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BSA 3 - 1
International Business and Trade
03 ELMS 01


There are different culture and business practices that this country Chile has and
must be done in order for us to be professional ourselves and can do our work
courteously. In Chile people leave little space between each other when interacting.
When meeting someone in this country, you should always do handshake because it is
customary. In Chile, slapping your right fist into your left open palm is obscene; an open
palm with the fingers separated means 'stupid. Honor plays a vital role in Chilean
society. Never criticize people in public or cause embarrassment to anyone. Stick to
your word because otherwise you will be seen as untrustworthy. You cannot easily
walk-in to talk to someone you should always book an appointment in order for you to
be prioritized and it is a must to them. Eye contact is important in this country because it
means sincerity. As a manager of an international business, I can utilize this information
by doing them. It is very important information for me to know their practices so that I
would know the do's and don'ts in front of them. Like shaking of hands, if I would go to
Chile then I do know that shaking of hands must be done in order for me to be polite to
them. I would do eye to eye contact so that they can feel the interest of mine in the
business they have. It is necessary to do such thing because in my country Philippines
we also do have own culture and business practices. In order for me to show the reality
of how I am sincere to them and how I feel when they respect me I should also do it vice
versa but with their own practices.

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