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Week 7 ¢ Day 1 MUCH ADO ABOUT A HAIRCUT Perhaps you read about our school in the newspapers? We were one of the first to have a showdown on the topic of long hale for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent tothe principal by their French teacher, an Inplacable foe of nonconformists, who went into a paraxysm. of anger when she spied the boys in the hall. At first it seemed like a simple case. The school would reprimand” the boys for New Worps implacable im pla’ ke bal par’ ok siz om reprehensible rep’ ri hen’ se bel jurisdiction Jar’ is dik’ shan their reprehensible appearance and order them to cut their skirmish hhair or be suspended. But the boys' parents decided that the sker’ mish ‘school had overstepped its jurisdiction; they took their case to ‘the newspapers. What had started as a local skirmish now ‘began to take on the appearance of a full-scale war. ‘Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. The detective was {in his search for the murder weapon, 2, Saying that it was beyond his . Judge Klein refused to rule on the case. 3. Ina___of rage, the tenant stormed out of the landlord's office. 4. The precocious" boy enjoyed an intellectual __with his elders. 5, The brash” student was forved Wo apologize for he: Definitions Match the new words with their meanings. %. implacable __ aa fit, sudden outburst. 7. paroxysm —_b. cannot be pacified, inexorable” 8. reprehensible ____¢.small fight, brief encounter 9. jurisdiction _d._ worthy of blame 10. skirmish _&._-power, range of authority, conduct. Topay’s ID1oMm- ‘sought to turn it Into a cause oélebre. ‘cause célébre—a famous law case or controversy It was a minor dispute, but the ambitious lawyer ANSWERS ARE ON ACE 257 Rowers Week 7 @ Day 2 harass har es or roe" ‘THE TEMPEST SPILLS OUT OF THE TEAPOT Once the newspapers got the story, the case ofthe longhatrs became a cause célébre." Ron and Len were interviewed, seen ‘om TV, and regarded by their fellow students as heroes. “These are not delinquents or hoods,” one reporter wrote, "but clean- ceut American boys who are being harassed by a monolithic school system.” A caustic' editorial refered to the schools decision as arbirary and inane.* A false story even circulated about the boys being rock-n-roll performers whose indigent families needed their salaries. Finally, the Civil Liberties ‘Union jumped into the /ray with a court order stipulating” that the principal be required to show cause why the boys should not be allowed to return to class. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences 1. After the __, the feuding families agreed to patch up thelr differences, 2. The client was surprised when she was accosted" by her social, worker in the elegant restaurant. 3. To my mind the decision was unreasonable and 4. George Orwell's 1984 depicts a frightening, government. 5. Ifanonymous telephone callers___you, the phone company will give you an unlisted number. Definitions Match the new words with thelr meanings. 6 harass __ based on whim, detatorial 7. monolithic __. poor, needy 8. indigent = __ massively solid 9. arbitrary =. a fight 10. fray © tw trouble, torment Topay’s ID10M- ‘one swallow does not make a summer— don’t jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence “Sure, the Yankees won their opening game, ‘but one swallow does not make a summer.” 40 ANSWERS ARE ON PAGE 297° Week 7 @ Day 3 HAIRCUT DILEMMA ‘The school authorities were stymied. Public opinion had been ‘marshaled against them. No longer was it a simple case of disciplining two wayward lads. Suddenly it had taken on the appearance of a nightmare in which the principal was either hanged in effigy or pictured in cartoons making a villainous swipe at the two innocent Samsons. But the officials could not allow Ron and Len to flout their authority with impunit ‘Members of the school board concurred* with the principal's action but they were cognizant of the popular support for the boys. Clearly a compromise was called for to resolve the ‘turbulent situation. New Worps sme fi fone flout flout cognizant kog’ mo zant turbulent ter’ byo ont Sample Sentences In which of the following newspaper headlines do the new words ‘belong? 1, “COACH OF LOSING TEAM HANGED IN ° 2, “CAUSE OF CANCER CONTINUES TO Doctors" 3. RBI. (OF CLANDESTINE* GANGLAND MEETING" 4 “MANY MOTORISTS ‘TRAFFIC LAWS, STUDY REVEALS" : ATMOSPHERE IN ANGRY SENATE CHAMBER" a. unruly, agitated b, to hinder, impede —— & show contempt, scof* 4. aware e » a likeness (usually of a hated person) Topay’s In1om a bitter pill to swallow—a humiliating defeat I was a bitter pill to swallow for the famous billiard player to be overwhelmed by the 12-year-old gil. ANSWERS ARE ON PAGE 297 a New Worps week 7 @ Day 4 terminate terme nat oat HAPPY ENDING? Following an executive session, the school board ordered the exacerbate principal to ‘terminate the suspension and to send the boys og zas’ or bat Back to clas fruit. Unless t could be shown that thelr presence disrupted the learning process, there was no reason revert {bar the boys. It was a biter pill to swallow" for the i vert” principal whose irritation was exacerbated by the ruling. But ome of the sting was talten out of the victory when the boys oust Appeared in schoo the next day with thelr hair ellped to a oust respectable length. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Just as things were about to revert to normalcy, however, the same French teacher then demanded that a git] be ousted from ‘school for wearing a mini skirt. Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 4. seumed ineongrunia to, his employment just when he was so 2. Upon seeing the show, he called the TV studio. to protest. 3, The ushers moved with alacrity* to, the disorderly patrons. 4, After taking the drug, she began to to the days of her childhood. 5. The arrest of the spy did much to___relations hetween the wo countries. Definitions Match the new words with their meanings. 6. terminate ____ a, to drive out, efect 7. forthwith = __b, return 8. exacerbate toend 9. revert ‘immediately 10. oust, . to irritate, make worse Topay’s ID1om- an ax to grind—having a seltish motive in the background am always dublous* about the motives of a man ‘ho tells me that he has no ax to grind. 2 ANSWERS ARE ON PAGE 297, REVIEW Pupils want to be individuals these days, and many of them refuse to conform to regulations unless there are good reasons for such rules. In the area of vocabulary study, however, the only rule that makes sense to all is that true mastery derives from continuous practice. ‘Match the twenty words with their meanings. Write the letter that stands for the definition {in the appropriate answer spaces. (Which two review words are almost synonymous?) : ages ayes Frirereeose exacerbate flout forthwith fay harass implacable indigent jurstion monolithic oust aees aroxysm reprehensible revert ‘skirmish style terminate turbulent FETLTLELLLTE ETA 21, cause célébre 22. one swallow doesn't make a summer 23, bitter pill to swallow 24, an ax to grind Now check your answers on page 297. Make a record of ‘those words you mised Note: fay and skirmish are anos synonymous. DEFINITIONS having a massive structure to hinder ‘conflict, fight relentless, unappeasable immediately Dlameworthy range of authority ‘to show contempt poverty-stricken fo irritate violent outburst toend a likeness fo back to torment riotous eject small battle based on whim renepers having a selfish motive ‘a humiliating defeat don't jump to conclusions, famous law case KEKE ‘WORDS FOR FURTHER STUDY MEANINGS 43 WORDSEARCH 7 ® Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story ‘with one of the new words you learned this week. The Reading of the Will One full Wek after the funeral, the immedate fama of millonaire Charles Futdson was gathered ina law office to hear the reading ofthe deceased's wl Mr, Hudson's wife, thirty years his Junior, was prepared for a biter @______ with his former wife and her son. The lawyer, Don Rollins, anticipated a ® session because he was the only one who was ofthe content ofthe revised wil that Hudson had ordered draw "up air months prior to his death. “The curent Mrs Hudson attired inher smart widows weeds, expected that she would receive the ln's share ofthe estat. The former Mrs Hudson et that she was entiled to most of the estate since she was practically @_____at the present time, despite her substantial alimony payments. Lawyer Rolin cleared his throat and began to read “To my present spouse leave my town house where she can continue to store the Jewels, shoes, dresses, and furs she accumulated in two years of shopping and marriage. To my son, who has put off indng a career until my estate would enrich him, TTeave the sum of ten dollars for cab fare tothe unemployment office. “To my former wife whose © behavior I tolerated for three decades, leave my beach howse where she can contin to work on ber tan, something that she pried above our happiness, “To the Solty For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals I eave the remainder of my entire estate, knowing they wil put ito better use than anyone inthis “The lawyer was wrong. No outcries, Sllence, supreme silence, relgned among the shocked audience Clues © Ist Day @ sd Day © ard Day © 2nd Day © Ist Day 4“ ANSWERS ARE ON PACE 297

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