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Leano. Naoimi Jose Merl R.

TF/1:30-3:30/SOC SCI 103N

Leano. Naoimi Jose Merl R. TF/1:30-3:30/SOC SCI 103N

a. Compare and contrast the gains earned by the world from the current period of
Globalization from the gains earned during the Cold War between the former
Soviet Union and the United States.

The only notion that I have of the Cold War is “fear”. The fact that it has been ages
after the Cold War, there are still traces of fear gained from experiences of the old
generation passed to us through stories. It may not be a first-hand experience for our
generation but it was evident from the period of Cold War that the people where never
certain of what happens the next day they wake up. There was no certainty if the Berlin
Wall was ever going to be brought down, or the prevalent military activities were ever
going cease-fire. They lived on constant pressure of working without getting in return the
right amount of pay that they deserve. Economically, the world gained nothing from the
cold war but military-related shenanigans. The countries, especially the Soviet Union and
United States, gained largely because they picked up on the need for military assistance
and equipment.

On the other hand, ever since Globalization existed, the world went cold towards
violence and armament. Although in some parts of the world, there are still people with
power who would rather be extremists than humanists. Nevertheless, globalization is one
of the driving forces that changed powerful countries’ worldviews. Instead of relying solely
on their military progress, they lean towards the interconnection of countries and the
advantages when it comes to economic progress. For example, the US gained the notion
of being a supreme country, because they took advantage of Globalization through
expanding their country’s brand all over the world. Some manifestations are the factories
built in countries found in Asia for US products.

Surely, there is a big difference between the period of Cold War and Globalization.
We are fortunate to be living in the generation where globalization has set its feet
strongly, making it easier for progress to be achieved.

b. Is Globalization a better alternative to the Cold War between the two

superpowers? Support your answer.

There are proofs that Globalization played a big role in China’s aggressive progress.
They are slowly taking over the world’s market making it true that the sleeping tiger has
finally awakened. Globalization gave China the chance and opportunity that they lack
during the Cold War, which is why it is safe to say that Globalization, indeed, is a better

For United States, Globalization played a role in enhancing both soft and hard
powers of the country. Given the fact that during the Cold War, US already has its
reputation, Globalization made their name more appealing. With the fast technology
growth and high-quality products produced under its name, it is inevitable for other
countries to be lured into joining the country’s side.

c. Read about the current trade war between the United States and China and
understand what you did in the blank map. Is there a new Cold War between
China and the United States at present? Support your answer. If your answer is
“Yes,” describe the differences between this “new” Cold War (USA vs. China)
and the “old” Cold War (USA vs. Soviet Union).
Leano. Naoimi Jose Merl R. TF/1:30-3:30/SOC SCI 103N

Yes, there is a new cold war, this time between USA and China. The trade war started
when USA had implemented tariff policies that China retaliated against through tariff
policies as well. Experts around the world claim that this trade war is only a front for the
two countries’ war for hegemony. With USA declining and China on the rise, it is safe to
say that the trade war is only the beginning of a war to last years.

The difference between the old cold war and the new one is that USA and USSR
were able to know their red lines and stay within their red lines. Although there were
tensions before they knew their red lines, once they established it, they decided not to
cross anymore. Unlike in the new cold war, the two superpower countries are still trying to
figure out their red lines. This suggests that in the new cold war between the US and
China, we are going to experience mini-crises as each side works out the other’s red
lines. We are also likely to see proxy battles played out between them, which might
provide further flash points. It is unclear who the ultimate winner will be.

d. What world order would you prefer - a world order dominated by USA or a world
order dominated by China? Support your answer.

If I am to choose which is a more bearable world order, I’d choose a world dominated
by China, just because maybe, Filipinos might learn from China how to stand firm for their
home country. Filipino leaders might learn how to fight for our Country’s rights, not just
allowing foreigners to come here in our land and act like they own us. We are no longer
living in the era where we are called indios, but apparently, our leaders still act like it
especially when it involves other countries that are more progressive than us.

We are used to too much democracy that because of it, it is super easy to walk our
own way through corrupting and benefiting ourselves at the expense of others without
getting jailed or paying our debts. Unlike in China, leaders are consistently shamed for
corrupting, resulting in their voluntary resignation. Not having democracy might lead us to
something orderly and more honest ways of things.

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