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Agame by Miguel Suarez O. BM NA ere tt SC (oF rope} 1pIUc-\ aco) a) From @)::. 20 win Ke) CRTs T This game is part of the Rodentia universe, the board game, where rodents have united and managed to expel predators. In Bite & Write after the times of war against wolves and foxes, the council of leaders is supporting the Treaty of Rodentia. Using a dice game, the lands obtained after triumphing are distributed. By painting the map we represent the forces of our rodents positioning and controlling areas of the map, commanded by their leaders, as they face the sneak attacks of the few wolves that still venture into Rodentia to cause terror. GOAL Control Rodentia's most valuable territories by choosing dice, while exploring with your leader and avoiding sneaky attacks by wolves. ih, Le, da» TO PLAY YOU WILL NEED - lor 2 Game sheets (contains map of 26 hexagons: 5 forests, 5 mountains, 5 rivers, 5 swamps, 5 grasslands and 1 wolf, dice indications, objective marker, bonus zone, wolf capture zone, victory points zone). -6dice - 5 different colored pencils (suggested to use: squirrels-green, , y ¥ marmots-red, otters-blue, beavers-brown and moles-purple) - 7 pawns (represent the leader of each species: squirrels, marmots, otters, beavers, moles and 2 of wolves) -1 starting player token SETUP - We will place in the center of the table 1 player's sheet (2-3. players) or two sheets (4-5 players) according to the number of players joining them as indicated in the figure (map 1 above,map 2 below) *For assembly, you need to cut map 2, as indicated by the red zone* - Distribute a different colored pencil to each player. - Choose 2 of the 6 common goals to the players. For that we can roll 2 dice. Note: At the end of the game, whoever achieves these 2 goals gets additional victory points. - Give a pawn to each player, it represents the species leader (ideally the same color as the pencil). -Choose starting player: The last one to have brushed his teeth, receive the initial player card. - Each player will draw a burrow in one of the hexagons of the type of terrain on the map corresponding to their species (squirrels-forest, marmots-mountains, otters-rivers, beavers-swamps and mole-grasslands). These burrows are placed in reverse order of turn, ending the starting player. To differentiate them, they can make a geometric figure or another | ye shape using their colored pencil. Note: Only one burrow of each species per game. *in the example, whoever controls the moles draws his burrow in the meadow* - Place the pawn of each species on its burrow and the ‘wolf pawn on its hexagon (two wolves with 4-5 players). - Place a number of dice on the table equal to the number of players plus 1. HOW TO PLAY The game unfolds over several rounds, each one consists of 4 phases: 1. Choose territories. 2. Take control of territories. 3. Leader or wolf movements. 4. Bonus lands. 1. Choose territories The starting player rolls the dice and chooses one, then the player on his left chooses another among the rest, and so on all the players they choose dice, always leaving a free dice. The results of the dice mean: FORESTS MOUNTAINS RIVERS SWAMPS GRASSLANDS ~—- WOLVES. \ 2. Take Control of Territories Each player, following the turn order, based on the type of terrain on the chosen die, places 1 to 3 rodents in one or more hexagon filling with its color those e that are in each hexagon. Note: You can place 3 rodents in one turn, but you will be limited to a maximum of 2 rodents in the same hex per turn. “Example: If we choose dice 5 (grasslands) we can place 2 rodents in a grasslands hex and the remaining one in another of the same. Or, place the 3 rodents in 3 different grasslands. We will not be able place 3 rodents in a grassland in a single turn.* Rules for positioning rodents - Adjacent : Place up to 3 rodents, coloring, in adjacent hexagons to: , a) Our burrow b) Hexagons of the map containing other of our rodents, including hexagons where our rodents are. ‘A c) The leader, including the hex in which the leader is located. Note: We cannot place rodents in hexes that are occupied by other leaders, by the wolf or controlled by some species, including burrows. ae - Advanced: If we cannot place rodents following the rule of adjacency, we can choose any other hex of the map of the type of terrain chosen on the die to locate 1 rodent. Additionally, we can move the pawn of our leader to the space where we just positioned the new rodent. To differentiate controlled terrain from one that it is not, the edge must be painted with the color of who dominates it. New rodents CANNOT be located in cotrolled hex. “in every hexagon it is possible to place a maximum of 5 rodents among all Players. Whoever has more rodents positioned controls the hexagon, and for this, it is enough to have 3 of a single color. 3. Move the Leader and Wolves Leader In turn order, players can optionally move their leaders to an adjacent hexagon. The destination terrain may be controlled by another player (majority), may be another's burrow player, even may be be occupied by another leader but not by the wolf. Leaders will allow Players to: a) Reserve NON-controlled hexagons. No player can paint ' rodents, as long as the leader is there. b) Have more areas of the map where you can draw. c) Add 3 victory points to a controlled hex to end of the game, if your leader is positioned on him. Ce thy Wolves The wolf pawn will move through hexagons adjacent to its current location. When the dice are rolled and there is one or more results of "6", there will be the following conditions: -If a player chooses a die that represents wolves (face.6), you can move the wolf 1-2 hexagons adjacent to yourLocation. n With two wolves in game you can move one wolf two hexagons or each wolf one hexagon. -If no player chooses the wolf dice, the initial player will move the wolf 1-2 hexagons, adjacent to its location. similarly with two wolves. -In the same round, more than one player may move the wolf(ves) if the preconditions are met, by order of turn. If the wolf reaches a hex occupied by a leader, catches him and sends him to its burrow, marking a catch (a circle) of wolf in the game sheet: this will give negative points to the player caught. For each capture the points negatives increase. WOLF CATCHES Squirrels Groundhogs Otters Beavers Moles wu@u w nunnnn ava 4 If the wolf still can move, it can continue moving, being able to | catch more than one leader at a time. Leaders are considered safe being in any of the burrows. 4. Bonus Land Type When every player has placed their rodents in territories and have moved their leaders / wolves, it will be marked in the player's sheet with an X on the terrain type of the free dice, thus bonus all hexagons of that type of terrain for the victory point count at the end of the game. BONUS LANDS FoREsTS X MOUNTAINS X RIVERS Each type of terrain can have a bonus more than once. Each X on each type of terrain will provide 1 point extra to each hex of that type. Finally, the player to the left of the current starting player take the starting player token and dice. Next, a new round begins. % END OF GAME The game ends when one of the following situations occurs: -A player cannot choose a die that allows him position rodents in hexagons, since they are complete or another player took the dice that it allowed before. This round concludes in phase 1. “if the player chooses a dice-type of ground, intentionally, that does not Y allow him to position rodents in a hex, having dice that allow it, that player agrees not to place rodents in that turn, x this means that nobody will position rodents. In this case, the game does not end. SOND OND aE wee aT - The wolf has caught all the leaders at least once. TWo players at least twice. One player three times. In this case, the game round ends, concluding in the phase 4. SCORE Add Victory Points (VP), considering who has most rodents in each hexagon. Don't forget how many times we have bonus on each terrain: - 2 VP + bonus per terrain hex corresponding to the species. Squirrels will receive 2 VPs for each hex of forest you control (plus bonuses for forests) -1VP + bonus for terrain that don’t belong to the players species. - VPs for goal achievement. - Negative Points are subtracted for Wolf catches (1 capture: -3, 2 captures: -5 and 3 captures: -7.) - 3 VP per Leader in controlled hex. - In the event of a tie in the control of a hexagon by two or more players the hex is considered uncontrolled. At the end of the game if you have a majority of rodents ina hexagon, even when it's with only one rodent, also counts as domain hex, for therefore paint with own color the edges of the hexagonscores. The player with the most victory points is the winner. In case of tie, whoever controls the most hexagons of its kind. If tie remains, the winner is the one who obtained the most _ points without goals, finally, who was less captured by aT SCORE GOALS ‘ Two are selected at the start of the game, and victory points are added at the end of the game. These are obtained by controlling the largest number of hexagons according to the conditions of objective, in case of equality in the number of hexagons controlled all players get VP. 1) Control a row. Control most terrains in the row, all rows are considered, 3 PV each row controlled. 2) Separated areas of the map. Each player gets 3 VP for each separate controlled zone, considering that one zone is made up of at least two contiguous hexagons controlled. Note: Goal not recommended to 2 players. 3) Largest area of the map. Control the area with greater number of hexagons. Ist 8 PV 2nd 4 PV. If there is a tie in the first place both they get 8 VPs, and there is no score for 3rd. If there is a tie in 2nd place both get 4 VP. 4) Master a diagonal (at the beginning of each game you define whether the diagonals of the map will be ascending is one that runs from a southwest side of a hex to the northeast side or descending is one that runs from a northwest side of a hex to the southeast side). The diagonals are considered on3 hex, 3 VP for each diagonal. *Remember that at the beginning of the game, the diagonal that will be scored at the end must be defined. ff wt wt, a a» SG OOD ND aE wee aT 5) Connect burrows: Through controlled land link 2 or more burrows in one zone. 4 PV for each connected burrow. They are considered ‘connected! if a player links by controlling continuous hexagons adjacent hexagons of two or more burrows. Attention: Avoid locating adjacent burrows when selecting this target. areas of the map. Considering 4 zones: upper, lower, left and straight. Considering for each edge the hexagons of the corners of the map. 6) Control the edges. If a player controls the most hexagons on one edge. 1 PV for each hex control in one of the outer ) ) ) ) » The story of the wolves and the groundhog king. BN WANE In this mode, The King of the Groundhogs finds himself caught up in a head-to-head duel, competing against the wolves who attempt a fleeting attack for control of the Rodentia territories. Components. -1 game sheet, -2 dice (withe and black). -2 pawns (Groundhog King and Wolf leader). -2 pencil of different colors. -Preparation: -Draw your burrow in a mountain hexagon. -Locate the wolf pawn in its location and the leader pawn in your burrow. -In this mode we will not use the objectives. How to play. The game takes place over a maximum of 14 rounds. In each game round you will have to: choose territories, take control of territories, move your leader and change initiative. 1. Choose territories. -Roll both dice and choose one die, the other die will be for the wolf. Record the assigned results in some free area of the game sheet, record the initiative —see later- * Tf both dice are the same, roll them again *. * You cannot choose result 6, it is for the exclusive use of the wolf, you have to choose the other die*. 2. Take control. Consider the initiative for the order of actions. Be careful, if the wolf has initiative it moves and takes control first. -For the active player the rules of Bite and Write are followed. -For the wolf, considering the wolf's dice, he moved to the closest type hex, preferring hexes close to the Mammoth King's pawn. If the wolves 3 get a 6 moves two hexagons towards the Mammoth King's pawn. = -When the wolf reaches its destination, fill in 2 circles on e =N the hex control circles (if any hexagon has 3 wolves ad N in it, it gets controlled by wolves) or scare up to two = 2 previously located rodents (strike out with an X), or as @ e e@ a third option you scare 1 rodent and place 1 wolf. aT -The hexagons already controlled by rodents are safe areas for drawn rodents, but not for the leader. -Write down in the land bonus section, the number of rodents scared by the wolf in each type of terrain, draw one | for each rodent that was scared off. -If at any time the Wolf catches the leader: Mark in the section “Wolf Catches” and return the leader to your burrow (Safe area for your King pawn). 3. Move your leader. -You can move your leader a hex adjacent to his location. Attention: The groundhog king would not stay hidden in the burrow while the wolves take away his lands, Don't play with his honor. move on! 4. Switch initiative. -The next turn the first to take control will be the wolf. Switching the initiative at the end of that turn, so on. Consider the initiative when recording the results of the dice. -If at the moment of Switch initiative, among the results of the data that have been assigned to the wolf, have been recorded -3 equal numbers, move two boxes the wolf pawn towards the groundhog king. Finish by crossing out the numbers. -4 different numbers, draw up to two new wolves in different boxes where wolves are found. Finish by crossing out the numbers. End of the game The game ends under different conditions, -After 15 rounds. -If the wolf caught the leader 3 times. -If neither the active player nor the wolf can take terrain, since all their hexes have been controlled. You must count victory points (PV) considering: -2 VP per hex you control. The hexes where it has a majority are considered controlled -even with a single rodent- at the end of the game. -2PV Negatives per wolf controlled hex. Hexes where the wolf has a majority -even a single wolf - are considered controlled at the end of the game. -x negative VPs for Wolf Catches and scared rodents. You win if you have positive victory points, controlling at least 10 hexes. CAPTURAS DEL LOBO ARDILLAS 3 5 7 MaARMoTAS = (3) 5 7 NUTRIAS 3 5 7 CASTORES 3 5 7 TOPOS 3 5 7 4 DMN Ae Core ln tt] a A game by Miguel Suarez O. Cover Illustration Pluulp Graphic Design and Illustrations Eitel Saavedra D. Edition Cacahuete Games Find us on instagram @masogames @pluulp @juegacaracol @cacahuetegames LOS TESOROS DEL 9 REY MARMOYA - CMC eat nec alee Reo Nord Reet oe BSR cae Sete hres Koc Recents z Beene ers Ee en lcm aes feet Metso cue Re el ks Estes (acy IN eit ANRC teehee oa eto) Riemer ieee det tel Pe a acy SEPTIEMBRE 2020 toate (alee ery a Gesojier * x Roll & write ligero y divertido. Haz que tu lugar en Cat Café jsea el mejor! Dibuja juguetes colocandolos 7 i de la manera mas favorable y gana LT<+ atrayendo la mayor cantidad de gatos. i Encuéntralo en FOREST MOUNTAINS. RIVERS. SWAMPS 2 RASSLANDS WOLVES GOALS CONTROL A ROW SEPARATED AREAS OF THE MAP LARGEST AREA OF THE MAP. MASTER A DIAGONAL CONNECT BURROWS CONTROL THE EDGES OCO0000 uit “The Treaty of Rodentia” A game by @MASOGAMES Graphic Design and Illustrations @IUVEGACARACOL Edition @CACAHUETEGAMES BONUS LAND TYPE WOLF CATCHES FOREST SQUIRRELS 3 5 7 MOUNTAINS, GROUNDHOGS 3 5 7 OTTERS 3 5 7 RIVERS BEAVERS 3 5 7 SWAMPS MOLES 3 5 7 GRASSLANDS VICTORY POINTS PL P2 P3 P4 FOREST MOUNTAINS RIVERS SWAMPS, GRASSLANDS WOLVES GOALS

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