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Master reading list for the disciplines of Marketing and

Public Relations

Author: John Nicholson

University of Hull Business School

Last Updated: 08/12/2021

If you are using this document electronically, simply hold the cursor over the link in
the table of contents, press CTRL and click to jump to that section
i: Reading For a Degree in Marketing_________________________________________4
1.0:MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS___________________________________6
1.1:Advertising Theory & Practice___________________________________________6
1.2:Marcoms Theory & Practice_____________________________________________9
1.2-1 Sales Promotion___________________________________________________________11
1.3:Advertising Case Studies_______________________________________________11
1.4:Mass Communications Theory__________________________________________12
1.5:Communications Research______________________________________________13
1.6:Account Planning & Practice____________________________________________13
1.7:Global Advertising and Marcoms________________________________________14
1.8:Corporate Communications_____________________________________________15
1.9:Personal Selling & Sales Management____________________________________16
1.10:Media Analysis______________________________________________________16
1.11:Creative strategy_____________________________________________________16
2.0:BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING_____________________________17
3.0:BRAND MANAGEMENT___________________________________________19
4.0:BUYER BEHAVIOUR______________________________________________22
4.1:Principles of buyer behaviour___________________________________________22
4.2:Diffusion Theory______________________________________________________24
4.3:Female, Buyer Behaviour_______________________________________________24
4.4:Senior Citizen, Buyer Behaviour_________________________________________24
4.5:Children, Buyer Behaviour_____________________________________________25
4.6:Experiential Marketing________________________________________________25
5.1:Relationship Marketing Theory & Practice________________________________27
5.2:Cooperative Strategy__________________________________________________32
6.0: DIRECT & DATABASE MARKETING_______________________________33
8.0:GLOBAL MARKETING____________________________________________38
8.1:Global and International Marketing Theory_______________________________38
8.2:Global Advertising and Marcoms________________________________________41
8.4:International Business Networks_________________________________________43
8.5:International Marketing Research_______________________________________43
9.1:Principles of Marketing Management & Strategy___________________________44
9.2:Business & Competitive Strategy________________________________________46
9.3:Marketing Planning___________________________________________________48
9.3-1:Marketing Implementation & Control__________________________________________49
9.3-2:Segmentation & Positioning_________________________________________________49
9.4:Retail Marketing Management__________________________________________50
9.5:Services Marketing Management________________________________________50
9.6:Ethics in Marketing & PR Management__________________________________54
9.7:Non-Profit/sustainable Marketing Management____________________________54
9.8:Tourism & Hospitality Marketing Management____________________________55
9.9:Other Specialist Areas_________________________________________________55
9.6-1:Sports Marketing__________________________________________________________55
9.6-2: Marketing in emerging markets______________________________________________56
9.6-4:Political Marketing________________________________________________________56
9.6-5:Postmodern Marketing______________________________________________________57
9.6-6:Marketing Channels________________________________________________________57
9.6-7:Small Business Marketing___________________________________________________58
9.6-8:Events Marketing__________________________________________________________58
9.6-9:Arts & Fashion Marketing___________________________________________________58
10.1:Marketing Research & Intelligence______________________________________59
10.2:Business Research Methods____________________________________________61
10.3:Communications Research_____________________________________________62
10.4:International Marketing Research______________________________________62
10.5:Qualitative Methods__________________________________________________63
10.5-1:Focus Groups____________________________________________________________63
10.5-2:Research Philosophy______________________________________________________64
10.5-4:Content Analysis_________________________________________________________64
10.6:Quantitative Methods_________________________________________________65
10.6-1:Survey Research_________________________________________________________65
10.6-2:Multivariate Analysis______________________________________________________66
11.0:PUBLIC RELATIONS_____________________________________________68
12.0:PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING_____________________________________73
i: Reading For a Degree in Marketing

Sometimes students can loose the sense of being at a university ‘reading for a degree.’
Between the taught content of any module are periods when opportunities for reading around
subject should be maximised. Often there is a fear that the reading one undertakes will not be
either sufficient or appropriate for the assessment in any module. To alleviate these worries,
module handbooks will provide you with guidance as to the types of reading you will need to
undertake, divided into four categories. These categories are illustrated by the following

Reading Development model


Equivalent reading

Equivalent reading


Module Pre-requisite
begins reading

© Nicholson, J.D. & Tucker D. (2005) University of Hull Business School

The following descriptions will help you to understand the categories used.


As a guide for students, the module leader has recommended texts which will demonstrate
the pre-requisite level of knowledge that will be expected of students commencing the
module. It is not expected that the student will necessarily have read the full text but that you
they are familiar with the material and level of the content within the text.


Reading the core text will form the base minimum reading requirement for this module.
Students will be strongly advised to acquire a personal copy of this text and, therefore, should
not rely on the immediate access of this text in the library beyond short-loan.

Books in this section are those that the module leader considers to be of at least 75%
equivalence to the core text. Many texts may have been considered as core texts or have
been used as core text in past years. These books will usually provide different insights, and
sometimes greater depth in certain areas, to the core text/s. A student wishing to rise above
minimal level of educational expectation insight into the module will be advised to consult this
additional material. Equivalent reading helps extend the breadth of knowledge in the subject.


Sections and/or chapters of the core text will have been developed in more detail within
specialised books which go beyond the purpose of core and equivalent texts. These books
will have a more topical and research-led focus. As modules and programmes develop,
reading should progress from core and equivalent texts to authored texts. These texts will
provide original insights similar to those of journals articles. Students wishing to excel on the
module will be advised to develop their understanding of critical, cutting-edge issues
surrounding the module by accessing this ‘further reading’. Your module leader has
recommended here range of appropriate further reading to ensure that students are being
guided towards the latest research-led ideas in the field. Specific journals articles may also be
named here.


During your degree you will be expected to undertake dissertations and independently studied
modules which involve deeper reading into the subjects of marketing and PR, possibly in
areas of your own choosing. The following extensive list contains the books available in Hull
BJL within these disciplines. Its purpose is:-

 To help students identify sub-categories within the disciplines, within which you can
investigate a potential research problem.
 To help students to easily source books in the areas you wish to read
 Through the additions of catalogue numbers, to help students source these books
within BJL. Simply print of the relevant sections and take them into the library with
 Remember Books are only one resource type. They should be used wisely with other
sources of further reading such as journals.

1.1:Advertising Theory & Practice

AAKER & BIEL (1993) Brand equity & advertising advertising's role in building strong brands,
Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 B8
AAKER & MYERS (1987) Advertising management, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 A1
AITCHISON (2002) How Asia advertises the most successful campaigns in Asia-Pacific and
the marketing strategies behind them, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons (Asia).
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5813 A8 A3
ALBION (1983) Advertising's hidden effects manufacturers' advertising and retail pricing,
Boston, Mass, Auburn House.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 A3
ARENS (2004) Contemporary advertising, 9th ed. Boston, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5821 A6
ARENS (2005) Contemporary advertising, 10th ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 A6
BAKER (1998) Macmillan dictionary of marketing and advertising, 3rd ed. Basingstoke,
BJL Reference Collection HF 5412 M1 LIB USE ONLY
BAKER, W. (1995) Advertising and marketing to the new majority, Belmont, Calif.,
Wadsworth Pub. Co.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5813 U6 B1
BELCH & BELCH (2003) Advertising and promotion an integrated marketing
communications perspective, 6th ed. London, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5823 B4
CLOW, K. E. & BAACK, D. (2004) Integrated advertising, promotion & marketing
communications, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Pearson Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 C6
COOK (2001) The discourse of advertising, 2nd ed. London, Routledge.
BJL 6th Floor P 302 C7
COOPER & ACCOUNT PLANNING GROUP. (1997) How to plan advertising, 2nd ed.
London, Continuum in association with the Account Planning Group.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 H8
COWLING (1975) Advertising and economic behaviour, London, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 A2
DUNCAN (2004) Principles of advertising and IMC, 2nd ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 D9
FLOCH (2000) Semiotics, marketing, and communication beneath the signs, the strategies,
New York, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 F6
FOWLES (1996) Advertising and popular culture, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5805 F7
FOX (1997) The mirror makers a history of American advertising and its creators, Urbana,
University of Illinois Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5813 U5 F7
GUNTER, OATES & BLADES (2005) Advertising to children on TV content, impact, and
regulation, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 784 T4 G9
HALINEN (1997) Relationship marketing in professional services a study of agency-client
dynamics in the advertising sector, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 H1
HANSEN & HANDELSH²JSKOLEN I K²BENHAVN (2002) Children consumption,
advertising and media, 1st ed. Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 C5
HARRIS (1983) Information processing research in advertising, Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5822 I4
London, Hurchinson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 H3
HART & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (1995) The Practice of advertising, 4th
ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 P8
JONES (1998) How advertising works the role of research, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 H8
JONES (1999) The advertising business operations, creativity, media planning, integrated
communications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827 A3
JONES (2000) International advertising realities and myths, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 I6 c.2
KIMMEL, A. J. (2005) Marketing communication : new approaches, technologies, and styles,
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 M3
LANE & RUSSELL (2001) Advertising a framework, 1st ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.,
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 L2
LUIK & WATERSON (1996) Advertising & markets a collection of seminal papers, Henley-on-
Thames, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 A3
MACKAY (2004) The practice of advertising, 5th ed. Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 P8
MACKLIN & CARLSON (1999) Advertising to children concepts and controversies,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 784 T4 A2
MALEFYT & MOERAN (2003) Advertising cultures, Oxford, Berg.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 A2
MCDONALD & ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION. (1992) How advertising works a review of
current thinking, Henley-on-Thames, The Advertising Association in association with
NTC Publications Ltd.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 M1
MESSARIS (1996) Visual persuasion the role of images in advertising, Thousand Oaks,
Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5822 M5
MISNER (1996) Seven second marketing how to use memory hooks to make you instantly
stand out in a crowd, Austin, Tex., Bard Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5145.122 M6
MORRISON (2002) Using qualitative research in advertising strategies, techniques, and
applications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5814 U8
ROMAN, MAAS & NISENHOLTZ (2003) How to advertise what works, what doesn't - and
why, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 R7
O'GUINN, ALLEN & SEMENIK (2003) Advertising and integrated brand promotion, 3rd ed.
Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 O3
PARENTE (2000) Advertising campaign strategy a guide to marketing communication plans,
2nd ed. Fort Worth, Tex., Thomson Learning/Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 P2
PARENTE (2004) Advertising campaign strategy a guide to marketing communication plans,
3rd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL Short Loan HF 5837 P2
PERCY, ROSSITER & ELLIOTT (2001) Strategic advertising management, Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.5 P4
RAMSAY (1996) Advertising, culture and the law beyond lies, ignorance and manipulation,
London, Sweet & Maxwell.
BJL 2nd Floor K 69 R1
RICHARDS, MACRURY & BOTTERILL (2000) The dynamics of advertising, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 R5
RIES (2002) The fall of advertising and the rise of PR, New York, HarperBusiness.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 R5
ROSENBERG (1995) Dictionary of marketing and advertising, New York Chichester, Wiley.
BJL Reference Collection HF 5412 R8 LIB USE ONLY
ROSSITER & DANAHER (1998) Advanced media planning, Boston, Kluwer Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 R8
ROSSITER & PERCY (1996) Advertising communications & promotion management, 2nd ed.
New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 R8
RUSSELL, LANE & KLEPPNER (2002) Kleppner's advertising procedure, 15th ed. Upper
Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5823 K6
SAYRE (2002) Campaign planner for promotion and IMC, 2nd ed. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 S2
SCHULTZ & BARNES (1995) Strategic advertising campaigns, 4th ed. Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 S3
SHIMP (2000) Advertising promotion supplemental aspects of integrated marketing
communications, 5th ed. Fort Worth, Tex., Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S5
SHIMP (2003) Advertising, promotion & supplemental aspects of integrated marketing
communications, 6th ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.123 S5
SISSORS & BARON (2002) Advertising media planning, 6th ed. Chicago, Ill., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 S6
STERNE (1997) What makes people click advertising on the Web, Indianapolis, Ind., Que.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6146 I58 S8
SURMANEK (1996) Media planning a practical guide, 3rd ed. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 S9
TELLIS (2004) Effective advertising understanding when, how, and why advertising works,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 T2
VILANILAM & VARGHESE (2004) Advertising basics! a resource guide for beginners, New
Delhi, Response Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 V6
WATERSON (1972) Advertising and concentration, Coventry, U. of Warwick.
BJL 3rd Floor q HC 10 W293 (25)
WELLS (1997) Measuring advertising effectiveness, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5815 U5 M4
WHITE (2000) Advertising, 4th ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 W5
WILMSHURST & MACKAY (1999) The fundamentals of advertising, 2nd ed. Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 W7
1.2:Marcoms Theory & Practice

ACE & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (2001) Successful marketing

communications a practical guide to planning and implementation, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 A3
ARNOTT & FITZGERALD (1999) Marketing communications classics an international
collection of classic and contemporary papers, London, International Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 M3
BAKER (1998) Macmillan dictionary of marketing and advertising, 3rd ed. Basingstoke,
BJL Reference Collection HF 5412 M1 LIB USE ONLY
BELCH & BELCH (2003) Advertising and promotion an integrated marketing
communications perspective, 6th ed. London, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5823 B4
BLYTHE (2003) Essentials of marketing communications, 2nd ed. Harlow, FT Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 B6
BRANNAN (1995) A practical guide to integrated marketing communications, Revised ed.
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 B8
BURNETT & MORIARTY (1997) Introduction to marketing communication an integrated
approach, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123
CAYWOOD (1997) The handbook of strategic public relations & integrated communications,
Boston, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 H2
COPLEY (2004) Marketing communications management concepts and theories, cases and
practices, Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.123 C7
DEBONIS & PETERSON (1997) AMA handbook for managing business to business
marketing communications, Chicago, Ill., American Marketing Association and NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 D2
DUNCAN (2004) Principles of advertising and IMC, 2nd ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 D9
FILL (1999) Marketing communications contexts, contents and strategies, 2nd ed. London,
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 F4
FILL (2002) Marketing communications contexts, strategies and applications, 3rd ed. Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 F4
FILL (2005) Marketing communications contexts, strategies, and applications, 4th ed. New
York, Pearson Education LTD.
BJL Short Loan HF 5415.123 F4
GREY & SKILDUM, R. (2001) The sponsor's toolkit, Sydney London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.35 G8   
HAGERMAN (1990) Broadcast advertising copywriting, Boston,[Mass.], Focal Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6146 B74 H1
HARNER & ZIMMERMAN (2002) Technical marketing communication, New York, Longman.
BJL 7th Floor T 10.5 H2
HART (1998) Business-to-business marketing communications, 6th ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H3
KITCHEN (1998) Marketing communications principles and practice, London, International
Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 K6
KITCHEN & PELSMACKER (2004) Integrated marketing communications a primer, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 K6
KOEKEMOER (2004) Marketing communications, Lansdowne, South Africa, Juta Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 M3
MONYE (1999) The handbook of international marketing communications, Oxford, Blackwell.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H2
MOOIJ (1998) Global marketing and advertising understanding cultural paradoxes, Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
OGDEN (1998) Developing a creative and innovative integrated marketing communications
plan a working model, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 O3
PELSMACKER, GEUENS & BERGH (2004) Marketing communications a European
perspective, 2nd ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 P3
PICKTON & BRODERICK (1999) Integrated marketing communications, Harlow, Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 I6
PICKTON & BRODERICK (2004) Integrated marketing communications, 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall Financial Times.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 I6
ROSSITER & BELLMAN (2005) Marketing communications theory and applications, Frenchs
Forest, NSW, Pearson-Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 R8 DUE 18-10-05
SAUNDERS (2004) The communications challenge a practical guide to media neutral
planning, [s.l.], The Account Planning Group.
BJL Short Loan HF 5826.5 C
SCHULTZ & BARNES (1999) Strategic brand communication campaigns, 5th ed.
Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 S3
SCHULTZ, TANNENBAUM & LAUTERBORN (1993) Integrated marketing communications,
Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S3
SCHULTZ, TANNENBAUM & LAUTERBORN (1994) The new marketing paradigm,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S3
SEMENIK (2002) Promotion and integrated marketing communications, Cincinnati, Ohio,
South-Western Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5837 S4
SMITH, BERRY & PULFORD (1999) Strategic marketing communications new ways to build
and integrate communications, Rev. ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S6
SMITH & TAYLOR (2001) Marketing communications an integrated approach, 3rd ed.
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S6
SMITH & TAYLOR (2004) Marketing communications an integrated approach, 4th ed.
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 S6
STEIN & MACAARON (2005) The new marketing conversation creating and strengthening
relationships between buyers and sellers, Mason, Ohio, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S8
THORSON & MOORE (1996) Integrated communication synergy of persuasive voices,
Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 I6
VAREY (2001) Marketing communication principles and practice, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 V2
YADIN (2001) Creative marketing communications: a practical guide to planning, skills and
techniques, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 Y1
communications: the holistic approach, Amsterdam, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123

1.2-1 Sales Promotion

CUMMINS & MULLIN (2002) Sales promotion: how to create, implement and integrate
campaigns that really work, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.5 C9
PETERSEN & TOOP (1994) Sales promotion in postmodern marketing, Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5438.5 P4

1.3:Advertising Case Studies

ADVERTISING STANDARDS AUTHORITY. (2001) ASA summary report, London,

Advertising Standards Authority Ltd.
BJL 2nd Floor q KD 265 A243 2001-2004,v.1-3 no.4. LIB USE ONLY
AITCHISON (2002) How Asia advertises the most successful campaigns in Asia-Pacific and
the marketing strategies behind them, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons (Asia).
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5813 A8 A3
papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of Practitioners in
Advertising, 1992, Henley, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of Practitioners in
Advertising, 1994, Henley, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
BEST (2003) Scottish advertising works 3 proving the effectiveness of marketing
communications cases from the Scottish IPA Effectivesness Awards 2003, Henley-
on-Thames, World Advertising Research Center/ Scottish IPA.
BJL Short Loan HF 5816 S4
works 2 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1982, London, Holt.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
works [1] papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1980, London, Holt.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
twenty ways advertising works for brands, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6161 B4 A1
INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (1999) Excellence in advertising the IPA guide to best
practice, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 E9
works 3 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1984, London, Holt.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816
works 4 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1986, London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
works 9 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1996, Henley, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
works 5 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1988, London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
works 6 papers from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of
Practitioners in Advertising, 1990, Henley, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816
10 cases from the IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, Institute of Practitioners in
Advertising, 1998, Henley, NTC Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2
LURIE (1999) Scottish advertising works, Glasgow, Carnyx Group on behalf of the Scottish
Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5816 S4
MCIVER (1984) Case studies in marketing, advertising and public relations, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 C3
PURVIS & BURTON (2003) Which ad pulled best? 40 case histories on how to write and
design ads that work, 9th ed. Boston, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 W5
proving the effectiveness of marketing communications cases from the IPA
Effectiveness Awards 2002, Henley-on-Thames, World Advertising Research Center
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5816 A2

1.4:Mass Communications Theory

AGEE, AULT & EMERY (1997) Introduction to mass communications, 12th ed. New York,
BJL 6th Floor P 90 A2
BARAN & DAVIS (2003) Mass communication theory foundations, ferment, and future, 4th
ed. Belmont, CA, Thomson/Wadsworth.
BJL 6th Floor P 90 B2
DEFLEUR & BALL, R. (1989) Theories of mass communication, 5th ed. New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1206 D3
FOLKERTS & LACY (2004) The media in your life an introduction to mass communication,
3rd ed. Boston, Mass., Pearson A and B.
BJL 3rd Floor P 90 F6
HAMELINK, LINNE & HALLORAN (1994) Mass communication research on problems and
policies the art of asking the right questions in honor of James D. Halloran, Norwood,
N.J., Ablex.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 M4
MCQUAIL (2002) McQuail's reader in mass communication theory, London, Sage
BJL 6th Floor P 90 M1
MCQUAIL (2005) McQuail's mass communication theory, 5th ed. London, SAGE.
BJL Short Loan P 90 M1
MCQUAIL (1994) Mass communication theory an introduction, 3rd ed. London, Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 M1
ROSENGREN (2000) Communication an introduction, London, Sage Publications.
BJL 6th Floor P 90 R8
STEMPEL, WEAVER & WILHOIT (2003) Mass communication research and theory, Boston,
Mass., Allyn and Bacon.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 M4

1.5:Communications Research

BAXTER & BABBIE (2004) The basics of communication research, Belmont, Calif.,
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 B3
BERGER (2000) Media and communication research methods an introduction to qualitative
and quantitative approaches, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 B4
BERGER (1998) Media analysis techniques, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 6th Floor P 91 B4
DAYMON & HOLLOWAY (2002) Qualitative research methods in public relations and
marketing communications, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 D2
JONES (1998) How advertising works the role of research, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 H8
HAMELINK, LINNE & HALLORAN (1994) Mass communication research on problems and
policies the art of asking the right questions in honor of James D. Halloran, Norwood,
N.J., Ablex.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 M4
HARRIS (1983) Information processing research in advertising, Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5822 I4
MORRISON (2002) Using qualitative research in advertising strategies, techniques, and
applications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5814 U8
RUBIN & PIELE (1999) Communication research strategies and sources, 5th ed. Belmont,
Calif., Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 R8
STACKS (2002) Primer of public relations research, New York, Guilford.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 S7
STEMPEL, WEAVER & WILHOIT (2003) Mass communication research and theory, Boston,
Mass., Allyn and Bacon.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 M4
WELLS (1997) Measuring advertising effectiveness, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5815 U5 M4
WIMMER & DOMINICK (2005) Mass media research, 8th. ed., Wadsworth.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 W7   

1.6:Account Planning & Practice

ACE & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (2001) Successful marketing

communications a practical guide to planning and implementation, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 A3
ACE & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (2002) Effective promotional planning
for e-Business, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 A1
ADAMS (1977) Media planning, 2nd ed. London, Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 A2
COOPER & ACCOUNT PLANNING GROUP. (1997) How to plan advertising, 2nd ed.
London, Continuum in association with the Account Planning Group.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 H8
HALINEN (1997) Relationship marketing in professional services a study of agency-client
dynamics in the advertising sector, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 H1
OGDEN (1998) Developing a creative and innovative integrated marketing communications
plan a working model, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 O3
PARENTE (2000) Advertising campaign strategy a guide to marketing communication plans,
2nd ed. Fort Worth, Tex., Thomson Learning/Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 P2
PARENTE (2004) Advertising campaign strategy a guide to marketing communication plans,
3rd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 P2
ROSSITER & DANAHER (1998) Advanced media planning, Boston, Kluwer Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 R8
SAYRE (2002) Campaign planner for promotion and IMC, 2nd ed. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 S2
SCHULTZ & BARNES (1995) Strategic advertising campaigns, 4th ed. Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 S3
SISSORS & BARON (2002) Advertising media planning, 6th ed. Chicago, Ill., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 S6
SMITH (2002) Strategic planning for public relations, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 S8
SMITH (2004) Advertising campaigns the fundamentals of planning, designing, implementing
and evaluating advertising campaigns, 2nd. ed., Kandall/Hunt.
STEEL (1998) Truth, lies, and advertising: the art of account planning, New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5837 S8
SURMANEK (1996) Media planning a practical guide, 3rd ed. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5826.5 S9
WILSON & OGDEN (2004) Strategic communications planning for effective public relations
and marketing, 4th ed. Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall Hunt.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 W7

1.7:Global Advertising and Marcoms

De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
ENGLIS (1994) Global and multi-national advertising, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 G5
GRIFFIN (1993) International marketing communications, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8
De MOOIJ (1994) Advertising worldwide concepts, theories and practice of international,
multinational and global advertising, 2nd ed. New York, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 M7
De MOOIJ (1998) Global marketing and advertising understanding cultural paradoxes,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127
ENGLIS (1994) Global and multi-national advertising, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 G5
GRIFFIN (1993) International marketing communications, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8 AVAILABLE
O’MONYE (1999) The handbook of international marketing communications, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H2
SCHULTZ & KITCHEN (2000) Communicating globally an integrated marketing approach,
Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 S3

1.8:Corporate Communications

ALSOP (2004) The 18 immutable laws of corporate reputation creating, protecting, and
repairing your most valuable asset, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 A4
what should we tell the shareholders?, London, Centre for Business Performance.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5681
ARGENTI (1998) Corporate communication, 2nd ed. Boston, Mass., Irwin McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 A6CORNELISSEN (2004) Corporate communications theory and
practice, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 C8
BALMER & GREYSER (2002) Revealing the corporation: perspectives on identity, image,
reputation, corporate branding and corporate-level marketing an anthology, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2731 R4
CORNELISSEN (2004) Corporate communications theory and practice, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 C8
DAVIES (2002) Corporate reputation and competitiveness, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 D2
corporate communication, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 D6
HANNINGTON (2004) How to measure and manage your corporate reputation, Aldershot,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 H2
KITCHEN & SCHULTZ (2001) Raising the corporate umbrella corporate communication in
the 21st century, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5718 K6
MOINGEON & SOENEN (2002) Corporate and organizational identities integrating strategy,
marketing, communication and organizational perspectives, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.7 C8
OLASKY (1987) Corporate public relations a new historical perspective, Hillsdale, N.J,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.6 U5 O4
RIEL (1995) Principles of corporate communication, London, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3
ROWDEN (2000) The art of identity creating and managing a successful corporate identity,
Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 R8
SCHULTZ, HATCH & HOLTEN, L. (2000) The expressive organization linking identity,
reputation, and the corporate brand, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 E9
SCHMIDT, K. (1995) The quest for identity : corporate identity strategies, methods and
examples, London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 S3
VAN RIEL (1995) Principles of corporate communication, London, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 R5
1.9:Personal Selling & Sales Management


(2006) Managing global accounts : nine critical factors for a world-class program,
Mason, Ohio, Texere/Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5
CHEVERTON (2004) Key account management: a complete action kit of tools and
techniques for achieving profitable key supplier status, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.8 K48 C5
INGRAM (2004) Professional selling: a trust-based approach, 2nd ed. Mason, Ohio,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.25 P9
JOHNSTON & MARSHALL (2005) Relationship selling: sales management, Boston, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.25 J7
SPIRO, STANTON & RICH (2003) Management of a sales force, 11th ed. Boston, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.4 S7
WEITZ, CASTLEBERRY & TANNER (2003) Selling: building partnerships, 5th ed. Boston,
Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.25 W4

1.10:Media Analysis

BERGER (2000) Media and communication research methods an introduction to qualitative

and quantitative approaches, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 B4
BERGER (1998) Media analysis techniques, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 6th Floor P 91 B4
BERGER (2005) Media analysis techniques, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 6th Floor P 91 B4
HALLIN, D. C. & MANCINI, P. (2004) Comparing media systems : three models of media
and politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
BJL 6th Floor P 95.8 H1
LIEVROUW, L. A. & LIVINGSTONE, S. M. (2006) Handbook of new media : social shaping
and social consequences of ICTs, Updated student ed. London, SAGE.
BJL 6th Floor P 96 T42 H2
POTTER, W. J. (2005) Media literacy, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 6th Floor P 96 M4 P8 c.2 AVAILABLE
WEBSTER, J. G., PHALEN, P. F. & LICHTY, L. W. (2006) Ratings analysis : the theory and
practice of audience research, 3rd ed. Mahwah, N.J., Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HE 8700.65

1.11:Creative strategy

JEWLER & DREWNIANY (2001) Creative strategy in advertising, 7th ed. Belmont, Calif.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5825 J5
REICHERT, T. & LAMBIASE, J. (2003) Sex in advertising : perspectives on the erotic
appeal, Mahwah, N. J., Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827.85 S5
REICHERT, T. & LAMBIASE, J. (2006) Sex in consumer culture : the erotic content of media
and marketing, Mahwah, N.J., Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827.85 S5

BINGHAM, GOMES & KNOWLES (2005) Business marketing, 3rd ed. Boston, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 B6
BLOCK (2004) Business to business marketing research, Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 B6
BLYTHE & ZIMMERMAN (2005) Business-to-business marketing management a global
perspective, London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 B6
CHAN KWOK, B. (2000) Chinese business networks state, economy and culture,
Copenhagen, NIAS.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 C5
CHRISTOPHER & PECK (2003) Marketing logistics, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C5
DWYER & TANNER (2001) Business marketing connecting strategy, relationships, and
learning, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 D9
DEBONIS & PETERSON (1997) AMA handbook for managing business to business
marketing communications, Chicago, Ill., American Marketing Association and NTC
Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 D2
FILL (2004) Business-to-business marketing relationships, systems and communications,
Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 F4 c.2
FORD (2001) Understanding business marketing and purchasing an interaction approach, 3rd
ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 U5
FORD & BERTHON (2002) The business marketing course managing in complex networks,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 F6
business markets interaction, relationships and networks, 2nd ed. London, Dryden
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 U5
GADDE, HAKANSSON & IMP PROJECT GROUP. (2001) Supply network strategies,
Chichester, UK New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 39.5 G1
GEMUNDEN, RITTER & WALTER (1997) Relationships and networks in international
markets, Oxford, Pergamon.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 R3
HAKANSSON & JOHANSON (2001) Business network learning, Amsterdam, Pergamon.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 B9
HART (1998) Business-to-business marketing communications, 6th ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H3
HUTT & SPEH (2004) Business marketing management a strategic view of industrial and
organizational markets, 8th ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 H9
IACOBUCCI (1996) Networks in marketing, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 N4
IMP PROJECT GROUP. & HAKANSSON (1982) International marketing and purchasing of
industrial goods an interaction approach H. Hakansson, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8 I6
LAMONS (2005) The case for B2B branding pulling away from the business to business
pack, Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7
LEWIS (1995) The connected corporation how leading companies win through customer-
supplier alliances, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 39.5 L6
LEENDERS & BLENKHORN (1988) Reverse marketing the new buyer-supplier relationship,
New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 39.5 L4
NAUDE & TURNBULL (1998) Network dynamics in international marketing, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N4
NOOTEBOOM (2004) Inter-firm collaboration, learning and networks an integrated approach,
London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 N8
MOLLER & WILSON (1995) Business marketing an interaction and network perspective,
Boston, Mass., Kluwer Academic Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 B9
MICHEL (2002) Business-to-business marketing strategies and implementation, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 B9
MINETT (2002) B2B marketing a radically different approach for business-to-business
marketers, London, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 M6
NAUDE & TURNBULL (1998) Network dynamics in international marketing, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N4
SILVERSTEIN (2002) Business to business Internet marketing seven proven strategies for
increasing profits through Internet direct marketing, 4th ed. Gulf Breeze, Fla.,
Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S5
TURNBULL & CUNNINGHAM (1981) International marketing and purchasing a survey
among marketing and purchasing executives in five European countries, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8 I6
TURNBULL & VALLA (1986) Strategies for international industrial marketing the
management of customer relationships in European industrial markets, London,
Croom Helm.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 S8
VITALE & GIGLIERANO (2002) Business to business marketing analysis & practice in a
dynamic environment, Mason, Ohio, South-Western/Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 V8
WEBSTER (1991) Industrial marketing strategy, 3rd ed. New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 W3

AAKER (2002) Building strong brands, London, Simon and Schuster.

BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 A1
AAKER & BIEL (1993) Brand equity & advertising advertising's role in building strong brands,
Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 B8
AAKER & JOACHIMSTHALER (2002) Brand leadership, London, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 A1
BLACKETT & BOAD (1999) Co-branding the science of alliance, Basingstoke, Macmillan
twenty ways advertising works for brands, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6161 B4 A1
CHAPMAN (1994) Brandmaps the competitive marketing strategy game, 3rd. ed. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.125 C4
CHAPMAN (1995) BRANDS a marketing game, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.125 C4 c.3
CLARK (2000) The co-marketing solution strategic marketing through better branding,
improved trade relationships, superior promotions, effective fact-based selling,
accurate ROI analyses of trade spending, Lincolnwood (Chicago), Ill., NTC Business
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C5
CLIFTON & MAUGHAN (2000) The future of brands twenty-five visions, Basingstoke,
Macmillan Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 F9
COWLEY (1996) Understanding brands by 10 people who do, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 69 B7 U5
CRAINER & DEARLOVE (1999) The ultimate book of business brands insights from the
world's 50 greatest brands, Oxford, Capstone.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 C8
DAVIS & DUNN (2002) Building the brand-driven business operationalize your brand to drive
profitable growth, San Francisco, Calif., Jossey-Bass.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 D2
ELLWOOD (2000) The essential brand book over 100 techniques to increase brand value,
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 E4
GOODCHILD & CALLOW (2001) Brands visions and values, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 B8
HILL & LEDERER (2001) The infinite asset managing brands to build new value, Boston,
Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 H6
HOFMEYR & RICE (2000) Commitment-led marketing the key to brand profits is in the
customer's mind, Lansdowne, South Africa, Juta Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.525 H7
JACKSON & FULBERG (2003) Sonic branding: an introduction, Basingstoke, Palgrave
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6161 B4 J1
JACKSON & FULBERG (2003) Sonic branding an introduction, Basingstoke, Palgrave
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6161 B4 J1
KAPFERER (1997) Strategic brand management creating and sustaining brand equity long
term, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 K1
KAPFERER (2004) The new strategic brand management creating and sustaining brand
equity long term, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 K1
KELLER (1998) Strategic brand management building, measuring and managing brand
equity, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 K2
KNOBIL (2000) Business superbrands an insight into Britain's strongest b2b brands, London,
BJL Reference Collection HD 69 B7 B9 LIB USE ONLY
LEVY & ROOK (1999) Brands, consumers, symbols, and research Sidney J. Levy on
marketing, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1
LINDSTRÈOM & SEYBOLD (2003) Brandchild remarkable insights into the minds of today's
global kids and their relationships with brands, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 L7
LINDSTROM & ANDERSEN (2000) Brand building on the Internet, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 L7 c.2
MARIOTTI (1999) Smart things to know about brands & branding, Oxford, Capstone.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 M3
MORGAN (1972) How to do business in branded goods the construction and use of the
marketing plan, London, Longman.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M8
people who deliver a great brand experience, Harlow, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7
MURRAY (2000) Brand storm a tale of passion, betrayal and revenge, London, Financial
Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 M9
NILSON (2003) Customize the brand make it more desirable and profitable, Chichester,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 N7
O'GUINN, ALLEN & SEMENIK (2003) Advertising and integrated brand promotion, 3rd ed.
Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 O3
PANWAR (2004) Beyond consumer marketing sectoral marketing and emerging trends, New
Delhi, Response Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12
PRINGLE & GORDON (2001) Brand manners how to create the self-confident organisation
to live the brand, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 P9
QUART (2003) Branded the buying and selling of teenagers, London, Arrow.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 Q1
RIES (2000) The 22 immutable laws of branding, London, Profile Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 R5
ROBINETTE, BRAND & LENZ (2001) Emotion marketing the Hallmark way of winning
customers for life, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 R6
SAMUELS & ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION. (1971) The effect of advertising on sales and
brand shares, London, Advertising Association.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 S1
SCHULTZ & BARNES (1999) Strategic brand communication campaigns, 5th ed.
Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 S3
SCHMIDT, K. & LUDLOW, C. (2002) Inclusive branding : the why and how of a holistic
approach to brands, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 S3
TAYLOR (2003) The brand gym a practical workout for boosting brand and business,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 T2
TEMPORAL & TROTT (2001) Romancing the customer maximizing brand value through
powerful relationship marketing, Singapore, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 T2
TEMPORAL (2002) Advanced brand management from vision to valuation, Singapore, John
Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 T2
VANAUKEN (2003) Brand aid an easy reference guide to solving your toughest branding
problems and strengthening your marketing position, New York, American
Management Association.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 V2
WERTIME (2002) Building brands & believers how to connect with consumers using
archetypes, Singapore, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 W4

4.1:Principles of buyer behaviour

ANTONIDES & RAAIJ (1998) Consumer behaviour a European perspective, Chichester,
John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 E8
ASSAEL (2003) Consumer behavior a strategic approach, Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 A8
BLACKWELL, MINIARD & ENGEL (2001) Consumer behavior, 9th ed. Ft. Worth, Tex.,
Harcoury College Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.32 E5
BRISCOE (1975) The significance of financial expectations in predicting consumer
expenditures, Coventry, U. of Warwick.
BJL 3rd Floor q HC 10 W293
CANT, BRINK & BRIJBALL (2002) Customer behaviour a Southern African perspective,
Lansdowne, South Africa, Juta.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 S7
DAVIES (1973) Patterns and profiles of consumer behaviour, Newcastle upon Tyne, U. of
Newcastle upon Tyne.
BJL 4th Floor G 2 N48 R4
De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
DEVLETOGLOU (1971) Consumer behaviour an experiment in analytical economics,
London, Harper & Row.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 D5
EAST (1990) Changing consumer behaviour, London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 E1
EAST (1997) Consumer behaviour advances and applications in marketing, Hemel Hempstd,
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 E1
EHRENBERG & PYATT (1971) Consumer behaviour selected readings, Harmondsworth,
BJL 3rd Floor HB 801 E3
ENGEL, BLACKWELL & MINIARD (1995) Consumer behavior, 8th ed. Fort Worth, Dryden
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 E5
EVANS, MOUTINHO & RAAIJ (1996) Applied consumer behaviour, Harlow, Addison Wesley
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 E9
DOOLE, LANCASTER & LOWE (2004) Understanding and managing customers, Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 U5
FOXALL, GOLDSMITH & BROWN (1998) Consumer psychology for marketing, 2nd ed.
London, International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 F7
HAWKINS, BEST & CONEY (2003) Consumer behaviour: building marketing strategy, 9th
ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 U6 H3
HACKLEY (2001) Marketing and social construction: exploring the rhetorics of managed
consumption, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 H1
HELLMAN & BURST (2004) The customer learning curve: creating profits from marketing
chaos, Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 H4
HOLBROOK (1999) Consumer value a framework for analysis and research, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 C7
HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY. (2004) Cases in consumer behavior, New York,
Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 H8
HOWARD & SHETH (1969) The theory of buyer behaviour, Ny, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 H8
HOYER & MACINNIS (2004) Consumer behavior, 3rd ed. Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 H8
HUDSON (1976) Environmental images, spatial choice and consumer behaviour a
conceptual model and an empirical investigation, Durham, U. of Durham.
BJL 4th Floor G 2 D96 O15(9)
KARDES (2002) Consumer behavior and managerial decision making, Upper Saddle River,
N.J., Pearson/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 K1
KARDES (1999) Consumer behavior and managerial decision making, Reading, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 K1
Postmodern consumer research the study of consumption as text, Newbury Park,
Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 H6
KIRK (2003) Lessons from a chief marketing officer what it takes to win in consumer
marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K5
MASSY, MONTGOMERY & MORRISON (1970) Stochastic models of buying behavior,
Cambridge (Mass), M.I.T.Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M4
MASON (1981) Conspicuous consumption a study of exceptional consumer behaviour,
Farnborough, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 M4
MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL. (1999) Middlesex University Business
School Marketing Discussion Paper Series, London, Middlesex University Business
BJL 3rd Floor HD 28 M6 D67 no.1(1999)-
NEAL, QUESTER & HAWKINS (2004) Consumer behaviour implications for marketing
strategy, 4th ed. North Ryde, N.S.W., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 A9
SHETH & MITTAL (2004) Customer behavior a managerial perspective, [2nd ed. Mason,
Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 S5
PETER, OLSON & GRUNERT (1999) Consumer behaviour and marketing strategy,
European ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 E8 P4
PETER & OLSON (2005) Consumer behavior and marketing strategy J. Paul Peter, Jerry C.
Olson, 7th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 P4
ROBERTS (1998) Harness the future: the 9 keys to emerging consumer behaviour, Toronto,
SHETH, MITTAL & NEWMAN (1998) Customer behavior consumer behavior and beyond,
Fort Worth, TX, Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 S5
SHETH & MITTAL (2004) Customer behavior a managerial perspective, [2nd ed. Mason,
Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 S5
SZMIGIN (2003) Understanding the consumer, London Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 S9
WAGNER (2003) Understanding green consumer behaviour a qualitative cognitive approach,
London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 W1
WERTIME (2002) Building brands & believers how to connect with consumers using
archetypes, Singapore, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 W4

4.2:Diffusion Theory

GLADWELL (2004) The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference, Boston,
Back Bay Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1033 G5
GODIN (2001) Unleashing the ideavirus: stop marketing at people! turn your ideas into
epidemics by helping your customers do the marketing for you, New York, Hyperion.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827.95 G5
GOLDSMITH (2002) Viral marketing: get your audience to do your marketing for you, London,
Prentice Hall Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 G6
MISNER & DAVIS (1997) Business by referral: a sure-fire way to generate new business,
Austin, Tex., Bard Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M6
MISNER & MORGAN (2000) Masters of networking: building relationships for your
pocketbook and soul, Atlanta, Ga, Bard Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 M6
ROGERS (1983) Diffusion of innovations, 3rd ed. New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 891 R7
ROGERS (1995) Diffusion of innovations, 4th ed. New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 891 R7
ROGERS (2003) Diffusion of innovations, 5th ed. New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 891 R7
SOLO & ROGERS (1972) Inducing technological change for economic growth and
development, East Lansing (Mich.), Michigan State U.P.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 66 T2 S6

4.3:Female, Buyer Behaviour

JOHNSON & LEARNED (2004) Don't think pink: what really makes women buy--and how to
increase your share of this crucial market, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HC 79 C6 J6
QUINLAN (2003) Just ask a woman: cracking the code of what women want and how they
buy, Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 U5 Q7
BARTOS (1989) Marketing to women, Oxford, Heinemann Professional.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 B2

4.4:Senior Citizen, Buyer Behaviour

WOLFE & SNYDER (2003) Ageless marketing strategies for reaching the hearts & minds of
the new customer majority, Chicago, Ill., Dearborn Trade Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32
4.5:Children, Buyer Behaviour
ACUFF & REIHER (1997) What kids buy and why the psychology of marketing to kids,
London, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32
ADLER (1980) Effects of Television Advertising on Children: review and recommendations,
Lexington (Mass.), Lexington Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 784 T2
DEL, V. (1997) Creating ever-cool: a marketer's guide to a kid's heart, Gretna, La., Pelican
Pub. Co.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 D3
GUNTER, OATES & BLADES (2005) Advertising to children on TV content, impact, and
regulation, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 784 T4 G9
HANSEN & KOBENHAVN (2002) Children consumption, advertising and media, 1st ed.
Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 C5
LINDSTROM & SEYBOLD (2003) Brandchild: remarkable insights into the minds of today's
global kids and their relationships with brands, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7 L7
LINN (2004) Consuming kids: the hostile takeover of childhood, New York, New Press
Distributed by W.W. Norton & Co.
MACKLIN & CARLSON (1999) Advertising to children: concepts and controversies,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 784 T4 A2
SCHOR (2004) Born to buy: the commercialized child and the new consumer culture, New
York, Scribner.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33

4.6:Experiential Marketing

GILMORE & PINE (2000) Markets of one: creating customer-unique value through mass
customization, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 7th Floor TS 155.65 M3
LASALLE & BRITTON (2003) Priceless: turning ordinary products into extraordinary
experiences, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.15 L3
MARCONI (2005) Creating the marketing experience: new strategies for building
relationships with your target market, Mason, Ohio, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 M3
PINE & GILMORE (1999) The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a
stage, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.15 P6
SCHMITT (1999) Experiential marketing: how to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and
relate to your company and brands, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 S3
SCHMITT (2003) Customer experience management: a revolutionary approach to connecting
with your customers, New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 S3
SHAW (2004) Revlutionize your customer experience Colin Shaw, Basingstoke, Palgrave
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S5
SHAW, IVENS & BEYOND PHILOSOPHY. (2004) Building great customer experiences,
Revised ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S5
SMITH & WHEELER (2002) Managing the customer experience: turning customers into
advocates, London, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S5

5.1:Relationship Marketing Theory & Practice


tools and concepts for customer-focused management, Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 A2
ANDERSON & KERR (2002) Customer relationship management, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 A5
ANTON & PETOUHOFF (2002) Customer relationship management the bottom line to
optimizing your ROI, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 A6
BATTERLEY (2004) Leading through relationship marketing how winning organisations
leverage stakeholder relationships to improve business performance, Sydney,
N.S.W., McGraw-Hill Australia.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 B3
BERRY & LINOFF (2000) Mastering data mining the art and science of customer relationship
management, New York, Wiley Computer Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.125 B
BELL (1994) Customers as partners building relationships that last, USA, Berrett-Koehler.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B4
BÈUSCHKEN (2004) Higher profits through customer lock-in a roadmap, Cincinnati, Ohio,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B9
BLUMBERG (2003) Managing high-tech services using a CRM strategy, Boca Raton, Fla.,
St. Lucie Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B6
BRIDGEWATER & EGAN (2002) International marketing relationships, Basingstoke,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRINK & BERNDT (2004) Customer relationship management & customer service,
Lansdowne, South Africa, Juta Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C9
BROWN (2000) Customer relationship management a strategic imperative in the
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5
BRUHN (2002) Relationship marketing management of customer relationships, Harlow,
Pearson Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55
BURKE (2001) Relationship aspect marketing building customer loyalty in the Internet Age,
Los Angeles, Calif., Silver Lake.
BUTTLE (1996) Relationship marketing theory and practice, London, Chapman.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R3
BUTTLE (2003) Customer relationship management concepts and tools, Oxford, Elsevier
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B9
CHEVERTON (2002) How come you can't identify your key customers? the essential guide to
key account selection, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.8 K48 C5
CHEVERTON (2004) Key account management a complete action kit of tools and techniques
for achieving profitable key supplier status, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.8 K48
CHEVERTON (2004) Key account management a complete action kit of tools and techniques
for achieving profitable key supplier status, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.8 K48 C5
CHRISTOPHER & PECK (2003) Marketing logistics, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C5
(1993) Relationship marketing bringing quality, customer service and marketing
together, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann in association with the Chartered
Institute of Marketing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 C5
CRAM (1994) The power of relationship marketing how to keep customers for life, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C8
CRAM (2001) Customers that count how to build living relationships with your most valuable
customers, London, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 C8
CRANFIELD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT. (2000) Marketing management a relationship
marketing perspective, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C8
CUNNINGHAM (2002) Customer relationship management, Oxford, Capstone Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C9
DAVIS & PHARRO (2003) The relationship manager the next generation of project
management, Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 P75 D2
EGAN & HARKER (2005) Relationship marketing, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55
EGAN (1999) Relationship marketing across the retail spectrum, London, Middlesex
University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 28 M6 D67(5/99)
EGAN (2000a) Challenging the relationship marketing paradigm, London, Middlesex
University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 28 M6 D67(15/2000)
EGAN (2000b) Relationship marketing exploring relational strategies in marketing, Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 E2
EGAN (2004) Relationship marketing exploring relationship strategies in marketing, 2nd ed.
New York, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 E
FAULKNER (2003) Customer management excellence, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 F2
FOSS & STONE (2002) CRM in financial services a practical guide to making customer
relationship management work, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 173 F7
FREELAND (2003) The ultimate CRM handbook strategies and concepts for building
enduring customer loyalty and profitability, New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 U4
GAMBLE (2003) Up close and personal? customer relationship marketing @ work, 2nd ed.
Sterling, VA, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 U6
GEMUNDEN, RITTER & WALTER (1997) Relationships and networks in international
markets, Oxford, Pergamon.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 R3
GERSON (1992) Keeping customers for life, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G3 D
GERSON (1999) Members for life, Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics.
BJL 7th Floor GV 428.5 G3
GLANZ (1994) Building customer loyalty how you can help keep customers returning, USA,
Irwin Professional Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G5
GODIN (2002) Permission marketing turning strangers into friends, and friends into
customers, London, Free Press Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 G5
GOLDENBERG (2002) CRM automation, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall PTR.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G6
GORDON (1998) Relationship marketing new strategies, techniques and technologies to win
the customers you want and keep them forever, Ontario, John Wiley & Sons
Canada Ltd.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 G6
GREENBERG (2004) CRM at the speed of light essential customer strategies for the 21st
century, 3rd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill/Osborne.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G7
GRONROOS (2000) Service management and marketing a customer relationship
management approach, 2nd ed. Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 G8
GUMMESSON (1999) Total relationship marketing from the 4Ps - product, price, promotion,
place - of traditional marketing management to the 30Rs - the thirty relationships -
of the new marketing paradigm, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann/Chartered
Institute of Marketing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 G9
GUMMESSON (2002) Total relationship marketing strategy moving from the 4Ps - product,
price, promotion, place - of traditional marketing management to the 30Rs - the
thirty relationships - of a new marketing paradigm, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 G9
HALINEN (1997) Relationship marketing in professional services a study of agency-client
dynamics in the advertising sector, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55
HARRISON (2003) Strategic management of resources and relationships concepts, New
York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 H3
HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PRESS. (2001) Harvard business review on customer
relationship management, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 H3
HENNIG, T. & HANSEN (2000) Relationship marketing gaining competitive advantage
through customer satisfaction and customer retention, New York, Springer.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R3
HOLLENSEN (2003) Marketing management a relationship approach, Harlow, Financial
Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 H7 c.4
HOPSON & SCALLY (1989) 12 steps to success through services a complete programme
for winning and keeping customers, London, Mercury.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 H7 c.2
HOUGAARD & BJERRE (2002) Strategic relationship marketing, Berlin, Springer.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 H8
HUMBY, HUNT & PHILLIPS (2004) Scoring points how Tesco is winning customer loyalty,
Sterling, Va., Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.525 H9
IRVING & TIVEY (1997) Relationship marketing, Corby, Institute of Management.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 I7
JOHNSON & GUSTAFSSON (2000) Improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profit an
integrated measurement and management system, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 J6
JOHNSTON & MARSHALL (2005) Relationship selling sales management, Boston, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5438.25 J7
KINCAID (2002) Customer relationship management getting it right!, Upper Saddle River,
N.J., Prentice Hall PTR.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 K5
KUMAR & REINARTZ (2006) Customer relationship management: a databased approach,
Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 K9
KNOX (2003) Customer relationship management perspectives from the marketplace,
Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C9
KRACKLAUER, MILLS & SEIFERT (2004) Collaborative customer relationship management
taking CRM to the next level, Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C6
LITTLE & MARANDI (2003) Relationship marketing management, London,
Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 L7
MACPHERSON (2001) Permission-based E-mail marketing that works!, Chicago, Ill.,
Dearborn Trade.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 M1
MANCHESTER OPEN, L. (1993) Creating customer loyalty, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M2
MARTIN (1989) Managing quality customer service, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 M3
MCCONNELL & HUBA (2003) Creating customer evangelists how loyal customers become
a volunteer sales force, Chicago, Ill., Dearborn Trade Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 M1
NAUMANN (1995) Creating customer value the path to sustainable competitive advantage,
USA, Thomson Executive Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 N3
NEWELL (2000) customer relationship management in the new era of Internet
marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 N5 c.2
NEWELL (2003) Why CRM doesn't work how to win by letting customers manage the
relationship, Princeton, N.J., Bloomberg Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 N5
O'MALLEY, PATTERSON & EVANS (2004) Exploring direct and customer relationship
marketing, 2nd ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 O5
PARKER (2000) Streetwise relationship marketing on the internet create one on one bonds
with prospects and customers and keep them forever, Holbrook, Mass., Adams
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 P2
PAYNE (1998) Relationship marketing for competitive advantage winning and keeping
customers, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann in association with the Chartered
Institute of Marketing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R3 c.2
PAYNE (2005) The handbook of CRM achieving excellence in customer management,
Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
PECK & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (1999) Relationship marketing
strategy and implementation, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R3
PEELEN (2005) Customer relationship management, Harlow, FT Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 P3
PELTON, STRUTTON & LUMPKIN (2002) Marketing channels a relationship management
approach, 2nd ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.129 P3
PEPPERS & ROGERS (1994) The one to one future building business relationships one
customer at a time, London, Piatkus.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 P4
PEPPERS & ROGERS (2004) Managing customer relationships a strategic framework,
Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 P4
PEPPERS & ROGERS (1999) Enterprise one to one tools for competing in the interactive
age, New York, Currency Doubleday.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 P4
REICHHELD & TEAL (2001) The loyalty effect the hidden force behind growth, profits, and
lasting value, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 R3
REICHHELD (2001) Loyalty rules! how today's leaders build lasting relationships, Boston,
Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.525 R3
ROBERTS, P. (2001) Customer relationship management how to turn a good business into a
great one!, London, Hawksmere.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R6 D
ROMAN & HORNSTEIN (2004) Opt-in marketing increase sales exponentially with
consensual marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 R7
RUSSELL, J. & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF BANKERS. (2002) Customer relationship
management, Canterbury, Financial World Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 R9
RUST, ZEITHAML & LEMON (2000) Driving customer equity how customer lifetime value is
reshaping corporate strategy, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF5415.5 R9
SETH (2005) Creating customer delight the how and why of CRM, New Delhi, Response
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S4
SEYBOLD, MARSHAK & LEWIS (2002) The customer revolution how to thrive when
customers are in control, London, Random House Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S5
SHAJAHAN (2004) Relationship marketing text and cases, McGraw-Hill.
SILVERMAN (2001) The secrets of word-of-mouth marketing how to trigger exponential sales
through runaway word of mouth, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827.95 S5
STERNE & PRIORE (2000) Email marketing using email to reach your target audience and
build customer relationships, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S8 c.2
STONE, WOODCOCK & MACHTYNGER (2000) Customer relationship marketing get to
know your customers and win their loyalty, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page in
association with Marketing magazine.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S8
SWIFT (2000) Accelerating customer relationships using CRM and relationship technologies,
Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall PTR.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S9
TEMPORAL & TROTT (2001) Romancing the customer maximizing brand value through
powerful relationship marketing, Singapore, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 T2
TIWANA (2001) The essential guide to knowledge management e-business and CRM
applications, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall PTR.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.2 T6 c.2
TOURNIAIRE (2003) Just enough CRM, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall PTR.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 T7
THOMPSON (2004) Who stole my customer?? winning strategies for creating and sustaining
customer loyalty, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Pearson Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.525 T4
TREACY & WIERSEMA (1996) The discipline of market leaders choose your customers,
narrow your focus, dominate your market, Paperback ed. London, HarperCollins.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.9 T7
VAREY (2002) Relationship marketing dialogue and networks in the e-commerce era,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 V2 c.2
VAREY & LEWIS (2000) Internal marketing directions of management, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 I6
& ebook
WONG & LEUNG (2001) Guanxi relationship marketing in a Chinese context, New York,
International Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 W8
ZIKMUND, GILBERT & MCLEOD (2003) Customer relationship management integrating
marketing strategy and information technology, Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 Z6 c.2

5.2:Cooperative Strategy
BRANDENBURGER & NALEBUFF (1996) Co-opetition, 1st ed. New York, Doubleday.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 B8
CHILD & FAULKNER (1998) Strategies of cooperation managing alliances, networks, and
joint ventures, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 C5
CHILD, FAULKNER & TALLMAN (2004) Strategies of cooperation managing alliances,
networks and joint ventures, 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 C5
DEERING & MURPHY (2003) The partnering imperative making business partnerships work,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 D3
DUSSAUGE & GARRETTE (1999) Cooperative strategy competing successfully through
strategic alliances, Chichester, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 D9
DE ROND, M. (2003) Strategic alliances as social facts : business, biotechnology, and
intellectual history, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 R6
FAULKNER & DE ROND, M. (2000) Cooperative strategy economic, business and
organizational issues, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 C7
GLAISTER, K. W., HUSAN, R. & BUCKLEY, P. J. (2004) Strategic business alliances : an
examination of the core dimensions, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 G5
HUXHAM (1996) Creating collaborative advantage, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 C9
NOOTEBOOM (2004) Inter-firm collaboration, learning and networks an integrated approach,
London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 N8
OHMAE (1990) The borderless world power and strategy in the interlinked economy, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1025
PRAHALAD & RAMASWAMY (2004) The future of competition co-creating unique value
with customers, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 41 P8
RUGMAN & BOYD (2003) Alliance capitalism for the new American economy,
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 41 A4
THOMPSON (2003) Between hierarchies and markets the logic and limits of network forms of
organization, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.7 T4

ALBERT & SANDERS (2003) E-business marketing, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 A3
BERRY & LINOFF (1997) Data mining techniques for marketing, sales, and customer
support, New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.125 B5
BERRY & LINOFF (2000) Mastering data mining: the art and science of customer
relationship management, New York, Wiley Computer Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.125 B
BIRD (2000) Commmonsense direct marketing, 4th ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 B6
DROZDENKO & DRAKE (2002) Optimal database marketing strategy, development, and
data mining, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 D7
GODIN (2002) Permission marketing turning strangers into friends, and friends into
customers, London, Free Press Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 G5
HUGHES (2000) Strategic database marketing the masterplan for starting and managing a
profitable, custom[er]-based marketing program, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 H8
HUGHES (2003) The customer loyalty solution what works (and what doesn't) in customer
loyalty programs, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 H8
JAY (1998) Profitable direct marketing, London, International Thompson Pub. Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 J4
KINNARD (2002) Marketing with E-mail a spam-free guide to increasing sales, building
loyalty, and increasing awareness, 3rd ed. Gulf Breeze, FL, Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 K5
KLEINDL (2002) Strategic electronic marketing managing e-business, 2nd ed. Cleveland,
Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 K6
KOBS (1992) Profitable direct marketing, 2nd ed. Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 K7
LEWIS (2002) Effective e-mail marketing: the complete guide to creating successful
campaigns, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 L6
MACPHERSON (2001) Permission-based E-mail marketing that works!, Chicago, Ill.,
Dearborn Trade.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 M1
MCDONALD (1998) Direct marketing an integrated approach, Boston, Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 M1
MULLIN (2002) Direct marketing a step-by-step guide to effective planning and targeting,
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 M9
NASH (2000) Direct marketing strategy, planning, execution, 4th ed. New York, McGraw Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 N2
NEWELL (2000) customer relationship management in the new era of Internet
marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 N5
O'MALLEY, PATTERSON & EVANS (2004) Exploring direct and customer relationship
marketing, 2nd ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 O5
PARKER (2000) Streetwise relationship marketing on the internet: create one on one bonds
with prospects and customers and keep them forever, Holbrook, Mass., Adams
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 P2
a week, London, Hodder & Stoughton.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 P4
REEDY & SCHULLO (2004) Electronic marketing integrating electronic resources into the
marketing process, 2nd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 R3
ROMAN (1995) Integrated direct marketing, Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 R7
ROMAN & HORNSTEIN (2004) Opt-in marketing increase sales exponentially with
consensual marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 R7
SARGEANT & WEST (2001) Direct and interactive marketing, Oxford, Oxford University
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 S2
SCHMID & WEBER (1998) Desktop database marketing, Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 S3
SILVERSTEIN (2002) Business to business Internet marketing seven proven strategies for
increasing profits through Internet direct marketing, 4th ed. Gulf Breeze, Fla.,
Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S5
STERNE & PRIORE (2000) Email marketing using email to reach your target audience and
build customer relationships, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S8
TAPP (2000) Principles of direct and database marketing, 2nd ed. Harlow, Financial Times
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 T1
TAPP (2004) Principles of direct and database marketing, 3rd ed. New York, Financial Times.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 T1
marketing in practice, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann in association with the
Chartered Institute of Marketing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.126 T4
ACE & CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (2002) Effective promotional planning
for e-Business, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 A1
AFUAH & TUCCI (2001) Internet business models and strategies text and cases, Boston,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.37 A2
AFUAH & TUCCI (2003) Internet business models and strategies text and cases, 2nd ed.
Boston, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 30.37 A2
ALBERT & SANDERS (2003) E-business marketing, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 A3
BIRCH, GERBERT & SCHNEIDER (2000) The age of e-tail conquering the new world of
electronic shopping, Oxford, Capstone.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 B6
BRIGGS (2001) Successful Web marketing for the tourism and leisure sectors, London,
Kogan Page.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 B8
BRYNJOLFSSON & URBAN (2001) Strategies for e-business success, San Francisco, CA,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 S8
CATALANO & SMITH (2001) Internet marketing for dummies, Foster City, Calif., IDG.
BJL 7th Floor TK 5105.888 C3
CHAFFEY (2000) Internet marketing strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow, Pearson
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 I6
CHAFFEY (2002) Internet marketing strategy, implementation and practice, 2nd ed. Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 I6
CHASTON (2001) e-marketing strategy, London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 C4
COLLIN (2000) E-marketing, Chichester, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265
COTTON (2002) Futurecasting digital media, London,
BJL 7th Floor QA 76.575 C8
DANIEL (2001) Marketing strategy in the digital age exploiting e-commerce in your business,
Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.1265 M3
DANN (2001) Strategic Internet marketing, Milton, Qld., John Wiley & Sons Australia.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 D1
DE KARE-SILVER (2000) E-shock the new rules e-strategies for retailers and manufacturers,
New ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32
EISENMANN, HALLOWELL & TRIPSAS (2002) Internet business models text and cases,
Boston, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9696.8 A2 I6
EVANS & WURSTER (2000) Blown to bits how the new economics of information transforms
strategy, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HC 79 I55 E9
FLETCHER, BELL & MCNAUGHTON (2004) International e-business marketing, Australia
United Kingdom, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 F5
GOLDSMITH (2002) Viral marketing get your audience to do your marketing for you, London,
Prentice Hall Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 G6
HAIG (2001) The e-marketing handbook an indispensible guide to marketing your products
and services on the Internet, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 H1
HALL (2001) Digital dealing how e-markets are transforming the economy, New York, W.W.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 H1
HANSON (1998) Principles of internet marketing, Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 H2
HARDAKER & GRAHAM (2001) Wired marketing energizing business for e-Commerce, New
York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 H2
HOFACKER (2001) Internet marketing, 3rd ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 H6
JELASSI & ENDERS (2005) Srategies for e-business creating value through electronic and
mobile commerce concept and cases, Harlow, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 J4
JONES & SPIEGEL (2003) Marketing convergence how the leading companies are profiting
from integrating online and offline marketing strategies, Mason, OH, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 J7
KINNARD (2002) Marketing with E-mail a spam-free guide to increasing sales, building
loyalty, and increasing awareness, 3rd ed. Gulf Breeze, FL, Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 K5
LAUDON (2002) E-commerce business, technology, society, Boston, Addison Wesley.
BJL Short Loan HF 5548.32 L3
LAUDON & TRAVER (2002) E-commerce business, technology, society, Boston, Mass.,
Addison Wesley.
BJL Short Loan HF 5548.32 L3
LAWRENCE (2003) Internet commerce digital models for business, 3rd ed. Milton, Qld., John
Wiley & Sons Australia.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 I6
LEWIS (2002) Effective e-mail marketing the complete guide to creating successful
campaigns, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 L6
LINDSTROM & ANDERSEN (2000) Brand building on the Internet, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 L7
MARLOW (1997) Web visions an inside look at successful business strategies on the net,
New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.37 M3
MCGOVERN & NORTON (2002) Content critical gaining competitive advantage through
high-quality Web content, Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 7th Floor TK 5105.888 M1
MOHAMMED (2003) Internet marketing, 2nd ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 I6
MOUGAYAR (1998) Opening digital markets battle plans and business strategies for Internet
commerce, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 M9
NEWELL (2000) customer relationship management in the new era of Internet
marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 N5
O'CONNOR & GALVIN (2000) Marketing in the digital age, 2nd ed. New York, Financial
Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 O1
O'CONNOR, GALVIN & EVANS (2004) Electronic marketing theory and practice for the
twenty-first century, Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 O1
PARKER (2000) Streetwise relationship marketing on the internet create one on one bonds
with prospects and customers and keep them forever, Holbrook, Mass., Adams
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 P2
a week, London, Hodder & Stoughton.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 P4
PETERSON (1997) Electronic marketing and the consumer, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 E3
RAYPORT & JAWORSKI (2001) Cases in e-commerce, Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill/Irwin
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 R2
RAYPORT & JAWORSKI (2003) Introduction to e-commerce, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 R2
REEDY & SCHULLO (2004) Electronic marketing integrating electronic resources into the
marketing process, 2nd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 R3
ROBERTS (2003) Internet marketing integrating online and offline strategies, Boston, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 R6
SALONER & SPENCE (2002) Creating and capturing value perspectives and cases on
electronic commerce, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 S1
SHETH, ESHGHI & KRISHNAN (2001) Internet marketing, Fort Worth, Harcourt College
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S5
SILVERSTEIN (2002) Business to business Internet marketing seven proven strategies for
increasing profits through Internet direct marketing, 4th ed. Gulf Breeze, Fla.,
Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S5
STERNE (1997) What makes people click advertising on the Web, Indianapolis, Ind., Que.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6146 I58 S8
STERNE (2001) World Wide Web marketing integrating the web into your marketing strategy,
3rd ed. New York, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S8
STERNE & PRIORE (2000) Email marketing using email to reach your target audience and
build customer relationships, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 S8
WARRINGTON (1989) Marketing through information technology, Durham, Durham
University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5001 D96 O9(8920)
ZIMMERMAN (2003) Marketing on the Internet seven steps to building the internet into your
business, 6th ed. Gulf Breeze, Maximum Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6146 I58 Z7

8.1:Global and International Marketing Theory

ALBAUM (1994) International marketing and export management, 2nd ed. Wokingham,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 I6
ALBAUM, STRANDSKOV & DUERR (2002) International marketing and export
management, 4th ed. London, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 A3
ALBAUM, STRANDSKOV & DUERR (2004) International marketing and export
management, 5th ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 A3 c.2
BENNETT (1995) International marketing strategy, planning, market entry & implementation,
London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5
BENNETT (1998) International marketing strategy, planning, market entry & implementation,
2nd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5
BRADLEY (1995) International marketing strategy, 2nd ed. New York, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRADLEY (1998) International marketing strategy, 3rd ed. London, Prentice Hall Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRADLEY (2002) International marketing strategy, 4th ed. London, Financial Times/Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRADLEY (2005) International marketing strategy, 5th ed. New York, FT/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRANCH (2000) Export practice and management, 4th ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 B8
BRIDGEWATER & EGAN (2002) International marketing relationships, Basingstoke,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B8
BRUCE, MOORE & BIRTWISTLE (2004) International retail marketing a case study
approach, Boston, Mass., Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 I6
BUZZELL, QUELCH & BARTLETT (1995) Global marketing management cases and
readings, 3rd ed. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G5 c.3
CATEORA & GRAHAM (2005) International marketing, 12th ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 C3
CATEORA, GRAHAM & GHAURI (1999) International marketing, European ed. London,
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 C3
CHRYSSOCHOIDIS (2003) Rolling out new products across international markets causes of
delays, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.153
CZINKOTA & RONKAINEN (1993) International marketing, 3rd ed. Chicago, Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 C9
CZINKOTA & RONKAINEN (1995) Readings in global marketing, London, Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 R2
CZINKOTA & RONKAINEN (1998) International marketing, 5th ed. Fort Worth, Dryden
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 C9 KDL Main (3 day) 658.848 CZI c.4
DE, BURCA., FLETCHER & BROWN (2004) International marketing an SME perspective,
Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 D2
DELENER (1995) Ethical issues in international marketing, New York, Haworth Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 E8
De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
DOOLE & LOWE (2004) Strategic marketing decisions in global markets, London, Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 D6
DOOLE & LOWE (2001) International marketing strategy analysis, development and
implementation, 3rd ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 D6
DOOLE, LOWE & PHILLIPS (1999) International marketing strategy analysis, development
and implementation, 2nd ed. London, International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 D6
FLETCHER, BELL & MCNAUGHTON (2004) International e-business marketing, Australia
United Kingdom, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 F5
GEMUNDEN, RITTER & WALTER (1997) Relationships and networks in international
markets, Oxford, Pergamon.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 R3
GHAURI, P. N. & CATEORA, P. R. (2005) International marketing, 2nd ed. Maidenhead,
McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 C3
GROVES (1994) Principles of international marketing research, Oxford, Blackwell Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8
HARRIS & MCDONALD (1994) European business and marketing strategic issues, London,
Paul Chapman.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8 H3
HOLLENSEN (2004) Global marketing a decision-oriented approach, 3rd ed. Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 H7
HOOLEY, LOVERIDGE & WILSON (1998a) Internationalization process, context and
markets, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2755.5 I6
IMP PROJECT GROUP. & HAKANSSON (1982) International marketing and purchasing of
industrial goods an interaction approach H. Hakansson, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8 I6
JEANNET & HENNESSEY (1998) Global marketing strategies, 4th ed. Boston, Houghton
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 J4 c.3
JEANNET & HENNESSEY (2004) Global marketing strategies, 6th ed. Boston, Houghton
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 J4
JOHANSSON (1996) Relentless the Japanese way of marketing, Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416.6 J3 J6
JOHANSSON (1997) Global marketing foreign entry, local marketing, and global
management, Chicago, Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 J6
JOHANSSON (2003) Global marketing foreign entry, local marketing, & global management,
3rd ed. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 1416 J6
JOHNSTON & BEATON (1998) Foundations of international marketing, London, International
Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 J7
JONES (1998) The multinational traders, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 M9
KEEGAN (2002) Global marketing management, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice-
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 K2
KEEGAN & GREEN (2005) Global marketing, 4th ed. [Upper Saddle River, N.J.], Pearson
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 K2
KEEGAN & SCHLEGELMILCH (2000) Global marketing management a European
perspective, Harlow, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416.6 E8 K2
KITCHEN (2003) The rhetoric and reality of marketing an international managerial approach,
Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 R4
KOTABE & HELSEN (1998) Global marketing management, New York, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 K8
KOTABE & HELSEN (2004) Global marketing management, 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 1416 K8
KUMAR (2000) International marketing research, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 K9
LAMONT (1995) Global marketing, Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 L2
LAMONS (2005) The case for B2B branding pulling away from the business to business
pack, Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 B7
LEE & CARTER (2005) Global marketing management changes, challenges and new
strategies, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 L4
MAJARO (1987) International Marketing a strategic approach to world markets, Rev. ed.
London, Unwin Hyman.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 M2
UK CHAPTER. CONFERENCE (2004) The process of internationalization : strategic,
cultural and policy perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 P9
MCAULEY (2001) International marketing consuming globally, thinking locally, Chichester,
John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 M1
MÈUHLBACHER, DAHRINGER & LEIHS (1999) International marketing a global
perspective, 2nd ed. London, International Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 M9
NAUDE & TURNBULL (1998) Network dynamics in international marketing, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N4
NELSON (1999) Exporting a manager's guide to the world market, London, International
Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N4
export marketing a practical guide to opening and expanding markets overseas, 2nd
ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N8
ONKVISIT & SHAW (2004) International marketing analysis and strategy, 4th ed. New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 O5
PALIWODA (1993) International marketing, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 P1
PALIWODA & INSTITUTE OF MARKETING. (1986) International marketing, London,
Heinemann Professional [for the Institute of Marketing].
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 P1
PALIWODA & RYANS (1995) International marketing reader, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 P1
PALIWODA & THOMAS (1997) International marketing, 3rd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 1009.5 P1
PORTER (1989) The competitive advantage of nations, London, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1414 P8
PHILLIPS, DOOLE & LOWE (1994) International marketing strategy analysis, development,
and implementation, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 P5
QUELCH & BARTLETT (1999) Global marketing management, 4th ed. Reading, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G5
QUELCH & DESHPANDE (2004) The global market developing a strategy to manage across
borders, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G5
RONKAINEN, I. A. & CZINKOTA, M. R. (2002) Best practices in international marketing, Fort
Worth [Tex.], Harcourt College Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 B5
ROEHRIG (1994) Foreign joint ventures in contemporary China, New York, St Martin's Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 5782 R7
RUGIMBANA & NWANKWO (2003) Cross-cultural marketing, London, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 C9
SAMLI (2004) Entering & succeeding in emerging countries marketing to the forgotten
majority, Mason, OH, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416.6 D44 S1
SCANDURA & SERAPIO (1998) Research in international business and international
relations, Stamford, Conn., JAI.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.7 R4
STONE & MCCALL (2004) International strategic marketing a European perspective,
London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416.6 E8 S8
TERPSTRA & SARATHY (1997) International marketing, 7th ed. Fort Worth, Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 T3
TERPSTRA & SARATHY (1999) International marketing, 8th ed. Fort Worth, Tex., Dryden
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 T3
THORELLI (1973) International marketing strategy selected readings, Harmondsworth,
Penguin Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 T4
TURNBULL & CUNNINGHAM (1981) International marketing and purchasing a survey
among marketing and purchasing executives in five European countries, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8 I6
WALSH (1987) International marketing, 2nd ed. London, McDonald & Evans.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1009.5 W2
BUSINESS. UK CHAPTER. CONFERENCE (2003) Internationalization : firm
strategies and management, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 I6

8.2:Global Advertising and Marcoms

De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
ENGLIS (1994) Global and multi-national advertising, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 G5
GRIFFIN (1993) International marketing communications, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8
De MOOIJ (1994) Advertising worldwide concepts, theories and practice of international,
multinational and global advertising, 2nd ed. New York, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 M7
De MOOIJ (1998) Global marketing and advertising understanding cultural paradoxes,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127
De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
ENGLIS (1994) Global and multi-national advertising, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5821 G5
GRIFFIN (1993) International marketing communications, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8 AVAILABLE
O’MONYE (1999) The handbook of international marketing communications, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H2
SCHULTZ & KITCHEN (2000) Communicating globally an integrated marketing approach,
Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 S3

CHOI & KELEMEN (1995) Cultural competences managing co-operatively across cultures,
Aldershot, Dartmouth.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 C5
De MOOIJ (2004) Consumer behavior and culture consequences for global marketing and
advertising, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 M8
FERRARO (1994) The cultural dimension of international business, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2755.5 F4
FERRARO (2002) The cultural dimension of international business, 5th ed. Upper Saddle
River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2755.5 F4
HALL (1966) The hidden dimension, Garden City (NY), Doubleday.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 51 H1
HALL (1977) Beyond culture, Garden City (N.Y.), Anchor Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 H1
HAMPDEN, T. & TROMPENAARS (1993b) The seven cultures of capitalism value systems
for creating wealth in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Sweden,
and the Netherlands, New York, Doubleday.
BJL 3rd Floor HB 501 H2
HAMPDEN, T. & TROMPENAARS (2000) Building cross-cultural competence how to create
wealth from conflicting values, Chichester, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 H2
HOFSTEDE (1980) Culture's consequences international differences in work-related values,
Beverly Hills (Calif), Sage.
BJL 7th Floor GN 502 H7
HOFSTEDE (1984a) Culture's consequences international differences in work-related values,
Abridged ed. Beverly Hills, Sage.
BJL Short Loan GN 502 H7
HOFSTEDE (1991) Cultures and organizations software of the mind, London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 H7
HOFSTEDE (1994) Uncommon sense about organizations cases, studies, and field
observations, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.7 H6
HOFSTEDE (1998) Masculinity and femininity the taboo dimension of national cultures,
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HQ 1075 M3
HOFSTEDE (2001) Culture's consequences comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and
organizations across nations, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 7th Floor GN 502 H7
LEWIS (2000) When cultures collide managing successfully across cultures a major new
edition of the global guide, 2nd ed. London, Nicholas Brealey.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 L6
MCCALL & WARRINGTON (1989) Marketing by agreement a cross-cultural approach to
business negotiations, 2nd ed. Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.122 M1
TROMPENAARS & HAMPDEN, T. (1997) Riding the waves of culture understanding cultural
diversity in business, 2nd ed ed. London, Nicholas Brealey.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.7 T8
TROMPENAARS & WILLIAMS (2003) Marketing across cultures, Chichester, Capstone.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 T8
USUNIER (1993) International marketing a cultural approach, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 U8
USUNIER (1998) International and cross-cultural management research, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 U8
USUNIER (2000) Marketing across cultures, 3rd ed. Essex, England New York, Financial
Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL Short Loan HF 1416 U8
USUNIER & LEE (2005) Marketing across cultures, 4th ed. New York, Financial Times
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 U8

8.4:International Business Networks


knowledge in international business, Cheltenham, E. Elgar.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 N4
IACOBUCCI (1996) Networks in marketing, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123
NAUDE & TURNBULL (1998) Network dynamics in international marketing, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 N4
GEMUNDEN, RITTER & WALTER (1997) Relationships and networks in
international markets, Oxford, Pergamon.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 R3
YEUNG (1998) Transnational corporations and business networks Hong Kong firms
in the ASEAN Region, London, Routlege.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2892 Y3

8.5:International Marketing Research

CRAIG, C. S. & DOUGLAS, S. P. (2005) International marketing research, 3rd ed.

Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 C8
KUMAR, V. (2000) International marketing research, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 K9
9.1:Principles of Marketing Management & Strategy

AAKER (1995) Strategic market management, 4th ed. New York, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 A3
AAKER (2001) Strategic market management, 6th ed. New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 A1
ADCOCK, HALBORG & ROSS (2001) Marketing principles and practice, 4th ed ed. Harlow,
Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M3 c.3
ANDERSON & VINCZE (2004) Strategic marketing management, 2nd ed. Boston, Mass.,
Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 A5
BAKER (2000) Marketing strategy and management, 3rd ed. Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL Short Loan HF 5415 B1
BEST (2004) Market-based management strategies for growing customer value and
profitability, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 B5
BLYTHE (2003) Marketing strategy, London, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 B6
BRADLEY (2003) Strategic marketing in the customer driven organization, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.15 B8
in marketing, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 I5
CRANFIELD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT. (2000) Marketing management a relationship
marketing perspective, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C8
CRAVENS & PIERCY (2003) Strategic marketing, 7th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 C8
CRAVENS & PIERCY (2006) Strategic marketing, 8th ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 C8
DALRYMPLE & PARSONS (1995) Marketing management text and cases, 6th ed. New
York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D1
DAVIDSON (1987) Offensive marketing or how to make your competitors followers, [new ed.
London, Penguin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 D2
DAVIDSON, H., KEEGAN, W. J. & BRILL, E. A. (2004) Offensive marketing : an action
guide to gaining competitive advantage, Burlington, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 D2
DICKSON (1997) Marketing management, 2nd ed. Fort Worth, Dryden.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D5
decisions 2005-2006, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.135 D6
DOLAN (2002) Marketing management text and cases, Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D6
DOYLE (1994) Marketing management and strategy, New York, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D7
DOYLE (1997) Marketing management and strategy, 2nd ed. London, Prentice Hall Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HF 5415.13 D7
DOYLE (2000) Value-based marketing marketing strategies for corporate growth and
shareholder value, Chichester, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D7
DOYLE (2001) Marketing management and strategy, 3rd ed. New York, Pearson Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D7
FERRELL & HARTLINE (2004) Marketing strategy, 3rd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 F3
HAKANSSON, H., HARRISON, D. & WALUSZEWSKI, A. (2004) Rethinking marketing :
developing a new understanding of markets, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5411 R4
HOLLENSEN (2003) Marketing management a relationship approach, Harlow, Financial
Times Prentice Hall.
BJL Short Loan HF 5415.55 H7
HOOLEY & SAUNDERS (1993) Competitive positioning the key to market success, Hemel
Hempstead, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.15 H7
HOOLEY, SAUNDERS & PIERCY (1998b) Marketing strategy and competitive positioning,
2nd ed. London, Prentice Hall Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 H7
HOOLEY, SAUNDERS & PIERCY (2004) Marketing strategy and competitive positioning, 3rd
ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL Short Loan HF 5415.127 H7
HUTT & SPEH (2004) Business marketing management a strategic view of industrial and
organizational markets, 8th ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 H9
KASHANI, K. & JEANNET, J.-P. (2005) Beyond traditional marketing : innovations in
marketing practice, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K1
KOTLER (1996) Marketing management analysis, planning, implementation and control, 9th
ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall International.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1 K8
KOTLER (2000) Marketing management the millenium edition, Millennium ed. Upper Saddle
River, N.J, Prentice Hall International.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K8
KOTLER (2003) Marketing management, 11th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K8
KOTLER (1999) Kotler on marketing how to create, win, and dominate markets, London, Free
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K8
LAL, QUELCH & RANGAN (2005) Marketing management text and cases, New York, N.Y.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 L1
LAMBIN (2000) Market-driven management strategic and operational marketing,
Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 L2
LANCASTER & MASSINGHAM (2001) Marketing management, 3rd ed. Maidenhead,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 L2
LAWRENCE & THOMAS (1971) Modern marketing management selected readings,
Harmondsworth, Penguin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 L4
MERCER (1998) Marketing strategy the challenge of the external environment, London, Sage
in association with Open University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M5
MULLINS (2004) Marketing management a strategic decision-making approach, 5th ed.
London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M3
PALEY (2000) The marketing strategy desktop guide, London, Hawksmere.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.13 P1
PARRY (2002) Strategic marketing management a means-end approach, New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 P2
PETER & DONNELLY (2001) Marketing management knowledge and skills, 6th ed. Boston,
Mass., Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 P5
PETER & DONNELLY (2004) Marketing management knowledge and skills, 7th ed. Boston,
Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 P4
marketing in practice 2005-2006, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.13 R1
STRYDOM, CANT & JOOSTE (2000) Marketing management, 4th ed. Lansdowne, South
Africa, Juta Academic Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M3
TRIVERS (1996) One-stop marketing, New York, J. Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 T8
TVEDE & OHNEMUS (2001) Marketing strategies for the new economy, Chichester, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5548.32 T9
WALKER (1999) Marketing strategy a decision-focused approach, 4th ed. Boston,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W1
WALKER (2005) Marketing strategy a decision-focused approach, 5th ed. New York,
McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W1
WEBSTER (2002) Market-driven management how to define, develop, and deliver customer
value, 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W3
WINER (2004) Marketing management, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W7

9.2:Business & Competitive Strategy


Exploring techniques of analysis and evaluation in strategic management, Harlow,
Prentice Hall Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 E9
BOWMAN (1990) The essence of strategic management, Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 B7
De WIT & MEYER (1998) Strategy process, content, context an international perspective, 2nd
ed. London, International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 W8
De WIT & MEYER (1999) Strategy synthesis resolving strategy paradoxes to create
competitive advantage, London, International Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 W8
De WIT & MEYER (2004) Strategy process, content, context an international perspective, 3rd
ed. London, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 W8
DESS, LUMPKIN & TAYLOR (2004) Strategic management creating competitive
advantages, 2nd ed. Boston, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 D4
DOBSON, STARKEY & RICHARDS (2004) Strategic management issues and cases, 2nd
ed. Malden, MA, Blackwell Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 D6
FITZROY & HULBERT (2005) Strategic management creating value in a turbulent world,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 F5
GRANT (2002) Contemporary strategy analysis concepts, techniques, applications, 4th ed.
Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 G7
GRANT (2005) Contemporary strategy analysis, 5th ed. Oxford, Blackwell.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 G7
HILL & JONES (1995) Strategic management an integrated approach, 3rd ed. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin Co.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 H6
HILL & JONES (1998) Strategic management theory an integrated approach, 4th ed. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 H6
HILL & JONES (2000) Strategic management an integrated approach, 5th ed. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin.
BJL Short Loan HD 30.28 H6
HILL & JONES (2004) Strategic management an integrated approach, 6th ed. Boston, Mass.,
Houghton Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 H6
HITT, IRELAND & HOSKISSON (2005) Strategic management competitiveness and
globalization, 6th ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 H6
HITT, FREEMAN & HARRISON (2001) The Blackwell handbook of strategic management,
Oxford, UK Malden, MA, Blackwell.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 B6
JOYCE & WOODS (2001) Strategic management a fresh approach to developing skills,
knowledge and creativity, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 J8
LORANGE (1993) Strategic planning and control issues in the strategy process, Cambridge,
Mass., Blackwell Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 S8
MINTZBERG (2000) The rise and fall of strategic planning, London, Financial Times Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 M6
MINTZBERG (2003) The strategy process concepts, contexts, cases, 4th ed. Harlow,
Pearson Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28
MINTZBERG, AHLSTRAND & LAMPEL (2001) Strategy safari the complete guide through
the wilds of strategic management, Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 M6
PORTER (1980) Competitive strategy techniques for analyzing industries and competitors,
New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 41 P8
PORTER (1998b) On competition, Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1414 P8
PORTER (2004) Competitive advantage creating and sustaining superior performance,
London, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 41 P8
SALONER, SHEPARD & PODOLNY (2001) Strategic management, New York, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 S1
SANCHEZ & HEENE (2002) The new strategic management organization, competition, and
competence, New York, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 S2
THOMPSON, GAMBLE & STRICKLAND (2003) Strategy winning in the marketplace core
concepts, analytical tools, cases with PowerWeb and case-tutor download card,
Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 T4
THOMPSON, STRICKLAND & GAMBLE (2004) Crafting and executing strategy the quest
for competitive advantage concepts and cases, 14th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill
Higher Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 T4
WALKER (2003) Modern competitive strategy, Boston, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 W1

9.3:Marketing Planning
what should we tell the shareholders?, London, Centre for Business Performance.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5681 B2 A4
BANGS (2002) The market planning guide creating a plan to successfully market your
business, product, or service, 6th ed. [Chicago, Ill.], Dearborn Trade Pub.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.122 B2
BEAMISH & ASHFORD (2004) Marketing planning 2004-2005, Oxford, Elsevier.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.13 B3
COOPER & LANE (1997) Practical marketing planning, Basingstoke, Macmillan Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C7
COHEN (2005) The marketing plan, 4th ed. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C6
Strategic marketing planning and control, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 D7
GILLIGAN & WILSON (2003) Strategic marketing planning, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 G5
HAMPER & BAUGH (1992) Strategic Market Planning, Lincolnwood, Ill., N.T.C.Business
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 H2
HATTON (2000) The definitive guide to marketing planning the fast track to intelligent
marketing planning and implementation for executives, London, Financial Times
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 H3
HIEBING & COOPER (2003) The successful marketing plan a disciplined and
comprehensive approach, Fully rev. and expanded 3rd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 H6
LEHMANN & WINER (2002) Analysis for marketing planning, 5th ed. Boston, Mass.,
McGraw-Hill Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 L5
LEHMANN & WINER (2005) Analysis for marketing planning, 6th ed. Boston, McGraw-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13
and evaluation 2005-2006, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.122 L8
LUTHER (2001) The marketing plan how to prepare and implement it, 3rd ed. New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 L9
how to prepare them, how to use them, 3rd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M1
MCDONALD & PAYNE (1996) Marketing planning for services, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M1
MCDONALD (2002) Marketing plans how to prepare them, how to use them, 5th ed. Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M1
MCDONALD (2002) How come your marketing plans aren't working? the essential guide to
marketing planning, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M1
performance 2005-2006, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.13 M2
NIJSSEN & FRAMBACH (2001) Creating customer value through strategic marketing
planning a management approach, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 N6
NYKIEL (2003) Marketing your business a guide to developing a strategic marketing plan,
New York, Best Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 N9
PALEY (2000) How to develop a strategic marketing plan a step by step guide, Boca Raton,
Fla, St. Lucie Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135 P1
products, and marketing plans, Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.16 P2
STAPLETON & THOMAS (1998) How to prepare a marketing plan a guide to reaching the
consumer market, 5th ed. Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 S7
WESTWOOD (2002) The marketing plan a step-by-step guide, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W5
WESTWOOD (2005) The marketing plan workbook, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13
WOOD (2004) Marketing planning principles into practice, New York, Pearson Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W8
ZOLTNERS (1982) Marketing planning models, Amsterdam, North-Holland.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M3

9.3-1:Marketing Implementation & Control

AMBLER (2003) Marketing and the bottom line the marketing metrics that will pump up cash
flow, 2nd ed. London, FT Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.122 A4
AMBLER (2000) Marketing and the bottom line the new metrics of corporate wealth, London,
Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.122 A4
what should we tell the shareholders?, London, Centre for Business Performance.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5681 B2
RINGLAND (1998) Scenario planning managing for the future, Chichester, John Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.28 R5

9.3-2:Segmentation & Positioning

DIBB & SIMKIN (1995) The market segmentation workbook target marketing for marketing
managers, London, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 D5
HOOLEY, SAUNDERS & PIERCY (2004) Marketing strategy and competitive positioning, 3rd
ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 H7
HOOLEY, SAUNDERS & PIERCY (1998) Marketing strategy and competitive positioning,
2nd ed. London, Prentice Hall Europe.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 H7
MCDONALD & DUNBAR (2003) Market segmentation how to do it, how to profit from it, Rev.
and updated ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.127 M1
RIES & TROUT (2001) Positioning the battle for your mind, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5827.2 R5

9.4:Retail Marketing Management

ANDER & STERN (2004) Winning at retail developing a sustained model for retail success,
Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 A5
BRUCE, MOORE & BIRTWISTLE (2004) International retail marketing a case study
approach, Boston, Mass., Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 I6
DAVIDSON, SWEENEY & STAMPFL (1988) Retailing management, 6th ed. New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 D2
GILBERT (2003) Retail marketing management, 2nd ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 G5
LEVY & WEITZ (2003) Retailing management, 5th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 L6
MCGOLDRICK (2002) Retail marketing, 2nd ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 M1
MEYER, O. (2003) Innovation and dynamics in Japanese retailing from techniques to formats
to systems, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429.6 J3 M6
NEWMAN & CULLEN (2002) Retailing environment & operations, London, Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 N5
OGDEN (2005) Retailing integrated retail management, Boston, Mass., Houghton-Mifflin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 O3
OMAR (1999) Retail marketing, London, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 O5
SULLIVAN & ADCOCK (2002) Retail marketing, London, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429 S9

9.5:Services Marketing Management

ABRAM & HAWKES (2003) The seven myths of customer management how to be
customer-driven without being customer-led, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 A1
ASHER (1996) Managing quality in the service sector, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.15 A8
BARON & HARRIS (2003) Services marketing text and cases, 2nd ed. Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 B2
BECKFORD (1998) Quality a critical introduction, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.15 B3
BELL (2003) Magnetic service: secrets of creating passionately devoted customers, San
Francisco, Calif., Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B4
BERRY (1999) Discovering the soul of service the nine drivers of sustainable business
success, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B5
BLUMBERG (2003) Managing high-tech services using a CRM strategy, Boca Raton, Fla.,
St. Lucie Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B6
BOTTEN & MCMANUS (1999) Competitive strategies for service organizations, Basingstoke,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 B7
in marketing, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 I5
BRINK & BERNDT (2004) Customer relationship management & customer service,
Lansdowne, South Africa, Juta Academic.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C9
BROWN (1992) Total quality service how organizations use it to create a competitive
advantage, Scarborough, Ont., Prentice Hall Canada.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 B8
(1993) Relationship marketing bringing quality, customer service and marketing
together, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann in association with the Chartered Institute
of Marketing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 C5
CLARK & BAKER (2004) Business success through service excellence, Edinburgh,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C5
CLEGG (2000) The invisible customer strategies for successful customer service down the
wire, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C6
COLLIER (1998) Equality in managing service delivery, Buckingham, Open University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C6
COOK (2004) Measuring customer service effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower House.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C7
CRAM (1994) The power of relationship marketing how to keep customers for life, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C8
DAVENPORT & BECK (2001) The attention economy understanding the new currency of
business, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.2 D2
EDVARDSSON, THOMASSON & ¢VRETVEIT (1994) Quality of service making it really
work, London, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 E2
FAULKNER (2003) Customer management excellence, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 F2
FISK, GROVE & JOHN (2000) Services marketing self-portraits introspections, reflections,
and glimpses from the experts, Chicago, Ill., American Marketing Association.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 S4
(1996) Performance measurement in service industries making it work, London,
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5549.5 P35 F5
FOSS & STONE (2002) CRM in financial services a practical guide to making customer
relationship management work, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 173 F7
FRIEDMAN (1999) Consumer boycotts effecting change through the marketplace and the
media, New York, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.33 U5 F9
GABBOTT & HOGG (1998) Consumers and services, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
GILMORE (2003) Services marketing and management, London., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 G5
GLYNN & BARNES (1995) Understanding services management integrating marketing,
organisational behaviour, operations and human resource management, Chichester,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 U5
GRONROOS (2000) Service management and marketing a customer relationship
management approach, 2nd ed. Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 G8
GUSTAFSSON & JOHNSON (2003) Competing in a service economy how to create a
competitive advantage through service development and innovation, San Francisco,
Calif., Jossey-Bass.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G9
GUTEK & WELSH (2000) The brave new service strategy aligning customer relationships,
market strategies, and business structures, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 G9
HENNIG, T. & HANSEN (2000) Relationship marketing gaining competitive advantage
through customer satisfaction and customer retention, New York, Springer.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 R3
HILL & ALEXANDER (2000) Handbook of customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement,
2nd ed. Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 H6
HILL, BRIERLEY & MACDOUGALL (2003) How to measure customer satisfaction, 2nd ed.
Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 H5
HOGG & GABBOTT (1997) Contemporary services marketing management a reader,
London, Dryden Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 C7
HOPE & MUHLEMANN (1997) Service operations management strategy, design, and
delivery, Harlow, Prentice Hall.
BJL 7th Floor TS 155 H7
JOHNSON & GUSTAFSSON (2000) Improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profit an
integrated measurement and management system, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 J6
KASPER, H., HELSDINGEN, P. V. & GABOT, M. (2006) Services marketing management :
a strategic approach, 2nd ed / ed. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 K1
KASPER, HELSDINGEN & DE VRIES. (1999) Services marketing management an
international perspective, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 K1
KEININGHAM & VAVRA (2001) The customer delight principle exceeding customers'
expectations for bottom-line success, Chicago, Ill., McGraw Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 K2
LOOY, GEMMEL & DIERDONCK (2003) Services management an integrated approach, 2nd
ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 S4
LOVELOCK & WIRTZ (2004) Services marketing people, technology, strategy, 5th ed. Upper
Saddle River, N.J., PearsonEducation International/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 L9
LUCAS (2004) Customer service building successful skills for the twenty-first century, 3rd ed.
New York, McGraw-Hill Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 L9
MCDONALD & PAYNE (1996) Marketing planning for services, Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M1
MCKENNA (1993) Relationship marketing successful strategies for the age of the customer,
USA, Perseus Books Group.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M1
MUDIE & COTTAM (1993) The management and marketing of services, Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 M9
MUDIE & COTTAM (1999) The management and marketing of services, 2nd ed. Oxford,
Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 M9
MYERS (1999) Measuring customer satisfaction hot buttons and other measurement issues,
Chicago, Ill., American Marketing Association.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 M9
NAYLOR & GRECO (2002) Customer chemistry how to keep the customers you want-- and
say "good-bye" to the ones you don't, Chicago, Ill., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.335 N3
NIESSEN & OLDENBURG (1997) Service level management customer focused, London,
Stationery Office/CCTA.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.53 N6
NORMANN (2000) Service management strategy and leadership in service business, 3rd ed.
Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 N8
PALMER (2001) Principles of services marketing, 3rd ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 P1
PALMER (2004) Principles of services marketing, 4th ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 P1
REICHHELD & TEAL (2001) The loyalty effect the hidden force behind growth, profits, and
lasting value, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 R3
ROBINETTE, BRAND & LENZ (2001) Emotion marketing the Hallmark way of winning
customers for life, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 R6
RUST, ZEITHAML & LEMON (2000) Driving customer equity: how customer lifetime value is
reshaping corporate strategy, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF5415.5 R9
SCHMIDT, WEERING & ADLER (2003) Winning at service: lessons from service leaders,
Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 S3
SHERMAN (2004) Franchising & licensing two powerful ways to grow your business in any
economy, 3rd ed. New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5429.235 U5
STEBBING (1994) Quality management in the service industry, New York, Ellis Horwood.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 S8
STURDY, GRUGULIS & WILLMOTT (2001) Customer service empowerment and
entrapment, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 C9
TAYLOR (1993) Quality sustaining customer service, London, Century Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 T2
WEBSTER (2002) Market-driven management how to define, develop, and deliver customer
value, 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 W3
WILLIAMS (1996) Dealing with customer complaints, Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 W7
WOODRUFF & GARDIAL (1996) Know your customer new approaches to understanding
customer value and satisfaction, Malden, Mass., Blackwell Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.32 W8
YAU (1994) Consumer behaviour in China customer satisfaction and cultural values, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 Y3
ZEITHAML & BITNER (2003) Services marketing integrating customer focus across the firm,
International ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 Z4
ZEITHAML, BITNER & GREMLER (2005) Services marketing integrating customer
focus across the firm, Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9980.5 Z4
ZEITHAML, PARASURAMAN & BERRY (1990) Delivering quality service balancing
customer perceptions and expectations, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 Z4
ZEMKE & BELL (2000) Knock your socks off service recovery, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.5 Z5
9.6:Ethics in Marketing & PR Management
CHONKO (1995) Ethical decision making in marketing, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.135
DAVIDSON (2004) The committed enterprise how to make vision, values and branding work,
2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 58.9 D2
DELENER (1995) Ethical issues in international marketing, New York, Haworth Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 E8
MCDONALD & WILSON (2002) The new marketing transforming the corporate future,
Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1265 M1
SEIB & FITZPATRICK (1995) Public relations ethics, Fort Worth, Tex., Harcourt Brace
College Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 S4
SCHLEGELMILCH (1998) Marketing ethics an international perspective, London,
International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5387 S3
SHINER (2003) Freedom of commercial expression, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 2nd Floor K 3253 F8
SMITH & QUELCH (1996) Ethics in marketing, New York, Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.122 S6
VAN TULDER & ZWART (2006) International business-society management linking
corporate responsibility and globalization, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 T9

9.7:Non-Profit/sustainable Marketing Management

ADLER (2006) Cause for concern: results-oriented cause marketing, Mason, Ohio,
ANDREASEN (2006) Social marketing in the 21st century, Thousand Oaks, Calif., SAGE
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5414 A5
ANDREASEN & KOTLER (2003) Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations, 6th
ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Pearson Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 A5
FULLER (1999) Sustainable marketing managerial-ecological issues, Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5413 F9
HANNAGAN (1992) Marketing for the non-profit sector, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 H2
KOTLER, ROBERTO & LEE (2002) Social marketing improving the quality of life, 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5414 K8
SARGEANT (1999) Marketing management for nonprofit organizations, Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 S2
SARGEANT (2005) Marketing management for nonprofit organizations, 2nd ed. Oxford,
Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 S2
SARGEANT & JAY (2002) Fundraising on the web opportunity or hype?, Henley-on-Thames,
Henley Management College.
BJL 3rd Floor q HD 28 H51 W9(0202)
SARGEANT & LEE (2001) Improving public trust in the voluntary sector an empirical
analysis, Henley-on-Thames, Henley Management College
SARGEANT & LEE (2001) Individual and contextual antecedents of donor trust in the
voluntary sector, Henley-on-Thames, Henley Management College.
BJL 3rd Floor q HD 28 H51 W9(0117)
SARGEANT, LIAO & FOREMAN (1999) Market and societal orientation in the nonprofit
sector, Henley-on-Thames, Henley Management College.
BJL 3rd Floor q HD 28 H51 W9(9908)

9.8:Tourism & Hospitality Marketing Management

BRIGGS (2001) Successful tourism marketing a practical handbook, 2nd ed. London, Kogan
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 B8
BRIGGS (2001) Successful Web marketing for the tourism and leisure sectors, London,
Kogan Page.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 B8
KOTLER, BOWEN & MAKENS (2002) Marketing for hospitality and tourism, 3rd ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
BJL 7th Floor TX 911.3 M3 K8
KOTLER, HAIDER & REIN (1993) Marketing places attracting investment, industry, and
tourism to cities, states, and nations, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 K8
LUMSDON (1997) Tourism marketing, London, International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 L9
MIDDLETON & CLARKE (2001) Marketing in travel and tourism, 3rd ed. Oxford, Butterworth-
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 M6
MORGAN (1996) Marketing for leisure and tourism, London, Prentice Hall.
BJL 7th Floor GV 188 M8 c.3
MORGAN & PRITCHARD (1998) Tourism, promotion and power creating images, creating
identities, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 M8
MORGAN, PRITCHARD & PRIDE (2004) Destination branding creating the unique
destination proposition, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 D4
PIKE (2004) Destination marketing organisations, Amsterdam, Elsevier.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 P6
ROBINSON & CENTRE FOR TRAVEL AND TOURISM. (2000) Management, marketing and
the political economy of travel and tourism, Sunderland, Centre for Travel and
Toruism/Business Education Publishers Ltd.
BJL 4th Floor G 155 A1 M2

9.9:Other Specialist Areas

9.6-1:Sports Marketing

LAGAE (2005) Sports sponsorship and marketing communications a European perspective,

Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 7th Floor GV 716 L1 c.2
MULLIN, HARDY & SUTTON (2000) Sport marketing, 2nd ed. Champaign, Ill., Human
BJL 7th Floor q GV 716 M9
POPE & TURCO (2001) Sport & event marketing, Sydney, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 7th Floor GV 716 P8
SHILBURY, QUICK & WESTERBEEK (2004) Strategic sport marketing, 2nd ed. Crows Nest,
N.S.W., Allen & Unwin.
BJL 7th Floor GV 716 S5

9.6-2: Marketing in emerging markets

ARNOLD, CHADRABA & SPRINGER (2000) Marketing strategies for central and eastern
Europe, Aldershot, Ashgate.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 E8
BATRA & WILLIAM DAVIDSON INSTITUTE. (1999) Marketing issues in transitional
economies, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M3
CAVUSGIL, S. T., GHAURI, P. N. & AGARWAL, M. R. (2002) Doing business in emerging
markets : entry and negotiation strategies, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 C3
CHADRABA (1995) The Central and Eastern European markets guideline for new business
ventures, New York, Haworth Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 3496.5
ESTRIN, RICHET & BRADA (2000) Foreign direct investment in central eastern Europe case
studies of firms in transition, Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 5430.7 A3 F7
ESTRIN, S. & MEYER, K. (2004) Investment strategies in emerging markets, Cheltenham,
Edward Elgar.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 5836 A3 I6
ESTRIN, S., RICHET, X. & BRADA, J. C. (2000) Foreign direct investment in central eastern
Europe : case studies of firms in transition, Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 5430.7 A3 F7
MARINOV (2005) Marketing in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe the
Balkans, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 B28
MARINOV (2005) Marketing in the emerging markets of Latin America, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.12 L3 M3
PHANSALKAR, S. J. (2005) Opportunities and strategies for Indian business : preparing for
a global India, New Delhi, Response Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 70 I3 P5


AITCHISON (2002) How Asia advertises the most successful campaigns in Asia-Pacific and
the marketing strategies behind them, Singapore, J. Wiley & Sons (Asia).
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5813 A8 A3
CHAN KWOK, B. (2000) Chinese business networks state, economy and culture,
Copenhagen, NIAS.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8
HAMILTON (1996) Asian business networks, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 69 S8 A8
ROEHRIG (1994) Foreign joint ventures in contemporary China, New York, St Martin's Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HG 5782 R7
WONG & LEUNG (2001) Guanxi relationship marketing in a Chinese context, New York,
International Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.55 W8
YEUNG (1998) Transnational corporations and business networks Hong Kong firms in the
ASEAN Region, London, Routlege.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2892 Y3
9.6-4:Political Marketing

BAINES, BRENNAN & EGAN (2000) Structure and strategy in political markets, London,
Middlesex University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 28 M6 D67(16/2000)
KAID (2004) Handbook of political communication research, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor JA 85 H2
NEWMAN (1999) Handbook of political marketing, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor JF 2112 C3 H2
NEWMAN (1999) The mass marketing of politics democracy in an age of manufactured
images, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor JN 2281 N5
LEES, M. (2001) Political marketing and British political parties: the party's just begun,
Manchester, Manchester University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor JK 1121 L4
LYNCH, BAINES & EGAN (2002) Marketing strategy and political campaigning: a UK
resource-based perspective, London, Middlesex University Business School.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 28 M6 D67(19/2002
MAAREK (1995) Political marketing and communication, London, John Libbey/Univ of Luton.
BJL 3rd Floor JF 2112 C7

9.6-5:Postmodern Marketing

BROWN (1998) Postmodern marketing two telling tales, London, International Thomson
Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 B8
BROWN (1998) Postmodern marketing two telling tales, London, International Thomson
Business Press.
BJL Short Loan HF 5415 B8
BROWN (2001) Marketing the retro revolution, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 B8
BROWN, BELL & CARSON (1996) Marketing apocalypse eschatology, escapology, and the
illusion of the end, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.122 M3
BROWN, DOHERTY & CLARKE (1998) Romancing the market, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5411 R7
BROWNLIE (1998) Rethinking marketing towards critical marketing accountings, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 R4
PETERSEN & TOOP (1994) Sales promotion in postmodern marketing, Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5438.5 P4

9.6-6:Marketing Channels

CHOPRA & MEINDL (2001) Supply chain management strategy, planning, and operation,
Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C5
FRIEDMAN, L. G. & FUREY, T. R. (1999) The channel advantage : going to market with
multiple sales channels to reach more customers, sell more products, make more
profit, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.129 F9
PELTON, STRUTTON & LUMPKIN (2002) Marketing channels a relationship management
approach, 2nd ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.129 P3
ROSENBLOOM (2004) Marketing channels a management view, 7th ed. Mason, Ohio,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.129 R8

9.6-7:Small Business Marketing

AUDRETSCH, D. B. (2003) SMEs in the age of globalization, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar

BJL 3rd Floor HD 2341 S6
BUSKIRK & LAVIK (2004) Entrepreneurial marketing real stories and survival strategies,
Mason, Ohio, Thomson.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 B9
CARSON (1995) Marketing and entrepreneurship in SMEs an innovative approach, London,
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 M3
CHASTON & MANGLES (2002) Small business marketing management, Basingstoke,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 C4

9.6-8:Events Marketing

ALLEN & MCDONNELL (2002) Festival and special event management, 2nd ed. Milton,
Qld., Wiley.
BJL 7th Floor GT 3406 A8 F4
HOYLE (2002) Event marketing how to successfully promote events, festivals, conventions,
and expositions, New York, John Wiley.
BJL 7th Floor GT 3405 H8
MAITLAND (1996) How to plan exhibitions, London, Cassell.
BJL 6th Floor N 4396 M2
STEVENS (2005) Trade show and event marketing plan, promote & profit, [Mason, Ohio],
Thomson Southwestern.
BJL 7th Floor GT 3405 S8

9.6-9:Arts & Fashion Marketing


contemporary issues, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinneman.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9940 A2 F2
KERRIGAN, FRASER & OZBILGIN (2004) Arts marketing, Oxford, Elsevier
BJL 6th Floor NX 634 K4
PHILLIPS (1996) Fashion sales promotion the selling behind the selling, 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 6161C44 P5
TUNGATE (2005) Fashion brands branding style from Armani to Zara, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 9940 A2 T9
10.1:Marketing Research & Intelligence
AAKER, KUMAR & DAY (2001) Marketing research, 7th ed. New York, J. Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 A3
AAKER, KUMAR & DAY (2004) Marketing research, 8th ed. New York Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 A3
BAGOZZI (1980) Causal models in marketing, New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 B1
BAGOZZI (1994) Advanced methods of marketing research, Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 A2
BAGOZZI (1994) Principles of marketing research, Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 P9
BLANKENSHIP, BREEN & DUTKA (1998) State of the art marketing research, 2nd ed.
Lincolnwood, Ill., NTC Business Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 B6
BLOCK (2004) Business to business market research, Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.1263 B6
BUBER, GADNER & RICHARDS (2003) Applying qualitative methods to marketing
management research, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 A6
CHISNALL (1986) Marketing research, 3rd ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C5
CHISNALL (2001) Marketing research, 6th ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C5
CHURCHILL (2001) Basic marketing research, 4th ed. Mason, Ohio, South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2
CHURCHILL (2004) Basic marketing research, 5th ed. Mason, Ohio, South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2
CHURCHILL & IACOBUCCI (2004) Marketing research methodological foundations, 9th ed.
Mason, Ohio, Thomson / South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2
COOPER & SCHINDLER (2005) Marketing research, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.2 C7
CRIMP (1981) The marketing research process, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C9
CRIMP (1985) The marketing research process, 2nd ed. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice-Hall
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C9
CRIMP (1990) The marketing research process, 3rd ed. New York, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2
CROUCH & HOUSDEN (2003) Marketing research for managers, 3rd ed. Oxford,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C9
FORREST (2003) Internet marketing intelligence research tools, techniques, and resources,
Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 F7
HAGUE & JACKSON (1998) Do your own market research, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HF 5415.2 H1
HAIR, BUSH & ORTINAU (2002) Market research within a changing information
environment, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 H1
HOOLEY & HUSSEY (1999) Quantitative methods in marketing, 2nd ed. London,
International Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 Q1
KENT (1999) Marketing research measurement, method and application, London,
International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 K3
MALHOTRA & BIRKS (2000) Marketing research an applied approach, European ed.
Harlow, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M2
MALHOTRA & BIRKS (2003) Marketing research an applied approach, 2nd European
edition. ed. Harlow, Pearson Education.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M2
MCDANIEL & GATES (1999) Contemporary marketing research, 4th ed. Cincinnati, South-
Western College Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M1
MCDANIEL & GATES (2004) Marketing research essentials, 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ, John
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M1
MCGIVERN (2002) The practice of market and social research an introduction, Harlow,
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
MCNEILL (1990) Research methods, 2nd ed. London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 24 M4
MCQUARRIE (1996) The market research toolbox a concise guide for beginners, Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 M1
MURPHY (2005) Competitive Intelligence, Gower Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 38.7 M9
PARASURAMAN, GREWAL & KRISHNAN (2003) Marketing research, New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 P2
PROCTOR (1999) Essentials of marketing research, 2nd ed. London, Financial Times
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 P9
PROCTOR (2002) Essentials of marketing research, 3rd ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 P9
ROE (2004) Market research in action, London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 R6
SCHONER & UHL (1975) Marketing research information systems and decision making,
2nd.ed. ed. Ny, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 S3
SHAO (1999) Marketing research an aid to decision making, Cincinnati, South-Western
College Publishing.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 S5
SHAO (2002) Marketing research an aid to decision making, 2nd ed. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-
Western/Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 S5
SMITH & FLETCHER (2001) Inside information making sense of marketing data, Chichester,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 S6
TULL & HAWKINS (1980) Marketing research, 2nd edition. ed. N.Y., Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 T9
WEBB (2002) Understanding and designing market research, 2nd ed. London, Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 W3
WILSON (2002) Marketing research an integrated approach, Harlow, Financial Times
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 W7
WRIGHT & CRIMP (2000) The marketing research process, 5th ed. Harlow, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 C9
ZIKMUND (2003) Exploring marketing research, 8th ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson/South-
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415.2 Z6
ZIKMUND (2003) Essentials of marketing research, 2nd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson South-
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 Z6

10.2:Business Research Methods

ALVESSON & DEETZ (1999) Doing critical management research, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 A4
BORDENS & ABBOTT (2004) Research and design methods a process approach, 6th ed.
Boston, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 7th Floor BF 76.5 B7
BRYMAN & BELL (2003) Business research methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 B9
COLLIS & HUSSEY (2003) Business research a practical guide for undergraduate and
postgraduate students, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 H9
COTTRELL, S. (2005) Critical thinking skills : developing effective analysis and argument,
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 7th Floor BF 441 C8
EASTERBY, S., THORPE & LOWE (1991) Management research an introduction, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 E1
EASTERBY, S., THORPE & LOWE (2001) Management research [an introduction], 2nd ed.
London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 E1
GHAURI & GREENHAUG (2002) Research methods in business studies a practical guide,
2nd ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 G4
HUSSEY (1996) Business research a practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate
students, Basingstoke, Macmillan Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 H9
JANKOWICZ (2000) Business research projects, 3rd ed. London, Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 J3
JANKOWICZ (2004) Business research projects, 4th ed. London, Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 J3
JOHNSON & DUBERLEY (2000) Understanding management research an introduction to
epistemology, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 J6
MARCOULIDES (1998) Modern methods for business research, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 M6
RILEY (2000) Researching and writing dissertations in business and management, London,
Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 R4
SAUNDERS, LEWIS & THORNHILL (2002) Research methods for business students, 3rd
ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 S2 c.11
SAUNDERS, LEWIS & THORNHILL (2000) Research methods for business students, 2nd
ed. Harlow, Financial Times.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 S2
SAUNDERS, THORNHILL & LEWIS (1996) Research methods for business students,
London, Financial Times.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 S2
SEKARAN (2000) Research methods for business a skill-building approach, 3rd ed. New
York, Wiley.
BJL Short Loan HD 30.4 S4
SEKARAN (2003) Research methods for business a skill-building approach, 4th ed. New
York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 S4
THIETART (2001) Doing management research a comprehensive guide, London, Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4
WASS & WELLS (1994) Principles and practice in business and management research,
Aldershot, Dartmouth.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 P9
WHITE (1999) Dissertation skills for business and management students, London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 W5
ZIKMUND (2002) Business research methods, 7th ed. Mason, Ohio, South-Western College
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 Z6
ZIKMUND (2003) Business research methods, 6th ed. Fort Worth, Dryden Press/HArcourt
College PUblishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 Z6

10.3:Communications Research

BAXTER & BABBIE (2004) The basics of communication research, Belmont, Calif.,
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 B3
DAYMON & HOLLOWAY (2002) Qualitative research methods in public relations and
marketing communications, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 D2
JONES (1998) How advertising works the role of research, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 H8
HAMELINK, LINNE & HALLORAN (1994) Mass communication research on problems and
policies the art of asking the right questions in honor of James D. Halloran, Norwood,
N.J., Ablex.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 258 M4
HARRIS (1983) Information processing research in advertising, Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5822 I4
MORRISON (2002) Using qualitative research in advertising strategies, techniques, and
applications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5814 U8
RUBIN & PIELE (1999) Communication research strategies and sources, 5th ed. Belmont,
Calif., Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 R8
STACKS (2002) Primer of public relations research, New York, Guilford.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 S7
STEMPEL, WEAVER & WILHOIT (2003) Mass communication research and theory, Boston,
Mass., Allyn and Bacon.
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 M4
WELLS (1997) Measuring advertising effectiveness, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5815 U5 M4
WIMMER & DOMINICK (2006) Mass media research an introduction, 8th ed. Belmont, Calif.,
BJL 6th Floor P 91.3 W7

10.4:International Marketing Research

GROVES (1994) Principles of international marketing research, Oxford, Blackwell Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1416 G8
KUMAR (2000) International marketing research, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 K9
USUNIER (1998) International and cross-cultural management research, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 62.4 U8
10.5:Qualitative Methods

BAYMAN (1992) Hermeneutics and social science approaches to understanding, Aldershot,

Gregg revivals.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 26 B3
BRYMAN & BURGESS (1994a) Analyzing qualitative data, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 29 A5
CRABTREE & MILLER (1992) Doing qualitative research, Newbury Park, Calif., Sage.
BJL 2nd Floor East R 853 S7
DAYMON & HOLLOWAY (2002) Qualitative research methods in public relations and
marketing communications, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 D2
CARSON (2001) Qualitative marketing research, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 Q1
GREENWOOD & LEVIN (1998) Introduction to action research social research for social
change, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 48 G8
HAMMERSLEY (1992) What's wrong with ethnography? methodological explorations,
London, Routledge.
BJL 7th Floor GN 345 H2
HAMMERSLEY & ATKINSON (1989) Ethnography principles in practice, London, Routledge.
BJL 7th Floor GN 345 H2
HAMMERSLEY & BLUMER (1989) The dilemma of qualitative method Herbert Blumer and
the Chicago tradition, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 24 H2
GUMMESSON (1991) Qualitative methods in management research, Newbury Park, Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 G9
GUMMESSON (2000) Qualitative methods in management research, 2nd ed. Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4 G9
MORRISON (2002) Using qualitative research in advertising strategies, techniques, and
applications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5814 U8
WAGNER (1997) Advances in qualitative organization research, Greenwich, Conn., JAI
BJL 3rd Floor HM 131 A22

10.5-1:Focus Groups

BADER & ROSSI (2002) Focus groups a step-by-step guide, [s.l.], Bader Group.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 61.28 B1
BLOOR (2001) Focus groups in social research, London, SAGE Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 F6
GREENBAUM (1988) The practical handbook and guide to focus group research, Lexington,
Mass., Lexington Books.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.2 G7
KRUEGER (1994) Focus groups a practical guide for applied research, 2nd ed. Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 K9
KRUEGER & CASEY (2000) Focus groups a practical guide for applied research, 3rd ed.
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 K9
MORGAN, KRUEGER & KING (1998) Focus group kit, Thousand Oaks, Calif., SAGE
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 F6 v.1
LANGFORD & MCDONAGH (2003) Focus groups supporting effective product development,
London, Taylor & Francis.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 F6
MORGAN (1988) Focus groups as qualitative research, Newbury Park, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 M8
MORGAN (1997) Focus groups as qualitative research, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 M8
PUCHTA & POTTER (2003) Focus group practice, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 P9
STEWART & SHAMDASANI (1990) Focus groups theory and practice, Newbury Park, Calif.,
Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 S8

10.5-2:Research Philosophy

BURRELL & MORGAN (1979) Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis elements
of the sociology of corporate life, London, Heinemann.
BJL Short Loan HM 131 B9
BRYMAN (2001) Social research methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor H 62 B9
JACKSON (2000) Systems approaches to management, New York, Kluwer
BJL 7th Floor T 57.6 J1
REMENYI (1998) Doing research in business and management an introduction to process
and method, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.4
WILLIAMS & MAY (1996) Introduction to the philosophy of social research, London, UCL
BJL 3rd Floor H 62 M4


BREAKWELL (1990a) Interviewing, Leicester, British Psychological Society in association

with Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5549.5 I6 B8
CHIRBAN (1996) Interviewing in depth the interactive-relational approach, Thousand Oaks,
Calif., Sage.
BJL 7th Floor BF 637 I5 C5
FIELDING (2002) Interviewing, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 I6 v.1
KVALE (1996) Interviews an introduction to qualitative research interviewing, Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 62 K9
MCCRACKEN (1988) The long interview, Newbury Park, Calif, Sage Publications.
BJL 3rd Floor H 61.28 M1
OPPENHEIM (1992) Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude measurement, New ed.
London, Continuum.
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 O6

10.5-4:Content Analysis
HODSON (1999) Analyzing documentary accounts, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor H 61 H6
KRIPPENDORFF (1980) Content Analysis, Beverly Hills (Calif.), Sage.
BJL 6th Floor P 93 K9
KRIPPENDORFF (2004) Content analysis an introduction to its methodology, 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 4th Floor P 93 K9 
NEUENDORF (2002) The content analysis guidebook, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HM 529 N4

10.6:Quantitative Methods
BANCROFT & O'SULLIVAN (1993b) Quantitative methods for accounting and business
studies, 3rd ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 1017 B2
BRYMAN & CRAMER (1990) Quantitative data analysis for social scientists, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 B9
CURWIN & SLATER (1991) Quantitative methods for business decisions, 3rd ed. London,
Chapman and Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.23 C9
CURWIN & SLATER (1996) Quantitative methods for business decisions, 4th ed. London,
International Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.23 C9
FRIEND (1987) Quantitative methods, London, Longman.
BJL Education Resources QA 43 F9
MARKLAND & SWEIGART (1987) Quantitative methods applications to managerial decision
making, New York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.23 M3
RENDER & STAIR (1991) Quantitative analysis for management, 4th ed. Boston, Allyn and
BJL 7th Floor T 56 R3
TILANUS, GANS & LENSTRA (1986) Quantitative methods in management case studies of
failures and successes, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.25 Q1
WATERS (1994) Quantitative methods for business, Wokingham, Addison-Wesley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.25 W3
WISNIEWSKI (1994) Quantitative methods for decision makers, London, Pitman.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.23 W8
WISNIEWSKI (1997) Quantitative methods for decision makers, 2nd ed. London, Pitman.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.23 W8
WRIGHT (1979) Quantitative methods and statistics a guide to social research, Beverly Hills
(Calif.), Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 29 W9

10.6-1:Survey Research

ALRECK & SETTLE (2004) The survey research handbook, 3rd ed. Boston, Mass., McGraw-
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 A4
BRACE (2004) Questionnaire design how to plan, structure and write survey material for
effective market research, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.3 B7
FOWLER (2002) Survey research methods, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 F7
HAGUE (1993) Questionnaire design, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 H1
KENT (2001) Data construction and data analysis for survey research, Basingstoke,
BJL 3rd Floor HM 535 K3
OPPENHEIM (1992) Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude measurement, New ed.
London, Continuum.
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 O6
SAPSFORD (1999) Survey research, London, Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 S2
WILSON & MCCLEAN (1994) Questionnaire design a practical introduction, Newtownabbey,
University of Ulster.
BJL 3rd Floor HN 29 W7 c.21743

10.6-2:Multivariate Analysis

BRAY & MAXWELL (1985) Multivariate analysis of variance, Beverly Hills, Sage
BJL 3rd Floor HA 31.35 B8
DILLON & GOLDSTEIN (1984) Multivariate analysis methods and applications, New York,
BJL 7th Floor QA 278 D5
HIRSCHBERG & HUMPHREYS (1982) Multivariate applications in the social sciences,
Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
BJL 7th Floor BF 39 M9
JOHNSON (1987) Multivariate statistical simulation, New York, Wiley.
BJL 7th Floor QA 278 J6
MANLY (1986) Multivariate statistical methods a primer, London, Chapman and Hall.
BJL 7th Floor QA 278 M2
MANLY (1994) Multivariate statistical methods a primer, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla., Chapman
& Hall/CRC.
BJL 7th Floor QA 278 M2
MARTENS (2001) Multivariate analysis of quality an introduction, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 7th Floor QA 278 M3


ANTONIUS (2003) Interpreting quantitative data with SPSS, London, Sage.

BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 A6
BOSLAUGH (2005) An intermediate guide to SPSS programming using syntax for data
management, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 B7
BRYMAN & CRAMER (1997) Quantitative data analysis with SPSS for Windows a guide for
social scientists, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 B9
BRYMAN & CRAMER (2001) Quantitative data analysis with SPSS Release 10 for Windows
a guide for social scientists, Hove, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 B9
CARVER & NASH (2005) Doing data analysis with SPSS version 12.0, Belmont, Calif.,
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 C3
CORSTON & COLMAN (2003) A crash course in SPSS for Windows, 2nd ed. Malden, Mass.,
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 C8
FIELD (2000) Discovering statistics using SPSS for Windows advanced techniques for the
beginner, London, SAGE.
BJL Short Loan HA 32 F4
FOSTER (2001) Data analysis for using SPSS for Windows versions 8 to 10 a beginner's
guide, 2nd ed. London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 F7
HOWITT & CRAMER (2000) A guide to computing statistics with SPSS release 10 for
windows with supplements for releases 8 and 9, Harlow, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 H8
HOWITT & CRAMER (2002) A guide to computing statistics with SPSS 11 for Windows with
supplements for releases 8, 9 and 10, Rev. ed. Upper Saddle, NJ, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 H8PALLANT (2001) SPSS survival manual a step-by-step guide to
data analysis using SPSS for Windows (Version 10), Buckingham, Open University
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 P1
KINNEAR & GRAY (2000) SPSS for Windows made simple release 10, Hove, Psychology.
BJL 3rd Floor q HA 32 K5
MORGAN, GRIEGO & GLOECKNER (2001) SPSS for Windows an introduction to use and
interpretation in research, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 M8
MILLER (2002) SPSS for social scientists, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HA 32 S7

ALSOP (2004) The 18 immutable laws of corporate reputation creating, protecting, and
repairing your most valuable asset, New York, Free Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 A4
BAILEY (2004) Writing & speaking at work a practical guide for business communication, 3rd
ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5718 B1
BALMER & GREYSER (2002) Revealing the corporation perspectives on identity, image,
reputation, corporate branding and corporate-level marketing an anthology, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 2731 R4
BEARD & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2001) Running a public relations
department, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 B3 c.2
BENTHALL (1993) Disasters, relief and the media, London, I.B. Tauris.
BJL 3rd Floor HV 553 B4
BIVINS (1999) Public relations writing the essentials of style and format, 4th ed. Lincolnwood,
Ill., NTC/Contemporary Pub. Group.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 B6
BLACK (1995) The practice of public relations, 4th ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P8
BLACK (2001) The PR practitioner's desktop guide, London, Thorogood.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 B6
media relations, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page [in association with the] Institute of
Public Relations.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 B6
BOBBITT & SULLIVAN (2005) Developing the public relations campaign a team-based
approach, Boston, Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 B6
BURTON & DRAKE (2004) Hitting the headlines in Europe a country-by-country guide to
effective media relations, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 B9
CAYWOOD (1997) The handbook of strategic public relations & integrated communications,
Boston, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 H2
CHAMBERS (1999) The guide to financial public relations how to stand out in the midst of
competitive clutter, Boca Raton, Fla., St. Lucie Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 C4
CORNELISSEN (2004) Corporate communications theory and practice, London, SAGE.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 C8
CULBERTSON (1996) International public relations a comparative analysis, Mahwah, N.J.,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 I6
CURRAN & SEATON (2003) Power without responsibility the press, broadcasting, and new
media in Britain, 6th ed. London, Routledge.
BJL 5th Floor PN 5118 C9
DAVIES (2002) Corporate reputation and competitiveness, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 D2
DAYMON & HOLLOWAY (2002) Qualitative research methods in public relations and
marketing communications, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 D2
DEEGAN & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2001) Managing activism a guide to
dealing with activists and pressure groups, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor JF 529 D3
DUNN (1993) Successful public relations the insider's way to get successful media coverage,
[New ed. London, Hawksmere.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 D9
FAIRBROTHER (1993) Your message and the media the complete and practical guide to
media relations, London, Nicholas Brearley.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1236 F1
FOSTER & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2001) Effective writing skills for public
relations, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5718.3 F7
GOLDMAN (1984) Public relations in the marketing mix introducing vulnerability relations,
Chicago, NTC.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123
GREEN & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2001) Creativity in public relations, 2nd ed.
London, Kogan Page [published in association with] the Institute of Public Relations.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 G7
GREGORY & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2000) Planning and managing public
relations campaigns, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page [in association with the] Institute
of Public Relations.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 G8
GREGORY & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2004) Public relations in practice, 2nd
ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P9
GRUNIG (1989) Public relations research annual volume 1, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P9
GRUNIG (1990) Public relations research annual volume 2, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P9
GRUNIG (1991) Public relations research annual volume 3, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P9
GRUNIG & DOZIER (2002) Excellent public relations and effective organizations a study of
communication management in three countries, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 59.6 U5 G8
GRUNIG, DOZIER & IABC RESEARCH FOUNDATION. (1992) Excellence in public
relations and communication management, Hillsdale, N.J, Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 59 E9
GRUNIG, TOTH & HON (2001) Women in public relations how gender influences practice,
New York, Guilford Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 G8
GUTH & MARSH (2003) Public relations a values-driven approach, 2nd ed. Boston, Allyn and
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 G9
HAGGERTY (2003) In the court of public opinion winning your case with public relations,
Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley.
BJL 2nd Floor KT 230 H1
HANNINGTON (2004) How to measure and manage your corporate reputation, Aldershot,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 H2
HARRISON (2000) Public relations an introduction, 2nd ed. London, International Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 H3
HART (1995) Strategic public relations, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 59 S8
HART (1998a) Business-to-business marketing communications, 6th ed. London, Kogan
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 H3
HART (2000) Public relations audit evaluation checklists to measure the impact of every
message you send to customers, shareholders and the public, Harlow, Prentice
Hall/Financial Times.
BJL 3rd Floor q HD 59 H3
HAYWOOD (1991) All about public relations how to build business success on good
communications, 2nd ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor (3 day) HD 59 H4
HAYWOOD (1998) Public relations for marketing professionals, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 H4
HEATH (2005) Encyclopedia of public relations, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
BJL Reference Collection HD 59 E5 v.1 A-L LIB USE ONLY
BJL Reference Collection HD 59 E5 v.2 M-Z LIB USE ONLY
HENDRIX (2001) Public relations cases, 5th ed. Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth/Thomson
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 H4
HENSLOWE & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (1999) Public relations a practical
guide to the basics, London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 H5
HOLTZ (2002) Public relations on the Net winning strategies to inform and influence the
media, the investment community, the government, the public, and more!, 2nd ed.
New York, American Management Association.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 G7
HOLTZ (2004) Corporate conversations a guide to crafting effective and appropriate internal
communications, New York, AMACOM.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5549.5 C6 H7
JEFKINS (1983) Dictionary of marketing, advertising and public relations, 2nd ed. London,
International Textbook Co.
BJL Reference Collection HF 5415 J4 LIB USE ONLY
JEFKINS (1994) Public relations techniques, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 J4
JEFKINS & YADIN (1992) Public relations, 5th ed. London, Pitman.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 J4
JOHNSTON & ZAWAWI (2004) Public relations theory and practice, 2nd ed. Crows Nest,
N.S.W., Allen and Unwin.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 P9
KARPF (1988) Doctoring the media the reporting of health and medicine, London, Routledge.
BJL 6th Floor P 96 H43 K9
KIMMEL (2003) Rumours and rumour control a manager's guide to understanding and
combating rumours, Mahwah, N.J. London, Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3 K4
KITCHEN (1997) Public relations principles and practice, London, International Thomson
Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P9
LAERMER & PRICHINELLO (2003) Full frontal PR getting people talking about you, your
business, or your product, 1st ed. Princeton, Bloomberg Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 L1
LEINEMANN & BAIKALTSEVA (2004) Media relations measurement determining the value
of PR to your company's success, Aldershot, Ashgate.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 L5
L'ETANG & PIECZKA (1997) Critical perspectives in public relations, London, International
Thomson Business Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.6 U5 L5
LEVINE (2003) Guerrilla P.R. wired waging a successful publicity campaign online, offline,
and everywhere in between, New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 L6
LOADER (1996) Youth, policing and democracy, Basingstoke, MacMillan.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 8079.25 L7
MATHIS (2002) Feeding the media beast an easy recipe for great publicity, West Lafayette,
Ind., Purdue University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1226 M4
MANHEIM (2000) The death of a thousand cuts corporate campaigns and the attack on the
corporation, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 M2
MOLONEY (2000) Rethinking public relations the spin and the substance, New York,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 M2
MOSS (1990) Public relations in practice a casebook, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 263 P9
MOSS & DESANTO (2002) Public relations cases international perspectives, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 P9
MOSS, VERCIC & WARNABY (2003) Perspectives on public relations research, London,
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 P4
NEWSOM & CARRELL (2001) Public relations writing form and style, 6th ed. Belmont, Calif.,
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5718.3 N5
NEWSOM, TURK & KRUCKEBERG (2004) This is PR the realities of public relations, 8th ed.
Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 N5
OLASKY (1987) Corporate public relations a new historical perspective, Hillsdale, N.J,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.6 U5 O4
OLIVER & INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. (2001) Public relations strategy, London,
Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 O4
PARKHURST (2000) How to get publicity, New York, HarperBusiness.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1226 P2
management, 2nd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.5
RIEL (1995) Principles of corporate communication, London, Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 30.3
RIES (2002) The fall of advertising and the rise of PR, New York, HarperBusiness.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5823 R5
ROWDEN (2000) The art of identity creating and managing a successful corporate identity,
Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 R8
RUFF & AZIZ (2003) Managing communications in a crisis, Aldershot, Gower.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 49 R9
SAGAWA & SEGAL (1999) Common interest, common good creating value through
business and social sector partnerships, Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School
BJL 3rd Floor HD 60.5 U5 S1
SCHULTZ, HATCH & HOLTEN, L. (2000) The expressive organization linking identity,
reputation, and the corporate brand, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59.2 E9
SEIB & FITZPATRICK (1995) Public relations ethics, Fort Worth, Tex., Harcourt Brace
College Publishers.
BJL 3rd Floor HM 1221 S4
SMITH (2002) Strategic planning for public relations, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 S8
SRIRAMESH & VERCIC (2003) Global public relations handbook theory, research and
practice, Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 G5
STACKS (2002) Primer of public relations research, New York, Guilford.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 S7
THEAKER (2001) The public relations handbook, London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 T3
THEAKER (2004) The public relations handbook, 2nd ed. London, Routledge.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 T3 c.2
TONRY & MORRIS (1992) Modern policing, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HV 6006 C9 1992,v.15
WALLACK (1993) Media advocacy and public health power for prevention, Newbury Park,
Sage Publications.
BJL 2nd Floor East RA 440.5 M4
WHITE & MAZUR (1995) Strategic communications management making public relations
work, Harlow, Addison-Wesley Pub./Economist Intelligence Unit.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 W5
WILCOX (2001) Public relations writing and media techniques, 4th ed. New York, Longman.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 59 W6
WILSON (2002) Real people, real crises an inside look at corporate crisis communications,
Winchester, Va., Oakhill Press.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 49 W7
WILSON & ANDREWS (1993) Campaigning the A-Z of public advocacy, London,
BJL 3rd Floor JK 329 P7 W7
WINTER & STEGER (1998) Managing outside pressure strategies for preventing corporate
disasters, Chichester, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HD 49 W7
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techniques, 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.123 Y1
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ADCOCK (1998) Marketing principles and practice, 3rd ed. London, Financial Times/Pitman.
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ADCOCK, HALBORG & ROSS (2001) Marketing principles and practice, 4th ed ed. Harlow,
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BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 M3
ARMSTRONG & KOTLER (1999) Marketing an introduction, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River,
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BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 A7
ARMSTRONG & KOTLER (2004) Marketing an introduction, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River,
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BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 A7
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BAKER (1983) Marketing theory and practice, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Macmillan Education.
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BAKER (1991) The marketing book, 2nd ed. Oxford, Butterworth - Heinemann.
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BRASSINGTON & PETTIT (2002) Principles of marketing, 3rd ed. Harlow, Financial Times
Prentice Hall.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 B8 c.8
BURROW (2006) Marketing, 2nd ed. Mason, Ohio, Thomson South-Western.
BJL 3rd Floor q HF 5415 B9
CANNON (1992) Basic marketing principles and practice, 3rd ed. London, Cassell.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415
DALRYMPLE & PARSONS (1995) Marketing management text and cases, 6th ed. New
York, Wiley.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415.13 D1
ETZEL, WALKER & STANTON (2007) Marketing, 14th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 E8
FRAIN (1999) Introduction to marketing, 4th ed. London, International Thomson Business.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 F8
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London Sterling, VA, Kogan Page.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 G8
HILL & O'SULLIVAN (2004) Foundation marketing, 3rd ed. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 H6
JOBBER (2001) Principles and practice of marketing, 3rd ed. London, McGraw-Hill.
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JOBBER & FAHY (2003) Foundations of marketing, London, McGraw-Hill.
BJL 3rd Floor HF 5415 J6
JOBBER (2003) Principles and practice of marketing, 4th ed. London, McGraw-Hill Higher
BJL HF 5415 J6
KOTLER (1999) Principles of marketing, 2nd European ed. London, Prentice Hall Europe.
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