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4 National Conference on
Graphing Calculators
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SScchhooooll ooff M
maattiiccaall SScciieenncceess June 21 – 23, 2011
Hotel Equatorial, Penang, Malaysia
Conference Secretariat.
School of Mathematical Sciences
11800 USM Penang.
Tel : 04-6533284
Fax : 04-6570910
Email : or Introduction. Since 1997 the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, has made continuous
Website: efforts to promote the use of graphing calculators (CAS and
non-CAS) amongst students and educators in Malaysian
universities and secondary schools by organizing
conferences and workshops and offering courses that
incorporate the technology. With the purpose of discussing
Areas of Focus. Pedagogical Strategies, Assessment, new advances and examining various issues in pedagogy,
Curriculum, and Professional Development for Teachers. assessment, and curriculum impacted by the use of graphing
calculators, the School of Mathematical Sciences is
Call for Papers. Papers may be submitted via regular mail or organizing the 4
National Conference on Graphing
as an attached MS Word file on an e-mail message to Calculators (NCGC 2011), to be held from June 21 – 23, 2011 or Please include a at Hotel Equatorial, Penang. The scientific program will
title page containing title of the paper, focus area, author’s comprise of plenary addresses, regular lectures, paper
name and institutional affiliation, mailing & e-mail addresses, presentations, as well as workshops.
and phone number. All accepted papers will be published in
the Conference Proceedings after being peer-reviewed by Objective. To provide a forum for educators in Malaysia to
the Editorial Panel. The deadline for submission of papers is exchange ideas, to communicate and discuss issues on the
March 1, 2011. The Editorial Panel will announce its decision use of graphing calculators in the teaching and learning of
before March 21, 2011. mathematics and science at all levels.
Call for Workshop Proposals. Participants are invited to Registration Fee. The fee is RM600 (Early Bird, on or before
April 20, 2011) or RM650 (Late Registration, after April 20,
submit a proposal for a 1½-hour-workshop on topics related
2011) for local participants and USD300 (Early Bird, on or
to Algebra, Calculus, Statistics or others. The workshop must
before April 20, 2011) or USD350 (Late Registration, after
involve the use of TI graphing calculators only. The proposal April 20, 2011) for international participants. The fee
should include the title of the workshop, a statement of the includes relevant conference materials, conference
goals of the workshop, facilitator’s name(s), affiliation (if proceedings, daily lunch and tea breaks.
any), e-mail address and the maximum number of attendees. Accommodation. Participants are expected to make their
All proposals will be reviewed by a panel and accepted own accommodation arrangements. Hotels in close vicinity
proposals will be notified through e-mail. Submission of of the conference venue are:
workshop proposals can be made to  Hotel Equatorial Penang
o Tel: +60 4 632 7000
or The submission deadline is
 Vistana Hotel Penang
December 20, 2010.
o Tel: + 604 - 646 8000
Language. The conference language is Bahasa Malaysia or  B-Suite Sdn. Bhd.
English. o Tel: + 604 - 646 7777
 The Krystal Suite
o Tel : +604 - 613 3333
 Hotel Seri Malaysia
o Tel: +604 - 6429452
21-23 June 2011 ♦ Hotel Equatorial, Penang, Malaysia

(please use our special registration form for teachers if you are teachers under full (inclusive of accommodation and dinners) support by the
Ministry of Education Malaysia/State Education Department/School or Colleges)

Personal Particulars:
Refund policy: The conference maintains a no-refund policy on the registration fee. In the
Title: Prof Assoc. Prof. Dr Mr Ms
event that a participant who has paid up is unable to attend the conference, a substitute is
Name: ______________________________ allowed. However, the conference secretariat must be informed of the substitution by
May 14, 2011.
Gender: ____________________________
Affiliation: ____________________________________________ Please keep a copy of this form for your record. Send the completed form and payment to:
Mailing Address: ______________________________________
Arrival Date: _____________________ Departure Date: _________________________ School of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Phone No: _________________ Fax: __________________ 11800 USM
Email: _____________________ H/phone: _______________________ Penang,


Local Participant RM 600 (Early Bird, before or on April 20, 2011) Date: __________________________ Signature: ____________________________
RM 650 (After April 20, 2011)
E-mail: Fax: +604-6570910
International Participant USD 300 (Early Bird, before or on April 20, 2011)
USD 350 (After April 20, 2011)

Fee will cover conference materials, conference proceedings, tea breaks and daily lunch.

*I hereby enclose a Government Local Order/Crossed Cheque/ Money Order/ Bank Draft
No:….……………............................... for RM/USD ...……….................. made payable to
“Bendahari Universiti Sains Malaysia”.

 Please state full name of the participant(s) on the back side of the bank draft, money order
or cheque.

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