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1. Be prepared for class. Bring required

materials (assignments, books, writing
materials, etc.).
2. Be in your assigned seat 2 minutes
BEFORE the time for class, otherwise
you will be counted tardy.
3. Don't touch ANYTHING unless
given permission and instructions
before doing so.
4. Respect the personal and property
rights of others. Keep your hands and
feet to yourself.
5. Receive permission BEFORE
speaking. Raise your hand, and wait to
be called on, otherwise be quiet and
6. No GUM, FOOD, of DRINKS in my
classroom, unless other instructions
have been given.
7. DO NOT disobey or talk back to the
teacher. Be respectful at all times.
8. The teacher will dismiss you, NOT
the bell.
9. Keep the room clean. Throw waste
in the trash can AT THE END OF
10. You have to participate in the class.
11. NO SLEEPING unless for isolated
cases like sickness.
12. Make up work will be accepted
from students with excused absences,
and if completed within a specific
amount of time as determined by the
teacher. If you are absent on the day of
a test, it is your responsibility to inform
the teacher of your excused absence. If
you know you will be absent ahead of
time, please be courteous and inform
the teacher, so that your work can be
given to you ahead of time. If you are
absent on a review day, you are still
required to take the test when you
return. In other words, if you knew
when the test was scheduled, and you
miss the review and come back the day
of the test, you MUST take the test as
13. Go to the restroom before the class
14. The teacher reserves the right to
add or change the rules at any time as
needs arise.
15. Help each other out, but do your
own work. Cheating will not be
tolerated at all. It will result in a zero
for both the cheater and the person
being cheated from.

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