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English Language Written Work.

Q1. Write an essay on the following topic:

There are many ways of reducing the stress of a modern life.
Hobbies like reading, physical exercise and gardening are ways of
reducing stress. Give some other ways of doing the same. Also mention a
hobby that you have recently taken up giving an account of the emotions
that you experience while partaking in your hobby.
Q2. Notice Writing:

Formal Heading: 1m
Date: ½m
Time: ½m
Venue: ½+½m
Creative Heading: 1m

Content: 1m
(a) You are the head boy of your school. Write a notice for the notice
board asking the students of classes 6 to 10 to contribute towards the relief
fund meant for a calamity that has affected your country.
Q3. E-mail Writing:

To: ½m

Subject: ½m

Salutation: ½m

Subscription: ½m

Opening and closing statement: ½m+½

Expression: 2m

(b) Write an email to the principal of a neighbouring school, requesting

him/ her to ask their students to contribute towards the relief fund
mentioned above.

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