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Dedicated te children with different ability © Working through malts disciplinary balistic noorenck M.B. BARVALIA FOUNDATION'S PANDAN HOLISTIC INSTITUTE Autism TEC ISTIC INSTITUTE MLB. Barvaia Foundations reseed public charles estblisodinFedrnry 197 ‘whi as promoted institutes dedisted to spel chile operating throighHotisie Mulutsptinay approach + HOLISTIC CHILD CARE CENTRE { SPANDAN HOLISTIC INSTITUTE OF APPLIED HOMEOPATHY + COMPRERENSIVE HOMOEOPATHY MOBILE CLINIC MEDICAL CENTRE INDIAN JOURNAL OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE HIV/AIDS CENTRE Insitute ishasd on trong pilsaphical foundation of HOLISTIC PSYCHO EDUCATIONAL APPROACH: SYMPHONY, This at innovative method Based on intepration hoist once propouned by Dr. Samael Hahnemann order of omocopay Jean Pages concep of culd developmen Inondro ica awareness abut Varios disables we ae presenting sdcatona ‘atric er people at arse Autism What Ati ‘Aun anne elpment aiiy chantry mark aon orinpsies ‘comet in oc actonocrmiae. 1 oie ith strap eave apes meotnnus hype with ‘What are dhe erty sha of uti? ‘The onset of Aus is win 3 years He, Bu we em noe fe signs ud symptoms qe cay cho ihe + Cid acks te bet ontatly Child oes give an ye ent on aig (hid does me espond ois ane Child does give a sisi Child doesn see ly embers (Chilis ia sown wor How to diageseaten’? “Theva cere ia geet niet pov ATV ATO. ingvosic Manas Ditty wit sei eaosip. 1 Ditty verano seca commaniction, + ity inthe develope’ of ply ad aginton, 4 Resistance t changin ote. Albee symptoms mast hare een present by 3 yrs of pe ‘What amses ation? Ina te one res abonnieren or sel ig fn ach Got vrs Mona wl, Link of oan tt Eisen of onc Bt pl ris pls, Teas ls Thien a Ye kg hoya” Seratnin ste fd be ery inst ms erm ft, Howe dete suas tne tea cu cain is pusilla senso Aub abo ‘aso ‘Whether Auto is carble? What the progaeis af Attic Theta asc depenc pn nay 2. What dog ofl edn ln wih Asn? ‘Auten with nena ital atoning maybe abe was wid say a eer ‘Gan Chen wa now erg 1 1, Whatiste dees of Anam eid mode arse (ony he tis gpd ml nt fetta att ihe diodes dingose earl and his gven herp ke occupational hry with Seasry negation soc hey ater herp, blur oles poramie Cee ‘Sea an be Cn at eer stig: and te fre heh an be ma ete 4. Ws proper tis flowed yh er Hos ety he onocptieedcoa as been sae 1 Isitisposble to diagnose th severity of Aus? ‘Mor song lial gos, we can spin st ike CARS (Chios At ating ene though wich Au slid 3 aera ML) Moder ad Severe cates 8, Cam cidren with uti be educa? And how i this done? ‘Yes. Aust cle an be educated using advanced echnique ike wpe behaviour aay Pata susan and cousin, ech hey, ser nga hey, te ae sail 9. Whether auc sil cam be transfered to alain eo fe fen yar of Special vehelng? ‘Yuan refer the testimonials our website. nour experience, afer intensive line Management we ave bun able to integrate mamer of igh fanconngchlren in Siow en Sco dae Mate Soe 10, Whether there are any etary resrctions o spell et for austere ‘Yer children are resorimended GFCF Dist. That s(Gltes Free and Casein Free Dit) All preservative un arf vou podts isle aveded Foret del ean eo Grr Dian 1. Whats Homoeopathy? Homosopahy is 200 yeas old system ofmelciae discovered by’ Dr. Sumac Habsemenn& (German Physicisnand is based on Natura Holistic For of meee based oa las sua Homeopathy takes consideration ofthe pets sa whole andthe peseiption isbased on INDIVIDUAL FEATURES. So cach cid though having same diagessof Ain il eed INDIVIDUAL Homsopati Meine. And that show thls oie may improvements en ‘Motte eels steal swell as nel eve 2 M vhat rele can Homoeopathy payin the management of Aas Mameopstc diene ono ey on) Sos prular ran of an nia a has ‘Thusitplas dito ole in edcing or liming aii estas Skemp nk litt fain sti nen Same cite show marked dere ope sensi is, rh, Seen ci ten cman ham eng ips whieh he ey tee bugis cling. ‘Thee is nash ingiment in ocesing knee aa opie sens, Homoeehc Mari Medi sves ample evience of sch symetooley Whe kill wie, yalsimavees rte ‘ei hit clon stirs msc he a fk, on, til a (ef ing a) "ie homoserine aps remove tho ear omeopti edie ep to npn Se tor is wel peel cin ‘chou min hgh Recep an ae ol sito fap npr growth raat and ene ins he proves of event. Thassos et ‘ents conmnniaion ad nig ‘Acta mune mesa and proms th gener RESISTANCE POWER of het, Help amnsgnguneng neues. geet: mi pens. [DONOTHAVE any adverse or deresing neu physi ie ets. Acafily ested Hamocipie mde wings aba quiatve change ata wie ngs of be ‘pect nchden Ai, essay pts rt nea ior ilfioron ores iypertiv, naiy, uss pares thei eevee ees experienc reminisce inerton, speci edcation ee. hrseeopthy provides good sport an makes te much imperant ob of lst haps an kee ch artery o bearing yperscvechde wey go. hey develop suber of pep ical. Tee dfs sc the rece of ug gig abou vats eating sais dies, ‘Thus thamonius cout in ea of dois, pyc eluents traps apes 8 rmscn desing with sperm of AUTISM nec rng an Gah Each pine ha tk siete play. Set eu inh best rsa ‘Since Autom hat lic dense, at xp matin gh any aga ie wee and ssl hs ge poe Homocoptie psi’ aout ils Hence he can develop beter ve ros Simeon the dvdr Thar en poe gb oan nthe dene of lin, ‘negated 13. What improvement can expect in my hil after receiving Homoeopathic treatment? onesie macs eon ae pips ave dexp ipa on the syste + When child sursresponding to homecopahic madison, improvements fst son ata ‘eer lel Chis ting same provement sen mle, peti & general bath, +News tbe mpovensia bow Reducon cen perc rotons tras, elec + Improvement nee cout nd bility espn + Farha we se cnn commanicaton il Hess indang and rego as ‘dsp sy wo speak werd schol rpoveso, Tia long one + Olvesive beau aes lange nee + Chi sunsstoving ingroved genet estan This isbesasehammepaie mais ts 14 What fotrs determin the rat of improvement? + Inmet cass. onkr of imroveet en sas dws aie + Boss ar een then we seth westnentat the cst st soon a posse when th symyors cesignare bred + tmprovenentals depends up the degree of Autism ie. milimodeat! see 15.Can the ci be gven Homcopathic mediation hes already under Allopathic medication? Itisdestbleto gral pe ofall medicines whee we pum asic on Iuacepthi este. 16. Cam other therapies be pve to child recsving homocopathicrextmen? Homoeopathy orn prt ose with ober cen pink enn integration Ioosopti cation, aur negation they es air andes cocina of honeoptic wearer log wh sensory itraon "herpy males tenendous difenc he mangeent fein with Asn Ser heaps ‘nfs hove often eh tat hey ae ound hat Childe esiingHonooptic Inedinesare much eat antesrto ane They ne mush mre espe other & 17, What are the various services MR Marva Foundation's Spandon Malic Iasi and ‘ols Chitd Care Centre an Special Sehoo provide fr earn with Autism? ‘Chil with Aun eu specie wn inesve unas. Iq muir hung. We workthouhalispiey ean whee al the systens workin pe sya adler Holi Cae Team comin of ‘+ Clinical Psychotogist © Special Educator ‘Occupational Therapist ‘© Speech Therapist + Neurologist ‘+ Homoeopathic Team ++ Social Worker (Child ince tet panel of expen, Netlink digo, sation ed Motion afro sens in aed wth Aut ‘Onc the ignore ofthe onion etalk the tum prepare cmpecensve ‘muses ppinme forthe cK! Pars rivet ac tage ofthe tea, ‘Child nay be ned cu Advance Sel for Amis Following therapi are provided at our centre. My som Neil ad alot of problems since ehildhood, He was tremendously restless & ‘would keep running inside the house. He would not look int the eye witen we tied to speak to him neither he showed any interest in any conversation or any type of ‘communication. He would only repeat words that he heard from others or keep on ‘repetitive the same word agin & again. At times he would have episodes of intense fear. He had such intense fear of nose that he would force us to close all doors & windows & remin inside the house. We were notable io enrol him in any school He was diagnosed to be Autistic & we stated him on therapy which he received regularly. Even then © our despair he didnot show significant improvement We consulted doctors atthe Spandan & also saw their advanced school for Autistic hile, We were impressed with their multdscplinary approach & decided 10 keep to Nol at is Nan’ (Maternal Grand Mosher) place a Ghatkopar & enrolled him in ‘the school nthe schoo! he received multidiscplinary care. He would stay there 5 days.a ook & stay with us on the weskends Now his hyperactivity improved significantly. He hs started giving a good eye contact when hes spoken to, His speech has improved & his fear af noise has gone ‘down toa great extent. He participated inthe schoo's anual funtion without any problems. With his improvement he was transfered to the school fr slow learners <& even farther we have now been abet integrate him in normal mainstream schoo. We could have never ever dreamt that he would make such a progress. Hei still recsivng homosopathie medicines & benefiting, Thank You

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