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La ang bn mat ee a re Ve Sarg sete ed oe ee cay oo ee a ee ee eta cates 25 pele oe a a fe a ey Mat 8 Er wel pt ines Soci heltetn ts Se otecirs ee ae Sec mer oee commen oem ee See red we ih a oe Son ooh gg er eee ra ree! ee ner oe te ear pred gees eee ae ee a ae oe lle toe =e i ee oo eels ae Pe eats 2 ial oe cea ae ceey ea Se anime tea Toe 2 ad Sante wari ay hos Aa earn bt ts cee scrap ak b's wa ere es aaa eerie Pep era eats Se pitt ie eee cr reticiag ol ee ee eee gan ete See ee te et eae ns apep ac Some eee aac er Se acenn nae ese ee ere Se ae a ett eta ae Saree esr ees a Te A te a ane err een er eetoter | ie ts fm te el se a Ue nan boil pa ma yt os pe Ce eee eae at sees RE URT Bans | Biigiiona: Bak Bae ed wih fone ate ek. Te pole Gon SEF tas ion coun ef meee ow a eae do Laon Tar aman, en tt se alta fh Tew ee mowed sone fe ah ban Fa cl Althes oponte the tiny ve Cel ted tn opt ps hid eo se ne tht Yay ae a so us ees orn ogra ned Ue Fa ee tai aa oan ere eh deer rece eww tm nd Toy ea cogs steve Shh etd sts tere the ein wh a rave wave. The barn Ug, se ae ahi they me, tt Bere wee 9 oe Seite de wall Sr tenets se Saray, rc sitet, 5, cue upon & ght, ee Sod gus om tno PSLEEEE ted ed Zana! [Sma the flowing dy. be aE tote ed wh na SEES tthe ugh of te soreetned nd, to oer a ee end pt wee have oe el ro soar estan he sho rhea td had ow id for ee OsFatndy aernon, Mach 8 we mr 9 bat cong torr hig Tisfr, the opal S2eF go ne sol meee ya wad out hs Fermin Silene monte esha ther tne ied woe apa gener ging spe a oy brome for ara Fee mot ensayo of th rened wih ele trot wear pte oes who were fing. 0 bya thee The cap gee ig ta ey were rele men, Srlued fed 1 Yet bos tha, sad gre te red ap to cmb, bls bay, tos, and eet ings Whea ty trecagu nut boyprated inh orp we ch thy elec [fis ne th oe pa Tog Tena), tol tes witch wer sera nor Satan to cmos Tiny hed othg le then bt ode sgn wth the hads {EP wold ig uae n cnet any ood wi for ay icont that ofthe pl te, Jo ae Bae bread win, nd vaso toe peopl gt veting from tt ee Thy get wre lo ftowing marae Ty Bore Ble nts he Tea the sd pln atthe top called palm, from which dis 2 spear poi ‘women, $60 poo boats reel fe capingenerl desired to 4 rast vorser A90No THE WORD a Iqoor which resembles white mit. That Liqor sweet but sme Sree and {ir gathered] ia canes (of bamboo) as thick as the lal there ‘They ten the Bao to the ee at evening for 10S cporning and la moring for the evening, That palm bears a Trait pumely the coconut which Is as. large a9 the head er tacesbouts is outside ask is green apd thicker" than She fngem, Certain filaments are foond in that husk, whence Is Fae Ome or binding togser thie bows. Under tbat husk there erv‘bord shel, much thicker than the shell of the walnst, which {hey bum aed make therefrom a powder that is wef to them Undet that sbel there is a white manrowy substance one finger ia (Dicknes hich they eat fresh with meat and fi as we do bres, i Whar a taste resembling the almond. It could be dsed and Imade into bread. There ira cen, sweet water ia the middle of {hat marrowy substance which is very eefreshing, When that water [ands fora while after haviog been clleced it congeals and becomes fie an apple. When the natives wih to make ol, they take that niomut, aad allow the masrowy substance and the water to putely Then they bel st and ie becomes oi ike butter, When they wih fo make vioege, they allow only the water to puts, and theo plsce tip the fun, aod a vinegar results Uke (tbat made from] Eihte wine, Milk can ako be made from it, for we made rome We scraped thet merrowy svbrtance and then mined the scrapings vith ie own water whith we suaioed through a loth, and so (bist milk ike goat's milk. Those palns rexemble datepalns, but altboogh not sooth they are less knoty than the Inter A family of 10 persons ean be supported on two tees, by utling fone of them during one week and the other during the ater 8 days oc the wine; for they did otharwze, the trees would dry up. They dase a century Those people became very famibar with us. They told ur many thinge, theie names and thse of some of the islands thet ‘ould be teen from that place, Their own island was called Zalvan’ Sod iti not very Inge. We took great pleasure with them, fe they were very pleasant and conversable, In order to show them fetter honor, the eaptia-genral took them to his ship and showed {bem all is merchandise-slover, eonamon, poppe, ginger, nutmeg, nace, gold and all the things ia the ship. He, had some mortars fied for them, whereat they exhibited great fear, and tied (0 jump out of the sip. They made sigs to us that the abovesaid articles "aa siping et seroto rearerTA s ein at pce where we wee gong, When tay wee about gr in a OS Thee nae wey pcealy ond eat, 4.98 tte thr eka acording the promise The vlad where Soot Ted Homa yHeon) fo echt we were led Treo cece er, we caled Acgus foo wo prin se tring ace of Coo Sig”) for ee a buns Sei (fold which we fovnd the des We ete ey wc hr, 08 ge oes wih fk four rat aan ond and evmbling pine weds There Se en Mame of them good and chess bed. These set and eefore we called then the enya no, they ete dacovered othe Sunday sechipagy of Se Ip 10 degen of nutes toward he Asc of St Late Toda f cna hundred and syne ders tom the ie of emaseton. ee ere iay, March 2, thowe men came as they bad ws ewe te wih evn fet ang 9 Fem Ty inorder to sow oy tat hee wre fo Balog and cored ent ga of pee ot ig i al one aie rm ter The sigur was #9 We puch apne (tattooed). He wore two gold ening 9 git a wha we Bers many gold amiets on ther arms td Uhak tboo the neds Wa stayed thee one week, sod during (SE bumpin wat aha dal oe ch. odo a cen acon water fom hs a ud, whch com> dann ee ny. Tre ee peole Ug cea ONE wo se ie ers 50 urge tha Sey am pass thet ars ae ee there prone ae capo, tht to sy, besten ee a ws anh woven from the back ofa ee aboot Te Bote exept sore of the cel who wear ction doth em: ela wih sik at Ge ends by means of a aeedle. They are BERS tnd pated. “They ancnt themselves with enconat ond oak yotaned dias a pretest agin san and wind. They ve wa Bin hair ta tals tothe wait, and se daggers, hive, and wer tnamented with gl large sed, fscines’ aves, and ‘Ehiny new Wat sevembe sal, aod their beats are ke crs. by he aternoon of holy Mooday, the day of our Lady, March weave wile we were on the plat of weighing achat, T went TERT ado othe spt fh and puting my feet pon a yard leading sea Tae the soveteom, they sipped, for it was raloy, and com be many lands pe Taian tem ft das, wile el bly tnd frog «foe conc a Eel efi eo a eee 28 rst vovsce ascin@ Tie WORLD seqomaly fel othe sa, 9 thet no one sy me. Whe Twas SPUD Yet ay tte baad fnppened to exch bo of te dev ac othe anton, which we daging ithe water 1 bel Srrighy and beg to ery ut #9 lly that Iwas rescued by SEAT sent Tus lard nt tele inded, tough sy Begrbue though the ere of that foot of chat (the Vga. ‘Ft same dy wre shaped or course foward the west soulvest even Tour indy, samely Cento, Wsanghen, Toon, aod konron! ‘On Thusdey morning, March tweny-2ght at we ba senate co land the ight ben, we ancored oer i We st 2 rll bont whch the aaiver call oloto [bsota) with elght men IE, approncing the foihip. A save Belonging the gti focal! win wet a ane of Zamats (Suma, whch oa fr Sy called Tapobaen, spoke t them, They immediately oder Too! him, came slong te ship, unwiing to eater Dut cing 2 ostion 1 Some ite stance, The eapan see that Gey would ear thew them ou 4 fed xp and oer gy ted fo 0 it of woud, "They reeved. tem very gly, and wert away ‘judy fave ther hag, Abt two Boor ier wo se to tanghet coming. They ae lrg bots and ae 0 called (by tote eons) They were fll of men and the og was Inthe ger of Tia, being vented under waving of mats When the hing cane sear the fogs, the save spoke to him. The King undentood im for in thre dics the Kage Kaew more languages thin {he te people He craved some of ht ment ener the sips tute always remained fo his Bolonghes, at some He diane from the ship unt i own mea eturoed, and a scons they frtmed he departed, The eaptingeneral towed gest honor © {he'men who cteed the sip, and gave them sme present, fr stich the Kg wished before depatueto give he catia a Igo Warot gold ata basket! of ginger Te ater, however, thaoked ‘ie hig heariy but would not ere Ja the soca we ston inthe sigs (aod anchored] nen the dweligs of the Kg. Newt dey, bly Friday, he caplalageneral sat his sve, who sete out iverpee, ashore in + sll boat to atk the log {Phe hd any food to have cased to the ships; and to sty that they would be well ised with, for be (and his mea) bad come tovhe ind ot finds and not as eoemies. The king came With Sicoreght men in the same bos and eatred the ship. He embraced Pabaly Dino, Cabugnn, buon, and Mane serena PArETTA a the captain general to whom be gave three porcelsin jars covered Dea Tver Sad fll of raw ee, Bro very atge dorado and ober Tings The captain genera gave the hing 4 garment of ed and elise cath rae io the Tush fashion, and a fine ro cap, and Uelheotbers (he Kings soen}, some kaives and to others, mirrors ‘Then the copia geaeral bad a collation spread for them, and bad Tartine told tough the slave that he desired to be cart eas) with Than tat is to sy, brother. The King replied that be also wished Di at sams felations with the caplain-geneal. Then the cap 1 awed fim cloth of various colors, linea, coral {oraments) Ia Stay other ales of merchandise, and al the arilery, some are he bad discharged for brn, wheret the natives were greatly frightened. "Then the captain geoeral had a man armed as 9 sldie, ad paced hin in the midst of tice en armed with swords 2nd dag ee who struck bien on all parts of the body. Thereby was the iy yendered. almost speechless. The caplao-general_ tld in TR ght slave that one of those armed men wa wor ome un org ore San men, ‘The king aaswered that that was a foct, The Spt genera said that e had two hundred men in each ship who rec armed in chat manner’ He showed the King cuirasses, sword wea buckles, and had a review made for him. Then he led the hing {the deck of the ship, that i Tcated above atthe ster: and bad Is seechait and compe brought. He told the King through the interpreter how he had found the strait in order to voyage thither Eni ow many moons he had been without seeing land, wherest the Hing wos astovshed, Lasly, he told the King that he would like, UU were pleasing to him, to send two of his men with him so that he might show them some of his things. The biog replied that he war agreeable, and I went ia company with one of the other en, ‘When I reached shore, the king raised bis hands toward the sky ‘and then turned toward ws two, We did the same toward him 05 Aid all the others, The king took me by the hand; one of Bs ‘ils tock my companion: and thus they led us under a bamboo tovering, where there was Balonghat s long a eighty of my palm lengths, and resembling a fusta. We sat down upon the stern of that Irolonghet, constantly conversing with sighs. The king's mem stood bout usin a cele with swords, daggers, seats, abd buckles, The king had plate of pork Brought in and a large jt filed with wine Ta Svs exagwatin to inptes the waves 8 rast YOrKGE A900 THE WORD ‘as every mouthful, we drank a cop of wine. The wine that wat let [athe apy at any tine, although that happened but ely, was Jie toa by fae The Hng’s cup was slays Rept covered RU} fo one ee deen from it bat he and 1. Before the Bog took Tae Rip to dnck, be raised his clasped bands toward the sky, and ie thane tas aod when he was about 9 dbink, he extended the fit of his let and toward me (at fist T thooghe that be was Moot tore me) and then dank. f did the same toward the Ring $y all make tore signs ove toward ancter when they deiak, We evth such ceremonies and with ober sigs of friendship. Late pea on holy Friday, for 1 could not help myself, Before the soppet Four I gave the King many things which 1 bad brovght 1 wrote down the names of many things in their language ‘when the hing snd the others saw me oriting, and when T told them {bets words, Gey weve all astonished. While engaged in that the fopper hour was. engoonced. ‘Two large porcelain dishes were Treeght in, one ful of rice and the other of pork with is gravy We ste with the same signe and earemonies alter which we went to the palace of te King which war bult ike a hayloft and was “hated with fig and pala leves. Te was built up high from the {pound on huge posts of wood aad it was necersry to ascend toi means of ladders The Lng made vs sit down there ca a bamboo Pat with ur legs down up tke tars. After half an hour a plat fer of roast fish cut in pices was brought in sod giger freshly bere, and wie. The King’s eldest soo, who waste prince, cae aren to un whereupon the hing told him to it down near vs, and Pe esordgly dd so. Then two platters were rowght in (one with Th and its sduce, snd the ober with rice), s0 that we might ext sth the prince, My companion Became intosiated as consequence Gro much diaking and eating, They wed the gum ofa tte called ‘nine wrapped in palin or figleaves for lights. The king made «= wipe thet be was going to go to sleep. He left the prince with we eae slept with the later on 2 bamboo rat with pillows made Of eaves, When day dawned the king eame and took me by the nd, nd tn that manner we went to where we bad had supper, fn order to partake of refreshments, but the boat came 10 get us Before we le the King kised our bands with greet joy, snd we Fhs, One of fs brothers, the king of another island, and three men Come with un The captain general kept him to dine with ws, and give him many things. ‘Pieces of gold, of the sice of walnuts and eggs, ar found by sifting the earth in the island of that King whom I led to ovr ships. Al the des of that king re of gold and alo some portion SARE, feces aa we weve told By tat tng himselt, According to Fret wns be was very grandly decked oot, and the fines tok Deu tat we sow tnong hose peopl, His has was excedingly Hered hung to bis shoulders He bod a covering of si on his PAS) dnd wore ewo large golden earrings fastened in is eas. Me bead aad tom cloth allemsroidered wih all, which covered him hock the win to the Keer At his side hung a dagger, the bal roe ay was somewhat Toog and al of gold, and is seabbard of cert code had thee spots oF gold on every tooth, and his Garp arf bound with gold He was pefomed wit stom eer penton He was tawny and paited allover, That island of bis ae berteputus ad Calagan’ /When those Kings wished to st6 Te Router they both went TS hunt in that island where we ere. rae aoe ts fit hing is Rain Colambu, and the second Raia Sis? ‘Ecty on the moring of Sunday te last of Mac and Easter day, the captain geneal sent the priest with some men t Prep 1B pas where Mass war to be said; together with the itepreter re tung that we were ot going to land in order to dine Meee, but fo say Mass. Therefore the King sent us to swine Thor he bad ad ile, When the boor for Mass aved, we Inde Bat about fity men, without our body armor, but carrying out Shher anos, and essed in our best clothes. Before we reached the ‘tore with our Bost, six pieces were discharged as a sign of peace ‘We landed; the two kings embraced the eaptnnegeeral, and placed Mh betwens them, We went in marchig order tothe place con: ‘ecated, which was not far from the shore. Defore the commence seer hss the captain. sprikled the eotre bodies of the two ings with musk water, During the Mast we made our offerings ‘The lange went forward to Kis the cross as we did, but made 20 ‘Mecnge Wheo the body of our Lord was clevate, they remained to ther koees and worshipped Him with clasped bands, The ships fred all their arillery at once wheo the body of Christ was elevated, the sigaa! aving been given from the shore with muskets, After the conclusion of Mass, some of our men took communion ‘The captain general arsanged 4 fencing toursament, at which the Kings were greatly plead. ‘Then he bad. a cross cased in end the nails anda crow, to which they made immediate reverence He tod the kings Cough the iaterpreter that they were the stand- gs the nom ps of Mtn, » rast vorsce ARON TEE WORD ards gen to hic by the emperor his sovereign, so tht wherever SLR gee might setup thre teas. (He said) that be wi Shao ke te ia tat place for thes benefit for whenever aay of our TE ee LS sould tow chat we bad been there by that ees, SPSS > potting to dipleae them or barm thes property: Tr asy of thee men were captured, they would be set free imme: ‘ately on that sige being shown. Te was necessary to st tht cross Go te som of the highest mosntsia, so that on steiog it eve) Porning they might adore st and if they 4 tha, neither thunder, ‘br orn would harm them i the least. They thanked Hie besrsly tod. [suid] that they would do everything wiling- by The expla geeral also bad thers asked whether they were Mus- sor beaten, or what was this bel. They seplied that they bad bp ober worbip but runing ther clasped bands and their face to (be shy and that hey clld their god “Abba.” Theret the captain wes very Bad aod tening that, the fest King rated his hands to (Be shy sa said that be wished that It were postble for him to (pale the capinia sce bs lve for hima The istrpoeter sed the | Kg wby there war so lato est Gere. ‘The later replied that be tid not bve in that place except when be went hunting and to te hs brother, bot that be lived in another island where all bi ny were. The captain general bad bien atked to declare whether fe bad any cocrlen, 3 that be might go with his ships to desuoy {hem a0 to reader them obniiest to bin. The King thanked him Sod sad thet he de indeed have two islands hostile to i, bot tbat it was not thea the season to go there. The captain told bien that {f God would ngain allow him to seta to thove dirrics, be woold bing so maay ten that be woold make the king's enemies subject ‘Gen forming in batalion and frig the muskets and the captia bving embraced the two Kings, we tok our leave, ‘Ater dincer we all returned clad in our doublets, and that seeroon weet together with the to kings t9 the summit of the ‘poustais there. When we reached the sume, the captain: [feseal tld them that he estenmed highly having sweated for them, for since the ero war thre, st could not but be of great use to then On asking thea which port was the best to get fod, they replied that there were thee, samely, Ceylon, Zabo, and Calaghan' Ty, Lays, Cae sd the Cag dt of Minds ‘but that Zubu was the largest aod the one with most tade, They Rend of ther wn accord to give ws pots to show os the way ee Capea perl thanked them, and determined to go ther, for Tes PEt fate wil. After the cous was erected fo postion, eat cs epested a Pater Nower 208 an Ave Mars, and adored TRELIS Si he kings ed the same. Then we descended through (he mt ed fides aod weet tothe place where the belanghat ae oe Ling bad some counts brought in 99 that we might te Fe halve, The captain adked the Bogs forthe pits, for be Fens depen the folowing moraing aod (sid) that be would are asl they were the ngs themicves, and would leave sree poeag hostage The Kings copied that every our be wed Be Sate were A hs command, but dat night the, fit hing SEARLE mind and im he moring when we were aboot 10 de serie word to the cptoger asking in fr love of Men Fa ery days und be should have bit le harvested, and ober TES kings ate and drank 90 much that hey sept all the day Det the oe conse them tht they were slightly sick, Our men did Sethng ou tat day, but they worked the ext to dap 1s or se prope brought us aboard» porsoge fll of see ao Gan wight or ten fgg fastened together to barter them for = Fea See the most was worth three catrnt” The expiin, #6 Tear that nave cased for nothing bet a fie, called him fo {ec other things. He put his hand i his purse and wished to esny drinkers Their women are clad in tee cloth from Their bor ls black and reaches to the grovnd. th They have bole perced in their ears ‘Those people are constantly chewing Tad which resembles a pear. They ed then wrap 3 inthe leaves of th feared, tho leaves resemble the eaves of the malbery. They (eater ite bine, and when they have chewed it thorooghly Typ tout: Ht makes the mouth exceedingly red. All the people tn Dose parts of the world use fi very cooking to the sess Pit ahey cemed to wse it they would die. There re dogs, cen yuin, fowl, goats ice, ginger, coconuts figs oranges, Iron Sale poston, sarge, was, and-a qoanty of gold in that sland ra Pee utade af nine and two-thirds degres toward the Arcs ole and ina Tongtude of one hundred and sinty.two degrees frm Fee sie emarcation, Tes twenty-five leagues frm the Acqwads tnd is called Mazzun We remained there seven days, after which we i + toward the northwest, passing among five islands; na Hebel, Canighen, Baybai, and Catighan! Tn the last-nam of Catghen, there are ats as large as cages: As it was Tate we Fined eee them, which resembled chicken ia taste, There are lows, watle-doves, partes, and certain black birds as lage as do setts chickens which have a Tong tail, The fast mentioned bicds Tip eggs as Tonge es the gcse, and bury them under the sind, wero ue gret heat of whic they hatch out! When te chicks ae pen, they push up the sand, and come out. Those eggs are good eeepc is 2 distance of twenty leagues from Mazaua to Ca- lignan, We bot out westward from Catighan, but te hing of Ma sere could nat follow us (eloely}, and consequently, we awaited Nn sane hue islands, namely, Polo, Ticobon, and Poron? When he Taught up with us be was gjeatiy astonished at the rapidity wi Seine sled, ‘The captain-general had him come Sato bis ship pleased, Thus did we 10 Zobu being, fiften Ceylon, ‘aland With several of his chiefs at which they were go to Zubu trom Gatighao, the distance fet sumed dat Lae oe a ath nono Cage an and tN Ao ca a Co nhl Caughan bas at been ote, Moan, compote of two ies, Baybiy 10 te * wm. eum Anes ou, ETB BIRR A eros 265 TRIPULANTES QUE AL MANDO DE TENT 4 DE 108 208 SALIERON DE ESTE PUERTO DE SAMUI AE 5 MBRE DE. 1519 PARA SURRAMIEDA EL DIA 20 DY: SUPTIEN TAL MUNDO, SOLAMEN: see T1322 (05 IBNAVEGANTES QU SECITAN A CONTINLACON: DE ROWAS, DE, ROMS. HERNANDO DE BUSTAMANTE, DE MERIDA TRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ, DE SEVILLA. JUAN DE, Aes TA, DE. BILBAO. BAR Pom PRIMERA VEZ. LA VULLTA ‘ HANS, DE AGAN. DIEGO GALLEGO, DERAYONA DEL-M¥OR (GALICIA). HM DLAS DE NADOLES, DE NAPOL DE ROMANIA. 1 SHUAN ‘RODRIGUEZ, DE HUELVA SUAN DE SANTANDER, DE CUETO 1 oan MtEnON A ESTE MISNO LUGAR DE PARTEDA FY TAT, N'S FRANCISCO ALO, Db, AXIO. i | MARTIN DE YUDICIBUS, DE SAONA MIGUEL. SANCHEZ, DE RODAS, DE RODAS. ANTONIO HEHNANDEZ, DE HUELVA. VASCO GOMEZ, GALLDGO, DE, BAYONA DEGALIOA. JUAN DE ZUBILETA, DE BARACALDO Y. ANTONIO LOMBARDO (PIGAFE TTA), NATURAL Dir BIZANCIO, EN LOMBARDIA. EL EXCMO. AVUNTAMIENTO DE ESTA CIUDAD Y ELAS) i [SHO SENTIMIENTO DE SANLUQUESO, UNIDOS ANDOS EN UN ME SINERACION HACIA LAS GLOWIAS DEL PASAD SB eros )-CONVINIERON MAR ‘ La6.mAv0 2. os srs nana races aD ADORE 1 senivcar de Haranede Spun to commence ine ween DEMOLVCCIS IN? fals,itemealisplunibus mitandis, ox nouiflima Caftellanoram nau ano Sereniflimt Imperatoris Caro | TRV aufpiciofafcepta, nupet inue= | nity Maximilian Tran(yloant 2d i Reuerendiflima Cardinalem: Saltz sargenfem epiftlaleébw perquamn | fucundat Pantbifie An vi Teeubea fb Lev engent sa ited, "Woaesy Nasachaet Hite 12>, sve vi Lee) “Namgation et dilioutment dela Indie Lapeeieae farce par may Amthome Pigaphete Vincentn dheuaher de Rhodes i BBB Asihiovne Pigaphere Patrice Vino etsbevaber | Me Rbvadee_A Mluritime ct eecerle | Philippe deillrs Lita loclte gen Rhiadc: tan Hexgucur ofleewanline fee quediet a poelleafe oitars encoues Wwllent (Eanenr les more ct Leclzyons qe say fern poate p aller non otioen ferme cecace st ba fin fi presmuevement ly ree font bay oueeig of ceeciors Dis sommasncen Pourfant Atonfagnene slvous plat ot efyigne Jaane hema ifr ts couct ca be eeecend fendie que me fro nike oft fagnene anil oi Xe fecensffine vop %s Ronn {ogre rcois Chcegato ‘stlors prothone aice apoftolteqie et amrbayfadsue Dut pape 2. cont fine: Leal pe Facts pein ps Lewes “¢ Apertintor ef pzmneiprulte Be Thieme conguerffant sit par Lectuce Be plufiess Ieaces ‘hs con enh a, Mole GouteyBibtbeneehetonle) GATION-E ple Jade nif deBary ov sie de Girl fs Te por team Cheualiede Rode Com DA EOE ‘Maximiliani Tranfy luani C2 aris afecetis Epiftola, de admirabili genouilfima Hifpanora in Orien, | tem nauigatione,qua uariz,&¢ral L priusaccellx Regiones inuétse | funt, cum iptis ett Moluccis inf \ Is beatffimis,optimo Aromati sgencrerefertis. Bolap motes eponuntur, acu Fe taquz Herodotus, Phinius, Soli” | pusatqueali wadidenant, fabulo faelfearguuné. Contra, nonnulla ibidé uera,uixtamen credibibaex plieané quibuleum hiftoris inf Jortusambins deferibit alterius Hemulphacri.quaadnosundem foredent ancolumes «| bonny a ser ‘he fh (ott Rome) edion of Taniane De, Malai Sail ve, Peer “The Maney eo om is Th fea (eso Rama, teat te sopears i» Cologne « (Crt Carl < Timer ow fen Co ‘Ouuee? ery tae Une ay) + Cerce quit pe plified 26 creep yyn q cf bees Beweratd re fener Nn effi eee Liitan ops ofr eee weer fe met Naveane it ae alr re er) Chas tn Ee rn IES Tapa ee aprmesp antes De Therame CEI i Mee 8 Te apes Rana pe ATTY Tralee sine atone oar OT a apne tcf ep faignee accel Bovey a Pol Levovage et na, nigatiory faict pat less {paignofsea| Gftes' desPoffucques.des iffes quits ont teonue andict Sopage/ des Rops diceffeeide feur gouuernementa mas niere de Sinvesauec plufienrs autres cHofes. cumpoinilegio,| | Dy les Fens a Pariser fa maifonde | Dimon de Lofines, fiGraire ince de fur nitterfitede Paris/demourat ey fa cue fainct Gehan de Beantuats/a enfeie \ gne du Dofeil Dor ‘hese pat of Tite's Le Voge et Naxeton by Ja cae et he Wallen Le Cheon Libary oO efi patins wero o\Qyrdir Rf ab Jie fires loan Te Sap onde, pa BP Ri ok Op gps sient fir la wha Ai aa The Ht ate ot Pa i eatey Bees nbs) seroma Meare s ‘Ax noon on Sunday, April seven, we entered the port of Zubu, possng by many vilages, bere we saw many bawtes bul ups logs. On approching the cy, the captain general ordered th ships to fling ther banners. The tlle were lowered and. aronged as if fac bat, anal all the alley was fired, a0 action which caused great feat to those people, The captain sent a forterson of i Ambrstador ta the King of Zubo with the fntepreter. When they feached the city, they found a vast crowd of people together wi the king all of wom bad been frightened by the mortars. ‘The in teapete tokd therm that that was our custom when entering ito fch places, ata ign of pesce and fends, and hat we had die Charged all our mortars fo honor the king of the village. The hing fad all of is men weve reasvured, and the Ling had us arked by his goveror what we wanted, The fterpreter tepid that his mas ter wa 8 capain of the greatest king and prince in the world, ad that be war going to discover Maluco; bt that he had come solely to visit the hang because of the good report wbich he had hetrd fof him Grom the King. of Mazasa, and to buy food with hit mer- Chandi, The King tld him that be was welcome but that i was Aheie cortom for all ships that entered thls ports to pay tnibute, sand that it was but four €ays sine s junk from Ciama (Sit) laden With gold aad saves bad paid him tribute, Ar proof of ie state meat the ing pointed out to the interpreter, a merchant from Cama, who had romined to wade the gold and slaves. The inter preter told he king that, since his master was the captaia of 50 rest a king, he did noe pay tibute to any seigner in the word, fn that ifthe king wished peace he would have peace, bet if war instead — war / Thereupon, the Mslin merchant said to the King “cate rain chia that isto say, “Look well, sire. These men are the sane who have conquered Calicut, Malaca, and all India Magive. they are treated well, they will give good treatment, but if they ate treated evi, evil and worse treatment, as they have dane 10 Calicut and Malaca."The interpreter understood i ll end told the ‘og that his master's King was more powerful in men and ships than the king of Prtogao, that he was the king of Spain and em- peror of all the Christians, and that if the king did not cae to be Iis frend be would next tine send so many men that they would estray him. The Muslim related everything to the king who there: ‘upon sald that he would deliberate with his men and would answer the captain on the following day. ‘Then be had refreshments of many shes, all from mast and contained in porcelain plat ters, besides many jers of wine brought in. Alter our men bad o rast vorace anoo@ THe WORLD Epon his master. athe tary replied so the egatve, bot tht Inghtened ft our tot were le oar our eds end Rh sot meee ea eae roe es pinta om the thie wih the Hing of Manon, te Maso, be gover, te seeps ae Seppe pet fa re ep Sa Tua kn eakes tora Sse seroma nearer 2 race The captslongeeal wd many tags concerning pace, sd Bat be prayed Gado eof (in ewes. They mil a hey tad nove ard ty one en sch weds, bu tht hy eck pat sus la bering Them. Te captnin snag that Dey Een Pod ESSeered willop bopa to sivance arpntats tee then feces Astag tent who woudl ceed tthe signy Me the death ofthe Bing be was snrwre ht the Kg Mr four bet only deghter, he Lest of whom wat the wle of tat pew of is whe therfore was the pace’ (Thy sn tht) hen {it tates and ethers pow old they ressved to fier hor, tt their cle cmmaded them ‘The cptin tl thes tat God mae the sy, the et, the sea and sveying sli, aod that He bud commanded sto oaor tar ith co sien, tod thet whowver i otberwse was cone dhinoed to cea ey that we sr all Gxcnded from Adam 0 Ever ou fst pare at we bave an orl spy aod maay tler things paring tothe fat All oly oested th cp thi oles theo men, ora et, fit fhenhTo the fath an (ni) that toy would show them grt hover, The captain rep to tern hat be Could oot eae them toy en the, tet theif they wie to become Chri, our pat would bap tae them, and Cathe would net time Big pets ad Fars who truld ite the in bor fh They anpered tt they would Fiat speak Yo ther ling. ad thatthe tay wold become hrs tins, Tobereat] we al wept with ret oy. The eapai-gnen tad tem that they sBoul ot become, Chistes for tat 10 plese os but of thet own fee wil and tat he would nt cae ny sipleaore to those who withed to Ive according tothe own law, bt tht the Crisians would be beter egnaed and ened than the others Allred outwith ene vice tat they were ct coming Chan through fea o to plas ua, bite cy vn fee wily ‘Then the captain tad them that F they became Choe tan, be wold eave sit of amor, for 10 be bi Kg com mane him, that we could ct have itscue with hr een Witout commiting a very gest sn, ince Uy (ihe womee) Te ‘aled. pagans, and that be assured them that if they bee CCvias, te devil would longer apes to tem except inthe Tas moment at their death, They sid that they coud not newer ‘he besutifal word of the capinin, Bot that they pled hones dn Ms bands, and) Ghat be should Gent tem ahs max foithfl sera, The captain embraced them weeping, and daping one of the prince's hands and one of the hing’ between bis own, sad 10 36 rast vorAce Anow THE WORLD them that by his fith in God and to bis sovereign. the emperor ARE by the habie which be wore, be promised them that he would ive them perpetual pence with tbe hing of Spain. They answered That they promised dhe same After the conlsion of the pence, the captaio ad reeset served to then "Then the prince tnd the kig (of Mazava) present Favor bankes of ce, sine, gots, and fowls fo the capto freed on behalf of their ing, and asked him to pardon them, for EG things were but litle (lo ive) to one such ashe. The exptan fave the prince a white cloth of the finest en, a red exp, some Firings of lass beads, anda fidad glass drinking cup. ‘Those fhmcs are ently appvecated io those istics. He did ot give iy present to the King of Mazaua, for he had already given bio ‘tobe of Cambaya, besides other ticles. To the oters be gave ow poe thing ant pow another, Then he set tothe King of Zubs ‘rough me aod ene eter a yew and volt slk robe made in ‘Tunlith style a fine ed ap, some wing of glass bends, all im @ Sikver duh, and two gi dxiniing cups in out Bands When’ we reached the ety we found tbe king in hit palace surrounded by many people He was seated on # palo mat on the {round with only a crton cloth before his prives and a scat em ‘Eeiered withthe needle sboot his head, a necklace of grest value Fanging from his neck, aod two large gold arsings fastened in bis Gane ake round with precious gems, He wat fat and sbott, sad faooed. with fie in various devigns. From another mat on the [round he was eatiog tre eggs which were in two porcein des, Fe he bad four jars full of palm wine In front of him covered od arranged with four small reeds io tne drank Having duly made reverence we king that his master thanked in od that be sent ths present not fa ‘Ties for hs present bot forthe itsnsc love which he bore him ‘We diesed him in the robe, placed the eap om his hend, end gave th the ther thing, thea hating the beads and putig them upon fs head 1 presented thea to him. He doing the same (Le. sing them) accepted them, Then the Kg bad us ext some of tote eE8? fand drink through those slender reeds. The others, his men, tld Tim in that place the words of the exptain concerning peace and Ii esorttion to them to become Christians, The ing wished 10 Ihave us stay to supper sich bien, but we told him that we could ot stay then. Having taken our leave of he, the prince took us ‘rth ha to bis house, where four young gis were playing [instr fvith swertamelling, herbs ich jor by means of wil to bir the iterpreter told th ‘esy wary for his present, a che a fab pet reat pod» ema Bt ios orton pees ee cet ee eee oa ee eee Seer ae Sere ee Sones aancaee es ener aes Seep eer Bo Sa eee cay a awe Soe cae eee ee aera eed he de ee 3 rose WorAGE AROUND THE WOR sien, Ta nd fotos au rly, Nw 12 ey ee wed tose peole «Hop fl ef ou mechan, BEETS tout one and coeff dost). The sapeingeert Heese Pes eee y, 7 oa Sunday morning, April fourteen forty men of us went wits eget ert ey a ‘The captain told the King oe ey SE uel wrt any wes Si ot aha dS TT ash resebig he aati socroto MeArertA » cate an ted tm tat vl they obeyed the King ig Sear soe an hited, aad old gel overs {Se Moe They sel tht they won by him Te pnt the ing ath sgn oS, bt tat he wold ret a wt many face be would ake hte eet ng of The gah ha bent itt epitome seen Cen. The hing hog hit has othe sy, thanked Ee ta equated fo let sone os men ean fs Nie ta he snd is peopl ight be beter itt the tanec Ma replied nt he wuld leave two ment sty rae tach would et take wo ofthe cheno the bes 2a Pitt! a they might lar ow guage, who aferwaed op Tee Nei oma be able tol te others ee wonder of Spat wigs ou es set up in Ge idle of the square The cpt MES era tay ued to brewer Christiane a they ae Seer aS tke prevous diye, thy mut bum all tr as seers pa Beatin tar place Thty were to adore that es Toy Gal duel hands vey nomiag ser thir estom, ee te twig ef te cow (which the coptain showed 2 Yo to mabe); aad thy oh t ce Bou at leat he am pe" nt cos and nove h owen. Toe iteron tat hy Perey dared chy were to cote with good wrk, The TEU aac een wed to cola hoaoghy. The pain fecal td the hng that be wos cin all a whe to demonic [e'Sete lve toward tem/ They rep tht they ed at re fond to ho sweet wowle Tin expan led the Mg by the hood © Yonder wile speaking hee good words inorder to baptize Haifa he tng ht be wool! cll hin Deo Ca afer Bs ovelgp he emperss the pane, Don Fernando, at the sess Sooes the Bing of Mornin, Jobnet,» het Feoaneo, fer eur til tint is © ny he expan the Mosimy Chris SSF itn Ge odes, gow on ane tno ante Five bonded fie were upto’ before Mase. Aer the conlson of Mas, be Erpuan vied the King and some of the ober cues to dion, ee ey relied, accompanying vx, however, fo the shoe. THe Ships dachrged all be mortar 08 embracing the Bog 08 cits dl the cpa tok lene fone ener. 7 7 ner dinoe the pista ome of the oer went ashore baptine the queen, who cana wih Foy women. We condsced her Tove pntorm, aud tbe way mide fo st down vpon » exhin fed the other women ear ber, unl the pret sould be sd Tibowed her ne iage of our Lady, a very betel wooden _ 0 |rimst VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD te Oe ae ane sen Tat Kgs ses te ey ee Msn, ell Se LR Eda ewe an te ben ie an, od Epo oe Ma Tre oy te yer a bn Se rt ge kr ond Wh SPS oo i A eg at tiny Ha all cove 2a td ee pens «al nd ing The gon, Dv ma Se od a ged heel on ok embed ore ceeiemet lt Man cpl cohen, Ble omen ih koe, fr he) Sa ch pnes_Th cain, aon Oe See cen he cl J, gr a ere pac of en, for sn mr eS Go Tag bin Beryseaced ANTONIO PIOAFETTA 41 Before Mas on dy, te cattin general had the bag ome cad iy ssh oe, so be il met of he Sy. fo wh, gr woter and pms’ ia, whe ae wet Baar, ie of the ngs Wether, Cdn ner oes ed Sn Seat “Senco aghite, and ny Gen tow 1 sll ot sree ts exer no ey todiove ‘Toe cpa sade them al seer Wats Scat to ekg ed shy Sted te er od. Ten taespe nd the ing care tbe mold away be betes Thi te Lag of Spa, and oe bog ore Thee fon te apn ew he swrd tefre te sage of or ay, SERA lling tnt wea anyoe ter, Be sould peter Se Shes an fo tea sch ta cathy 0 hat be woe by at eget the ie ofthe ener bis sovereign, aad by hs bat CRE fiat Aer te olin of tthe epi gve ie cae thet clog Nim that wherever he este Haka aay have eared belo Bn by woe of As nearest re BORG USP abowed him how i ought tobe cated. The og eet be would hat wig fo love of fim, 2d be Foe pl hat be ws bing alt git i, namely eee et eof godt fase ahs ea tro amie 0 pet See ste te ews, nad two ter nage for the fet Sfow’ ho alien, besides oer pein gms to aora the ex ROE NS Ge tt beefed omens leh the ngs of ose Bente can were They always go bvlot, and wear « eth ga Spot that hang fo te walt othe Ses ‘one Sy te coping sed the Hing 2 the oer peo pie S07 thy 08 ot but ti le a ey Bad promised ina By came Chron and why Sey serie so ch Rah 0 Be ey seed tnt what try wee dlog wes Rt for Sexe ‘tie, bot for’ sek an wo bn no pen tow for fone day StS te st mig ve hin brah He as te pce’ bbe “the tvs 28 oo an inthe ad. The copia td them to burs the ido na to breve Sa Chit, and tate Sk man were bated be wold ely seover an that 3 oto happen thy cult bend hen [e copa) the and dee. “Terug the hog replied tate woul do for he tay Be Tied Chrst- We ade» proven fom the snc othe Ease ff he sick mun wih gt emch pomp as posbla Thee we fund Sim in such condition tet be fold meer spk nor nove, We taytaed him ands two ives and 10 gil. Thea the capa bad Ti asked ow he fl He spoke immediatly and said Gat by the race of our Lard he fat very well That was a coxt maniet © gost vosce 00 THE WORD vroce iat agp our ines. Wea he ein ed sme Pe Tame Ten bead he eon Sk pete tan ch he tnd abendy bad made foe Nn A some tied milk wan para het covet of yew hi a par ced bea ie apn set chek dt lee come, oo se and Oe, te sn ere Me ans te ek an began 1 wk, He bad Pre eet al women iad concted i Bs tote bane se fa at ee nga ll the poole He ad many sree sae te ee dseayed, wach the ocean ee Yat along the emacs ced ost Cassia! Castila” 28 Sra Ee en They td to Col woul ed then ee ee fe ht they cone fn ve ty wee they would bo one sae ae of ond ad ae alms sn De Ln Neuer Teva reopen ao be fet tured tod ase Menthe gy ope, Tey have = ee ae Ah sa ade ne fhe Eran te pedal ov bags tke Glage in hat lad. The ames and se eee lows Clgtapla, 208 8 chi, lo, of she he oe as inact, 20d Clcabul ot/Mendas Ci a oce Lln, tis cet, Tete one tod chal Ape repa, ont Cuma; ard one, Laban) A sn ee bret Stee tow, 8 gave fod 8 shoe ages re fab war am lag ced Maton wich ate Nea at 0S See ere ached The ame of wile formed een eau were Zul aod Capslapng, Tht Yar Ma 0 ined at feat ind and wn ced Pas ch we ae os lous Lacs may Foo the cece cle people se in conseratng the stan eh ceremony that 0%, Gongs Ten the lage ies are rave Tee of ie and mil, baked and 1 sand sat fb the her wth eth fC sapped Io he ae of aioe ak, be of Se aod 90 sania he grwnd. Teo to vey old Wome” SE, Se cl sa aon ope 8 Ba STS) cach of wh enh they a cbtsene 0 te #88 Tt fave Sen Eason mates, One fem uta MN they wrap the Sah forcend, and takes another Becie f oF eh Deo blowing pon he trumpet, se thes ands sod nc ter aks oe of the stanards a dats and fn, two vith roses and wit Te Tener wil tic the lw af the poi 0" pst 12 ~—o sstosio rearerea oo MoetonberiranpetThepdane od el ot hf aera ee peices densi tothe ven he ei A ay NB eae andl Sect op ad ee a tare fee (eael eeoes we $e Heo eee nial toaty os sa toe pal ows pemtedober tt fe yd poring cha eth, whe Ot aan ent pene ro five nso dee a ups Ue bn of eho Ten te Inge, er sce gestodene wom. Sey ante ran ord wl oho em So roe acetone fe te of rig the ionce through the heart of the hog, with a sudden and quick 2 ee pte eae st he ce The wean se i aR gu Tin oe wn bs ied be bg eng Sn oie ha Nn i To ooncay, exguies he ober om, dn ey ka bg ge nd Bae the a or eer te te ttc of ee er boty neve eae tou Ten tn eke pulls ad got att cota of ee, Sa a cede wih ten}, Toe heared thy tony om Ue has oe ove bad wont cor tan hoa ny ooo tren 1 ed mires A ocple gp mle weg bot one pice of ple ee Et eeeS een soa ve ek Sen ie etide tte eer ea te end wth ld ae oma ere qu ato es of sue bat we Sha Bont wih ots open te her orig he had te nl uy fen sed my, oh wea eae tl pe, becaute cud ot ere ne MEJOR ae tak a Ea trough whic hy ante. The bo ee ipo anys hold fem. Tey ay ta he women MT at tay id tery they old ao ve om Baton wth ham” We he men wih av cameron aaa et later thnsclves tte te po ote TEs ta commence ey psy to itu (ntti ce he ur au op fe and then the oer pat When ear tel ts seae psn, sod ths the eas alway dap ide ges oa foro hey cull at pall Te wai keane of tat Goce Bete they wi ot 8 ray oatre, They have at many wives ab they wih ot ooe of spk pure Tho, tere “ayncnovar ay af our en went ashe, shen te PBS y ght evegone ied Nim fo et and 1 oh yy ea me cied nod very ly. They ie Sa ra ety am the though Coe alte ee for five ori hows, The women lved sod oe ot he ee eo mea All ofthe wore fom ey I ree ad epwart vet aps duly opened Bee GF tie mens pies net ace he flowing cernnies when one of the hes aS et women ofthe poe got te osteo te ee Fits oS ened placed the mide of te Bose io eee oat abn te box a the manne of pale sn pope dacs of wes are atached Inte mle of enh seorhsh macy tgmon ci ke » crtaned canopy. The most bees POE tuner toe hanging, ave acne wah Proopel women Sh one by a gil who fans ber wi ale See coe women st soxt the room aly, Then there la fn The Oe olf te hr of the decent vey Sowly gee ee Ninh wns the pscpal wife of the deca To ra mao places ber mouth, herbals, ad het fet see ae eT ihe deceased When the former i ctig off Bee aot ei and when th former fst the tng fa fhe te eee oy poesia js comaig fe abot Abe later sng. TOs fern ad bein, wach mabe a ong or the 0S seve pus om the fee Thy Sep Oe OO a er P dayn doing thse ceremons. 3 belle ee e esptted with cxmpbor. Then they bury the body te ay ist og by mes of wooden a 208 es Oe ray ngs of wood: vey ight abet mi sod covered a me back bd se af a ro was we © Bight nh Fd ths enced the Rose an begna ca a rate dogs begat bowl and tat seeching fe serch 0 Ot at fr fur av five hos, but thse people Ted never ell us the reason for a ae Apa twenty, Za,» ei of the and of Motan nt ey Bee net oo goats to the copti>geer and 1 Sd Hc ll ate had promised, bot tht fe Behe to send i oi cane of the oer cil ee Mie teed fo obey the Hig of Span, He requ seep avcend him only one boatoad of men one sansa hey might ep fm fight aginst the eter be ‘he captains! decile to go thes with ve boats, We Pe, crete iar to be. but he, lhe © od sepia epee Nn a foc, he nudity ak wot eth coon nd eine, ger ih the Chea hag ee ne et men ed oer thy bleh he Fine sa hee hous bere dawn) The cps ot wane nba sete menage te ats by te Mein TAS ee ee Pay weld bey the tng of Spi, engi ae ga terse, sd py or rt, be ee fad bot at they wed tere ty hs cree runes wonaded. Tey repeat ve had TORE SE Mca bamboo ad sie hardened it fo. te dae we pred to tack tom a oe bat ea gan tat ay mgt hve tare men Thy 28 su an ern ce unt go sch f thay fos ty bad see hlgitapee. the hoes in oder at wo mht a ae PE eg came, tyne of leaped dai or tg od waked hoo wey moe he st igh ne cnc the Seve Bs mck neater tren ocean Tock ithe wed sae eran remained bela to gard the bout When The th hss mea had foned in tve dsow f0 te we rach ee can ope thowtod Hoe hendied pesos. We see is thtged dan opm ue wi exceedag lo ee, tee ks nd te lier 02 ow ent, Whe, he two dvtons o> SE formed ws int ro estos, ad thus id we Fe OM muctees and crnowran shot om a 3 eg alan hou but wey, forthe shots ely pred se eet whch were mae of ein ood, and Se a= Te Seon The opin ced to them, "Cee fag! ese Pie Sah dr ms ota a heeded. When the saves sav Seo ha inong our mates foo parte, cg oo Fe ale stand Hr, and veoubed the shouts, When Grerl fer were dchage, the enties woul vers bat se Gea the caving tems wiht NC eae ett sew at ole 0 many taboo 9S Tay 2 oped with oo) at te capamgeer, bois (ema ate arened ih fay soo, and om Dat we clk ra feed ous Sving tht hu copa geneal set sme ny ra tha buses i ode fo tery them. When ey 2 Fane aig ey were ruse to eae fy. Two of OF “ rast Yorsce A100" THE WORD pen were bed ness he buss, while we bared went or Ay Fee any of them charged down, upon. tht hay det be erie Bale eager gw + posbasL-avow. On, at er et oy Bt Ue en tok fh sea arf us who remained with the captain, The cece OF SEN forthe Tater were be, and 0 0 fe sok ony jones red at us that we could fier 20 ee mast he oat ould not id a they wee ian Ta rer onund corte ft more tha & good eer aam the sore, aye ghting wp 1 oot bets ine ta He verter conuaved to pave us and pking up the ree rier onc tes hcl aus aga and gui, Re sare ee cpt, macy red epon Bi at chy Hooch Free ee end oie, bt be aways stood fly he a good 1 ae her wih some ober, Ths id we Sight for more han aig me ag to rete father An Indian buted 2 bamboo sem" the apa ace, but the ater tewedaaly spear ine Sane, which be lft im the Tndian's boy 1 oem a to In bandon sor, be cold draw i ot ut tal Then Fe ha been wonnded i he erm with «bamboo at Ter oe Asa sy that, they all ured themselves upon in Whe the menuned hm on the Tet eg with «loge, cts, On ot ehh aca, only being lage. That caused the cp heh seems *SSemward, when soeatatly they rshed vpn fae fa eae cS babe Spars tod wth their cases, mA vee ed our mir st Tight our comfon, and our tee guide ey ete him, be red back many tes 0s hehe We ty ee pom Thereupn, bebaldig Dm dead, we ee cle n best we cult he boats which wee slrealy carat tne Chiesa Hog woul Dave ied att OP pring of him before oe lnded ott leave bis belongs ot 1 ce hw we ong, Whe te Kg ale St ton eens Had it not been for that unfortunate exp, Teta oe ac woll bv ora ed ibe ao we rel as iphing the oer reed. to the Boas ee ak (the ells of) your susins Laci, tht the anor male tpn wilt Become faced tS the fre fae ues whch he posssied, he was mare cong a ae oor cae inthe gestest of avery, He endured seen Seer ha all the bes, and ore acutely hun ony Ht neg id he understand ea carts and navigation, And tht ‘ais was the truth was seen openly, for no eter had bad 0 euch Thtoal lem aot the boldnet to lean how to. creuomavigate the ‘Wowd, ar he had aloost done, That bate was fought on Saturday, pal weauyseven, 1521, The captain dered to fight on Saturday suse it was the day especialy boy to im, Eight of our me ‘owe led wth bim in that bate, and four Tans, who hal Tecome Chisians aod vwho had come afterward to aid. ut were Taled by the mortars of the boats, Of the enemy, only fifteen were File, while many of us were wounded Ta the afternoon the Christian Hog sent a mesiage with ovr const ta the poope of Matan ta the elec int if they would give Go'Ne captnn ond the ether men who bad been killed, we would fee tem as rch merchandise a they wished, They answered ht Bey ‘would aot give up such a man, a1 wo imagioed (‘hey would ‘Say ‘ther Way, would not give him forall the ches in the ovat br that they intended (2 keep bin 22 & menor ‘Gn sutrdsy, the day on which the captain wat Killed, the oor men who bad remsined in the city #9 trade had our merchandise ‘Guved to the sips Then we chose two commande, namely, Dearte Barboca, a Portuguese and a relative of the exptin, snd Johun Serrano, « Spaniard. As out iterpreter, Hench by name, was Mounded aligty, he would not go ashore any more to attend to Thr essary afar, but always kept his bed. On that account, Duarte Barbora, the commander of the flagship, ti out to hin fod tokd him that although bie master, the captain, was dead, he teas not therefore frees on the contrary he (Barboss) would see Toit that whea we sbould reach Spain, he should stil be the slave tf Dofia Beatrice, the wife of the captai-generl’ And threatening the save that it he didnot go ashore, he would be Mlogged the Tater arose and feigning to take mo ed to those words went asbore to tell the Christian king that we were about to leave very 5000, bot that tf e would follow bis sve, he cold gain the ships and our merchandise. Accordingly they arianged splot, andthe slave Tetwroed to the ship, where be showed that he was more conning than belore. ‘On Wedaesday morning, the fust of May, the Chistian king sent word to the commanders thatthe jetels which be bad promised to send to the king of Spain were ready, and that be begged them Tike of thee wos awe of cn tht Magan. ort the ders re fa Ske be Benard on i wl a on 261819, owed ue fo Se he fave and gore in 10000 mrad Tx hi noppo wi tre 6 and their other companions to come to dine wil him that morning. aa coud give tm the jewel. Twenty-four men went eset, weeig shom war our astrologer, San Marto de Sila. 1, could Tas all swollen vp by a wound from a poisoned spt go Because Trew which T had received in my face. Johan Ghuvuble retored and told us that they saw the Gired by a male fake the priest this bowse Caria end tbe fe man who had been Consequently, thoy SET'ek tat place because they surpected some evil Scacely had they spoken those words when we heard loud cries snd lamentations, We iediately weighed anchor and dicharging many mortars ito the houses, diew in neazer to the shore. While thus discharging foe pieces] we saw Joban Serrano crying to vs not We asked him whether al in his shit bound and wounded, to fie aay more, forthe natives would Kil him, it the others snd the interpreter were dead, Hr sid that they were all dead exeopt the interpreter. He begged Ais eameitly to sede him with some of the merchandise; but Joban Garvio, bis boos companion, [and otbers] would not allow, the Boat to go asbore so that they might remain masters of the ships But atbough Job quid, for they would Kill him, a Ex hs soul of Johan Carsio, bis comrade, ia seer ce immediately departed. I do not’ know whether be is ‘Goad’ or alive. fan Serrano weeping asked us not to set sil $0 rnd sid that be prayed Cod to the day of judg: Tn that island are found dogs, eat, rice, mille, panicum, 0150, loge, figs, oranges, lemons, sugarcane, gai, bone ‘as, gourds, flesh of many Finds, palm wine, {sland and bas a. good port with © tnd the ather to the east north toward the Arctic Pole, and in longitude of on ow degrees fim the line of demarcation, Tis name is Zubu. We ‘henrd of Maluco For Man for Woman for Young. Wi corn, DAO and gold Ie isa large wo eatrances—one 10 the est 1 ies in 10 degrees of latitude 3p hundred and ssty- there before the death of the captnin-geneal ‘Thowe people play a violin with copper stage ‘Words of those for Mastied woman for Hair for Face for Eyelids for Eyebrows athen people he paranpaon beni best babay ‘bobo ay pile cll for Eye for Nowe for Jaws for Lips for Mouth for Teeth for Gums for Tongue fer Eas for Throat for Neck for Chin for Beard for Shoulders for Spine for Breast for Body for axmpit for Arm for Elbow for Pube for Hand for the Palm of the band for Finger for Fingeraell for Navel for Penis for Testicles for Vagina for to have Communication with foe Buttocks for Thigh for Koze for Shin for Calf of the leg for Ankle for Heel for Sole ofthe foot for Gold {er Sive 9 too spin el babe nipin Teghes ails dsiengen liogh tsosip ‘quella ‘lat iam samput pata thud Daag basg bits balbol tiochid Tapa Tepe balzeen rill

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