University of Southern Philippines Foundation College of Nursing - NGCM 107

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-NGCM 107-

NAME: Gylle Marie Plaza DATE: September 28, 2020

Terminology Description #
The earliest age at which fetuses survive if they are born is generally accepted as 24 weeks or 175
1. Age of viability
at point a fetus weighs more than 500-600 g.
In fetal development, this is where the specific lung fluid with a low surface tension and low 183
2. Alveoli viscosity forms to aid in expansion of the alveoli at birth; it is rapidly absorbed shortly after
Absence of a menstrual flow, strongly suggests pregnancy but is by no means definitive 1331
3. Amenorrhea because it can also result from tension, anxiety, fatigue, chronic illness, extreme dieting, or
strenuous exercise.
The withdrawal of amniotic fluid from the uterus by means of introduction of a needle through 162
4. Amniocentesis
the abdominal and uterine wall.
Amniotic fluid never becomes stagnant because it is constantly being newly formed and 179
5. Amniotic fluid
absorbed by direct contact with fetal surface of the placenta.
6. Amniotic The innermost membrane surrounding the fetus; it secretes amniotic fluid. 195
7. Android pelvis Also known as male pelvis the pubic arch forms an acute angle, making the lower dimensions 265
of the pelvis extremely narrow.
Also known as ape-like pelvis, the transverse diameter is narrow, and the anteroposterior 265
8. Anthropoid pelvis
diameter of the inlet is larger than normal.
The earliest age at which fetuses could survive if they were born at that time; generally 191
9. Age of viability
accepted as 24 weeks or fetus is weighing more than 400 grams.
In fetal development, this is where the specific lung fluid with a low surface tension and low 183
10. Alveoli viscosity forms to aid in expansion of the alveoli at birth; it is rapidly absorbed shortly after
11. Amenorrhea Absence of menstrual flow. 1492
A pocket of amniotic fluid is located by sonogram. A small amount of fluid is removed by needle 197
12. Amniocentesis
13. Amniotic fluid Its purpose is to shield the fetus against pressure or a blow to the mother’s abdomen. 196
14. Amniotic Is a dual-walled sac with the chorion as the outmost part and the amnion as the innermost 179
membrane part.
An android or "male", pelvis, the pubic arch forms an acute angle, making the lower 249
15. Android pelvis dimensions of the pelvis extremely narrow. A fetus may have difficulty exciting from this type
of pelvis.
16. Anthropoid Android or male pelvis, the pubic arch forms an acute angle, making the lower dimensions of
pelvis the pelvis extremely narrow.
Babinski reflex- when the sole of the foot is stroked in an inverted "j" curve from the heel 456
17. Babinski reflex
upward, a newborn fans the toes (positive babinski sign).
The sensation of an object rebounding after being pushed by an examining hand. Use for 227
18. Ballottement
pregnancy diagnosis.
19. Bilirubin The presence of bilirubin may be analyzed if a blood incompatibility is suspected. 213
20. Bone ossification Bone ossification or bone formation, during the first 2 weeks of fetal life, cartilage prototypes 185
provide position and support to the fetus. Ossification of this cartilage into bone begins at
about the 12th week and continues all throughout fetal life and into adulthood.
21. Braxton Hicks Serve as warm-up exercises for labor and also play a role in ensuring the placenta receives 231
contraction adequate blood.
The resulting increase in circulation changes the color of the vagina walls from their normal 231
22. Chadwick’s sign
light pink to a deep violet.
Reach out from the trophoblast cells into the uterine endometrium to begin formation of the 191
23. Chorionic villi
A thin, watery, yellow fluid composed of protein, sugar, fat, water, minerals, vitamins, and 492
24. Colostrum maternal antibodies, is secreted by the acinar breast cells starting in the fourth month of
Refers to endometrium that continues to grow in thickness and vascularity, instead of 193
25. Decidua
sloughing off as in a usual menstrual cycle.
The abdominal wall has difficulty stretching enough to accommodate the growing fetus, 233
26. Diastasis
causing the rectus muscles underneath the skin to actually separate a condition.
27. Doppler Measures the velocity at which red blood cells in the uterine and fetal vessels travel. 211
28. Estimated date The predicted date on which a baby will be born. 190
of birth
Supports the uterus during the late months of pregnancy and aids in directing the fetus into 265
29. False pelvis
the true pelvis for birth.
30. Fertilization Also referred as conception and impregnation is the union of an ovum and a spermatozoon. 189
The length of a pregnancy is more commonly measured from the first day of the last menstrual 185
31. Gestation
32. Goodell’s sign Softening of the cervix, a probable sign of pregnancy. 1833
33. Gravida A number of times a woman has been pregnant including the present pregnancy. 252
34. Gynecoid pelvis “Female pelvis”, pelvis has an inlet that is well rounded forward and backward and a wide 264
public arch.
35. Hegar’s sign Softening of the lower uterine segment. 211
36. Human The first placental hormone produced, can be found in blood and urine as early as the first 178
Chorionic missed menstrual period.
Excessive amniotic fluid (more than 2,000 ml in total or pockets of fluid larger than 8 cm on 179
37. Hydramnios
38. Immunoglobulin IgG production is particularly decreased, which can make a woman more prone to infection 217
G during pregnancy.
The contact between the growing structure and the uterine endometrium, occurs approximately 176
39. Implantation
8 to 10 days after fertilization.
40. Lanugo Downy hair that covers a newborn’s shoulder, back and upper arms. 194
41. Lightening A fetal announcement that the third trimester of pregnancy has ended and birth is at hand. 205
42. Linea nigra Line of dark pigment forms on the abdomen. 211
43. Lithotomy A lithotomy position used for a pelvic examination. 243
A collection of cellular wastes, bile, fats, mucoproteins, mucopolysaccharides, and portions of 184
44. Meconium
the vernix caseosa, accumulates in the intestines as early the 16th week.
45. Melasma Melasma Dark pigment forms on face. 211
46. Montgomery’s The sebaceous glands of the areola, which keep the nipple supple and help to prevent nipples 216
tubercles from crackling and drying during lactation, enlarge and become protuberant.
The most accurate method of eliciting the reflex is to hold a newborn in supine position and the 434
47. Moro reflex
allow the head to drop backward about 1 in.
48. Multigravida Woman who has been pregnant more than once. 252
49. Multipara A woman who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability. 237
50. Multipara A woman who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability. 237
51. Nagele’s Rule Is the standard method used to predict the length of a pregnancy. 205
52. Nulligravida A woman who is not or never been pregnant 252
53. Oligohydramnios a decrease amount of ammonic acid. 189
54. Operculum the mucus plug formed in the cervical canal during pregnancy. 228
55. Organogenesis organ formation. 190
Serves as the fetal lungs, kidneys and digestive tract in utero, begins growth in early 192
56. Placenta
pregnancy in coordination with embryo growth.
57. Platypelloid “flattened pelvis” pelvis has a smoothly curved oral inlet, but the anteroposterior diameter is 265
pelvis shallow.
58. Primigravida A woman during her first pregnancy. 252
59. Primipara A woman who has given birth to one viable infant. 252
60. Quickening The first movement of the fetus perceived by the mother. 194

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