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Questions Interviewee 1 Interviewee 2 Interviewee 3




Conditional Questions

Write 3 conditional questions. Try to use present unreal/real and future real conditional. Ask these
questions to students in your group. If you ask a yes/no question use rising intonation. If you ask a
wh/how question use falling intonation. Take notes on student answers to your questions.
Pros / Cons

How to Change a Shoppers’ Pros Cons

Train sales clerks to smile more
to put shoppers in a better
Bake fresh break in a
supermarket to make shoppers
Post “limit 2 per customer”
signs to suggest items are in
limited supply.
Move the registers so shoppers
must walk through the whole
store to pay.
Put chairs outside the fitting
rooms so people can sit while
they wait
Process Speaking #1 - Impromptu Speaking Organizer

1. Introduction: What is your store? What do you sell?

 fdfd

2. Pyschological Factors - How would I use psychological factors to manipulate the behavior of your
shoppers so I can have a successful store?

1. Personal Space
2. Sales
3. Payment methods

3. Pros / Cons of Running this kind of Business

Pros Cons

4. Conclusion
 ddfdf

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