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Course Code: MKT 505 Course Title: Workshop on Digital Marketing

Course Instructor: Dr. Veer P Gangwar

Academic Task No.: CA2 Academic Task Title: Weebly, SEO

Date of Allotment: Date of submission: 20th April,20

Student’s Roll no: B30,B38,B39,B52 Student’s Reg. no: 11909503,11909877,


Evaluation Parameters:

Learning Outcomes: How to use Weebly platform and to create website and SEO.


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly
in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.

Students’s Signature: S.Sri Parvathi

Evaluator’scomments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator‟s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Max. Marks: …………………………


Space Tourism
Website link :
Email id :
Password : Svidhunusai9718
Blog :
About our website (Space tourism):
Space tourism is human space travel for recreational purposes. There are several different types
of space tourism, including orbital, suborbital and lunar space tourism. To date, orbital space
tourism has been performed only by the Russian Space Agency. Work also continues towards
developing suborbital space tourism vehicles. This is being done by aerospace companies
like Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic. In addition, SpaceX (an aerospace manufacturer)
announced in 2018 that they are planning on sending space tourists, including Yusaku
Maezawa, on a free-return trajectory around the Moon on the Starship.
An overview of our website:
space tourism refers to the activity of travelling into space for recreational purposes. It is
sometimes referred to as citizen space exploration, personal spaceflight, or commercial human
spaceflight, and it covers spaceflights which are sub-orbital, orbital, and even beyond Earth
orbit. SpaceX are already hugely experienced when it comes to launching space-bound flights
and the company is also hoping to get on board the space tourism bandwagon. However, unlike
with most other companies operating in this field, they are prioritising lunar tourism and other
forms of space tourism extending beyond Earth orbit.
A look of our website:
Space Tourism
Direct link of website:

Search Engine optimization

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of
optimizing your website to get organic, or un-paid, traffic from the search engine results page.
In other words, SEO involves making certain changes to your website design and content that
make your site more attractive to a search engine. You do this in hopes that the search engine
will display your website as a top result on the search engine results page.
Though search engine optimization can get quite complex when it comes to all the different
factors that impact your ranking, the basic process is not as difficult to understand.
Search engines want to provide the best service for their users. This means delivering results
on the search engine pages that are not only high quality but also relevant to what the searcher
is looking for.
In order to do this, search engines will scan, or crawl, different websites to better understand
what the site is about. This helps them deliver more relevant results to those who are searching
for certain topics or keywords.

In terms of search engines, a keyword is any search term entered on Google (or another search
engine) that has a results page where websites are listed.
Keywords are search terms that a website owner or SEO professional will use to optimize a
website in the hopes of ranking at the top of Google’s results for specific keywords.
Anything searched on a search engine, whether a single word or a phrase, is considered a

Keywords what we have opted

Around 15-20 keywords (as character space was less and one word organic keywords were not
available) we got and added them to Meta keywords in SEO settings of our website
These keywords are searched through
Peer Rating:
Nagaraj Parvathi Achyuth Sunil
Parvathi 10 10 10 07

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