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Video Marketing
Learning Objectives

• Types of Video Marketing

• Video Ad Formats
• Video targeting options
• Best Practices for Video Ads
• Video as Content Marketing
• Key Metrics for Video Ads

What is Video Marketing?

The use of Video to promote or market your brand, product or service.

According to a recent study by Limelight Networks, Indians watch Online video

for an average of 8 hours 28 minutes each week, which is more than the
weekly average time spend on viewing TV that averages to 8 hours and 8

Types of Video Marketing

Paid Owned Earned

• Youtube Ads • Web site / App • User Generated
• Videos on other • Owned social Content (Reviews)
sites channels • Social feedback
• Social media
• Influencer videos

Why use Video Ads?

Reach your users where they are.

Video Ads are generally more engaging than other forms of advertising.

They allow for more advanced targeting and reporting than typical TV buys.

Video Ads are more measurable than TV advertising, possible to calculate RoI
more accurately.

Video Strategy - considerations

• Review your Customer Purchase Behaviour and Funnel

• Do they spend time on video sites?
• Are they heavy consumers of video?

• What are campaign objectives / goals?

• Build Brand Awareness
• Influence Purchase consideration
• Drive sales

• What are the budgets?

Video Ad Formats

• In-stream ads
• Video ads that appear before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll) or after (post-roll) a
piece of video content
• Typically last between 15 – 30 seconds
• Pre-rolls are the most widely used in-stream format

• Out-stream ads
• These are video units that autoplay on mute in a large format when a user scrolls
in an article page
• They appear within paragraphs of text or images, shuffle page content as they
load, start playing once they're 50% to 100% viewable, and pause when they’re
almost out of view

• In-banner ads
• Videos that are embedded within standard display banner ads on a webpage
• The videos typically autoplay on mute and can expand to a larger area if the user
clicks on them
Youtube Video Ad Formats

• Skippable In-stream ads

Your video ad plays before, during, or after other videos. After 5 seconds, the
viewer has an option to skip the ad

• Non-skippable In-stream ads

15 seconds or shorter and plays before, during or after another video. Viewers do
not have the option to skip the ad

• Discovery Ads
Consists of a thumbnail image from your video with some text. On clicking, the
video plays on the YouTube Watch page.

• Bumper Ads
6 seconds or shorter and plays before, during, or after another video. Viewers do
not have the option to skip the ad

• Out-stream ads
8 Play on partner websites and within apps
When to use which format?

Skippable In- Non-skippable Discovery Bumper Ads Out-stream

stream in-stream

You have video You would like Promote a You would like Expand the
content you'd to reach video in places to reach reach of your
like to promote viewers with of discovery, viewers broadly video ads,
before other your entire including next with a short, helping you
videos message to related memorable reach more
YouTube message customers
videos, as part (mobile only)
of a YouTube
search result

How are advertisers charged?

Skippable In- Non-skippable Discovery Bumper Ads Out-stream

stream in-stream
With CPV bidding You pay based on You’ll be charged Bumper ads use You’re charged
you pay when a impressions. only when CPM (cost-per- for outstream ads
viewer watches Non-skippable viewers choose thousand based on
30 seconds of ads use target to watch your ad impressions) viewable cost-
your video (or CPM (cost-per- by clicking bidding, so you per-thousand-
the duration if it's thousand the thumbnail. pay each time impressions
shorter than 30 impressions) your ad is shown (vCPM), so you’ll
seconds) or bidding, so you 1,000 times. only be charged
interacts with pay each time when someone
your video, your ad is shown sees your video
whichever comes 1,000 times. play for two
first. seconds or more.

Video Ad Targeting Options
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ABCDs of Effective Creative

Attract Brand Connect Direct

Attract Attention Integrate your Connect with the Be clear on what

from the Start Brand naturally & viewer through you want people
meaningfully emotion & to DO
12 HZx77n7FfUi4KZ8SJK0deHB4vJOeOH/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g3b4fde6473_0_2556

• Frontload your story arc

• You have only seconds to grab and hold their attention. Open with impact and
plunge the viewer into the action.

• Use familiar faces

• Friendly, relatable, and recognizable people at the beginning of a video can lead
to increased viewership. The presence of celebrities in ads is associated with higher
brand lift performance, so consider enlisting a YouTube creator or other influencer.

• Build for sound on

• Viewers expect audio on YouTube, and Google’s correlation studies show that
sound is associated with fostering attention and positive brand response.

• Consider Creative elements

• Viewers are more inclined to watch ads that make them laugh, and Google has
seen that humour is associated with higher brand awareness, and ad recall.


• Brand placement matters

• When optimizing for ad recall, integrate your brand in the first five seconds.
• For awareness and consideration, place your brand later and focus on building a
connection with the viewer.

• Try to show your brand or product in natural usage

• This has a higher association with ad recall and viewership versus logos in

• Reinforce with audio

• Audio mentions of a brand are associated with increased brand lift. Consider
including your brand or product name in voiceover.

• Watchtime matters
• There’s a consistent relationship between how long an ad is viewable and an
increase in brand awareness and consideration.

• Create an emotional connection

• Humour and suspense are associated with higher ad recall. Humour can also be
associated with higher brand awareness and viewership.

• Use the power of audio

• 95% of YouTube ads are watched with sound on. For viewers watching audio and
video combined, there’s a 20% lift in brand awareness and consideration, which is
significantly higher than those watching audio or video alone.

• Analyze and test

• Use YouTube Analytics retention curves to see where viewers are dropping off,
and consider whether there’s something you can change in your edit.


• Use a CTA
• Invite viewers to visit your website, watch another video, subscribe to your
channel, etc. Clear calls to action drive brand lift, even if no action is taken.
Use different lengths
Use different lengths

Seed an idea to intrigue Run short- and long- Reinforce your message
your audience form ads to spur action
simultaneously for
incremental reach and
‘Tease’ use case
‘Amplify’ use case
‘Echo’ use case
Develop a Programming Strategy

Programming refers to a schedule for releasing videos and shows as part of a daily,
weekly or season-long timeline.

Hero Hub Help

This is the content you Episodic or multi-part Answer the questions
want to push to a big, series designed to give your consumers are
broad audience. Most a fresh perspective on asking to create
likely, you will only have your audience’s programming that is
a few hero moments passions and interests. always relevant
per year—for example, This is often staggered throughout the year.
major product launches throughout the year. Consider making
or seasonal tentpoles. product tutorials, how-
to lessons or customer
service videos.
24 - Programming Strategy
Key Metrics
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Awareness Metrics

• Brand Awareness Lift

The aggregate increase in user familiarity with your brand, product, or service
when compared to a randomized control group of users who did not see your ad.

• Ad Recall Lift
The aggregate increase in the ability of viewers to remember your video after
engagement when compared to a randomized control group of users who did not
see your ad.

• Impressions
Number of times a video or thumbnail has been served to users, regardless of
watch time.

• Unique Users
The number of distinct individuals who have been served your video, irrespective
of number of views.
‘View’ related Metrics

• Views
The number of times that a video was viewed.

• View rate
The number of views or engagements your video ad receives divided by the
number of times your ad is shown (video and thumbnail impressions).

• Watch time
The total amount of time people watched your video ads, shown in seconds.

• Video Viewership (Quartile reporting)

Video played to: 25% shows how often a video is played to 25% of its length.
Video played to: 50% shows how often a video is played until the middle of its view
Video played to: 75% shows how often a video is played to 75% of its length.
Video played to: 100% shows how often a video is played to its completion.

Consideration Metrics

• Brand Interest Lift

The aggregate increase in search volume on brand-related keywords among users
who saw your ad, compared to similar users who did not see your ad.

• Consideration Lift
An increase in the likelihood a viewer might convert into a customer.

• Favourability lift
An increase in viewer’s perception of your brand.
Google Surveys

A quick , cost-effective way to get insights on your target audience

1. Design your Survey

Up to 10 questions

2. Select your target audience

Across Google network
Filter participants based on demographics or set up a series of screening

3. Collect Responses
Users are incentivised to answer questions

4. See Results within Hours

Analysed data available in graphs with demographic segmentations

Video as a form of Content Marketing

Types of Content Videos

Demo Videos

Event Videos

‘Live’ / ‘Behind the scenes’ videos

Expert Interviews

‘How-to’ Videos

Animated Videos

Customer testimonial videos

• Video campaigns are a powerful way to extend your brand’s reach online and engage
with users where they are
• It is important to have a strong understanding of your brand and customer objectives
before launching a video campaign
• Optimal use of video lengths can help amplify key messages
• Keep in mind the ABCD of video creative
• Think about your Video Programming Strategy
• Video can also be a strong part of your content marketing strategy


• - Chapters 1,2,6 and 8



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