Understanding The Perceptions of The Households From Barangay Concepcion Grande On Proper Wastes Disposal

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Understanding The Perceptions of The Households From Barangay Concepcion Grande

on Proper Wastes Disposal

Kirsten Louise Abas

Ma. Christina Abdon

Ashanti Dela Cruz

Carla Dialogo

Mariana Ipo

Universidad de Sta. Isabel

The researchers have adhered to University policy regarding academic honesty in completing

This Assignment

Submitted to Ms. Jessica May Reyes, LPT on behalf of the Senior High School Department
in Partial Fulfilment of the degree requirements in Practical Research 1

A/Y 2019-2020

One concern can spring from experience in daily life in school, at home, environment
and in different places. Waste disposal is a need in every places. Improper waste disposal can
lead harm not only to humans but also in the environment of barangay Concepcion Grande. It
can also cause illness to people than cannot be avoided. This research topic is to aims to raise
awareness to the barangay Concepcion Grande to help them in making their environment
clean and green by proposing this kind of study and help them do proper waste management.

Waste Management are the activities and actions that the people in Barangay
Concepcion Grande should do to manage the waste to its inception to its final disposal. The
people in Concepcion Grande collect, transport and dispose waste together with monitoring
the waste management process. Improper waste management disposal can also lead to air
pollution which can affect the ozone layer and the people who lives not only Concepcion
Grande but the whole community that can harm the air that they’re breathing in which can
lead to harm having different kinds of illness.

Waste management offers different varieties of solutions for recycling items that
don’t belong to garbage or that can’t recycle. That can help to lessen the waste disposal in
barangay Concepcion Grande. It is about how other Garbage can be used again by the people
living in barangay Concepcion Grande.

The people living in Barangay Concepcion Grande is the responsible of proper waste
disposal in their surroundings. The improper disposal may severely endanger the health of the
people living in Barangay Concepcion Grande and also the environment of their places,
which can put the people living there in poverty. The people living in Barangay Concepcion
Grande must comply with the rules and regulations in their place like throwing their wastes
or trash on the proper places.

Proper waste disposal must begin with the selves living in Barangay Concepcion
Grande, owing to the fact that they are the ones that will benefit to the cleanliness of the
Barangay Concepcion Grande. The trash or the waste must be properly collected and stored
by segregating according to chemical compatibility, and by paying attention to the labeling of
the waste in bringing it into their respective places or location to avoid the improper disposal.
When the wastes are segregated, it must be disposed properly.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following research question:

1. Why is the residence still choosing to stay despite the situation?

This question answered through interview that will conduct in the barangay Concepcion
Grande. It can help us to know their observations and experiences about the improper waste
disposal of the Barangay. We can also know the possible outcome of it, through their

2. What are the advantages of proper waste disposal in the residence of Barangay Concepcion

Look for the possible outcomes of proper waste disposal. This question can be answer by
having a survey and also by having an interview.

3. If improper waste disposal is still on going, then what are the disadvantages of it in
Barangay Concepcion Grande?

This question answered through interview that will conduct in the barangay Concepcion
Grande. And by knowing the possible effect of this to the people in the barangay Concepcion
Grande. And also through survey which can help the people to know more.

To answer this questions that were given by the researchers, the researchers will be
conducting an interview to the 20 respondents of Barangay Concepcion Grande along the
creeks who are suffering from improper disposal. This will help the researchers to know their
opinion about improper disposal and for them to look for solutions that can help them
conquer the problem of disposal.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to help people to be aware of the proper waste management.
And for them to save the environment before it causes a huge distraction. The purpose of the
study can help people make a solution to prevent global warming and water, air and land
pollution. With this type of research people will be more cautious and aware of their waste
disposal and this will make people realize how land pollution can cause great damage to their
environment. And for our general objectives, we will be spreading awareness to the
community of Concepcion Grande. Reduce the risks of having diseases to the community
cause by having an improper waste management. We also want to produce regulation for
proper disposal for a safer living of the community.

Significance of the study

The result of this study would be a great help to the Barangay officials, students,
community, and future research in the following ways:

1. The Barangay Officials. This study serves this Barangay official and their reference
or guide in creating their program concern with waste disposal. 

2. The Future Researchers. This study would help the future research as their basis of
their study and additional ideas, for the future investigations.

3. The Citizens of barangay Concepcion Grande. This study will help the citizens of
barangay to have a deeper understanding to the programs that their barangay officials
are making. By this study they will come up easier and powerful programs that could
enhance the program that the local barangay will conduct.

4. The Students. This study would help them to know the ways of helping the arising
improper disposal to community. In addition, it will give them an idea managing their
own wastes.

5. The Teachers. This study would help the teachers as their basis of their study and
additional idea to share to the students the right way of disposing the wastes.

Theory or Theoretical Perspectives

According to Keita Mamady March (2016), “Waste indiscriminate disposal is recognized

as an important cause of environmental pollution and is associated with health problems. Safe
management and disposal of household waste are an important problem to the capital city of
Guinea (Conakry). The objective of this study was to identify socioeconomic and
demographic factors associated with practice, knowledge, and safety behavior of family
members regarding household waste management and to produce a remedial action plan. I
also found that the community residents had poor knowledge and unsafe behavior in relation
to waste management. The promotion of environmental information and public education and
implementation of community action programs on disease prevention and health promotion
will enhance environmental friendliness and safety of the community.” This theory explains
that, what people need is the proper knowledge about disposal. Without proper knowledge,
the people can lead to indiscriminate waste disposal.

     According to Asmawati Desa, Nor Ba’yah Abd Kadir and Fatimah Yusooff October
(2012), “Solid waste is defined as generation of undesirable substances which is left after
they are used once. Solid waste can also be defined as the useless and unwanted products in
the solid state derived from the activities of and discarded by society. There is no material,
which is created out of nothing. It is man’s ignorance that he considers certain things as waste
and other thing as useful. Just as types of wastes are changing, so must the attitude of people
towards waste must change. People must realize that the solution lies in using waste as a
resource rather than to be destroyed. Only due to hazardous to human health, some of these
undesirable substances cannot be directly reused.” This theory explains that, people need to
know how to recycled materials such as wastes. Every waste can be recycled all we have to
do is to resourceful to make the wastes useful.

According Chainarong Apinhapath August (2014), “Many cities have encountered

problems with uncollected solid waste. Separate disposal of recyclable waste is viewed as the
most effective procedure in waste management. However, this requires the cooperation of the
people in the community. The Theory of Planned Behavior was the basis for this study of
recycling behavior as it offers methods for changing people’s habits. Many recycling projects
have been unsuccessfully implemented due to the fact that most people do not want waste
bins placed near their houses. Therefore, both of these effective tools were combined in this
study, which propose an effective implementation method for community solid waste
management.” The theory of planned behavior focuses only on how to change people's habits
on proper waste management. It doesn't provide proper guidance on how will the people
separate their wastes. It is also stated on this theory that even many cities were having
problems with uncollectible waste still the people do not want a waste bins placed near their
houses. That's why this study combined with this theory, which proposes an effective
implementation for the community solid waste management.

According to Ioana Nicoleta POP, Silvia COJOCARU, Nicoleta BICAN-

BRIŞA N January (2013), “Population can get involved in waste management process of
proper educated in adequate acting towards products one uses, especially when it becomes
waste. Furthermore, their involvement can improve by learning how to collect their waste in a
selective way. Taking these aspects into consideration, the paper presents a raising awareness
campaign that was developed in schools from Cluj-Napoca City and its results. It aimed to
teach pupils theoretical and practical aspects regarding waste management and especially
good practices in selective collection of waste, as a first step in recycling and other type of
material recovery. “Be green for the environment. Learn to select your waste” was a project
that joined forces of private companies, students and also public authorities in order to
improve environmental aspects by increasing young population involvement in waste
management process. In order to have a better perspective upon social reality – young
people’s knowledge and behavior related to waste management process, the survey method
based on questionnaires was used. The supervising period of the way schools that took part to
the project collect they waste showed that they are more aware of that, as institution, fact that
gives pupils a good example and platform to improve their behavior in this matter.” This
theory explains that the proper waste disposal must start within ourselves. Just like as a
student, we use paper in school, and paper is one of the most common waste in all schools. In
order to lessen it, students should learn how to recycle this wastes. The researchers use a
interview to have a better perspective upon social reality. In order for the students to be more
aware in this, they did a supervising period. The students must have a good example for them
to improve themselves especially in improving the waste management for them to help in the

Research method

The method that was used by the researchers was the interview in order to do some
observations on what will be the impact of proper disposal to the arising health and
environmental issues to the community and on what can the proper disposal contribute to the
environment and the community due to the cleanliness and safety that was been made by the
improper waste disposal.
Their opinions about what were asked by the researchers to them will be transcribed. The
interview will serve as additional sources that suit the topic of the researchers to the
respondents or to the barangay. The interview will not just be significant to the researchers
but also to the respondents help them to have a lot of idea of the proper waste disposal, be
more mindful of discomposing their waste and also to be more resourceful like recycling their
waste to lessen the waste of that specific place they’re living in.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this study is to explain the community waste management to the
Barangay Concepcion Grande with the focus on the people’s health and environment
protection. This study will mainly identify and assess different factors that affect the present
health condition of the people in the community and the present and coming health and
environment problems in Cocepcion Grande. Also, this study yearn to identify on how can
the community organizers develop and assist the people in the community to be self-reliant
and governance in identifying, dealing and intervening with the different improper disposal
issues that the community is currently facing and those health related concerns that may
come in the future.

This study will be conducted with limited respondents consisting of 20 who are just
merely beside the creeks and suffering from improper disposal.

Definition of Key Terms

WASTE: Unwanted and unusable materials which can be found on creeks, lakes and around
the surroundings.

WASTE MANAGEMENT: How people throw their waste and how the barangays handle
the waste management and at the same time to find out where they put all the garbage waste.

DISPOSAL: The act of throwing away rubbish/garbage. Act of throwing unwanted materials
in the proper garbage and the proper place.

SEGREGATION: An action which you have to separate the Non-biodegradable,

biodegradable and recyclable rubbish from each other.
RECYCLING: Reusing materials. Use to save the environment by not causing too much
trash and distraction to the environment.


This research paper explores about waste management and improper waste disposal in
Barangay Concepcion Grande. This paper defines and elaborates the importance of having
waste management. Human activities are the main cause of the calamity in our country.
Ignorance of people brought large amount of garbage to our place.

And since effects of improper waste management is the main topic, it gave emphasize
to those effects such as global warming according to the resource articles. Effects to humans
and environment are cited in this paper. Proper waste management is not just doings of
barangay officials for us but we are also assigned to do it inside and outside our place for our

Each and every one of us must have sense of responsibility in terms of garbage
disposal to prevent any disaster that might come. This study will help humans to be more
mindful when it comes to proper disposal. And also to help our environment to be clean and
away from anything that will harm people.

Literature Review

Solid Waste Management has been identified as an important service which drastically
increasing in volume and cost faster than the rate of urbanization globally (Hoornweg and
Bhada-Tata, 2012). Further, the growing complexity of the waste management problem may
be attributed to various factors such as financial, institutional and others (van de Klundert and
Anschutz, 2001.

The researchers did some findings about the perceptions of the households about on
the proper wastes disposal. Proper waste disposal is a need in every place. Improper waste
disposal can lead harm not only to humans but also in the environment of our society. It can
also cause illness to people than cannot be avoided.

Through this, the study will be supported with different ideas regarding the perceptions
of humans about the proper waste disposal.


According to Mamady K. (2015) waste indiscriminate disposal is recognized as an

important cause of environmental pollution and is associated with health problems. Mamady
found that no education background, income, and female individuals were independently
associated with indiscriminate waste disposal. Unplanned residential area was an additional
factor associated with indiscriminate waste disposal. The promotion of environmental
information and public education and implementation of community action programs on
disease prevention and health promotion will enhance environmental friendliness and safety
of the community

According to Tadesse, et al. (2008) In many Cities of developing countries, such

Ethiopia, waste management is poor and solid wastes are dumped along roadsides and into
open areas, endangering health and attacking vermin. The effects of demographic factors
economic and social status, waste and environmental attributes on household solid waste
disposal are investigated through data from household survey.
Base from Yoada, et al. (2014) Waste poses a threat to public health and the
environment if it is stored, collected, and disposed of properly. The perception of waste as an
unwanted material with no intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards disposal.

According to Suleman, et al. (2015) Solid waste management has become a daunting
task for municipal and district authorities who seem to lack capability and logistics to deal
with the escalating waste situation.

According to Ruzaik, et al (2017) General public has a perception that the solid
waste management is a sole responsibility of respective local authorities. Public opinion and
perception on solid waste management system is characterized with irregularities and
inefficiencies in waste collection system.

According to Kwarteng T. (2017) the management of solid waste has attained highest
importance in this era globally but the practices of basic concepts on waste disposal are often
neglected. In most communities around the world, people are much aware of the serious
consequences of improper waste management practices but the negative attitude of
implementation gives rise to the chaotic situations.

Review of Related Research

In the study entitled "Efficiency Evaluation of Philippines Waste Management Sector:

A Two-stage Approach --Junelyn Pagunsan*, Koji Shimada**" Solid waste management
tends to be more complex and costly which can aggravate the threat in the environment and
health of the human civilization globally. Comprehensive assessment over the issue is
essential to attain sustainability in a more globalized society. Thus, this paper seeks to
evaluate how efficient the Philippines local government units (LGUs) in its implementation
of Republic Act No. 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 using a two-
stage approach. First, the relative efficiency of each LGU in the implementation of solid
waste management is estimated using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Thereafter, second
stage utilized the Tobit Regression Analysis to further analyze the effect of the following
explanatory variables (land area, number of Barangay’s, poverty incidence, environmental
governance and dummy variable – the ownership of disposal facility) on the DEA estimates.
First stage results show that the inefficiency of the LGU’s in implementing the solid waste
management can be attributed to the mismanagement of funds and inappropriate operational
Solid Waste Management poses a major challenge in society because any activity or
process generates waste. Further, the management of solid waste is considered worldwide to
be an expensive public service. Most of the funds are allocated in the major cost centers or
service categories of the solid waste management namely solid waste collection, solid waste
disposal and recycling (Hunt, et. al., 1997). Insufficiency of funds is a widely identified
barrier which hampers the provision of a better and improved system most especially in
developing countries

Theoretical Framework

The theories on institution as given by existing ordinance and laws, theory of Waste
Heirarchy as a core element on waste management and the theories on the elements of a
functional barangay waste management will guide the researchers in identifying and profiling
the waste disposal of barangay Concepcion Grande.

Problems, Strategies and Outputs were shown here in this framework. The factors will
serve as the advance knowledge for the residents. Solid waste varies extremely in generation
rates and types of materials composition across the barangay due to changing socioeconomic
and climate conditions which also differs by location and time. Thus, studies to define these
parameters are essential for achieving efficiency of waste management.

Factor 1.

The factor 1 represents the problems that the barangay Concepcion Grande is facing right
now. This problem will be a great help in making an effective way of resolving the improper
disposal and improving the waste management of the community.

Factor 2.

This represents the strategies that will be used to resolve the problems of the community in
barangay Concepcion Grande. These strategies can help the community to be a step by step
process in resolving their problems and making a successful result.

Factor 3.

This represents the outputs or the result if the strategies that were been implemented will
followed. This result will be a great impact to the community,
Ramachandra, T. V. (2006)


1. Proper Waste Disposal 1. Waste Segregation 1. It makes the surroundings

Biodegradable and Non- clean and green.
2. Garbage Collection Biodegradable.
2. It would make the garbage
3. People`s participation in terms 2. Ensure that waste is collected disposal more manageable and
of waste disposal. and transported in a safe and efficient.
4. Garbage Recycling timely manner. harmful
3. It would help in making the
3. Conducts seminars constituents well-disciplined and
concerning with the awareness more responsible in disposing
of proper waste disposal. their trashes.

4. RE-USE, REDUCE, 4. People of the barangay would

RECYCLE be more concern and aware
about waste management

5. Maximize the level of

Conceptual Framework

Proper waste management is one of the greater challenges for development all over the
world. It does not have impact only to the environment or health, but also to the poor
implementation of the officials that hinders the barangay`s progress towards Sustainable
Development. It is important to improve waste management for Sustainable Development
through environmental conservation. The conceptual issues of this study will include the
Waste Management practices to mitigate its impact on environmental and socio economic
development, the perception of the people about waste management, and assess the impact of
solid waste management on the environment and sustainable development. Furthermore, the
study focuses on solid waste management not only as a government responsibility. It should
also be done by every individual, since the waste is produced from households.
The figure explains between solid waste management, environmental conservation and
Sustainable Development. Further it shows development with growing and increasing
economy and population generates the Solid Waste which causes environmental pollution
and degradation. Waste is collected and transported in a safe and timely manner, Seminars
concerning with the awareness of proper waste disposal, Waste Segregation Biodegradable
and Non-Biodegradable, RE-USE, REDUCE, RECYCLE can be used as a method for waste.
As such, integrated sustainable solid waste management provides the ground for the
environmental conservation. In this way, the development process could improve socio
economic development; while the waste management will keep the environmental
development lasting with sustainable development in the end.

Solid Waste
 Economic Growth
 Population Growth

Solid Waste
 3R`s
 Waste is collected and transported in a
 Waste Segregation
safe and timely manner.
Biodegradable and Non-
 Seminars concerning with the awareness
of proper waste disposal.


Development Social Development


The chapter represents about Literature Review, Sections, Review of Related

Research, Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework. The chapter focused on the
literature reviewed on issues related to solid waste management. It distributed with the
theoretical framework which guides the study, empirical works that relate to the study and it
also establishes the gap that this study attempts to fill. The next chapter will look at the
research methodologies used in the study, including sampling methods and research


http://www.waste management.html.)2009






Sustainable solid waste management : a systems engineering approach / Ni-Bin Chang, Ana Pires.



Resaerch Method

In this chapter the researchers will present the methodology of the study that presents a
Research Locale, Research Subject and Research Design, Interview.  
Rsearch Locale

The researchers choose this community to help the people in barangay conception
Grande. To help them improve the proper waste disposal, in order for them to have a
decontaminated place. This community is within close range of the improper disposal which
can harm the health of the people living in barangay Concepcion Grande. One of the reasons
why the researchers chose this community is to help the people living in Conception Grande
to improve or enhance them to make their community which is the barangay Conception
Grande to be a better place for everyone especially for each and everyone’s health.

Choosing Barangay Conception Grande to be the place to conduct this study or research
is a good idea for the researchers to learn more about their life and their own experiences in
living close to the creek. Living close to the creek is a risk that the people living in Barangay
Concepcion Grande are facing. People living in Barangay Concepcion Grande are aware that
the place that they lived in is very harmful to their health. The researchers found out found
out that the people living there have no choice. That is the reason they still choses to live their
despite of that situation. This is the reason the researchers choses this place, to help the
people living in Barangay Concepcion Grande.

Research design

The design that was used by the researchers is the phenomenological research. This
research was conducted to know what will be the opinion and observations of every citizen in
Concepcion Grande regarding about their waste disposal and proper waste management. The
phenomenological research is identifying the essence of human experience, so the researchers
conduct a simple interview unto what will be their reaction or observation on their place for
the researchers to know the possible ways to overcome their situation through
It aims to describe systematically the proper wastes disposal in barangay Concepcion
Grande. They will also provide useful information about on how to apply this proper wastes
disposal in the stated barangay. They can also help to implement this kind of practice for the
prevention of disease and illness.

Research subjects

The researchers chooses the citizens of Concepcion Grande to be their subject to help
them on the things that they must do to avoid the improper waste disposal and for them to
know what are the outcome that they will encounter if they did something about proper waste
disposal. The researchers ask them to cooperate and participate in our mini interview to know
their sayings about their place and about the waste management that are conducted in their

The researchers appointed the people living in Barangay Concepcion Grande to succor
them to be more mindful in their environment. For them to be more aware that the place that
their living in has a harm in their health. Appointing the people living in Conception Grande
has help the researchers for the reason that the researchers are able to help people, be it for
the health or the surroundings. In conducting this study, the researchers are able to encourage
the citizens in Conception Grande to be mindful in their environment. The researchers
appointed citizens to help them in improving their environment to avoid any harmful
calamities that can put them in danger.
Chapter 4


The participants are the 20 people beside the creeks. They were chosen for the reason
that they are the ones who can help the researchers to gather data through interviews. The
things that were said by the interviewees will be transcribed.

These 20 people are suffering from improper waste disposal due from throwing their
wastes beside the creek. Their experiences will be used as ideas on their perceptions about
waste disposal.

Code, Interpretation and Analization.

Code Text Analysis

“Sa basurahan po duman sa

kanto” “duman po sa may
So based on interviewee,
kanto sa basurahan po” “:
they place the trash outside
Sa ano dun sa may jaan pag
and wait for the garbage
may nag iikot sa umaga”
Waste Disposal collector to get it. Therefore
“(sa kale) *laugh* duman
no signs of improper
sa luwas, may apunan baga
disposal are seen.
duman ( ah sige po)”
“interviewee: ibinabayad ko
po yan.....”

“ang basura ko ay puro yan Based on interviewee, she

mga ganito (sabay turo sa keeps and segregates her
plastic ng yelo) wala akong trash and keeps her plastic
Waste Segregation nabubulok puro yan mga in one place so she can
ano dahil may (plascti po reuse the recyclable stuff.
ng yelo) tindahan ako, oo
(sige po)” “oo, yung mga
nabubulok saka yung mga
di......... (sige po)” ““Iyo po
ta iyo po ang tigtukdo
samuya sa eskwelahan”
“depende po minsan po
dae” “syempre po yun po
ang tig tukdo sa eskwelahan

“Pag baha”

“nagbabaha po tapos na
bata ang ano tapos Ang
tubig po nagduduman
samuya” Interviewee said that when
there are calamities such as
“mabata po tapos nabaha
typhoon. Creek gets
madami pa po naapekto po’
clogged and piles up
“yung amoy ang amoy nya chances are that water can
Waste Effects saka yung tubig diba pag na overflow and it ends up
barado san mapupunta edi going to houses nearby and
samin pag nag aapaw” causes foul odor.

“Minsan po ano nag a ano

po sya nag paparong po
syang mabata ta harani po
kamisa ano creek”


Participants, Code, Interpretation and Analization were presented in this chapter. It was
discussed why the respondents are the chosen one. Through the discussion table, the
interviewees gave their own opinion and experiences on waste disposal, by this the
researchers does give the proper analization and conclusion about the interviewees
Chapter 5


The Barangay should inspect the trash thrown by the people who live there and
probably have a rule that if they not segregate their trash they'll have a penalty so that they
will do what they should do in order to keep the creek and the surrounding clean and free
from dirt, flood and sickness. It should be followed by the citizens in barangay Concepcion
Grande for them to be aware in their surroundings and for them to know what the possible
outcome for their actions. The citizens must be mindful of the surrounding, in this way; the
people living in Barangay Concepcion Grande will be able to know a large amount of
knowledge in taking care of the surroundings.

There is an urgent need to kind attention related to the solid waste management such as
generation, collection, storage, transportation and disposal. Need to adopt color codes to the
collection bins for the collection of wet and dry waste or for degradable and non-degradable
waste, ensuring that waste is collected and transported in a safe and timely manner, Need to
adopt the suitable collection system, conducting seminars concerning with the awareness of
proper waste disposal, and RE-USE, REDUCE, RECYCLE can be the strategies of the
barangay officials and the residents to overcome the improper waste disposal within the
community. These recommendations can do someone a favor in keeping away from any
harmful calamities or circumstances. By implementing these recommendations, the citizens
living in barangay Conception Grande will amend their kind of lifestyle that will succor them
in having good surroundings especially that they are living near the creek.


The Barangay Concepcion Grande does not perform well in Waste Management Policy
and Plan, The fact that almost of the respondents are not provided with the waste collection
service is a matter of big concern. The Municipality fails to implement source segregation
and does not use any treatment method. Even though studies prove that improper Solid Waste
Management definitely results in health problems, as per the response of the selected
respondents in Concepcion Grande, it acts as a nominal cause for health problems.
Municipality does not have an organized system which is essential for effective and
economical Waste Transfer, Treatment and Disposal.
The problem in Barangay Concepcion Grande is the trash within the creek. Natural
disasters such as Typhoon cause lots of complications like the clogging and overflowing of
the creek that causes odor and causes sickness to people living nearby caused by dirty water
that produces mosquitos, pollution, health conditions and etc.

There are some people who are throwing their trashes outside but some people can't
resist on throwing and segregating their trash causes garbage in the creek. Together with the
implementation of the barangay officials about proper disposal, the respondents will now be
having an idea how to prevent issues such as improper waste disposal.


The proper management of the solid waste may reduce the environmental problems,
generally resulted due to improper disposal of waste. Simultaneously the nature of
environmental problems and health hazards also varied from place to place to along with the
nature of solid waste. The inadequate methods adopted for disposal of solid waste are
responsible for the serious health concern. Open dumping of garbage facilitates the breeding
for disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other pests. The various
human health and environmental problems are resulted due to the improper solid waste
disposal and management. The intensity of problems is increasing day by day.

The purpose of this study is to help people to be aware of the proper waste management.
And for them to save the environment before it causes a huge distraction. The purpose of the
study can help the people to see the effective ways of proper waste disposal since it is a very
big problem to the community. Together with the proper knowledge of the residents, the
sustainable development can be achieved by the community.

The significance of this is that, the result of this study would be a great help to the
Barangay officials, students, community, and future research in the said different
ways. Proper Waste Management depends on the people on how they dispose their wastes.
The community will have clean environment if they will do proper waste management.
Proper Waste Management plays a significant role in maintaining, preserving and protecting
our environment either our Mother Earth.
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