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modify adjectives and other adverbs and

English Reviewer 9 are placed before the word they modify

nd Examples: almost, enough, hardly, just,

(2 quarter)
nearly, quite, simply, so, too
Grammar (stream Grammar Nazi by Reese Lansangan) Sentence: Number Five is almost perfect.
Sentence: “The Umbrella Academy” is so
Adverbs- word or phrase that modifies or qualifies amazing.
an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group,
expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance,  Adverb of time- when the verb took place.
manner, cause, degree, etc. We usually see these kinds of
(e.g., gently, quite, then, there). adverbs placed at the beginning or end of a
Types of adverbs

 Adverb of manner- how, or in what Examples: annually, daily, monthly,

manner, something was carried out. They recently, tomorrow, weekly, yearly,
mostly modify verbs and can often be found yesterday
at the end of a clause. This category Sentence: He goes back to his hometown
comprises the most common adverbs - the weekly.
ones that end in -ly. Sentence: Catholic people celebrate
Christmas annually.
Examples: generously, gently, gracefully,
beautifully, happily, neatly  Adverb of place- tell us about where the
Sentence: My crush happily smiled when he verb took place. These tend to pop up after
saw his crush. the main verb or direct object of the
Sentence: When I saw that, it broke my sentence.
heart quickly.
 Adverb of frequency- how often the verb Examples: above, below, inside,
occurs. Therefore they mostly modify everywhere, out, outside
verbs. These adverbs tend to appear right Sentence: Hey, come here, I am surrounded
before the main verb in the sentence by a lot of handsome boys.
Sentence: I am already inside, where are
Examples: again, always, never, normally, you?
rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually
Conditionals- Sometimes we call them 'if clauses'.
Sentence: I usually look at him when I’m
They describe the result of something that might
happen (in the present or future) or might have
Sentence: I bet he never looked at me the
happened but didn't (in the past) . They are made
same way.
using different English verb tenses.
 Adverb of degree- tell us about the
intensity of the verb in the sentence, in -‘when’ is similar with ‘if’
other words, they describe how much, or to
what degree. They can be categorized as -the two events are somewhat connected.
low degree (e.g. somewhat), medium
-express some kind of condition
degree (e.g. fairly), and high degree
(e.g. extremely). Adverbs of degree can also

 Zero conditional- always true, always natin na fictional character i2 or pwede man
happen totoong buhay ksksks)
-general truths and general habits Example sentence: If I were you, I would
-If/when + present simple, present simple watch “The Umbrella Academy” this
-unquestionable and always true semester break.
Example sentence: If you add two and two, -exception: If the verb in the “if” clause is
you get four. or You get four if you add two “to be,” use “were”, even if the subject of
and two. the clause is a third person singular subject
Example sentence: If you boil water at 100 (i.e., he, she, it).
degrees, it evaporates. or Water evaporates Example: incorrect- If I was a rich man, I
if you boil it at 100 degrees. would make more charitable donations.
Example sentence: If babies are hungry, Correct- If I were a rich man, I would make
they cry. Or Babies cry if they are hungry. more charitable donations.
(hinugak na ako mag baliktad sentence sa Example: incorrect- If he was here right
mga sunod hihe) now, he would help us.
 First conditional- possible or likely things in Correct- If he were here right now, he
the future would help us.
-might happen Note: Remember, though, that this
-If/when + present simple, will + exception applies only to unreal
infinitive/base verb conditionals—that is, situations that do not
-always remember that the first conditional reflect reality. (Hint: unreal conditionals
describes a particular situation, whereas the often contain words like “would” or “ought
zero conditional describes what happens in to.”) When you’re talking about a possibility
general that did happen or might be true, use “was”
Note: may chance lang na mangyari, dae and “were” as you normally would.
arog sa hopeless crushes ta, chos.
Example: incorrect- If I were rude to you, I
Example sentence: If it rains tomorrow, I
will not come.
Correct- If I was rude to you, I apologize.
Example sentence: If I study now, I will go
 Third conditional (sorry kulang sa saro)-
to the party this evening.
things that didn’t happen in the past and
Example sentence: If I smile at him, he will
their imaginary result
ignore me.
-If + past perfect, would + have + past
 Second conditional- impossible things in
the present/unlikely things in the future
Example sentence: If I had studied harder, I
Note: Imposible mangyari arog kang next
would have passed the exam.
season sa mga favorite nindong
Example sentence: If I had finished the
anime/series/shows/kdrama o ano pa man
exam, I would have passed the exam.
yan. Akala mo crush nanaman pero pideh
Example sentence: If titanic hadn’t sailed
across the Atlantic, it would not have sunk.
-If/when + past simple, would +
infinitive/base verb
-Unreal situations Speaking
Example sentence: If I won the lottery, I
would travel around the world. Verbal Communication- it is the spoken or written
Example sentence: If my crush liked me messaged used by a person to express
back, I would be so happy. (ipagpalagay himself/herself

-it is an interaction in which words are used to relay 5. Vividness- words that vividly describe
a message things.

 Voice- the sound produced by human Non-verbal communication- communication w/o

beings when speaking, singing, and etc. words
Qualities –Pitch- highness or lowness of the
voice (high, mid, low) -A process of communication through sending
- Volume- loudness or softness of voice. wordless messages
It depends on the speaker’s purpose or
 Kinesics- comes from the root word kinesis
which means movement
- Duration- length of time a sound is
-refers to the study of hand, arm, body, and
produced. Involves the pauses.
face movements
- Quality- refers to the tone or timbre of
 Gestures- movements with some parts of
the human voice. Refers to the unique
the body such as the head, shoulders, arms
characteristics of the individual voice
and etc. to convey meaning and emphasis
 Pronunciation- the process of articulation
-Adaptors: are touching movements and
of the sound or the shaping of the sound
behaviors that indicate internal states
into intelligible speech.
typically related to uneasiness, anxiety, or a
 Stress- emphasis or force given to a syllable
general sense that we are not in control of
or syllables in a word or phrase as it is
our surroundings
-Emblems: are gestures that are
- Compound nouns emphasis on first
conventional and have meanings on their
- Compound verb emphasis on verb
-Illustrators: are less conventional and are
(second component)
more individualized gestures that employed
- Numbers have the emphasis on the last
when the speaker is describing the size,
syllable (teen)
shape, height, and curves
- Stress the suffix if it ends in –ee, -
 Posture- refers to the way one holds up
er,and –ese
himself when standing or sitting
- Words that end with –tion, -sion, -ic,
 Facial expression- results when we express
etc. give emphasis before the suffix
specific emotional states
 Intonation- refers to the rise or fall of your
 Eye contact/oculesics- a term derived from
voice when you speak
the Latin word, oculus meaning eye
- Tone and melody
-“The eye is the window for the soul”
 Consider the ff. for effective and successful
 Proxemics- refers to the language of space
verbal communication:
and distance
1. Appropriateness- language you use for
-amount of distance between two people
appropriate scenarios
-coined by Edward T. Hall
2. Brevity- use simple yet precise and
-intimate: 0-18 inches
powerful words
-personal: 18 in-4feet
3. Clarity- clearly state your message and
-social: 4-12 feet
express your ideas and feelings.
-public: 12 feet>>
4. Ethics- words should be carefully chosen
 Chronemics- language of time
in consideration of the person you’re
 Haptics- gives emphasis to what one needs
talking to.
to say
 Chromatics- language of colors

 Olfactics- language of smell existence with the sacred image in which

 Gustorics (sanaol gusto)- language of taste God supposedly created humanity.
-Type of text: poem
Speech styles  The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
-Purpose: In this case, Shirley Jackson
 Style- the set of linguistic variants that a
wrote "The Lottery" in order to express the
person uses and that has specific meanings
theme of mindless adherence to tradition.
Let's face it. The only reason this town
1. Formality of the occasion
continues to conduct a lottery is because
2. Type of listener
3. The kind of relationship that exist they've always done it.
between the sender and receiver -Type of text: short story
4. Topic of the conversation  I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.
5. Real purpose or intention of the speaker -Purpose: to expose the American public
 Speech style to the injustice of racial inequality and to
1. Intimate- private style that is used persuade them to stop discriminating
between or among close family members or on the basis of race
intimate individuals -Type of text: speech
-characterized by an economy of words  By the Railway Side by Alice Meynell
with high incidence of non-verbal -Purpose: to narrate the experience of the
communication author by the railway side
2. Casual- an informal communication style -Type of text: Essay (Narrative)
that is common among family members and  Thank You, Ma’am by Langston Hughes
friends -Purpose: to tell a short story
-it makes use of slang, colloquial words, gay -Type of text: short story
language, or vulgar words Note: nilagay ko lang yung mga nasa pointers I’m not sure if this is
3. Consultative- a standard and operational complete. Anyway, I hope it’ll be a big help for u :>> Good luck sa
style that is used for speaking to strangers exams!!
4. Formal- it is an impersonal style whose
p.s. di ko alam sa vocabulary scan niyo na lang dictionary
aim is to inform a captive audience HAHAHAHA
-one-way type communication makes use of
careful and standard speech
5. Frozen- the most formal style that is used
in formal events or ceremonies
-makes use of carefully chosen words that
are in fixed form

Reading Comprehension
 The Man with the Hoe by Edwin Markham
-Purpose: Inspired by a painting by Millet,
Edwin Markham wrote “The Man with the
Hoe” to draw attention to the plight of
those forced into lifelong labor and poverty.
He describes a man whose spirit has been
broken by toil and compares his hopeless

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