Radio Music 2017 Firmware

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Radio Music 2017 Firmware

Martin Wood-Mitrovski edited this page on 7 Jun 2017 · 4 revisions

Quick Start
1. Download latest release from the Radio Music Configuration Generator
2. Update the module with the firmware using these instructions
3. Prepare your SD Card with .raw and / or .wav files.

1. Create and download a configuration from the Generator
2. Copy the settings.txt file to the SD card

New Features
Wav File Support
Standard Mode (default configuration)
In the standard 'Radio' mode the Radio Music 2017 Firmware will now play 44 khz 16 bit Mono wav files as
well as .raw files. .raw files will be interpreted as 44 khz 16 bit Mono.

Any Audio Files ( anyAudioFiles=1 )

Enabling the 'Read any wav files' option in the config generator or adding anyAudioFiles=1 to the
settings.txt file will allow the module to read mono and stereo .wav files up to 96 khz 24 bit EXCLUDING
96/24/Stereo. 96/24/Mono are fine.
Accepted sample rates are 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000 and 96000 Hz.
Accepted bit depths are 8,16 and 24 bits.
Due to extra CPU requirements crossfading will be automatically disabled in this mode.

Pitch Mode ( pitchMode=1 )

With pitch mode enabled both the Start Pot and the Start CV will instead control the pitch of the current
sample. Both of these inputs are quantized unless specified in the settings file. Note that the 'startCVDivider'
option has no effect on the Pitch CV input.
In pitch mode any retrigger (either button or RESET input) will play the file from the start.
The default pitch CV range is 39 semitones which should provide 1v/Oct control over the pitch. This range
can be configured in the settings file (see below).
The pitch pot range is 48 semitones and is not currently configurable.
In standard file mode (raw and 44 khz / 16 bit / mono wav) the overall pitch shift range goes up to a
maximum of 26 semitones above the original playback speed.
In 'Any Audio Files' mode the overall range is limited to 22 semitones above the original.
Internally the quantised note numbers are limited to the standard MIDI note number range ( 0 - 127 )

Note Range ( noteRange=XX : Default 39 )

Specify the pitch CV range from 1 to 72 semitones. Internally the lowest note number allowed is currently
36 so the range will spread from 36 to 36 + noteRange ( + Pitch Pot which is 48 ).

Root Note ( rootNote=XX : Default 60 )

Specify the note number where playback is at original speed. Minimum is 36, Maximum is 96.

Quantise Note CV ( quantiseNoteCV=1|0 : Default is 1 )

You can turn off pitch CV quantisation using quantiseNoteCV=0. The range will be as specified in the
settings or default if not specified.
Quantise Note Pot ( quantiseNotePot=1|0 : Default is 1 )
You can turn off pitch pot quantisation using quantiseNoteCV=0. The range is fixed at 48 semitones.

Renamed Configuration Options for Crossfades

The older names for crossfade options in the settings file have been update to better reflect their function.
NOTE : The old names will still work.
1. mute is now crossfade : 1 or 0
2. declick is now crossfadeTime : Time in milliseconds e.g. 200

If no valid audio files are found when the module starts the LEDs will flash rapidly in sequence. After 3
seconds the module will reboot itself to allow you to replace the SD card without having to power cycle the
If no SD card is detected the lights will flash slowly in sequence and the module will reboot after each cycle.

Preparing the Teensy

TomWhitwell edited this page on 29 Aug 2017 · 9 revisions
This guide is applicable to both RADIO MUSIC and CHORD ORGAN
 It's easiest to burn the firmware before you do anything else
 Out of the box, the Teensy can be powered over USB, but later we'll disable USB power before
installing it in the module.
 It's still easy to reprogram the Teensy when the module is complete, but it requires modular power as
well as the USB cable, which can be fiddly.
How to install the Firmware

1. Download the Teensy Loader for OSX / Linux / Windows

2. To install firmware, you only need Teensy Loader. Teensyduino and the Arduino environment are
NOT required until you want to write and compile your own firmware
3. Install and follow the instructions for your version
4. Test that Loader system is working by installing the fast and slow Blink demo files on your Teensy
and seeing the LED flashing. Then you're ready to install the Radio Music .hex file.
5. To do that, download and install Latest Radio Music Firmware Hex File or Latest Chord Organ
Firmware Hex File.
[Latest version of the Radio Music Hex firmware here] ( [latest version
of the Chord Organ Hex firmware here] (
1. In Teensy Loader, go to File/Open Hex File and open the unzipped Radio Music hex file (ending
.hex). Then just press the button on your Teensy and it will load into the chip.
2. If you have any trouble, check the Teensy Troubleshooting page. Make sure you have a proper USB
cable, not a cheapo charging-only cable. Kindle cables work well!
3. Other problems? Check the troubleshooting page.
 The Teensy3.1 is a tiny board that normally comes without any pins
 There are a couple of things to do before installing it on the module
 If you are a little out of practice with your soldering you may want to leave these steps until after the
main build - Radio Music Build Document.
Cut the USB power trace
 You only need to cut the trace if you will ever want to have computer + modular power at the same
time (like if you need to update firmware after soldering in the Teensy without a socket or if you
want to update the firmware while the teensy is installed in the module).
 When installing a Teensy with external power, you need to cut the tiny power trace between these
pads on the underside of the board. The stock board is fully powered over USB.
 Just cut the trace, and use a multimeter to check there is no longer any connection between the pads

 Fat16 or Fat32 formatted SD Card

32BG is about 100 hours of recording time, 200 x 30 minute files or 16 banks x 12 x 30 minute files.
 Files should be: Mono - 16 Bit - 44.1 kHz - Headerless Wav files - using the .raw suffix
 NOTE : If you use the 2017 Firmware you do not need to convert your files to .raw, .wav files are
 The module can read up to 16 folders in the top level directory of the SD card
 Subdirectories will be ignored, folders beyond 16 may cause a crash
 Each folder becomes a bank on the module
 Banks are filled in ?? order [I still haven't worked out how this works]
 Each folder can contain up to 48 files. More files make it harder to accurately select the files with the
knob or control voltage. Older firmwares (before 2017 version) support 75 files per directory.
 The card should be structured as 16 folders, named "0", "1", "2" etc (without the quote marks)
 Inside the folders, files can be named however you like. Firmwares before the 2017 version required
filenames to be in 8:3 format: NOISE.RAW, GOAT.RAW, HPSCHD.RAW. This is no longer the
case with the 2017 firmware.
 Rather than explaining it, or messing about with the 20gb+ standard library, the easiest thing is to
download this: Empty SD Card File Format
 It's not actually empty; each bank contains birdsong & vinyl sounds, and the final bank contains test
tones (so it's 19mb download)
 Copy it onto a high quality SD card into the root, so when you open the card on your computer, you
just see the folders.
 Don't put any other files onto the SD card; the module won't load. The module should ignore the
cruft that OSX creates on SD cards; trashes, spotlight files etc.
 Once you put the SD card into the module, it will create a settings.txt file, which can be edited.
 MAXIMUM FILE LIMIT: You can add 48 files into each of the 16 folders. However, the
module cannot handle more than about 330 files in total. This limit may be lifted with a future
firmware upgrade.

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