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Visiting Residential Aged Care Facilities at

West Wimmera Health Service

(Effective 22nd September 2020)

Background Information

To provide the highest level of safety to residents, families/friends and staff, an easing of visitor
restrictions to our residential aged care facilities has been defined. These restrictions allow visits
for any reason, however limitations to visits are outlined below.

We continue to compassionately take individual circumstances into consideration, as we do

understand that the current COVID-19 situation is concerning and at times distressing for all.

West Wimmera Health Service’s priority is the residents’ wellbeing and enabling choice in
alternative means of communication with their loved ones during this difficult time.

Conditions and Agreement to Visit

 All visits are to be scheduled by prior appointment with the Nurse Manager, or their delegate.

 There are limits to the number of visitors permitted within a facility at any time.

 All visitors must wear a facility provided surgical face mask, and practice hand hygiene when
entering and leaving the facility.
 Visits are to occur in the resident’s room or nominated area within and outside the facility.

 Visitors must maintain social distancing (remain 1.5 metres apart) from the person they are
visiting, staff and any other residents within the facility.
 Visitors will be screened upon entry to the home in relation to the following:

 Must not have any cold, flu or respiratory symptoms, i.e. fever, sore throat, cough,
temperature, runny nose, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste.
 Must not have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive person in the past 14 days.
 Must not be currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
 Does not live or have travelled to a stage 4 restricted area (Melbourne metro area) in the
past 14 days
 Must not have travelled overseas in the past 14 days.
 Visitors can bring food in the facility that is in a container that can be wiped clean and meets
current WWHS policy re food from outside facilities.
 No children (16 years or under) are to visit the facility.

We do hope that you understand that these directions are to keep you, the residents, and staff as
safe as possible. If you have any questions, please talk to the Nurse Manager.

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