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hierophant Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hierophant Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Hierophant Card: The innermost power of the Hierophant Arcana hath been set
Hierophant Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Kohryu, the
ultimate form of the Hierophant Arcana...

> The Old Couple Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Old Couple Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has reached its
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Bunkichi: ...Now, we have to cheer up and get on with our lives! We're too old
to waste a single day!
Bunkichi: Our son would want us to be happy... I'm sure he's smiling down on
us from heaven.

Mitsuko: It's difficult having such a well-respected son.

Mitsuko: ...Oh, does it sound like I'm boasting?

> You talked with the old couple until sunset.

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the

<>>=====[Lovers Social Link][LSL]==========================================<<>

Yukari is a very indepedent woman, but as your relationship with her develops,
she starts to confide more and more with you. You learn about her strained
relationship with her mother. Because of the intimate relationship you two
share, Yukari decides to try and fix her relationship with her mother.

Author's Note:
You must have maxed your Charm stat to establish the Social Link with Yukari.

<>>-----[Lovers Level 1 Skit][LSL01]---------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Yukari: Hey, um...

Yukari: Oh, never mind.

- "What is it?"
- "Don't waste my time."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What is it?"]

Yukari: Sorry. Well, um...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't waste my time."]

Yukari: Hey, you don't have to be mean.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: Y-You might have forgotten about it already, but...

Yukari: At Yakushima... I said some stupid things.
Yukari: I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Yukari: It's been bothering me for a while.
Yukari: It's hard not having a regular family, ya know?
Yukari: Everyone else has a mom and a dad...
Yukari: Why do we have to be different...?
Yukari: Why us...?
Yukari: Sorry, I didn't mean to lump the two of us together...
Yukari: ...but I feel like you understand, and have been looking out for me,
Yukari: At least, that's what I thought.
Yukari: Haha. Is that just wishful thinking?
Yukari: That's how I really feel, though.

> Yukari has opened up to you.

> The distance between you has narrowed...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> Yukari seems to think of you as someone she can talk to...
> However, you are only friends.

Yukari: ...It's getting cold. Let's go home.

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Lovers Level 2 Skit][LSL02]---------------------------------------<<>

> Port Island Station, florist...

> The store is filled with beautiful flowers.

Yukari: Hmm... Lilies are too overpowering, and roses aren't really my
Yukari: Maybe gerberas...?

> Yukari is trying to decide which flowers to buy.

Yukari: Oh, sorry.

Yukari: I'm looking at flowers for my room.
Yukari: Hey, I think I'm gonna go with gerberas, but which color should I get?

- "Pink's cute."
- "White."
- "Bright red."
- "What's a gerbera?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Pink's cute."]

Yukari: You think so too? I love pink.

Yukari: I guess we have the same taste, huh...

> Yukari seems pleased.

Yukari: Then, it's decided: I'll get 'em.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: White? Isn't that kinda boring?

> Yukari seems disappointed.

Yukari: Wouldn't pink be cuter?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Bright red."]

Yukari: Bright red? Won't that stand out too much?

> Yukari seems disappointed.

Yukari: Wouldn't pink be cuter?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's a gerbera?"]

Yukari: Are you serious?

Yukari: C'mon, you should know this kinda stuff.

> Yukari seems disappointed.

Yukari: Wouldn't pink be cute?

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: Hmm... But, just gerberas might be a little plain...

Yukari: What other flowers do you think would look nice?
Yukari: ...Oh, you've never seen my room, have you? Well, what good are you?

- "That's messed up."
- "Then, invite me in."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's messed up."]

Yukari: *giggle* But it's the truth.

> Yukari seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Then, invite me in."]

Yukari: You wish!

Yukari: *giggle* You're as bad as Junpei.

> Yukari has rejected you.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: Actually, any flowers would be fine if they were from you, Minato-kun.
Yukari: ...Psych! *giggle*

> Yukari seems to be full of laughter today.

> The bond between you is growing...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!

> Yukari seems quite relaxed talking to you.

> However, you're still just friends.

Yukari: Wow, look at the time.

Yukari: I'm gonna check out a few more flowers before I go, but you don't have
to wait.

> You decide to go back to the dorm...

<>>-----[Lovers Level 3 Skit][LSL03]---------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall...

Yukari: Hey, whaddya want to do now? Karaoke?

Kid: Mommy!! Where are you!?

Kid: M-M-M-Mommy!!!

Yukari: Hey, what's wrong? Are you lost?

Kid: M-Mommy told me to wait here... *sob* and... and... she gave me money,
Kid: *sob* B-But, she's not coming...

> The child is crying.

Yukari: Hey, don't cry...

Yukari: See, you're okay.
Yukari: I'll stay here with you, alright?
Yukari: Hey, look! We can get help over there!
Yukari: C'mon, follow me.
Yukari: The policeman will know what to do.
Yukari: He'll find your mom, so don't worry.

Yukari: Phew, what a relief... I'm glad he was able to contact his parents.
Yukari: ...What were they thinking, leaving that poor kid all alone!?
Yukari: It makes me so angry.
Yukari: But...
Yukari: I guess my mom's no different.

- "What makes you say that?"
- "..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What makes you say that?"]

Yukari: You really wanna know?

> Yukari seems to be watching your reaction.

Yukari: ...Remember what I told you before, how my mom and I aren't very
Yukari: Well, if you asked me what kind of parent she is, I'd say, "a terrible
Yukari: She wasn't always like that, though...
Yukari: After what happened to Dad, she totally changed...
Yukari: She's had more boyfriends than I can count, and she's even living with
one guy.
Yukari: Honestly, I'd rather not know.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: ...Don't you even care?

Yukari: Geez, what do I gotta do to get some sympathy around here?
Yukari: Forget it. It doesn't concern you, anyway...

> Yukari seems a little upset.

Yukari: Even if you'd asked, I couldn't tell you anything, since I haven't
seen her in a while.
Yukari: She's probably shacking up with one of her boyfriends.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

Yukari: ...Keep this between you and me, Minato-kun, okay? You're the only one
I've told.

> Yukari has opened up to you.

> The two of you have gotten closer...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems like you have become someone Yukari cares about.
> Your relationship has grown more intimate.

Yukari: Sorry... I don't feel like karaoke anymore...

Yukari: Let's go back to the dorm.

> You decide to go back to the dorm...

<>>-----[Lovers Level 4 Skit][LSL04]---------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall...

> You've gone shopping with Yukari.

Yukari: There's one more store I want to go to... You don't mind, right?
Yukari: Hold on, I've got a phone call.
Yukari: Oh...

> Yukari's expression has darkened.

Yukari: ...Hello.
Yukari: Yeah... What?
Yukari: ...So? ...Get to the point, okay?
Yukari: ...Huh?
Yukari: It's not funny!
Yukari: What!? How do you think that would make Dad feel!?
Yukari: ......
Yukari: Fine. Do whatever you want.
Yukari: ...Just don't call me again!

> Yukari hung up on the caller.

Yukari: ......
Yukari: Sorry.

- "Who was that?"
- "What did she say?"
- "Are you alright?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who was that?"]

Yukari: Um...
> Yukari looks confused.

Yukari: ...It was my mom.

Yukari: She says she wants to get remarried.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What did she say?"]

Yukari: It doesn't matter!

> Yukari seems to be angry.

Yukari: ...Sorry. Um...

Yukari: My mom says she wantes to get remarried.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you alright?"]

Yukari: ...Oh, yeah... I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

> Yukari seems to have calmed down a little.

Yukari: You know who I was on the phone with, right...? Yeah, it was my mom.
Yukari: She says she wants to get remarried...

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: I don't really care if she wants to get married again, but I can't
stand how she's been living...
Yukari: Running away from life, jumping from guy to guy...
Yukari: I don't think that's fair to my dad.

> Yukari seems to be upset.

Yukari: Sorry, I'm okay now.

Yukari: Thanks.
Yukari: I'll never be like her. I'll never be that weak...
Yukari: Running away to forget your problems is the worst thing you can do.
Yukari: I've decided that I'm gonna live on my own.
Yukari: I'll show her that I can be happy that way.

> Yukari has shared her innermost feelings.

> You understand her a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yukari thinks of you as someone she can trust.
> Your relationship has grown more intimate.

Yukari: Thank you.

Yukari: For some reason, I feel like I can tell you anything, Minato-kun...
Yukari: Let's head back now. I'll do the rest of my shopping some other day.
> You decide to go back to the dorm...

<>>-----[Lovers Level 5 Skit][LSL05]---------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall...

Yukari: Um, going to the bookstore is kinda lame... Let's go somewhere else.
Yukari: ...Wait, lemme see how much money I have...
Yukari: Oh, no! Where's my wallet!? D-Did I drop it...!?
Yukari: But, when...? I had it when I pulled out my ticket at the station...
Yukari: Wait... Someone bumped into me right outside the train station.
Yukari: Sorry, I'm gonna go back there and look around. It'll just take a
Yukari: Wait here, okay?
Yukari: I'll be fine, so don't come after me!
Yukari: I'll be right back!

> You are alone now.

> What will you do?

- Look around
- Wait here

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

> ......
> It doesn't seem like Yukari is coming back...
> What will you do?

- Go look for her
- Wait a little longer

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Go look for her]

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Wait a little longer]

> ......
> It doesn't seem like Yukari is coming back.
> You decide to go look for her.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Iwatodai Station...

Gang Member: What'd you say?

Gang Member: You better shut your mouth, b**ch!

Lackey: Can I get a piece of that, Bro!?

> Yukari is being surrounded by punks!

> What will you do?

- Help her
- Call for help
- Just watch

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Help her]

[Main attacks the punks; they disappear]

Yukari: Thanks...

> Yukari seems appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yukari thinks of you as a guy she really cares about.
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Yukari: But, you got a little carried away...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Call for help]

Familiar-Looking Guy: Dammit...

Familiar-Looking Guy: Let's get outta here!

Yukari: ......
Yukari: ...Hey, don't scream like that... It's so embarrassing...
Yukari: ......
Yukari: But, I know you were just trying to help...

> Yukari seems appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yukari thinks of you as a guy she really cares about.
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Just watch]

Girl's Voice: Hey, what's going on over there!?

Man's Voice: Somebody call the police!

Punks: Sh*t, let's split before the pigs get here!

Yukari: ......
Yukari: Um...
Yukari: Thanks for your "help."

> Yukari seems appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yukari thinks of you as a guy she really cares about.
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Yukari: ...But, we sure attracted a lot of attention...

Yukari: Did you call all those people, Minato-kun?
Yukari: ......

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: Hey, why'd you come after me?

Yukari: Didn't I say to wait?

> Yukari seems annoyed.

Yukari: Do you think it's funny?

Yukari: I got my wallet by myself.
Yukari: I didn't need your help!

> Yukari is trembling. It doesn't seem like she really means what she's

- Try to cheer her up
- Leave her alone
- Give her a hug

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Try to cheer her up]

Yukari: Thanks, it's okay...

> Yukari seems to have calmed down a little.

Yukari: Sorry, I'm going home now.

Yukari: See ya...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Leave her alone]

Yukari: ...Um, maybe I overracted a bit.

Yukari: You were only trying to help, after all...

> Yukari seems to regret what she said.

Yukari: Sorry, I'm going home now.

Yukari: See ya...
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Give her a hug]

Yukari: What are you doing!? Stop it!

> You got rejected by Yukari.

Yukari: That's what I'm talking about! You think it's a big joke!
Yukari: I never asked for your help! I... I'm fine on my own!

> You have created a weird tension between you and Yukari...
> Your relationship is changing...
> The Social Link has become reversed!
> Until you reconcile, your relationship cannot move forward...

[Scroll down to continue]


> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Lovers Level 6 Skit][LSL06]---------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

> A gentle breeze is blowing...

Yukari: Hey...
Yukari: Do you remember when those guys stole my wallet, and you came to help
Yukari: Um...
Yukari: Sorry I got so mad at you...
Yukari: I don't like having to depend on other people. I wanted to be able to
take care of it myself...
Yukari: ...but I ended up needing your help.
Yukari: ......
Yukari: I never told you this...
Yukari: ...but I was really glad you came.
Yukari: I don't think I could say this to anyone else, Minato-kun...
Yukari: Thanks for your help back then. I really appreciate it.

- "You're welcome."
- "Anytime."
- "Thank you, too."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're welcome."]

Yukari: Haha, wipe that grin off your face.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: Tryin' to play it cool, eh?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Thank you, too."]

Yukari: Haha, what are you thanking ME for, Minato-kun!?

[Scroll down to continue]


> You sense a warmth from Yukari.

> The two of you have grown much closer...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Yukari...
> She might get upset if you go out with another girl.

Yukari: Whew! That's a big weight off my shoulders.

Yukari: Wow, it's getting late...

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Lovers Level 7 Skit][LSL07]---------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Wakatsu Restaurant...

> The scent of broiled fish fills the air.

Yukari: Mmm, this is so good! I made the right choice, getting the same thing
as you, Minato-kun.
Yukari: Doesn't eating fish remind you of the ocean...?
Yukari: It's a part of our lives, I guess, living along the coast. We even
spent our vacation at the beach.
Yukari: Hey, after all this is over, why don't we go somewhere different, like
the mountains?
Yukari: We could have lunch outdoors. Maybe we'll even see a deer or
something. Whaddya think?

- "Sounds good."
- "No thanks."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sounds good."]

Yukari: Really? You promise?

> Yukari seems really excited.

Yukari: Alright, then I'll make us lunch!

Yukari: I might not look like it, but I'm a pretty good cook! Just you wait
and see!
Yukari: ...Don't invite anyone else, okay?
Yukari: It'll be just the two of us.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["No thanks."]

Yukari: Huh? Why not?

Yukari: We barely get to spend any time alone together...

> Yukari seems to be talking to herself.

Yukari: ...Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining. At least we have days

like today.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: I'm not sure how to say this, but...

Yukari: When I'm with you, Minato-kun, I don't feel so alone...
Yukari: I mean, I do have friends... and there's everybody at the dorm, but...
Yukari: Usually, I feel like the real me is trapped somewhere deep down
Yukari: Maybe it's because of my family... Each time I open my eyes, it seems
like I'm one step behind.
Yukari: But when I'm with you, I don't feel that way...
Yukari: You're very important to me, Minato-kun.

> Yukari seems to really like you.

> Things are getting serious now...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> It seems there's something special between you.

Yukari: Thanks. It was delicious.

Yukari: Let's get going.

> You decide to go back to the dorm...

<>>-----[Lovers Level 8 Skit][LSL08]---------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall...

> You've gone shopping with Yukari.

Yukari: Oh, I wanted to check out some piercings...

Yukari: Hey, Minato-kun, how 'bout you pick one for me?

- "Alright."
- "I'm too lazy."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: Pick something cute that will look good on me.

> Yukari seems to be enjoying herself.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm too lazy."]

Yukari: What!? Are you serious!? I was gonna wear it for you...
Yukari: ...Well, I guess I'm not that important to you.

> Yukari seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yukari: Hang on, I have a phone call.

Yukari: Hello?
Yukari: ...!
Yukari: Uh huh...
Yukari: What!? You're not!?
Yukari: You want me to forgive you...?
Yukari: Wait! Don't do that! Do what you wanna do!
Yukari: ...But, that's not what I meant...
Yukari: If that's what you want, then go ahead... I don't care, so...
Yukari: ...Well, you don't have to worry about me...
Yukari: Huh?
Yukari: You want to get together and talk about it?
Yukari: ......
Yukari: S-Stop, don't cry!
Yukari: I'll call you later, okay?
Yukari: ...Alright. Bye.

> Yukari hung up.

Yukari: ......
Yukari: That was my mom.
Yukari: She apologized for everything that's happened.
Yukari: She said she won't get remarried until I forgive her...
Yukari: Can we sit for a while?

Yukari: She wants to see me... but I'm really nervous...

- "Can you forgive her?"
- "Do you want to see her?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Can you forgive her?"]

Yukari: Well... I don't know.

Yukari: To tell you the truth, there's more to it than that...

> Yukari smiled a little.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do you want to see her?"]

Yukari: Well, I'm not the one who asked to meet. I'm afraid it might get ugly.

> Yukari smiled a little.

[Scroll down to continue]

Yukari: We haven't seen each other in almost 10 years... so it's not going to
be easy.
Yukari: When I see her, I might get angry and say something cruel.
Yukari: But... It's probably about time I talked to her...
Yukari: Nothing will change if I just run away...
Yukari: Deep down inside, I think she still misses Dad.
Yukari: It's hard to explain, but I realized this when you and I started going
out, Minato-kun.
Yukari: She couldn't handle it... Losing someone so important to her...

> Yukari has opened up to you.

> The two of you are becoming even closer...
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> There is something special between you, and it is growing stronger.

Yukari: Oh well, let's go home.

Yukari: We can go shopping some other day.

> You decide to go back to the dorm...

<>>-----[Lovers Level 9 Skit][LSL09]---------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

> You hear the Track Team training below.

Yukari: ......

> Yukari is quiet...

- "Um..."
- "......"
- "Forget it, I'm leaving."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: Oh!
Yukari: Don't scare me like that.

> Yukari seems a little nervous.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yukari: ......
Yukari: Oh, you came... Thanks.

> Yukari seems a little nervous.

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Forget it, I'm leaving."]

Yukari: H-Hey! Wait! How can you be so mean!?

> Yukari seems very nervous.

Yukari: It's my fault... I'm sorry.


Yukari: But... There's something I want to ask you...

Yukari: Um... Minato-kun...
Yukari: ......
Yukari: Why do you spend so much time with me?
Yukari: Whenever I ask you to do something, you say yes, and you ask me to do
things sometimes too, right?
Yukari: So much has happened between us...
Yukari: Is it because we're both Persona-users? Or are we just good friends?
Yukari: What do you really think of me?
Yukari: Lately, when I see you with Fuuka, I wonder what you're talking
Yukari: It feels like someday, my heart is going to shrink... and I'm afraid I
won't feel anything anymore...
Yukari: So, um... I want you to look at me the way I look at you...

> You feel warm affection from Yukari.

> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!
> There is something special between you, and it is growing stronger.

Yukari: Will you...?

Yukari: ...Wh-What am I saying!?
Yukari: ...I've gotta go!

> Yukari left.

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Lovers Level 10 Skit][LSL10]--------------------------------------<<>

> Dorm, Yukari's room...

Yukari: For some reason, I'm feeling so nervous... even though it's you,
Yukari: Everyone's in their room, too... I hope no one finds out I snuck you
in here...
Yukari: If I accidentally scream, everybody will hear me...
Yukari: ...!!
Yukari: What am I saying!? Don't get the wrong idea, okay?

- "Too late."
- "I didn't hear anything."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Too late."]

Yukari: Hey! Don't be such a pervert!

Yukari: I didn't mean it like that!
> Yukari's face is all red.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I didn't hear anything."]

Yukari: Y-Ya got that right!

Yukari: ...Am I always this crazy?

> Yukari is laughing and blushing at the same time.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You talk with Yukari for a long time.

Yukari: Oh, yeah... I wanted to give you something...

Yukari: This is for you...

> Yukari has give you a special gift.

> Obtained Yukari's Strap.

Yukari: You know what it is, right? It's the strap from my cell phone.
Yukari: I got it at the opening ceremony for the Moonlight Bridge.
Yukari: It's been my special keepsake for many years...
Yukari: ...ever since my dad brought it for me.
Yukari: ......
Yukari: ...I used to talk to the toy figurine attached to it when I was here
in my room.
Yukari: *giggle* You must think I'm nuts, huh?
Yukari: But, as I got to know you, Minato-kun, I talked to my little friend
less and less.
Yukari: ...That's not the reason I gave it to you, though...
Yukari: I-I'm only gonna say this once, okay?
Yukari: ......
Yukari: Minato-kun... I love you.
Yukari: ......
Yukari: Whew, I said it!

> Yukari has professed her love for you, and it seems she wants your love in
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Lovers Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Lovers Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Lovers Card: The innermost power of the Lovers Arcana hath been set free.
Lovers Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Cybele, the ultimate
form of the Lovers Arcana...

> The Yukari Takeba Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Yukari Takeba Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Yukari: When all of this is over, we should do something fun, don't ya think?
Yukari: ...Hey, don't make any plans for tonight, okay?
Yukari: I want to spend some time together, just the two of us...
Yukari: I-I'm blushing, aren't I...?

> You shared a special evening with Yukari.

<>>=====[Chariot Social Link][CSL]=========================================<<>

You are the only one who knows about Kazushi's injured knee. As practices go
by, his injury gets worse. You learn that he wants to win the nationals for
his nephew no matter what the damages are. The team eventually learns of his
injury and force him to rest and heal. Kazushi realizes what a burden he would
be if he permanently damaged his knee. He decides to stop pushing himself so

Author's Notes:
The Chariot Social Link takes place when you either join the Swimming, Track,
or Kendo team. The Social Link remains the same regardless of which club you
join. The only difference is slight setting changes depending on the club.
This Social Link will take place in Track Team.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 1 Skit][CSL01]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

Coach: This is Minato Arisato. He'll be joining the team.

Coach: This is Yuko, our manager.

Yuko: Hello, I'm Yuko Nishiwaki. Nice to meet you.

Yuko: You're a junior, right? Since we're the same year, you can just call me

Coach: ...Hey! Kazushi!

Kazushi: Yessir!

Coach: This is the future captain of this team. He's a great runner and scores
well in competitions.
Coach: You two are in the same class, right? Kazushi, keep an eye on the new
guy here, okay?

Kazushi: You got it.

Kazushi: You're the guy who went out with Yukari Takeba on the first day of
school, right?
Kazushi: You're practically famous.
Kazushi: I'm Kazushi Miyamoto. You've seen me around, right?

- "Yeah."
- "No."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Kazushi: Then, long story short: from now on, you're mine after school.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Kazushi: Dude, you're hurtin' my pride... Everyone knows who I am.

[Scroll down to continue]

Kazushi: Just because you joined mid-season, don't think I'll go easy on you!

> You have made friends with Kazushi...

> You joined the Track Team and befriended your new teammates.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Yuko: Since today is your first practice, just have a look around and then
call it a day.
Yuko: I'll make sure your uniform is ready for next time.

> After looking around, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 2 Skit][CSL02]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Kazushi: M-My side is killing me...

- "Don't overdo it."
- "Toughen up."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't overdo it."]

Kazushi: I'm not giving up yet... *pant* I can keep going...

> It seems like Kazushi is bluffing.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Toughen up."]

Kazushi: Toughen up, eh? Hmph... Alright!

> Oddly enough, Kazushi seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...How 'bout you? *pant* You okay? You've been pushing the pace...
Kazushi: You don't even look tired... *pant* Wh-What kind of training have
you been doing?

- "The usual."
- "Special training."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The usual."]

Kazushi: Tch... *pant* You act like... it's no big deal... *pant* Well, I'm
Kazushi: Minato... *pant* You're crazy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Special training."]

Kazushi: That's what I thought. *pant* Or else I... *pant* ...wouldn't be like
Kazushi: Minato... You're crazy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: Th-This sucks... You destroyed me...

Kazushi: I knew the Bay Area competition would be tough, but I never expected
to be going up against someone like you...
Kazushi: ...I've made up my mind!
Kazushi: Minato! One day, I'm gonna beat you!

> You have become Kazushi's rival.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: Sorry... I shouldn't get so worked up over it.

Kazushi: Let's get go--ugh!?

- "What's wrong?"
- "Hurry up."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Kazushi: ...My knee... I think I twisted it...

Kazushi: ...Oh, sorry. Let's go.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 3 Skit][CSL03]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Kazushi: Alright! One more!

Kazushi: I'll show you what I'm made of!
Kazushi: ...Hm?
Kazushi: ...!?
Kazushi: Dammit, y-you serious...!?

Team Member: Kaz!

> Gekkoukan High School, Nurse's Office...

Varsity Team Member: Asthama, huh...?

JV Team Member: C'mon... We're counting on you to be captain next year...

Varsity Team Member: The big meet is next year, but don't push yourself too
Varsity Team Member: Minato, can you take him home?

Kazushi: ...Sorry, Senpai.

Kazushi: ...Wh-What? I'm fine, Minato.
Kazushi: Um... My asthma's just acting up...

- "If you say so."
- "Are you sure you're OK?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["If you say so."]

Kazushi: H-Heh. It-It's nothing serious...

> Kazushi seems worried.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you sure you're OK?"]

Kazushi: Of-Of course. It's just my asthma...

> Kazushi seems a little embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...Argh! I can't do it! I can't lie to you!

Kazushi: Minato... I...
Kazushi: My knee hasn't felt right... Since that day you first came to
Kazushi: Even if I put medicine on it, or massage it, the pain won't go away.

- "Will it heal?"
- "Take the day off."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Will it heal?"]

Kazushi: Of course. But, I can't afford to stop training, so I'll work through
the pain!

> Kazushi seems a little happier now.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Take the day off."]

Kazushi: ...I can't do that. And you can't make me.

> Kazushi seems pissed off.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...Next year, there's a national competition.

Kazushi: There will be participants from all over Japan. The regional meet
pales in comparison.
Kazushi: I have to win at that meet! I can't afford to put my training on
Kazushi: There are a lot of nosy guys on the team. If they find out, they'll
keep bugging me about it...
Kazushi: ...Minato, please keep it a secret, alright!?

> Kazushi seems to trust you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: ...If I go easy on it, I can make it home by myself.

Kazushi: Don't worry about me. Go back to training.

> After practice, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 4 Skit][CSL04]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.
> You don't see Kazushi...
> After finishing the training, you decide to go back to the dorm.
> Gekkoukan High School, in front of the gate...

Kazushi: H-Hey!? Minato!

Kazushi: Wh-What's up...? I was just gonna sneak into practice...

- "Where did you go?"
- "Did you ditch?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Where did you go?"]

Kazushi: M-My mom kept bugging me, so...!

> Kazushi seems troubled.

Kazushi: I went to the hospital... After I told her about my knee, she

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Did you ditch?"]

Kazushi: No way! I had a legitimate reason!

> Kazushi seems pissed off.

Kazushi: ...I was at the hospital. My mom insisted. I shouldn't have told her
about my knee.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: She made the appointment without telling me, so... there was nothing
I could do!

- "How did it go?"
- "That sucks."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How did it go?"]

Kazushi: Heh, I don't know!

> Kazushi is getting angry.

Kazushi: ...Man, I appreciate your concern, but...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That sucks."]

Kazushi: Doesn't it? My mom, the rest of the team... Why does everyone have to
be like that...

> Kazushi seems satisfied.

Kazushi: It gets annoying when everyone around you is so nosy, huh...?

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: Today, they took x-rays... I'll know the results tomorrow.
Kazushi: I don't know why they couldn't have told me today.
Kazushi: ...Oh, hey! Don't tell anyone about me going to the hospital,
Kazushi: I'm counting on you, Minato!
Kazushi: ...I-I'm always asking you to keep quiet... Sorry 'bout that.

> Kazushi seems to be appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: Alright! Today, the doctor told me to take it easy, but let's get to
Kazushi: Wait a minute! Since you're leaving, that means practice is over...
Kazushi: ...Oh well... I guess I have to go home today...
Kazushi: Later, Minato.
> Kazushi has left...
> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 5 Skit][CSL05]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.
> You don't see Kazushi...
> After finishing the training, you decide to go back to the dorm.
> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...
> You see Kazushi...

Kazushi: H-Hey!? Minato!

Kazushi: Wh-What's up...? You're probably wondering where I've been...

- "The hospital again?"
- "You ditched?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The hospital again?"]

Kazushi: You remember what we talked about last time? ...Of course you do;
you remember everything...

> Kazushi seems a little happier now.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You ditched?"]

Kazushi: N-No way... I'd never do that.

> Something seems to be bothering Kazushi...

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: I just got back from the hospital...

Kazushi: They had the results from my last exam...
Kazushi: H-Hey... Minato, I...
Kazushi: ...Ugh!
Kazushi: D-Dammit! ...I can't--

- Let him use your shoulder
- Carry him
- Go get help

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Let him use your shoulder]

Kazushi: Thanks, Minato...

Kazushi: S-Sorry to be such a pain....

> Kazushi seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Carry him]

Kazushi: Dude! What the hell!? I'm not a kid!

Kazushi: ...I appreciate the offer, though.

> Kazushi seems to have cheered up a little.

> You let Kazushi use your shoulder.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Go get help]

Kazushi: W-Wait! I don't want any trouble!

Kazushi: Please... Minato...

> Kazushi seems upset.

> You let Kazushi use your shoulder.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...F-Funny, huh? I was trying to tie my shoes, and I fell...

Kazushi: It's a good thing you were around... If it had been someone else,
then the rest of the team would've found out...
Kazushi: Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.

> Kazushi seems appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: ...I'm gonna go train by myself.

Kazushi: I have to train even though practice is over... The big meet's not
that far off.
Kazushi: ...You're leaving right? Later dude, let's train together sometime...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 6 Skit][CSL06]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.
> ...You don't see Kazushi.

Yuko: Minato-kun, I just got a text message from Kaz.

Yuko: It's for you, but he didn't know your address.
Yuko: It says, "Come to Iwatodai Station." What is he thinking? He skipped
practice today, too!

> After practice, you go to Iwatodai Station.

> Iwatodai Station...
Kazushi: ...H-Hey!? Minato! Wh-Why are you running...?
Kazushi: Y-Yuko was pissed off, huh? ...Since I missed practice.
Kazushi: I should've told you before, but... um... the results...
Kazushi: ...Apparently, my hamstring is getting ripped apart...
Kazushi: The doctor said if I keep this up... I won't be able to walk
Kazushi: He said I put too much strain on it during practice. How pathetic...
Kazushi: Well, I just want to win...

- "Oh, well."
- "Suck it up."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, well."]

Kazushi: H-How can you say that?

> Kazushi seems annoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Suck it up."]

Kazushi: ...Y-Yeah! That's what I was thinking!

> Kazushi is nodding in agreement.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: Every minute, every second is critical! I don't have time to waste!
Kazushi: I promised to be the number one athelet in Japan.

- "Promised?"
- "Is it that important?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Kazushi: Yeah... I promised, but...

> Kazushi seems upset with himself...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is it that important?"]

Kazushi: Well, it isn't just about me...

> Kazushi seems to be thinking...

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: My nephew got into an accident and his leg got messed up...
Kazushi: He can't walk right now...
Kazushi: ...but if he goes through rehab, he might be able to recover!
Kazushi: He says it hurts too much, though, so he doesn't want to do it...
Kazushi: He's only five. There are so many things he's never done...
Kazushi: I made a deal with my nephew that--don't laugh, alright--
Kazushi: ...if I become number one in Japan, he'll go through rehab.
Kazushi: So, I have to win this meet to make it to nationals.

- "Do you think you can win?"
- "What about your knee?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do you think you can win?"]

Kazushi: To tell you the truth... I don't think I can do it...

> Kazushi seems really depressed...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about your knee?"]

Kazushi: I-I appreciate your concern... but... I can't worry about that now...

> Kazushi seems truly grateful.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you... especially the
depressing conversations...
Kazushi: It's tough to keep it all inside. You were the only one I could talk

> Kazushi has opened up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: ...Yuko seems to figure things out pretty quickly, so she might say
something to you, but...
Kazushi: ...tell her to talk to me directly. I don't wanna put you in the
middle of this, Minato.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 7 Skit][CSL07]--------------------------------------<<>
> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...
> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

JV Team Member: Doesn't Kazushi seem slower lately?

Varsity Team Member: Yeah, he's not trying as hard as he usually does.
JV Team Member: He thinks he'll make it to nationals like that...?

Yuko: If you guys have nothing better to do, then why don't you give me a
hand with the laundry?

[The two members flee]

Yuko: The only thing they're good at is kicking up dirt...

Yuko: Kaz! The coach wants to see you in the office!

Kazushi: Alright! I'll be right there!

> Kazushi has left.

Yuko: Um, Minato-kun...

Yuko: ...Um, never mind.

> You decide to leave and go back to the dorm.

> Gekkoukan High School, near the main gate...

Young Man's Voice: Hey, Minato!

Kazushi: Wait up...

Kazushi: The coach just called me to the office to tell me he's worried about
Kazushi: I'm not accusing you of telling him, but... damn! What should I do?
I think he knows...

- "How's your knee?"
- "Can you fake it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How's your knee?"]

Kazushi: It's sore, but I made it through practice today.

> Kazushi seems to have calmed down a bit.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Can you fake it?"]

Kazushi: Y-Yeah, I think so... It's sore, but I can probably hide it...

> Kazushi is sweating profusely.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: He said I'd have to quit the team if I'm hurt. But, I told him I'm
Kazushi: I've already missed three days! Now, I'll have to work even harder!
Kazushi: Otherwise, I won't be able to keep my promise to my nephew!

- "You need to toughen up."
- "You can't win like this."
- "You should take a break."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["You need to toughen up."]

Kazushi: You're right. I have to stop making excuses... It takes guts to win!

> Kazushi seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You can't win like this."]

Kazushi: You're right... I've been losing ground by missing practice...

> Kazushi laughed nervously despite the gloomy look on his face.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should take a break."]

Kazushi: I know you mean well, but that's not an option.

> Kazushi seems a little annoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...I decided that I'll take my chances for my nephew's sake...
Kazushi: ...even if I permanently damage my knee.
Kazushi: If that happens, Minato... I want you to be the next captain.

> You've gained Kazushi's trust.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: It's a depressing topic, huh...

Kazushi: Th-That's just the worst-case scenario, though, okay!?
Kazushi: I'll keep my promise and win at the regional meet as well as the
nationals! Then, I'll give my knee a rest.
Kazushi: But for now, I'll do whatever it takes!

> You had a serious talk with Kazushi while walking home.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 8 Skit][CSL08]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Coach's Voice: Kazushi!

Kazushi: Wh-What is it, Coach? You have a scary look on your face...

Coach: ...What do you think you're doing!?

Kazushi: J-Just practicing, Coach...

Coach: ...That's enough practicing for you. Come to the Nurse's Office.
Coach: The rest of you, get back to work!

JV Team Member: The Nurse's Office...?

Varsity Team Member: Kazushi, did something happen?

Kazushi: Yeah, right...!

Yuko: ...I knew it. He's such a bad liar. You can totally tell he's favoring
his one knee.
Yuko: I know you have something to do with this, Minato-kun. Sorry, but follow

> You head to the Nurse's Office with Yuko.

> Gekkoukan High School, Nurse's Office...

Coach: I just spoke to your mom about your knee.

Mr. Edogawa: You're throwing caution to the wind, young man...

Kazushi: That blabbermouth!

Coach: I want you to quit before things get any worse, okay?

Kazushi: P-Please, I need to practice...

Yuko: Kaz...

Kazushi: Yuko! Minato too!?

Yuko: Take some time off, Kaz. Practice can wait until you're fully healed.

Kazushi: No! I don't have time!

Yuko: Huh? What's your hurry? Don't be so rash!

Coach: Minato, you've been hanging around with Kazushi lately, right?
Coach: You must know something...

- Lie
- Look away

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Kazushi: D-Don't, I don't want you to lie for me...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Look away]

Kazushi: Minato...
Kazushi: W-Wait! This doesn't concern him!

[Scroll down to continue]


> Kazushi seems to feel guilty...

Kazushi: I don't want you to get dragged into this... so I'll come clean.

> Kazushi is trying to protect you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: To tell you the truth, I...

Kazushi: ...So, that's the gist of it.
Kazushi: I need to practice! I have to win or else...

Coach: I know how you feel, Kazushi, but...

Young Man's Voice: So, that's why.

JV Team Member: I don't mind if he competes at regionals.

JV Team Member: If it's just the individual competition, then I don't have to
worry about him bringing us down.

Coach: ...Why are you here?

Varsity Team Member: I'm worried about Kazushi...

Kazushi: Guys...

Coach: ...I'll let you keep training for now, and we'll see how things go...
Coach: ...but if I tell you to stop, I'm sorry, but you'll have to listen.
Coach: And, I want you to go home today. Your mother will be upset if I let
you stay.

Kazushi: S-Sorry, Coach. Everyone... I...

Coach: ...We're done here; now, get back to training, everyone.

> After practice, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 9 Skit][CSL09]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Coach: Everybody, gather 'round!

Coach: As you all know, Kazushi's knee is in bad shape.
Coach: If you see him struggling, I want you to stop him immediately.
Coach: That's it for today! See you all tomorrow.

Kazushi: Let's grab a bite to eat.

> You left school with Kazushi.

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

Kazushi: S-Sorry... I need to borrow your should again... And I was the one
who suggested we go eat...
Kazushi: I'm sure you love lugging all this dead weight around, right?

- "I'm fine."
- "I'll survive."
- "I'm tougher than I look."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm fine."]

Kazushi: R-Really? Well... I guess you don't seem to be tired...

> Kazushi seems happy.

Kazushi: Ah, I knew you were tough.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll survive."]

Kazushi: W-What...!? It doesn't sound like you mean it...

> Kazushi seems to be feeling a little guilty.

Kazushi: Ah, I know you're tougher than you look.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm tougher than I look."]

Kazushi: M-Maybe... But...

> Kazushi laughed sarcastically.

Kazushi: There are some things even a tough guy can't do...

[Scroll down to continue]


Kazushi: ...When I go to my sister's place to play with my nephew, I help him

get into the bath.
Kazushi: Even though he's only five years old, he's still heavy. It'd be
difficult having to do that everyday...
Kazushi: If I'm not able to walk, then I won't even be able to go to the
bathroom by myself...
Kazushi: I'll be a burden on my mom...
Kazushi: That just occurred to me while I was leaning on you...
Kazushi: H-Hey, let me know if I become a burden on you, will ya?
Kazushi: I've been completely up front with you... So, I hope you feel like
you can do the same.

> Kazushi seems to be worried about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

Kazushi: ...I feel guilty since I made everyone worry...

Kazushi: ...I have to win at regionals no matter what. For their sake, too...

> After you ate, you left with Kazushi.

<>>-----[Chariot Level 10 Skit][CSL10]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The Track Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Yuko: How's your knee, Kaz?

Kazushi: ...Not so good. I can't put too much weight on it.

Yuko: Then, you should take a break.

Yuko: Sorry, but can you give Kaz a leg massage?

JV Team Member: No problem. Hey, let me see your leg.

Kazushi: S-Sorry... You're missing practice because of me...

JV Team Member: Don't worry about it...

JV Team Member: Besides, it's for your nephew's sake, right?

Kazushi: ...I'm really sorry...

> After practice, you decided to go back to the dorm.

> Gekkoukan High School, in front of the gate...

Kazushi: Minato!
Kazushi: ...Are you free?
Kazushi: I need to talk to you...

- "Right now?"
- "What about?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Right now?"]

Kazushi: Well... Let's go somewhere else, I don't want anyone to overhear...

> Kazushi seems a bit nervous.

Kazushi: It might take a while, so...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about?"]

Kazushi: Well... I don't want anyone to overhere...

> Kazushi seems a bit nervous.

Kazushi: Let's go somewhere else.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You left school with Kazushi.

> Iwatodai strip mall, Wakatsu Restaurant...
> The scent of broiled fish fills the air.

Kazushi: *sigh* Where should I begin...? It's all a mess in my brain...

Kazushi: First, let me give you this...

> Obtained Sports Tape.

Kazushi: My nephew gave it to me. It's a good luck charm.

Kazushi: There's so much that I could never use it all.
Kazushi: If you get hurt during practice, it should come in handy.
Kazushi: I wanted you to be the first to know...
Kazushi: ...I've made up my mind. I'm going to have surgery to fix my knee...

- "What about the big meet?"
- "What about your promise?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about the big meet?"]

Kazushi: ...I don't think there's enough time for me to recover. But, that's

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about your promise?"]

Kazushi: ...I probably can't keep that promise. I'll have to explain it to

[Scroll down to continue]


> Kazushi is laughing nervously.

Kazushi: It's not like I gave up or I am being selfish...

Kazushi: I don't want the whole team to suffer because of me and my nephew...
Kazushi: Even if I managed to win, I don't think I'd feel good about it
Kazushi: Before, all I thought about was winning...
Kazushi: But when Coach was grilling you about my knee...
Kazushi: I realized I can't keep thinking only of myself.
Kazushi: At the same time, I can't just give up on winning, since that's a
part of who I am.
Kazushi: But for now, I won't worry about winning races, and instead focus on
winning back my health!
Kazushi: I can't keep asking for your help all the time...
Kazushi: ...but I do want to thank you for the help you've given me so far.

> It seems Kazushi truly appreciates your friendship.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Chariot Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Chariot Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Chariot Card: The innermost power of the Chariot Arcana hath been set free.
Chariot Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Thor, the ultimate
form of the Chariot Arcana...

> The Track Team Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Track Team Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Kazushi: I'm gonna go tell my nephew what happened, and offer to go through
rehab with him.
Kazushi: I wonder which one of us will recover first... After all, he wants to
be tough like me!

> You and Kazushi hung out for a while.

<>>=====[Strength Social Link][SSL]========================================<<>

Yuko doesn't really care too much about her future when you first meet her.
On one of your dates you meet several kids that have been thrown out of the
playground by older students. The only way they can get it back is winning a
race against them. Yuko decides to coach them. The kids tie with the older
ones and are allowed to go back to the playground. The coaching makes Yuko
realize that she wants to be an athletic trainer in the future.

Author's Note:
The introduction skits will continue to repeat until you pick the correct
choices to advance further. You need to do [Chariot Social Link] at least two
times before you are able to establish the [Strength Social Link].

I also altered the skits a little. There will be certain parts where [Sport]
is replaced in the dialogue. Replace it with Swimming, Track, or Kendo,
depending on whichever you prefer.

<>>-----[Strength Introduction Part 1 Skit][SSLP1]-------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

> You see Yuko...

- Talk to her
- Keep walking

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Talk to her]

Yuko: Oh, Minato-kun... What's up?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Keep walking]

> You leave without Yuko noticing.


- "Wanna walk home together?"
- "See you tomorrow."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Wanna walk home together?"]

Yuko: Nah, I'm in a hurry today.

Yuko: Bye-bye.
> Yuko went home alone...
> You decided to go back to the dorm by yourself.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["See you tomorrow."]

Yuko: Bye-bye.

<>>-----[Strength Introduction Part 2 Skit][SSLP2]-------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

> You see Yuko...

- Talk to her
- Keep walking

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Talk to her]

Yuko: Oh, Minato-kun... What's up?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Keep walking]

> You leave without Yuko noticing.


- "Wanna walk home together?"
- "See you tomorrow."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Wanna walk home together?"]

Yuko: ...Okay, sure.

Yuko: Why don't we stop somewhere along the way?

- "Sure."
- "Sorry, I don't have time."

<>>-----[Choice 1-1]----------------<<>


Yuko: Okay, then let's go.

[Scroll down to [Strength Level 1 Skit]]

<>>-----[Choice 1-2]----------------<<>

["Sorry, I don't have time."]

Yuko: That's fine.

Yuko: Let's head home.
<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["See you tomorrow."]

Yuko: Okay, good night.

<>>-----[Strength Level 1 Skit][SSL01]-------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall, Chagall Cafe...

> The rich aroma of coffee fills the air.

Yuko: It's tough being a team manager... You don't get any respect.
Yuko: The guys on the team all act like little kids.
Yuko: "Where's my towel?" "Can you wash this for me?"
Yuko: ...I'm not their mother.
Yuko: At least I don't have to worry about gaining weight, since I'm always
running around taking care of them.
Yuko: ...How about you, Minato-kun? Are you enjoying [Sport] Team?

- "Yeah, it's a lot of fun."
- "I haven't made up my mind."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, it's a lot of fun."]

Yuko: That's good.

> Yuko seems happy for you.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I haven't made up my mind."]

Yuko: That makes sense, since you just started.

> Yuko seems satisfied.


Yuko: I thought it might be boring for you, since you're so much better than
everyone else...
Yuko: You've got your own style... You don't waste much energy.
Yuko: If you have any questions, just ask Kaz... Um, you know... Kazushi.
Yuko: You guys are in the same class, so I'm sure he'd be willing to help you.
Yuko: You can ask me, too, if you want, since I'm the team manager.

> Yuko seems to be concerned about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> It seems Yuko thinks of you as a school friend...
> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.

Yuko: I've gotta run. There's a show I want to catch...

Yuko: See you at school.

> After saying goodbye to Yuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.
<>>-----[Strength Level 2 Skit][SSL02]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

Yuko: I'm mentally exhausted...

- "What happened?"
- "Cheer up."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What happened?"]

Yuko: Well, nothing major. Maybe I exaggerated a bit...

> Yuko seems to have cheered up a little.

Yuko: But seriously, I have been feeling kind of down lately...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Cheer up."]

Yuko: Um, don't you even want to know what happened?

Yuko: Telling me to "cheer up" makes it sound like you don't really care.

> Yuko seems a little upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: ...Mr. Ekoda asked to speak with me. He wanted to know why I turned in
a a blank quiz.
Yuko: He asked me, "Don't you ahve any motivation?" I answered honestly; I
said, "Not really."
Yuko: Then, he got so pissed off! He even yelled at me about the length of my
Yuko: Who cares about Classic Literature anyway!? Besides, I didn't do
anything wrong!
Yuko: Right, Minato-kun!?

- "I agree."
- "I disagree."
- "It doesn't matter to me."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I agree."]

Yuko: Exactly.

> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: Doesn't he realize we're only teenagers? Now's the time to enjoy life!
Yuko: Who cares about stories by a bunch of dead guys!?
Yuko: Maybe I should be a science major. Then, I wouldn't have to take
Classic Literature...
Yuko: Wait! Then, I'd have to take Physics...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I disagree."]

Yuko: Seriously? I didn't know you cared so much about school, Minato-kun.

> Yuko seems impressed.

Yuko: Are you really the same age as me? For a minute there, you seemed a lot
more mature.
Yuko: I'm so tired after practice... I don't have the energy to open up my
Classical Literature textbook.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It doesn't matter to me."]

Yuko: ...Well, I don't blame you. I wouldn't care either, if I were you.

> Yuko seems surprised.

Yuko: ...Sorry, Minato-kun. I was just letting off steam...

Yuko: It's Mr. Ekoda's fault, don't you think? If he was a cooler teacher...

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: ...I'm gonna write down something on the quizzes from now on. I don't
want him to reprimand me again.
Yuko: My reputation as an "intellectual" would be ruined. *blush*

- "That's true."
- "You? An intellectual?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's true."]

Yuko: That was a joke... Y-You're supposed to play along!

> Yuko seems embarrassed.

Yuko: I didn't mean to trick you! ...Is my nose getting longer!?

Yuko: You're so gullible... You shouldn't believe everything people say.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You? An intellectual?"]

Yuko: It was meant to be a joke, but I can't believe you said that!

> Yuko seems angry.

Yuko: If I were to wear glasses, do you think it'd make me look smarter?
Yuko: ...Wait, it'd be inconvenient while I'm running around during practice.
Yuko: I wouldn't want them to interfere with my duties as team manager.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: Mr. Ekoda asked me to write a 3-page essay, reflecting on my performance

in his class...
Yuko: Three pages!? Is he serious!? What does he expect me to say!?
Yuko: But I guess I have no choice, if I want to graduate. Otherwise, I'll
have to repeat his class.
Yuko: I can't wait to celebrate graduation with everyone, especially the
Yuko: And you too, Minato-kun.
Yuko: ...Or, am I getting ahead of myself?

> It seems Yuko has taken a liking to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yuko thinks of you as a member of the team.
> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.

Yuko: I have to go work on my essay.

Yuko: Bye-bye.

> After saying goodbye to Yuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Strength Level 3 Skit][SSL03]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Wakatsu Restaurant...

Yuko: The fried mackeral was good...

Yuko: Even though I eat lunch everyday, I still get hungry after practice. I
consider this an early dinner...
Yuko: I'll still eat dinner when I get home, though...
Yuko: I really have to stop eating between meals, or I'll gain tons of weight
once I'm not so busy with the team...
Yuko: Hey, Minato-kun, do you think I eat too much?

- "Not really."
- "Definitely."
- "It doesn't matter to me."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Yuko: I agree! I just eat a little more than your average girl, right!?
Yuko: I'm sure I burn off the extra calories during practice!

> Yuko seems amused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yuko: So, does that mean the whole time I was eating you were looking at me
Yuko: "Whoa! This girl eats like a horse!"?

> Yuko looks a little concerned.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It doesn't matter to me."]

Yuko: How can you be like that!? We're on the same team, after all!

> Yuko seems to be a little upset.

Yuko: I was just trying to make conversation. You don't have to be so rude,

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: You live in the dorm, right Minato-kun? Not to pry, but...
Yuko: You must love being around good-looking girls like Mitsuru and Yukari...

- "It's kinda nice."
- "Not necessarily."
- "You're much cuter, Yuko."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's kinda nice."]

Yuko: They're skinny, but still have nice figures. I wonder what they normally

> Yuko seems amused.

Yuko: Will you tell me their secret next time...?

Yuko: Maybe I should go on a diet... I'm lazy, but it's the only way.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not necessarily."]

Yuko: Really? So, not all guys like the same thing? Honestly, I wouldn't mind
being more like them.

> Yuko seems amused.

Yuko: ...Not that I'm desperate for attention or anything.

Yuko: Maybe I should go on a diet... I'm lazy, but it's the only way.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're much cuter, Yuko."]

Yuko: Wow, you're a dangerous combination: a smooth talker AND a handsome guy.
Yuko: I-I won't forget the compliment, though. *blush* Maybe I'll even tell

> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: If I bump into her a few years from now at the Paulownia Mall, I'll tell
her then.
Yuko: I'm too lazy to go on a diet... I wouldn't last a single day.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: ...I've decided! I'm gonna stop eating between meals! My first goal is
to tone up my arms!
Yuko: Did you hear that, Minato-kun? You're my witness.

> Yuko has told you about her resolution.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> Yuko seems to think of you as someone who's easy to talk to...
> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.

Yuko: Oh, shoot! It's already this late?

- "Let's go."
- "Let's stay a bit longer."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's go."]

Yuko: Yeah, otherwise I might be tempted to order something else. *blush*

> Yuko seems really happy.

Yuko: Alright, let's go.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's stay a bit longer."]

Yuko: Okay... I don't mind, but...

> Yuko seems a little worried.

Yuko: On second thought, let's go... I might be tempted to order something

else. *blush*

[Scroll down to continue]


> After saying goodbye to Yuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Strength Level 4 Skit][SSL04]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Yuko: And then he threw a left hook right at his face, but he dodged it,
Yuko: Can you hang on a sec? I'll finish the story after I put my shoes on.
Yuko: Again...?
Yuko: How childish...

> Yuko is standing by the shoe rack with a strange look on her face.

- "What's wrong?"
- "Come on, let's go."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's wrong?"]

Yuko: Oh, it's nothing, really...

> It seems like something is bothering Yuko.

Yuko: It's the same stupid prank again...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Come on, let's go."]

Yuko: Hang on a second...

> It seems like something is bothering Yuko.

Yuko: How many times is this going to happen...?

[Scroll down to continue]


> There's a piece of gum on Yuko's shelf.

Yuko: ...Phew, they're safe.

Yuko: It wouldn't be funny if I had gum all over my shoes.

- "Does this happen often?"
- "Do you know who did it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Does this happen often?"]

Yuko: Well, after the first few times, I stopped counting.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do you know who did it?"]

Yuko: I have my suspicions, but I don't plan to confront her.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Yuko seems disgusted.

Yuko: I was pissed off at first, but then I just got used to it...
Yuko: I'm tired of being angry, and I'm just too lazy to do anything about it.
Yuko: ...But if I catch her in the act, I'll grab her and slap her.
Yuko: ...Hey! That was a joke, okay? Don't take it so seriously.
Yuko: I'm not like that at all! Alright?

> You left school with Yuko.

> Paulownia Mall...

Yuko: He went for his arm... but then he put him into a choke hold! Isn't that
crazy!? I love it!
Yuko: Like I thought, brains are just as important as brawn...

Girl with White Socks: Yuko-san!

Girl with Black Socks: ...Is that your new boyfriend?

Yuko: No, we're not dating. He's just a friend from the team.

Girl with Black Socks: ...You don't have to hide it.

Girl with Black Socks: I'm surprised you can get such a handsome guy. Maybe I
should become a team manager too.

Yuko: You've got the story all wrong, like usual.

Girl with White Socks: Maybe you should quit. You have to do so much running,
after all...
Girl with White Socks: It's not very attractive for a girl to be too muscular,

Girl with Black Socks: Oh, stop. Her boyfriend might hear you.

Yuko: ...If you wanna give it a try, I won't stop you.

Yuko: But I wouldn't bother if you're just looking for a boyfriend...
Yuko: Because being a team manager isn't easy. You won't have time to be
sticking gum on the shoe rack.

Girl with White Socks: Wh-What on earth are you talking about? I-I haven't got
a clue.

Yuko: ...Of course not. It was just an example.

Yuko: ...What's wrong? Did I say something to offend you?

Girl with Black Socks: ...N-No.

Girl with White Socks: H-Hey... We should get going now...

> The two girls disappeared...

Yuko: ...Let's go sit down.

Yuko: I'm sorry, Minato-kun... I didn't meant to get you involved.

- "Who were they?"
- "No worries."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who were they?"]

Yuko: I kind of know them, but not very well...

> Yuko seems a little worried.

Yuko: ...Maybe I should tell you the whole story, Minato-kun. You seem like
someone I can trust.
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No worries."]

Yuko: ...Thanks.

> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: ...Maybe I should tell you the whole story...

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: The girl with the black socks... She went to the same middle school as
Yuko: Back then, there was this boy on the basketball team who asked me out,
and we started dating.
Yuko: But, he was seeing her at the same time!
Yuko: Even though I was a victim too, when she found out, she accused me of
being a thief.
Yuko: She blamed me because I was the manager of the basketball team. Does
that make any sense at all?
Yuko: That gum on my shelf... It was probably her. She still holds a grudge.
Yuko: Girls can be so unforgiving sometimes...
Yuko: ...By the way, I'm sorry they called you my boyfriend...
Yuko: Are you mad?

- "I'm honored."
- "I find it disturbing."
- "I don't care."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm honored."]

Yuko: Um... How can you say that with a straight face? And how many other
girls have you used that line on?

> Yuko seems embarrassed.

Yuko: When it comes to relationships, you should never play with a woman's
Yuko: Trust me, I've been there before.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I find it disturbing."]

Yuko: How can you say that with a straight face?

> Yuko seems a little upset.

Yuko: I don't know why I even care what you think... You're just like all the
other guys on the team.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't care."]

Yuko: What kind of attitude is that!? I was just trying to be considerate.

> Yuko seems really upset.

Yuko: I have feelings too, ya know... Be a little more careful of what you

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: ...You know, if people see us sitting together like this, they may think
we really ARE dating...
Yuko: ...I don't mind, though. *blush*

> Yuko seems embarrassed.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yuko is curious about you...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Yuko: Please don't tell Kaz or anyone else that story. You're the only one
who knows, Minato-kun!
Yuko: By the way... That guy I was going out with... I broke up with him a
long time ago!
Yuko: ...You probably figured that out already, huh?
Yuko: S-See ya later.

> Yuko ran away.

> ...You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Strength Level 5 Skit][SSL05]-------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall...

Yuko: ...Hey, wait up.

Yuko: I'm not as tall as you, so I can't walk as fast...

- Hold her hand
- Wait for her

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Hold her hand]

Yuko: H-Hey! Wha--? Um...

> Yuko seems surprised.

Yuko: It's not that I mind... It's just, I didn't think we were going out yet.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Wait for her]

Yuko: ...I was just joking; I don't mind. Do you think I'm acting weird?

> Yuko seems to be having fun.

Yuko: I'm used to dealing with big dumb jocks from working on the team. *giggle*

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: Ow!
Yuko: Heeey!

- "Do you know him?"
- "Is that your son?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do you know him?"]

Yuko: Yup. He lives across the street from me.

> Yuko seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is that your son?"]

Yuko: I'm 17! There's no way I could have a kid that age!

> Yuko seems to be mad at you.

[Scroll down to continue]


Boy with a Yellow Shirt: It's your fault! You weren't paying attention!
Boy with a Yellow Shirt: Ms. Nishiwaki!

Yuko: How many times do I have to tell you!? Call me "Big Sis." *sigh* I give
Yuko: ...This is no place to be playing tag.
Yuko: It was okay this time, since it was me... but what if you had bumped
into a stranger?
Yuko: Go play at the playground.

Boy with a Yellow Shirt: We can't play there... There are sixth graders
playing soccer...
Boy with a Yellow Shirt: They said they'll move if we beat them in a race,
Boy with a Yellow Shirt: ...we're only fourth graders! We can't win...
Boy with a Yellow Shirt: So, we had to play tag here instead, Ms. Nishiwaki.

Yuko: I'll let the "Ms." slide this time, but only because I feel sorry for
Yuko: ...Alright, come with me.

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

Yuko: You guys aren't supposed to be here, but today we'll make an

Girl in a Blue Skirt: This field is soooo big!

Yuko: If you see any strangers, run away. And boys, make sure you protect the
Yuko: Promise?

Boy in a Blue Shirt: We promise!

Yuko: Practice until the big hand is on the 12, and don't touch anything
around here.
Yuko: I'm gonna have a look around...

Boy in a Yellow Shirt: Let's run!

Yuko: Wait, come here for a second...

Yuko: Pump your arms more...
Yuko: And don't lift your legs so high, or you might pull a muscle.

> Yuko is teaching the kids how to run faster...

Yuko: Give it a try! Believe in yourself!

Boy in a Yellow Shirt: Wooohoo! Check this out!

Girl in a Blue Skirt: ...Me too! Me too! Come help ME, Coach!

Boy in a Blue Shirt: I'm gonna win for sure!

Yuko: It's worth it just to see the smiles on their faces...

Yuko: But... I've never been a coach before...
Yuko: ...Am I doing the right thing, Minato-kun?

- "Go for it."
- "It's up to you."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Go for it."]

Yuko: You think so?

> Yuko seems to be contemplating the idea.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's up to you."]

Yuko: What am I waiting for...?

> Yuko seems really excited.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: I'll do it! I'll be your coach!

Yuko: But, I'm not gonna go easy on you guys! And no one's allowed to quit,
Yuko: Got it?

Kids: Got it, Coach!

Girl in a Checkered Shirt: Is that your boyfriend, Coach?

Girl in a Checkered Shirt: Is he gonna teach us too?
Yuko: What? Uhh... Don't worry about that.
Yuko: Think positive! If you think you're gonna lose, you will!
Yuko: Don't be afraid of them just because they're sixth graders!

Kids: Whatever you say!

> You watched Yuko as she coached the kids.

Yuko: Once they called me "Coach," I couldn't resist...

Yuko: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you so long...
Yuko: ...But, is there any chance you'd be willing to help me train them?
Yuko: I only know a little bit about racing... and besides, you're pretty
Yuko: I'd be really grateful.
Yuko: Well? Will you help me? Pleeease! I'll be lonely coaching them all by

> You sense that Yuko really trusts you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yuko thinks of you as a trustworthy guy...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Yuko: I'm sorry about last time too! I keep dragging you into these things.
Yuko: But, I'll make up for it one of these days.

> You left school with Yuko.

<>>-----[Strength Level 6 Skit][SSL06]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The kids are secretly training today, too.

Yuko: Since you can only train here for a little while, you'll have to
practice on your own if you want to win!
Yuko: Repeat after me: "I can win!"

Kids: I can win!

Yuko: Don't give in to fear!

> The kids went home after finishing their training.

Yuko: Those kids are going to challenge the 6th graders soon.
Yuko: The winner will get to use the playground.
Yuko: They asked me to write a formal challenge for them... I'm a little
Yuko: Not just about the race, but also about my spelling... *blush*
Yuko: So, what's your honest opinion? Can they win?

- "It's gonna be tough."
- "Let's hope for the best."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's gonna be tough."]

Yuko: Yeah... They ARE sixth graders, after all.

> Yuko seems worried.

Yuko: Well, there's always someone who's bigger or stronger.. but I believe in
those kids!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's hope for the best."]

Yuko: Th-That's right! A coach has to believe in her team!

> Yuko seems to have cheered up a bit.

Yuko: They've done their best!

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: They'll be fine, right!? After all, they learned from us!

> You feel a bond with Yuko.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> It seems Yuko thinks of you as someone who'll stand by her through thick and
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Yuko: ...I should've asked you to write the challenge...

Yuko: Mine doesn't sound very impressive... I'll be so embarrassed if those
sixth graders laugh at it...

> You walked home with Yuko.

<>>-----[Strength Level 7 Skit][SSL07]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, practice field...

> The kids are waiting for you.

Kids: Hey, it's the coach and her boyfriend!

Boy in a Blue Shirt: Coach! We raced one-on-one, and we beat two of the sixth
Boy in a Blue Shirt: We lost to the other two, but overall it was a tie!

Girl in a Blue Skirt: They're gonna let us use the playground now! We even
became friends!
Girl in a Blue Skirt: They said we're pretty fast for fourth graders, and told
us we could play with them sometime!

Yuko: I knew you guys could do it!

Yuko: I-I wasn't worried at all, because you trained so hard!
Boy in a Yellow Shirt: Thanks, um... B-Big Sis!

Yuko: You guys don't have to call me that if you don't want to. Just call me

> Yuko seems happy.

Kids: One... Two... Three!

Kids: Good luck with your boyfriend!

Yuko: My boyfriend...
Yuko: ......
Yuko: Why does this seem like...
Yuko: ...the end of some cheesy made-for-TV movie?
Yuko: Well, there they go...

- "Are you sad?"
- "Are you relieved?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you sad?"]

Yuko: I have to admit... it is kinda sad when it gets quiet all of a sudden.

> Yuko seems a little bit down.

Yuko: To be honest, I was worried at first that it was just going to be a


[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you relieved?"]

Yuko: Of course! I'm the one who'll get busted if anyone finds out about us
using the practice field.

> Yuko seems like she's having fun.

Yuko: To be honest, I was almost too lazy to help them. But, not that they're
not around, it feels kinda lonely.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: I don't wanna give you the impression I've been slacking off as a team
Yuko: But, teaching those kids how to race... It was the first time I really
put my heart into something.
Yuko: Maybe I was meant to take care of people...
Yuko: ...Hey! By the way... I wanna thank you, Minato-kun.
Yuko: Maybe we should have a little party... You know, to celebrate our first
attempt at coaching...

- "Sure."
- "What for?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

Yuko: I can't wait!

> Yuko seems really excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What for?"]

Yuko: Well, just because we pulled it off... You don't think it's a good idea?

> Yuko seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: A restaurant would be expensive, and I'd rather not have it at the dorm
with all those people around...
Yuko: How 'bout we have it at my house?

> You sense that Yuko is developing feelings for you.

> It seems like things are starting to get serious.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Yuko...
> She might get upset if you go out with another girl.

Yuko: Those kids wouldn't have listened to me without your help... I'm so glad
you were--
Yuko: ...Let's talk about this later. We'll have plenty of time at the party.
Yuko: C'mon, let's go.

> You left school with Yuko.

<>>-----[Strength Level 8 Skit][sSL08]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai, 3rd Street, Yuko's room...

> You are celebrating your coaching success alone with Yuko.

Yuko: It was a lot of hard work, but I'm glad we helped those kids.
Yuko: How about you, Minato-kun...?
Yuko: ......

> Yuko is looking at you shyly.

Yuko: ...! Oh, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare...

Yuko: I just noticed that you have such long eyelashes. I've never seen you
this close before... *blush*
Yuko: H-How 'bout we change topics... I have a question for you!
Yuko: Do you like kids, Minato-kun?

- "Yeah, I like them."
- "Not really."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Yeah, I like them."]

Yuko: Me too. I like how they try so hard.

Yuko: ...You know, recently I realized how much I like to take care of people.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Yuko: Well, those kids said they like YOU.

Yuko: I think people are drawn to you, Minato-kun.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: Can I ask you one more question? Before we call it a night...?
Yuko: Let's say you get married and have a kid.
Yuko: Would you want it to be a boy or a girl?

- "A boy."
- "A girl."
- "It doesn't matter which."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A boy."]

Yuko: I see...

> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: Boys can be a handful, but I'm sure they make a house more lively.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A girl."]

Yuko: Me too! We must be on the same wavelength!

> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: I could dress her up in different outfits, and she could be my little

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It doesn't matter which."]

Yuko: Is that how guys think?

> Yuko seems to be a little puzzled.

Yuko: ...! Well, if you mean you don't care as long as the baby is healthy,
then I agree with you.

[Scroll down to continue]

Yuko: ...Anyway, I wouldn't want the baby to take after me, since I'm a little
rough around the edges.
Yuko: I'd want the baby to look like you, Minato-kun, since you're-- *gasp*
Yuko: ...Uh, I... I didn't mean to imply... Oh, what am I saying!?

> It seems like Yuko has fallen for you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Yuko has intensified.
> It's getting dark out...

Yuko: P-Please don't get the wrong idea! It was something I saw on TV last
Yuko: There was this show about predicting what a baby will look like by
combining two people's pictures!
Yuko: That's the only reason I brought it up!
Yuko: I don't want you to misunderstand!
Yuko: Um... H-Hey! It's getting late! Let's call it a night, okay?

> You left abruptly as if you had been kicked out.

<>>-----[Strength Level 9 Skit][SSL09]-------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall, Chagall Cafe...

Yuko: Um... About last time... I'm sorry if I said anything weird.
Yuko: C-Can we just forget about that?

- "No worries."
- "Forget about what?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No worries."]

Yuko: What!? You mean that didn't bother you!? I was up all night!

> Yuko seems a little upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Forget about what?"]

Yuko: Oh, if you don't remember, that's even better!

> Yuko seems a little embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: Maybe my motherly instincts came out after coaching those kids...
Yuko: ...It's so embarrassing just thinking about it.
Yuko: Do you remember what I told you at Wild-duck Burger?
Yuko: How Mr. Ekoda reprimanded me about my Classic Literature quiz?
Yuko: Back then, I just wanted to graduate and go to a community college...
Yuko: But after coaching those kids, I started to realize something...
Yuko: I enjoy helping people who are willing to give it their all.
Yuko: Guess what I wanna be.

- "A track and field star?"
- "An instructor?"
- "A kindergarten teacher?"
- "I have no idea..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A track and field star?"]

Yuko: No thanks. I rather encourage others... Being a professional athlete is

too hard.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["An instructor?"]

Yuko: Close! You've almost got it, Mr. ex-Assistant Coach.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A kindergarten teacher?"]

Yuko: I really struggled with this decision, but I decided I should focus on
one thing... and that's not it.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I have no idea..."]

Yuko: Come on, Minato-kun, are you that dense? Or did I not give you enough

[Scroll down to continue]


> Yuko seems to be in a good mood.

Yuko: I'm thinking of becoming an athletic trainer.

Yuko: You have to monitor each athlete's diet and help them plan their
training schedule.
Yuko: I'll go to professional school once I graduate, and work towards earning
my certification.
Yuko: Between the general education requirements and the class for my major,
it adds up to over 350 hours.
Yuko: That's why I'm gonna start studying right away.
Yuko: ...Improving my writing is my first goal. It took me three nights to
finish that three page essay.
Yuko: I learned a lot from those kids. When I first started coaching them,
Yuko: I was thinking about how I would teach my own kids one day... and I
didn't have the slightest clue.
Yuko: Well, that all changed.
Yuko: If you haven't been there with me, I'm not sure if I would've been able
to coach those kids.
Yuko: And I would have never thought about my future, either.
Yuko: ...So, thank you.

> Yuko seems appreciative.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Yuko has intensified.

Yuko: ...Well, I have to go. I've gotta study!

Yuko: ...Wish me luck, Minato-kun.

> After saying goodbye to Yuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Strength Level 10 Skit][SSL10]------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai, 3rd street, Yuko's room...

Yuko: Sorry...
Yuko: I could've given this to you at school, but... it gave me an excuse to
see you.

- "An excuse?"
- "What are you talking about?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["An excuse?"]

Yuko: N-Now, you're making me feel guilty...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you talking about?"]

Yuko: H-Hold your horses! I'm getting to that... Actually, I'm the one who's

[Scroll down to continue]


> Yuko seems embarrassed.

Yuko: ...Remember the kids we coached?

Yuko: The four of them each wrote something for us.
Yuko: They're kinda mouthy, but they have their moments...

- "That's true."
- "Not really."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["That's true."]

Yuko: You're sweet, Minato-kun.

Yuko: You'll be a good father.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Yuko: Wow, you're tough to please...

Yuko: I bet you'll be a strict father when you have kids.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Yuko seems happy.

Yuko: Here, this is for you, Minato-kun.

> Obtained Kids' Letter!

Yuko: They told me to give it to you... Aren't they cute?

Yuko: That's why I called you up.
Yuko: ...It was my excuse for inviting you over...
Yuko: Today... my parents aren't home...

- "I see."
- "And...?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I see."]

Yuko: L-Last time you came over... It got a little weird...

> Yuko is looking at you hopefully.

Yuko: I feel like I tricked you into coming, but... I was hoping we could try

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Yuko: D-Don't make me say it!

> Yuko seems embarrassed.

Yuko: Quit staring at me... I know my face is all red...

[Scroll down to continue]


Yuko: Um... You helped me find my true calling, Minato-kun.

Yuko: ...I'm so glad we met.
Yuko: ...I want to give you a special thank you...
Yuko: So, will you stay with me a while longer...?

> Yuko has expressed her love for you...

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Strength Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Strength Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Strength Card: The innermost power of the Strength Arcana hath been set free.
Strength Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Siegfried, the
ultimate form of the Strength Arcana...

> The Team Manager Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Team Manager Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has reached its
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!
> You shared a special moment with Yuko.

<>>=====[Hermit Social Link][HSL]==========================================<<>

Maya is the first (and only) player you meet in the MMO you're playing. Upon
chatting with her for a while, you find out she is a teacher at your school.
She reveals all the stresses of her single life to you. The online game is
eventually shut down, but Maya leaves you a loving message before you two
part ways.

Author's Notes:
You must have first received the "Innocent Sin" MMO game from Junpei first
before you are able to establish this Social Link.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 1 Skit][HSL01]---------------------------------------<<>

The Game Screen: Spring, the year 20XX...

The Game Screen: You have 1 message.
The Game Screen: From: "Phil."
The Game Screen: Reality is just a series of events and players acting out
what they believe is real.
The Game Screen: When we accept that fact, our world becomes "reality."
The Game Screen: Reality is but a reflection of our thoughts and expectations.
The Game Screen: ...But, what if we were merely reflections in another's
The Game Screen: Are you prepared to look through that mirror to discover the

> Inside Lunarvale Hospitale...

> There are 1 player(s) in the area.
> A -REPORTER- approaches...

Girl in Gray: sup xD

Girl in Gray: asl...? oh wait, r u a nub? u r, huh? >_>
Girl in Gray: oh wow. u haven't even finished generating your char yet... o_O
Girl in Gray: welcome to teh game! good thing i'm using my low level alt
Girl in Gray: i think its jus u an me, this is kind of a dead MMO these
days xD

- "What name should I use?"
- "It's not popular anymore?"

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Girl in Gray: sry. i got kinda ooc there =o

Girl in Gray: we r supposed to be our "alternate selves" rite? uhhhh...
yeah =/
Girl in Gray: sooo... what r u gonna call ur char? we can meet up later
Girl in Gray: hm... hey, i got a good name for u =3
Girl in Gray: bout tatsuya? kyahahaha! that's good, imo
Girl in Gray: i'll change mine to maya, k? =D

Maya: have a little deja vu? ;P

- "Heh, that's clever."
- "I don't get it..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Heh, that's clever."]

Maya: o rly? i'm impressed i didn't think many people played that!
Maya: well, if u see any jokers, be sure to rescu me, k? ^^y

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't get it..."]

Maya: figures, it's been a while hehe. i played that game soooooo much in
college T_T
Maya: oops. hope u can't figure out how old i am--rofl!!

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: ne way, i'm usually idling here on my days off... >_>

Maya: so if ur bored, maybe we can level together. it sux to be lonely =P

> You met a person online who uses a character named Maya.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Maya: sry, gtg =\

Maya: remember, let's think positive! traesto! xD

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decide to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 2 Skit][HSL02]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> You don't see any other players.
> The girl in gray signs on.

Girl in Gray: wb, tatsuya *^_^* good to see u again

Girl in Gray: u remember me rite? =/

- "Of course."
- "...Have we met?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Of course."]
Girl in Gray: u really DO remember!!1 n_n

> The other player seems happy.

Girl in Gray: this is exactly liek when maya and tatsuya remember. ^_^-b

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...Have we met?"]

Girl in Gray: whatever. i only named you... -_-;

> The other player seems sad.

Girl in Gray: well, if you see ne jokers, be sure to rescue me, k? =^_^=

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: hmm... what kinda people r we, playing inside on such a beautiful day?

- "It's okay to enjoy a game."
- "Sunshine is overrated."
- "Maybe we're loners."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's okay to enjoy a game."]

Maya: yeah, games r cool, but like... (gawd this sounds so pathetic--)
Maya: there isn't much else that intersts me, ya know? ._.

> Maya seems depressed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sunshine is overrated."]

Maya: HahaHAha!! dman straight! XD

> It seems like Maya is amused.

Maya: its not like we're otaku or ne thing irl ne way.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe we're loners."]

Maya: hmmm... iono. =\

> Maya seems troubled.

Maya: life sux sometimes... but i dun wanna end up alone ._.

[Scroll down to continue]

Maya: lol... we're s'posed to be leveling, but we jus keep on chatting =3
Maya: but hey, grinding gets old rite? its more fun talking to u, tatsuya.

> Maya opened up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: zomg! ummm... i'll be afk for a while, so i'm logging off. sry!
Maya: i forgot the big sale ends today =x

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decide to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 3 Skit][HSL03]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> Maya is in the room.

Maya: hi hi! i was waiting for u! =)

Maya: so ummmmmmm..... i'm drunk! xD

- "Oh really? o_O"
- "Are you an adult?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh really? o_O"]

Maya: YA RLY! ^o^

Maya: save me tatsu! i'm sick of my job! no tiem to party T_T

> Maya seems to be... enjoying herself.

Maya: 3 beers an counting!11 will u hold my hair bakc? heheh

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you an adult?"]

Maya: My 21st was soooooo long ago, dude! i even wore a long-sleveed kimono

> Maya seems depressed.

Maya: sh!t this sux >=/ tiem for beer number $!

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: rawr, i even have to work from homo this weekend... =(

Maya: home** LOL!
Maya: nvm -_-;;
Maya: dun worry, i'm on a break u know =P
> Maya's avatar is dancing.
> Maya's avatar sat down.

Maya: it didn't use to be liek this T_T i never had to work weekends
Maya: but lately i cant get motviated to get ne work done @ work. =/

- "So you don't like your job?"
- "You could just be tired."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So you don't like your job?"]

Maya: i luv it! its waht i always wanted to do since i was a kid. ^______^

> Maya seems proud.

Maya: it has been 8 yrs tho... maybe i'm jus bored? =/

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You could just be tired."]

Maya: thats what teh beer is for, duh =P but it always worked before =/

> Maya seems sad.

Maya: its been 8 yrs tho... maybe i'm just gettin old =(

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: ugh... sumtimes i wish everything would slow down a bit... ^_^;
Maya: why do i play this game even tho i hav better things to do? lol
Maya: i dun talk liek this irl, i swear! its just an online habit =P
Maya: I suppose I should type correctly like this, but im just lazy, eheheh
Maya: i rly like how you have good spelling and punctuation online, that's so

> Maya's really opened up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: have u ever said "lol" irl on accident? i think i would die! rofl
Maya: that type of thign could get me fired for reals! o_O
Maya: dun tell ne one, k? i can't get firediwanna keep myjob! -_-;
Maya: hmm... i better get back to work, huh? nite! ^^

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decided to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 4 Skit][HSL04]---------------------------------------<<>
> Inside Lunarvale Hospital
> Maya is not signed on.

Instant Message: i'm running a lil late! i'll brt, k? ^^;;

> Maya entered the area.

Maya: I was on teh phone w/my mom =/ whenever we talk, its always the same
Maya: ...ugh, its like all she cares about is marrying me to some dud >=/

- "Don't wanna get married?"
- "You need a boyfriend first."
- "Why don't we get married?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't wanna get married?"]

Maya: eventually! but not til i'm like 40 -_-#

> Maya seems upset.

Maya: i mean, WTF! everyone acts like a girl has to get married to be happy

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You need a boyfriend first."]

Maya: i'm taking my time!!1 =/ there's no rush, yo.

> Maya seems troubled.

Maya: Half teh population is male, rite? I'll be fine. >=) <---(playa)

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why don't we get married?"]

Maya: even w/out meeting me irl? =D take me, Tatsuya! \(^x^)/

> Maya seems happy.

Maya: dun worry... >:D i still have sum spunk left at my age, lol *^_^*

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: it's sexist to think women can only be happy when they're tied down.
Maya: one nite after a lil drinking, i kinda passed out in front of the
Maya: this old dude says, "you think men want drunk sluts like you?"
Maya: i told him to stfu, dammit!! >=(
Maya: OTL ...sry, kinda got off topic. i guess i'm a little tired =_=
Maya: but i do feel better now! xD
Maya: here tatsuya, this is for u

> Maya used a Heal Potion on Tatsuya.

> But there was no effect...
Maya: oh... i guess your hp was already full... lmaonade
Maya: i'm trying to say thx for listening to all my bitching ;P

> Maya feels like she can open up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: that lame old guy i mentioned was in front of the Port Island Station
Maya: if you see him, don't be nice! >=/ u'll know cuz he talks like a woman
Maya: alrite, i better go practice being a good housewife for tatsuya! <3

> Maya's player signed off.

> You heard about a man who talks like a woman outside the train station.
> You decide to log off as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 5 Skit][HSL05]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> Maya enters the area.

Maya: woah, did u just get here? we signed on @ the same tiem!
Maya: the weathers nice today huh? let's go outside! (>'')> ingame, duh
Maya: Traesto! &= ( ^o^)/

> Konan District...

> A gray-colored sky stretches as far as the eye can see.
> A barren wasteland lies before Tatsuya and Maya.
> Maya is stretching.

Maya: The air is nice, even tho the world has ended ;P
Maya: pshyeah right... it's just a game... we should go lvl or sumthing
Maya: i'm so lazy irl tatsu... i havnt even gotten dressed or put on
makeup T_T

> Maya stands at attention!

Maya: AAARGH!!11;alksjf;alskdjfa;slkf i'm so pissed off rite now!

Maya: Mr. E is such a stupid eh so bee!! t(-_-t)

- "Who's Mr. E?"
- "Are you drunk again?"
- "Don't you mean S.O.B.?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who's Mr. E?"]

Maya: ...tatsuya, u know too much

Maya: i shouldn't have mentioned his name, huh? >_>
Maya: HAhahHhahHA! roflmao!!1 dun get me busted, k? O=)

> Maya really seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Are you drunk again?"]

Maya: not this time... at this rate i'll never get married -_-;
Maya: i'm stressed, not drunk... o_O O_o

> Maya seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't you mean S.O.B.?"]

Maya: see!? u understand!! wooooo! tatsuya and maya ftw! xD

Maya: we must be soulmates ya? high five! (^ ^) /\ (^ ^)

> Maya seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Maya is looking around.

Maya: erm, there arnt that many players ne more, most of em left for the new
mmo, CoW...
Maya: there were alot of dupers an goldfarmers, but still... =/
Maya: its good tho cuz it lets us talk about personal things rite? >=P
Maya: ...maya IS a shy girl, u know... ::blush:: lol
Maya: ...see, Mr. E is a teacher with seniority over me
Maya: ...oh noes! u can't figure out what my job is can u? O_o

- "A drunken master?"
- "Maya's a reporter, right?"
- "Are you a teacher?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A drunken master?"]

Maya: well being drunk does make me stronger =P

Maya: ...i wish.

> Maya is enjoying herself.

Maya: ...ok, i'm a teacher surprised? xD

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maya's a reporter, right?"]

Maya: that's in the GAME i'm talking about real life ._.

> Maya seems disappointed.

Maya: i'm a teacher! hehehehe surprised i bet =P

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you a teacher?"]

Maya: ya, ur smart O_O i knew u'd figure it out
Maya: you get an A+ for reading comprehension today! lol d-^_^

> Maya seems happy.

Maya: now u know i'm a teacher

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: hey! i just figured sumthing out o_O

Maya: when i complain to u, i feel better afterwards! xD
Maya: from now on we HAVE to group together promise, k? >=|

> Maya feels comfortable telling you about her real life.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: i'm so pumped, i think i'll clean teh bathroom xD

Maya: it's been 2 months o_O

> Maya's player signed off.

> Maya signed back on.

Maya: don't mention that "SOB" stuff, k? its our little secret! >_>

> Maya's player signed off.

> ......
> You decide to log off as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 6 Skit][HSL06]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> Maya is in the room.

Maya: i went to the gym yesterday to work out! =D

Maya: muscles are sore, but i'm sooooo buff! ;)
Maya: there's nothing a little endorphins wont cure, rite?
Maya: orz (...sooooo much pain)
Maya: actually, i only went cuz i was so pissed at that bastard! >=/

- "Calm down."
- "Which bastard?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Calm down."]

Maya: ur rite, i should just calm down -_- ::breathes::

Maya: nuuuuuuuuuuu! i just cant get it out of my mind!! x_x

> Maya seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Which bastard?"]

Maya: ...errr sry ^^;; have kind of a dirty mouth today >_>

> Maya blushed.

Maya: what i meant was... i was upset cuz of this guy...

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: remember that Mr. E guy? (the SOB, rite?)

Maya: i made a small error in my gradebook and now he's all on my ass
Maya: "ur s'posed to set an example" he told me!! >=/ stfu old man!
Maya: he thinks he's all that just cuz he's a history teacher ffs
Maya: doesn't he know who i am? i'm maya, u old bas***d! t(^_^) xD
Maya: if Mr. E starts playin this game too i'm putting him on Ignore! xD
Maya: u can't talk to him either, k? hee hee... pwned!

> Maya is confiding in you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: Mr. E prolly doesn't have a computer @ his house ne way... >_>
Maya: he prolly uses a abacus! talk about a "history" teacher! xD roflcopter
Maya: phew... much better. maybe i'll go take a shower now ::blush::
Maya: dun worry! i won't let that old geezer get me down, tatsuya!! ^_^

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decide to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 7 Skit][HSL07]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> Maya is in the room.

Maya: listen tatsuya! >;)

Maya: nowadays i just log on to MMOs with bedhead and all (liek today lol)
Maya: but when i was little, ppl said i was a real cutie -_-;;
Maya: guess i missed my chance rite? nobody thinks i'm hawt ne more T_T
Maya: men only want younger women? be honest w/me =3

- "What are you talking about?"
- "Guys like younger chicks."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you talking about?"]

Maya: hahaha i know... kinda random, rite?

> Maya seems self-conscious.

Maya: when i get all worked up, i dun realize what comes outta my mouth =x

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Guys like younger chicks."]

Maya: yeah, i thought so. everyone knows it but it sux to hear for real...
orz T_T
Maya: fair is fair tho =P i go for teenagers, myself ^_^ i'm bad, rite?

> Maya seems pretty happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: but i didn't make sense? i should know better--i teach composition!! o_O;;
Maya: mkay, i'll be calm. i'll compose my bitching carefully for you ;P
Maya: one of my coworkers is really pissing me off. i'm trying to avoid her
Maya: we use to teach teh same grade and we were together ALL THE TIME
Maya: its been a while but that kinda thing sticks w/u, u know?
Maya: ne way, she said she needed some advice, but then she just started
bragging! >=(
Maya: some student asked her out, and a guy she doesn't liek proposed to
her... UGH!
Maya: and she acts like its nuthing! omg, rite?
Maya: i hate skanky hoes liek her! just give puppy-dog eyes and guys do
Maya: she even stuffs her bra!! lol

- "She um... what?"
- "Just calm down."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["She um... what?"]

Maya: ...u know too much, tatsuya

Maya: but thats rite, she's got fake tits
Maya: HAHahahahahhahaha!!1 xDDDDDD

> Maya seems to be enjoying herself.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just calm down."]

Maya: talk about fake, rite? what kind of woman has to use pads for her boobs?
Maya: i'm fine w/ massaging in teh shower and drnking more milk. all
natural ;)

> Maya tells you more than you wanted to know.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: omg for reals, i saw Ms. K running in late one time, ok?
Maya: her pads fell down an it looked liek she had 4!!! O_O XDDD
Maya: ...theyre fake for sure >=)
Maya: my school is FULL of teachers like taht! -_-;
Maya: man tatsuya, talkin to u is better than getting a massage =P ::blush::
Maya: complaining online is now an important part of my days off ^_^

> Maya likes talking to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: we r s'posed to be fighting demons from hell, rite? >;)

Maya: ...but after what i said, i might go to hell ne way o_O;;
Maya: well... i rented sum DVDs, sooo... later, tatsuya! thx for chattin

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decide to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 8 Skit][HSL08]---------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

Maya: i hope tatsuya gets here soon >_>

> Maya is walking nearby.

Maya: i'm not even complaining today or ne thing... so rare =P

Maya: but i have to tell tatsu cuz he's my MMO partner! i'll be brave -_-;;
Maya: *^_^*
Maya: ...i'm so lame! i'm blushing for reals!!
Maya: oh noes... now i'm starting to get sweaty =/

- "Are you talking to yourself?"
- "Hurry up and tell me."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you talking to yourself?"]

Maya: ZOMG! How long have u been there!??!?!?!?

> Maya seems surprised.

Maya: ...erm sry ^^;;; i was kinda spaced out o_O

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hurry up and tell me."]

Maya: oh, hey tatsuya hehehehehehe xD

> Maya seems to be enjoying herself.

Maya: i wanted to tell u last time but i chickened out... ::blush::

[Scroll down to continue]

> Maya seems to be embarrassed.

Maya: i'm kinda..."interested" in sumone from school >_>

Maya: he's kinda a teenager tho xD
Maya: OMG i said it!!!1 O_O;; ;P
Maya: none of the male teachers r even in my league, so i gave up looking for
b/fs @ work
Maya: i never thought i'd fall for a student! <3333333
Maya: goin for younger guys is kinda new for me >_>

- "What is he like?"
- "You're gonna ask him out?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What is he like?"]

Maya: hmm... he's kinda quiet, but real mature an intense looking (and hawt)
Maya: i luuuuuuv watchin his expressions in class xD is that bad?

> Maya seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're gonna ask him out?"]

Maya: errmmm... i know there's an age diff, an he doesn't have a job or ne


> Maya seems conflicted.

Maya: but what if reality is a let down after all my fantasies? maybe i
shouldn't =(

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: he's one of my students! =x

Maya: he jus transferred in this year after his parents died (i will comfort
Maya: maybe i can abuse my power and convince him i'm a guidance counselor
Maya: oh btw, u don't need to be jealous he's jus sumone i like, rite?
Maya: tatsuya is the only game partner for maya ^^; no worries

> Maya cares about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: i haven't made my appt yet, but i'm goin to go to a salon *_*
Maya: Minato-kun will fall in love w/ me before the weekend <33333
Maya: alrighty tatsuya, i gtg let's think positive!
> Maya's player signed off.
> You decide to log off as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 9 Skit][HSL09]---------------------------------------<<>

The Game Screen: Attention players,

The Game Screen: Although we initially planned to allow "Innocent Sin" to run
The Game Screen: ...recent feedback has shown that player participation is not
adequate to continue.
The Game Screen: We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience this causes for
active players.
The Game Screen: However, the servers will remain open until the official end
The Game Screen: We hope that you understand and that you enjoyed your time
with "Innocent Sin."
The Game Screen: Sincerely, -"Innocent Sin" staff

The Game Screen: > You logged on to the game.

The Game Screen: > Inside Lunarvale Hospital...
The Game Screen: > Maya is in the room.

Maya: ...u got that message from teh admins, rite tatsuya? T_T
Maya: > Maya faces away from you.
Maya: it said their cancelling innocent sin. ...think its for real?

- "Oh well, right?"
- "No way!"
- "Whatever, I guess."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh well, right?"]

Maya: yeah... i guess not many ppl were playing ne more... -_-

> Maya seems sad.

Maya: but it still sux... they prolly jus want to save some munny -_-

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No way!"]

Maya: i know rite!? how dare they! >=/

> Maya is getting all worked up.

Maya: i finally found a place to let out my frustation and now this!!!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Whatever, I guess."]

Maya: yeah, i was a little stunned at first too

> Maya seems sad.

Maya: this MMO started out as a way to kill some tiem, but now its diff -_-;
[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: > Maya gets closer to you.

Maya: tatsuya... do u think we'll still be able to see each other? T_T

- "I think so."
- "No, this is the end."
- "Don't worry about that."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I think so."]

Maya: yeah... we can meet each other in different ways I guess >_>
Maya: maybe there will be another MMO or we could hook up irl, but still =S

> Maya seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, this is the end."]

Maya: so its just an ingame relationship to u tatsuya...? ur so cold... me am

cry T_T
Maya: ...i dun wanna admit it but i guess your rite ._.

> Maya seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry about that."]

Maya: alrite, i'll try not to think about it =x

Maya: but if i say that i'll think about it even more! T_T

> Maya seems troubled.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: NO! we have to stop wasting our tiem!

Maya: maya's not goin quietly! >=/ i'll beat them to the punch!

- "What are you planning?"
- "This won't change anything."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you planning?"]

Maya: ...oh dun worry tatsu. i won't do ne thing dangerous >_>

> Maya seems a little happier.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["This won't change anything."]

Maya: tatsuya, sumtimes in life u have to stand up for urself. times liek

> Maya seems pretty serious.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: im gonna send them a log fo the convos we've been havin together here
Maya: if they knwo this game is important to us, maybe they'll reconsider =D
Maya: even tho tatsuya's just some lonely kid and maya likes to b**ch too
much... ;)
Maya: that shouldn't matter!!!1
Maya: (to tell u the truth, i kinda hope ur a handsome guy tho...)
Maya: don't worry, maya will protect u! we'll always be partners, k?

> It seems Maya cares about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Game Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!

Maya: alrite! i'm gonna go write my email w/ our convo log! ^_^
Maya: don't mess w/ maya & friends or u'll regret it! MwahAHaHhaHa!
Maya: next time we'll celebrate our victory, k? bai!

> Maya's player signed off.

> You decide to log out as well.

<>>-----[Hermit Level 10 Skit][HSL10]--------------------------------------<<>

> Inside Lunarvale Hospital...

> Maya isn't in the area.
> A mysterious light engulfs Tatsuya.

> Konan District...

> A gray-colored sky stretches as far as the eye can see.
> A barren wasteland lies before Tatsuya.
> Maya is staring into the distance.

Maya: i saw you log on so i brought u here w/ magic. sry ^^;

Maya: ...i should apologize

- "About what?"
- "Oh, no worries."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["About what?"]

Maya: about, uh... all that stuff i said? o_O;;

> Maya seems confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, no worries."]

Maya: no tatsuya, if u keep being nice i won't ever move fwd =S

> Maya seems determined.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: remember how i said i would send our chat log to the admins before? >_>
Maya: i dun think i will...

- "Now they'll end it for sure."
- "Is that why you're sorry?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Now they'll end it for sure."]

Maya: ......yeah pretty much -_-

> Maya seems to feel guilty.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is that why you're sorry?"]

Maya: kinda, but... i meant sumthing else too ._.

> Maya seems nervous.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Maya is kicking the ground.

Maya: i read over our chat log and i didn't like waht i saw =/
Maya: what kind fo person plays an MMO jus to bitch about coworkers? -_-
Maya: u shouldn't have had to put up w/ me doin that. im sry m(_ _)m
Maya: sum teacher i am, rite? =/
Maya: i kno it'll look like i'm chickening out an stuff, but...
Maya: im thinkin bout quttin the MMO today i... dun think i'll c u again T_T

- "This is sudden..."
- "I'll miss you."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["This is sudden..."]

Maya: ...its kind of a bad habit, but i'm sure this is the rite thing ._.

> Maya seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["I'll miss you."]

Maya: i'll totally miss u more *^_^*

> Maya seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maya: since nobody can see my face on teh intarweb, i could be mean... =(
Maya: so i jus have to look @ myself in the mirror and make it rite! ^_^
Maya: shyeah rite. =P i never would've figured this out w/out ur help
Maya: tatsuya taught me to be thoughtful even when im not around ppl =)

> Maya really trusts you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hermit Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hermit Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Hermit Card: The innermost power of the Hermit Arcana hath been set free.
Hermit Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Arahabaki, the ulimate
form of the Hermit Arcana...

> The Online Gaming Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Online Gaming Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Maya: ...well, i better go now >_>

Maya: i drew something in the sand for u
Maya: check the ground once i log off, k? ^^;
Maya: its kinda embarrassing, but i worked real hard on it
Maya: if u upload a screenie to ur cellphone, u can keep it always!
Maya: ...
Maya: i dun even cry during romance movies but my eyes'll be red tonite... T_T
Maya: remember, let's think positive!
Maya: ...
Maya: gg, tatsu. thx 4 everything

> Maya's player logged off.

> You search the area where Maya was standing.
> A message is written in the sand.

i <--read downward!!

> You took a screen cap and emailed it to your phone.

> You have obtained Screenshot Data.
> You stored the memories of Maya deep within your heart and logged off.

<>>=====[Fortune Social Link][FSL]=========================================<<>

Keisuke is the son of a doctor. His life was laid out step by step by his
father since his childhood. Though his father wants him to take over the
family hospital, Keisuke doesn't want to keep being ordered around. Keisuke
eventually decides to be a doctor, but it is out of his own desire, not his

Author's Notes:
Similar to the [Chariot Social Link]. This S-Link takes place in either the
Music, Art, or Science club. The skits located here will take place in the
Art Club.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 1 Skit][FSL01]--------------------------------------<<>

Fuuka: ...Huh?

Male Student with Glasses: Um... You're not a member of this club, are you?
Male Student with Glasses: Do you know him, Fuuka-san?

Fuuka: Yeah, this is the guy I was just telling you about...

Male Student with Glasses: ...Oh, so this is him, huh?

Male Student with Glasses: You must be Minato-kun. I've heard a lot about you
from Fuuka-san!

Fuuka: We're looking for new members to join our club, so I mentioned your
Fuuka: I'm really happy you decided to stop by...

Male Student with Glasses: Um, I'm Keisuke Hiraga. P-Pleased to meet you.

Male Club Member: He's supposed to be pleased to meet YOU, Keisuke-senpai.

Male Club Member: You're the club leader, after all.

Keisuke Hiraga: O-Oh, that's right.

Fuuka: *chuckle* He always acts like this.

Keisuke Hiraga: Thins are going well... Fuuka-san decided to return to the
club, and now we're getting a new member.
Keisuke Hiraga: Maybe I should stay club leader for a little while longer...

Fuuka: Hey, Keisuke-senpai, you're a senior, right? You must have finals
coming up soon, huh?

Keisuke Hiraga: No, I... uh...

Keisuke Hiraga: H-Hey, Minato-kun, are you a good painter?

- "No, not really."
- "Yeah, I guess."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, not really."]

Keisuke Hiraga: Well, don't worry. You don't have to be a professional artist
to join this club.
Keisuke Hiraga: I mean, I'm a novice, and I'm the club leader!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I guess."]

Keisuke Hiraga: Oh... Then, I guess we'll be learning a lot from you.
Keisuke Hiraga: We don't have any professional artists in this club. I mean,
I'm a novice, and I'm the leader.

[Scroll down to continue]

Keisuke Hiraga: Meeting you like this can't be just a coincidence; it must be
Keisuke Hiraga: So, if you're interested in joining the Art Club, just write
your name on the sign-up sheet.

> You have been welcomed by Keisuke.

> You have joined the Art Club and become friends with the club members.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Keisuke: Just so you know, only club members are allowed to enter this room.
Keisuke: So be sure to sign your name on the sign-up sheet.
Keisuke: The Art Club meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Keisuke: You're not required to attend every day, just try to come as much as
you can.

Fuuka: I'm really surprised we're in the same club.

> After joining the club, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 2 Skit][FSL02]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> The hours flew by while you were having fun.
> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Fuuka: ...!

> Fuuka is grimacing.

- "What's wrong?"
- "Need a break?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's wrong?"]

Fuuka: This has been happening to me a lot lately...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Need a break?"]

Fuuka: I-I'll be okay. It'll go away in a little while...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Fuuka seems to be in pain.

Fuuka: I just have a little headache... It's no big deal, really...

Keisuke: You should really determine the cause of your headache; it could
lead to further complications down the road.
Keisuke: Where are you experiencing the pain? Is it on one or both sides of
your head?
Keisuke: ...Can you describe the pain? Is it dull? Aching? Throbbing?

> Keisuke is trying to determine exactly what is wrong with Fuuka.

Female Club Member: Uh-oh, Keisuke-senpai's playing doctor again...

Female Club Member: Looks like Fuuka-san's not going anywhere for a while.

- "Playing doctor?"
- "Is she okay?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Playing doctor?"]

Female Club Member: Yeah, if someone isn't feeling well, Keisuke-senpai always
tries to figure out what's wrong with them.
Female Club Member: It doesn't matter when or where, either.
Female Club Member: And, he doesn't stop until he knows exactly what it is.
Sometimes it takes forever...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is she okay?"]

Female Club Member: Yeah, she'll be fine. Keisuke-senpai's like a walking

medical journal.
Female Club Member: We all aprreciate his helpfulness, but it can get a little
annoying after a while.

[Scroll down to continue]


> The other members of the club seem annoyed.

Female Club Member: Keisuke-senpai's father is the director of a large

Female Club Member: I guess he just can't stand to see people in pain. I bet
he'll go to medical school and become a doctor.

Keisuke: So the pain is emanating from the back of your head?

Keisuke: ...Please turn around.
Keisuke: What you're suffering from is known as a chronic tension-type
headache, most likely a result of stress.
Keisuke: You must be spending too much time in front of the computer. You
should get outside and exercise more.
Keisuke: ...That advice must sound funny coming from the leader of the Art

Fuuka: Oh, I thought I might have come down with the flu or something...

Keisuke: Well, if you're worried about that, I should perform a more detailed
Keisuke: Please remove your shirt, open your mouth, and stick out your

Fuuka: !?
Fuuka: U-Uh, that's okay. I'm fine! Anyways, my dorm is close by and my dorm
mate Minato-kun is here.

Keisuke: You guys are dorm mates!?

Keisuke: Wow, I can see how Fuuka lives in the dorm. I mean, she's a girl so
she knows how to cook and clean...
Keisuke: But what about you, Minato-kun? Isn't it hard living on your own?

> It seems Keisuke wants to get to know you better.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: ...Oh, sorry, Fuuka-san! I completely forgot about you...

Keisuke: Now, regarding your headache, I don't think you should be walking
home. Why don't I call you a taxi?
Keisuke: On second thought, maybe a limousine would be better... The ride
would be much, much smoother...

Fuuka: U-Uh, that's okay. I'm fine. Really.

> It's getting dark out...

> After saying goodbye to the club members, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Fortune Level 3 Skit][FSL03]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> The hours flew by while you were having fun.

Club Advisor: Everyone, can I have your attention please!

Club Advisor: Now, regarding the Bay Area Art Contest...
Club Advisor: I'm pleased to announce that Keisuke's painting was selected for
consideration in the final round!

Male Club Member: Aw man, I was hoping they'd pick mine...

Male Club Member: But, your painting WAS really good, Keisuke-senpai, so I
think you'll win.

Keisuke: Th-Thanks, but it wasn't me, it was the style of my painting...

Keisuke: I was probably just the only contestant who used a palette knife to
paint with, that's all.

> Keisuke seems embarrassed.

> What will you say to him?

- "Great job!"
- "You got lucky."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Great job!"]

Keisuke: Th-Thanks, Minato-kun!

> Keisuke seems happy.

Keisuke: But, I've only been painting for about two years now, so I must've
just gotten lucky...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You got lucky."]

Keisuke: Yeah, you're probably right, Minato-kun...

> Keisuke seems slightly distressed.

Keisuke: I mean, I've only been painting for about two years now, so I had to
have gotten lucky...

[Scroll down to continue]


Fuuka: You should have confidence in yourself, Keisuke-senpai. You've been

working hard on your paintings.

Male Club Member: That's right. You're always the first one here and the last
one to leave.

Keisuke: ...Thanks, guys. But I'm your senpai. I should be encouraging you,
not the other way around.
Keisuke: Ah, sorry, Minato-kun... I'm not making much of an impression, as the
club leader, am I...
Keisuke: I'm not much of a painter, but I'd be happy to collaborate with you
on a project, sometime...

> Keisuke seems to be feeling a sense of solidarity with you...

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: Well, I guess I should keep painting for as long as I can...

> It's getting dark outside...

> After saying goodbye to the club members, you decided to go back to the
> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Keisuke: How should I explain this...

> Keisuke is talking to himself.

Sickly-Looking Kid: Wh-What's going on...?

Sickly-Looking Kid: Ugh... I... I can't stand...

Keisuke: Just take it easy... You're pale, your blood pressure's low, and
you're having difficulty breathing...
Keisuke: Now, tell me... Have you been feeling weak and tired lately? When's
the last time you ate something?

Sickly-Looking Kid: Um...

Sickly-Looking Kid: Well, I didn't eat breakfast this morning, so...

> Keisuke is inquiring about the sickly-looking kid's health.

Keisuke: Well, it looks like you're suffering from iron-deficiency anemia.

Simply put, you're not getting enough iron.
Keisuke: I recommend you add iron-rich foods such as liver, whole grains, and
green leafy vegetables to your diet.

- "Good work, Doc Junior."
- "Is he gonna be okay?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Good work, Doc Junior."]

Keisuke: D-Don't call me that...

Keisuke: Being the son of a doctor doesn't have anything to do with it... It's
all just common sense.

> Keisuke seems a little grumpy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is he gonna be okay?"]

Keisuke: You should still get checked out by a professional...

Keisuke: I'm not a real doctor, after all...

> Keisuke seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: Why don't you guys head home? I'll take him to the Nurse's Office.

> After saying goodbye to Keisuke, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 4 Skit][FSL04]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> You arrived at Art Club early.
> Keisuke is all alone.

Keisuke: Maybe I should just quit...

Keisuke: The club would be fine without me... And I...
Keisuke: I'm not very good at painting anyways...
Keisuke: H-Huh!?
Keisuke: Minato-kun! Wh-When did you get here!?
Keisuke: H-How long were you listening?

- "Are you going to quit?"
- "What about the contest?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you going to quit?"]

Keisuke: Haha... S-So you heard everything, huh?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about the contest?"]

Keisuke: S-So you heard everything then, huh?

[Scroll down to continue]


> Keisuke seems embarrassed.

Keisuke: ...My dad told me I should quit the Art Club.

Keisuke: He said I need to concentrate more on my studies...
Keisuke: I told him that the painting I submitted was selected to be in the
Keisuke: But he said I was just wasting my time.
Keisuke: He said that because I'm his only son, it's my responsibility to
take over the hospital.
Keisuke: My dad doesn't care about me! He only cares about his stupid
Keisuke: And why does everyone think I'm going to be a doctor!?
Keisuke: Just because my dad's a doctor doesn't mean I want to be a doctor
Keisuke: Ugh, I can't take it any more! I have my own dreams, you know!

- "Complaining won't help."
- "You should say something."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Complaining won't help."]

Keisuke: Yeah, you're right... I have to tell my dad how I feel...

> Keisuke seems to have calmed down.

Keisuke: ...Yeah, you're right, Minato-kun.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should say something."]

Keisuke: But, it's MY life, and I just want to live it MY way.

> Keisuke seems to have calmed down.

Keisuke: S-Sorry, Minato-kun.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: ...I've got it! I-I'm going to make a bet with my dad!
Keisuke: If I don't win the contest, then I'll quit the club, just like he
wants me to.
Keisuke: But if I win, then I can do whatever I want! Yep, that's it! As soon
as I get home, I'm going to talk to him.
Keisuke: P-Please don't tell anyone about this, Minato-kun!
Keisuke: I don't want everyone to worry about me quitting the Art Club, so
let's just keep it between us, okay?

> Keisuke has opened up to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: Hey, Minato-kun, could you let everyone know that I won't be at Art
Club today?
Keisuke: I'm going home so I can talk to my dad about you-know-what.
Keisuke: Alright, see you later, Minato-kun...

> Keisuke left the room.

> You participated in the club activity.
> After finishing the club activity, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 5 Skit][FSL05]--------------------------------------<<>

[Note: "Club Advisor" and "Teacher" is the same person. I have no idea why
Atlus decided to use both...]

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> The hours flew by as you were having fun.

Club Advisor: Everyone, can I have your attention, please!

Club Advisor: It seems that the painting Keisuke submitted to the contest
really caught the eyes of the judges!
Club Advisor: They said you'll definitely be receiving a prize, Keisuke.

Keisuke: Huh...? I don't understand... What does that mean...?

Club Advisor: It means you placed in the top four: At best you'll receive 1st
Club Advisor: ...and at worst, you'll receive an honorable mention.
Club Advisor: The judges were impressed with how you sculpted the paint to
give your painting a three-dimensional feel.
Club Advisor: Congratulations, Keisuke!

Male Club Member: Hey, good job, Keisuke-senpai.

> Everyone is admiring Keisuke.

Keisuke: Th-Then, that means...

- "You should tell your dad."
- "Now you don't have to quit."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Keisuke: Th-That's right! My dad promised me!

Keisuke: He said if I won, I could do whatever I want...
Keisuke: So this means I don't have to listen to him anymore, right?

> Keisuke seems very happy.

Fuuka: Hey, we should celebrate!

Female Club Member: Yeah, that would be fun!

Keisuke: Thanks, everybody...

Keisuke: And sorry for causing you so much trouble, Minato-kun...
Keisuke: ...Well, we should probably get going. You're coming to the party,
> Keisuke has expressed his gratitude to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Club Advisor: I don't mean to interrupt your party, Keisuke, but there are a
few things I need to talk to you about...
Club Advisor: But, don't worry everyone. It won't take long. Please wait
outside the Faculty Office.

> You decided to go to the Faculty Office.

> Gekkoukan High School, outside the Faculty Office...

Teacher: Well, Keisuke...

Teacher: The judges think you have a lot of potential.
Teacher: So, if you're interested in studying abroad, they'd be willing to
help you transfer to a school overseas.

Keisuke: Me...? Study abroad?

Female Club Member: Oh, Keisuke, there you are! I was looking all over for
Female Club Member: Come quick! Mikarin just fainted!

Keisuke: Huh? ...Oh, okay! I'll be right there!

Keisuke: Sorry, Sensei. This is all so sudden. I'll need some time to think
about it.

Club Advisor: He says he doesn't want to be a doctor...

Club Advisor: But he's always trying to help people in need...
Club Advisor: A doctor's son with such talent... I have to say, I'm a bit

Fuuka: It doesn't seem like anyone's in the mood to celebrate now...

Fuuka: Well, I guess I'll let everyone know what happened. You can get going
if you want.

> After saying goodbye to everyone, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 6 Skit][FSL06]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> Keisuke is trying to get your attention.

Keisuke: Psst, Minato-kun...

Keisuke: Can I talk to you after Art Club?

> You participated in the club activity.

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...
> You can hear the pounding of feet as the track team runs its laps.

Keisuke: Everyone is working so hard...

- "So are you."
- "What do you want?"
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So are you."]

Keisuke: Is that what it seems like to you, Minato-kun?

> Keisuke seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What do you want?"]

Keisuke: Oh, I just wanted to talk to you...

> Keisuke seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: Well, I told my dad about my opportunity to study abroad, and get
Keisuke: He said I should give it a try. Can you believe that!? Before, he was
telling me I should QUIT the club!
Keisuke: All he ever wanted was for me to become a doctor, and now he's saying
I should follow my dreams...
Keisuke: I don't know what I should do. *sigh* I'm so confused...

- "Study abroad."
- "Do whatever you want."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Study abroad."]

Keisuke: Y-Yeah... But, it's like, if I study abroad, then I'm still doing
exactly what my dad wants me to do.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Do whatever you want."]

Keisuke: Th-That's true, but...

Keisuke: If I study abroad, it'll seem like I'm only doing it because my dad
told me to...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Keisuke seems confused.

Keisuke: ...Thanks. I've been having a really hard time with this, but I feel
a lot better now.
Keisuke: You're the only person I can talk to, Minato-kun.

> Keisuke has expressed his gratitude to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: You've always done what you've wanted to in life, haven't you,
Keisuke: ...Oh, sorry. Let's get going.
Keisuke: I'm having my driver pick me up, so if you want, I can have him drop
you off near your dorm.

> You decided to get a ride back to the dorm with Keisuke.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 7 Skit][FSL07]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> Keisuke is trying to get your attention.

Keisuke: Psst, Minato-kun... I need to talk to you again.

Keisuke: After Art Club, let's meet at the same place we talked last time.

> After you finished your club activities, you went to the rooftop to meet
> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Keisuke: Um, don't tell anyone this, but...

Keisuke: I'm still deciding about whether or not I want to study abroad.
Keisuke: My dad's trying to make all my decisions for me.
Keisuke: He chose the school I'd go to, the dorm I'd live in... even the
flight I'd take!
Keisuke: I haven't had a say in anything...
Keisuke: He's been acting all weird since I had that talk with him about
quitting the club...
Keisuke: It's like he thinks he understands me now...

- "Are you gonna be a doctor?"
- "Don't you like Art Club?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you gonna be a doctor?"]

Keisuke: A doctor...? Hmm...

> Keisuke seems happy.

Keisuke: But, if I study abroad, then there's no turn back, right?

Keisuke: I mean, I couldn't be a doctor then, could I?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't you like Art Club?"]

Keisuke: Well, it's not that I don't like it. It's just...

> Keisuke seems depressed.

Keisuke: ...I realized that participating in Art Club isn't fun anymore.
Keisuke: When we're doing an activity I get all stressed out thinking about
how I won't be able to become a doctor.
[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: My teachers, my friends, and especially you--everyone's been so

Keisuke: I know what you must be thinking... A chance to study abroad--what
an opportunity...
Keisuke: ...Sorry, Minato-kun. It seems like all I ever do is complain to you.
Keisuke: ...But I always feel a lot better after talking to you, so thanks.

> It seems like Keisuke trusts you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: *sigh* Now I don't know what I really want to do...

Keisuke: ...In times like this, I must put my faith in the heavens...
Keisuke: You can go on without me. I have to go to the book store.
Keisuke: I'm going to buy a fortune telling book and stay up all night until I
finish reading it!

> After saying goodbye to Keisuke, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 8 Skit][FSL08]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> The hours flew by as you were having fun.
> Today you have cleanup duty with Keisuke.

Keisuke: This room is smaller than my bedroom, but it's still pretty big...
Keisuke: ...Hey, let's take a break.
Keisuke: I've decided that I'm going to study painting abroad.
Keisuke: I'm not really excited about it...
Keisuke: But I already told Sensei that I don't want to become a doctor, so...
Keisuke: ......
Keisuke: I-I'm going to get something to drink from the vending machine. You
want anything? It's on me.
Keisuke: You like cola, right?
Keisuke: Sorry, Minato-kun, they only had coffee.
Keisuke: H-Hey! Look out!!

[A box falls on top of Minato's head]

Keisuke: Minato-kun! Are you okay? Minato-kun! Minato-kun...

> Keisuke's voice sounds like it's getting farther and farther away...
> Gekkoukan High School, Nurse's Room...

Keisuke: Y-You're awake! Oh, thank goodness!

Keisuke: I kept calling your name...
Keisuke: But you wouldn't open your eyes, so I...

> Your head is throbbing.

Keisuke: Well, I don't see any cuts on your head, so I don't think you need
any stitches...
Keisuke: How is your memory? Can you tell me your name?

- "Yeah, I'm fine."
- "Of course. It's Keisuke."
- "......"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I'm fine."]

Keisuke: Whew... That's good to hear...

> Keisuke seems to be relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Of course. It's Keisuke."]

Keisuke: Keisuke...? Wait, that's me! Hey, that's not funny!

> Keisuke seems angry.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Keisuke: H-How are you feeling!? Is your vision still blurry?

> Keisuke seems worried.

Keisuke: Well, your pupils aren't dilated, so I don't think you have a
concussion, but...

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: I was worried that when you fell, you hit your head, and...
Keisuke: H-Hey, do you remember what I was talking about before all this

- "Yeah, I remember."
- "No, I don't remember."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I remember."]

Keisuke: I was the one who put that box up there...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, I don't remember."]

Keisuke: You know that box that fell on your head...?

Keisuke: Well, I was the one who put it up there.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: We have a maid who cleans our house, so I don't do much cleaning. I
guess I just got lazy and put it up there.

> Keisuke seems very apologetic.

Keisuke: It's all my fault. I'm really sorry...

Keisuke: ...All I could think about was what would happen if you didn't wake
up. I was getting so scared...
Keisuke: You were in trouble, but I couldn't do anything to help you...
Keisuke: I couldn't do anything to help you because I'm not a doctor...

- "You want to be a doctor?"
- "Don't worry about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You want to be a doctor?"]

Keisuke: ......
Keisuke: When my dad was young, his best friend died...
Keisuke: He was playing with him when, all of a sudden, he fainted.
Keisuke: ...By the time the paramedics got there, he was dead.
Keisuke: Seeing you lying there... I know how my dad must have felt losing
someone he was so close to...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry about it."]

Keisuke: You're strong, Minato-kun...

Keisuke: ...Toriumi-sensei told me about what happened to your parents.
Keisuke: I can't even imagine that. My parents are always there for me. Maybe
I take them for granted...
Keisuke: But seeing you lying there like that... Now I know how it must feel
to lose someone you're close to...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Keisuke seems to care about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: Yeah, I want to be a doctor... But, that's exactly what my dad wants
me to be...
Keisuke: ...Oh, sorry.
Keisuke: We should get going. Can you walk? Here, you can lean on me.

> You decided to leave school with Keisuke.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 9 Skit][FSL09]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> Keisuke is trying to get your attention.

Keisuke: Um, Minato-kun, can I talk to you for a sec?

> During the middle of a club activity, you decided to leave school with
> Port Island Station...

Keisuke: Sorry you had to leave club.

Keisuke: I just don't know what I want to do...
Keisuke: I mean, do I want to become a doctor... or do I want to participate
in Art Club...?
Keisuke: All I know is that I'm not going to school or back home until I
figure it out...
Keisuke: I'll just find somewhere else to go until then...
Keisuke: I took my dad's credit card from his wallet, so I've got plenty of
Keisuke: ...I'm glad I had a chance to talk to you before I left.
Keisuke: Tell the other club members I said goodbye!

> Will you try to stop Keisuke from going?

- Try to stop him
- Don't try to stop him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Try to stop him]

Keisuke: Sorry, my mind's made up...

> Keisuke seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Don't try to stop him]

Keisuke: ...I'll send you a letter when I get to wherever I'm going...

> Keisuke seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: Take care of yourself!

Old Woman: *cough* *cough* Ugh...

Keisuke: A-Are you alright, Ma'am? That cough...

- "What's wrong with her?"
- "You should get going."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's wrong with her?"]

Keisuke: Well, she's having trouble breathing, and she's running a fever...
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should get going."]

Keisuke: I think this woman's in trouble...

Keisuke: She's having difficulty breathing... and she's running a fever!

[Scroll down to continue]


> Keisuke seems concerned.

Keisuke: I may be jumping to conclusions here, but...

> Keisuke is looking through the old woman's purse.

Keisuke: I-I knew it! She smokes! This is definitely not good...!
Keisuke: I think she suffers from chronic bronchitis...
Keisuke: So if she caught a cold, it may have exasperated the symptoms...
Keisuke: Call an ambulance, Minato-kun! Hurry!

> The old woman was placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital.

Keisuke: It's up to the paramedics now...

Keisuke: W-Well, I should get going...

Old Man: U-Ugh... My chest...

Keisuke: M-Mister, are you okay!?

Keisuke: My train's about to leave... Wh-What should I do...?

- "I'll handle this."
- "Go 'find' yourself."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll handle this."]

Keisuke: O-Okay, Minato-kun...!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Go 'find' yourself."]

Keisuke: That's not important right now!

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: I'm gonig to go ask the station attendant to call an ambulance...

Keisuke: You stay here and perform first aid on him.

> The old man seems to be in a great deal of pain.

> What kind of first aid will you perform?

- Put your finger in his mouth
- Unbutton his shirt
- Pat him on the back
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Put your finger in his mouth]

Old Man: *gag*

> The old man winced in pain.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Unbutton his shirt]

Old Man: I-I'm so cold...

> The old man is shivering.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Pat him on the back]

Old Man: Ow ow ow...!

> The old man seems to be in pain.

[Scroll down to continue]


> What will you do next?

- Splash water on him
- Rub his hands and feet
- Turn him onto his back

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Splash water on him]

Old Man: Agh..! Wh-What are you doing!?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Rub his hands and feet]

Old Man: S-Stop that...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Turn him onto his back]

Old Man: P-Please... don't move me...

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: Okay, I told him!

Keisuke: ...I think he's having a cardiac arrest!
Keisuke: Make him sit up...
Keisuke: O-Oh no! He's not breathing! And his fingernails are...
Keisuke: ...I-I have to do something, or this man will die...
Keisuke: Can you give me a hand, Minato-kun?
Keisuke: Turn him so that he's facing upward... gently now...
Keisuke: Now, if I perform CPR while giving him a cardiac massage...

> The old man was placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital.

Keisuke: Alright, that's all I can do for him...

Keisuke: Thanks for your help, Minato-kun...
Keisuke: I couldn't have done it without you.
Keisuke: Can you believe it? We save their lives!

> Keisuke has expressed his gratitude to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Keisuke: ......
Keisuke: Well, I decided that I'm going to go back home.
Keisuke: I know what I want to do now... Guess I should apologize to my dad,
Keisuke: Alright then, Minato-kun, I'll see you at school!

> After saying goodbye to Keisuke, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Fortune Level 10 Skit][FSL10]-------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Art Room...

> The inside of the art room smells like oil paint.
> The hours flew by while you were having fun.

Keisuke: Everyone, listen up.

Keisuke: I want to let you all know that I've decided to quit the club. Please
choose a junior as your next leader.

Fuuka: Wh-Why? This is all so sudden...

Keisuke: I have to study for my entrance exams.

Male Club Member: Then... Then you're...

Keisuke: I'm going to med school to become a doctor!

Male Club Member: Did your dad tell you you had to quit because you have to
take over the hospital?

Keisuke: ...My dad doesn't have anything to do with this. I made the decision
on my own.
Keisuke: Anyways, that means I also won't be studying abroad.
Keisuke: But since I'm beginning my studies so late, I'll have to pull
all-nighters to make up for the time I've lost.
Keisuke: I really enjoyed being your club leader. Thanks for all your hard

Female Club Member: He's definitely change. It's like, he's someone you can
depend on now.

Keisuke: H-Hey, what's up with all the compliments?

Keisuke: Right, Minato-kun...?

> Keisuke gave you a sly wink.

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Keisuke: Well, since I won't be able to talk to you that often anymore...
Keisuke: I wanted you to have this.

> Obtained Award Letter.

Keisuke: I received it for being awarded honorable mention.

Keisuke: ...Which made me realize that I still have a lot to learn.
Keisuke: ...Studying for the med school entrance exams is going to be hard,
and this would only distract me...
Keisuke: So, I want you to have it, Minato-kun.

- "Alright."
- "Why?"
- "You rely on others too much."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Keisuke: Thanks...
Keisuke: Funny, huh? It seems like I'm always asking you for favors, even
though I'm your senpai...

> Keisuke seems embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Keisuke: Well, since I won't be attending club anymore, I wanted to give you
something to remember me by.
Keisuke: Oh, wait! Don't get the wrong idea! I don't mean anything by it!

> Keisuke seems extremely embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You rely on others too much."]

Keisuke: This will be the last tiem I ask you for a favor.
Keisuke: You're so much more mature than I am, Minato-kun...
Keisuke: I want you to know that I really respect you.

> Keisuke seems embarrassed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: Do you remember how we helped those people at the station?

Keisuke: Well, just like you're an important person in my life, they have
important people in their lives too.
Keisuke: If they had died, they never would have seen them again...
Keisuke: So that's why I'm becoming a doctor.
Keisuke: D-Does it seem like I'm showing off?

- "No, not really."
- "Yeah."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, not really."]

Keisuke: Okay, good. I'm just trying to act more like a senpai.

> Keisuke is smiling.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Keisuke: Oh... I just thought I should act more like a senpai...

> Keisuke seems to be feeling self-conscious.

Keisuke: Hey, I used to be the club leader...

[Scroll down to continue]


Keisuke: I feel like I just went around in a huge circle...

Keisuke: But I'm not becoming a doctor just because my dad's a doctor...
Keisuke: I'm becoming a doctor because that's what I want to do.
Keisuke: If you ever need an emergency operation, I'll perform the surgery.
Keisuke: I won't let anything happen to you while I'm alive...

> You seem to be imporant to Keisuke.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Fortune Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Fortune Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Fortune Card: The innermost power of the Fortune Arcana hath been set free.
Fortune Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Norn, the ultimate
form of the Fortune Arcana...

> The Art Club Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Art Club Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Keisuke: Good health is very important. It's best if you never even have to
see a doctor.
Keisuke: Are you getting the proper nutrients living in the dorm?
Keisuke: Let's pick you up something healthy to eat on the way home.

> After eating a nutritious meal, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>=====[Justice Social Link][JSL]=========================================<<>

Chihiro is first afraid of men. As you two hang out more often, that fear
begins to disappear. You find out that there are several students that believe
Chihiro has stolen money from them. The problem is eventually fixed and she
reveals how much she has changed thanks to you.

Author's Notes:
You must establish the [Emperor Social Link] before you are able to establish
a Social Link with Chihiro. You must also correctly answer her three times
on three different days before you can establish the S-Link.

<>>-----[Justice Level 1 Skit][JSL01]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Chihiro: Is it, um, really okay...?

Chihiro: I mean, um, I'm glad you're willing to... b-but...

- "What are you trying to say?"
- "Change your mind?"
- "Just relax..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you trying to say?"]

Chihiro: Oh! Um... Um....

Chihiro: N-Nothing...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Change your mind?"]

Chihiro: N-No! I was just... um... Since it was so sudden...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just relax..."]

Chihiro: *sigh* Y-Yeah... I-I'm not very good at talking t-to boys...
Chihiro: There are a lot of guys in Student Council, so I-I should work on

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: ...Oh! School is almost out. Let's go.

> In front of the dorm...

Chihiro: ......
Chihiro: ...Oh! I-I'm sorry! I was just thinking about it... what to say...
Chihiro: I was trying to come up with a topic you might be interested in,
Chihiro: ...but I couldn't think of anything...
Chihiro: This is... Iwatodai Dorm, right? You live here, Minato-san?
Chihiro: My house is in the other direction...

- "You should have told me!"
- "How rude of me not to ask."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["You should have told me!"]

Chihiro: S-Sorry!
Chihiro: I knew we were going in the wrong direction, but... I-I couldn't
bring myself to say anything...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How rude of me not to ask."]

Chihiro: D-Don't apologize! Please!

Chihiro: It's my fault... I-I knew we were going the wrong direction, but I
didn't say anything...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: Th-Thank you very very much for...

Chihiro: um, making time for me, Minato-san.

> Chihiro seems to appreciate your company.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> It seems Chihiro has taken a liking to you...
> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.

Chihiro: W-Well, um... Excuse me.

<>>-----[Justice Level 2 Skit][JSL02]--------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> You browsed through the used book store with Chihiro.

Chihiro: Sorry to subject you to this...

- "Don't worry about it."
- "I was bored anyway."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry about it."]

Chihiro: If you say so... But, um... thank you...

> Chihiro seems happy.

Chihiro: I was so busy searching through the books... I'm sorry if I ignored
you, Minato-san...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I was bored anyway."]

Chihiro: B-But! You're always willing to help me, Minato-san!
Chihiro: I didn't offend you before, did I? I shouldn't have said it like

> Chihiro seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: Um... I'm sorry I took so long...

Chihiro: This place has so many interesting books, I was having trouble
Chihiro: ...Do you read much, Minato-san?

- "I read the classics."
- "I read manga."
- "I read fashion magazines."
- "I don't read very often."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I read the classics."]

Chihiro: Really!? I um... didn't think you'd be into that...

> Chihiro seems happy.

Chihiro: The classics aren't very entertaining, but I can respect what the
authors were trying to accomplish.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I read manga."]

Chihiro: I love manga too. My bookshelf is full of girls' manga.

> Chihiro seems happy.

Chihiro: I tend to get fustrated when the main character can't ask out the
guy she likes, because I can relate to her...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I read fashion magazines."]

Chihiro: I'm not really interesting in that type of stuff...

Chihiro: I'm clueless when it comes to fashion... Not like you, Minato-san.
You, um, look fine no matter what you wear.

> Chihiro seems troubled.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't read very often."]

Chihiro: Yeah... With the internet.

Chihiro: It's kind of a waste of money to buy books.
> Chihiro seems a little sad.

Chihiro: I'm sorry. I-I'm not very good at this...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: ...Oh, I'm sorry! This, um, probably isn't the best place to talk...
Chihiro: We may be disturbing other patrons.
Chihiro: Um... Minato-san?
Chihiro: Is it boring to hang aroudn with, um, a nerd like me?

- "Not really."
- "Yeah, it's a drag."
- "I don't care."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Chihiro: I-I'm glad to hear that. I've been worried about it for a while...

> Chihiro seems to be relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, it's a drag."]

Chihiro: I-I'm sorry! I can't help it that I'm boring...

> It seems like Chihiro feels guilty.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't care."]

Chihiro: Wh-What!? Why'd y-you come if you don't even care!?

> Chihiro seems devastated.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: T-Today, I-I was able to, um, by myself with you, Minato-san.
Chihiro: Th-That's a big step for me... Thank you.

> Chihiro seems grateful for your time together.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> It seems Chihiro thinks of you as a friendly senpai in Student Council.
> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.
> It's getting dark out.
Chihiro: I-I'll see you in school.
Chihiro: G-Goodbye...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 3 Skit][JSL03]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, library...

> You helped Chihiro with her homework.

Chihiro: *sigh* A treasurer who's no good at math...

Chihiro: I was chosen for this job without my consent... I never asked to be
Chihiro: ...B-But, if I didn't join Student Council, I would've never met you,

Student: ...Shut up. You're distracting us.

Chihiro: I-I'm s-sorry...

Student: If you're gonna flirt with each other, do it outside...

Student: ...I'm bored. My hand hurts from holding his pencil...

Student: But if you give me a kiss, I'll be able to study another 30 minutes.

Student: ...Hey, not so loud...

Student: C'mon, gimme a kiss! Please!

Student: You're so annoying...

Student: ...*sigh* Okay, fine...

[The two students leave]

Chihiro: ...They're gonna kiss...!?

Chihiro: ...Wh-Where do they think they are!?

- "How rude."
- "Are they going to kiss?"
- "Where did they go?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How rude."]

Chihiro: That's right, Minato-san! I agree!

> Chihiro seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are they going to kiss?"]

Chihiro: Get your mind out of the gutter!

> You were scolded by Chihiro.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Where did they go?"]

Chihiro: I don't know! And I don't want to know!

> Chihiro seems angry...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: This is supposed to be a place of learning... and they're still just

Chihiro: I say this as a member of Student Council...
Chihiro: That kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated at school!

> Everyone is watching.

Chihiro: Let's discuss this in our next meeting!

- "I agree."
- "Why are you so...?"
- "You don't like kissing?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I agree."]

Chihiro: If you're on my side, Minato-san, then I have nothing to fear!

> Chihiro seems satisfied.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why are you so...?"]

Chihiro: Wh-What are you trying to say!? Y-You don't think it's a big deal!?

> Chihiro seems surprised.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You don't like kissing?"]

Chihiro: Anyway, that's not what I meant! I'm just trying to say that there's
a time and a place for everything!

> Chihiro seems agitated.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: ...Oh no, I...

Chihiro: ...I shouldn't be talking so loud in the library...
Chihiro: I-I don't care if they stare at me, but, um... What about you?
Chihiro: I don't want you to get picked on too, Minato-san...

> Chihiro seems to be worried about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> It seems like you are becoming an important senpai to Chihiro...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.
> The school day is about to end.

Chihiro: I'll be here a while longer... so... there's no need to wait for me.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 4 Skit][JSL04]--------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall, Chagall Cafe...

> The rich armoa of coffee fills the air.
> The time flies while you sip your drinks.

Chihiro: ...Is it just me, or is the air conditioning in here too strong? I
feel light-headed...
Chihiro: I haven't been feeling well lately... I couldn't even finish my
lunch today.

> Chihiro looks pale.

Chihiro: I may have caught a cold...

Chihiro: I'm sorry, Minato-kun, but can we go to a drug store?

> You agreed to go to the drug store with Chihiro.

> Paulownia Mall.

Chihiro: I'll go get some medicine. I'll be right back.

Creep: What's your hurry, girlie? Going to your boyfriend's?

Chihiro: Wh-What do you want?

Creep: You just came out of the drug store, right? What'd ya buy? Hm? Hmm!?

Chihiro: L-Leave me alone...! Go away...!

Chihiro: Minato-san...

- Stand threateningly
- Glare at him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Stand threateningly]

Creep: Wh-Who are you? I-I was just... making sure she was okay...
Creep: ...But, I hafta get going... My favorite anime is on now...

Chihiro: I-I'm glad. I thought you were going to hit him, Minato-san...
Chihiro: I-I wouldn't want you to... to fight... because of me... but just
now, you were... um...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Glare at him]
Creep: Wh-Who are you? I-I'm not scared of you...
Creep: I-I... hafta get going.
Creep: My favorite anime is on now...

Chihiro: Y-You're usually so kind, Minato-san, but... I guess you can be

tough when you need to be...
Chihiro: I-I don't mean that in a bad way...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: Y-You, um, helped me, Minato-san, and I'm not scared anymore...
Chihiro: Why am I still shaking?

- Hold her hand
- Speak to her calmly

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Hold her hand]

Chihiro: *gasp* Minato-san!?

> Chihiro seems a little surprised.

Chihiro: Thank you... I'm okay now.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Speak to her calmly]

Chihiro: If you say so, Minato-san.

Chihiro: Thank you... I'm okay now.

> Chihiro seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: Wh-Why all of a sudden... do I feel short of breath...?

Chihiro: Minato-san, I...

> Chihiro seems to truly appreciate your help.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> It seems Chihiro is flustered...
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

Chihiro: I really must be sick... I feel like my face is all flush.

Chihiro: ...Um, b-by the way! Th-Thank you for saving me today!
Chihiro: Ex-Excuse me!
> Chihiro ran away blushing...
> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 5 Skit][JSL05]--------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Sweet Shop...

> You and Chihiro had a really good time together.

Chihiro: (...What should I do...?)

- "So, how was it?"
- "Is something wrong?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So, how was it?"]

Chihiro: Huh? Oh! You mean the Sweet Shop...

Chihiro: Sorry, I have something more important on my mind...

> Chihiro seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is something wrong?"]

Chihiro: N-No, nothing's wrong... Wh-Why, does it seem like something's wrong?

> Chihiro seems surprised.

Chihiro: Oh-Oh my! Is there red bean jam on my face!?

[Scroll down to continue]


> Chihiro is blushing.

Chihiro: ...Remember when you saved me from that creep, Minato-san?

Chihiro: From that day on... my health hasn't been so great... The doctor
said I'm fine, but...
Chihiro: I guess I'll tell you, Minato-san, since you've been so nice to me...!
Chihiro: ...B-But, don't think I'm weird, okay!?
Chihiro: L-Last night, um... I-I... You see, I had this...
Chihiro: I-I-I have dreams about you every single night, Minato-san!

- "It's just a coincidence."
- "It's just your imagination."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's just a coincidence."]

Chihiro: I-I thought it was probably just a coincidence, too, but...

> Chihiro seems giddy.

Chihiro: I dream about you every night... This has never happened to me

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's just your imagination."]

Chihiro: I-I don't mean to be rude, but how do you explain these bags under
my eyes?

> Chihiro seems mad.

Chihiro: It's really difficult trying to hide them everyday...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: I appreciate how nice you've been to me, Minato-san...

Chihiro: But... one of these days, I... might want to be more than just your

> You sense that Chihiro cares for you.

> It seems like things are starting to get serious.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> It seems like things are getting serious with Chihiro...
> She might get upset if you go out with another girl.

Chihiro: ...Oh! Sorry! I've just been babbling like an idiot...

Chihiro: I-I get so nervous when I'm around you, Minato-san...
Chihiro: ...especially when you look at me that way...
Chihiro: Sorry...

- "Don't be hard on yourself."
- "Don't apologize."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't be hard on yourself."]

Chihiro: I-I'm always talking about my problems... Minato-san, you're just too

> Chihiro seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't apologize."]

Chihiro: Well, I'm sorry for wasting your time... Oh!

Chihiro: Sorry, I didn't mean to say--

> Chihiro is getting confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

Chihiro: ...I-I think I'm starting to overcome my fear of men!
Chihiro: So far, I can only talk to boys I know, but... I can almost look them
in the eye!
Chihiro: With your help, Minato-san, I feel like I can do even better!

> Chihiro closed her eyes...

Chihiro: As long as it's nothing scary... I'll be fine!

> If you make the wrong move, you might upset her...
> What will you do...?

- Hold her hand
- Kiss her
- Talk to her softly

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Hold her hand]

Chihiro: Oh...
Chihiro: Minato-san...

> Chihiro seems happy.

> It feels like Chihiro will never let go.

Chihiro: It's so rough... and strong... and warm...

> You walked her halfway home while holding her hand, and then went back to
the dorm.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Kiss her]

Chihiro: Hm...?

> Chihiro looks utterly shocked.

Chihiro: Wh-What do you think you're doing!?

Chihiro: W-We aren't even offically dating... and you have the nerve to do
Chihiro: H-How dare you! What kind of girl do you think I am!

> Your relationship with Chihiro is still strained...

> Things are gradually getting worse.
> The Social Link has become reversed!
> Until you reconcile, your relationship cannot move forward...

Chihiro: I can't believe you would do such a thing, Minato-san! I feel like
I've been tricked!

> Chihiro ran home crying.

> Now that you're on your own, you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Talk to her softly]

Chihiro: ...Huh? Oh... um...?

Chihiro: Is that it...?

> Chihiro seems a little disappointed.

Chihiro: You could, um... you know... hold my hand... um, if you want.
> You walked her halfway home while holding her hand, and then went back to
the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 6 Skit][JSL06]--------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Bookworms Used Books...

> You and Chihiro decide to go shopping.

Chihiro: Since our breaks during the day are so short, I just read, since
there's not enough time for us to see each other.
Chihiro: All of the books on this shelf are only 100 yen each, so I can afford
them with my allowance...

> Chihiro is looking at the books on the shelf.

Chihiro: ...Shall we get going? I don't see anything that interests me...
Chihiro: ...Hm?
Chihiro: O-Oh my... This is...!
Chihiro: I've been dying to read this!!
Chihiro: This is a collection of illustrations from the shojo manga I read!
...It even has short stories inside!
Chihiro: I would never have expected this to be here...
Chihiro: Maybe the shop owner made a mistake...
Chihiro: ...They have all three volumes. This is amazing...
Chihiro: Each volume is 6,000 yen, so that means... 18,000 yen total!?
Chihiro: Wh-What should I do...?

- "Is it good?"
- "You're not going to buy it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is it good?"]

Chihiro: Of course! All three volumes are great!

> Chihiro seems like she's having fun.

Chihiro: The characters look so real! ...Like they really exist!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're not going to buy it?"]

Chihiro: It's... It's... kind of expensive.

> Chihiro seems disappointed.

Chihiro: I can't afford it with what I have right now... and I don't want to
take money out of the bank...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: My monthly allowance is 5,000 yen... and even if I used my lunch

Chihiro: But, I'll get them no matter what! By next month... wait... by the
time I graduate!
Chihiro: I-I gotta hide them where no one will see them...
Chihiro: Please, don't get brought by someone else...
> Iwatodai strip mall, in front of Bookworms Used Books...

Chihiro: I wish I had a bigger allowance...

Chihiro: But, I also don't want to be a burden to my mother...

Kogal: I saw that... You were looking at that female employee...

Nervous Man: S-Sorry! Forgive me! I'll do anything you want! Anything!!

Kogal: I'm going to break up with you if you don't buy me that bag I was
talking about before.

Chihiro: I thought money couldn't buy happiness...

Chihiro: Until recently...

- "What about now?"
- "What do you mean?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about now?"]

Chihiro: Of course, I still think that's mostly true... but I do have my


> Chihiro seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What do you mean?"]

Chihiro: ...Oh, don't worry. I was just talking to myself.

> Chihiro seems amused.

Chihiro: But... I sort of understand how he feels...

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: That man... He doesn't have any self-confidence, so he tries to

compensate with his money...
Chihiro: But, I can understand how he must feel, trying to hold onto something
no matter what the cost...

> Chihiro seems to be thinking about you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Chihiro has intensified.

Chihiro: ...It feels like... there are so many things in this world I can't
Chihiro: ...Shall we go?
Chihiro: If I stay here, I know I'll want to go back to the bookstore and look
at that illustration collection again...
> Chihiro ran away.
> It's getting dark, so you decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 7 Skit][JSL07]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Chihiro: Minato-san, hurry!

Chihiro: I'm worried that someone is going to buy that illustration

Male Voice: Wait!

Male Student: They said my materials fee hasn't been payed yet...
Male Student: I was getting grilled in the office...

Chihiro: Oh, that money...

Chihiro: I gave it to the teacher in the office...

Female Student: You were the one who was responsible for that money, right?
Female Student: That means you were the last one who saw it...

Chihiro: Huh...? I just told you...

Male Student: You're the Treasurer, right? Why are you in that position if you
don't know how to handle money properly?
Male Student: The teachers are in the office right now, so why don't you go
fess up and apologize...

Chihiro: I-I-I... I... I...

Chihiro: Minato-san...

- "It's your own fault."
- "You're not to blame."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's your own fault."]

Chihiro: But! I'm positive I gave the money to the teacher!

> Chihiro seems sad.

Chihiro: I know I've made mistakes before, but this time I...!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're not to blame."]

Chihiro: So you agree with me, right? It's NOT my fault! I-I gave the money to
the teacher!

> Chihiro seems a little relieved.

Chihiro: It's not my fault... so why should I have to apologize...?

[Scroll down to continue]


Male Student: ...Whatever. Just make sure you take care of it.
Male Student: You're so happy since you got all that money... Well, you better
do something before everyone finds out.
Male Student: Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret... for now.

Chihiro: Wait! You think I...?

Chihiro: N-Never mind...
Chihiro: Th-Those guys think I stole the money...
Chihiro: I-I couldn't stand up to them... But... I... didn't take anything!

- "Don't worry."
- "We have to do something..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry."]

Chihiro: How am I supposed to not worry when I'm being accused of stealing!?

> Chihiro seems really down...

Chihiro: I can't believe I just yelled at you, Minato-san...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["We have to do something..."]

Chihiro: R-Right... We have to do something, just like you said, Minato-san...

> Chihiro nodded in agreement.

Chihiro: I have to prove to everyone that it wasn't me... So, what should I

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: I-I never expected this to happen...

Chihiro: Minato-san! I...! What should I do...!?

> You feel as if Chihiro is depending on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Chihiro has reached the next level.

Chihiro: ...Oh! No, this is, um, my problem, I'll... try to take care of it...
Chihiro: Bookworms... Sorry, but I don't have time to stop today...

> You walked with Chihiro until it was time for you to head in a different

<>>-----[Justice Level 8 Skit][JSL08]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, library...

Chihiro: The missing fee money... No one's found it yet...
Chihiro: No one's said anything to me, but... I know what they're all
Chihiro: I can't think this anymore... I... don't want to be here...
Chihiro: S-Sorry! I... I shouldn't be saying things like this as a member of
Student Council...
Chihiro: I... I'm going to go check out some books...

Squinty-eyed Student: So, yeah... There's no way it could be anyone else...

It has to be her...
Squinty-eyed Student: That girl in Student Council... The sophomore... with
the long hair and glasses. The one who's always reading.
Squinty-eyed Student: I hear she stole the class's money...
Squinty-eyed Student: 2,500 yen per person... Damn, I could buy a brand name
purse with that much!
Squinty-eyed Student: I hear she has no father...
Squinty-eyed Student: There's no way they could have any money, since her mom
only works part-time.
Squinty-eyed Student: How could it NOT be her!?
Squinty-eyed Student: She has such an innocent face, though...

- Say something to them
- Glare at them

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Say something to them]

Droopy-eyed Student: ...Whaddya want?

Droopy-eyed Student: Are you a friend of Chihiro's...? Then again, maybe not.
You don't look like you'd be hanging out with her...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Glare at them]

Squinty-eyed Student: Whoa! This guy is hot!

Squinty-eyed Student: He's checking us out, isn't he!?

[Scroll down to continue]


Library Staff: Excuse me, this is the library. Please show some courtesy.

Squinty-eyed Student: ...Let's go outside, I'll tell you the whole story.

Chihiro: I...
Chihiro: ...c-couldn't find it...

> Chihiro looks like she's about to cry...

Chihiro: ...Let's get out of here.

> You left the library.

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

Chihiro: ...You heard that rumor going around the whole school, right...?
Chihiro: The only time I feel safe is when I'm with you, Minato-san...
Chihiro: I have no one else to turn to in school...

- "The rumors will stop soon."
- "Talk to the teacher."
- "Good luck."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The rumors will stop soon."]

Chihiro: So, you think I should just wait it out, Minato-san? ...I know you're
probably right, but...
Chihiro: When will the rumors stop!? Will everyone just assume I'm guilty!?

> Chihiro seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Talk to the teacher."]

Chihiro: R-Right... I gave the money to him, so I should ask for an


> Chihiro seems to have cheered up a little.

Chihiro: B-But, what if he thinks I'm accusing him of stealing? N-Now I'm

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Good luck."]

Chihiro: What!? Th-That sounded like something you'd say to... a casual
friend... Aren't we... m-more than that?

> Chihiro seems a little hurt.

Chihiro: If you've been spending time with me just because you don't have
anything better to do... then please stop...
Chihiro: Th-That's not what I want.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: ....I-I may sound like I'm weak, but I'm fine! Really, I am!
Chihiro: I don't think it's right for me to always be counting on you,

> Chihiro is on the verge of tears.

> Despite what she said, you sense that Chihiro needs your support.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> You have become even closer to Chihiro.
> It's time to go back to the dorm.

Chihiro: Excuse me...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 9 Skit][JSL09]--------------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, main lobby...

> You feel a bit uncomfortable...
> There is an announcement...

Announcement: ...Attention please.

Announcement: Sophomore Chihiro Fushimi and junior Minato Arisato...
Announcement: The Student Council President would like to speak with you.
Please go to the Student Council Room immediately.
Announcement: I repeat again...

Chihiro: The President wants to speak with me...?

Chihiro: D-Don't tell me the President thinks I stole the money too...!?

- "Don't worry, she'll help us."
- "Mitsuru is not like that."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry, she'll help us."]

Chihiro: R-Right... She will, won't she?

> Chihiro seems hopeful.

Chihiro: If I talk to her, at least I won't have to trouble you anymore,


[Scroll down to Continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Mitsuru is not like that."]

Chihiro: Wow, it sounds like you know her pretty well, Minato-san...

> Chihiro seems a little sad.

Chihiro: I didn't know you two were so close...

Chihiro: I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since she asked you to join Student

[Scroll down to Continue]


> You decide to go to the Student Council Room with Chihiro.

> Gekkoukan High School, Student Council Room...

Mitsuru: Good, you two are here.

Mitsuru: I apologize for the sudden announcement. The reason I called you here

Chihiro: Y-You think I-I stole the money...

Mitsuru: Chihiro...
Mitsuru: I'd like to hear the whole story directly from you.

Chihiro: Uh... Um... I... I...

Chihiro: Minato-san...
> You made eye contact with Chihiro.

- Defend her.
- Wait and see what happens.

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Defend her.]

chihiro: No... Wait... I-I can... explain for myself...

> Chihiro seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to Continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Wait and see what happens.]

Chihiro: ...Thank you, Minato-san... I... can do this myself...

> Chihiro seems proud of herself.

[Scroll down to continue]


Chihiro: ...I... I... I...

> Chihiro's lip is trembling.

Mitsuru: ...It's okay, Chihiro.

Mitsuru: It's not necessarily someone who's good at counting money who makes
the best Treasurer...
Mitsuru: I prefer someone who will work diligently, without complaining.
Mitsuru: From what I've seen in Student Council, Chihiro,
Mitsuru: it's obvious that you didn't take the money.

Chihiro: Th-Thank you... Ms. President...

Mitsuru: I was just testing you. In a situation like this, I'm afraid you have
to prove your innocence.
Mitsuru: ...Do you think you can do that?

Chihiro: ...It-It's difficult to say this... and I-I-I'll probably regret it,
Chihiro: I-I don't think I can... do it...

Mitsuru: ...Never be embarrassed of who you are.

Mitsuru: Allow me to take care of it... It's my responsibility as Student
Council President.
Mitsuru: ...Give me a hand, will you, Arisato?

- "Why me?"
- "Alright."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mitsuru: I'd like to know more about Chihiro, and I've seen you two together
after school.
Mitsuru: I want to prove to those who suspect her that even outside of school
she behaves respectably.
Mitsuru: Arisato, I'll leave tonight open. Come to my room when you're free.
Mitsuru: Try not to be seen by anyone...
Chihiro: P-Please... wait! Th-That means...
Chihiro: Y-You two will be meeting alone...?

Mitsuru: I don't want to make things worse.

Mitsuru: Even in the dorm, there are students who spread rumors...

Chihiro: N-No! That's unacceptable! I won't let you do it!

Mitsuru: Chihiro...?

Chihiro: Get away from him!

Chihiro: There's no way I'll agree to that! If I can clear my name, it won't
be necessary, right!?
Chihiro: I'm going to talk to the teacher!

Mitsuru: Chihiro!

> Gekkoukan High School, Faculty Office...

Chihiro: I clearly remember what happened that day!

Chihiro: You had a bandage on your chin because you cut yourself while
Chihiro: I handed the fee money to you directly! Do you expect me to just
pretend that never happened!?

Mitsuru: Calm down, Fushimi!

Chihiro: Please explain! Or else...

Teacher: S-Sorry! It's all my fault...

Chihiro: Or else someone important to me will-- ...Huh?

Chihiro: Um...?

Teacher: That day, I had to stay late, and I missed my train.

Teacher: I didn't have any money on me, so... I used what you collected to pay
for a taxi.

Chihiro: What!?

Teacher: I fully intended to return the money, but then I forgot. I must be
getting old, huh? *chuckle*

Chihiro: It-It's not funny!

Teacher: Don't worry. I'll explain to the class what happened and return the
Teacher: So, please forgive me, Chihiro!

Mitsuru: I assumed it was just a misunderstanding, but...

Mitsuru: ...this is inexcusable! You call yourself a teacher!?
Mitsuru: Misappropriation of public funds is a serious crime. I will report
this immediately!

Teacher: Please don't...

Chihiro: It's okay, Mitsuru-san...

Chihiro: If that's the case, then I'll...
Chihiro: Let's go, Minato-san.

> Gekkoukan High School, rooftop...

Chihiro: Minato-san, over here!

Chihiro: ...Can you believe I went to the Faculty Office and said all that?
...I even surprised myself!
Chihiro: *giggle*
Chihiro: Hahahaha...
- "What's wrong?"
- "So you ARE guilty?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's wrong?"]

Chihiro: Oh, nothing... *giggle*

> Chihiro seems to be having fun.

[Scroll down to Continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So you ARE guilty?"]

Chihiro: NO I'M NOT!

> Chihiro seems to be mad at you.

[Scroll down to Continue]


Chihiro: Remember what I said to Mitsuru-san? "Get away from him!" *giggle*
Chihiro: I-I was worried what might happen if you and Mitsuru-san were alone
Chihiro: I was so flustered I almost passed out... I'm pretty weird, huh?
Chihiro: I've been like that ever since I was a kid, or so my mother says.
Chihiro: Normally, I'm quiet and timid, but when it comes to something I care
about, then I become agressive.
Chihiro: I've been talking to my mother about you, Minato-san... and she wants
to meet you...
Chihiro: ...Would you like to come over to my house one day? You know, when
you're not busy...?

> You feel as if Chihiro has confessed her true feelings.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has grown!
> Your relationship with Chihiro has intensified...

Chihiro: Oh! I still have to apologize to Mitsuru-san...

Chihiro: ...and, um, I think I owe her an explanation. ...Excuse me.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Justice Level 10 Skit][JSL10]-------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai, 3rd Street, Chihiro's room...

> You and Chihiro are enjoying each other's company...

Chihiro: This is the illustration collection I wanted... Remember?

Chihiro: I brought all three. I blew my whole allowance... but it was worth
Chihiro: ...This book was done by the same artist. Would you like to borrow
it, if you're interested...?
Chihiro: Just promise to think of me when you read it...

- "Thank you."
- "I don't read girl manga."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Thank you."]

Chihiro: Um, n-no problem...

> Chihiro seems really happy.

Chihiro: I've read it so many times that I've practically got it memorized.

[Scroll down to Continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't read girl manga."]

Chihiro: That's okay. But, will you hold onto it for me?

> Chihiro seems disappointed.

Chihiro: I'll be happy just knowing that something important to me is with

you, Minato-san...

[Scroll down to Continue]


> Obtained Manga.

> It's getting dark out.

Chihiro: W-Wait! My mother just called...

Chihiro: She says she has to stay late at work...
Chihiro: I-I've heard that there've been assaults on women in this area...
Chihiro: I-I really don't want to be alone...
Chihiro: Please stay... Just a little while longer...

- "It's getting late..."
- "Lock your doors."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's getting late..."]

Chihiro: Th-Thirty minutes! Please!

> Chihiro seems desperate.

[Scroll down to Continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Lock your doors."]

Chihiro: P-Please! I-I only told you that story just to get you to...!

> Chihiro seems desperate.

[Scroll down to Continue]


Chihiro: I want you to stay, Minato-san!

Chihiro: I know I'm being selfish...
Chihiro: Not like you, Minato-san... You're such a great person, and you make
those around you happy too...
Chihiro: I wish I could have you all to myself...
Chihiro: So, please grant me this one last wish...
Chihiro: Please... For this special moment, think only of me...

> Chihiro has expressed her love for you...

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Justice Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Justice Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Justice Card: The innermost power of the Justice Arcana hath been set free.
Justice Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Melchizedek, the
ultimate form of the Justice Arcana...

> The Treasurer Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Treasurer Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Justice Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Chihiro: Minato-san...
Chihiro: It's so warm being near you...

> You share a tender moment with Chihiro...

<>>=====[Hanged Man Social Link][HMSL]=====================================<<>

Maiko's parents are getting a divorce and she doesn't want them to. She tells
you that she's going to run away and you can't stop her. Her parents
eventually come looking for her and all three of you search for her. You find
her at the takoyaki stand and she is taken back home. Later, Maiko tells you
that her parents are still getting a divorce and that she's going to leave
and live with her mother.

Author's Notes:
She is located at the shrine. You can only establish the Social Link after you
hear about her from two girls at school in one of the morning skits walking to

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 1 Skit][HMSL01]----------------------------------<<>

> You decide to play with Maiko.

Maiko: What do you wanna do next?

MaikO: It's up to you, kay? Your choice!

- "See-saw."
- "Jungle gym."
- "Horizontal bar."
- "I want to go home."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

Maiko: ...But the See-saw makes my butt hurt...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Jungle gym."]

Maiko: Oh boy! I'm gonna climb way up high, okay?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Horizontal bar."]

Maiko: But we already did that...! I wanna do something else!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I want to go home."]

Maiko: ...You're leaving already?

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: I guess it is getting dark.

Maiko: But, I don't wanna go home yet.
Maiko: ...I don't like it there.

> Maiko seems sad.

Maiko: Can't we stay together for a little longer?

> Maiko seems to enjoy hanging out.

> You got to know Maiko, the grade-schooler.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to creat a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Maiko: ...So, my mom and dad...

Maiko: ...they fight a lot.
Maiko: They're going to get a divorce, huh?
Maiko: I tell them I want us to be happy, but they don't listen.
Maiko: They probably hate me, too.
Maiko: ......
Maiko: ...Hey, we can play again later, right? I think we're friends now.
Maiko: I have cram school on Sunday, but I'm free the rest of the days.

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 2 Skit][HMSL02]----------------------------------<<>

> You're spending time with Maiko on the playground.

Maiko: I'm hungry. ...Can we go to Wild-duck Burger?

- "Sure, let's go."
- "Let's keep playing."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sure, let's go."]

Maiko: Yay! I can't wait! I wonder which toy they're giving out today...

> Maiko cheered right up.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Let's keep playing."]

Maiko: But I'm hungry! I don't wanna keep playing!

> Maiko seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You decide to take a trip to Wild-duck Burger.

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...
> The hours flew by as you enjoyed a tasty meal.

Maiko: This is yummy! I love going out to eat!

Maiko: ...'Cause Mom and Dad never argue when we go out to eat.
Maiko: They never used to argue! You have to believe me...
Maiko: But, why would they get a divorce?

- "They just fell out of love."
- "It's probably your fault."
- "Why don't you ask them?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["They just fell out of love."]

Maiko: ...Fell out of love?'

Maiko: *sniff*

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's probably your fault."]

Maiko: But... what did I do?

Maiko: *sniff*

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why don't you ask them?"]

Maiko: I asked 'em already and they said it was a matter for adults only.

[Scroll down to continue]

> Maiko is about to start crying.

Maiko: I don't want them to get a divorce!

Maiko: ...Do they really hate me that much?
Maiko: Divorce is dumb! I hate it!
Maiko: Waaaaaaaaah... *sob*

> Maiko is sobbing loudly. What will you do?

- Try to calm her down
- Wait for her to finish crying

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Try to calm her down]

> You tried to calm her down.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Wait for her to finish crying]

> You wait as she cries herself out.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: *sniff* I'm sorry... I know it's embarrassing when I cry...

Maiko: I'll try not to cry anymore.

> Maiko is trying her best to smile.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 2!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: Um... I guess I should go.

Maiko: Thanks for playing with me today.

> You returned to the dorm after walking Maiko home.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 3 Skit][HMSL03]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Hey.
Maiko: Have you seen Striped Shirt?
Maiko: We were playing tag, but... It's no fun if I can't find him.

Maiko: Hey, Striped Shirt!

Maiko: You don't look so good... Are you sick?

Thin Young Man: Kinda, yeah. I'm surprised you could tell.

Maiko: Huh? S-So, you are sick?

Thin Young Man: Ha ha, no. I'm kidding. You're so easy, Maiko.

Maiko: No fair! I'm an innocent girl, so I actually believed you!

Thin Young Man: ...And you are?

- "I'm Maiko's friend."
- "Just a random passerby."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm Maiko's friend."]

Thin Young Man: So you're the guy she was talking about. I wondered what you
were like...
Thin Young Man: Are you "too old" to play with kids, or are you still young at

Maiko: Hey, I'm hungry! I want takoyaki! Takoyaki!

Maiko: You can eat with us too, Striped Shirt!

Thin Young Man: Nah, I'm okay, thanks.

Thin Young Man: I'll see you guys around.

> The thin young man walked off.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just a random passerby."]

Thin Young Man: It's weird to see people hanging around the temple...
Thin Young Man: It's usually a graveyard around here.

> The thin young man fell silent.

Thin Young Man: Well, I'd better be going. It's starting to get chilly.

> The thin young man walked off.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: He's gone...

Maiko: I ususally see him around the sthrine on Sundays.
Maiko: I see him on the way to cram school, too.
Maiko: Yay! It's takoyaki time!

> You decided to go with Maiko to get takoyaki.

> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

Maiko: It's so hot I might burn up!

Maiko: I remember one time Dad burned his mouth on this takoyaki!
Maiko: ...'Cause I put too many in his mouth at once.
Maiko: He was like, "Fungaaaaaah!"

> Maiko suddenly fell silent...

Maiko: ...Dad doesn't spend much time at home anymore these days.
Maiko: But, I have a birthday soon.
Maiko: Oh! Do you think he'll come home for my birthday?

- "He'll probably forget."
- "I really can't say."
- "Don't worry, he'll be there."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["He'll probably forget."]

Maiko: Yeah... I bet he forgets.

> Maiko seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I really can't say."]

Maiko: I don't know what to think...

> Maiko seems confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't worry, he'll be there."]

Maiko: Y-You really think so!?

> Maiko cheered up a bit.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: I mean, I know Mom will buy me presents, but still...

Maiko: ...She hasn't asked me what I want, yet.

> Maiko fell silent again.

Maiko: ...If they really loved me, then they wouldn't get a divorce.
Maiko: You're the only one who still plays with me, you know.

> Maiko seems to enjoy spending time with you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 3!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: Today's laundry day, so I'd better get home soon!

Maiko: If I don't do laundry, the house will be a real big mess!
Maiko: See ya!

> Maiko took off, so you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 4 Skit][HMSL04]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Did you know it was my birthday the other day?

Maiko: ...At least Mom and Dad didn't forget about my birthday this year...
Maiko: They remembered!

- "I'm happy for you."
- "Nobody could forget you."
- "You're pretty forgettable..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm happy for you."]

Maiko: They were smiling and happy and everything!

> Maiko seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Nobody could forget you."]

Maiko: Course not!

> Maiko seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're pretty forgettable..."]

Maiko: No way! stop being mean!

> Maiko's kind of pissed off.

Maiko: I got tons of presents! And, I even ate a bunch of cake!

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: ...We haven't really eaten together as a family for a while.

Maiko: We used to eat dinner together every night...
Maiko: How come Mom and Dad don't get along anymore?

> Maiko is absorbed in thought.

Maiko: I know! I'll just ask them why they wanted a divorce.
Maiko: If I can get rid of the reason, everything'll be fine, right?
Maiko: I'm going to do whatever it takes to get my parents back together!
Maiko: You'll do what you can to help, right?

> Maiko seems to really like you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 4!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: All right... I'm gonna ask them.

Maiko: So, maybe we can play again some other time.
> You returned to the dorm after saying goodbye to Maiko.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 5 Skit][HMSL05]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Oh, h-hello...

Maiko: M-My dad, he--
Maiko: ...Waaaaaaaaaaah! *sob*

> You wait for Maiko to calm down.

Maiko: Dad, he... he... he hit me!

Maiko: I don't know what to do...

- "That's terrible."
- "Did you deserve it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's terrible."]

Maiko: I know it is! Why would Dad do that? ...Why?

> Your understanding comforted Maiko.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Did you deserve it?"]

Maiko: I don't think so...

> Maiko seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: All I did was say I wanted to know the real reason they were getting a
Maiko: ...They told me I was too young to even understand it.
Maiko: So I kept asking, but then Dad got angry and... and he...
Maiko: ...Then Mom said since I was so annoying, that it was my fault.
Maiko: I'm not sure they love me anymore...
Maiko: I bet they wouldn't care if I wasn't even here at all!

- "Yeah, you're right."
- "That isn't true."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, you're right."]

Maiko: ...It really is my fault they get mad all the time.

> Maiko seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That isn't true."]

Maiko: Are you... sure? But then, why are they so mad?

> Maiko seems a little happier.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: What if I ran away from home...?

Maiko: I want to find out... how they really feel about me.
Maiko: If they love me, then they'd try to look for me, right?
Maiko: It's a secret, okay? Don't tell Mom and Dad I'm running away.
Maiko: I know you won't tell.

> Maiko seems to trust you a lot.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 5!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: Well, I have to go now. We can play more later!

> You went back to the dorm after parting with Maiko.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 6 Skit][HMSL06]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: I can't handle it anymore!

Maiko: Mom and Dad just keep fighting...
Maiko: I yelled at them to please stop fighting so much.
Maiko: ...But they just told me to leave them alone.
Maiko: ......
Maiko: So I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!

- "Don't do anything hasty."
- "Calm down."
- "Sounds like a plan."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't do anything hasty."]

Maiko: What!? But... I thought you were on my side...

> Maiko seems angry.

Maiko: I'm GOING to run away! I already made up my mind!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Calm down."]

Maiko: ...You're right. This is no time to be selfish.

> Maiko seems a little calmer.

Maiko: ...But I made up my mind, and I'm going to run away!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sounds like a plan."]

Maiko: Do you really think it will help with my parents?

> Maiko cheered up a little.

Maiko: ...But I made up my mind, and I'm going to run away!

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: I'd better start packing soon...

Maiko: So... What do you think I need to pack if I'm running away from home?
Maiko: I'll need lots of snacks, right? What about my health insurance card?

- "You don't need that stuff."
- "It'll take more than that."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You don't need that stuff."]

Maiko: Really? Wow! Running away is easier than I thought!

> Maiko is happier now.

Maiko: Now... I just have to decide when I can sneak out.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It'll take more than that."]

Maiko: But... I don't konw what else I should bring!

> Maiko seems worried.

Maiko: Okay, what else...

Maiko: Maybe my PJ's, and my tooth brush. Um... What else...?

[Scroll down to continue]


> Maiko is deep in thought.

Maiko: Either way, I'm going to try!

Maiko: Don't worry, I'm going to be just fine, okay?
Maiko: I'm gonna miss you, though... It won't be easy to be alone.

> Maiko seems to enjoy your company.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...
> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: Once I run away, Mom and Dad will have to work together to find me.
Maiko: This is gonna be great!
Maiko: It takes a lot of hard work to get ready to run away...

> You walked Maiko home and returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 7 Skit][HMSL07]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Thanks for all your help, but... I have to say bye for now.
Maiko: Yup, I have to run away now.
Maiko: Remember not to tell Mom and Dad, okay? ...Bye!

> Maiko left.

> A woman approaches you.

Woman: Hey, you!

Woman: Have you seen a little girl? She's in elementary school...

> The woman seems especially nervous.

Man: Just calm down and think, dammit!

Woman: Calm down? Calm down!? What if something happens to her!

Man: Oh please! This is what happens when you force a child to study non-stop!

> They began shouting.

Man: This is ridiculous!

Man: Look, you're Minato, right? ...I heard about you from Maiko.
Man: She said she hung out with a high school kid instead of practicing piano.

Woman: This is the first I've heard of it!

Woman: What the hell did you do to my daughter!?

> The woman is pissed off.

Man: Shut up, and stop jumping to stupid conclusions.

Man: Look... We're Maiko's parents.

Maiko's Dad: And, basically, we haven't seen Maiko since this morning.
Maiko's Dad: We found a note in her room that said: "I'm running away. -Maiko"

Maiko's Mom: She's never done anything like this before!

- "It's probably your fault."
- "C'mon, we can find her."
- "Just leave her alone."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's probably your fault."]

Maiko's Mom: Wh-- ...You don't know anything!

Maiko's Mom: Maiko... Why would you...?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["C'mon, we can find her."]

Maiko's Dad: Y-Yeah, I'm sure she must be around here somewhere.

Maiko's Mom: But, why would she...?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just leave her alone."]

Maiko's Mom: Shut up! You can't possibly understand this!

Maiko's Mom: Why, Maiko...?

[Scroll down to continue]


> Maiko's Mom started to cry.

Maiko's Dad: Listen, son...

Maiko's Dad: If you have any idea where she is, I'm begging you to tell us.

- "Maybe at the music store."
- "Maybe at the takoyaki stand."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe at the music store."]

Maiko's Dad: The music store...? Why would she have gone there?
Maiko's Dad: Alright, then... let's go.

> Maiko's parents dragged you to the music store.

> Paulownia Mall, Power Records...

Maiko's Mom: Wh-Where's Maiko!? She's not here!

Maiko's Dad: Where else would she go...?

Maiko's Dad: ...Oh! Maybe she went to get takoyaki!
Maiko's Dad: She must be hungry by now, right? And, takoyaki is her favorite!
Maiko's Dad: Follow me!

> You ran after Maiko's father.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe at the takoyaki stand."]

Maiko's Dad: The takoyaki stand? Oh, that takoyaki stand!

Maiko's Dad: Hurry, let's go!

> Maiko's parents dragged you to the takoyaki stand.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

> You found Maiko.

Maiko's Mom: There you are!

Maiko: Mom! Dad!

Maiko: Oh... you came too?
Maiko: Well I... Um... I...

> Maiko seems shaken.

Maiko's Mom: Are you okay, darling!? Are you hurt? What happened...?

Maiko: Y-Yeah, I'm okay...

Maiko's Mom: Oh, what a relief...

Maiko's Mom: How dare you run away from home! Do you have any idea how worried
I was!?
Maiko's Mom: You almost gave me a heart attack, young lady!

Maiko's Dad: Geez, calm down! Can't you tell she's scared?

Maiko: Y-You guys made me worry too! I was so scared...

Maiko: You said you were getting a divorce, and I didn't know what to do!
Maiko: I don't want you to get divorced because of me...!
Maiko: *sob* Waaaaaaaaaaah!

Maiko's Dad: Oh, so that's what this is all about...

Maiko's Dad: We're really sorry, Maiko. Why don't we go home and talk about

[Maiko's Dad faces the Main]

Maiko's Dad: I'm not sure what to say... I'm sorry we pulled you into this.

Maiko: *sniff* ...I told you to keep it a secret...

Maiko: But... thank you...

> Maiko was happy to know that her parents cared about her.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 7!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: ...Bye.

> Maiko left with her parents, so you decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 8 Skit][HMSL08]----------------------------------<<>

> The hours flew by as you hung out.

Maiko: I'm kind of hungry... Let's go out to eat!

Maiko: What do you feel like eating?

- "Hamburgers."
- "Japanese food."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Maiko: Oh! I want a Frog Burger from Wild-duck!

> Maiko seems happy.
> You decided to take Maiko to Wild-duck Burger.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Japanese food."]

Maiko: Awwww! I wanted Wild-duck Burger!

Maiko: I saw a commerical for the Frog Burger and I wanna try it!

> Maiko is complaining.

> There's no arguing with a child, so you decide on Wild-duck Burger.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

> You decided to grab a burger with Maiko.

Maiko: So... the other day, Mom and Dad...

Maiko: ...They talked to me about why they were getting divorced.
Maiko: I was sad, but I listened to what they said. ...Did I do good?

- "Yeah, you did good."
- "No, you messed up."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, you did good."]

Maiko: Hee hee! Thanks a bunch!

> Maiko seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, you messed up."]

Maiko: No! I didn't have much choice!

> Maiko started sulking.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: So, Mom and Dad...

Maiko: They said when there's no love, it's hard to still be married.
Maiko: ...They said not to worry, because they would always love me.
Maiko: ......
Maiko: ...I told them that they're still not allowed to get divorced.
Maiko: Even if you don't have love... you still have to try!
Maiko: Hey, so...
Maiko: I have to choose whether I want to live with Mom or Dad...
Maiko: But I can't choose that! You decide for me, okay?

- "Choose your dad."
- "Your mom would be best."
- "I can't... I'm sorry."
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Choose your dad."]

Maiko: I love Dad so much! He likes to buy me toys and stuff!

> Maiko seems very happy.

Maiko: ...But, Mom cries so much lately. I don't want her to be all alone...
Maiko: Maybe I should go with her.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Your mom would be best."]

Maiko: Mom has been crying a lot lately, and I don't want her to be all alone...
Maiko: Going with her might be best.

> Maiko seems confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I can't... I'm sorry."]

Maiko: But I really don't know!

> Maiko released a big sigh.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: Oh...
Maiko: Mom might move somewhere far away, so if I went with her...
Maiko: I couldn't play with you anymore! ...That would be bad.
Maiko: I'd miss you too much.

> Maiko seems to really like you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 8!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: I'd better get home...

Maiko: Hey! Will you hold my hand on the way home?

> You returned to the dorm after walking Maiko home.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 9 Skit][HMSL09]----------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Hey, I know! Let's get some takoyaki!

> You gave in to Maiko's begging and went for takoyaki.

> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

Maiko: I made my decision...
Maiko: I'm going to live with Mom.
Maiko: ...Since she has to cook and clean and still go to work...
Maiko: I want to help out too!
Maiko: I don't have to worry about Dad...
Maiko: Even without me around, I think Dad will be okay on his own.

> Maiko looks sad.

Maiko: ...So, Mom and I are gonna move pretty soon.

Maiko: ......
Maiko: Sorry...
Maiko: We'll still be friends though, right?

- "We're friends forever."
- "I'll move on with life."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["We're friends forever."]

Maiko: Best friends forever! Forever and ever and ever, okay?

> Maiko seems much happier.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'll move on with life."]

Maiko: No...! Don't forget about me!

> Maiko seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: You can't ever forget about me. Promise, okay?

> Maiko's taken a real liking to you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached level 9!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has grown!

Maiko: ...I'll see you again once I'm done getting ready, okay?

> You decided to head back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Hanged Man Level 10 Skit][HMSL10]---------------------------------<<>

Maiko: Hey c'mon! Let's play on the jungle gym!

Maiko: Then the see-saw, Kick the Can, we can play 'em all!

> You played with Maiko for a while.

Maiko: ...Whew... I'm tired.
Maiko: We played enough for you to remember me, right? ...Don't forget.
Maiko: ......

> Maiko seems sad, but she's smiling.

Maiko: I'm leaving today...

Maiko:' Dad said, even though we're far away, we're still family.
Maiko: I think that should go for friends like you and me, too.
Maiko: So, I don't have to be sad.
Maiko: ...I think family is important.
Maiko: Do you think I'll have a family of my own one day?

- "I bet you will."
- "...I'm not so sure."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I bet you will."]

Maiko: I sure will!

> Maiko is very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...I'm not so sure."]

Maiko: ...You're mean.

> Maiko seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: So, um...

Maiko: When I'm grown up...?
Maiko: Can we be a mom and dad together?

- "Sure thing."
- "I have to think about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sure thing."]

Maiko: Really!? You promise!?

> Maiko seems overjoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I have to think about it."]

Maiko: But you must! We're supposed to get married some day!

> Maiko seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Maiko: Keep this, okay? I... made it just for you.

> Obtained Bead Ring.

Maiko: ...'Cause one day we'll be trading vows, right?

> Maiko is blushing.

> Apparently, Maiko just proposed to you.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Hanged Man Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Hanged Man Card: The bond thou has nurtured hath finally matured.
Hanged Man Card: The innermost power of the Hanged Man Arcana hath been set
Hanged Man Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Attis, the ultimate
form of the Hanged Man Arcana...

> The Girl at the Shrine Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Girl at the Shrine Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Hanged Man Arcana has reached its
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Maiko: Close your eyes, 'kay?

> ...!?
> Maiko kissed your cheek softly.

Maiko: Hee hee! Don't get cold feet!

Maiko: So... I'll see you!
Maiko: You can't forget me, though!

> Maiko ran very quickly so as to hide her sadness.

<>>=====[Temperance Social Link][TESL]=====================================<<>

Bebe is a foreign exchange student from France. As days go by, you learn that
his aunt has died and his uncle wants him to come back home. Bebe decides to
make a kimono to convince his uncle that he wants to stay. When he is finished
with the kimono, Bebe tells you that he will come back to Japan after his has
successfully convinced his uncle to let him stay in Japan.

Author's Notes:
You must have first established the [Hierophant Social Link] and advanced
far enough in that S-Link to meet the foreign exchange student.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 1 Skit][TESL01]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

Bebe: ...Yatta, Yes! Zis eez ze best sewing I 'ave done!

> The foreign exchange student you met at the bookstore is busy sewing.

- Talk to him
- Leave him alone
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Talk to him]

Bebe: Oh!? Konnichiwa, hello, Minato-sama!

Bebe: I 'aven't seen you since ze bookstore!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Leave him alone]

Bebe: ...Mm!? Who goes zere?

Bebe: Oh! Konnichiwa, hello, Minato-sama!

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: You came!

Bebe: I am very 'appy!

- "What are you doing?"
- "You know my name?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you doing?"]

Bebe: I am learning ze art of sewing!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You know my name?"]

Bebe: Yes, I asked ze teacher, my sensei.

Bebe: We are in ze same grade!

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: Zis eez tanoshii, very fun!

Bebe: Would you like to try?

> It seems Bebe wants you to join.

- "Sure."
- "No thanks."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: Honto!? Really!?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No thanks."]
Bebe: Fashion Club is eez quite fun!
Bebe: Just come 'ere when you are bored! ...Onegaishimasu, please...

> It seems Bebe really wants you to participate.

> It was hard for you to say no, so you agreed to join.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: Arigatou, thank you!

Bebe: I was sad because I did not 'ave any tomodachi--friends--since I came to
Bebe: But, now I am 'appy!

> You have joined Fashion Club.

> You now understand Bebe a little better.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Bebe: Whoa! Look at ze time!

Bebe: Well zen, Minato-sama, goodbye!
Bebe: ...Oh, by ze way...
Bebe: I was wondering 'ow you bid farewell in Nihongo--Japanese...

- "Sayonara."
- "Mata na."
- "Ja ne."
- "Hasta la vista."

[Whatever you pick will be used by Bebe in the future for whenever he says
goodbye. "Sayonara" will be used for the remainder of the S-Link]

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: Wakarimashita, I understand! Sayonara!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Mata na."]

Bebe: Wakarimashita, I understand! Mata na!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Ja ne."]

Bebe: Wakarimashita, I understand! Ja ne!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 4]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hasta la vista."]
Bebe: Wakarimashita, I understand! Hasta la vista.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 2 Skit][TESL02]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> Two sewing machines buzz steadily in synch.
> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.

Bebe: Today, our work eez over--owari!

Bebe: Let's go to ze Sweet Shop, Minato-sama...
Bebe: Zis is my first time going, so will you teach me?

- "Sure, let's go."
- "You like sweets?"
- "There's nothing to teach."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sure, let's go."]

Bebe: Ohhh! You are ze best! Thank you, arigatou!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You like sweets?"]

Bebe: Japanese sweets are ouishii--delicious!

Bebe: I love Nihon! Japan eez ze best!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["There's nothing to teach."]

Bebe: Honto? Really?

Bebe: Phew... I was worried people would zink I am a stupid gaijin who knows
nozing about Nihon!

> Bebe seems relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: Well zen, shall we go?

Bebe: We'll go together, my tomodachi! My friend!

> You decide to go to the Sweet Shop with Bebe.

> Iwatodai strip mall, Sweet Shop...
> You have having a delectable time with Bebe...
Bebe: Ouishii! Zat desert was delicious!
Bebe: I am so 'appy, ureshii! I love ze culture of Nihon! Japan eez sugoi,

- "Yeah, Japan is great."
- "How's your country?"
- "Not really."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, Japan is great."]

Bebe: Hai! Hai! Yes! Yes!

Bebe: Japan's culture eez number 1, ichiban! I was I was born 'ere.

> Bebe seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How's your country?"]

Bebe: My country is nozing compared to Nihon.

Bebe: Japan eez number 1, ichiban! I was I was born 'ere.

> Bebe seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Bebe: Is zat so...? I zink you should be proud to live in Nihon!

Bebe: Japan eez number 1, ichiban! I wish I was born 'ere.

> Bebe seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: I want to learn everyzing about Nihon and become Japanese!

Bebe: Zank you for bringing me 'ere, Minato-sama. Arigatou!
Bebe: I 'ave an aunt who lives back 'ome. She 'as been 'elping me...
Bebe: I must tell 'er zat I 'ave made a great friend! Tomodachi!

> Bebe seems truly grateful.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: Ohh, look at ze time!

Bebe: I would like to ask you more about Nihon...
Bebe: I'll talk to you later! Sayonara!

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 3 Skit][TESL03]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Rooms...

> Two sewing machines buzz steadily in synch.
> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.

Bebe: Let's take a break, now.

Bebe: Minato-sama, you 'ave gotten much better at zis! Subarashii! Wonderful!

- "Not really."
- "Thanks."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

Bebe: Oooh, you are very modest!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: I 'ave to get better too!

Bebe: I'm glad to 'ave such a great friend--tomodachi--as my rival!

[Scroll down to continue]


> Bebe seems happy.

Bebe: Minato-sama.
Bebe: I would like to make somezing Japanese, but what?

- "Whatever you like..."
- "Why not western clothes?"
- "Something traditional?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Whatever you like..."]

Bebe: I do 'ave something in mind... but...

> Bebe seems confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why not western clothes?"]

Bebe: I am in Nihon--Japan! Why would I do zat!?

> Bebe seems annoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Something traditional?"]
Bebe: A kimono!!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: It 'as to be a kimono!

Bebe: But... zat is very 'ard to make...
Bebe: I don't know 'ow. Plus, it eez expensive...
Bebe: Hmm... I will zink about it. Arigatou! Zank you for ze advice!
Bebe: Minato-sama, you are ze only one I can talk to 'ere...
Bebe: You are so nice!

> Bebe seems truly grateful.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: Oh, look at ze time! I must go 'ome now!

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 4 Skit][TESL04]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

Bebe: ......

> Bebe, who's usually very talkative, is quiet.

- "Why aren't you working?"
- "Wanna stop for today?"
- "Are you alright?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why aren't you working?"]

Bebe: Uhh... Because... Because!!

> Bebe seems sad...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Wanna stop for today?"]

Bebe: Y-Yes, please...

> Bebe seems like he has no energy...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you alright?"]

Bebe: You can tell somezing eez wrong!?

> Bebe seems surprised.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: Uhh... Last night...

Bebe: My dear aunt...
Bebe: ...was taken away by ze angels!

- "What!?"
- "Calm down."
- "Whaddya mean?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: ...Zat is why...

> Bebe seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Calm down."]

Bebe: ...I will try...

> Bebe seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Whaddya mean?"]

Bebe: Minato-sama...
Bebe: Uwaaaaaan...!

> Bebe started to cry.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: S-Sorry, gomenasai...

Bebe: She was ze reason I was able to come to Japan...
Bebe: And now, she 'as been taken away...
Bebe: She 'elped me so much, and... I could not do anyzing for 'er...
Bebe: I was 'olding zis inside...
Bebe: ...because I know zat crying will not 'elp...
Bebe: But, seeing ze look on your face, Minato-sama... I...

> He seems devastated by his loss...

> Bebe has confided in you.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: Sorry, gomenasai. I can't work today.

Bebe: ...Sayonara...

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 5 Skit][TESL05]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> It's time for Fashion Club...

Bebe: Minato-sama...
Bebe: Want to go somewhere to eat after zis?

- "Sure."
- "Why?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: Arigatou gozaimasu! Zank you very much!

> Bebe seems happy.

Bebe: Zere eez somezing I need to talk to you about.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: Zere eez somezing I need to talk to you about.

> Bebe seems a little sad.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You decide to go to a restaurant with Bebe.

> Iwatodai strip mall, Wakatsu Restaurant...
> You and Bebe are enjoying a delicious meal...

Bebe: ...I'm afraid I might 'ave to go back 'ome...

Bebe: I was able to come 'ere because of my aunt, but...
Bebe: My uncle did not agree wiz ze decision!
Bebe: He eez yelling at me to come 'ome now, like ze mafia.
Bebe: If I go 'ome...
Bebe: uncle might never let me return 'ere!

- "Oh, well."
- "Then, stay."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Oh, well."]

Bebe: Don't say such zings, please!

Bebe: Zis country eez where I want to live and die!

> Bebe seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Then, stay."]

Bebe: I would love to stay in Nihon...

Bebe: Zis country eez where I want to live and die!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: But, no matter 'ow 'ard I try to convince him...

Bebe: ...'e will not listen.
Bebe: I 'ave got to know you well, Minato-sama...
Bebe: I cannot say, "Sayonara" like zis!

> Bebe has shared the troubles that are on his mind...
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: It's almost time to say, "Sayonara"...

Bebe: I'll see you at school, okay!?

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 6 Skit][TESL06]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> It's time for Fashion Club...

Bebe: Um... Wakarimasen... I do not understand...

Bebe: Ze sewing machine won't go...

> Bebe seems confused.

- "What's wrong?"
- "Take a break."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's wrong?"]

Bebe: I am worried about my uncle...

Bebe: 'ow can I convince 'im to let me stay 'ere?
Bebe: If I became a samurai, maybe I could stand up to 'im...

> Bebe seems sad.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Take a break."]

Bebe: Yes... Zat eez a good idea. ...Sorry! Gomenasai!

> Bebe seems happy.

Bebe: I am worried about my uncle...

Bebe: 'ow can I convince 'im to let me stay 'ere?
Bebe: If I became a samurai, maybe I could stand up to 'im...

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: ...Oh!
Bebe: Maybe if we go to ze Sweet Shop and 'ave a snack, I can come up wiz a
Bebe: Shall we!?

- "Alright."
- "Just a minute."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Bebe: Yatta! Let's go!

> Bebe seems excited.

> You decide to go to the Sweet Shop with Bebe.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just a minute."]

Bebe: Ohh, sugoi! You are working so 'ard!

Bebe: You always do your best, Minato-sama, just like a samurai!

> Bebe seems impressed.

> You decide to go to the Sweet Shop with Bebe after finishing your work.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Iwatodai strip mall, Sweet Shop...

> You are having a delectable time with Bebe...

Bebe: ...I 'ave zought about zis even in my dreams...

Bebe: I will be disappointed if I 'ave to return to my country!
Bebe: I want to stay 'ere in Nihon even if I 'ave to eat dirt!

- Support him
- Ask him how
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Support him]

Bebe: Arigatou! Zank you! I can do anyzing with your support, Minato-sama!

> Bebe seems very happy.

Bebe: Jitsu wa, actually... I 'ave a plan!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask him how]

Bebe: Jitsu wa, actually... I 'ave a plan!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: I will return 'ome...

Bebe: Mochiron, of course, I will not give up just like zat!
Bebe: I will come back 'ere after persuading my uncle!
Bebe: I will convince 'im 'ow great Japan eez!
Bebe: Now, I just 'ave to figure out 'ow to explain it to 'im.
Bebe: Zat will be easy with your 'elp, Minato-sama!
Bebe: Please help me! Onegaishimasu!

> It seems like Bebe is counting on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: ...Ze sun is setting.

Bebe: I will see you again... Sayonara!

> You decide to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Temperance Level 7 Skit][TESL07]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> You're having a good time.

Bebe: Minato-samaaa!
Bebe: I 'ave come up wiz a great idea to show Japan's charm to my uncle!
Bebe: I will show 'im a kimono, and make 'im understand the beauty of Nihon!

- "Will that be enough?"
- "That's a good idea."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Will that be enough?"]

Bebe: You 'ave doubts, Minato-sama?

Bebe: Don't worry! I will make 'im understand with my samurai style!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's a good idea."]

Bebe: Since you agree, Minato-sama, I 'ave nozing to be afraid of!

> Bebe seems very excited.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: Ze kimono eez a Japanese treasure!

Bebe: If I show it to my uncle, he will surely let me stay in Nihon.
Bebe: Ze design will be...
Bebe: ...ze mascot of ze Sweet Shop!
Bebe: I zought of zis design because...
Bebe: Minato-sama took me zere!

> Bebe seems to be counting on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: I am no longer confused!

Bebe: I will 'urry up and make ze kimono!
Bebe: I will sew like ze wind!

> You worked with Bebe for a long time, and then decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Temperance Level 8 Skit][TESL08]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.

Bebe: Sewing eez my life...

Bebe: Even zough my wallet eez light and I can only buy cheap material...
Bebe: I will work 'ard to make ze best kimono, and save my future!

> You helped Bebe work on the kimono.

Bebe: Hmm... So far, so good, ne? Right?

Bebe: When my uncle sees zis, I know he'll agree wiz me about how great Nihon

- "When will it be done?"
- "He'll agree for sure."
- "Hey, concentrate!"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["When will it be done?"]

Bebe: It's far from being finished...

Bebe: I'll work even 'arder!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["He'll agree for sure."]

Bebe: I truly believe zat, so I will work even 'arder!

> Bebe seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hey, concentrate!"]

Bebe: I don't 'ave ze ability to stay zat focused...

> Bebe seems a bit sad.

Bebe: But, I will do better zan zis!

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: I accomplished a lot today wiz your 'elp, Minato-sama!

Bebe: Arigatou! Zank you!

> Bebe seems very grateful.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: Oooh... My arm eez very tired.

Bebe: It must be from working so 'ard...
Bebe: But, I will finish zis kimono no matter what!
Bebe: Yosh! I can't give up now!

> You worked with Bebe for a long time, and then decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Temperance Level 9 Skit][TESL09]----------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> Two sewing machines buzz steadily in synch.
> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.
Bebe: If I give my best effort, zis will come out great!!

> It seems Bebe is talking to himself while sewing.

Bebe: Hmm... Zat cheap material 'as been transformed!

Bebe: Wizout your 'elp...
Bebe: I would probably be back 'ome already...
Bebe: But because of you, Minato-sama, I was abkle to finish ze kimono!

- Congratulate him
- Ask about his country
- Request a reward

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Congratulate him]

Bebe: Arigatou! Zank you for your kind words! I can forget about my aches and
pains now!

> Bebe seems truly happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask about his country]

Bebe: My country... Zere is nozing zere for me now!

Bebe: I 'ave to put an end to zis, so zat I can die 'ere in ze country I love!

> Bebe seems fired up.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Request a reward]

Bebe: I would love to give you a reward!

Bebe: If I could, I'd treat you to many Japanese snacks! But, my wallet eez

> Bebe seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: By ze way, Minato-sama...

Bebe: I 'ave met many people in Nihon...
Bebe: But, you are ze best tomodachi I 'ave 'ere!
Bebe: If my aunt was still alive...
Bebe: I would tell her about ze wonderful friend I 'ave made... Subarashii!

> You feel like Bebe really depends on you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has grown!

Bebe: Yosh! Now, I will put ze final touches on zis kimono!

Bebe: I am so tired zat I zink I see my aunt!
Bebe: Zis is ze last part... I can't give up!
Bebe: Ready, set... GO!

> You worked with Bebe for a long time, and then decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Temperance Level 10 Skit][TESL10]---------------------------------<<>

> Gekkoukan High School, Home Economics Room...

> Bebe's sewing machine is humming pleasantly.
> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.

Bebe: Zeeeere we goooooo!

Bebe: I am finish!!

> It seems Bebe has finally finished the kimono.

- Ask how it came out
- Compliment him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ask how it came out]

Bebe: Very nice! I 'ave no complaints!

> Bebe seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Compliment him]

Bebe: *sniff* *sniff* Your words will always 'ave a place in my 'eart,

> Bebe seems truly happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Bebe: When my uncles sees zis, he will surely let me come back to Nihon!
Bebe: It eez time for 'im to concede!
Bebe: I must 'urry up and go see 'im!
Bebe: So, I 'ave to say goodbye for a little while... Sayonara...
Bebe: But, I'll be back!
Bebe: I will not give in to my uncle!
Bebe: ......
Bebe: Minato-sama...
Bebe: Please, take zis!

> Obtained Money Pouch.

Bebe: I made it from ze leftover material.

Bebe: It eez a sign of our friendship!
Bebe: Onegaishimasu... Please...
Bebe: Wait for my return, Minato-sama.
Bebe: My favorite memories from Nihon...
Bebe: ...are all ze times we hung out togezer.

- "I'll be expecting you."
- "I wish you luck."

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Bebe: Z-Zank you so--

Bebe: ...Uw-Uwaaaaa...!

> Bebe is crying tears of joy.

> Bebe seems to truly appreciate all that you've done for him.
> You've gained a lifelong friend!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Temperance Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Temperance Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Temperance Card: The innermost power of the Temperance Arcana hath been set
Temperance Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Byakko, the
ultimate form of the Temperance Arcana...

> The Transfer Student Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Transfer Student Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Temperance Arcana has reached its
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Bebe: Kanashii... It makes me sad, but...

Bebe: Tomorrow, I must go...
Bebe: ...Sayonara!

> After promising to meet up with Bebe sometime in the future, you decided to
go back to the dorm.

<>>=====[Devil Social Link][DSL]===========================================<<>

After taking away a good amount of your money, President Tanaka decides to
tell you of his business secrets to compensate. You learn of all his shady
tactics in his business. When a pretty young lady asks him to donate, he
changes his mindset for the better and decides to donate. He says thanks to
you and leaves.

Author's Notes:
The introduction skits will continue to repeat until you pick the correct
choices to advance further into the Social Link. Tanaka is located in the
Port Island Station.

<>>-----[Devil Introduction Skit Part 1 Skit][DSLP1]-----------------------<<>

Well-dressed Man: My, you're handsome.

Well-dressed Man: (He'd be perfect for the company image...)
Well-dressed Man: (But he's just a high school student...)
Well-dressed Man: (If I trained him, though...)

> The man seems to be mumbling to himself...

> You seem to have caught his attention because of your Charm.

Well-dressed Man: Hello there, young man... How would you like to have your
dreams come true? I have a golden opportunity for you...
- "Tell me more."
- "Not interested."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Tell me more."]

Well-dressed Man: I'm only saying this to you, so don't tell anyone, okay?
Well-dressed Man: ...I can make you rich--guaranteed.
Well-dressed Man: All you need is 20,000 yen, and your investment will
multiply by ten, no, one hundred!
Well-dressed Man: And the best part is, you don't have to do a thing! You'll
become fabulously wealthy while you sleep!
Well-dressed Man: Just give me the 20,000 yen, and I'll take care of the rest.
Well-dressed Man: Well, what do you say?

- "Okay."
- "Not interested."

<>>-----[Choice 1-1]----------------<<>


> You gave the man 20,000 yen.

Well-dressed Man: I'll be in touch once your fortune has been made.

<>>-----[Choice 1-2]----------------<<>

["Not interested."]

Well-dressed Man: ...Oh, really. You'd pass up the chance to become rich?
Well-dressed Man: If that's what you want...

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not interested."]

Well-dressed Man: ...Oh, really. You'd pass up the chance to become rich?
Well-dressed Man: If that's what you want...

<>>-----[Devil Introduction Skit Part 2 Skit][DSLP2]-----------------------<<>

Well-dressed Man: Oh, there you are... I've been looking for you.
Well-dressed Man: I have some unfortunate news regarding your investment.
Well-dressed Man: Things are not running as smoothly as planned. It still has
the potential to turn a profit, but...
Well-dressed Man: I would require an additional 10,000 yen to get things back
on track...
Well-dressed Man: Are you willing to increase your investment by this amount?

- "Yes."
- "No."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


> You gave the man 10,000 yen.

Well-dressed Man: I'll be in touch once your fortune has been made.
<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Well-dressed Man: ...Oh, really. You'd pass up the chance to become rich?
Well-dressed Man: If that's what you want...

<>>-----[Devil Introduction Skit Part 3 Skit][DSLP3]-----------------------<<>

Well-dressed Man: Oh there you are...

Well-dressed Man: We ran into a bit of a snag again. Some of the other
investors decided to drop out...
Well-dressed Man: Since there are fewer investors, each person's profits will
be even bigger! Do you mind investing a bit more?
Well-dressed Man: Just 10,000 yen more. That should be plenty!
Well-dressed Man: Are you in?

- "Yes."
- "No."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


> You gave the man 10,000 yen.

Well-dressed Man: ......

Well-dressed Man: My foolish little apprentice...
Well-dressed Man: Have you not yet realized that you are being deceived?
Everything I've said has clearly been suspicious!
Well-dressed Man: *sigh*
Well-dressed Man: Ignorance should be a crime.
Well-dressed Man: Sure, you have some positive qualities, but if you remain so
naive, everyone will take advantage of you.
Well-dressed Man: ...Stick with me, and I'll show you how to be a winner.

[Continue at [Devil Level 1 Skit]]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Well-dressed Man: ...Oh, really. You'd pass up the chance to become rich?
Well-dressed Man: If that's what you want...

<>>-----[Devil Level 1 Skit][DSL01]----------------------------------------<<>

Well-dressed Man: Very well, young man... if you insist, I'll give you my
autograph. It's always a pleasure to meet a fan.

- "Who are you?"
- "I don't want an autograph."
- "You look familiar..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who are you?"]

Well-dressed Man: ...Don't you have a television? Are you living in the stone
ages? ...How barbaric!
[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't want an autograph."]

Well-dressed Man: Oh, don't be silly... Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You look familiar..."]

Well-dressed Man: *sigh* Yes, it's so very difficult being famous... I can't
hardly go anywhere without being recognized.

[Scroll down to continue]


Well-dressed Man: I'm sure you've seen the home-shopping program called
"Tanaka's Amazing Commodities"...
Well-dressed Man: Allow me to introduce myself...

> The well-dressed man handed you a business card.

> It says "President & Executive Producer Tanaka."

President Tanaka: That's right! I'm Tanaka. Surely you've heard the name.
President Tanaka: I'm afraid I cannot return the 40,000 yen you gave me, but
I've autographed my business card for you.
President Tanaka: Hold on to that... It'll be worth a pretty penny. Tootaloo.

> As Tanaka turned and walked away, his fake smile melted into a look of

President Tanaka: That little brat... Doesn't he realize he's in the presence
of a star!?
President Tanaka: I should have charged him extra for a private autograph

> You hear President Tanaka muttering to himself...

- Say something to him
- Ignore him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Say something to him]

President Tanaka: Huh!? Wh-What do you want!? Quit distracting me! Shoo,shoo!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Ignore him]

President Tanaka: ...Hey! G-Go away! You're making me nervous! Shoo, shoo!

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: ...D-did you overhear me talking to myself?

President Tanaka: You'll forget it ever happened if you know what's good for
you. I belong to a powerful talent agency.
President Tanaka: I'm practically a celebrity. I have an image to maintain...
President Tanaka: Don't even think about telling someone "He took my money"
or "He called me a little brat"! Capiche!?

- "I get it."
- "Quiche?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I get it."]

President Tanaka: ...Honesty won't get you anywhere in life. You'd best learn
that now, kid.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: Very funny. You may be cute, but you're no comedian.

[Scroll down to continue]


> President Tanaka's forehead is beading with sweat.

President Tanaka: ...Silly me! I've let you in on my secret, haven't I?

Tee hee hee.
President Tanaka: Don't tell anyone, okay!?
President Tanaka: Please! I'll lick your shoes clean if you want me to!

- "Alright."
- "I don't care."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: S-Seriously? You promise? I'll make you swallow a thousand
needles if you're lying!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't care."]

President Tanaka: Th-That means you won't tell anyone, right? Promise? I'll
make you swallow a thousand needles if you're lying!

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: A verbal agreement is considered a contract, and I'll sue

your pants off if your breach ours!
President Tanaka: I've got your adorable little face etched into my memory.

> He seems to have taken an interest in you.

> You've been acquainted with President Tanaka, the Executive Producer of a
TV shopping program.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

President Tanaka: You're a diamond in the rough, my boy. All you need is a
little polishing, and you'll sparkle.
President Tanaka: I usually take my breaks here. I'd be happy to mold your
young mind whenever you wish.

> After saying goodbye to President Tanaka, you decided to go back to the

<>>-----[Devil Level 2 Skit][DSL02]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: My schedule is so packed I don't even have time to breathe.

I don't usually deal with your average Joe, you know.
President Tanaka: You should be glad that you're such a handsome boy.
President Tanaka: Alright, let's add a new word to our vocabulary today.
Repeat after me!
President Tanaka: "Placebo"! The stress is on the middle syllable.

- "Placebo."
- "......"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: Splendid! It's so charming how you say it!

> President Tanaka seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: I love those smoldering eyes of yours! You'll never succeed
in life without skepticism!

> President Tanaka seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: A placebo is a "pretend" pill. Basically it's medicine to

ease your mind.
President Tanaka: Elminate those unsightly lovehandles without lifting a
President Tanaka: It's a miracle breakthrough that will make you feel
President Tanaka: Enjoy a relaxing drive while taking in the beautiful
President Tanaka: Our incredible supplement will help you get the most out of
President Tanaka: These are part of our unique line of products.

- "Wow!"
- "Is that legal?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: ..."Wow"? You're that impressed by our imaginary

President Tanaka: I-I suppose they are rather spectacular...

> President Tanaka seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is that legal?"]

President Tanaka: Oh yes, of course. I'm free to sell them as I please!

> President Tanaka seems impressed with himself.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: We may not be providing tangible benefits, but we do provide

peace of mind.
President Tanaka: People will pay handsomely for that, you know.
President Tanaka: Take emergency supplies, for example... People feel safe
just because they have them.
President Tanaka: But, it's merely a false sense of security.
President Tanaka: ...That's it for today's lesson. You can pay me back when
you make your first million.

> You receive somewhat questionable advice from President Tanaka.

> You feel like you understand him better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: Have you been keeping your promise? You didn't tell anyone,
did you?
President Tanaka: If you go back on your word, I'll upload your picture to
an internet dating site for former prison inmates!

> President Tanaka left.

<>>-----[Devil Level 3 Skit][DSL03]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Today, I'll tell you a funny story...

President Tanaka: You know, these days, even a first grader knows how to buy
stocks online.
President Tanaka: How about you? ARe you interested in stock trading?

- "Maybe a little."
- "Not really."
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Maybe a little."]

President Tanaka: That's the spirit!

President Tanaka: If you put all your money in the bank, your modest gains
will be offset by outrageous fees!
President Tanaka: Don't let the fear of bankruptcy dissuade you!
President Tanaka: You have to be aggressive in the management of your assests!

> President Tanaka seems excited.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

President Tanaka: What a pity.... The stock market is the future of

President Tanaka: Or, are you just hedging your bets? You're a shrewd
investor, my boy.

> President Tanaka seems impressed.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: My company just went public.

President Tanaka: Since our sales have been skyrocketing, we decided to sell
shares. And guess what...?
President Tanaka: The number of shareholders skyrocketed too.
President Tanaka: Listen, this is the funny part... The majority of our
shareholders are also our customers!
President Tanaka: They keep buying more of our products, so of course the
stock will rise!
President Tanaka: ...Isn't that hysterical? You should learn to appreciate
the irony.
President Tanaka: I'm thinking of offering you a job, so you should come up
with some stories of your own.

> You listen to President Tanaka passionately share his advice.

> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: Have you been keeping your promise? You didn't tell anyone,
did you?
President Tanaka: If you go back on your word, I'll find where you live and
ring the doorbell every night at midnight!

> President Tanaka left.

<>>-----[Devil Level 4 Skit][DSL04]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Today's lesson is called "The smaller the dog, the louder
its bark!"
President Tanaka: Have you every wondered what it would be like to be able to
see through people's bathing suits at the beach?

- "I sure have!"
- "Why, is it possible?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I sure have!"]

President Tanaka: My, I've never seen you this enthusiastic before.
President Tanaka: Perhaps consumers would be persuaded by someone so
forthright. We could position you as "the boy next door."

> President Tanaka seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Why, is it possible?"]

President Tanaka: Oops... I forgot. You're underage.

> President Tanaka seems a little worried.

President Tanaka: If you're curious, go ask one of your friends. But not a
girl, unless you want to get slapped.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: Our company has introduced a special filter for digital
President Tanaka: Simply attach it to your camera and voila! Start peeping!
President Tanaka: We've been advertising it in adult magazines. Our ad slogan
is "Undress them with your camera eye."
President Tanaka: It's been selling like hotcakes! In fact, it's our number
one seller!
President Tanaka: Unfortunately, customers have been complaining that it
doesn't work.
President Tanaka: I told my employees to just ignore them. Nowhere does it
guarantee that you'll be able to see anything.
President Tanaka: And it's not like anyone would actually admit they brought
President Tanaka: ...By the way, try to cut back on the donuts and cupcakes.
I have an idea for an ad campaign...
President Tanaka: Women would go crazy over a handsome young man in his
briefs! I think you'd be perfect for the job!

> You feel like President Tanaka is counting on you.

> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: Have you been keeping your promise? You didn't tell anyone,
did you?
President Tanaka: If you go back on your word, I'll paste a picture of your
head on the most hideous body I can find!

> President Tanaka left.

<>>-----[Devil Level 5 Skit][DSL05]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Um, today we'll talk about--

President Tanaka: ...Oh, dear me... I-I just can't concentrate. I get so
worked up when I picture his face!

- "What happened?"
- "Who're you talking about?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What happened?"]

President Tanaka: He did it! He betrayed me! I won't sleep a wink tonight!

> President Tanaka seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who're you talking about?"]

President Tanaka: ...One of my employees. I suppose I should have seen it


> President Tanaka seems to have calmed down.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: There was a young man who was working for me...
President Tanaka: He was a good kid who graduated from a well-known
President Tanaka: But this month, he wasn't able to meet his sales quota, so
I docked his pay.
President Tanaka: After that, his self-confidence went down the drain.
President Tanaka: ...Then, he just stopped coming to work.

- "I feel sorry for him."
- "What happened to him?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I feel sorry for him."]

President Tanaka: What are you talking about!? You should feel sorry for me!

> President Tanaka seems angry.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What happened to him?"]

President Tanaka: He probably locked himself inside his room. I don't care.
> President Tanaka seems unconcerned.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: I just mailed him a dismissal notice, C.O.D.

President Tanaka: It's his fault that the company is in the red this month!
President Tanaka: All that money I wasted on training him...
President Tanaka: It makes me sick just thinking about it... Uhh...

- "Is it always about money?"
- "How bad is it?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Is it always about money?"]

President Tanaka: Of course! I love money.

President Tanaka: Money won't betray me like he did.

> President Tanaka seems very passionate about money.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How bad is it?"]

President Tanaka: Well, he only worked for me for two years, so at least I
won't have to provide a pension...
President Tanaka: ...Oh mercy me, I better not talk about it, or else I might

> President Tanaka seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: It's difficult growing up with no money...

President Tanaka: When you can't even afford shoes for PE class! Going
barefoot in the gym during winter can be a tortue!
President Tanaka: I've been thinking... How would you like to model
exclusively for my company?
President Tanaka: Your innocent appearance would be perfect for camouflaging
the ugly realities of business!
President Tanaka: ...Think about it, will you? You won't ever have to worry
about being able to buy shoes for PE.

> You sense that President Tanaka has strong feelings for you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: Oopsies, I better get back to work. I have to re-evaluate

the budget...
President Tanaka: If I decide to hire someone new, it'll cost a fortune to
train them.

> President Tanaka left, talking to himself.

<>>-----[Devil Level 6 Skit][DSL06]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Recently, my alumni association organized a class reunion.

- "Sounds fun."
- "Sounds like a hassle."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sounds fun."]

President Tanaka: I had a splendid time! I still laugh thinking about it.

> President Tanaka seems cheerful.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sounds like a hassle."]

President Tanaka: Indeed it was. I had to pay for transportation, membership

renewal, and of course my hotel room.

> President Tanaka seems disgusted.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: I doubt you'd understand how I feel, since you're still
young, but...
President Tanaka: A high school reunion is a very important event...
President Tanaka: It's the perfect opportunity to show everyone else how
pathetic their lives turned out.
President Tanaka: For example, I ran into a classmate who used to make fun of
me for only having rice in my bento...
President Tanaka: ...and another fellow who once strung up my holey socks on
the flagpole.
President Tanaka: Now, they both look at me with envy. Their annual salary
doesn't even compare to my monthly income!
President Tanaka: My business is on a roll, and my private life is also very
President Tanaka: Let me take you under my wing, as our exclusive model. It's
a once in a lifetime opportunity.
President Tanaka: Don't think I would extend this offer to just anyone.

> You sense that President Tanaka has strong feelings for you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: By the way, remember that 40,000 yen you gave me? I think
we can call it even...
President Tanaka: My time is worth at least a hundred thousand yen per hour!
President Tanaka: Think of all the free advice I've given you!

> President Tanaka left with a grin on his face.

<>>-----[Devil Level 7 Skit][DSL07]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Before I enlighten you today...

President Tanaka: you notice anything different about me?

- "Like what?"
- "Sort of..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Like what?"]

President Tanaka: ...Are you blind!?

> President Tanaka seems offended.

President Tanaka: I had an appointment at the spa for facial peel... Isn't my
skin simply radiant now?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sort of..."]

President Tanaka: Oh! Then, you can tell!?

> President Tanaka seems happy.

President Tanaka: I had my hair revitalized... Doesn't it look healthier now?

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: I'm afraid it's all part of the job; I have my fans to think
President Tanaka: At home, I'm completely the opposite. I dress like a slob
and only shower once every three days.
President Tanaka: Let me give you an analogy...

> President Tanaka seems to be thinking.

President Tanaka: ...Vegetables! Perfect!

President Tanaka: Imagine an organically grown cucumber that looks deformed...
President Tanaka: Compare that to a cucumber that looks perfect, but was grown
using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
President Tanaka: Which one do you think the supermarket would stock?

- "The organic one."
- "The one that looks good."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The organic one."]

President Tanaka: ...Wouldn't that be delightful?

> President Tanaka seems amused.

President Tanaka: In an ideal world, they'd offer safe and delicious

vegetables regardless of their appearance...
President Tanaka: But in reality, supermarkets line the shelves with the
prettiest cucumbers.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["The one that looks good."]

President Tanaka: That's the simple truth...

> President Tanaka seems to be thinking.

President Tanaka: Awkward-shaped cucumbers are difficult to stack, so stores

prefer nice straight ones.
President Tanaka: Taste and safety are not really considered. Instead, they
carry cucumbers that even mold won't eat.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: So, why do consumers still buy these cucumbers when they
know the truth?
President Tanaka: Simple. People trust what they see. Appearance matters most.
President Tanaka: That's why, as much as I hate spending money, I buy
expensive ties to win people's trust...
President Tanaka: Wait! You remember what I just said...?
President Tanaka: About me dressing like a slob and not showering everyday...
President Tanaka: Don't tell ANYONE! I can't afford to have people start
believing I'm ordinary!
President Tanaka: ...I only said it because it was you. You're the only one
who knows...

> You sense that President Tanaka has strong feelings for you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: Just a reminder: don't tell anyone. If you break your
President Tanaka: ...Well, I guess I can trust you. Run along, now...

> You said goodbye to President Tanaka.

<>>-----[Devil Level 8 Skit][DSL08]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: I'm used to being accosted by people, but recently I had an
interesting encounter...
President Tanaka: It was with a young man not much older than you. Guess what
he said...
President Tanaka: He said, "Thank you."
- "Are you sure?"
- "Oh, really?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you sure?"]

President Tanaka: I was just as surprised as you, so I asked him to repeat

President Tanaka: But sure enough, that's what he said. I was shocked someone
would actually thank me for selling fake products.

> President Tanaka seems amused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, really?"]

President Tanaka: I don't mean to sound like a prick, but I could care less
what our customers think.

> President Tanaka seems a bit cocky.

President Tanaka: ...After all, we don't even sell real products.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: But then, he told me he quit his part time job and was going
to study to become a public prosecutor.
President Tanaka: He wants to punish businessmen like me for bending the
President Tanaka: He said I was an example of a negative role model. As if!
President Tanaka: Maybe I'm overracting, but what if he does become a public
prosecutor and puts me behind bars?
President Tanaka: Lord knows what they would do to me in prison!
President Tanaka: ...Would you still come visit me if I was in the slammer?

> President Tanaka seems upset.

> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: ...I want the shareholders to know about this.

President Tanaka: Apparently, kids these days aren't as naive as we thought...

> President Tanaka left.

<>>-----[Devil Level 9 Skit][DSL09]----------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: The other day, a woman came to my office asking for a
President Tanaka: She was a kind of girl that men dream of--drop dead
President Tanaka: But, no matter how attractive she was, I was repulsed by
her dedication to charity work.

- "Are you going to donate?"
- "You're not going to donate?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you going to donate?"]

President Tanaka: Of course not! I hate the very word!

> President Tanaka seems offended.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're not going to donate?"]

President Tanaka: ...Well if I say no, the tabloids will tear me to shreds.

> President Tanaka seems annoyed.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: Why should I have to give my hard-earned money to a bunch of

President Tanaka: I pulled myself up out of squalor to get where I am today!
President Tanaka: In fact, I've earned the right to laugh at those who used to
laugh at me!
President Tanaka: That's what I had always dreamt of. But to tell you the
truth, now I have too much money.
President Tanaka: Profits are booming, but I'm so busy I don't have time to
spend a dime...
President Tanaka: Maybe I should train someone to take my place.
President Tanaka: I could teach them my business philosophy and help them
master my management techniques...
President Tanaka: I could create a carbon copy of me!
President Tanaka: It would probably cost me a fortune, but if it works, then
I could sit back and relax in my massage chair!
President Tanaka: How 'bout it? Want to become my successor? I'll even let
you join the Tanaka family...
President Tanaka: ...Just kidding. People would think I'm a weirdo if I
adopted a boy as old as you...

> Despite his odd sense of humor, you sense President Tanaka's strong
feelings towards you.
> You feel like you understand him a little better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

President Tanaka: "Donate for the sake of the less unfortunate," eh?

> President Tanaka left.

<>>-----[Devil Level 10 Skit][DSL10]---------------------------------------<<>

President Tanaka: Perfect timing. I'm actually waiting for the volunteer I
told you about...
President Tanaka: I've decided to make a donation.
President Tanaka: Oh, there she is...
President Tanaka: See? Isn't she gorgeous?

- "Absolutely..."
- "Not really."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


President Tanaka: I knew you'd agree. You can't hide your attraction, you
little devil, you!

> President Tanaka seems excited.

President Tanaka: Few men can say "no" to a woman like that.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not really."]

President Tanaka: You're too young. You're still immune to her secret

> President Tanaka seems a little disappointed.

President Tanaka: A woman like that usually has men on their knees.

[Scroll down to continue]


President Tanaka: She's raising money to help orphans in foreign countries.

President Tanaka: I don't look at it as a donation so much as an investment.
Let me explain...
President Tanaka: Children who learn to cope with adversity are more likely to
become rich and famous, like me.
President Tanaka: I'm thinking of donating 10 million yen. Not a corporate
donation, but a private one.
President Tanaka: When I told them over the phone, they sent me this.

> President Tanaka handed you a thank-you letter.

President Tanaka: I received it the very next day. Now, I can't back out...
President Tanaka: 10 million yen is nothing to me, though.
President Tanaka: Once those children grow up and become successful, I'll
introduce myself to them.
President Tanaka: I'll say, "I'm the one who made all this possible!" Then,
I'll be well taken care of in my old age!
President Tanaka: This idea probably would not have occurred to me if it
wasn't for our conversations...
President Tanaka: By talking to you, I seem to have developed an interest in
watching others mature...
President Tanaka: I thank you for that. Actually, I should be thanking
myself... for wisely noticing this.

> Despite his self-flattery, you sense President Tanaka's true appreciation.
> You feel like you fully understand him now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Devil Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Devil Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hat finally matured.
Devil Card: The innermost power of the Devil Arcana hath been set free.
Devil Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Beelzebub, the ultimate
form of the Devil Arcana...

> The Businessman Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Businessman Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

President Tanaka: ...You can keep that letter.

President Tanaka: I worked myself to the bone to earn that money, and all I
get in return is a piece of paper?

> Obtained Thank-you Letter.

President Tanaka: ...Excuse us. We need some time alone to talk about adult
President Tanaka: Oh, by the way...
President Tanaka: I've decided to pass on the exclusive modeling contract we
President Tanaka: Unfortunately, I got swept up by your enthusiasm and may
have given you the wrong impression...
President Tanaka: Anyway, stop hanging around middle-aged men like me and find
what truly makes you happy.
President Tanaka: Tootaloo, my dear boy... May you find success one day.

> President Tanaka sent you on your way with some kind words and a thank-you

<>>=====[Tower Social Link][TSL]===========================================<<>

Mutatsu is a monk who's wife and son have seperated themselves from him. As
you hang out with him more and more, he decides to search for them and start
his life all over again. He thanks you for changing him and leaves.

Author's Notes:
You must advance far enough in the [Strength Social Link] to be able to
establish this S-Link. Mutatsu is the only Social Link avaliable at night.

<>>-----[Tower Level 1 Skit][TSL01]----------------------------------------<<>

> You told the monk that you ordered some brandy.
> That must have impressed him, because he started talking with you...

Monk: You look awfully young, kid. You still in high school?
Monk: What're the employees here thinkin', lettin' you in...?
Monk: Well, since ya got me a drink, I'll pretend I'm your parent so ya don't
get thrown outta here.
Monk: ...Well? C'mon, kid, sit down. Havin' to look up at ya is strainin' my
Monk: So, you wanted to see where adults spend their time, eh?
Yuko: Well, don't worry, in two or three more years you'll be old enough to
hang out here unsupervised.
Monk: Just take it easy, kid. You'll be legal before ya know it. No need to
Monk: Actin' like an adult only makes ya look more like a kid.
Monk: Heh... I guess that sounds funny comin' from an alcohol-drinkin',
cigar-smokin' monk, eh?

- "Does alcohol taste good?"
- "What's a cigar taste like?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Does alcohol taste good?"]

Monk: Some say it does...

Monk: I just drink to get drunk. It makes me feel good.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's a cigar taste like?"]

Monk: ...Like leaves. It may sound funny, but I can't describe it any other
Monk: I just smoke cuz it clears my head.


Monk: You seem to be optimistic about the future...

Monk: Well, don't get your hopes up too high, kid. That way you won't be
disappointed when things don't work out.
Monk: Cuz then you'll hafta smoke and drink just to get through the day...
Monk: You're nothin' like those punks I see runnin' 'round town these days.
Can't say the same for my son, though, heh...
Monk: ...Always bein' taken in by the police for questioning...
Monk: ...I'm gonna remember your face, kid. And next time you come in here,
I'm gonna have you thrown out. Got it?

> You became acquainted with the monk.

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing then thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

> You are getting sleepy...

Monk: Well, when you've had your fill, go home... and don't come back.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 2 Skit][TSL02]----------------------------------------<<>

Monk: Hey, I remember you...

Monk: I told you not to come back here... Hmph, kids...
Monk: Well, I don't care as long as you don't get on my nerves. Here, take a
Monk: ...So, what're you doin' here, kid?

- "I came to see you, old man."
- "None of your business."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I came to see you, old man."]

Monk: ...You jokin', kid? Heh, that's a good one.

> The monk is taken aback.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["None of your business."]

Monk: Ha, you're absolutely right! It isn't any of my business!

> The monk seems amused.


Monk: But watch your mouth, kid. You shouldn't by sayin' somethin' like that
to an adult...
Monk: If you were my son, I'd give you a swift kick in the ass.
Monk: You don't have to revere me, but at least show me some respect.

- "I'm sorry, um..."
- "Show respect? How?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm sorry, um..."]

Monk: Mutatsu. ...That's my Buddhist name, of course.

> Mutatsu seems to be proud of his name.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Show respect? How?"]

Monk: Hmph, you're not too bright are ya, kid?

> The monk seems a little annoyed.

Monk: If you're gonna address me, call me by my Buddhist name, Mutatsu.


Mutatsu: And don't forget to put "san" at the end.

Mutatsu: The world's not a forgiving place, kid. You gotta show other people

> Mutatsu lectured you...

> You felt kindness behind his harsh words.
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!
> You are getting sleepy...

Mutatsu: Well, I don't really care what happens to somebody else's kid, but...
Mutatsu: ...just go home, alright? And don't ever come back here.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 3 Skit][TSL03]----------------------------------------<<>
Mutatsu: I thought your face looked familiar... You here again, kid?
Mutatsu: Even Buddha's not that forgiving. Alright, that's it. I'm gonna hand
you over to the bouncer and...
Mutatsu: ...Well, there's no Buddha in this world, so... Alright, kid. Stop
lookin' at me like that and sit down.
Mutatsu: ...So tell me, is it fun pesterin' an old monk like me who's own wife
and kid left him?
Mutatsu: ...How come you're always alone when I see ya? Don'tcha got any
friends, kid?

- "I can't say I don't."
- "I don't have any friends."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I can't say I don't."]

Mutatsu: What the hell's that supposed to mean? Either ya do or ya don't.

Can't ya gimme a straight answer?

> Mutatsu seems a little upset.

Mutatsu: What's a "friend" to you, anyway? Where do you draw the line between
"friend" and "not friend"?

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't have any friends."]

Mutatsu: Either ya like being alone, or ya got problems... In any case, well
said. No hesitations whatsoever... heheh...

> Mutatsu seems amused.

Mutatsu: Don't worry if ya don't have any friends. Most of life's troubles
have to do with others.


Mutatsu: ...Let's define a "friend" as... someone you hold dear.

Mutatsu: True friendship is seen through the heart, kid, not the eyes...
Mutatsu: People always want somethin' in a relationship. They only really
love themselves.
Mutatsu: You don't call someone who doesn't like you your friend, do ya? No,
you don't...
Mutatsu: ...cuz you know you won't get nothin' from him, right?
Mutatsu: Which means, in this world, there's no one you can hold dear.
Mutatsu: At the end of the lonely road of love, kid, you're the only one left
standin' there.
Mutatsu: But, you see those dames over there, the ones on the dance floor?
Mutatsu: If you can bring one of 'em over here, I'll be your friend in return.
Eh? Whaddya think?

> Mutatsu seems to trust you.

> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!
> You are getting sleepy...
Mutatsu: ...Too tired to go talk to 'em, eh? Heh, you look like you're gonna
doze off any second now.
Mutatsu: Go home for now, kid. You're gonna come back again anyway, even if I
tell you not to, right?

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 4 Skit][TSL04]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: I was just thinkin' you might show up... and here you are.
Mutatsu: Hey, don't get me wrong, kid. It's not like I was lookin' forward to
seein' ya or anything.
Mutatsu: What's the deal with your hair, kid?
Mutatsu: Is that what's in style nowadays? Doesn't it get in your eyes?
Mutatsu: ...My son kept his hair long too.
Mutatsu: You should cut it. No, better yet, shave it all off... smooth like

- "Yeah, that might look cool."
- "Hm, well, I, uh..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, that might look cool."]

Mutatsu: Hmph, you don't get it, kid.

> Mutatsu seems amused.

Mutatsu: I'm not talkin' about fashion here; I'm sayin' you'd be better off
without your hair.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hm, well, I, uh..."]

Mutatsu: Well? You will? You won't? Which is it?

> Mutatsu is upset.

Mutatsu: What, you're not givin' me a clear answer cuz I'm bald? Well, don't
worry about hurtin' my feelings, kid.


Mutatsu: Oh, sure, you're young and good-lookin' now, but just wait...
Mutatsu: I mean, look at me. I'm old and ugly... My cheeks sag like a damn
Mutatsu: ...That's life, kid. People get old. Someday you'll be just like
Mutatsu: You'll look in the mirror and think...
Mutatsu: Damn, I was handsome back in the day...
Mutatsu: Here's a little trick so you don't lose hope in the future.
Mutatsu: ...Just don't expect nothin'. Simple, eh? And that way you won't
ever be disappointed.
Mutatsu: You're gonna lose your hair eventually, kid, so why bother with it
Mutatsu: Bald is beautiful. You just wake up in the mornin' and go. No fuss.
Mutatsu: I can even give you money for the shave.

> You saw through Mutatsu's harsh words and felt his kindness.
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!
> You are getting sleepy...

Mutatsu: What, is all my talkin' puttin' you to sleep?

Mutatsu: Well, ya can't sleep here, kid. Go home.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 5 Skit][TSL05]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: You're late. I was just about to leave.

Mutatsu: I'm always here... It's my "home away from home," heh...
Mutatsu: ...Hey, are you alright, kid? You know, money-wise?
Mutatsu: High school kids don't have much money, do they? At least, I never
gave much to my son.

- "I have enough."
- "I can't say I'm alright."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I have enough."]

Mutatsu: Is that right...? Hmph, I guess you kids have ways to make money

> Mutatsu seems impressed.

Mutatsu: You're not doing anything illegal, though, are ya, kid? ...Not that I

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I can't say I'm alright."]

Mutatsu: ...What the hell kinda answer is that? What're they teachin' you kids
at school these days?

> Mutatsu seems disappointed.

Mutatsu: Your roundabout away of talkin' gets on my nerves. Just say "yes" or


Mutatsu: ...Now, gimme a straight answer...

Mutatsu: Is there anything you want right now?

- "Yes."
- "No."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mutatsu: Hmph, I should've guessed.

> Mutatsu has a bitter smile on his face.

Mutatsu: Materialistic desire can lead to aspiration, but still...

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mutatsu: Hmph, don't tell me you've attained enlightenment at your age.

> Mutatsu is impressed.

Mutatsu: When I was a young man, I never had enough money to buy the things I


Mutatsu: When you get to by my age... Hmph, never mind.

Mutatsu: You work to make money so you can have a better life, but to make
enough money you gotta work all the time...
Mutatsu: ...So you never get to enjoy that better life you're working so hard
to have.
Mutatsu: ...Quite a paradox, isn't it?
Mutatsu: ...Do you know what the average lifetime income of a white-collar
worker is?
Mutatsu: ...Including a retirement fund and an annual pension?
Mutatsu: 250,000,000 yen! Hmph, that's not even close to a lottery jackpot!
Mutatsu: Thanks to me, you learned somethin' new today, eh, kid?
Mutatsu: Now, don't waste your life workin' all the time tryin' to get rich;
just take life as it comes.

> You saw through Mutatsu's harsh words and felt his kindness...
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!
> You are getting sleepy...

Mutatsu: I worked my ass off for a lousy 250,000,000 yen! And for what!?
Mutatsu: I wish I could buy back all the time I lost...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 6 Skit][TSL06]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: ...Oh, it's you...

Mutatsu: Hey, can ya help me out, kid...? I don't feel so good...
Mutatsu: Dammit... I can't believe I let this happen...
Mutatsu: Ugh... I'm in bad shape...

- "Are you alright?"
- "You should go home."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you alright?"]

Mutatsu: I just told you I'm in bad shape, didn't I!? Don't piss me off, kid.
It makes my headache worse.

> Mutatsu became angry at you.

Mutatsu: I'm not gonna repeat myself.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should go home."]

Mutatsu: Yeah, you're right, kid... I should go home and sleep...

> Mutatsu agreed with you.

Mutatsu: But, even if I go home...


Mutatsu: I completely forgot I have a memorial service to conduct... Reciting

the Heart Sutra with a hangover... ugh...
Mutatsu: Before, no matter how much I drank, all I needed was a cold shower to
snap outta it. Guess I'm gettin' old, heh...
Mutatsu: It's times like these I wish I didn't live alone...

- "You live by yourself?"
- "What about the others?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You live by yourself?"]

Mutatsu: You act like you don't care about me, kid, but you sure ask a lotta
personal questions.
Mutatsu: I got all these gaudy rings on now, but I used to wear a wedding
ring, ya know.

> Mutatsu seems down.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What about the others?"]

Mutatsu: Others? Heh, you mean other monks?

Mutatsu: My temple's small, and I don't depend on nobody but myself. So, I'm
the only one there.

> Mutatsu has a bitter smile on his face.


Mutatsu: ...If ya think about it, livin' alone's probably the best thing a
person could do...
Mutatsu: You don't hafta wait for someone else to get outta the bathroom when
ya need to go. My son took forever in there.
Mutatsu: ...Yeah, livin' alone is the way to achieve peace and serenity!
Mutatsu: ...All things visible are bound to change and disappear...
Mutatsu: All things in this world are not singular. They're all smaller parts
of a bigger picture.
Mutatsu: And yet, they're all different from each other. All things in this
world are unique.
Mutatsu: To put it simply...
Mutatsu: No matter how hard you try to live your life right, someone else can
always mess it up.
Mutatsu: All things are unique, yet they are not singular...
Mutatsu: Maybe you've messed up my life a bit, too. Heheh...

> You saw through Mutatsu's harsh words and felt his kindness...
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!
> You are getting sleepy...

Mutatsu: I-I'm going home, kid... My head's killin' me.

Mutatsu: Oh, yeah, about the memorial service...
Mutatsu: The kid was only 19... a random murder victim. What a harsh world we
live in...
Mutatsu: You be careful on your way home, okay, kid?

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 7 Skit][TSL07]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: ...Oh, there you are.

Mutatsu: I'm feelin' down today, kid. So listen to what this old monk has to
say, will ya?
Mutatsu: ...Those folks downstairs, they're probably around your age, eh?
Mutatsu: It looks like they're havin' fun drinkin' and dancin', don't it?
Mutatsu: But, if you look closely, their eyes say otherwise.
Mutatsu: I bet they come here to relieve stress. But, I wonder if anyone of
'em are actually enjoying themselves...
Mutatsu: Stress won't go away unless you take care of its source. ...You can
forget about it, but it'll always come back.
Mutatsu: This place is more like a refuge for me than a club.
Mutatsu: If those kids really wanna relax, we should switch the music to the
Heart Sutra, and...
Mutatsu: ...Hey! There's a microphone over there. Bring it over, kid! I'll
perform a live sutra reading.

- "Uh, that's okay."
- "I don't think you should."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Uh, that's okay."]

Mutatsu: Whaddya mean? Are ya with me, or against me, kid?

> Mutatsu became upset all of a sudden.

Mutatsu: Don't just talk to talk, kid; get to the point.

Mutatsu: ...Eh, forget it! I don't feel like doing it anymore.
Mutatsu: ...And it's too late to apologize, kid.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't think you should."]

Mutatsu: ...Don't underestimate me, kid. My reading of the Heart Sutra will
change your life!

> Mutatsu seems like he's having fun.

Mutatsu: But, I guess you're right. This place is too small to recite it


Mutatsu: I have a son... He's about the same age as those kids down there.
Mutatsu: He'll be 21 this year... if he's still alive, that is.

> Perhaps because he was thinking about his son...

> felt an almost fatherly concern from Mutatsu.
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!

Mutatsu: You think it's okay to leave the future of this country in their
Mutatsu: Well, it's not like I've got high hopes for the future anyways...
Mutatsu: All things are unique, yet not singular.
Mutatsu: ...Oh, sorry, kid. I'm done talkin'.
Mutatsu: Go home before it gets too late, alright? ...I'll see you later.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Tower Level 8 Skit][TSL08]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: ...Ohhh, you're laaate... *hic* Whaaashup, kid?

> Mutatsu's breath smells of alcohol...

> He must have been drinking a lot.

Mutatsu: Don't you think ish... *hic* rude to maaake shum'one wait?
Mutatsu: Didn't Dad tell you not to do that, ehhh?

- "Dad?"
- "No, this is the first time."
- "......"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mutatsu: Eh...? Dad? *hic* Did you jush call me Dad?

> Mutatsu seems happy.

Mutatsu: You alwaysh call me an ol' bashtard... But, *hic* you're all nishe
whenever ya need shum money...

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, this is the first time."]

Mutatsu: ...Huh? *hic* Ish it...?

Mutatsu: Ohhh, thash riiight... Heheh...

> Mutatsu seems amused.

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mutatsu: ...Well, *hic* I guessh I can't ecshpect much from a kid your age...

> Mutatsu seems disappointed.


Mutatsu: I thoguht you go in an acshident or shumthin'...

Mutatsu: *hic* Don't make me worry like that.
Mutatsu: What the hell were ya doin' thish late!?

- "I was with a friend."
- "I was studying."
- "None of your business."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I was with a friend."]

Mutatsu: A friend, huh? *hic* It's a girl, isn't it?

Mutatsu: Hmph, like father, like son, I guess...

> Mutatsu seems pleased.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I was studying."]

Mutatsu: Shtudyin'!? What, you wanna go to college sho you can work at a big
Mutatsu: Well, don't bother... Even if you busht your assh and make a lotta
money, it won't get you nowhere.
Mutatsu: Don'tcha remember what you and Mom did to me...?

> Mutatsu seems sad.

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["None of your business."]

Mutatsu: W-Well, thash true... *hic* It's none of my businessh...

> Mutatsu seems impressed.

Mutatsu: *hic* But, watch your mouth! *hic* Who the hell do you think raished


Mutatsu: Uh... Hmm...? YOU...?

> It seems Mutatsu is sobering up.

Mutatsu: Damn... All this time, I thought you were... I guess my eyesight is
getting bad, after all...

> Mutatsu seems worried about you.

> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!

Mutatsu: ...Spending my time with clients... missing anniversaries and

Mutatsu: I wonder if they felt the same way I did, as I waited for you

- "Who's 'they'?"
- "What're you talking about?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who's 'they'?"]

Mutatsu: My wife and my son...

Mutatsu: It's been four years since they left...

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What're you talking about?"]

Mutatsu: Before I became a monk... I was a plain ol' businessman, with a wife
and a son.
Mutatsu: But, they both left me... four years ago...


Mutatsu: I used to stay out past midnight: and when I got home, my wife and I
would get into a big argument...
Mutatsu: ...Now when I go home, I don't know what to do with myself, so I just
come here and drink every night.

- "You wanna see your family?"
- "Are you running away?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You wanna see your family?"]

Mutatsu: O-Of course not! They left me! Didn't ya hear a word I said!?

> Mutatsu became angry with you.

Mutatsu: Besides... even if I go see 'em, what would I say to 'em...?

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you running away?"]

Mutatsu: ...Yeah, you're absolutely right. I shaved my head, but it's only for

> Mutatsu is laughing sheepishly.

Mutatsu: I get drunk to avoid facing my problems... So, yeah, I guess you
could say I'm runnin' away.


Mutatsu: ...She hasn't called me or sent me a letter since then. She must've
gotten over me.
Mutatsu: Who knows where they are... or if they even wanna see me...
Mutatsu: ...Aw, forget it. It's too much of a hassle, anyway.
Mutatsu: Alright, kid, let's get outta here.

> You left the club with Mutatsu.

<>>-----[Tower Level 9 Skit][TSL09]----------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: Hey... sorry about, you know...

Mutatsu: ...Let's just forget about it, alright?
Mutatsu: Anyway, I'm sober today...
Mutatsu: just sit down and listen to what this old monk has to say.
Mutatsu: All I gotta do is look all serious and recite the sutras, and I can
make easy money...
Mutatsu: At least, that's what I thought. So I begged to take over my parents'
Mutatsu: But, every day is the anniversary of someone's death!
Mutatsu: I'm workin' 24/7, as if my temple was a convenience store...

- "Take a break."
- "Poor men know no leisure."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Take a break."]

Mutatsu: Hmph, I wish I could...

> Mutatsu is smiling bitterly.

Mutatsu: But I have a strong sense of responsibility. I can't say no to

someone who needs my service.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Poor men know ne leisure."]

Mutatsu: ...That's only half true, kid. Sure, I've got no time for leisure,
but I'm definitely not poor.

> Mutatsu seems pleased.

Mutatsu: It varies, of course, but an offering can sometimes be as much as a

salary man's year-end bonus.


Mutatsu: ...But, as you can see, I'm too busy.

Mutatsu: I gotta push this old body of mine to the limit.
Mutatsu: Maybe I should think of somethin' else to do with my life. I can't
keep this up for much longer...
Mutatsu: I've been drinkin' too much lately... makin' a fool of myself like I
did the other day. *sigh*

- "Hang in there."
- "Time to retire?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hang in there."]

Mutatsu: I know you're just tryin' to make me feel better, but... thanks.
> Mutatsu seems happy.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Time to retire?"]

Mutatsu: Yeah, maybe you're right. A person should know when enough's enough.

> Mutatsu is forcing a smile.


Mutatsu: ...Oh, how about this...

> Mutatsu is thinking...

Mutatsu: We never filed for divorce, and since I own the temple, we could all
live there.
Mutatsu: I think it's a pretty good idea. I could retire and enjoy life for
Mutatsu: Whaddya think?

- "What're you talking about?"
- "I don't really care."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What're you talking about?"]

Mutatsu: Oh, um... well...

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't really care."]

Mutatsu: Hey, c'mon, kid. I really put a lotta thought into this...


> Mutatsu seems embarrassed.

Mutatsu: I'm thinking about asking them to come back... you know, my wife...
and my son.
Mutatsu: First, I gotta find out where they are. I'll hire a detective. I
don't care how much it costs.
Mutatsu: And when I see 'em, first thing I'm gonna do is tell 'em I'm sorry...
from the bottom of my heart.
Mutatsu: I'm gonna be concentratin' on this, so... I probably won't be seein'
ya anytime soon...
Mutatsu: I-I've had enough of dealing with a punk like you, anyways! G-Good

> Despite his harsh words, Mutatsu sounds like he's going to miss you...
> You understand Mutatsu better now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a
Persona of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!

Mutatsu: If I knew I was gonna end up this way, I never woulda become a
monk... heh...
Mutatsu: Oh well, I guess I'll go to a detective agency tomorrow...
Mutatsu: Alright, let's get going, kid.

> You left the club with Mutatsu.

<>>-----[Tower Level 10 Skit][TSL10]---------------------------------------<<>

Mutatsu: ...Maybe this is divine guidance.

Mutatsu: ...The detective called me and said he found my wife and son...
Mutatsu: He said they're runnin' a small restaurant. I guess it's pretty
Mutatsu: My son's married, and his wife's pregnant... That makes me feel so
Mutatsu: I decided I'd leave after I saw you. So... I'll be goin' tonight.
Mutatsu: ...I won't be back until they've forgiven me.
Mutatsu: I'll get down on my knees if I hafta. And if my son wants to sock me
in the face, well, that's fine too.
Mutatsu: I-I've been thinkin' about what I'm gonna say to my wife... even
though I'm not so good with words...
Mutatsu: I'm gonna say, "I wanna recite the sutras with you by my side, for
the rest of my life."
Mutatsu: ...Well? How's that sound?

- "Awesome!"
- "Not that good..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Mutatsu: Aw, c'mon, kid. You're embarrassin' me.

> Mutatsu has an embarrassed smile on his face.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not that good..."]

Mutatsu: You don't know nothin'! She's gonna burst into tears when she hears

> Mutatsu seems to be having fun.


Mutatsu: Even though I'm a monk. I'm still attached to my family... I guess
I'm a "worldly" monk, eh?
Mutatsu: But, I finally faced the fact that I was drinkin' to hide my true
Mutatsu: I feel so free now.
Mutatsu: ...Tch, it's all your fault, kid.
Mutatsu: You reminded me of my son.
Mutatsu: Maybe Buddha sent you to help me... I gotta admit, I believe in fate.
Mutatsu: If I hadn't met you, I'd never have seen my family ever again.
Mutatsu: I owe ya, kid...

> Mutatsu thanked you from the bottom of his heart...

> You feel like you fully understand him now.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Tower Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Tower Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Tower Card: The innermost power of the Tower Arcana hath been set free.
Tower Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Chi You, the ultimate
form of the Tower Arcana...

> The Unusual Monk Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Unusual Monk Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Mutatsu: Here, take this... It's a goodbye gift.

> Obtained Reserve Tag.

Mutatsu: ...When you mix Cointreau with white rum, lemon juice, and ice...
Mutatsu: get a cocktail called "XYZ."
Mutatsu: Movies and manga often use the initials "XYZ" to symbolize the end of
Mutatsu: But, I think of XYZ as the best.
Mutatsu: ...Plus, it tastes sooo good goin' down.
Mutatsu: I'll be prayin' that your future is XYZ...
Mutatsu: ...So long, kid.

> You watched Mutatsu walk away with his head held high...
> You carried the Reserve Tag back to the dorm.

<>>=====[Star Social Link][SRSL]===========================================<<>

Though Mamoru is a successful athlete, his family is poor. When his mother
collapses from stress, he decides to stop going to school and get a job to
help his family out. He thanks you for hanging out with him and leaves.

Author's Notes:There will be various parts in the dialogue with the [Sport]
tag inserted. Same as the [Strength Social Link], replace with either
Swimming, Track, or Kendo.

<>>-----[Star Level 1 Skit][SRSL01]----------------------------------------<<>

Mamoru Hayase: *munch munch* *gulp*

> Mamoru is eating takoyaki at an extremely fast pace.

> This seems like a good opportunity for an eating competition.
> What is your eating strategy?

- Swallow the takoyaki whole
- Eat it before it cools

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Swallow the takoyaki whole]

Mamoru Hayase: Th-That's the lightning swallow technique! Daunting, but quick!
Mamoru Hayase: *gulp* *gulp* Yum! *gulp*

> Mamoru began to forego chewing as well!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Eat it before it cools]

Mamoru Hayase: Th-That's the technique of the burning tongue! Simple, but
Mamoru Hayase: *munch munch* Oh ouch... *gulp*

> Mamoru also beings shoveling hot food down his throat.

[Scroll down to continue]


> You and Mamoru finished your meals at the same time.

Mamoru Hayase: Whew... Looks like a tie.

Mamoru Hayase: I'm impressed, Minato! Not many people can match my speed.

- "I thought I could win."
- "I expected to lose, actually."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I thought I could win."]

Mamoru Hayase: Is that so... Well, I wasn't really trying my hardest anyway.

> Mamoru seems impressed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I expected to lose, actually."]

Mamoru Hayase: I thought I might lose, too... Whew, I am a little off my game

> Mamoru seems relieved.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru Hayase: You had a lot of guts challenging me at takoyaki, though... I'm
Mamoru Hayase: You have a lot of potential.

> Mamoru recognized your potential.

> Star Athlete Mamoru Hayase has become an acquaintance.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Mamoru Hayase: In my opinion, a tie might as well be a loss, you know?

Mamoru Hayase: As promised, I'm going to start my laps around the city. You
can do whatever you think is best.
Mamoru Hayase: You put up a good fight today! See you around.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 2 Skit][SRSL02]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> You ate ramen with Mamoru.

Mamoru: Man this is good stuff... If I had the money, I'd get some for Mom.
Mamoru: ...Hey, Minato. Can you keep today a secret? That I had ramen, I mean.

- "A secret from who?"
- "Yeah, no problem."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["A secret from who?"]

Mamoru: Y'know, my trainer, the coach... They all decide what I can or can't
Mamoru: It's not fair! Normal people get to eat whatever they want. But, if
that's what I have to do to win, then...

> Mamoru seems confused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, no problem."]

Mamoru: Thanks.

> Mamoru is pleased.

Mamoru: Y'know, my trainer, the coach... They all decide what I can or can't
Mamoru: It's not fair! Normal people get to eat whatever they want. But, if
that's what I have to do to win, then...

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru Hayase: By the way, who do you consider to be your biggest rival?

- "Probably you, Mamoru."
- "Myself, really."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Probably you, Mamoru."]

Mamoru: You're pretty good, but it's a little early to say that.

> Mamoru is grinning.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Myself, really."]

Mamoru: ...Hey, that's deep.

Mamoru: I guess when you get down to it, we're all our own worst enemies,
right? You know it!

> Mamoru seems to agree with you.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mamoru is pondering something.

Mamoru: There isn't really anyone left who I want to compete with...
Mamoru: The other guys in the club can't even keep up with me.
Mamoru: I guess what I'm looking for is a good challenge.
Mamoru: Hey, you should put more effort into the SPORT Team! We can both work
together to reach our full potential.
Mamoru: I have this feeling we can drive each other to the limit!

> Mamoru recognizes your potential.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: We'll probably see each other in between training sessions... Later!

> After saying goodbye to Mamoru, you decided to head back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 3 Skit][SRSL03]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Beef Bowl Shop...

Mamoru: Alright, this time I'm going all out and ordering extra beef!

> You and Mamoru ate beef bowls together.

Mamoru: You get a lot for your money here... It's been a long time since I
was able to spring for extra beef.
Mamoru: ...Think maybe I should buy some for them too?

- "For your classmates?"
- "Who do you mean?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["For your classmates?"]

Mamoru: No, I meant my siblings. ...I have four of them.

> Mamoru seemed to be thinking of something fondly.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Who do you mean?"]

Mamoru: My siblings, I mean. I've got four of 'em!

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

Mamoru: Our apartment's pretty small, though, so we have to pack 'em deep.
Ha ha.

- "Sounds like fun."
- "That must be tough."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sounds like fun."]

Mamoru: Yeah, there's never a dull moment! Ha ha.

Mamoru: You wanna come over sometime? Might be fun, as long as the floor
doesn't collapse!

> Mamoru is chatting happily.

Mamoru: But y'know, back then it was a lot more--

> Mamoru fell silent.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That must be tough."]

Mamoru: Ha ha, yeah. You wouldn't believe how hot it gets over the summer.

> Contrary to his words, Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: You probably don't know this, but my father died five years ago...
Mamoru: I guess his car fell off a cliff.
Mamoru: I'm not fishing for sympathy or anything. I just thought you should

> Mamoru told you about his family situation.

> It seems like it's still troubling him.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: Oops, running late! I think the pre-school is going to be letting out
Mamoru: See ya later, Minato.

> Mamoru jogged off.

> It was getting dark, so you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 4 Skit][SRSL04]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

> You and Mamoru ate takoyaki together.
Mamoru: Ha ha.

> Mamoru is shoveling takoyaki into his mouth.

Mamoru: *munch* *gulp* yum...

Mamoru: Oh man... just a few more.

- "What are you doing?"
- "Enjoy your food."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you doing?"]

Mamoru: Uh, well... this is kind of just what I do. I like to eat pretty fast.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Enjoy your food."]

Mamoru: Um, oh sorry... I tend to eat kind of fast I guess. It's a bad habit.

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mamoru seems embarrassed.

Mamoru: When I'm with my siblings, they just polish off the side dishes.
Mamoru: That was pretty fast compared to my record.
Mamoru: Anyways, Minato...
Mamoru: I think I'm gonna enter the regional meet.
Mamoru: There's going to be a coach there from a big athletic college.
Mamoru: You know what that means? If I do well enough, I might get a
scholarship nod.

- "Sounds like a good plan."
- "...Yeah, and?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["sounds like a good plan."]

Mamoru: I know, right? Then I don't have to quit the SPORT Team...

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...Yeah, and?"]

Mamoru: Dude, are you serious!? It's a recommendation!

> Mamoru seemed shocked by your reaction.

> Mamoru fell silent.

Mamoru: I get it... You go to Gekkoukan. I guess a rich kid wouldn't


[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I had pretty much given up on going to college.

Mamoru: We really didn't have the money.
Mamoru: So then I hear about the chance at a scholarship... Do you see now
why it's such a big deal?
Mamoru: If I win, I might be able to go to college after all!
Mamoru: I bet my mother would be really relieved.

- "How would I know?"
- "Yeah, I bet she would be."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How would I know?"]

Mamoru: Wow... You really don't get where I'm coming from, do you?
Mamoru: I guess you just can't understand poor families like mine.

> Mamoru seems anxious.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I bet she would be."]

Mamoru: Yeah, you're right. I feel more relaxed when we're talking like this.

> Mamoru is happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I really wish my dad was still alive.

Mamoru: If he was still around, my siblings wouldn't have to worry about
whether or not they'd get to eat every day.
Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: Well, complaining isn't going to accomplish anything. I'll just have
to hope for that recommendation.

> Mamoru is giving his future serious consideration.

> Mamoru expressed his concerns.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: Whoops! The sale on chicken is almost up, and I'm supposed to cook
Mamoru: Later.

> Mamoru rushed to the supermarket.

> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 5 Skit][SRSL05]----------------------------------------<<>
> Iwatodai strip mall, Beef Bowl Shop...
> Mamoru hasn't shown up yet.
> ......

Mamoru: *pant* *pant* Sorry I kept you waiting... *gasp*

- "You're late."
- "Are you okay?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're late."]

Mamoru: *gasp* ...I'm sorry.

> Mamoru seems exhausted.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you okay?"]

Mamoru: *pant* Yeah, just... *gasp* need more training.

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: *pant* Let's go in, yeah? I'm thirsty!

> You enjoyed a beef bowl with Mamoru.

Mamoru: Meals taste better with two people.

Mamoru: I used to come here a lot with my teammates, but...

- "So what happened?"
- "We should come here again."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So what happened?"]

Mamoru: They wouldn't come now, even if I invited them.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["We should come here again."]

Mamoru: Ha ha. You're the only one who says that anymore.

> Mamoru seems happy.

Mamoru: They wouldn't come now, even if I invited them.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I don't really get along with people who don't take the club
Mamoru: It jacks up practice, you know? It's a lack of concentration.

> Mamoru seems a little sad.

> Mamoru seems to be pondering something intently.

Mamoru: I used to love it there, you know? I spent all my time practicing in
[Sport] Team...
Mamoru: Everyone else in SPORT Team and I always had so much fun.
Mamoru: ...But that doesn't matter. They can't understand what I'm going
Mamoru: I'll just have to surpass them. ...Get even better than I am now.

> You can sense Mamoru is passionate about his club.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: Sorry... that was a weird conversation.

Mamoru: I think I'll power-walk the whole way home.
Mamoru: Don't let yourself get lazy now!

> Mamoru began power-walking home...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 6 Skit][SRSL06]----------------------------------------<<>

> Paulownia Mall, Power Records...

> You've waited a while for Mamour, but he's still not here.
> what would you like to do?

- Look around for Mamoru
- Stay and wait a bit longer

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Look around for Mamoru]

> You couldn't find Mamoru...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Stay and wait a bit longer]

> ......
> ......
> Mamoru still isn't here...

[Scroll down to continue]


> What would you like to do?

- Kill some time
- Keep waiting for him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Kill some time]

> Mamoru still isn't here...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Keep waiting for him]

> ......
> ......
> Mamoru still isn't here...

[Scroll down to continue]


> What would you like to do?


- Wait just a bit longer

- Leave

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

[Cellphone rings]

Mamoru: Hey Minato, you there?

Mamoru: sorry man, I don't think I can meet up with you today.

- "Did something come up?"
- "Hey, no problem."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Did something come up?"]

Mamoru: I'm sorry...

> His voice is completely devoid of energy.

Mamoru: Actually, my mom passed out.

Mamoru: I'm at the hospital right now.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hey, no problem."]

Mamoru: I just feel bad, since I'm the one who asked you to hang out...

> Mamoru seems relieved.

Mamoru: But actually, my mother passed out...

Mamoru: We're at the hospital now.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I guess she fainted from exhaustion, since she works from morning
through the night...
Mamoru: ...This is my fault!
Mamoru: But it's true! Look at all the trouble I cause her...

> Mamoru seems upset.

Mamoru: ...What!?
Mamoru: Hey, it's my mother... she's going to leave because we can't afford
the doctor's fee.
Mamoru: Dammit! Why can't I do anything!?
Mamoru: ...Look, I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean to cause even more
Mamoru: But, at least you answered your phone.
Mamoru: Talking kinda helped. A little.

> Something tragic happened to Mamoru's mother.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: I gotta get back to her room, so I'll talk to you later.

> You turned off the phone.

> It's getting dark out, so you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 7 Skit][SRSL07]----------------------------------------<<>

> Naganaki Shrine...

Mamoru: Thanks for coming down here...

- "What happened?"
- "I don't mind."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What happened?"]

Mamoru: Well, I just wanted somewhere quiet to talk with you.

> Mamoru seemed apologetic.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't mind."]

Mamoru: I needed to speak with you someplace quiet...

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I just left from the hospital.

Mamoru: I still have to pick my sister up from preschool, go shopping, cook
dinner, do the laundry...
Mamoru: I've got so much I have to do.

- "Yeah, that's tough."
- "What's with the complaints?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, that's tough."]

Mamoru: It sure is, but I can handle it.

> Mamoru seems spirited.

Mamoru: This is the kind of stuff Mom had to do every single day.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What's with the complaints?"]

Mamoru: Oh don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle!

> Mamoru seems spirited.

Mamoru: My mom had to do just as much every day before...

[Scroll down to continue]


> Mamoru seems distant.

Mamoru: I'm gonna have to skip out on SPORT Team. Just don't have the time.
Mamoru: Even with the scholarship, I don't think we can afford college.
Mamoru: I mean, what about living expenses? My family can't even pay their
Mamoru: Just like Dad, now Mom can't earn any money either...
Mamoru: ...I'm gonna have to support them.
Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: I don't have any choice but to give up on SPORT Team...
Mamoru: Damn! I wish Dad were still alive!

- "You can't do much about it."
- "Well do something about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You can't do much about it."]

Mamoru: Yeah, I guess, but still... I wanted to challenge you one last time.

> Mamoru seems regretful.

Mamoru: I enjoyed SPORT Team because I got to compete with people.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Well do something about it."]

Mamoru: I can't help it! There's nothing I can do...

> Mamoru seems pretty upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: ...Is it really gonna end like this?

- "You should just accept it."
- "Don't give up!"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should just accept it."]

Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: I've come too far to give up now!

> Mamoru clenched his fists.

> Mamoru is pondering something.

Mamoru: I'm going to compete. Even if it's for the last time I win, I still
want to win.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Don't give up!"]

Mamoru: You're right... I've come too far to give up now!

> Mamoru seems in good spirits.

> Mamoru is pondering something.

Mamoru: I'm going to take part in the meet!

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I devoted a lot of my life to SPORT Team.

Mamoru: I'm going to take all that experience, apply what I learned, and
achieve victory!
Mamoru: I'm glad we could talk. I feel a lot better about things now.
Mamoru: Thanks to you, I have a goal to aim for.
Mamoru: Thanks, man!

> You helped Mamoru figure things out.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: Oops... Don't want to keep my sister waiting! See ya.

> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 8 Skit][SRSL08]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, takoyaki stand "Octopia"...

> You and Mamoru ate takoyaki together.

Mamoru: ...Th-This is sooo good!

Mamoru: Think I should bring some home? ...Wait. I don't have any more money.

- "You should get some more."
- "I could spot you a few bills."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should get some more."]

Mamoru: I'll do it! I hate being the only one who gets to eat.

> Mamoru seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I could spot you a few bills."]

Mamoru: Nah, that's fine. I still have a little bit left. Hopefully enough.

> Mamoru rejected your offer.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: Oh, by the way, about my mom...

Mamoru: She gets to come home from the hospital soon!
Mamoru: ...Hopefully I can help her a bit more, since I finally got the hang
of taking care of everyone.
Mamoru: Guess what--my clubmates said they'd help me take care of stuff!
Mamoru: One of 'em offered to pick up my sis from preschool.
Mamoru: Everybody's been worried about me.
Mamoru: ...I mean, I thought I was the only one who cared, and I ended up
ignoring everyone else there.
Mamoru: ...And after all that, it was probably my fault nobody seemed focused
on winning.

- "That's right."
- "Don't worry about it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's right."]

Mamoru: Ha ha. Man, you don't let up even for a second, do you?

> Mamoru seems amused.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["Don't worry about it."]

Mamoru: Ha ha. Believe it or not, that is kind of a relief.

> Mamoru seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I feel better about everything, now that I know how people really feel
about the club and everything.
Mamoru: This is just great. I mean, I already totally loved it.
Mamoru: Oops, guess I kind of started rambling there...
Mamoru: I gotta run. Later, Minato.
Mamoru: And don't forget...
Mamoru: I can focus on training again cuz you've got my back! So thanks,

> Mamoru seems to feel better about things now.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

> Mamoru jogged off.

> You decided to get back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Star Level 9 Skit][SRSL09]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> You and Mamoru ate ramen together.

Mamoru: So, the big meet was yesterday.

- "And you won?"
- "...And you lost?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["And you won?"]

Mamoru: What kind of question is that?

> Mamoru has an enormous grin.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...And you lost?"]

Mamoru: Aw, who do you think you're talking to?

> Mamoru has an enormous grin.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: I got first place, of course!

- Act surprised
- Do a victory celebration

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Act surprised]

Mamoru: ...Why are you surprised? Don't you believe me?

> Mamoru seems a little upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Do a victory celebration]

Mamoru: Aw geez, who do you think I am? ...Well anyway, thanks.

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: This means my sports career might be over for real.

Mamoru: ...Makes me feel a little empty, you know?

- "So what's next for you?"
- "Then, play a different game."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["So what's next for you?"]

Mamoru: I'm thinking of finding a job, actually.

> Mamoru's in good spirits.

Mamoru: I'm going to earn enough money to support my family. I think that's
my responsibility now...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Then, play a different game."]

Mamoru: Nah, I told you I didn't have any regrets. Plus, there's something I
need to do.

> Mamoru's in good spirits.

Mamoru: I'm going to earn enough money to support my family. I think that's
my responsibility now...
Mamoru: So, I'm going to get a job.

[Scroll down to continue]

Mamoru: ...Got one picked out and everything! My father had connections at a
car factory, so I'll apply there.

> Mamoru became silent.

Mamoru: Thing is, it's pretty far away.

Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: Order extra noodles. Go on, it's on me.

- Thank him for his generosity
- Politely decline his offer

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Thank him for his generosity]

Mamoru: Go on! Eat as much as you want!

> Mamoru seems happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Politely decline his offer]

Mamoru: Ha ha. Don't worry about it; I knew you'd refuse when I asked you.

> Mamoru seems a little worried.

[Scroll down to continue]


Mamoru: You helped me realize a lot of stuff, y'know?

Mamoru: I always blamed school or my family for everything. I didn't want to
face the fact that I was responsible...
Mamoru: I really lucked out, y'know? If we hadn't met, I'd still be a jerk.
Mamoru: I won't forget you.

> Mamoru told you about his decision to move and find a job.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Star Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Mamoru: Well, I have to go get started packing. Can't keep putting it off.
Mamoru: We should grab a bite again after school soon. Who knows how many
chances we're gonna have after this.
Mamoru: ...Ramen's too good to pass up, right?

> You and Mamoru talked until the sun went down.

<>>-----[Star Level 10 Skit][SRSL10]---------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> You and Mamoru ate ramen together.
Mamoru: Hey... Glad we could meet up one more time before I take off.

- "Take off?"
- "Oh, are you moving soon?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Take off?"]

Mamoru: Don't you remember from last time? I'm getting a job.

> Mamoru seems disappointed.

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, are you moving soon?"]

Mamoru: You figured it out! Yeah, I'm leaving right after this.

> Mamoru seems pleased.


Mamoru: The factory is way out west, so I'm going to move into a dorm there.
Mamoru: My mother started crying, and she kinda blamed herself...
Mamoru: But I want to support them.
Mamoru: This is a new beginning in my life.
Mamoru: It won't be easy to leave this ramen, though. ...Best in town.
Mamoru: Hey, I gotta go.

- See Mamoru off
- Stop Mamoru from leaving

[Either choice results in the same dialogue]

Mamoru: ...Well, this is goodbye.

> You decided to see Mamoru off.

> Iwatodai Station...

Mamoru: Hey, Minato. You can have this.

> Mamoru took out a car key.

Mamoru: It's my father's key. I've been keeping it for good luck.
Mamoru: Sometimes I get pretty pissed... that he's not around anymore.
Mamoru: My life wouldn't have had to be so complicated, y'know?
Mamoru: I could've enjoyed SPORT Team more... Could have been a normal kid.
Mamoru: But blaming Dad like that, it's just another way to run away from my
Mamoru: I want you to keep this.
Mamoru: I don't want to risk coming to rely on it again.
Mamoru: As long as you have the key, I'll be able to stand on my own feet.
Mamoru: So, next time we meet, I can still be proud of myself.

> Mamoru gave you Car Key.

Mamoru: ......
Mamoru: Thanks, Minato.

> Mamoru appreciated your friendship.

> You gained a lifelong friend.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Star Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Star Card: The bon thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Star Card: The innermost power of the Star Arcana hath been set free.
Star card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Lucifer, the ultimate
form of the Star Arcana...

> The Rival Athlete Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Rival Athlete Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Mamoru: Later.

> You and Mamoru shared a firm handshake.

<>>=====[Moon Social Link][MNSL]===========================================<<>

Nozomi is a chubby student in Gekkoukan. You learn that his young brother
unexpectedly died a few years ago. Nozomi feels that he needs to replace his
brother and joined a cult. After unsuccessfully trying to "scam" other people
out of their money for the cult, Nozomi realizes that he should just live the
way he wants and not to live like his brother would have been.

Author's Notes:
You must have advanced far enough in the [Magician Social Link] to establish
this S-Link. Nozomi is located in the Paulownia Mall.

<>>-----[Moon Level 1 Skit][MNSL01]----------------------------------------<<>

Chubby Kid: We go to the same school, right? I can tell from your uniform.
Chubby Kid: ...Umm, I'm kind of embarrassed to say this to you first thing,
Chubby Kid: Would you mind not standing so close to me? It's cause you're so
thin and cool.
Chubby Kid: If people start thinking we're best friends or something, I'm
going to end as "the uncool one."

Middle-aged Man: Yeah, I thought your voice sounded familiar...

Middle-aged Man: You know what I'm here for. Hand it over.

Chubby Kid: Wh-Whoa... It-It's you...

Chubby Kid: H-H-Help! Uh, emergency!
Chubby Kid: H-Hey y-y-you, call the fire truck... er, I mean the... the...

- "Call the police?"
- "......"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Call the police?"]

Chubby Kid: Yes! Right! We think the same way!

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Chubby Kid: Whoa, hey... I thought we were buddies, weren't we? C'mon, pal...
[Scroll down to continue]


Middle-aged Man: ...Pipe down. I don't wany anyone getting suspicious.

Middle-aged Man: Look, I have to go take care of some business, but you're...
Nozomi Suemitsu, aren't you? Yeah, thought so...
Middle-aged Man: You're going to have to reconsider. I really can't let this
one slide.

Chubby Kid: Well that was something... Normally I would stand up to guys like
him, but I'm trying to be passive nowadays.
Chubby Kid: My name is Nozomi Suemitsu!

Nozomi Suemitsu: By the way, about what I said before... Maybe it's not so bad
having you stand in front of me.

> Nozomi seems to have warmed up to you.

> You became acquainted with Nozomi Suemitsu, the Gourmet King.
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Nozomi Suemitsu: All that arguing made me hungry. My stomach is definitely not
Nozomi Suemitsu: You want to tag along? Do you know who I am?
Nozomi Suemitsu: I cam called... the Gourmet King!
Nozomi Suemitsu: That's right, it's my little nickname. I'm Gourmet King
2009... Or, was it 2010? Eh, whatever.
Nozomi Suemitsu: I know all the best places for-- uh... wha?

> Nozomi's stomach is growling loudly.

Nozomi Suemitsu: That... sounds like a tummy emergency.

Nozomi Suemitsu: This is gonna be too expensive. I'll have to treat you
another time! Don't worry, I'll remember!

> Nozomi ran off.

> It was getting dark, so you returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 2 Skit][MNSL02]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, Beef Bowl Shop...

Nozomi: You ahve a pretty good appetite. You even kept up with me... *burp*
Nozomi: You must be one of those people with an extreme metabolism.
Nozomi: Sometimes I run into people who think they can take my title of
Gourmet King. ...They're jealous.
Nozomi: Remember that middle-aged man who I scared off that one time? I'm
pretty sure he was an assassin, of sorts...
Nozomi: They think they understand how I got this far, but they're wrong. The
sooner they accept that, the better for them.
Nozomi: Because of your courageous appetite, I will declare you as a supporter
of the Gourmet King.
Nozomi: This is something history places upon you, so you aren't allowed to

> You've gained Nozomi's trust.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 2!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: Your name's Minato, right? I think you're a year younger than me.
Nozomi: ...It kind of feels like I have a younger brother now.
Nozomi: So, how 'bout it? Do you want to have me as a big brother?

- "Sure, okay."
- "...Not exactly."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Sure, okay."]

Nozomi: There is a bit of resemblance, but alas, it's not to be. We'll have to
remain friends.

> Nozomi is observing you carefully.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["...Not exactly."]

Nozomi: Of course, we might share a similarity or two, but it's pretty obvious
we could never be related! Heh...

> Nozomi seems a little upset.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: ...Isn't it always this way? I get my mind working, and it just makes
me hungrier.
Nozomi: I just finished that beef bowl, but I'm already aching for more...

> Nozomi is still hungry.

Nozomi: ...Think I should keep eating? It'd be staying true to myself, and
that's good, right?
Nozomi: Maybe I'll get even more hungry if I walk backward. That works
sometimes, right?
Nozomi: You're coming too, right Minato? You have to, you're one of my
Nozomi: By the way, I made up this backwards walking thing, so don't steal it.

> You tagged along with Nozomi on the quest for another beef bowl.
> You said goodbye after the second meal and returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 3 Skit][MNSL03]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> The restaurant is filled with that distinct fishy smell.
> Time passed by as you ate delicious ramen.

Nozomi: ...Is that enough appetizers?

Nozomi: Yes, waiter! Two bowls of the usual today! ...And as always, make sure
one of 'em is extra large!

> Nozomi quickly flashed something in his pocket to the owner.

> The two bowls you were eating have been replaced by two new ones.

Nozomi: These are Dan Dan Dan Noodles. That's three dan's, always. Once you go
dan, you don't go back again.
Nozomi: This is the crown jewel of Hagakure's secret hidden menu.
Nozomi: I've always considered this lightly flavored spicy miso soup a
microcosm of the miracle of creation...

> The taste eradicated your cares.

Nozomi: You gotta know the secret menu, right? I don't know how they expect
people to find out about it, though...
Nozomi: ...Oh well, no point in thinking about it. What's important is that
all the best stuff is hidden from normal people.
Nozomi: ...Don't forget to keep that other bowl you took, waiter. I want to
take that soup home with me.
Nozomi: You and I are the only two people who know his sublime taste
Nozomi: ...Don't forget to blow on the noodles to cool them off.

> Nozomi seems to be displaying kindness.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 3!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: This has been a privilege, cause you got to learn a lot about me.
Nozomi: This wouldn't be possible if we were brothers, because the Gourmet
King's brother cannot be the Gourmet King.
Nozomi: So, do you "get me?" Who would you say I was...?

- "You're Nozomi."
- "You are the Gourmet King!"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're Nozomi."]

Nozomi: Uh, yeah... I guess that's true. But, I've always considered myself
something more than just a name.

> Nozomi seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You are the Gourmet King!"]

Nozomi: Ohh, you didn't have to say that. I'm generally shy... Want some of my
egg? I ate part of it, but it's still okay.

> Nozomi seems very happy.

[Scroll down to continue]

Nozomi: Oh no! I'd better start eating it before the noodle texture goes to
hell! Okay, no more talking...
Nozomi: ...By the way, waiter! I want to save the soup in that bowl you took!
Get me a take-out container!

> After finishing up your ramen with Nozomi, you returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 4 Skit][MNSL04]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, restaurant...

> You spent some time with Nozomi, eating the hours away.

Nozomi: ...So I had some melonpan, and then a tonkatsu sandwich or two...
Nozomi: ...then a turkey sandwich, a bag of chips, and half a BLT, but...
Nozomi: I gotta have my rice!
Nozomi: Hmm... Think that's t-too many carbs? *urp* It pays to watch what you
Nozomi: Today, a girl in my class asked about "that handsome guy you were
eating with."
Nozomi: ...I guess she wanted me to introduce you two so you could eat lunch
with her. ...and without me...
Nozomi: I guess you are like my little brother. ...The type of guy who gets
all the girls, am I right?
Nozomi: Well once we're dead, we're all just bones. You can tell a handsome
skeleton from an ugly one.
Nozomi: Ugh! Whenever I worry about that stuff, it gets my appetite going.
Nozomi: Hey waiter, how about one more tonkatsu special!
Nozomi: Did you know I'm a poet? Here, I'll write a senryu poem before the
food gets here...

Nozomi: Pork is yummy,

But in the sun,
I fried too.

Nozomi: ...*burp* st-stomach emergency!

[Nozomi runs off]

Nozomi: ...Talk about a close call. I almost didn't get there in time...

> Nozomi looks pale.

- "Did you eat too much?"
- "Oh, are you sick?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Did you eat too much?"]

Nozomi: Hey, I thought I already told you... I'm the Gourmet King. My stomach
is different than normal people's.

> Nozomi seems surprised.

Nozomi: As far as I knew, I had a seperate stomach for fried foods... This is
quite a shock.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, are you sick?"]

Nozomi: No, I'm fine, no worries...

> Nozomi seems pleased.

Nozomi: I guess I'm normal after all. Everything except my weight, that is.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: ...That was probably more than you needed to know, huh! I'm normally
not this rude...
Nozomi: Sorry, it won't happen again. I just wasn't thinking.

> Nozomi seems comfortable around you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 4!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: But now, back to eating!

Nozomi: You can't eat once you're dead, so I always say it's best to take
every chance you get!
Nozomi: Heh, just like my little brother!

> After finishing your meal with Nozomi, you decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 5 Skit][MNSL05]----------------------------------------<<>

Nozomi: Hurry Minato! I'm dying from hunger!

Middle-aged Man: ...Yeah, I'd recognize that shrill voice anywhere.

Middle-aged Man: You might consider not talking so loud. I could pick you out
of a lineup if I were blind...
Middle-aged Man: I don't have as much time to waste as you high school kids,
so let's try to keep this short.
Middle-aged Man: My son gave you some money that was supposed to pay for his
Middle-aged Man: I'm tired of this whole situation, so let's resolve it and
forget anything ever happened, okay?

Nozomi: S-Sir, I think there's been a misunderstanding here.

Nozomi: Your son was hiding in the pack because he hates that tutor.
Nozomi: That's why I showed him the way. You should be thanking me for saving
him, if you ask me.
Nozomi: Right, Minato?

- "Yeah, that's right."
- "......"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, that's right."]

Nozomi: See? Minato thinks so too!

> Nozomi seems satisfied.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Nozomi: S-See? Minato thinks so too! ...In his heart, I bet.

> Nozomi seems nervous.

[Scroll down to continue]


Middle-aged Man: You seem pretty calm today; what's wrong?

Middle-aged Man: Why don't you cower behind your friend there like last time?

Nozomi: You see, the reason you didn't know how your son was feeling is
because you don't truly understand.
Nozomi: But don't take my word for it, Minato will back me up on this one.

> Nozomi seems to trust you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: Look, I'm willing to forgive you. But, you'll never enter Paradise.
Nozomi: People like my brother, who died, or nonbelievers like you are
forbidden from that sacred place.

Middle-aged Man: Talking to you gives me a headache.

Middle-aged Man: My son is only in elementary school, and yet I'm shocked you
were able to take his money.
Middle-aged Man: Your parents have my sympathy.
Middle-aged Man: There's a lot I would have to reconsider if my son were as
snowed by this cult as you seem to be.

Nozomi: Wh-What did you just infer!? I am not stupid, Sir.

Nozomi: You're no different than everyone else. You think I should have died
instead of my brother, don't you!?
Nozomi: Well I didn't. And, I'm not as smart or as nice as him, either, so
just deal with it.

> Nozomi seems pissed.

Middle-aged Man: Damn, kid... You have some problems.

Middle-aged Man: If you won't just own up to what you did, I'm just wasting
my time. There are plenty of ways to resolve this.
Middle-aged Man: ...You better be careful, kid. Hang around tubbo for too long
and he'll try scamming you, too.
Middle-aged Man: What you do is up to you, but I'm just glad I got to my son
before it was too late.
Middle-aged Man: Best of luck...

Nozomi: I don't need to put up with your allegations! Don't come back!
Nozomi: We won! We fought that guy off... You're a good friend, and I respect
Nozomi: ...That encounter reminded me of how hungry I am. C'mon, let's find
something to eat!
> After eating with Nozomi, you returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 6 Skit][MNSL06]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...

> The familiar fish smell fills the restaurant.
> You and Nozomi ate to pass the time.

Nozomi:, eight, nine...

Nozomi: Crap! I must have counted wrong before. I'm one person short.
Nozomi: Well they can't make a fool out of me...
Nozomi: I'm not going to lose to my brother again!

> Nozomi began eating with abandon.

Nozomi: *burp* Hold on... I think--

Nozomi: ...Uggh. Whoooaa!

[Nozomi runs off]

Nozomi: ...Ever see that movie where the thing comes outta the guy's chest?
Nozomi: ...C'mon, Minato! It's your job to laugh at the Gourmet King's dumb
jokes! Ho ho!
Nozomi: I don't get it. I felt fine up until just a minute ago...

- "Does this happen often?"
- "Ate too much, huh?"
- "Are you feeling sick?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Does this happen often?"]

Nozomi: Yeah, it seems like every once in a while my body wants to... uh...
"rewind" the meal on me.

> Nozomi seems oddly content.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Ate too much, huh?"]

Nozomi: My personal dictionary does not have entries for "overeating" or


> Nozomi seems upset.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Are you feeling sick?"]

Nozomi: What are you getting at? I'm every bit as healthy as you. You think
just cause I'm fat that I'm "sick"?

> Nozomi seems proud.

[Scroll down to continue]

Nozomi: Don't you worry about me. I consider things like this trials, that's
Nozomi: You have to undergo certain hardships if you're to become worthy to
enter the Paradise...
Nozomi: ...Would you consider, uh... trying to enter the Paradise too?

> Nozomi seems comfortable around you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: Gack... Noodles don't taste so great after a "rewind," do they?

Nozomi: I'll have to tell you all about the Paradise next time!
Nozomi: As for today, why don't we focus on the ramen blessed upon us.
Nozomi: In fact, I think a big bowl of porridge might do me good. Waiter!
How about some of your finest?

> You decided to return to the dorm after your meal with Nozomi.

<>>-----[Moon Level 7 Skit][MNSL07]----------------------------------------<<>

> Iwatodai strip mall, hamburger shop "Wild-duck Burger"...

Nozomi: Okay, I'll tell you something, but I want you to keep it a secret,
okay? ...And don't freak out.
Nozomi: This world is going to end soon. All of humanity will be wiped off
the face of the planet.
Nozomi: ...But don't worry! We'll be recreating it. There will be a new land
called Paradise.
Nozomi: Hope that wasn't too freaky...

- "I'm going to freak out."
- "...So?"
- "Wiped off the face of...!?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm going to freak out."]

Nozomi: Well don't wet your pants or anything; I'm trying to eat a hamburger

> You upset Nozomi.

Nozomi: ...Well I can forgive you. I was scared at first too.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Nozomi: Wow, Minato. I'm impressed.

> Nozomi seems pleased.

Nozomi: Don't let this get around, but when I found out about this, I had to
change my pants afterward.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Wiped off the face of...!?"]

Nozomi: Shhhhh! Minato! Keep it down!

> Nozomi seems to be enjoying this.

Nozomi: I told you it was a SECRET! We can't risk starting a panic...

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: In Paradise, people all have wings and perfect figures... and they
smell like flowers.
Nozomi: I... I can finally reincarnate into a worthwhile body!
Nozomi: I don't want you to get stuck at the end of the world...
Nozomi: That'd suck, right? So come with me to Paradise. It's easy.
Nozomi: Don't do it because you're obligated to the Gourmet King, alright?
Do it because w-we're friends...

> Nozomi is more willing to open up.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: So okay, how about this...

Nozomi: I think we can waive the initiation fee and just do scripture and the
products for about 132,000 yen. How's that?
Nozomi: I know it's a good deal. We're having a salvation clearance right now.

- "That's ridiculous."
- "I'm not paying for that."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's ridiculous."]

Nozomi: Yeah!? Not as ridiculous as your sinful line of thinking!

> Nozomi seems agitated.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'm not paying for that."]

Nozomi: Y-You... Do you have any idea what you're s-saying!?

> Nozomi isn't pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: I only wanted to share eternal happiness with you because I care about
your soul!
Nozomi: You're lucky, cause I'm still gonna go apologize to God for you.

> Nozomi left, still holding his hamburger.

> You returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 8 Skit][MNSL08]----------------------------------------<<>

Nozomi: Hey, I haven't been doing so well since last time, and I think it's
because of those things you said against God.
Nozomi: I begged so hard for your soul that I think I even lost weight.

- "You do look thinner."
- "Oh brother."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You do look thinner."]

Nozomi: Oh, you really think so? I ate the same amount of food though...

> Nozomi seems surprised.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh brother."]

Nozomi: Ha ha, yeah, that's probably not going to happen. I eat fried chicken
first thing in the morning.

> Nozomi seems oddly happy.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: Look, I get it, alright? You're embarrassed to be seen with me. I can
Nozomi: I'm not like my little brother... I can't study for hours, and my
stubby legs won't let me be athletic.
Nozomi: ...And, I'm genetically predisposed to spilling on my clothes.
Nozomi: Everyone hates me. They all wish I could be more like my little
Nozomi: Everyone's always making fun of me, and I just want the whole world to
go away right now!
Nozomi: ...but even then, you still won't--
Nozomi: H-Hey Minato! I'll try my best to make it to Paradise. Then I'll have
a totally sweet new body!
Nozomi: I'll be taller and more slender. And my body will glow, so I'll be
safer at night!
Nozomi: See? Then I won't be inferior to my brother, and you won't hate to be
seen with me!
Nozomi: So please... don't abandon me.

> Nozomi truly cherishes your friendship.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 8!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: I have to leave without eating, cause I haven't earned forgiveness

just yet...
Nozomi: ...I still have to recruit a new believer first.

[Nozomi leaves]

Middle-aged Man: Yeah, that's him. So I can count on you?

Wicked Man: Yeah. It's not a problem so long as I get my money.

Wicked Man: ...Actually, I know this other guy who's been short on cash

Middle-aged Man: I'm willing to pay for two guys. Just make sure it gets done.
Middle-aged Man: 132,000 yen, right? Yeah, the same thing happened to my son.
Middle-aged Man: I'd stay away from that kid if you don't want to get caught
in his trap.

> You decided to return to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 9 Skit][MNSL09]----------------------------------------<<>

Nozomi: Hey, Minato!

> Nozomi seems more energetic than usual.

Nozomi: I did it! I finally met my quota! I found someone else to welcome into
our flock!
Nozomi: Well, well! Speaking of which...

> Nozomi has a conversation with two young people.

Nozomi: Oh wow, you're interested in joining too!?

Nozomi: Finally, Paradise is smiling on me!

- "You're scamming them too?"
- "Just stop it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're scamming them too?"]

Nozomi: "Scamming"!? What are you talking about?

> Nozomi seems offended.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Just stop it."]

Nozomi: Y-You think I should just abandon these people in their sin?

> Nozomi seems furious.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: I'm trying to save these people! ...People who have been suffering,
just like me!
Nozomi: Of course you can't understand--you're good looking enough that
everything is handed to you. You're not like us.
Nozomi: If... If this is how you really feel, Minato, then we're through!
Nozomi: Don't follow me around! Only true believers are allowed into Paradise!

> That person seems familiar.

> Out of concern for Nozomi, you decided to follow him.
> Alley behind the Paulownia Mall...

Nozomi: Wha? Th-This is...

Nozomi: emergency! A serious emergency!

Middle-aged Man: You going to talk about the end of the world some more? I
remember another cult that got into that...
Middle-aged Man: Except they weren't really about "initiation fees," I think
it was just about giving up material wealth.
Middle-aged Man: A lot of these cults just borrow ideas from other, actual
religions, don't they? Tell the truth!

Nozomi: Y-You mean... This was all a trick?

Middle-aged Man: How is it any different from you tricking my son?

Middle-aged Man: You went too far, kid. I tried to do this civilly, but I
don't even feel bad anymore.
Middle-aged Man: ...Try not to hit his face. If he gets scars, then he'll be
able to press charges or something.

Nozomi: Ah... Ahhh... *sob* Am I gonna die? I... I... *sob*

Nozomi: B-But if I die here *sob* I'll come back as a-an angel and... *sob*
Nozomi: I'm not s-scared...!

Wicked Man: Ah geez... He's getting snot everywhere.

Nozomi: ...Minato!?
Nozomi: Wh-Why are you here? I was so mean... I said bad things about you.
Nozomi: N-N-No, c'mon... *sob* I hate pain!

> Nozomi really seems to trust you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Nozomi: I'm so sorry, Minato! I'm sorry! *sob*

Wicked Man: ...Look, we gotta take off. I have work, and this is a drag.

Middle-aged Man: I've had just about enough of this.

Middle-aged Man: Look, just forget about the money. But, I don't ever want to
see you near my son again!

Nozomi: Oh Minato... *sniff* You're such a nice guy.

> After taking Nozomi home, you returned to the dorm.

<>>-----[Moon Level 10 Skit][MNSL10]---------------------------------------<<>

Nozomi: Hey... About last time... Uh...

Nozomi: L-Let's go to Hagakure!

> You decided to grab some ramen with Nozomi.

> Iwatodai strip mall, ramen shop "Hagakure"...
> The room is filled with the aroma of fish.
> Time flies as you eat the hours away.

Nozomi: ...My younger brother and I were twins, but not the kind that look the
same. ...He was the better looking one.
Nozomi: Everyone compared me to my brother, and I was never able to surpass
him. Not at anything.
Nozomi: For a while I'd hit him for no reason, but he always treated me like
a brother.
Nozomi: We did always enjoy eating together... But, when I was in 8th grade,
he got food poisoning.
Nozomi: ...I guess it was undercooked or something...
Nozomi: But I couldn't even cry. I was relieved, because I finally didn't
have to measure up. I felt free.

- "That's terrible."
- "It's understandable..."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's terrible."]

Nozomi: ...Nobody should feel happy when their little brother dies! I'm such
a... I'm a...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's understandable..."]

Nozomi: Thanks, but... I know already. I was a terrible brother.

[Scroll down to continue]


Nozomi: At first, I tried to be like my brother. I went to cram schools and

did martial arts and everything...
Nozomi: ...but I was never as good as my brother had been, so I started to
feel like people were laughing at me.
Nozomi: When I eat, all I need to focus on is the table in front of me...
everything else disappears.
Nozomi: See? That's what the Gourmet King is really made of... I only ate to
make the voices in my head shut up.
Nozomi: But, if I keep going like this... I'll never be anything like my
brother, will I?

- "You should be yourself."
- "You're irreplaceable."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You should be yourself."]

Nozomi: ...I guess. So, I should only worry about being myself...?

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You're irreplaceable."]

Nozomi: ...Really? You don't think anyone could replace me?

[Scroll down to continue]


> Nozomi seems surprised.

Nozomi: That might be true...

Nozomi: ......
Nozomi: You're right!
Nozomi: Of course, Minato! I can never be like my brother! We're two different
Nozomi: Ha ha... How could I miss something so obvious?
Nozomi: Thank you, Minato... I really owe you one.

> Nozomi appreciates your help.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Moon Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Moon Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Moon Card: The innermost power of the Moon Arcana hath been set free.
Moon Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Sandalphon, the ultimate
form of the Moon Arcana...

> The Gourmet King Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Gourmet King Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Nozomi: By the way, you can no longer be a follower of the Gourmet King.
Nozomi: ...Because you're the new king. All hail Gourmet King the 2nd!

> Nozomi took something out of his jacket pocket and handed it to you.

Nozomi: The restaurants in the strip mall gave this to me because of how
often I eat there...

> Obtained Gourmet License!

Nozomi: I feel like I've been a fake all this time... But, I will become the
true Gourmet King one day!
Nozomi: I wil become a food critic. It will be my job to eat... And I will
master it!
Nozomi: Then, once I die and go to the afterlife, I can face my brother...
Nozomi: And he'll be impressed by the fact that I was able to master
something, all by myself!
Nozomi: Hold onto this until I achieve my ultimate destiny, okay?
Nozomi: I may have lost my position, but once I educate myself in the ways
of the culinary arts, I shall reclaim it!
Nozomi: That's my promise to you... and to my little brother.
Nozomi: ...What's this? Even when I talk about my brother, I don't have to
eat to feel better...
Nozomi: ...and I just realized this ramen is actually really good!

> After Nozomi ordered an extra bowl of ramen, you returned to the dorm.

<>>=====[Sun Social Link][SNSL]============================================<<>
Akinari is dying from a disease. After hanging out with him, he decides to
write a novel for himself. He tells you that he can only write the ending when
he discovers what his meaning in life is. Akinari does eventually finish his
story and thanks you for helping him discover meaning in his short life. He
then disappears.

Author's Notes:
You must have advanced far enough in the [Hanged Man Social Link] before you
can establish this S-Link. Akinari is located at the shrine on Sundays only.

<>>-----[Sun Level 1 Skit][SNSL01]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari Kamiki: ...I remember you. You're the guy who was playing with that
elementary school girl.
Akinari Kamiki: She was very...
Akinari Kamiki: ...bright.
Akinari Kamiki: Her face shone with the warm light of new life.
Akinari Kamiki: ...And then there's me, cooped up in here, struggling to
Akinari Kamiki: Compared to her light, I'm but a vanishing shadow.
Akinari Kamiki: Misery is a harsh mistress.
Akinari Kamiki: I feel as though I'm lying in an unyielding darkness.
Akinari Kamiki: ...Can you understand how I feel?

- "I think I might."
- "No, I can't."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I think I might."]

Akinari Kamiki: ...What a selfish way of thinking. You don't know the first
thing about what I'm going through.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["No, I can't."]

Akinari Kamiki: I didn't think so...

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari Kamiki:
Akinari Kamiki:
Any day now... I'm going to die.
Akinari Kamiki:
I have a genetic disease without any known cure.
Akinari Kamiki:
Unless you're in my situation, you can't understand what it's
Akinari Kamiki: ...But I prefer it that way. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Akinari Kamiki: There isn't anything you can do to slow this down or make
things better.

> Akinari fell silent.

Akinari Kamiki: Sorry about that. I didn't mean to depress you or anything.
Akinari Kamiki: I haven't spoken to someone my own age in a long time.
Akinari Kamiki: ...It's natural for those in darkness to yearn for the world
of light.
Akinari Kamiki: I'm glad we could meet, though. If there's a god, I'll be able
to thank him soon enough...

> You became an acquaintance of Akinari Kamiki.

> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> You have established a new Social Link!

Akinari Kamiki: However...

Akinari Kamiki: I would rather you not come here ever again.
Akinari Kamiki: You only live once, right? So why waste your life among the
Akinari Kamiki: ...Goodbye.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 2 Skit][SNSL02]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: You're... not like the others.

- "How am I different?"
- "...Really?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["How am I different?"]

Akinari: I didn't expect to see you again.

Akinari: Usually, people don't come back.

> Akinari smiled sadly...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Akinari: I honestly didn't expect you to come back.

> Akinari smiled distantly.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: Nobody treats me like a normal guy... not even my family.

Akinari: I can tell by how they look at me. The pity in their eyes is
Akinari: ...I don't need their sympathy any more than I need their curiousity.
Akinari: I'm sorry, but...
Akinari: I don't expect anyone to pity me.
Akinari: Dying isn't so unusual, is it? What is there to gain by staying in
this world for a long time, anyway?

- "That's a good point."
- "I disagree."
- "I never thought about that."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>
["That's a good point."]

Akinari: ...You must have a hopelessness festering inside you as well, then.
I can't remember a time without it.

> Akinari smiled.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I disagree."]

Akinari: So, are you afraid that my hopelessness might be contagious if you
stick around much longer?

> Akinari smiled weakly.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I never thought about that."]

Akinari: ...They say that necessity is the mother of our industrialized

Akinari: And yet, fire does not realize that it's burning away. Not exactly
foolishness, but sad nonetheless.

> Akinari shook his head.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: ...Hey. Thanks for coming today.

Akinari: You don't seem like everyone else.
Akinari: I'm not sure I know how to describe it exactly, but...
Akinari: You don't look down on me the way everyone else does...

> Akinari seems intrigued by you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 2!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: *cough* *cough*

Akinari: Dammit... What did I do to deserve this body?
Akinari: *wheeze*
Akinari: ...I hope we can meet again.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 3 Skit][SNSL03]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: *cough* *wheeze*

Akinari: It's... starting to settle down, I think...
Akinari: ...Thank you for coming. It's better when I'm not alone.
Akinari: Why do I have to face this alone? ...Other people don't have to deal
with this sickness.
Akinari: I won't ever walk through a sunny field again because my legs and
heart can't handle it.
Akinari: ...All that's left is to draw my sheets around me and count the beats
of my heart until they stop forever.
Akinari: ...Why is this only happening to me?

- "It's like God hates you."
- "I don't know."
- "You aren't the only one."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It's like God hates you."]

Akinari: No kidding... Pretty twisted sense of humor, isn't it?

Akinari: There's no reason to it at all! I was chosen at random!
Akinari: ...That's the worst part. There isn't any logic to it. Just random

> Akinari forced a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't know"]

Akinari: Of course not. No one knows. I don't even know.

Akinari: I mean, I understand why I'm dying, but "why" am I dying?
Akinari: There isn't any meaning to life that I can find, so perhaps I'm not
missing all that much.

> Akinari nods to himself.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You aren't the only one."]

Akinari: Well logically, no. There are plenty of people dying in the world.
Akinari: ...But so what? That has nothing to do with my plight here in this
Akinari: Where is the meaning in any of this?

> Akinari cried out in pain.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: ...I wish I could run away.

Akinari: But if my body was capable of that, I wouldn't be here anyway...
Akinari: No matter what I do, my body is there to remind me... I'm going to
Akinari: ...And there's nothing I can do!
Akinari: *cough* *cough* *gasp*
Akinari: *sigh*
Akinari: Please don't leave... just yet...
Akinari: When I'm alone... it feels like it could end at any second.

- "You don't need to worry."
- "Try not to talk so much."
<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["You don't need to worry."]

Akinari: *wheeze* No, of course not...

Akinari: I can accept it...

> Akinari nodded.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Try not to talk so much."]

Akinari: I know, but-- *cough*

Akinari: I'd like to talk... for a little bit longer.

> Akinari tried to smile.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I am feeling... a little better... ...So thank you.

> Your presence is comforting to Akinari.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 3!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: ...It's starting to get dark.

Akinari: Don't worry, I'll be fine now... *cough* It was good seeing you.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 4 Skit][SNSL04]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: I'm doing better today.

Akinari: I know it probably looked pretty bad last time, right?
Akinari: ...I had been reading a book before you came that day.
Akinari: I got so absorbed in the reading that I forgot to close the window,
and I didn't realize how chilly it was.
Akinari: ...Do you read many books?

- "Yeah, I like reading."
- "I don't care for books."
- "It all depends on the book."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I like reading."]

Akinari: I see... That's something we have in common, then.

> Akinari seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I don't care for books."]

Akinari: Yeah, well... When you can go out and do other things, I suppose it
is rather boring.

> Akinari seems wistful.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It all depends on the book."]

Akinari: Ha ha ha ha... I can definitely relate to that.

Akinari: A bad book is a really big waste of time because you have to get so
far into it before you write it off...

> Akinari nods knowingly.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I read a lot of books these days.

Akinari: I find that they're the easiest ways to spend my time...
Akinari: ...since I can get lost in a book's private world.
Akinari: ...Do you read books all the way to the end?

- "Of course I do."
- "If it's boring, I stop reading."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Of course I do."]

Akinari: Ah, I see... I don't like to see them end.

> Akinari went quiet.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["If it's boring, I stop reading."]

Akinari: I don't read the endings either though I think our reasons for doing
so are different.

> Akinari smiled.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I really get into the story and usually reach the end quickly, but...
I never want to finish it.
Akinari: ...Because if I finish the story, I'll be stuck here, again. Alone in
this room.
Akinari: ...As Akinari, the person who can't escape his fate.
Akinari: Stories about hope or heroism...
Akinari: Those're the kinds of books I read.
Akinari: So hopefully, if I do decide to finish reading them, I'll feel happy
at the end when I come back here.

> Akinari smiled weakly...

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 4!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: Time is ruthless... It looks like the sun is already setting.

Akinari: I hope we have another chance to talk.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 5 Skit][SNSL05]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: *gasp* *wheeze*

Akinari: I got really into my reading last night and never went to sleep...
Akinari: I thought I'd be fine since I have many nights when I'm unable to
sleep because of my illness, but... *cough*
Akinari: ...I guess my condition won't improve if I keep taking chances,

- Reprimand Akinari
- Tell Akinari to go rest

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Reprimand Akinari]

Akinari: ...Yes, I suppose I need to apologize.

Akinari: It's been a long time since anybody raised their voice at me...

> Akinari smiled.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Tell Akinari to go rest]

Akinari: Don't worry, I know my body's limit... ...and how to convince it that
it's still doing fine.

> Akinari chuckled.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I came all this way because I was hoping to find you...
Akinari: ...Remember how I talked about reading upbeat stories?
Akinari: There are plenty of stories, but I don't think reading them will ever
be able to make me feel better...
Akinari: The problem is, all those stories were written for someone else.
Akinari: I guess what I'm saying is selfish...
Akinari: ...I'm being selfish about you, too.
Akinari: You're always coming to see me, and I take up a lot of your time.
Akinari: How much of your valuable time have you used on visiting me?
Akinari: ...I don't deserve it. You're spoiling me, I'm afraid.
Akinari: That's why I like you, though.

> Akinari smiled weakly...

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 5!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: *wheeze* *cough*

Akinari: sorry... It seems I used too many words today.
Akinari: I'd like us to be able to speak here again some time...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 6 Skit][SNSL06]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: Hey, how do you feel about a pink alligator?

- "Hey, that's cool."
- "Kinda lame..."
- "Say what!?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Hey, that's cool."]

Akinari: I thought so too. I knew you'd understand.

> Akinari seems pleased.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Kinda lame..."]

Akinari: There are a lot of times when people don't disagree in life...
Akinari: ...I suppose there are many things that could be disagreed with.

> Akinari smiles sadly.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Say what!?"]

Akinari: Oh, sorry... I was just... thinking about something.

> Akinari seems embarrassed...

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: See, it's the main character of a story that I'm writing...
Akinari: He was born in the calm forest of green, but he turned out to be
Akinari: He's so visible that he can't hunt for food easily, so he's always
especially hungry.
Akinari: The other animals dislike him and consider his coloration disgusting.
...Almost like he's cursed.
Akinari: So, he started living alone. ...But then he made a friend.
Akinari: His friend was a bird--but, a bird that was unable to fly.
Akinari: So the bird would stand on the pink alligator's back and practice its
Akinari: ...It's embarrassing to talk about.
Akinari: But, anyway... How does the story sound to you?

- "It sounds interesting."
- "Not too great..."
- "I'd need to hear more."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It sounds interesting."]

Akinari: ...Really?
Akinari: I've never tried writing a story before, and I'm kind of afraid it's
going to suck.
Akinari: But, I'm writing it for myself, so that's what matters.
Akinari: Maybe I'll be able to show you the entire novel someday.

> Akinari seems content.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Not too great..."]

Akinari: I see...
Akinari: ...Well this is my first time writing a story like this, so it's not
going to be perfect.
Akinari: But, I'm writing it for myself, so that's what matters.
Akinari: Hopefully you can learn something from the story once it's

> Akinari seems disappointed.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I'd need to hear more."]

Akinari: I mean, I'm still planning things out at this point...

Akinari: ...I've never tried writing a story before, so maybe I'm not good at
Akinari: But, I'm writing it for myself, so that's what matters.
Akinari: I hope you take something positive away from it, though...

> Akinari is nodding to himself.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I started thinking about it the other day, actually...

Akinari: I wanted to write an upbeat story of my own to cheer me up.
Akinari: ...Maybe if I can find some meaning to life, I can put that in my
Akinari: When I write... I can see you in my mind. It seems as if you're
telling me not to die just yet...

> Akinari smiled weakly.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: ...The wind is going to start blowing soon. I can feel these kinds of
things now.
Akinari: I hope I have enough time...
Akinari: Let's go home. We can talk again some other time.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 7 Skit][SNSL07]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: I'm still writing more of my story... How much did I tell you about?
Akinari: Oh right... The pink alligator and the bird had become friends,
Akinari: This was the alligator's first friend, and he was very happy.
Akinari: ...They started going to the river every day, and the little bird
would sing while the alligator listened.
Akinari: But again, the alligator couldn't catch food easily because of his
Akinari: Pink is such an odd color, his prey in the jungle saw him from far
away and had plenty of time to escape.
Akinari: He became so hungry that he was dizzy most of the time...
Akinari: ...And he accidentally ate the bird one afternoon as it slept in his
Akinari: ...Of course, he realized his mistake immediately.
Akinari: He drank swamp water to induce vomiting... but the bird was already
dead when he retrieved it.
Akinari: ...After that, he couldn't bring himself to eat anything.
Akinari: ...That's as far as I've written. I haven't decided on an ending.

- "That's a good story."
- "It sounds really depressing."
- "I've heard that one before."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["That's a good story."]

Akinari: You really think so? ...Maybe you'll enjoy the final product.
Akinari: I always thought the only thing I could give other people was
hopelessness, but maybe...

> Akinari seems moved.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["It sounds really depressing."]

Akinari: Is it really that dark? I dunno... For me, it's hard to tell.
Akinari: The words I use come out from my life, you know? So, they may seem
depressing to you...
Akinari: ...but to me, that's just life.

> Akinari is nodding knowingly.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 3]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I've heard that one before."]

Akinari: I see... So, I guess my life isn't so unusual after all, then.
Akinari: I thought nobody understood me, but you're saying this story of mine
has been done before...
Akinari: ...Interesting.

> Akinari is nodding knowingly.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: So, before, I mentioned I was writing a diary...

Akinari: That was a lie. I was writing my will.
Akinari: I couldn't face reality... and I was essentially screaming curses
into my notebook.
Akinari: But for now, I'm writing a story in the same notebook.
Akinari: It probably isn't very good, but it contains some things that I've
learned during my short life...
Akinari: When it's done, I want you to read it. ...I mean, meeting you is the
main reason I started writing it.

> Akinari looks into your eyes.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 7!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: I'm really trying to come up with a good ending, but I can't
Akinari: ...I don't have much time to spare.
Akinari: ...Well thanks. I hope we can chat some more later.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 8 Skit][SNSL08]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: *gasp* *wheeze* ...*wheeze*

Akinari: ...Just give me a minute... so I can... calm down...
Akinari: > Akinari is having trouble breathing.

- Stay at his side
- Try to encourage him

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Stay at his side]

Akinari: F-False alarm... I had some pain, but... it's better now.
Akinari: ...It's calming down. Thanks.

> Akinari smiled at you.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

[Try to encourage him]

Akinari: Th-Thanks, but... I'll be fine...

Akinari: F-False alarm... I had some pain, but... it's better now.

> Akinari forced a smile.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: I... stopped taking my medicine.

Akinari: It's not going to fix me anyway, right? ...It just helps for the pain
and... ...spasming...

- "...What!?"
- "What are you thinking?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>


Akinari: I know, I know... It's only speeding things along, but...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["What are you thinking?"]

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: ...My medicine makes me drowsy, and if my hands go numb, then I can't
write anything...
Akinari: I have to finish my story.

> Akinari is determined.

Akinari: The reason my story's unfinished... because I haven't found the
meaning of life yet.
Akinari: I get lost in my writing... erase it... and then don't know where to
go next.
Akinari: ...When we're talking, I have a clearer picture. I can almost see
Akinari: It seems like that might be the meaning of life for me...
Akinari: I'm probably writing this book to find the meaning of life...
Akinari: ...Well, if I do find it and finish the story...
Akinari: ...I hop we get a little more time together after that.

> Akinari smiled weakly...

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings inside your head...
Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...
Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 8!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: ...The sun... is setting...

Akinari: I hope to see you again.

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 9 Skit][SNSL09]-----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: So... I'd like you to congratulate me. As of today, I am a free


- "Free from what?"
- "Oh, did you finish the story?"

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Free from what?"]

Akinari: From the hospital. ...They were going to put me under care, but now I
don't have to do it.
Akinari: ...I guess my body is too weak to undergo surgery. So, I refused any
medication as well...
Akinari: Which means I'm done with the hospital.

> Akinari is smiling sadly.

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Oh, did you finish the story?"]

Akinari: No, not quite yet. ...Almost, though.

> Akinari is smiling.

Akinari: I just got back from the hospital. They were going to admit me, but
not anymore.
Akinari: ...I guess my body is too weak to undergo surgery. So, I refused any
medication as well...
Akinari: So much for the hospital, right...?

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: ...Now I'm just waiting for the end.

Akinari: But, I don't feel like I'm the only one being singled out anymore.
Akinari: Everyone is waiting to die if you think about it. ...Some just have
longer to wait than others.
Akinari: But once the time comes, it's the same for us all.
Akinari: ...I'm still a little lonely, but I'm not sad anymore.

> Akinari smiles slightly.

Akinari: ...I want to remember what you look like, Minato-kun...

> Akinari is staring at you.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached level 9!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

Akinari: Thank you... I'm... I'm a little bit tired today...

Akinari: The story is almost done, so...
Akinari: ...I can show it to you soon...

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

<>>-----[Sun Level 10 Skit][SNSL10]----------------------------------------<<>

Akinari: ...I've been waiting.

Akinari: I finished my story and wanted to show it to you...

> Akinari wears a calm smile.

Akinari: As you know, I was having a lot of trouble with the ending... but I
finally figured it out.
Akinari: Since the alligator ate his friend the bird, he cried and cried for
a very long time.
Akinari: In fact, he was so sad... that he drowned in his own tears.
Akinari: His tears became a beautiful lake, around which grew beautiful
flowers and a tree with delicious fruit.
Akinari: The other animals in the forest came there often to relax...
Akinari: ...but, none of them knew the alligator had created it or that he was
Akinari: The end...
Akinari: That's the ending I decided on.
Akinari: ...Even though the alligator did not find meaning in his life, the
residents of the forest did.
Akinari: They just didn't realize it...
Akinari: Because... the meaning of my life is not something I should worry
Akinari: It's really what others think of my life or what I was able to do for
Akinari: So... for me, or you, or anyone... the meaning of our lives is
something that we make but don't see.
Akinari: People can't survive without help from others. ...We all depend on
one another.
Akinari: I don't know if that made sense, but... ...Do you kind of get what
I'm saying?

- "Yeah, I understand."
- "I still don't get it."

<>>-----[Choice 1]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["Yeah, I understand."]

Akinari: I'm glad...

[Scroll down to continue]

<>>-----[Choice 2]---------------------------------------------------------<<>

["I still don't get it."]

Akinari: ...That's what I've found to be the meaning of life.
Akinari: Maybe you, or other people, will have different ideas about it.
Akinari: But... hopefully you can understand my point of view as well.

[Scroll down to continue]


Akinari: This is the notebook... I wrote my story in. It's all I have to leave
Akinari: I want you to have something... since you shared my last moments.

> Obtained Worn Notebook.

Akinari: My... body feels lighter...

Akinari: Thank you for everything...
Akinari: ...Coming to see me, talking... even discussing the meaning of
Akinari: I... I can be glad that I was born...

> You can understand Akinari's kindness.

> Your relationship is stronger now!
> ...!?
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Sun Card: Thou art I... And I am thou...

Sun Card: The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.
Sun Card: The innermost power of the Sun Arcana hath been set free.
Sun Card: We bestow upon thee the ability to create Asura, the ultimate form
of the Sun Arcana...

> The Dying Young Man Social Link has reached its maximum level!
> You have mastered the Dying Young Man Social Link!
> Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has reached its maximum!
> You have forged a bond that cannot be broken!

Akinari: I have to go now...

Akinari: Maybe... some day...
Akinari: I hope...
Akinari: ...we meet again.

> Akinari is gone.

> You gripped his notebook tightly and decided to head back to the dorm.

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