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“For the lessons of life, there is no better teacher than the experience that life provides.”


Learning Objective: The student teacher argue about the use of authentic assessment in
the classroom and how it would complement traditional assessment


In your Assessment of(in) Learning 1 course, you have learned about the three purposes of
assessment – “for”, “as”, and “of”; how these three are different from each other and yet
interrelated. Suppose you are a K to 12 teacher who is convinced that there should be a
paradigm shift in the educational assessment and you found this figure shown below called
the assessment pyramid by Dr. Earl. You show this to your colleague and provide a




Traditional Assessment Pyramid Reconfigured Assessment

Explain in 100 – 150 words.

In this new phase Assessment Learning, the teacher is a guide, “letting student
discover the tools to undertake their own learning wisely and well. Students learn to monitor
their own learning and make adaptations as required. furthermore to monitoring learning and
guiding instruction through assessment, the teacher is assessing the students’ ability to
assess themselves as they learn how to assess their own learning. In this new k to 12 setup
teachers doesn’t have to flood students anymore with spoon feeding information, the only task
for teachers is to supervise the work of his students and only l provide some instruction only to
guide and redirect the student on the activity that they are task to do to enhance meta-
cognitive . As 21st century learning evolves our system should also change to keep up to the
growing demand of our 21st century learners, student now a days has a variety of channels
that are using to acquire information, we as the teachers of this new curriculum we should also
utilize the use of technological tools and upgrade to a new paradigm that caters to new trend
of learning, traditional assessment pyramid should be reconfigured as we leap new heights of
teaching and learning process. The pyramid signified purely instructional based teaching
approach.1. A school’s mission is to develop
productive citizens
1. A school’s mission is to develop
productive citizens

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