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Draft 1



This project is about the Grab Mapathon which is from Grab Geo*Stars Programme.
This project is organised by Grab Malaysia with collaboration with Faculty of Built
Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. In this project, students have the
opportunity using Open Street Map (OSM) for mapping project. This project run for a month
for the students to contribute in the mapping project. In this project, students will contribute
in updating the road network in OpenStreetMap and the Point of Interest (POIs) in google
form. The students will contribute in the mapping project with their local knowledge.

In this project, Open Street Map (OSM) will be used as a platform to update the
features. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the initiatives that give opportunities to create and provide
geographic data of the world freely to the user (“OpenStreetMap - Wikipedia,” n.d.).
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an open map source. In OpenStreetMap, there are many data that
provided such as roads, waterbodies, Point of Interest and many more geographic features.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) also is the geographical map which not contain only the map, but also
the database of the map. The information from OSM can be utilized in different manners
including creation of paper maps and electronic maps, geocoding of address and POIs names,
and route network. Numerous users of GPS devices like Grab, FoodPanda and Pokemon Go
use OSM information to replace the implicit map information on their devices.

Crowdsource is the obtain the data, information and also the work that are comes
from a large group of people and user to complete the task. The submission of the data is via
an internet, social media and online apps. The involving of people in crowdsourcing work
some as paid freelance and sometimes as a voluntary work. There are three type of
crowdsourcing which is crowdfunding, crowdwisdom and microtasking (“What is
crowdsourcing? | Sprout Social,” n.d.). All the type of crowdsourcing has different function
to do the work. Crowdsourced data collection is a method to get the dataset with help of a
large group of people.
a) Comment/ View on crowdsource geospatial data contributed by non-professional

Crowdsource geospatial data is the collection of geospatial data that are contribute by
non-professional mapper or users (Pfoser, 2016). The geospatial data that are collected can be
a meaningful geospatial dataset. In my opinion, crowdsource geospatial data have their own
benefits which is give more accuracy in the data because of the data are collected by the local
knowledge of the contributor. So, some of the data are more accurate or much better than
authoritative source. This can be referred in previous research where according to Kounadi
(2009), the OSM data quality element such as length completeness, name accuracy and the
positional accuracy are highly accurate to Hellenic Military Geographical Services (HMGS).

As we all know, the crowdsource geospatial data is contribution from the worldwide
distributed location of contributor, so that the scale of data collection is large and worldwide.
Many data can we get from the crowdsource geospatial data freely. However, crowdsource
geospatial data contributed by non-professional mapper have an issues about the data such as
the usability of the data, the quality of the data and many more.

b) Benefit of OSM data in various context/ application (give example and reference)

There are many benefits of OSM data such as:

i. The data are freely to download and use. There is no cost to access the OSM data and
the source freely available with the high-resolution of vector data. So, the user easy to
get and use the data without having to go pay the data to other agencies to get the
ii. The OSM data is one of the crowdsourced geospatial data, so that the data are in large
scale and many data can we get from the OSM data. It may include the more social
valuable set of features than commercial and government map, this is because the
source of data is from the local, so the local contributed by their local knowledge.
iii. The OSM data also up to date. User can get the data or information real-time and up
to date. This is because, sometimes the data from the authority source are outdated.

Example of application that use of OSM data.

 Philly Fresh Food Map (“Philly Fresh Food Map,” n.d.) with Open Street Map (OSM)
This map is about the map of fresh food’s place in Philadelphia, USA to help people
to know the source of fresh food in their neighbourhoods (Philadelphia Food Policy
Advisory Council, n.d.). User also can download and update the data about the fresh
food with OpenStreetMap (OSM).
 OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM) is a prototype of OSM data for spatial decision-support
system. This application are to help the municipal in develop the local flood
emergency response plan using OpenStreetMap (OSM) data as a base map (Eckle et
al., 2016).

c) What you learn/ obtain from this project particularly on developing your social
entrepreneurship character

From this project, many things that I have learned in term of social entrepreneurship.
Through this project, I have learned that my contribution will help the other user or
community to get and download the data freely. Its also make me more motivation to do
many more crowdsourcing works. This also can develop my social entrepreneurship character
in term of helping government to update the data from my local knowledge that sometime the
authority does not alert with the changing in the local environment.

Through this project that out of classroom, it will develop my soft skills. Refer to UTM
Graduate Attributes and Generic Skill, the soft skill that can generate is information
management and lifelong learning skills. This is because, I transfer and used all the
knowledge (local knowledge and knowledge from my studies) in this project. Other than that,
the soft skill that I have learned is ethics and integrity. Through this project, there are many
sources that I can referred but some sources are forbidden. So, I have to follow the rules and
this will generate my ethics and integrity in myself.


In conclusion, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of the crowdsourcing geospatial data

which all the community can involve in the contribution of updating the geospatial data.
There are many benefits of OSM data which I mention above and many benefits of
crowdsource geospatial data that can help others to do many things like decision-making,
research and others. In this crowdsourcing work, people can develop their social
entrepreneurship character within their works.


Eckle, M., De Albuquerque, J. P., Herfort, B., Zipf, A., Leiner, R., Wolff, R., & Jacobs, C.
(2016). Leveraging OpenStreetMap to support flood risk management in municipalities:
A prototype decision support system. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM
Conference, (May).

Kounadi, O. (2009). Assessing the quality of OpenStreetMap data. Geographical Information

Science, University College Of, (August), 0–80. Retrieved from

OpenStreetMap - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2020, from

Pfoser, D. (2016). Crowdsourcing Geographic Information Systems. In Encyclopedia of

Database Systems (pp. 1–8).

Philadelphia Food Policy Advisory Council. (n.d.). A Philadelphia Food Policy Road Map.

Philly Fresh Food Map. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2020, from

Skills, L. L. (n.d.). If you have any suggestion and inquiry , please do not hesitate to contact
the following email and hot-line number .

What is crowdsourcing? | Sprout Social. (n.d.). Retrieved May 9, 2020, from

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