FS5 Episode 3

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Name of the FS Student: Mahinay, Mailyn A.
Patpat, Jean S.
Rasonable, Ivy Marie A.
Batulat, Marie C.
Malagsic, Edilberto Jr. V.
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year and Section: III A
Resource Teacher: Mr. Renato A. Amuan
Cooperating School: Sagay National High School

At the end of this activity, we will be informed on the principles of
authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom.

Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing student’s
learning. To be able to use it, you must first have deep understanding of it. To
help you hit your target, fly in good shape through these destinations.

1 2 3
Read articles on new Visit a class and Write a reflective journal
trends of classroom interview the teacher on on the activity.
assessment. his/her experiences in
using authentic

For your reading of selected articles on the new trends of
classrooms assessment, please use the sheet below to outline the essential
information about authentic assessment that you draw from the articles you read.


New Trends in Classrooms Authentic Assessment by Kathrine Bradley
Authentic assessment refers to the practice of assessing student mastery via the
completion of real-world tasks in which the student applies knowledge and skill
acquired in the instructional process. Authentic assessments may include writing
assignments, individual or cooperative projects, portfolios, teacher observations,
performance or demonstration assessments, or any other assigned task that
provides evidence of competency. It is a good idea to use a selection of
assessment types that match a variety of learning styles.
Demonstration or Performance Assessments

Authentic assessment may take the form of demonstration or performance. This

means that a student has the opportunity to demonstrate, through practical means,
that a standard has been mastered. For instance, a student might provide, through
design and performance, evidence of mastery of a theater standard focused on
knowledge of blocking, upstage, downstage, center stage, monologue and
projection rather than via a paper-and-pencil vocabulary test. Such assessments
can be used in other classes and tailored to different subject matter.

Portfolio Assessments

Portfolio assessments are often used when units are large or cover a number of
standards. Assessment pieces contained in the portfolio provide evidence of
mastery of individual standards or may provide evidence of increasing depth of
comprehension of materials. For instance, a science portfolio may contain written
vocabulary words associated with mollusks, drawings that outline structure and
function and a three-dimensional model created by the student. This type of
portfolio's value is that it allows students to demonstrate mastery by a variety of
means – in this case, through writing, drawing and creative manipulation.

Oral Assessments

Oral assessments are popular with students who do not possess high-level writing
skills. Oral assessments can take the form of storytelling or focus on documentation
of question-and-answer periods in class. A teacher may use a student's oral
responses to determine whether the content has been mastered. Student mastery
can be assessed as part of a group exercise or individually in a private testing
session. This type of assessment can be used informally with or without student
knowledge, thus eliminating testing anxiety.

Project Assessments

Project assessments provide the opportunity to demonstrate competency through

completion of a project. Project assessments can be performed individually or
collaboratively. Students may work together to complete a project in math that
indicates proficiency in probability concepts. For example, a student may use a set
of dice and record the results of rolls to learn about probability. A deck of cards
might also be used to learn about probability.

1. What were your personal strategies in choosing relevant articles to read?
My personal Strategies in choosing relevant articles to read is that I use
the internet and just based it on what I had observed inside the classroom and
the content should be appropriate and relevant to the topic.
Rasonable, Ivy Marie A.
I skim and scan the articles. Look at the date if it updated. If the articles
are talked about the kinds of assessment that fits to the 21st century student
nowadays. If this article can give me more knowledge in giving a classroom
Patpat, Jean S.
I use the internet and Educational Journals to find articles that are
related to the topic l am looking for. I read the content, before l choose to
ensure its relevance and content accuracy. The article's information must be
clear, interesting which l can relate to it and it must be beneficial to the readers.
Mahinay, Mailyn A.

My personal Strategies in choosing relevant articles to read is by using

my critical thinking skills in order to analyze the articles if it is relevant,
consistent and reliable in 21st century learner’s. I evaluate the author’s focused
of the article and the information that found was the different assessment used
in the classroom.
Batulat, Marie C.

First is I skim and scan the important details on that articles. If the
articles are very interesting which could possibly give me more knowledge in
giving a classroom assessment.
Malagsic, Edilberto Jr. V.
2. What are your insights and feelings about the new trends in classroom
My insights and feelings about the new trends in the classroom
assessment is that it is very useful in assessing the students. It is also very
suitable to the needs of the digital learners. The assessment focuses on the
performance of the student that could help develop the ability of the student
and the teacher.
Rasonable, Ivy Marie A.
New trends of classroom assessment like authentic assessments really
fits to the students nowadays, they want to do things in active way,more than
setting, writing and memorizing. At the same time, they enjoyed doing it while
learning. Authentic classroom assessment is very affective as teaching
learning assessment.
Patpat, Jean S.
The new trends in classroom assessment is more meaningful, exciting,
and challenging for it will assess what the learners know and able to do. It
doesn't only focus on cognitive development but mastery of skills and abilities
of the learners. It will help the students to maximize their potential and
creativity on a certain task. The new trends of classroom assessment will help
to achieve a better learning outcome.
Mahinay, Mailyn A.

The new trends in the classroom assessment which is the authentic

assessment. It is very suitable to the learners nowadays knowing that learners
nowadays love doing real world task while learning. For me it is necessary to
use these assessments to measure the ability and skills of student depending
on what the intended to assess.
Batulat, Marie C.

Nowadays the students should involve in doing activities rather listening

that’s why the trends in classroom assessment is recommended. The feeling of
having new classroom assessment is enjoyable it’s because instead of talking
in front of your student the whole time, you will just facilitate them while
performing their activities.
Malagsic, Edilberto V. Jr.
3. What is your most meaningful learning from this activity?
I learned that it is not enough to just use traditional method in testing the
skills and knowledge of the students in today’s generation. As a future
educator, we should master the knowledge, skills and concepts we have
acquired in order for us to use it and apply in the real life problems.
Rasonable, Ivy Marie A.

The activity makes me realized, though teachers is not an easy job, the
wonderful feeling, fulfillment and satisfaction are really a real reward to
teachers, if students are learning of what teachers are teaching. We are just an
FS student at this time but we learned how important, useful authentic
assessment nowadays. To be able to really help the students in the future.
Patpat, Jean S.
With this activity, l learned that assessment could be in many forms but
the teacher must be knowledgeable enough to choose the appropriate
assessment tools which are relevant to the subject matter to obtain the desired
learning outcomes.
Mahinay, Mailyn A.
My most meaningful learning from this activity is that authentic
assessment plays a vital role in assessing student’s mastery in performing a
meaningful task. I see how important and useful authentic assessment to
assess student’s proficiency in performing complex task that are directly
associated with learning outcomes.
Batulat, Marie C.

Being a teacher is very challenging you will get a lot of meaningful learning
through experience. For me the most meaningful is that the feeling of fulfillment
when the students are really hard to grasp what you’ve been discuss and think
of other strategies in order for them to understand very well.
Malagsic, Edilberto V. Jr.

Interview Notes
1. What types of assessment you usually used during the discussion?
I use both traditional and authentic assessment during my discussion. But most
of the time l preferred to used more on authentic assessment to make my students
actively involved in the discussion. Since l am a TLE teacher and we are more on
application of what the students learned from the discussion. So, authentic
assessment is more effective but l never disregards traditional assessment too. Both
of them are essential.
2. What is the importance of authentic assessment based on your experience?
Authentic assessment is extremely important. Based on my experience, it
makes the students to become more active learners. Using authentic assessment
helps the learners improve their skills and understanding of the lesson. If the students
were given a real-world task, they are likely to be more interested to the subject
matter and they learn easier and faster.
3. In giving a real-world task to the students, how did you rate their
Usually l give them group activity provided the rubric with specific criteria given.
So that the students will be able to know and better understand what l expect them to
know, understand, and be able to do in their performance. It will help the students to
work together, help each other, be responsible for their own learning and motivate
them to produce a desirable outcome in a given task.
4. Can you give some examples of the authentic assessment you have used? 
- Portfolio
-Reflective Journals
-Performance of skills
5. Do you think it is necessary to use variety of assessment methods or tools in
the classroom why?
Yes, since diverse learners are present inside the classroom, it is important to
use variety of assessment methods to be able to assess the strength and
weaknesses of the learners. The learners are unique in many ways and they have
different strength to be maximized and weaknesses to deal with.

Reflective Journal
1. How did you feel about the teacher’s experiences in the use of authentic
l was astonished. Our coordinating teacher used authentic
assessment in a meaningful way. A good and desirable outcome of
authentic assessment are clearly seen in the application of the
knowledge taught by the teachers to the students. This is one of the
most effective way to evaluate the students' knowledge of the subject
2. What do you think have been the gains enjoyed by the teacher and
his/her students from using authentic assessments?
Authentic assessment will help the students to deal with real
world context. It makes learning experiences more relevant and
meaningful. The students enjoy hands on activities and collaborative
learning activities which develop the students higher order thinking
skills. Teachers were able to see progress of learning to the students
and can provide immediate feedback too. Authentic assessment is
benificial to both students and teachers. Students can freely
expressed themselves and active interaction between the students
and teachers takes place.
3. Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessments do you feel like
improving or revising?
Based on my observation the teacher was able to utilized the
authentic assessment to the students in a very significant way. I feel
like there is no need for revision. Maybe improvements need to be
done based on the subject matter to be taught to make it more
interesting and to ensure that learning takes place.

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