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Changes in the advertising strategies of

Kit Kat

About Kit Kat
Kit Kat is a chocolate-covered wafer bar confection
created by Rowntree's of York, United Kingdom,
and is now produced globally by Nestlé, which
acquired Rowntree in 1988, with the exception of
the United States, where it is made under license by
the H. B. Reese Candy Company, a division of The
Hershey Company.
About advertising strategy
Kit Kat prominently features its tagline on the
packaging of each individually wrapped chocolate,
and in all its online and print advertisements too.
Such aggressive branding drives across a consistent
message that becomes ingrained in the consumer's
Problem identification
“Analysis of changes in advertising strategies of Kit
The first use of the tagline 'Have a Break. Have a Kit
Kat', written by the agency's Donald Gilles, can be
traced to May 1957. A year later it was used on the
first television spots for the brand and ever since
has been a staple of campaigns for the chocolate
• To identify the advantages of changes in
advertising strategy.
• To find the method of making changes in theme
of advertisements without changing the slogan
“Have a break, have a Kit Kat”.
• To identify how the demand for the product
increases through the changes in
• To identify the need for the changes in
Research methodology
Data collection method:
Using the secondary source of data like search
engines, magazines, reports etc.

Advertisement in 2018
Brand ambassadors, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima
Sana Sheikh give a new meaning to the concept of
breaks with the latest KitKat campaign ‘Karo jo
karna hai, break mein banta hai’.
The brand new campaign ‘Karo jo karna hai, break
mein banta hai’ reiterates the importance of
breaks in our lives, and encourages us to not have
a fear of judgements in our breaks. The campaign
urges the youth to free themselves from any kind
of expectations and to express their individuality
freely, especially in their break moments.
Expressing her excitement on the campaign,
Sanya Malhotra, said, “KitKat is my favourite
break time treat. Today’s lives are fast paced and
everyone needs a break. For me, just snapping a
crispy KitKat finger in my breaks, doubles the fun
of breaks.”
Talking about the campaign, actor Fatima Sana
Sheikh, said, “Even as actors, expectations and
judgements surround us and we constantly try to
balance our lives between what we like and what
others ask us to do. KitKat's latest campaign ‘Karo
jo karna hai, break mein banta hai’ is a refreshing
reminder to have fun and be ourselves atleast in
our breaks!”
Through these advertisement they concentrate on
the work load and the difficult situation that we
face. So they said we may have different situation
to change our attitude and character (especially in
our working conditions), so try to be ourselves
atleast in break times. Through these they
concentrate on working people to increase their
brand demand. Here, we can see a segmentation.

Advertisement in 2017
This time they came up with ‘My Travel Break’ that
is sure to give an experience of travel break to the
audience. This is the first time ever Kit Kat packs
have postcards attached from beautiful locations in
India. Valley of Flower, Alleppey, Puducherry and
Nubra Valley to name a few.

Not only that but also they have filmed beautiful

videos at these locations which indeed is a visual
treat. There are in total four videos that are of 15
seconds each. The scenic beauty gives the viewers a
virtual travelling pleasure and as in words of Kit Kat
‘A Kit Kat Break’!

Through this they provide a visual treat to the

customers. Here they concentrate on the
entertainment activity of the people. Because, 99%
of people in this world love to travel.

Advertisement in 2020

As we know, for many young people, the new

normal today has brought with it a lot of stress and
anxiety, having to adapt to many new and different
ways of going about their daily activities. Building
on the same, confectionary brand Kit Kat features
Khurrana as a professor who is trying to engage
with his students while conducting an online class.
The spot reflects over the reality of the current
situation with accuracy as students and teachers
around the world are taking online classes due to
the pandemic-induced lockdown and closure of
schools. In the ad, Khurana can be seen trying out
tricks to motivate his students who are bored and
exhausted of trying to learn on a virtual platform.
To spark some enthusiasm and to feel refreshed,
the teacher and the students take a break and feel
relaxed. The campaign is conceptualised by
Wunderman Thompson, Delhi.
For the brand, the word break of course has always
had a double meaning because of the design of the
product, as in it is easy to break into parts. The
advertisement makes execution very topically
relevant because of the current paradigm forced
upon the world due to the pandemic. And lastly, the
advertisement is noticeable, entertaining and a
contemporary take on having fun, which is a key
requirement in the confectionery category.
In this new normal situation, the people, especially
the students are more stressed as they said in the
advertisement. So this type of advertisements are
noticeable in this situation. Through this they give
more importance to the students and teachers. In
this Corona time most of the students are searching
for different ideas to avoid their stress. So these
type of advertisements may attract the students.
• Giving some consideration to the shapes
which attract the children may increase
the demand of the product. Because,
the 90% of the users of chocolates are
children. So it may help to attract them.
• Trying different types of chocolate
flavors like dark chocolate, white
chocolate, milk chocolate etc. may
useful to attract more customers.
Because there are some customers who
only loves dark chocolates or something
like that.
• Including more feelings or characters of
people in the theme of advertisements
may attract more customers.
• I think KitKat advertisements give more
importance to youth. So in my opinion,
giving importance to every people will
increase the demand for the product.

The KitKat brand gives more importance to the
feelings, situation etc. that every people faces.
Kit Kat’s tagline is a simple and memorable one that
effectively communicates the brand’s vision. With
such a catchy tagline, Kit Kat has branded itself as
the go-to social snack for people of all ages.Such
aggressive branding drives across a consistent
message that becomes ingrained in the consumer’s
They have a permanent message that “have a
break”. But they spread this message to everyone
through different types of advertisements which
give more importance to the feelings, situations,
stress etc. in the current situations.
Most of people in this world are in different types of
situations. But they have a common character that
relax and have fun in breaks. So they take some
breaks between working hours and they conduct
trips in vacation time to different places to keep
their mind fresh.
Here the brand Kit Kat concentrate on these
common character of the people in their

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