1mark Survey On Oracle

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A Comprehensive Survey of Trends in

Oracles for Software Testing
Mark Harman, Phil McMinn, Muzammil Shahbaz and Shin Yoo

Abstract—Testing involves examining the behaviour of a system in order to discover potential faults. Determining
the desired correct behaviour for a given input is called the “oracle problem”. Oracle automation is important to
remove a current bottleneck which inhibits greater overall test automation; without oracle automation, the human
has to determine whether observed behaviour is correct. The literature on oracles has introduced techniques for
oracle automation, including modelling, specifications, contract-driven development and metamorphic testing.
When none of these is completely adequate, the final source of oracle information remains the human, who
may be aware of informal specifications, expectations, norms and domain specific information that provide
informal oracle guidance. All forms of oracle, even the humble human, involve challenges of reducing cost and
increasing benefit. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of current approaches to the oracle problem
and an analysis of trends in this important area of software testing research and practice.

Index Terms—Test oracle; Automatic testing; Testing formalism.

1 I NTRODUCTION undecidable problem. For example, attempting

to cover all branches [6], [10], [16], [64], [77],
Much work on testing seeks to automate as [159], [177] in a system under test can never be
much of the test process as practical and de- complete because branch reachability is known
sirable, in order to make testing faster, cheaper to be undecidable in general [192].
and more reliable. In order to automate testing, The problem of generating test inputs to
we need an oracle, a procedure that determines achieve coverage of test adequacy criterion
what the correct behaviour of a system should has been the subject of research interest for
be for all input stimuli with which we wish nearly four decades [48], [106] and has been
to subject the system under test. There has the subject of much recent development in
been much recent progress on the problem research and practice with significant advances
of automating the generation of test inputs. in Search-Based Testing [2], [4], [83], [125], [127]
However, the problem of automating the or- and Dynamic Symbolic Execution [77], [108],
acle remains a topic of much current study; a [159], both of which automate the generation
research agenda that involves multiple diverse of test inputs, but do not address the oracle
avenues of investigation. problem.
Even the problem of automatically generat- We therefore find ourselves in a position
ing test inputs is hard. In general it involves where the automated generation of test inputs
finding inputs that cause execution to reveal is increasingly being addressed, while the au-
faults, if they are present, and to give confi- tomated checking that these inputs lead to the
dence in their absence, if none are found. How- desired outputs remains less well explored and
ever, even the simplest forms of testing involve comparatively less well solved. This current
an attempt to approximate a solution to an open problem represents a significant bottle-

neck that inhibits greater test automation and and analysis of the existing literature of the
wider uptake of automated testing methods oracle problem.
and tools. There have been four previous partial sur-
Of course, one might hope that the software veys of topics relating to test oracles. However,
under test has been developed with respect none has provided a comprehensive survey of
to excellent design-for-test principles, so that trends and results. In 2001, Baresi and Young
there might be a detailed, and possibly for- [18] presented a partial survey that covered
mal, specification of intended behaviour. One four topics prevalent at the time the paper
might also hope that the code itself contains was published (assertions, specifications, state-
pre– and post– conditions that implement well- based conformance testing and log file analy-
understood contract–driven development ap- sis). While these topics remain important, they
proaches [134]. In these situations, the oracle capture only a part of the overall landscape
cost problem is ameliorated by the presence of of research in oracles (covered in the present
an automatable oracle to which a testing tool paper). Another early work was the initial
can refer to check outputs, free from the need motivation for considering the oracle problem
for costly human intervention. contained in Binder’s textbook on software
Where there is no full specification of the testing [24], published in 2000. More recently,
properties of the system under test, one may in 2009, Shahamiri et al. [162] compared six
hope that it is possible to construct some form techniques from the specific category of de-
of partial oracle that is able to answer oracle rived oracles. Finally most recently, in 2011,
questions for some inputs, relying on alterna- Staats et al. [171] proposed a theoretical anal-
tive means to answer the oracle question for ysis that included test oracles in a revisitation
others. Such partial oracles can be constructed of the fundamentals of testing.
using metamorphic testing (based on known Despite these works, research into the ora-
relationships between desired behaviour) or by cle problem remains an activity undertaken in
deriving oracle information from executions or a fragmented community of researchers and
documentation. practitioners. The role of the present paper is to
However, for many systems and much of overcome this fragmentation of research in this
testing as currently practiced in industry, the important area of software testing by providing
tester has the luxury of neither formal specifi- the first comprehensive analysis and review of
cation nor assertions, nor even automated par- work on the oracle problem.
tial oracles [90], [91]. The tester must therefore The rest of the paper is organised as follows:
face the potentially daunting task of manually Section 2 sets out the definitions relating to or-
checking the system’s behaviour for all test acles that allow us to compare and contrast the
cases generated. In such cases, it is essential techniques in the literature on a more formal
that automated software testing approaches basis. Section 3 analyses some of the growth
address the human oracle cost problem [1], trends in the area and presents a timeline
[82], [129]. showing the primary development in the field.
In order to achieve greater test automation Sections 4, 5 and 6 cover the survey of the
and wider uptake of automated testing, we literature in three broad categories:
therefore need a concerted effort to find ways • where there are specified oracles (Sec-
to address the oracle problem and to integrate tion 4;
automated and partially automated oracle so- • where oracles have to be derived (Sec-
lutions into test data generation techniques. tion 5) and
This paper seeks to help address this chal- • where some form of oracle information is
lenge by providing a comprehensive review implicit (Section 6).

These three sections cover the situations in System Under Test (SUT). This definition of
which some form of oracle information is avail- alphabets is merely intended to make concrete
able for use in testing, while Section 7 covers the set of external stimuli that could be applied
techniques designed to cater for situations in to the SUT, and the set of behaviours that we
which no oracle is available, or for which test- can observe.
ing must cover some aspect for which no oracle Definition 1 (Alphabets and Activities): A
information is available. This last case is the stimulus to the System Under Test will be
most prevalent in practice, since oracles seldom considered to be drawn from an alphabet, S,
cover the entire behaviour of the system. Sec- while an observation will be drawn from an
tion 8 presents a road map for future research alphabet, O, disjoint from S. The union of all
on software test oracles, based on our analysis possible stimuli and observations form the
of the literature and Section 9 concludes. test activity alphabet, A.
We use the terms ‘stimulus’ and ‘observa-
2 D EFINITIONS tion’ in the broadest sense possible to cater for
This section sets out some foundational def- various testing scenarios, functional and non-
initions to establish a common lingua franca functional. A stimulus can be either an explicit
in which to examine the literature on oracles. test input from the tester or an environmen-
These definitions are formalised to avoid am- tal factor that can affect the testing. Similarly,
biguity, but the reader should find that it is an observation can range from an automated,
also possible to read the paper using only functional test oracle to a non-functional exe-
the informal descriptions that accompany these cution profile.
formal definitions. For example, stimuli can include the config-
A good formalisation should be simple, gen- uration and platform settings, database table
eral and revealing. It should be simple so that contents, device states, typed values at an in-
it can be easily used. However, though simple, put device, inputs on a channel from another
it should be sufficiently general to capture all system, sensor inputs and so on. Observations
existing instances of the phenomenon to be can include anything that can be discerned
studied. It should also be revealing in the sense and ascribed a meaning significant to the pur-
that the theory should be able to reveal new pose of testing—including values that appear
and interesting possibilities, not obvious with- on an output device, database state, temporal
out the theoretical foundations and the analysis properties of the execution, heat dissipated
they support. during execution, power consumed and any
We believe our theoretical foundations are other measurable attributes of the execution of
conceptually very simple but, as we shall show the SUT.
in the remainder of the paper, sufficiently gen- Stimuli and observations are members of
eral to capture all existing forms of oracle different sets of test activities, but we combine
in the literature. We also will use the theory them in a single test activity sequence. As a
to highlight hitherto unrecognised connections notational convenience in such sequences, we
between metamorphic and regression testing in shall write x when x is a member of the set of
Section 8. observations (such as outputs) and x when x is
Testing is a permutation of two types of test a member of the set of stimuli (such as inputs).
activities, stimuli and observations, which are A test oracle is a predicate that determines
supersets of the traditional notion of test input whether a given test activity sequence is an
and output respectively. We define stimuli and acceptable behaviour or not. We first define
observations as coming from arbitrary infinite a ‘Definite Oracle’, and then, in the Section 8
sets, which form a kind of alphabet for the relax this definition to ‘Probabilistic Oracle’. In

the body of the paper we only use definite system (the stimulus) and subsequently ob-
oracles; the study of their probabilistic coun- serve some behaviour of the system (the ob-
terparts remains an open problem for future servation) so that we have something to check
work. (the observation) and something upon which
Definition 2 (Definite Oracle): A Definite Ora- this observed behaviour may depend (the stim-
cle d ∈ D is a function from test activity ulus).
sequences to {0, 1 undefined}, i.e., D : I → We conclude this section by defining com-
{0, 1, undefined}. pleteness, soundness and correctness of ora-
A definite oracle responds with either a 1 or cles.
a 0 indicating that the test activity sequence is Definition 4 (Completeness): An Oracle is
acceptable or unacceptable respectively, for a complete if it is a total function.
test activity sequence for which it is defined. In order to define soundness of an oracle we
We do not require that a definite oracle be a need to define a concept of the “ground truth”,
total function, so it may be undefined. How- G. The ground truth is another form of oracle, a
ever, for a definite oracle, when it is defined, a conceptual oracle, that always gives the “right
test activity sequence is either acceptable or it answer”. Of course, it cannot be known in all
is not; there is no other possibility (in contrast but the most trivial cases, but it is a useful
to the probabilistic oracle defined in Section 8). definition that establishes the ways in which
A test activity sequence is simply a sequence oracles might behave.
of stimuli and observations. We do not wish to Definition 5 (Ground Truth): The Ground
over-constrain our definition of oracle, but we Truth, G is a definite oracle.
note that, for practical purposes a test activity We can now define soundness of an oracle
sequence will almost always have to satisfy with respect to the Ground Truth, G.
additional constraints in order to be useful. In Definition 6 (Soundness): An Oracle, D is
this paper we are only concerned with different sound iff
approaches, their definition and their inter-
Dσ ⇔ Gσ
relationships, so we need not descend too far
into the detail of these constraints. However, We have a three valued logic, in which the
as an illustration, we might at least constrain connective ‘⇔’ evaluates to false if one of the
a test activity sequence as follows (in order to two terms it relates is undefined. However, in
obtain a practical test sequence): this context, only the evaluation of the oracle
A test activity sequence, σ, is a practical test D can be undefined, since the ground truth is
sequence iff σ contains at least one observation always defined.
activity that is preceded by at least one stimu- Finally, we define total and partial correct-
lus activity. That is, more formally: ness, in the usual way:
Definition 3 (Test Sequence): A Practical Test Definition 7 (Correctness): An oracle is par-
Sequence is a test activity sequence: tially correct iff it is sound. An oracle is totally
correct iff it is sound and complete.
σ1 _ x _ σ2 _ y _ σ3 Observe that an arbitrary oracle AO is totally
correct iff AO = G. That is a totally correct
where _ denotes sequence concatenation and oracle is indistinguishable from the ground
σ1 , σ2 and σ3 are arbitrary, possibly empty, test truth. It is unlikely that such a totally cor-
activity sequences. rect oracle exists in practice. Nevertheless, we
This notion of a test sequence is nothing can define and use partially correct oracles in
more than a very general notion of what it testing and one could argue, from a purely
means to test; we must do something to the philosophical point of view, that where the

oracle is the human and the ground truth is – for example a previous version of the sys-
provided by the same human, then the human tem. For derived oracles we searched for ad-
is a totally correct oracle; correctness becomes ditional articles using the queries “specifica-
a subjective human assessment. The foregoing tion inference”, “specification mining”, “API
definitions allow for this case. However, this mining”, “metamorphic testing”, “regression
is a rather special case of a single user, who testing” and “program documentation”.
is both sole user and sole (acceptance) tester; An implicit oracle (see Section 6) refers to
a scenario that only occurs for comparatively the detection of ‘obvious’ faults such as a pro-
uninteresting ‘toy’ examples. gram crash. For implicit oracles we applied the
queries “implicit oracle”, “null pointer + detec-
tion”, “null reference + detection”, “deadlock +
3 A NALYSIS OF TRENDS IN RE- livelock + race + detection”, “memory leaks +
SEARCH ON T EST O RACLES detection”, “crash + detection”, “performance
The term “test oracle” first appeared in William + load testing”, “non-functional + error detec-
Howden’s seminal work in 1978 [98]. In this tion”, “fuzzing + test oracle” and “anomaly
section we present an analysis of the research detection”.
on test oracles and its related areas conducted There have also been papers researching
since 1978. strategies for handling the lack of an auto-
mated oracle (see Section 7). Here, we applied
the queries “human oracle”, “test minimiza-
3.1 Volume of Publications tion”, “test suite reduction” and “test data +
We have constructed a repository of 611 pub- generation + realistic + valid”.
lications on test oracles and its related areas Each of the above queries were appended
from 1978 to 2012 by conducting web searches by the keywords “software testing”. The re-
for research articles on Google Scholar and Mi- sults were filtered, removing articles that were
crosoft Academic Search using the queries “soft- found to have no relation to software testing
ware + test + oracle” and “software + test and test oracles. Figure 1 shows the cumulative
oracle”, for each year through custom searches. number of publications on each type of oracles
We classify work on test oracles into four from 1978 onwards. We analyzed the research
categories: specified oracles, derived oracles, trend on this data by applying different regres-
implicit oracles and no oracle (handling the sion models. The trend line, shown in Figure 1,
lack of an oracle). is fitted using a power model. The high vales
Specified oracles, discussed in detail in Sec- for the four coefficients of determination (R2 ),
tion 4, judge all behavioural aspects of a one for each of the four types of oracle, confirm
system with respect to a given formal spec- that our models are good fits to the trend data.
ification. For specified oracles we searched The trends observed suggest a healthy growth
for related articles using queries “formal in research volumes in these topics related to
+ specification”, “state-based specification”, the oracle problem for the future.
“model-based languages”, “transition-based
languages”, “assertion-based languages”, “al- 3.2 Proposal of New Techniques or
gebraic specification” and “formal + confor- Concepts in Test Oracles
mance testing”. For all queries, we appended We classified the collected publications into
the keywords with “test oracle” to filter the types of techniques or concepts that have been
results for test oracles. proposed to (partially) solve the problem. For
Derived oracles (see Section 5) involve arte- example, DAISTIS [72], an algebraic specifica-
facts from which an oracle may be derived tion system to solve the specified oracle prob-

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Handling  the  lack  of  oracles   y  =  0.2997x1.4727  
4#5%0106*7-&1%)3* !"#"$%&'()*'%+,-'"

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Fig. 1. Cumulative number of publications from 1978 to 2012 and research trend analysis for
each type of test oracles. The x-axis represents years (x) and y-axis are the cumulative number
of publications (y). The trend analysis is performed through a power regression model. The
regression equation and the coefficient of determination (R2 ) indicate healthy research trend in

lem, Model Checking [36] for oracle generation, earliest available publication for that technique
and Metamorphic Testing [37] for oracle deriva- or concept. Moreover, we have only consid-
tion, and so on. ered a published work in journals, confer-
For each type of oracle and the advent of a ences/workshops proceedings or magazines;
technique or a concept proposed for a type of all other types of documentation (such as tech-
oracle, we have plotted a timeline in chrono- nical reports and manuals) were excluded from
logical order of publications to study research the data.
trends. Figure 2 shows the timeline starting There are few techniques or concepts that are
from 1978 when the term “test oracle” was first shown pre-1978 era in Figure 2. Although not
coined. Each vertical bar presents the technique explicitly on test oracles, they address some
or concept used to solve the problem appended of the issues for which test oracles have been
by the year of the first publication. developed in later research. For example, work
The timeline shows only the work that is on detecting concurrency issues (deadlocks,
explicit on the issue of test oracles. For ex- livelocks and races) can be traced back to the
ample, the work on test generation using Fi- 1960s. This is an example of implicit oracles
nite State Machines (FSM) can be traced back for which no specification is required and tech-
to as early as 1950s. But the explicit use of niques can be employed as test oracles for
FSMs to generate oracles can be traced back arbitrary systems. Similarly, Regression Testing,
to Jard and Bochmann [101] and Howden in as an example of derived oracles, can be used
1986 [97]. We record, in the timeline, only the to detect problems in the new system version

Fig. 2. Chronological order of the techniques/concepts in each type of Test Oracles

for an existing functionality. Partial/Pseudo Oracles [195] and Specification

The trend analysis suggests that proposals Inference [193]. For implicit oracle types, there
for new techniques and concepts for the formal have been solutions established before 1978 for
specification of oracles peaked in 1990s, but which research carried on later.
have gradually diminished in the last decade.
However, it has remained an area of much Overall, there are relatively fewer new tech-
research activity as can be judged from the niques or concepts proposed for this type of
amount of publications each year, shown in oracle. For handling the lack of an automated
Figure 1. For derived oracles, there have been oracle, Partition Testing is a well-known tech-
quite a few solutions proposed throughout this nique that can help a human oracle in test
period; but wide empirical studies on these selection. The trend line suggests that it is
solutions were not been conducted until the only recently that new techniques and concepts
late 1990s. Previously, the solutions were pri- have started to emerge, with an explicit focus
marily theoretical, such as the proposals for on the human oracle cost problem.

4 S PECIFIED O RACLES used for testing) are not usually intended as

There has been a lot of work on specifications a full specification of the system. Rather, for
and the use of notions of specifications as a testing, a model seeks to capture salient prop-
source of oracle information. This topic could erties of a system so that test cases can be
merit an entire survey on its own right. In generated from them and/or checked against
this section we attempt to provide an overview them. Model-based languages are also state-
of work on the use of specifications as or- based and can also be referred to as “state-
acles, covering some of the primary types based specifications” [109] [180], [181] [100]
of specification-as-oracle. We include here the in the literature. A variety of different formal
partial specifications of system behaviour such model-based languages exist, for example, B
as assertions and models. [110], Z [169], UML/OCL [32], VDM/VDM-SL
A specified oracle judges all behavioural [66] and the LARCH family [74] (which include
aspects of a system with respect to a given an algebraic sub-language). These are all ap-
formal specification. In this regard, the formal propriate for specifying sequential programs.
specification is D as defined in Section 2. This Each models the system as a collection of in-
purposely general definition covers different stance variables to represent different instances
notions dependent on what kind of intended or states of the system, with operations to
behaviours are of interest, what level of ab- alter these states. Preconditions and postcon-
straction is considered, and what kind of for- ditions are defined to constrain the system
mal semantics are used. operations. A precondition defines a necessary
Over the last 30 years, a large body of work condition on input states for the operation to
has developed with respect to testing based on be applied, while a postcondition describes a
a formal specification, with the proposal of sev- (usually strongest) effect condition on output
eral methods for various different formalisms. states if the operation is applied [109].
They can grouped into three broad categories: If concrete system output can be interpreted
specification based languages, assertions and con- at a higher level of abstraction by a pre-defined
tracts, and algebraic specifications. mechanism, such as a specific function, and
if postconditions can be evaluated in a finite
time, the postconditions of the specification can
4.1 Specification-Based Languages actually serve as an oracle [3].
Specification-based languages can further be Model and specification languages, such as
divided into the categories: model-based lan- VDM, Z, and B have the ability to define
guages and transition-based languages, which we invariants. These can be used to drive testing.
cover in more detail below. There are other Any test case that finds a case where such
categories of specification languages that have an invariant is broken can be thought of as a
been used as oracles (such as history-based failing test case and, therefore, these invariants
specifications, which present oracles for or- are partial oracles.
dering and timing of events in the form of
properties captured by temporal logic [54]). 4.1.2 Transition-Based Languages
Transition-based languages are languages
4.1.1 Model-Based Languages whose syntax is often (though not always)
Model-based languages are formal languages graphical, and whose semantics are primarily
that define a mathematical model of a system’s concerned with the transitions between
behaviour, and whose semantics provides a different states of the system. They have
precise meaning for each description in the been referred as visual languages in the
language in terms of this model. Models (when literature [196], though their syntax need

not be graphical and their semantics is often same level of abstraction as the model’s. These
formally defined. A variety of different formal flavours of conformity include alternate no-
transition-based languages exist, for example, tions such as system is isomorphic to F, equiv-
Finite State Machines [111], Mealy/Moore alent to F, or quasi-equivalent to F. They are
machines [111], I/O Automata [117], Labeled defined in the famous survey paper by Lee and
Transition Systems [178], SDL [57], Harel Yannakakis [111], and other notable papers,
Statecharts [81], UML state machines [29], including Bochmann et al. [27] and Tretmans
X-Machines [94], [95], Simulink/Stateflow [178].
[176] and PROMELA [96]. Börger [30] discusses how Abstract State Ma-
Unlike model-based languages, which can chine language, a generalisation of specifica-
describe arbitrarily general systems that can tion languages like B and Z in a transition
be infinite, transition-based languages are often machine form, can be used to define high level
used for modeling finite systems [92]. How- oracles.
ever, they can also be used to model systems A rigorous empirical evaluation of state
with infinite sets of states. The behaviours of machine-based testing techniques can be found
the system are modelled as a set of states1 , in the work of Mouchawrab et al. [73], [136].
with transitions representing the actions or
inputs that cause the system to change from 4.2 Assertions and Contracts
one state to another. The outputs are normally An assertion is a Boolean expression that is
represented by the resulting state of the system placed at a certain point in a program to check
(as with Moore machines), a variable value at its behaviour at runtime. When an assertion
the resulting state (as with state charts) or a is evaluated to true, the program behaviour is
value labeled on the transition (as with Mealy regarded to be ‘as intended’ for that particu-
machines). lar execution. However, when an assertion is
Much of the work on testing using evaluated to false, an error has been found in
transition-based languages has been motivated the program for that particular execution. It is
by protocol conformance testing [75] and later straightforward to see that assertions can be
work on model-based testing [181]. Given a used as a test oracle.
specification F in a transition-based language, Assertions have a long pedigree dating back
e.g. a finite state machine, a test case can to Turing [179] who first identified the need
be derived from F to determine whether the to separate out the tester from the developer
system behaviour on the application of the test and suggested that they might communicate
conforms to F. The test oracle is embedded in through the means of assertions; the developer
the finite state machine model, and therefore, writing these formally and the tester checking
it can be derived automatically. them (equally formally). The idea of assertions
However, the definition of conformity comes gained significant attention as a means of cap-
in different flavours, depending on whether turing language semantics in the seminal work
the model is deterministic or non-deterministic of Floyd [68] and Hoare [93] and subsequently
and the system behaviour on a given test was championed as a means of assisting testing
is observable and can be interpreted at the in the development of the contract-based pro-
gramming approach (notably in the language
1. In state-based testing, the word ‘state’ can be in-
terpreted in different ways. For example, it can refer to Eiffel [134]).
a ‘snapshot’ of the configuration of s system at some Other widely used programming languages
point during execution (the ‘system state’). However, in now routinely provide special constructs to
transition-based approaches, the word ‘state’ typically
seeks to abstract for a specific configurations in order to support assertions in the program; for instance,
capture a set of such configurations. C, C++ and Java provide a construct called

assert, and similarly C# provides a Debug.Assert 4.3 Algebraic Specification Languages

method, which simply evaluates a Boolean Algebraic specification languages describe the
expression and notifies if the expression does behaviour of a system in terms of axioms that
not evaluate to true. Moreover, there have been are expressed in first-order logic and charac-
a variety of assertion systems developed in- terise desired properties. These properties are
dependently for programming languages. For specified by formally defining abstract data
instance, Anna [115] for Ada, APP [153] and types (ADT) and mathematical operations on
Nana [119] for C languages provide means to those data types. An ADT encapsulates data
embed assertions in the program. together with operations that manipulate that
In general, assertion-based approaches only One of the earliest algebraic specification
ensure a limited set of properties that must systems is DAISTS [72] for implementing, spec-
hold at a certain point in a program [51]. Lan- ifying and testing ADTs. The system executes
guages based on design by contract principles a test set that is derived from the axioms
attempt to improve the effectiveness of asser- with test data provided manually. Each test
tions by providing means to check contracts compares the execution of the left and right
between client and supplier objects in the form sides of each respective axiom. If the two
of method pre- and post- conditions and class executions generate different results, a failure
invariants. is reported with the axiom name and a test
number. Therefore, a test oracle in DAISTS is
This idea was originally proposed in the specific to test cases, rather than generic for
design of the Eiffel language [134], but ex- arbitrary test cases.
tended to other languages, e.g., JML – a be- Gaudel and her colleagues [20], [21], [75],
havioural interface specification language for [76] first provided a generic theory on testing
Java programs [138]. Many other authors have based on algebraic specifications. The idea was
developed this idea of assertions as contracts that an exhaustive test set composed of all
that allow a formal (and checkable/executable) ground values of the axioms would be suffi-
description of the oracle to be embedded into cient to judge program correctness. Of course,
the program. there is a practical limitation (that pertains to
all testing) because the number of tests could
Cheon and Leavens [47] showed how the be infinite. However, a possibility is to select a
runtime assertion checker of JML can be used finite subset of tests [21].
as an assertion-based test oracle language for Further studies by Frankl and Doong [55]
Java. For more on specification-based asser- to assess the practicality of Gaudel’s theory
tions as test oracles, see Coppit and Haddox- concluded that tests consisting of short opera-
Schatz’s evaluation [51], and later a method tion sequences may not be adequate for testing.
proposed by Cheon [46]. Both assertions and They proposed a notation that is suitable for
contracts are enforced observation activity (o ∈ object-oriented programs and developed an
O) that are embedded into the code. Araujo et algebraic specification language called LOBAS
al. [9] provide a systematic evaluation of de- and a tool called ASTOOT.
sign by contract principle on a large industrial One important aspect of the approach was
system and show how assertion checks can the notion of self-checking test cases for classes,
be implemented for Java Modelling Language that use a class method that approximates ob-
(JML) [8], while Briand et al. [34] showed how servational equivalence. Chen et al. [42] [43]
instrumentation of contracts can be used to further expanded the ASTOOT approach in
support testing. their tool TACCLE and proposed an algorithm

for generating a relevant finite number of test in the ‘learning loop’. The following sections
sets by employing a heuristic white-box tech- discuss research in some of these artefacts for
nique. Several other algebraic specification lan- the purpose of oracle derivation.
guages and tools exist, e.g., Daistish [99], LOFT
[122], CASL [12], CASCAT [204]. Zhu also con- 5.1 Pseudo Oracles and N-versions
sidered the use of algebraic specifications as One of the earliest versions of a derived oracle
test oracles [209], while Bochmann et al. [182] is the concept of a pseudo-oracle, introduced
used LOTOS to realise oracle functions from by Davis and Weyuker [52], as a means of
algebraic specifications. addressing so-called non-testable programs —
For specified oracles, the interpretation of “Programs which were written in order to
test results and checking their equivalence with determine the answer in the first place. There
specified results can be a difficult task. The would be no need to write such programs,
specified results are usually defined on an if the correct answer were known.” [195]. A
abstract level, and test results depend on pro- pseudo-oracle is an alternative version of the
gram executions that may appear in a different program produced independently, e.g. by a
way such that their equivalence to those speci- different programming team or written in an
fied is not straightforward. Moreover, specified entirely different programming language. A
results could be partially represented or over- similar idea exists in fault-tolerant computing,
simplified. referred to as multi- or N-versioning [14], [15],
Gaudel [75] remarked that the existence of where the software is implemented in mul-
a formal specification does not guarantee the tiple ways and executed in parallel. Where
existence of a successful test driver. It may results differ at run-time, a “voting” mecha-
be necessary to leverage the interpretation of nism is used to decide which output would be
results with some concrete equivalence func- used. More recently, Feldt [61] investigated the
tions [118]. However, by and large, solutions possibility of automatically producing differ-
to this problem depend largely on the level ent versions using genetic programming, while
of abstraction and also on the implementation McMinn [126] explored the idea of producing
context of the system under test on some extent different software versions for testing through
(see Gaudel’s discussion [75] for more on this program transformation and the swapping of
issue). different software elements with those of a
similar specification.
When specified oracles are unavailable, oracles 5.2 Metamorphic Relations
can be derived from various artefacts (e.g. Metamorphic testing is a process of generating
documentation, system executions) or proper- partial oracles for follow-up test cases: it checks
ties (e.g. metamorphic relations) of the system important properties of the SUT after certain
under test, or other versions of it. Of course, test cases are executed [37]. The important
the derived oracle might then become a partial properties are captured by metamorphic rela-
‘specified oracle’, so that oracles derived by tions. It is often thought that the metamorphic
the methods discussed in this section could relations need to concern numerical properties
migrate, over time, to become, those consid- that can be captured by arithmetic equations,
ered to be the ‘specified oracles of the previ- but metamorphic testing is, in fact, more gen-
ous section. For example, JWalk incrementally eral than this. For example, Zhou et al. [208]
learns algebraic properties of the class under used metamorphic testing to test search en-
test [167]. It allows interactive confirmation gines such as Google and Yahoo!, where the
from the tester, ensuring that the human is relations considered are clearly non-numeric.

A metamorphic relation is an expected re- passes the aforementioned metamorphic test-

lation among multiple test activity sequences. ing but is still incorrect. However, metamor-
For example, let us assume that we are testing phic testing provides useful means of testing
an implementation of a double precision sine non-testable programs introduced in the last
function, f . One possible metamorphic relation section.
can be defined as follows: let i1 be the first test When the SUT is not deterministic, it is not
activity sequence, which is a sequence hx, f (x)i possible to use equality relations in the process
for a valid double value x. From the definition of metamorphic testing. Murphy et al. [137],
of the sine function, we expect to obtain the [138] relaxed the equality relation to set mem-
second test activity sequence i2 , which is a bership to cope with stochastic machine learn-
sequence hx + π, f (x)i, if the implementation ing algorithms. Guderlei and Mayer intro-
f is correct. duced statistical metamorphic testing, where
More formally, we define metamorphic ora- the relations for test output are checked using
cles in terms of the definitions from Section 2 statistical analysis [80], which was later used
as follows: There is a reliable reset, which is to apply metamorphic testing to stochastic op-
a stimulus, R, that allows us to interpose a timisation algorithms [202].
reset between a previous test case, hx1 , y1 i, The biggest challenge in metamorphic test-
and a subsequent test case, hx2 , y2 i, to form a ing is the automated discovery of metamor-
five-element test sequence hx1 , y1 , R, x2 , y2 i, for phic relations. Some of those in the literature
which we can define a relationship, the “meta- are mathematical [37], [39], [44] or combinato-
morphic testing relationship”, π, between x1 , rial [137], [138], [158], [202]. There is also work
y1 , x2 and y2 . on the discovery of algebraic specifications
For the formulation of metamorphic testing [87], and the JWalk lazy testing approach [167],
in the current literature π is a 4-ary predicate2 , both of which might be adapted to discover
relating the first input-output pair to the sec- oracles. There also exists early work on the
ond: use of metamorphic relations based on domain
specific knowledge [40], however it is still at an
Dhx1 , y1 , R, x2 , y2 i if π(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) early stage, and not automated.

It is a natural step to generalise this meta- 5.3 Regression Test Suites

morphic relationship to an arbitrary property,
p, of the test activity sequence. Such an arbi- With regression testing, the aim is to detect
trary property must respect the oracle D, for whether the modifications made to the new
all test activity sequences, σ so version of SUT have interfered with any ex-
isting functionalities [203]. There is an implicit
Dσ if pσ assumption that the previous version can serve
as an oracle for regression testing.
of which, Dhx1 , y1 , R, x2 , y2 i if π(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) For corrective modifications, the functionali-
is clearly a special case. This generalisation is ties remain the same and the oracle for version
considered in more detail in Section 8. i, Di , can serve for the next version as Di+1 .
For deterministic SUTs, oracles from meta- Orstra [199] generates assertion-based test or-
morphic relations are complete and sound, but acles by observing the program states of the
only with respect to the properties that form previous version while executing the regres-
the relations. For example, if f : R → 0, it sion test suite. The regression test suite, now
augmented with assertions, can be used with
2. Our formalism is more general than traditional meta- the newer versions. Similarly, spectra-based ap-
morphic testing and can handle arbitrary relations. proaches uses the program and value spectra

obtained from the original version to detect techniques produce automated checking of ex-
regression faults in the newer versions [85], pected behaviour similar to assertion-based
[200]. specification, discussed in Section 4.2.
For perfective modifications that add new
features to the SUT, Di should also be modi- 5.4.1 Invariant Detection
fied to cater for newly added behaviours, i.e. Program behaviours can be checked against the
Di+1 = Di ∪ ∆D. Test suite augmentation tech- given invariants for violations automatically.
niques specialise in identifying and generating Thus, invariants can serve as test oracles to
∆D [5], [130], [201]. help determine the correct and incorrect out-
There is also a class of modifications that puts.
proceed by changing the specification (which is When invariants are not available for a pro-
deemed to fail to meet requirements, perhaps gram in advance, they can be learned from the
because the requirements have changed). This program (semi) automatically. A well-known
is generally regarded as “perfective” mainte- technique proposed by Ernst et al. [59], imple-
nance in the literature but no distinction is mented in the Daikon tool [58], is to execute a
made between perfections that add new func- program on a collection of inputs (test cases)
tionality to code (without changing require- and infer likely invariants from program execu-
ments) and those changes which arise due to tions dynamically. The invariants inferred cap-
changed requirements (or incorrect specifica- ture program behaviours, and thus can be used
tions). to check program correctness. For example, in
Our formalisation of oracles in Section 2 regression testing, invariants inferred from the
forces a distinction of these two categories previous version can be checked as to whether
of perfective maintenance, since the two have they still hold in the new version.
profoundly different consequences for oracles. Invariant detection can be computationally
We therefore refer to this new category of per- expensive, but there have been incremental
fective maintenance “changed requirements”. [23], [168] and light weight static analyses [41],
For changed requirements: [67] that can be brought to bear in this problem.
There is a technical report available that sum-
∃σ · Di+1 σ 6= Di σ marises various dynamic analysis techniques
[155]. Model inference [89], [185] could also be
which implies, of course dom(Di+1 ) ∩ regarded as a form of invariant generation in
dom(Di ) 6= ∅ and the new oracle cannot which the invariant is expressed as a model
be simply ‘unioned’ with the old oracle. The (typically as an FSM). Ratcliff et al. [151] used
relationship between this observation and Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) to
the emerging issues pertaining to Software search for invariants, guided by mutation test-
Product Lines and their inherent connections ing.
to regression testing are all explored in The accuracy of inferred invariants depends
Section 8. in part on the quality and completeness of the
test cases; additional test cases might provide
new data from which more accurate invariants
5.4 System Executions
can be inferred [59]. Nevertheless, inferring
A system execution trace is a critical arti- “perfect” invariants is almost impossible with
fact that can be exploited to derive oracles. the current state of the art, which tends to
The two main techniques, invariant detection frequently infer incorrect or irrelevant invari-
and specification mining for oracle derivation, ants [149]. Wei et al. [190] and [191] recently
are discussed in the following sections. Both improved the quality of inferred invariants.

Human intervention can, of course, be used modelled by finite state machines [193]. With
to filter the resulting invariants, i.e., retaining this, equivalence can be accomplished by per-
the correct ones and discarding the rest. How- forming checking experiments [88]. Neverthe-
ever, manual filtering is an error-prone process less, serious practical limitations are associated
and the misclassification of invariants is fre- with such experiments (see the survey by Lee
quent. As found by Staats et al. [172] in a recent and Yannakakis [111] for complete discussion).
empirical study, half of the incorrect invari- The marriage between inference and testing
ants were misclassified that were originally in- has produced wealth of techniques, especially
ferred by Daikon from a set of Java programs. in the context of “black-box” systems, i.e, when
However, despite these issues, research on the source code/behavioural models are unavail-
dynamic inference of program invariants has able. Most work has applied a well-known
gained a strong momentum in the recent past learning algorithm, called L∗ [7] for learning
with a prime focus on its application for test a black-box system B having n states. The
generation [11] [140] [206]. algorithm infers a state machine model by
querying B and observing the corresponding
5.4.2 Specification Mining / Inference outputs iteratively. At each iteration, an in-
Specification mining or inductive inference is ferred model Mi with i < n states is given.
a concept for hypothesizing a formal model of Then, the model is refined with the help of a
program behaviours from a set of observations. distinguishing string (that distinguishes B and
In her seminal work [193], Weyuker made the Mi ) to produce a new model, until the number
connection between inference and testing as of states reaches to n.
inverse processes. The testing process starts Lee and Yannakakis [111] showed how to
with a program, and looks for I/O pairs that use L∗ for conformance testing of B with a
characterise every aspect of both the intended specification S. Suppose L∗ starts by inferring
and actual behaviours, while inference starts a model Mi , then we compute a string that
with a set of I/O pairs, and derives a program distinguishes Mi from S and refine Mi through
to fit the given behaviour. Weyuker defined the algorithm. If, for i = n, Mn is S, then we
this relation for assessing test adequacy which declare B to be correct, otherwise faulty.
can be stated informally as follows. Apart from conformance testing, inference
A set of I/O pairs T is an inference adequate techniques have been used to guide test gen-
test set for program P intended to fulfil spec- eration to focus on particular system behav-
ification S iff the program IT inferred from T ior and to reduce the scope of analysis. For
(using some inference procedure) is equivalent example, Li et al. [113] have applied L∗ for
to both P and S. Any difference would imply integration testing of a system of black-box
that the inferred program is not equivalent to components. In this context, the oracle is the
the actual program, indicating that the test set system architecture that can be stimulated to
T used to infer the program P is not adequate. obtain faulty interactions between the compo-
The inference procedure mainly depends nents, by comparing them with their inferred
upon the set of I/O pairs used to infer be- models.
haviours. These pairs can be obtained from sys- Further work in this context has been com-
tem executions either passively, e.g., by apply- piled by Shahbaz [163] with industrial appli-
ing monitors, or actively, e.g., by querying the cations. Similar applications of inference can
system [104]. However, equivalence checking is be found in system analysis [79] [186] [187]
undecidable in general, and therefore inference [22], [133], component interaction testing [114],
is only possible for programs in a restricted [121], regression testing [200] [198], security
class, e.g., those with behaviours that can be testing [19] [165] and verification [146] [78] [56].

Zheng et al. [207] mine test oracles for web Prowell and Poore [150] introduced a se-
search engines, which had been thought to be quence enumeration method to develop a for-
untestable. Frouchni et al. [71] apply machine mal specification from an informal one. This
learning to learn oracles for image segmen- is done by systematically enumerating all se-
tation programs. Memon et al. [131], [132], quences from the input domain and mapping
[197] introduced and developed the GUITAR the corresponding outputs to produce an ar-
tool, which has been evaluated by treating guably complete, consistent, and correct spec-
the current version as correct, inferring the ification. However, it can suffer from an expo-
specification, and then executing the generated nential explosion of the possible input/output
test inputs. GUITAR is a GUI-based testing sequences. Prowell and Poore suggest to em-
tool that allows test cases to be constructed ploy abstraction techniques for controlling the
in terms of GUI feature interactions. Artificial growth of an inherently combinatorial process.
Neural Networks have also been applied to The end result of the process is a formal specifi-
learn system behaviour and detect deviations cation that can be transferred into a number of
from it [160], [161] notations, e.g., transition-based languages. One
benefit of the approach is that many inconsis-
5.5 Textual Documentation tent and missing requirements can be found
Textual documentation ranges from natural during the process, which helps in making the
language descriptions of requirements to struc- specification more complete and precise.
tured documents detailing the functionalities
of APIs. These documents describe the func- 5.5.2 Formalising Textual Documents
tionalities expected from the SUT to varying
The second category of work imposes struc-
degrees, and therefore can serve as a basis
tures and formalities to the textual documents
for generating test oracles. In other words, the
in order to make them clear, formal and precise
documentation is D (as defined in Section 2).
such that oracles can be derived automatically.
At first sight, it may seem impossible to
Parnas et al. [141] [144] [147] proposed TOG
derive oracles automatically because natural
(Test Oracles Generator) from program docu-
languages are inherently ambiguous and tex-
mentation. In their method, the documentation
tual documentation is often imprecise and in-
is written in fully formal tabular expressions
consistent. The use of textual documentation
[103] in which the method signature, the exter-
has often been limited to humans in practical
nal variables, and relation between its start and
testing applications [142]. However, some par-
end states are specified. Thus, oracles can be
tial automation can assist the human in testing
generated automatically to check the outputs
using documentation as a source of oracle in-
against the specified states of a program. The
formation. Attempts to make such automated
work by Parnas et al.3 has been developed
use of textual documentation can be grouped
over a considerable period of more than two
into three categories.
decades [50], [62], [63], [143], [148], [188], [189].
5.5.1 Converting Textual Documents to For-
mal Specification 5.5.3 Restricting Natural Languages
The first category of work builds techniques to Restrictions on natural languages can reduce
construct a formal specification out of the given complexities in their grammar and lexicon.
textual specification and resolve ambiguities
and inconsistencies during the process. There-
3. This work could also have been categorised as an
after, techniques to derive test oracles from a assertion-based method, but we located this work here in
formal specification can be employed. the survey, since it is derived from documentation.

These restrictions allow expressing require- [183] [17] [166]. Similarly, research on testing
ments with minimum vocabulary and ambi- non-functional attributes such as performance
guity. Thus, interpretation of the documents is [120], [123] [194], robustness [107] and memory
easier and automatic derivation of test oracles leak/access [210] [60] [13] [86] have garnered
can be possible. much attention since the advent of the object-
Schwitter [157] introduced a computer- oriented paradigm. Each one of these topics
processable controlled natural language called deserves a survey of its own, and therefore
PENG. It covers a strict subset of standard En- the interested reader is directed elsewhere (e.g.,
glish with a restricted grammar and a domain Cheng [45], Luecke et al. [116]).
specific lexicon for content words and prede- Fuzzing [135] is one effective way of finding
fined function words. The documents written implicit anomalies. The main idea is to gener-
in PENG can be translated deterministically ate random (or “fuzz”) inputs and attack the
into first-order predicate logic. Schwitter et system to find those anomalies. If an anomaly
al. [31] provided a writing guideline for test is detected, the fuzz tester reports the anomaly
scenarios in PENG which can be used to judge with the set of inputs or input sequences
the runtime program behaviours automatically. caused it. Fuzzing is commonly used to detect
security vulnerabilities, such as buffer over-
6 I MPLICIT O RACLES flows, memory leaks, unhandled exceptions,
A critical aspect of the implicit oracle is that denial of service etc. [174].
it requires no domain knowledge or formal While fuzzing can be used for detecting
specification to implement, and therefore it anomalies in black-box systems, finding con-
can be applied to all runnable programs in a currency issues in such systems is hard. Groz
general sense. An oracle that detects anomalies et al. [79] proposed an approach that extracts
such as abnormal termination (due to a crash behavioural models from systems through ac-
or an execution failure) is an example of an tive learning techniques (see Section 5.4.2 for
implicit oracle [35], [164]. This is because such details) and then performs reachability analysis
anomalies are blatant faults, that is, no more [28] to detect issues, notably races, in asyn-
information is required to ascertain whether chronous black-box systems.
the program behaved correctly or not. More Other work has focused on developing pat-
generally, an implicit oracle defines a subset of terns to detect anomalies. For instance, Ricca
observation alphabets O as guaranteed failures. and Tonella [152] considered a subset of pos-
Such implicit oracles are always context sen- sible anomalies that can be found in Web ap-
sitive; there is no single universal implicit or- plications, e.g., navigation problems, hyperlink
acle that can be applied to all programs. Be- inconsistencies etc. Their empirical assessment
haviours that are considered abnormal for one showed that 60% of the Web applications con-
system in one context may not be abnormal in sidered in their study exhibited anomalies and
a different context (or for a different system). execution failures.
Even crashing may be considered acceptable
(or even good behaviour for some systems; for
example those that are designed to find such
issues). The above sections give solutions to the oracle
Research on implicit oracles is evident problem when some artefact exists that can
from early work in software engineering. The serve as either a full or partial oracle. However,
very first work in this context was related in many cases no such artefact exists (i.e.,
to deadlock, livelock and race detection to there is no automated oracle D) and as such,
counter system concurrency issues [26] [105] a human tester is required to verify whether

software behaviour is correct given some stim- to encourage each generated test case to ex-
uli. ercise as many elements of the program as
Despite the fact that there is no automated possible. Ferrer et al. [65] attack the same
oracle, there is still a role that software engi- problem but with a number of multi-objective
neering research can play, and that is to reduce optimisation algorithms, including the well-
the effort that the human tester has to expend known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Al-
in being the oracle. This effort is referred to gorithm II (NSGA-II), Strength Pareto EA 2
as the Human Oracle Cost [124]. Research tech- (SPEA2), and MOCell amongst others. On a
niques can be employed to reduce the human series of randomly-generated programs and
oracle cost by a quantitative reduction in the small benchmarks, MOCell was found to per-
amount of work the tester has to do for the form the best.
same amount of test coverage, or by making Taylor et al. [175] use an inferred model as
the evaluation of test cases easier to process in a semantic oracle to reduce a test suite. Fraser
a qualitative sense. and Arcuri [69] report on the EvoSuite tool for
search-based generation of test suites for Java
with maximal branch coverage. Their work is
7.1 Reducing Quantitive Human Oracle
not directly aimed at reducing oracle cost, but
their approach attempts to generate an entire
Test suites can be unnecessarily large, covering test suite at once. The results show that not
few test goals in each individual test case. Or, only coverage is increased, but test suite sizes
the test cases themselves may be unnecessarily are also reduced.
long—for example containing large numbers of
method calls, many of which do not contribute 7.1.2 Test Case Reduction
to the overall test case. The goal of quantitative
When using randomised algorithms for gen-
human oracle cost reduction is to reduce test
erating test cases for object-oriented systems,
suite and test case size so as to maximise the
the length of individual test cases can become
benefit of each test case and each component
very long very quickly—consisting of a large
of that test case. This consequently reduces the
number of method calls that do not actually
amount of manual checking effort that is re-
contribute to a specific test goal (e.g. the cov-
quired on behalf of a human tester performing
erage of a particular branch). Method calls that
the role of an oracle.
do not contribute to a test case unnecessarily
increase oracle cost, and there has been work
7.1.1 Test Suite Reduction [112] where such calls have been removed us-
Traditionally, test suite reduction has been ap- ing Zeller’s Delta Debugging technique [205].
plied as a post-processing step to an existing
test suite, e.g. the work of Harrold et al, [84],
Offutt et al. [139] and Rothermel et al. [154]. 7.2 Reducing Qualitative Human Oracle
However, there has been recent work in the Cost
search-based testing literature that has sought Human oracle costs may also be minimised
to combine test input generation and test suite from a qualitative perspective. That is, the
reduction into one phase to produce smaller extent to which test cases may be easily un-
test suites. derstood and processed by a human. Due to
Harman et al. [82] propose an approach a lack of involvement of domain knowledge
that attempts the generation of test cases that in the test data generation process, machine-
penetrate the deepest levels of the control generated test data tend not to match the
dependence graph for the program, in order expected input profile of the software under

test. While this may be beneficial for trapping strings generated with the aid of a language
certain types of faults, the utility of the ap- model were more accurately and more quickly
proach decreases when oracle costs are taken evaluated by human oracles.
into account, since the tester must invest time Fraser and Zeller [70] improve the familiarity
comprehending the scenario represented by test of test cases by mining the software under test
data in order to correctly evaluate the corre- for common usage patterns of APIs. They then
sponding program output. Arbitrary inputs are seek to replicate these patterns in generated
much harder to understand than recognisable test cases. In this way, the scenarios generated
pieces of data, thus adding time to the checking are more likely to be realistic and represent
process. actual usages of the software under test. JWalk
In order to improve the readability of [167] simplifies longer test sequences, thereby
automatically-generated test cases, McMinn et reducing oracle costs where the human is the
al. propose the incorporation of human knowl- oracle.
edge into the test data generation process [124]. Staats et al. [170] seeks to reduce the human
With search-based approaches, it is possible to oracle cost by guiding human testers to those
inject this knowledge by “seeding” the algo- parts of the code they need to focus on when
rithm with test cases that may have originated writing oracles. This reduces the cost of oracle
from a human source such as a “sanity check” constriction, rather than reducing the impact of
performed by the programmer, or an already a human testing in the absence of an oracle.
existing, partial test suite.
The generation of string test data is particu- 7.3 Crowdsourcing the Oracle
larly problematic for automatic test data gen- A recent approach to handling the lack of an
erators, which tend to generate non-sensical oracle is to outsource the problem to an online
strings. In [128], McMinn et al. propose the service to which large numbers of people can
use of strings mined from the web to assist in provide answers—i.e., through crowdsourcing.
the test generation process. Since the content Pastore et al. [145] demonstrated the feasibility
in web pages is generally the result of human of the approach but noted problems in present-
effort, the strings contained in web pages tend ing the test problem to the crowd such that
to be real words or phrases that can be utilized it could be easily understood, and the need
as ‘realistic’ sources of test data. to provide sufficient code documentation so
A similar idea is employed by Bozkurt and that the crowd could determine correct out-
Harman [33], where web services are tested puts from incorrect ones. In these experiments,
using the outputs of other test services. Since crowdsourcing was performed by submitting
the outputs of web services are ‘realistic’, they tasks to a generic crowdsourcing platform—
form realistic test inputs for other web services. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk4 . However, some
Afshan et al. [1] propose the use of a natu- dedicated crowdsourcing services now exist
ral language model to help generate readable for the testing of mobile applications. They
strings. The language model scores how likely specifically address the problem of the explod-
a string is to belong to a language based on the ing number of devices on which a mobile
character combinations. By using this probabil- application may run, and which the developer
ity score as a component of a fitness function, or tester may not own, but which may be
a metaheuristic search can be used not only possessed by the crowd at large. Examples
to cover test goals, but also to generate string of these services include Mob4Hire5 , MobTest6
inputs that are more comprehensible than the 4. http://www.mturk.com
arbitrary strings normally generated. Afshan et 5. http://www.mob4hire.com
al. found that for a number of case studies, test 6. http://www.mobtest.com

and uTest 7 .
Dhx1 , y1 , . . . , xk , yk , R, xk+1 , yk+1 , . . . , xn , yn i
In this section we set out an agenda for fur- π(x1 , y1 , . . . , xn , yn )
ther research on the oracle problem. We use for some sequence of n stimulus-observation
our formalisation of oracles from Section 2 to pairs, the first k of which occur before the reset
explore some of the extensions that might be and the final n−k of which occur after the reset.
applied for metamorphic oracles and for soft- We can also relax the constraint that the
ware product line testing, and show how we test input should contain only a single reliable
might combine notions of metamorphic and reset to allow multiple resets as is common
regression testing. We also consider extensions in state-based testing [53]. We could also relax
to our oracle definition to cater for probabilistic the constraint that between the reliable resets
oracles, and to cater for the highly prevalent where there is exactly one stimulus and one ob-
and therefore practically important problem of servation. Perhaps metamorphic testing would
handling situations where there simply is no be more useful if it allowed a more complex
automated oracle. interplay between stimuli and observations.
The constraint that the oracle would place on
8.1 Extending Metamorphic Testing such a relaxed notion of metamorphic testing
Metamorphic testing has great potential as a would be
means to overcome the lack of an oracle and Dσ if πσ
it continues to be extended (for example to
context-sensitive middleware [38] and service- for all test activity sequences σ that contain at
oriented software [39]). In this section, we con- least one reliable reset. This raises the question
sider other possible extensions to metamorphic about whether or not we should even require
testing. Recall that metamorphic testing can be the presence of a single reliable reset operation;
regarded as a special case of property testing i.e, why the case of zero reliable resets not
for an arbitrary property p that must respect considered?
the oracle D, for all test activity sequences, σ Of course, were we to relax this constraint
so and allow arbitrarily many reliable resets (in-
cluding none) then we would have generalised
Dσ if pσ Metamorphic Testing to the most general case;
This simple generalisation reveals that meta- simply property testing, formulated within our
morphic testing is a form of property testing framework in terms of test activity sequences.
and, thereby, allows us to consider other forms That is
of property testing that retain the essence of Dσ if πσ
metamorphic testing, but extend current meta-
morphic concepts. For example, we can, rather This seems to be an over-generalisation be-
trivially, extend the sequence of input-output cause it does not seem to retain the spirit of
pairs. We need not consider the metamorphic metamorphic testing. For instance, using such
property to be a 4-ary predicate, but can simply a formulation, we could capture the property
regard it as a unary predicate on arbitrary- that the first n outputs (observations) of the
length test activity sequences, a simple general- system under test should be sorted in ascend-
isation that allows metamorphic testing of the ing order and should appear without any input
form: being required (no stimuli):

7. http://www.utest.com/ Dhy1 , . . . , yn i if ∀i.1 ≤ i < n · yi ≤ yi+1


This does not have any of the feeling of Using GMT we can capture more complex
the original definition of metamorphic testing metamorphic relationships than with tradi-
because there is no concept of relating one tional metamorphic testing. For example, sup-
input-output observation to another. It seems pose that a tester has three stimuli activi-
that the concept of the reliable reset is central ties available, each corresponding to different
to the notion of metamorphic testing. Perhaps channels. Stimulus s1 stimulates an output on
a generalised definition of metamorphic testing channel c1 , while stimulus s2 stimulates an out-
that may prove useful for future work would put on channel c2 . There is a third channel that
define a metamorphic relation to be a relation must always contain a log of all outputs on the
on a sequence of at least two test sequences, other two channels. The contents of this third
separated by reliable resets and for which each channel are output in response to stimulus s3 .
test sequence contains at least one observation This metamorphic logging relationship, πL , can
preceded by at least one stimulus. be captured quite naturally by GMT:
Recall that a test sequence contains at least
one observation activity preceded by at least πL hs1 , y1 , R, s2 , y2 , R, s3 , y3 i iff {y1 , y2 } ⊆ y3
one stimulus activity, according to Definition 3,
We can also capture properties between mul-
and that stimuli and observations, as construed
tiple executions that rely on persistence, the
in this paper, are deliberately very general: the
archetype of which is a persistent counter. For
stimulus could merely consist of calling the
example, the generalised metamorphic relation
main function, starting the system or reseting,
below, πP , captures this archetype of persis-
while the observation could be that the system
tence that stimulus t causes the observation
terminates within a specified time without any
c, which reports a count of the number of
output, or that it prints 42 on a console, or that
previous stimuli s that have occurred. Let
it consumes no more than 0.002 watts of power
{σ1 , . . . , σn } be a set of n test sequences, such
in its first second of operation.
that σi contains Ti occurrences of the stimulus
We can define a metamorphic test sequence
more formally as follows:
πP (σ1 _ hRi _ . . . _ hRi _ σn _ ht, ci)
σ1 _ hRi _ σ2 _ hRi _ . . . _ hRi _ σn iff
c = i Ti
for some set of test sequences {σ1 , . . . , σn },
where n ≥ 2. This analysis shows that there may be inter-
This makes clear the importance of reli- esting and potentially useful generalisations of
able resets and the constraint that a meta- metamorphic testing. Of course, this discussion
morphic test process involves at least two has been purely theoretical. Future work on
test sequences. Finally, having formally de- metamorphic oracles could explore the prac-
fined a (general) metamorphic test sequence, tical implications for these more general forms
we can define Generalised Metamorphic Test- of metamorphic relation, such as those we
ing (GMT) as follows: Given a metamorphic briefly discussed above.
test sequence, Σ, GMT respects the oracle con-
straint 8.2 Extending Regression Testing
DΣ if πΣ Software Product Lines (SPLs) [49] are sets of
related versions of a system. A product line
That is, GMT is nothing more than prop- can be thought of as a tree of related software
erty testing on (general) metamorphic test se- products in which branches contain new alter-
quences. native versions of the system, each of which

shares some core functionality enjoyed by a Now suppose that the oracles for B, B1 and
base version. Since SPLs are about versions of a B2 are D, D1 and D2 respectively. If D = D1
system, there should be a connection between then this branch of the SPL is really a correction
regression testing and SPL testing upon which to the base system and it should be merged
our definition of oracles may shed some light: back into the base system (and similarly for the
we should be able to formulate oracles for SPLs case where D = D2 ). Furthermore, we can see
in a similar way to those for regression testing. that if D = D1 = D2 then there is no need for
Indeed, the sequence of releases to which we a branch at all; the same oracle, D can be used
might apply regression testing ought to be to test all versions of the system, and so we
merely a special case of an SPL testing, in can meaningfully say that there are no separate
which the degree of the tree is 1 and thus the versions.
tree is a degenerate tree (i.e., a sequence). It is not hard to imagine how such a situation
Recall that, for regression testing, we have might arise in practice: an engineer, burdened
two releases, R1 and R2 for which we have with many bug fix requests, is concerned that
oracles D1 and D2 respectively. We clarified the some specific big fix is really a feature ex-
distinction between perfective maintenance, tension and so a new branch is created for a
corrective maintenance and changed function- specific customer to implement their ‘bug fix’
ality. In corrective maintenance, the implemen- request, while leaving the existing base system
tation is found to be faulty and has to be fixed, as a separate line in the SPL (for all other
but this has no impact on the oracle, which customers). This is understandable, but it is
remains unchanged: not good practice. By reasoning about the ora-
cles and their relationships, we can determine
D1 = D2 whether such a new branch is truly required at
In perfective maintenance R2 adds new func- the point at which it might be created.
tionality to R1 (in which case the domains of This observation leads us to define the min-
D1 and D2 are expected to be distinct): imal requirements on the oracle of a version
for it to be necessary to create a new SPL
dom(D1 ) ∩ dom(D2 ) = ∅ branch. Suppose we seek to branch into two
With changed functionality, the requirements new versions. This is a typical (but special)
are altered so that the new implementation case, that easily generalises to the case of one
must change the behaviour of the previous im- and n new branches. We expect that the two
plementation, not because the previous version new versions extend the base system with
is incorrect (which would have been merely new functionality and that they do so without
an instance of corrective maintenance), but be- interfering with the existing core functionality
cause the requirements have changed. In this of the base system and that each extension is
‘changed requirements’ case, there is a clash conflicting, so that two branches are required,
between the two oracles: one for each different version. More formally:

∃σ · D1 σ 6= D2 σ dom(D) ∩ dom(D1 ) = ∅

Suppose we have two branches of an SPL, B1 dom(D) ∩ dom(D2 ) = ∅
and B2 , each of which shares the functionality ∧
of a common base system B. We can think ∃σ · D1 σ 6= D2 σ
of the sequence of releases: B followed by B1
as a regression testing sequence. Similarly, we We can see that this is none other than
can think of B followed by B2 as a different requiring that the two branches are ‘perfec-
regression test sequence. tive maintenance’ activities on the base sys-

tem and that each has changed requirements. of traditional metamorphic testing of the com-
Where these constraints are not met, then the position of old and new versions as follows:
branches may be unnecessary and could (per-
haps should) be merged. Using such a simple ∀x1 ∈ T.Dhx1 , y1 , R, x02 , y20 i if π(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
formulation we might search for such “merge-
able” branches, thereby reducing the problem- where π(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) iff x1 = x2 ⇒ y1 = y2 . In
atic SPL phenomenon of “branchmania” [25]. this way π constrains the oracle such that:

∀x ∈ T.Dhx, y, R, x0 , y 0 i
8.3 Metamorphic Regression Testing
Using the formalisation of the oracle concepts revealing that we can define the metamorphic
introduced in this paper, we can also define relation π in such a way as to exactly capture
and investigate entirely new forms of oracle corrective maintenance. That is, the relation-
that straddle existing forms of testing and ship between the original and the corrected
approaches to oracle definition. For instance, version is that the behaviour is unchanged (all
suppose we consider what it would mean to observations remain the same) for all stimuli
combine metamorphic testing with regression- in the correct set (there are no regressions).
based testing. In this way we see that, while traditional
First, we observe that we can define some metamorphic testing is a relationship between
forms of regression testing in terms of meta- two executions of the same system, regression
morphic testing. Consider corrective mainte- testing can be thought of as a metamorphic
nance tasks. For these tasks we seek to correct relation between the same execution on two
a bug, but we use an unchanged oracle. different versions of the system.
Suppose we interpret the reliable reset as This treatment covers traditional regression
the “bridge” between the two versions of the testing, which seeks to check that the soft-
system. That is, we construct a composition of ware has not regressed. That is, we check that
the original version and the new version with previously correct behaviour remains correct.
the reliable reset R denoting the stimulus of Of course, regression testing is usually also
switching execution in the composition from accompanied by testing new changed func-
original to corrected version. For clarity, we tionality that has been added to the system
shall use prime variables when referring to under test. This is traditionally thought of as
the new version of the system. That is x0 will an entirely separate activity, which requires a
refer to the stimulus x, but applied to the new specification (and oracle) for the changes
new version of the system (to which we could made.
apply stimulus x), while y 0 will refer to the Where those changes are the result of per-
observation y applied to the new version of fective maintenance, we will indeed need a
the system. new oracle. However, what of those changes
Recall our original definition of (ungener- in requirements that are defined in terms of
alised) metamorphic testing: the original behaviour? Customers often report
buggy behaviour with an implicit specification
Dhx1 , y1 , R, x2 , y2 i if π(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) of desired behaviour in terms of existing be-
haviour. For example, consider a customer who
Suppose we are regression testing a cor-
makes statements like this:
rected deterministic system. Let T be the set
of stimuli for which the original program is “the system is correct, but needs to be
already correct. We can define the regression at least twice as fast to be useful.”
testing task for corrective maintenance in terms or

“the reading is always off by one; it the new system is, in some sense, an up-
should be one lower than reported.” grade of the behaviour of the original. In such
or cases the desired behaviour of the upgrade
“the battery life needs to be at least is expressed in terms of the less favourable
10% longer.” existing behaviour, and regression testing can
be thought of as a new form of metamorphic
When testing changes made to achieve these
testing; one which relates two different ver-
improvements, we will perform regression
sions of a system rather than the traditional
testing and, at the same time, the tester will
form of metamorphic testing, which relates two
also check that the desired improvements have
different executions of the same system.
been made. In practice, the tester will not
These definitions of regression testing in
separate out the act of regression testing from
terms of metamorphic testing open up the pos-
testing for improvements, so why should the
sibility of research into new ways of combin-
theory do so and why should the research com-
ing these two important, but hitherto separate,
munity regard these two kinds of test activity
forms of testing through a shared understand-
as entirely different?
ing of the oracle. Future research could explore
Fortunately, with our notion of “metamor-
the practical implications of the theoretical re-
phic regression testing”, we can capture these
lationships our analysis has uncovered.
kinds of “upgrade”; changes that improve the
system’s behaviour with respect to its existing
behaviour. 8.4 Generalisations of Oracles and Their
Consider our generalised metamorphic re- Properties
quirement, but in which we are testing the Future work may also consider the way in
composition of the original and upgraded sys- which our notion of oracles could be gener-
tem and, as before, R denotes switching exe- alised and the theoretical properties of oracles.
cution from the old to the new version of the In this section we illustrate these more theoret-
system. To capture the first form of upgrade ical possibilities for future work, but exploring
above: probabilistic notions of oracles and concepts
of soundness and completeness of oracles. Be-
D(σ _ ht1 , Ri _ σ _ ht02 i if π( , t1 , , t2 ) cause oracles (and their approximations) are
where σ is an arbitrary test activity sequence typically computationally expensive, an ap-
and t1 and t2 are observations of execution proach to the provision of oracle information
time and π( , t1 , , t2 ) iff t2 ≥ 2t1 . may use a probabilistic approach even where
To capture the second form of upgrade above: an complete and precise answer is possible.
Recall that a definite oracle responds with
Dhx, y1 , R, x, y20 i if π( , y1 , , y2 ) either a 1 or a 0 indicating that the test ac-
tivity sequence is acceptable or unacceptable
where x is the stimulus that causes the incor- respectively, for each sequence of test activities
rect reading and π( , y1 , , y2 ) iff y2 = y1 − 1. (i.e., stimuli and observations). It may also be
To capture the third form of upgrade above: useful to generalise this definition to allow for
D(σ _ hb1 , Ri _ σ _ hb02 i if π( , b1 , , b2 ) probabilistic oracles:
Definition 8 (Probabilistic Oracle): A
where σ is an arbitrary test activity sequence Probabilistic Oracle D̃ is a function from a test
and b1 and b2 are observations of the remaining activity sequence to [0, 1], i.e., D̃ : I → [0, 1].
battery time and π( , b1 , , b2 ) iff b2 ≥ 1.1b1 . A probabilistic oracle returns a real number
As can be seen, metamorphic regression test- in the closed interval [0, 1], denoting a less
ing can be used to capture situations in which precise response than a definite oracle. As with

definite oracles, we do not require a probabilis- It is also important to understand (and mea-
tic oracle to be a total function. A probabilistic sure) the interplay between oracles and testing.
oracle can be used to model the case where That is, if testing is poor at revealing faults this
the oracle is only able to offer a probability may be due to a poor oracle that only partly
that the test case is acceptable, or for other covers the system’s intended behaviour. Alter-
situations where some degree of imprecision natively, it might be that the oracle achieves
is to be tolerated in the oracle’s response. higher coverage, but with great inaccuracy rel-
Since a definite oracle is merely a special case ative to the ground truth, thereby misleading
of a probabilistic oracle, we shall use the term the testing process. We therefore need ways
oracle, hereinafter, to refer to either definite to measure the coverage (and “quality”) of
or probabilistic oracles where the terminology overall behaviour captured by an oracle.
applies to both.
We can relax our definition of soundness to
cater for probabilistic oracles: 8.6 What if There Simply is No Automated
Definition 9 (Soundness): A Probabilistic Ora- Oracle?
cle, D̃ is sound iff A recent area of growth has been handling

[0, 0.5) when Gσ = 0 the lack of an automated oracle, by reducing
D̃σ ∈ the number of test cases, and easing test case
[0.5, 1] when Gσ = 1
Notice that the constant oracle λ(i). 12 is vacu- In terms of test suite reduction, further re-
ously sound (but offers no information). Also, search is required to establish which tech-
notice that Definition 9 above, specialises by niques are the best in reducing test suite size
instantiation to the case of a definite oracle, whilst obtaining high levels of a test adequacy
such that a definite oracle is sound iff DO ⊆ G. criterion. Work to date has largely concentrated
The definitions of completeness and correct- on heuristics without a full understanding of
ness already defined for definite oracles in how adequacy criteria relate to particular pro-
Section 2 simply carry over to probabilistic grams. For example, optimal minimisation of a
oracles as defined above without modification. test suite for branch coverage involves knowl-
edge about which branches are executed by
the same inputs – i.e. how so-called “collateral
8.5 Measurement of Oracles and Their coverage” [82] can be maximised. Research to
Properties date has largely concentrated only on reducing
There is work on using oracle as the measure test suite size with respect to branch coverage,
of how well the program has been tested (a where high branch coverage is taken to mean
kind of oracle coverage), [184], [102], [173] and that the test suite will be good at detecting
other measurements regarding oracles in gen- faults. Instead of branch coverage, some other
eral such as to assess the quality of assertions test adequacy criterion could be tested, for
[156]. example the ability of a test suite to kill as
However, more work is required on the many mutants as possible in as few test cases
measurement of oracles and their properties. as possible—and whether it is feasible to pro-
Perhaps this denotes a challenge to the “soft- duce smaller test suites for mutation testing as
ware metrics” community to consider “oracle opposed to structural coverage.
metrics”. In a world in which oracles become Further in test case reduction, there has
more prevalent, it will be important for testers been no work on “reducing” test input values.
to be able to assess the features offered by For example, test values such as “0.0” con-
different alternative oracles. vey much less information than a long double

value such as “0.15625”, and should be pre- University College London, and gave feedback
ferred for use in test case generation. More- on an early presentation of the work. We are
over, there has been no work on the converse further indebted to the very many responses
problem of outputs. In order to reduce manual to our emails from authors cited in this survey,
checking time, short, readable outputs are also who provided several useful comments on an
required. This will produce further reductions earlier draft of our paper.
in terms of the checking load placed on a hu-
man oracle. Much of the techniques have also
concentrated solely on test suites produced R EFERENCES
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