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(Reading) B CLASS
3 Semester
English Department

ARI PUSPITA / 20161111007

Sherlock Holmes

Author : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Total pages : 200 pages ( I read until 131 page )

Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Year : 2017

Chapter 1. Ascandal in Bohemia

1. From page 1 until 15. Telling about the character from Sherlock Holmes, he is a great
detective and his friend name is Dr. Waston, he is a doctor, they are a friend of long
2. From page 16 until 25. Sherlock Holmes get a mysterious letter from Bohemia and
Waston can help him to solve that ploblem
3. From 26 until 31. Their meet with mysterious guest and actually, he is the king from
Bohemia and the king wants holmes to find the woman. Her name is Irene Adler
4. From page 32 until 40. Irene Adler is ex girl friend from the king, and she have a bad
photo to destroy the king’s marriage with the Queen from Skandinavia, Holmes
prepare to find Irene Adler in Briony Lodge.
5. From 41 until 48. Holmes and his friend came to Irene’s house and prepare about their
strategy. Their make fire strategy to find where irene save that photo.
6. From 49 until 56. Holmes Think if that’s strategy be success but actually miss irene if
she had been framed by Holmes strategy so she left england with her husband and
make a letter if she never distrub again, the life of king Bohemia because she love her
husband and she bring that photo just be memories.

chapter 2. A Case of Identity

1. From page 57 until 66. This story start telling about Mr.Holmes get a new ploblem
from klien, her name is Miss. Mery Sutherland and she want holmes can find her
boyfriend. His name is Mr. Hosmer Angel. She stay with her mom and her step father.
2. From page 67 until 75. Miss Sutherland’s boyfriend disappeared and she want
Holmes can to find her boyfriend and holmes prepare about the strategy.
3. From 76 until 85. After holmes find some information about Hosmer Angel, he meet
with sutherland’s step father and Mr Holmes know if Mr. Windibank and Mr. Hosmer
Angel is the same people to write the latter for miss sutherland.
4. From page 86 until 95. Actually Mr Windibank make strategy to take treasure from
miss sutherland and pretend to love miss sutherland.

Chapter 3.The man with the twisted lip

1. From page 96 until 110.This stroy telling about the one woman, her name is Kate
Whitney, she want to find her husband. Her husband name is Isa Whitney, and he is a
drug addicts.He dissappeared for one week.
2. From page 111 until 120. Waston can find Isa Whitney is a some place to selling drug
and in there waston meet with Holmes. He is disguised for a case from Mrs. St.
Clair’s family, her husband dissapeared in one mysterious building and holmes
prepare strategy to find him.
3. From page 121 until 125. Holmes and waston going to the jail fro meet with Boone
the one who was charged with being concerned in the dissapeared of Mr Neville St
Clair of lee.
4. From page 126 until 131. Finally Holmes and waston know after they washing the
Boone face with water and dismantling his disguise. Boone and Mr St Clair is the
same person, he disguised as a beggar to earn a lot of money.

Summary from the Chapter 1. A scandal in Bohemia

This story telling about mysterious letter. Sherlock Holmes is a great dectetive, he can to
solve anything ploblem in thats country, he is very famous and he have one best friend, his
name is Dr. Waston, they always work together and Waston always can help to solve his
problem. One day Sherlock Holmes get a mysterious letter from Bohemia, and then their
meet with mysterious guest and actually, he is the king from Bohemia and the king came to
Holmes, he want to find a great woman, her name is Irene Adler. She is a ex girl friend of the
king and she have a bad photo to destroy the king’s marriage with the queen from
Skandinavia, holmes prepare to find irene adler in Briony lodge, but Holmes never meet her
until he change the strategy. In the next day, holmes and waston came to irene’s house and
prepare about their strategy, the first, he make a fuss and he pretending to be injured in order
to get into his house,then their make fire strategy so he know where irene save that photo.
Holmes thinks if thats strategy be success but actually miss irene she had been framed by
holmes strategy so she left england with her husband and make a letter if she never distrub
again the life of the king because she love her husband and she bring that photo just be

Summary from chapter 2. A case of identity

This story start telling about Mr Holmes get a new mysterious problem, he always looks
restless, initially he can not to do that case because he feel tired about his job, be a detective
always must be more think but he is interest for that problem, in that time, he working with
his friend, waston. His klien is woman, her name is Miss Mary Sutherland. And she hope if
holmes can to find her boyfriend, his name is Mr Hosmer Angel and she stay with her mam
and her step father but her step father not like to her boyfriend, he is alwasy angry if meet Mr
Hosmer but they never meet together. Sudenlly her booyfriend disappeared and Miss
Sutherland be confused to solve the problem, so she is came to holmes, because she believe if
holmes can to find her boyfriend. After that, holmes and his friend waston, prepare their
strategy to find her boyfriend and Holmes get a some information about hosmer angel, their
meet with sutherland’s step father and holmes know if Mr Windibank and Mr Hosmer Angel
is the same person to write the letter for miss Sutherland Actually Mr Windibank make
strategy to take treasure from miss sutherland and pretend to love miss sutherland, but Mr
Windibank never regretted by his deeds.
Summary from chapter 3. The man with the twisted lip

This stroy telling about the one woman, her name is Kate Whitney, she want to find her
husband. Her husband name is Isa Whitney, and he is a drug addicts.He dissappeared for one
week. Waston can find Isa Whitney is a some place to selling drug and in there waston meet
with Holmes so actually Isa Withney it’s not real case, in that time, waston be shocked when
he look Holmes style is very bad. He is disguised for a case from Mrs. St. Clair’s family, her
husband dissapeared in one mysterious building in the morning but before he disappeared,
her husband said if he will going to work, and then when she came to the building, she not
look her husband, she just meet with beggar and holmes prepare strategy to find him.Holmes
can not sleep because he confused about that case.Holmes and waston going to the jail for
meet with Boone the one who was charged with being concerned in the dissapeared of Mr
Neville St Clair of lee. Finally Holmes and waston know after they washing the Boone face
with water and dismantling his disguise. Boone and Mr St Clair is the same person, he
disguised as a beggar to earn a lot of money for his family.


Summaries Book

Title : Surprise, Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected.

Author : Tania Luna and Leeann Renninger.

Total pages :247

Publisher : Penguin Group, April 2015


Part 1 :Understand surprise. Chapter 1 pages 3 – 20.

Surprise is an event or observation that is either unexpected or misexpected. In addition it

is a strong neural response that regardless of whether the surprise is neural, pleasant, or
unpleasant.There are many aspect of surprise which one aspect of surprise pulled together
various findings into one overarching framework for understanding surprise that call it the
Surprise Sequence.Surprise Sequence is an aspect include : freeze, find, shift, share that
these of four aspect of it are plug into the moment , get wildly curious, and change your
perspective. The value of this happiness- producing coin form surprise it doesn’t take a lot of
to buy happiness if you’ve got surprise on your side. So surprise of all varieties is a force of

Part 2 : Surprise in the world.Chapter 2. Pages 21 - 36

We are living in this world around surprise : Gita Johar said, “ The biggest reason people
are going to see psychics is probably that they want to feel in control.” And people are sick
of surprise and are too unpredictable these day which change is happening at such a rapid
pace that we have all got a case of psychological whiplash. The more surprise our world
become, the less we are able to maintain a balance atop the Surprise Seesaw. In addition on
one side of the seesaw sits the sensation of too much surprise – brought on by change,
uncertainty, and ambiguity. The seesaw not only sits the sensation but also sits the problem
of too little surprise. It is brought on by routine , structure, and comfort.
Part 3 Chapter 3 - 4 ; A more surprising future. Pages 37 - 70

Future has always been a source of fascination and speculation because the future is
inherently unknowable. So it may seem odd to say that our future is more surprise today than
ever it was in the past. Perhaps a clearer way to make this argument is by saying that today
we are surprised more often than ever before.

As Google engineer and futurist Ray Kurzweil writes, “ We won’t experience one hundred
years of process in the twenty- first century it will be more like twenty thousand years of
progress. In addition, our modern reality is a different story and different world from that
our grandparents. Moreover, exponential change applies to any evolutionary process, from
human evolution to advancement in computer speed to miniaturization to our mastery of
biology. In Vernor’s words, “ As we move closer to this point, it will loom vaster and vaster
over human affairs till the notion becomes a common place. Yet when it finally happens it
may still be great surprise and a greater unknown.

Finally, our sense of identity is derived from the fixed and predictable things around us: a
job , place, circle of friends, family and so on. We predict that as our world becomes even
more surprise , our identities will becomes increasingly fluid and adaptable. Our ever –
surprise future is not just changing our lives; it is changing our very sense of self.

Part 4 ; chapter 5 : A less surprising future. Pages 71- 79

Our future is far less surprising and more predictable than it’s ever been. Franco Gamba
said, “We are living in a world of Big Data. That means we can sift through millions of bits
of information to predict everything. The problem for Franco isn’t unpredictability; it’s
having more information than he can ever possibly process. There are aspect of our
environments we can predict and control that would have seemed like magic not long ago.
Just think , how many think can you control in your life? The controlling has luxuries go
hand in hand with unintended consequences that lead to serious problems.

Part 5 ; chapter 6 :Control Withdrawal. Pages 80 - 95

Every year our number of control tools that are cell phone, air- conditioners, computer, and
so on which it’s came to happiness in our life. We spend our lives jogging on the control
treadmill, so when we were taken by surprise, our brains lash out and demand to have the
level of power and predictability to which they’ve become accustomed or we experience
control withdrawal.
The researcher Josh Wurman told us he finds it amusing that people get so upset when the
weather forecast is wrong. Josh says, “The weather is more predictable today than ever before
especially extreme weather. Our growing dependency on control with the fact that our future
is increasingly unpredictable. Change is happening so rapidly that it’s impossible to predict
how life will look just a years. All this unpredictability has many of us cowering in our
comfort zones and treating surprise as a treat. In our new more surprise / less surprise world,
there are also adaptations that allow individuals and organizations to thrive. So we submit
that today is the age of the Surprisologists, individuals, who are skilled in embracing the
unpredictable and engineering the unexpected.

Part 6 : chapter 7. Reframe Vulnerability. Pages 96 – 108.

To be vulnerable means to give up control and be entirely open to unpredictability and

surprise. What is vulnerability exactly? From a physical perspective, vulnerability is a
weakness that makes an individual susceptible to harm. Vulnerability can be so
uncomfortable that many of us can’t even be vulnerable enough to admit that we fear being
vulnerable. We hide behind rationalizations like: “I am not interested,” and “That’s not for
me.” Letting go of control in this can be terrifying. These what-its fuel our fear of
vulnerability. The fear keeps us bundled up in heavy protective layers and it’s nearly
impossible to take these layers off and embrace the unpredictable until we shed our old
definitions and reframe vulnerability. If we perceive vulnerability as weakness and the
possible of pain, unpredictability will always be a threat. But when we reframe vulnerable as
open, unpredictability becomes an opportunity and we connect more deeply whit others so
they can see us as we truly are and we like ourselves more because we see that we have worth
even when people see us fully. We learn and we experience life more fully. To be vulnerable
is to be a sponge- soaking up pain and disappointment but also discovery, connection,
wonder, and joy. It helpto look at several new perspective.

Part 7 chapter 8: Cool Is the Enemy of Growth. Pages 109 – 125.

Kids use the word surprise almost exclusively to describe positive event. As we get older,
surprise takes on a more negative connotation. Why? One reason is that surprise make us
vulnerable, and as we get older, we associate vulnerability with embarrassment and shame.
Think of the things you did joyfully as a kid that have the power to fill you with dread today.
Form most adults, this list contains dancing, singing , acting , and try new things. Coolness
made sense at a time when norms were fixed and mastery was possible. Our world is
characterized by ambiguity, change, and the need for lifelong learning. You can’t learn
without being open. Cool is the enemy of growth.

Summarize book: Surprise, Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected

Surprise is an event or observation that is either unexpected or misexpected. In addition

it is a strong neural response that regardless of whether the surprise is neural, pleasant, or
unpleasant.There are many aspect of surprise which one aspect of surprise pulled together
various findings into one overarching framework for understanding surprise that call it the
Surprise Sequence.Surprise Sequence is an aspect include : freeze, find, shift, share that these
of four aspect of it are plug into the moment , get wildly curious, and change your
perspective. The value of this happiness- producing coin form surprise it doesn’t take a lot of
to buy happiness if you’ve got surprise on your side. So surprise of all varieties is a force of

We are living in this world around surprise : Gita Johar said, “ The biggest reason people
are going to see psychics is probably that they want to feel in control.” And people are sick
of surprise and are too unpredictable these day which change is happening at such a rapid
pace that we have all got a case of psychological whiplash. The more surprise our world
become, the less we are able to maintain a balance atop the Surprise Seesaw. In addition on
one side of the seesaw sits the sensation of too much surprise – brought on by change,
uncertainty, and ambiguity. The seesaw not only sits the sensation but also sits the problem
of too little surprise. It is brought on by routine , structure, and comfort.

Future has always been a source of fascination and speculation because the future is
inherently unknowable. So it may seem odd to say that our future is more surprise today than
ever it was in the past. Perhaps a clearer way to make this argument is by saying that today
we are surprised more often than ever before.

As Google engineer and futurist Ray Kurzweil writes, “ We won’t experience one hundred
years of process in the twenty- first century it will be more like twenty thousand years of
progress. In addition, our modern reality is a different story and different world from that
our grandparents. Moreover, exponential change applies to any evolutionary process, from
human evolution to advancement in computer speed to miniaturization to our mastery of
biology. In Vernor’s words, “ As we move closer to this point, it will loom vaster and vaster
over human affairs till the notion becomes a common place. Yet when it finally happens it
may still be great surprise and a greater unknown.

Finally, our sense of identity is derived from the fixed and predictable things around us: a
job , place, circle of friends, family and so on. We predict that as our world becomes even
more surprise , our identities will becomes increasingly fluid and adaptable. Our ever –
surprise future is not just changing our lives; it is changing our very sense of self.

Our future is far less surprising and more predictable than it’s ever been. Franco Gamba
said, “We are living in a world of Big Data. That means we can sift through millions of bits
of information to predict everything. The problem for Franco isn’t unpredictability; it’s
having more information than he can ever possibly process. There are aspect of our
environments we can predict and control that would have seemed like magic not long ago.
Just think , how many think can you control in your life? The controlling has luxuries go
hand in hand with unintended consequences that lead to serious problems.

Every year our number of control tools that are cell phone, air- conditioners, computer, and
so on which it’s came to happiness in our life. We spend our lives jogging on the control
treadmill, so when we were taken by surprise, our brains lash out and demand to have the
level of power and predictability to which they’ve become accustomed or we experience
control withdrawal.

The researcher Josh Wurman told us he finds it amusing that people get so upset when the
weather forecast is wrong. Josh says, “The weather is more predictable today than ever before
especially extreme weather. Our growing dependency on control with the fact that our future
is increasingly unpredictable. Change is happening so rapidly that it’s impossible to predict
how life will look just a years. All this unpredictability has many of us cowering in our
comfort zones and treating surprise as a treat. In our new more surprise / less surprise world,
there are also adaptations that allow individuals and organizations to thrive. So we submit
that today is the age of the Surprisologists, individuals, who are skilled in embracing the
unpredictable and engineering the unexpected. To be vulnerable means to give up control and
be entirely open to unpredictability and surprise. What is vulnerability exactly? From a
physical perspective, vulnerability is a weakness that makes an individual susceptible to
harm. Vulnerability can be so uncomfortable that many of us can’t even be vulnerable
enough to admit that we fear being vulnerable. We hide behind rationalizations like: “I am
not interested,” and “That’s not for me.” Letting go of control in this can be terrifying. These
what-its fuel our fear of vulnerability. The fear keeps us bundled up in heavy protective
layers and it’s nearly impossible to take these layers off and embrace the unpredictable until
we shed our old definitions and reframe vulnerability. If we perceive vulnerability as
weakness and the possible of pain, unpredictability will always be a threat. But when we
reframe vulnerable as open, unpredictability becomes an opportunity and we connect more
deeply whit others so they can see us as we truly are and we like ourselves more because we
see that we have worth even when people see us fully. We learn and we experience life more
fully. To be vulnerable is to be a sponge- soaking up pain and disappointment but also
discovery, connection, wonder, and joy. It help to look at several new perspective.

Cool is the enemy of growth. Kids use the word surprise almost exclusively to describe
positive event. As we get older, surprise takes on a more negative connotation. Why? One
reason is that surprise make us vulnerable, and as we get older, we associate vulnerability
with embarrassment and shame. Think of the things you did joyfully as a kid that have the
power to fill you with dread today. Form most adults, this list contains dancing, singing ,
acting , and try new things. Coolness made sense at a time when norms were fixed and
mastery was possible. Our world is characterized by ambiguity, change, and the need for
lifelong learning. You can’t learn without being open. Cool is the enemy of growth. The all
above mentions that Surprise, Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected
are connect with our life in this world.

CHUSNUL ANISA / 20161111047

Title : The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Author : L. Frank Baum
Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Years : 2017
Total pages : 183pgs

I’ll summary these book until Chapter 14 (127pgs)

These are the chapters of the books:
1. The Cyclone (pg 7)
2. The Council with the munchinks (pg 12)
3. How Dorothy saved the scarecrow (pg 21)
4. The Road through the forest (pg 30)
5. The Rescue of the tin woodman (pg 36)
6. The Cowardly lion (pg 45)
7. The Journey to the great OZ (pg 52)
8. The Deadly poppy field (pg 60)
9. The Queen of the field mice (pg 69)
10. The Guardian of the gate (pg 75)
11. The Wonderful city of OZ (pg 84)
12. The Search for the wicked witch (pg 99)
13. The Rescue (pg 114)
14. The Winged monkeys (pg 127)

 Chapter 1 : The Cyclone (pg 7-11)

An orphaned girl named Dorothy lives in a small house with her uncle, aunt and
Dorothy's dog, Toto, is her only source of fun. One day a cyclone hits the house
before Dorothy and Toto can reach the storm cellar. The house whirls into the air and
is carried away. After many lonely, frightened hours in the air, Dorothy and Toto
crawl over to her bed and fall asleep.
 Chapter 2 : The Council with the munchinks (pg 12-20)

Dorothy and Toto wake up and find that the cyclone has set the house down in "a
country of marvelous beauty." The people welcome her to the land of the Munchkins
and thank her for killing the Wicked Witch of the East. Dorothy asks how she can get
back home. The (good) Witch of the North suggests that she make the dangerous
journey to the Emerald City and ask its leader—Oz, the Great Wizard—for help. She
gives Dorothy a magic kiss of protection on her forehead.
 Chapter 3 – 4 : How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow (pg 21-35)

Dorothy and Toto start their journey, they spend the night with a rich Munchkin
named Boq, who warns that the journey will be rough and dangerous in places. The
next morning Dorothy and Toto pause on their walk to look at a Scarecrow on a pole.
When Dorothy tells him where she's going, the Scarecrow asks if he can come with
her. Being stuffed with straw, he has no brain and wants to ask the Wizard for one.
 Chapter 5 : The Rescue of the Tin Woodman (pg 35-44)

Dorothy met the Tin Woodman, when the Tin Woodman can move and speak again,
he asks to accompany the travelers in the hope of getting Oz to give him a heart.
 Chapter 6-7 : The Cowardly Lion (pg 45-59)

Dorothy and her friends are stumbling fearfully through the woods when a huge lion
suddenly springs at them, knocking over the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. When
he tries to bite Toto, Dorothy slaps him on the nose and scolds him. Dorothy and the
others invite him to accompany them. The group of friends make camp for the night
and tried to make a food.
 Chapter 8 : The Deadly Poppy Field (60-68)

The travelers cross the river in the Tin Woodman's raft—all but the Scarecrow, who
gets stuck clinging to a pole in the middle of the river. The countryside is filled with
lovely flowers. Unfortunately they must walk through a field of poppies whose
intense scent makes Dorothy, Toto, and the Lion all fall asleep. The Scarecrow and
the Tin Woodman wait for they to wake up.
 Chapter 9 : The Queen of the Field Mice (69-74)

As the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman wait for sleeping Dorothy, Toto and Lion to
wake up, "Queen of all the field mice" right past them. The mouse informs him that
she is and promises to grant him any favor he wants.
 Chapter 10 : The Guardian of the Gate (75-83)

The Lion finally wakes up, and once again the four friends and Toto set off down the
yellow brick road. The next afternoon they reach the wall of the Emerald City
—"thick, high, and green." A green-hued man opens the gate. Then he leads them
through the portal into Emerald City.
 Chapter 11 : The Wonderful City of Oz (84-98)
The Guardian of the Gates leads Dorothy and her friends through the dazzling
Emerald City. The Wizard tells her that he will not send her home until she has killed
the Wicked Witch of the West and returned with proof of her death. Dorothy is
disappointed and also horrified at the idea that she must kill someone.
 Chapter 12 : The Search for the Wicked Witch (99-113)

The travelers leave the Emerald City and head west. The Wicked Witch of the West
has spotted the group. These soaring simians drop the Tin Woodman into a rocky
gully and tear the Scarecrow to pieces. Then they carry Dorothy, the Lion, and Toto to
the palace. Because of the shoes and mark kiss, the Wicked Witch dares not harm
Dorothy. Instead she makes Dorothy her servant and locks the Lion in a cage.
 Chapter 13 : The Rescue (114-119)

The Winkies are happy to help rescue and repair the Tin Woodman and the
Scarecrow. After taking a few days to relax, Dorothy and her friends say goodbye and
set out for Oz, carrying the precious gifts the Winkies have given them.
 Chapter 14 : The Winged Monkeys (120-127)

There's no road, from the witch's castle to the Emerald City. It's heavy going for the
travelers, using a magic whistle that the Queen of the Field Mice gave her, Dorothy
calls the mice for help. The Queen points out that Dorothy can summon the Flying
Monkeys by using the Golden Cap. Immediately the band of Winged Monkeys
arrives, and agrees to fly the travelers to Emerald City. The Cap will grant Dorothy
three wishes; she's used the first wish to be flown to Emerald City.


Dorothy is an orphan cared for by her Uncle Henry, her Aunt Em, and her
little dog Toto. A cyclone suddenly came and everyone is afraid. While Dorothy tries
to catch the dog, Aunt starts down the ladder into the storm cellar. Before Dorothy
can follow, the cyclone lifts the house into the air and carries it away. The house lands
in Munchkin the Land of Oz, crushing and killing the Wicked Witch of the East. It's a
dangerous journey, but Dorothy is determined to go. She helps herself to the dead
witch's silver shoes.
Dorothy makes three new friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the
Cowardly Lion. Each asks to accompany her, for they too have favors to ask of the
Wizard. The Scarecrow wishes for a brain, the Woodman for a heart, and the Lion for
The four travelers and Toto arrive at Emerald City, one at a time they are
taken to meet the Wizard of Oz. He gives them the same assignment: if they can kill
the Wicked Witch of the West, the Wizard will grant their wishes.
The way to the witch's castle is rough, and the witch dispatches three animal armies to
kill the travelers. When that doesn't work she calls on the Winged Monkeys, who
disable the Scarecrow and Woodman and bring Dorothy, Toto, and the Lion to her
castle. There she imprisons the Lion and sets Dorothy to work cleaning the castle.
With the help of the witch's servants, the Winkies, and the Flying Monkeys,
Dorothy and her friends return to the Emerald City. (Summary only until Chapter 14
pg 127)

DIAN FARIHANI / 20161111048

Title : journey to the centre of the earth

Author : Jules Verne

Publisher : Gramedia

Year of Publish : 2017

Total Pages : 408pgs

PART 1 (CHAPTER 1 9-17)

Professor von hardwigg is harry worthy uncle, harry uncle makes a great discovery.

PART 2 (CHAPTER 2& 3 18-35)

Harry uncle declare the mistirious parchment and got an astounding discovery.

PART 3 (CHAPTER 4 36-41)

Harry and his uncle found the clue of the journey and start the journey.

PART 4 (CHAPTER 5 & 6 42-57)

Great experience in first lesson of climbing and voyageto iceland.

PART 5 (CHAPTER 7 & 858-74)

Professor hardwigg and harry looking for the guide and they meet with hans who would help
they in their journey.

PART 6 (CHAPTER 9 & 10 75-91)

Professor hardwigg, hans and harry strat the adventures and took the travelling in iceland.

PART 7 (CHAPTER 11-12 92-112)

Professor hardwigg, hans and harry ascent and reach of the mount sneffels.

PART 8 (CHAPTER 13-14 113-132)

The shadow and the real journey commences.
The paragraph of the summary
Professor Von Hardwigg is Harry worthy uncle, Harry uncle makes a great discovery.
The Harry uncle declare the mistirious parchment and got an astounding discovery. Then
Harry and his uncle found the clue of the journey and start the journey. Futhermore they have
a great experience in first lesson of climbing and voyageto iceland. And next Professor
Hardwigg and Harry looking for the guide and they meet with Hans who would help they in
their journey. In addition, Professor hardwigg, hans and harry strat the adventures and took
the travelling in iceland. Also they (Professor hardwigg, hans and harry)past the ascent and
reach of the mount sneffels. However the shadow and the real journey just commences. ........

JUMLIYATI / 20161111033

Title : Daisy Miller & other stories

Author : Henry James
Total Pages : 127
Publisher : 1994 By wordsworth editions limited 8B East Street, Ware, Hertfordshire
SG12 9HJ Introduction, notes and different stories added in 2006
Year : 1994 & 2006

 Summary each chapter

1. The Author’s Preface to Daisy Miller

One ChapterSummary, 1 until 8 pages
In the charming resort town of Vevey, Switzerland, Winterbourne, a young
American expatriate visiting his aunt, meets Daisy Miller, a pretty American girl, and
her younger brother, Randolph. Winterbourne, who has lived in Gevena most of his
life, is both charmed and mystified by Daisy. Who seems to him wonderfully
spontaneous, if a litle unrefined.
Winterbourne has never heard of a well brought up young lady carrying on in
this way. Daisy chats freely about herself and her abudance of “gentlemen friends.”
He feels he has lived so long in Europa that he has lost any sense of the way
Americans express themselves. He wonders if all girls from the state of New York are
like this or whether Daisy is a calculating seductress, trying to lure him into an act of
impropriety that might obligate him to marry he. However, she seems too
unsophisticated to have designs on him. He decides she is simply a harmless
American flirt and feels relieved to have hit on a way of categorizing her.
Before long, Daisy announces her desire to visit a local tourist attaraction, the
famous Chillon Castle, across Lake Geneva, and Winterbourne finds himself in the
shocking but rather pleasant position of being expected to take here there, alone and
unchaperoned. He is still more shocked when the miller’s courier, Eugenio as lunch.
Daisy addressess Eugenio as an aqual and informs him of her plan to go to Chillon
with Winterbourne.
2. Daisy Miller
One ChapterSummary, 8 until 57 pages
Winterbourse has promised to introduce Daisy to aunt, Mrs. Costello, has
notice Costello, but Mrs. Costello has noticed the Millers at the hotel and disapproves
of them, summing them up as “common .” Winterbourne suggest that the Millers are
merely “uncultivated.”
As proof of his own favorable opinion of Daisy, Winterbourne volunteers that
he plans to take Daisy to Chateau de Chillon. This information only confirms Mrs.
Costello’s opinion of Daisy as “a dreadful girl.” She warns Winterbourne againts
medding with girls like Daisy and will make a big mistake if he is not careful. Later
that evening, when Winterbourne runs into Daisy again in the hotel garden, the tells
him that she has learned all about his aunt from the hotel chambermaid and wants to
be introduced to her. Embarrassed. Winterbourne explains that his aunt’s health will
make an introduction impossible. Daisy doesn’t immediately understand the snub.
When she does, she merely laughs and remarks, “She doesn’t want to know me”
however Winterbourne thanks her voice trembles a little.
Two days later, Winterbourne takes Daisy to Chuillon. He has never done
anything remotely like this before, and he is tremendously excited. On the boat over
he is a little relieved that she doesn’t talk too loudly or laugh too much, as he feared
she might. He wonders if she is less “common” than he had initially supposed, or if he
is simply getting used to her vulgarity.

3. An International Episode
One Chapter Summary, 57 until 127 pages
The following Winter, Mrs. Costello writes to Winterbourne asking him to
come and visit her in Rome and bring her a copy of a novel called paule mere. The
Millers are also in Rome, and Mrs. Costello repost that Daisy’s behavior has excited
much gossip among the American there. Daisy socializes with know fortune hunters
and appears unchaperoned at parties with an unknown Italian, “a gentleman with a
good deal of manner and a wonderful mustache.”
His first day in Rome, Winterbourne encounters the Millers at the house of
Mrs. Walker, a wealthy, well connected woman he know from Geneva. Daisy
reproaches Winterbourne for having called on her. She also asks Mrs. Walker’s
permission to bring one of her gentleman friends, “the beautiful Giovanelli,” to a big
party Mrs. Walker is giving later that week, despite the fact that no one in Mrs.
Walker’s circle is acquaited with him. Reluctantly, Mrs. Walker grants her
Daisy announces that she is leaving to meet Mr. Giovanelli at the Pincio
Gardens, a favorite spot for strolling and slow carrige rides, for seeing and being seen.
Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Miller advise againts this, Mrs. Walker because it is not the
custom in Rome for young ladies to walk alone in broad daylight with gentlemen, and
Mrs. Miller because she fears for Daisy’s health. Evening is when people are thought
most vulnerable to “Roman fever,” or malaria. Daisy refuses to be dissuaded but
seggest that Winterbourne accompany her, and he agrees.

 The originality my summary

Daisy Miller is a wealthy, young, American girl from upstate New York, traveling
around Europe with her mother and younger brother. Daisy is a courious mixture of traits.
She is spirited, independent, and well meaning, but she is also shallow, ignorant, and
provincial almost laughably so. She offers the opinion that Europe is “perfectly sweet,” talks
with shameless monotony about the tiresome details of her family’s habits and idiosyncrasies,
thinks Winterbournemight know an Englishwoman she met on the train because they both
live in Europe, and wonders if Winterbourne has heard of a little place called New York.
Daisy is also a tiresome flirt. She has no social graces or conversational gifts, such as charm,
wit and a talent for repartee, and she is really interested only in manipulating men and
making herself the center of attention.
Throughout Daisy Miller, Winterboune obsesses over the question of whether Daisy
is a “nice” girl, and Daisy’s behavior never reveals whether she is or isn’t. Winterbourne
accepts that Daisy is vulgar but wonders whether she is innocent, and we never really find out
the truth. Daisy does often seem less than innocent Winterbourne does, after all, catch her
with Mr. Giovanelli late at night at the Coliseum. However, whether such actions are or are
not appropriate is more a matter of social convention than any firm moral expectation. In the
end, the truth we find out about Daisy is only what Winterbourne thinks is true.


Title : The Sheikh’s Secret

Author : Barbara McMahon
Year of Publish : 2006
Publisher : Harlequin Mills and Boon
Total pages : 250


Laura had worked for Beatty Security for three years. Her speciality was guarding museum
pieces on display. She was available, as most operatives were, for other function as they
arose. Her primary function was to mingle, keep an eye on the priceless artifacts amd identify
anyone who showed an uninterest in the items Beatty Security was hired to guard.

Page : 5-25


Laura and Jason were working tonight, watching for potential problems at the McNab’s
fundraiser. She snapped a photo of Kyle Davenport. She knew about him and the rumors
circulating about a downward change in fortunes for the flamboyant enterpreneur. Not that
she expected any trouble from him, but it didn’t hurt to update company files from time to

Page : 26-52


Tal recieved the invitation from Yuusuf too quickly this evening. It was unlikely they’d made
plans. He didn’t think she’d throw over a sure thing for a mere possition. Was there some
way to make certain yuusuf knew she was seeing another man. He checked his watch. He
didn’t have long to wait before laura arived in a cab. She was dressed unapropriate dress and
Page : 53-73


She had a Dinner with the sheik on the zeppelin. She had the best moment of her life with a
dinner and beautiful gift. However above everything that so beautiful that day, it was Tal that
impressed her and he also amazed by her beauty. Even after that they still thought about how
beautiful that day.

Page : 74-99


The morning was overcast with the marine layer of fog blanketing the city. Laura dressed
warmly, knowing it would be even cooler the water. She hoped the typical summer weather
pattern wouldn’t put Tal off. By noon the sun would have burned through the fog and the day
would be beautiful. Laura found Tal and she surprised. Tal explained that one of her
neighbors was leaving as he arrived. She’d seen the ar yesterday and figured it was safe to let
me in, so she said. Laura ready.

Page : 100-124


Tal called Laura in Tuesday morning. She glaced around, wishing she had a private office.
No onne seemed to be paying any attention, however she could talk for a few minutes. Laura
was so glad when Tal calls her, it made endless wait to the day they plan to meet before that
they’ll meet tomooroy night’s dinner. Tal asked her what to bring to the dinner tomorrow and
laura says nothing. Tal says that he felt something special in their relationship.

Page : 125-144

NB : actually i have done read 1 book titled “The picture of dorian gray” but the book was
lost. But that book’s page only around 90 pages.

FAJAR EKA JAZULI / 20161111006

Title : The Biography of Abu Bakr As Siddeeq May Allah be Pleased with Him

Author : Dr. 'Ali Muhammad Muhammad As Sallaabee

Year of Publish : unknown

Publisher : Darussalam

Total pages : 784 ( I had read page 27 - 153 )


Part 1. Page 27 - 32 (His Name)

His real name is Abdullah. He has many name such us As Siddiq, Al Ateeq, As Saahib, Al
Atqa, Al Awwah. His names appears because of event who was experienced by Abu Bakr.

Part 2. Page 29 ( His Birth & Physical Description)

Abu Bakr was born 3 years after the year of the elephant. Abu Bakr was white-skinned and

Part 3. Page 33 - 40 ( His Family)

His father is Abu Quhafa. Abu Bakr has 3 wifes, 4 wifes actually but one of them had been
divorced before Abu Bakr being a Muslim. He has 4 childrens, 2 sons and 2 daughters.

Part 4. Page 41 - 47 ( Abu Bakr Life before Islam)

Abu Bakr had got verry high position in Quraish nobilitiy since he was child. Abu Bakr was
loved because of his genero hospitality. Moreover many of Quraish learned to him about the
knowledge of Genealogy, in addition he had a good mark in business.

Part 5. Page 49 - 54 (His Islam)

Abu Bakr was the first man to embrace Islam. Abu Bakr was a person entering Islam with no
dou. He responded immediately and pledged to support and help the messenger of Allah.

Part 6. Page 54 - 55 (Abu Bakr's Da'wah)

Abu Bakr was a successful Daa'e. He achieved success in his da'wah efforts not just among
his circle of friends but also within his family.

Part 7. Page 56 - 61 (Trials and Tribulations)

Abu Bakr was the only person who helped the messenger of Allah when the Prophet was
attacked by Quraishy. He had been beaten by Utbah bin Rabee'ah, and so much blood flowed
down his face. He more concerned with the messenger of Allah than himself.

Part. 8. Page 61 - 83. ( How Abu Bakr Would Strive to Defend the Prophet)

In the early days of Islam, some muslims kept their Islam secret from their family, except
Abu Bakr. He against anyone who tried to attack the Prophet openly. He was the bravest of
all people. He was the only person who was chosen by th Prophet to accompany the Prophet's

Part 9. Page 83 - 108 ( Abu Bakr Migration with the Messenger of Allah to Al
Madeenah )

Abu Bakr was the ones who accompany the Prophet in hijra. He had very brilliant strategy.
They walked at night through different paths. Abu Bakr was a person who lovrd the Prophet
very much. He guided the Prophet from all sides. They came safely in the Al Madeenah.

Part 10. 109 - 153 (Abu Bakr on the Bettlefield )

Abu Bakrwas a good army in Islam. He was very adept at playing swords. He was very
brave, he always followed all the wars of the Prophet. He never lied to the prophet. even in
war. Abu Bakrwas indiscriminate against whoever his enemy, no matter his close relatives,
even his son, he would kill him in a war.
Summary :

Abdullah bin Quhaafa, as known as Abu Bakr, had many names. He wasborn 3 years
after the Prophet. He was skinnyand white skinned. Abu Bakr had 3 wifes and 4 childrens.
Before the advent of Islam he had got a good position in Quraishnobility. He was the first
man who accepted Islam. He was a good daa'e.Abu Bakr was the only one who openly
defense the Prophet. He even ignored himself than the Prophet. Abu Bakr was the only
Sahaba of the Prophet who was chosen to accompany the Prophet. He was bravest person. He
followed all the battle in the time of Prophet.



Author : Victoria Forester
Total Pages : 329 page
Publisher : in The United States by Feiwel and Friends
Year : First Square Fish Edition, 2010
This Square Fish Edition, 2015

PART 1 (Chapter 1 & 7)

Piper Mc Clouds, the girl who always work hard in every situation because she seen
different with her friend and not many people want to be friend her. Piper has a confident for
something that she can’t do it, there is attraction from piper. She also have characteristic to
hard open minded with the strange peoplebut fortunately she had a faithful friend (bella and
sally sue)and received a state piper (support) of piper. The parent Mr. and Mrs MC CLOUDS
also feel guilty because of their life just residence permit in small farm but their always proud
for her daughter. When she wasgoing new school the teacher humiliate piper project’s,thal it
all treatment from around piper who make piper be work hard and want be more better from
her friend, honestly piper won’t school if not wish her parents and she can’t practice flying
again because it just only normal people

PART 2 (Chapter 2 & 3)

Piper friendship with Bella, Joe and Sally sue (little sister Rory ray) their always
argument and helps piper to ask not hear judgment from Millimae and Rory ray. The first
piper always stress because Millimae say Flying skill is bad and know that from born pioer
doesn’t have talent fly and always say same words to piper every meeting. Bella and Joe
can’t stop piper to not hear Millimaeand if piper was badmood she won’t hear advice from
her friend althought she falling or not perfect piper will keep try. The sentence that always
remember piper is “ Sure as anything you’d get attacked by some rabit bird. It ain’t no place
for a youngen up there”. Bella and Joe understand the felling piper althought their adviced
never hear piper, their always support piper with a way escort piper wherever she go. She
considered herself a serious flier, not a tourist and set an ambitious learning schedule, which
included landing practice, ascent and descent, velocity control, and hovering. The second
piper always get bad treat from Rory ray (Sally sue brother) if they meet or be friend, the
other sibiling Sally sue also disagree about that. One day when assemble piper confident to
meet the people who always judge because she can fly and she can prove the words of shown
piper with calm and relax.

PART 3 (Chapter 4 & 5)

Piper now had many talents in the field of sport that is baseball, the player piper I
baseball have done popular in society until enter the newspaper and there has been of people
waiting in the morning to meet piper. Dr. Hellion and the government of the united states of
America also visiting piper house to tell acceptancea scholarship from achieved that
established piper in competence baseball and asked pipet to school. Piper confused to choise
and she look her parents that want piper to order school in united states of America. The
massanger from Dr. Hellion “you also wondering what you can possibly do about it and the
truth is that you don’t really know what to do or who to turn to, and you are starting to have
moments when things feel completely hopeless”. Piper finally accept that and too hard
communication accent with the people but Dr. Hellion always help piper and know that piper
can fly and tell to piper not use skill fly in the school.

PART 4 (Chapter 6)

Piper find the big different between their house and the place she live now in united
states of America is modern city and technology progress \, the first she ride helicopter and
she met a woman computer in the building thal will be her studies. Everthing was shiny and
white and illuminated by blue glowing light and piper caught glimpse of laboratories filled
with exotic plants, arboretums with vast row of shrubs and trees and facility staff carefully
tending and monitoring it all. Piper resigned because she was not allowed to fly during

PART 5 (Chapter 8 & 9)

During in united states of America, piper have someone who caring and treats piper in
school and piper glad because she can free without disturbed other. Lilly is one of all who
will disturb piper but Nurse tolle always safe her from ignorance of her classmate. She look
in the sky and her felling weird because there is someone who flying and make the other
students the crowded look to the sky of the rainbow clearly fot those who don’t know that is
Bella (Piper friend) visited her school. The classmate suspicious of seeing someone (Bella)
and Piper talking together in the room and classmate who judge piper ask the truly “who is
you ?” “were ae you from” and after that piper with brave to show she fly skill, the classmate
is very envy because she had fly skill and apology to piper because judge and humiliate piper
during school in there.

NARISAH SULONG / 20161111039

Title : A call for nurse templar

Author : Anne Weale
Total pages : 190
Publisher : Mills and Boon
Year : 1978

Step 1
Part 1 : Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 They have relation or same topic
Part 2 : Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 They different topic
Part 3 : Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 They different topic
Part 4 : Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 They different topic

Step 2 : Write a very brief summary of each part here :

Part 1: Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 pages 7-45

Linden was traveling from London to somewhere by the train but Rupert Ellis doesn’t
want she go, because Linden have to stay away from him. But linden can’t change her mind
and stay in London with him. In during traveling she felt had someone followed her on
purpose’ but she doesn’t pay much attention. Linden had two elder brother. Linden as a nurse
at clinic in small town. Linden is a beautiful girl and smart. As the train chugged slowly
through the sidings, Linden looked with interest at the entrance to her new house. when she
arrived apartment she has met with Jill Adams. Jill Adams was a pretty red-haired girl of
about the same age as Linden. She had lived in town all her life and trained at the local
hospital. Her district adjoined Linden’s area. Her own apartment was on the second floor of a
block near the shopping centre. Jill said about the Craigs . The Craigs are one of our
important families in town

Part 2 : Chapter 3 pages 46- 62

. During the week Had two letters from Rupert, neither of which said in direct terms that he
imagined himself in love with her, but making this very clear by innuendo. Linden is very
popular in town and had many person interest her. Because she is beautiful and very
Part 3 : Chapter 4 pages 63-81
. On Monday evening she drove up to the heights for a routine visit to Paula Craig. Linden
templar’s first duties is the delivery of the Craig family’s baby. The house was a sprawling
Victorian mansion which might have looked gloomy and forbidding but for its excellent state
of repair. Linden has found with Randal Craigs in that house. Make Linden think off man
who on the train was Randal Craig.

Part 5 : Chapter 5 pages 82 – 131

. Someday Randal came find Linden at Linden’s house. He want Linden help something
about his sister-in- law .Randal told about his sister-in-law, she seems to be extremely fit and
he suspected that she isn’t very happy. Randal want linden tactful enquires, she might confide
to Linden what she won’t tell him. Linden studied the clash of her case for a moment. Since
that day make they often to met. Randal got familiarize about Linden increase. Linden
Committed on the work and hard work . She always helping Randal and Randal’s family.
Randal felt like Linden and Gratitude about her. Linden like him too. Later the both fall in
love. Then Linden decided break up with Rupert, because she think with him just friend.
Even they have a lot off barrio. But they pass it. After that they are dating.

Step 3 : Tie the summary of the part together to make one final summary. Use as few
words as possible.

Linden was traveling from London to somewhere by the train but Rupert Ellis doesn’t
want she go, because Linden have to stay away from him. But linden can’t change her mind
and stay in London with him. In during traveling she felt had someone followed her on
purpose , but she doesn’t pay much attention. Linden had two elder brother. Linden as a nurse
templar at clinic in small town. Linden is a beautiful girl and smart. Moreover she’s charming
and had beautiful smile. As the train chugged slowly through the sidings, Linden looked with
interest at the entrance to her new house. When she arrived apartment she has met with Jill
Adams. Jill Adams was a pretty red-haired girl of about the same age as Linden. She had
lived in town all her life and trained at the local hospital. Her district adjoined Linden’s area.
Her own apartment was on the second floor of a block near the shopping centre. Jill said
about the Craigs. The Craigs are one of important families in town. During the week had two
letters from Rupert, neither of which said in direct terms that he imagined himself in love
with her, but making this very clear by innuendo. On Monday evening she drove up to the
heights for a routine visit to Paula Craig. Linden templar’s first duties is the delivery of the
Craig family’s baby. The house was a sprawling Victorian mansion which might have looked
gloomy and forbidding but for its excellent state of repair. Linden has found with Randal
Craigs in that house. Make Linden think off man who on the train was Randal Craig.
Someday Randal came find Linden at Linden’s house. He want Linden help something about
his sister-in- law .Randal told about his sister-in-law whether she seems to be extremely fit
and he suspected that she isn’t very happy. Randal want linden tactful enquires, she might
confide to Linden what she won’t tell him. Linden studied the clash of her case for a moment.
Since that day make they often to met. Randal got familiarize about Linden increase. Linden
Committed on the work and hard work .In addition She always helped Randal and Randal’s
family. Randal felt like Linden and Gratitude about her. Linden like him too. Later the both
fall in love. Furthermore Linden decided break up with Rupert’ because she think with him
just friend. Even they have a lot off barrio. But they pass it. The last they are dating.



Author : Abu Zakariya
Publisher : iERA conveying the hall
Year : 2017
Number of Pages : 250 pages

Chapter 1 (page 4 – page 46)

“The Concept of God in Christianity”
The world around us, our very existence, everything, we owe it all to our Creator. God also
sustains all life. God doesn’t need our worship, but He deserve it.

-The Doctrine of the Trinity

The most popular belief, promoted by the vast majority of churches in the world, is that God
has a triune nature. This is the doctrine known as the Trinity, which defines God as one being
who exists eternally as three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, theHoly Spirit. Put
simply, it is “one God in three persons.” Each person is said to have a different role when it
comes to how God relates to the world. For example, the Father is said to have sent the Son,
Jesus, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. The Holy Spirit is said to sanctify
believers, inspiring Christians in their day-to-day lives.

-The Different Views of Jesus in the Early Church

1. Jesus was purely human

This is the view that Jesus was born a human being with no divine aspect whatsoever. One
such early Christian group that held this belief were the Ebionites. The word “Ebionite” is
from Hebrew Ebyonim meaning “poor ones”. The Ebionites were Jewish followers of Jesus.
The Ebionite Christian believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah sent from God to the
Jewish people in fulfilment of the Jewish Scriptures.
2. Jesus was purely divine and not human at all
It is the belief that Jesus had no human aspect at all and was purely divine. One such group
which held these beliefs were the Marcionites. The Marcionites believed that Jesus was not
truly a part of this material world. He didn’t have a flesh-and-blood body, and was not
actually born. Although He appeared to be human, his human form was merely an illusion.
3. Jesus was both human and divine
There were numerous sub-groups within this category. One group, known as
Subordinationists, believed that Jesus was divine and that he was created by God the Father,
thus, Jesus was not equal to the Father but subordinate to him.
Another group believed that Jesus was always divine and that when Jesus became human he
became an additional person.
A third group believed that Jesus was always divine and when he became human he took on
an additional nature.

-How the Trinity Become Orthodoxy

1. The Trinity , as it is believed in today, did not emerge as the official doctrine of the church
until over 400 years after Jesus. Yet, today it is considered to be so pivotal to mainstream
Christianity that anyone diverging from. This is labelled a disbeliever or member of a cult.
2. The doctrine of the trinity did not come into church easily, but rather through a great deal
of dispute.
3. Imperial involvement played a large part in determining which theological view was
dominant at any given moment.

-Is the Trinity Biblical?

Through the research it was surprised to learn that the term ‘Trinity’ is not found anywhere in
the Bible. Such terminology appears only in the writings of church Fathers, much later in
history. The position of the catholic Church is that the term ‘Trinity’ was first mentioned late
into the second century, about 150 years after Jesus.

-Jesus Preached Pure Monotheism

There is an interesting incident in the new testament where Jesus seems to affirm the
theology of the old testament. One of the Jewish teachers of the law approaches Jesus and
asks him which of the commandments is the most important.
This incident was the perfect opportunity for Jesus to correct misconceptions about God’s
nature and give the Jewish teacher of the law a Trinitarian understanding of God being three
co-equal and co-eternal persons.
-Reconciling the Trinity with Reason
God is perfect in His knowledge, so it stands to reason that His true revelation will also be
The Bible supports the notion that God does not change; indeed, God cannot change, because
He transcends time altogether.
More issues with the doctrine of the incarnation emerge when we consider God’s perfection.
God is perfect in every way possible; both muslim and Christians believe this to be true. God
entered into the creation as a human being in the form of Jesus. Since God is the pinnacle of
perfection, then there is no need for Him to become anything. If God is perfect and something
needs to be added to His nature, then doesn’t that mean He lacked something before? Which
state is considered more “Godly”, the pre-incarnation God, or post-incarnation God? You can
see that the doctrine of the incarnation puts Trinitarians in a blasphemous predicament.

-The Influence of Paganism on the Trinity

We’ve seen that the Trinity is not present in the Bible in either name or concept, and that its
claim of a triune God not only conflicts with the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, but
it is also inherently contradictory did the Trinity come from? In order to answer this question,
we need to understand the world into which Christianity was born and developed. Such tales
bear a striking similarity to Trinitarian beliefs of God being begotten as a man. In fact, the
early Christian apologist Justin Martyr, considered a saint in the Catholic church, said the
following in response to pagan criticisms that Christianity borrowed from their beliefs about
the sons of God.

Chapter 2 (page 47 – page 66)

“The Concept of God in Islam”
-Jesus : Man, Messenger, and Messiah
The birth of Jesus
God informs us in the Qur’an that one day mary was given glad tidings by an angel of a
special son she would give birth to:
The angel said, ‘mary, God gives you news of a word from Him, whose name will be the
messiah, Jesus, son of mary, who will be held in honour in this world and the next, who
will be one of those brought near to God. [3:45]
One of the most important individuals mentioned in the Qur’an is Jesus, peace be upon him.
Muslim respect and love Jesus as a great messenger of God.

-Beliefs should Stem from Revelation, not Speculation

Without divine revelation to shine a light on the world of the unseen, mankind will inevitably
fall into error when speculating about the nature of God. This is why a muslim’s beliefs about
God are derived purely from revelation. Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the best source of
revelation about God because the words of the Qur’an are His literal words.
There is always going to be the possibility of differences of interpretation; this is the case
with any book. However, the Qur’an is unique because it is the only Scripture that comes
with an explanation of how to interpret it correctly according to the understanding of its

-There Is No Conflict Between Islam and Reason

Contrary to what many secularists claim, there doesn’t need to be conflict between religion
and reason. The Qur’an highlights that God gave us the gift of our senses and reason: “It is
God who brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing, and gave you hearing
and sight and minds, so that you might be thankful”[16:78].

-How Islam Eliminate Idolatry

In just 23 years, Islam managed to completely reform not only the social ills of Arabian
society, but also its idolatry, taking people away from the worship of carved images and
stones to the worship of the One true God of Abraham. This is testimony of ja’far bin
abithalib, who was a contemporary of the prophet Muhammad. Here he informed the king of
Abyssinia about the condition of his people and the positive change that Islam brought for

-The Purity of TawheedThrough the Ages

When we study history, we will find that Islamic monotheism, Tawheed, has undergone no
historical evolution in the nearly 1,500 years tht have passed since the Qur’an was first
revealed to the prophrt Muhammad. Muslim hold to the same creed to this very day. All who
have tried to introduce something new into the creed of Islam have been rejected, purely on
the basis that it was not taught by the prophet Muhammad. This is standard that Muslim
scholars have held to since the beginning of Islam

Chapter 3 (page 67 – page 80)

“The Potrayal of Jesus and Other Prophets in Scripture”
-Concept of Prophethood
Prophet is a concept that is common to all three Abrahamic faiths.
Significant portions of both the Qur’an and the Bible are dedicated to the lives of the
We can conclude that both the Qur’an and the Bible define Prophet as those who were sent in
order to bring mankind closer to God. Both the Qur’an and the Bible paint a very noble,
honourable picture of the concept of prophethood. So, we should expect God’s Prophets to
embody these ideals by being the best people in character, with their behavior and lives
representing a practical example for us to follow in order to come closer to God.

Chapter 4 (page 81 – page 91)

“The Atonement Relationship between Man and God”
-In Islam, God is the loving, the most merciful
In Islam, God’s love and mercy transcends all other types of love and mercy. His love and
mercy is greater than all worldly and human foxrms of love and mercy – even motherly love
and mercy. God is an independent being who is self-sufficient and perfect. He doesn’t need
or require anything.

-Blood Atonement Compromises God’s Justice, Love, and Mercy

A human court that punished the innocent in place of the guilty would be considered corrupt;
it would be a miscarriage of justice. How much more unjust then would it be if God were
behind such a system? Yet, such a system is exactly what we have with the Christian
theology of blood atonement.

-Does blood atonement have a foundation in the Bible?

The foundation of the crucifixion stands on the doctrine that blood sacrifice alone expiates sin
and reconciles man with God. At face value, the notion of Jesus sacrificing himself to redeem
mankind may appear to be a noble act and undoubtedly is an aspect of Christianity that
resonates deeply with its followers.

Chapter 5 (page 92 – page 129)

“The Crucifixion: Indisputable Fact, or the most Misunderstood Event in History?
-Were the new testament authors writing under divine Inspiration?
The earliest accounts we have for the crucifixion are the books of the new testament. Within
the new testament, it is the four Gospels of matthew, mark, luke and john that provide the
details of the crucifixion.

-The claim that the crucifixion is foretold in the old testament

An argument commonly put forward to provide divine backing for the crucifixion is that it is
foretold in the old testament. The reasoning is that even if the gospel authors themselves are
not writing under divine inspiration, they are in fact recording the fulfilment of an old
testament prophecy that Jesus was to suffer and die on the cross for our sins.
-Why the Qur’an has the true insight into the crucifixion
We can see that the Qur’an states that Jesus was not crucified; rather, it was made to appear
so. What “though it was made to appear like that to them” means is a topic discussion
among scholars. A major view is that God gave someone else Jesus‘s appearance and it was
this other person who was substituted for Jesus on the cross, causing his enemies believe that
Jesus was crucified.

NEVY DIAH KENSIWI / 20161111026

Title: Tom sawyer and huckleberry finn

Author: Mark Twain

Tolal pages:396

Publisher: wordsworth

Year: 1876

Chapter: 35

Chapter 1-2

The old lady who was walking around looking for the boy, the boy made the aunt surprised
with innocence, "My gaze is behind you" the old lady whinnied, and clutched the wound
from danger and the boy escaped , running to the top, and not happy on the mountain, aunth
polly stood there for a moment and then laughed a little against the boy, can not I learn
nothing but the one who plays me. When Tom started the dreaded dusty job, he saw Ben
Rogers approaching. When Ben teases Tom because he can not swim and is forced to work,
Tom points out that it does not really work if he likes himself, and he makes great
performances by applying chalk and then marvels at his own effects. . When Ben wanted to
try his hand with white skin, Tom pretended to be reluctant until Ben offered him the apple
core and then the whole apple. Another boy appeared - a boy who was "stunned, but still
whips," and on the day a white fence was whipped (by another boy), and Tom found himself
a rich man, after collecting marbles, from the Jewish harp , kites, and Many other items as
payment for the boys doing the work When Tom started the dreaded dusty job, he saw Ben
Rogers approaching. When Ben teases Tom because he can not swim and is forced to work,
Tom points out that it does not really work if he likes himself, and he makes great
performances by applying chalk and then again admiring his own effects. . When Ben wanted
to try his hand with white skin, Tom pretended to be reluctant until Ben offered him the apple
core and then the whole apple. Another boy appeared - a boy who was "stunned, but still
whips," and by day the fence was white whipped (by the other boys), and Tom found himself
a rich man, after collecting marbles, from Jewish harps, kites, and many other items as
payment from boys who do their work on Saturday morning have arrived, and all summer
words are bright and fresh and full of life. There were cheers on every face, and a spring at
every step. He observes the fence and the joy out of nature, and the deep melancholy extends
over his spirits.

When Tom started the dreaded dusty job, he saw Ben Rogers approaching. When Ben teases
Tom because he can not swim and is forced to work, Tom points out that it does not really
work if he likes himself, and he makes great performances by applying chalk and then again
admiring his own effects. . When Ben wanted to try his hand with white skin, Tom pretended
to be reluctant until Ben offered him the apple core and then the whole apple. Another boy
appeared - a boy who was "stunned, but still whips," and by day the fence was white whipped
(by the other boys), and Tom found himself a rich man, after collecting marbles, from Jewish
harps, kites, and many other items as payment of the boys doing the work..

Chapter 3-4-5

Tom presented himself before Aunt polly, who was sitting by an open window in pleasnt
rearward apartemnt, which was bedroom , breakfast room , dinning –room ,and library
combined. Tom first sees Becky Thatcher, though he does not yet know his name. To catch
his attention, he initiated a series of strange and unreasonable "show-offs".

At dinner that night, when Aunt Polly came out of the room, Sid accidentally broke the sugar
bowl. Tom is glad that now precious Sid will be punished, but when Aunt Polly sees the
damaged plate, she whips Tom until he shows that Sid has opened it. Although Aunt Polly
was sorry, she claimed that Tom might have done something worth doing.

Unfairly accused, Tom thinks how sorry his aunt is if he dies and imagines Aunt Polly
begging for his forgiveness when he's dying. She worked herself in such a way that she had
to take a walk, which took her past Thatcher's house. In his current frame of mind, he
wondered if the beautiful young girl would mourn her death. He throws pebbles into the
window and gets soaked by a bucket of water thrown out. When he was soaking wet, he went
home and missed his prayer. Nothing but Sid saw this omission.

The sun rose upon a tranquil word, and beamed down upon the village like a benedictaion.
Breakfast over, Aunt Polly had familly began with a prayer built from the ground
up of solid courses of scriptural quatations, welded together with a thin mortar of
originality; and from the summit of this she delivered a grim chapter of the Mosaic Law, as
from sinai.

On Sunday morning, Tom struggled to learn a Sunday school lesson with the help of his
cousin, Mary, who offered him a present if he could learn his lesson. Tom applies himself
and soon has it overrun. On the way to church, Tom exchanged items (his wealth from white
fancy) for a ticket showing how many verses in the Bible he memorized. Tom has collected
(bought) a lot of tickets so it will appear that he has done about 2,000 verses to his memory -
an achievement that the student has never done. In Sunday school class, Tom claims that the
giving of a Bible to "kno" so many verses. Tom was later introduced to Judge Thatcher, who
asked the names of the first two apostles, and Tom blew "David and Goliath!"

The monotony of the church was broken by a large black beetle that pinched a dog, causing it
to pebble in alleys like a rocket. The dog then landed on his master's lap, and his master
threw him out of the window. By this time the whole church was red-faced and suffocating
with supressed laughter, and the sermon had come to a dead standstill. The discourse was
resumed presently, but it went lame and halting , all possiility o impressiveness being at an
end;for event gravest sentiments wewe constantly.
Tom swayer went home quite cgeerfull , think to himself that there was some satisfaction
about divineservice when there was a bit of variety in it.

Chapter 6-8

On that day maybe Monday morning, Tom failed to convince her polly aunt that she was
sick. His last appeal - that his teeth hurt - caused Aunt Polly to immediately pull teeth and
send Tom on the way. On the way to school, Tom meets with Huckleberry Finn. Huck
brought a dead cat with the intention of bringing him to the cemetery that night because he
believed in superstition that, when Satan came to the cemetery to collect the corpses of the
wicked, the cat would follow Satan, as well as warts.

Tom arrived at school late and, as a punishment, he had to sit in the girls' section. She did not
mind, however, because the only empty seat was next to Becky Thatcher. Tom drew it for
him, wrote a love note for him, and was so devastated that he did not learn his lesson and
ended up at the foot of the class in a spelling. At lunch, Tom and Becky knew each other, and
Tom suggested they get engaged. Becky agrees, though she does not know what it means to
be engaged. When Tom mentions his initial relationship with Amy Lawrence, Becky rejects

Depressed, Tom plays out that afternoon. He thought of the death of Jimmy Hodges and
contemplated his own suicide and how sad Becky was because he badly treated her. His
solitude was interrupted by his friend Joe Harper, and both spent the rest of the game that

Chapters 9-11

   That night Tom and Huck brought the dead cat to the grave, where they heard the sound of
Potter Muff (drunk city), Dr. Robinson, and Injun Joe. Robinson has paid Potter and Injun
Joe Muffs to dig up the body for his medical research. After a fight between the three men,
where Potter's muff fell unconscious, Joe's injection stabbed. Robinson with a Muff knife.
Huck and Tom run away and do not hear Injun Joe convince the drunk Muff that he is the

Tom and Huck run to old tannery, where they discuss the dilemma they face. They both
realize that if they reveal that Injun Joe is the killer, he will kill them. Boys swear not to
reveal what they have seen. Suddenly, they heard a wild dog barking. Thinking that this is a
bad sign, the boys are temporarily abandoning their evil ways.

By noon the next day, the whole city of St. Petersburg knows about Dr. Robinson, and they
know that the murder weapon is a Potter Muff knife. The school was fired because of the
grave, where the sheriff was with Potter's Muff, who initially proclaimed himself innocent.
But finally, in desperation, Muff tells Joe's Injun to reveal the truth. Injun Joe, of course,
ensures that all mistakes are placed on Potter Muff.

Chapter 12-13-14

When Tom finds out that Becky Thatcher is ill, he puts aside all of his interests and
involvements, as well as his fear of Injun Joe. Aunt Polly notices this drastic change in his
behavior and, thinking him ill, gives him a dose from one of her favorite cures. Tom's
melancholy disappears, and he perks up immediately. Tom enjoys the medicine so much that
he pesters his aunt for another dose. She finally tells him where it is so that he can administer
it himself. While doing so, Tom gives the family cat a taste, and the cat spreads "chaos and
destruction" everywhere.

Later, when Tom sees Becky at school, he performs all sorts of antics to attract her attention,
but she ignores him.

Feeling abandoned and unfriendly and like "the boy's unloved," Tom decides to turn to
criminal life. He meets Joe Harper, "his soul oath," and they begin to include Huck Finn as
members of their pirate group. Huck, has no doubt about which criminal life is the best, easy
to agree, and three plans to meet that night.

When they meet in a designated place, each boy identifies himself by his pirate's name; Then
they "borrow" (or catch) a small wooden raft to take them to Jackson Island where they
camped. The next afternoon, the boy heard an unusual sound - a "deep and sullen explosion
arose from a distance" - and saw a ferry full of townspeople. Tom realizes that "someone is
drowning." After spending a moment wondering who, boys realized that the townspeople
thought they had drowned. All three are very happy and happy to think about their friends.
When Joe vaguely suggests that perhaps they should go home because of the sadness that
their family must feel, Huck and Tom laugh at him. When Huck and Joe went to bed, Tom
wrote two notes; He left a note in his hat; He kept another note and walked to the sand dune

Chapters 15-16

Tom sneaks back to his home in St. Louis. Petersburg and overhearing Aunt Polly making
plans for her funeral. Aunt Polly sympathized with Mrs. Harper (Joe's mother), both agree
that the boy is "mischievous and the elite is fragrant-scarum naughty" but they do not mean to
harm him. Both women regretted that the last thing the boy heard from them was a
reprimand. Though tempted to escape and reveal himself (the theatrical nature of such a
revelation appeals to him), Tom refrains. Instead of leaving a note as he plotted, Tom left
with a note still in his pocket and returned to the island where he, Joe, and Huck resumed
their adventure. Finally, Joe Harper became homesick and, despite Tom's taunts, he started
home. Huck, who has no home, is also eager to return to his usual place of residence. After
failing, Tom revealed his secret plan, and the other kids decided to stay.

That night, the boy was awakened by the approaching storm. They took shelter under the
inland tent until the tent was blowing. Then they huddled together under the oak tree. After
the storm collapsed, they returned to their camp and found it destroyed. They realize that it
could have been killed if they lived in their camp.

Chapters 17-18

   A quiet Saturday afternoon in St. Petersburg. Petersburg, but no excitement as adults

prepare for the boys funeral. Becky Thatcher found herself moping in the schoolyard, feeling
very melancholy. He did not have to remember Tom again, and he wished he had a brass
button so he came back to him. On Sunday, church bells called the mourners to the funeral
service. Praise things begin, noting the rare promise of the lost youths, their sweethearted
nature, their noble and beautiful acts, and their promises.
Suddenly, "there was rustling in the gallery" and with the crackling of the door, the whole
congregation rose and looked at the three boys alive and walked down the aisle, first Tom
and then Joe following Huck in his "drooping cloth." Aunt Polly cursed Tom with affection;
He even hugged Huck Finn. The minister leads the congregation with hymns. For the rest of
the day, Tom received more "handcuffs and kisses" than he received in a year.

At school, Tom has become a great hero, and young people follow him in some sort of cult.
Tom and Joe are both jealous and admired by their peers and they become arrogant and
arrogant. Tom decides that his fame and "glory" is enough for him and he no longer needs
Becky's attention. When he comes, he ignores it and pays special attention to Amy Lawrence.
As Tom did earlier, Becky is now trying to get Tom's attention by showing off, inviting other
kids for his picnic. As Tom continues to ignore her, Becky decides to make Tom jealous and
she looks for Alfred Temple company.

Now, in spite of the glory, Tom found himself tormented, especially as he found Amy
rambling and unbearable nonsense. During the day, Tom came home because he did not want
to see Becky enjoy Alfred's company. Becky soon becomes bored with Alfred, especially
since Tom has nothing to suffer, and she sends him on the way. Meanwhile, Alfred realizes
that he has been used, and, to take his revenge, he pours ink into Tom's book in that section
for that day's lesson. Becky glances into the classroom in time to witness Alfred's betrayal,
but she decides to let Tom be punished for the way he treated her early.

Chapter 19-20

That afternoon, Aunt Polly immediately hit Tom for lying to her. She has visited Mrs. Harper
(whose son Joe tells everything) and learns that Tom is actually already that night and hears
everything he pretends to be in a beautiful dream. Besides Tom lying to him is the
humiliation he suffered from being fooled: "I feel so bad if you think you can let me go to
Serena Harper and make me stupid and never say a word."

Tom admits that his actions are evil, but he does not mean to be mean; Instead, he
approached, he told her, to tell him that he should not feel uncomfortable with her. Aunt
Polly believed it was another lie, but Tom really meant that she was coming "just to make
you grieve." Aunt Polly wanted to believe her but still be careful. Tom explains that when he
hears them plotting the funeral, he thinks of the fun to suddenly come in and surprise
everyone. This is why he did not leave a note on the bark. Aunt Polly was surprised by the
note, and after she sent him back to school, she went to the closet to check on her clothes.
After wondering back and forth about whether he should check his notes, he finally did.
Finding it, Aunt Polly's conviction of Tom's basic goodness was restored.

The scene with Aunt Polly encourages Tom to replace Becky, and as she approaches her, she
strangely rejects it and stops. He is confused with the actions of the girl that can not be
understood. Becky, meanwhile, had seen Alfred pouring ink into Tom's spelling book but
decided not to say so that Tom would receive a whip.

As Becky roamed around the classroom, she noticed the front desk drawer. Dobbins is open.
In it is a book on anatomy, which he reads when the class is busy with the project. All the
students are absolutely fascinated by the nature of the book, and Becky has a perfect
opportunity to know the contents of this book. He browsed and, seeing that no one was
around, wiped the book with a carved and colored sharp object and found "a human figure,
naked." At this moment the shadow falls in his book: This is Tom Sawyer. In his
preoccupation to hide the book, he pours out one of his pages. Now he is horrified because
this offense will require whipping in front of the whole class. She blames Tom and rushes out
of the room. Tom thinks that licking a bit is not so important and decides to "let him sweat."

As the school began again, the ink spots on Tom's spelling book were revealed. Tom was
accused and whipped, though he firmly expressed his innocence. Ironically, Becky was not as
happy as she thought, and had to press the urge to tell Alfred. He justified his silence by
assuming that Tom would express his guilt about the anatomy book.

Then in the afternoon when everything is busy, Mr. Dobbins removed his book and found a
torn page. When he asked the class that ripped the book, there was no volunteer, so he started
questioning each of his students. When he reached Becky Thatcher, he turned his head, and
when Mr. Dobbins told him to look at his face, Tom got up and said, "I did it."

Dobbins manages the most merciless lashes he can. Tom, however, was comforted by the
adoration expression in Becky's eyes. After the beating, he was forced to stay two hours after
school, but he did not mind because he knew Becky would be waiting for him. And indeed it
is. He tells him about Alfred's betrayal and he conspires, but only his words, "Tom, how you
are so noble," have an eternal meaning for him

Chapter 21 -22

With the end of school and vacation approaching, the schoolmaster, Mr. Dobbins, is
determined that his students will make a good showing in the school's final examination.
Thus he is very liberal in the use of the rod and other punishments. He is very faithful in
whipping the younger students vigorously, frequently, and effectively. The smaller boys rack
their brains for some suitable revenge against Mr. Dobbins' excessive floggings. They
conceive of a wonderful plan, and they swear the sign-painter's boy into their plot because the
schoolmaster boards at his father's house.

The night set aside for a display of learning arrives, and the school hall is lavishly decorated.
Everyone in the town is present. The little folk recite their pieces with great difficulty,
pleased only to get it over. The highlight of the night is the reading of original compositions
by some of the older girls. Each theme is extremely melancholy, filled with cliches and trite
pronouncements. The winner is "A Vision," a dreadfully gushy, melancholy piece with no

Now is the time for revenge. The schoolmaster, who has been nipping from his bottle of
private reserve liquor, is a little unsteady on his feet, and as he tries to draw a map of the
United States, the audience begins to twitter. From above him in the attic, a cat is being
slowly lowered through a trapdoor directly above his head. As soon as the cat can reach it,
the cat snags the schoolmaster's toupee, revealing his bald head, which had been gilded gold
by the sign painter's son and which shone like a star.

Tom admires the uniforms of the Cadets of Temperance and joins them so that he can strut at
the funeral of Judge Frazer, who is dying. When the Judge has a turn for the better, Tom
resigns from the Cadets of Temperance, but then the Judge has a relapse and dies. The funeral
is a fine thing, but Tom is free from it. He attempts a diary, but nothing comes of it. He
attends a minstrel show, and he and Joe play minstrel for two days. A senator comes, but he
is not impressive. A circus comes and leaves the next day, so the boys play circus for a while
and then abandon it. A phrenologist and a mesmerizer come, and still the boys are bored and

Then Tom has the measles for two weeks. He is better for a short time and then has a relapse
that lasts three weeks. Between the two bouts with measles, all his friends get religion--even
"Huck quoted some scripture!"--but by the end of the second bout, all is normal again.

Chapters 23-24

   Finally, the day of the Muff Potter trials arrived. This is the only story about the whole city.
Every report about the trial made Tom shudder, and he found Huck Finn to convince himself
that Huck did not tell anyone. Huck tells Tom that he'll just say when he decides that he
wants Injun Joe to drown him, because he knows they will not live for two days if they reveal
what they know. The boys then swear again not to reveal the truth because the consequences
of their words will be the same as their own death.
Tom and Huck discuss the rumors about the city and how it is clear that Potter's Muff will be
punished and executed. Then they remembered the little help Muff had made for them and
agreed that Muff was basically a harmless drunk who never did any mischief; He was
obviously not a hardened criminal so he was depicted in the village.
Boys do as they often do before: They take things, like tobacco, to Muff prison cells, and they
try to cheer him up. Muff tells the boy how nice they are and remembers all the good things
about them. Tom and Huck leave feeling guilty and miserable.
On the first day of the trial, prosecutors present evidence and witnesses who designate Muff
as the murderer, and the defense does not cross-examine. Even residents

Chapters 25-26

There comes a time in every boy's life when he feels the need to dig for buried treasure.
Feeling this need, Tom tries to round up his companions but can find only Huck Finn, who is
available for any adventure. Tom explains in detail all the distinctions and subtleties of
finding buried treasures--mysterious maps and instructions, proper "haunted" places and
where to look for them, and what to do with the immense fortunes. Huck claims he will spend
his fortune on eating and enjoyments because his "Pap" will take it all from him when he
finds out about it. Tom is more conventional; he will save some of the fortune for a marriage.

The boys hike into the forest, and after digging several holes and finding no treasure, they
decide that they must wait until midnight. They hide their tools and plan to meet at midnight
[a bewitching hour] and dig under a special tree behind Widow Douglas' house. They meet at
the appointed time and begin digging at the end of the shadow cast by the moonlight at
midnight, thus signifying the presence of buried treasures. After an hour, Tom again decides
that they are digging in the wrong spot. They decide to dig at a haunted house that no one
ever goes around, but because they are not at ease with dead folks, ghosts, and supernatural
events such as strange blue lights coming from the house, they decide to do their digging in
the day time.
At noon the next day--Friday the 13--the boys start out for the haunted house fully aware of
the dangers on this particular date. Furthermore, Huck has had a bad dream about rats, which
is a sure sign there is trouble. To avoid bad luck, Tom and Huck spend that afternoon playing
Robin Hood instead.

On Saturday, the boys meet again at the haunted house on Cardiff Hill. After digging a bit,
they decide to go into the haunted house. Peeking inside, they sense something "weird and
grisly about the dead silence," and there is an aura of isolation and desolation. After
examining the downstairs, they venture upstairs together and look around.

As they are about to descend, Tom and Huck hear voices downstairs. They see one of the
men: He is the old deaf and dumb Spaniard who has been seen around town a few times.
When he begins to talk, the boys recognize him as Injun Joe in disguise. They do not
recognize the other man. The two men discuss plans for another robbery, and Injun Joe
mentions a revenge he must perform. Although Injun Joe and his companion eat and then fall
asleep, the boys are too afraid to attempt an escape.

By and by, Injun Joe and his companion awake and decide to bury a packet of about six
hundred silver coins that they have stolen. While digging a hole, they discover a metal box
filled with gold coins worth thousands of dollars. Eventually, the men leave with their
treasure, which they plan to hide in Injun Joe's "den number two."

Tom and Huck decide to keep a sharp lookout for the "Spaniard," and after he has completed
his "revenge," they will follow him to his hiding place. Then they suddenly realize that the
revenge is against them--at least against Tom.

Chapter 27-28

The next morning, Tom searches for Huck to reiterate that the money and adventure they had
experienced the day before was real. He and Huck discuss how they will find "number two."
Tom finds that "Number Two" lives by a young lawyer, and the other "Number Two" is a
room in Tavern Temperance that is locked nonetheless except late at night. Tom decides that
he and Huck will take all the keys they can find and, in the dark night, see what's inside
"Number Two" at the Temperance Tavern. If you could see Injun Joe, he would follow him
in the hope of finding his hiding place.

In the dark night, Huck stood watch while Tom tried the door of the Temperance Tavern.
Suddenly, Tom runs down the alley, summoning Huck to follow him. They took refuge in the
slaughterhouse as an extraordinary rain storm began. Tom explained his fear: The key would
not work, but the door was open as he tried the doorknob. Stepping in, Tom almost stepped
on his arms folded Injun Joe: The half-grown is passed to the floor with a bottle of empty
whiskey beside him. Tom suggests that they go back and look for the gold coins, but Huck is
more practical: If there are three empty bottles of whiskey, not just one, maybe he'll come
back, but now Injun Joe might wake up after just one bottle of whiskey

The boy decides not to try the room again until Injun Joe leaves. They make arrangements for
Huck to watch at night; During the day, he can sleep soundly in Ben Roger's bed. Tom and
Huck also decided not to interfere with each other unless something important happened.
Chapter 29-30

Tom hears the good news on Friday morning: The Thatchers have returned from their family
vacation. Tom spends most of his time with Becky, and he talks to mom about the promised
picnic for the next day.

Invitations are sent, and everyone is gathered into the air for a rented ferry. Mrs Thatcher
decided, because it would be too late, Becky had to stay with a friend near the ferry landing.
Tom talks with Becky to join together for ice cream at Widow Douglas's house after the trip,
and Becky reluctantly agrees.

Three miles down the river, the ferry stops, and everyone plays until somebody screams now
it's time to try the McDougal cave, an "extensive maze of crooked aisles." Everyone knows
some caves - and Tom is just the way people do - but no one knows from the whole cave.
After much wandering, the entourage eventually caves the cave to find it almost dark, and the
ferry is eager to travel home.

That night, while Huck watched "Number Two," the door opened, and two people passed by.
Since he did not have enough time to give Tom Sawyer a gesture, Huck carefully followed
those guys, who went to the quarry. When the guy stops, Huck and listen. He overhears a
vengeance plan on Injun Joe: A few years earlier, Judge Douglas, the husband of the late
Widow Douglas, had killed Injun Joe in public. For even, Injun Joe is planning "to slice the
nostrils [the widow] and the ears of his ears like a sow."

The two men saw the light in Widow's house and, thinking he had a company, decided to
wait until tonight. Huck quietly creeps away and runs frantically to the nearby georgejetson's
house. He tells what he has heard and keep those who tell them. They all went to the sumac
bushes with Huck left behind. When he heard the shot, he no longer waited and returned to
town as soon as possible.

Once in the day, Huck returned to the georgejetson house. The georgejetson is happy to
welcome Huck to the host for Huck's bravery and because he is healed The widow is
mutilated. Huck sounded how georgejetson and the children hide behind a point in the sumac
bushes and are just five meters from Injun Joe when an unfortunate shout befalls the
georgejetson. Robbers themselves. The georgejetson and his men loose after them and the
hugs of Injun Joe and his partner, but the men escape from the arrest.

Huck explains to georgejetson how he sees the two robbers and follows them and hears them
about the mutilation of Widow Douglas's face. Under pressure, he opened the identity of
Injun Joe, and georgejetson to protect him from this wicked man. A loud knock on Huck's led
door started from his skin. This is Widow Douglas and the person who wants to thank
georgejetson. Mr. Jones (the georgejetson), on the effort, told the widow "There is another
because you are more attached to el but he does not allow me to tell the name."

At church that morning, Mrs. Thatcher found Becky missing. Shortly after, Aunt Polly found
Tom also missing. People realize they are still in the cave. Two hundred people gathered, and
they went straight to the cave to begin the search. On Monday, many men returned, and Huck
found a high fever illness. Widow Douglas came to take care of her. When Huck hears a
discussion about Temperance Tavern drinks, he starts from the fever and asks if anything is
found. He only has the whiskey found. When he asks about Tom Sawyer, they keep Tom
away from him.

The search for Tom and Becky continued for three days. They found a hair ribbon and the
children's names were marked on the wall - proof they were still inside the cave. Despair
settles when men no longer have hope or energy to keep searching.

Chapter 31-32

Inside the cave, Tom and Becky hang around with others for a while, then they twist
themselves. Looking at some other place, Tom plays as a discoverer and investigates new
paths with Becky following him. They found beautiful natural ladders, waterfalls, springs,
stalactites, and finally, they encountered several bats from which they fled, failing to mark
their whereabouts. They try to find a way out and can not. First Tom and then Becky realize
that they are lost. Becky fell to the ground and cried as Tom tried to comfort her by saying
that it was all her fault.

They start wandering again, hoping to find a familiar landmark. Tom takes Becky's candle
and blows it to save the light source. After a while, Becky had to sit down, and she fell
asleep. When he woke up, he and Tom stumbled until they found the spring: Tom explained
to Becky that they had to stay close to the water because their candles were almost gone.
They were both very hungry, and Tom handed out a piece of cake he had saved from the
picnic. Suddenly, Becky realizes that her mother will think she spent the night at Harper's
house and they will not be answered until one Sunday. They slept again and then shared the
last bite of the cake. Suddenly, they hear a voice in the background. Both began to scream,
but in vain, and his voice faded.

Tom decides to explore the sides, letting Becky sit by the spring. At the end of one corridor,
he saw a man holding a candle; He shouted loudly and horrified it was Injun Joe. The
screams also scared Injun Joe, who escaped. After a while, Tom is very hungry and Becky is
so weak that he leaves her and explores the other parts. Becky feels that she is now going to
die, and she makes Tom promise to get back to him immediately and hold her during her last
moments. Acting as hard as he can, he left it to try to find a way out.

Three days have passed, and the villagers mourn the loss of Becky and Tom. Mrs. Thatcher
was ill, and Aunt Polly was confused. Then "in the middle of the night, a wild drum exploded
from the village bell" and came the cry: "Apparently, they were found! They were found!" A
messenger went to the cave to tell Judge Thatcher, who was still looking.

Using all kinds of magnifier and embroidering as many stories as possible, Tom tells about
his beautiful adventure and Becky. He really enjoyed the attention of the people who listened
intently to every word.

Three days and three nights in the cave have depleted the power of Tom and Becky; Tom
gets better in three days, but it takes a week for Becky to regain her strength. Meanwhile,
Tom has heard of Huck's disease, and he visits it, but Widow Douglas refuses to allow Tom
to tell his amazing adventure in the cave. Tom heard that the ragged man was found
drowning in the river while trying to escape. About two weeks later, Tom came to Becky.
Judge Thatcher told him that he had a locked and secured cave so no other children could get
inside. "Tom turns white like a piece of paper" and explains that Injun Joe is in the cave.

Chapter 33-34

After discovering that Injun Joe had been locked in the cave, a large party of townspeople
went to McDougal's cave to look for him. Tom is at the forefront of the party. At the closed
door of the cave, they find Joe Injun's body with his "bowie-knife" cover. He had tried to cut
through the door, and though he continued to do as he starved to death.

Although Tom feels sorry for Joe's injury suffering, he also feels the relief and freedom from
the fear he has felt since Joe was tested against him.

Joe's funeral was a lively event: People from all the neighboring towns came to see it. The
next day, Tom and Huck have been talking for a long time. Huck then tells Tom about his
adventure at Cardiff Hill but says that he does not want his role in the show to be known
because Injun Joe may have left a friend who will take revenge against Huck. Tom then
announces that the treasure is somewhere in the cave. The boy made plans to take it back.

After collecting their inventory and "borrowing" a skiff from "an absentee," Tom takes Huck
to the opening that he and Becky let go. The path was so hidden that Huck stood on it and
could not see it.
After hours of digging and finding nothing, Tom remembered that the treasure was under a
cross, so they dug up again and immediately found the treasure box, which was too heavy to
carry. The boys divide the treasure into a bag and then put their treasure into the boat and
return to the village. There was Tom Borrows a cart, and the boys withdrew his fortune to the
georgejetson house, where they stopped to rest. Welshman, Mr. Jones, came out and helped
them pull the old "metal" into the Widow's house where a party was going on. Huck was
afraid to come in, but Mr. Jones insisted. All the important people are at the Widow's house,
and she takes the boys upstairs to the bedroom, instructs them to wash, and shows new
clothes to put before they go down.

Left alone, Huck's first impulse was to climb out the window. Sid appears and tells them that
Widow Douglas has given a party to georgejetson (Mr. Jones) and his sons for saving him
from Injun Joe and his partner. Sid explains that this should be a surprise party because
georgejetson will reveal Huck's heroic actions in saving the Widow, but he thinks that
everyone already knows it. Tom feels disgusted with Sid because he knows that He is the one
who has told everyone and destroyed the surprise, and he kicked him out and challenged him
to tell Aunt Polly.
At the party, georgejetson gave a little thanks and revealed that it was actually Huck Finn
who was responsible for saving Widow Douglas. The widow tries to look shocked and tells
Huck that she has made plans for her to stay with her, go to school, and finally open a small
business for herself.
Tom Sawyer then revealed the surprise that night: "Huck does not need [money] Huck's
fortune." Thinking that everyone laughed at him, Tom ran out the door, took the treasure, and
poured it on the table, saying that half was his and half belonged to Huck. The spectacle of so
much gold money lying on the table makes everyone silent. Tom explained how they'd found
the treasure, and if counted, it was over twelve thousand dollars.
Chapter 35
The discovery of Tom and Huck's treasure trove changed the whole village: Everyone is now
looking for an old haunted house and digging in vain buried treasure. Widow Douglas
invested Huck's money by 6 percent, and Aunt Polly had Judge Thatcher do the same for
Tom. It's a fortune, a dollar a day for every weekday and a half dollar on a Sunday when "a
dollar and a quarter of a week will go up, up and school be a boy and put it on and wash it
too, for that matter."
Judge Thatcher "understood Tom's opinion" for getting Becky out of the cave. So when
Becky tells her father about Tom being responsible for Becky's mistake and accepting her
sentence, the judge claims that "it is a noble, generous, generous lie."
Huck Finn found wealth as a burden. She should dress well, eat at the table with knives and
forks, and sleep on a clean bed. Even more terrible, Huck had to stop smoking and swear. In
other words, he had to live a sterile, boring, and civilized life, and so he vanished. Three days
later, Tom found him behind a slaughterhouse, dressed in battered clothes and smoking. Huck
tells Tom that he can not stand the civilization; he felt too shattered Even a new leather
strangled him; the school will be opened, and he does not want to go to school.
Tom tries to convince Huck that all the things Huck's goal is are things that other boys should
bear. Nothing convinces Huck until Tom tells him that he can not join his band of robbers
unless he is honorable. Huck, Tom goes on, can not have a place in the gang because people
will say "Gang Sawyer! The character is pretty low in it!" And they will refer to Huck Finn.
Huck then promises to return to the Widow for a month and will follow most of his rules if
Tom asks him to seduce him a bit. They hope to start the gang, and plans are made for the
ceremonial ceremony that will be done with real blood and on the coffin.
Twain states that his novel has been completed and describes Tom's status at the same time:
"So end this chronicle, it's really boy history, he has to stop here, his story can not go any
further without being a man's history." A novel is over.

ISMAIL YUSUF / 20161111055

Tittle of the book : Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone

Author : J.K. Rowling

Total pages : 249 pages

Publisher : ScholasticCorporation

Year : 1998


Summary Chapter I
The boy who lived

 The book begins by introducing Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, and their baby son Dudley.
They live on Privet Drive and try to act as normal as possible. However, we soon
learn that the Dursleys are hiding something.
 What they're hiding is the Potter family; Mrs. Potter is Mrs. Dursley's sister, and the
Dursleys try to pretend the Potters don't exist.
 The narrator says that they don't realize how unusual this particular day is going to be
– they don't see an owl fly past the window. But as Mr. Dursley leaves for work, he
thinks he sees a cat reading a map, just for a second.
 Mr. Dursley tries to forget about it, but then notices that there are people all around
wearing cloaks. He thinks it's weird, and puts his mind towards work. At work that
day, he doesn't look out the window, so he doesn't see the massive groups of owls
flying about, which would strike anyone else as unusual.
 During his lunch break, he ventures outside and sees a bunch of people in cloaks
again. He overhears them talking about the Potters and gets really freaked out.
 He almost calls his wife to talk about it, but then tries to convince himself that the
cloak people probably weren't talking about his relatives.
 On his way out of the office that evening, he bumps into a man wearing a violet cloak.
The man tells him that You-Know-Who is gone and calls Dursley a Muggle. Mr.
Dursley doesn't understand any of this, but it freaks him out all the same. When he
gets home he sees that same cat outside his house.
 That evening, he and his wife act normally. They hear on the news that the country is
overcome with owls and that the sky is full of shooting stars.
 Mr. Dursley asks his wife about the Potters, because he thinks they might be
connected with all the weird happenings, but she hasn't heard from them. As they're
going to bed, he sees that cat outside again. He falls asleep thinking about how the
Potters shouldn't bother them.
 Outside, the cat waits until almost midnight, when a thin old man in a cloak appears:
Albus Dumbledore.
 Dumbledore takes something out of his pocket, which looks like a cigarette lighter.
He uses it to put out all the lights on the street. Then he walks over to the cat, which
has transformed into Professor McGonagall. He knew it was her even when she was
still a cat.
 He asks her why she wasn't getting happy with the others. She says that she was
worried about how risky everyone was acting and that the Muggles might notice
 Dumbledore says it's been eleven years since they felt like this. They talk about how
the Muggles can't find out about them, before confirming that You-Know-Who is
definitely out of the picture.
 Dumbledore eats lemon drops and says they should call You-Know-Who by his real
name, Voldemort.
 McGonagall says he's the only one who can say that, because Voldemort's only ever
been scared by Dumbledore. She wants to talk about what really happened and how
he was actually defeated.
 She asks about the rumor that the Potters are dead, but their little boy, Harry, is still
alive. Dumbledore confirms that it's true.
 McGonagall says that Voldemort was defeated when he tried to tried to kill Harry and
couldn't – that it stopped his power from working somehow.
 Dumbledore says they'll never know how it happened, checks his mysterious watch,
and says Hagrid's late. He says they're going to leave Harry with his family, the
Dursleys, and McGonagall says they're despicable. Dumbledore counters that they're
the only family Harry has left, and he'll be safest with them, even though they're
unlike the magicians and his parents. He's written them a letter to explain.
 McGonagall tells him that Harry's going to be a superstar, and Dumbledore says it's
better for him to grow up modest and humble.
 They're interrupted by Hagrid's arrival on a motorcycle. Hagrid is a gigantic man, but
he's carrying baby Harry very carefully.
 Harry is a tiny, black-haired baby with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.
 Hagrid says goodbye to the baby and starts crying.
 Dumbledore leaves Harry on the doorstep with a letter. The three magic people look
really sad. As they vanish into the night, Dumbledore wishes him good luck.
 The baby sleeps, as magic people think of him and toast his welfare.


Summary Chapter II

The Vanishing Glass

 It's about ten years later, and the Dursleys' home looks the same. The Dursleys treat
their son Dudley way better than they do Harry, who sleeps in a cupboard under the
 Harry's aunt Petunia wakes him up from a dream he remembers having before, about
a motorcycle that flies. She tells him to get cracking and make breakfast for Dudley's
 The house is full of presents for Dudley, who's fat and lazy. Harry, in contrast, is tiny
and thin, and wears glasses. He doesn't know much how he got the scar on his
forehead, beyond his aunt telling him he got it in the car crash that killed his parents.
 Harry makes eggs for the Dursleys, who all meet in the kitchen. Dudley throws a fit
because he only sees 36 presents; his parents have to appease him by promising him
other presents later.
 Their neighbor, Mrs. Figg, calls and says she can't watch Harry for the day. It means
that Harry's going to get to go with the Dursleys on this birthday outing, instead of
being left behind as he usually is. Although Dudley pretends to cry in the hope of
keeping Harry from joining them on their trip to the zoo, the Dursleys are worried
about leaving Harry alone in the house. He gets to go with them and Dudley's friend's
family to the zoo.
 Mr. Dursley warns Harry not to do anything suspicious at the zoo, and Harry promises
he won't. Sometimes, though, suspicious stuff just happens, and there's nothing Harry
can do about it. For example, when Petunia cut off Harry's hair, it grew back
overnight, and when she tried to make him wear one of Dudley's old sweaters, it gets
smaller and smaller until he can't even put it on. Once he found himself on the school
roof when he was outrunning Dudley and his friends, but can't figure out how he got
up there in the first place.
 On their drive to the zoo, Harry shares his dream about the flying motorcycle. Mr.
Dursley yells at him that that's impossible.
 At the zoo, Dudley and his friend get better treats than Harry, and Harry stays slightly
away from them so that they won't bother him.
 Everything's going fine through lunch, until they get to the reptile house. Dudley calls
the largest snake boring, because it's just sleeping. Harry goes over to look at it after
Dudley moves away.
 The snake looks up and winks at Harry, and they have a conversation. Harry asks it
where it's from, and the snake points to the sign that says Brazil. The snake's never
been to Brazil, though, because it was born in captivity.
 Someone yells for Dudley and Mr. Dursley to come look at the snake, and in his rush
to get over, Dudley pushes Harry out of the way. Piers and Dudley are looking at the
snake through the glass when suddenly the glass vanishes. The snake escapes and
makes a run for it.
 After the panic at the zoo subsides, they all leave, and Piers says that Harry was
talking to the snake. That's enough for Mr. Dursley to get really angry and punish
Harry by sending him to his "room" with no food.
 Later, Harry's lying down and thinking in the dark about how it's been so awful to live
with the Dursleys. He doesn't remember much about how his parents died, except for
a strange green light. He misses them and has fantasies about escaping from the
Dursleys. Sometimes strangers seem to know him, but they always disappear.

Summary Chapter III

The Letters from No One

 Harry's punished because of the escaping snake through the rest of the school year.
Even though it's summer, he's still tormented by Dudley and all of his friends from
school. The bullies like to chase Harry and are always trying to hunt him down. Harry
can't wait for the fall, when he'll start at a different school from Dudley. Dudley will
be going to Mr. Dursley's old private school, while Harry's going to be attending the
local public school.
 Mrs. Dursley takes Dudley to buy his school uniform, and the Dursleys act super
proud of Dudley; Harry thinks it's hilarious.
 The next day, he sees Mrs. Dursley dyeing some of Dudley's old clothes gray for him
to wear at school, and worries about how mock-able he'll look.
 They're not paying much attention to him when the mail arrives.
 For the first time ever, the mail includes something for Harry. The letter is on
beautiful paper, addressed to him in his bedroom, and has a great wax seal.
 He delivers the rest of the mail to the Dursleys, and is starting to open his letter, when
Mr. Dursley snatches it from him and refuses to give it back. When he sees what's
written there, he totally freaks out and shows it to his wife. Despite Harry asking for
his letter, which belongs to him, the Dursleys won't give it back. He and Dudley
squabble and get kicked out of the room.
 They listen in and hear the Dursleys worrying that they're being spied on and deciding
to ignore the letter. Mr. Dursley says he won't have it.
 Later that day, Mr. Dursley tells Harry he's burned the letter, but thinks he should
move into Dudley's second bedroom instead of sleeping under the stairs.
 While Harry would usually have been so excited to get out of his cupboard, all he can
think about is his missing letter.
 The next day, Dudley can't believe that Harry's still in his second bedroom. He goes to
get the mail and finds another letter for Harry. Harry and Mr. Dursley make a mad
dash for the letter and they all tussle until Mr. Dursley grabs the letter. He sends Harry
to his room. Although Harry's upset not to have this letter, he hopes whoever's
sending them will keep doing so.
 Harry gets up really early the next morning and sneaks downstairs. He wants to meet
the postman and get the mail before everyone else does. As he moves to the door he
steps on something that screams. He realizes his uncle got there first to keep him from
getting the mail. Mr. Dursley tells him to go make tea. While he's gone, the mail
 There are three letters addressed to Harry, and Mr. Dursley tears them all up, before
nailing the mail slot shut.
 The next day, twelve letters arrive for Harry; the day after that, 24 letters come.
 The day after that, Sunday, Mr. Dursley is relieved because the mail isn't scheduled.
But letters start flying into the house, coming through the chimney and fireplace. He
freaks out and orders everyone to pack.
 They all rush to the car and drive around aimlessly for a whole day, before stopping at
some hotel outside a city.
 The next morning, the hotel's owner tries to deliver a letter to Harry, but Mr. Dursley
keeps him from getting it. They go on the move again, seemingly without a direction
or destination. Harry realizes the next day will be his eleventh birthday.
 Mr. Dursley directs them to an isolated shack, surrounded by water. It's cold and
miserable, and a storm rages around outside. Mr. Dursley is sure they won't get any
letters there.
 The Dursleys divide the available blankets and beds amongst the three of them.
Harry's left to sleep on the floor with only a small coverlet. He can't fall asleep and
thinks about how his birthday is coming.
 At midnight, as it turns into Harry's birthday, there's a tremendously loud knocking at
the door.


Summary Chapter IV

The Keeper of the Keys

 The knocking wakes them all up. Mr. Dursley aims a gun at the door and yells. The
doors smashed in by a giant man, who stomps in, asks for a cup of tea, and tells
Dudley to scoot over. Then he says hello to Harry and tells him he looks like his
 Mr. Dursley tells him to leave. The giant just tells him to zip it and breaks Dursley's
gun. Then he wishes Harry a happy birthday, and even gives him a cake.
 He says he's Hagrid, groundskeeper at Hogwarts. He lights a real fire in the fireplace
and produces all the elements for a solid meal out of his pockets. Everyone else has
had little to eat and is really hungry, but Mr. Dursley says they shouldn't eat anything
he tries to give them.
 Harry eats and asks Hagrid more about who he is. Hagrid says he should know about
Hogwarts. When Harry says he doesn't, Hagrid is shocked and amazed.
 He yells at the Dursleys, saying that it was one thing that Harry couldn't get his
letters, but to keep him from knowing about Hogwarts was really bad.
 When Hagrid finds out that Harry doesn't know anything about his parents, he gets
even angrier with the Dursleys, who are very frightened.
 Hagrid reveals to Harry that his parents inhabited a separate world, where they were
famous, and that Harry's famous too. Mr. Dursley tries to keep Hagrid from saying
any more, but of course it doesn't work. Hagrid's even angrier when he finds out that
the Dursleys never gave Harry the letter Dumbledore left with him.
 He tells Harry he's a wizard, and probably will be a good one when he receives some
training. He finally gives Harry his letter.
 Harry reads a letter on stationary from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, signed by Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. The letter says
Harry's been accepted to the school and gives him a list of supplies to get; it also says
he should confirm his acceptance with an owl by the end of July.
 When Harry asks what it means by owl, Hagrid remembers something, and pulls an
owl out of his coat. He writes a short letter to Dumbledore, saying he's given Harry
his letter, gives this new letter to the owl, and releases it into the storm.
 Mr. Dursley says Harry's not leaving, but Hagrid says Muggles can't stop it. Harry
asks what Muggles are, and Hagrid says they're non-magic people.
 Harry asks whether the Dursleys knew he was magic. Mrs. Dursley lets loose, yelling
that he's just like her freaky abnormal sister and it's her sister's own fault she got
blown up.
 Blown up? Harry is shocked because he always thought his parents died in a car
 Hagrid's even angrier, if possible, and says Harry of all people should know the story
of what really happened.
 Hagrid says he's not really the right person to tell Harry, but someone should, so… He
says a wizard in their world, named Voldemort, and went bad twenty years ago in a
quest for power. He killed anyone who went against him. The only safe place in the
world was Hogwarts. Voldemort visited their house ten years ago when Harry was
just a baby. The evil wizard was determined to either get Harry's parents to join him,
or to destroy them.
 This makes Hagrid cry. He continues that Voldemort killed Harry's parents.
Voldemort tried to kill Harry too, but couldn't. The scar on Harry's forehead is from
an evil curse Voldemort tried to put on him. Harry's famous because he's the only
person who ever survived when Voldemort wanted him dead.
 Mr. Dursley says this is all BS, but Hagrid cuts him off.
 Harry asks what happened to Voldemort, and Hagrid says they don't know – no one's
seen or heard from him in ten years. They're not sure if he died, lost power, or what.
All they know is that somehow Harry helped defeat him.
 Harry doesn't understand how he could really be a wizard. Hagrid tells him that those
weird things that kept happening, which he couldn't explain, were proof of his talent.
 Mr. Dursley says he's not going to a stupid school like Hogwarts, and he's not paying
for it.
 Hagrid is furious that Mr. Dursley would insult Hogwarts and Dumbledore. He says
Harry's been signed up since he was born. In his anger, Hagrid casts a spell that gives
Dudley a pig's tail.
 The three Dursleys are so frightened by this that they run to the other room and hide.
 Hagrid asks Harry to keep that a secret, since he's not really supposed to do magic. He
reveals that he went to Hogwarts, but was expelled. He tells Harry to go to sleep,
because they have a lot of work to do the next day.

Summary Chapter V
Diagon Alley

 The next morning, when Harry wakes up, he tells himself that it was all a dream about
a giant arriving and revealing that he was a wizard. He hears a tapping and thinks it's
his aunt. He wishes the dream were real, opens his eyes, and finds himself in the
desolate room with Hagrid.
 An owl arrives carrying a newspaper; it drops off the newspaper and starts pecking at
Hagrid's coat.
 Hagrid tells Harry the owl needs to be paid and to give it money from the coat's
pockets. Harry finds wizarding money and pays in Knut’s.
 Hagrid says that they have to get going to buy Harry's school supplies, and Harry gets
worried about not having enough money for school, especially since Mr. Dursley said
he wouldn't finance it.
 Hagrid reassures Harry, telling him that his parents left him money. It's all kept safe in
the Gringotts bank. This is a goblin bank, and Hagrid says Gringotts and Hogwarts are
the most secure places in the world. Dumbledore's given Hagrid a task to accomplish
 Harry and Hagrid leave the hut, and get in the dilapidated boat the Dursleys rowed
over in. Hagrid admits he flew there, but isn't really supposed to be doing magic.
They agree to keep it a secret if Hagrid helps the boat go a little faster.
 On their boat ride, Hagrid tells Harry that the bank is protected by spells and dragons.
Hagrid also explains about the Ministry of Magic – its primary purpose is to keep
wizardry and magic secret.
 After they make it to shore, they get a lot of weird looks as they go to catch a train to
London. Hagrid confesses he'd like a dragon of his own.
 On the train, Harry reviews the list of supplies. He'll need a uniform, including robes,
a hat, and cloak, and several textbooks. He'll also need a wand and some other magic
 When they get to London, Harry's still a little confused about how they'll be able to
buy these supplies, but Hagrid knows where to go. Harry's worried until they get to a
pub called the Leaky Cauldron. He realizes that it doesn't seem as though anyone else
can see it at all.
 Inside when Harry and Hagrid walk in, everyone stops and stares. They welcome
Harry and every single person wants to shake his hand.
 One of the people Harry meets is Professor Quirrell. Quirrell has a terrible stutter and
seems super frightened. He's the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor.
 Finally, Hagrid extracts them, saying they need to go shopping, and they go into the
alley behind the Leaky Cauldron. He explains to Harry that Quirrell is super smart,
but hasn't been the same since he did fieldwork and had some bad experiences.
 Hagrid taps on a brick wall, which opens, and the two go through it into Diagon Alley
as the wall closes behind them.
 They pass an interesting-looking Cauldron shop, but Hagrid says they need to get
Harry some cash before they can do any damage. They walk past an Owl Emporium,
a broomstick store, and some other interesting stuff before they get to the bank.
 They walk under door with a poem inscribed on it that warns against stealing.
 Inside, goblins are everywhere, working.
 Hagrid produces a key (after much searching) to Harry's safe and a letter from
Dumbledore about getting something out of a specific vault.
 The goblin Griphook is summoned to lead Harry and Hagrid inside the bank. Hagrid
says he absolutely can't reveal what Dumbledore's sent him to the bank to get.
 They get in a railway cart; it takes them through a bunch of underground passages and
also past an underground lake.
 Harry's vault is full of magic money. He realizes the Dursleys couldn't have known
about it. Hagrid helps him pick some out, Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts.
 Then they go to the other vault, passing over a ravine. This vault unlocks by goblin
touch. It's empty except for a small parcel, which Hagrid scoops up. They go back
upstairs and out of the bank.
 Harry's kind of overwhelmed by how much money he has. Hagrid's feeling sick from
riding in the goblin railway cart. He goes back to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink and
sends Harry to Madame Malkin's robe shop.
 Madame Malkin helps him get fitted into Hogwarts robes next to another boy also
going to Hogwarts. The boy makes Harry think of Dudley; he talks about his parents
and having a broom, then mentions Quidditch and the different Houses at Hogwarts.
Harry doesn't know what he's talking about.
 Hagrid appears outside and the boy criticizes him. Harry stands up for him, and the
boy asks about his parents. When Harry says they're dead, the boy doesn't seem
apologetic, but just asks if they were "[their] kind." He says Hogwarts should be kept
for wizarding races and asks Harry his name. Before Harry can answer, Madame
Malkin says he's done.
 Hagrid brings Harry ice cream. They shop for quills while Harry asks Hagrid about
Quidditch. Hagrid says it's difficult to say what it is, but it's similar to football played
with broomsticks. And extra balls.
 Hagrid says there are four houses at Hogwarts, including Hufflepuff and Slytherin,
and that You-Know-Who was a Slytherin.
 They go to Flourish and Blotts to buy his books. Hagrid reminds Harry you're not
supposed to work magic around Muggles. Then they buy cauldrons and scales, and
they also go to the Apothecary's.
 Hagrid tells Harry he'll get him an Owl for a birthday present. Harry's overwhelmed
and gets a lovely snowy owl.
 Then they go to Ollivanders for his wand.
 The wand shop is tiny and seems extra magical. Mr. Ollivander remembers Harry's
parents and the kinds of wands they chose. He knows the wand that caused Harry's
scar, and he remembers the wand he sold to Hagrid – which shouldn't be used any
more, since Hagrid was expelled. (But it might be in Hagrid's umbrella.)
 Mr. Ollivander measures Harry all over, and then Harry tries a bunch of different
wands. None of them seem to work. Finally he tries one made of holly and phoenix
feather, which feels magical in his hand.
 Mr. Ollivander calls it "curious," though, and says that it's linked to the wand that
caused Harry's scar. He says that Harry may do great things. Harry's kind of creeped
out by this, but they pay and leave.
 They go back to the Leaky Cauldron and then into regular, non-magic London. They
get a snack before Harry's train comes. Harry thinks it was a great birthday, but is also
worried. People are treating him like he's "special" and famous, but he doesn't
understand any of it.
 Hagrid reassures him, saying he'll learn and figure it all out at Hogwarts; then, he puts
him on a train back to the Dursleys', and says he'll see him on September 1st for the
start of term at Hogwarts.


Summary Chapter VI
The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

 Harry patiently waits for the month with the Dursleys to be over so he can get to
Hogwarts. They ignore him most of the time. He hangs out with his owl, Hedwig, and
reads for school.
 The day before he has to leave, he asks the Dursleys to take him to the train station in
London. They grudgingly agree, but when he tells them he has to take a train leaving
from platform nine and three-quarters, they just laugh.
 Mr. Dursley says all the wizards are nuts, but they'll take Harry to London because
they're going anyway, to get Dudley's tail taken off.
 The next day, Harry wakes up really early, because he's so excited. His double checks
he's got everything he needs for Hogwarts and is more than ready to leave long before
the Dursleys are.
 They get to the station at 10:30, and the train is supposed to leave at 11. The Dursleys
help Harry to get his baggage inside, and then laugh at him because there's nothing
between platforms nine and ten. Then they abandon him there.
 Harry asks a guard for help, but the guard gets angry with him because he doesn't
know how to explain where he's going. He begins to panic when he overhears some
people talking about Muggles.
 He follows them: it's a mother and four sons and a daughter, all redheads. Harry
watches as the three older boys, called Percy, Fred, and George, run at the wall that
separates the platforms and disappear.
 Harry asks the woman how to do it; she kindly explains that you have to just run at
the barrier and you'll go through it. The woman introduces him to her son, Ron. She
tells Harry to go first.
 Harry's scared, so he walks towards the barrier and then starts running – and then he's
through. He sees a train, leaving at 11, on the right platform – he made it! He finds
himself surrounded by magical people with owls and equipment just like he has.
 Harry heads towards the end of the train looking for space, but has trouble
maneuvering all his bags. The redheaded boys Fred and George (twins) come to help
him. As they're all getting settled, the others realize that he's Harry Potter. Harry
watches as the redheads all get off the train to say goodbye to their mother. Their
older brother, Percy, is excited because he's going to be a prefect. The others make
fun of him. They also poke fun at Ron, because he'll be new to Hogwarts.
 The boys tell their mom they met Harry on the train. She tells them to not bother him,
but to treat him like a regular person. They jump on the train just as it's leaving.
 Ron comes into Harry's compartment and asks if he can sit with him. The twins poke
their heads in, introduce themselves as Weasleys, and go looking for Lee Jackson.
 Ron asks if Harry's actually Harry Potter, and Harry shows him his scar. Harry says
he doesn't have any memories of You-Know-Who.
 Harry asks Ron about what it's like to be in a wizard family, and Ron explains that it's
tough being the fifth brother in a line of wizards. He only gets hand-me-downs, like
Percy's old rat Scabbers.
 It sounds like the Weasleys don't have a ton of money. Harry explains that he's only
just got a hold of them. As he's talking, he says Voldemort's name, and Ron is
shocked – people aren't supposed to say it. Harry thinks it's just proof of how much
he's got to learn.
 The train keeps going and a woman with snacks stops by their compartment. Ron
doesn't buy anything, but Harry is excited to buy candy. The woman doesn't have
ordinary candy, though – just all kinds of magic candy. He buys some of everything.
 Ron's unpacking some homemade sandwiches, but Harry convinces him to share
some of the magic candy. It's the first time he got to share.
 They start eating some Chocolate Frogs, and Ron explains that they come with
collectable cards of magic folks. Harry gets one with Dumbledore. He learns that
people don't always stay still in magic pictures – they move around and leave the
 Soon Harry's collected a bunch of wizard pictures. He also tries Every Flavor Beans,
which don't all taste good.
 As they travel, they move from fields to woods. A boy that Harry had seen earlier
comes in briefly looking for his lost toad.
 Ron says a toad would be better than his rat, who won't change color or anything –
he's about to show Harry when the boy comes back with a girl, who calls him Neville
and asks about the toad.
 She asks Ron to show them some magic. Ron tries to turn the rat but it doesn't work.
 The girl says the spells she's tried have worked. Even though she's from a non-magic
family, she's learned a lot already. She introduces herself as Hermione Granger.
 Ron and Harry introduce themselves. Hermione says Harry's famous and in a bunch
of magic books.
 She asks what houses they want to be in and says she hopes to be in Gryffindor. Then
she and Neville leave in pursuit of the toad.
 Ron says he hopes they're not in the same house. He tells Harry that his whole family
has been Gryffindors – which is a lot of pressure.
 Ron's telling Harry about his other brothers – one works for Gringotts, which was
recently robbed. Harry's shocked, even more so when he hears that whoever it was
hasn't been caught yet.
 Harry's worried, but gets distracted when Ron brings up Quidditch and explains all its
elements to him.
 Three boys, one of whom is from the robe shop, interrupt them. He asks Harry if he's
Harry Potter and introduces himself as Draco Malfoy. His friends are Crabbe and
 Malfoy sneers at Ron, making fun of his family. He tells Harry that he should be his
friend instead. Harry puts him off and sides with Ron, so Malfoy insults his parents
too. They're about to fight when Scabbers bites Goyle, and Malfoy and his friends run
 Hermione returns, and they commiserate over the rat, which seems to be unconscious.
 They talk about Malfoy; his family was on the Dark side, and while they've come
back, not everyone believes they've reformed.
 Hermione says they should put on their robes, because they're almost there, and then
she leaves.
 Ron and Harry get ready, as an announcement says to leave baggage on the train to be
 They all get off the train and see Hagrid, who tells all the first years to go with him.
 They see a lake, and across it is a mountain with a castle on top.
 They get in boats to cross the lake, four at a time. Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione
go together.
 The boats all leave at the same time and go across the lake towards the castle. When
they get to the other side, Hagrid finds Neville's toad. Then, he knocks on the door.


Summary Chapter VII

The Shorting Hat

 Professor McGonagall meets them and takes them through a huge stone and marble
entryway into a tiny waiting room. She welcomes them and says that before they join
the banquet, they will be sorted into their houses, which will be like their families
inside Hogwarts.
 She says each of the houses – Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin – has
great qualities and people.
 All year, the good stuff they do will earn their houses points, and the bad stuff will
lose points. Each year is a competition to win the House cup.
 McGonagall says they'll be Sorted soon and that they should get ready. Then she
 Ron and Harry are worried about being sorted in front of everyone, and Harry is really
 They hear screams and turn around to see ghosts gliding through the room. The ghosts
seem preoccupied with their own dramas but welcome the students and talk of their
own houses.
 McGonagall comes back and tells them to follow her to the Great Hall, where they see
all the other students and teachers. She puts out a stool and an old wizard hat.
 The hat starts to sing a song, saying that they should put it on and it will tell them
what houses to go in.
 Ron's relieved, but Harry's still nervous.
 McGonagall says they will be called up one at a time, and she begins calling students
in alphabetical order. As the students are Sorted, Harry gets more and more nervous.
 Hermione goes, and is put in Gryffindor, as is Neville. Malfoy gets put in Slytherin.
 Finally, it's Harry's turn. Everyone starts gossiping immediately at the mention of his
 The hat talks to Harry about where he should go, and he thinks, "Not Slytherin, not
Slytherin, so the hat puts him in Gryffindor.
 Harry relaxes a little as he joins the Gryffindors and looks around. He sees Hagrid at
the high table with Dumbledore and Quirrell. He sits by one of the ghosts.
 Ron's one of the last people sorted and is super relieved to be a Gryffindor.
 Harry realizes he's hungry.
 Dumbledore welcomes them all with a silly speech, and Percy tells Harry
Dumbledore's the greatest wizard ever.
 The table is suddenly covered with magical food, everything Harry likes. He's never
been able to choose what or how much to eat before, and it's really exciting.
 As he eats, he talks with the ghost, who says he can't eat anymore. Ron recognizes
him as Nearly Headless Nick. Nick tells them how he became Nearly Headless and
says he hopes they'll get the house cup.
 Dessert is served and the first-years talk about their families. Sean is part Muggle, and
Neville was raised by his magic grandmother, even though everyone in his family was
worried he wouldn't be magic enough to qualify for Hogwarts.
 Percy and Hermione are talking about studying and subjects.
 Harry feels tired. He looks up at the teachers' table and sees Quirrell talking to
someone else. When the man looks at Harry, he feels a pain in his scar. He asks about
him and finds out that's Snape, the Potions Master.
 Dumbledore concludes the meal with another speech. No one's allowed on the
grounds, they shouldn't use magic in the halls, they can try out for Quidditch teams in
week two, and they must avoid "the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side".
 Then, they all sing the school song, each of them to their own melody, and then are
 They separate by houses and go to their individual parts of the Castle.
 The Gryffindors run into Peeves, the poltergeist, and get past him with difficulty.
They end up by a painting of a fat lady who asks for their password. Percy gives it
and they're let into their dormitory. They end up in a cozy series of rooms and are
separated by gender.
 Harry and Ron are so tired they go to sleep almost immediately. Harry has a terrible
dream about Quirrell trying to put him in Slytherin and Malfoy turning into Snape,
but he doesn't remember it the next day.


Summary Chapter VIII

The Potions Monster

 Once classes start, everyone's staring at and talking about Harry all the time. He's still
just trying to figure out where everything is and how to navigate all the staircases.
Sometimes parts of Hogwarts seem to appear in other parts, and the ghosts are always
appearing and being distracting.
 The caretaker, Filch, is just as bad – he comes upon Harry and Ron when they're lost
and thinks they're trying to get into the third-floor. Quirrell gets them out of it,
 Filch has a creepy cat named Mrs. Norris, and no one likes either of them.
 The classes are fun but way more work than Harry expected. They have Herbology,
History of Magic, and Charms, which is taught by a ghost. Transfiguration, taught by
McGonagall, is really challenging. Their first day they have to try to turn a match into
a needle, and only Hermione comes close to doing it.
 Defense against the Dark Arts seems like a waste. Quirrell is kind of a quack; he
smells funny and can't finish any of his stories.
 That Friday at breakfast, they're talking about how they have their first Potions class
with Snape. Ron says Snape privileges Slytherin students, because he's head of their
house, but McGonagall doesn't favor Gryffindors, which she's head of.
 The mail comes, and Hedwig has something for Harry for the first time. It's a note
from Hagrid inviting him to tea.
 Then they go to Potions, which stinks. Harry decides Snape hates him. Their class
meets in the dungeons, and Snape makes fun of Harry's fame. He tells them that
Potions is challenging and rewarding, then asks Harry a tricky technical question.
Harry has no idea what the answer is, but even though Hermione knows, Snape won't
call on her. He asks several more questions, making fun of Harry and ignoring
Hermione. Harry says he should ask her, and Snape scolds him for being cheeky.
 Throughout the lesson, Snape's down on everyone except Malfoy. Neville has
especial trouble with his potion and Snape calls him an idiot, while blaming Harry for
the mixed-up potion.
 After the class, Harry's bummed that Snape is so down on him already.
 He and Ron go to meet Hagrid for tea.
 Hagrid lives on the edge of the forest and has a huge dog named Fang. The tea's not
very good, but the company is. Hagrid reassures them that Snape doesn't particularly
have it out for Harry, but Harry doesn't quite believe him. Hagrid asks Ron about his
brother Charlie, who trains dragons.
 While they're talking, Harry looks at an excerpt from the wizard newspaper, The
Daily Prophet. It's an update on the robbery at Gringotts. The article says that nothing
was taken, and the broken-in vault had been emptied right before the robbery.
 Harry says the robbery must have happened when he and Hagrid were at Gringotts,
and Hagrid won't look him in the face. He doesn't deny it outright, though.
 Harry has a lot to think about as he and Ron go back to Hogwarts. He wonders what
Hagrid's hiding from him.


Summary Chapter IX
The Midnight Duel
 Harry has an even worse time with Malfoy than he did with Dudley, but manages to
avoid him until their houses are scheduled to take flying lessons together.
 Harry's worried about looking stupid, but Ron says that they'll find out if Malfoy's
really good at Quidditch.
 Quidditch is a big topic among the students: Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, and Ron all
talk about their flying skills.
 Neville and Hermione are both nervous about flying, just like Harry.
 That Thursday, Hermione's telling them all about literary flying advice when the mail
arrives. Neville gets a Remembrall, which is a ball that turns red if you've got
something to remember, from his grandma. Neville can't remember what the subject
of it is though. Malfoy snatches it away, but McGonagall comes by and makes him
give it back.
 That afternoon they're meeting to learn about flying.
 The students from Gryffindor and Slytherin make two rows, and then their teacher,
Madam Hooch, shows. She tells them all to hold their hands over their brooms and
call, 'Up!' Everyone tries, but only a couple of people, including Harry, get the hang
of it right away, and Neville doesn't at all.
 She shows them how to mount and tells them to take off. But Neville goes early, can't
control it, and falls off from a great height. He has a broken wrist and Madam Hooch
takes him to the infirmary. She tells everyone else to wait there and not to fly their
 As soon as she's gone, Malfoy makes fun of Neville, and the two houses start arguing.
Malfoy produces Neville's Remembrall and taunts Harry with it. Even though Madam
Hooch said to not do anything, Malfoy flies off with the Remembrall and Harry
chases him.
 Harry discovers he loves flying.
 Malfoy throws the Remembrall to get Harry out of the way. Harry dives after it, in a
daredevil swoop through the air, and catches it to his and everyone else's surprise.
 McGonagall shows up right then and seems really mad. She tells Harry to go with her
and takes him back inside the castle.
 Harry gets really freaked out as she takes him all the way through the castle without
talking. He worries that he'll be kicked out. He's a little confused when she pauses and
pulls a student named Wood out of a classroom.
 They go into another empty room, which she kicks Peeves out of, and then tells Wood
she's discovered a Seeker. Harry isn't sure what's happening but is glad he's not
getting kicked out of Hogwarts.
 Instead of being mad, McGonagall explains to Wood the amazing flying she just saw
Harry do. Wood asks Harry if he knows anything about Quidditch.
 Even though first years aren't usually supposed to get on Quidditch teams,
McGonagall wants to make an exception – she's upset by how badly Slytherin kicked
their butt’s last game.
 She tells Harry to work hard, and says that his father, who was also really good at
Quidditch, would've been pleased.
 At dinner, all the other Gryffindors are really stoked for Harry. It's supposed to be a
secret. Fred and George are on the team too, and they think that with Harry's help
they'll be able to win the tournament.
 Malfoy stops by with his sidekicks and makes fun of Harry. Harry insults him back,
and they agree to have a wizard's duel at midnight. Ron and Crabbe will be seconds.
Harry doesn't even know what he's gotten himself into. Hermione tells them not to go,
but they don't listen.
 That night Harry and Ron stay awake until everyone else is asleep, and at 11:30 they
leave the dorm. They're going through the common room when they run into
Hermione, who tells them not to go. While she's lecturing them, she accidentally gets
locked out of their tower, so she has to follow them.
 Ron and Harry are fighting with Hermione about not telling Filch anything about why
they're out when they run into Neville, who was also locked out of their dorm. He
refuses to stay behind, and so they all go looking for Malfoy.
 They get to the trophy room first and wait there, wondering what's happened to
Malfoy. Hearing Filch's voice surprises them; he seems to be looking for them.
 They're all running away from Filch when Neville bumps into Ron and they knock
some armor over loudly. They run even farther and end up in the Charms corridor.
 Hermione says that Malfoy played a joke on Harry and was never going to show up; it
was a plot to get him in trouble with Filch. They all are trying to get back to their
dorm when they run into Peeves. Peeves yells super loudly that there are students in
the hallways, and they have to make a break for it.
 They end up against a locked door. Hermione does a magic charm, and opens the door
– they run through just in time.
 Listening through the door, they hear Filch asking Peeves where they went. But
Peeves is a joker and won't answer.
 It's out of the frying pan and into the fire, though, when they realize they've ended up
in the one place they weren't supposed to go: the wing that was forbidden by
Dumbledore. And they weren't supposed to go in there because in it is a huge monster
dog with three heads that has eyes full of death.
 They make it through the door just in time, and luckily Filch is gone too. They race
back to the Gryffindor tower and fall down relieved.
 They're wondering why something so dangerous was there and Hermione says the
dog was guarding a trapdoor. She tells them they're lucky nothing really bad
happened and flounces off.
 As they go to bed, Harry realizes that the dog and trapdoor must be protecting the
packet Hagrid picked up from Gringotts.



Tittle of the book : The Beginning of Everything

Author : Robyn Schneider

Total pages : 335pgs

Publisher : PT. Sinar Star Books

Year : 2014

This book contains with 335 pages and 33 chapters. This book was
created by Robyn Schneider and she launch this book at 2014. I’ve read this
book until 13 chapters, 133 pages.
Step 1
Part 1: Chapter 1 (Page 1 until page 12)
Part 2: Chapter 2 (Page 13 until page 16)
Part 3: Chapter 3 (Page 17 until page 23)
Part 4: Chapter 4 (Page 25 until page 37)
Part 5: Chapter 5 (Page 38 until page 43)
Part 6: Chapter 6 (Page 44 until page 51)
Part 7: Chapter 7 (page 52 until page 58)
Part 8: Chapter 8 (Page 59 until page 72)
Part 9: Chapter 9 (Page 73 until page 78)
Part 10: Chapter 10 (Page 79 until page 87)
Part 11: chapter 11 (Page 88 until page 100)
Part 12: Chapter 12 (Page 101 until page 115)
Part 13: chapter 13 (Page 116 until page 133)

Step 2: Write a very brief summary of each part here:

Part 1: Ezra Faulkner got a car crash accident and it make him can’t play tennis, because his
leg was broken.
Part 2: Ezra Faulkner, he came to the Eastwood High, trying to do sport to make sure that the
doctor said was wrong about “Sport were finished”
Part 3:TobbyEllicot, Suddenly He come back to Ezra life. He is Ezra closefriend.
Part 4: Cassidy, the girl that make Ezra Faulkner interest with her. They met at Spanish Class
and they are as a partner there. And they are joined in the debate class too.
Part 5: Ezra was talking with their parent’s about ezra’s activities at the school. They’re
worried about Ezra condition. They tryin’ to make situation more relax with creating a jokes
each other.
Part 6: Toby, meet with Cassidy and actually they have knowing each other. Toby, Cassidy
and Ezra became close friend. They do something together with their characteristic, little
Part 7: They going out at some cafe, and they found Sam, Jim and Evan. They are Ezra’s
friend from tennis club. They order some cupcakes and drink and make a laugh with the
bartender. Now Ezra was come back to real Ezra.
Part 8: Ezra had debate tournament and he’s feel nervous. Cassidy try clam down Ezra.
Eventhoughtshe’s got a trouble. She’s very busy.
Part 9: Cassidy and Ezra got falllin’ in love each other.
Part 10:Holiday is coming. They have a plan to spent their time while holiday. They planning
to visit many place, just like visit Cinema, watching Tennis competition and many more.
Part 11: They are going to the theatre to watching movie together. They are talking about the
movie, review the movie. Asking for their opinion about the movie. And then Cassidy was
mad with Toby and Ezra because they are so naughty. But when Cassidy was mad, it makes
two boy’s laugh.
Part 12: Time for holiday was end. They have go back to the college. And they have thinking
harder because this semester they take many class, so they have divided their time very well.
When Ezra checking up his condition to hospital, Cassidy look different. She look so quite.
She afraid with Ezra condition. and then she started to speak to break quietness by read a
Part 13:Mommy was afraid with Ezra, but he said he’s fine. Ezra, Toby and Cassidy want to
have a dinner.

Step 3: Tie the summaries of the parts together to make one final summary. Use a few
words as possible.
Ezra Faulkner, a boy with all passionate and dream suddenly change. It all caused by
car crash accident. This accident made Ezra broken his spirit. He lost all of his life, dreams,
tennis, love and friends. He felt like stranger in his own home. But he still had passionate on
sport. He kept tried to played tennis. But he felt that’s so different. When he felt down, Toby
his old friend come and try to support him. They do something crazy just like going to Disney
land and go out from the class. In Spanish class, Ezra met with Cassidy, Smart and interesting
girl. They arebecome close friend. They going out at some cafe, and they found Sam, Jim and
Evan. They are Ezra’s friend from tennis club. They order some cupcakes and drink and
make a laugh with the bartender. Now Ezra was come back to real Ezra. Ezra had debate
tournament and he’s feel nervous. Cassidy try clam down Ezra. Even thought she’s got a
trouble. She’s very busy.Cassidy and Ezra got falllin’ in love each other.
Holiday is coming. They have a plan to spent their time while holiday. They planning to visit
many place, just like visit Cinema, watching Tennis competition and many more. They are
going to the theatre to watching movie together. They are talking about the movie, review the
movie. Asking for their opinion about the movie. And then Cassidy was mad with Toby and
Ezra because they are so naughty. But when Cassidy was mad, it makes two boy’s
laugh.Time for holiday was end. They have go back to the college. And they have thinking
harder because this semester they take many class, so they have divided their time very well.
When Ezra checking up his condition to hospital, Cassidy look different. She look so quite.
She afraid with Ezra condition. and then she started to speak to break quietness by read a
poem.Mommy was afraid with Ezra, but he said he’s fine. Ezra, Toby and Cassidy want to
have a dinner.

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