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Ans to the Question no 1

In digital system architecture processor,input, output, communication, power and interfacing are
main components. However, two types of processor are used high end and low end and in outputs
there are are two types of output( high-end & low-end) as well. Here, the most important thing is
communication and interfacing . Finally, power is delivered throughout the architecture.

In my lab project I made smart security system using sound and motion sensor. I used motor and a
motor driver to rise a false door to protect the asset and GSM communication protocol to send the
message to the owner. I also used keypad, LCD display and LED.

Ans to the Question no 2

a) A number of Robots and Hardware systems are already developed or proposed to fight
COVID19 situation. Among them I found oximeter most effective because it measures the oxygen
saturation of a patient's blood. The most important thing is covid-19 it reduces the oxygen level
form human body. So, with the help of oximeter I can track down my oxygen level anytime and as
it is a very low weight device I can carry it anywhere I want.

b) Oximeter tests a patient's blood oxygen saturation. The device includes a red and an
infrared light source, photo detector and a light transmitter through a pulsating sufface, normally a
fingertip or an eyelid. Red and infrared absorbed diffeerently by the oxsygenated hymoglobin and
deoxygenated hemoglobin. The percentage of saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood can be
calculated by measuring light absorption changes caused by arterial blood flow pulsations.

c) Oximeter uses an electrical processor and a pair of small light emitting diodes(LEDs)
facing a photodiode across a transparent portion of patients body, normally a fingertip or an earlobe.
One LED is red, with a wavelength of 660 nm, the other is infrared with a wavelength of 940 nm.

Kishanu Roy Joy, 18101705, Section-03

d) There are several outcomes can be achieved from oximeter. For example, I can measure
my body’s oxygen level anytime and anywhere I want. In oximeter, we can see the percentage of
saturation of hemoglobin in blood which is calculated by measuring light absorption changes
caused by blood flow.

Ans to the Question no 4.

a. Single Board Computer(Raspberry Pi) for facial recognition system used for image

b. Micro-controller for digital thermometer with high fever alarm system. As it is a very easy
type of IoT device, we can use it.

c. Arduino for self made toy for niece. I used arduino as it has very simple functionality and
the trainer board is mainly used in re arch and development purpose.

d. PLC could be used for controlling a gas station for 24/7. As PLC are made for heavy duty
industrial product and for complex functionalist it has a complex structure. So, we can use PLC
e. Very high performance PC can be used for controlling the rocket that is going to mars. As
this is a complex task and need many computational activites and complex program to run. So, it
needs very high computational PC.

Ans to the Question no 3

10 IoT features that I would like to implement to improve the quality of life of the citizen of
Sirajganj are given below-

1. Toll collector- I will make the toll collector place a digital place with so many digial
devices so that I can monitor this place.

2. Tracking and Monitoring- I will provide cc camera throughout the entire the city so that if
any criminal activities happened I can take immediate action.

3. Smart Sensor- for fire accidents I can provide a sensor which can make an auto call to fire
4. Medical Management- for the medical purposes I can use the iot features like online
medicine delivery, online health check up etc.

5. Smart Dustbin- to make the city neat and clean I can provide some smart dustbin with the
help of autonomus car or can use some robots to pickup the dust as this are too dirty for human.

6. Ticket System- I can make the online ticket system so that don’t need to go to the station
and make a line or have to wait for ticket.

7. Transportation- Can develop the transportation system like UBER or PATHAO and also
make an app for rickshaw puller and CNG driver.

8. Online guide for tourist- to help the tourist I can make an online guide to feel tourist that
they are okay. This can also help to increase the tourist in Sirajganj.

Kishanu Roy Joy, 18101705, Section-03

9. Smart Security- to save form unwanted incident I can make a smart security and it will also
protect the assets.

10. Smart Home- to make a city smart one have to make his home smart first. I will use smart
technologies first at home and make the the home smart. For example- using sensor I can control
my home AC temperature and using camera I can monitor my home though I am not I my home.

Ans to the Question no 5.

A. Answer-

module final (A,B,C,x,y) ;

input A,B,C ;
output x,y ;
wire e,f,g ;

not # (10) g1 (e,B) ;

and # (30) g2 (f,A,e) ;
or # (20) g3 (g,C,e) ;
or # (20) g4 (x,f,g) ;
and # (30) g5 (y,f,g) ;


B. Answer-

module testbench;
reg A,B,C ;
wire x,y ;
final (A,B,C,x,y) ;

A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0; C = 1'b0 ;

Kishanu Roy Joy, 18101705, Section-03

A = 1'b1 ;

B = 1'b1; C = 1'b1 ;

#70 $finish ;


C. Answer-

Kishanu Roy Joy, 18101705, Section-03

Kishanu Roy Joy, 18101705, Section-03

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