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Under current legislation, the Register of Gas Installers Ireland (RGII) is the Gas Safety Supervisory Body (GSSB) with
the responsibility to regulate the activities of gas installers with respect to gas safety.

Fig. 1 (below) demonstrates how the Regulatory System operates.

Operation of the Regulatory System - Legislative Requirements

Designated Classes of Gas Works

C us tomer requires “ G as Works ” ins talled and

work to be undertaken R G I is s ues a
c ertified as s afe agains t
on G as F itting (“ G as applic able s tandard by a
Dec laration of
regis tered gas ins taller us ing C onformanc e to the
Work” )
approved gas fittings /applianc es C us tomer

R G I c ertifies that the “ G as

R G I undertakes Work” (his own work or that
“ G as Work” c an only be c arried out by a “ G as Works ” in of a regis tered trainee under
R egis ter G as Ins taller (R G I) ac c ordanc e with his s upervis ion) is in
the relevant S tandard ac c ordanc e with the
S tandard

Fig. 1 Regulatory System Operation

it is a criminal offence for any person who is not a The Declaration of Conformance Certificate, which
registered Gas installer (RGI) with the RGII to must be signed by the RGI carrying out the work, is a
undertake “Gas Work” (natural Gas and LPG). declaration by the RGI that the “Gas Work” is safe,
that it has been carried out in accordance with, and
It is a requirement of the legislation (Energy that it conforms to, the National Standard for
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006) for an RGI to Domestic Gas Installations I.S. 813. or I.S. EN 1949,
issue a Completion Certificate for all “Gas Work” as appropriate.
carried out (it’s the Law). All reference to Declaration
of Conformance Certificates throughout this Only a Declaration of Conformance Certificate
document must be construed as meaning Completion obtained from the RGII and completed and signed by
Certificates supplied by the RGII. An RGI is only a RGI is acceptable for this purpose. Where multiple
permitted to certify his or her own work or that of a appliances are connected to a single meter, one
Registered (RGI) Trainee under supervision. certificate is sufficient for all “Gas Works” carried out.

The Network Operator/Gas Supplier must be assured Where multiple meters are fitted in one dwelling a
that an installation is safe and complies with Irish certificate is required for work carried out on behalf of
Standard 813 (I.S. 813) Domestic Gas installations or each individual customer concerned.
I.S. EN 1949, as appropriate, before gas can be
supplied. Declarations of Conformance Certificates are
available from RGII.

CERTIFICATE) Before you fill in the Certificate
(New installations post-construction):
To facilitate the wide range of “Gas Works” undertaken by • The installation must be complete
RGI’s there are three different types of Declaration of • The pipe work must terminate close to the outlet of the
Conformance Certificate: meter/tank or cylinder
• Fit premises ID tag (where applicable in multioccupancy
AND/OR NEW METER FIT • All ventilators must be in place
i.e. requiring a connection to the gas network (Gas (Even if the ventilators are fitted by another trade)
Network Operator/ Gas Supplier will not fit a new gas • Carry out a soundness test (I.S. 813 Paragraph 13.2)
meter/supply gas without picking up a copy of cert 1 on – Turn off all appliance valves
site) – Pressurize pipe work to 100/150 mbar (with air)
– Observe pressure gauge for 5mins

If the steps outlined above are not followed, in the

interest of safety, gas will not be supplied by gas

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

GPRN 2356721 N ew Exist Annex E

NAME _____________________________________________

Complete Part 1 of this Certificate,

ADDRESS __________________________________________ ALL DETAILS REQUESTED MUST
MULLINGAR, BE PROVIDED. O NLY THE ADDRESS __________________________________________

• Leave yellow copy in meter box / with customer for


BLOGGS T HE INSTALLATION & TESTS CAN SIGN ____________________________________________________

collection by gas supplier/network operator.

CUSTOMER NAME _________________________________
TEL. NO. 083 211 6521

• You must sign the appropriate statement on the

Appliances Installed C entral Heating F ire Flueless O ther __________________ C ooker

declaration i.e. “pre-construction” or “post-construction”.

A ppliance Flue Type Open R.Seal Open R.Seal Open R.Seal Hob

Pipework Material: Copper CSST Other DECLARATION OF




Before you fill in part 2 of the Certificate:


• Connect installation pipework to the meter/tank or


cylinder outlet pipe

24/01/10 Company Number: Z5 2 1 0 Trainee Number: NA
RGI Signed: ______________________________ Issue Date: ____________

• Carry out construction/commissioning soundness test as

Trainee Signature: ______________________________________________
RGI Name: _______________________________________________________________ RGI Signed: ________________________ RGI Number: P0071 AFTER SUPPLY OF GAS
Part 1 above (I.S. 813 Paragraph 13.2)

RGI Number: 083 123 4567

P 0 0 7RGI1Tel No: _______________________ JOE PLUMBER
RGI Name: _______________________________________________________________

• When system passes soundness test open gas

Date of Test: _______________________ Issue Date: _________________


isolation valve

• Purge air from the pipe work


• Commission and rate each appliance following

1 8.4 0.0005

manufacturer’s instructions
2 2
P 0 0 7 1Commissioning Date: 26/01/10

• Each open flue appliance must pass a flue flow/spillage

RGI Signed: ____________________________________ RGI Number: _______________ OF GAS


test with the appliance operating (I.S. 813 Paragraph


10.10.2 and 10.10.3)


• Remove “Awaiting Commissioning” labels if fitted


• Complete part 2 of this Certificate (including location of


isolation valve.)

• Hand over to owner/occupier/landlord/landlord;


– The Declaration of Conformance (White copy), as


Fig. 2 Sample Declaration Certificate

Form G01(S) Version 3 17/10/11

specified in I.S. 813 clause 15.2

All details on this Declaration of Conformance (Cert 1) New – Written instructions for each appliance installed.
Installations MUST be completed. This is important The competent person shall ensure that the person
information as it denotes the “Gas Work” that was carried responsible for the premises and/or operation of the
out and declares that this work was carried out in installation shall be properly instructed in their safe use
accordance with the Standard for Domestic Gas and operation in accordance with I.S. 813 Clause14.2.
Installations (I.S. 813/I.S. EN 1949). The gas • You must return green copy of the declaration to
supplier/network operator will only supply gas/fit meter to RGII within 10 days.
an installation on receipt of a copy of an RGII declaration
of conformance on site issued by a RGI. This version of a Cert 1 is required for:
declaration is in two parts. • New gas service + new meter
• Existing gas service + new meter
• Stolen meter replacement
When Network Operator/Gas Supplier fitter arrives he will
access the dwelling and check the declaration. If satisfactory,
the Network Operator/Gas Supplier will connect the If the steps outlined above are not followed, in the
meter/tank or cylinder for final connection to the customer interest of safety, gas will not be supplied by gas
installation by the RGI (See “Part 2” actions on right). suppliers.
SERVICE (to cover all other “Gas Work”)

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
NAME _____________________________________________
ALL DETAILS REQUESTED ____________________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________ MUST BE PROVIDED. ONLY 5 SEAFIELD ROAD, GPRN 2356721 N AME _____________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________
ALL DETAILS REQUESTED MUST ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ 5 SEAFIELD ROAD,
ADDRESS __________________________________________ BE PROVIDED. O NLY THE
ADDRESS __________________________________________
____________________________________________________ REGISTERED GAS INSTALLER (RGI)
BLOGGS F O R C ARRYING OUT THE ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT
CUSTOMER NAME _________________________________
083 211 6521
083 211 6521 INSTALLATION & TESTS CAN TEL. NO. __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ THE INSTALLATION / REPAIR / SERVICE /
TEL. NO. __________________________________________ SAFETY CHECK AND TESTS AS
SIGN THIS DECLARATION. _________________________________

083 211 6521

083 211 6521
TEL. NO. __________________________________________ I.S. 813/I.S. EN 1949 CAN SIGN THIS
T EL. NO. __________________________________________

Appliance Installed Central Heating MAXI

Make ____________________ Gas Hob
Others ______________________________
Appliance Flue Type Open R.Seal 50/60F BOILER
Model ____________________ Gas Fire
______________________________________ Appliance Make / Model Location Repaired I.S. 813/I.S. EN 1949* Annex C * Annex E *
T y pe I nst a lle d S e r vic e d S a fe t y C heck
Pipework Material: Copper CSST Other
H ob
1 Co 2 8. 4 % Co/Co 2 Ratio 0 .0 0 0 5 SAFETY & Fire
Your next Service / Safety Check is due on ____________________ 083 123 4567
RGI Tel No. ___________________________________________
C ompany N umber : P0071 Tr ainee N umber : NA N/A
Tr ainee Signatur e: _________________________________________
1 Co 2 8.4 % Co/Co 2 R atio 0.0005
RGI Name: ___________________________________________ R G I N umber : P007 Signed: ___________________________________________
ppm 17/06/11 %
Date of Test: ____________________ Date of Issue: 17/06/11
_____________________________________ 083 123 4567
RGI Tel No: ______________________________________________
Notice of Hazard issued YES NO Hazard No. _________________ Reason __________________________________________________________________
IMPORTANT AFTER COMMISSIONING, THE SAFE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS Your gas supplier, appliance manufacturers and Irish Standard 813 for Domestic Gas Installations/I.S. EN
SAFETY INSTALLATION FROM THE METER OR LPG CYLINDERS/TANK VALVE INWARDS IS THE SOLE 1949 Leisure Accommodation Vehicles recommend that in the interest of safety you have your gas
Tr ainee Signatur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ safety isolation (unlocked)
RGI Name: ___________________________________________ R G I N umber : P007 Signed: ___________________________________________
Date of Test: ____________________ Date of Issue: 17/06/11

Form G02 Version 3 17/10/11 Notice of Hazard issued YES NO Hazard No. ____________ Reason ______________________________________________________________________


Fig. 3 Sample Declaration Certificate

Form G03 Version 3 17/10/11

Fig. 4 Sample Declaration Certificate


All details on this Declaration of Conformance (Cert 2) All details on this Declaration of Conformance (Cert 3)
Boiler Replacement MUST be completed. This is important Existing Installations MUST be completed. This is
information as it denotes the “Gas Work” that was carried important information as it denotes the “Gas Work” that
out and declares that this work was carried out in was carried out and declares that this work was carried out
accordance with the Standard for Domestic Gas in accordance with the Standard for Domestic Gas
Installations (I.S.813/I.S. EN 1949). Installations (I.S. 813/I.S. EN 1949). It also informs the
customer of any other “Gas Work” which was not carried
out lest there be any misunderstanding.

All elements of the declaration must be completed and signed and the copies distributed as instructed in the document
(See Fig. 2, page 2 and Fig. 3 and 4 above)

The completed top copy (white copy) should be given to, or left for, the householder. The Network Operator/Gas Supplier
fitter collects and verifies the second (yellow) copy. If you are not present, please leave in meter box or attached to boiler.
The Gas Supplier/Network Operator will not supply gas unless a valid, properly completed conformance declaration is
provided for verification.

The RGI should retain the blue copy in a secure place, as it may be of use in the future should any difficulties arise as to
the safety or acceptability of the installation. the green copy must be returned to rGii within 10 days of issue.

Only Registered Gas Installers may issue a Declaration of Conformance.

Conducting a Soundness Test
A flue gas analyser (which satisfies the requirements
Before a declaration of conformance is issued, the
of EN50379) must be used for the commissioning of
RGI must carry out a soundness test to ensure there are
condensing appliances, unless some other specific
no leaks in the piped system.
method is indicated by the particular manufacturer.
A flue gas analyser can be used to obtain significant For the testing of existing pipework see details on page 5 and
information such as: I.S. 813, Annex E.
a) verification of combustion characteristics of appliances
b) checking CO concentrations within a premises SAFETY NOTE
c) identification of the source of a CO emission A digital gauge may be used provided it is graduated and
readable as indicated here and has a current, valid calibration
OF THE STANDARD I.S. 813 and I.S. EN 1949 ARE New pipework, or any pipework that has been modified in
AVAILABLE FROM RGII: its routing and/or materials and components during work
carried out, must be put into service or put back into
REGISTER of GAS INSTALLERS of IRELAND (RGII) service only if the tests specified in this clause have been
UNIT 9 KCR INDUSTRIAL ESTATE carried out and the results are successful (relevant
RAVENSDALE PARK photographs on page 5, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). The following
KIMMAGE DUBLIN 12 procedure is applicable for new installations prior
Tel 01 4997998 to the fitting of a gas meter or the provision of a gas supply,
Email: and and prior to the issuing of a (“Post-Construction”)
Declaration of Conformance.
This certification system is designed to ensure that an
installation is safe and complies with I.S.813 “Domestic The soundness test is carried out as follows:
Gas Installations” and/or I.S. EN 1949. • All work must be carried out by RGIs
• During the test any pressure increase must be gradual
THE PUBLIC LISTING OF REGISTERED GAS • Use only a pressure gauge / manometer with clearly
INSTALLERS IS AVAILABLE AT THE RGII WEBSITE: marked 1 mbar graduations. • Shut off all appliance valves.
• For testing at pressures up to 150 mbar a pressure
THE PROCEDURES FOR APPLICATION AND gauge graduated in mbar and readable to 1 mbar
REGISTRATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT THIS must be used. The installation to be tested must be
WEBSITE. charged with air, Nitrogen or the appropriate fuel gas
to the required pressure, as shown in Table 1.
• Allow 5 minutes to ensure temperature stabilisation.
SAFETY NOTE • Check gauge / manometer and record exact reading.
Any person carrying out “Gas Works” must be • After 5 minutes, check again.
registered with RGII. • If pressure has dropped at all from noted reading, the
installation cannot be regarded as sound and must not
be commissioned until the leak is repaired and the
Steps to ensure safe supply of gas

Before gas is supplied

Do not, under any circumstances, fill gas pipe with
Ensure that the requirements listed in the procedure water for testing purposes.
for Cert 1 (PART 1. PRIOR TO SUPPLY OF GAS) are

The Network Operator/Gas Supplier may carry out an

inspection. If at that stage the installation is found to be
unsafe or if the Network Operator/Gas Supplier’s copy of
the declaration is not present / correct then gas may not be
supplied in the interest of safety.

After gas is supplied by the Network Operator/Gas

Supplier the RGI must:
Ensure that the requirements listed in the procedure
for Cert 1 (PART 2. AFTER SUPPLY OF GAS) are

Testing of new installations Purging the installation
Every installation must be cleared (purged) of air or air /
• Any component forming part of the installation, which gas mixture whenever a gas supply is made available for
was excluded from the pipework test, must be the first time or when an existing system has been
reconnected and the installation, including all shutdown and is being recommissioned.
components, must be tested at operational pressure Why is it necessary?
(Natural Gas 20 mbar, LPG 37 mbar).
A gas / air mixture in the meter or pipework is potentially
• Fill out part 1 of Conformance Cert. Contact Network
Operator for meter fit or LPG Supplier for gas explosive and it is necessary therefore to ensure that the
connection and leave yellow cert available on site in installation and appliances are left with only a 100% gas
meter box or attached to boiler. concentration.
• After the meter/gas supply has been connected to the Whilst an appliance may initially light and burn correctly, if
installation pipework and prior to the admission of gas, there is a pocket of air in the internal installation, the
the 100/150 mbar test above must be repeated, appliance flame may extinguish as the air reaches the
using air. appliance burner.
• If pressure remains stable, then installation can be Purging and Commissioning Method
deemed sound. • All work must be carried out by an RGI.
• If the test is not immediately followed by • Purging of a new installation should not be undertaken
commissioning, the pressure in the pipework tested
without completion of a satisfactory soundness test.
must be reduced to working pressure or below and the
pipework sealed. • Purging from air to gas should be supervised by an RGI.
• Gas is introduced into the installation and purging • When admitting gas to the pipework, the pressure rise
carried out. The purge point and test point must then be must be gradual.
tested for soundness using either a leak detection fluid • Ensure the dwelling is well ventilated.
or a gas detector. • Ensure there are no naked lights or sources of ignition.
• Relevant test pressures are indicated in Table 1, below. • Select a purge point furthest away from the meter and in
• When carrying out strength or soundness testing on a well-ventilated area.
installation pipework, consideration shall be given to • If it is necessary to purge from a point in a confined area
extending the test duration to a minimum period of ten then the purge should be piped to atmosphere.
minutes where there are: • For small volumes such as most domestic installations
— pipe runs which extend beyond three floors with
one burner on the cooker hob is an ideal purge point.
meters that are remotely located or
— installations where any section of the pipework However, a cooker hotplate unprotected with a flame
is greater than 28mm supervision device should have all burners ignited and
NOTE Examples of this type of installation are apartment supervised until all air has been purged.
• For larger volumes (e.g. multi-storey buildings), using a
blocks, multi-occupancy or mixed use buildings, where there are
three floors or more, with the meter(s) remotely located.
suitable device, the purge gases may be dispersed
outside the building to open air or be flared off in open
air. Verification of the content of the vented gas should
be by measurement of the gas concentration or by
calculation of the purged volumes.
• When a full flow of gas is verified, for example, by a
stable burner flame, other appliances in the dwelling
should then be purged.
• Commission and gas rate appliances, according to the
procedure on page 6.
• If appliances are not installed when gas is admitted to
the pipework, the valves or fittings installed for
connecting the appliances must be sealed in an
appropriate manner (e.g. cap, plug).
• If appliances are installed when gas is admitted to the
pipework, then the appliance valves must be left in the
Fig. 5 Pressure test Fig. 6 Carrying out the closed position pending the commissioning of the
connection at meter outlet soundness test
Gas installers must be registered with RGII When carrying out strength or soundness testing on installation
pipework, consideration shall be given to extending the test
SAFETY NOTE duration to a minimum period of ten minutes where there are:
- pipe runs which extend beyond three floors
It is a legal requirement under current legislation that all “Gas Works”
with meters that are remotely located or
must be undertaken and certified by a Registered Gas Installer (RGI)
- installations where any section of the
who is registered with the Register of Gas Installers of Ireland (RGII) pipework is greater than 28mm.

Gas supply Pressure Test pressure Minimum Stabilisation Test Duration

Natural gas: up to 100 mbar 150% of the operating 5 minutes 5 minutes
pressure with a minimum
of 100 mbar.
LPG less than 100mbar 5 minutes 5 minutes
100 mbar 1,3 bar 5 minutes 5 minutes
Greater than 1,3 bar 5 minutes 10 minutes
Table 1 Test pressures for new pipework
SAFETY NOTE LET-BY TEST – Using Air or Nitrogen as the test
A flue gas analyser (which satisfies the requirements
• Check that all appliances are off, including pilot lights
of EN 50379) must be used for the commissioning of
• Turn gas off at main isolation valve. Do not turn on
condensing appliances, unless some other specific
again until all tests are complete and ready for gas.
method is indicated by the particular manufacturer.
• Check U-Gauge is zeroed and rubber tubes are in
Prior to putting the completed installation into service, the good condition.
RGI must ensure: A suitable gas pressure test tee kit with pump and
hoses may be used for reducing and increasing
• that the owner/occupier/landlord is issued with a pressures within the installation
Declaration of Conformance Certificate with part II • Attach U-Gauge to test point ensuring a tight fit
completed. • release gas pressure from the system either through an
• to give the white copy to the customer and return the appliance or in a well-ventilated area
green copy to RGII (within 10 days) and retain the blue • Increase pressure to 10 mbar (using air/Nitrogen only)
copy for own record. • Connect U-Gauge to U-Gauge tube.
• that the gas installation pipework is purged of air. • Carry out let by test with Customer Isolation Valve
• that appliances are adjusted to their correct gas rate. (CIV) at meter/tank turned off.
• that any appliance controls are checked for correct • Allow 2 minutes for the temperature of the air within the
operation. installation to stabilise
• that the user is properly instructed. • Allow 2 minutes test time
• instructions regarding other requirements listed in I.S. • On medium pressure distribution systems, push reset
813 clause 14 must be followed on regulator to observe if any rise occurs.
• If U-Gauge indicates a rise, then the CIV is letting-by.
SAFETY NOTE Repeat test, if same result occurs again this confirms
The RGI should highlight to the user: that the CIV is letting-by.
• Never to block a vent to appliance(s) and • If part of the primary meter installation fails the Let-By
• the importance of keeping the flueways clear; test then the Network Operator/Gas Supplier must be
notified immediately to carry out the necessary repair.
Testing of existing installations
When an existing installation, already constructed and
commissioned, is being inspected by an RGI to ensure that Type Test Minimum Test
the installations are safe for continued operation, the of gas pressure Stabilisation Duration
checks undertaken must be carried out in accordance with period
the requirements of Annex E, I.S. 813 Natural 10 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes
Primarily, the following checks must be carried out:
• soundness of the installation and connected LPG 10 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes
• visible condition of accessible gas pipework and Table 2 — Let by testing for existing installations
flexible connectors; If no rise occurs the let by test is complete - continue to
• adequacy of fixed air supply; soundness test.
• effectiveness of any flue or chimney;
• appropriateness of appliance location.
Soundness Test-Using Air or Nitrogen as the test
If the soundness test indicates that the pipework is sound medium:
but that there is a pressure drop on an appliance then the • Do not turn on main isolation valve
isolated appliance must be tested using Table 5, page 7. If • Do not admit gas into the installation
the result satisfies the requirements of the table, the • Turn all appliance valves on
appliance may be left in use, provided a Notification of • Increase pressure up to 20 mbar (Nat Gas) or 37mb
Hazard is issued. (LPG)* using Air or Nitrogen only
• Temperature Stabilisation Period 2 minutes.
Soundness/Let-by Test Procedure for Existing Gas • Test Duration for 2 minutes with all appliance valves
Installations with meter fitted/gas supplied (including on.
Let-By Test) • No pressure drop permitted on pipework.
• Check permissible drop on gas appliances allowed.
Let-By / Soundness testing shall be carried out using Air,
Nitrogen or the Appropriate Fuel Gas to the required
pressures as set out in I.S. 813 / Annex E.
When conducting a let-by/soundness test, note that the
test may be affected by the “reservoir” effect. Ensure that
the pressure in the system is reduced to zero and that
there is no possibility that a reservoir of gas, downstream
of the valve in the meter box, is masking a potential leak,
by reducing the pressure in the tested system to zero,
before the test is undertaken.
Type of gas Test pressure Minimum Stabilisation Test Duration Maximum Permitted
period Pressure Drop
Natural gas 20 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

LPG 37 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

Table 3 — Soundness test for existing gas installations

If no pressure drop is observed the pipework is deemed to be sound, and gas may be re-admitted.

*Intermediate pressure pipework shall be tested at operating pressure (typically 0.5 to 1.3 bar)

In the event of a pressure drop, all appliances shall be isolated and the test repeated
on the pipework only.

Type of gas Test pressure Minimum Stabilisation Test Duration Maximum Permitted
period Pressure Drop
Natural gas 20 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

LPG 37 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

Table 4 — Soundness testing of pipework Only

If no pressure drop is observed the pipework is deemed to be sound, and gas may be re-admitted.

In the event of a pressure drop in the pipework it shall be traced and repaired. If the pipework cannot be
immediately repaired the installation shall be correctly isolated (capped or plugged) from the gas supply and a Notification
of Hazard is issued. The Network Operator/Gas Supplier should be notified of a safety disconnection of supply to

After confirming that there is no leak on the pipework, to identify the cause of the pressure drop, each of the isolated
appliances shall be individually tested in accordance with Table 5, below (after ensuring pressure has been brought back
to operating pressure using Air or Nitrogen). In the event of a pressure drop in an appliance
• If the pressure drop is less than that specified in Table 5, then the appliance may be left in use
• If the pressure drop is in excess of that specified, the appliance shall be isolated

The cumulative maximum pressure drop for all appliances shall not exceed the values in table 5 below.In each case a Notification
of Hazard must be issued, see I.S 813 clause E.9.

Type of gas Test pressure Duration Maximum Permitted

Pressure Drop
(appliances only)

Natural gas Operating Pressure 2 minutes 2.5 mBar

LPG Operating Pressure 2 minutes 0.5 mBar

Table 5 — Soundness testing of existing appliances

Re-Admission of Gas
On completion of any soundness test the test point shall be tested for soundness using the leak detection
method outlined in I.S. 813 clause 12.4
After completing a successful Let-By and Soundness Test it is necessary to ensure all the air or nitrogen admitted to the
pipework during the tests is purged safely from the installation via a convenient purging point. Care must be taken to
ensure that all the air / nitrogen is removed safely to atmosphere. Where a cooker or hob that is not protected by flame
supervision is used to purge the gas line it is essential that all burners are ignited and observed until the flame picture
stabilises on all the burners. All other appliance should then also be turned on to confirm that the test medium has been
safely removed from the pipework.

If there is customer resistance to safety isolation of whole or part on the existing system, the RGI shall take the following
• Inform User of course of action
• Turn off affected part of system, unless prevented by customer
• Attach warning notice
• Issue a Notification of Hazard
• Contact the Gas Supplier immediately

LET-BY TEST – Using Fuel Gas as the test medium. (Natural Gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
• Check that all appliances are off, including pilot lights
• Turn gas off at customer isolation valve located at meter/tank.
• Check U-Gauge is zeroed and rubber tubes are in good condition.
• Attach U-Gauge tube to test point ensuring a tight fit, release gas pressure down to zero from the system in a
well-ventilated area
• Turn on CIV and Increase pressure to 10 mbar.

Note: Every time the CIV at meter/tank is opened fully and the meter/tank regulator is fully pressurised a reservoir of gas
has been created between the CIV and the meter/tank regulator. In every case where this arises it is critical that the
reservoir pressure is reduced to below the regulator lockout pressure otherwise it may potentially mask a small gas
escape by maintaining the system pressure over the test period via this reservoir.


masking of leak by
reservoir gas
Fig. 7

• Connect U-Gauge to U-Gauge tube.

• Carry out let by test with CIV turned off.
• Allow 2 minutes for the temperature to stabilise
• Allow 2 minutes test time
• On medium pressure distribution systems push reset on regulator to observe if any rise occurs.
• If U-Gauge indicates a rise then the CIV is letting-by. Repeat test, if same result occurs again this confirms that
the CIV is letting-by.
• If part of the primary meter installation fails the Let-By test then the Network Operator/Gas Supplier must be
notified immediately to carry out the necessary repair.

Type of gas Test pressure Duration Test Duration

Natural gas 10mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes

LPG 10mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes

Table 6 — Let by testing for existing installations

If no rise occurs the let by test is complete - continue to soundness test.

Soundness Test:
• Turn on main isolation valve
Note: Every time the CIV at meter/tank is opened fully and the meter/tank regulator is fully pressurised a reservoir of
gas has been created between the CIV and the meter/tank regulator. In every case where this arises it is critical that the
reservoir pressure is reduced to below the regulator lockout pressure otherwise it may potentially mask a small gas
escape by maintaining the system pressure over the test period via this reservoir.
• Admit gas into the installation to normal operating pressure
• Turn all appliance valves on
• Ensure pressure is up to 20 mbar (Nat Gas) or 37mb (LPG)*
• Temperature Stabilisation Period 2 minutes.
• Test Duration for 2 minutes with all appliance valves on.
• No pressure drop permitted on pipework.
• Check permissible drop on gas appliances allowed.

Type of gas Test pressure Minimum Stabilisation Test Duration Maximum Permitted
period Pressure Drop
Natural gas 20 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

LPG 37 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

Table 7 — Soundness test for existing gas installations

If no pressure drop is observed the pipework is deemed to be sound and fuel gas may be re-admitted.
*Intermediate pressure pipework shall be tested at operating pressure (typically 0.5 to 1.3 bar)

In the event of a pressure drop, all appliances shall be isolated and the test repeated, on the pipework only.

Type of gas Test pressure Minimum Stabilisation Test Duration Maximum Permitted
period Pressure Drop
Natural gas 20 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

LPG 37 mBar 2 minutes 2 minutes 0 mBar

Table 8 — Soundness testing of pipework Only

In the event of a pressure drop in the pipework it shall be traced and repaired. If the pipework cannot be
immediately repaired the installation shall be correctly isolated (capped or plugged) from the gas supply and a Notification
of Hazard is issued. The Network Operator/Gas Supplier should be notified of a safety disconnection of supply to
After confirming that there is no leak on the pipework, to identify the cause of the pressure drop, each of the isolated
appliances shall be individually tested in accordance with Table E.4, below (after ensuring pressure has been brought
back to operating pressure using fuel gas). In the event of a pressure drop in an appliance
• If the pressure drop is less than that specified in Table E.4, then the appliance may be left in use
• If the pressure drop is in excess of that specified, the appliance shall be isolated
The cumulative maximum pressure drop for all appliances shall not exceed the values in table E.4 below.
In each case a Notification of Hazard must be issued, see I.S. 813 clause E.9.

Type of gas Test pressure Duration Maximum Permitted

Pressure Drop
Natural gas Operating pressure 2 minutes 2,5 mbar

LPG Operating pressure 2 minutes 0,5 mbar

Table 9 — Soundness testing of existing appliances

Re-Admission of Gas
On completion of any soundness test the test point shall be tested for soundness using the leak detection method
outlined in I.S. 813 clause 12.4
If there is customer resistance to safety isolation of whole or part on the existing system, the RGI shall take the following
• Inform User of course of action
• Turn off affected part of system, unless prevented by the customer
• Attach warning notice
• Issue a Notification of Hazard
• Contact the Gas Supplier immediately
When conducting a let-by/soundness test, note that
If the installation passes this test: the test may be affected by the “reservoir” effect.
Ensure that the pressure in the system is reduced to
Turn on gas at main valve. Test the inlet and pressure point zero and that there is no possibility that reservoir of
with leak detection fluid and re-light all appliances gas, downstream of the valve in the meter box, is
masking a potential leak, by reducing the pressure in
the tested system to zero, before the test is
Additional defects/hazards may be identified when the
installation is being checked. Examples of other defects,
which require further actions (see I.S. 813, E.8), include:
• defective appliance connection;
• deterioration of an appliance;
• incorrect flexible hose material;
• proximity to combustible materials.

Safety Actions
Where a hazard or a non-conformance is identified a
Notification of Hazard/non-conformance must be issued to
the owner/occupier/landlord (see sample Notification of
Hazard/Non-conformance, Fig. 8, on left).

The RGI may decide to affix a warning notice and/or isolate

the gas supply to the installation, or part thereof, or to an
appliance if deemed appropriate. Any isolation must be
such as to require the use of tools to restore the supply.

An RGI has a duty of care to issue a Notification of
Hazard to the owner/occupier/landlord whenever a
hazard or non conformance is identified.

When carrying out strength or soundness testing on
installation pipework, consideration shall be given to
extending the test duration to a minimum period of ten
minutes where there are:
— pipe runs which extend beyond three floors with
Fig. 8 Sample Notification Of Hazard
meters that are remotely located or
— installations where any section of the pipework
is greater than 28mm.

A recommendation shall be made to the

owner/occupier/landlord/landlord to install carbon
monoxide detectors in accordance with I.S. 813, Annex I.

The cumulative maximum pressure drop for ALL
appliances shall not exceed the value in Table 5

Registered Gas Installers (RGI) may restore gas to a gas VESSELS
installation following a “Safety Isolation” (i.e. after
rectification of the hazard) by following the procedure The Network Operator/Gas Supplier installs all gas mains
below: and services in accordance with the latest edition of the
following Irish Standards:
1. Refer to the Notification of Hazard issued to the I.S. 329 "Code of Practice for Gas Distribution Mains"
customer and complete repair works on the installation & S.R. 12007-5 "Installation of Gas Service Pipes".
2. Carry out a full inspection on the installation and the I.S. 3216 “Bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)”,
associated appliances (Refer to Annex E of I.S. 813) I.S. 3213 “The storage of LPG cylinders and cartridges”
This will include a Soundness test at operating pressure.
However, if the pipework has been altered refer to FOR DOWNSTREAM OF THE METER/POINT OF
section 13.2 of I.S. 813 DELIVERY
Irish Standard I.S.813: "Domestic Gas Installations"
Note: When carrying out the soundness test a sealing disc applies to installations downstream of the meter.
may be fitted in the meter outlet This Standard is the code of practice for LPG and Natural
Gas installation requirements downstream of the point of
3. The gas supply may be restored by one of the following delivery and includes the requirements for meters,
means depending on the safety isolation in place; appliances and associated pipework in single and multiple
a. Remove cap on inlet pipework and reconnect occupancy dwellings.
the pipework to the meter
b. Remove Meter Sealing Disc in the outlet of the Irish Standard I.S. EN 1949 applies to the installation of
meter. LPG systems for habitation purposes in leisure
accommodation vehicles and accommodation purposes in
Note: Only one meter washer must be used to seal the other vehicles.
connection of the meter outlet
All of the above standards can be obtained from the NSAI
4. Commission all appliances and complete the Annex E (National Standards Authority of Ireland).
safety checks Telephone (01) 8073878.
5. Ensure that no ‘Recalled Appliances’ are connected or
(Refer to Recalled Appliances Technical Bulletin EMERGENCY PROCEDURE
available from RGII Tel: 01 4997998 or download from If a smell of gas is detected or if a leak is suspected the following action should be taken:
6. Complete the Declaration of Conformance Certificate. a) turn off the meter/emergency control valve
Issue the white copy to the customer b) extinguish all naked flames and remove any
7. Contact Bord Gáis Networks or Gas Supplier to report source of ignition
the completion of gas restoration works. You will be c) ensure that no one operates electrical lights or
power switches (on or off)
asked to provide the Declaration of Conformance
d) ventilate the premises by opening doors and
Certificate number and the meter reading. Call staff are windows
available from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and from e) have the installation tested for gas soundness
9am to 5.30pm on Saturdays. If works take place Note: See also Fig 9 below.
outside these hours contact Bord Gáis Networks/ Gas
Supplier with the details at the earliest opportunity
8. Remove the Safety Isolation Warning Label and attach
to the green copy of the Declaration of Conformance.
The label and the green copy of the Declaration of
Conformance must be returned together as soon as
possible (but no later than 10 working days) to RGII.

When an RGI has restored a gas supply after a “Safety

Isolation” following a Notice of Hazard he must contact the
Network Operator/Gas supplier immediately i.e. Bord Gáis
at 1850 211 540, Calor Gas at 01 291 6229 or Flogas at
041 983 1041 to report the completion of the gas
restoration works. Note that the RGI will be asked to
provide the Declaration of Conformance Certificate and the
meter reading, where appropriate.

Fig. 9 Sample Notification Of Hazard

Any person carrying out “Gas Works” must be registered with RGII. The registration period is for 1 year, renewable
annually. The RGI must be available for inspection, audit and competency assessment in accordance with the Criteria Document
issued by The Commission for Energy Regulation. A formal competency assessment must be undertaken every 5 years, and a
valid Certificate of Competency obtained, to maintain registration.

Normally meters are fitted in purpose designed cabinets

external to the building.The meter location should be
agreed with Gas Supplier in advance of construction

Meter installation must comply with I.S. 813, Annex D,

clause D.1.4

Only in certain circumstances (low pressure service)

may meters be fitted inside the dwelling and in such
instances care should be taken to ensure that the
location is well ventilated, accessible and protected
from possible impact. Fig. 10: Gas meter box before and after meter being fitted

Downstream of the primary meter, the dwelling operator may install a secondary meter to measure the supply of gas to a
specific location or appliance. Where this is the case, a permanent notice, calling attention to the special features of the
installation, must be displayed adjacent to the primary meter where secondary meters are installed, (preferably the
number and locations of such meters should be indicated); Where two or more meters are fitted together, each meter
must be marked indicating which dwelling or part thereof is supplied.

Please go to page 2 of this document for details on certification of installation and arranging for a LPG or Natural Gas

Ins ulation

R eces s ed
Meter B ox DP C

C oncrete floor s lab

P ipe clip

All pipe joints mus t 25mm min.

be outs ide the s leeve
S leeve
P iping in concrete
G round Level mus t be protected
from corros ion with
wrap or P V C coating

P olys tyrene
ins ulation

Fig. 11: Typical detail of pipe through Cavity Wall

An RGI must carry out “Gas Work” in accordance with I.S. 813 or I.S. EN 1949, as appropriate, and must be
conversant with the current edition of these standards for the range of “Gas Works” undertaken, including all
published amendments to same. This document may be used for guidance purposes but must not conflict with or be
used as a substitute for these standards. should any conflict arise, the irish standards take precedence.
Fig. 12 - Example of pipe entry with 90º bend in cavity wall (See also Fig. 60 page 38.)

a Left open to the outside
b Outer leaf
c Cavity
d Insulation
e Inner leaf
f Pipe clip
g Sleeve
h Elbow or bend
j Non-setting sealant between pipe and sleeve. Where it enters the
building it shall not cover joint between bend and pipe
k Grout

Compression and mechanical type joints shall not be inside a sleeve

a 25 mm
b Sleeve
c Gas pipe
d Non-setting sealant between the gas pipe and sleeve
e Grout
f Floor finish
g Concrete
h Plaster ceiling

Figure 13 - Example of pipe entry through concrete ceiling or floor

Building Line

The building line is considered the outermost extent of the building structure (archway, balcony or basement) projected
vertically on to ground level.

Gas mains, services and meters transporting gas at pressure greater than 100mbar are not permitted inside the building
line of occupied premises.

Under certain circumstances however Gas meters can be positioned inside the building line:
• The gas pipework must have a pressure of 100mbar or less.
• And there must be no available option of locating the meter externally.
• Polyethylene pipework may not be located within a building or in a space that may be potentially enclosed at a later
stage e.g. an open porch.

In figure 14 below the building line is illustrated by a dotted line:

• This building line on the left ends in line with the porch at the gable wall.
• The building line shown on the right is further out as this porch/balcony/building overhang is said to be attached to the

For any queries relating to the building line please call 1850 200 694.

Note: Meter not allowed

in porch or inside the
building line

Fig. 14: Building Line drawing

• Meter box is not permitted within the porch/building overhang.
• Meter box and service installations shall be in accordance with S.R. 12007-5 and I.S. 813.
• The gas meter box shall be greater than 300mm away from a flue.

Fig. 16: Minimum separation from the Gas Meter box to the
Fig. 15: Minimum separation between Gas and other meters Electricity meter

• A minimum separation of 150mm from the gas meter box to the ESB box, a minimum separation of 400mm from an
electrical distribution board and 300mm from the gas service to any other services.

Meter Location
Where to locate your meter

At the front wall of

the building – on
either side of the
At the front gable
front door, or on
end wall, a
either side of a
maximum of 2
sealed window.
metres from the
Fig 18.
front corner of the
Note: This can’t be
building. Fig 17.
fitted directly
below a window.

Fig. 17: Gable end of property

Fig. 18: Meter box either side of the window

Fig 23

Fig 20
Fig 21

Fig 18 & Fig 22

Fig 17

Fig. 19: Diagram of possible Meter Locations for a domestic property.

The meter box should be accessible from the front of the house. The previous figure 19 gives examples of where the
meter box can be placed:

On a nib On the wall that

wall. Fig 20. separates
Fig.21 i.e.
boundary wall.

Fig. 21: Meter box between neighbours wall

Fig. 20: Meter box on nib wall

On the wall that On either side

separates of the front
neighbours. Fig door. Fig 23.
22. i.e. Note: This may
boundary wall. require impact

Fig. 22: Meter box between Fig. 23: Meter box on either side
neighbours wall of the door

Where not to locate your meter

The meter box must not be placed:

1. At the back of the house or behind a gate.
2. Directly above or below an electricity meter.
3. Directly above drains, airbricks, manholes, or an electricity meter.
4. Directly under appliance vents, windows that open or an electricity meter.
5. In a porch or under an overhang which is enclosed or could be enclosed.
6. Where it is liable to cause an obstruction or be subject to vehicular damage.
7. Where access to the meter box may be restricted in an emergency e.g. narrow path.
8. On a stone boundary wall or stone garden wall.
9. Adjacent to an electricity meter, if there is a suitable practical location for it elsewhere.
For any queries relating to meter box location please call 1850 200 694.

Meter Box types

There are two types of meter boxes – surface mounted and recessed.
A surface mounted meter box is installed on the property or boundary wall as shown in figure 24. This meter box is more
suitable for installation on older buildings converting to natural gas. The meter box will be provided by Network
Operator/Gas Supplier and will be fitted at a minimum of 300mm above finished ground level. The meter box will project
264mm outwards from the wall.

A recessed meter box is installed in the cavity wall of a building or in a pillar enclosure as shown in figure 25. This type
of meter box is generally installed by a builder in a new one-off build or as part of a new extension. The box must be
purchased from a building supplier and is not provided by Network Operator/Gas Supplier. If this type of meter box is
damaged, Network Operator/Gas Supplier will be unable to install the meter for safety reasons. The meter box must be
built into the wall and not screwed or nailed on. The meter box will project 70mm outwards from the wall.

To-do list before a meter can be fitted

Before the meter can be fitted the following criteria must be satisfied.
• Customer must have opened an account with a preferred Gas
• An appointment has been made with a Natural Gas Supplier to
connect the meter.
• When the Network Operator/Gas Supplier meter installer arrives to
site, an accurately completed Declaration of Conformance must be
available for collection (signed by a Registered Gas Installer).
Once all of the above is in place and a visual inspection is satisfied,
meter is fitted and gas is made available.

NOTE: Once the meter has been installed by Network Operator/Gas Fig. 24: Surface Mounted Type Fig. 25: Recessed Type
Supplier the RGI makes the final connection and admits gas. Meter Box Meter Box
2.1 Multi-Occupancy Dwellings - General

Multi-Occupancy Definition

Multi-Occupancy dwelling: A building containing more than two dwellings units. A multiple dwelling can be any of the
• A purpose built apartment building
• An existing single dwelling modified to accommodate a number of separate dwellings
• Dwelling units contained in a mixed use building e.g. shops / offices downstairs with dwelling units above Note: A Multi-
Occupancy dwelling can be serviced by an individual meter to a plant room that connects each dwelling or a separate
meter to each single dwelling.

Multi-Meter Definition

Meter cabinets/manifolds which contain a number of meters are considered multi- meters and are used for multiple
dwellings in a building which contains more than 2 dwelling units.

General Meter Requirements

The meters must be positioned for easy access to, reading or removal. The design or location must protect the meter and
its connections against the possibility of corrosion. Meters must not be located where they may be exposed to extreme
temperatures or ignition sources (e.g. switch gear). Ventilation of pipework will have a minimum of ½ air change per hour.
Pipework and connections to meter must be located at least 0.5 metres away from any electrical equipment or effective
ignition sources.

Installation up to the Meter

The Network Operator/Gas Supplier provide and lay all external underground gas mains, and gas connection pipework
up to the point of the meter/vessel location.
The preferred location of meter cabinets or compartments is in an enclosure, external to the building outside the building
line. Locating meters internally within the building line is only possible when:
• it is not feasible to locate meters externally
• and natural gas mains pressure is less than 100mbar.

Meters may only be located within the building when site design cannot facilitate them externally. A cabinet or
compartment can only be placed inside a building if the gas is at a low pressure of 100mbar or less. The location should
be chosen in order to allow for the shortest practicable length of gas connection pipework.
In the case of locations where multi meters are allowed there are two options available:
• Option 1: External Multi–Meter Location consists of locating multi-meter cabinets/manifolds around the development
outside the building line. This is preferable as it is easier to service, ensure operation and get to in case of emergency.
This is illustrated in figures 26-28.
• Option 2: Internal Multi–Meter Location consists of meters being located inside the building line. There are two
variations of this option:
Variation A: Meters located in Common Areas shown in figure 29.
Variation B: Meters located in an Underground Car Park / Open Basement Area shown in figures 30-34, which consists of
• Type 1: Top-entry cabinets which are pre-fabricated off site.
• Type 2: On-site fabricated meter manifold. The structural housing of externally located meters may be either.
• Prefabricated housing is illustrated in figures 35-36.
• Purpose-Built housing is illustrated in figures 37-42.

2.2 Option 1: External Multi-meter Location

The preferred location for meters supplying units in a multi-occupancy building is in an enclosure, external to the building.
Meters may only be located within the building when site design cannot facilitate them externally and the gas pressure is
≤100mbar. The structural housing of externally located meters may be either prefabricated or purpose- built (see further
information below).

Fig. 26: Fig. 27:

Pre-fabricated meter cabinet Pre-fabricated meter cabinet

Dimensions of each six meter cabinet: 1160mm

high x 750mm wide x 300mm deep.

Isolation Valve
Should be positioned at a minimum
distance depending on pressure value.
For Medium Pressure (MP) - 4m away.
For Low Pressure (LP) - 2m away.

600mm Outlet Pipework 63mm P.E.

min service pipe

Fig. 28: Diagram of pipework and meter cabinet

2.3 Option 2: Internal Multi-meter Location - Above Ground Level

Variation A: Meters in common areas • Solid access doors to the cabinet / compartment must
be self-closing and non-lockable.
• The enclosure, including access doors, must meet the
If the meters supplying the units in a multi-occupancy structural and fire resistant requirements applicable to
building cannot be located externally then they may be that part of the building.
located within the building line subject to the following: • The ventilation to the outside atmosphere must be
• Low pressure gas network must be available i.e. service provided through suitably sized and constructed ducts,
pressure less than 100 mbar (Natural Gas)/150 mbar provided at high and low level. Ducts should be
(LPG). protected and constructed to prevent fire damage.
• Meters should be positioned in an area of natural • If the compartment is above ground level, each vent
ventilation as close as possible to the external wall should provide 5,000mm2 minimum free area
where the gas service pipe enters. or at least 2.5% of internal floor area, unless it is only
• Meters may not be located beneath a stairs, unless they ventilated on one side, in which case it is 3.75% of
are placed within a minimum two hour fire resistant and internal floor area, depending on the number of vents, or
sealed compartment ventilated directly to the outside of notional equivalent, whichever is greater. Separation
the building. This compartment must not obstruct exits between the meters exits of each ventilating duct to
from the building. atmosphere must be at least 450mm apart. For Natural
• Provision should be made for a steel service to enter Gas, if the compartment is to be positioned below
into the building through a suitable sleeve where ground level, The Network Operator/Gas Supplier must
traversing a cavity or void (see Fig 29 below). be consulted for ventilation requirements. LPG meters
• Care must be taken when locating the external isolation may not be located below ground.
valve where it is freely accessible, e.g. not in a parking • The dimensions required for different meter
area where vehicles may restrict access. arrangements is shown on page 24 of this booklet.
(Fig. 42)

Note: Meters must always be positioned to avoid the possibility of impact with impact protection provided if necessary.

The enclosure, including access doors,

must meet the structural and fire retardant
Ducts are required to provide
requirements per Building Regulations.
ventilation for meter compartment.
Ducts should be sleeved through
cavities,suitably fire rated and Minimum
provide minimum air openings as compartment depth
detailed above. of 400mm must be
provided for the
Min 2m distance
manifold, not
from valve
including provision
to structure
External for enclosure or
Isolation protective barrier
Area Isolation Valve
Steel Manifold
600mm min 100mm min cover
From Mains

PE Pipe At early construction provide Sleeve for Steel

Service Pipe. (Service pipe and manifold
provided by Gas Networks Ireland.)

Fig. 29: Multiple meter within a building

2.4 Option 2: Internal Multi-meter Location - Below Ground Level
Variation B: Underground car park or open basement

Meters located in an underground car park or open basement area

must have direct access to natural ventilation. Mechanical
ventilation may not be relied upon. LPG meters may not be
located below ground. However, if located internally, they must be
installed at a minimum of 300 mm above finished ground level.
There are two types of meters that can be located in an
underground car park or open basement area:
• Type 1: Top-entry cabinets which are pre-fabricated off site.
• Type 2: On-site fabricated meter manifold.

Fig. 30: Top entry cabinet pre-fabricated off site.

Type 1: Top Entry Cabinets pre-fabricated off-site

Fig. 31: Top-entry cabinets in underground car park open basement area

Read in conjunction with page 21.

• Provision should be made for the steel service to enter into the building through an appropriate sleeve traversing a
cavity or void.
• The gas service must pass through a ventilated area that is publicly accessible (i.e. providing access for Network
Operator/Gas Supplier maintenance at all times).
• The gas service may not pass through a protected corridor/stairway/shaft, refuse area or private premises (i.e.
dwelling or commercial unit)
• Electrical current carrying equipment or cables must not be in contact with or suspended from gas equipment or plant.
• Meters must always be positioned so to avoid the possibility of impact with impact protection provided if necessary.
• If it is required that the meters or gas service be located in a dedicated room within the basement or in a basement
lacking natural ventilation, Network Operator/Gas Supplier must be consulted for specifications and ventilation
• Care should be taken when locating the external isolation valve so that it is freely accessible at all times, e.g. not in a
parking area where vehicles may restrict access.

Type 2: On-site fabricated meter manifold

External Isolation Valve

Min 2m distance
from valve to Area Isolation 600 mm min
structure Valve
600mm minimum
cover required


1800mm max

PE Pipe Steel Pipe

Steel manifold
open to naturally
ventilated area

Manifold located at
At early construction provide suitable high level,
sleeve for Steel Service Pipe (Service minimum depth
If manifold is at a level
pipe and manifold provided by Network required is
exposed to possible impact,
Operator/Gas Supplier) 400mm.
additional provision barrier

Fig. 32: Meters in underground car park / open basement area

Fig. 33: On-site meter manifold Fig. 34: Supply pipework supported at ceiling level

Read in conjunction with page 20. • In the case of the steel manifold, protection from tamper
However, if located internally, they must be installed at a and impact may be provided by the provision of a
minimum of 300 mm above finished ground level. suitable steel cage. The use of a steel mesh caging will
• The meter installation must not be directly located allow for ease of meter reading. The area isolation valve
beneath a ventilation grille or in a position liable to must remain accessible at all times.
cause ingress of water, unless weather protected.
• If required at low level a protective barrier must be For the dimensions required for differing meter manifold
placed around the meters. Sufficient impact resistance arrangements see figure 42 page 24.
provided by the builder.

Meters will not be fitted if the supply pipework is not brought to within 450mm of the meter position, or pipework is
not labelled indicating the dwelling or premises it is to supply.

2.5 Multi-Meter Compartment Types

There are two types of meter cabinets or compartments that are used with multiple meters.

Pre-fabricated meters
A prefabricated meter cabinet is surfaced-mounted on a wall using the brackets and bolts supplied. The GRP cabinets
are pre-drilled at the back to take the threads of the support bolts. The cabinets are to be installed a minimum of 300mm
above Finished Ground Level (F.G.L) in order to allow connection by the Network Operator/Gas Supplier.

The multi-meter cabinet internals consist of an isolation valve, integral filter, regulator and pre-piped manifold supplying
six domestic meter points. The heating installer connects directly to the fixed outlets outside the cabinet. It is not
permitted to recess a multi-meter cabinet into the external wall of the building, unless all of the requirements outlined on
pages 23 & 24 of this booklet are met.

Fig. 35: Apartment Meter Details

Purpose built meter compartment

A purpose-built meter compartment consists of a welded manifold with individual isolation valves, regulators and domestic
valves. The regulators and domestic meter will be installed at a later date. This meter arrangement may be located away
from the building or recessed into the outer leaf of the building structure.

Note: Purpose built compartments for gas meters are not to be used for any other purpose (e.g. storage of bins or any
other equipment.)

Fig. 36: Plan Detail

Fig. 38: Elevation

Outer Leaf Sleeve



Cavity Inner Leaf

Fig. 37: Inside meter compartment detail

Fig. 39: Sleeving Detail

1. If recessed into the structure of the building or to be placed within the building line the meters must be in a completely
sealed compartment with the exception of access and ventilation provided by louvered doors to the outside air. This
arrangement is only permitted on a low pressure site i.e. gas pressure ≤ 100mbar (Natural Gas)/150mbar (LPG).

2. The compartment must meet the structural and fire resistant requirements applicable to that part of the building. All
voids within and around the compartment must be fully sealed and fire proofed to prevent the ingress of air or gas to the
cavity wall or other voids.

3. If the enclosure opens to the outside but is set within the building structure then all pipe sleeves or entries into the
building must be sealed with an approved fire sealing material. Access doors should not be lockable. Ventilation must
be provided to atmosphere in the form of a fully louvered door or in the case of a solid door, vents must be located at
the top and the bottom of the door. Each vent must provide a minimum of 5,000mm2 free area, or at least 2.5% of
internal floor area, unless it is only ventilated on one side, in which case it is 3.75% of internal floor area, depending on
the number of vents, or notional equivalent, whichever is greater.

4. Meter compartments are to be located outside apartment walls in well-ventilated areas provided by the builder.

Fig. 40: Purpose-built meter manifold Fig. 41: Purpose built meter manifold in purpose
built meter compartment block/brick construction

5. The builder must open ground to allow for steel gas service into the meter compartment. For internal dimensions for
various meter configurations, please consult figure 42 below.

2.6 Internal Building Dimensions for various Meter Bank Configurations

Fig. 42: Internal Building Dimensions for Various Meter Bank Configurations

M Note: If placing meters at low level, always allow for an extra 300mm beneath lowest meter point.
All meters must be earth bonded in accordance with the current edition of the ETCI regulations.
Refer to Fig. 90 and 91, page 52/53 for further details.

All meters in a multiple meter installation must be
clearly marked to indicate the dwelling number and
floor number supplied by that meter. (Labels
available from the Network Operator).

External buried pipework from the meter

For details of external installation pipework requirements
from the meter to the dwelling, please consult
Fig.54/55/56/57,pages 36/37. All downstream installation
pipework, fittings and auxiliaries of the meter, should be
designed so as to operate normally at pressures up to 20
T he marking of meters

mbar (Natural Gas) and 37 mbar (LPG).

is es s ential for s afe
operation, maintenance
and accurate billing of
gas cons umed.

Fig. 43 Marking of Meters


GAS INSTALLATION PIPEWORK Where gas pipework may be confused with other pipework,
it must be colour coded bright yellow (yellow ochre, 08 C
This section of the RGII Technical Guidance Document 35, BS 4800) or indelibly marked along its entire length
refers to gas installation pipework in a traditional domestic with the word “GAS”.
building. This guide has been prepared to reflect the
requirements of I.S. 813:2002 “Domestic Gas Installations”. Typical appliances which could be provided for when
The document also provides guidelines for installing Gas to installing pipework include:
multi-occupancy dwellings i.e. apartments.
Central Heating Boiler
Additionally, the document also provides guidelines on the Water Heater
application of I.S. EN 1949, the standard which is Cooker/Oven/Hob
concerned with the installation of LPG systems for Living Flame Fire
habitation purposes in leisure accommodation vehicles and Tumble Dryer
accommodation purposes in other vehicles. Outdoor Appliances (e.g. Barbeque, Patio Heater)

Any person carrying out “Gas Works” must be an RGI and

competent to do so in accordance with I.S. 813 ‘Domestic
Gas Installations’ and I.S. EN 1949. It is a criminal offence Gas pipework must be constructed in accordance with the
to carry out “Gas Works” if not registered with RGII. This requirements of I.S. 813, as follows:
guide, prepared by RGII, is intended to assist installers but • External above ground Clause
is NOT to be used as an alternative to the most up to date • External buried Clause
edition of I.S.813 or I.S. EN 1949, as appropriate. • Internal buried Clause
• Internal concealed Clause
GENERAL • Pipework through wall/floor/ceiling Clause
Gas pipework is installed in a dwelling in order to convey • Pipework in voids Clause
gas in a safe manner from the point where delivery is made • Indoor LPG pipework below ground level Clause
by the Network Operator (usually at the meter for Natural • Pipework in service shafts Clause
Gas or second stage regulator/valve for LPG) to connect to • Pipework in stairways and corridors Clause
the various appliances, which may be installed inside or • Pipework in lift shafts Clause
outside the dwelling.

In designing and installing domestic pipework every effort

should be made to ensure that it forms a robust,
serviceable element constructed within the dwelling and
will continue to be serviceable and safe for a period not
less than the expected life of other services within the

Piping materials should be selected by considering mechanical strength, appearance, corrosion potential cost. Copper
tubing is normally used for residential gas installation piping. Corrosion protected steel should be used only in external
locations where impact damage is a risk. Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (C.S.S.T.) may also be used.

Non-metallic pipe shall not be used for internal gas pipework except in the cases of:
1. polyethylene pipe entering in a fire resistant in accordance with S.R. 12007-5 (See I.S. 813, clause and
2. Multilayer pipe in accordance with ISO 17484-1 installed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions (See I.S. 813,

Material Applicable Standard

Steel tubes I.S. EN 10255

Steel threaded pipe fittings I.S. EN 10241
Stainless steel tube EN 10312
BS 6362
Copper and copper alloys (tubes) I.S. EN 1057
Compression tube fittings I.S. EN 1254-2
Press fittings BS 8537
Polyethylene (PE) I.S. EN 1555 (all parts)
CSST I.S. EN 15266
Solder I.S. EN 29453
Multilayer/PEX ISO 17484-1
Table 10 — Materials and applicable Standards

Polyethylene Pipe may not be brought into any dwelling. If brought above ground, polyethylene pipework must be
protected against UV light, impact and sources of heat. (See Fig. 56, Page 37).

Where an existing installation is being modified or altered and pipework is temporarily opened to allow work to be
undertaken, consideration shall be given to the risks involved in working on installations that contain fuel gas.
Before any alterations or modification work commences the installation pipework shall be disconnected from the gas
supply or disconnected at the outlet of the meter and the supply shall be capped off with an appropriate gas fitting.
Where hot works are being utilised (e.g. soldering, welding, brazing) and it is considered that there may be a risk of
residual fuel gas in the pipework igniting, the installation shall be purged free of fuel gas before carrying out any hot

When re-commissioning the installation, direct purge to fuel gas shall be undertaken (see I.S. 813, Clause 12.2).

Pipework shall be installed so that it does not impose excessive stress on devices or components incorporated into the
pipework, e.g. meters.

Any section of pipework, which is intended to be covered, shall be left accessible until such time as a successful test in
accordance with I.S. 813, Clause 12 has been completed.

Multilayer pipe, in accordance with ISO 17484-1, shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and ISO

• Turn all appliances “OFF”
• Turn the appliance under test to “FULL ON”
• Record the meter reading (e.g. 00048.104 m3, see Fig. 44)
Fig. 44
• Start recording time
• After exactly two minutes have elapsed record the meter reading (e.g.
00048.188 m3, see Fig. 45)
• Subtract first meter reading from second (e.g. 0048.188 minus 00048.
104= 00.084 m3 (for 2 minutes) Fig. 45

• Gas rate is 0.042 m3 per minute or 2.52 m3/hour. (0.042x60)

• Heat Input = Gas Rate (m3/hour) X the calorific value of the Fuel
(kWh/ m3)
• Natural Gas Heat Input = 2.52 m3 /hour x 11.3 kWh/
m3= 28.476 kW
• LPG (Propane) Heat Input = 2.52 m3 /hour x 26.4 kWh/ m3 = 66.528 kW

Note that the heat input for the same volume of gas is almost 2.5 times greater for LPG, because of its higher calorific
value. This is of critical importance and could lead to danger, if incorrect appliance/gas matching takes place. Always
ensure that the appliance is connected to the gas for which it is intended.

If an analogue meter is being used for this procedure, the

calculation is based on the time taken for a complete
For appliances with a non-adjustable gas valve the
revolution of the dial shown in Fig 46. Rating the same
appliance operating pressure (all appliances) and
appliance as on the digital meter above, it will show that it
burner pressure (where applicable) shall be checked
takes 40.4 seconds for a complete revolution (i.e. one
and shall be within the range as displayed on the data
cubic foot). The formula to calculate the hourly rate for the
badge on the appliance and/or in the manufacturers’
appliance using Natural Gas is:
instructions before being considered safe.
3600 (number of seconds per hour) x 1090 (CV of Nat Gas)
40.4 (Number of seconds)
i.e. 3924000
40.4 or 97128 btu/hour

For LPG, the calculation is as follows

1 2 3 4 0 0
3600 (number of seconds per hour) x 2550 (CV of LPG)
40.4 (Number of seconds) )
i.e. 9180000
40.4 or 227227 btu/hour
Ft3 0.5
Fig. 46

Pipework for domestic installations should be sized to allow sufficient flow to all the appliances assuming they are all on

The Pipe Sizing Tables are provided to facilitate selection of the appropriate pipe diameters to ensure that the pressure
drops are not exceeded at maximum gas demand.
If the maximum consumption of all appliances is greater than 6m3 /h, then a larger meter than the standard domestic
meter is required. Please contact the Network Operator / Gas Supplier.

The maximum permitted pressure loss, under full load, between the meter and any appliance:
• Natural Gas, must (with all appliances in normal use) be 1 mbar or less
• LPG, between the second or single-stage regulator and any appliance must (with all appliances in normal use) be
3 mbar or less.

High Efficiency Condensing Gas Boilers are designed with minimum allowance for under supply of gas volume and it will
be very difficult to comply with the manufacturers commissioning instructions if the required gas volume is unavailable.

One 6 metre length of 15mm copper piping supplied with Natural Gas at 20 mbar with no fittings or bends attached can
only deliver a maximum of 2.1 M3/Hr or 24 KW at its outlet. As there is a 1 mbar pressure drop allowance to any offtake
point under I.S. 813 the actual delivered volume will then only be 22.80 so not sufficient to supply a 24 KW boiler.

This supply deficiency at the gas appliance connection, becomes even more critical in the case of boilers with non-
adjustable gas valves. Be aware that these boiler types are becoming increasingly common in the market place.

For appliances with a non-adjustable gas valve the appliance operating pressure (all appliances) and burner pressure
(where applicable) shall be checked and shall be within the range as displayed on the data badge on the appliance
and/or in the manufacturers’ instructions before being considered safe.

The maximum permitted pressure loss,under full load, between the meter and any appliance: for natural gas, must
(with all appliances in normal use) be 1 mbar or less and for LPG, between the second or single-stage regulator and
any appliance must (with all appliances in normal use) be 3 mbar or less(see Pipe Sizing Tables on following pages).

Polyethylene (PE) pipe has an extremely low melting point.
Take care when soldering near PE pipe.


• Keep elbows and tees to a minimum.
• Each elbow or branch connection is equivalent to about 0.5m of straight pipe.
• Use machine or spring formed bends wherever possible.

Typical appliance consumptions (approx) Conversion Factors (approx)

Nat.Gas LPG Nat.Gas LPG

Domestic Boiler 2.00m3/hr 0.90m3/hr 1.00m3 = 11kW 26kW

Cooker 1.00m3/hr 0.40m3/hr 1.00m3 = 37,500 Btu/hr 88700 Btu/hr

Dryer 0.50m3/hr 0.20m3/hr 1kW = 3,412 Btu/hr

Gas Fire 0.75m3/hr 0.30m3/hr

Table 11 — Consumption/Conversion Factors

length Tube Diameter mm - C opper

6 8 10 12 15 22 28
m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat
input input input input input input input
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
3 0.13 1.5 0.57 6.6 1.11 12.9 1.65 19.1 3.2 37 9.6 111 19.8 230
6 0.07 0.8 0.29 3.3 0.69 8.0 1.10 12.8 2.1 24 6.4 74 13.2 153
9 0.04 0.5 0.19 2.2 0.56 6.5 0.94 10.8 1.7 19 5.1 59 10.3 120
12 0.03 0.4 0.14 1.7 0.52 6.1 0.90 10.5 1.4 17 4.3 50 8.8 102
15 0.03 0.3 0.11 1.3 0.43 5.0 0.76 8.8 1.2 14 3.7 43 7.7 89
20 0.02 0.2 0.08 0.9 0.32 3.8 0.57 6.6 1.0 12 3.2 37 6.5 75
25 0.02 0.2 0.07 0.8 0.26 3.0 0.45 5.2 1.0 12 2.8 32 5.7 66
30 0.01 0.1 0.06 0.6 0.21 2.5 0.37 4.3 1.0 11 2.5 29 5.2 60
40 0.01 0.1 0.03 0.4 0.16 1.9 0.29 3.3 0.7 8 2.1 24 4.3 50

Note: 1mB ar = 10 N/m2 = 0.1kP a

Table 12 — Pipe sizing for copper tubing (source: I.S.813: 2002)

TTube Diameter mm - Mild S teel
m (Natural G as )
6 8 10 12 15 22 28
m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat m3/h Heat
input input input input input input input
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
3 0.32 3.7 0.88 10.2 2.31 26.8 1.65 19.1 4.7 55 14.3 166 29.7 345
6 0.15 1.8 0.58 6.8 1.54 17.9 1.10 12.8 3.2 37 9.6 112 20.3 235
9 0.10 1.1 0.54 6.3 1.21 14.0 0.94 10.8 2.5 29 7.9 92 16.2 188
12 0.08 0.9 0.40 4.6 1.02 11.9 0.90 10.5 2.2 26 6.7 78 13.8 160
15 0.06 0.6 0.32 3.7 0.89 10.3 0.76 8.8 1.9 22 5.9 68 12.3 142
20 0.04 0.5 0.24 2.8 0.77 8.9 0.57 6.6 1.7 19 5.0 57 10.6 122
25 0.03 0.4 0.19 2.2 0.76 8.8 0.45 5.2 1.5 18 4.4 51 9.2 106
30 0.03 0.3 0.15 1.8 0.63 7.3 0.37 4.3 1.4 17 3.9 45 8.3 97
40 0.02 0.2 0.12 1.4 0.47 5.5 0.29 3.3 1.3 15 3.3 39 7.0 82

Note: 1mB ar = 10 N/m2 = 0.1kP a

Table 13 — Pipe sizing for mild steel (source: I.S.813: 2002)

length Tube Diameter mm - P olyethylene

m (Natural G as )
25 mm 32 mm 63 mm
m /h Heat
m /h Heat m 3/h
input input input
kW kW kW
3 91.1 8.4 189.9 16.4 1144.9 98.7
6 65.0 5.6 127.6 11.0 774.9 66.8
9 51.4 4.4 100.9 8.7 616.0 53.1
12 43.4 3.7 85.5 7.4 523.2 45.1
15 38.0 3.3 75.1 6.5 460.6 39.7
18 34.2 2.9 67.5 5.8 415.1 35.8
21 31.8 2.7 61.7 5.3 380.1 32.8
24 30.6 2.6 57.1 4.9 352.2 30.4

Note: 1mB ar = 10 N/m2 = 0.1kP a

Table 14 — Pipe sizing for polyethylene pipe (source: I.S.813: 2002)

6mm 10mm 15mm 22 mm 28mm
L ength Heat 3
M /h Heat 3
m /h Heat 3
m /h Heat 3
m /h Heat m 3/h
m input input input input input
kW kW kW kW kW

3 2,20 0,09 16,94 0,66 28,82 1,116 155,54 6,0 309,1 11,928

6 1,54 0,06 11,0 0,42 19,58 0,756 101,20 3,95 172,0 6,643

9, 1,32 0,05 9,24 0,361 15,40 0,594 81,40 3,14 161,7 6,240

12 1,10 0,04 8,14 0,315 13,42 0,522 70,40 2,78 140,8 5,434

15 0,88 0,04 7,26 0,281 11,66 0,450 62,0 2,4 126,5 4,882

18 0,88 0,04 6,60 0,261 10,12 0,395 55,44 2,14 108,9 4,203

21 0,66 0,03 6,16 0,238 9,68 0,397 50,16 1,93 101,6 3,927

24 0,66 0,03 5,72 0,221 8,21 0,350 46,20 1,78 94,6 3,651
NOT E T he heat input is bas ed upon propane at low pres s ure of 37 mbar and 2,5 mbar maximum pres s ure drop over the
length of the pipe.

Table 15 — Pipe sizing for copper tubing (source: I.S.813: 2002)

L ength 8mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm
m Heat input 3 Heat input 3 Heat input 3 Heat input
m /h m /h m /h m 3/h
kW kW kW kW

3 9,90 0,38 82,5 3,18 165,0 6,40 363,0 14,0

6 6,80 0,27 55,0 2,12 115,5 4,50 247,5 9,60
9 5,70 0,22 44,0 1,70 90,6 3,50 181,5 7,40
12 4,80 0,19 38.5 1,50 77,0 2,97 165,0 6,40
15 4,40 0,17 33,0 1,30 66,0 2,55 143,0 5,50
18 4,00 0,15 29,7 1,15 60,5 2,30 132,0 5,10
21 3,70 0,14 27,5 1,06 56,5 2,19 121,0 4,70
24 3,50 0,13 24,6 0,96 52,8 2,04 110,0 4,20
NOT E T he heat input is bas ed upon propane at low pres s ure of 37 mbar and 2,5 mbar maximum pres s ure drop over the
length of the pipe.

Table 16 — Pipe sizing for mild steel (source: I.S.813: 2002)

Heat input Maximum L ength (26 mm OD) Maximum L ength (32 mm OD)
m m
kW m 3/h

28.6 1,104 72 213

30,8 1,189 62 184
33,0 1,274 54 160
35,2 1,358 47 140
37,4 1,443 42 125
39,6 1,528 37 111
41,8 1,613 33 100
44,0 1,698 30 90
NOT E T he heat input is bas ed upon propane at low pres s ure of 37 mbar and 2,5 mbar maximum pres s ure drop over the
length of the pipe.

Table 17 — Pipe sizing for polyethylene pipe (source: I.S.813: 2002)


1. Should an installation be on a temporary supply from an LPG tank, awaiting connection of Natural Gas, the above
tables for Natural Gas must be adhered to.
2. Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (C.S.S.T.) and multi-layer piping are also suitable for internal and external
installation. Manufacturers should be consulted for information on application and sizing etc.
Where an existing installation is being modified or
altered and pipe work is temporarily opened to allow
work to be undertaken, consideration shall be given to
the risks involved in working on installations that
contain fuel gas.
Meter outlets and valve outlets shall be capped off with
an appropriate gas fitting.
Where hot works are being utilised (e.g. soldering,
welding, brazing) and it is considered that there may
be a risk of residual fuel gas in the pipe work igniting,
the installation shall be purged free of fuel gas before
carrying out any hot works.
Fig. 47 Correct protection of back-ground material when When re-commissioning the installation, direct purge to
soldering copper fuel gas shall be undertaken (see I.S. 813 clause
Solder Joints
Screwed Joints
Flux should be used sparingly and only applied to the spigot When making screwed joints, all threads should be clean
and undamaged.
part of the joint.
Hemp should only be used on threaded joints in conjunction
The joint should not be overheated.
with thread sealing compounds.
Residual flux should be wiped from joints after being made. When jointing paste is used, it must comply with
It is known that fluxed, unsoldered joints may satisfy the I.S. EN 751-2 and should only be applied to the external
soundness test; therefore, finished joints should always be thread. Excess paste should be wiped away on completion of
visually examined to confirm that the solder has run. the joint. Specially compounded jointing pastes must be used
for Gas -white lead based pastes are not acceptable.
Solder used in capillary fittings for jointing pipework at an
operating pressure not exceeding 100 mbar shall have a
melting point not less than 210 °C.
Solder used in capillary fittings for jointing pipework at an • White lead based paste is not allowed
operating pressure at or exceeding 100 mbar shall have a • Hemp can only be used with paste complying with
melting point not less than 450 °C. I.S. EN 751.

Mechanical Joints
The preferred method of jointing is to use the correct PTFE Sources Of Ignition
tape complying with EN 751-3 When making solder joints extreme care should be taken
when using a blow lamp or power tool in the vicinity of
Liquid PTFE sealant complying with the requirements of I.S. combustible materials. Adequate protection must be used
EN 751-2 may also be used. when working near timber components and bitumised
products and polyethylene pipework (see Fig. 47).
Liquid detergent should never be used when leak testing, it
can cause rapid corrosion of copper.
The use of union joints or compression fittings is ONLY Breather membrane in the cavity of timber framed
acceptable where they will be readily accessible to allow houses or the styrofoam insulation in the cavity of the
correct tightening for a sound joint. They should not be used block / brick dwellings is particularly vulnerable and
in concealed locations e.g. ducts, underfloor, etc. once ignited can spread quickly within the cavity.
Rectification could involve complete dismantling of
Push fit and lock type fittings incorporating plastic and/or the wall with serious cost implications for the RGI.
rubber components shall not be used to joint metallic gas
installation pipework.

Mechanical joints shall use sealants conforming to I.S. 813


Copper Tube

Tube ends should be cut square and any burrs, internal or

external, removed. Tube lengths should be checked and
cleared of any foreign matter before use.
Steel pipes run externally or in damp areas will require
protection against corrosion. Copper tube will not normally
require corrosion protection when run externally. When
supporting pipework externally on top of a horizontal or
near-horizontal surface, the support brackets must ensure
that the pipework remains clear of the surface. Any metallic
pipework run underground or embedded in a solid floor or
wall, or passing through a fireplace / builders opening, or in
any other potentially corrosive place should be protected
against corrosion by one of the methods shown in Fig. 48.

Pipework material, jointing methods and locations should
be chosen in order to minimise the risk of a fire in the
building causing a pipework failure which might add to the
extent of the fire.

Protective Wrapping
Tape wrapping is normally used at joints or on short
lengths. Any tape wrapping applied should extend at least
25mm beyond the surface of the material likely to cause
corrosion. All surfaces should be clean and dry before the
tape protection is applied. An overlap of 50% is required to
provide a layer of double thickness.

Fig. 48 Methods of pipe protection SAFETY NOTE

Bends and joints on factory coated pipe should be
further protected by wrapping with a suitable plastic
Mechanical tape.
Protection against physical damage and corrosion must be
provided where circumstances dictate. Copper tube should
only be considered where mechanical damage is unlikely Sleeves
or where it will be enclosed in a mechanically strong Pipes passing across cavities, including wall cavities,
protective cover. should take the shortest route and be sleeved through the
The purpose of a sleeve is to:
• Prevent access gas entering a vulnerable space (e.g.
cavity wall) in the event leakage.
• To protect the gas installation pipe against corrosion.
• To protect the gas installation pipe from damage by
normal building movement.
SAFETY NOTE • To accommodate normal expansion and contraction of
Pipework which becomes concealed following house the pipework.
refurbishment/upgrade must be suitably protected.

One example where this may occur is after the Sleeve Material
installation of external wall insulation. Fig. 49 below Sleeves should be made of a material capable of
shows how the pipework and part of the wall-mounted containing gas. Suitable materials include polyethylene,
meter box has been unacceptably concealed PVC, steel and copper. The selection of the sleeve material
following this type of refurbishment (See Bord Gáis should reflect the need for mechanical strength corrosion
Network Technical Bulletin on this topic). resistance and / or fire retardance where required.

Size of Sleeve
The sleeve should be of a diameter that provides a loose fit
to the pipe allowing normal pipe expansion / contraction.

Pipes / sleeves of dissimilar metal (e.g. steel/copper)
should not contact at ANY point.

Before After
Fig. 49 External wall insulation

Sealing of Sleeves
Sleeves should always be sealed to the surrounding
structure with a suitable building material (e.g. mastic,
mortar, etc.).

When gas pipes enter through an outside wall, the gap

between the pipe and the sleeve should be sealed to the
pipe at the inner end of the sleeve only with a flexible, fire
resisting compound (See Fig. 50, below).

Sleeves through internal walls should be sealed to the

pipe at entrance and exit (See detail Fig. 50, below).

Pipework within a sleeve should not be jointed.
Compression and mechanical type joints shall not be
inside a sleeve.

Fig. 50 Details of pipe sleeve through internal wall

a Left open to the outside
b Outer leaf
c Cavity
d Insulation
e Inner leaf
f Pipe clip
g Sleeve
h Elbow or bend
j Non-setting sealant between pipe and sleeve. Where
it enters the building it shall not cover joint between
bend and pipe
k Grout


Fig. 51 Details of pipe sleeve through internal wall

(S ee page 31)

Fig.52 Locating isolating values for duplex units

S ee page 36
and 37.

Fig.53 Locating isolating valves in apartments

SAFETY NOTE External above-ground pipework should comply
with the following:
All underground pipework should be pressure tested
• The pipework supports shall be appropriate
before initial wrapping or covering takes place..
for the pipework size, material and meet the
INSTALLATION PIPEWORK FROM THE METER spacing defined in Table 18/19, page 42
Pipework should be protected against corrosion preferably • External above-ground pipework shall be
by using pipes with a factory applied PVC coating. Where protected against mechanical damage.
copper pipes are run externally exposed to the elements • External above-ground pipework shall be
but supported clear of other surfaces, corrosion protection protected against corrosion by using:
is not normally necessary. Consult page 19 for further • a suitable coating, or
considerations. Pipework should not be installed under • non-ferrous materials, or
the foundations of a building nor in the ground under the • galvanised pipes with galvanised
base of a wall footing or foundation. fittings, or
• wrapped pipe, with all joints suitably wrapped.
Installation pipework under concrete paths, (pedestrian • When supporting pipework on top of a horizontal or
traffic only), should have: near-horizontal surface, the support brackets shall
• Minimum cover of 25mm between sleeve / wrapping ensure that the pipework remains clear of the surface;
and concrete finish, (see Fig. 54 below).
• Pipework must be placed in sleeve or have protective
• All underground pipework should be pressure tested
before initial wrapping or covering takes place.

Fig.54 Meter on adjacent wall (pipework beneath footpath)

Buried pipework in open soil, lawns, or under gravel paths, • Support brackets and screws shall be of corrosion
areas resistant materials;
which can be accessed by vehicle should have: • Ferrous materials e.g. screws and support brackets shall
• Minimum trench depth of 375mm. not be in contact with copper piping;
• Minimum sand or fine fill surround required in trench of • Unprotected polyethylene piping shall not be used
150mm above ground and shall not be located where it can be
• When area can be accessed by vehicle (under tarmac, subjected to excessive temperatures.
cobblestone, etc.), the pipework must also have a • For maximum interval between pipe supports for steel
protective sleeve, (see Fig. 55 below). and copper pipes see page 42, Tables 18/19.

Fig.55 Meter on adjacent wall (pipework beneath soft ground or vehicular traffic)

Polyethylene (PE) Gas installation piping underground
PE piping can be used for underground supply of gas to a
premises and is a convenient alternative to metallic pipes
when used externally.
External buried PE pipework shall be constructed as
• Mechanical fittings in accordance with I.S. 266 can be
used on buried PE pipework.
• Any metallic joints must be wrapped with a minimum of
two layers. Compression Fitting

• PE pipework must be tested to ensure it is gas tight

PE transition coupling
before being covered. c/w wall bracket
• Pipework in soil should be bedded in sand or fine filling
to a depth of 150mm above and below the pipe. The
minimum depth of cover of the pipe required is 375mm.
B oth G R P

Any RGI engaging in

s leeve and G R P

• PE Welding
cover mus t be
us ed on this

• Electrofusion
s ection.

• Pipework insertion by mole or horizontal drilling in

compliance with S.R. 12007-5
should be suitably trained and certified (GDF1 or
equivalent). GDF 1 is a Bord Gáis designation (Gas
Distribution Fitter Its scope is mains and services up to
125mm diameter.
PE pipework should not be laid above 375mm depth
Above ground

of cover regardless of cover material.

Pipework, which may be subject to vehicular loading e.g.
under cobble lock driveway, should be, in addition to the
minimum depth of cover of 375mm, enclosed in a protective
G R P s leeve

sleeve. ground


Polyethylene pipe is not allowed within a building. ground
P V C s leeve

For correct method of entry into building below ground

level, see Fig. 57 (below).

Fig. 56
metal transition
(supply entering
Steel sleeve to terminate 25mm
from FFL Non-setting sealant
building above
shall be injected between sleeve ground level)
and service pipe
Finished PVC coated
Floor Copper
Damp Proof Level
Course (DPC)
Grout between
(FFL) sleeve and

Sealant Grout between sleeve

and brick

25mm minimum

Fig. 57 Polyethlene-metal transition (supply entering building below ground level)

Polyethylene-metal transition must
be suitable for below ground
applications, always consult the
supplier. The anti-shear sleeve must
be fitted at all times when placing
transition beneath the ground.

Fig. 58 Below-ground transition fitting with anti-shear sleeve



External Underground
Should the meters be located a distance away
from the building, all pipe runs should travel
underground up to the base of the external wall.
Pipework from the base of the external wall may
travel externally (See Fig. 59) or pass directly
into the building (See Fig. 60).

All metallic underground pipework must be

suitably protected against corrosion and galvanic
action. Metallic pipework may not be jointed
mechanically underground.

All underground installation pipework should be

covered to sufficient depth to minimise the risk of
impact, or loading damage. Installation pipework
from the meter under soft ground or under
vehicular traffic must have:

• Minimum trench depth of 375mm (additional

protective sleeve required when placing
supply pipework beneath vehicular traffic).
• Minimum sand surround or fine fill cover in
trench of 150mm.
Polyethylene pipework can only be used Fig.59 Installation Pipework - Rising on External Wall
externally and must not be taken into the
Jointing P.E. pipework underground by
compression fitting, electro fusion or butt fusion
is acceptable but a competent operative must
perform jointing.

P.E. pipework must, if taken above ground for

any distance, be protected against:
• Exposure to high temperature
• Exposure to sunlight
• Impact or abrasion damage

Installation pipework under concrete paths,

(pedestrian traffic only, See Fig. 54, page 36)
should have:
• Pipework in sleeve or protective wrapping
(See page 19 for further details)
• Minimum cover of 25mm between sleeve /
wrapping and concrete finish.
• All underground pipework should be pressure
tested before initial wrapping or covering
takes place. Fig. 60 Installation Pipework - Entry through outside Wall (See also Fig. 12, page 13)
Internal Underground Open Basement / Car Park Area: • be coated / protected against corrosion
• avoid structural beams where possible
Pipework from the meter should be brought to ceiling level • be adequately supported (See Tables 18/19 page 42)
immediately. Pipework travelling along ceilings of an open • be sleeved through any void or cavity
basement / car park area (See Fig. 61, below), should: • be colour coded (see page 37).
• take the shortest path practical from the meter to the • LPG meters may not be located below ground level
rising duct

S ee Internal Duct-S topped pg 33 S ee Internal

pg 32

Fig.61 Installation Pipework - Entry through outside Wall

Indoor LPG pipes below ground level.
When installing pipework inside buildings and below ground level, such as in basements, which is continuous or
welded, it does not require additional precautions. Where mechanical or threaded joints are used, including for
making a final connection to appliances, meters, valves and control devices, a gas detection system shall be provided
in the room or space linked to a slam shut valve located outside before the pipe work enters the building. All regulator
vents shall be piped to outdoors. These additional requirements do not normally apply to under building car parks
which are well ventilated by design.
NOTE LPG is heavier than air, see I.S. 813, Annex A.


Pipework concealed in False Rainwater Down-pipe

Individual units can be supplied by installation pipework constructed as external “risers” on to an outside wall. For
aesthetic reasons such ‘risers’ can be hidden within an enclosure outside the fabric of the building (See Fig. 64 page 40)
or within a false rainwater down-pipe, behind pre-fabricated expanded metal duct, suitably weather proofed (Note details

Fig 62 External Risers-Hidden

If placing installation pipework behind a false PVC rainwater down-pipe (backing removed), the down-pipe should be left
open top and bottom and secured to the wall. The pipework within should also be adequately supported.
E xternal C ladding P os s ible Meter Location Ventilation Opening
or B rick C ons truction (S ee F ig. 27C below)

Fig. 63 Installation Pipework behind Cladding / Brick

External Riser Behind Cladding / Brick (See Figures 63, 64 & 65)
If an external riser is to be hidden within an enclosure in the outer fabric of the building, it should be itself sealed from entry
to the building and open to the outside air. Openings to the outside air should be provided at the top and bottom of the riser
(additional ventilation openings can be provided at intermediary positions, if desired). The minimum free area of each
opening must be 5,000mm or 1/500th the cross sectional area of the enclosure, whichever is greater.

Fig. 64 Plan View of Brick or Cladding. View A-A

Fig. 65 Meter Compartment Detail

SECTION 5 PIPEWORK WITHIN A BUILDING Open ends of pipework and valve outlets shall be capped off with
PIPES LAID IN FLOORS an appropriate gas fitting.

Where the piping is to be laid on a solid floor slab, the Pipes passing through external walls, cavity walls, masonry walls,
finished floor screed must allow 25mm minimum cover over solid floors or solid ceilings shall be sleeved. Pipes passing through
the installed pipe.: partition walls do not require sleeving.

Indoor LPG pipework below ground level, such as basements,

shall be continuous or welded throughout its length.

When designing installation (pipe sizing) refer to pipe sizing section

on page 28 for guidance.

Solid or screeded floors

Pipework laid in solid floors should be:
• Tested for soundness before any protective coating or
cover is applied.
• Protected against corrosion e.g. factory bonded PVC.
Fig.66 Pipe run on solid floor slab

• Adequately embedded by at least 25mm below the final

floor finish.
• Sleeved and taken the shortest practicable route when
passing vertically through a solid floor.

Fig. 67 Pipe with factory bonded PVC

Non-setting fire
resistant mastic
25mm Grout

Non-setting fire
resistant mastic

Fig. 68 Sleeving pipework vertically through floors

Compression fittings or unions must not be used

on pipes laid in concrete floors. All joints must be

kept to a minimum


Suspended floors

Prior to running pipework below suspended floors, a visual

inspection should be carried out to note the position of any
electrical cables, junction boxes and ancillary equipment, in
order to safely route the gas pipes.

Fig. 70 Notching or providing holes in joists

Fig. 69 Compression Fittings

Where pipes are installed between joists, they should be

correctly supported in accordance with the Table 18/19
Nominal size Interval for Interval for Nominal size Interval for Interval for
vertical runs horizontal runs mm vertical runs horizontal runs
mm m m m m
Mild steel Stainless steel
15 15 2,5 2,0 15 2,0 1,2
20 22 3,0 2,5 22 2,5 1,8
25 28 3,0 2,5 28 2,5 1,8
32 35 3,0 2,7 35 3,0 2,5
40 42 3,5 3,0 42 3,0 2,5
50 54 3,5 3,0 54 3,0 2,7

Table 18 — Maximum interval between pipe supports (steel pipes) Table 19 — Maximum interval between pipe supports (copper pipes and CSST)


Timber floors

Notches should not be made in joists of less than 100mm depth. The depth of any notch should be sufficient to accommodate fully the
pipe or fittings, but should not exceed 12.5% (one eight) of the joist depth.

The notch should be located not further than one quarter of the span from an end support; it should be U-shaped when possible and no
wider than necessary to accommodate the pipes. Notches should not extend across the joint between the floor boards.

Location of under floor pipes should be marked on floor SAFETY NOTE

boards using pencil / marker or rotary stamp (see Fig 71). Care should be taken when refixing floor boards to
prevent damage to the pipes by nails or screws.
Marking areas where pipes are laid

Fig. 71 Marking areas where pipes are laid

Vertical Pipe Runs (Only)
It is not acceptable for pipework to be run horizontally or at
any angle other than vertically in a wall chase (see Fig. 73).

Such chasing is unlikely to be achieved in walls
constructed of 'hollow' blocks.

Pipes in solid walls

Vertical pipes should be placed in ducts on the wall surface

with convenient access. If this is not practical, the pipework
may be chased into the wall provided that the depth of the
chase does not exceed one third of the depth of the block
or brick. In this situation, the pipe should be protected
against corrosion.

Gas Pipework Behind Dry Lined Walls

The installation pipework within dry lined walls should be
run within purpose designed channels providing adequate
protection, ie. metal protection where required.
Where it is not possible to do this, then it is acceptable to
run the pipe on the wall surface behind the dry lining
provided that the pipe is:
• Securely fixed and supported.
• Joints are kept to an absolute minimum.
• The pipe is protected against corrosion.
• The pipe is protected against mechanical damage, (see
Fig. 72 Preventing the ingress of dirt / water within feeding details below, Fig. 74).
pipework though concealed spaces

Laying pipes

Care should be taken to prevent the ingress of dirt and water

etc. into the pipes. The bore should be examined before
installation and the open ends temporarily sealed or plugged
prior to running the pipes through dirty areas, for example,
below floor boards, (see Fig. 72 above).

Gas Pipework behind plastered walls

Particular care is required to ensure that pipes hidden in

walls do not become a risk due to accidental damage or
structural damage due to building settlement. The ingress of
gas into voids or cavities must be avoided.

Fig. 74 Details of pipework behind dry lining

Compression fittings cannot be used when pipes are placed
behind plasterboard or in inaccessible positions.

Fig. 73 Permitted direction of wall chase (vertical only) Fig. 75 Compression Fittings
The following issues need to be addressed when
considering running gas pipework within the walls of
timber framed construction:
• Possible interference with or weakening of structural
members of the house frame.
• Possibility of inadvertent damage to pipework when
using plasterboard or other fixings to the inner timber
• Possibility, in the event of a gas escape that:
• a dangerous accumulation could occur or
• the gas might migrate into the outer cavity,
before the escaping gas is smelled by the
• Possibility that natural movement of the
structure could damage the pipe.
One of the following options, chosen at design
stage, can be used to ensure the avoidance of
the possibilities listed above.

Option 1

Run pipework (* rigid or flexible) in floor slab and exit from

the floor to the appliance in front of the finished
plasterboard *Compression joints are not permitted in Fig. 76 Appliance connection in front of timber leaf
slab.face of the wall - see Fig. 76.
Where there is no other option, gas installation
SAFETY NOTE pipework may be laid within the timber frame
*Compression joints are not permitted in slab. construction provided the following is adhered to:

• Any gas pipe run should be kept to a minimum and

Option 1A run vertically within purpose designed channels.
• Channels should be fitted with insulation and
Run pipework as above but exit from the floor into a covered with the vapour barrier and plasterboard to
separately constructed channel to exit at the appliance. the same standard as the rest of the wall.
This channel must not allow gas to move into the timber • Gas pipes should be adequately supported on the
frame or cavity. Termination must be in front of the finished studs.
plasterboard face of the wall. • Pipe joints should be kept to an absolute minimum.
• Compression fittings must not be used.
Option 2 • Studs should not be notched. Holes in studs and
holes and notches in horizontal timber / membranes
All pipework to be run on exposed internal wall surface or in should be kept as small as possible.
plastic ducting on wall surface or within cupboards. • Pipes should be coated copper or stainless steel to
avoid corrosion.
Option 3 • Where copper pipes are used, they should be
enclosed within a 18 swg steel sheet or equivalent
Run pipework in timber frame walls using continuous metal plate. (See Fig. 77, page 45). Alternatively,
plastic coated soft copper or stainless steel - see Fig. 77, mild steel pipes may be used without further
page 45. If copper is used, a protective metal cover must mechanical protection. However, full corrosion
be placed in front of the pipework. protection is required.
• Provision should be made for the pipe to
Timber framed construction of the inner wall requires accommodate any normal movement of the building.
particular consideration when it is proposed to run gas • Where the gas supply point is to be positioned on a
installation pipework within it. This should only be separating (party) wall, the pipe should rise in front of
considered as a last resort, preferred options are the finished plasterboard face.
described on the previous pages.

Pipes must not be laid within separating (party) walls
dividing individual dwellings.

Fig. 77 Full storey height riser in timber framed walls

Fig. 78 Appliance connection point to the front of timber framed walls


Open Riser
For installation of Gas within Duplex units the use of Installation pipework rising vertically and left open to the
external risers as per Fig. 62, page 39 is the preferred room through which it passes, is acceptable from a
option. If an external riser cannot be facilitated, it is standards compliance point of view. However, it is unlikely
recommended that an internal “filled” duct is used (as per that such a method of piping would be aesthetically
Fig. 81, page 47). acceptable to the designer or occupants.

In the case of an open riser it is recommended that the corrosion resistant material opening to the outside air.
pipework should only pass through a common area, or the • A pipework service shaft shall not affect the
dwelling/premises it is supplying. integrity of any fire barrier or any protected shaft
in the building as defined in the Technical
Should internal open pipework be used it should be: Guidance Documents of the current Building
• Sleeved through and fire stopped at each floor Regulations.
(per Fig. 68 page 41) and, • Where necessary provision shall be made for the
• Constructed of welded steel or continuous / brazed or contraction and expansion of the pipe within the
solder jointed copper tubing and,
service shaft.
• Coated and protected against corrosion.
• The relationship to other services which may be
Rising Pipework within Ducts
contained in the service shaft shall be in
The routing of gas installation pipework through ducts is the accordance with Table 20, page 48.
most frequently applied solution. This may be achieved in
one of the following ways, selection dependent on the A service shaft must not affect the integrity of any fire
configuration of the building, the building programme and the barrier or any protected shaft in the building as defined
aesthetic parameters set out by the designer (See Fig. 79 in the Technical Guidance Documents of the current
(right), 80 and 81 on page 47) Building Regulations.

SAFETY NOTE Internal Duct – Continuous

Gas Pipework in Protected Shafts:
If a protected shaft contains a stairway and/or lift, it
should not also contain a pipe intended to carry
gaseous or liquid fuels. This type of protected shaft
must not contain a ventilating duct (other than a duct
provided for the purposes of pressurising the stairway
to keep it smoke free).
Definition of a Protected Shaft:

A protected shaft is defined as a shaft which enables

persons, air or objects to pass from one compartment
to another and is enclosed with fire resisting
construction. For further clarification, consult The
Building Regulations, Section B.

Pipes in service shafts

Service shafts carrying gas pipes should be provided with
adequate and suitable means of ventilation, top and bottom,
preferably by natural means (See Fig. 64,65 on page 40, Fig.
66 on Page 41 and Fig. 79 on this page). The
ventilation should discharge in a safe manner to the open air.
Internal pipework in service shafts in multi-occupancy or
multi-storey buildings must be constructed as follows:
• Where pipework is installed in a vertical service shaft, Fig.79 Installation Pipework in Internal continuous ventilated duct
Installation Pipework in Internal continuous ventilated duct

either the pipe shall be continuous or welded or the

service shaft shall be ventilated to the outside air, both at The construction of the “Continuous Internal Duct” must
the top and at the base, preferably by natural means to reflect the fire prevention and structural requirements of
prevent a dangerous accumulation of flammable gases the building.
which may occur as the result of a leakage.
see also I.S. 813, Annex H. The duct must be constructed so as to be impervious to
• Where the vertical shaft is fire stopped at each floor, either gas / air throughout its length. The continuous internal
the pipe shall be continuous or welded or each section of duct, as illustrated above, must be supplied with
vertical shaft shall be ventilated both top and bottom either adequate circulating air directly from and to atmosphere.
into the space containing the shaft when appropriate or This must be provided via openings at both extremes of
alternatively directly to outside air. the fire rated duct. The minimum free area of each
• Where pipework is installed in a horizontal service shaft, opening must be 5,000mm or 1/500th the cross sectional

either the pipe shall be continuous, welded or the service area of the duct, whichever is greater.
shaft shall be ventilated. The air vent openings shall be
located so as to ensure that air circulates freely through Ventilation ducts can be routed horizontally over any
the entire length of the service shaft. The area of each distance to the base or the top of this duct. Ducts for this
opening shall be the same as the cross sectional area of
purpose should be fire rated or protected against fire.
the service shaft or, alternatively, fitted with mechanical
The pipework from the duct can continue its path
ventilation equipment or a gas isolation system both of
horizontally in an enclosure once it has exited the
which incorporate a purpose-designed supervision
system. If it is not possible to vent a service shaft, the continuous duct, provided the lateral duct or sleeve is
pipe shall be contained within a continuous sleeve of left open to the duct air, but otherwise sealed per figure
84, 85, 86 and87 of this booklet.
Always consult the Building Regulations (TGD’s), Section SAFETY NOTE
B. Other services may be contained within this duct (See Consult page 46 – Gas Pipework within Protected
Table 20, page 48). Shafts. For alternative options consult Fig. 80 and81
If the building arrangement does not suit a Continuous
Other services may be contained within this duct
Duct, then a Stopped Duct (Fig. 80) or Filled Duct (Fig.
(See Table 20, page 48).
81) may be adopted.

Internal Duct - Stopped Internal Duct - Filled

The Filled Duct is adopted where provision of ventilation

openings is not suitable. In essence, the gas pipework is
placed in a duct with the space between the pipework and
duct walls filled with a vermiculite cement mix. The
installation procedure is as follows:

Fig. 81 Installation Pipework within soil pipe with fire-rated surround filling
Fig. 80 Installation Pipework- Stopped and vented top and bottom
within each floor

• Factory coated gas pipework is suitably positioned and

This type of duct is essentially to hide an “open riser” within
the building, details on page 45/46. The stopped duct may supported along the service route (the factory coating
be vented to a common area, but not to a private premises. provides protection from the corrosive effects of the
The continuous duct option (Fig. 79) or filled duct option filling material).
(Fig.81) must take preference where gas pipework travels • All joints must be wrapped with plumbers tape, minimum
through either a protected shaft containing a stairs or lift, ortwo layers required, (welded or soldered joints are only
a private premise. permitted).
• A duct of suitable material e.g. Wavin Soil Pipe is fixed
Requirements around the gas pipework, allowing adequate space for
The Stopped Duct (Fig. 80), constructed on each floor the filling material.
should have fixed air openings (vents) top and bottom. The • All pipework from the meter to the apartments are
fixed openings should exceed 5,000mm or 1/500th the pressure tested by the RGI.

cross sectional area of the duct, whichever is greater. Vents • All openings in the duct are sealed and made good, with
can open into a compartment in the building in which the exception of filling points.
duct is constructed, provided there is adequate air changes • The vermiculite-cement material is mixed at a ratio
in that area. Sealed sleeves and fire stops should be dictated by vermiculite manufacturers instructions.
properly constructed at each floor. Always consult the • The vermiculite-cement mix is lightly compacted into the
Building Regulations (TGD’s). void with the duct capped off where necessary.

Vertical or horizontal purpose-laid ducts, containing pipework, should be ventilated at the top and bottom with an open grille.
These vents to the duct must have a free area of 5,000mm or 1/500th the cross sectional area of the duct, whichever is greater.

The purpose of the vents is to ensure that any escape of gas can transmit to a non-hazardous area and be detected by smell.

PVC coated copper

Internal or steel pipework

Fire resistant

Fig. 82 Internal ventilated ducting

Internal ventilated ducting
Internal ventilated ducting

Gas pipes should not be fitted in lift shafts or protected shafts or in any space where gas could migrate in openings to
those shafts.

Building services shafts containing compressed air, steam or air conditioning ducts should not be used as a route for gas

Other service Particular Conditions

H Water Steam (<10BAR)
Hot Permitted Gas Pipework should be protected
against corrosion

Hot Water Steam (>10BAR) Not Permitted

Ventilation and Air conditioning Not Permitted

Cold and Chilled Water Permitted Gas Pipework should be protected against
Electricity Permitted Adequate spacing and insulation should be
provided based upon the electrical voltage
Telecommunications and Data Permitted Adequate spacing and insulation should be
Drainage Permitted Gas Pipework should be protected against
Flammable Liquids and Gases Permitted The spacing and ventilation in shaft shall reflect
the hazard rating of the other gases/liquids

Oxygen/Commpressed Air Not Permitted

Appliance Flues Not Permitted

Table 20 — Relationship between Gas Pipework and other services in building services shafts

For further details on the interaction of LPG and Natural Gas pipework and other services, please consult table 20 above.

Where a vertical service shaft is divided horizontally by fire-stops (Fig. 80 page 47 or other means, each section between
stops should be treated as a separate service shaft.

Gas pipework may be accommodated by use of ducts, as described on pages 45, 46 and 47.

Where pipework is to be chased into a solid wall, it is of particular importance that high quality corrosion protection is
applied, preferably factory bonded PVC. This is to ensure that high levels of moisture within the wall do not have any
detrimental corrosive effect on the pipework.

Any pipe passing through an internal wall must be sleeved. The sleeve should be sealed to the wall at each side and the
pipe to the sleeve at entry and exit. (See Fig. 50, page 34 and Fig. 68, page 41).


Fig. 83 Support of pipework to prevent corrosion caused by contact with aggressive surfaces

All pipework should be adequately supported to prevent the pipework from coming into contact with surfaces that are
likely to cause corrosion (e.g. concrete, masonry, plaster). Supports made from plastic are generally acceptable. (See
Table 21 below). It is important to ensure that all pipework supports are permanently and solidly located.

Pipes must not be laid within separating (party) walls
dividing individual dwellings.
This is not considered as suitable pipe support

Fig. 84 Drive in clip

Interval for
Interval for vertical
vertical run
run Interval for
Interval for horizontal
horizontal run
(( Pipe Support Distance
Material Normal Size Interval for vertical run Interval for horizontal run
(mm) (m) (m)
Copper Up to 15 2.0 1.2
22 2.5 1.8
28 2.5 1.8
35 3.0 2.5
42 3.0 2.5
54 3.0 2.7

Mild Steel Up to 15 2.5 2.0

20 3.0 2.5
25 3.0 2.5
32 3.0 2.7
40 3.5 3.0
50 3.5 3.0

Table 21 — Supporting pipework (Horizontally and vertically)

Supply pipework may be continued horizontally from the “service riser” to travel outside the building structure or internally
within the floor screed (note figures 85,86,87 and 88 below). The pipework should only exit the screed in the apartment
supplied. Pipework may traverse a corridor or common area to arrive at the dwelling being supplied.

Pipework should not traverse a private premises to supply another dwelling. Where gas supply pipework is laid close to
heating system pipework, provision must be made for expansion and contraction of buried pipework.

Pipework exposed to concrete must be protected against corrosive elements with protective wrap or PVC coating.
Pipework placed in screed must have a minimum cover of 25mm. Only soldered or welded joints are permitted within the
Customer Isolation
Valve (C.I.V. -
See page 37

Fig. 85 Gas pipework entering via screed Fig. 86 Gas pipework entering at high level

Fig. 87 Gas pipework entering via screed

Fig. 88 Gas pipework entering via ceiling void


Where pipes are to be located in voids, any one of the

following should be applied:

Air vents terminating in open air must be provided.

Openings must be a minimum of 500 square mm for every
square metre of void surface area or,

The pipe section is welded or continuous throughout its

length within the void or,

The pipe should be contained within a vented, continuous

sleeve (as per Fig. 88 page 50) or,

The void filled with an inert material.


Irrespective of supply route, where pipework enters into the
apartment or other dwelling, a customer isolation valve
• be located at the entry point of
gas pipework to the dwelling and must remain
accessible at all times,
• be fitted with a handle easy to operate and capable of
fully stopping flow with one quarter turn, and
• be permanently marked to show its purpose
(Gas Isolation) and show the “on” and “off” positions.

Fig. 89

Fire Stop at Floor

All pipework traversing through floors should be fire stopped
as shown in Fig. 68, page 41. This does not apply if
constructing duct as per Fig. 79, page 46.

Identification of Gas Pipework

All gas pipework in a multi occupancy building must be
colour coded bright yellow (yellow ochre, 08 C 35, BS 4800)
or indelibly marked along its entire length with the word

The operator of the building should, on commissioning and

handover, be given a drawing showing the location of all gas
pipework in the building.


Where gas and electricity meters are fitted sharing the

same space they shall be separated by a minimum
distance of 150 mm. . An electrical distribution board
shall not be within 400mm in any direction from a gas
meter or a gas appliance. This shall not apply where the
gas meter is located within a separate gas tight

Pipework should be installed at least 25mm away from

the electricity supply, distribution cables. Otherwise an
appropriate electrical insulation material should be
wrapped around the pipe to prevent arcing. Gas
pipework should always be separated by a minimum of
10mm from other metal piped services.

To prevent passage of stray/fault current into the gas

service an insulating joint or section shall be
fitted into any metallic gas service pipe on the inlet side
of the meter. Under no circumstances shall any bonding
be connected to the upstream side of such an insulator.

Where a primary meter is fitted remote from the house, if

the metallic gas installation pipe is buried then a second
insulator shall be fitted into the pipe at the point where it
enters the house.

External pipework above ground shall be electrically

continuous with the bonded internal installation.
Bonding shall not be made to any primary meter, nor
shall any bonding attachment be made
within a gas meter cabinet/enclosure.

SAFETY NOTE Fig. 90 Installation

meters etc.

The dimensional details are subject to approval from

electricity supplier.
For meters installed in external meter boxes, the bonding
connection should be as near as practicable to the point of
entry. Bonding wires should not be connected in the meter

Fig. 91 External Meter (Cross bonding)


In the case where the meters are installed inside the
building, the bond should be located at the meter outlet

Fig. 92 Internal Meter (Cross bonding)


The current edition of I.S.813: 2002 refers to some
requirements, which can be found in current editions of
the E.T.C.I. wiring regulations including the necessity to
cross bond all ‘extraneous metal work including gas
supply, water and central heating pipes’.

For central heating installations, metallic gas installation

pipework must be cross bonded to the metallic flow and
return with green/yellow insulated 10 mm cable,

see Fig. 93 and Fig. 94, page 54 and 55.

Where the dwelling is a new build and the gas installation

is being installed for the first time it is the responsibility of
the Registered Electrical Contractor to ensure that it
meets the requirements of ET 101, National Rules for
Electrical Installations.

For existing dwellings the following should be adhered to: equipotential bonding or the existing bonding is less than
• Metallic gas installation pipework must be equipotentially 6 mm2, the “Gas Work” must not be commissioned until
bonded to the main earth terminal at the electrical a green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable is installed
distribution board using green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 between the metallic gas pipework and the main earth
cable. terminal at the electrical distribution board.
• Alternatively where it is found that 6 mm2 equipotential • The electrical connection of the green/yellow insulated
bonding cable has been installed in the past the existing 10mm2 equipotential bonding cable to the distribution
cable is considered acceptable and work may proceed board must be completed by a Registered Electrical
on the gas installation. The owner/occupier/landlord must Contractor as defined by major electrical works.
be advised in writing to have the electrical installation • Where the existing metallic flow and return pipework has
inspected and upgraded to 10 mm2 equipotential been correctly bonded it is permissible to loop these
bonding cable by a Registered Electrical Contractor. bonding conductors to the gas installation pipework as
• Where it is found that there is no evidence of illustrated in Fig. 92.

Fig. 93 - Equipotential bonding where there is a Polyethylene gas service pipe

A Gas boiler J Polyethylene gas service line
B Electrical distribution board K Gas meter
C Main earth terminal (MET) L Metallic return from hot water cylinder
D Hot water cylinder M Metallic flow to hot water cylinder
E Hot water out N Bonding clamp
F Cold feed water in P Existing equipotential bonding
G Flow to heating system Q New cross bonding
H Return from heating system R Bonding clamp label

NOTE 1 Where there is no equipotential bonding or the bonding is considered inadequate see I.S. 813,
clauses K.3.2.2 and K.3.2.3
NOTE 2 2 See K.3.1

Fig. 94 — Equipotential bonding where there is a metallic service pipe

A Gas boiler L Return from hot water cylinder
B Electrical distribution board M Flow to hot water cylinder
C Main earth terminal N Bonding clamp
D Hot water cylinder P Existing equipotential bonding
E Hot water out Q 10 mm bonding cable from gas installation
F Cold feed water in pipework to MET
G Flow to heating R Bonding clamp label
H Return from heating S Non-metallic pipework
J Metallic gas service line T Insulating joint
K Gas meter
Note 1 Where there is no equipotential bonding or the bonding is considered inadequate see I.S. 813,
clauses K.3.2.2 and K.3.2.3
Note 2 See K.3.3.

Digital Multimeter Minor electrical works remain outside the scope of
A digital multimeter (DMM) is useful for carrying out some Restricted Works. These include the replacement of
important tests required to be carried out when installing an electrical accessory such as a light switch, the
gas appliances. This includes checks for correctness of replacement or relocation of light fitting where the
electrical wiring as well as confirming safety before existing circuit is retained or the provision of an
commissioning is undertaken. The DMM is also useful as additional socket to an existing radial circuit. These
a fault finding diagnostic tool. The basic functions of a types of work, which includes the electrical work
DMM are: associated with the installation of gas appliances and
• AC Voltage Measurement (checking supplies) equipment in domestic property, may be carried out
• DC Voltage (testing electronics) by a Registered Gas Installer.
• Resistance Measurement (testing components, relays
• Continuity Checks (wiring, fuses etc.) *In this context, “Domestic Property” means:
• Polarity (a) A dwelling house, flat or maisonette, including:
(i) any surgery, consulting room, office or other
The Law Relating to Electrical Works accommodation not exceeding 50m2 in total
forming part of it and used in a commercial
Controlled Works are major electrical installation works capacity;
(including additions, alterations and/or extensions) which (ii) any part of its out-buildings or curtilage used for
are covered by the National Wiring Rules. Controlled non-commercial purposes; or (iii) its connection
works carried out in a domestic property are also to the electricity network;
Restricted Works, as specified in The Electricity Or
Regulation Act 1999 (Restricted Electrical Works) (b) A caravan or motor caravan intended for habitation
Regulations 2013 (per S.I. No. 264 0f 2013). According to purposes including its curtilage, used for non-
this regulation, these works can only be carried out by a commercial purposes, excluding electrical circuits and
Registered Electrical Contractor since 1st October 2013. equipment for automotive purposes;

Restricted Electrical Works are defined as:

1. the installation, commissioning, inspection and testing
of a new Electrical Installation which is fixed, fastened
or mounted or otherwise secured so that its position
does not change and requires connection or re-
connection to the distribution network or the
transmission network, as the case may be;
2. the modification, installation or replacement of a
Distribution Board including customer tails on either
side of the Main Protective Device or of an Electrical
Installation in any of the special locations listed in Part
7 of the National Rules for Electrical Installations, as the
case may be;
3. the installation or replacement of one or more circuits in
an Electrical Installation, including the installation of
one or more additional protective devices for such
circuits on a Distribution Board; or
4. the inspection, testing, certification or reporting of Fig. 95 Multimeter

existing Electrical Installations covered by Chapter 62

of the National Rules for Electrical Installations; in a
Domestic Property*.
? Phase tester fig
Restricted Electrical Works does not include:
a) Electrical works in potentially explosive atmospheres;
b) Electrical works in a Commercial Premises setting
including MV and HV connection
and installations;
c) Electrical works on a construction site;
d) Electrical works within exhibitions, shows and stands;
e) Electrical works on agricultural and horticultural
f) Electrical works on public lighting and associated
g) Minor electrical works

Installers on sites should check with the building contractor that the electrician is completing all bonding work and the
existence of an electrical completion certificate must be confirmed by the RGI before issuing a Declaration of
Conformance for the gas installation (see page 3). If the contractor on site does not confirm this, then a copy of the
notice (See below) should be affixed to the boiler before issue of a Declaration of Conformance to I.S.813: 2002.

Example of Safety Notice


Some types of electrical installations are fitted with

equipotential bonding, which is the connection of the
internal gas and water pipes to the electrical installation’s
earth terminal. In particular those installations with
Protective Multiple Earthing (P.M.E.) should, for safety
reasons, be fitted with equipotential bonding.

In the Gas Safety Installation Standard I.S.813: 2002

there is the safety information that any person who
carries out installation pipe work should inform the
user that electrical bonding must be checked (and if
necessary rectified) by a competent person*, in any
dwelling where electrical equipotential bonding may
be necessary.

*For information contact your ELECTRICITY

SUPPLIER Fig. 96 Temporary continuity bond

SAFETY NOTE For new installations a spur supply shall not be taken from
Risk of Electrical Shock if Working on Existing Pipework the immersion circuit. This requirement does not apply to
A temporary continuity bond must be used when existing circuits. Where the connection is taken from an
carrying out any work on the pipework or fittings which existing immersion circuit, the cross sectional area of the
will break electrical continuity through them (See Fig. 96 cable shall be at least the same cross sectional area as
on right). that of the immersion circuit.

Flexible trailing leads/cords shall not exceed 2 m in

a Cables and flexible cords should be selected having the
A temporary continuity bond must be used when carrying out

appropriate voltage and current-carrying capacities..

Cables shall have a cross-sectional area not less than 1,5 Where a 4 core cable is required, the phase shall be
mm2 Cu. Flexible cords shall have a cross-sectional area brown, the neutral blue, the earth green / yellow and the
not less than 0.75 mm2 Cu. switched phase can be black or grey. Sleeving of
conductors is not permitted.
Every appliance requiring an electrical supply shall be
connected via a double pole switched fused spur capable
of interrupting the load current or a suitable socket as
indicated by the manufacturer. The device shall be
installed within 2m, at a height between 400mm and SAFETY NOTE
1200mm above floor level, and where it can operate For new installations a spur supply shall not be taken
without danger. from the immersion circuit. This requirement does not
apply to existing circuits. Where the connection is taken
Cables supplying the double pole switched fused spur unit from an existing immersion circuit, the cross sectional
or socket shall be no less than 1,5 mm2. The cable size area of the cable shall be at least the same cross
shall be large enough to be adequately protected by the sectional area as that of the immersion circuit.
relevant protective device (fuse RCBO) at the electrical
distribution board.

Alternatively, where it is found that 6 mm2 equipotential
bonding cable has been installed in the past
work may proceed on the gas installation. The
owner/occupier / landlord shall be advised in
writing to have the electrical installation inspected (via a
Notification of Hazard/Non-Conformance from) and the
bonding upgraded to 10 mm2 equipotential bonding cable
by a Registered Electrical Contractor.

Where it is found that there is no evidence of equipotential

bonding or the existing bonding is less
than 6 mm2; the gas installation shall not be
commissioned until the bonding is upgraded to meet the
requirements of ET 101, National Rules for Electrical

The electrical connection of the 10 mm2 equipotential

bonding cable to the main earth terminal (MET) shall be
completed by a Registered Electrical Contractor as
defined by restricted electrical works, S.I. 264 of 2013.
The gas installation pipework shall be bonded to existing
metallic heating and water pipework using bonding
conductors and green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable,
see Figure 91.

Service lines
1. Where the gas service line is metallic the gas
installation pipework shall be equipotential
bonded directly to the main earth terminal (MET) using
green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable, see
I.S. 813, Figure 22.

2. The bonding connection shall not be made on the

upstream side of any insulating joint fitted in
the gas pipe system, see 4 below. Metallic heating and
water pipes shall be bonded to the main earth terminal
using 10 mm2 cable.

3. A permanent label inscribed “safety electrical

connection, do not remove” shall be permanently
affixed at each bonding connection.

4. To prevent passage of stray/fault current into the gas

service an insulating joint or section shall be
fitted into any metallic gas service pipe on the inlet side
of the meter. Under no circumstances shall any
bonding be connected to the upstream side of such an

5. Where a primary meter is fitted remote from the

building, and there is buried metallic gas
installation pipework a second insulator shall be fitted
into the pipework at the point where it enters the

6. Bonding cable attachment shall not be made within any

gas meter cabinet/enclosure or directly to any primary
gas meter.

A detailed guide to electrical installation requirements are laid out in I.S. 813, Annex K.
For easy reference purposes the complete text from I.S. 813, annex K is reporuced below.

Annex K

Electrical considerations
K.1 General
This Annex deals with the requirements for the connection of the electrical supply by a competent person to a gas
installation, the associated protective devices (RCBO or MCB and RCD), earthing and equipotential bonding connections
necessary for safety, in order to ensure compliance with the National Wiring Rules for Electrical Installations, ET 101,
National Rules for Electrical Installations. Other requirements in the Rules may also be applicable, and these should be
checked by a competent person.

K.2 Electrical supply

K.2.1 Cables and connections

K.2.1.1 Cables and flexible cords should be selected having the appropriate voltage and current-carrying capacities.
Conductors shall have a cross-sectional area not less than 1,5 mm2 Cu.

K.2.1.2 Every appliance requiring an electrical supply shall be connected via a double pole switched fused spur capable
of interrupting the load current or a suitable socket as indicated by the manufacturer. The device shall be installed within
2m, at a height between 400mm and 1200mm above floor level, and where it can operate without danger.
Cables and flexible cords should be selected having the appropriate voltage and current-carrying
capacities. Cables shall have a cross sectional area not less than 1.5mm (mm2). Flexible cords
shall have a cross sectional area of not less than 0.75mm (mm2)

K.2.1.3 The rating of any fuse shall be in accordance with the appliance manufacturers' requirements. See Error
Reference source not found. for restriction on positioning of such switches serving appliances in rooms containing a bath
or shower.

K.2.1.4 Cables supplying the double pole switched fused spur unit or socket shall be no less than 1,5 mm2. The cable
size shall be large enough to be adequately protected by the relevant protective device (fuse/MCB/RCBO) at the
electrical distribution board.

K.2.1.5 For new installations a spur supply shall not be taken from the immersion circuit.

K.2.1.6 Care shall be taken not to exceed the temperature rating of the electric cables. Heat resistant wiring shall be
used where necessary.

K.2.1.7 Flexible cords or trailing leads shall not exceed 2 m in length.

K.2.1.8 Where 4 core cable is required, the phase shall be brown, the neutral blue, the earth green/yellow, the switched
phase-conductor can be brown, black or grey. Sleeving of conductors is not permitted. Identification of conductors shall
be as per table 51A of ET101.
A.3 Equipotential Bonding

K.3.1 General
For central heating installations, metallic gas installation pipework shall be cross bonded to the metallic heating and
water pipes with green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable.

K.3.2 New build dwellings

Where the dwelling is a new build and the gas installation is being installed for the first time it is the responsibility of the
Registered Electrical Contractor (REC) to ensure that it meets the requirements of ET 101, National Rules for Electrical

K.3.3 Existing dwellings

K.3.2.1 Metallic gas installation pipework shall be equipotential bonded to the metallic heating and water pipework or to
the main earth terminal (MET) using green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable.

K.3.2.2 Where the incoming gas service pipe is metallic, a 10mm bonding cable connected directly to the main earth
terminal is required. The bonding cable shall be connected to the gas installation pipework downstream of the primary
gas meter and any insulating joint and shall also be cross bonded to metallic heating and water pipe.
K.3.2.3 Where it is found that 6 mm2 equipotential bonding cable has been installed in the past, work may proceed on the
gas installation. The owner/occupier / landlord shall be advised in writing to have the electrical installation inspected (via a
Periodic Inspection Report, P.I.R) and the bonding upgraded to 10 mm2 equipotential bonding cable by a Registered
Electrical Contractor.

K.3.2.4 Where it is found that there is no evidence of equipotential bonding or the existing bonding is less than 6 mm2; the
gas installation shall not be commissioned until the bonding is upgraded to meet the requirements of ET 101, National
Rules for Electrical Installations.
The electrical connection of the 10 mm2 equipotential bonding cable to the main earth terminal (MET) shall be completed
by a Registered Electrical Contractor as defined by restricted electrical works, S.I. 264 of 2013.

K.3.2.5 The gas installation pipework shall be bonded to existing metallic heating and water pipework using green/yellow
insulated 10 mm2 cable, see Figure K.1

K.3.4 Service lines

K.3.3.1 Where the gas service line is metallic the gas installation pipework shall be equipotential bonded directly to the
main earth terminal (MET) using green/yellow insulated 10 mm2 cable, see Figure 22

K.3.3.2 The bonding connection shall not be made on the upstream side of any insulating joint fitted in the gas pipe
system, see A.3.4.4. Metallic heating and water pipes shall be bonded to the main earth terminal using 10 mm2 cable.

K.3.3.3 A permanent label inscribed “safety electrical connection, do not remove” shall be permanently affixed at each
bonding connection.

K.3.3.4 To prevent passage of stray/fault current into the gas service an insulating joint or section shall be fitted into any
metallic gas service pipe on the inlet side of the meter. Under no circumstances shall any bonding be connected to the
upstream side of such an insulator.

K.3.3.5 Where a primary meter is fitted remote from the building, and there is buried metallic gas installation pipework a
second insulator shall be fitted into the pipework at the point where it enters the building.

K.3.3.6 Bonding cable attachment shall not be made within any gas meter cabinet/enclosure or directly to any primary
gas meter.

It is necessary to provide an appliance valve as close as
It is necessary to provide an appliance valve as close as
possible to each appliance supplied (within 1 metre, in same
possible to each appliance supplied.

All isolation valves fitted shall conform to I.S. EN 331 unless the Depending on the appliance the preferred valving
isolation valve is supplied as part of an appliance (see note in methods are shown below.
I.S. 813, clause 5.1.1). Taper plug valves shall not be used on
installation pipework downstream of a meter unless it is
supplied as a part of an appliance.

Depending on the appliance the preferred valving methods are

shown below.

The location of any cooker shall take account of the following:

⎯ adjoining surfaces at a higher level than the hotplate or open
grill shall be adequately protected from scorching or burning;
⎯ cookers shall not normally be located in draughty positions;
⎯ there shall be no curtain in the immediate vicinity of the
cooker; and
⎯ there shall be at least 450 mm of clear space between an
open grill and any combustible materials above the grill.

The location of any built-in cooker shall take account of the

⎯ there shall be at least 600 mm of clear space between a hob
and any combustible material(s) above the hob;
⎯ it shall be housed in properly constructed units, as specified
by the manufacturer;
Built-in ovens and hobs, shall be fitted with appliance
isolation valve(s) in a location which is accessible for
maintenance or other work, see I.S 813, Clause 5 and
Figure 2.

An isolation valve shall be fitted to each appliance, in
accordance with I.S. 813, clause 5.1

Taper Plug type valves (gas cocks) are not permitted.

Where a plug and socket connector is used, it must:

have a metallic body;
automatically shut-off the flow on disconnection;
have its socket securely fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions;
be suitable for the particular gas used as flexible
connectors are generally not manufactured for use with
both LPG and natural gas.

Where an appliance (installed before 1st January 2005)

incorporates a burner, which is not protected by a flame
supervision device and is downstream of either:
• a prepayment meter, or Fig. 97 Cooker flexible pipe connected to self-closing
• an LPG supply originating outside the building, bayonet valve

consideration must be given to fitting an automatic *A similar

cut-out or automatic warning device.. flexible pipe

(Fig. 98)
is available
This is intended to provide enhanced user protection which can
used for both
in the event of interruption in gas supply. LPG and
natural gas.
Installation pipework, terminating in a builder's opening which This hose
could be used for a solid fuel appliance, shall be disconnected has a red
stripe along
from the gas supply outside the builder's opening and the the length of
pipework shall be removed from the builder's opening. On the hose
subsequent installation of a gas fire, new installation pipework
shall be installed and proved sound in accordance with I.S.
813, Clause 5 as appropriate. Fig. 98 Cooker flexible pipe (LPG and Natural Gas)

A CO detector shall be installed in each room
containing an open-flued or fixed flueless appliance. A
CO detector shall also be installed in each bedroom
or located in a corridor within 5 m of the bedroom
door. A CO detector should be installed in each
bedroom where a room-sealed fan-flued appliance is
installed, see Annex I. In the case of concealed
extended flues, see 10.9 and C.2

A CO detector shall not be installed in bathrooms.

A CO detector should be installed in each bedroom

where a room-sealed fan-flued appliance is installed

Where the only gas appliance installed is a cooker or

hob and oven, only one CO detector is required to be
installed as per I.S. 813, I.3.1.3.

Where a flexible hose is used it must:
• not extend from one room to another;
• not pass through any walls, ceilings or partitions;
• be provided with integral threaded metallic ends or secured to a nozzle by crimping or (in the case of LPG) by the use of
a suitable hose clip (see I.S. 813, clause 5.2.1, and Fig 98 below);
• not be used where it may be subjected to temperatures above 40 °C, except when connecting a cooking
appliance, in which case refer to I.S. 813, clause );
• be located to preclude the possibility of its coming into contact with an open burner intake (see Fig. 99 below)
• be accessible for maintenance;
• be installed in such a way as to avoid mechanical damage;
• conform with I.S. 813, clause 5.2.2 (i.e. B.S. 669-1 for Natural Gas and B.S. 669-2 or I.S. EN 14800 for Natural Gas and LPG,
B.S. 1312 for LPG).

Low Pressure


Jubilee Clip

Hose to Appliance
Cooker Clip Clip

Gas Cylinder

Fig. 99 Cooker flexible pipe (LPG and Natural Gas)

The cooker shall be levelled in position before connecting to the gas.

Where rollers or castors are fitted to a cooker they shall be an integral
More detailed requirements with regard
part of the cooker constructed in a manner which prevents movement of
to hoses are outlined in I.S. 813
the cooker during normal use.
Where a flexible connection is fitted to a
cooker incorporating a drop-down door on
its main oven, an anti-tilt device must be
fitted (see Fig. 100 (b), below).

a) Flexible connection
b) Anti-tilt mechanism
1 Cooker
2 Oven/grill flueway
3 Bayonet connection
4 Flexible hose
(maximum length: 1200 mm)
5 Burner air opening
6 Anti-tilt bracket

Any new gas cooking appliance installed in

accordance with this Standard intended to
be used in indoor spaces and rooms shall
incorporate a flame supervision device or
other system on all burners (including
hotplate burners) to ensure that there is no
release of unlit gas in a dangerous quantity.
A re-ignition device without proof of ignition
is not considered acceptable.
(a) (b)
Note It is advisable to replace cookers with
cookers incorporating a flame supervision Fig. 100 Example of cooker flexible connection and anti-tilt mechanism
device on all burners at the earliest possible
Isolating Valve


Fig. 101: Cooker connected to cylinder located outside the


An isolating valve shall be installed at cooker

connection, in accordance with I.S 813, clause
5.1.1. The valve should be fixed to wall plate.

oven/ /hob

Fig. 102 A
A valve
valvemustmustbe befitted
adjacent cupboards toor
the left or
A valve must
A valve be
must fitted
be in in
fitted adjacent
adjacent cupboards
cupboards to thethe
to leftleft
or right theright
of of
right oven
the of theof
oven / oven
/ hobhob / hob
adjacent cupboards to the left or right the oven / hob
NOTE The isolation valve shall be accessible for servicing both appliances and may be fitted in the kitchen unit as
illustrated or behind the back panel of the kitchen unit (if a cut out or removable panel is provided for access) or
GG behind a removable panel in front of the kitchen unit or oven assembly.

Valve nearbuilders

Fig.103 Valve near builders opening

Valve near
Valve builders
near opening
builders opening
Valve near builders opening

All pipework to be
PVC coated copper

Ball valve with casing

flush to wall surface
8mm wrapped
copper - 1m
max. run

10mm wrapped
copper - 3m max. run

Flush fitting ball valve for concealed gas installations

Fig. 104 Recessed valve–detail

FF Recessedvalve–detail
Recessed valve–detail

Recessed valve–detail

If not fitting the fire as standard: Do not connect or leave live gas pipework to the builders opening.
F Recessed valve–detail

If disconnecting and removing a gas fire, the Installation pipework, terminating in a builder's opening which could be used for a

solid fuel appliance, shall be disconnected from the gas supply outside the builder's opening and the pipework shall be removed
from the builder's opening. On subsequent installation of a gas fire, new installation pipework shall be installed and proved sound
in accordance with I.S 813 clause 5.1.2 or 5.1.3 as appropriate.

Products of
combustion Canopy connected to
Flue see I.S. 813, Clause10


Outer limit of
incandescent Angle
Angle ≤ 45°
firebed Non- ≤ 45°
≥ 300 ≥ 100 mm
surface ≤ 400 mm
Gas mm Non-

(1) Decorative fuel-effect (DFE) gas fire (2) Decorative fuel-effect (DFE) gas fire fitted
under a free standing or wall mounted canopy

Flue Flue

Products of Seal, see Closure plate, Products of see
combustion combustion Heated
area, see
Heated and air Catchment
10.5.6 area, see
Radiant Outer limit of
heat incandescent
and 10.5.6 fire bed

Gas air


(3) Inset Live Fuel-Effect (ILFE) gas fire (4) Radiant - convector gas fire
with convector box

Fig. 105 Examples of Fires

When fitting any gas fire it must be done in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and the
requirements of I.S. 813 or I.S. EN 1949, as appropriate.

If the gas fire is flued it must be fitted:

• using a closure plate, modified to suit the particular
installation, or
• directly into a flue.
If the gas fire is flueless extreme caution should be taken regarding ventilation requirements, as outlined in
I.S. 813.

The installation of Decorative Fuel-Effect fires and Inset Live Fuel-Effect fires exceeding 15 kW input is not
permitted in domestic dwellings.

More detailed requirements regarding the installation of gas fires/other heaters are outlined in I.S. 813, clauses
10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3 and 10.2.4

All chimneys, flue pipes and flue liners intended for use with gas The appliance shall be securely fixed to the hearth and assembled
appliances shall be mechanically robust, resistant to internal and in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions.
external corrosion, non-combustible and durable under the
conditions to which they are likely to be subjected. The manufacturers' instructions with regard to the quantity and
Flue pipes and components shall be in accordance with: assembly of all the components (coals, matrix, ceramics etc) shall
⎯ BS 715 for sheet metal flues; be strictly observed.
⎯ I.S. EN 1859 for insulated metal chimneys;
⎯ I.S. EN 1856-1 for single wall and multi-wall system chimney When assembling and installing an ILFE fire, the combination of a
flue box, fire bed and front fret, as tested, certified and delivered by
the manufacturer shall be used without alteration. Combinations of
⎯ I.S. EN 1856-2 for single wall and multi-wall system chimney
components other than as described above are not permitted and
products with metal flue liners;
shall not be installed. Supplementary components or accessories
⎯ I.S. EN 14471 for system chimney products with plastic flue
not specified by the manufacturer shall not be added.
⎯ I.S. EN 1457-1 or I.S. EN 1457-2 or equivalent for clay flue
The dimensions of the ILFE flue shall be in accordance with the
linings; or
manufacturers' instructions but not less than those given in 7.4.2.
⎯ I.S. EN 1858 or equivalent for flue blocks.
DFE fires and ILFE fires exceeding 15 kW input shall not be
installed in domestic dwellings.
For flue systems and chimneys not listed above, only flue systems
and chimneys certified to comply with a European Standard and
All new appliances shall incorporate an ASD or equivalent safety
CE marked shall be installed.
Chimneys for non-room sealed heating appliances shall comply
with I.S. EN 15287-1. Convectors and stoves
An open-flued convector or stove incorporating its own draught
diverter shall be connected to a flue pipe or to a chimney. There
Fire precautions shall be no openings to the flue or chimney other than the
appliance draught diverter.
The outer surface of any flue pipe shall not be closer than 25 mm
to any combustible material. Where a twin-wall flue pipe is used,
If the convector or stove is a flueless appliance, reference shall be
the 25 mm space shall be measured from the internal pipe.
made to the requirements of 6.4 and
Where a flue pipe passes through a hot press or similar space in
which combustible materials may be stored an annular cooling
A convector or stove shall be installed following manufacturers'
space shall be provided around the flue pipe, by fitting a guard not
instructions relating to clearances to be provided between
less than 25 mm from the pipe, or by utilising a twin-walled metallic
combustible surfaces, to the side or above the hot air outlets or
when required, to protect the floor below.
Where the flue pipe passes from one room to another the integrity
Gas connections to this type of appliance shall be made with
of any fire resistant barrier through which it passes shall be
metallic pipework.

Any flue pipe which is routed through a room not served by the
appliance shall be located or protected as to prevent injury to
persons who may come into contact with it.
Where necessary, precautions shall be taken to protect flues
against mechanical damage. A fixed flueless space heater shall not be installed:
⎯ if its rated input exceeds 4,2 kW;
Gas Fire Hearth Requirements ⎯ in bedrooms or bed-sitting rooms;
The hearth and its supports shall be of sufficiently robust ⎯ in rooms containing a bath or shower;
construction to safely carry the weight of the appliance. ⎯ in spaces where the atmosphere is likely to contain water or
The hearth shall be constructed of non-combustible material chemical vapours in concentrations which could adversely affect
throughout, with the minimum dimensions defined in Table 22. the combustion process or a catalyst if fitted.

Detail Minimum dimension Fixed flueless space heaters shall be installed in accordance with
Thickness of material 12 mm Table 24 and the manufacturers' instructions.
Horizontal projection forward of the base of the fire radiant 225 mm
Horizontal projection on each side of the fire radiant 150 mm
Horizontal projection forward from the face of
the builders opening 300 mm
Height of front edge of hearth above floor 50 mm

Table 22 — Hearth minimum dimensions

Decorative Fuel Effect (DFE) and Inset Live Fuel-Effect (ILFE) fires
“DFE fires shall be fitted to a flue with a minimum cross sectional
area of 24 000 mm if the flue is round, or 32 000 mm if the flue is
2 2

rectangular, and have a minimum cross sectional dimension of 90


When a DFE fire is fitted into a fireplace, the front edge of the
burner tray shall not protrude beyond the front edge of the
fireplace opening, see Figure F.1 and Figure F.2.


Wall Mounted
Gas Boiler

Fig. 106 Gas Boiler Fig. 107 Boiler Valve

Positioning the boiler

Boiler Valve

enclosed in a fireproof compartment in accordance with

The preferred location for a boiler is on, or adjacent to an I.S. 813 and which has a fire resistance of at least 30
outside wall. A room sealed boiler, may be located within minutes.
any room of the dwelling. If located in bathroom / shower, in • Where a gas appliance is located under a stairway a
an enclosed compartment or understairs, additional smoke alarm must be fitted at the apex of the hall/stairs
requirements must be adhered to. (See further information on space, as specified in I.S 813.
page 71 and I.S. 813). Clause 615 to 7.2.


When locating an appliance in a cupboard/hot press, the When installing LPG appliances or meters below
space containing the appliance shall be a separate ground level, a gas detection system must be
enclosure and it shall not contain any other combustible provided in the room in which the appliance is
materials. Where the appliance is open-flued, the located An automatic valve, operated by the
enclosure shall not be either in or directly connecting to detection system, must be fitted to the gas supply
any of the following: before it enters that part of the building which is
— rooms containing a shower or bath; below ground.
— bedrooms and bed-sitting rooms;
— a stairway, landing, corridor or hallway; Condensing boilers require a drain facility for the
— private garages used for parking a motor vehicle, condensate.
or the storage of petroleum.
The compartment shall be constructed in accordance This must be taken into consideration when the
with the requirements of I.S. 813, clause 6.5.2 boiler location is being selected.

When positioning a condensing boiler the condensate

SAFETY NOTE drain pipe must be installed in accordance with the
If a boiler compartment is situated outside the building, manufacturers' instructions. This may require use of
the compartment must be constructed so as to provide larger bore pipes or insulation for certain locations.
permanent weather protection to the appliance and
must incorporate adequate frost protection.

Additional requirements are needed if placing a gas SAFETY NOTE

appliance beneath stairs, as follows: The flue from a condensing boiler should not be
• Ducted warm air heating units, cookers and gas fires located where it is likely to cause a nuisance to
must not be fitted under any stairways neighbours (plume). If no alternative position can be
• No gas appliance must be fitted under the stairway of a found for such a flue, a flue management kit should be
multi-occupancy dwelling or under a stairway serving used to divert the flue products away from the
three or more storeys in a single occupancy dwelling.
neighbouring property. These kits are widely
• Open-flued appliances must not be fitted under open
thread stairways or open stairways unless they are
available from manufacturers.
Positioning the Boiler (continued)
Carbon monoxide detector complying with the requirements of
Annex I Type A shall be installed along the route of the flue and
in every room through which an exposed extended flue passes.

— Where the extended flue is concealed, inspection hatches

shall be provided to permit inspection of the flue throughout
its entire length.
— A type A carbon monoxide detector complying with the
requirements of Annex I shall be installed within each
concealed space and interlinked to shut down the
appliance when in the alarm condition.
— A type B "carbon monoxide detector complying with the
requirements of Annex I shall be installed in every room
through which the flue"void passes and in any room where
the " flue" void passes through the ceiling space or attic".
— All detectors shall be interlinked (hardwire or wireless (radio
frequency link)) and the type A detector controlling the
appliance shall shut off the appliance when alarm/alarms are
activated. This should be achieved by shutting off the
appliance through the use of an electrical relay or a solenoid
valve on the gas line.

The terminal of a room-sealed flue shall be located in

accordance with Table 23, and Fig. 121 and 124.
• To avoid condensate build-up and water lodging in the flue,
the flue system shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions.
• When connecting room-sealed appliances to a shared flue,
the capacity of the flue passage shall be sufficient to
evacuate the combustion products when all connected
appliances are operating at maximum input. The intersection
between the appliance flue and a shared flue system must
be accessible for inspection.
• An exhaust flue pipe serving a room-sealed appliance but
not surrounded by an annulus supplying the combustion air
to the appliance shall be protected in accordance with I.S.
813, clause 10.3.
• Care shall be taken that any locking devices, sealants or
bracketing systems supplied by or required by the
manufacturer are applied in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions.

In certain room-sealed appliances the pressure within the

appliance casing is positive. It is essential to ensure that the seal
on the casing of this type of appliance is correct (in accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions), in good condition and correctly
installed. Failure to achieve this will lead to a risk of products of
combustion escaping into the room. High levels of Carbon
Monoxide could occur, creating a dangerous environment.

Open-flued appliances shall be located in accordance
with I.S. 813, Table 4. Appliances up to the maximum
input rating shown in Table 4, may be fitted in rooms
in domestic premises subject to exclusions referred to
in Table 4.

Requirements for appliances installed in bathrooms are as
• Location of a boiler in a bathroom should only be It should not be possible to directly reach the
considered where no alternative suitable location is appliance and controls when standing in any part of
available. the bath or shower tray. (see diagram 110,111 and
• Only room-sealed appliances must be used in rooms 112)
containing a bath or shower, and only if permitted by the
appliance manufacturer.
• For an appliance located inside Zone 0, Zone 1 or Zone
Zone 3 Outside Zones
2 (see Fig. 108 and 109 below), the appliance and
associated controls must not exceed a rated voltage of Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
25 Volts a.c.
• A room-sealed appliance may, however, be installed in
Zone 2 provided that the appliance and controls are
located inside an enclosure the opening of which requires Zone
the use of a key or tool.

• Room-sealed appliances may be installed in Zone 3 only

when it is permitted by the appliance manufacturer, in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
• The electrical supply to the appliance must be connected
in accordance with the requirements of Annex K, 0.6m 2.4m
Clause 2, I.S. 813 and must be located outside of the
Zone 0

room containing a bath or shower. Floor

• Any electrical wiring including controls must be installed per
Fig. 110 Electrical Zone dimensions (Bath)
I.S. 813, clause 10.

Zone 2

Window Outside Zones

Recess Zone 3
Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

Lower or eual to 3.0m

Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 0

0.6m 2.4m
0.6m 2.4m
Window Zone 0
Recess Floor
Shower Basin
Zone 2
Fig. 111 Electrical Zone dimensions (Shower Basin)
Zone 3

Electrical Zoning in bathroom (Plan)

Electrical Zoning in bathroom (Plan)
Fig. 108Electrical
Electrical Zoning
Zoninginin bathroom (Plan)
Electrical Zoning in bathroom (Plan)
ElectricalZoning inbathroom


O Shower without Ceiling

Outside Zones basin but with
Zone 3 Outside Zones
Zone 3 permanent
Zone 2
partition Zone 1 Zone 3
Zone 2

Lower or eual to 3.0m

Zone 2

3.0 M Zone 3
2.25 m
Zone 1 Zone 2

Zone 0
0.5m Zone 0
0.6m 2.4 m
Fig. 112 Electrical Zone dimensions (Shower without Basin but with
F 109 Electrical Zoning in bathroom (Section) permanent partition)

Safety of Heating and Hot Water Systems — it provides visual indication of valve operation;
— in the event of automatic discharge of water or steam
General the discharge does not create a risk of harm to persons or
* The installation of heating and domestic hot water animals;
systems is addressed in prS.R. 50-1 and prS.R. 50-3. — in the event of automatic discharge of water or steam
However when installing gas appliances designed for the the discharge does not create risk of damage to controls
purpose of heating and domestic hot water the competent or components which effect the operation of the
person carrying out the gas installation should ensure that installation; and
the following safety issues are satisfactorily addressed. — the orientation, should prevent the accumulation of
* Any part of the heating and domestic hot water system, materials or water, internally or externally
including any circulation system, feed pipes, vent pipes or which could interfere with its operation.
expansion vessel should be adequately insulated to * Where a pipe is fitted to the pressure relief safety valve to
prevent freezing. In the case of central heating systems, discharge inside the dwelling it shall terminate not more
consideration should be given to fitting a frost thermostat than 100 mm from the floor.
set to bring the system into operation if the ambient * Where a pipe is fitted to the pressure relief safety valve to
temperature falls to approximately 4 °C. discharge to the exterior of the dwelling it should be so
arranged as to prevent the likelihood of its contents
Provision should be made for the drainage of the whole system. freezing.
When locating or supporting a storage water heater, account * Pressure relief for single point and multi-point
should be taken of the total weight of the appliance including its instantaneous water heaters. These units are activated
full water content only by the opening of an outlet and therefore do not
normally require additional overpressure protection.
NOTE The requirements relating to the installation of any gas Multi-point instantaneous hot-water heaters, should be
appliance designed to heat the water above 105 °C are not connected in such a way that any water supply isolation
addressed in this Annex. valve fitted upstream of the operating diaphragm or other
Water supply pressure activation device cannot act as a non-return valve. Should
* Where a heating appliance is supplied with water from a such a situation be possible in an installation then,
main it is essential that: provision should be made to accommodate thermal
— the mains water pressure should be at all times expansion of the water in accordance with 4.2.
adequate to operate the gas valve in the case of an * Non-pressurised (or “open”) hot water central heating
instantaneous heater;and systems and storage type water heaters
— the water pressure at the appliance should not exceed * An open vent pipe of non-ferrous material should be
the design operating pressure of the appliance. provided from the system and should be connected in
* Where a heating appliance is supplied with water from a such a position as to prevent either discharge of water or
cistern, it is essential that: intake of air during all normal conditions of service
— the total static head at the appliance should not exceed including start- up of any circulating pump.
the design operating pressure of the appliance; and * The open end of this vent pipe should be located so that it
— the effective head of water when in use is sufficient to can discharge into a purpose provided fill and expansion
operate the gas valve in the case of an instantaneous vessel above the level of the overflow.
water heater. * The vent pipe should be fitted to the flow pipe from the
Mixing devices boiler or otherwise where required by the manufacturers'
* Some thermostatic mixing devices or showers are not instructions and should where practicable, rise
suitable for use with instantaneous water heaters. The continuously but in any case, never drop.
manufacturers' instructions should be followed when * If the open vent pipe does not rise continuously then a
installing such a device with an instantaneous water temperature limiting lock-out device should be fitted.
heater. * No manually operable valves or components other than
Overpressure protection full-bore pipe fittings should be fitted at any point between
* Any gas appliance incorporating a closed vessel in which the boiler and the discharge point of the vent pipe.
water is heated should incorporate a system to prevent * The cold water feed should be connected as close to the
overpressure in the vessel. In commonly installed gas- heat exchanger as is practicable. Instances where the
fired water heating appliances this can be achieved in one appliance manufacturers' instructions specify other
of the methods described below as appropriate. arrangements for the cold feed may be acceptable.
* Pressure relief safety valves for hot water central heating * The position of the feed connection relative to the vent
systems and storage type water heaters connection should be such as to ensure that water is not
* The pressure relief safety valve should comply with the ejected from the open vent or air drawn into the system
general requirements of I.S. EN ISO 4126-1 and it should: under normal operating conditions.
— have a non-adjustable pre-set lift pressure not
exceeding 3 bar;
— be spring loaded;
— have valve and valve seating materials, which will not
cause the valve to stick in the closed position.
The pressure of the water when heated up to 105 °C
should be at least 0,35 bar less than the lift pressure of
the safety valve.
* The pressure relief safety valve should be fitted either
directly to the upper portion of the water ]section or in the
hot water flow pipe as near as is practicable to, with no
intervening valve or restriction.
* The location of the safety valve should be such that it
should be accessible for testing. Fig. 113 Fig. 114
* The location of the safety valve discharge should be such Pressure Gauge Typical Pressurised System
that: Accessories

Checks to ensure this condition does not arise should be
made during rapid make up from the supply tank or the
start up of any circulating pump.
* The cold feed pipe in a domestic installation should not be
less than 15 mm nominal internal diameter.
* Where the feed pipe and vent pipe are combined through
part of their length in accordance with the boiler
manufacturers' instructions then the heat exchanger should
be protected by the fitting of an overheat thermostat of the
manual reset type.
* The fill and expansion vessel and cold feed pipe should not
supply water for any other purpose.
* The fill and expansion vessel should be fitted with an
overflow-warning pipe, capable of discharging any overflow
directly to the exterior of the dwelling.

Pressurised (or “sealed”) systems

* Facilities should be provided to facilitate filling of the central
heating system with water.
* Introducing water periodically to make up for losses from a
central heating system should be provided for by means of:
a) a supply cistern;
b) suitable filler pump;
c) by temporary hose connection from a service pipe under
mains pressure provided it is removed immediately after
use; or
d) by a purpose designed filler system incorporating
backflow protection in accordance with I.S. EN 1717.
* The water supply to a storage type water heater should be
provided for by means of:
a) connection through a controlling device to an incoming
main supplied at or restricted to the appropriate pressure;
b) a supply cistern; or
c) suitable filler pump.

Pressure indication
* A pressure gauge should be permanently connected to the
system, preferably at the same point as the expansion
vessel and it should have a range of 0 bar to 4 bar. The
gauge location shall be such that it is visible at all times.

Sealed expansion vessel
• The expansion vessel should be connected to the system at a point close as
practicable to the heat exchanger.
• The connecting pipe should be a minimum nominal diameter of 15 mm, with no
restriction or manually operable valve.
• The vessel should comply with the requirements of EN 13831or equivalent. It should
be of sufficient capacity to accept the expansion of the water contained within the
• Size of vessel required is dependent upon the water capacity of the Unvented System. Fig. 115 Expansion Vessels

Proprietary interlink equipment/systems should be used for these type of installations (See Fig. 116 below and Fig. 117,
on page 74).

m nifold
Sy n Ma


Fig. 116 Proprietary Interlink System Graphic

Direct link-up for solid fuel with gas
Dual fuel systems of this type should be designed and operated in
A solid fuel appliance with a water heating capability can be linked compliance with the instructions of the manufacturers of both
into a fully pumped system which has an automatically controlled heating appliances and the proprietary interlink system
boiler served by gas, so that either one or both boilers can be equipment.
used as the heat source. The solid fuel appliance can be an open
fire, a conventional boiler, multi-fuel stove or cooker.

Fig. 117, below shows the recommended layout for a system in

which a solid fuel appliance is linked to a gas appliance. Either
appliance can be used as the heat source individually or the two
appliances may be used at the same time if required. Heat is
provided to the domestic hot water by way of using one of the
zones to supply heating to the cylinder coil. The coil connected to
this zone is usually controlled in the normal manner by a cylinder

Fig. 117 Proprietary Interlink System Schematic

Where appliances such as barbecues, patio heaters, and gas lights etc. are installed remote from the dwelling and the
pipes are run underground, an isolation valve should be installed on the supply pipe at an accessible position either
internally or externally
Alas close as possible
Al to where the pipe exits the dwelling. The valve should be labelled showing
“GAS OFF” position. Alternatively, these types of appliances may be supplied by gas from an LPG cylinder.
Please consult Fig. 118 below and pages 30/31 for pipe run requirements.

Fig. 118 External pipework detail

Demountable connection (flexible) with integral valve.

Fig. 119 Isolation valve Fig. 120 Barbecue point detail

Irish standards always take precedence over manufacturer’s instructions, unless manufacturer’s instructions call for
additional or more strict requirements.

Flue type
Room-sealed Open flues
Flue terminal position Natural Fanned Natural Fanned
draught draught draught draught
mm mm mm mm
Directly below opening vent. window, A* 300 300 N/P 300
air brick, soffit and fascia vents etc

Below gutters, soil pipes B 300 75 N/P 75

Below eaves C 300 200 N/P 200
Below balconies, car port roof D 600 200 N/P 75
From a vertical drain / soil pipe E 75 75 N/P 300
From an internal / external corner F 600 300 N/P 300
Above ground roof or balcony level G* 300 300 N/P 300
From a surface or boundary facing a H* 600 600 N/A 600
From a terminal facing a terminal I* 600 1 200 N/A 1 200
From an opening in a car port (e.g. J* 1 200 1 200 N/A 1 200
door, window) into dwelling
Vertically from a terminal on the same K* 1 500 1 500 N/A 1 500
Horizontally from a terminal on the L* 300 300 N/A 300
same wall
From the wall on which the terminal is M N/A N/A N/A 50
From a vertical structure on the roof N N/A N/A See N/A
Figure 7A
Above intersection with the roof P N/A N/A N/A
I.S. 813

Below horizontal hinged windows Q* 1 000 3 000 where N/P 3 000 where
the exhaust is the exhaust is
directed directed
upwards, upwards,
otherwise otherwise
1 000 1 000
Horizontal from door, window, vent or R* 300 300 N/P 300
air brick
From an opening of a building directly S 600 2 000 N/A N/A
Terminal running parallel to a boundary T 300 300 N/A N/A
From a gas meter or gas meter cabinet U 300 300 N/A N/A
NOTE 1 N/P means Not Permitted. – N/A means Not Applicable.
NOTE 2 Dimension M relates to fanned draught open flue only, terminating below level of roof.
* The distances marked with a * are minimum safety distances and override any lesser dimensions given by the
appliance manufacturer. Other distances not marked with a * are to be applied in the absence of any advice from the appliance

Table 23 — Permitted locations for flue terminations


Typical Boiler Fan Flue Termination

Fig.121 Flue Termination Positions


The requirement for a flue is determined by three
criteria. The rated input of the appliance. The period of
continuous use. The room volume. The manufacturer’s
instructions regarding this requirement must always be

Draught It is important to choose the correct fire and fireplace for your
diverter home and requirements. There is an ever increasing product
range available with new fire technologies available for
Primary flue modern and traditional homes. Before you start searching for
your new fireplace one of the most important starting points is
determining what fires you can install in your home.
gas appliance
Every home is different and Fireplaces Are Us recommend
having a installation survey, which we can perform in certain
Fig. 122 post codes, to help identify the correct class of chimney for
your home and if your chimney requires a flue liner.
Natural draught systems take combustion air from the room
and the products of combustion travel up the flue by natural
We have provided a basic guide to help you understand the
draught or ‘flue pull’. This is caused by the difference in the
chimney terminology correctly, but we strongly recommend
densities of hot flue gases and the cold air outside. The
asking a professional to check before you make the purchase.
factors which affect the performance of a flue are:
The below descriptions will give you a good idea of what to
look for:
• Height
• Diameter
• Route
• Buoyancy/Convection/Pull effect

The strength of the flue pull or draught is increased when the

flue gases are hotter or if the flue height is increased. Factors
that will slow down the flue pull are 90 degree bends and
horizontal flue runs, so these must be avoided. This flue
draught is created by natural means and is quite slight, so it is
important to design/install a flue carefully to allow for the Class 1 Class 2
necessary up-draught.

Fans can be fitted in flues to overcome problems and allow

more flexibility. Fanned draught flues allow for greater
flexibility in the positioning of the appliance. There are two
types of fanned draught flue systems: where the fan is an
integral part of the appliance (positive pressure) where a fan
is located in the outlet to a chimney or flue system (negative Pre Cast Flue No Chimney
pressure) and has been specified or supplied by the
appliance manufacturer. Fig. 123
1 Area surrounding roof lights or windows where flue terminals shall not
be located.
2 Area surrounding dormer or structure where dimensions Y and Z shall
be applied.
W 600 mm Above or adjacent to roof lights or windows
X 2 000 mm Below roof lights or windows
Y Distance from the dormer or roof structure to the flue
Z Clearance distance from the top of the dormer or roof structure to the
flue terminal

If Y is less than 1 500 mm then Z shall be 600 mm or greater

Fig. 124 — Flue terminal locations on roofs near roof structures

and openings


All appliances require combustion air.

Room-sealed appliances are provided with an air supply

from atmosphere through a sealed pipe to the appliance,
with products of combustion expelled through the flue. This,
more often than not, is provided by a concentric flue

All other appliances require permanent vents from the room

to outside air.

Recommended venting detail

Location and ventilation requirements for flueless appliances
are outlined in Table 24 on page 79.

Vents must not be adjustable or capable of being

The amount of free area from the airbrick and airspace
grill should be sought from the manufacturer before
fitting. This information should be stamped on the vent
itself, or the packaging. Reference must also be made
to I.S. 813.

Fig. 125 Recommended venting detail

Locations and permanent ventilation requirements - flueless appliances
Appliance Max. Input rate Locations not Minimum air openings to outside Other requirements
type kW permitted

Fixed space 4.2 Bedrooms Permanent openings of a minimum of All space heaters shall incorporate an
heater 12 000mm2. oxygen depletion protection device
(see NOTE 2) Bathrooms

Shower rooms The total ventilation requirement shall See NOTE 3

be equally divided between high and
Private garages low level openings on the same wall
Rooms without an separated by a minimum distance of
openable window

Bedrooms Mobile unit whilst appliance in use, All space heaters shall incorporate an
Mobile space 5
openings of 2500 mm2 per kW of oxygen depletion protection device.
heater Bathrooms Mobile space heaters shall have a fixed
rated input subject to a minimum of
warning notice stating air requirements.
Shower rooms 6 500mm2, to outside (see NOTE 1 See 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and (I.S. 813)
Private garages and NOTE 4).

Rooms without an
openable window

Tumble dryers 7 Bathrooms 1. Units Input < 3.0 kW shall be See 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.
ducted to outside or have 6 500 mm2
Private garages provided whilst appliance in use (see
NOTE 1 and NOTE 4)

2. Units Input > 3.0 kW shall be

ducted to outside and have
permanent opening of 6500 mm2
(see NOTE 1)
Single point 12 Bedrooms Permanent opening of a minimum of See 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.
instantaneous 6500mm2.
water heaters Bathrooms The total ventilation requirement shall
be equally divided between high and
Private garages
low level openings on the same wall
Rooms < 5 m3 vol separated by a minimum distance of
1 600mm (see NOTE 1).

Refrigerators 3 Bathrooms Not required See 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.

Private garages

Cookers, hobs 20 Bedrooms 1. Room vol. 5 m2 to 11m2: door of All rooms containing a cooker shall have
ovents and room opening directly to outside or a an openable window or extract hood or
grills Bathrooms permanent opening of 6500 mm2 fan discharging to outside (see NOTE 5).
(see NOTE 1).
Shower rooms
Private garages 2. Room vol. >11m2: door of room
opening directly to outside or normal See also:
Rooms < 5 m3 vol adventitious airflow.
7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.4 and 7.2.5.
3. Bed-sitting rooms shall have a
permanent opening of 10 000 mm2.

NOTE 1 Other than the specific requirements for rooms containing more than one appliance (see 12.1.9) a permanent air opening
(not adjustable or capable of being closed) conforming to the current Building Regulations will be sufficient.
NOTE 2 This type of heater is not normally intended for use as a primary heat source.

NOTE 3 As combustion products from this appliance are released directly into the room additional provisions may be needed to avoid
condensation and ensure satisfactory air quality. Advice should be sought from the manufacturer of the specific appliance if not
included in the manufacturers’ instructions.

NOTE 4 This ventilation may be provided by an openable window or a ventilator.

NOTE 5 For cookers served by an extract fan/hood see 7.2.9 (I.S. 813)

Table 24 — Flueless Appliances-Location/Ventilation


When sizing vents the critical dimension is the amount of combined unit, the aggregate input rating should be used for sizing
free area required. Physical dimensions of a vent are not of the vents.
concern, but the amount of free area that is available so that
air may pass through it is critical. (Note Table 25 page 80, If an extraction fan, or cooker hood with an extractor fan, is
specific requirements for one of each type of appliance fitted in the room containing an open appliance, or in a
within a room). The manufacturer should have a stamp on connected space to this room, the size of the vent required
their products showing total free area.
The manufacturer When
should two or
have more open
a stamp on should be increased by 500mm for each 30 litre per second

flued appliances (gas or other fuel) are installed in the same maximum extraction fan rate.
compartment or space, whether or not they are supplied as a
Where the competent person identifies that the air supply is inadequate and may present a health risk the appliance
shall be isolated, see I.S. 813, clause E.9.

Where the competent person, having completed the test in accordance with I.S. 813, clause 10.10.3, identifies that
the air supply is inadequate and may present a health risk, the appliance shall be isolated. Any isolation shall be such
as to require the use of tools to restore the supply, see I.S. 813, clause E.9.

Where a hazard is identified a Notification of Hazard shall be issued to the owner/occupier/landlord.

Appliance type and input Room volume greater than 10 m3 Room volume less than 10 m3

DFE's 6 500 mm² 10 000 mm²

Open-flued < 7 kW Not required a 3 500 mm²
Open-flued > 7 kW and
< 14 kW 3 500 mm² b 6 500 mm²
Open-flued > 14 kW 3 500 mm² minimum b plus 6 500 mm² minimum plus
450 mm²/kW above 14 kW 450 mm²/kW above 14 kW

a This assumes air tightness of greater than 5 (m3/h)/m2 at 50 Pa. If the air tightness is assessed as being less than 5 (m3/h)/m2 a
ventilation opening of 3 500 mm2 shall be inserted. See Annex P for guidance on air tightness.
b This assumes air tightness of greater than 5 (m3/h)/m2 at 50 Pa. If the air tightness is assessed as being less than 5 (m3/h)/m2 a
ventilation opening of 6 500 mm2 shall be inserted. See Annex P for guidance on air tightness.

Note 1: Rooms built in accordance with the 1997 Building Regulations Note 2: As combustion products from this appliance are released
TDG’s have a minimum of 6,500mm2 ventilation, or in excess of directly into the room, additional provisions my be needed to avoid
12,000mm2 when a room contains a chimney. To allow this ventilation to condensation and ensure satisfactory air quality. Advice should be
sought from the manufacturer of the specific appliance if not included in
count towards the minimum opening required,it must be permanently
the manufacturers instructions.
fixed in the open position.

Table 25

Research has shown that it is virtually impossible to reduce the amount of ventilation as a result of natural air permeability
in habitable rooms to less than 3500mm . This should be taken into consideration when selecting the size of ventilator

required for each installation.

Always check the “Free- Air” dimension of ventilator when counting it towards the minimum opening required.

Alternative vents
Vents may be incorporated in window frames and in doors in The possibility of the existence of common flue
order to satisfy the air requirement of gas appliances. The arrangements, the use of which is prohibited, must be
free air requirement must be stated by the manufacturer. investigated during the test.
Openings must not be adjustable or capable of being closed.
If spillage occurs during the test, the flue or chimney must be
INSPECTION AND TESTING OF FLUES rectified, otherwise it must not be used.

All flues must comply with the following I.S. 813 requirements: When fitting or replacing a gas-fired appliance, any
(1) Materials must be in accordance with clause 10.2 catchment area at the base of the flue must be cleared of
(2) Fire precautions shall be taken in accordance with clause 10.3 all debris.
(3) Existing flues may only be used if in accordance with
clause 10.4 Every flue system must be visually inspected, flue flow
tested and spillage tested in operation upon completion,
Any chimney previously used must be thoroughly swept to ensure that the combustion products are completely
before installation commences. discharged to the outside atmosphere.

It is essential to test the effectiveness of existing flues or SAFETY NOTE

chimneys before an appliance is connected to it.
A damaged or incomplete extended flue will permit
Every flue must be visually inspected and flow tested in products of combustion to terminate within the
operation, to ensure that the combustion products are property with a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning to
completely discharged to the outside atmosphere. those occupants within the property and in
neighbouring properties.
When carrying out this test on a jointed flue pipe it is A flue spillage test must be carried out on open-flued
essential that all joints are visible. appliances by lighting the appliance and introducing smoke
at the air inlet(s) to the appliance (critical inlet points may be
The manufacturer’s flueing instructions for the specific appliance indicated by the manufacturer). The smoke must:
involved shall be adhered to. • be drawn into the flue,
• not spill from the opening,
For open flued appliances using natural draught, the flue shall be • not emit from any joint,
constructed in accordance with I.S. 813, clause 10.6. • be visibly emitted from the terminal.

Flue liner in accordance with I.S. 813, clause 10.4.4 must be used During the spillage test, all windows and doors must be
in chimney if used for central heating or water heating with output closed and any extraction fan in the room must be switched
in excess of 6 kW or if specified by the manufacturer (See Fig. on at its full capacity.
126, below)
If there is an extraction fan in a connected room, the test
must be repeated with the interconnecting door open and the
fan extracting at its full capacity.
plate If spillage occurs during the test, the appliance shall be
disconnected and reconnection must not take place until
an effective solution to the flue defect(s) has been applied.
Possible solutions include:
• increased height of flue
Flexible • flue repair,
flue liner • specialist terminals,
• flue fan systems.
The possibility of the existence of common flue
Clamp/sealing arrangements, the use of which is prohibited, must be
plate investigated during the test.

Draught Where flue fan systems are used they must conform to I.S. 813,
diverter clause 10.7

Open-flued gas SAFETY NOTE

appliance The Need for a Flue
Fig 126 The criteria that are used to determine whether an
appliance requires a flue is dependent on three points:
A pre-installation flow test must be carried out by introducing
* The rated heat input of the appliance.
smoke into the base of the flue or chimney. * The period of continuous use.
The smoke must: * The room volume.
• be drawn in its entirety up the flue/chimney,
• not spill from the opening, SAFETY NOTE
• not emit from any joint, Work being carried out on existing extended flue
During the flow test, all windows and doors must be closed systems shall require the use of a Combustion Flue
and any extraction fan in the room must be switched on at its Gas Analyser.
full capacity.
Before commencing the commissioning, servicing and Open Flue Appliances
inspection of a gas appliance, it is critical that the RGI is
equipped with the appliance manufacturers’ instructions and
correct tools including, where required, a calibrated flue gas
analyser (which satisfies the requirements of EN 50379).
The Irish Standard for Domestic Gas Installations (I.S. 813) INDIVIDUAL
and the relevant manufacturers’ instructions must be
adhered to when installing and servicing gas appliances.
All requirements including those relating to Flueing,
Ventilation and Permitted Location must be adhered to. Natural Fanned
It is essential that “The effectiveness of any flue or chimney”
Draught Draught
be checked in all types of flues including standard flues,
non-concealed flues and chimneys.

However, this section of the Technical Guidance Document

provides guidance and clarity on the additional steps to be
taken at gas installations where the flue is concealed and Room Sealed Types
extended within a duct or a void (i.e. roof spaces, studs,
walls, ceilings etc.) See Fig. 128, page 83.

When carrying out a service or repair on a gas installation

which includes a concealed extended flue the following INDIVIDUAL
additional steps must be carried out, as well as those
required by Annex C of I.S. 813.

Definitions Natural Fanned

Draught Draught
Extended Flue: A fanned flue with system with more than two
joints, the two joints being the joint at boiler flue Inlet/outlet and the
joint at the terminal. An extended flue system can be
horizontal or vertical.
Fig. 127 Typical Flue Types
Concealed: Where access is not available to visually inspect each
joint on a concealed extended
flue system.

Concentric Flue System: A concentric flue system is a flue

system that has the exhaust pipe located inside Flue System the
outer air intake flue pipe. The terminal point of the inner exhaust
pipe is located beyond the point of air intake to ensure the exhaust
products do not enter the air intake point. Concentric flue systems
can be horizontal or vertical. Concentric Flue come as standard
60/100 mm and also 80/125 mm for longer flue runs.

Twin Flue System: A flue system where the air intake and
exhaust flue pipes are separate and are System connected
individually to the gas boiler. Twin flue systems can be horizontal
or Vertical.

Mixed Flue System: A flue system where both twin flue and
concentric flue pipes are used. This type Systems of flue system
will normally commence in twin flue pipes and convert to
concentric flue at the terminal location. It is also possible for a flue
to start as a concentric flue and convert to twin flue on the run to
the terminal position.

Servicing a domestic gas appliance boiler then the flue gas sample should be taken at the flue
The procedures for servicing and safety checking a gas boiler terminal where reasonably practicable
with an extended flue requires the use of a Combustion Flue Gas
Analyser (CFGA). It is therefore necessary to ensure that prior to Extended concealed flues for existing installations
commencing work on a gas boiler you are aware that its flue is When carrying out a service or repair on a gas installation which
not extended. Where it is an extended flue a CFGA must be includes an extended concealed flue, in addition to the
available to confirm that the air intake is delivering the required requirements of Annex C.1, the requirements of this Clause C.2
levels of oxygen for the combustion process to work satisfactorily. shall also apply.

An existing extended flue which is concealed or exposed will The exposed parts of the flue shall be visually inspected, where
require type B carbon monoxide alarms in every room through possible.
which an extended flue passes.
The installation of the flue as per manufacturers’ instructions and
Where an existing gas boiler is fitted in an attic space and the flue the requirements of Clause 10 shall be verified, excluding 10.9.8.
has been extended then a type B carbon monoxide alarm is
required to conform to the current standard I.S. 813. A combustion flue gas analysis and air intake contamination
analysis at the flue sample points (where fitted) at the appliance
Appliances must be serviced according to I.S. 813 and shall be carried out. Where no sample points are fitted at the
manufacturers’ instructions. In servicing the appliance(s), the appliance then the flue gas sample should be taken at the flue
RGI must address the following safety indicators: terminal where reasonably practicable.

• Visually inspect the exposed flue where possible. Wherever there is an extended concealed flue for a fan-flued
• Ensure the flue is installed as per manufacturers’ room-sealed appliance which cannot be inspected, a Flue
instructions. Advisory Notice shall be issued to the owner/occupier/landlord. It
shall be recorded in the Certificate of Conformance for the
When servicing existing appliances with a concealed appliance(s) that a Flue Advisory Notice has been issued and the
extended flue owner/occupier/landlord responsible for the premises shall be
• A combustion flue gas analysis and air intake contamination made aware of the risk. Where considered necessary a
analysis at the flue sample points (where fitted) at the boiler Notification of Hazard/non-conformance shall be issued.
shall be carried out. Where no sample points are fitted at the
Where a fanned draught balanced flue is extended and is
concealed, any concealed space through which the flue passes
should be monitored for the presence of carbon monoxide by
installing CO detector(s) complying with the requirement of Annex

As a minimum the following actions shall be taken;

— Check with the user the installation/appliance performance
history and if there has been any previous history of flue or CO
related issues;
— Where the concealed space is subdivided into separate sealed
compartments each compartment shall be monitored by
installing multiple detectors or sensors (e.g. carbon monoxide
— Where possible, a means to carry out a visual inspection of the
flue should also be provided e.g. inspection hatches, or other
means to check for the presence of CO in the duct/void should
be provided;
— Where inspection hatches are not installed and a full visual
inspection of the flue is not possible a carbon monoxide
detector complying with Annex I shall be installed in every
room through which the concealed extended flue passes with
the exception of locations where it could be susceptible to
contamination by steam or grease. Also, the ceiling and
surfaces along the flue route shall be inspected for signs of
staining. Where there are signs of staining this must be further
investigated; and
— Where access to void(s) is available, testing for carbon
monoxide shall be carried out within the void(s).

Galvanised band, designed for joist strutting, window
frame and sill fixing, fencing repairs and hanging
ductwork, shall not be used to support or secure flue
components, joints or flue pipe runs.

Extended flues shall not pass through bathrooms.

Fig. 128 Typical concealed-extended flue and inspection hatch

Existing extended exposed flues
Where the owner-occupier/Landlord refuses to have alarms fitted
A carbon monoxide detector complying with the requirements of
a Notification of Hazard (NoHz) shall be issued and where
Annex I shall also be installed in every room through which an
appropriate, the appliance should be isolated (see I.S. 813:2014,
exposed extended flue passes. Consideration should be given to
Annex E.9).
installing a CO detector in each bedroom where a room-sealed
fan-flued appliance is installed, see Annex I.

Extended exposed flues for existing installations

A carbon monoxide detector complying with the requirements of
I.S. 813. Annex I shall also be installed in every room through
which an exposed extended flue passes.

Consideration should be given to installing a CO detector in each

bedroom where a room-sealed fan-flued appliance is installed,
see I.S. 813, Annex I.

• Wherever there is an extended concealed flue which cannot

be inspected, a flue advisory notice shall be issued to the
owner/occupier/landlord/landlord. It shall be recorded on the
Declaration of Conformance Certificate for the appliance(s)
that a Flue Advisory Notice has been issued and the
owner/occupier/landlord/landlord responsible for the premises
shall be made aware of the risk. Where considered necessary
a Notification of Hazard may be issued.
• Where the extended flue is concealed within a void/duct,
inspection hatches should be provided to permit inspection of
the flue throughout its entire length. A carbon monoxide
detector (Type B), complying with the requirements of Annex I
I.S. 813:2014 must be installed within each void through which
a concealed extended flue passes.

The gradient required in the manufacturer's
instructions (often 1 in 20) may prohibit the installation
of extended flues in restricted voids.

Where access to flue is not available

• Visually inspect the pathway of the concealed extended
flue for evidence of staining.
• If access to the void is available carry out a CO test in the
• Ask customer if there has been any ongoing problems/
issues with boiler performance and investigate same.
• A carbon monoxide detector (Type B) complying with the
requirements of Annex I shall be installed in every room
through which a concealed extended flue passes.
• A carbon monoxide detector (Type B) complying with the
requirements of Annex I shall also be installed in every room
through which an exposed extended flue passes.

Gas rating and burner pressure

• Rate the gas appliance at the gas meter. It must fall within
the range specified on the data badge on the appliance
and/or in the manufacturers’ instructions (see rating
procedure on page 6).
• If this is not possible then the appliance working pressure
(all appliances) and burner pressure (where applicable)
must be checked and must be within the range as
displayed on the data badge on the appliance and/or in
the manufacturers’ instructions.

Customer Awareness/ Notification

As noted above and in I.S. 813, if a concealed flue cannot be
inspected, the owner/occupier/landlord responsible for the
premises in which the concealed extended flue is fitted shall be
made aware of the risk. Where considered necessary a
Notification of Hazard shall be issued.
Further strong recommendations on additional safety measures
that the RGI should make to the owner/occupier/landlord are:
• Make the hidden sections of the flue accessible for
inspection by an RGI - See Fig. 128,(The RGI
should also advise on the options available to the
• Have a Carbon Monoxide alarm(s) installed by a
competent person, such as an RGI.
• Regularly check the path of your flue for staining or
discolouration and have your boiler serviced annually by
an RGI.
• If there is any evidence of staining or discolouration along
the path of, or near the flue, switch off the gas appliance
and contact an RGI immediately to inspect the entire
length of the flue (staining may be a sign that your flue
has corroded and may require immediate replacement).
• Install a type A carbon monoxide detector within the duct
or void and interlink it to shut down the appliance when in
the alarm condition. Install a type B carbon monoxide Fig. 129
detector in every room through which the extended flue
• Visit or phone 1850 797979 to
learn more about the signs and dangers of Carbon

New boiler installations or boiler replacements (Extended

Fan Flue Systems for room sealed fan flues.)

Where the extended flue is concealed within a void, inspection

hatches shall be provided to permit inspection of the flue
throughout its entire length. A type A carbon monoxide detector
complying with the requirements of Annex I shall be installed
within each void and interlinked to shut down the appliance when
in the alarm condition. A carbon monoxide detector complying
with the requirements of Annex I shall be installed in every room
through which the flue passes and in any room where the flue
passes through the ceiling space.

This covers the requirements for new installations where there

Fig. 130
is a concealed extended flue i.e. an extended flue concealed in a

NOTE: It is preferable to avoid this situation by siting the

boiler on an outside wall Carbon Monoxide Detector Boiler Interlink

The requirements are as follows: Important: Before carrying out installation or maintenance work,
ensure all electrical circuits are isolated and the fuse is removed.
• Inspection hatches must be provided to allow a full inspection
of the flue and the flue joints throughout its entire length; The schematic diagram below (Fig xx) illustrates how to
• A type “A” CO detector complying with the requirements of interconnect CO detectors using a type A CO detector as the
Annex I (See NOTE 1) must be installed in each void/duct switching device or, alternatively a wireless receiver relay.
and interlinked to shut down the appliance or the gas supply
(Solenoid) when in alarm condition; and The CO detector may be wired or wireless and must be
• A CO detector complying with the requirements of Annex I connected in such a way that will ensure that the boiler will
(See NOTE 2) must also be installed in every room through switch off if CO is detected. See recommended wiring options 1
which the flue passes and in any room where the flue and 2 below, but always refer to boiler and CO detector
concealed in a void/duct passes. manufacturers' specifications and instructions.

NOTE 1: Type “A” detector i.e. interlinked to shut off gas to It is recommended that all detectors installed are interconnected,
appliance or shut off appliance electrically. so that detection of CO by any one unit will result in activation of
all units and boiler shut off.
NOTE 2: Type “B” is a standalone detector (Audible and
visual only).

• You must fit access hatches in all new installation;

• You must fit type “A” detectors in each void/duct (Fig. 129
and Fig. 130);
• You must fit type “B” detector in each room through which the
flue or flue concealed in a void/duct passes;
• All Type A detectors must be interlinked and must shut off the
appliance when alarm/alarms are activated by a solenoid on
the gas line or shut off the boiler through an electrical relay;


Fig. 131 Fig. 132

In Option 1: On commissioning the appliance the combustion measurements

Add permanent live connection from double pole switch to boiler must be verified using a calibrated flue gas analyser complying
(copy from Option 2) This is required for hot water operation of with I.S. EN 50379-3.
the boiler.
New Appliance Installations
Revise text to “Permanent Live to Boiler and Relay” A CO detector shall be installed in each room containing an
open-flue or fixed flueless appliance.
The wireless receiver relay device must be connected via a
spur/switch which needs to be double poled and fused at 3 Since 28th Jan 2014 all Open Flued and Fixed Flueless
amps. It is recommended that the wireless receiver relay or type appliances fitted must have a CO detector installed in the room
A detector be the last control device in the wiring circuit before containing the appliance and in each bedroom or located in a
connection to boiler. corridor within 5 meters of the bedroom(s) door.

The wireless receiver relay or type A CO detector can be Therefore you must fit a minimum of two CO detectors every time
connected, as shown in wiring options 1(Fig. 131) or 2 (Fig. 132 you fit a gas appliance. The only exceptions are
above, depending on the boiler type. For boilers with a pump or • a room sealed, balanced flue appliance fitted direct to an
fan overrun facility Option 2 is recommended. outside wall with flue directly to outside does not require the
installation of a CO detector, but a detector is recommended if
Important: For Combination Type Boiler use wiring Option 1.This the boiler is located in a bedroom or
is necessary to control the boiler when operating in either heating • where the only gas appliance installed is a cooker, or hob and
or hot water modes oven, only one CO detector is required to be installed

Important: Be aware that when the CO level has dropped below Wherever there is an extended concealed flue which cannot be
the alarm activation setting the boiler will re-start automatically inspected, a flue advisory notice shall be issued to the
If a boiler has shut down due to the detection of CO and no fault owner/occupier/landlord/landlord. It shall be recorded on the
can be found in the boiler or flue system, other potential sources Declaration of Conformance Certificate for the appliance(s) that a
of CO e.g. solid fuel fires or leaks from adjoining properties Flue Advisory Notice has been issued and the
should be investigated. owner/occupier/landlord responsible for the premises shall be
made aware of the risk. Where considered necessary a
Location of CO Alarms in Enclosed Flues/Voids Notification of Hazard may be issued.

Fig. 133
Ensure there is sufficient space around the
alarm to remove it from the mounting plate
Dear Owner/Occupier/Landlord/Property Manager,

Your Registered Gas Installer (RGI) has identified that your gas installation includes a
concealed(hidden) concealed or exposed extended flue from your boiler to the flue terminal
outside. This flue is designed to safely remove Carbon Monoxide Dioxide and water vapour
produced by your boiler to outside of your building. If it is not installed correctly Carbon
Monoxide Carbon Monoxide may be produced and could be a risk to your health.etheir could
be a risk to your health.

Your RGI has attempted to inspect the entire flue, however because it is hidden it has not
been possible to carry out a full inspection. Without access to the flue your RGI cannot fully
confirm the safety of its installation.

It is strongly recommended that you take further steps to ensure your own safety the
safety of you,that of other, people living in the property your home and your neighbours
by making the hidden sections of the flue accessible for inspection by an RGI. Your RGI
will be able to advise you on the options available to you.

Additional safety measures

In addition to making the hidden sections of the flue accessible for inspection It is also strongly
recommended that you have a Carbon Monoxide alarm(s) installed by a competent person,
such as a RGI, in each room that your flue passes through.

When installing a Carbon Monoxide alarm:

Make sure it meets the standard EN 50291, this will be marked on the packaging; Make
sure it has an end-of-life indicator and carries a third party certification mark, for example
the BSI Kitemark; Make sure that the installation instructions are followed to ensure that
your Carbon Monoxide alarm is installed in the correct location and operates effectively.

You should also regularly check the path of your flue for staining or discolouration and have
your boiler serviced annually.

If you see any staining or discolouration along the path of, or near your flue, switch off
your gas boiler and contact your RGI immediately to inspect the entire length of your flue.
Staining may be a sign that your flue has corroded and may require immediate
Visit or phone 1850 797979 to learn more about the signs and
dangers of Carbon Monoxide.

For further information on getting your flue inspected or to find a RGI, please contact the
Register of Gas Installers of Ireland on 1850 454 454 or 01 4997998. You can also visit our

Yours sincerely,
The Register of Gas Installers of Ireland

Fig. 134

Carbon Monoxide is highly dangerous. You can't see it or Parts Time of Exposure Response
smell it. In fact it is often called "the silent killer". You can per Million
protect your home from the dangers of this deadly gas by
taking preventive measures and by learning to recognise the 50 Threshold limit,
symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. The following is no apparent toxic symptoms
information which will help keep homes safe from the 100 Several hours No symptoms for long periods
build-up of this dangerous gas. 200 2-3 hours Possible headache
400 1-2 hours Frontal headache and nausea
• Carbon Monoxide (also known as CO) is a colourless,
800 45 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea
odourless poisonous gas and is a common yet
800 2 hours Collapse and possible
preventable cause of death from poisoning worldwide.
• The incomplete combustion of organic fossil fuels such
as oil, gas or coal is a common environmental source of 1600 20 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea
CO and is responsible for many cases of non-fatal 1600 2 hours Collapse, unconsciousness,
unintentional CO poisoning. possible death
• When CO is inhaled into the body it combines with the 3200 5-10 minutes Headache and dizziness
blood, preventing it from absorbing oxygen. If a person is 3200 10-15 minutes Unconsciousness and possible death
exposed to CO over a period, it can cause illness and 6400 1-2 minutes Headache and dizziness
even death. 6400 0-15 minutes Unconsciousness and possible death
12800 Immediate Unconsciousness

12800 1-3 minutes Danger of death

Carbon Monoxide has no smell, taste or colour. This is

Table 26 Physiological Effects of Carbon Monoxide (CO)
why it is sometimes called the "Silent Killer".
Causes of CO Poisoning For an RGI’s personal safety an intrinsically safe gas
monitor should be considered when working in areas
Carbon Monoxide can be produced as a result of any or a potentially contaminated by CO.
combination of the following:
• Faulty or damaged heating appliances RGI’s should advise customers that if they experience any
• Heating appliance not maintained or serviced of the symptoms described and suspect that CO may be
• Rooms not properly ventilated involved to seek urgent medical advice, inform the doctor of
• Blocked chimneys or flues their concerns.
• Indoor use of a barbecue grill or outdoor heater
• Poor installation of heating appliances Complete Combustion
• Improper operation of heating appliances When hydrocarbons e.g. Natural Gas (CH4) burn, complete
• Property alterations or home improvements, which reduce combustion is a process which burns all the carbon (C) to
ventilation Carbon Dioxide (CO2), all the hydrogen (H) to water (H2O)
• Running engines such as electricity generator, vehicles or
lawnmowers in garages Incomplete Combustion
• Using cooking appliances for heating purposes When hydrocarbons e.g. Natural Gas (CH4)) burn, incomplete
combustion will occur when there is not enough oxygen to allow
the fuel to react completely to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Symptoms of CO Poisoning
The two main reasons that lead to incomplete combustion are
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be similar lack of oxygen and interference of the flame.
to those caused by other illnesses such as a cold or flu.
They include Incomplete combustion occurs when the supply of air or oxygen
• Unexplained headaches, chest pains or muscular is poor. This can be caused by lack of primary air or insufficient
weakness ventilation. Interference of the flame can be caused by debris on
• Sickness, diarrhoea or stomach pains the burner or the flame touching the heat exchanger.
• Sudden dizziness when standing up
• General lethargy With incomplete combustion, water is still produced, but carbon
monoxide and carbon are produced instead of carbon dioxide.
The carbon is released as soot. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous
gas, which is one reason why incomplete combustion needs to
be avoided.

Where a new boiler is being installed and a Type A CO
alarm (which must be installed to satisfy the
requirements of I.S. 813) is used in conjunction with
radio frequency CO alarms, it is essential that the
group of alarms within the premises are house coded SAFETY NOTE
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. CO will leave the blood when you go out into the fresh
This may also be applied where an existing installation air and tests for CO may be inaccurate if taken hours
is being upgraded. after the exposure has ceased.

To ensure complete combustion, the appropriate volume of A flue gas analyser may be used to determine CO
Air (Oxygen) must react with the required volume of gas. levels in the atmosphere in a room. When checking for
The basic chemical reaction for Methane (Natural Gas), Carbon Monoxide in a room, occupants should be
Propane and Butane is shown in the following equations:
asked to immediately evacuate the premises if a
CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O (Natural Gas)
reading of 30 ppm or greater is recorded (except in the
C3H8 + 5O2 = 3CO2 + 4H2O (Propane)
C4H10 + 13O2 = 8CO2 + 10H2O (Butane) case of a gas cooker). All appliances should be turned
Incomplete combustion may occur if an incorrect mix of fuel off. The premises should be ventilated and only be re-
and oxygen is burned. When incomplete combustion occurs, entered when the CO level drops to 10 ppm or less,
will give rise to the production of Carbon Monoxide as part of when tested continuously from outside. For a gas
the products of combustion. The basic chemical reaction in this cooker, the reading should not exceed 30 ppm for
case is shown in the following equation for Methane (Natural longer than 20 minutes or 90 ppm at any time.
Gas): 1 m3 CH4 + 1.75 m3 O2 = 0.5 m3 CO += 0.5 m3 CO2 + However, the need to proceed with great caution in
2 m3 H2O cases where CO levels exceed 10 ppm cannot be
stressed enough and anyone carrying out work in such
conditions must have adequate training and experience
in the toxicological effects of CO.
The Danger Signs
The following indicate that an appliance is not functioning

• Staining, sooting or discolouration around the appliance

• Appliances that burn slowly, badly (orange or 'floppy'
flames) or go out
• A yellow or orange flame where normally blue
• Condensation or dampness on walls and windows in the
room once the appliance is lit
• A strange smell when the appliance is on
• Rusting or water streaking on appliance
• Loose or disconnected vent/chimney connections or

Users should be encouraged to use the services of an

RGI to have the unit fully examined for safety, if any of these
conditions are detected. They should also be advised of the
• If anyone in the house has any of the symptoms outlined
above get fresh air immediately, then go to your doctor
and ask him/her to check for Carbon Monoxide
• Stop using the appliance immediately and do not use it
again until it has been checked by an RGI.
• The amount of CO which the blood absorbs depends
chiefly on two things: how much CO is in the air and the
time of the exposure. Adverse effects of CO on humans
are reduced by periods of breathing fresh air. The degree
of recovery depends on the number and length of those
periods. The general state of health and degree of
physical activity of a person exposed to CO are other
factors involved in the effects of Carbon Monoxide on the

Carbon Monoxide alarms can be used as a backup to provide a warning to householders in the event of a
dangerous build-up of CO. The Carbon Monoxide alarm must comply with the EN 50291 standard and should also
comply with the Irish Standard Specification which covers additional requirements for CO detectors (SWIFT 8:2011).
Remember that Carbon Monoxide alarms are no substitute for regular inspection and maintenance of appliances,
vents, flues and chimneys. (See typical CO Detector in Fig. 148, page 100).

Swift 8 makes the following recommendations for CO

• It must meet the requirements of the standard EN 50291 Make sure that the installation instructions are followed
(this will be marked on the packaging) to ensure that the Carbon Monoxide alarm is installed
• It must have an end-of-life indicator in the correct location and operates effectively. See
• It must carry a third party certification mark, for example typical installation diagrams below, Fig. 135..
the BSI Kitemark;
The flame picture has long been considered to give a reasonable
A Flue gas combustion analyser can be used to confirm the safe indication of whether satisfactory combustion is taking place (a
performance of certain gas appliances following servicing. It can blue coloured flame is generally considered satisfactory with an
also help in the identification of unsafe gas appliances orange or yellowish flame generally unsatisfactory). However, a
A flue gas analyser can be used to obtain significant information visual indication is not always fully reliable and more detailed
such as: examination of the appliance may prove necessary. Also, it is not
a) verification of combustion characteristics of appliances always possible to see the flame picture with certain appliances.
b) checking CO concentrations within a premises In these cases, the use of a combustion analyser is likely to be
c) identification of the source of a CO emission the best option.

Appliances (e.g. condensing boilers/water heaters, range type

cookers) with forced draught premix burners have become
increasingly common. The manufacturers’ instructions for this
type of appliance frequently call for the use of a combustion
analyser during commissioning and servicing

CO emitted from the appliance is warm so it rises

It moves lower down the room as it starts to cool
When it is the same temperature as the room it will be at all
levels in the room.

Fig. 135 Typical installation diagrams

Table 27 below shows how a typical CO Alarm reacts to The flame picture has long been considered to give a reasonable
different levels of CO gas and exposure time and the notes indication of whether satisfactory combustion is taking place (a
indicate the action to be taken in the event of the alarm being blue coloured flame is generally considered satisfactory with an
activated. orange or yellowish flame generally unsatisfactory). However, a
visual indication is not always fully reliable and more detailed
examination of the appliance may prove necessary. Also, it is not
Red Light Display Icon Display Icon Sounder

always possible to see the flame picture with certain appliances.

(Pre Alarm) (before horn sounds) (after horn sounds) (Alarm)

In these cases, the use of a combustion analyser is likely to be

CO Gas Level

0 < ppm < 10 ppm off * Blank Blank off the best option.

Appliances (e.g. condensing boilers/water heaters, range type

PPM Level (flash) PPM Level (flash)
0 < ppm < 30 ppm off * on - 4 seconds. on - 4 seconds. off

cookers) with forced draught premix burners have become

off - 12 seconds off - 12 seconds

increasingly common. The manufacturers’ instructions for this

type of appliance frequently call for the use of a combustion
30 < ppm < 43 ppm off * PPM level PPM Level Off

analyser during commissioning and servicing.
1 flash EVACUATE on within
43< ppm < 80 ppm every 2 secs 060 PPM 060 PPM
60-90 mins
(typ 72 mins)

2 flash EVACUATE on within

80 < ppm < 150 ppm

every 2 secs 100 PPM 100 PPM
10-40 mins
(typ 18 mins)

VENTILATE on within 2 mins

4 flash EVACUATE

> 150 ppm

every 2 secs 150 PPM 150 PPM
(typ 40 secs)

* unless it has alarmed previously

ppm values shown in table are for example purposes only

Table 27 — CO Alarm Action Indicator

Actions to be taken:
• Open the doors and windows to ventilate the area.
• Turn off all fuel appliances where possible and stop using
them. (The alarm can be silenced immediately by
(a) Complete (a) incomplete (a) incomplete
pushing the test/hush button). combustion combustion combustion
• Evacuate the property leaving the doors and windows (too little (too much
open. primary air) primary air)
• Get medical help immediately for anyone suffering the Fig. 136
effects of Carbon Monoxide poisoning (headache,
nausea), and advise that Carbon Monoxide poisoning is
• Ring your gas or other fuel supplier on their emergency
number. Keep the number in a prominent place.
• Do not re-enter the property until the alarm has stopped.
(If the alarm has been silenced by pressing the test/hush
button, wait at least 5 minutes so the alarm can check
that the CO has cleared).
• Do not use the fuel appliances again until they have been
checked by an RGI or equivalent expert.

When home alterations are being carried out e.g.
adding an extension, converting a garage, double-
glazing or weather-sealing doors the ventilation
requirements for appliances should always be taken
into consideration. Particular restrictions apply where a
living space is to be used as a bedroom or a

A Flue gas combustion analyser can be used to confirm the safe

performance of certain gas appliances following servicing. It can
also help in the identification of unsafe gas appliances
A flue gas analyser can be used to obtain significant information
such as:
a) verification of combustion characteristics of appliances
b) checking CO concentrations within a premises
c) identification of the source of a CO emission

1 2 3

CO emitted from the appliance is warm It moves lower down the room as it When it is the same temperature as the
so it rises starts to cool room it will be at all levels in the room

Fig. 137

Possible Fault Location Possible Causes Signs

Gas rate Burner/heat Gas rate or injector size Incorrect flame picture. Soot staining/
and pressure exchanger incorrect. deposits.

Insufficient Appliance Insufficient air to replace that Incorrect flame picture or lift off, caused
ventilation used during combustion. by blocked or undersized ventilators.

Flame impingement Burner/heat Incorrect burner position. Flames touching heat exchanger. Flame
exchanger. Blocked or damaged burner lift or incorrect flame picture. Soot
Cooker grill ports. Blocked heat exchanger deposits. Damage or distortion to burner
fret. Distorted cooker grill fret. or grill fret.

Vitiation Burner Combustion air is deficient of Insufficient ventilation. Incorrect flue

oxygen due to possible spillage design or damaged/blocked flue. Flame
caused by a faulty flue. lift off. Soot staining/deposits.

Aeration Burner Incorrect adjustment to primary Incorrect flame picture; flame noisy or
air ports. Blocked lint arrester. flobby. Dust/lint deposits around burner
tube or injector(s).

Note: Gas operatives have a legal duty to make safe or report appliances that show danger signs. It is essential that any warning signs of faulty
combustion are not ignored when on site, or when advised by gas users (see Par 2- Gas emergency actions and procedures).

Table 28

Fig. 138 Home alterations


LPG can be supplied to a building from fixed bulk storage tanks containing propane, or portable cylinders containing propane
or butane

• for bulk storage of LPG see:

I.S. 3216 Part 1 Code of Practice for the Bulk Storage of LPG,
• for the storage of cylinders not in use see I.S. 3213.

The LPG Supply Chain Overview Diagram is shown below (Fig. 139) for background information purposes. It broadly indicates
the area of the industry which is within the remit of the current and proposed future legislation (under the jurisdiction of the
Commission for Energy Regulation). It also indicates responsibility areas of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).

Department for Transport

and Marine
Deck Cargo
Whitegate Refinery Maritime Safety Directorate

Bulk Contract Route

Cylinder and Bottles Route

Shore Terminals

Dangerous Substances (Storage of

Liquified Petroleum Gas)
Regulations 1990.

Bulk LPG storage subject to Seveso

II Regulations. Five top tier (> 200
tonnes) sites at: Cork, Whitegate
and Dublin (Calor); Drogheda and
Cork (Flogas)

Re-Distribution Terminals

LPG tankers subject to

ADR/Transport of
Dangerous Goods and
Dangerous Substances Lower tier Seveso II storage sites
legislation. (>50 <200 tonnes).

Bulk Contract and Retail

Distributed Networks to Cylinders and Bottles via
individual LPG tanks Dealers and Stockists

Individual Automotive Agriculture

LPG tank
for approx. Approximately 30 sites with some
I.S. 3216
12,000 lower tier Seveso II sites.
Parts 1 and 2
domestic (garage
and forecourts)
10,000 Code of
non- Practice for I.S. 3213 Code of
domestic the Bulk Practice for the
customers Storage of Storage (not use) of
Liquified LPG Cylinders at
Petroleum approx. 7,000
distributor and
LPG Gas applies.
HSA stockists premises Distribution Agents
Safety Enforcement

S.R. 12007-5 Installation

of Gas Service
Pipes Pipes
I.S. 265 Installation of Gas CER
Service Safety Enforcement

I.S. 329 GasDistribution
329 Gas
Mains Domestic Non-domestic
customers customers
I.S. 820
Distributed Network LPG Sites. I.S. 813

Fig. 139 LPG Supply Chain Overview

Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of gas (at 1013.25 mbar and 15oC)
MJ/m3 39-41 94 122
kWh/m3 10.8-11.4 26.1 33.9

Specific Gravity of gas (air = 1.000) 0.56 1.52 1.94

Gross Calorific Value of liquid 50.0 MJ/kg 49.3 MJ/kg

(15o C)
Not applicable 25.5 MJ/l 28.6MJ/l

Vapour pressure of liquid (absolute)

at 15o C Not applicable 7.2 bar 2.4 bar

at 0o C Not applicable 5.5 bar 1.9 bar

Flammability limits

(% Gas in air): Upper 15 10.0 9.0

Lower 5 2.2 1.8

Boiling point o C

(at atmosphere pressure) Not applicable -45 -2

Supply pressure 21 mbar 37 mbar 28 mbar

Stoichiometric Air requirements by volume/volume gas 9.76:1 23.56:1 30.00:1

Flame Speed 0.36 m/s 0.46 m/s 0.45 m/s

Maximum Flame Temperature (approx) 1930o C 1980o C 1996o C

Ignition Temperature 704o C 530o C 408o C

Family 2nd 3rd 3rd

Table 29 — Gas Characteristics


• LPG is heavier than air and Natural Gas
• LPG in liquid form is approximately half as dense as water
• LPG has a high calorific value
• LPG has a higher operating pressure than Natural Gas
• LPG has low limits of flammability
• LPG is stored as a liquid, under pressure
• LPG will expand by approximately 250 times when it vapourises (Butane 233 times, Propane 277 times)
• LPG requires more air to burn per unit of volume than Natural Gas
• LPG products of complete combustion are non-toxic (mainly water and Carbon Dioxide)
• LPG can cause cold burns


a Height of top of Pressure Relief Valve (PRV)

b 9m
c Length of vessel
d 0.3m for vessels up to 500 litres
1.5m for vessels > 500 litres to 2500 Litres
e 2.5m for vessels up to 500 litres
3.0 m for vessels > 500 Litres to 2 500 Litres
f Roof overhang
g LPG vessel
h 60 minutes minimum fire resistance and imperforate

Fig. 140 Small bulk vessel adjacent to a building

The siting and location of LPG Tanks is the
responsibility of the LPG Suppliers. The RGI must
ALWAYS contact the supplier for guidance regarding
such installations.

LPG BULK TANK SYSTEMS for the vessel sizes normally installed at domestic
• Bulk tanks are refilled by road tanker at the premises are given in Table 30 on page 96.
customers’ premises. Detailed requirements relating • For underground vessels, specialist advice is
to bulk storage tanks are contained in I.S. 3216. available from the LPG Suppliers.
• The pressure in the tank is typically reduced in two • It is possible to employ fire walls to reduce
stages to the standard appliance operating pressure separation requirements on restricted sites.
using a first, then second stage regulator. However, specialist advice should be obtained from
• Improved pressure control, on long pipe runs or the LPG supplier in this instance.
when widely varying flows need to be catered for, • For vessels up to 500 litres capacity, the fire wall
can be achieved by the appropriate choice of needs to be no higher than the top of the vessel and
location of the second stage regulator(s). may form part of the site boundary.
The first stage regulator, located at the tank, • The fire wall for a tank up to 2 500 litres water
typically reduces the pressure to between 0,6 bar capacity may form part of a building wall in
and 1,0 bar. accordance with Fig. 140, above. Where part of the
• The second stage regulator located either at the building is used as a firewall, the wall, including any
tank or, more usually, where the supply pipework overhang, against which the LPG is stored should
enters the premises, typically reduces the pressure be 60 minutes fire-resisting construction and
to the required operating pressure for appliances in imperforate
use in the premises, normally 37 mbar. • Tanks are located inaccordance with the
• Both regulators are normally located outdoors. requirements of Table 30, Minimum separation
• Details on location and separation distance from distances on page 96.
various features or hazards (e.g. source of ignition)
Nominal capacity of any single Maximum Above ground vessels Buried or mounded tanks
vessel in a group capacity of
all vessels in
a group

Water LPG LPG From buildings, boundary, (c) Between From buildings etc. to
capacity capacity capacity property line or fixed source vessels in a
of ignition group
(litres) (tonnes) (tonnes)
(a) Without (b) With fire Valve assembly cover (f) (g)
fire wall wall Vessel Between
(m) (m) (d) Without (e) With gas (m) Vessel
gas dispersion
dispersion wall (m)
wall (m) (m)

150 to 500 0.05 to 0.25 0.8 2.5 0.3a) 0.3 2.5c) 1.5c) 1 0.3b)

Up to 2 500 Up to 1.1 3.5 3 1.5a) 1 3c) 1.5c) 1 1b)

Up to 9 000 Up to 4 12.5 7.5 4 1 3c) 1.5c) 1 1b)

Up to 135 000 Up to 60 200 15 7.5 1.5 7.5c) 7.5c) 3 1b)

Up to 337 500 Up to 150 460 22.5 11 1/4 of the sum 11c) 11c) 3 1b)
of the
diameter of 2

> 337 500 >150 1 000 30 15 1/4 of the sum 15c) 15c) 3 1b)
of the
diameter of 2
a) For vessels up to 500 litres capacity, the fire wall needs to be no higher than the top of the vessel and may form part of the site boundary. The fire
wall for a tank up to 2500 litres water capacity may form part of a building wall in accordance with Figure 1. Where part of the building is used as a
firewall, the wall, including any overhang, against which the LPG is stored should be 60 minutes fire-resisting construction and imperforate.

b) For below ground, mounded storage the spacing between adjacent vessels shall be determined by the site conditions and the requirements for
safety installations, removal of such vessels as well as their inspection testings and maintenance.

c) See Annex C

Table 30 — Minimum separation distances

valve opened during the filing of the tank and

should liquid discharge at this point it means
the vessel is full to its maximum liquid point
contents gauge plastic cap pressure reflief valve
vapour take-off point &
fill connection
tank service control valve
lifting 1st stage regulator
points service pipe
to the building

LPG vapour

maximum float
liquid level

LPG liquid

Fig. 141 Typical domestic tank installation


• The number of installed cylinders, subject to the restrictions in Annex B, I.S. 813, which are to be
connected in parallel simultaneously to supply an installation should be such that their total evaporative
capacity will be adequate to supply the maximum gas flow required by all the installed appliances.
• Table 31, page 97 must be used to determine cylinders required for a given installation.

• The maximum anticipated flow rate for each installation the installation pipework with a low pressure flexible connection
must be calculated using the appliance manufacturer's conforming to BS 3212 or equivalent (maximum hose length
data and the components sized accordingly. 1 m) or alternatively the regulator can be fixed to a wall or
• To ensure continuity of supply it is also advisable to have support and connected to the installation pipework and then
an equivalent number of cylinders in reserve. connected to the cylinder by a rubber or metallic high pressure
"pigtail" approved by use with LPG conforming to BS 3212 or
equivalent. (Maximum length 1,25 m) The regulator may be
Cylinder capacity Maximum recommended off-take at 15 OC
connected directly to the storage cylinders or be wall mounted
kg or

using brackets supplied by the manufacturer and connected to

litres of LPG

the cylinder with a "pigtail". Regulators connected directly to

Propane Butane

cylinders shall have excess flow or overpressure protection.

In single stage regulator systems the gas pressure is reduced
11 kg / 26 litres 1.0 kg/h (14 kW) 0.6 kg/h (8 kW)

directly from the prevailing vapour pressure in the storage

cylinder(s) down to the pressure required by the appliances.
34 kg / 79 Litres 1.7 kg/h (24 kW) Not applicable

47 kg / 108 Litres 2.4 kg/h (33 kW) Not applicable

Note Above off-take rates will be reduced at lower ambient temperatures

Automatic Change over Device and Regulator CPSO Indicator
e.g. to approximately 80% at 10 OC

Table 31
Change Over Indicator Non-return Valve

Emergency Control High Pressure Hose

Installation and storage of LPG cylinders in use, for Cylinder Valve Service Pipework

domestic buildings

Some requirements for these types of installation are given

below (more comprehensive details are provided in Annex
B, I.S. 813)
• Cylinders containing commercial propane supplying
permanently fixed equipment must be sited on a firm
level surface at or above ground level and installed
outside the building in a well-ventilated area where any
leakage of this gas, which is heavier than air, may readily
• Precautions must be taken to prevent cylinders from
falling over and protected to minimise accidental damage
Fig. 142 Single Stage Regulator System
and inadvertent or deliberate interference.
• Appropriate precautions must be taken to protect Two-stage regulator systems (see fig. 144) can achieve
cylinders against vehicular impact. improved pressure control where widely varying gas flows
• For permanent domestic dwellings, the part of the structure may occur (such as when several appliances are installed,
upon which, or against which the cylinders are located should or when long lengths of pipe run are unavoidable). Two stage
have a minimum of 2 hour non-combustible fire resistance. systems are commonly used for propane supplies
• Except for single/twin cylinder installations, pigtails with from bulk storage tanks, but may also be used for cylinder
excess flow and non-return valves should be fitted to installations. The first stage pressure regulator must be sited
minimise the consequences of any leakage, accidental at or as near to the storage cylinders or bulk tank as
or otherwise. possible. The second stage regulator must be installed
• For single or twin cylinder installations only a regulator with outdoors.
over pressure or excess flow protection shall be installed
• Hose lengths must be kept as short as possible and no Automatic changeover regulator systems may
greater than 1.25 m. incorporate pressure regulation in addition to a mechanism
for automatically switching from one bank of cylinders
LPG Regulators and changeover devices (typically one to three cylinders in domestic applications) to
a reserve bank when the first bank is empty so that there is
In single stage regulator systems the gas pressure is reduced no interruption in gas supply during this changeover.
directly from the pressure in the LPG cylinder(s) down to the
pressure required by the appliances. Regulators shall have SAFETY NOTE
overpressure or excess flow protection. This type of regulator Compression and mechanical type joints shall not be
may be connected directly to the LPG cylinder and connected to inside a sleeve.

Compression and mechanical type joints shall not be inside a



Fig. 143 Two Stage Regulator System

Minimum separation for Propane cylinder installations Feature or hazard
0,5 m Window reveal
1,0 m Window (any openable section)
Air vent
1,0 m Balanced-flue Flue terminal
Trapped drain
Parked motor vehicle
1,5 m Fixed sources of ignition
Unprotected electrical equipment
Flammable/combustible materials
Untrapped drain or unsealed gully or manhole cover
3,0 m Bulk flammable liquid storage
Opening to cellar / basement
Corrosive, toxic or oxidising materials
6,0 m Mechanical air intake

Table 32 — Minimum horizontal separation distance required between various features or hazards and Propane

Wall mounted Isolation Valve Rubber Hoses

Regulator Unit/Automatic
changeover device

Four cylinder manifold

Fig. 144 Typical Cylinder Manifold Installation

A Window
B Window/any other opening into building
C Cellar/basement entrance
D Untrapped drain/ unsealed manhole
E Corrosive, toxic or oxidising materials
F Flammable liquids
( e.g. oil, steel or plastic tanks)
G Electrical meter/distribution box
H Door
J Balanced flue/ flue terminal
K Storage – flammable/combustible materials
(e.g solid fuels)
L Refuse bin
M Trapped drain
N Vent
P Mechanical air intake
Q Unprotected electrical equipment/fixed source of
R ≥ 500 mm if top of cylinder is above the window reveal
S 1m
T Not less than 300 mm
U 3m
V 1,5 m
W 6m
X Maximum 400 kg
NOTE A dashed line in the above diagram indicates
Fig. 145 Siting of Propane Cylinders In Use the window/door/opening can be opened


3m 1m

1,5 m
3m 3m
3m S 1m U 3m
V 1,5 m W 6m

Fig.146 Siting of Butane cylinders in use outdoors

Siting and access

• The use of propane cylinders indoors to supply a • Cylinders must be sited away from any heat
domestic appliance is not permitted source likely to raise the temperature of the
• Cylinders must not obstruct passageways or exits. cylinder contents above 40 °C.
• There must be unobstructed access to the cylinder • Where cylinders are installed in an enclosed yard,
installation, and the area adjacent to them must be the installation must comply with the following:
kept clear to ensure adequate ventilation. - not more than 6 cylinders are permitted;
• Cylinders must not be kept or used under a - the area of the yard is not less than 15 m²;
stairway where they could be a hazard in the event - where all pigtails have not got excess flow
of fire. valves at the end connected to the
• The minimum separation distance between the cylinder, and non-return valves at the other
cylinder installation and features such as openings end, the area of the yard must be not less
to the building are given in Table 32 and Fig.145, than 30 m².
for propane and Table 33 and Fig. 146 for butane. • The maximum capacity of butane permitted in a bank of
• Any opening into chimneys or air intakes must be cylinders is 50 kg
at least 1,0 m above the level of the top of any
cylinder. Other openings above any cylinder must
be at least 0.3 m above the level of the top of the

Minimum separation for Butane cylinder installations Feature or hazard

1,0 m Balanced flue/ Flue terminal
1,5 m Parked motor vehicle
Solid fuels, or other materials permanently stored, likely to cause damage to
cylinder in the event of a fire.
3,0 m Un-trapped drain or un-sealed gully or manhole cover
Bulk flammable liquid storage
Opening to cellar / basement
Corrosive, toxic or oxidising materials
6,0 m Mechanical air intake

NOTE 1 The maximum capacity of all cylinders installed in a group is 50 Kg's.

NOTE 2 Because of lower pressure stored, self-closing cylinder valve and low pressure installation, less restrictions apply to butane
cylinder installations outdoors. See also B.3.6.
NOTE 2 Butane cylinders and regulator installations outdoors require weather protection.

Table 33 — Minimum horizontal separation distance required between various features or hazards and a Butane

The tightness test is carried out with air using the following
• n preparation for the test the taps of the appliances
must be closed but the shut off valves be left open.
• The system is then pressurised to 150 mbar and closed.
• After a period of 5 min to allow for temperature
stabilisation, the pressure is recorded.
• After another 5 min the remaining pressure is compared
to the first pressure.
• If pressure has dropped at all from noted reading, the
installation cannot be regarded as sound and must not
be commissioned until the leak is repaired and the
installation re-tested.
• All parts of the LPG system operating at pressures
above working pressure, if any, are tested with an
Fig. 147 appropriate leak detection solution according to
I.S. EN 1949 specifies the requirements for the installation of EN 14291 at operational pressure, no leakage must be
liquefied petroleum gas systems for habitation purposes in observed within 30 seconds.
leisure accommodation vehicles and for accommodation
purposes in other vehicles. It details safety and health
requirements on the selection of materials, components and
appliances, on design considerations and tightness testing of
installations and on the contents of the user's handbook.

Since June 27th 2011 “Gas Work” in this area has come
within the remit of the regulatory regime and while this
section of the Technical Guidance Document outlines salient
requirements of the standard, it should be used as a guide
and not instead of the standard itself.

Under the current legislation, the work described here can

only be carried out by an RGI.

Some requirements for these types of installation are given

below, while more detail is available in the standard.

For the sake of clarity, definitions for the various types of

vehicles are given here:
Fig. 148 Siting of Butane Cylinders In Use
Leisure Accommodation Vehicle: unit of living
accommodation for temporary or seasonal occupation that
may meet requirements for construction and use of road Although the
vehicles. standard does
not specifically
call for their
Caravan: trailer leisure accommodation vehicle that meets use, gas leak
requirements for construction and use of road vehicles. and Carbon
Motor Caravan: self-propelled leisure accommodation monitoring
vehicle that meets requirements for construction and use of devices are
to be
road vehicles. It contains at least seats and table, sleeping recommended
accommodation which may be converted from the seats, (a typical device
cooking facilities and storage facilities. is shown in
Fig. 149 and
Fig. 149 Siting of Butane Cylinders In Use 150).
Caravan Holiday Home: transportable leisure
accommodation vehicle that does not meet requirements for
construction and use of road vehicles, that retains means for
mobility and is for temporary or seasonal occupation.

Fig. 150 Siting of Butane Cylinders In Use

To address the issue of gas works on existing installations a 3 Visible condition of accessible gas pipework and flexible
National Annex has been prepared by the Gas Technical connectors
Standards Committee in Ireland. This National Annex sets out 3.1 There shall be no evidence of physical damage.
the requirements for any gas works not covered in I.S. EN 3.2 The integrity of the pipe shall not be threatened by
1949:2011+A1:2013, undertaken on leisure accommodation corrosion.
vehicles. 3.3 The appliance isolation valve shall be accessible and
This National Annex sets out a method by which existing LPG 3.4 Where repair or upgrading is required, a Notification of
systems in vehicles with leisure accommodation, campervans Hazard (see NA.13) shall be issued to the
(motor caravan), caravans and mobile homes (caravan holiday owner/occupier/landlord.
home), which have been already constructed and commissioned,
are inspected and/or serviced by a competent person 4 Adequacy of appliance air supply
(Registered Gas Installer) to ensure that the LPG systems are 4.1 The air supply to all appliances shall be examined to
safe for continued operation. establish its compliance with the original manufacturers'
design requirements.
The main issues addressed are as shown below: 4.2 The effectiveness of each air vent shall be verified.
1 Inspection of existing LPG systems 4.3 Where it is identified that the air supply is inadequate and
1.1 The correct and suitable fuel (propane or butane) and may present a health risk, the appliance shall be isolated,
regulator for the appliances shall be verified as being see NA.13.
correct. Where the installation is designed for propane the 4.4 Where the air supply is deemed not to meet the
appropriate cylinder and regulators shall be fitted. requirements of I.S. EN 1949, a Notification of Hazard shall
1.2 Pressure regulators of fixed working pressure of 30 mbar be issued, see NA.13.
are required to be fitted to road vehicles manufactured in
accordance with I.S. EN 1949. The correct and suitable 5 Adequacy of flue dispersion
regulator shall be fitted. 5.1 All flues and chimneys serving appliances shall be checked
In the case of mobile homes, regulators of 37 mbar for for suitability of material and satisfactory performance.
propane and 28 mbar for butane are acceptable There shall be no evidence of visible corrosion, physical
NOTE See 6.1.1 of I.S. EN 1949:2011+A1:2013. damage or visible deterioration.
1.3 The soundness of the installation and connected appliances 5.2 All open-flued appliances shall be tested for spillage. If the
shall be checked in accordance with NA.6. result is not satisfactory the appliance shall be isolated, see
1.4 The visible condition of accessible gas pipework and NA.13.
flexible connectors shall be checked and verified in 5.3 Any evidence of visible staining, which could be attributed
accordance with NA.7. to flue spillage, adjacent to any appliance or the flue shall
1.5 The adequacy of fixed air supply shall be checked and be investigated.
verified for effectiveness in accordance with NA.8. 5.4 Where reasonably practicable, the flue terminal shall be
1.6 The effectiveness of any flue or chimney shall be checked inspected to confirm it is correctly located and the opening
and verified in accordance with NA.9. is not obstructed and is free from combustible material.
1.7 The appropriateness of appliance locations shall be 5.5 Flueless instantaneous water heaters shall be inspected for
checked and verified in accordance with NA.10. the existence of an operational atmospheric sensing device.
1.8 The appliances shall be checked and verified as being When the device is inoperable or not fitted, the supply shall
securely fixed. be isolated and the occupier or responsible person informed
1.9 The cylinder storage compartment, where required, shall be in writing, see NA.13. Any isolation shall be such as to
checked and verified as being fit for purpose in accordance require the use of tools to restore the supply.
with the requirements for cylinder compartments in I.S. EN
1949. 6 Appliance location
2 Soundness testing of existing installation Where an appliance is in a location not permitted by I.S. EN
2.1 The pressure test shall be conducted at operating pressure 1949, appropriate actions shall be taken, as outlined in NA.13,
for a minimum of 2 minutes after a temperature stabilisation i.e.:
period of 5 minutes, on appliances and pipework. If no
pressure drop is observed, the installation is deemed to be Where a hazard is identified, a Notification of Hazard shall be
sound. issued to the owner/occupier/landlord or responsible person.
WARNING — where the regulator forms part of the test, care
shall be taken to avoid leakage being masked by gas The competent person may decide to affix a warning notice
pressure upstream of the regulator ("reservoir effect"). and/or isolate the gas supply to the installation, or part thereof, or
2.2 In the event of a pressure drop, all appliances shall be to an appliance if deemed appropriate. Any isolation shall be
isolated and the test repeated. If no pressure drop is such as to require the use of tools to restore the supply
observed the pipework may be deemed to be sound.
2.3 In the event of a pressure drop in the pipework it shall be
isolated, see NA.13.
2.4 The isolated appliances shall be tested in accordance with
Table 34 In the event of a pressure drop in an appliance,
if the pressure drop is in excess of that specified in Table
34, the appliance shall be isolated, see NA.13. If the
pressure-drop is less than that specified in Table 34, then
the appliance may be left in use provided a Notification of
Hazard is issued, see NA.13.

Type of gas Test pressure Stabilisation duration Test Maximum permitted

duration pressure drop.
(appliance only)
LPG Operating pressure 5 minutes 2 minutes 0,5 mbar

Table 34 101
CYLINDER COMPARTMENTS Alternatively, thermal shielding must be installed to prevent
entry of exhaust gases into the compartment, or projection of
Cylinder compartments with internal access must satisfy the the exhaust heat flow towards the cylinder(s) (see Fig. 152).

• The compartment contains a maximum of two cylinders

with maximum capacity of 16 kg each
• Access between compartment and habitable area must
be via an attached sealed door or hatch, the bottom edge
of is at least 50 mm above the compartment floor.

as allowed in I.S. EN 1949.

Apart from the exceptions above, the following applies:

• vehicles cylinders for road going must be installed in

cylinder compartments.
• cylinder compartments must be sealed against the
accommodation space and have external access only.
• any cylinder placement must provide a minimum
distance from the engine exhaust system as shown in Fig. 152 Thermal Shielding Option
Fig. 151.

Minimum distance from the engine exhaust system Key

1 exhauster
2 LPG cylinder compartment
3 LPG cylinders
4 outside the vehicle
5 inside the vehicle
6 ventilation
7 driving direction
8 thermal shielding
E ≥ 25 mm

In Fig. 152 the area of low level ventilation is based on
a) Top view 10 000mm2.

b) Side view
Motor Caravan Caravan

Fig. 153 Typical Cylinder compartment installation

Fig. 151 Minimum distance from the engine exhaust system

To satisfy the requirements of EN 721 ventilation openings
Key should be:
1 example of allowed position of the exhauster • protected by a grill or screen
2 LPG cylinder compartment • located so that they are not likely to be blocked by
3 LPG cylinders curtains etc.
4 outside the vehicle • high and low level , preferably
R = D = D1 ≥ 250 mm • located so as not to be affected by flue products
D2 ≥ 300 mm
Table 35, page 103 provides details of the ventilation free area
The shaded areas represent the volume where no part of requirement based on the floor plan area of the principal
exhaust system must be located without installation of a habitation compartment. It caters for:
thermal protection shield. • Replacement air for occupants
• Supply of combustion air for flued and flueless appliances
• Removal of products of combustion from flueless

Total plan area of leisure Minimum size of high-level ventilation Minimum size of low-level
accommodation vehicles m2 (roof vents ) mm2 ventilation mm2
(see Note)

Up to 5 7500 1000
Over 5 and up 10 10000 1500
Over 10 and up to 15 12500 2000
Over 15 and up to 20 15000 3000
Over 20 20000 5000

Table 35 — Habitation Compartment Ventilation

The designed ventilation for this type of dwelling will
have been chosen to suit the appliances as originally
installed. If replacing an appliance, this should be done
on a “like for like” basis. Otherwise, the level of
ventilation must be recalculated and installed in
accordance with the original manufacturer’s
Fig. 154 Regulator and hose assembly
Permanent ventilation of any cylinder compartment must be • Only hoses and hose assemblies appropriate for the first
provided to the exterior. country of sale (e.g. temperature resistance, colour
coding) complying with the requirements of that country
If the ventilation is provided only at low level, the free area must be provided.
must be at least 2 % of the compartment floor area with a • Pipes must be made of copper complying with EN 1057,
minimum of 10 000 mm . If the ventilation is provided at high
2 seam welded steel complying with EN 10305-2, seamless
and low level the free area must be at least 1 % of the steel complying with EN 10305-1 or stainless steel
compartment floor area at each level and not less than 5 000 complying with EN ISO 1127 and must have a minimum
nominal wall thickness in compliance with Table 36:
mm at each level. It must not be possible for any part of the

ventilation area to be obstructed by a cylinder.


Out diameter Copper Steel
6 0.6 0.5
Apart from: 8 0.8 0.8
• ELV (extra low voltage) equipment for gas supply 10 1.0 1.0
control; 12 1.0 1.0
• cables running through a gas compartment without 15a 1.0 1.0
18a 1.0 1.0
22a 1.0 1.0

no electrical equipment, including wiring systems, is

For caravan holiday homes the above values for wall thickness are recommended, but it is

allowed in any gas cylinder compartment.

acceptable in countries where National Standards permit, to use a different wall thickness in
accordance with EN 1057.

Where such equipment is installed, it must not be a potential Table 36 — Regulator and hose assembly
source of ignition. If used in this way, cables must be
protected against mechanical damage by installation within
conduit or duct passing through the compartment. The
conduit or duct must be suitably protected from potential
damage if it is likely to be subject to impact. • Metallic fittings must be in compliance with I.S. EN 1949.
• Only jointing compounds complying with EN 751-2 and
PRESSURE REGULATION SYSTEMS/FLOW RATES suitable for use with LPG must be used and in
accordance with the jointing compound manufacturer‘s
• The LPG installation must have a pressure regulation instructions. Such jointing compounds must only be
system installed appropriate to the type of vehicle in applied to the male thread of threaded fitting.
which it is installed. • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape complying with EN
• For vehicles, a safety device/devices must be provided to 751-3 used in the manner prescribed by the tape
ensure that a pressure greater than 150 mbar is not manufacturer is acceptable.
supplied to any appliance with a maximum flow rate of • Jointing compounds must not be used on all other
1.5 kg/hr and working pressure of 30 mbar fittings.
• Typical flow rates for regulators used in caravan holiday • Shut-off valves must have a clearly identified “open” and
homes is 2.5 kg/hr, with 37 mbar working pressure for “closed“position.
propane and 28 mbar for butane
• Where an over-pressure relief valve is fitted it must vent
into the cylinder compartment or directly to the outside of
the vehicle.
Hoses should be routinely replaced at intervals not
exceeding 5 years. Any hose that shows signs of
splitting, wear or damage should be replaced. More
frequent inspection and replacement should be
considered if the hose is exposed to aggressive
Fig. 155 Regulator and hose assembly operating conditions.

• All unions and joints must be accessible, shut-off valves • If a plug-in socket is provided for the external use of gas
and hoses must be readily accessible. appliances (e.g. barbecue), it must only be provided by
• Pipework must be protected against mechanical damage an external outlet.
either by its location or other means (e.g. grommets).
• Pipes and other parts of the LPG system must be APPLIANCES
protected by anticorrosion measures, e.g. plastic coating • All appliances must be provided with relevant instructions
or bituminous paintwork, or be of corrosion resistant relating to their installation in leisure accommodation
material. vehicles and other vehicles.
• Pipes must be sized so that the pressure drop across the • A flame supervision device must be fitted to all appliance
pipe work from the pressure regulation system outlet burner(s) including pilot burners.
does not reduce the pressure at the appliance inlet below • All appliances must be installed and fixed in accordance
the minimum acceptable pressure for any of the with the appliance manufacturer’s installation
appliances within the system. instructions.
• Where LPG pipes are installed near electric supply lines, • Space heaters in caravans, motor caravans and other
contact with the electric supply lines shall be avoided by road vehicles must be of the room-sealed type and must
spacing, insulation and sheathing or other means. Where comply with EN 624. They must be installed and
no other means of protection is provided, the minimum positioned to minimise the risk of burns to the occupants
space between the gas pipes and accessories and the due to inadvertent contact with working surfaces.
electric supply lines must be: • In caravan holiday homes, closed-flue appliances are
- 30 mm in a parallel path; acceptable. The installation of the appliances must
- 10 mm at crossover points. comply with the appliance installation instructions
• Contact must be avoided with any other services. regarding positioning, flue lengths, positioning of flues,
• If confusion with other services is possible the LPG pipes protection against overheating of adjacent surfaces and
must be clearly identified. fixed ventilation.
• All LPG systems must include a main shut-off valve,
which must be readily accessible, preferably in the
cylinder compartment, with each appliance must have an SAFETY NOTE
individual shut-off valve in its supply line. Specialist appliances such as combination space and
• All shut-off valves actuators such as handles or switches water heaters are available for this sector.
must be readily accessible and have unmistakable Manufacturer’s instructions must be followed when
means of identification of the "open" and "closed" installing such appliances.(See Fig. 156, on page 105
position. for an example of such an appliance).
• Shut-off valves not situated immediately adjacent to the
appliance must carry unmistakable means of
• Water heaters in caravans, motor caravans and other
identification of the appliance they control.
road vehicles must be of the room sealed type.
• Shut-off valves installed on the outside of a vehicle must
• In caravan holiday homes room sealed water heaters are
be protected against dirt by positioning or covers.
preferred. See I.S.EN 1949 conditions to be satisfied if
• Pipes conveying gas must not be used as a bonding
installing open flued appliances.
conductor. Bonding to the ground continuity conductor is
• Cooking appliances must be stable in use and storage.
In road vehicles, only cooking appliances with burner
caps secured in place are to be installed.
• Refrigerators must comply with EN 732, and must be
installed so that the combustion air for the burner is
• Appliances must be connected to the gas supply by
taken from, and the exhaust gases are vented to, the
metallic piping which must be rigid and free of stress.
This requirement does not apply to cooking appliances in
• Gas lights must be located to avoid overheating of
caravan holiday homes that have been certified for
adjacent surfaces especially the ceiling, according to the
installation with a flexible hose and that hose is supplied
appliance manufacturer's specification.
as a component of the appliance.
• Fuel cells using LPG as fuel must be installed according
• Appliances installed in a way to allow for disconnection
to the manufacturer instructions.
by the user must be connected by a plug-in socket which
• LPG power generators using LPG as fuel and producing
must incorporate an integrated isolation valve which is
electricity must be installed according to the
closed automatically when disconnected. Disconnection
manufacturer instructions and the following:
must only be possible after closing of an integrated
- The generator must be installed in a compartment
manual shut-off valve. Opening of this shut-off valve
sealed from the living accommodation space. This
must only be possible if the hose assembly is connected.
space must be ventilated at both high and low level
such that the temperature rise of any combustible
SAFETY NOTE materials within the compartment does not exceed
50oC. The free area must be at least 1 % of the
All appliances shall be installed in accordance with the compartment floor area at each level and not less
requirements of I.S. EN 1949, clause 10.2 than 5000 mm at each level. It must not be

possible for any part of the ventilation area to be SAFETY NOTE
obstructed; A false chimney breast may be constructed to
- Operation of the generator at any output must not accommodate a proprietary flue box to which an
affect the tightness of the connection to the gas appliance such as a gas fire or back boiler can be
connected. In this case, flue boxes which
- The exhaust flueing must be designed to prevent
temperature rises in excess of 50o C above ambient
comply with BS 715 and are suitable for use with the
within the fabric of construction of the leisure specific appliance must be used, installed according to
accommodation vehicle; the manufacturer’s instructions (See Fig. 158).
- The controls of the generator must be readily
- The connection to the LPG supply installation must FLUEING
be suitable for the vibrations arising from the • The flue pipe, flue terminal and any draught diverter
appliance. required must be as specified by the appliance
• Open-flued and flueless appliances must not be installed manufacturer and installed in accordance with the
in a room or internal space containing a bath or shower. manufacturer’s instructions.
• Gas appliances of 14 kW gross heat input, or more, in See Fig. 157 for typical details of room sealed appliance
stalled in a room used or intended to be used as sleeping installation.
accommodation must be room sealed. • Where manufacturer's instructions do not specify flueing
requirements, for open flued water heaters a minimum of
600 mm of vertical flue directly above the draught
diverter must be provided and roof mounted terminal
must be at least 250 mm above the roof intersection.

Fig. 156 Combination Space and Water Heater Fig. 158 Gas Appliance:Flue Box Type Installation

SAFETY NOTE Fridges have specific

When installing wall mounted appliances full consideration of: for flueing and
• the weight of the appliance (full of water, where applicable) ventilation.
• separation of flue from wall/cladding using specialist Manufacturers
instructions are quite
non-combustible sleeves explicit about these
• proper termination of the flue according to the requirements and
manufacturer’s instructions must be followed.
Fridges must be
installed so that
combustion air is
taken from outside
and exhaust gases
are also vented to the

Fig. 159

• Except where a draught diverter is fitted in an open flued

system, all joints in any flue pipe must be sealed to
prevent the products of combustion entering the
habitation area of the vehicles. The cross sectional area
of flues for appliances must match the area of the flue
outlet connection of the appliance i.e. be of a tight fit
Fig. 157 Room Sealed Appliance Detail
• The whole assembly must remain firmly in position even • Where a flue pipe passes through an external structure
when the vehicle is in motion. of the vehicle, measures must be taken to prevent
• Flue terminals must be sited in accordance with the ingress of water into the structure of the vehicle.
appliance manufacturer's instructions, preferably on the • A draught diverter, where fitted, must either be integral
roof or in the wall of the vehicle. with the appliance or be fitted in accordance with the
• Where the underfloor area is divided into distinct manufacturer’s instructions. No additional devices (e.g.
channels that project below the floor, e.g. by chassis flue dampers) are to be fitted.
members or floor bearers, there must be no ventilation • Means must be provided to permit access for periodic
openings in the same channel as any flue outlet. inspections of the whole of the circumference and length
• Flue terminals must not be positioned within 500 mm of of flue pipes, or the flue ends and attachments and the
a refuelling point or fuel tank breather outlet or any whole of the outside of the insulating sleeve of insulated
ventilator from the fuel system(s). flue pipes. Inspection panels or structures must be
• Flue terminals positioned on a wall or a roof for gas removable by means of a simple tool, e.g. a screwdriver.
appliances of more than 30 g/h LPG consumption must
not be located within 300 mm of a ventilator for the living INSTALLATION OF THE LPG TANK AND SYSTEM
space or an opening part of a window, see Fig. 160. REQUIREMENTS
• The LPG tank and the fitted service valve must be
mounted and fixed in a manner that it is only possible to
withdraw LPG from the gaseous phase in the tank. The
correct mounting position of the LPG tank must be
indicated on the body of the LPG tank. Gaseous phase
gas may be distributed to all installed appliances.
• The LPG tank, the fitted tank accessories and the
components of the LPG system from the filling unit to the
LPG tank (components in contact with LPG in liquid
phase) must be installed in accordance the requirements
outlined in I.S. EN 1949.
• The filling unit of the LPG tank must not be fitted within
500 mm of a ventilator for the habitable volume/living
Fig. 160 Ventilators: Prohibited zone for discharge space, an opening part of a window or any flue outlet.
openings for the products of combustion • The pressure regulation system must be installed directly
Key after the service valve.
1 ventilator • Means must be provided to verify the tightness of the gas
2 prohibited zone for discharge opening for the products of system from the outlet of the regulator to the inlet of the
combustion appliances.
R = 300 mm • If an LPG heating system is connected to the LPG tank
the requirements outlined in I.S. EN 1949 Section 6.1.3
• Where the flue terminal of an appliance of more than must be followed.
30 g/h LPG consumption is positioned vertically below • If the vehicle is equipped with cylinder(s) and LPG tank a
an opening part of a window, the appliance must be manual change over valve must be installed which
fitted with an automatic shut-off device to prevent enables only one of the two LPG supply sources (tank or
operation when the window is open. cylinder), see Fig. 162.
• There must no openings for discharge of products of
combustion in the area shown in Fig. 161.

Fig. 162 System with Two LPG Supply Sources

Fig. 161 Windows: Prohibited zone for discharge openings for the Key
products of combustion 1 LPG tank
2 excess flow valve
3 service valve
Key 4 shut-off valve (optional)
1 window 5 regulator
2 prohibited zone for discharge opening for the products of 6 test point
combustion 7 rigid piping
3 bottom of the vehicle 8 change over valve
D = R = 300 mm 9 regulator (cylinder side)

SECTION 11 APPLIANCE SERVICING It is the responsibility of the RGI to ensure that the occupier
or the person responsible for the premises in which the
Servicing a domestic gas appliance appliance is situated is notified if any of the above is not
satisfactory. Where considered necessary a Notification of
Servicing of appliances must be carried out in accordance Hazard/Non-Conformance (see example, page 7 or I.S. 813,
with the requirements of Annex C, I.S. 813/ I.S. EN 1949, as Annex D.2) must be issued.
appropriate and manufacturers instructions.
The RGI may decide to affix a warning notice and/or isolate
Appliances must be serviced only by an RGI using the gas supply to the installation, or part thereof, or to an
appropriate test equipment. appliance if deemed appropriate. The isolation must be such
as to require the use of tools to restore the supply.
Appliances should be serviced at intervals indicated in the
manufacturer's instructions or at more frequent intervals if The occupier or the person responsible for the premises in
dictated by the conditions of use and in general at minimum which the appliance is situated shall be notified if any of the
intervals of one year. above is not satisfactory. Where considered necessary a
Notification of Hazard/ nonconformance shall be issued.
The RGI must service the appliance in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. The RGI must issue a Declaration of Conformance
for all “Gas Works” carried out, as soon as the work is
Before starting to service an appliance, it is recommended completed.
that the RGI checks with owner/occupier/landlord if any
particular problems with the appliance, as well as checking
for visible damage. The appliance should be operated for a
short period to confirm that it is working normally. All
appliances are potential sources of Carbon Monoxide, and
when servicing the RGI must always be wary of that fact.

For range rated boilers, to determine that the gas rating and
burner pressure are correct the gas appliance shall be rated
at the gas meter. It shall fall within the range specified on the
data badge on the appliance and/or in the manufacturers’
instructions before being considered safe. If this is not
possible then the appliance operating pressure (all
appliances) and burner pressure (where applicable) shall be
checked and shall be within the range as displayed on the
data badge on the appliance and/or in the manufacturers’
instructions before being considered safe.

When carrying out a service or repair on a gas installation

which includes an extended concealed flue, in addition to
the requirements listed above, the requirements of I.S
813, Annex C, clause C.2 shall also apply.

A flue gas analyser (which satisfies the requirements of
EN 50379) must be used for the servicing or repairing of
condensing appliances, unless some other specific
method is indicated by the particular manufacturer.
Reference must be made to specific manufacturers’
instructions regarding the checking of combustion at
maximum and minimum settings.

In certain room-sealed appliances the pressure within the

appliance casing is positive. It is essential to ensure that the
seal on the casing of this type of appliance is correct (in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions), in good
condition and correctly installed. Failure to achieve this will
lead to a risk of products of combustion escaping into the
room. High levels of Carbon Monoxide could occur, creating
a dangerous environment.

In servicing the appliance(s), the RGI must address the

following safety indicators:

• effectiveness of the flue;

• safety devices on or controlling the appliance have
not been rendered inoperable;
• supply of combustion air;
• appliance burner pressure (where applicable);
• appropriateness of the location of the appliance;
• gas soundness of the appliance.
Relevant Network Literature

Warning Meter Isolated Warning Triangle -

(supplier request) Disconnected
RGI must not unlock meter Appliance –
when this label is attached to IC Premises

Warning Account Closed Warning Triangle -

(previous occupant Live Gas Pipe
request) Domestic
RGI must not unlock meter
when this label is
attached to meter

Warning Triangle -
Warning Triangles – Safety Live Gas Pipe IC
Isolated Premises
RGI must repair, test and
re-certify installation
before gas is restored
GNI must be notified when gas
is turned back on.

RGI Caution Notice Tag (same

as on hockey stick)
Advising that only an RGI who
signed and issued a
declaration of conformance
shall remove this seal

IC Turn On Warning Notice Tag

RGI must not unlock meter
when this label is
attached to meter

Warning Triangle – Disconnected/

Appliance Domestic
RGI must repair, test and
re-certify installation
before gas to appliance is

• A Natural Gas Safety Regulatory Framework for Ireland
(ref. CER/07/172);
• Vision for the Regulation of Gas Installers with Respect to
Safety (ref. CER/07/225);
Building Line
• Launch of Process for the Designation of the Gas Safety
The outermost extent of the building structure (archway,
Supervisory Body;
balcony or basement) cast vertically on to ground level.
• CER – HSA Memorandum of Understanding 2014;
• Economic Regulation of the Gas Safety Supervisory Body
and any Electrical Safety Supervisory Bodies to be
Coating may be a factory applied light wrapping, paint or
designated by the CER (ref. CER/08/108);
other suitable substance applied to a pipe to protect against
• Definition for the Scope of “Gas Works” with regard to
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (ref: CER/11/022);
• “Gas Works” Final Decision Paper (ref. CER/09083);
• “Electricity Regulation Act, 1999, as amended, which
Purpose provided space constructed of building materials for
established the Commission for Energy Regulation;
the enclosure of installation pipework or other building
• S.I. No. 225 of 2009: “Gas Works” Regulations 2009 and
related guidance notes
• Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006;
Fire Resistant Duct
• Energy (Biofuel Obligations and Miscellaneous Provisions)
Duct - constructed from material rated as fire resistant
Act 2010;
(See Building Regulations).
• Safety Regulation of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry in
Ireland – Policy Paper (ref. CER/09/082);
Fire Stopped
• S.I. 299 of 2011 – Definition of LPG Works
Building component / material designed to prevent the
• S.I. 42 of 2011 – Brings LPG within Regulatory Framework
spread of fire through walls or ceilings for a given minimum
and extends Gas Safety Officer powers re Inspection and
Audit of LPG fittings
• S.I. 280 of 2011 – Commencement of LPG Regulation
Free Ventilation
• Gas Appliance Directive (G.A.D.) 2009/142/EC
Ventilation not reliant upon mechanical activation.
• Energy (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 2012
• Energy Act 2016
Installation Pipework
• CER/16/222 Criteria Document Version 1.6 the Regulation of
Refers to any gas pipework, fittings, meters or ancillaries
Gas Installers with respect to Safety
downstream of the point of delivery nominated by the
• CER/14/791 Regulation of the Gas Installer Industry with
Network Operator. This point may be either a combination of
respect to Safety from 2016
a regulator and valve or a meter.
• CER/15/244 Extension of Registered Gas Installer Scheme to
include Non-Domestic Gas Works Decision Paper
Mechanical Joint
• CER/16/373 Extension of Registered Gas Installer Scheme to
Compression, flange or union type pipe joint.
include Non-Domestic Gas Works Information Paper
Natural Ventilation
• Irish Standard I.S. 813, Domestic Gas installations published
Sufficient air movement in a space to ensure one air change
under the authority of the National Standards Authority of
per hour (minimum).
Ireland which may be revised and amended from time to time.
• Irish Standard I.S. 820, Non-domestic Gas installations
Naturally Ventilated Basement
published under the authority of the National Standards
A naturally ventilated basement is a space below or partially
Authority of Ireland which may be revised and amended from
below a building with air openings of sufficient size to cause
time to time.
free air flow at all times. Should gas service pipework or
• Irish Standard I.S. EN 1949, Specification for the Installation
meter installations be required in this space, the minimum air
of LPG Systems for Habitation Purposes in Leisure
opening requirements must coincide with the Building
Accommodation Vehicles and Accommodation Purposes in
Regulations (Technical Guidance Documents, Section B
Other Vehicles published under the authority of the National
Standards Authority of Ireland which may be revised and
amended from time to time.
Open Riser
• Gas Appliance Directive (G.A.D.) 2009/142/EC.
Rising pipework not enclosed as it passes through living or
• EN 13831, Closed expansion vessels with built in diaphragm
shared spaces in the building.
for installation in water.
Installation pipework rising vertically through a building to
supply one or more dwellings.

Rigid (usually non-metallic) pipe material impervious to gas.
The annulus between the sleeve and gas pipe acts as a
conduit for gas in the event of leakage.

A space in a building lacking any air flow.

Material used to protect pipes from corrosion and also
providing some degree of impact protection.


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