Lab 1 Electrostatics

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Explanation of steps (3-7)

The outer cage of Faraday Ice pail called the shield is used to remove the stray charges. When the white
and blue disks are rubbed together, the white becomes positively charged by losing electrons and the
blue one becomes negatively charged by gaining those electrons. When the white wand or disk is
lowered inside the ice pail, the electrometer shows positive deflection. When it is moved outside, the
electrometer needles move back to zero position. But if the white disk is touched with the ice pail, the
ice pail will hold the positive charges and the electrometer needle will stay at some positive voltage
value and will not move back to zero position even the disk is moved outside. The needle can be brought
back to zero position by pressing the zero button in the electrometer. The reading of the electrometer
should be measured at different intervals and position of the disk.

Physics behind it:

This phenomenon is called triboelectric charging. Whenever two materials are rubbed together, one
becomes positively and other becomes negatively charged. The reason behind it is the difference in the
electron affinity of the two materials. Material with high electron affinity gains electrons after rubbing
and becomes negative. The other material loses some of its electrons, becomes electron deficient and
positive charge appear on it.


The difference is that now the electrometer will show opposite reading and needle deflection as
compared to the first step. The reason is that the blue wand is negatively charged.


When one wand is lowered in the pail without touching with the pail, the electrometer will show some
deflection and voltage value in one direction until and unless the wand is inside it. When it is moved
outside, the electrometer will show zero reading.

Similarly for the other wand, the reading will be opposite in the electrometer.


As the two wands are oppositely charged, when they are touched together, the charges are balanced,
both becomes neutral and when lowered in such a position inside the pail, the voltmeter will not show
any deflection.

Part 2:


No the polarity of the charge on the second sphere is not the same on its near and far side. The side
near to the first sphere (which is positively charged) will show negative charge and the farthest side will
show positive charge. Also the charge density on the near and far side of the second sphere is not
uniform or constant.

As the farthest side of the second sphere is positively charged, when it is touched with the help of a
spare wire with the shield (the ground), electrons will flow form the shield through the wire and will
balance the positive charges. The charge density on the second sphere will not remain the same as in
case of procedure 5.

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