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FINITE ELEMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS William Weaver, Jr. Stanford University Paul R. Johnston Failure Analysis Associates, Palo Alto R Teens che Une Dera Fachbereich Mech Ee io] 7% PRENTICE-HALL, INC, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY 07632 Contents PREFACE ix 1 intRoDUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENTS 1 1.4 Finite-Element Concepts 1 4.2 Swasses and Strains in Elastic Continua 8 43. Viual Work Baie of Finite-Elamont Method 9 414 Shape Functions and Generalized Displacements 18 415 One-Dimensional Elements 17 118 Generalized Stresses and Strains 27 17 < Axis Transformations 29 118 Assemblage of Elements and Solution. 35 1.9 Potential-Energy Bases of Finte-Element Method 37 140 Convergence Criteria 40 141 Computer Programs 42 References 43 Problems 44 2 PLANE STRESS AND PLANE STRAIN 51 21 Two-Dimensional Stesses and Stains 51 22 Tiianguler Elements 61 23° Rectangular Elements 72 Contents 24 Quadrilateral Elements 82 25 Program PSCST and Applications 84 References 98, Problems 99 ISOPARAMETRIC FORMULATIONS 103 34 Introduetion 103 32. Natural Coordinates 104 33. Numerics! Integration 111 34 Quactilatetal Elements 115 35 Triangular Elements 123, 3.6 Programs PSO and PSOB and Applications 127 References 140 Problems 141 y GENERAL SOLIDS 144 4A Swosses and Stains in Solids 148 42 Natural Coordinates. 149, 4.3. Numerical Integration 154 44 Hexahedtal Elements 156 45° Tetrahedral Elements 161 4.6 Programs SOHB and SOH20 and Applicalions 186 References. 178 Problems 177 AXISYMMETRIC SOLIDS 180 5.1 Axlsymmetrc Stresses and Stains 180 52 TWangular and Rectangular Sections 182 53 Quadrilateral Sections 186 5a Nonaxisymmetic Loads 189, 55 Programs AXSOO4 and AXSOOB and Applications 192 References 197 Problems 197 FLEXURE IN PLATES 200 6.1 Flonural Suesses and Strains in Plates 200 62 Rectangular Elements 205 63 TWiangular Elements 212 Contents wi 6.4 Quadrilateral as Specialization of Hexahedron 214 65 Annular Element 222 6.6 Program PBB and Applications 226 References 232 Problems 233 7 GENERAL SHELLS 236 74 Intvoduetion 236 72 Flat-Facet Elements 238 713 Specialization of Hexahedron 240 7.4 Program SHOB and Applications 248, 253 8 axisymmetric SHELLS 255 8:1 Inwoduction 256 82 Steight Section 256 83 Curved Section 262 84 Nonaxisymmetic Loads 269, 85 Program AXSH3 and Applications 273 References 278 9 VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS 279 8.1 Induction 279 92 Consistent Mass Matrices 282 83 Eigenvalue Problem for Vibrations 296 94 Reduction of Stiffness and Mass Matices 298 8.5 Program VIBPQB and Applications 305 References 310 Probiems 311 1O instasiLity ANALYSIS 35 404 Introduction 315 102 Initial Stress Stiffness Matrices 316 103 Linear Instbilty and Vibrations 326 410.8 Nontnesr instability Analysis 331 105 Program BUCPOS and Applications 333, References 338 Problems 339 Notation Appendix A: Integration Formulas Ad Line 346 AZ Tangle 346 Aa Tetrahedron 347 B: Gau n Quadrature C: Computer Solution Routines C1 Factorization of Symmetsic Matrices 953, 2 Subprogram VECFAC 355 E38 Subprogram VECSOL 358 > C4 Subprogram SKYFAC 358 ES Subprogram SKYSOL 359 Appendix D: Flow Chart for Program PSCST Answers to Problems Goneral References: Textbooks on Finite Elements Inde» Contents 342 353 305 387 395

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